Determination of ApplicabilityDavid Ellis, Solid Waste Management Section E/DC/rr C-D\DARTMOUTH\town is\TS ATC adrnin inc 11-06 cc: Town of Dartmouth Board of Selectmen Dartmouth town Hall 400 Slocum Road Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02747 mizagne@,town.dartmouth.ma.us ec: Town of Dartmouth Board of Health whenderson@town dartmouth. ma. us DEP-BOSTON ATTN: J. Doucett `EALTH OF MASSAC: ,d•a a� v 'OFFICE OF ENVIR(, , l / —F( W� NT OF ENVIRONM 1AJ REGIONAL OFFICE., PvU ,r, DRIVE, LAKEVILLF F .a L MITT ROMNEY Governor i KERRY HEALEY t Lieutenant Governor r ece er 5, 2006 J David Hickox, P.E., Superintendent r Department of Public Works v Town of Dartmouth r �� 759 Russells Mills Road CJ Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02748 RE: Determination of Administrative Incompleteness Autnorization to Construct a Smaii Handling Facility Dartmouth Transfer Station 976 Russells Mills Road Dartmouth, Massachusetts Dear Mr. Hickox: s The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) has completed an Administrative Review of the Town of Dartmouth, Department of Public Works (DPW) application (the "Application") for Authorization to Construct a small handling facility. MassDEP W that the Application is Administratively Incomplete. The DPW should supplement Lx`" has determined pp • the Application with additional information as, discussed below. l The Application consists of one bound document entitled "Town of Dartmouth Department of Public Works, Application for Permit to Construct a Small Handling Facility�BWP SW 19, for the Russells Mills Road Transfer Station, Dartmouth Massachusetts, August 2006 . The Application was received by MassDEP on September 1, 2006, and contains a cover letter dated T August 30, 2006, an application transmittal form assigned number W095364 a BWP SW 19 . with attachments and one 24" x 36" site plan application form, a protect narrative vv� - e Based on MassDEP's initial review of the Application, the following additional information is r_ y required: 1. 310 CMT R 19.038(2) (a) (2) requires that the site of the proposed facility be located within the C5 e provide an available information demonstrating C L boundaries of a valid. site assignment. Pleas p Y ,V This information is available in alternate format. Call Donald M. Gomes, ADA Coordinator at 617-556-1057. TDD Service - 1-800-298-2207. MassDEP on the World Wide Web: httD://www 00 an existing approved plan to include newly banned materials, which describes the actions to be comply with the restrictions imposed at 310 CMR 19.017(3)". The Town should review' 0 �- taken to . p Y and the "Guidance For Solid Waste Handling mid /the requirements of 310 CMR 19.017 (5)(b) Disposal Facilities On Compliance With MassDEP's Waste Bans", and use MassDEP's standard q, Vj1(� Ian form located atwww mass Gov/dep/recycle/laws/policies.htm#wasteh<mti. .Waste Ban Compliance P 6. In accordance with 310 CMR 19.030(3), a site plan has been submitted that identifies the site area is zoned "Residence B". Provide a statement f zoning. The site plan indicates that theorm the ('�• V ther town official that this zoning is appropriate for the transfer station. No'Zoning Board or o 7. The facility narrative must provide the size of the facility in acres and the amount of refuse to be R handled on, a daily and weekly basis. 4 1 8. The facility narrative must provide the days and hours of operation. IV 9. A sample facility inspection sheet has been provided in Appendix B of the application. The the physical condition of the facility. The operations and maintenance inspection list is limited to manual must state that inspections will be performed on an annual basis and conform to 310 CMR 15.207 25 and reports submitted as required. Please note that this includes the operation of the on. Each inspection should facility as well as the physical conditiinclude a review of the facility's with Massl)>P re ations, the operating permit, and the operations and maintenance i compliance g'l✓' recommended that the inspection checklist be revised to include reference to each plan. It is .� regulation 310 CMR 19.205 through 19.207. j z 10. 310 CMR 19.038 (2)(a)(11) requires the applicant to demonstrate whether the construction, operation, and maintenance of the facility: I, will have an adverse impact on Endangered, Threatened, or Special Concern species , listed by the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program of the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife in its database; , 1 _: b.'will have an adverse impact on an Ecologically Significant Natural Community as documented by the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program in its database; or c will have an adverse impact on the wildlife habitat of any state Wildlife Management V L Area. ' The appropriate ' ro ra d to make this demonstration and their response ] agencies must be contacted included in the Application. A `i i i3 3e10 AMR9:fl3$(1)(c) requires permits for new or expanding handling facilities to T comp with the ci�tra at lfl CMR 19.038(2)(a) l .through 11., 13. and 14., and (b).Vr a The Application narrative did not provide a response to sections 13 and 14. i 3 LEGEND EXISTING CONTOURS PROPOSED CONTOURS EDGE OF PAVEMENT FENCE RETAINING WALLS STORM WATER FLOW DIRECTION METALS RECYCLING HEADWALL DETAIL N.T.S. PLAN VIEW I SECTION VIEW -- He Name HIGHWAY YARD _ —L S MILLS ROAD _ 6 ANCHdR RUSSFENCE e � -. \,IN G A D TREES LIN�Gj GA h •. >. �- �` 1 NEW EL PR � � cY ES � NOTE ' EMPLOYEE ARKING \ 1. THIS PLAN DRAWN FROM ACTUAL FIELD SURVEY 99 ROLLING GATE WITH i _ t?MPLOYE PARKING AND 'PLANS ❑F RECORD HOURS OF OPERATION SIGN/ 4- ---__ RENOVATION AREA \ NEW SIGN -ALL VEHICLES ENTER LEFT TO SCALE ! \ V.. II(PROCESSED�GRAVEL) 2, NO PRIVATE WELLS WITHIN 1/2 MILE F SITE. J SEPT C H LDING TAN4�/ 3. TOWN ZONING -RESIDENCE B RETAINING WALL - UNDERGRD. FUEL OI T / '�u Qom \ <UND RGROUNID NEW SIGN -ALL LEAVES, REEY HOUSEHOLD WASTE USE RIGHT LAN n 5000 GAL' GAS TAW 4� NO CONSTRUCTION TC! TAKE PLACE ALL ES USE LEFT LANE TO BE WEIGHE `'S, ,�;1 (U E GROUND) �` ! UNTIL HAYBALES ARE IN PLACE. � 000 GAL. DIESEL\ (UNDERGROIRJD) C�DC 70 : CAL£ HSE. _ � n y W REMOTE NEW SCALE HOUSE c G x \ _ t PLAT 33 LT 88 Z NEV DEHOL ION CONTAINER J Li BARRIER TYP.} u t LLJzu 1 1 \ 4 7 ra i4Z 9 w EE DIET r r PAVED AREA DEEP SUMP CATCH BASIN` `^ 1 \ � ` -- , --_ 17 (EXISTING)1 ; O A x LASTICS i `POLE J 9 1 9�2 � :. 800 OVERFLOW OUTLET W/TEE ASTICS x` G r { Y : l 86 PLASTIC WASTE - NK t. O° \ `�., BLAND CO ENT AREA �� i PROPANE GAS TANKS T.V./COHP. \ )( G INLET INW: 85 a 9 0 S D BARRIERS \ FLOOR HOLDD6 TiA so x 3, tt' iu� sf> ET FL INV, 94,86 GRASS AREA$ OIL/GREASE\ ` i r1I N I L:) 74 S 236 � SEPARATOR / Y {, I . r =95.09 267 9 00 C< S 3 ` BTT. BER t4( DHH- V. 93.70 490 I 9S 71 itsJ _ - i 31 TYP. PROP •ARTY LI E T - - -�- -� 52 \� 49xe266_ F OURECENT HULB GAS TRAP - f n i 7 SHEDCL O\ x o x'i ti, W�ofNEW BUDDING' PROPOSED ANOPY 1R REDS BLES 521 _ RETAINING WALL BLOCKS J t j(/ HYD. x 913 Ld t. 508 0 t oa, ` t d' 10 t' It 1 I l �✓ a 912 y i y:. i m 560 y' 507 x l 1 f f x S f i o �I 31 I'Q x >� tk - `' r 506 ; x a O ;/ ?X �f (1' f; i 504 �- :__ PLAT 33 LET 90 9;� ,;;.t,.� � -j 6 � � f STL. PLATE A 1 OVE AS , I G) �1 x I I V E f Z y+i�t NE n£n �o` 5Q2� L� 5514 RETAINING WALL ELKS, 1' Cif 'a j ! x t9 j i x�.�r j I+ ;lYmli � ' f� �XX 1 �f �� f INLET PIPE•-INV.=91.80 vt .9 i G i as 1 f w '', 'l 1 (� ft X 533t /r 7 909 L7 t \ ( s t �u 503 / 7 5 3 x-�. SO'X RETENTIf�N POND x� Q d t X p f 908 a £ (} I i 5' EXI TING E d3< t3 11 v j x Ir 1 ! ' 1 SXO `a ` OVERFLdW 'OUTLET PIPE-INV,=91.50 �90 ¢ 1 t `Z{ ` < Z { x 00 7 w A 0, C✓ t RIP- WAP SWALLE Q Q i i ¢ } GRAVEL SURFACE REA i 16 tf , 1 0 } t ` r (¢n SX \� f.- �0 p �:: " - sl�D WAE ED 3 \ 27M 0 903 w t I _�j5i7" x26� x t x 512 � \ x z { X $ - �� Zits (7�, ( '-r �Q�• �� i it'r' NEW: LEAF COMPOSTING ROAD it ;i=`st� m f IF xf� 9x1 900�} x ��•X:_1�, :x , .,. I j EXTEND EXISTING EARTH BERM : LE5f13COMPOSTING J?[i�P AREA A�/ED P#CICESSI AD ® x 219 �S \1 ate �— P 2p x \� PAD t ` . - .X xG t �216 526 SAT 3❑T 89 Q 44 ,f i r , 521 j Lli A . o z f NOTE : q La, CAPPED LANDFILL WITH POST FLOOD ZONE A; CLOSURE MONITORING AND STORM WATER DETENTION FACILITIES, (1995) - ��' r.: 'I FINAL COMPREHENSIV-- SITE ASSESSMENT BY MASS. DEP LJ j - i TAL #97791 /A � �- � � � � � APRiL 1996 TRANSMIT REVISIONS 1 , 2-20-02 2-28-02 46 3-15-02 2 ,t 1-20-03 759 RUSSE Q' 3-15=04 Scale: 1-=60' a- ti Date: Drawio;9 Na. S-1