Building Permit i',--, Permit No. BP-69020 BUILDING PERMIT-- -'-- [Gist*: ,5550.007 .... ...,,- L ' conrtnriortiki onlillassachusefts •-,- ' TOWN.DF`DARTIW6UTH(vy '..-'• Lot: - - _0022 ' t ''A ' `.qr, ;; '''. -f i 400 Slocum Raid,-Dartzitouth7MA 747 tt,-.. . ,,..... ..„..,, i Sub-lot: . 0000: ' : -, ' > irrhoneh(508),910-113/0„,_Paaj(5013)91048:38 .: ECategory ' ..-'27 ADDITION ' '',. , ,,.,.. -t,' *,..'" ,c _)..^'' --. •, ,,.7"-, . ! Project 4 - - - -. --384013-001757 ' - PERMISSION IS SEIEICRAtVIED TO: ' ' 4'4 Est.%Cost:2- - -:-...,-11250600b V- .., : ''' Contractor: f, .2 ; ; : *la . .License: , en ' Phone li: Fee:: -; - - ',--,,, -,.-$495.00 ' ': '-7 • " '' ANDREW R BARITEAD' '-fit --.77Cg.4176531 e....2 1508)'9621.47/ jConst.,Class: . ' -1: Engineer: ' :: : '-C,.. --et •License. -,' lizonnik."'. [Ilse Group: -:- . --,R3--, • - , , ,. • '-, ,-.-/---- , s's 4...-: t-'-'4 - --, Lot Size(sq.IQ. : 15518 '_° . — ,....--, Applicant. , 2... 4.,......,.. *`"-' ° Phone if: 1 oiling.' ' 'e' `1 -GR----s'-- 1-‘7' 7.` '' / ANDREW R BARIT4U PA.ACI, t.,'f--;"LC.;,,r-,-, 0009624n; Aquifer Zone: - N/Al -.1-Rt..;.-. ' :-. - 0 R: ' ' ,.. - i a; - ' ; I,,IJit' I'' --"---...., :I I Flood Zone:, . , , 7 ZONE.Ve,-ehr C'?C' V oT„,," ANIB 8:,, ' : " NewConst.: . . - ,808 so-ft;f-,,, ;, „ "Sail"rna' 1 ; .r, .' '.... 1 AIL Const: : t ',- 959:sepftt4'?'-'":-f`r,:-,''' ISSUED: 12 4 tot t.t.....5- .‘ gp• [Date Typed: '''i,7. .02,-2.5;2011.,":c..y t 'f,.."- ' c]..4 ''''5" -1',. ""---; ' t. TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: ---,.:- ----*;.'--,-- ,,.,-,,:, - ' ,,,- - •.- : . , _ ... •▪ Construct a 1st floor addition for bedroom, 1 1/2 bath and pantry/construct a-secgnd floor addition for an a: - : artroornicrawl space foundation with smart vent/alterations to existing first floor,kitchen,removing walls, etc. Project Location: 155 ELM ST . .. , , , D DAVID BRUNETTE,LOCAL BUILD SPECTOR , . - -'-•,--.- -,--z _, .. . . • AN word,shall comply with 780 CNIR 8„,—Ed.(MGL Chap.143)and any other applicable Mass.Laws or Codes and plans on file -- -1-7-;•^ ,., ..• , - • ▪ Schedule appropriate Inspections as required. Upon completion of work,final inspection is required. , , ..-•, I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his agent and to receive this permit, I further understand other agencies may have reason to STOP WORK if items under their jurisdiction are not met; not withstanding the issuance of this Building/Toning Permit . i .. I . . i. Signature of Owner/Agent: 6.,)a ...s--Q-42-2-' . 1 - - • , - "Persons contractin., with unre.isteced contractors do not have access to the guaranty fund(as set forth in MGL c.142A)" Inspector of Inspector of D.P.W.Inspector ' Building Inspector Inspector of Gas Fire Department , - ,,.• Plumbing Wiring ' Water Service Al. Footings: Underground: Oil: --, -.Z, • Underground: Service: Foundation: • I Rough: Smoke: Rough: Rough: Sewer Service: Rough Frame: c . Insulation: Final: - ". ---' ,;,•-", Final: Final: Cross Connection Final: Final: i- • Treasury: Board of Health E-91I • Additional Comments: Planning Board . • • Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy/Completion,this card must be returned to the Building Department with all necessary inspections signed off. Department phone numbers are listed on the white"Required Inspections"document provided with the issuance of, the building permit POST CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET - - .. --