Denial Letters a ® FILE COPY �"° "' ° Town of Dartmouth ea- c c. Massachusetts 3'c., BUILDING DEPARTMENT David L Riquinha Director of Inspectional Services Alan&Vanda Blinn June 14,2019 155 Elm Street South Dartmouth,MA 02748 RE:Bulkhead addition Map 112,Lot 22 lam in receipt of your request to amend building permit#69020 for the bulkhead addition to your existing dwelling.The bulkhead was installed while the first floor bedroom addition was constructed; however,it was not shown on the original application and is now in violation of the Dartmouth Zoning by- law.A Variance must be secured in order to complete your project and before a final certificate of occupancy can be issued. __ .. Your amendment is being denied under the following sections of the Dartmouth Zoning By-law: • Article 10,Section 375-10.4 D.(3)(b),Exemptions from setback requirements,all portions of a structure along a street line must maintain a 20'setback. • Article 43,Section 375-43.2,Variances,"Except as provided in§375-43.3 of the Bylaw The Board of Appeals may vary the application of any provision of this Bylaw in accordance with the provisions of the Massachusetts General Laws,Chapter 40A, Section 10,and amendments or supplements thereto,and may issue a permit - accordingly." The subject dwelling is located in the GR Zoning District. Respectfully 1„ David Riquinha Building Commissioner Zoning Enforcement Officer It is the owners' responsibility to check with other departments,i.e. Health,and conservation, etc.to ensure full compliance. - In accordance with the provisions of MGL chapter 40A§§15,you may apply to the Zoning Board of Appeals for the above noted relief within thirty(30)days of receipt of this letter. 400 Slocum Road.Dartmouth,MA 02747 Tel: (508) 910-1820 Fax: (508)910-1838 (i&0t1Tft o nTown of Dartmouth x 7. ti� Massachusetts $off 9Q S,s, ' 1664 • BUILDING DEPARTMENT December 17, 2021 Vanda Blinn 155 Elm Street South Dartmouth MA, 02748 RE: 155 ELM ST 11200220000 • I have reviewed your application and at this time, your proposal cannot be approved due to non-compliance with current Zoning Regulations. Please refer to original denial letter of violation of Dartmouth Zoning By-Law issued by Former Commissioner David Riquinha concerning the issue of the added bulkhead for which no action or application was taken to appear before the ZBA. I do agree that the bulkhead was added in violation of Zoning and must be made legal through approval of ZBA. Your application is being denied under the following sections of the Dartmouth Zoning By-Law: Article 10, Section 375-10.4.D.3.(b) Exemptions from setback requirements. (b) In addition, buildings or structures may be placed a minimum of 10 feet from all other perimeter lot lines or 20 feet from a street line if the lot upon which the building or structure is to be located was in existence prior to October 26, 1993. The benefit of this exemption is available to lots which already had buildings or structures thereon prior to October 26, 1993. The subject property is located in the General Residence District District. ANY OTHER RELIEF THE BOARD MAY FIND NECESSARY. In accordance with the provisions of the Zoning By-Law, you may apply to the Zoning Board of Appeals for the above noted relief within thirty (30) days of receipt of this letter.