BP-81002IN t IN r n n I4 ROOF FRr4MING FLAN n Q in J v v WARNING > ERECTS > mis ISM USES ALTERNATING PUUS. REF. SHT. E9 FOR DETAIL do PROCEDURE. aLJ' Eave Trlm�.,,`� (ET05) fiat TrM • CmwUon 5t-1 LEAN-TO RAFTER wit Panel 6 CTION "E" as ctasur e (4V0 BOLTS (SEE SHT E9) MASS. APPROVAL A MO M 212 ISSUE REY. DESCRtMION DATE 4t DE�RIPTION: ERECTION PLAN Pi PERMIT DA4102 CUS"i'OMER= CAPE BUILOM SYSTEMS, INC. 0 CONSTRUCTION 91 07 ® f III LOCATION: DARTMOUTH, MA t R Nos DARTMOUTI4 D.P.U. UNITED STMCTUt�S CF AMMCA, MC RAUY.1� 13Y DATE CK HY A mom `CR 8/02 JFN io/a2 m ar,, u a • C RAUJM , toom �o 281Fi9-802 cJ E2 of 0 n • ■ 12 •,=2. I 4 5 DETAIL "X" F116PRI, PORTAL RA R 23 ., ELEVATION -t LINE "A" 6 REF. 5W. El T TTT (FOR EBI LOCATION) PT02 x 4'-2 zla \ Zia / \ Zia / 1� zw ►5 Zn PT02 x 4'-10 ~ ue _ / HE FB \ IS \ Zia / Zt5 Z15 ® +off/ \ @� Zia t5 Z15 \ PT02 x 4'-6 Z20 v ..2 MASONRY WALL (NOT BY U.S.A.) Q _ ELEVATION 6 LINE "E" FIELD SLOT 0I12TS AS R O RED FOR BRACING b PORTAL GOL C15PCIXTYP) n T T Z16 Z15 PT02 x 4'-2 NE PT02 x 4'-10 _ Z)9 PTO2 x 4'-b Qo Z15 zre v PT02 x 4'-6 V. 2'-0 Main Frame Interior Column•�-' � 1 U)atl Panel ,�sarry ( 61r8rs1 FLANGE BRAGS Mffbff I At Wof- LINER (NOT BY U.S.A.) °---� o . — Base Charnel 4enfiton JAMB o -- oI La SdeStool LineGirt 1 01 !By wm) Bay Frame SECTION "Q" SECTION (2) 24110 x 11" A325 BOLTS (a) rO x UN A325 BOLTS (to CONNECTION M) :�RTAL RAFTER :OLUMN DETAIL 11ty WALLITE �:JE. STRUT x 3'-6 UALL GIRT WALL PANEL N WALL ITI= DETAIL (BETWEEN GIRT 4 S STRUT) MASS. APPROVAL • MC + 212 18%E REV, DESCRIPTION DATE DEPCRIPTiON. ERECTION PLAN P1 PERMIT 8/14/02 CUSTOMER-- CAPE BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. 0 CONSTRUCTION 910 2 °. Lo,:4-ATION= DARTMOUTN, MA Stl'y"""ER KO. DARTMOUTH D.P.W. uvrED StfdlCT w-s OF AmmmcA, NaRAllt Z BY ma auxs+aa DATE SCK 13Y ATE GR J FH /Q Haarrn�. .05 a som 28ib9-8D'1 SCALE a�3 of I 0 1'-2 C' ELr=VATION a LINE 60 n ,06 I t Z8 222 Z23 Z21 Z8 Z22 Z23 Z21 11i11 _ SAI (TYP) • ♦ .• :...,d. . • •% 4 :r• , i - e: r . • .... • .r . 1. - - e " •• • ' "MASONRWALL ( 't' OT BY USA ) • : • ;•' �11 TYP 20'-m 22'••0 IS'-F7 2fd'-0 W'-O O/O 5TEEL ��V,4TION -3 LINE 11511 PARTITION o q q Liner Trim (Mr, Pt01) Purlin �; O O R r0 _ 6 Stitch Screw Sheeting Angle (MKSAU at 12" oz. Attach at FaCh Perlin With -0 ��� d1 Member Screws 2X2XI6GA Field Work ---- Flange Brace 0 and Field Attach (If required) With (2) Member Screws PT02 Interior Column Partition Panel 6" or see 5ECTION 11R11 (— PTO] X 11-Sa PTO] X 1'-S X R4 (1) PTOI X PT01 k 8,_, PTOI X 4'-4 Partition Girt Stitch Screw '**— Partition Panel Member Screw 5ECTION 111 PT02 X 4'-2 .L 11 ( � PT02 X 4'-2 PT02 X 4'-10 PT02 X 4'-10 r �t r dl in M in .6 M — ^i 4 7 in in in in PT02 X 51-2 PTO2 X 5'-2 '' -_ O:. -�+. J�� 11 � i• •r' •t li �'�/1� :� � � �4 r• r ••••... .,. •rav: • sr• •. . 11 r ' ' t(NOT • -.: , ;. -"°' _ 4 - ' MASONRY WALL BY USA)— Partition Panel Mawny Ardm Not By USA) Member Smw At V. On Center Bane angle - SAl QMaun Trion _ USA)v (hK-MFOU i- SECTION "? SWEETINCI a LINE 111511 PARTITION MASS. APPROVAL w MG # 212 FLO. LOCATE '-4 351-m o/o STEEL W'-m O/O STEEL EZATION Q LINE "VI LEFT EN WALL E I'-m LAP A 12 F'Bm2 f^m 1 F — RT02 R7'02 I♦T Il � I 9 I � I XX X ii- a�I N 11: =Q — N d1 (0 -" tv ell IA � N� • N ' = N A� N (A 11: N � 4I II: N in in f 1 I I I II 1 1 1 f I 1 1 1 I I 'r- "r 1 1• / I I I ; 1 1 in v V in if1 in ^0 Sl �9 i_- iA to iA Q2 T i4 Q1 c0 9 1: f_ C : .. �.-'- �: ♦� :�::'.. '".:a' = -7: MASONRY WALL (NOT BY•USA)- •:• , �� :y:f �� .-.. .:.< .' ,a.i �•� ;; ."a.. ..:` y. SHEETINQ 0 LINE 11111 LEFT EN WALL IUalt Panel Mawr A-dvs q Othfsre) Menba Screws At 2' ore. Base Angle - SAI (N Othm) MFOIwq Rats" v IY Sldeuua ll Girt SIDEWALL PANEL;,. 01-10j 2h Endwall Cilrt Endwail Girt PT02 TRII" I 0 0 of I 0 �7 O O OI CL4 Shooting CUP ENOWALL PANEL (MK-CLh) Cold Farm Confer Colrxnn(MK-IWIL) SECTION "N' p A job 1LL C,Wc*rT* —_ d Wf d 6d"teat cyp SECTION IT" MASS. APPROVAL * MC * 212 c &Z rev MWFPJPTION DATE DrMCpIPTION= F-RI=CTION PLAN PI PERMIT slut/o2 CUa%.rOMER= CAPE BUILDINCa SYSTEMS, INC. 0 cONSTRUcTION g ro oz `", III L=ATION= DARTMOUTN, MA BUYER NOs DAOUTN DPW. UNITED STRUCTURES OF AMERICA, INC. 1W- BY DATE CK B7 AT� No CR ei02 JFN 9/l0 02SCALE MOM A n I 2 3 4 5 DETAIL "X" F(I6PR11 PORTAL RA R PORTAL COLb /— (15PCIXTYP) .ELEVATION 6 LINE II 11 'l b REF. BHT. Et TTT (FOR EBI LOCATION) C PTO2 x 4'-2 z2a_Z16 Zt8 / �g / s 15 PT02 x 4'-10 HE _ / HE ~ � \ ZI / $ 215 Z15 FE m ® ® P 02 x '-6 ti sc \ �� p�� sc cJ % \ 20 Hi 7-18 -_r ZIS \� 15 9 Z15 _ A PT02 x 4'-6 MASONRY WALL (NOT BY USA-) R m' .. LEYATION 6 LINE "Elf • FIELD BLOT GIRTS AS REQUIRED FOR BRACING • main Frame Interior Column FLAWS BRACE o I 1 JAMB 10 _ o o of �a Stde<ua I I Sidewa I1 Steel Line 414 4' Girt easj Dlmen6r2aInt, Frame SECTION "Q" T T z16 Zis ZIg PT02 x 4'-2 HE PT02 x 4'-10 Z15_ z?s PT02 x 4'-6 Ito" Zi5 Zn Vf PT02 x 4'-6 Mall Panel \ h'a%arry AncAt �lOrs � @' ox, LINER(NOT BY U.SA-) . —77 Base 00wel Masotry FfasHt t Others) MPV N SECTIONa (2)1"0 x 1'1' A325 BOLTS 18611E FEY. DESCRIPTION! DATE PI PERMIT 0/14/02 0 CONSTRUCTION 191161,0z DETAIL "uxu (8)1" 0 x 34" A325 15OLTS (1" CONNECTION !p-) iRTAL RAFTER '.OLUMN WALLITE . STRUT X 3'-8 WJALL GIRT WALL PANEL --,, WALLITE DETAIL (BETWEEN GIRT k' E. STRUT) MASS. APPROVAL " MC * 212 0E`3CRIPTI0N: ERECTION PLAN CU(aTOMER: CAPE BUILOMG SYSTEMS, INC. ® III LCI,-ATION: DARTMOUTH, MA WYER N0- PARTMOUTH D P,W 1GRAUNG DY DAM CHECK 13Y ATEWiTEq 57R1CTURE6 OF AMERCR si0a l w FH D D2 SCA-ZS'169-802 *Ita, E3 of 1 T i `�' 9 P-2 ELEVATION 6 LINE"'Ce n V n -01 78 272 Z23 Z21 zs a2 Z23 z21 Il�p SAI (TYP) •-' a. e`.. ay .• •�.. `ate :: •' : ,, : :-. r ^ ems:: • .` ••�•y• . a.4•• �' ` • - MASONRY WALL ( IOT E3Y USA)'": 8n (TYP) 80'-0 0/0 STEEL ELEVATION Q LINE 115" i=ARTITION Partition Panel Member Saes At MIN Cm Cole —�Trfm Mason v (rac-11W) r- SECTION "Jo PT02 X 4'-2 rLru 1 PT02 X 4'-I0 P702 X 5'-2 — Masonry Anchors MEyUA) Base Angle - SAl ttson UA) Perlin 0 0 Liner ?rim lMK PTOV f:n `Stitch Screw Sheeting Angle (MKSAI) at 121, oc. Attach at Each Perlin With Member Screws SAGO 2X2X K:;A Field Work --.- Flange l5race o and Field Attach (lf Required) With (2) Member Screws PT02 Interior Column Partition Panel or see plan SECTION 11R" Partition Girt Stitch Screw `— Partition Panel Member Screw SECTION Ili 2 PT01 X 1'-S PTOi X 1'-S PTO' X 4RI4 (�) PT01 X S'_b (?) PTO 1 X 5'-e PT01 X 4'-4 PT02 X 4'-2 PT02 X 4'-10 r ry m a ! k :tM P'r02 X 51-2 '' =''' - .' 4 - - • " ° MASONRY WALL (NOT 5Y USA)' ' ; � • a •; _ . • _ SHEET INCH im LINE ' 5" PARTITION MASS. APPROVAL " MC • 212 n Q n FLO. LOCATE t'-4j, IS'-m 20'-0 22'-0 35'-0 O/O STEEL W'-O O/O STEEL ELEVATION a LINE "III LEFT ENDWALL 12 I I T"C3�CJL RT02 "T" I � , citi ch xx x 0 0 I 0 m � d� 0 in �D m 0 ni .o o�� cv � cq � _ •� — _ � e? �n w il in in ih � v v Iin in in it � .9 � .9 i r i r cD i0 i0 iq aw a� i0 dJ i0 da r i= i- • '•' • . •. ;a • •' :' :. MASONRY WALL (NOT BY USA) .. .' - • ' ' y ' •'^ - ." • . 5HEETINCx 6 LINE III LEFT ENDWALL Wll Pane( Masonry kd1ols l8 Others) Menber Saes At 2' oc i3ase Angle - SAl U� %� cl3y otMa"0 Maw J 1 mi $4-cla ua l l Girt SIDEWALL PANIEL 0'-101 2!1 Endwalll Cs[rt EndwaIt Girt PT02 TI-'IM a o 01 1 a9 �i 01 o of CI..4 5heettng Citp ENDWALL PANEL (MK-G-6) Cold Form Corner Column(MK-19CIL) SECTION "N" om irb T' CIO Omw I& Lm 'R' pIIAd EMrOGtt . CL6 OP 6ECTION IT, MASS. APPROVAL M MC " 212 A IME rev DESCRPI'ION DATE Di=—SCRIP'1 loN: PRECTION PLAN Pt PERMIT s/t4102 CUSTOMER: GAPE �UNLDINCx SYSTEMS, INC. 0 CONsTRix-TION 9 /p 62 u ® • ® III L(OGAtiON: DARTMOUTN, MA BUYER NO: DA"OUTN D.PA UNITED STRUCTURES CF AMERICA, D AWW- 15Y DATE CK BY ATE im euec�Iafr GR 6/02 ...� FH 9 / /0 0 2 HMM«MWM nV" ` SCALE 28i69-802 NT-A P"PEI, 6B) LVi E � G CLI9 (TYP) .- X34 223 222 Z34 Z3� _ nO n - Z34 Z23 =2 Z34 GLi3 Z3S Z2S CL13 d CL6 (TYP) -- - ------- HI Z33 Z32 Z31 Z33 Z35 723 c i (q CAA (TYP) Z26 Z29 • il 1 ' 4 • .' • •. •. i - j t ... • a Z30 ' 1 Z30 a• L CL51 (TYP) FLD. LOC. '-4� MASONRY WA (NOT BY USA) (F�� FLD ATTACH ONRY) GIRT AS REQ (TYP) 20'-0 18'-0 22'-0 201-0 4 801-0 0/0 STEEL 351-0 O/O STEEL A ELEVATION g LINE "I" RIGHT ENDWALL 0 t I I I � I I � o U N In N ti1 to - N lil N Ifl IN IA J1 N t0 dl N Q 1f1 N p• 111 0 Q/ I11 e Q1 Ili r r r r CO l0 OJ f4 0� 61 m cU (0 /q r i- r F .4 'a .9 1 _/ QI QI QJ 41 t0 fA i- 1_ r ' �~ + '.' a �':.'_ ' : f = =MASONRY • •....' r' ' ; •. ' _:. ''° : WALL (NOT 15Y USA).-. ' +' — DJOI X 1'-4 MFOI • (12) PANELS X V-3 FLD WORK AT GRADE AS REQ'D SHEETING 6 LINE RIGHT ENDWALL J ?m_ EXTRA PANEL TO EXTEND TO FIN. GRADE OR AS REQ'D —(TYP-) A e QI M 3ASE :) s MASONRY Member $crews At 01 or. Base Girt S�Be toed As .%=) p�£CTev NOTE FIN. FLOOR (ELEV. a 100'-0) Girt Clip {lMK-CL13) Sidawa 11 Girt Main Prams Comer Column ,0 0 Girt \ SEE SEGTIf01.1 "N" FOR PANEL � T, RIM CONDITION `4 SECTION 110t1 Endwall Girt MASS. APPROVAL 0 MC 212 r( ISSUE REV. DESCRIFTION DATE D3*' RIPTION; ERECTION PLAN Pl PERMIT SA4102 CtU6TOMER CAPE BUILDINGS SYSTEMS, INC. 0 CONSTRUCTION 91101 Dz ® ® III LrOCATION: DARTMOUTH, MA eWER NO., DARTMOUTI4 D.PIU UNITED amcTURE$ OF Al Eta o& w— ,"ws BY DATE CK IBY A W CR 5/02 J Ff/ /0 Dz MuWa's»`a ;r°" �°" 28Z69-8(dZ D� �o of l 0 b is 1'-2 I'-21 S' 40'-IL 51-03 51-01 - 'PIS' PAIN. ' pA► t' - 2 1 i . 1 1 LEAN-TO RAFTER SEE SHT La ES 3 d� �► F (8) 1110 X 24 �+i m A325 BOLTS 00)1" 0 X 21 A325 BOLTS (10A" O X 21 A328 LTS v ! -► ; W/ " CONN. M a FW E BRACES ARE LOCATED ONE W/ " CONN. fe -� v ! ep D. FB4 W SIDE OF FRAME CNLYtUNLES8 NOTED)lu F154 W 9 AL Q 9 44 , U e 1 COLUMN FLANGE BRACES �' a AS SHOUN EXCEPT AS NOTED ` AS SID=WALL ELEVATIONS FIN. FLOOR e a 14'-44 CLEAR) T-10 80'-0 0/0 STEEL A CfRO55 5ECTION LINES 2, 5, i MASS. APPROVAL 0 MC 0 212 ISSUE REv. DESCRIPTION DATE 01`_SCRIPTION: ERECTION PLAN Pt PERT" IT 8/14102 G� C UIST'OMER: CAFE BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. 0 CONSTRUCTION - p iU10 51W - III LOCATION: DARTMDUTN, MA M11YER NO., JDARTMOUTH q UNITED STR IJCNRES OF APERICA W— *tiWINCs BY GATE ECK BY AT� j � im eusa+an 'r'. 118° OR b/02 - 9//D r9Z JO s • ?8169-802 OCALE T p>7.4ua , of Imo ® a 12 z w e cR055 5ECTION a LINEN 3 12 -, I FTER MASS. APPROVAL 0 MC * 212 I -OWE YREV DESCWPTIUN DATE DEfSCRIPTION: ERECTION PLAN P1 PERMIT BA4102 C-UfaTOMEj�: CAPE BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. 0 CONSTRUCTION 9 la 02 Y IIII LCrATION: DARTMOUTN, MA "ER NO.: DA QUTW UNITED STFi11CiUREB OF AMRIG4, MG ` ELM.. My DATE CK BY A CR 5/02 JFN ioloz- 28i69-SM NTS ES OF 12 9 -v 12 $)-14'-3! (d- GLEAW j 8i 20'-m IS'-O 22'-0 80'-0 O/O STEEL CIR055 SECT I ON LINE 4 SEE 814T E4 FOR PARTITION FRAMING -TO) RAFTER 44T IE9 MA5S. APPROVA!_ * MC * 212 ajE REV. DE5CR"=rrlaN DATE DE° MI-TION: ERECTION PLAN PI PERMIT e/►4/02 Gg�CU,%TOMF-P CAPE 5UILDINCs SYSTEMS, INC. m CONSTRUCTION ® III LOQ--ATION: DARTMOUTH, MA SUY-TR NO.: VARI IMOUTH WITED STMJCT M5 OF AhERICA W-Z728-11yr6oS-W2 BY DATE BY A R 8imz MTV D� ES OF I oom 1 MAIN BLD( ROOF PANE MAIN BL© ROOF PANE MAIN +D _ (4) -"* X 2 A325 BOLTS 0 LINES 2, 3, 5, 6, t 1 (4) !"* X 2' A325 / BOLTS LINE 4 A325 BOLTS J � a T FLANGE BRAGS ARE LOCATED ONE SIDE OF FRAM ONLYXLNLE96 LAMED) � I � I I I I FIN. FLOOR ((FIN.GRADE YARIES)---- CRO65 SECTION Q L INE6 2, 3, 4, 5, o, `i 12 --I t r ' A -'MW t NOTEI SEE CROSS SECTION FOR COMPLETE PRIILIN TYP. SECTION ® ALTERNATIN{u RIKINS =ENTIRESNGLE INS AS SHOWN NTIRE SINGEDOWI+IF�U, (1) UPF J. ETC. ERECT04' NOTE FM.URE TTO INSTAL=ON HAVE A DIETRII�ENT MASS. APPROVAL * MG " 212 Endwall Girt o 0i I 0 0 mot Roiled Endwall Column(MK-EWL_) '0 0'I Endwall Girt ' �L o' Endwall Steel line J1 End Ra fte r 4 HOT ROLLED ENDWALL COLUMN (LOWS GIRT CLIP CONDITION Endwall Girt I o" "o Cold Form Endwall ;Y GotumnCA�C-ECF�) 2 3 Endwall Girt Irndwal► Steel Line End Rafter 4 00 P PQRM ENDWALL COLUMN Endwalt Girt Cold Porn Coaxer, n Column(MK-ECC_) Sheeting Clip 0 0 0 (MK-CL6) ' steeline ° B Liidowall Sidewall Girt VEPjer Endwall Steel Line COLD FORM CORf�IE�' _COLUMN Main Frame Interior Column LL 0 o-- Sidewall 414 4'4F�CG:7,lcrlta" aII Steel Line i at Int. Frame INTERIOR COLUMN £race Aegle(4 2�Qx") - Es1 Eave 91nR (Al Job to E& Loeation 0 barber rater $Qen �� Gam i� p — A3ai liofta no. DRILL Ew flrnn - D= Job JA!IMAVE 51R1JT GON Ci1GN cim (FfE.LD DRILL EAVE STIQUT OR G RV JAM13 JAt'IB JAMB TO SAVE STRU7 JAMB TO GIRT SECTION Is JAMS CONI ECTION PUrlin End Rafter (4J ' �X Il' 1Kksa III Cok�m OWor %P) I I Erldmall Girt 5M NG END FRAME FLUSH ENDWALL Main Frame C*2E Cl Endwa 11 Girt Girt Clip(MK-CLI3Side wallSteel Line3Pwoting Clip(MK-CL(o)Endwalt Steel Lin CORNER COLUMN I fWin A^91e �o 0 In` COS Mats Frame comeaw ui Rarter NA" k P! A31513olte� Coknn ('Cea' or %P ) Endrall Girt . MAIN END RAM iNTEIMIATE COLI h�l Eave rM "ot Rotbd &d ReRa (2) S- X w M& 4�Uslde G�ah Flit tlxtier Ra NA ON few � x�erx TO FRAME PETAit sbie Saw Eave Strut 8f9Strut Poulin /1(If ReqF id) i L CL23 lb)' Sc iV MB: Frame LOW SAVE STU CO�,ECTiON WITH CL23 STIFFENER PLATE Field Drill ��lole Eave O O II Struts O O i1 O Fraw CL23 SECTION' A" (AS SI MJ SECTION' 8' (OFF,1, DJ 4 SA3 8'� 8' Zee Strut (Field AttW P18plTaes2v Eave Strut I \ Strut Fortin Member I Metter Sam . Saw • L L.\. 1�L_ o • r.- Std (8) Bolt Gap MASS. APPROVAL 10 MC w 212 ISSUE fitV. DESCRI10TION DATE '�{ V)ESCRtPTiON: STANDARD SECTIONS 0 CONST TION 9 (P/0Z CSLtSTOMER: CAPE BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. ® u : DARTMOUTH, MA III _ OCATION rBUYER NO., A DUTHD.P.W. UNITED STRUCTURES M AMERICA, INC �W-- MY DATE 04ECK BY A CR 8/02 J F 10%z �_J oI WA IM dw 26-I&S-sm ITA Ell OF 0 (2) Roma it x i MI. Bead (2) Pon �' x � � Bead Tape de -by 5rde) Attach to ES. w/ plain rive" 6 3'-0 oz. Ts Seal ! Sklc) � Attach to E,S. w/ plain Side bg' pop rivate a 3'-0 or — Under Strap(T Tape Sealant Strappop iII Or Peak Panel R 2 x ( x 1'-0 keide Cbeure � iced At End ) TapeSealant E 2 x 2Gd (Galva x r-0 Str a x-0 O;G �' Wide Cloare 4 " O.C.atvj a 2' % Straps 2'•0 O.C. 4 e (Ap lTdcal At Sidelapa) Meaner Screm6 (2J Member Sam (3) Per foot Downhill Or Eave P 1 (2) Meaba Saeeta (3) Per foot (Gutter to Strap) (2)Meaber Same _(Strap Stitch Sam At InsideFlller Strip Q (Gutter to Strap) l2J MaMixr 9a--- to Root? 2• on Cate Tape Sealant Top Stitch Sam (Strap to RooTJ Stitch Sam 4 bottom At 6' On Center Root P At 6' On Center Roof Jim Pang Cap 7Mn Member Sam Meslber Sam At 24On Carder ' Steel Eave Strut At R Gn Center � Parel Cap ?tier Gutter thK-ECG 01-F) �Tr � Eave Strut Eave S . As t outside Cbsure 4 Stitch Eave Spacer (hK-ESOD ' "R" WALL PANEL �l Comer Trh MCC) (EaGutter ve rim UP,Similar) a 2' TP 5croz At 24' Cn Corder Ilisil Panel (Cauk 4 Pop Duet As Reqd) � Field Miiet t !!! LCW EAVE DETAIL UN LOW EAVE DETA[L V GENERAL NOTES Cutter Strap a 24 OTC. Cutter Pap Rivet EAVE EAYE 1. BUILDING IS TO BE TIGHT AND R Me BEFORE SHEEMG � 124 1 ( IDEUi41.L) (OPEN SIDK&L) IS TO BEGiN try �' '! �' 'V �(' !` �! ��' y OUTSIDE COWER DETAIL 2. SHEETING IS TO BEGIN AT LEEWARD END OF BUILDING `SO THA ALL PANEL LAPS OCCUR AWAY FROM PREVAILING iMiH:r)S, petail'A' K9 PANEL. DM=AM t FWE FASTM LAYM 3. SKYIJGHTS RECEIVE SAME SCREW PATTERNS AS ROOF'fpANd,$, EXCEPT SIMWT TO SKYLIGHT STITCH. USE SKY'LLGHTf QVII160 SCREWS AT THIS CONDITION. 91 4. t7tECnaN CREW is TO SWEEP ROOF PANELS CLEAN 0';- ALL METAL �r • SHAVINGS DAILY. ball Panel 15L ALL. SEALANT TAPE SHOWN IS J' x J' DOUBLE BEAD., KMMIATE FASTENER Detall'A' LAYOUT Pop Rivets At Jalb 6. PANEL INSTALLATION AS SHOWN ON THIS PAGE MEETS; ALL REQUIREMENTS 12" On Center Pop Rivets At OF ULM A MO. Stitch At 12' On Center T Tape PAOCAGE IN CONJXTION Sealer USED �smr erAt" t?aka Tr,. Ceder taps Ati i2" On Centers AND OR HEAT STRIPS.BE AND HEAT NOT f�URrtlsflm x 1' lMC-RfOU Sealail litder Trtn BY U.S.A. f� Parxd --- --- — — Merlxr 8erds btttrtr Scta"a dlheettnr� Angle Head Trim °del JaTb Trim _ EAVE STRUT 4 c� IY C/C 2� C/C �S SPACING DETAIL eq +pBR" PBneiZ7On At 21 On C dw L_ (MK-Dii01) t%K-DJOI) to'-o _ _ outside Claire \ 5-0 611 Pend FlrVn (aogmw L4 g .. �411 ;a 3 !i'y_ Pop Rivet Downspout Strap "R" Panel XPANK WALL DMSfW SMAp ATTACHMENT FED EAVE GIMER DETAIL L _ I)OMPOA (MC-DT01) Pop Riv splice Or Req'd) , , . .. , ,IAMB DETAIL FOR FRAMtD OPFNW 9FADER DETAIL FOR FRAMED OP1=NiNCsS Cauk Arid Pop Rivet La�2 JT ) Guth Pop Rivet r �) 1 .1 t.a� DMMPPA . I •I Downspout Strap 1 71 , / field �V=- Gutter FA Tabs Irito DanpoA I L Domopout I -op Rivet D011MI'VIT TO GUITER MAIL Eave Strut Field Cut GU With X' Pat_-... IUsil Panel Base Angle \/11,111A r Finished Fbor htau IuR fbp Rivets on 3 Sides .a. .4; DaIINefM DETAIL AT SIB M WALL SECTION "A' MIM D5. STRAP TITY WIE&q And Pop Rm- (SAter DOIIWPW STRAP ATTACI-MT Field Bend Gutter 'A' - Tabs Into Dwrapout Dcor" REEI'EEREENCEE EAVE GUTTER DEETAL I J Pop Rvet tL2r4, Dolu�atr To C�li1TER DEia'L Saes At CenterEave Spa tMC-ES0VEave StrutFldd CA GutterSEC M'A' Return(rK4w Dompout Stra (MC-DT01) Pop Rivet— D.S. KIdto ' Lj Install ITV! Pop Rivets Fbar On 3 Skies .. Ott MIXT DETAIL AT OPEN WALL D.S. STRAP li�lANT1TT• EAVE t• 16W 9WIM 19-0 2 12'-0 2 14'-0 2 Ib'-0 2 20-0 2 2F-0 3 [SSW I REV. DESCRIKION I DATE RO0F PANEL iN57ALLATION "NORTHERN PACKAGE" (2) Saw Between Base Member And 1-31 Girt. (1) Saew Between All Other Mergers. And (1) Screw At All Member Locations. 12" 2" MEM lt-R lU LOCATION (ALL MEMIXRS) tch &. jews -1 -@ 1)rET- Lli�p IRUI PANEL WALL 05 1012 Detall 113' 2x MASS. APPROVAL 0 MC* 212 DizSCRIPTlo% STANDARD SECTIONS CQ6TOMER: CAPE BUILDING: SYSTEMS, INC. LC'jCATION: DARTMOUTN, MA "- BUIYER Noe A OUTN oplu. STRUCTURES OF AMERICA, INC DwZw--oy DATE EC K SY A w onowcos CR 6/02 IM-40-OM • 28169-W2 " E12 OF 12 iasuE 0 BOTTOM OF BASE PLATE ELEVATION = VV-4 (Ball BFF.) Q E E FIELD LOCATE (4) V-44 X 1'-24 F.O. R is ... ... ... ... ..... ........ T O.rJ K 0.5K 63K 16.0K 14.0K 160K 18 DL + LL 33K 23K 3.2K 59K 41K 5.4K b DL + WLL MAN FRAME REACTIONS g LiNE 4 (MAIN BUILDING) The Anchor Do k Detalls shown on this ciraatng locate the Anchor Bolts in reference to both the fttlding Steel Lire and the outstde of USA's PtY.r..FA1F0 pa„si recess of I- ". united SLructnrm of America is responsible for the design Of the anchor bolt to permit the trainer or rorces betuleen the base plate and the anchor bolt !n shear, bearing, and tension, but is not resposible for the transfer or anoior bolt forces to the concrete or the adequacy of the anchor bolt in relation to the concrete. Unle" otherwise provided In the Order Documents, United Structures or America does not design and is not responsible for the design, material, and eon»tructlon of the foundation or foundation its. The End Use Customer should assurer himself that adequate pprrovistore are made In the foundation deslgn for loads hllposed by coitatnrl reactlons of the bulidire other imposed loads, and bearing capacity of the Boil and other conditions of the building site. It is rocomnerded that the androrage and foundation or the building be designed by a "letereal Professlonal Engirser sgowle aced in the desten of such structures. (Section Alm M15MA IW6 Low Rise nuilding 8ystams Manual) Bolton of all Base Plates are at the same elevation. tt1 LESS NOTED) LT e�e LT H+ DL+LL H+ H+ DL+WL H+ V+ i I V+ V+t I V+ ME mw 0 0 0 A , Q CSEEk SEET F3 i=OR REACTIONS NOT SHOWN NOTE: SHEAR ANGLES AND/OR ANCHOR TIES ARE PK?U MISHED 15Y U.S.A. LOADINCs LiNE 2, 3, 5, 6, d 1 AXIS H V DL + LL A 26.4 30.0 DL + LL E -26.4 45.0 DL + WLL A -12.5 -12.5 DL + WLL E 6.0 -162 DL + WLR A -6.0 -63 DL + WLR E 123 -i02 KZ_ LOADING 0 0 0 120'-0 0/0 STEEL 0 0 PH 20'-0 . 20'-0 20'-0 20'-0 20'-0 IS'-10 1'-2 2'=0 16 I:p 2'-0 16'-0 1'-5 16'-0 0 _ BRACED BAY BRACED BAY x 2� t 22 22/ 22/ ol 2 2 3 1+ 1!� 1 (SEE SHT F2) CI), I a F A D D A D D B A I A D D A I BOTTOM OF BASE PLATE ELEVATION = 99'-4 `� FINISH FLOOR ELEV. _ 1001-0 22 0 BOTTOM OF BASE PLATE ELEVATION = 104'-0 (4'-0 AFFJ cNv (TYP, UNL. NOTED) 61 CIA • 0 22 G BOTTOM Ol- BASE PLATE 1 ELEVATION = 99'-4 (S" BFFa (� r o � U 4 L) BOTTOM OF BASE_ PLATE t 1 BOTTOM OF BASE PLATE G A ELEVATION = 99'-4 F.(8" ELEVATION = 99'-4 BFFJ c 2 1 i0 r r ( A D D ( A D D B D D I A D D I A D D A F N N tti N N N LiNE ANCHOR 5OLT DETAi, AXIS H V L 1uA�R r My u.SAa u ASTM - A36 NUT ANCHOR BOLTS (BY OTHERS ) BRACED BAT ANCHOR BOLT SETTiNG PLAN SEE SHEET F3 FOR BASE TYPE DETAILS 41 SECTIONS "CM SYl" em DIA Girl L C T FJF=. I ISSUE REV. DESCRIPTION DATE A4 + in. 48 AU n t x W-b" 1 t,4• 1• O CONSTRUCTION nv0: A5 -0p. 1519. P-2- 3° 2- 20 A6 3/4' -18 1'-5- 3- 3' 3" 2 REV. AS NTD. D d. AT "1/8- I'-8" 3- 3" 3" AS ' 1- 40 2'-2- 3" 3- 3" A10 I V4" 2'4- 3- 4" 4" Ail 111/2- 2'-6" 1 4- 4" 1 4- 61 fV N 9 BOTTOM OF BASE PLATE ELEVATION = 100-0 (6 FIN. FLOOD MASS. APPROVAL M MC 0 212 ?DESCRiPTiON: ANCHOR BOLT SETTING PLAN (CUSTOMER: GAPE BUILDING SYSTEMS jjW& *-1BUYER ILOCATION: DARTMOUTH, MA NO.: PARMOUTH STRaI.ICTUREB OF AMERiCA, INC RA M ra BY DATE ac my AT�� ,so eimciaa+o CR 1/02 .� FH 7110`IZ- 1.1"�u sasanlexAs s JOB • SCALf_= DRAWMG • ISSUE 28-f69-802 NTS F) OP 3 Q i f 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 »rn_rn ,nrn cti ANCH a!2LT SETTING PL,4N SEE S44EET'F3 FOR BASE TYPE 1UETAILS t SECTIONS G rOlUK o 12B K VL + LL 2_OK 82K� DL + WL :-1=LAME SMACTIONS * L( S 2 TNgU `1 (LEAN-TO) SEE SWEET E3 FOR ENOWALL COLUMN REACTIONS 0 MdAS APf=%Pnvei M mr` N 7t'7 ISSUE REV. DESMIPrION DATE IIII UNITED STRUCTURES OF AMERICA, INC. in ouscxcft KOMTOK,MC0 TW" 10-"-041 DE6CRIFMON.. ANCHOR BOLT SETTING PLAN CUST; OMF-fp— GAPE BUILDING SYSTEMS LOC✓ATION: DARTMOUTH, MA BUYER NO, D.PUJ. O CONSTRUCTION A'T/02 I REV. AS NTD. 114/02 _DARTMOUTN I-AwINZ SY GR DATE i/m2 r4EcK BY ATE • . JOB •28'I69-802 SCALE DRAWR�G •F2 OF 3 ISSUE I 4- 1'"' ANCHOR BOLTS (BASE TYPE 'A" 4- 1`0 ANCHOR BOLTS 5,45E TYPE I5 " I MAIN FRAME I 1 s�i� I N 2 2 I i 12 4 g I I 4- VANCHOR BOLTS SASE TYPE I'C I' 2- I 1 ANCHOR BOLTS SASE TYPE LI D'I 2 - 12f ANCHOR BOLTS 8,45E TYPE 41 E " 2- "ANCHOR BOLTS BASE TYPE "F ENDtUALL STEEL LINE 4- 4� ANCHOR BOLTS 5,45E TYPE IIC I I WALINE 2- 34ANCHOR BOLTS 5ASE TYPE "N" 4- VO ANCHOR BOLTS 5,4SE TYPE "j II wrND 113K 113 K 10A K IOA K PORTAL FRAME REACTION wrND 10b K 93 K 93 K BRACED BAY REACTION DL + LL '� V= '1.9 K OL+WL J�rV= 3SK H= 55K MAX. EJ.U. COLUMN REACTION AT END FRAME STEEL LINE BASE CHANNEL (RAMSET) FIN. FLOOR Q SECTION 111511 -STEEL. ME FM. FLOOR SECTION 'IDII -STEEL I BASE GIRT I FIN. FLOOR .&EELEV.. 100'-C SECTION " p'I GRAVEL ; FIN. FLOOR SECTION "X" SECTION "F11 MASONRY WALL TO 4'-0 (NOT BY A<S) CONCRETE FIN. FLOOR 1p .Q!D) FIN. FLOOR SECTION "G" BASE AWsL.r= (RAMSET) BASE TRIM (MF01) % FIN. F OBUR SECTION "K" MASS. APPROVAL 0 MG 0 212 ISSUE REV. DESCRIPTION DATE ® ® 76YJ 1 UNITED STRUCTURES OF AMERICA, INC. bn eubwom DESCRIPTION: ANCHOR BOLT SETTING PLAN CUSTOMER: CAPE BUILDING SYSTEMS INC. LOCA', . DARTMOUTH, MA �TION. BUYEC,,, NOS DARTMOUTH D. W. EDRAWIN!rj BY DATE C14EECK 15Y ATE CR 1/02 J05 2wib9-w2 NTS DRAWM 3 OP 3 ISSUE O CONSTRUCTION 1vtv02 1 REV. AS NTD 8/14/9* k I 602 GENERAL NOTES U Fabrication shall be in accordance with USA's standard pr, compliance with ona the applicable esett, relating to desigr and allowable stresses of the latest edition of the "AUS 51 Welding Code DI.1". ".A!6 manufacturing procedures have ceertified bye Reference Certification numbers SBGC.I. Owl t C BOO. FA-321 UbA Houston h35 EO; Indiana (For Beam and Column) M435623 Indiana (For Rigid Frame) M-195622 , Indiana (For Straight Column) M-195621 AJbr— Certification For Metal Buildings Member MEIMA 12 MATKRIA.LS kASTM DESIGNATION T2 Wide Flanges Shapes A36 FY " 36 Ksl Wide Flanges Shapes A572 or ASW FY a 50 K61 Other Rolled Mill Shapes A36 FY a 36 KSI Structural Steel Plate (Webs/Connections) A512 or 4.510 FY a 50 KSI Structural steel Plate (Flanges) A529 FY + 55 KSI Cold Formed Light Gage Shapes A510 FY a 55 Ksi Cable Bracing A415-18 i_xtra High Strength Rod Bracing A36 Pr a 36 KSI Roof and wall sheeting A446, A1W FY a SO, W KSi Machine Bolts A301 FY ■ 36 Ksl High Strength Bolts 02.0 to i"0) A325-N FU - 120 KSI High Strength Bolts () 1/8"0 to 1 1/240) A325-N FU w 105 KSI Anchor Bolts (if supplied) A36 FY a 36 KSI Pipe A53, GRADE 5 FY a 36 KST L3 PRIME Shop primer paint io a rust inhibitive primer which meats the end performance of Federal Specincation TT-P-636 and Is USA's Red Oxide color. This paint Is not intended for long term exposure to the elements. USA is not responsible for any deterioration of the shop primer paint as a result of Improper handling and/or storage. USA shall not be reessponsible for any Field applied paint and/or coatings. (Section 68 AISC Code of Standard Practice, Sth Edition) IA (SALYANIZED,OR SPECIAL COATINGS: see Contract Documents 1.5 ALL BOLTS ARE i/2"0 x WAR A30'i EXCEPT, a) Eave strut connection - LWO x 0'-1 V4" A301 b)Endwa11 rafter splice - 5/8NO x V-1 3/4" A325-N e) Endwai) column to rafter connection - 1/2-0 x 0'-1 1/4- A325-N d)Main frame connections - SEE CROSS SECTION NOTES Waahsr6 are not supplied unleese noted otherwise on drawing Ib A325 BOLT TIGHTENING REQUIREMENTS All high strength bolts are A325-N unless epecirically noted othe r wTese. Structural bolts shall be tightened bg the turn -of -the -nut method in accordancaulth the 5th Edition AISC 'Spectrtcation For Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A4W Solts". A325-N bolts are supplied without washers unless otherwise noted on the drawings. All bolted connections unless rated are designed as bearing type connections with bolt threads not excluded from the shear plane. L1 CLOSURE STRIPS AEM IFiRNI"HD FOR APPLICATION: INSIDE- Under roof panels at save OUTSIDE - Between endwali panels and rake trim - Under continuous ridge vent skirts 1.8 ERECTION NOTE: All bracing, strapping, t bridging shown and provided by USA for this building to required and shall be installed bg the erector as a permanent part of the structure. IF additional bracing is required for stability during erection, it shall be the erector's responsibilltg to determine the amount of such bracing and to procure and install as needed. tS ERECTION AND UN OADiNG NOT BY yt 3 A 1.10 SHORTAGES Ang claims or shortages bg buyer must be made to U.S.A. within five (5) working Bags after delivery, or such claims will be considered to have been waived log the customer and disallowed. i ll CORRECTIONS OF ERRORSS AND REPAIRS (MBMA 610) Claims for correction of alleged mlefits will be disallowed unless USA shall have received prior notice thereof and allowed reasonable Inspection of such misfits. The correction of minor misfits bg the use or drift pins to draw the components into it", moderate amounts of reaming, . dapping and cutting, and the replacement of minor shortages of.mateerlal are a normal part of erection and are not subject to claim. No part of the Building mag be returned for alleged mforits without the prior approval of USA 1.12EREct01z N= Erect, steel with piers marks oorrsopo mcling to location or piece marks on erection drawings. Erect and plumb bays progdoelvsig to Insure overall width and length Is maintained. 2/14/01 5/31/94 8/25/93 V10/93 3/29/93 3/15/93 _._ ;f# BUYER/END U:5E Ct,i5TOi`-fER RE5PON51I5lLITE5 2.1 It is the responsibillty of then BUYER/END USE CUSTOMER to obtain appropriate (� approvals and secure necamoarg permits from City, County, State, or i \ Federal Agencies as required, and to advise/retease U,SA to fabricate 4 upon receiving such 2.2 United Structures of Ameriv.�'s (hereafter referred to as USA) standard specifications apply unless stipulated otherwise in the Contract Documents. USA's design, ffabrication, qualltg criteria, standards, practice, methods and toleroancee, shall govern the work with any other interpretations to the eontramrg notwithstanding. It is understood bg both Parties that tFis BUYER/ENL') USE CUSTOMER is responsibler for clarification of Inclusions or exclusions from; the architectural plans and/or specifications. 23 in case of discrepancies bentween USA's structural steel plans and plans for other trades, USA's plains Omit govern. (Section. 3 AISC Code of Standard Practices, 9th Edittion) 2A Approval of USA drawings -and calculations Indicates that USA has correotlg interpreted and aW)plied the Contract Documents. This approval constitutes the contractor/Gx~s acceptance of the USA's deelgn concepts, assumptions, and Itoading. (Section 4 AlSC Code and MOMA 333) UNITED STRUCTURES OF AMERICA DRAWING PACKAGE JOB # 28-769-802 BUYER CAPE BUILDING 5 YSTEMS END USE CUSTOMER : DARTMOUTH D.P_UJ. BUYER ORDER # JOBSITE DARTMOUTH, MA COUNTY: 5RISTOL BASIC BUILDING MAIN BLDCx - RF 00'-0 x 120'-0 x 16'-0 1 :12 LEAN-TO - RF 35'-0 x 120'-0 x 13'-1 (LS) 1.12 THiS STRUCTURE HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING AS INDICATED: Edition •CODE LOADS ❑ USA Standard (MBMA) ❑ Li- 20 F',-F Tributary Area Reduction roth 0 SBC C LL.LPSF No Reduction ❑ UBC EXPOSURE ❑ B ❑ C ❑ D C Ground Snow Load 30 PSF Ce= 1.0 ❑ BOCA EXPOSURE ❑ B ❑ C (For Loads Greater than 20 PSF) ❑ ASCE EXPOSURE ❑ B ❑ C 0 W1nd 90 MPH Importance Factor 1.0 Enclosed x Part. Enclosed Open 0 Collateral 3.0 PSF 0 Seismic Data: Av= 0.12 Aa= 0.12 gi.1EG= I SPC= B 0 Crane Capacity: 6 TON Typb'IONORAIL ❑ Mezzanine:. OL .' PSF. LL PSF *Code of Latest Issue to be Used Unless Otherwise Noted. For buildings with cranes: See Cross Sections and/or calculations for loading COvERMCa t TRM AS fi V ICATED ALL FLAT FACED PANELS HAVE A TENDENCY TO OIL CAN USiNG HEAVIER GAUGES, NARROWER WIDTHS, EMBOSSING OR STIFFENER BEADS (WHEN AVAILABLE) CAN REDUCE OIL CANNING. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS OIL CANNING CAUSE, FOR REJECTION ■ 26GA ■ USA t'13R ❑ Uhits ❑ ULW Faste rare. ❑ 014 x N' STS Member a Stitch ❑ 26GA . ❑ USA R ■ Aluminum Zlne ■ Northern Root ❑ e12 x 134" Si3'S Membar Only W/ STS Stitch ❑ 24GA USA "Guardian 1' SSR ❑ '811ieoree3 Poly unteots 2000 ■slide Mastic ■ 812 x ly1"sDS Member with Liptak Stitch ROOF 30M ❑ 24GA USA Yatutrdian It" 88R ❑ Color-Unleots ONstaV-1.sesteel Fasteners ❑ 246A USA Vivardian Lock' SSR Gllla ❑ Fixed ❑ 24Gure A USA •S-Cork• SSR Specialta^aquMesmente ❑ Low ❑ Floating ❑ 24Guprerm A USA SSR . ❑ FIt ❑�u� ❑ ❑ Artteulat ern Thal slacks 0*we ■ 26GAUSA ❑ 'A' ❑ ❑ r Unicots 3000 ■ Si icons Pokj LWcots 2000 Feeteners: ❑ 014 x N' STS Member t Stitch WALL ■ 'R" Color ACst'gY ❑ Long -Lire Faetsrsere ❑ x i SDS Member Only UU STS Stitch Special Requirements ❑ stainless Steel Fasto ws ■ 012 x 1j4" WS Member with Laptak Stitch ■ Standard WKwtters a pounspout ❑ Standard u1save Trim ■ Base Trim . ■ MFOi ❑ • 201 ❑ DPOI ■ Base Closure TRIM Cwtter C.RED Downspout ANY "Eave N/A Rake CjMD Comer AST- Jamb a Head A WEY Base Trim AGREY Special Requfrenamts ■ 6111cone Poly untcote 20M ❑ Kynar Unicots 3000 FASCIA ❑ 26GA USA ❑ 'A• ❑ "R" ❑ Color Trim Color PANEL ❑ 24GA USA 8peetai RequMeemanta ❑ 26GA USA ❑ "A" ❑ "R" ❑ Color ❑ Silicone PoN Unieote 2000 ❑ r Unieote WOO Trim Color SOFFIT PANEL ❑ 241-A USA Special Requtreemsts ❑ Silicon Po Unieote 2000 ❑ r untcote 3000 13ACK ❑ 26GA USA ❑ "A" ❑ 'R" ❑ Color Trim Color PANEL ❑ 24GA USA special Requtrements ❑ Silicone Imolli Unteote 2000 ❑ r untcote 3000 LINER ❑ 26G,AUSA ❑ •A" ❑ "R" ❑ Color Trim Color ❑ 241-A USA Speelal Requirements ■ 26"USA ❑ •A• ■ "R" ❑ color PZ41TE ❑ Sliloone P019 Unrcoto 2000 ❑ KWisr Unreote 30" Trim Color P.WFItTE PARTITION ❑ 24GA USA special Requirements ■ Silteone Poly Unicots 20M ❑ Kgnar Unieote 3000 2.5 Once the BUYER/END USE C:UstOMER has signed USA's Approval Package and the project Is released for fabrication, changes shalt be billed to the BUYER/ END USE CUSTOMER includime material, engineering and other costs. An additional fee mag be charged If the Project must be moved from the fabrication and shipping schedule. 2.6The BUYER/END USE CUSTC'11ER is responsible for overall project coordination. All Interface, eompatibillty, and'(design considerations concerning any materials not furnished bg USA and U:SA% steel oystsm are to be considered and coordinated by the BUYER/IEND USE CUSTOMER Specific design criteria concerning this interface between materials must be furnished before release for fabrication or USA's assunpetio ra will govern (Section 4 and Commentary, AISC Code of Standard PrOictice, Sth Edition) 2.11t is the responsibtUtg of tin; BUYER/END USE CUSTOMER to insure that USA's plans comply with the appltaltble requirements of any governing building authorities. The supplying oir sealed engineering data and drawings for the metal building agetem doses not imply or constitute an agreement that USA or Its design "liners are acting as the engineer of record Or design professional for a•, construction project. These drawings are sealed only to certify the d..ftign of the structural components furnished by USA 28'fl'ie BUYER/END USE CUSTO!*' R is responsible for setting of Anchor bolts and erection of steel in accordwnce with USA's "For Construction" drawings onotF� elementsTemporarg support cch as guys, braces, falseworK cribbing or required the erection operation shall be determined and furnished and installed " the erector. No Items should be purchased from a preliminary set of drawings,, including anchor bolts. Use only final "FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS" for this use. (Section 1 AISC Code of Standard Practice, 9th Edtttt_-t0 2SUniteed Structures of America to responsible for the design of the anchor bolt to permit the transfer of forces between the base plate and the anchor bolt in shear, bearing and tension, bsut Is not responsible for the transfer of anchor bolt forces to the concrete or tt+he adequacy of tho anchor bolt in relation to the concrete. Unless otherwise provided inn the Order Documents, United Structures or America doers not design ano is not responsible for the design, material and construetlo m of the founsdation or foundation eambectments. The END USE CUSTOMER should erasure himself that adequate provielons are made In the foundation design for .loads imposeed bg column reactions of the building, other imposed loads, and bftaring capacity or the soft and other concittions of the building site. It is recommended that than atnehorage and foundation of the building be designed bg a'Regtotered F mroresslonai Engineer experienced in the design of such structures. (Section ,Alo Ml3MA tW6 Low Roe Building Systems Manual) 2.10 Normal erection operations tmhclude the corrections of minor misfits by noderats amounts of ream►no1, chipping welding or cutting, and the drawing of elements into liras, through the use of drift pins. Errors which cannot be corrected keg the foregoing means or which require major changes in member eomneuration are to be reported tmnectiatsly to USA bg the 5UYER/END [USE CUSTOMER to enable whoever is reeaponeibie either to correct the error o v to approve the most efricteret and sconom►1C method or correction to be 'used bg others. (Section 1 AISC Code or Standard Practice, Sth Editlion) 231 Neither the Fabricator nor tl-A BUYER/END USE CUSTOMER will cut, drift or otheruttee after his work, or the work of' other trades, to accommodate othm• trades, unless such work to clearly spseclrtesd to the contract documents. 11h enever such work is speecified, the I$NUYER/END USE CUSTOMER is responsible For furnishing complete information as to maaterials, size, location and number of alterations prior to preparation of shop drawings. (Section 1 AISG Code or Standard Practice, 9th Ediltion) 2.12 WARNS In mo case shoulO Aluminized Zinc steel panels be used in conjunction with lead or cropper_ Both lead and copper have harmful corrosive effects on the Attumtnized zinc alloy Coating when thug are in contact with Aluminized Zinc steel panels. Even run-orr from copper flashing, wiring, or tubing ontco Aluminized Zinc should be avoided. 2.13 SAFETY gpWITMEW UNITED STRICTURES of AMERiCA has a commitment to manufacture "Ilty bulldlrng components that can be safely saresctod. However, the safety commmttmtanht and job site practices of the erector are beyond the control or U!AA It is stro rgiy recommended tl' at safe working eoridittorhs and accident prevention practices be the top priority or any job site. Local, State, and Federal safety and healtth standards should always be followed to help ensure worker safety. Make certatn all employees know the safest and most productive way of erecting a buiidtng. Emergency procedures should lee know to all eemplosgem. Daf)g meetings highlighting stafeaty procedures are also recommended. The i1 use of hard hats, rubber sold: shows for roor work, proper equipment For �V handling material, and safety nets il#rere applicable, area recommwded. MASS. APPROVAL_ • MC t' 212 Pi I PERMIT 8/14/02 0 G©NSTRUCTION 9 f/6/aZ ,Job Number : 28169-802 SHEET Ll of I m V/ 0 120'-0 O/O STPEL ROOF FRAMING I AN 0 0 0 v _WARNING! v LPIURfWSRE�RSHT: RECT ATERNATING E9 FOR PROCEDURE. Eeve Tri --. (E:tmS) � ot Tdm o Cradlon LEAN-TO RAFTER WI[PAW 5EC TION nEn O.S Ctosur e (4)VO E30LTS (SEE SHT E:5) MASS_ APPROVAL 0 MC M 212 A ISSN REV. DESCRIPTION DATE r)E:SCRIPTION. ERECTION PLAN PI PERMIT 8/14/02 CUSTC')MER: CAPE BUILOIWx SYSTEMS, INC. 0 CONSTRUCTION 9 1 02 III LOCp:;TION. OARTMOUTH, MA BUYE}Q N04 p_ ARTMOUTH D.PAU UNITED STRUCTLMS OF AMERICA, INC a !gY DATE CK E!Y A I� m �"R 8/02 JF'N 9 1 Ha�c 2,8'11�9-SID2 D 1SWE "'E0 t 3 5 6 DETAIL "X" TT PORTAL RA F(16PRI) R PORTAL COLD (15PCI XTYP) Z14 Z15 2I6 15 15 Z16 ZI Z16 Z16 Z15 Q — _^ — 15 HE ZI5 M HE I HE HE ® ® r (aF ® _ F Z13 15 — — 15 ZI5 zir A Q — Hf I ZM Z11 Z13 215 Z15 — 215 A 0 Z 5 15 a — — ® m M CHA (TYP)JA - _ _ _ g FLD LOG. - 4 MASONRY WALL (NOT 5Y U.SA-) e ° e iv 16'-0 iv ib'-0 tv 16'-D cv lb'-0 - 20'-0 • + 12'-8 W/ 3'-8 WALLIIE 120'-0 0/0 STEEL ELEVATION s LINE "A" � 6 REF. SHT. EI T T T (FOR EBI LOCATION) PT02 x 4'-2 16 \ ZIS % \ Zia 15 V6 Z15 to PT02 x 4'-10 ~ HE — HF ®Z2f�18 ' \ Zia zs® Z15 FE P x -6 — ti - NI ? ,�� s \tee\ZM — — E Zia zls — a ZIB - PT02 x 4'-6 Z20 �, CHA (TYP) m m ,. • :.. • MASONRY WALL (NOT BY U.SA.) 3 ELEVATION a LINE "E" • FIELD SLOT GIRT$ AS REOUIRED FOR BRACING Z16 r HE 1'BB r 0 r' v Z20 a _• m 8" (TYP) T T. ZIb Z15 zre PT02 x 4'-2 i-E PT02 x 4'-10 zr9 PT02 x 4'-6 QZI5 ZI9 v PT02 x 4'-6 2'-0 Mein Frame Interior tor Column � Andim Mail panel , ( ) o FLANCsE BRACE Mwkw Screws I At 12' or. LINER (NOT BY U.S.A.) r - o° ° _ _° o Base Cherinei Io o o JAMB _ L° / /� 5idewall , `�' `t' Siddaell MasaryHatilf 1Nasonry Steel Line Girt MCI (� Of�s) a Imelsion Int. Frame SECTION "Q" SECTION l21 VO x 1t' A325 BOLTS Main frame I -- (a)1"0 x 3V A325 BOLTS (ls' CONNECTION le) I PORTAL RAFTER PORTAL COLUMN DETAIL ""X" r� WALLITE . STRU7 X w-8 r MALL GIRT WALL Po WALL ITE DgT4IL (5ETWEEN GIRT d E. STRUT) MASS. APPROVAL 0 MC ' 212 ISSUE REV. DESCr2 FMON DATE yg* DES,-RIPTi011: I=PXCTION PLAN PI PERMIT OA41oz CUS r ER CAPE BUILDINCs SYSTEMS, INC. 0 CONSTRUCTION 91D � k" ® ® III LOCATION: DARTMOUTH, MA auylt-R NO-, DAR1MOUTN D Pat1 UNITED STRUCTURES CIF AMMCA, WG DRAWINiG BY DATE M BY. 1 r ATE'0 ©Z „� CR 8/02 rre ex '28-t69-81a2 SCALESSI -rg DI3 of I 0 0 6 Purliml.,' Sheeting Angle (MKSAU Attach at Each Purlin Vi Member Screws Flange Brace Or Required) Interior Column --�� Liner Prim (MK PTOV 0 0-1- tT Stitch Screw IL at 12" o.c. 24XI(oGA Field 0 = 0 and h (2)iM Attach m Screws E 117-41 PT02 - Partition Panel or see plan Partition Girt o) Stitch Scrft\-- Partition Panel Member Screw —ELEVAT10N Is LiN "GI, 5ECTiON 11fR11 5ECTION 111 D g `4 E t2 2'- LAP I I—" PT01 X 1'-S PT01 X 1'-S PT01 X T `R4 (v pT01 X PT01 X 4' 78 Z22 Z23 Z21 za Z22 Z23 Z21 a� b rJi: SAI (TYP) �' q :, '•` .•'= °MAS01�1RY WALL C 40T BY USA)" � :. ;. • ' r. '•' n i 1 1 Q 'l G ELEV,4TION -a LiNE 115" i=ARTITiON PT02 X 4'-2 rLn PT02 X 4'-2 1 PT02 X 4'40 '} PT02 X 4'-10 r •# r — � r — tt r a r V — Q r Y Q R- Y Q �-• PT02 X 5'-2 N (Y In In I�i R1 •a _t '� In d1 �: dl d1 - `� - V' - N' - Al - f� (� Al - f„y �v PT02 X 5'-2 .;. ••' ; • :. 'MASONRY WALL (NOT 8Y USA)' :• :•": '`, ' '.:' .• _ SHEETING W LINE "5" f=ARTITiON Partition Panel Ardm (Not 13 USA) Mete 6cren At MASS. APPROVAL " MC • 212 Babe Ang� - SA1 -x { ts&Z My MOMIPtiON Dabs DESCRIPvtJON: ERECTION PLAN < MU" trim �UwL4 E� USA) PI PERMIT 8/E4/22 G GUSTOMMR: CAPE BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. lirK-i` 1) 0 1CONSTRUCTION. 9 ID ' IIII LOCATi<-)N: DARTMOUTH, MA '- BUYER K'0.9 DARTMOUTH D.} m, SECTION "J° UNITED STRiMPRES OF At-IEteIGA, nrc. _ _ � y IDATE ac RY , r , Wall Panel Masorrg Amhara (Ey o t� w Marber Saeus At 2' or. pass Angle - SAI Ott . G / �� lBy M) � Pas % I Yl1rX'_ 20'-0 FLO. LOCATE '-4 IS'-0 20'-0 22'-0 W-0 0/0 STEEL 80'-0 0/0 STEEL ELEvATION - LINE 11III LEFT EN WALL sa LAP 12 PB02 RT02 Sidettualt Girt SIDI=WALL PANML 0-101 2k Endwall Cart Endwall Girt PT02 TR11" •1 0 0 01 I � 1 O O OI GI.. 4 sheeting Clip ENDWALL PANEL (MK-CL6) Cold Form Corner Column(MK-WIL) SECTION ' N" "T" I XX X ,,,� :. "r � in iq ih v tt v in in in .0 .9 �0 S r i r dJ eA eo iq 10 r • •s �" ' '; .V �''• i• .', ; ; ' :a • = .•• ' MASONRY WALL (NOT BY•USA)..�', ,a • . a. :: •-.e EWeiLilef Gm cow T& Pei ErcLeAI!! ab cyp SECTION IT" SHEETING 0 LINE "I" LEFT EN UJALL MASS. APPROVAL 0 MC 212 Is.NE REV DESCwPrION DATE �� P5!,SCRIPTION.. FUM TION PLAN P1 PERMIT DA4102 CUSTOMER- CAPE BUILDINCs SYSTEMS, INC. 0 CONSTRUCTION 9 to Oy ® ® III Le --,CATION, DARTMOUTH, MA " BUYER NOz DARTMOUTN DPW. UNITED STRUGTURMS CF AMERICA, n R"UW-RBY PINTO- 8/02 CK BY� �, + 9'f)�/D b Z w euea"oft rH / 10-4 "'Q'�'� 28'16S-802DRAW E5 of is 0 IF (1> 8 NO F G GL19 T (TYP) ..-- Z34 Z23 Z22 Z34 u�u Z35 Z25 ' Z34 n3 Z22 _ Z34 �-13 CL13 Q CL& (TYP) _ H1 Z33 Z32 Z31 Z33 Z35 Z29 I m CHA (TYP) Z2fb Z29 _ -- f ; - : • • • •- .t •_ ••' + d' T _ e - 4 43 .•. •' . •� ,- , i • Z30 Z30 s° L CL51 (TYP) FLp.LOC- '-4 MASONRY WA (NOT BY USA) (FLD ATTACH PLO ATTACH e MASONRY) GIRT AS REQ (TYP) 20'-0 la'-0 Al z2'-0 20'-0 1'l'-6 rl'-6 e&-0 0/0 STEEL 35'-0 0/'0 STEEL muw_ ELEZATION 6 LINE "I", RIGHT ENDW ALL SHEETING a LINE "I" RIGHT ENDWALL (12) PANELS X 3'-3 PLO WORK AT GRADE AS REQ'D 11 —CT YP> e 0 ;r in M 3ASE J e MASONRY wif EXTRA PANEL TO EXTEND TO FIN. GRADE OR AS REQ'D Member Saeft At W oc. base Girt lMwt 13a toad As Sl wO MOTOR NOiE FIN. FLOOR (ELEV. a 100'-0) $MON I'll cwrt Gip (M<-CL13) Sldawa I I Girt Main Frarme Corner Column ,o` 'o Endwan 11 Girt � I SEE SECTION ',N" FOR PANEL t TRII"1 CONDITION SECTION "O" Endwa 1I Girt MASS. APPROVAL 0 MC 212 ISSUE Rev. DESCIRIPTlo►y DATE �� DESrRIPTION: ERECTION PLAN P1 PERMIT 8/14/02 CUS7IOMER: CAPE BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. 0 CONSTRUCTION 9 ro oz ® IIII LOCATION: DARTMOUTH, MA l5uy R NO-- DARTMOUTI-i D Plli UNITED aTFZUCTwRS of AMEF2ICA, INC R-"'NG 13Y DATE GYC BY . A w� 'CR 5/O2 J 9/o DZ Jm 0 :28-I6�-802 A E g DR4NIiT of Ism m 12 P-2 t'-2; 3'-►0� '�• pAIJLL Y°BR' PAty 2 Z LEAN-TO RAFTER SE SHELu r- a r A (a) Vp x 24 �n A3 BOLTS ti (10)1110 X 24 A325 BOLTS ^' (10)" s X 21 A325 LTS W/ " Cow P_ NOTE W/ V CONK. fE'_ ' lu I Q A FLANGE BRACES ARE LOCATED ONE � I a FB4 SIDE OF FRAME ONLYIUNLESS NOTED) W -ip 1 1 _ � e ( COLUMN FLANGE BRACES ° I p AS SHOWN EXCEPT AS NOTED AS SIDEWALL ELEVATIONS FIN. FLOOR e 1 14'-44 (+/' CLEAR) 80'-0 0/0 STEEL A E CFR055 SECTION LINES 2, 5, I MASS. AFFIROYAL N MC N 212 ISSUE REv. DESCRIPTION DATE DES+✓RIPTIONz ERECTION PLAN PI PERMIT w¢/m CUS";'omERz CAPE BUILDIW3 SYSTEMS, INC. 0 CONSTRUCTION 9 0 02 ® � ,a•� LOC:ATIONz DARTMDUTH, MA IBUYP-:R NOS TMOUTW. UNITED STRUCTWO-25 OF Al ERICA, INC BY DATE ECK 6Y A ICR a/02 JFN O DZ '"w°' -.a"'y" ;2s'Ih9-802 N g D i of IS&Z 0 a 12 1 I----- CROSS SECTION s LINES 3 ®lj=VA- - JUNW —, FTER MASS. APPROVAL • MC ; 212 DESCRIPTION: ERECTION PLAN CUST'OME}P: CAPE MILDING 5YSTEMS, INC. LOCATION, DARTMOUTH, MA EBUYE:R NO.% DARTMOuIrw Dpl BRAWN* BY CHECK SY tCA R S/02 JFN 10 ©Z JOB 0 Zz8'T69 D ATE DRAuq �a OF tasuE 0 M z w e 12 Sb _ 14'-34 (d- CLEAR) al 20•-0 221-0 20'-0 SD'-O O/O 5TEEL CRO55 SECT I Oil LINE -4 SEE SHT E4 FOR PARTITION FRAMING -TC) RAFTER iHT !E-5 MASS. APPROVAL. " MC • 212 DESCRIPTION: ERECTION PLAN CUSTOMER: CAPE BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. LOrATION: DARTMOUTH, MA 131 t 111="R NO.: A 'tM Tw npw. ;ORAWI'NG HY owi CK BY A GR S/fat � F� w2- Joe +` WAX I 28i69-802 Tg D� s of l O Endwall Girt to 1 of Nat Rolled Endwall `r coiumn(MK-EWL.,._) a o� Endwall Girt ' , L- Q Endwall Steel Line End Rafter 4 HOT ROLLED ENDWALL COLUMN (LOWS GIS! CLIP CON12ITiON) Endwa I I Girt I 3 'o Cold Form Endwall ColumnCMK-ECF�) - 2-2 � Endwall Gfrt Endwall Steel Line End Rafter 4 COLD FORM ENDWAL COLUMN Endwall Girt Cold Form Corner n Cotumn(MK-E:CC_) sheeting clip (MK-CA6) ' Sidewall steel 0 Line sldewa[I Gtrt End Rafter, Endwa Il steel Line 4 COLD FORM COMER COLS Main Frame Interior Column r --- b o"---� (Q_ o 0 0l sidewaii 41. 4'. sidewali Steel Line Gin Dimem6lon Int. Frame INTERIOR COLUMN Wee AngW 4 24x4a) - EBI Eave ft%t (At.ieb Ta FA!.oration &V 9a=u \ r W Hoke rFLD. ptetLL I: S) Rrlh - D= Jaib JAM OYE STF41T COMEC110N /-EAVE OW / GRT r2) 4" x oa• MJa. YIELD DRILL EAVE STRIJT OR GiRT) JAMB JAM Ei TO EAVE STRUi JAMB TO GIRT SECTION® JAMB CONN5CTION 4' • End Rafter (4)g"O 0) Endaiall Cohan (,Gee or %P) Endwall Cart SEARING END FRAME FLUSH ENDIUALL Main Frame Corner Column Endwall Girt Girt Clip _ (MK-C1.13) o 0 0 0l Sidewa Il Steel Line � Lo 0 o 01 sheeting Clip sidewall (MK•CL(p) 4 Girt Endwall P-2 End Frame Steel Linef CORNER COLUMN • �o 0 Int. CAM Main Firms Canection Clip-. Barter (4)ii'RSc U o AM Bolta ExUll Cokim Pew or IUF*) Dazall C*tt . MAIN FO FRAME I RMIATE CM" Save Strut ,, Not Rolled End Rafter rvs"xa•ma 1 CABLE BRACE TO FRAME DETAIL ebb Brace Eave Strut CL • (b) h 1) 11.W.- LOW EAVE STRUT COi`U+ECTION UNTN CL23 STIR NER PLATE Field Drill ��lols Eave O O II struts = = ='11= O O II O Frame CL23 SECTIONA" (AS W SECTION' B" (OPP,140) 4 SA3 S'� 8" %e Strut kl Attach) DfaptraqmlSXl) Eave Strut I \ Strut ROM Member i Member Screws � Screens Std. (8) Bolt Lap • 1 � iu. ' •►�i_ 91 • MASS. APPROVAL • MC 0 212 REV. DESCiRtPTION DATE DE8<--I;Pj, MON. STANDARD $ECTiONS :ONSTRUCTION 9 j1plo2z CUS'TOMER: CAPE BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. UAL& LOCATION: DARTMOUT'H MA IBUYI'--:R NO: DARTKOUTWI UNITED STFZJCfURES OF Al'IEl21CA, ING RAWk' 6 BY DATE GK BY A "a ,CR W.2 J F '"MO°AM • :28't69-Sfd2 NtS IISSUE 0 (2) Rome i x I VK Head • Attach to E v. w/ plain (2) lM i x i E)bt Head Tape Seal (Side-by-S(de) • Attach to ES. w/ plain Ser1(aide side) � pop rivete a V-0 o.c. Urger Strap pop rtvote * 3'-O o c ttid�er Strap Ur It2 x Ma (Gatv) x r-0 ciosu� H 2 x 12Ga (Galva x r-0 Strap a S -0 OC. inside clam 4" Strap a T-0 OC. 4' Member Saema (2) Melba Sam Foot Kobe Screw (3ar (2) Member Sam (3) Per Foot (Gutter to Strap) (2) Morba Straus (Gutter to Strap) (S) Member Sam (Strap to Roof) Sam to Rewr) (StrapStitch Stitch Screws At 6' M Center P At 6" On Center � P Panel Cap trip Member Sam Member At �-��) � � D' � i:aAea, _ enterScres 14' Ch Center Gutter (WI-EG 01-N) Gutter (MC-EG 01-PU� Eave Strut Outride Cloure t Stitch Save Riot Eave Spacer !MK-[SOU Saems At 24' On Center alail Panel LOW SAVE DETAIL UTH LOW EAVE SAYE DETAIL WITH GUTTER SAVE (SIEF.TED GUTTER SIDEIUALL.l (OPEN SI13EW&L) Stitch harm At Q' On Rake Trh (MC-RW caller oth Ca u" Tape eeelant Under Trip Roof mate tiaennr I 9h.et15 Angler 11Corm At c�t" G&Ortre 4hu Pane} 1, \ Pt n Pop Rives Da"" Dw"�" i "R" Panel V F*a WALL IMNSPOUT STRAW ATTACI IME E 1SERENCE EAVE GUTTER RETAIL Lr _. J Domrlspalt ova"�-\ M-DTOi) Pop Rivet splice of i�eq'd) r. Eave Strut field Cut Gu With )e Path.. Wall Panel Base Angle Wall Panel Member Scrwu At 12" On CeriU Head Trim (MK-DHOU And Pop Riven i Gutter CT ' ' (Not 4 USA) Finished Floor Ion Bluets n on 3 6%6� a •:• • p a .:... e:. P 1MN-612 ' PETAIL AT SHEETED WALL Dra. STRAP QUANTITY AYE wwl awiTi i'-0 1 IT-0 2 14'-0 2 16'-0 2 0'-0 2 25'-0 3 Pop Rivets At 12" On Center Header Stitch Sam At 20" On Center 771 "R" WALL PANEL Comer Trip (MK•CT01) • 1 k &I I .)_• _ ► 3n �11� Pop Rivets At Jalrb 12, On Center Jamb Trim W-DJDU o . - .. , )X B DETAIL FOR FRAMED OPEN►NC-6 Pop trivet p) Aid Pop Rvet Gi�te Downspatt Strap I)MN f Otrr STRAP ATTACHMENT Field Bend Gutter 'At Tabs into Deanspout Dowarbpout REI-EERE.NCE`— SAVE CLUTTER DETAL Pop Rivet I pOW�BF W TO GUTTER 1>7, A'l. t'lepber SaW�Is At Gutte L _ 24' On Colter Eave Eave T6ft Field Out Gutte V,th )(' Patten SECTICN'A' Domrrepout Stra (MK-DT00 Pop Rivef D.S. Kidcout install 0 Pop Bluets On 3 Sides MNSPOUT DETAIL AT OPEN WALL Fintetred Floor DS. STRAP OUANiiTY VE HEW MMM 10'-0 2 12'-0 2 14'-0 2 16'-0 S 20'-0 25-0 3 iS&Z I Fee. DESCRIPTION i PATE Trio Eave Strut Panel Cap Trim 1" t Gutter Lap As Shown (Eave trim Lap Similar) 2# T� (Caulc 4 Pop Rivet As Regd) Field Miter 4 GENERAL NOTES CoAtet Strap a 24 OL GAtff rop wet 1. BUILDING IS TO BE TIGHT AND PLUMB BEFORE SHEETING Tt' 124 12 " IS TO BEGIN 111 rr ��' 2. SHEETING IS TO BEGIN AT LEEWARD END OF BUILDING SO -JH ALL PANEL LAPS OCCUR AWAY FR0i1 PREVAILING WINDS. „.�- r1 04"ll NAN 3. SkYLIGHTS RECEIVE SAGE MTV PATTERNS AS ROOF PANELS, PW PACL DOLA• 4 EAI& FASTT.TER LAYOUT EXCEPT SKYLIGHT TO SKYLIGHT STITOH. USE SKYLIGHT GR0WET SCREWS AT THIS CONDITION. L2"� g' 1211 4. ERECTION CREW IS TO SWEEP ROOF PANELS CLEAN OF AUl METAL SHAVINGS DAILY. 5. ALL SEALANT TAPE SHOWN IS DOUBLE BEAD. HTEMIATE FASTENER LAYOUT 6. PANEL INSTALLATION AS SHOWN ON THIS PAGE MEETS AUL REQUIREMENTS OF UA30 a U1.90. Z THIS PACI(AGE MUST BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH SN(Dw FENCES Stitch Sam At inky Tape Sealer 20 Cn Cater AND OR HEAT STRIPS SNOW FENCES AND HEAT STRIPS fNOT FURNISHED IN X V BY U.S.A. EAVE STRUT 1S' c/c 2e C/C ST'ACING #A' enaecl 'P9R' Lei N Pa�A� tsvw ROM ESA ROOF PANEL INSTALLATION "NORTHERN PACKAGE" is R (2) Screws Betiueen Base Member And 1'-3 1 Girt. (1) Screw Between All Other Members And (1) Screw At All Maber Locations. STF4JCTtI1M6 OF AMERICA, row oudc"Ma yti-�s�-an tch Screw -1 ETAIL n x 13" PANEL WALL 05 1112 Detail "V" 2" MASS. APPROVAL M MC 0 212 DEE,e?(:RIPTION: STANDARD SECTIONS CL*-70MER: CAPE BUILDINC,s SYSTEMS, INC. LOCATION: DARTMOUTH, MA 13UYMR NO- OARTMOUTP )RAW*** 13Y DATE ECK E3Y A (CR S/fd2 .-1F� /d ©Z Jvr3 0 :28169-W2 WT-A IA E12 OF 12 t O BOTTOM OF BASE PLATE ELEVATION = 99'-4 (S" BFF.) a I- E 0 FIELD LOCATE (4) V-411 X '1'-24 F.O. T E ........ .. ... .... . OJr' IC tm�Q.{JK 63K 16,0K 14.0K 16.0K 1S.8 I DL' LL 33K 23K -�-- • 32K� 59K 4.1K � 5.4K � OkIc DL + WLL MAiN FRAME REACTIONS LINE 4 (MAIN BUILDING) The Anchor Solt Details shown on this drawing locate the Anchor Holt• 1n reference to both the Building Steel Line and the outside of USA's 9tvr1P.M= panel reoess of 1441" /tilted Structures of America to responsible for the design of the anchor bolt to permit the transfer of forces between the base plate and the and�or bolt arnar, bearing, and tension; but is not responsible for the transfer pr anchor bolt rO11. to the concrete or the adealuacy of the anchor bolt in relation to the concrete. Unle•• otherwise provided in the Order Documents, United ftu*Ures or America does not design and is not responsible for the design, material, and oonstruatlon of the roundation or foundation embedments. The End Use Cmtomer should asstre himself that adeefitteprovisions are made in the foundation design For load& imposed by colunn reactions of the SEE SHEET F3 FOR binding, other imposed load•, and bea'kV capacity or the son and REACTIONS NOT SHOWN other conditions of the bulk" sit& It to recommended that the anchorage and Foundation of the ioutlding be designed by a "Istered Profesato+al Englrteer experienced in the design of such strwWres, (Section Ai0 MHI"W 1588 Low Rise Wilding Systems Manual) NOTE: "AIR ANGLES AND/OR ANC440K Hatton of all Base Plates are at the same elevation. (UNLESS NOTED) TIES ARE NOT t�USWD BY U.SA LOADING LINE! 2, 3, 5, 6, E -1 AXIS H V LT LT DL • LL A 26.4 30.0 DL + LL E -26.4 45.0 DL+LL DL+WYH DL + WLL A —125 -125 H+ H+ H+ DL + WLL E 6 0 —16.2 OL + WLR A 1 -6.0 -83 V+ i 1 V VA t v DL + WLR E 1123 -10.2 N 0 0 0 IS 120'-0 0/0 STEEL 101 0 0 20'-0 . 20'-0 20'-C 20'-0 20'-0 I6'-10 1'-2 2'-0 16'-0 2'-0 16'-0 1'-5 16'-0 Q BRACED MAY BRACED BAY / 3 3 2� tz/ 14 114 22 -711 1 4 z2 2 LEAN zz ol 1 1 22 (SEE SHT F2) T I F A D D A D D B A ( A D D A I I (P G BOTTOM OF BASE PLATE ELEVATION ■ 9'9'-4 N FINISH FLOOR ELEV. c 100'-0 CG 0 (8" BFFa Q 22 C I 1 BOTTOM OF BASE PLATE ELEVATION = 104'-0 (4'-0 AFF.) v MP, UNL. NOTED) l N G .. 2? C BOTTOM OF BASE PLATE N 0 ELEVATION = 'BV-4 l8" BFF.) O !11 � 0 O io U 4 ' U BOTTOM OF BASE PLATE f BOTTOM OF BASE PLATE G O 0 U ELEVATION '5 -4 ELEVATION ■ 99 -4 ifJ 12!j 1 r I I A D D I A D D B D D I A D D ( A D D A F `r �r M N r N N N t— 3 3 2 2 1k 14 2 2 14 j 2 2 Ik 42 2 L 14 2 2 Ik ik — t2 2 3 B F F F F F 2'-0 16'-0 2'-0 16'-0 2'-0 16'-0 2'-0 16'-0 16'-0 20'-0 20'-0 ?0'-0 20'-0 20'-0 18'-10 1'-2 BRACED BAY ANCHOR BOLT SETTING F'LA SEE SHEET F3 FOR BASE TYPE DETAILS 4 SECTIONS LOADING Li ANCHOR BOLT IDETAIL t� sY� DIA` crr,r � c T moo,,. Is H V L WASHER T UE(BY USAJ �1 A57M - 4436 NUT A4 ♦ 0. 48 AST Max o -b" t V4 " I A5 5/8- P-2" 3" 2• 2" A6 3/4- l8 v-sv- r 3- 3" Al 'i/8- I'-8- 3" 3' 3- A8 V 40 2'-2- 3" 3' 3" AIO It V4- 2' -4- 3" 4" 4" ANCHOR BOLTS (BY OTHERS ) I Al2 1 I/2" 2'-6" 4- 4" 4" 0 i4 N I-. d 0 BOTTOM OF BASE PLATE ELEVATION ■ 100'-0 !0 FiN, FLOOR) MA88. APPROVAL " MC 0 212 1E REV. DESCRIPTION DATE 93t DMSCRIPTION: ANCHOR BOLT SETTING PLAN O CONSTRUCTION /n/02 CUISTOMER: CAPE BUILDING SYSTEMS 4/ " LOCATION: DARTMOUTH, MA 2 REV. AS NTD. b d2 IIi) B,'YER NO.: DARTMOUTH D P.W UNITED STRUcnP; £S OF AMERiGA, INC. WINCa BY DATE C K BY ATl /D � RACR 't/02 FN <� / 2 > Joe`' a 28'169-802 SCALE DRAWING DRAWING •Fl OF 3 IS&Z Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17n'-ram n/n ANCHOS DOLT SETTING FL',4N SEE SNEET'F3 FOR BASE I YP'E DF-tAIL5 I SECTIONS ISSUE REV. DESCRIP ION DATE v O CONSTRUCTION /r/02 1 REV. AS NTD. DA4102 O 0 0 0.0 K 12bK OL + LL 2oK Si K OL + WL 1�L>~,�g�4 E REACTIOt�l3 � LINES 2 tNRU '1 (LEAN-TO) ? SEE SHEET F3 FOR ENDUJALL COLUMN REACTIONS MASS. APPROVAL 0 MC w 212 DE?SGRIPt10N: ANCHOR BOLT SETTING PLAN CWSTOMER: CAPE 15UILDING SYSTEMS ® ® IHI LC%CATiON: DARTMOUTH, MA EW,YER NO., C>ARTMOUTP PPIU. UNITED STRUCTURES OF AM %CA, INC R4UDING 15Y CR MATE 1/02 HECK DY DATE ma aroa+oNck iaw 1DI4 -041 o9s Jde�', � 28�169-802SCALE NTS DIZAWINCs �F2 OF 3 I� 4- 1" ANCHOR BOLTS BASE TYPE 'All 2- ' 0 ANCHOR BOLTS BASE TYPE "Ell L 8 1 4- V" ANCHOR BOLTS 5ASE TYPE I'j II 4- VO ANCHOR BOLTS 2- No ANCHOR BOLTS 5,45E TYPE "g " WIND 3:3A5E TYPE "F" 113K 113 K i ENDWALL It MAIN PRAM1E STEEL LM 10,4 K 10.4 K I PARTITION L 2 2 PORTAL FRAME REACTION 4» 340ANCHOR BOLTS 556E TYPE "G" 2- ' 0 ANCHORBOLTS 5A5r= TYPE ° V rl 4- 4 ANCHOR BOLTS 5A6E TYPE II/'_ II ENDWALL STEEL LINE 2- 4� ANCHOR BOLTS SASE TYPE 'IN„ WIND 10-b K 0- X1 93 K 93 K BRACED BAY REACTION DL + LL t V_ -I S K OL + WL ♦ V= 3.9 K H• 5BK MAX E.W. COLUMN REACTION AT END FRAME ,,STEEL LINE CASE CF IANNEL (RAMSET) FIhL FLOOR SECTION 'IB" STEEL LINE FIN. FLOOR SECTION "D" 8 1=L LINE BASE GIRT FN. FLOOR ELEV. w 100'-0 0 SECTION "H" 19811E I REV. DEWRIf-TION I DA� O CONSTRUCTION 111.1102 STRUCTURES OF AMERICA, 1W euscm" ► aoTOWEXAS ra" 10-+u-sut A.K-0 GRAVEL FIN. FLOOR ........... ... SECTION "xl SECTION "F" MASONRY WALL TO W-0 MOT BY A48) CONCRETE FX FLOOR Qb) FIN. FLOOR SECTION 11GII BASE ANGLE (RAMSET) BASE TRIM(MFOI) 1 /— 4'-0 ABOVE / FIN. FLOOR SECTION "K" MASS. APPROVAL * MC • 212 DES ::RIPTION: ANCHOR BOLT SETTING PLAN CU577OMER: CAPE BUILDINGS SYSTEMS INC. LOCATION: DARTMOUTH, MA BU YR"R; NO- ARTMOUTP D. .W. >RAWItNCs BY GR "1102 DATE NECK ENY ATE 70td A :2S'169-802 SCALE NTS DRAWrt �3 OF 3 ISSN 0 m GENERAL NOTES U Fabrication shall be in accordance with "A.'s standard practices in compliance with the applicable sections, relating to design requirements and allowable stresses of the latest edition of the "AWS structural Welding Code DI.I-. USA's manufacturing procedures have been oe tified byk Reference Cerurieation numbers S.B.Cr-1. Owl) 145.0. FA-321 Neouston M35OM5 Indiana (For Beam and Column) M-t35623 Indiana (For Rigid Frame) MAW622 Indiana (For Straight Column) M-M5621 AdS.C. Certiflcation For. Metal Bulidinge Member MBMA iZ MATERIALS ASTM DESIGNATION MINIMUM YIELD ( U.11 ) Wide Flange Shapes A36 FY - 36 KSI elide Flange Shapes A512 or A93W FY - 50 KSi Other Rolled Mill Shapes A36 FY = 36 KSi Structural Steel Plate (Webe/Comm ections) A512 or A510 FY = 50 KSl A 4� Structural Steel Plate (Flanges) A529 FY = 55 K51 Cold Formed Light Gage Shapes A510 FY = 55 KSI Cable Bracing A415-18 Extra High Strength Rod Bracing A'a36 FY = 36 KSI Roof and Wall Shesting A446, A1W FY = 50, W KSi Machine Bolts A301 FY = 36 KSI Nigh Strength 8oite (in*0 to i1) A325-N FU • 120 K51 Nigh Strength Bolts (1 V8"0 to 1 I `0" A325-N k=U = U05 KSl Anchor BoTts (if supplied) A36 FY . 36 KSI Pipe A53, GRADE 8 FY = 36 "1 13 PRks Shop primer palnt to a rust inhibltive primer which mests the and performance of Federal Specification TT-P-636 and is USA's Red Oxide color. This paint is not intended for long term exposure to the elements. USA is not responsible for any deterioration or the shop prime paint as a result of improper handling and/or storage. USA shell not be responsible for any field applied paint and/or coatings. (Section 65 AISC Code of Standard Practice, Sth Edition) 1.4lSAIXANIZED OR SPECIAL COAATNGS• See Contract Documents i-5 ALL BOLTS ARE1/2"0 x 0'-1- A301 EXCEPT: a) Eave strut connection - 1/2.0 x 0'-1 V4" A301 b) Endwall rafter splice - 5/8"0 x 0'-1 3/4,, A325-N c) Endrwatl column to rafter connection - i/2"0 x 0'-1 1/4" A325-N d) Main frame corrnecttons - SEE CRASS SECTION NOTE: Washers are not supplied unless noted otherwise on drawing ib A325 BOLT TiGHTENMG REQUIREMENTS All high strength bolts are A325-N unless specifically noted othe else. Structural bolts shalt be tightened bg the turn -of -the -rust method in accordanceulth the 9th Edition Also-- 'tpecification For Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A4W Bolts". A325-N bolts are 6uppilsd without washara unless otherwise noted on the drawings. All bolted connections unless noted are designed as bearing types connections with bolt threads not excluded from the shear plans L1 CL[) RE STRIPS AM RM41SHEDF$ AFTITLICATION: NSIDE- Under roof panels at save OUTSIDE - between dndwall panels and rake trim - Under continuous ridge vent. skirts IS ERECTIC N{ OTE: A11 bracing, strapping, t bridging shown find provided by UZA for this building is required and shell be metalled by the erector as a permanent part of the structure. IF additional bracing is required for etabtlity during ererctio►t It snail be the erector's responsibility to determine the amount or such bracing and to procure and install as needed. iS ERECTION AND UNLOADING NOT BY USA 1.10 SHORTAGE Any claims or shortages by buyer must be made to U.SA within five (5) working days after delivery, or such claims will be considered to have been waived by the customer and disallowed. III CORRECTIONS OF ERRORS AND _REPAIRS (M13MA 6.10) Claims For correction of alleged misfits will be disallowed unless USA shall have received prior notice thereof and allowed reasonable Inspectfori OF such misfits. The correction or mtnor misfits by the use of drift pins to draw the components into tine, moderate amounts of reaming, chapping and cutting, and the replacement of minor shortages of material are a normal part of erection and are not subject to claim. No part of the Building may be returned for alleged misfits without the prior approval of USA LVERECTOR NOTE Erect steel with place marks corresponding to location of pierce marks on &,action drawings. Erect and plumb bays progeessively to Insure overall width and length is maintained. 2/141 01 5/31/'54 8/25/13 1/10/93 3/29/93 N, •/ -A- _t.-A- �*� � fin; �•� t n 7. i UNITED STRUCTURES OF AMERIC.A DRAWING PACKAGE JOB # 28169-802 BUYER :CAPE BUILDINCs SYSTEMS END USE CUSTOMER DAR7MOUTH D.P.W. BUYER ORDER # : JOBSITE : DARTMOUTH, MA COUNTY: BRISTOL BASIC BUILDING : MAIN BLDG - RF 00'-0 x 120'-0 x 1r'o'-0 1 :12 LEAN-TO - RF 35'-0 x 120'-0 x 13'-1 (LS) 1.12 THIS STRUCTURE HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING AS INDICATED: Edition +CODE LOADS ❑ USA Standard (MBMA) ❑ LL 20 PSF Tributary Area Reduction Toth 0 SBC 0 LL30PSF No Reduction ❑ UBC EXPOSURE ❑ B ❑ C ❑ D 0 Ground Snow Load 30 PSF Ce= 1.0 ❑ BOCA EXPOSURE ❑ B ❑ C . (For Loads Greater than .20 PSF) 0 ASCE EXPOSURE ❑ B ❑ C IM wind 90 MPH Importance Factor 1.0 Enclosed x Part. Enclosed Open 0 Collateral 3_0 PSF C Seismic Data: Av-- 0.12 Aa: 0.12 SHEG= i gpD; 15 15 Crane Capacity_ ro TON Typ�IONORAiL ❑ Mezzanine: , DL _ PSF LL • PSF * Code of Latest Issue to be Used Unless Otherwise Noted. For buildings with cranes: See Cross Sections and/or calculations for loading COVERING 4 MIM AS INDICATED ALL FLAT FACED PANELS HAVE A TENDENCY TO OIL CAN USING 14EAVIER GAUGES, NARROWER WIDTHS, EMBOSSING OR STIFFENER READS (WHEN AVAILABLE) CAN REDUCE OIL CANNING. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES 18 OIL CANNING CAUSE FOR REJECTION ■ 264#A ■ USA P13R ❑ white ❑ ULW Fasternero, ❑ N4 x N' STS Member t Stitch ❑ 260A ❑USA R ■ Aluminum Zinc ■ North" Poor ❑ e12 x 1340SOS Member Oniy W/ 8TS Stitch . ❑ 24GA USA Ysuardian 1" SSR ❑ 1Silte� PoN Unieote 2000 ■ Wlde Mastic ■ $12 x Imo" SDS Membw with Laptak Stitch ROOF ❑ Kynar Un00 rcote 30 ■ Long -Lifer Fasteners ❑ 24A USA "Cw.rerdian It" SSR Color: Fasteners ❑Stainless Sknei Fastens ❑ 24GA USA %Aordlan Lode" SSR ❑ Fixed ❑ 24GA USA 08ure-Lok- SSR Special Raquiremeeents ❑ ❑ Floating ❑ 24GA USA . Suprome-Lot SM .r ' ❑ wigh Thermal Blocks ❑ ey use ❑ es oomm rm ❑ Articulat Kwtar ■ 26GAtISA ❑ 'A" ❑ ❑ ■ SefficilicUnisons 3000 one Poly Unicote 2000 Fastenam: ❑ NA xN' STS Member t Stitch WALL ■ "R" Color AjCsR£Y ❑ Long -Life Fasteners r " ❑ h2 x I,4 SDS Member Oniy W/ STS Stitch Special Requtr eements ❑ Stainless Steel Fasteners ■ 012 x iU" 606 Member with Laptek Stitch ■ Standard WIGAtere t Doumepout ❑ Standard W/Eave Trim ■ Mass Trim . ■ MFOI 00201 ❑ DP01 ■ Base Closure TRIM Gutter WRED Downspout AGREY Eave N/A Rake C.RED Corner AGREY Jamb • Head AfapEY Luse Trim A!frsy Special Resqurremento ■ Silicone Poly Unicote 20M ❑ Kynar Unicote WOO FASCIA ❑ 26GAUSA ❑ "A" ❑ "R" ❑ Color Trim color PANEL ❑ 24GA USA Spacial Requirements ❑ Silicone Polq Unlocks 20M ❑ K4mr Unicote 3000 SOFFIT ❑ 26" USA ❑ -A" ❑ "R- ❑ Color Trim Color PANEL ❑ 24GA USA Special Requlremeras ❑ Silicone poig Unieote 2000 ❑ r Untcote 3000 BACK ❑ 26GA USA ❑ "A" ❑ "R" ❑ Color Trim Color PANEL ❑ 24GA USA SpeelaI Requirements ❑ Silicone Pot Unieots 20M ❑ nmr Unioote 3000 LINER ❑ 26GAUSA ❑ "A" ❑ "R" ❑ Color Trim Color ❑ 24GA USA Special Requirements ❑ Silicone Pol Unicote 2000 ❑ r Unicots 30M ■ 26"USA ❑ -A- ■ "R" ❑ Color PAA41TE Trim Color PAIWITE PARTITION ❑ 24GA USA Special Requirements ■ Silicone Poly Untcots 20M ❑ Kyrrer Unloots 30M BUYER/END USE CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILiTES 2.1 It is the responsibtlitail of the BUYERlEND USE CUSTOMER to obtain appropriate approvals and eecu' : necessary permits from City, County, State, or Federal Agenctes as rrequired, and to advise/relsase USA to fabricate upon receiving such. 22 United Structures of America's (hereafter referred to as U.SA) standard specifications apply unless stipulated othertwiee to the Contract Documents. USA's dtassign, fabrication, quallty criteria, standards, practice, methods anc:i tolerances "I) govern the work with any other interpretations to the contrary notwithatanding. It Is understood by both Parties that the BUYE-R/END USE CUSTOMER to responsible for clarification or inclusions or eeexclusloms from the architectural plans and/or specifications. 23 in case of dfacrepancoles between U°,A's structural steel plans and plans for other trades, U.S.4..'s piano shall govern. (Section. 3 AISC Gode of Standard Practices, stir Edition) 24 Approval of USA drawings and catculattone Indicates that U.SA has correctly interpreted' and applied the Contract Documents. This approval constitutes the contraictor/owners acceptance of the USA's deslen concepts, assumptions•,, and loading. (Section 4 AISG Code and MAMA 333) 2.5 Once the SUYER/ENGt USE CUSTOMER has signed USA's Approval Package and the project is released fror fabrication, changes shall be billed to the EUYER/ END USE CUSTOMER tnncluding material, engineering and other costs. An additional fee may be charged fir the project must be moved from the fabrication and shipping schedule. 2b The BUYER/END USE (CUSTOMER to responsible for overall project coordination. All interface, compatibill4g, and design considerations concerning any materials not furnished by U.SA, and U.S.A.'o steel system are to be considered and coordinated by the E24IYER/END USE CUSTOMER specific design criteeria concerning this interface betweern materials must be furnished before release for fabrication or U.SA's ,assumptlons will govern (Section 4 and Commentary, AISC Code of Standard Practice, 9th Edition) 2.1 it IS the resporialbilftw of the BUYER/END USE CUSTOMER to Imure that USA's plans comply with the ,applieabia res+quirenesnt* of any governing building authorities. The suppltyMg of sealed engineertng data and drawings for the metal building syettem does not impiy or constitute an agreement that USA or its deatarn engineers are acting as the engineer of record or design professtonurt for a construction project- These drawings are sealed onitj to certiftjl the design of the structural components furnished 2,15 The BUY FM30 USE (CUSTOMER is responstble for setting of anchor bolts and erection of steel in aeceoreanee with USA:* "For Construction" drawings only. Temporary 6uppkorw such as guys, traces, fa%eurork cribbing or other alentesnts requir-^d for the erection operation shall be determined and rurnieh ooi and insttailed by the erector. No Itmne should be purchased from a preliminary eat of cr�,awing6, Including anchor butte. Use only mist "FOR CONSTRUCTION rDRA U NW" for this use. (Section 1 At-*--- Code of Standard Practice, ati1ii editiaN 291.1ntted Structures of AGSnnerica to responsible for the design of the anchor bolt to permit the transfer of, forces between the base plate and the anchor bolt in shear, bearing and temsion, but is not responsible for the transfer of anchor bolt forces to the coreoreeette or the adequacy of the anchor bolt in relation to the e:onrrete. Unless otherwise provrlded in the Order Documents, United Structures of America does not derrlgn and is not responsible for the design, material and construction of t"re foundation or foundation embedmexnts. The END USE CUSTOMER sehould assure himself that adequate provisions are made in the foundation eleeetlgn for loads imposed by column reactions of the building, other imposed loade,,,and bearing capacity of the Boll and other conditlons of the building site. It is recommended thait the anchorage and foundation of the budding be designed by a'"faltered Professional Engineer experienced in the design of such structures&. (`motion Alm MSMA W& Low Rise Building Systems Manual) 2.10 Normal erection operfattons Include the corrections of minor misfits by moderate amounts of rreaming, chipping, welding or cutting, and the drawing of elements unto line through the use of drift purrs. Errors which cannot be corr"aad by the foregoing meane or which require major changes in mesm6sr configuration are to be reported immedlately to USA by the 13UYE'R/END USE CUSTOMER, to enable whoever Is responsible either to correct the; error or to approve the moot efficient and economic method of eorrectfonn to be used by others. (Section 1 AiSC Code of Standard Practice, 05ith Edition) 2.11 Neither the fabricator,- nor the SUYER/END USE CUSTOMER will cut, drill or otherwise alter his work, or the &,work of other trades, to accommodate other traders, unless such work is citmarly specified to the contract documents. UAhenever such work Is specifiecJ, the EWER/END USE CUSTOMER is responsible for furnishing complete mformatlon ias to materials, size, location and number of alterations prior to p reparation of shop drawings. (Seeection 1 AISC Code of Standard Practicer, 9th Edition) 2.12 WAi NNO In no cases should Aluminized zinc steel panels be used In corjunction with lemd or copper. Both lead and copper have harmful corrosive effects om the Aluminized Zinc alloy Boating when they are In contact with Alumtnlized Zinc steel panels. Even run-off from copper Flashing, wiring, or tuLming onto Aluminized Zinc should be avoided. 2.13 SAFETY COMMITMENT UNITED STRUCiUMS of A MERICA has a commitment to manufacture quattt,y building tomponerite that can be safeeiy erected. However, the safety 4monmritmeent and job site practices of the erector are beyond the control of ILEA It is strongly reeommesrnded that safe working conditions and accident prevention practices. be the top priority or any job site. Local, State, and federal safety aind health standards should alwaye be followed to help insure worker safety. .Makes certain all employese know the safest and most productive way,,of erecting a building. Emergency procedures should be known to am employees. Daily meeettnge highltfghting safety procedures are also recommended. The use of hard hats, ruboor sole shoes for roof work proper equipment. for O handling material, andi safety nets where applicable, are recommended. �\\q MASS. APPROVAL " MC " 212 P1 PERMIT $/14/02 0 CONSTRUCTION 19 Job Number : 28,16E-802 SHEET LI of I