BP-72757a/)N/y- dx-1
RESIDENTIAL ❑ Phased Approval (R106.3.3)
Contact Person: fvl &r: o A • JausA / (— Ff ` i' UE rL
Reviised 5 /13
2.1 Owner Record:
Jay- c� Mori-Trowt-
Name (print)
�2K,rbt�Rd >t1P� .��go ���t-5G3- 8e87
Contact Address Phone Number
3.2 Homeowner Exemption - One & Two Family Only Section 110.R5.1.3.1 Exception:
Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section; provides that if a Homeowner
engages a person(s) for hire to do such work, that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor.
For the purposes of this section only, a "Homeowner" is defined as follows: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on which
there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than
one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner.
If you are applying underpis section
' Signature:
Worker's Compensation Insurance Affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure toprovide this
affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached: R*Yes ❑ No
❑ Deck ❑ Pool ❑ Repairs ❑ Alteration ❑ Chimney/Fireplace ❑ Woodstove/Pellet Stove
❑ New Construction* ❑ Accessory Bldg. ❑ Addition Roofing/Siding 0 Replacement window/door
(Energy report required) (Shed/Garage) (Energy report required) No. of windows_ Doors_
❑ DEMOLITION (specify): Con?rd-c. Olr W'11 6giA°l �4w�y de�riS on c. dal (y �G.St S .
Location of debris removal (per MGL C.�40(Sec 54): ❑ Dumpster on site ❑ Dumpster On Street
Facility Name: e- W��"� `N Q J Location: S 6 awm ui Ave, N'ew 04�ord- i to
*If new construction, please complete the following:
Single Family: No. of Bedrooms
No. of Baths
Two Family: No of Bedrooms Unit 1 No. of Baths Unit 1
No of Bedrooms Unit 2 No. of Baths Unit 2
❑ Furnace (hot air) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): _
❑ Boiler (heat`ng) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): _
❑ HVAC (combined unit) - primary fuel, natural gas, propane, electricity, other (specify):
❑ Air conditioning - (separate unit)
❑ None of the above to be provided
❑ Hot Water: Gas Electric Fuel Oil
dispute arises botwccn the--BUY-BR- and $>"I.L ER concerning to whom cscrowed funds should 'ba paid, the. escrow agent
way retain all 0scrowed timds pending Avilmn, instructigns mutually .given. by Me. S.VYCit and the SELLER. The 0WOW
agent shgll.-.Abidti by any Court decision.concming to wh= the funds sliall. be .paid and shall not be made it party to a
lawsult solely. as :a. xrsalt 'of hotding wroNved fund%. Should 1Tty •ascrQw agent be trade a party in '.violation or this
paragraph, the oscrow agent 'shall be, disahisud and the pang timAing o. Claim agtiinst ibc escrow agent shall pay tilt
agent's consonable attorneys' Pecs and co::ts..�71 itferttt is•to,octrr�a on dscrawed,/u�tda; 1n�iicnte to. whvn1 it sfinll b.aratr j
S. IMe Ear b[fgM4 , The SET.LML shall deliver the dcod and -the ]BUY M- shall pay the belanco of the purchase
price at 11:00 .o'clock A . in. on th° , Y gday of February 2014 _, at the
Br of County Rcgistry of Deeds. or at such other •tuna. and place as is ntuntally agreed in "tins,
Tllh is OFTHL• E$SENCI~ AS TQ OACH P&O VIMN Qp"TiiT$. AGRIMMENT. Unlow the deed and other documents
required by this ,A,grecmcnt Are recorded. at the time fcr W. ormaacc, no documents sad foods arc to be 'hold in escrow,
pending prompt rodaw.o of the. title✓ and. recording -(or rcgTstrat[on-in Oie case of rcgistarcd land), Sl:l.LEWS-atten,Cy ar
other escrow agent shall disburse funds the next business day following the .dato for per(b mtutca, provided that the
recording attorney has not reported a probt.cm o.utglde the mcordinb A1tPMcy,'s. cettuvl.
The SMLER shall convoy tho Prcmiscs by a.gpod.and sufricicnt quitclailtt deed running tp the Buyer or
to the HTJY'6R'S. namince, conveying. good and altar recozd and marketable title to the ftmiso, free from liens and.
cnnuatbrancc,% except:
(a). Real estatc-tnxes assessed colt the Promisee which am•no.tyet•due and pay..ablc;
(b) •betterment; assosstucnts, if any, which arc not a rocorded :lion pan thtl .date of this Agri ctnent;
(c)Federal, stale and local laves, ordinances, bylaws, -rules And rcgulntiatts. r4gttlating -use of land, inchtding building cocks,
zoniog bylaws, heattlt and envimonwntal Taws,
(d) Rights and obligations•itt pargewalls;
(e) Any easement, restriction or agreemens of rocoxd presently iA force which does not interfere with the rMo.nablo use �f
t he Ncinisasas now used;
(f) T)tiliry casLtncate inthe ndjoiinlwg ways;
(g) Ntattcm tWwould be disclosed by an accurate survey. ofthe?rcmises;,rand
[111sarrin (h) rk/u uners to mr,V o►Mcrr�nenirnl, resrr/etlon, Jlsare ar ototath m ee 1ulrlclrt„m> 001111)"10 t fetr rule-1s tranalkrJ�ec(J
if the teed tet.or$ to a plan ne cdcd to be. recorded with it, at tier, time far perCorihtance the SbLLER shall deliver the plan
with tttc deed in proper Boren for recording or registration.
7. TillOsxMM. !3UYEWS obligations are contingent upon 111e eyailabiUty (at tTQrMAl' pMnium rates) of RA opt ace's
title insurance policy insuring BUYER'S title to -the premises without exceptions other than the standard cxclusions from
covcragc printed in the ctuwnt American Land Title A%iociatipn ("ALTA") policy egVer, the standard. printed cx0cpti0ns
"Ovined: ;n the ALTA form currcltt!Y in use ror survey mnuers and need Genre taxes (which shalt only except real estate
taxes not rot du.c and pagab1o) arad,.tho&e c,Nccptions perntitted by paragraph,6'or this Agreement.
g8, Tate SE,T:[.F,R slholl execute .and doGvcr sitnultaneoasly with the. delivery
oftho deed'stieh,cerdfications,and.documents as may customarily and rmpSonably be required by thCBUYSR'S attorney,
i -G
In IIIIS SlvL.L1;K'Saials St?.l.(,. 1f57nitiais
BUYk:K'S initials "B BR:S Initials: B.U'Yl✓RS lnitin.Ig �. '5 t
�t999,2RQA,2402,20p6,10a�421K?tt, �UIU, 2n1'Z MASSA'C:EI.USS'1 fS ASSOGfA•I'IAN C11�Ttt?�11,TbR.S'►� «e�,T; ti
l WSFORMSM �nrm Nm 303
w�.R� r.Mv>wrw
gertnlM 9 *Z4.700947MA4
(IMPed by: Raberle Me* I. JeCk Cm�wr arld CM�vo^Y• Inc ► a�uonyT�ca�+ca+ns� 1 50bfr9b27p0 c
WZ d 8£SS666999L << 6Z6Z66680SL }Je0 N AeMuoo �oef W L I, 6£-Z6-£60
o3uaB A»QO :--=I 9£SS6660ee L, (1WEJ) bZ:eE::G L. I.Z-ZO-b LOZ 4&. to £ a15ad luawYsclaO Piulpllln9 :ol
MEWS lender,. BUYERS Icndcel vttomey or auy title insurance company iosaring the BUYCR'S title to tho. Prctttises,
including, without limirttion; ccrtifit:ation5 and dacunients rclatinp to: (a)'paltits in p0AP:sSion of'the. premises; (b) the
creation of niccllaniC;' .or liens; (c) .the HUD-.r Settlemcm .Statement an'd other fhmncial affidavits and
agroemonh as may •reasonably .be inquired by the lender -or lender'.; attomq. ;(d) the citizcnsll,ip and residency of SELLISR
as required by law; -slid (l) inlbr►uatlon mquircd .to, permit the-closmng 11genr Zt. report the transaction tv the Intcrnal Rcvoiuc
Sorvioo, At tho.tipta o .deiivcry. or the, dcod, piespLLER mayuse manios from the purchase to clear the title, provided thnt
all dpcpincnts !;shined tlicroto •ard ,recorded with the deed or within• a reasonable• time thcreattcr acceptable to the 'BUYER.
and, provided. furtlier; -that discliarges of mortgages front, banks, credit unions, insurance eumranioc and, other institutional
lenders may ,be recorded within a reasonable tilnc Aflgr recording of the deed in necordnocc with, -tisunl .coiaveyancing
practices. Tho SEl.LMS spouse :.hemby 0904 to release all statutory, Coniaioq law or other rights or interest In the
Premises and'to execute the deed, ifPrioccssiry:
p. ZO=al g�Ancl ��adi p� Of rrrm[�,aL At the time ror perfnrmanec the .S1:LLRR, Anil give the BUYER possession
of the entire Premises, free of all occupants and. tenants and. of 4 p"sonttl p.roperty, Except property hiPluded in. the. snlo:or
Wants pennitted to remain. At the time for, performance the Promises elso 0611 eompiy with the requirements of
pamgmph 6. and be ,brooin clean and In. the iomo epo.dition as the Pmm isos. now arc, reasonablc wee:o wear and telir crntcd,
NMth this SELLER, to have peffdtmcd all mitintennnce coste?mority undartAkon by tho SEt,= between dic date of this
Agreement and the titne for porlormonce, and tliere shall be no outs►tinding notice.; or vinlntion of iinyr Ouilding,, zoning..
health or. Citulronmentnl law, bylaw, code or .regulation, except as agreed.: The BUYER shall have the. .right Yo-enter tho
Premises within forty-eight (48); houxs .prior -tit the .time for parlor manee- or such other time as may be- agreed and upon
reasonable notice to :SELUR far the purpok :ofdctcrmiaing mnpliarice with. this pier tgrapl►. At the tiiiio cif n w. rding of
the deed, or. as .otherwise agreed, the SELLER shall deliver to BUYER all keys to the ,promises, garnge door openers pact
any .security codes. Until delivery of the -deed,. the $121J RR shall .maintain fire And extended' coverage insurance on dio
;Prcmikes in the some amount;es eurivady buqurcd.
ld. ►tCti<,S,im ltno—EF!;w.Eqd2atiamt t- If the SELLER cnnnpt convoy title as required by this Agreement or cAnnot
deliver possession of {lie Prernmcs is ag=A, or if -at the time of the, delivery of'the deed the Pivjuisos Ada not conform with
the requu'etueats set forth in this Agreement or the BUYER ji ntuible to obtain title Insm-ance in, accordance with pAragraph
7, upon wrilton notice Sivau no later than tho time for. pertennance from either party to: tho other, dw.. dais for performance
shall be autoitiatically extended for thirly (30) days, excopt -that ifBUYL'R'S. mortgoge commitment expims or thir terms
will matcrl.'Wy and,ndverscly zhange, in l'ewt:r than. thirty (3a) tlays,,tho.timp' for perfom,anco set forth in puragrnph.5 shall
bo -extended to one biueme.m dpy before i:xpimtion .of the utolpSc cnminitment. SETAZR shall use reasonable .:fleets to
make title eoofotnt or'to deliver posSesSioq as agreed, or to make the PremL%cs ,conform to fire requirements of -this
Agrceinent. Excluding ifischargc of mottgages and.licas, about which the. SELLER lies actual knowledge :ax the .ante of
signing this ASMornent, the SELLER shall: Act be required to incur costs or cgvnses totaling in -oxcesx of cnc-half (1f2) of
one percent of the purchaso pries to make tlio title or the Premises conform or to deUver- possession as agreed. If at the
cxpimtion of the time for perforntnnce, or if Utcre has been. an ex,•tension.: st the expiration of the time for performance as
extended, the'SELLER,, despite reasonable efforts, cannot make the title; or ftmises cgprornt, as agrocd, or cannot deliver
-po-%cu'ton, as agmed, or it dudng. the period .of this Agrecmetit or any cx!ension thereof, the. SELLER .fins been unable to
use poxcedafroman insurance elA.int. i f any,, tc>make the•Prem)m Conform, Den, at the BUYER'S election, any payments
U siitia s slJllrlt'S initials f3UYFilt'S Imlima s Ste: '5 nittafc l.L�V n!'itrals4C,t;CK'S ltt rill
SFORMSO V` 1"9, 20011. 2002, 2000, 2007, 2008,.2014,,2013 MA.SSACt lUSv'rrS ASSOCIATION Oil Rr•,nl; ORS7 !s;: -;
ACOMWO. ftow Rodbul1 Wu Pi�hl� �1J. St13
• M
>s��ur. oaraernot��t�it�o - .T:;.. Ilt,':II:LI�
nrapamae br: Roma Month I Jrck,t orw�ay, am cqm wa . W. l nrOkwo omew na 1 OW32TO 1�Q!'lliS1
WE d GESS666999L 6W66690ri6 1•100 N Aomiln3 roar *r LL 6E-Zb-E60Z
- nag A( C3 :wo» 9£SS666888L (1W'J) bL:B£:6L LZ-£o-b LOZ. 4L to b o6Cd 4.0—.oda0 CSuipll,nB :oy
made by 111" BUYER PtIM nt to this, Agreement Miall bt: inllncdiatcly xr,;trrned, .Upon rctzrl�n Of all such funds, all
rahligntians of the BUYLlt and SELLER cl,rrll. tc5minite and this: Aarcoment shall 5utonlntically- become void and neither
the. BUYER nor S ILEl�sllall Itavrz farther recourse or remedy flgninst'theother.
t I. �aW -QCl fa1]Ii.TC� If the Premises do not -coafotm. tothe requilrrnients .of pa'agraph 9 because they
have bait damaged by firm or other cosnalfy (occurring after the dnte of 'this Agmornent) that is covered by insurance, "teen
the: -BUYER shall have *1110 right to 000 whether or not -to proceed to
proceed BUYER Shall have file right to cicct to h va thq 3-accept the Prcnliscs and take title. Tl'>�UXI?lt glt:cts to
1wLLM pay or assign to the BUYER, tit the time for
pctforrnanr~e; the proceeds rwiverable on ancoutit of such, insurnnee, loss any cost MaSonab.ly ilrcurrod -by tltd SBt-I.CIt for
nay in.eompleto nepttils or ro5t(rratlen, a'F t11* SMLER, despite reasonable: cfr rj%, -has. neither hoot able ,ra .mvore .the~
PrcmisCs to its former .condition nor to pay or.assigit :to th.e BUYER the appropriate portion. of insurancc proccc' s, the
BUYER shall have tiro right m elect to crave The ViLLER give the BUYER 4 .c' mdit.towprd the purchase prico, for the
appropriato amount of insurance °pmcecds rowyc.mble less any costs reasonably incurred, by the, SEMER for any
incomplete rastovution.
12. Actq9nu_Q. jbMd. The .BUYER shalt line the xlgitt; to accept such title a tlrc 1,1. i1ises as urea Sl~(.LER Can
deliver at, the time for perreanunce and if extended, shnll''have such -right At -the tirno for pCtfur�rruncea, as extended. The
BUYER shall also hnve the right to accept the pt'0611ses .in -the 411cn current condition and to pay the purolltrsc price without
rt`duatiort of price. Upon 11011c0 in wrltigg' of BUYER'S decision to- accopt; the premises and title, the SELLER shall. convoy
title and deliver pticsecsion. Accepranco of a .deed 'by the BTNER. or BUYER'S nornjhec, if My shag constitute full
perforniance by the SET+i C-Xand shall be decntad to rxlcnsc and discharge the "
fartyt is this 8 'F.X�i-r>� !hour every duty, and obligation sat
/agreement, c,ccopt any fluty or obligation ofthe SELLER -that the SELLER has agreed to -po-form after t1tt:
time for perfortnancee. Natwidistanding the` foregoing,. all IvarrAnties, if ally, made by -the SELLER shall survive delivcty of
t to deed.
11• A-4JI19J)t CAL& At the tune forFerl'ormanCe of 'this Agreement adjustmcnts shall o made as of the dato of performnncc for cuff4nt real. e8tate mxc& .feel valtle, water titles, Fmcr use charges, collected rents. uncollumcd rents (if and when
collected by'eitlwr �pnrty), security deposits, prepaid prcmipms• on insanuice if 8,Wgnod,'The not total .of,such adjtlstulents.
Shall be nddc d to or deducted from the purchase price payable by the BUYMat the time for porformaneo, If the real esiale
tux rate or ascas, ment has not been cstahlished .at j$& time for- performance, npportionmcnt of real •estate taxes shall be
the o on the basis of the tax for then most recent tax year with either party having the right to request apportioltmCal front
the other. "Vithln Welt a months of the date that the, amount of the current yeaft tax is .estlblishcd [IflCrtrnlCS Will cnlllll1J14
to acoulrjr the 1'resn,icc%r, er,xo of Rho denial Property,dddendum to Pprcharse Ind Sale .I�,►► emrM sfiolrld be consleltred J
t4. ,�x,(t�p3J:l��%��.Rrut���itf� 17�e SFLt.GIt nrid t3UY.CR nckno�vledgcthnl'a �c of 5%
( ) rot, profetsionnl seevicc;s shall be paid by, the SELLER
to Jack Conwayy -the „BROXR„, at.tlte•timc for.perfomiance, in the event of a coarflict
between the terms. -of this ,Agreement and a prior -fee agreement with BROILER, thou WMIS of �prkr, .foc agnXII., nt shalt
control l unless 'BROlC, p tram pursuant
to 2 4 agn:Cd to a .chHngn in writing, •111a BUYEit. and SELLER acknotYlodgo cecoC,pr of a
notice from t3ROKE)It, p rSttantto2S4 Oft11a0Od0'Of ssachuKcuti Regulations Section 3,0 (1.3), regprdingany.,agcncy
13C1YER'S initals BUYER'S In.itiirls S!✓Li, 5I ruts S>~LL.1~R'S;lrrtintt; St✓L1;GR'S initials
MASSFORMS" 101"9,. 20*0, 2002, 200t;y 2007, 2M8, 2010, 2012 MAMA('[
IIISI 1"I:�ASStK'UC'i'ION0,pjtrAjT01tS�e
SaAotr!..as�stttoo�se•creu.a ., ., t'gnn Na.J62
ftftMf rt'r RaA#" MIMM r ]nit C*,WrW and edmer t Ito, 1 IshnfoM:&omcarie,4r t ra(lDo9ztue
Wt d l3£5566699R L « 6262666909 L ajeG N Amo
. 0 �oer 5h�66 6£-Z6-£60Z
o3uog A.I.c3 :wo�� 8ES5666888 L
(1WCj) b2!:8£:S, LZ-ZO�b LOB
4L to g p6ad iva........�__ e
relationship of the BROKER with tho- BUYER and/or, die SELLER. The BUYER and SELLER -.undenstand that
Bonto.Real Estate (2.8%) fhrsCrt narnel,-axoal estate brokcr, is. sccking a fro rrom
fuamG of flawing brakes; .seller or 6uyer, fappllcahle] for servicco rendered
as a �J se1IQ1�S _su s cn - gX imxds a curt ❑ j j (Qj jchoo.ve unel. 'tile BUYER further rcpmscntl and
uarranls tlinr there. is no otber broker wide whom BUY 1111.1ins dealt; in .connection. with tfus purchase of the Premises.
.I5, BuY94a ] e>`twf1, lfthe BUM or BUYER'S Nominee b=cbes this Agreement. all' escrowed ftmds paid or depositod
by Uie BUYER shall be paid to the SRI.,[,l A as liquidated damages. Rcc6pt of such payment .shall constiluto the
SELt.M'S sole remedy, at Imv, :in.cquity.onotherwise: for BUYER'S dalau% The BUYER and SELLER agroa tliat in tlie
event of default:by the BUYER the amount of damages suffived by the SELLER will not ba easy to ascertain with certainty
and, therefore, BUYER and SELLER -agree that the amount of tha BUY, ER'S. deposit represents. a rcasom iblc estimate of
tile. damages likely to be suffered,
16. Bltysr i tt>:. (Delete rf Waived) The .BUYER'S obligation to .pomhase.is -conditioned upoo obtaining a written
commitment -for imortgpge fnanciug -in -tho amount -.of S. 289,000.00 at prevoi.ling rotes, terms. and
conditions by • January 23,2014 , Tbo -BUYER shall have. aii obligation to -not reasonably
(Viligontly to a105ry any conditions. within BUYERS .control. If, despite such diligoat efforts, the BUYER lips, been unable
to obtaitl such written commitment. the BUYER May togtinato tltis.Ag eoritcnt by giving written notice that is received by
SELLER.or SELLERT agent by SO p.m. on the calendar day after. tho .date set forth above. In the event that notice has
cot barn actually or cansttu,ctively ,received, this condition is decined waived. In the event that due notice has been
received, all monies deposited or paid by the BUYER shall be returned and all obligations of dice BUYER and 3F.LLER
pursuant to this Agreement shall cease and this Agrcement shalt become -void. in no event sliall the BUYER W deemed to
have used reasonable efforts to obtain f0tneing U11100,tho BUYE& has submitted at ICa51. one (l) application, to In. licensed
mortgage lender by. December 19, 2013 ,and :actt:d. Treasonably promptly in providing any
add.itiorial information. rcqucsted by the mortggge lender.
17. ke Wio1l (Delete if Waived)'The BUYER has lead an opportunity to conduct all insixetions:and acocpts the
condition of'tfta propagy as is, subjcct.to any -work cxpmsslyaSm.ed in, writing to be performod at the expense cirSRLLER.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the BUYER :has -- _ -- 10.... _days f om the date of this Agreement to colnploto inspection
of 718 Russellrs Mllle Rd • by .eonsuftsnt(s) regularly in tl)e business of conducting; said inspections,
of BUYERS, own choosing,.and at 3UYl3R'S sole cost If the results are .not sntisfactory. to BUYER, in BUYCR'S soli
discretion, BUYER %halt have she right to give written notice received by tho. S2'LLER, or SELLER'S age.gt by 5.00 p.m,
on the calcrift day p(cr tiie date. setforth above, to ttii ittin . this Agreement. Upon rcecipt of such notice this Agreement.
shall be void quid all mollies -deposited by the 13UYER shall be ,m!urned. Failuro to provldo timely ntltico of tennination
shall coostitutc a %vaiver. In the. -event that the BUYER does not exercise- the right to have such inspection(s) -or to so
terminate, die SELLER and the listing broker are each .released from claims rotating to the condition of the Premises that
the BUYER ortlso BUYER'S consultants could masotiahly-hnve discovered.
19. Lad bi at ]Lois. For premises: built before 1978 BUYER acknowlcclges receipt of die "Nparttucut of Pull io -Health
P,roporty Transfer Notification" regarding the lead Law, acknowledges verbal notification of the possible presence of lead
hazards and the provisinne of the Federal and Manadiusetts Lend Laws nod regulations, including tha tight to inspect for
dangerous levols-o.f'lead. Ooeupnney ofprcmises containing dangerous. levels of lead -by a child undersix years of�agc is
prohibited,,subjected to axceptfons.P.Ohnitted by law. BUYER further �iekn��w.lodgox that neither the SEL.LL"R n(ir any real
estate agent has made any rcpresuntation, "--press or implied,; regarding the absence of load paint or compliance with
BUYER'S initials. i3UYURVnitiols BUYERS Initials SELLEWS Initials SELLER'S Initials Sf:1,tXR'S lniiinls
MASSFOR;11T 01H%210e,2112,2006„2007,200s,2010.70t2MA 1ACH USETTS ASSOC I A11OK oNREAUORSO
e Maim Na. S07 .7
Ilarllr.,e .ar.�,),nlle,
a+?ae: oieseltoa,.�eaeaee ` ,_...,.
MweOrRoboda WM I )act conwoyam Company, km, t "%nr; @, uR=jj m,► i 501RPB 2?Od 1(li l`ti !..i] l q) ldl
WS d 9ES9666999L « 6262666905L ZJea N AeMuoo toe 9htL6 LE.n.m2
.W.C3 ( C3 :—.,=I S£SS666888L C1W'J) b2!:9£=6L LZ-Zo-b LOZ 4L A0 0 o6ad 4-1-1oO 15u1P11!n43 :o.L
any land lAw,, except as set ,forth in writing. BUYER assumes full :rccphns,bilily for compliance with all laws mlating to
lead point removal,'If mquired by law, and `dared manors (in particular, without limitation, MItss. G-L, c, i 11, § IPI rand.
BUYER nsse P full responsibility for
74$,113(a), fih11Q Ptilt rests, )end paint rctt1pvul ttttd Other ecnsis of compliance. Pursuant to 40 CMR
roperty Transfer Notif icatioo CcniFcntion► ix to.tltis agrcrmeut,
19. jthiroyed tn$tal(owQ9.. The SELLER, shall equip tho residential structure. on •dto Premises with
approved smoke detectors and carbon monoxidQ detectors and fllrtlish BUYER with CetKilicato -of Approved Installation
from the focal Pirc Department at die time for performnn.ce to th* extent requited bY law as Well .as any wood stovo perrnit,
:tfany. required by law. rogalation.orordinanca.
20. > • 'fire SEUXII reprosonts. and jvnrmnts that..11te Premises d'
one] xrvcd. by a septic syFtcm or Cesspool. f 1 1. as.nat. �rhucasr
SELLER - Wher mpresents .that there 1113,Wp m yes,. a copy of the Title S A,ddendum fs attached.) TlIc
Q itt,t» or p 1ta�,.�IIA �Lrtd�-QX= feboosc one]. tmdc,rg%uad-stOroge
tank or an unapproved and ahandoncd septic tank. Tho SELLER fiirtltcr represents -tad warrants. that SPLIM has full
authority to enter into this Agrecmont, Mw buyer is not relying upon any.rcpnw
rSrntation,, verbal or ritteany real
n, frgm
estate broker 4r licensee concerning :legal also. Any rcforcnco to 010 category (single family, muhi•ramily, residential`
commercial) or the .use of this property, in any ndvcrtisetneitt or l4tittg shun . 'ilwluding -the number of units, nuoibcr .af
rooms or other classifi�ceion 'is not a ropresontntion concerning Icttal ttsc or cmnpliAnee with zoning by-laws,. building.
code, sanitary code or other public or private.resstrietiOM by the broker, Tile BUYER nndcrstands diet if rormation is
importt4nt. to BUYCR, it .is the duty or the CiUY Rio soak t+dvloc from !an attorney or written .confirmation from the
utunieipntity. In addition, :the $C . R neknowled -that there Ire no "rr tuties .or .ropresentations made by tije SEd, elk
or any broker on which BUYER relics in ntnking. this ofFer; except those Previously made in writing and the following:
elf uorte, .cfctlt!"hone ; If airy listed, Indi�alG by wham Iirc► urnrrAn� orrc!,(,uars��rrr�lion tivp� mdde.J ,
21• Sofia. All aotices requited Or perntitted to be mado under this Agreement shall *btu in writing and delivered
in hand., sent by WOW mail, t'eturn receipt requested or sent by- United States Postal Service ovettught Express Mail or
Other ovcmight delivay seryice, oddmmd •to ,the DUY, R. or-SELtrElt or their authorized rcpresnntat%ve.at. llio address Oct
fartlt in dais .paragraph. Suclt poticc shall be ilccmcd to have .been- given upon dclivcry or, if -sofa by certified mail on tilt`
date of delivery set tbrth in thq rceeipt or -in the absence of tt receipt tbrcc business .days after doposited .or, if sent by
ovemIght mail or delivery, tilt next business day after deposit with the overnight snail'or delivery service, whether or. not p.
WSOHlrc, vi trqulrcd. Acceptance ofany... notice, whether by delivery Or nmtil, shall be sufficicnt, if accepted or signed by a
person having e�►press gt' i plied, autltocily to receive" Same; Notice tihlYll also be dcomed ndegttate if given -in any other
.form pennitted by law. foiler` are ni01 Ole 1)r070-rs, 130II!Othe rnalllagaddress• gfcach bqurJn,parcrgataph 23.]
l3UYPR �91�4d9��>t(Jtared Mont(Ow1 St~Ll.Pft, MEchael J, Gagne
Address: 32 kik Rd WestporLMa 02790
Address: 9 Gulf "Road Dartmouth,. Ma 02748
�1'Jul[to..L�Glcctxttlatt�D:ogr_lpbtien p A1Ig1�G Thla Agrgcmcnt may be executed in
cnuntvrparts. Alt documents related l0 tills trnnsactic"' may 'be detivowd elcctroniently, including by encrypted entail or
facsimile, and shall blivc the same 45= as-dclivery.of all original, '!'his Agreement shall be construed as a MAssavhtlsetts
contract, is to -take affect as as settled i.tuUumetlt: Sets forth the gotirc egrccrncttt .bclWcctt the panics; is binding upon
BUYERS.initials SUYEMS Initials BUYER'S initia.le SEI. , 'S Ittiti Is 5 n �1.1 FlVS Xoiti413 :S>r� IX..R'S Initials
AS F�i m19.Sr3,1WO, 2naa, 2nnr;, 2otn,. ID& 2a Ili, 2012 MACsy�t:NJUS>r.l7`S�1s;SC;t:1na'IUN 01t RCAtTORSAD -Fgrntrsm =
so^pl1 03071A.700fi6 g7Ri7te �,T„
Iti0p0r4dh7:R0nd4Elwhn I jockpnnvV„dd b +pony.me I raniapy7 eemra0ln� I $oa74A:�g0
%/9 d 9ES966699RL << 6262666909L 4uea N Amoo �or3
f WL6 6£-Z6-£602
oluag Ao wC3 :wo�� 8£55666888L
C1W �) bZ:B£=6L LZ�LO-b LOZ
L 10 L ®BEd luowygdan Bwr,......-.
and is latended to benefit tha 13UYER and 13F.LLFR and: aach 6f 14oir irespocttvo heirs, devisees, catecniors,
administmtors, succcmrs and assigns{; And may be canceled, m.odiried or: amended only by a written agrccutent-executed
by both the SELT ER and tho.BUYEiZ Iftwo or7noro.persons are named as D WER timir-oblignlions!are joint and sevoraL
If the SELLER or. 13UWR is -a ttNlst, corporation, 'lintitad liability company or entity whose. representative axeeutes this
Ag=ncnt in a represcntativ.c or. fiduciary capacity, only the principal or the lrusl or estate, !•'presented shall W bound, and
ocither she ;trusteo, officer, shareholder or beneficiary Owill be :personally liable for any o.bligatian, cxpross or implied. The.
captions and miy notes are, used only as a matter of convenience and are not to'be considered a part, of this Agrccmcnt and
are -not to; be used ia dvten»ininlr the inien0of the liartii & Any -!hatter or practice which has not. been addressod in this
agreement anj w1401 ts tbp ,suWc" of u'Tillc 3.tnudui�l ui Pu►ctl�e-of -die; Al at CsLAte Otis- Associnticn for Nimmachitsevs,
formorly known as the EAssc iation, at the time -of pertorma%x sholl bo governed by the
Standard'ofPractice .ofthe Masuichusaty Real Sstate Bar-foriVltts�ttehuscttx,
23. . Seller to remove all debris and oersonal belonafts from home bam(ga asa
�L 0.�,-,J 12/28/13
B ETt Date -sn't-Iff V Date
BUYER _ Date
SR ,K_ Qrspouse. Date
SF,LI,BR,.-! spouse Datc
escrow A>±ent, By signing below, tllc cscro.w agent agrccs to perrorm in-acoordance with. paragraph 4, but: does not
otherwise become a party to this A,grccrnent
ESCROW AGENT or representatirc Date
_.._ ..-
HUYI;R'.S Initials BUYER'S Initial' E'U.YI;RIS Initials S -L 'S Initials SELLER'S Initials SEI 1.ER'S Initials
MA�SSFORMS"' o1ry99,2c1QD,2t1t12,2M6..,:2aaa.2orni;a�tn,ilQl�N1ASS�1CHtf r:TTSiASSQCtA71UNpf Iit:AL'1'ottso� ,fl
_ Form No. 503
SepotR; osomq•tpet�eam>.e - - '�CiiiIi-
Pt"*d 6r aol a s MOM 1. Ad Caavny.nd COMPM+ ., Ina 1 rdm1iNl174 mcn1 nm 1 soaaruioo 511 ii "' � 11C i l y
WL d SE556668886 << 6Z6Z666805L 4Jga N Aamuoo ioer LI:L6 LE-ZL-£LOZ
.1..e .,.c3 (1W'J) b�_:8E:6L LZ-ZO-b LOF 4L io 0.5..J 4 Wyodop 6uIPII1nB :oy
unM)•arryll�rlTtA ,v n•tlMlV ArAROIXV
the Massachusetts Department of Environmental protection (hDEp") has established
regulations governing on -situ ,subsurface sewage, disposal-syaXems, Including septic systems and
40UP001s, that -apply at the, time Of sale or transfer of a property served by on on -site. subsurface
system. liTitle $ of tha Massachusetts. Envlronmentai Code, 310. CMR 1,5.301 et seq,) The
regulations: require that septic, systems and cesspools be Inspected by a flcensed Inspector 'at or
-within .two years- prior to the: time of transfer of title" to the property to determine if .the system
cornplies.with DEP requirements. An Inspection performed up. to three years pdorto sale or transfer
Of titte may . be used if the Inspection report .ls. accompanied by system pumping records
demonstrating that the. system *has bean pumped at least oncea year, during Ahat time, If weather
condition$ preclude an inspection. at,
the ImoOftransfer, the regulations permit the inspection may
be Conducted up to six months after sale or Transfer. .A copy of the Inspeotio;rr report .shall be
submitted to the. buyer orother person acquiring htie. The fact:that a eystem.passes an'lnspection is:
not a,.guarantee or warranty that: the system•wIN continue to operate :satisfactorily in the future. 'If the
system Fails the inspection -criteria established by the regulations,, the system, will need to -be
repaired, upgraded .or replaced in accordance. with 1'itle. 5, A state Income taxredlt .may be
available for forty pnt of ther foist of 'repair ar replacement of a failed system serving one's -
primary residence up to 'a maximum; credit of $5000.00 (where -r�apair cr replacement of a system
costs 315,000 or more), subject -to applicable ;law;
12/28 /13 -
�IweMee J(W4,4 AIW EWne F*14 Page 1.0r1
Farm.tvo: 508
'1e+tatN•. oo7�J'aOUa.g1QNAt , ........ . •• ....._. _ - -«„ _
phDaeo bj RoLorte Ntprrtn r lack Caraway Ant! c"paoy, M% •{ ►a+nPetl —' • - _ . ... ,. .....
,+ omeaNn.r, sao90 27ae J 6.711sxniplicity
WS d 8£55666886L « 6262666909L 4Jea N AeMuog Toe 1h:Lt tE.n -£60Z
-hiss A» C3 :--=j 9eSS666888 L
. (1W�J) bZ:B£=6L L2-LO-b LOL LL io 0 aBod yuawl+cda0 BUIPIIInB :Ol
S.ELLER(S): Michael J. Gagne
BUYER(S): Jared Montrowl
PROPERTY: 718 Russell's Milts Road, South Dartmouth, MA 02748
(Section 10, continued) In the event that the time for performance under this
Agreement is extended pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 10 hereof, and
during such extension BUYERS' loan commitment or rate lock shall expire,
provided that the BUYERS use diligent efforts to cause such loan commitment or
rate lock to be extended at no additional cost to BUYERS, but such efforts fail,
BUYERS shall have the right, by notice given to SELLERS to terminate this
agreement without recourse, in which event the deposits hereunder shall be
forthwith refunded to the BUYERS; however, the SELLERS shall have the option
of paying such additional costs, fees or expenses, in order to avail the Parties of
the full thirty (30) day extension period. Paragraph 10 of this Agreement shall be
construed to apply to matters affecting title and compliance of the premises with
laws, rules and regulations governing the premises and to which the premises are
subject to under the terms of this Agreement, Paragraph 10 shall not, however, be
construed to excuse the Seller from vacating the premises at the time set for
performance hereunder for reasons such as unavailability of movers,
inconvenience, failure to complete inspection punch list items (if any), or other
such delays in performance hereunder.
2. CONDITION OF PREMISES: The premises are to be in broom clean
condition, free of SELLERS' personalty, and the grounds in the same condition as
at the time of inspection, seasonal changes not with standing. All operating
systems on the premises, including without limitation, electric, plumbing, utility,
septic and heating, are to be in the same working order as at the time of
inspection, reasonable wear and tear excepted. Between the date of the signing of
this Agreement and the time for performance pursuant to Paragraph Eight (8)
hereunder, SELLER shall maintain and/or service the Premises and its
appurtenances at the same level of effort and expense as the SELLER has
maintained and/or serviced the Premises for the SELLER's own account prior to
the date of this Agreement.
3. CLOSING DOCUMENTS: SELLERS agree to sign documents as are
customarily required by BUYERS' lender/title insurance company. The parties
agree that a Deed executed under Power of Attorney shall not constitute a Deed in
compliance with Paragraph 4 of this Agreement
W6 d 9ES9666886L <<'6262666809L 4J80 N AeMuoo ioer
(1W O) b2�8E=6 L LZ'ZO-b LOZ - L L to O L oe)Qd
-4-0 A—C3 :wo,=I 8£556668881.
Wl,t t£-2L-£L02
3u-3JWCJ0Q O"IPII1�B =o_L.
4. ACCESS TO PREMISES: From and after the date of this Agreement,
SELLERS agree to permit BUYERS and their designees to enter the premises, at
reasonable times, if convenient to the SELLERS, after reasonable prior notice to
SELLERS, and in the presence of either the SELLER or SELLER'S Agent, for
the purpose of making meacurementa, financing in3pcctions, the obtaining of
plans and estimates for work to be done, and the like.
5. LEGAL COUNSEL: The parties hereby affirm and acknowledge that they
have been offered the opportunity to seek legal counsel prior to the
execution of the ,Agreement, and that they have either done so or hereby
waive the privilege. It is further acknowledged by the BUYERS and SELLERS
that the lender will retain an attorney to represent the interest of the lender at
closing and the mortgage lender's attorney may conduct the closing, who shall be
an attorney who is licensed to practice law in the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, and in good standing,
6. NOTICES: Any and all notices required pursuant to the Purchase and Sale
Agreement and/or Rider, hereto shall be forwarded postage prepaid,
certified mail, return receipt requested, in hand delivery, facsimile or email
transmission with confirmation of transmission, with U.S. Mail follow-up as
TO BUYER: Amanda Florek, Esquire
Liberty Title & Escrow Co./Marinosei Law
Group, P.C.
2 Park Plaza, Suite 314-316
Boston, MA 02116
C: (413) 575-1796
F: (401) 541-3898
amandaMa, lihtitic.com
Under no circumstances does the BUYER waive the requirement of writing for all
amendments, modifications and extensions of time.
WOi d SESS666888L << 6Z6Z6668056 }yea N Aemuoo ioer W il, i£-Zi-£i0Z
otu a A( C> :w .A 8£SS6(36888L C1WEJ) tF:Se:6L LZ-ZO-b LOZ GL to LL o0¢d ;u 3w 2190 6uIP111�0 :01
legal access to the same
S. TITLE/PRACTICE STANDARDS: Any matter which is the subject of a Title
Standard or Practice Standard, the standards of the Real Estate Bar Association
WBA) shall be determinative.
9. 'TITLE POLICY: In addition to the title conditions set forth in Section 4 of this
Agreement, BUYER'S obligations are contingent upon the availability of the
owner's title insurance policy without exceptions other than the standard printed
exceptions contained in the ALTA form currently in use, commonly shown as
Exceptions No. 2, Survey, and No. 4, Real Estate Taxes, (the latter of which shall
only except real estate taxes not yet due and payable) and those exceptions set
forth in paragraph 4 of this Agreement.
10. MORTGAGE CONTINGENCY: Commitment shall mean firm written
commitment without contingency or conditional obligation to grant financing and
appraisal acceptable to lender which has a market price that equals or exceed the
purchase price. It shall not be a conditional obligation if the condition to be
performed is within BUYER's sole control. Diligent efforts shall be construed as
the BUYERS submitting a complete loan application to no more than one (1)
mortgage lender. This paragraph is also subject to the BUYER obtaining an
adequate appraisal, accepted by BUYER'S lender. for the full purchase price of
the Unit.
l l • INSURANCE; Until the delivery of the deed, the SELLERS shall maintain
insurance on said premises as follows: As presently insured, risk of loss not to
pass until title passes and deed is recorded
W L !, d M56668881, « 6262666M L
4jea N Aemuoo joer 6t: L L LE-ZL-£L0Z
12. UNDERGROUND OIL TANKS: SELLER that they have no knowledge of an
underground oil tank located on the premises.
l-. SIGNATUMS: ThepairLIes executlon oftnis agreement and subsequent
agreements related hereto and transmitted via facsimile or via email shall have the
same legal force and effect as original signatures.
14• EXECUTION BY ATTORNEY(S): In order to facilitate the execution of such
documents extending the time of any event or notice that may be given under this
agreement, each undersigned hereby authorizes his or her respective attorney to
assent and execute on that party's behalf, any agreement extending the time for
performance of any event or of any notice that may be given under this
15. UTILITY CHARGES: SELLERS agree to pay all outstanding municipal and
utility charges at or prior to the date of closing, if any such amounts are not yet
due and payable, the BUYERS and SELLERS shall adjust for any unpaid
amounts at closing. Said charges shall include but are not limited to; utilities and
garbage removal, as applicable
16. WARRANTIES: To the extent legally possible, SELLER agrees to assign to
BUYER the benefit of any warranties on appliances or the premises
SELLERs may currently have in as possession. SELLER at the closing, shall
deliver to the BUYER all documentation in SELLER's possession which
relates to said warranties, as well as any guides, manuals or instruction
booklets relating to same,
agrees with BUYER as follows:
A. SELLER has the legal right, power and authority to enter into this
agreement and to perform all of its ohligatimn herrf*.nn ;ler.
S. There are no tenancies, occupancies or licenses in or to the premises,
except the SELLER.
C. SELLER has not commenced nor has SELLER received written notice
of the commencement of any proceeding which seeks to change the
present zoning classification of the premises. SELLER will not initiate
uuy Judi V1Vm WI11gs auu wtll NtuwPtly 110MY BU Y k',K IT MLLLK
receives written notice of any such proceeding commenced by third
W2L d 8£S9666999L << 6262666909L 3JRa N Aemuo0 13gl' 04L 6£-2L-£602
oluog A-C3 C1W0) vz:B£:6L LZ-ZO-b LOZ LL to £L c15 od 4.--:lYdCp 6u!PII!n0 :oy
D. To SELLER's best knowledge, there are no suits, actions or
proceedings pending materially affecting the premises or SELLER's
right or power to consummate the transaction contemplated by this
Agreement before any court or administrative agency or office that
will not be removed simultaneously with the delivery of the deed.
E. SELLER is the owner of all fixtures conveyed hereunder and there are
no conditional sales or retail installment sales agreements applicable to
any such fixtures conveyed hereunder.
If any terms of this Rider contradict those contained in the Agreement, the terms of the
Rider shall prevail
WEL d M96668866 << 6262666909L 4JeO N Aemuoa per 054t 6£-26-£602
.:t—e A—c3 :--=j B£SS666888L (1W'J) b2!:91t:6LOZ LL io SL a6a�y luaWyacla0 6u1 PIII�B :al
,Dec 1013 03:42p Bob and Bobbi Martin
t7ZT/C8/201 /7UE 07:14 AM 7vwn of Mattapm!LL
Oct D71309:5ra Bob and BaW March
508 990 8833
FAX Flo, 508 756 3030
508 Sgfl 8933
P, 002
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