BP-2000-16808P Se We,w Add�t`�Gn deb'. S:h1ARHETTE PHO-FORM Q]OPi 1'f:�r�Tt O ON 42v� GraAHDii,r�T Vkll ars 37 �c GNARfiE:TTE PRO-FORM 920PP ' :' .?PINTEQ ON 9TGH CHARPRINT VE"IJM rYo 3'-8.3/4" 4'-0" 4'-0" 3'-0.3/4" 3.1/4" " i6,-o" rLOOR PLAN SCALE: 3/6" = P -0" ti ai 3.1/4" I6,_o„ rRONT CL UATION SGALE: 3/8" II'-3.1/8' RAPTPR CUTTING DIAGRAM NO SCALE GOr; G5I T.I CN SN i NGLL5 Oven 15p FeLT I/2" SNfATUING I K 10 P ABC I A I x 10 FASGIA 2- 2 x 13 BEAM 2- 2 4 HEADER W/ LATTICE STRIP 4 x 4 POST NOTGI-IED AT TOP MESH SCREEN — 3'-0" x 6'-V SGREENED DOOR 2 4 TOP RAIL 2 4 CRO55 DRAGING-_ —� 2 x 4 CONT. SOLI` PLATE,` 5/4" )( 6 DECKING 2 )( 6 PLOOR J01ST::.- 2-2 x b 6EAM 4 4 P05T --� 2 2 PICKETS @ 5" O.G. 2x4DOTTOMRAIL STRINGER 4 a Q 12 4 CUTTING RATIO 1'-4" 111P-4" 11 6.3/4" IF -T-T7, I I Fl 11 0 IL9 1O, -0„ x I61_0„ FLOOR TRAMI NG PLAN SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" NOTE: 5EE DETAIL FOR FOOTING SPCGIFIG TIONS 10'-Ou SIM ELtVATION SCALE: 3/15" = 1'-0" —2- 2 4 PLATES —WALL OF HOUSE' -- --- -- — LATTICE STRIP' :171 NOTE: see DETAILS FoR FOOTING SPEGIFIGATJONS 10, _0„ 4', I M fttVAT I oN SCALE: 3/15" := 1'-0" 1rtiE DF EXISTI NCr HOUSE 1.7 ITT , l I FAMILY ROOM B EDR OM YOURF�MAWUVG MUS.I 8E KE,_, AT THE` BUlf_DttVG DURING THE PRbGRESS .OF THIS WORK. EUMM C DEPARTMENT �cn of 1�4-tmrutf+ 12' 0" r 2.• 0! �fapf k'Y ICTF ThiiS E!?,�!(. Scd 4.! p site jil �1 i n�n.tf•r nn Ar•4 7 i q i OITION FOR DAN MORIARTY DATE SCAlp �'����'► I55 GIDLEY OWN RD. 18-7-0p PAQ',E B_G RESIDENTIAL E 2.1 Owner of Record: D,rf-MIa.,/ onr1;*ft `✓ Name (print) _ ' Contact Address 2.2 Authorized Agent: Name (print) V Licensed Construction Supervisor: �I - If 1;4 Licensed Construction Supervisor Address 3.2ikegistered Home Improvement Contractor: Contact Address 93G- Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to (780 CMR-6)? ❑ yes ❑ no If no, go to the next section! Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? ❑yes ❑ no If yes, submit the required affidavit! Company Name �1 n.- Address nature 3..4� or Residential Remodel Work Only 6'3 G.—;1. 2000 RESIDENTIAL NOTICE TO LICENSED CONTRACTORS: The Building Code Supervisor, whether or not they have taken the permit are n Phone Number Phone Number Not Applicable License Number Expiration Date Not Applicable ❑ Registration Number (if none, state "none") Expiration Date RSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND: QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: Home lmproventent Contractors Registration, One .-Ashburton Place - Room 1301, Boston, 1M 02108, (617) 727-8598 Owners Name (print) A-i,a Ai Signature Date 811&10e by signing the above, the home owner acknowledges that there will be no eligibilty to the Guaranty Fund 3.4 Homeowner Exemption - One & Two Family Only FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT 109.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those structures governed by Construction Control in Section 116.0, effective July 1, 1982, no individual shall be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings or structures, unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entitled Rules and Regulations for Licensing Construction Supervisors. Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section; provides that if a Homeowner engages a person(s) fo• hire to do such work, that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only, a "Homeowner" is defined as follows: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on which there is. or is intended to be, a one or i vo family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. If you are applying under this section sign below: Signature: Your signature carries certain responsibilities, including but not necessarily limited to, general liability Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be ct will result in the denial of the issuance of the building 2000 ; in the Rules and Regulations section that any licensed. (Construction le for code compliance. (see Appendix of 780 CMR R53,2,15) and submitted with this application. Fail e to prrovide this affidavit Signed Affidavit Attached: yes ❑ no 0 new construction* N(addition ❑ alteration ❑ repairs ❑ chimney/ ❑ woodstove (energy report required) (energy report requir d) fireplace ❑ deck ❑ pool ❑ accessory bldg. ❑ replacement window/door ❑other ❑demolition (shed/garage) no. of windows doors (specify below): (specify below): * If new construction, please complete the following: Single Family: no. of bedrooms no. of baths Two Family: no. of bedrooms unit I n . of baths unit 1 no. of bedrooms unit 2 n . of baths unit 2 ❑ Furnace (hot air) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ Boiler (heating) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel il, electricity, other (specify): ❑ HVAC (combined unit) - primary fuel, natural gas, p opane, electricity, other (specify):_ ❑ Air conditioning - (separate unit) ❑ None of the above to be provided ❑ Hot Water: Gas Electric Fuel Oil Other Brief Description of Proposed Work: Item I I Estimated Cost ($) to be completed by permit applicant 3c?c3�� 5.Toto''=(I+2+3+4) * Estimate# Total S (please nrit) as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize to act on my behalf, in ail matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Signature of Owner Date h Do, (�/�_'/���y�, , as Ow�er/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements,z-and information on the foregoing application are tru and accurate, to the est of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties o( perjury. i C:\bldg.forms\Bldgapp.res.wpd Pate 2 Signature of Owner/Authorized Agent Rev. Januar' 13. 2000 C:\bldg.forms\Bldeann_res_wnd Pa , Q)ate 9. Inspector's Signature: 2 2 2000 SGICI*19I'PlslCr�NTh'QEXAiiOIN Applicant informed of above Date: j &D Time: Vi �p Clerk: Comments: 411- /7W 1111el /I CV 11 CtA.,O�v A,%)A— /1L'� fdL- iRl '7� � -1,, o Total Permit Fee: $ Q'� ( Less Application Fee: $ 25.00 , Remaining Balance: $ 6 TOTAL FEE: /43f�� Gross Area - New Construction total sq. ft. Gross Area - Alteration total sq. ft. C/o Permit Issued To• RESIDENTIAL ❑F $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS I iATION ONLY 2000 REFUNDABLE do NON-TRANSFERMBLE C1bId=. form.s\BWimp. res. wpd pate 4 Rev. January 13, 2000 CAb1dg.forms\B1dgapp.res.wpd Rev. January 13, 2000 _OCUS PLAN SCALE: N.T.S. = �J g ("lD �y 4E.�s 7Q3 �s , .rr W PLAT 31 LOT 16 pb N HERBERT D. && EU7ABETN A. _ NOWE 4 0.32' N7 5 E 513.Oz 104.70' REED 8 �ECoR.�E� 19351%720 Ah 5:1G � �d .5Au7XE7211.7�rSPP1cT o. N, o� PLAT 32 LOT 40 N/F DANIEL F. MORIARTY 1 certify that this plan was made in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the istx . of ID !:. _ PREPARED BY -PLAT 32 LOT 38 r JOSE M. & ROS7 N/F M. GONSALVES TRUSTEES *HTE PINES REkLTY & DEVELOPMENT TR. - �� 0. PLAT 32 LOT 31 - N/r DANIEL F. MORIARTY — RDIAMG AREA- 404,008 Sq.F or 9.275 Acrett (REIAA7 n{W4G FR. 57.00 PkCEL R PLAT 31 LOT 17 A1o� �TCA61fvVe N/F g Te Jns..fPscJrnlr fj�nrrl9Gf IC-'SMT D. & EUZASM A , PLAT 32 LOT 32 "OK N� SE14JAMN K. & ETHEL - �, C.OUZA 1 S 7552'Sr w 501.11' Dartmouth Planning Board Approval under Su6divisiolr. Control Law not required. soon' '•�� '� N 4615'34' W �G C �ptJ�+A!� r• CLERK MAY 2? f994 19.52 o •^ S 7232'03' W 1 t S 69'44'39' W S 62.1406 'N Dote- MAY b11497 D.FL(FND) S 72'32'03' W rn P `\ PLAT 32 LOT 31-3 PLA 32 LOT 31-2 .r o N/F N/F PLAT 31 LOT 20 i DANIEL & VALERIE J. NORMAN P. & BARBARA G. N� JACINTO RENOIR No determination as to compliance with JOHN P & JUDITH A. _ _ the Zoning By -Laws is made or intended BOTELNO PLAT 32 LOT 31-1 f by this endorsement. N g BPo AN MORENCY & EASTWOOD CONST., INC. h PLAT 32 LOT 30 PLAT 32 LOT 31-4- N/r N/F 3 �•OB `T`j JOHN R. Jr. & ALISON G DANIEL F. MORIARTY -,LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 \ a•';, MMARTY 85,5D8 S4Ft. !n 109,844 Sq.'L a 109,880 Sq.Ft. E or 1.963 Acres or 2.522 Acres or 2.522 Acres y o (FR. 200.000 (FR. 200.00) " (FR. 200.00) z n o 3 w ' 200.00' 200.00' 147.24' 52.76' 57.00' S72'3Y03'W 547.24' S69'44'39'W 109.76' - •,( (� (� GIDLEY TOWN (ACCEPTED 50' WIDE AS CERTIFIED BY TOWN CLERK) ROAD ' y..d•s�` Owner. Daniel F. Moriarty a,r 155 Gidley Town Rood + coma Dartmouth, MA. Applicant: Daniel F. Moriarty ` 155 Gidley Town Road REFERANCE PLANS: / 4�3 Dartmouth, Ma - PLAN BOOK 45 PAGE 650 Surveyor/Engineers: g Engineering, Sury r En sneers: Correia s meerin Inc. -PLAN BOOK 97 PAGE 116 8 Grinnell Street South Dartmouth, MA 02748 not Required Plan SNEET Correi,a's Engineering Inc. Approval P Grinnell Street "NJ) SUxvrmrc GRAPHIC SCALE _{ prepared f or 1 1 South Dartmouth, MA. cant aNc1asrANc —. Daniel F. Moriarty A2748-2314 SUBDmSIONS ".&Ph— (500) ess-sou srra Peas I 1 2n Yas (508) .479-5949 AS-RUJIT P"NS (IN 7m ) Dartmouth, MA. 99 Joseph E. Correia 111 Pre,. & Joseph E- Correia tY VP. 1 Inca - 60 n. --•t DATE: REVISION: i —13yl Scale: 1 "= 0' Dated: 05/03/99- i �-63 \6'�u O - �m ar 10 THE ��•i , , :, SUILDI, PROGRESS OF TH S ,DURING rHE WORK. ToWn of D pARTMEft outh 12'— d "' i I � 7 i DITi aN F 155 GIDLE R DAN MOR IART V TOvJN RD. Wr E g- 7-0 SCALP W'=l dl pq E g_G EAST SIDE OF EXISTIFlC H0U.LE�- DDO R& WINDOW L OC AT I O A/5 FOR F 0 F C H EXISTI IV Cr NOT A HEATED R'OONA STAIRS t i � I t t L 7-yp. r yp. 7yp. 2-4=o., � 'C "'! . [ Cc ^ TI?is Ens" set Plan Mi:!.s Dill7i�s* ;sus' fil V, O ON FOR DAN MDRI€F, TY ADDIT i 155 GIDLEY OWN RD. DATE 5CALE/2=1' 23-D PAGE B-7