BP-31018COMMERCIAL 2003 $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE & NON-TRANSFERADLE COMMERCIAL 2003 i d will not be enlarged) EGRES ❑ windows for existing only) (only where doors and windows exist an Replacement doors and wi do s ( g y) ( y g ) 3 dimensions must be maintained. Enlarged or new windows in an existing dwelling will be considered as an alteration, otherwise will be inchl&d in new construction. (see Code Section 3603.21 for residential and Article 10 for commercial). ❑ Temporary structure - includes, when allowed, trailers, tents and the like and only for limited periods of time. Describe: „�tI �. ni xI Ogg ate}.,... %! v ., a .. m I. �N&k �: �e. I i1u„I��➢I � Gmi , �L. � `i� ��wm ,� t�" �!.:, m� , a ��i G .��.�..�a .. �i.� ,fl d � .� , :. ❑ Furnace hot air - fuel as natural or ppropane), fuel oil, electricity,y other(specify): ( ) g ( ❑ Boiler (heating) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ HVAC (combined unit) - primary fuel, natural gas, propane, electricity, other (specify): ❑ Air conditioning - (separate unit) ❑ None of the above` to be provided ❑ Hot Water: Gas Electric Fuel Oil Other 1,111 �,�„ fl 1�, , n�, .._p n .�,", (i , , &1 ,� tip �Y „'" s �'i n'"s7 , 9 n .. �F i. n_,d , .�, Iu��d� �I4rti,= - . i... _ .., _���. is >s, , , a i,:. Jt �I F9� ,r.a" aE.� E r ,, ,",41P r,i, �, ,a,�a , „, flufi`;�n�, il., , i, E a, Fm i, 1i. u o, ��i �i rr I�i ", _ ,,.�'let,: ❑ Required: plans provided plans not provided, why? ❑ Not required, not to be installed, why? ,,, MAV,, Ma,_ , I_I' m—_.. ..emu ❑ Parking plan submitted to: Building Dept. Planning Board date submitted Number of spaces - indoors outside total provided Handicap spaces - required yes no if yes, how many as a part of the total required number - Is Route 6 (State Road) entrance permit required? yes no if yes, has it been issued? yes no Submit copy of application and/or permit as soon as available. 3 I tli Ni-PHI"mmia �{(::, fl m, AH!', _ =•.a ,. Ada .,w.: 11.1 Architect/Engineer - for overall design Company Name: Town of Dartmouth Address: .759 Russell Mill Road Phone #: (`508) 999-0740 Certified by State of Massachusetts as: Certification Number: Note: Signatures and seals on all plans, affidavits, & other documents SHALL BE originals and not reproductions. 11.2 Architect/Engineer - project supervision and reports Company T an Name. own of Dart mouth Address: 759 Russells Mill Road Phone #: (508) 999-0740 ; Certified by State of Massachusetts as: Certification Number: Note: Signatures and seals on all plans, affidavits, & other documents SHALL BE originals and not reproduettions. 11.3 General Contractor Company Name: Greater New Bedford Regional Technical High School Address: 1121 nshley B1,Td New Bedford Phone #: (508) 998-3321 Construction Supervisors License Number Note: Signatures and seals on all plans, affidavits, & other documents SHALL BE originals and not d AMAN RAW WN m• .. - — ®�' — — — 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable ❑ Marne of Construction Supervisor License %lumber Address Expiration bate Sighature Telephone MAI _01pw lqg-IMPM ��'>ALMMR °ate 3.e Alp V Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit (MGL 152 Section 25A) Signed Affidavit Attached: ❑ yes ❑ no HAM _139. it J r ld(shed/garage) ❑ '� ❑ n re airs accessory b n construction addition alteration, constru �,w Y g p other (specify Sec. 6): ❑ demolition ❑ sign ❑ replacement window/door no. of windows doors NO ra MR—ArRAN, AS The following descriptions are based on the Massachusetts State Building 6th Edition, Code Article 3, as noted. See the Code ❑ Assembly - restaurant, lounge, theater, school, etc. (see Code Section 302.0) Describe: ❑ Business - office, assembly with less than 50 occupants - indicate Medical or other professional (see Code Section 303.00) ❑ Education - structure for training including child day care for those over 2 years 9 months (see Code Section 304.0) ❑ Factory / Industrial (see Code Section 305.0) El I-�i hHazard - see Code Section 306.0 g ( ) ❑ Institutional - hospital, nursing home, infant day care (see Code Section 307.0) ❑ AJercantile - retail stores (see Code Section 308.0) ❑ Residential -three or more family, hotel (see Code Section 309.0) ❑ Storage - includes garage (see Code Section 309.0) ❑ Utility &Miscellaneous Structures - includes tents and agricultural structures (see Code Section 311.0) ❑ New Tenant,- for any of the above, please indicate (see Code Section 119.0 and Zoning By -Law Section 35) 0 Tent or Trailer temporary .: 1 purpose? L Other: ' ,Describe the proposal briefly, INCLUDE number of dwelling units and bedrooms or occupant load as applicable, also existing condition (if extra space is needed, attach an additional sheet): A] -on ofexPist -ng office ,and constn,ctlon of :a new locker room at highway garage MINE a -00 ma ❑ New Construction and/or Addition (total gross cubic feet proposed) - indicate If the project is an addition to existing structure - total gross square feet of existing: ❑ Alteration of existing, no increase in gross square feet. A separate Refuse Disposal Declaration is required. Will this project be subject to CONSTRUCTION CONTROL (over 35,000 cu. ft.) ❑ yes ❑ no If yes, see Code Section 116.0. Designer to submit Code Synopsis in addition to original plans. Will this project require Peer Review (over 400,000 cu. ft.) ❑ yes ❑ no (see 110.1 Code & Appendix 1) APPLICANT TO PROVIDE PEER REVIEW AT THEIR EXPENSE.. SEE 780 CMR. ❑ Demolition* -'describe ❑ 1_V4oving* - (provide copy of DPW moving license) Type of structure: from where (plat/lot or address): to where (plat/lot or address): number of dwelling units: number of bedrooms per dwelling unit: c:\bldg. forms\bldgapp.com Page 2 rev. January 1, 2003 I c:\bldg. forms\bldgapp.com Page 3 repro ue�tions. ,,rev.January 1, 2003 COMMERCIAL 2003 COMMERCIAL 2003 $25.00 APPLICATioN rEE Is NON-REruN ARLE NON-T ANsrEnA L,E a pjw IWTLF­4aw No Item Estimated Cost ($) to nearest dollar. To be completed by permit applicant 1. Building 2. Electrical 3. Plumbing 4. Mechanical HVAC 5. Total _ (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) Estimated Total Cost IncludingLabor: $ 10,000 ars E R'F3 +� TT Its LI INSOLE (please print) I, David T . Hi ekox as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize to act on -my behalf, in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Signature of Owner Date _- akmsak,' _ ;,aq - :° ram _ - a:s &_ M.M. - c , _ �-- tea, I,DavidT. Hiekox as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby eby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. Signature of Owner/Agent Date SECTION 14 - INSPECTOR'S REVIEW/COMMENTS 1. Date plan reviewed: 5. DENIED (see project review worksheet): 2. 30 days to review period expires: OC I t • ,?— 3. .OK to issue date: 6. HOLD reason: R' 4. OK to issue subject to requested submittals (see project" review worksheet Date: 7. HOLD o subject t Z m o f A J ppeals actioi 8. Comments: >Y XT 1 2003 9.. Inspector's Signature: Date: '!"s may Ea,:.xav'-_-!�"-za ___ __ :."- a - p*a �=!fix -s -'_� _— Applicant informed of above b ® Time: i 1 l0 Clerk: �"� pyDaatee: � J Comments: 4z U �Yufi, �6�0, �lP�f4' 01 K Aw a ,� ,w w :� Total Permit Fee: Less Application Fee: $ 25.00 Remaining Balance: Gross Area New Construction Gross Area - Alteration s Permit Issued To: _ qs. DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT .,-,.,DATE RECEIVED 400 Slocum Road, P.O. Box 79399 - 'st t• D., artmouth, MA 02747 508-910-1820 FAX 508-910-1838 6'dsnft i 4 Y,. s APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR, RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A COMMERCIAL BUILDING (includes 3 or more familTlydwellings). MT E. L� g. w U „ m® igg '�-_� � - _.mow::: a= _AM . „ a.. 5=ik k� Y - e -_ s._. ", ' - _- O$ILtI NlKFIVU.° r 5 ` a Itls Hlt1 a�. _ -w.....w:-.. ° i DENA ®a:ffl= Zoning Review: Signature: DG10 .' Energy Report: Signature:- Date:_ Fire Chief: Signature:_ �� . Date: I/ 6- / --013 j�� Board of Health: Signature: Date: Conservation Commission: Signature:- Date: Other: Signature: Date: Description of Work Being Performed. ° _ �� a„ - ..„_ "�� 1.2 SITE PLAN SUBMITTED: ❑ yes ❑ no 1.1 NUMBER OF PLANS SUBMITTED: Property'Address _ `� 956-. Russells Mill Road 1.4 Assessors Plat & Lot Number: Nearest Cross Street: CYlase. Road `+Bus. Name: Ti�wn of pArtmcmt-h Phone#qqg-0744 Plat Lot C) - Total Land Area Sq. Ft.: 1.5 Water Supply (MGL c 40 § 54): 1.6 Sewage Disposal System: ❑ Municipal ❑ Private Well ❑ Municipal ❑ On Site Disposal System ,ate "T O .sa: a a� _ `- ,a MIN .== c : _ uaa-.p..... 2.1 Owner of Record: Town. Dartmouth a Contact Address Telephone . Name (print)' 2.2 Authorized Agent: Fi���T�� �' fig • Gl£B�TI� r Name (print):. F `Contact Address � "� Telephone-. c:\bldg. fo ms\bldgapp.com Page 4 rev. January 1, 2003 c:\bid forms\bld a .com �1 rev ��S g PP g Jan�,�y�� `2003 not All 'ON QUIM'O AQ psi Nd-1d HIS NDISIAIQ J,dMHDIH 5 AlucE #i S'S uMu m'ON qor ,09=,l sl oos ' 'b'W 'H-L00WIaVG US '(18 ST1IW ST13ssn8 69L NOISIAIQ DNIN33NION3 its Hlnowiuv o NMOI SDI m 3I�Sfld 30 1d3Q t6LLM 3V_i_lIWSNd8l-966T 3Iddd d3Q 'SSdW A 1N3WSS3SSd 31IS 3AISN3H38dW03 WNId $T{ MGM 'S3I1IAIDVJ N❑I1N3139 a31d/`1 s WADiS QNV 9NI'dDiIN❑W 3anso30 " 1SOd HIM III3QNV I Q3ddd3 1 MON too .4. 3i _ #ir x It t i` i REPLACE ALL GABLE END TRIM WITH NEW ELEVATION OF END WALL APPROX. ROOF RIDGE 4:1NE NEW 2X6 @ 16' GABLE END REMOVE EXISTING TRUSS WEBS & REPLACE WITH NEW WOOD GABLE END (RETAIN T.C. OF STEEL TRUSS IF POSSIBLE I TOP PLATE TO MATCH [EXISTING PLATE 112' CDX PLYS. TYVEK WRAP OR EQUAL VINYL SIDING (SHINGLE TYPE) 5/8'FIRERATE'D GYPSUM BD. 6' FIBE*RGLAS INSUL. P 10 w x (U LJ I... 2X6 PRESSURFZ TREATED SILL ANCHORED WITH 1/2'OXI0' LG.. ANCHM BOLTS 8'WD.x4'HT. C113NCRETE WALL 8' #5 REMAR CONTINUOUS DRILL EXISTING FND. & IN'STALL #5 REBAR 12' J z INTO EXISTING FND.-EXTENDED . 3' ABOVE EXISTING 0 (INSTALL VERT. REBAR T@- 24-t 13/0 u CROSS SECTION [IF NEW WALL rz 7- r- LD F, 1. A Of This E n d o rs c d uo,t Be Kept On S; IL e, y� In O."s, ARTMOUTH FlRt"-!,. 0.10 ISTRICT 2 f REVISIIONS ' 00,a DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS ! Oa:115 Ei"Snd .l TOWN OF DARTMOUTH�.ustn s;wL ENGINEERING DIVISION Juri8p � �rA.�j,��{, 4;v� �l� 759 RUSSELLS MILLS RD. S0. DARTMOUTH, MA. 1 LU�vj a ti I t I Scale: Job No. Drawn by: B.S. Date: FEB. 2001 Chk d. by: i HIGHWAY GARAGE END WALL REPAIR i r , Drawing No. FLOOR PLAN ! z OF 2 I I FILE NAME 0 r-------- ---------------- 4----------------- AREA OF RENOVATION co co I ('tid t PROPOSED RENOVATION ❑F EXISTING HIGHWAY GARAGE REVISIONS HIGHWAY GARAGE \\EXT. VENT PIPES w/STRAPS \REMOVE AND REFASTEN TO NEW WALL \REPLACE OLD WALL AT THESE AREAS AS SHOWN ON SECTION REMOVE AS NEEDED GABLE TRUSS WEBS REMOVE AND REINSTALL GARAGE DOOR IN NEW WALL 0 m v z J ¢ 3a z ,a o W F- ¢ W Q V1 G J O¢ 3 Zo3 P z Nw DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS TOWN OF DARTMOUTH ENGINEERING DIVISI❑N 759 RUSSELLS MILLS RD. SO. DARTMOUTH, MA. Scale: lib'=1'-0' Job No. Drawn by: B.S, Date: FEB. 2001 Chk d. by: HIGHWAY GARAGE END WALL REPAIR Ou""ARTWO""UTH Ft,' DISTRICT,N0, T t 3 lR Y,xa v ,, fif J , It C° r� Of This OCT �6�101vll `o;' FLOOR PLAN Drawing No. 1 OF 1 L co (r) 65 C'a t ( LEGEND EXISTING CONTOURS PROPOSED CONTOURS EDGE OF PAVEMENT FENCE RETAINING WALLS STORM WATER FLOW DIRECTION RUSSELLS MILLSROAD -- ING NG GAT � � I�•A'• ;sue.4- T3 / LEDGE LELiAND CYPRESS TREES NEW I EMPLOYEE, ARKING \ \\ ROLLING GATE WITH .�` \ �99 HOURS OF OPERATION SIGN i NEW SIGN -ALL VEHICLES ENTER LEFT TO SCALE I _ RENOV TION AREA \\ \ MPL�YEE� PARKING ; S ((UND RGROAINI PROCESSED \GRAVEL 100 ) 1 \ NEW SIGN -ALL LEAVES, RELY HOUSEHOLD H5000 GAL. GAS TANK HASTE USE RIGHT LAN RETAINING WALL S \ SENT C HOLD] AL ES USE LEF4 ANE TO E WEI E UNDERGRD. FU�L OIL 7A _- \ - lOS <UNDERGROUN > � � � \ � L E GH \; ( 000 GAL. DIESEL TANK \ t \ <UNDERGROUND) Pole EXISTING SCALE "SE. ( ; EMOTE GATES HYD. OIL LEAK .W.I W FROM K C } t 3 \ } u \\ WAT RSI ED #1 Of \ NOTE NEW SCALE H \ NO E STORN\WATER RUNOFF \ ♦y, l ' A Fes- ;,WATERSHED #2 \ \\ TANK / PLAT 33 LOT 88-2 ?� \?/ \!, \.?/ \.I/ \I/ IV W. y. w H \ PAVED AREA \ IN 13 (EXISTING) \ DEEP SUMP CATCH BASIN A Pole 1 Z ASt1CS 1 1 �$B OVERFLOW OUTLET W/TEE ENCLOSED CONTAINERS b' PLAStIC WASTE �L T NK t ;S T ` _ Oo / AND CONTAIN ENT AREA \ �.-� =, rr ! � PROPANE GAS TANKS Li T.V./COMP. SHED \ \FLOOR DRAT a 4 \ \j '. � O HOLDING TAN n RASS AREAS u fi j C� CA?�Yf \ \ \ OI GREASE� 1 1 Z o WE' .. \ ARATOR "�, oc & .•.: W BDRM�-,,� 294.05' 130.43' sS V�\ N / t 88.07'$14 Wf S $7•Ic�'10. E V w�' o FLOURECENT BULB SHED lo a u STORM WATER PR❑P❑SEB CANOPY F❑R REUSABLES HYD. VEHICLE WASH DOWN AREA J J A Z A Li 0 cl —I U PLAT 33 LOT 90 A n S TRAP M 1 1 it \ ` NEVENTPA2 ILDING Q. �� Ifi i UNDER LEAN TO � V 1 1 i t � I,• 1 / N, \ \ i ►N,0144 TORM WATER.. lYP, 4 CORTCRS ( { cc 1 1 oo If 10 J j VEHICLE WASH D(IVN AREA 3S AS OF MAR. 12M , 14 } C)`� / SAND SALTj`.\ 1 1111 Z El E� C / 11 1 111 STORAGE AREA \ } / 1 1 1 �; tSEASONAL) 1 , EXIST NG .O.P.I < I w ► 1 ; / 1 / 1 } PROP L7 z t Il I l i } :� ❑VE Q /GRAVEL SURFACE A `\ TYP. P e e Fite Name HIGHWAY YARD E NOTE 1. THIS PLAN DRAWN FROM ACTUAL FIELD SURVEY AND PLANS OF RECORD 2. NO PRIVATE WELLS WITHIN 112 MILE OF SITE. 3, TOWN ZONING -RESIDENCE B 4, NO CONSTRUCTION TO TAKE PLACE UNTIL HAYBALES ARE IN PLACE. � AS BUNT PLAN \t � i }PERTY LIOE 293.rDy F S �83.907 �I r E I I t Ij 1 f rf i I �y i i � Q J .a' v OUTLET PIPE W J (n WA�ER HED 3 � - 1 J apt✓. �•��' i j i 1 � �' f ra ,• �� i \� \� LEAF C❑MPdSTING D013P AREA // AVED P [�CESSI AD EXTEND EXISTING EARTH BERM PL'�AT 3 LET 89 r\F-LOOD ZONE A REVISIONS -20-02 2'-28-02 3 -15-02 1=20-03 NOTE ! CAPPED LANDFILL WITH POST CLOSURE MONIT❑RING AND STORM WATER DETENTION FACILITIES. (1995) FINAL COMPREHENSIVE SITE ASSESSMENT BY MASS, DEP APRIL 1996-TRANSMITTAL #97791 DEPT, OF PUBLIC WORKS TOWN OF DARTMOUTH ENGINEERING DIVISION 759 RUSSELLS MILLS RD, SO. DARTMOUTH, MA, Scale: 1''=60' Job No. Drawn byr B.S. Date: Chk'd, by: HIGHWAY DIVISION SITE PLAN ing No, Draw S-1 _ DART'I'voiOUTI-I-1 D T N. v.,, 10-- '0 3