BP-82129ABBREVIATIONS ELECTRICAL NOTES JURISDICTION NOTES A AMPERE AC ALTERNATING CURRENT BLDG BUILD NG CONIC CONCRETE DC DIREC- CURRENT EGC EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR (E) EXISTING EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING FSB FIRE SET —BACK GALV GALVANIZED GEC GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR GND GROUND HDG HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED I CURRENT Imp CURRENT AT MAX POWER Isc SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT kVA KILOVOLT AMPERE kW KILOWATT LBW LOAD BEARING WALL MIN MINIMUM (N) NEW NEUT NEUTRAL NTS NOT TO SCALE OC ON CENTER PL PROPERTY LINE POI POINT OF INTERCONNECTION PV PHOTOVOLTAIC SCH SCHEDULE S STAINLESS STEEL STC STANDARD TESTING CONDITIONS TYP TYPICAL UPS UNINT`ERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY V VOLT Vmp VOLTAGE AT MAX POWER Voc VOLTAGE AT OPEN CIRCUIT W WATT 3R NEMA 3R, RAINTIGHT LICENSE 1. THIS SYSTEM IS GRID—INTERTIED VIA A UL—LISTED POWER —CONDITIONING INVERTER. 2. THIS SYSTEM HAS NO BATTERIES, NO UPS. 3. A NATIONALLY —RECOGNIZED TESTING LABORATORY SHALL LIST ALL EQUIPMENT IN COMPLIANCE WITH ART. 110.3. 4. WHERE ALL TERMINALS OF THE DISCONNECTING MEANS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION, A SIGN WILL BE PROVIDED WARNING OF THE HAZARDS PER ART. 690.17. 5. EACH UNGROUNDED CONDUCTOR OF THE MULTIWIRE BRANCH CIRCUIT WILL BE IDENTIFIED BY PHASE AND SYSTEM PER ART. 210.5. 6. CIRCUITS OVER 250V TO GROUND SHALL COMPLY WITH ART. 250.97, 250.92(B). 7. DC CONDUCTORS EITHER DO NOT ENTER BUILDING OR ARE RUN IN METALLIC RACEWAYS OR ENCLOSURES TO THE FIRST ACCESSIBLE DC DISCONNECTING MEANS PER ART. 690.31(E). 8. ALL WIRES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH STRAIN RELIEF AT ALL ENTRY INTO BOXES AS REQUIRED BY UL LISTING. 9. MODULE FRAMES SHALL BE GROUNDED AT THE UL—LISTED LOCATION PROVIDED BY THE MANUFACTURER USING UL LISTED GROUNDING HARDWARE. 10. MODULE FRAMES, RAIL, AND POSTS SHALL BE BONDED WITH EQUIPMENT GROUND CONDUCTORS. GENERAL NOTES GEN #168572 1. ALL WORK TO BE DONE TO THE 8TH EDITION ELEC 1136 MR OF THE MA STATE BUILDING CODE. 2. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2014 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE INCLUDING MASSACHUSETTS AMENDMENTS. MODULE GROUNDING METHOD: * AHJ: Dartmouth UTILITY: NSTAR Electric (Commonwealth Electric) CONFIDENTIAL — --IE INFORMATION HEREIN JOB NUMBER: J B-O 2 7 43 4 9 CONTAINED SEAL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., MOUNTING SYSTEM: NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN Comp Mount Type C PART TO OTHERS JUTSIDE THE RECIPIENT'S ORGANIZATION, E'�:EPT IN CONNECTION WITH MODULES: THE SALE AND L"SE OF THE RESPECTIVE (24) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA SOLARCITY EQUIPVII=NT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN INVERTER: PERMISSION OF St7_ARCITY INC. Delta # Solivia 5.2 TL 00 PREMISE OWNER: EVERETT SYLVIA 686 RUSSELLS MILLS RD DARTMOUTH, MA 02748 VICINITY MAP DESCRIPTION: Everett Sylvia RESIDENCE 6.36 KW PV ARRAY PAGE NAME: COVER SHEET INDEX PV1 COVER SHEET PV2 SITE PLAN PV3 STRUCTURAL VIEWS PV4 UPLIFT CALCULATIONS PV5 THREE LINE DIAGRAM Cutsheets Attached REV BY DATE COMMENTS REV A NAME I DATE COMMENTS ESIGN: Lilli—Jeanne Merkey 'solairCity, 24 St. Martin Drive, Hu,4ding 2, Unit 11 SHEET: REV: DATE: Marlborough, V, 01752 T: (650) 638-1028 I- (650) 638-1029 PV 1 7/20/2016 (888)—SOL—CITY (765-24w), www.solarcity.com SIDE VIEW OF MP1 NTS MP1 X-SPACING X-CANTILEVER Y-SPACING Y-CANTILEVER NOTES LANDSCAPE 6411 2411 STAGGERED PORTRAIT 48" 1911 RAFTER C.J. 2X6 @ 16" OC 2X6 @16" OC ARRAY AZI 160 PITCH 20 STORIES: 1 Comp Shingle PV MODULE 5/16" BOLT WITH FENDER WASHERS ZEP LEVELING FOOT ZEP ARRAY SKIRT ZEP COMP MOUNT C ZEP FLASHING C (E) COMP. SHINGLE (E) ROOF DECKING 5/16" DIA STAINLESS STEEL LAG BOLT WITH SEALING WASHER (2-1 /2" EMBED, MIN) (E) RAFTER CONFIDEN-.AL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINE:- SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT J= ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHAD._ IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TC : THEIRS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENT'S ORGANIZ.i-TON, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SAL AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE SOLARCI— EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSDaw OF SOLARCITY INC. S1 STANDOFF JOB NUMBER: J B-0274349 00 MOUNTING SYSTEM: Comp Mount Type C MODULES: (24) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA INVERTER: Delta # Solivia 5.2 TL INSTALLATION ORDER LOCATE RAFTER, MARK HOLE (1) LOCATION, AND DRILL PILOT HOLE. C2) SEAL PILOT HOLE WITH POLYURETHANE SEALANT. (3) INSERT FLASHING. (4) PLACE MOUNT. Q5) INSTALL LAG BOLT WITH SEALING WASHER. L INSTALL LEVELING FOOT WITH BOLT & WASHERS. PREMISE OWNER: EVERETT SYLVIA 686 RUSSELLS MILLS RD DARTMOUTH, MA 02748 DESCRIPTION: Everett Sylvia RESIDENCE 6.36 KW PV ARRAY PAGE NAME: STRUCTURAL VIEWS (U JASON WILLIAM u ) z TOMAN STRUCTURAL c,) No. 51554 9 O 2 90c FG/STEPS �F�C 0 Al- ENG\ 016 Lilli—Jeanne Merkey SHEET: REV: DATE: PV 3 7/20/2016 SolarCit 24 St. Martin Drive, Building 2, Unit 11 Madbtrmugh, MA 01752 T. (650) 638- 1028 F: (650) 638-1029 (888)—SOL—CITY '765-2489) www.solarcity.com CONFIDENTIAL — THE NI1 ORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL N07 BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE E)CEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISC_OSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENT'S ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLAR',: TY INC. JOB NUMBER: J B-0274349 MOUNTING SYSTEM: Comp Mount Tvpe C (24) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA INVERTER: Delta # Solivio 5.2 TL 00 PREMISE OWNER: EVERETT SYLVIA 686 RUSSELLS MILLS RD DARTMOUTH, MA 02748 UPLIFT CALCULATIONS SEE SEPARATE PACKET FOR STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS. Everett Sylvia RESIDENCE 6.36 KW PV ARRAY PAGE NAME: UPLIFT CALCULATIONS Lilli—Jeanne Merkey SHEET: REV: DATE: PV 4 7/20/2016 =;SolarCit s 24 St. Martin Drive, Building Unit 11 Marlborough, MA 01 �-`,2 T. (650) 638-1028 F: (65V) 638-1029 (888)—SOL—CITY (765-2489) ...w.solarcity.com ERAL NOTES I INVERTER SPECS BOND (N) #8 GEC TO TWO (N) GROUND Panel Number: HOMC30UC DDS AT PANE'. WITH IRREVERSIBLE CRIMP Meter Number: 97033431 Underground Service Entrance E 150A MAIN SERVICE PANEL E 150A/2P MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER (E) WIRING r4 ITIrn 11 Al/11rn Voc* = MAX VOC AT MIN TEMP �oI (1)SQUARE D !! HgM230 PV BACKFEED BREAKER Breaker; A 2P, 2 Spaces —(2)Gray.d RoQ 5//8 x 8, Copper CONFIDENTIAL - Ti-i= INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL YOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE CI!SCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS a TSIDE THE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXC:=?T IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE )F THE RESPECTIVE SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. TDB NUMBER: J B-0274349 MOUNTING SYSTEM: Comp Mount Type C (24) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA INVERTER: Delta # Solivia 5.2 TL INV 1 — (1 ) Delta # Solivia 5.2 TL LABEL: A Inverter; 520OW, 240V, 97 5% Inverter; 520OW, 240V/208V, 97.57., PLC, INV 2 INV 3 qJ- (1)CUTLER-HAMMER # DG221URB Disconnect; 30A, 240Vac, Non -Fusible, NEMA 3R — (I CUTLER -HAMMER # DG03ONB Ground/Neutral Kit; 30A, General Duty (DG) Inverter 1 IND Delta Solivia 5.2 TL �,'N L GN [a — (24)KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA ee, RGMPV Module; 265W, 238.1W PTC, 40MM, Blk Frm, H4, ZEP, 1000V, Blk Cell Voc: 38.3 Vpmax: 31 Isc AND Imp ARE SHOWN IN THE DC STRINGS IDENTIFIER Delta bLN k"68572 Backb&LEC - 36 MR 4 A 1 DC- EGC DC- MP1: 1.:. ,2 F— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — _ EGC — )C+ I I Dc- 3 ,C. 2 DC+I 'G C- MP1: 1::...2 ' .G — ----------------- -----C-- ------ J (1 ) Conduit Kit; 3/4" EMT PHOTO VOLTAIC SYSTEM EQUIPPED WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN AC[�--(2)Delta Solivia ^-J Smart RSS Rapid Shutdown, 60OV, 20A, NEMA 4X, MC4 G ( 1) AWG #6, Solid Bare Copper D� — ( 1) Ground Rod; 5/8" x 8', Copper (N) ARRAY GROUND PER 690.47(D). NOTE: PER EXCEPTION NO. 7Z, ADDITIONAL ELECTRODE MAY NOT BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON LOCATION OF '(E) ELECTRODE AWG #10, THWN-2, Black _.._ 5 r (2) AWG #10, PV Wire, 600V, Black Voc* = 529.09 VDC Isc = 9.26 ADC (2) AWG #10, PV Wire, 60OV, Black Voc* = 529.09 VDC Igc = 9.26 ADC (1 ) AWG #10, THWN-2, Red O (1 ) AWG #6, Solid Bare Copper EGC Vmp = 372 VDC Imp= 8.55 ADC O 1 AWG (1)AWG #10, 1HWN-2, White NEUTRAL Vmp =240 VAC Imp=21.6 AAC ( ) #6, Solid Bare Copper EGC Vmp = 372 VDC Ilmp= 8.55 ADC *._. 1 Conduit Kit; 3/4 EMT - (1) AW(; A. TFiWN-2, Green EGC/CEC ,- (1) Conduit, Kit;, 3/47 ,EMT, (2) AWG 110, PV Wire, 60OV, Black Voc 529.09 VDC ISC - 9.26 ADC * (2)AWG #10, PV Wire, 600V, Black Voc = 529.09VDC Ilsc = 9.26 ADC 4 (1 ) AWG 16, Solid Bare Copper EGC Vmp = 372 VDC Imp= 8.55 ADC O (1 )AWG #6, Solid Bare Copper EGC Vmp = 372 VDC Timp= 8.55 ADC .......................... (1 )Conduit Kit; 3/4" EMT 00 PREMISE OWNER: EVERETT SYLVIA 686 RUSSELLS MILLS RD DARTMOUTH, MA 02748 DESCRIPTION: Everett Sylvia RESIDENCE 6.36 KW PV ARRAY PAGE NAME: THREE LINE DIAGRAM Lilli—Jeanne Merkey SHEET: REV: DATE: PV 5 7/20/2016 .WksolairCity. 1 24 St. Martin Drive, Butcmng 2, Unit 11 Marlborough, MA n1752 T. (650) 638-1028 F: (":50) 638-1029 (888)-SOL-CITY (765-2489) www.solarcity.com PHOTOVOLTAIC .OLabel Location: (C)(CB) Per Code: NEC 690.31.G.3 Label Location: (DC) (INV) Per Code: NEC 690.14.C.2 Label Location: (DC) (INV) Per Code: NEC 690.53 Label Location: (DC) (INV) Per Code: NEC 690.5(C) Label Location: (DC) (CB) Per Code: NEC 690.17(4) Label Location: (AC) (POI) Per Code: NEC 690.14.C.2 Label Location: (AC) (POI) Per Code: NEC 690.54 Label Location: (AC)(POI) Per Code: NEC 690.17.E Label Location: (POI) Per Code: NEC 690.17.4; NEC 690.54 Label Location: (POI) Per Code: NEC 690.64.B.4 Label Location: (D) (POI) Per Code: NEC 690.64.B.4 Label Location: (POI) Per Code: NEC 690.64.13.7 Label Location: (DC) (INV) Per Code: NEC 690.35(F) TO BE USED WHEN INVERTER IS UNGROUNDED (AC): AC Disconnect (C): Conduit (CB): Combiner Box (D): Distribution Panel (DC): DC Disconnect (IC): Interior Run Conduit (INV): Inverter With Integrated D(_ Disconnect (LC): Load Center (M): Utility Meter (POI): Point of Interconnection CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR I -�ii!" 301.-;5 Clearview Way THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED A• San8 Mateo, CA 94402 38-1029 IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, Label Set � �+SolarCity -SOL-) 63£ (765-2 89) w) .solar it EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE ��(888)-SOL-CITY (765-2489) wwwsolarcity.com SOLAK: Y EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. 'A'SolarCity Zep Solar Next -Level PV Mounting Technology 'i�SolarCity ZepSolar Next -Level PV Mounting Technology Zep System for composition shingle roofs Q �eMPA r46 F_ Description PV mounting solution for composition shingle roofs mA °OMPat Works with all Zep Compatible Modules Auto bonding UL-listed hardware creates structural and electrical bond • Zep System has a UL 1703 Class "A" Fire Rating when installed using modules from UL LISTED any manufacturer certified as "Type 1" or "Type 2" Specifications • Designed for pitched roofs • Installs in portrait and landscape orientations • Zep System supports module wind uplift and snow load pressures to 50 psf per UL 1703 • Wind tunnel report to ASCE 7-05 and 7-10 standards • Zep System grounding products are UL listed to UL 2703 and UL 467 • Zep System bonding products are UL listed to UL 2703 • Engineered for spans up to 72" and cantilevers up to 24" • Zep wire management products listed to UL 1565 for wire positioning devices • Attachment method UL listed to UL 2582 for Wind Driven Rain zepsolar.com This document does not create any express warranty by Zep Solar or about its products or services. Zep Solar's sole warranty is contained in the written product warranty for each product. The end -user documentation shipped with Zep Solar's products constitutes the sole specifications referred to in the product warranty. The customer is solely responsible for verifying the suitability of ZepSolar's products for each use. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Patents and Apps: zspats.com. Document # 800-1890-001 Rev A Date last exported: November 13, 2015 2:23 PM Components Leveling Foot Part No. 850-1172 ETL listed to UL 467 Comp Mount Part No. 850-1382 Listed to UL 2582 Mounting Block Listed to UL 2703 Interlock Part No. 850-1388 Listed to UL 2703 zepsolar.com Ground Zep V2 Part No. 850-1511 Listed to UL 467 and UL 2703 E� Array Skirt, Grip, End Caps Part Nos. 850-0113, 850-1421, 850-1460, 850-1467 Listed to UL 1565 DC Wire Clip Part No. 850-1448 Listed to UL 1565 This document does not create any express warranty by Zep Solar or about its products or services. Zep Solar's sole warranty is contained in the written product warranty for each product. The end -user documentation shipped with Zep Solar's products constitutes the sale specifications referred to in the product warranty. The customer is solely responsible for verifying the suitability of ZepSolar's products for each use. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Patents and Apps: zspats.com. Document # 800-1890-001 Rev A Date last exported: November 13, 2015 2:23 PM :gKyo1eRa CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY As a pioneer with four decades of experience in the development of photovoltaic systems, Kyocera drives the market as a leading provider of PV products. We demonstrate our Kaizen philosophy, or commitment to continuous improvement, by setting the industry standard in the innovation of best -in -class solar energy equipment. QUALITY BUILT IN • UV -stabilized, anodized aluminum frame in black • Supported by major mounting structure manufacturers • Easily accessible grounding points on all four corners for fast installation • Proven junction box technology with 12 AWG PV wire works with transformerless inverters • Amphenol H4-UTX locking plug-in connectors provide safe, quick connections PROVEN RELIABILITY • Kyocera modules confirmed by the Desert Knowledge Australia Solar Centre to have the highest average output of any crystalline module • First module manufacturer in the world to pass long- term sequential testing performed by TUV Rheinland • Only module manufacturer to achieve the rank of "Performance Leader" in all six categories of GTM Research's 2014 PV Module Reliability Scorecard CERTIFICATIONS • UL1703 Certified and Registered, UL Module Fire Performance: Type 2, CEC • NEC 2008 Compliant, IEC 61215/61730, and ISO 14001 QG0114 PA)-Z U 4 /2\ *E `0v c o L U, �OMIP KU-60 l OOOV Z Series KU-60 1000V Series ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS MODULE CHARACTERISTICS Standard • • • Cells per module: 60 (6 x 10) spectrum Dimensions: 65.43ini38.98ini 1.57in length/width height (1662mmi990mm/40mm) Pm„ 265 Weight: 45.2lbs (20.5kg) W V.P 31.0 V PACKAGING SPECIFICATIONS ImP 8.55 A Modules per pallet: 20 Voc 38.3 V Pallets per 53' container. 36 Ix 9.26 A Pallet box dimensions: 66ini40ini43in length/width/height (1675mmi1005mm(1055mm) P1O1e.— +5 i-0 % Pallet box weight 1015lbs (460kg) Nominal Operating Cell Temperature Conditions (NOCT) NOCT=800 WIMI irradionce, 201Cspectrum 1.57" T. 45 oC (40� Pm„ 191 W POTTED JUNCTION BOXOR65) V,rIP 27.9 J CABLE W/ CONNECTOR mp 6.85 A �_�+� ABEL V« 35.1 V l.e 7.49 A PTC 238.1 w Temperature•- Pro. -0.45 %J °C 1. 10" (28m,) VmP 0.48 %/°C ImP 0.02 %/oC Va -0.36 %'off 38.98-(990-) I•o 0.06 %/°C 0 i Operating Temp 40 to +90 °C 6roundins hole Slotted Mounting Note D. 16" (4-) 0.35-4.47" (9-12rio) System Design FRAME CROSS SECTION DIAGRAM Series Fuse Rating 15 A n.er Maximum DC System Voltage (UL) 1000 V Hailstone Impact in (25mm) @ 51 mp (23mis) 'Subject to simulator measurement uncertainty of +l- 3%. KYOCERA reserves the right to modify these specifications without notice. LDNG/SHORT SIDE WARNING: Read the instruction manual in its entirety prior to handling, installing B operat- ing Kyocera Solar modules. 040215 OUR VALUED PARTNER k , t Solar Inverters Solar Inverters and Monitoring Residential Installations: Transformerless (TL): 3.0 kW, 3.8 kW, 5.2 kW, 6.6 kW, 7.6 kW Features: Wide operating voltage range: 120 - 550V Wide operating temperature range: -13 - 158°F (-25 - 70°C) High CEC efficiency: 97.5% Integrated AFCI (Arc Fault Circuit Interruption) NEMA 4 plus salt mist corrosion protection Convection cooling Dual MPPT (5.2kW / 6.6kW / 7.6kW) Lighter and smaller UL 1741/IEEE 1547/CEC Listed/UL 1699B/NEC 2011 690.11 C &us Delta Solar Inverters Technical Data for SolarCity INPUT (DC) Max. system voltage Nominal voltage Operating voltage range Full power MPPT range Start-up voltage (Vstart) Max. usable current Max. short circuit current @ STC Max. allowable imbalance power Allowed DC loading ratio DC disconnect MPP tracker Total input strings available OUTPUT(AC) Nominal power Max. continuous power Voltage range Nominal current Max OCPD rating @240VAC Nominal frequency Frequency range Adjustable frequency range Night consumption Total Harmonic Distortion @ nominal power Power factor @ nominal power Adjustable power factor range Acourtic noise emission GENERAL SPECIFICATION Max. efficiency CEC efficiency Operating temperature range Storage temperature range Humidity Max. operating altitude MECHANICAL DESIGN Size L x W x D inches (L x W x D mm) Weight Cooling AC connectors Compatible Wiring Guage in AC DC connectors Compatible Wiring Gunge in DC Communication interface Display Enclosure material STANDARDS / DIRECTIVES Enclosure protection rating Safety SW approval Isolation Monitor Interrupt (IMI) Anti-islanding protection EMC AFCI Integrated meter (Optional) Regulation of grid support WARRANTY Standard warranty, - Pending standard release and approval from NRTL Lab. Pending listing from HECO. 18.0 A 20.0 A _.. 600 V 380 V 120 - 550 V 200 - 500 V 150 V 18.0 A per MPP tracker 18.0 A per MPP tracker 20.0 A per MPP tracker 24.0 A per MPP tracker 3800 W 4800 W 5600 W 1.5 Internal 2 4 3000 W 3800 W 5200 W 6600 W 7600 W 3000 W @ 208 V I 3300 W @ 208 V / 5200 W @ 208 V I 6600 W @ 208 V / 6600 W @ 208 V / 3000 W @ 240 V 3800 W @ 240 V 5200 W @ 240 V 6600 W @ 240 V 7600 W @ 240 V 183-228V@208 V/211-264 V@240V 14.4 A@208V1 15.8 A@208V/ 25DA@208V/ 31.7A@208 V/ 31.7 A@208 V/ 12.5A@240V 15.8A@240V 21.6A@240V 27.5A@240V 31.7A@240V 20A 20A 30A 40A 40A 60 Hz 59.3 - 60.5 Hz 57.0 - 63.0 Hz <1W <3% > 0.99 0.85i - 0.85c <50 db(A) @ Im 98 % 97.5 % @ 208V 197.5 % @ 240V -13 - 158OF (-25-70°C) 1 no derating below 1220F (50°C) -40 - 185-F (-40 - 85-C) 0-100% 2000m above sea level 19.5 x 15.8 x 8.5 in(495 x 401 x 216 mm) 26.8 x 15.8 x 8.5 in(680 x 401 x 216 mm) 43.0Ibs (19.5 kg) 65.0 Ibs (29.5 kg) Natural Convection Spring terminals in connection box AWG 20 - AWG 6 (based on the maximum current consideration) 2 pairs of spring terminals in connection box 4 pairs of spring terminals in connection box AWG 20 - AWG 6 ( based on the maximum current consideration) ZigBee 3 LEDs, 4-1-ine LCD Diecast Aluminum Delta Products Corporation, Inc. 46101 Fremont Blvd, Fremont, CA 94538 Sales Email: ASP.Sales@delta-corp.com Support Email: ASP.Support@delta-corp.com Sales Hotline: +1-877-440-5851 or +1.626-369-8021 Support Hotline: +1-877-4424832 Support (Intl.): +1-626-369-8019 Monday to Friday from 8 am to 5 pm PST (apart from Holidays) NEMA 4X + salt mist corrosion protection UL 1741-2, CSA 22.2 No. 107-01 UL 1998 NEC 690.35, UL 1741 CRD IEEE 1547, IEEE 1547A FCC part 15 A 8 B, ICES-003 UL 16998 (Type 1), NEC 690 2014 Revenue Grade Data, ANSI C12.1 (meet 2 % Accuracy) California Rule 21', HECO Compliant' 10 years FN�