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,�.,..� ~9' a File Name 24'-O" 6'-0" 24'-O" 2x6— — — — z — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ° 28"X24" D.H. MULL` DBL. 2X8 HDR. 5'-11 1/8" 5'-3 7/8" I r----------------------------------I EXISTING C.M.U. WALLS _ I I N I I I 0 MEN - 1 b B GLAS UN I m I I I I EXISTING LUNCH ROOM BOILER ROOM X I �- '-7 1 2" X I I I I o � 3 ' O I I RLL AND COMPACT I I O (PROCESSED GRAVEL) I I N T.O.W. ELEV.= 100'-O" 2xs 0 I I I I I , 2'-0"x2'-0»x10» FOOTING I I (ELEV. OF T.O.F.= 99'-8') I I STRAP MASONRY WALL WITH � I I 1x3 FURRING ® 16' o/c ; WOMEN I I (See Note #8) '� 1 I --{ 2'-0" 10-6, 1 1'-S, I I I 1 1 4x4 POST ABOVE I 1 r-- -I o (SEE CROSSSECTION) - I ( I I 'I N , BEAM ABOVE (SEE (SEE CROSS SECTION) SLOP SINK VTHIS EXISTING WINDOW ONLY -INSTALL 3'X7' PASS DR. (STEEL) AND FILL REMAINDER WITH C.M.U. (DOOR TO BE 1 HR. FIRE RATED) EXISTING WINDOWS -REMOVE AND FILL OPENINGS WITH C.M.U. PROPOSED NEW ELEC. WATER HTR. EXISTING GARAGE FOUNDATION PLAN FLOOR PLAN 1 /2" DIA. x 12" Lg. 3„ ANCHOR BOLTS (8' o/c Max.) 0 oc 4" CONC. SLAB WITH 6x6x10 W.W.M. (ELEV.=100'-0„ ) NOTES ! 1. EXT. WALLS — 2x6 ®16' o/c — Part. Ht.=8'-8" I� 2. Sheath all ext. walls with 1/2" cdx Plys. " 3. Ext. siding to be w.c. shingles ® 5" exp. 1" RIGID PERIMETER INSULATION 4. All int. walls to be 2x4 @ 16" o/c (non —bearing) unless noted otherwise. 5. Windows —Andersen Vinyl Clad Db. Hung Units % NOTES! with insulated glass and screens. 6. Insulation— Fiberglas Batt Type/6" walls, 10'� ceiling 1. Foundation Walls and footings to be „ 2500 p.s.i. concrete. 7. Install 1 ri id insulation at fnd. wall interior rY perimeter. ?See foundation cross section) j 8 2. Set 1 /2" Anchor Bolts at 8'-0" o/c max. 8. Handycap fixtures optional, restrooms to be used for Employees only. 3.; Install 1" perimeter insulation to a depth of from the top of foundation. (DQ I� 0 Z (n � _ � m i FBI I REVISIONS 2-12-97 DEPT, OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVI�IBN 16» 759 RUSSELLS MILLS RD. SO. DARTMOUTH, MA. Scale: 1/4"=1'—V' Job No. Drawn by: B.S. SECTION A —A Date: FEB. 10>1997 Chk'd..by: D.P.W. HIGHWAY GARAGE ADDITION Drawing No. FOUNDATION/FLOOR PLAN 2 OF 3 File Nave HWYADD3 12 EXISTING ROOF 3 ± r— w �- _ ASPHALT SHINGLES 6x10 BEAM 2x10 (� 16" '- 1 /2" CDX 32/16 PLYS. Q a_ 4x4 POST (TO BEAR AT TOP PLATE) oc RAFTERS 00 10" INSULATION (TYP.) �- N z ALUM. DRIP EQ>GE F cn 1 x4 TRIM x RAM SET I TO CONC. BLK. , -r 1 x 10 FACIA w 2X6 @16" o/c CEILING TIESJ U U b L--j - J Q 3/8" PLY. SOFFIT Q 1 x4 TRIM BD. � m w v 1 x12 FRIEZE BD.. a o a Q 0 00 Z_ 0 F— Z _� F X (n W X_ W cn W.C. SHINGLES (@ 5" EXP. TYVEK VAPOR BARRIER 1/2" CDX 32/1;66 PLYS. SHEATHING 6' INSULATION vvvv .�PPF9 IV pP vvv OL VpFPPPP9P9979F94 PP009C 4�F9 CPi9dSP99CPP949 CPO dPPCiIVOVP}P 'PF9yC P4'p�%P?'�F4pP 69C�9Fi3N: PP9Tf Ov os49 CP': p�'39Pvc9093FPdp�-"IP COPv TOOpPPdP PPP94C CTi^CilT tP PP4tSTT:'99PPPp P4PPP W�pF FpF4P4p pP 4P?F4ZTS PPp 1P 449PCC - 4 ♦14CTf CPPP4P dF 9C PP"S*9Pg4Fp POq PPPFPFp V9. 9PPF7fip94O PPPC BPP FPPPP pP 000df PP PPPPPPP PPPP Pi=P �9RPP9oOPlvv OOOOP 9O^. CCPCgPP9v CFPPPa'P'-3FT TPP9 Pp4 PPFPPYCT TTf TfTOCPgG'P FF FP POP C4Fp PTP ZFPPPO g44O04POPP PPp94 PP9OP4TT iv <P T9P OPPp�`CP9PL FPPFF 99 PPP PpAfiPFPP S9Pv9P 9PPFPF P9PPP9940F FPP 4P9 CPPPPPO POOOp0PO4FOP tP 99 P9PCCPTF CclOa3iT!lOF9`£. FO9 aPPPP CII4tf iPP4FP9Pdv9FPvii sl9l409PFPF pP94Pf Cpv4P"PP'7 i`iPF9P P99gP9P0P OPPP9FFF F?009C C9f TOFF PPTC 9PFFgF4 TPTT� CST9vlOPP 4949F4 P4*P+G�'P4'?pPP4PPp8dP'dPPpP='99P*'P�i:'PFF 4p d499 p419upIIIIPPP9PFOPi9v PIIs9PPIIC PPPPPp^AC7PPv90f O0OisPiTv^. oFPCFPFB'SPtl PCPP6"�P PFS iFP': Pu pP P4FiTF49F CiF93 FP9 P&CpFOpPd COpP4t9PFPC9l GP4 P0940 o00 PP PPPPPPC- 9TZ .4 ,,•P4 9 P '9 pPdP PPII'P9PP2 Pd PP9d P94CPPPC9PPCCPd FPP pP PPPPPPpF PIIFPIIZ9T PPPPP 000P4PPP PPFCPP4 FPCi:iTlTC 9TTti COPOpPPOP CP PP"ZPCST?PgO4'FO^.F44P FPCCiivOV OPP fi'PPPPPPP CC 0074 P%'p9p49PP 94 P94Z CPP4dPPFPP PP9P94v COT 40F OFf♦ IIFPPFP Pp W F P9 Ct FTiPp9T♦9Ttl94P RP9PPP7 F�dp F9 PPpPP3 PPPPPPdPS'PF9Pv PPPPPP9 FP P9PPFIIPPC49P49OO9o04 PC 9II 09 P9PP94 CPv F49P FP OO4P O90OliiFi^Pe:'T9dP4p".-'--'PPPIIP'�F dFF t1p 9's©7P."PPP9P9-OSTP?v9C'd f+"�!Pp CPO9ipCCTi '7i C.`Pf'PFO 99oOd4PP90PGY/FPdO PO -P 4i PTtiTF iOpF?*P9PCP 9C€pdP 9P CPPPPg9F Pd POP PC P9PP4C PC PFPP4FPPPPPO PP vPPP4P PII CG 999C Pf OCC009 POP PF94'PP OC PT C99CP90004TOTlP9FC 9FO EPd996P9Ti♦PPFP PO9d dpOP00 TTii OCO PF9PPP FOO^P49P 9PC'P44944]P PP T94C9FOP P9P9FP r44PTO4PC 7d si !f♦ p CCC^99'94 pPditPp3C'P9PP"JV 9Fd PFP='4*`19PF2OPF4PpS S9 PFP: 9P PP000 pO o0OP9d P?IIP PPP GTfp®pF9dO POPOPPO0v 4PCPOCP9F9'.'T*1 Cp PP9 pP"Q Oix aip9°344pdp°9L+p49 sT FT voCC 9OpP POFPP POOPP4'PVF9F904F 4P CCCPPOOO9 PC 4FP90 iCCP .4 TTSP,90 i 0OP4F4 P P0004CC9Cg9P 4p CFg09T TPTTC4Tt0 pPF FFTCTP44C!9PT.t:F4CF4"F'P p9 PFPPTJ C'P'46 iPSiZ2 pP F44P Pp`?FPPg� ®��= F4 C9Ppd Py09'9`4 �PFOPPP4 490CP 9Zv P4PFh PPO 9dP44P9 04PCC<"-"'.iii':FZySTe]��} 9i' P 4'*9�4t;X iF f[, Ga9 PFP4,^,L'V„L Cf t Qi �P4 PP G4 9 POV^C"IIPc'g (pII�gC W4P4 POLY. VAPOR BARRIER C -8" CRUSHED STONE 1" RIGID INSULATION (PERIMETER) 8" CROSS SECTIONX-X REVISIONS DEPT, OF PUBLIC VORKS 2-12-97 TOWH (DIP MR7140u m 2-14-97 ENGINEERING DIV?SI❑N 759 RUSSELLS MILLS RD. SO. DARTMOUTH, MA. Scale: 3/4„=1>—U' Job No. Drawn by: B.S. Date: FEB.11,1997 Chk'd. by- D.P.W. HIGHWAY GARAGR ADDITION Drawing No. CROSS SECTION 3 OF 3 1 x3 FURRING @ 16" o/c Q^ ACOUSTIC SUSPENDED CEILING WINDOW HDR. �,� h-- x� N� 19'-6 1/2° z J U O O ( C� Z F— _ (U CO - — � Z �' c� m M N � � 1 /2» GYP. BD. z x oo N z 4" CONC. .SLAB w/ 6x6x10 W.W.M. RUBBER FLOOR TILE 4" RUBBER BASE 2x6 PRESS. TRT'Q. SILL File Name 24'—U' ' -------------------------------------- ;,,. 2x6 28"X24" D.H. MULL ' DBL. 2X8 HDR. 1 5'-11 1/8" 5'-3 7/8" I r---- ------------------------- --� EXISTING C.M.U. WALLS J I I I I MEN -' i BE GLAS UN I I m EXISTING 20 ` N--LU—N—CH——ROOM N • � r. co —BOILER ROOM o(V iI(I IIII AN COMPACT _ ------------------- II(I I( III I�I N(ROCESSED GRAVEL) T.O.W. ELEV.= 100'-0" x 2xs 11-6 1/2" 2'-0"x2'-0"x10" FOOTING (ELEV. OF T.O.F.= 99'-8") STRAP MASONRY WALL WITH WOMEN 2'-0" 10'-5"x3 FURRING ® 16" o/c {See Note #8} 4x4 POST ABOVE L—(SEE CROSS SECTION) N ———----- ----- I I I --- BEAM ABOVE (SEE (SEE CROSS SECTION) SLOP SINK THIS EXISTING WINDOW ONLY —INSTALL 3'X7' PASS DR. (STEEL) AND FILL REMAINDER WITH C.M.U. {DOOR TO BE 1 HR. FIRE RATED} EXISTING WINDOWS —REMOVE AND FILL OPENINGS WITH C.M.U. PROPOSED NEW ELEC. WATER HTR. EXISTING GARAGE FOUNDATION PLAN FLOOR PLAN 3" 1 /2" DIA. x 12" Lg. ANCHOR BOLTS (8' o/c Max.) 4' CONC. SLAB WITH 6x6x10 W.W.M. o / (ELEV.=100'-0" ) NOTES- 1. EXT. WALLS — 2x6 @16" o/c — Part. Ht.=8'-5' 2. Sheath all ext. walls with 1/2" cdx Plys. 3. Ext. siding to be w.c. shingles ® 5' exp. 1" RIGID PERIMETER INSULATION 4. All int. walls to be 2x4 @ 16 o/c (non —bearing) unless noted otherwise. 5. Windows —Andersen Vinyl Clad Db. Hung Units NOTES. with insulated glass and screens. 1. Foundation walls and footings to be 6. Insulation— Fiberglas Batt Type/6" walls, 10" ceiling 7. Install 1" ri id insulation at fnd. wall interior � 2500 p.s.i. concrete. Q 8>, 2. Set 1 /2" Anchor Bolts at 8'-0" o/c max. perimeter. ?See foundation cross section} > 3. Install 1" perimeter insulation to a depth of 7—IT 8. 8. Handycap fixtures optional, restrooms to be used for Employees only. �- from the top of foundation. � cc L VTT/ 1 RCO f REVISIONS 2-12-97 DEPT, OF PUBLIC WORKS TOWH (DIP 01/UQCTWOU7H ENGINEERING DIVISI❑N 16" 759 RUSSELLS MILLS RD. SO• DARTMOUTH, MA. Scale: 1/4"=1'-0 Job No. Drawn by: B.S. Date: FEB. 10,1997 Chk'd. by: SECTION A —A D.P.W. HIGHWAY GARAGE ADDITION Drawing No. FOUNDATION/FLOOR PLAN 2 OF 3 File Nave 6'-0" 24'—Cr 24'—V' 7'-0" � 1 2x6— — — --- — — — — — — — — — — — --- -- ------ 28"X24' D.H. MULL w r DBL. 2X8 HDR. 5'-11 1/8" 5'-3 7/8„ w I -------------- ---------------- r — �1 I EXISTING C.M.U. WALLS �s•.. I I I I I 1 CV MEN X�tGLAS I m I I EXISTING v o LUNCH ROOM I N I 1 BOILER .ROOM " , � � 3'N712"�� � I I I I I r: 'y 1 cfl O f ( FILL AND COMPACT f (PROCESSED GRAVEL) I 1 O , I I N cv I I T.O.W. ELEV.= 100'-0' I ' 2x6 I I I • I I I I 11'-6 1/2" 1 i ( 2'LO"x2'FO"x10"FOOTING ( I I (E EV. 0 T.O.F.— 99'-8') I I h, STRAP MASONRY WALL WITH I 1 x3 FURRING @ 16 o/c WOMEN I I I I I `f I (See Note #8} 1 4x4 POST ABOVE — — — — — (SEE CROSS SECTION) I � 6x10 BEAM ABOVE (SEE CROSS SECTION) SLOP SINK THIS EXISTING WINDOW ONLY —INSTALL 3'X7' PASS DR. (STEEL) AND FILL REMAINDER WITH C.M.U. (DOOR TO BE 1 HR. FIRE RATED) EXISTING WINDOWS —REMOVE AND FILL OPENINGS WITH C.M.U. PROPOSED NEW ELEC. WATER HTR. EXISTING GARAGE , FOUNDATION PLAN FLOOR PLAN 1 /2" DIA. x 12" Lg. 3" ANCHOR BOLTS (8' o/c Max.) 0 4 CONC. SLAB WITH 6x6x10 W.W.M. (ELEV.=100'—O„ ) NOTES ! --- --- 1. EXT. WALLS — 2x6 @lEr a-. — Part. Ht.=8'-8" II 2. Sheath all ext. walls with 1'2" cdx Plys. " 3. Ext. siding to be w.c. shines ® 5" exp. 1" RIGID PERIMETER INSULATION 4. All int. walls to be 2x4 @ 6" o/c (non —bearing) unless note(otherwise. ~ 5. Windows —Andersen Vinyl Clan Db. Hung Units with insulated glass and s(eens. '� NOTES! 1. Foundation Walls and footings to be ' 6. Insulation— Fiberglas Batt T)e/6" walls, 10' ceiling 7. Install 1" ri id insulation i fnd. wall interior 2500 p.s.i. concrete. perimeter. ?See foundatiol cross section) > 8 2. Set 1 /2; Anchor Bolts at 8'-0" o/c max. r �" 8. Handycap fixtures optional restrooms to be used for Employees only. 3. Install 1 perimeter insulation to a depth of T-6" Q from the top of foundation. r 0 z _C/) 5i I— 0 1 REVISIONS 2-12_97 DEPT, OF PUBLIC ORKS -FOO V�Ii H OCp ®QFED_) OM�a C ENGINEERING DIVISI❑N 16" 759 RUSSELLS MILLS RD. SO. DARTMOUTH, MA. Scale: 1/4"=1'-0" Job No. Drawn by: B.S. Date: FEB. 10,1997 Chk'd. by: SECTION A —A D.P.W. HIGHWAY GARAGE !ADDITION Drawing No. FOUNDATION/FLOOR PLAN 2 OF 3 s i 12 3" 3 O.H. T1'P. l-- Ton of Darfoouth Buildin+ Departrent Fire Departaent Reviev This plan is hereb endorsed for constructic+rs` eubjeet to submfission of detailed Fire ROOF RAFTER protection Plans certified as to compliance LAYOUT with applicable Lads & Regulations t527CMR & 780CMR! to the Die=.rict Chief prior to start of construction of any such system. You or Your representative must contact the District' Chief prior to start of Fire Protections Work.' Chief VINYL SIDING OR District ?ate 8 NOTES -1 x6 CORNER BDS. 1. ALL FRA — FTERS TO HEM —FIR 1200f OR BETTER. 2. STRAP BOTTOMOF CEILING JOISTS WITH 1x3 FURRUNG @16 o/c 3. SHEA,TH WITH 1 2" CDX'PLYS. / 4. ROOFING MATERIAL TO MA1FCH EXISTING AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE (ASPHALT SHINGLES) APR 15 1997 g ,.. iL 0® a DART;7gi,�'1i � r'� � :..:�.. E da m BUILDING G DI;PABTIfB3I! u , _.. , ti . , . ThSs lan has bee _, o „ t F n revleied and accepted as e :. p a record co of cork _ ...... ., a �.i 11L r s pro osed to be er t.,,, d P p foreed in compliance rith 78D CBR 5th Edition . ... ................ ... ......... ..... ...- F:. - e -c _............. a ovn ::. R The er, a 1 _................... an rc i r M,: PP applicant/agent and/or a h'tect/eA i .... .. .....•.:...: � sib a can veer is :::.:: :..... fs��^ icsurin fin z M . ry, .......................:t � n. -, � for al co liance rith - '•-� f : f the above uention :.:.:..:...::...... . - `i his' Endo. d � above -mentioned code .. . ............. l'� not>:Sthstandl �� ng anY errors or omissions in the record 1an. F Ss chin e p ,4ny tUST � 1' g in orner, license contractor or engineer ullst be re ort ed to ' u • W t f fs ;. this office immediately- Y An change in plan � � �.,� � 1'I it i�� .. Y g p Host be subnStted to . ,v this office in of Mawr '\ >3 s � Y f.� t -:. --- aelyTietiire , #t ejA .-.�, REVISIONS 00 DEPT, OF PUBLIC VORKS , 2-14-97 0 D e e SOUTHERLY ELEVATION 11 O[ DQG��OU�I RE4 r'. 3-18-97 �, r _ . ��, s r. ENGINEERING DIVISIDN p T.%R W„. g 759 RUSSE / uj LLS MILLS RD. SO. DARTMOUTH, MA. NO a ,, Sca le: — �— � � 1 /4 —1 0 Job No. Drawn by. B.S. Date: FEB. 10r 1997 Chk'd..by: / _D.P.W. HIGHWAY GARAGE j0DITION Drawing No. ELEVATIONS/ROOF PLAN 1 OF 3 z c 711 Y I File Name ;- HWYAD D3 12 EXISTING ROOF 3 r- W 6x10 BEAt�A 2XI ASPHALT SHINGLES � ® , -_.1 1 2 CDX 32 16PLYS. 0 � c R AR AT TOP PLATE A 4x4 POST TO BE FT RS 00 » , INSULATION TYP. x 10 CD N Z ALUM. DRIP' �. EDGE x RAM SET INTO CONC. BLK.Mnmo nnmFm 1 x4 TRIM W 1 x 10 FACIVA 2X6 @16/ " o/c CEILING TIES `1 x3 FURRING @ 16" o/c J J i— Q I— _ Of ACOUSTIC SUSPENDED CEILING 3/8 PLY. SOFFIT � Qw J WINDOW HDR. f-- Q 1 x4 TRIM BD. m xn N � a, � 19'-6 1/2" 1 x12 FRIEZE E3D. Q z Q c °° Z 0 c~n z _ - x ~ W C Ofz \ x — W W . N J Q� \ z I v 1 /2„ GYP. BD. ° Q co o (SEALED —LATEX PAINTED) COm _ U z N W.C. SHINGLES @ 5' EXP. 4" CONC. SLAB w/ 6x6x10 W.W.M. TYVEK VAPOR `BARRIER 1 2" CDX 32//16 PLYS. SHEATHING RUBBER FLOOR TILE l 4" RUBBER BASE 6 INSULATION 2x6 PRESS.' TRT'D. SILL ppv vv 9D vd Ovv44pYV Oa4 p9v dad Oi pOp pO 9 P p v v v vvv ap PD 4T IIvv OaOvn9Dtt 000p009 pv avvvppavvvvv pap v0 p vvv OOprp vOvD D v v 4 v v v v v v Ov9Ovp400 p9dpa pp OD Ov pDODpavv aappav9p p9 Oa a00pOpp Pvpp0lppO tpvppvp0 vOO9pvp pODODD ppOv P v tp dDO pvtdppp ov 9v aDavvpp O4tp4 pvavv pOOvtp aO tp POp O4vv0 P9 vppaII 9vpp Opt p4D4tiv pO DDav ppvvOpaaD 9 pp pvdpd 9v Op OOD4ppv4 DO Dp4 vd vv pD4 vv Od D4vOpOppt v4pd pvdpv avvvav 9p pd444 9vp DppppO pODD Ot 00t 069900tt4dpOpv vOvp vtdOO pv0a4pppppv 9D0 app d p p v94 Oa Op pv p09 dptptp O40ttOp DOOp Op p4Op9 do O�Opv Op9pdp9000ff OOII IIDp pap DY FD DD 40Oa d0 pppdOOpOpv vvv pv 9pOp OOOOdp aOPOpGIppP tOpOppDO pppp044Dp vp OOp OpOOpD Pv vv pp Pv pv p000 p9p Pp4OpOOp dOvO aO pOVOd pp ODav D09OvpOv9vv v vp v 9OOp000pv vp Op OpD Da pptivDp pOtlOp D94v 7p9v7p4papOOVOp Yv ppp OpO dvdp pII tpt Op CO 79 pOtav9044 vp0 pvvitOtl OppO pp pOOtOtpt pOa4p DappOpp avD4 apav Oa Ov iOvp9 Odd Oppp OOOp OpdOldOtOOOOIIO00tfip DOOOtp OOt Dp popta DpOp 9v O9pt OO9a Op OpOd4ap OaOp pOaOp pp aa0 D OII a94p Ov 9Op a0p 04ODp P p v 90p Ot IItptpOpOtttOt Op9vp4Otl4ap9aav 41O74apa Cpap r'tttttp paOV Op9OppppOp 40p9pp plop ppaCO v dvv Ovpa9ppDOpt pd OOOpOpt9vvptOapv Dvpp pv pOtO VOOp Opp pdp tOp Op pppva9 Od POp OpapvpOV Op pOp pO OpOII64D p dpD tl 9pvp D tl d OVO44p9OOP4p Opp QO VOp ppad pOp Ov 7ap99dpF9ta9II0990900 Oppp 404ttiOp OO0000 POOP Ovpvppv 49p C.'t004p4pOV0000pp 09pp4P OODOO tl90 pdOv pvov v4OV O4 PYv ODpII000dvODpOpOp OOO 000p0040 OOtD Oppp Op pdpdOdp pvppppd OD pp Op4Op'v vvOp VOvpp4 v 4 pp 9aDOp Od4 vv OOaDIIV POD pap vv vv OOOIIp90tOOOdtOttt sp pop Op4 779Fv ppv Optttl Dp d4 d900tt 00000pO9vvp9vv490p OpOpp OOOpppC4Opp p9ODvp Op DO9pO ppp Op Op t♦OpOvtOOivOp OOppapOp vO9 tt VdOp Op p000OOvp Op d09p app OvavDOvpp OOOp004p p9p09 OOOD9 Opv a OvaD dIIvapd vOD0000900F0 pa 77p000 Op9p OpdvOp0099va p9v 7DOit77dp9a vdO90000p 29799dD99pvvD Op a00p DO pv va4 POOP 07p0 ppOd9ppp009p pdt0000t 00009aOp0OOpp 09p OO pupa O9DIIOVOp90vp9aCPOp4vp ODO dpd Op ppvap0 pppava49vv Oa FO v4 p09 00 dOpO0II4pdO pp OO p0000ttOt0OttrvOOt09p OD DOIIYa0000 ppD VOOpv Ovdp 4II pptlOpvp 9vD0 9094OOaDV DVOpOp4apD ppv O44Ovv DOp 7dp4v aOpa 90ppa FD 4DOp pa Oa OII Oa Oatd top 9070 vPPvpvvOOpa OD atO4IIp av v9vOtt OtOOpvp vp v9v va DOODvpO POOP pOp Opvdpp POLY. VAPOR BARRIER 6" —8" CRUSHED STONE 1" RIGID INSULATION (PERIMETER) 8„ T OF DARTE0,0UTril 4 ui C0Y Of This Endorsed Plan east Be Kept an Site CROSS SECTION X-X Date Doring Construction I REVISIONS .9 Q• 1 �cs �20oc--o a�a Gc�w-coVQ 1 10 or �ovE�o� 7 F' o 1 / `Q. r s / f ,/ F�c�o`Ft g�.A.'� �6A.SCS� oy ��/4 , ME.'T"'ER� RC-�.c�►Hc.,�S� � loulfi I. -Y 9 ►"1N.1:�i0`�.. FGz.AM�c-�Gc��tfcSt L o _ O PR 151997 joFli - DEPT: OF PUBLIC WORKS f TOWN o', DARTMOUTH r ENGI;NURING DIVISION X �y.. �► SCALE. ► :zo DR. ®Y. 'S Eirc-Q O GR,a� {ti]r� i 3. 24 $ .. �. � / DATE : H K D 4 21• • 9� r' ay ..._..._ . �• PiZO�:�i �G'�T ► •tom +•�� . DWG. NO. -. � 800 MECHANICALS & PRDAARY FUEL ArchitectXngmeer - project supervision and reports Furnace (hot air) - Fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify) Company name o N U�'�A�LK1*�Q4t = Boiler (heating) Fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify) Address .�7 tSS�mi�g 1`nt� CS �Z h HVAC ,(combined unit) - Primary fuel, natural gas, propane, electricity, other (specify) Phone number I C1 5 a`ly _ Air conditioning - (separate unit) - Certified by State of Massachusetts as 0VG- `t Q4 A L & ' _ None of the above to be provided a Certification number " Hot Water Gas Electric Fuel Oil Other FT-t NOTE Signatures and seals on all plans, affidavits and other documents SHALL BE originals andl not 900 SPRINKLERS - FOR STRUCTURES OVER 7500 SQUARE FEET and certainmultifamily residential reproductions. = Required, I plans provided, —'plans not provided, whv? General Contractor (if Homeowner, state homeowner here then complete section 1300) .Not required, not to be installed, Why? Company name —1 t�Wu 6 F rJsrtTf3,+.etsu 1�1 Address �1 tt-+RS$t ti lylt� 12p 1000 REQUIRED OFF-STREET PARKING - for ZONING & Architectural Access Phone number ' Ct -7 `E `f NOT APPLICABLE Construction Supervisors license number • = Parking Plan submitted To _ Building Department = Planning Board Date submitted NOTE Signatures and seals on all plans, affidavits and other documents SHALL BE originals and? not Number of spaces -indoors outside t�,reproductions.tal provided - Handicap _+*#**xxx*********x*xs*xx**s**x*s****s**xxxxx*sxxx**s*txx**��*xx*=*xxxszxxxxuxxxxxsxsx*xx*xx*>rxx*x*x**** fi ap spaces required _ yes no. If }es, how many as a part of the total required number. Is Route 6 (State Road) Entrance permit required? yes 1200 FOR RESIDENTIAL REMODEL WORK ONLY no =. If ves has it been issued ves = no Submit copy of application and/or permit as soon as available. Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to (780CMR - 6) ? Yes _ No _ If no go to text section'. 1100 IDENTIFICATION (print or type except as noted) Are _ u claiming exemption from the requirement? Yes _No _If yes, submit the required affridavit! Remodel co actor name lease print) Current owner -name l r>w u O F bvi2Tl�.rv�ee.l�'F� � address Tw S4.a�ta,� �D Address phone # Cl C! �( V '-( (� Registration number (i ne state "none") If corporation, officer in charge Phone number Architect/Engineer - for overall design PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTER CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTEE FUND! QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINT I or write: Home Improvement ntractors Registration .� Company nameTDwr��y h �at�fLZ t�r�tT(� One Ashburton Place- Ro 1301 Address Boston, :MA 02108 ��i � S4L� 1�, S �it_C S t) (617) 727-8598 Phone number (s 1 U Owners name (Print) Certified by State of Massachusetts as [CLoFi�SSty,tjAL� , Signature Certification number ; Date NOTE Signatures and seals on all reproductions. plans, affidavits and other documents SHALL BE originals and not 1300 OWNER SIGN OFF I, the undersigned, am the owner of record or authorized lessee (provide documentation) and I havfb reviewed the application herein submitted. I state that to the best of m knowledge and belief that the information rodiided in this Y g P I, application is true and correct and that the permit requested he issued. Further I understand that the permit will expire in six months, from the date of issue, if no work ifs begun or / six months after the last inspection if work has begun and that the permit may be extended for six months if'no work is J anticipated if I request such an extension in writing. I understand that the permit may be extended only thrlee times by written request. I understand that once the permit expires a new application may be required, including fees and current other equirements (including Zoning). .Name T�.. tl tD -L _ W t I t `FA T�5 P Z!l! - i Signature The a ove signature is my voluntary a and is signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. Date -�� Who is authorized to pickup the permit at the Building Department' ia►ease arintl Address Phone o% C? - 4- 1400 HOMEOWNER EXEMPTION - ONE & TWO FAMILY ONLY FOR HOME OWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORhI AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT 109.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those,structures governed by Construction Control in Section 127.0, effective July 1, 1982, no individual shall be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings or structures, unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entitled Rules and Regulations for Licensing Construction Supervisors. Exception: Anv Home Owner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section; provides that if a Home Owner engages a person(s) for hire to do such work ,that such i Horse Owner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only, a "Home Owntc" is dcfir_ed as follows: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which heishe resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in two -near period shall not be considered a Home Owner. If }ou are applying under this section sign below: • Signature Your signature carries certain responsibilities, including but not necessarily limited to, general liability NO-nCE TO LICENSED CONTRACTORS: The Building Code provides in the Rules and Regulations section that any licensed Construction Supervisor, whether or not they have taken the permit are responsible for code compliance. (see 2.1 .y of section 150o COST Cost of Improvement $ Items to be installed but not included in the above cost: Electrical S Plumbing HVAC Other TOTAL The followingsection for official use only. I; INSPECTORS' REVIEW Date plan reviewed 30 days to review period expires OK to issue date Alteration of existing, no increase in gross square feet. A separate Refuse Disposal Deciarat€9un required_ Demolition - describe structure Number of dwelling units Number of bedrooms A separate Refuse disposal Declaration requir-ed. Moving - (Provide copy of D-P-W- moving license) Type of structure from where (plat/lot or address) to where (plat/lot or address) Number of dwelling units Number of bedrooms per dwelling unit Re -roofing - (for existing only, is included in new construction) Number of square feet Number of layers already existing Number of lavers when complete A separate disposal declaration REQUIRED Replacement doors and windows - (for existing only) (only where doors and windows exist aind will not be enlarged) EGRESS dimensions must be maintained. Enlarged or new windows in an existing dwwelling will be considered as an Alteration; otherwise will be included in new construction. (see Code section:3401.10 for residential.and Article 8 for commercial) Temporary structure - includes when allowed, trailers, tents and the like and only for limited periods of time. Describe 500 CONSTRUCTION PLANS = None submitted. Why". Submitted, usually three sets required. Four sets for food service\uses. Number of sets subimitted J 600 SITE PLAN (] Not required, why? = Submitted When? _ Previously, date With this application a 700 UTILITIES Water supply - required )4 yes _ no, public ' °ves IV- no, on site well? yes X no, existing? �L_ yes no If required and not existing have necessary permits been issued?, no yes, date (M.G.L. Chapter 40, section 54 provides that no building permit may be issued unless a water- supply, when required, is available. See Code 780 CMR section 114.1.2) Sewage disposal - required ,,- yes _ no, public sewer yes no private septic on -site _X_ yes _ no. Submit copy of permit as soon as available. E] Woodstove - used (will require inspection prior to installation), new (provide manufacturers instructions). Location(s) (list) Fireplace(s) - (includes flue) List location(s) LE Game Court - describe (include overall dimensions) Tent, Trailer (Mobile Home) or Other - describe 300 COMMERCIAL - PROPOSED PROJECT/USE - INCLUDING THREE FAMILY OR MORE AND EXEMPT USES XTHIS SECTION NOT APPLICABLE (The following descriptions are based on the Massachusetts State Building Code Article 3, AS NOTED) (See the Code) = Assembly restaurant, lounge, theater, school, etc. (see Code Section 302.0) Describe Business - office,` assembly with less than 50 occupants - indicate Medical or other professional (see Code Section 303.0) Educational - structure for training including child day care for those over 2 yearn 9 months (see Code Section 304.0) Factory / Industrial - (see Code Section 305.0) ;High Hazard - (see Code Section 305.0) _ Institutional - 6ospitat;'nursing home, infant day care (see Code Section 307.0) Mercantile -retail stores (see Code 308.0) Residential - three or more family, hotel (see Code Section 309.0) Storage - includes~ garages (see Code Section 309.0) _ Utility & Miscellaneous Structures - includes tents and agricultural structures (see Code Section 311.0) New tenant for any of the above, indicate above (see Code Section 119.0 and Zoning By-law section 35) Tent or Trailer - temporary purpose? - Other Describe the proposal briefly, INCLUDE number of dwelling units and bedrooms or occupant load as applicable, also existing condition ' 400 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK TO BE PERFORMED , ¢ New Construction and/or Addition - total gross square feet TDO (For commercial only total gross cubic feet) - indicate It will be considered new construction if there an increase in square footage in addition to any alteration(s). If project is an addition to existing structure -Total gross square feet of existing _ FOR COMMERCIAL ONLY «Vill this project be subject to CONSTRUCTION CONTROL (over 35,000 cu.ft.) Yes No. (If yes see Code section 127.0). Designer to submit Code Synopsis. N�rfll this project require Peer review (over 400,000 cu.ft.) - Yes No (see Code Appendix I) APPLICANT TO PROVIDE r OK to issue subject to requested submittals (see project review worksheet) date DENIED see project review worksheet date HOLD reason date 7 HOLD Subject to Zoning Board of Appeals action Comments Inspectors signature Date Applicant informed of above - Date time staff = (fax, phone, in person) *z**z*z***szzzz*zszzzzzzzzzzszzs*zzzzzzzzzzz*zzzzzzzzz*zzzzzzzzszzzzzzzzzzzz*zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*zzzz**=zz*** Over six months since approved for issue - DEEMED abandoned) Advise applicant. Hold 90 days for return then dispose if not picked up. Inspector Date Advised applicant Date Time staff (by phone, fax or in person) *zzzzmzzzzzz*s*s**zz*zz*zz***zzzzzs**s***szz*zzzzzz*zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzsmzszzzzsz*zzzzzz**z*sz*zrz**z* OFFICE\INSPECTORS NOTES TOTAL FEE Gross area - new construction Total Sq. Ft. alteration Total Sq. Ft. Permit is issued to Comments/notes on permit n O THE 1bn T APPLI BAl. AND APPROVAL Date of Application submission --,:�" Plat 73 3 Lot Street . l� � � 'Aquifer Zone Owner Owner mail address Owner phone # xs::ss:zss:sssssss:ssssssssasssssasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssassssssssssssssssss:sssssssssss: OTHER IWOLVED AGENCIES - The following agencies require separate jurisdictional permits or approval for your Proposed project. CONTACT THEM FOR REQUIRED S'IIBMISSIOlVS. ® TAX COLLECTOR — Approved = HOLD BY Date ❑ Conservation Comm = Approved By Date C3 D.P.1V. water = Approved By Date ❑ D.P.W. sewer Z Approved By Date ❑ 1).P.W. cross connection = Approved Date ❑ D.P.W. engineering = Approved Date ❑ Board of Health well —_ Approved Date ❑ Board of Health septic _ Approved Date ❑ Board of Health food service _ Approves Date S FIRE DISTRICT,II - II -III) _ Approved Date ❑ Plannin¢ Dept _ Approved Date Other — Approved Date t) t h c r Approved Date meets VIIrId .... .. zsz azasasssszsaasesssasssszssss:assszsssasssz=s=zz:szzss::::asssssssssssssssssssssss:= Prnlecr summary new constructions alterationidemo sewage disposal - puhiiciprn•ate �Alter:add interior walls] [add rooms] [add footprint] water supply - publiciprivate well [pooij [garage -shell [game courtl [food service] Describe z=s===s=z.==assz=:ssssssssssssssssssssssssass:ssssssssssssssssssasssass:zzzasssszzz:sssssssssssssssssszsssss To the various departments: This notice has been forwarded to you for Your information and any appropriate action. Should you have any questions please advise. If any reason to withhold the requested permit is found. please advise. Your assistance and cooperation is appreciated. The Builditztt Department r. Date sent for review _ `e"` J . By TELEPHONE 508-999-0720 FAX 50;'8-999-0738 APPE ON FOR ZONING AND BUILDING,PERMIT LU L I Insamcdoas IL he applicant shall complete this application to the best of their ability prior to submission. -leaving no item manswered. The Department staff µilf } e' L it id�dhria= regular business hours to assist as necessary DUA should be instrted;''for those sections which do not apply. A properiv completed application will help avoid unnecessary delays. 74dM Firmg fee is nod (for office use only) ')_f `� Application fee received by Date Total Permit Fee $ Permit # 100 LOCATION OF PROJECT CURRENT ACCESSORS' PLAT, _ LOT ZONING DISTRICT THER ZONING OVERLAY DISTRICTS , if applicable m,"MBER 3 STREET 2 776 /2uS�S�LG S 101 LC. s 122 NEAREST CROSS STREET CALsG /Zt7 LjBDIN'ISION NAME & LOT # or BUSINESS NAME �iQ fL fc!?f� �• VV w4 y PREVIOUS TENANT ,' ONVNER 200 RESIDENTIAL - PROPOSED PROJECT one & two family residence only THIS SECTION NOT APPLICABLE Single family - number bedrooms number baths - Two famih• number bedrooms unit 1 number baths unit I number bedrooms unit Z number baths unit Z - i - Accessory apartment Total gross sq. ft. _ Accessory structure Garage - detached - attached to dwelling, dimensions L W Carport - detached - attached to dwelling, dimensions L W Shed - dimensions L W _ Gazebo - dimensions L W Swimming pool above ground in -ground Size total square feet = Chimney - # of flues .7bl j