BP-77008ABBREVIATIONS ELECTRICAL NOTES A AMPERE 1. THIS SYSTEM IS GRID—INTERTIED VIA A AC ALTERNATING CURRENT UL—LISTED POWER —CONDITIONING INVERTER. BLDG BUILDING 2. THIS SYSTEM HAS NO BATTERIES, NO UPS. CONIC CONCRETE 3. A NATIONALLY —RECOGNIZED TESTING DC DIRECT CURRENT LABORATORY SHALL LIST ALL EQUIPMENT IN EGC EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR COMPLIANCE WITH ART. 110.3. (E) EXISTING 4. WHERE ALL TERMINALS OF THE DISCONNECTING EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING MEANS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION, FSB FIRE SET —BACK A SIGN WILL BE PROVIDED WARNING OF THE GALV GALVANIZED HAZARDS PER ART. 690.17. GEC GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR 5. EACH UNGROUNDED CONDUCTOR OF THE GND GROUND MULTIWIRE BRANCH CIRCUIT WILL BE IDENTIFIED BY HDG HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED PHASE AND SYSTEM PER ART. 210.5. I CURRENT 6. CIRCUITS OVER 250V TO GROUND SHALL Imp CURRENT AT MAX POWER COMPLY WITH ART. 250.97, 250.92(B).. Isc SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT 7. DC CONDUCTORS EITHER DO NOT ENTER kVA KILOVOLT AMPERE BUILDING OR ARE RUN IN METALLIC RACEWAYS OR kW KILOWATT ENCLOSURES TO THE FIRST ACCESSIBLE DC LBW LOAD BEARING WALL DISCONNECTING MEANS PER ART. 690.31(E). MIN MINIMUM 8. ALL WIRES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH STRAIN (N) NEW RELIEF AT ALL ENTRY INTO BOXES AS REQUIRED BY NEUT NEUTRAL UL LISTING. NTS NOT TO SCALE 9. MODULE FRAMES SHALL BE GROUNDED AT THE OC ON CENTER UL—LISTED LOCATION PROVIDED BY THE PL PROPERTY LINE MANUFACTURER USING UL LISTED GROUNDING POI POINT OF INTERCONNECTION HARDWARE. PV PHOTOVOLTAIC 10. MODULE FRAMES, RAIL, AND POSTS SHALL BE SCH SCHEDULE BONDED WITH EQUIPMENT GROUND CONDUCTORS. S STAINLESS STEEL STC STANDARD TESTING CONDITIONS TYP TYPICAL UPS UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY V VOLT Vmp VOLTAGE AT MAX POWER Voc VOLTAGE AT OPEN CIRCUIT W WATT 313 NEMA 3R, RAINTIGHT LICENSE GENERAL NOTES GEN #168572 1. ALL WORK TO BE DONE TO THE 8TH_ EDITION ELEC 1136 MR OF THE MA STATE BUILDING CODE. 2. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2014 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE INCLUDING MASSACHUSETTS AMENDMENTS. fi= MODULE GROUNDING METHOD: ZEP SOLAR AHJ: Dartmouth UTILITY: 'NSTAR Electric (Boston Edison) JURISDICTION NOTES r ' J_ 0 2 7 6 0 8 O O PREMISE OWNER: CONTAINED L A THE INFORMATION HEREIN JOB NUMBER: I C� DORE, KYLE CONTAINED 54ALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., MOUNTING SYSTEM: 25 P E M B R O K E D R NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN Comp Mount Type C PART TO S OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS MODULES. DARTMOUTH, MA 02747 ORGANIZIZATIC�TICNI, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE ANID USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (18) TRINA SOLAR "# TSM-260PD05.18 N: * SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN INVERTER: PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. SOLAREDGE f SE380OA-USOOOSNR2 5088379743 VICINITY MAP INDEX ` PV1 COVER SHEET PV2 SITE PLAN �y PV3 STRUCTURAL VIEWS ".�.' PV4 UPLIFT CALCULATIONS PV5 THREE LINE DIAGRAM Cutsheets Attached wwg if,. iZ r, r� REV BY DATE COMMENTS T % n �� REVA NAME DATE COMMENTS �w DESCRIPTION: DESIGN: DORE RESIDENCE Carlos Streegan �O� rCl 4.68 KW PV ARRAY � y TM K OWNER:*24 St. Martin Drive, Building 22, Unit 11 PAGE NAME: SHEET: q REV: DATE: Marlborough, MA 01752 PV I 4 14 2015 - (650) 638-1028 F: (650) f638-1029 COVER SHEET ( )—SOL—CITY (765-2489) wmri.solaroityaaro -770 (E) 2x4 SIDE VIEW OF M P1 NTS MP1 X-SPACING X-CANTILEVER Y-SPACING Y-CANTILEVER NOTES LANDSCAPE 72" 24" STAGGERED PORTRAIT 48" 19" TOP CHORD 2X4 @ 24" OC BOT CHORD 2X4 @24" OC ROOF AZI 210 PITCH 18 STORIES: 2 ARRAY AZI 210 PITCH 0 Comp Shingle CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN JOB NUMBER J B—O 2 71 6 0 8 O O PREMISE OWNER:'/ CONTAINED SHALL.NIOT BE USED FOR THE DORE, KYLE! BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., MOUNTING SYSTEM: 25 PEMDROKE DR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN MOLE OR 1N Comp Mount Type C PART TO OTHERS CRITSIDE THE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXC'I T IN CONNECTION WITH MODULES DARTMOUTH, ,MA 02747 THE SALE AND USE. OF THE RESPECTIVE (18) TRINA SOLAR # TSM-260PDO5.18 SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN INVERTER: 5088379743 PERMISSION of SOLARCITY INC. SOLAREDGE # SE380OA—USOOOSNR2 PV MODULE 5/16" BOLT WITH LOCK INSTALLATION ORDER & FENDER WASHERS ZEP LEVELING FOOT (1) LOCATE RAFTER, MARK HOLE LOCATION, AND DRILL PILOT I ZEP ARRAY SKIRT (6) HOLE. (4) . (2) SEAL ITH WANT. ZEP COMP MOUNT C _ _ _ _ POLYURET�ANEOSEALE ZEP FLASHING C (3) (3) INSERT FLASHING. (E) COMP. SHINGLE (4) PLACE MOUNT. (1) (E) ROOF DECKING u (2) u 5/16" DIA STAINLESS (5) (5) INSTALL LAG BOLT WITH SEALING WASHER. STEEL LAG BOLT WITH SEALING WASHER LOWEST MODULE SUBSEQUENT MODULES (6) INSTALL LEVELING FOOT WITH (2-1/2" EMBED, MIN) BOLT & WASHERS. (E) RAFTER S I AN DO F F 1 lJ.i�M A. iD �G►STEM` STAMPED & IE STRUCTURALFOR Ot4LY DESCRIPTION: DORE RESIDENCE DESIGN: Carlos Streegan `'� '►i\SC®la�•CII 4.68 KW PV ARRAY PAGE NAME 24 St. Martin Drive, Building 2, Unit_111 Marlborough, MA 01752 SHEET: REV: DATE: STRUCTURAL VIEWS P V 3 4/14/2015 (888>-SOS-CITY (765-2489) w .6 INVERTER SPECS MODULE SPECS LICENSE GROUND SPECS MAIN PANEL SPECS GENERAL NOTES GEN #168572 Panel Number: Cutler Hammer tan Inv 1: DC Ungrounded INV 1 — (1) SOLAREDGE ## SE380OA—USOOOSNR2 LABEL: A (18) TRINA SOLAR TSM-260PD05.18 BOND (N) 8 GEC TO TWO (N) GROUND ( ) Inverter, 3860W, 240V, 97.5q; w/Unlfed Dlsco and ZB,RGM,AFCI PV Module; AOW, 236.9W PTC, 40MM, Black Frame, H4, ZEP, 1000V ELEC 1136 MR' RODS AT PANEL WITH IRREVERSIBLE CRIMP Meter Number:1787977 Overhead Service Entrance INV 2 Voc: 38.2 Vpmox: 30.6 INV 3 Isc AND Imp ARE SHOWN IN THE DC STRINGS IDENTIFIER E 200A MAIN SERVICE PANEL (E) 20OA/2P MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER Inverter 1 (E) WIRING CUTLER —HAMMER Disconnect 3 SOLAREDGE 20OA/2P SE380OA—USOOOSNR2 (E) LOADS B Lu L2 �• N 20A/2P — — —— GND -- ——— ——— — GE A 2aov ---TN SolarCity 2 A 1 DG- DG_ D — MP 1: 1x18 —1— � -- EGC -- - --�-J ------- ------------ N 4 c 2CGEC T TO 120/240V ' SINGLE PHASE UTILITY SERVICE l l 1 PHOTO VOLTAIC SYSTEM EQUIPPED WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN Voc* = MAX VOC AT MIN TEMP (1) CUTLER —HAMMER DG221URB n A (1) SdarCity # 4 STRING JUNCTION BOX 2x2 STRINGS, UNFUSED, GROUNDED DC POI (9) CUnER—HAMMER CH220 PV BACKFEED BREAKER B Breaker, MM 2P, 2 Spaces, Tan Handle Disconnect; 30A, 24OVac, Non —Fusible, NEMA 3R /"� — (/ ) Ground -Rod; 5/8" x 8% Copper — (t)OUTLER—HAMMER # DG03ONB Ground/Neutral Kit; 30A, General Duty (DG) PV (18) SOLAREDGE f 300-2NA4AZS PowerBox ptimizer, 300W, H4, DC to DC, ZEP — G1)CUTLER—HAMM R CHT1515 Breaker; 15A 1P-15A 1P, 1 Space, Twin, Tan Handle / P nd (1) AWG 116, Solid Bare Copper I Ground Rod; 5/8" x 8', Copper - (N) ARRAY GROUND PER 690.47(D). NOTE: PER EXCEPTION NO. 2, AFDDITIONAL ELECTRODE MAY NOT BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON LOCATION OF (E) ELECTRODE 1 AWG I�10, THWN-2, Black #10, THWN-2, RedO 1 AWG 110, THWN-2, Black Voc* = 500 VDC Isc = 15 �(1)AWG 110, THWN-2, Red Vmp =350 VDC Imp=13.2 ADCTy(2'AWG10,PV WIRE Black ADC (1)AWG 16, Solid Bare Copper EGC Vmp =350 VDC Imp 113.2 ADC Voc* = 500 VDC Isc —115 ADC(1)AWG (1)AWG #10, THWN-2, White NEUTRAL Vmp =240 VAC Imp=16 AAC (1)AWG 110, THWN-2, Green EGC—(I)Conduit.Kit;.3/4",EMT ... ............. . . . . . ......... .................................................. . Green , ,EGo/GEC ,- (1) Conduit, Kit;_ 3/4" ,EMT. , . , . , , CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN JOB NUMBER: I 1 v B—O�7 I OOS OO PREMISE OWNER: DORE, KpYLE DESCRIPTION: DORE R�AESIDENCE DESIGN: Carlos Streegan ; ®�� ' ty. CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ,ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., MOUNTING SYSTEM: 25 P E M D R O K E DR 4.68 KW V PV ARRAY ` NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN Camp Mount Type C PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS DARTMOUTH, MA 02747 24 St. Martin Drive, Building e^Z, Unit it ORGANIZATIaN, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH MODULES THE SALE AND USE of THE RESPECTIVE 18 TRINA' SOLAR TSM-260PDO5.18 PAGE NAME SHEET: REV DALE o175a2 Marlborou F. T: (650) 638-1028 F: (650) `636-1029 SOLARCITY ERUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN INVERTER: INC. 5088379743 THREE LINE DIAGRAM PV 5 4/14/2015 (888)—SOL—CITY (765-2489) wwnr.solarcity.com PERMISSION OF sotaRclTY SOLAREDGE SE380OA-USOOOSNR2 i ,�,a ;;; Next -Level PV Mounting Technology ' SolarGty I ZepSolar Next -Level PV Mounting Technology ' S018fClty I ZepSolar r_ Zep System Components �£ for composition shingle roofs N e�F Description �FA / v PV mounting solution for composition shingle roofs IoMPr Works with all Zep Compatible Modules • Zep System UL 1703 Class A Fire Rating for Type 1 and Type 2 modules • Auto bonding UL-listed hardware creates structual and electrical bond Comp Mount Interlock Leveling Foot UL LISTED Part No. 850-1345 Part No. 850-1388 Part No. 850-1397 Listed to UL 2582, Listed to UL 2703 Listed to UL 2703 Mounting Block to UL 2703 Specifications ON Designed for pitched roofs Installs in portrait and landscape orientations • Zep System supports module wind uplift and snow load pressures to 50 psf per UL 1703 NNI • Wind tunnel report to ASCE 7-05 and 7-10 standards kk • Zep System grounding products are UL listed to UL 2703 and ETL listed to UL 467 Zep System bonding products are UL listed to UL 2703 • Engineered for spans up to 72" and cantilevers up to 24" Array Skirt, Grip, End Caps DC Wire Clip • Zep wire management products listed to UL 1565 for wire positioning devices Ground Zep Y P p • Attachment method UL listed to UL 2582 for Wind Driven Rain Part No. 850-1172 Part Nos. 500-0113, Part 8565 8 Listed to UL 2703 and 850-1421, 850-1460, Listedd U UL 1565 ETL listed to UL 467 850-1467 Listed to UL 2703 zepsolar.com zepsolar.com aboutThis i products or services. Zap Solar's sole warranty is contained in the written product warranty for This document does not create any express warranty by Zep Solar or about its products or services. Zep Solar's sole warranty is contained in the written product warranty for each document does not create any express warranty by Zep Solar orrodeis pr P each product. The end -user documentation shipped with Zep Solar's products constitutes the sole specifications referred to in the product warranty. The customer is solely each product The end -user documentation shipped with Zep Solar's products constitutes the sole specifications referred to in the product warranty. The customer is solely responsible for verifying the suitability of Zep Solar's products for each use. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Patents and Apps: zspats.cem. responsible for verifying the suitability of Zep Solar's products for each use. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Patents and Apps: zspats.com. 12 22 14 ZS for Comp Shingle Cutsheet Rev 02.pdf Page: 1 of 2 _ 12 2214 ZS for Comp Shingle Cutsheet Rev 02.pdf Page: 2 of 2 { Single Phase Inverters for North America ��++ ® � ®I a SE3000A US / SE3800A US / SE5000A US / SE6000A US / �7 _ � ® SE760OA-US/SE10000A-US/SE1140OA-US -�J �_: : SE3000A US SE3800A US SESOOOA-US SE6000A-US SE7600A-US SE10000A US SE11400A US UT OUTP,ts : S^• ., {`. '` 9980 @ 208V, S o l a rEd e Single Phase Inverters � k � ® � Nominal AC Power Output 3000 3800 5000 6000 7600 10000 @240V 11400 VA Max. AC Power Output 3300 4150 6000 8350 12000 VA For North America .......... p. ... ......... ........... 5450 @240V ............ 10950 @240V .............. ........... . . � AC Output Voltage Mm Nom: Max. �•- , , - 183 - 208 - 229 Vac .......:............................................................ SE3000A-US / SE360OA-US / SE5000A-US / SE6000A-US / L Ou't............... ✓ r✓..............✓....... ..... ...✓...... ..........✓................... - � . -� AC Output Voltage Mm. Nom: Max.* -- r -• 211-240-264Vac SE760OA-US/SE10000A-US/SE1140OA-US - ACFre uenc Min: Nom: Max.* 59.3-60-60.5(withHIcountrysetting57-60-60.5) Hz .::`.,,"'°^,.,.F.'^r , ...24 @ 208V .. ...48 @ 208V... '= _,: ' • '" `,, .,, ,•,.. -a-'' Max. Continuous Output Current 12.5 16 25 32 47.5 A �,, _ . ,_,.. - f a. ,, _ + '7 :.., • .. '?» ` 21 @ 240V 42 @ 240V ;.�.;GFDL ... ( ..... .A.. : *'.',' Utility Monitoring, Islanding ,..w m'. AN " > _1 vlmft -a,, ,..:..�._" _ Protection, Country Configurable Yes �•`.. �'`- .:` ';?Cnverte�,..,.. ,�' -<- . '; '' . �• :. ..: Thresholds „ . v; s x t .. _.. . �,- _; _,:::: .:_ INPUT; t, Eyi feffi5" Recommended Max. DC Power 3750 4750 6250 7500 9500 12400 14250 W - CC _.,..� _ _ ,; _ �...)......... .... ........................................................ ................. ............................... - g Wa € •< il.. .. , .. .�:.;. -' _ .. Transformer -less, Ungrounded Yes .... ... _ ,..: .. _., ,.._ ... :., ..:... ... .. ................................................... ........................... ............... a?:` .,..., ._ `"`'• �a;2an�� `-=': `t - ,. x= - _ .: .... _:- ............. ... ..�.. .. Vdc �.r . b > a; _...`,m:. _ !• ?;;„ . , ,. ._ --'_,_ :... .: ,,:�' ''.... _--- ..Max. In ut Voltage 500 ; : ,' .::> $-•ems. _ ,._, :z _ .:.. ..:'.. ''' .. ..• P g ................ ..... ...................... .:#=•' ;.�. _ r .. , - is , "- _ • ' �" ,. : ._.. -... .:..,_.: ` ........ Nom. DC In ut Voltage 325 @ 208V / 350 @ 240V Vdc .,.:.._.. r ,. m<.. _v. _, .>. ,•,::'�:::,,-.0 ., , ...,, <.....:.._ _... _... ...... P.......................................... ........... ............ ............ ..... .• ,,. ,> :.`,i` _,:.w c::...-::_" :.� =- �_:.:. ae 1. ....16.5 ...208V ... . ..33... 208V.... . .` @ @ A „ ,. ;� . ` ?�' ,..:, s.' ." ";,,-:."„..'.`:'. r...,.. v._ Max. Input Current*** 9... 13 18 23 34.5 ..Adc •. :'. , , _ _ ... •:, ;., 15.5 @ 240V ...: .........I. 305 @ 240V..L............... .;.f �; -s .. ................ ....... ........ ... ": �. ............................... �.. .,-: ' -''-• . ,., , , ". ,= -" .' Max..ln ut Short Circuit Current 30 45 Adc I? ........................................................... _ , , Reverse -Polarity Protection Yes .. ............................. ......... �•::._...................................:............................................. "'"" "'`'^ ;i `rf "• "" -,r .,,ww ":.. Ground -Fault Isolation Detection 500ksaSensitivity• •• ••• : ":, � • * • � ,_ _,` ..';::r .:::� ... MaximumInverterEfficien� 97.7 98.2 98.3 98.3 98 •98 98 •/:•• .:; ._ pt • > .:: . 'fix .. ,,. .. _._._._.:.- :. . ..._. _. __.,... .- •;:' ..._,............................................ ................ ............... ... ......... ,.„a.=` " ... ''„ ` x-•• .�•.* ••-. 'ate:. : -.{r ::�'-" @ 208V .. ...97 @ 208V .. " ^`� Y , "` , _ CEC Weighted Efficiency 97.5 98 97 5 97.5 97.5 97.5 % 98 240V 97.5 240V Nighttime Power Consumption <25.., a4.. .... .i:.,. _ •.. .;. : � _.r .... .. ,.._ � . �. >~., _ -, 'ADDITIONAL FEATURES rhs, . ._ , ._ ,,. „ „w", �. > ,., v , .•�..,. .:. _�� -_,.__ :;: ".-w `" _,•`: 5485 RS232 Ethernet Zi Bee (optional) ME ._.-3 -- , -_ :.. , Supported Communication Interfaces R 8 (p ...) :_ _�.:. ..._._, ._ .,.,_. .,._. , ., ......... ........... --„ Optional . - • > ,�: ° :,;:. ,,.,,„, ._' '" .".: : =� "'� •Revenue Grade Data, ANSI C12.1 Optional : ,, ,d :, � ,. ,� ,., � =:,m= STANDARDCOMPUANCE. ".�,i..'.._,..._.� -, UL1741 UL1699B UL1998 CSA22.2 -.t. _, .,.. .::...:,...,_. ._: ... Y ....................................................................... :_ -:� , • 'k °- m-•r .. , .,:;_ s: ,,:;.. 3> Grid Connection Standards IEEE1547 ,.,� .�:,.... ........................ .... ......... ................. ..................................................... ......... ° ,-`' �•..'..,;- ..Emissions ... • FCC part15 class B INSTALLATIONs• r r�,•�,, rr ,is; °;. SPECIFICATI®NS , _ �.:.: ., z, •., . ,. __ 3 4" minimum 24-6 AWG 3 4" minimum .. 3 AWG .._ _�.° .� _ .. ... r:. ,..:_,.. ,� .. � ,:... ._ _._. `.�.",—.....:_- .. .. .... � : ._...�••- .,,,., '� AC out utconduitsize/AWG range / / ../ .......�....................... ... ._,_, ,.:. .. :.,._..... ::. '.: •r . C input conduit size / # of strings... - • •DC nput cond t s e / g / " -,•. ^'" r --- 3/4" minimum / 1-2 strings / 24-6 AWG 3/4" minimum / 1-2 strings / 14 6 AWG .. .,,.•, .,>.. _ „ : `°... . T .,., r g ... ... ... .............................................. .. w. ._ _ ` `.: ..:. .._,.:.,: .=s. ,'3:, ...C...e.. ..30.Sx12.5x7... ..30.Sx12.5x7.5... /. .. , ;._ ':. . , n-..,.�._. .. ... Dimensions with AC/DC Safety / / :_u,.- v :-; �t 30.Sx12.5x10.5/77Sx315x260 .:t ,..; . ... :. .::. _.......:_.....-........_.::.,.E..�' '� i<w, SWItCh(HXWXD 775x315x172 775x31Sx191...... ................ ................. min a; „ ..:_ c �,.,?;ad > '- :: ms.m ... < .................. ).........:.......... ., .°°., :''- _..: ::-.. -,„ : .t.._<€ Weight with AC DC Safet Switch 51.2 / 23.2 54.7 / 24.7 88 .4 / 40.1 lb / kg .: g / Y ........ .. ...................... ...... ..... .......... ... ........................... ... , -<c ;, - ' _+�>:....: -„ > „ ...Fans user re laceable _ ., e�._ . `f°_,. _..<:_ >.� , ., .-„ g...............................Natural Convection ...................... ..... ........... VN 'wr' _:: : ;,':' .„"`: r „ter _._.__ ,:^^ - Noise 25 • <'90 dBA sty ,. ,'ra_... , ., ,....: ``' - .. .. ..... .. e . `•,'.i °`` + ' ` ;, R:W..................................................................................................................... . The" b chi e'for :Sola`rEd a enabled s sterns - _ ",- s ,: •` Min. -Max. Operating Temperature**,••,• 13to 140/ 25t +60(CANversion* 40to 60) ,,, .•••••.•• '••••. 'F/'C••• Integrated arc fault protection TYpd 1) for•NEC 2011690 11 compliance � ,. `, : ' _ Range .............: �;.,.: , �:• .:w " '> ...NEMA.3R >°." r#= ' '.: r--,.`� ling .... ........ ....................................................................................... ...... "s. Superlor`efficienc (98%) ; „ ", a '- - - -:.� ,4 * For otherlreg regional settings please contact SolarEdge support. •�' `, - ••Limited to 125% for locations where the yearly average high temperature is above 77'F/25'C and to 135% for locations where it is below 777/25'C. Small, lightweight and easyto install on provided bracket p ;. ,r; For detailed information, refer to htto//w .s I d /files/odfs/' n d 'z'ne e d df F ,,. _ _ :. •• A higher current source may be used; the inverter will limit its input current to the values stated. APP-* Built to module bevel monitoring ' / are eligible for the Ontario FIT an mcmF cmFIT exc. 5E1140CAUs-C - „u. '.s'3r ,•.w : . CAN P/Ns eli ibl d IT.Imi ANi. ° Internet connecion through Ethernet or Wireless .. - ,:. _ , _:::..... ,�: _,.b....,._ , .. _,. �__._.. _ _, w....�....-_� .. �_,..,._..._ .. ........m. .. f .. •.__..2_.,. _,.. a.._ µ::a:::• noorinstallation . :._,,,,,...,.,vt=~ ___ __ Ou: oor and d __IM � :_„ .. __.... :� . �__...... .__�... ..,, _. .... „.; Flxedvolta a inverter DC�ACconversi n ,� ., . _ _ .r. ..�. �._.... - , „ s ,.,.:.. ,.. ;.. ., .. ..... .. ... ....... .__..sue...,,.,.... , ., �> Pre assembletl AC/DC Safety Switch'for faster mstalla o ,,; O tional „revenue grade data, ANSI C12.1 ��.� � ...,YN 4,, USA- GERMANY- ITALY- FRANCE-JAPAN -CHINA-AUSTRALIA-THENETHERLANDS- ISRAEL www.solaredge.us THE Trri mount MODULE TSN!-PD05.18 Mono Multi Solutions r ! DIMENSIONS OF PV MODULE ELECTRICAL DATA @ STC - unit:mm Peak Power Wafts -PM x W 250 �-,*� 941 ( P) s 255 260 265 Power Outpuf Tolerance=PMAx (%) p +3 "". ,z` " Maximum Power Voltage VMr IV) 30.3 30.5 30.6 30.8 -,_ ..' Maximo m Power Current-.Imee. A �'_8.27 w;,r"FTI I 8.37 i3 t NAMEPIAIE Open Circuit Voltage-Voc IV) 38.0 38.1 38.2 38.3 t E` aris7nuneno� ShorfCIrcudCurrehtI (A) 8.79 ,. ,; r �,,- - � hi Module' Efficiency ijn(%) y 15.3 15.6 15.9 16.2 `� 3� _ .< ` STC: Irradiance 1000 W/m', Cell Temperature 25°C, Air Mass AM1.5 according to EN 60904-3. : - Typical efficiency reduction of 4.59 at 200 W/m'according to EN 60904-1. J ELECTRICAL DATA @ NOCT i ,: �,-...}'� ..� Maximum Power-Pmnx(Wp) 186 190 193"" 197 - „x, >, � �;, +. R,�-^4 ,Maximum Power Voltage-VMP (V}< - 28.D 28.1 ,�28.3", ,�.28.d ,,�" sere " -;, Maximum Power Current I (A) «.I 6.65 6.74 6.$4 6.93 ,,.i1ULTICRYSTALLINE M®®ULE cs43caaunuwcnaiE PD05.18 _ ann'xore A A > Open Circuit Voltage (V} Voc (V) 35 235.3 „ ,5.4 35.5 1 ITH "TRINAMOUNT FAME snort clravit current (A)-I:o (A) �7.10 zn 7.2 735 �. NOCT: Irradiance at 800 W/m',Ambien}Tem - perature 20°C, Wind Speed 1 m/s. 812 180 r T� Back View i MECHANICAL DATA OUTPUTRAIGE Solar cells Mulficrysicrlline 156 x 156 min (b inches) zp Fast and simple to install through drop in mounting solution ceu orientation bo aeus (6 x ta) Module dimensions 1650 x 992 x 40 mm (64.95 x 3905 x 1.57 inches) - a �,'a r ^4"^' ;€ x ' r` ': Weight' 19.b kg (43 Ibs) , b 4 .276 4A, r s Glass 3.2 mm (0.13 inches), High Transmission, AR Coated Tempered Glass r„rs 3� r M"IMtrM EFFJGIENCY Backshe '�'� ,White A -A .. „ ... ,' Good aesthetics for residential applications Frame Black Anodized Aluminium Alloy J-Box" I0'65 or IP 67 rated - " Cables, Photovoltaic Technology cablePPC 0.006inchese °s = J:T 9Y ( ), i 1200 mm (47.2 inches) I-V CURVES OF PV MODULE (260W) k Connector ' 1' H4 Amphenol ,, POSITIVE P3{IUEP 1®LEIa NCB ,°.w a 41 ; � L.r +;, wy. s.a 100°w Fire Type UL 1703 Type 2 for Solar City a Highly r30inreliable due tst(UVtTC,geFnanduiyrol 7.. `-' • g g y requirements so�o ss°w m= TEMPERATURE RATINGS MAXIMUM RATINGS As a leading global manufacturer PID resistant goes well beyond certification re uirements I' of next generation photovoltaic,,- ' products, we believe close u' 4. Nominal Operating Cell 44°C (+2°C) Operational Temperature-40--+85°C Temperature (NOCT) - , - - cooperation with our ;partners 3.00 Maximum System t000vDC(IEc) Is GTIfICgI t0 success, With IOCpI - �m ' ' _. temperature Coeffcient df Pmnz-0.41%/°C Voltage %% 1000V DgUL) - s presence around the -globe, Tr1nii is °° ' - �� Temperature Coefficient of Voc - 0.32%/°C .Max Series Fuse Rating 15A , able to provide exceptional service a" C t'f d t 'th t d °� Tem erat0re C effi ibnt f 1 0 05%/°e to each customer in each market er i le o W s an challenging environmental P° 3° 4° W p a wI ° ,e o r and si0pplement our innovative, Conditions reliable products with the backing • 2400 Pa wind load of Trina as a strong, bankable - • 5400 Pa snow load WARRANTY partner. We are committed to building strategic, mutually CERTIFICATION 10 year Product Workmanship Warranty ` beneficial collaborat on with year "Linear Power Warranty; installers, developers, distributors U cfOus S��s (Please refer foproduct warranty for details) and other partners as the �ISTEn backbonw6f our shared success in ' driving StnartEnergy Together. oa LINEAR PERFORfV1ANCP WARRANTY, PACKAGING CONFIGURATION ``A0 Year Product Warranty • 25 Year U ear Power Warranty , ca ° IANT Modules per box: 26 pieces y-' Trina Solar Lirglted , "-' www.trintisolor.com -100% l ' - e��... ", Modules per40' container. 728 pieces