BP-28187RESIDENTIAL 2061 SECTION 8 - INSPECTOR'S REVIEW/COMMENTS 1. Date plan reviewed: 2. 30 days to review period expires: 3. OK to issue date: 4. OK to issue subject to requested submittals(see project review worksheet): Date: 5. DENIED (see project review worksheet): Date: 6. HOLD reason: Date: 7. HOLD subject to Zoning Board of Appeals action: Date: 8. Comments: 9. Inspector's Signature: Date: SECTION 9 - #PAICANT NOTIFICATION Applicant informed of a ve te: r Tim;: : .3,% -5'1 ,m- Clerk: Comments: i SECTION 10- OFFICEVNSPECTOR'S NOTES Total Permit Fee: $ Less Application Fee: $ 25.00 Remaining Balance: ad TOTAL FEE: / „ �� Gross Area - New Construction total sq. ft. Gross Area - Alteration total sq. ft. Permit Is ed To ��oo SECTION 11- ADDITIONAL COMMENTS/SKETCHES RESIDENTIAL 2. ❑ FOUNDATION ONLY $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON-REFUN13ABLE & NON-TRAIINSFERABXE i� L TH',• DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT DATE RECEIVED 400 Slocum Road, P.O. Box 79399 °1-_ =4yy" Dartmouth, MA 02747 ... ....... -.508-910-1820 FAX 508-910-1838 APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR, RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLIING THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY RECEIVED BY: BUILDING PERMIT DATE SENT FOR REVIEW: t NUMBER:,. DATE ISSUED: OK TO ISSUE - SIGNATURE: DATE ildi g C missioner/Inspect o uildings, Zoning District: ;t2oP�o ed Use: Zone: SVIC, ❑ A ❑ V Outside Flood Zo Aquifer 2sone ;'j— THE FOLLOWING A LIES SHOULD BE NOTIFIED: ❑ Board of Board of []Con. Com. ❑ Demo ❑ DPW ❑ E ec. eport Appeals Health Affidavit Card Sent: Cut Off Follow-utp* ❑ Fire ❑ Gas ❑ Planning Board* ❑ Sewer Card ❑ Water Card ❑ Zoning EI Other Chief Cut Off / Cut Off / Cut Off Review* n / * REQUIRES INSPECTOR'S REVIEW BEFORE THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT. DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL Zoning Review: 0 Signature:kz Date: (1 Energy Report: Fire Chief:—*,�Z, Board of Health: Signature Signature Signature; Conservation%CjommSignature: C /� 'J Date: Other: /6 4iss'o Signature: Date: Description of work being performed: If/M l,I cilh S i //1 tye)M SECTION 1 - SITE INFORMATION NUMBER OF PLANS SUBMITTED: 1.1 Property Address: Cl90 Nearest Cross Street: Subdivision Name: Total Land Area Sq. Ft.: 1.4 Water Supply (MGL c 40 § 54): VAunicipal❑ Private Well SITE PLAN SUBMITTED: es ❑ no 1.2 Assessors Plat & Lot Number: Plat Lot- 1.3 Historical District ❑ yes ❑ no Has application been submitted to the Historic Commission? ❑ yes ❑ no Date: 1.5 Sewage Disposal I' icipal ZOne Disposal System C:\bldg.forms\Bldgapp.res.wpd Page 4 Rev. January 19, 2001 C:\b1dg.forrns\B1dgapp.res.wpd Page I Rev. hanuary 19, 2001 RTi QTTIFNTTAT, 2001 RESIDENTIAL 2001 a ION 2 - PR PERT Y - WNER HIP AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record: �t!q4k/ p, Q &0811AA Contact Address Phone Number Name (print) 2.2 Authorized Agent: I= �� ao s�>s e� Name (print) Contact Address Pho4 Number ....rs.xt ,_. SECTION 3 -CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable ❑ Licensed Construction Supervisor Amen—M License Number 07(b a Address . `j �Q �� (i%� . Expiration Date 1111,3103 Signature Telephon " 3.2 Registe Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable ❑ Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to (780 CMR-6)? es ❑ no If no, go to the next section! Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? ❑ yes ❑ no If yes, submit the required affidavit! Company Name1�iz�, /l.✓ . Registrratiion`,tJNNumbe`r (if none, state "none") Address / / Signature Telephon f6? Expiration Date r� 3.3 For �didentftUemodel Work Only PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND: QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: Home Improvement Contractors Registration, One Ashburton Place - Room 1301, Boston, MA 02108, (617) 727-8598 Owners Name (print) Signature by signing the above, the home owner acknowledges that there will be no eligibilty to the Guaranty Fund Date 3.4 Homeowner Exemption - One & Two Family Only FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT 109.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those structures governed by Construction Control in Section 116.0, effective July 1, 1982. no individual shall be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings or structures, unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entitled Rules and Regulations for Licensing Construction Supervisors. Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section; provides that if a Homeowner engages a person(s) for hire to do such work, that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only, a "Homeowner" is defined as follows: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelline, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. If you are applying under this section sign below: Signature: Your signature carries certain responsibilities, including but not necessarily limited to, general liability NOTICE TO LICENSED CONTRACTORS: The Building Code provides in the Rules and Regulations section that any licensed Construlction Supervisor, whether or not they have taken the permit are responsible for code compliance. (see Appendix of 780 CMR R5.2.15) SECTION 4 - WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT (MGL C 152 § 25) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached: ❑ yes ❑ no SECTION 5 - DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (check all applicable) ❑ new construction* ddition ❑ alteration ❑ repairs ❑ chimney/ ❑ N,voodstove (energy report required) (energy report required) fireplace ❑ deck ❑ pool ❑ accessory bldg. ❑ replacement window/door ❑ other ❑ ciemolition (shed/garage) no. of windows doors (specify below): (spe-cify below): * If new construction, please complete the following: Single Family: no. of bedrooms no. of baths Two Family: no. of bedrooms unit I no. of baths unit 1 no. of bedrooms unit 2 no. of baths unit 2 ❑ Furnace (hot air) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ Boiler (heating) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ HVAC (combined unit) - primary fuel, natural gas, propane, electricity, other (specify): ❑ Air conditioning - (separate unit) ❑ None of the above to be provided ❑ Hot Water: Gas Electric Fuel Oil Other Brief Description of Proposed Work: SECTION - 6 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Cost ($) to be completed by permit applicant 1. Building 2. Electrical 3. Plumbing 4. Mechanical HVAC 5. Total = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) * Estimated Total $ ! 7 SECTION 7A - OWNER AUTHORIZATION (to be completed when owner's agent or contractor applies for building permit) (please print) I, , as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize to act on my behalf, in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Signature of Owner Date SECTION B- OWNERIAUTHORIZED AGENT DECLARATION �Lo ut eS . , as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signe u Olethe pai and penalties of perjury. SO$= of ner/Authorized Agent Date C:\bldg.forms`Bldgapp.res.wpd Page 2 Rev. January 19, 2001 C:\bldg.fonns\Bldgapp.res.wpd Page 3 Rev.% January 19, 2001 Note: Where ,j shown, i �L77 7_ Required w/ Transom qz�T1 7— Single Slope Roof Enclosure Plan View Note: �Whhere (D shown, f11D Rwnulrwrl w/ Trnnsem Wall Elevafion Secfion TO" Of Qwt" t d WNO-TUW rai4.�." - ,'I UM DIRM"Ne MUST K KWT D RTMO UTH FIP&, llj REC"D KM W"M Is REQUMED & k:r+c Air TH8 WIiDIN IG DURING THE A Con Of Tkb Endtmd IM CONCRETE 18 POUREt2 P RK OF T>4$ WO. DISTRICT NO. 2 � MM W UO Be Kept On tite Htu..olNO DE NT VOLDM LNEMIRTMEW DWof M 10 1 D E Note: Where shown. 10 OPP. aRequired w/ Transom OPP. 2 PetleVabors thru rated walls and floors snail bf, _ sealed with a material capable of preventing tht-. 2 P' 2 ( page of flames and hot gasses when subj"ec OPP. to t o requirements of the Test SWW" $Pwk � 0 P. I D for � rt, ASTM-E-S . 4 D OPP. �d r IQ, OIN 1 E 2 2 #tO-P. Gable Roof Enclosure Plan View Note: Where 9_= shown, "C" wall Elevation n 'Spr lmn In Note: Where shown, �4 �& Required w/ Transom "B" Wall Elevation `9) Note: Where 9� unown, @ Required w/ Transom "A" J1, "C" Wall Elevafion GENERAL STRUCTURAL DETAILS AILS FOR PEI "ALL -VIEW" THREE SEASON RI_ MOMS NOTE: Details on this sheet am also in section 500 of the 'All —View Rooms Engineer-ing Manual" 00 720 EAST HIGHLAND RUAD ENCLOSURES %. L P.O. BOX 186 a MACEDONIA. OHIO 44u:56 ® (21e)468-0700 FAX (2:8)467— 7 SCALE: NONE I DRAWN: RWK DATE: 04/30/99 REVISIONS APPROVED BY: SIGNATURE P.E. REG. NO. DATE ALL —VIEW ROOMS 12 13 12 Vlaw A Vlew iB 8 - 14 Typ cal Varies (i Ridge Beam { Concrete or Wood Floor `, •Footing Per Local Code Section c DARTMOUTH FiR DISTRICT NO.2,, Section D "714 ow - q APPt„1 TW . — za .t an teat on ULT Expander O Floor 1 1 Staggered Orr1B' C CC. Min �e&t T M. Screws O _ Expander O Floor i #8 x 1 /Y TEK Screws O Bo; 1 1 /2 1li1 1 Mh f B : 1 /2' TD( Sersws O T&B Comer PMV #8 x 1 /2' TEK Screws O Top, (2) Anchors (ljrptcal) 1/3 Up & 1/3 Down Bottom: Bath Sider Detail 1 Anchors O Corner Port: Use 1/4' 0 x 3' Lg, Lag Screws w/ washers Into We Use 1/4' 0 x 1 1/4' Lg. Drive -Pin Anchors Into concrete Use fic x 3 4 hu Head Into Wood Lim 1/4' 0 x 1 1/4' I.G. [rive -Pin Anchors FIM §!9EEI g REWIR>EtglT Pant Vattorn thru Wed wags and floors sW be seated with a matey€ d capable of prevents % the pawAW of flames wW hot gz ssec when subiwoec, for Re 9" ASTM- -ors - : R 4U o % o 'ng w.l #H x 1/2' TEK Semis O Top and Bottom Each SSde Expander O Fioor ww-TUVE DEPTH i�i18PECi10M iS RED even: THE CCNNCRET•: I POURED. 1 1 21 ' Wn 1 1 1 • 1[In. i� MENT -�--i-• �- �bw�n of `Ganging Between Units #8 x 1' TEK SamO Top, 1/3 Up & 1/3 Down, and Bottom %U A WAAWAII BE NWT Detail 2 AT THE* suual4 oaM Q T4E p� 9E tF THIS WC) Anchors At Ganalml Usa 1/4' 0 x 3' 1g lag Screws Into (Mood Lim 1/4' 0 x 1 1 4' Lg. Drive -Pin Anchors Into Cancr Post - 4x4, 4x6, exe, o' (Z) 2x4'x 1x3 T71— L4�;71A(4) #e x 1/Z' TEK Screws, 2 Required O Nort-Bear1 Wall (4) #8 x 1/2' TEK Screws, (2) Each Side Aetchors - 4 Raqulrsd O Bearing Wall Notched As Required To Fit in Expander 3x3 E*xtnnded Aluminum (2) Each 51da (4) 18 x 1' TEK Saws, Expander O Fl 2) #B x 1' TEK Sernws, 1x3 Tube Expander O Floor 2 Each Side Expander O Fl) #B x 1' TEK Screws, T, 1t, O H Each 51da () T. K k 8 Etch side (2}- 1' x 4' x 1/e' x 1 3/4' LA Anchors, 4 Required Tizaai, #8 x i/2' TEK Stews O (2)- 1' x 4' x 1/H' x 1 3/4' Lg.l1 Anchors• 4 Required Total, l (� 5� x 4' x i/H` x 1 3/4' 4 Required Total. (1) Eaeif Side (1) Each Slde O Floor, jTop d Hottnrn Each 5lde �Each 5kie (2) Each Side I (i) Each 51de ` (2) Each Side 1171 -1 1 t�2' Min (2)- 18 x 1 /2' TEK Screws-/ 1L Ganging Between' Units O Top, Mlddie, & Bottum Each Side Detail s Anchors At Ganging Use 1/4* 0 x 3' lag Screws Into se wood U1/4' 0 x 1 1%4' Lg. DrNa-Pin Anchors Irk Corrcr,ta Flashing Strl chmi smcons Sealont Anchors O 1 e' Tab/Hanger Assembly \ is x 1/2' TEK screw% (2) into I -seam Connecting Ponsiq Bath side. S-- ,tarsi Siucone Seats Exiatln Struch" ParMl Siding Detail 5 ifNveee Anchors lJae 1/4' >$ x 3' Lq, Log Screws Into studs lies Ire a x i l/Y Lg, Lags w/ Lag Shields trio Conerets ®odi or Brteie (2)-T#14x&1 BEa Mae O 1 1(4)- #8 x 1' TEK Screws, (2) Each Side Detail ,c Anchors At Ganging Use 1/4' 0 x 3' Lag Screw into wood Use 1/4' 0 x 1 1/4' Lg. DrNe-Pin Anchors Into Concrete Nowt_= Ganging An Required J 1(4)- 413 x 1/2' TEK Screws, Te untall 18 TEK Screws And Cup (2) Each Side Detail rA Anchors At Ganging Use 1/4* p x 3' Lq..LM Screws Into wood Use 1/4' 0 x 1 1/4 4 Drive-i°tn Anchors Into Concrete NOTE: The plans, elevations, sections and details contained herein are in accordance with information contained in 'Product Engineering Manual an 'Ali -View' Three Season Rooms' as published by Patio Enclosures, inc., Macedonia, Ohio. Limitations for product usage are contained in said 'Product Engineering Manual See individual job submittal for specific projections, unit widths and well heights. Notch Ganging As RequlredJ (4)- 1 8 x 1/2' TEK Screws, To install #8 TEK Screws And Clip (2) Each Side Comer Post, Notched To Fit Expander/ Detail 4 Anchors At Gang" Use 1/4' 0 x 3' Lp Lag Screws Into wood Use 1/4' 0 x 1 1/4' Lg. Drvee-Ptn Anchors Into Concrete GENERAL STRUCTURAL DETAILS FOR PEI 'ALL -VIEW" THREE SEASON ROOMS NOTE: Details on this sheet are also in section 500 of the "Ali —View Roams Engineering Manwzil" 720 EAST HIGHLAND ROAD EMO!,,I P.O. BOX 186 • MACEDONIA, OHIO 05E ® 44(21 s) 468-0700 M (21 e) 467-4297 SCALE: NONE DRAWN: RWK / I PEI ENGINEERING — SECTION 17 DATE: 5/3/913 �o�746� /I P.E. REG. NO. [AT-- ALL=VIEW Ri=WS SHEET: 2 #8 x 1/2' TEK Serowe (2 Into I -Beam Connecting Penal, 7&9) Structural Silicone Sealant Roof Panel Fascia Vova D:AVM MAT 0 � AT THE SUILDINO DWilNG; THE ppA)GM88 of TM WO Mc. .. #a x 1/2* TEK Serum 7hru One Side Of Each I -Beam Into Header IS x (2) 01Each Beam, (1) O Each End Of Header Structural Silicone Sealant V % \ #a x 1/2' TEK Scrum. (2) Stcuetural Smcone Sealant./ O Each i-Bsom. And (1) O Each End of Header Railing Door Unit Framing Header Assembly #B x 1/2' TEX Serum In And Out At Unit Ganging And At Each End. if gas x 1" Tr7t Screws O ur 0-. Detail 6 3' Nominal ThIcknasa wing Panai :. r f8 x 1/2' TEK Serum 0 fa x 1' TEK Serowe O IV C.C. Ganging And Each End; Both Siam Rolling Door Unit Framing Detail g 7- Ridge Beam Sinn and # lumbers as Required Aluminum Flashing As Required Structural SnIcone Sealant 1/4' x 3' Lag Screws e I a' or. Tab O Hanger Assembly Staggered O Opposite Sides Typ. Bath Sides #e x 1/2' MX Screws, Structtad kdo F-Baam emws edN Siilcons Soclont Panels: T&A Typ. Roof panel Aluminum FlaahhV As Required Detail @ Tom O>t owtv,oalh Roof Panal #a x 1' TEK Scram *At Enda, ad Unit Gongings Panel Cap./ wing SONO.TUft SQ1 AND DEPTH THE cOW;ffrE M POURED. Detail i1 Tom Of DMIUMN WOO " A CePY 01 Tift Eel ,mod, aiwel as Kset Oft SM Roof Panel APPUC "' COPY #e x 1 /Y TEX Screws Staggered 0 15' 0— Mlcana Seeict is x 1/2' MC Screws O ` Structural mcane Seeiant Ganging Md Each End; panel Cap Both Sl �ng Cap #a x 1 /2' TEK Screws 0 11Y o= Gkzdng Tape x 1' x 1/1 r Cantina 1 Aluminum Angia Code Regrdraa Detail r7 1/8' Ds. Ghee, or 1/2" x 1' x 1/16' Continuous an Code Requires Aluminum Angle dcz!ns Tape #8 x 1/2' M Screws 0 18" O.C. Glaz>ng Cap #8 x 1/2' TEK Screws O Ganging And Each End: 19' Both Sidon 18 x 1' TEK Screws 0 =� O..^. Railing Dow Unit Framing Detail @ Remove Skiing As PI #E x 1/2' TEK Screws a Tcp, Ylddle, and BatSom, Both Sides Sde Rall 01 Rolling Door Unit Detail 1a = q rStructure O 18' O.C. Anchom Use #a x 1' M Screw Into Sheathing Use 1/4' 6 x 1 1/2" Lg. Nylon Anchors. 'Top -le, or EquNmIant Into Concrata Block or BrtcL p�,.��,�FIRE STQPPIN RWUff l 1T Penettatlotw thru wed waNs and floors " be sewed with a material capable of preventing the Page of flames and hot gasses when subjected to the requirements of the Test Standard spelollic Now Fim Stops ASTM-E-814. The plans, elevations, sections and details contained herein are In accordance with information contained in "Product Engineering Manual on 'All —View' Three Season Rooms" as published by Patio Enclosures, Inc., Macedonia, Ohio. Limitations for product usage are contained in said `Product Engineering Manual". See individual job submittal for specific projections, unit widths and wall heights. DARPAOUTH FIRS DISTRICT NO. 2 � #11 x 1/2' TEK Screws, 2 0 Hangar, 2 0 Fascia Location, and Structural Silicone Sealant 2 0 1/3 Pts. Between Hanger m Header Location � Each Side of kana(Max 4' O.C.) O TOP (rolcol) .024' 3105-HI " A. Alum., T&B 7/16' CS.B.. 7":�c8 (optional) 1.5 PCF EPS Aluminum F-t3sam 3' Nomind Thickness Roof Pansi (TyPleal) Detail a wood Ridge Beam Sin and # Ifembers as Requlrm Aluminum Flashing As itesqulred Structural :S,Heann Sealant Shim As Required 1 /4' x . ' Log Screws O 16" (LC. Floahin Staggered 0 Opposite Sides Tab a Hanger Assembly #B x 1/2' TFK screws, Zyp. Both Sldas 12) Into I --ream Connecth Penh., T&EL Typ. SIDm}"? ne Sealant Roaf del Aluminum Roaming As Requirna Detail 11 GENERAL STRUCTURAL DETAILS FOR PEI "ALL -VIEW" THREE SEASON R,_IOMS NOTE: Details an this sheet are also in section 500 of the "All —View Rooms Engineering Manual" 720 EAST HIGHLAND ROAD EICLOVRS lNC. P.O. BOX 186 a MACEDONiA, OHIO 4dt::56 ® (21s)458-0700 FAX (210467-4297 / / L- •T yr - SCALE: NONE REVISIONS APPROVED BY* DRAWN: RWK PEI ENGINEERING — SECTION 17 DATE: 5/ 1 /99 6folT� //l -do P.E. REG. NO. DATE AL —VIEW ROOMS SHEET: 3 TOWII OF DARTMWiH rilE COFi ��o PLAN � c.py Of rW eMna.a p1s„ Mage► pe u.vt oa Site tHng.r Tav B Roo.+ W- f8 x 1/2' TEK Screws (4) Each Side (2)— fax 1" _� TEK Screws T. K, & B Each 51de Aluminum Ridge Beam Structural SAicon4 Sealant f8 x 1/Y 7Eic Serves, ((2) into t-Beam connecting Panels). T&S, Tye. Detail 11 �- Ridge Boom location. Extruded AdumW= or :food (Not Shown) ./ Detail 12 View 8lz::�y (4}- fs x 1' MX screws, (2) Each Side (4)- f 10 x 2• Wood Semem (4)- f8 x 1' TEK sown. (2) Each side uierside of Rod (height Varies) m•l Cap (1) Wood 4x4. 4x6, 8x6, or (2)-2x4 (For Wood Ridge Bel 2) 3x3 Extruded Aiuminunt (for Exbudsd Au- RW94 B« 3) Corner Past w/ tx3 Tubs (for eexuded Atom. Ridge 00 Ridge Beam LocaUM. 5druded Ahuntr— or Wood 04ot Shown) or z Carver C it".. 3 1/2' 4 ' x4 Wood Post Connect to ExistIn Structure w/ Anchors • 1P O.C. 1/4• x 3' Loy. Lag Screws Into Wood 1/4' 0 x 3" Lg. lag Sm" w/ Lost shl Ads Into Conavte Block or Mck Notch Post To Rt Inside Expander Comer�ltdU%; cS 1/2- 4 a;. 1/4- 0 x 1 1/4• Lg. Ddva-Pbt are Into concrete (4) - 1/4' ¢ x 3' 4 Log Screws Into Wood Detail 13 sONO-TWiE St2Z Atvu ::�F :ti INSPECT i8 REQUIRED 6Ei E 1AE)M DRAM1iI1d9 #AW K NEFT THE COWAETE 16 POUREM AT T149 BU'ft.t?" DUit3N8 THE PROWM OF TM WIORK. TOM of euKDM DEAARTMLWT Tom of ,-Extruded Ridge Beam Assembly T_ Hanger A"OmbtY (iyp Both S1 StrtmeturoI Silicon• Seale 4 / .t• ' S + 1! tRoof panelI j � 1 I Comer- Poetj t ! Detail 11 StructtUai 516cone Sealant 1 f>! x 1/2' TEK screws, ((2) Into t-Beam Connecting Pansir), T&B, jef Ridge Beam i If Nece:�'�• I / Poe,. 4x4, or FIRE STOPPING B+EQUiREiri NT Perwbagons thru rated waits and f oors "It be- i seated with a material capable oam-rN0*2 NTH F 1 passage of fl8:na1t! hot gasses to the requirementsof theTest S Ridge Beam Locatlon. Wood,(Not Shown) O Detail 12 View A '- Ridge Beam, Ext vdod Aluminum or Wood (Not Shown) e� [wood Screws, Nal,K AAi A**Arvdeand House � 4 Aber Joist hang 1 ! (e)- 1/4• x 1 1/2" Lys• Logs I compisdon or connection (4)-2) xI" TDC Each Side (4)- f10 x 2' Wood 18 x 1' TEK Screws, I Exist Wood 2x Bandboard (2) Each Side O Exist. Structure Existing Wood 2x Bandboard O Existhis Structure Detail 13 NOTE: The plans, elevations, sections and details contained herein are in accordance with information contained in 'Product Engineering Manual on 'All -View' Three Season Rooms" as published by Patio Enclosures, Inc., Macedonia, Ohio. limitations for product usage are contained in said "Product Engineering Manual". See individual job submittal for specific projections, unit widths and wall heights. (4) - fa x 1' TEK Screws. (2) Each Side Expo:td.r, or Corner Coltmm. 6 1/2- Lg. (4) - f10 x 2- Wood Scrws Beam i ocation, edrudw _, or Wood (Not Shown) 2x3 Expander, or Corny Column, 3 1 /2- Lg. ,, x4 Wood Post, Connect Seaureiv To Bandboard Beam location, Extruded Aluminum (Not Shown) jof Ridge Beam If Nece=7 (8) - f8 x 1' Tw -saws. (4) Each 31de 8 1 �l.g., RoL,,.w L.V om loe` 3x3 x 1/3' Extriuned Aluminun% or Cann Post w/ 1x:: Tube Detail 12 View A (2) Each Side (4) - f 10 x 2- Wood Stew+-, `1/4- a x 54 Leg. Lag Screws �3 O Each Stud. tart. 3 Studs Iddg. Benin Location, Extruded Aluminum or Wood that shown) .2x3 Expander, +t Gaynor Column. r Lg_ �(2)- 2x4's, l:sngth as Required Connect Socurreiy To Collar To Color Tls. (2) ! m S Woods '2t4. Between Exist Stud t Post (Typ_) i t l e i 1•! ��j �•1 I•I ;,Studs O Extstbtg Hours LAnd2nd 2x6 To House w/ Lags An Shown 2x8 To 1st Detail 13 Detail 13 i -- GENERAL STRUCTURAL DETAILS FOR PEI "ALL —VIEW" THREE SEASON F OOMS NOTE: Details on this sheet are also in section 500 of the "All —View Rooms Engineering Manual" 720 EAST HIGHLAND 'PUD ENCCL SURE510ftlKC. P.O. cox t as • taACEDONIA. ) 4Z 4 4Z056 97 ® (ztg465-0700 iAx (xis)467—••.297 SCALE: NONE I DRAWN: RWK DATE: 5/3/99 REVISIONS APPROVED BY SIGNRE P.E. REG. NO. DATE A—L—VIEW ROOMS -- --.-...---..._ ashing As Needed Strset:.:ral Siileane Seaton �8 Y2- TEK Screws W1s' C.C. Structi:.ral Silicone Secian Roof Panel ti Expander Remove Siding K GAR�w� TOl1TH F1Ri� DISTRICT NO, 2.4 Anchors 4 Into C B or Br. (2)— 1/4' i i a f �l�rr: • g� NY1on Mehore ., (3)— i8 x Screwa Into Wood Anchors At -H- Height c Staggered Anchors 0 le O.C. Wall Exaandar � �uitna Structure Uas 1 4' 0 x 3' 4 Lag Scrawl irta Sheds. Use 1/4' 0 x 1 1/2' 4 Lag & Lag Shier into. Concrete Block or Brack Detail @ Glass Width Member, Transom Unit if8 x 1' TEK Serowe 0 18' O.C. S:.-•.:^ Jrai S111cone Seal Sa^een Width Member, Tao Master Frdms Member, Screan Unit Sliding Door Unit. Frame (Na Shown) Glass Top Ran Member, i Rolling Door Unit Glass W1dtt: Member, Fixed G1ase Unft (Not Shown) Transom Without 1 x3 Tube Seel Between Membere 1H'lleG Eacm Sao Sc— Panel G SM For Rolling Door Unit Above /10 Expander —(2)— f8 x 1/2' IV Screws Staggered 0 13' O.C. (2;-- #8 x 1' TEK Seraws `Struchold mica a Sealant 0 12' O.C. 1x3 Tuba Seat/ Between Matnbere op Master Frame Special Tempered Ginn P—cang Door Unit Framing —FT Glass Kneewall (or Sliding Unit) Below Sliding Unit i8 x 1/2' TEK Screws, Each Slds Thru Wall Expander into 'H'—Channai 'H'—Channel Anchors At le O.C. Anchorr: 1/4' n8 x 1 1/Z' LA. Nylon Anchors into C.B. or Sr. f8 X 1' TEK Screws h ibm Wood Detail 15 I Glass Width Member, Transom Unit Scala ' 10 x Z' TEK Screws 0 16' 0.^.. tY3 Tube Too Haste- Frame Member, SGdInQ Door Unit Frappe lass lop Roll Member, Rolling Dos.- Unit Structural Silicone Sealant Between Memb Screen Width Me Screen Unit (Nat Shown) Glass; Width Member, Fixed Gloss Unit (Not Shown) Transom With 1 x3 Tube FILE COPY 1 OUS DJWW MiQ MU&T BE 1fNF'T Ai THE 81flt.f�ING DURING THE P St OF THIS WOFO . Ile x 4- Lag Screws Thru Roof "H'—Channel Poem Into Panel Cap Roof Papal Papal Ca Notch to Fit ' Inside Corner Post j8 x 1/2' TEK Screws, Thru Comer Past Into Panel Cap Flanges Typ. Each Sid J8 x 1/2' TM( Screw, Each Sids, The Garner Post into 'W—Channel C , Carter Par: At Roof Pitch AnQI Cam Port Detail 16 #8 x 1/2'(2TEK Screws 0 Top & Bottom ) Each Side lazing Tape 1 /a D.S. Glass, or As Coda Requires 1�' Y 1' x 1/18 /"�. Continuous Slocum Angie, f 8 X 1/2' TEK Screws T&B. Each Side Ear}, Side Glazing Cap Glass Kneewall Ganging, G—Caos FIRE STOPPING R,EQU1K�iVW_P i Penetrations thru rated walls and flocs'$ shalt b8 sealed with a im�aterlal cap" of preiventing the passage of flames and hot gessee when sued to the requires mils of the Test Standard s pee t� NOTE - The Flies ASTM-E-814. plans, elevations, sections and details contained herein are in accordance with information contained in 'Product Engineering Manual on 'All —View' Three Season Rooms" as published by Patio Enclosures, Inc., Macedonia, Ohio. Limitations for product usage are contained in said "Product Engineering Manual". See individual job submittal for specific projections, unit widths and wall heights. THE CONCRETE IS POUFM . �pM °EMWMENT (3) — #8 x 1' TEK Screws 0 'H' Height tRidge Seem Past ,.. 1/ia�R , I &I. I Detail 17 EXTEMOR #8 x 1/2' TEK Screws 0 T&B Each Side (2) EXxers Floor Expander tf1' TEK Sc'. T Side Rails Far Glass 4:neawall 0 Each Side Window Beww Structural Silicone Sealant INTE WR Glass Kneewall Ganging, Expanders GENERAL STRUCTURAL DETAILS FOR PEI "ALL —VIEW"" THREE SEASON ROOMS NOTE: Details an this sheet are also in seciion 500 of the "All —View Rooms Engineering lrri:lnual" 720 EAST HIGHLAND ROAD JEMNMOSUM!S,I�Me P.D. BOX 186 • MACEDONiA, OHIO 44056 (z1s)46B-0700 FAX (219)457-4297 KARLA. RiNAS CIVIL 40676 SCALE: NONE DRAWN: MAD ' DATE: 11 '12/93 REVISIONS APPROVED ev_�1 aG P.E. REG. NO. -DATE ALL —VIEW ROOMS i iH OR tide PEI ENGINEERING — SECTION 17 SHEET: 5 E:dsting Root 1/2' TEK Serowe ax 1t 0.c Each Side _•; ;;r, E3cpcnder � Floor ' +' :• � a sutntr.Tal Sfltcone sealant For Roiling Door Unit Above 'M smcone sealant 8 x 1/f W Screws e 1t3' o.c. Each side stag Bred Anchors a It O.C. use `110 x 3/4• W10d Screws useArxhws l9 " e . 0 M Am; F 2f2 e Schad g Roof Gap Flashing- Aiuminum �ingg Uor ysr Shingles. Structural S111oane sealant Tab/Hanger Assembly is x 1/.? TEK 2 Into Each t—learnX, . %1 • ,i.l:.•ti :. Root Panel iFusdaInto Existing J4' Log Screws, �oiruh �� swig j I Wei 11 2 x Fascia Board, Depth Varies Eave Fascia Mount Alumtnnm nesfdng Under Shingles 1/-' lag Screws Into Existing Jolts Structural sicone Sealant Tab/Fia W Amernby-, #8 x 11Y TEK Screws, 2Into q� Strtlawrai Sacone Size �Sp�ac q�Vatfa �w�``�� Est edm' Seakmt .1 • , • 1�W1 P� Ix3 Tube (Used As Nsessemy) tWd S➢tcone Sachet x 1' x 11W Conftumn Angle DART OUTH RR" Eave Reverse Mount rn►e%i ICT NO, 2 (4} ftl x 1/2' TEK Sarewe (4 �8 x 1�/:T t TOP YCllJii Y�i�T �E MfiMT �� On Each Corner At Tap 1/�' 3' 1-•Boom trypiaol) �Es�aobb 723 ow ;9a — Block /e Die. 3acksr Rod ., .At .Tit& DING DURING THE WO (2) ReaNL Per strap last /8' DI. Booker Rod APPCL � PROCURE Of THIS wows. A Ce" Uf Tht hdamil #8 x 1/2' TM( Sam. na Bleak sealant seitino Block /18' Dia. . ' edam DEPARTUMT Man mom � �� � ��'f: 3• foam Panel of DWMetA+ �Dilu'i �� X .Fcant P7nsl FIRE STQPPiNn. IRE T Psnatffiflonis r nrw SBS�QtJT ififith ttirU rated t and f 100r$ ShM be 1l�pEC�i1p� SIi# AN4 DEPOTH a material cape of preventing thr � OBE IS i '``'' •.� ,,,� passage of flames and hot when subjede( Awl ry to the ►e4uirements of the T st Standard specMc WMW3 aEPARTMEN - J� j�' I.ony„ 4^}- � x 1/: sor.w. At Each earn � � ASTM•E•514, lbiMr of flr�r�t�f► O Farlh«d Edge Fiam l�uQport� 39 (Ettha ds, Of 1—i�m Acceptable) (oal Header Aaaem6tr Screw Pattern) Glass Roof Panel Cross —Section Glass Roof Panel Cross —Section ® I —Beam Cc� Header Ge&'?ZA1 STRUCTURAL DET= FOR PEI 'All-VEr MiRM Wj%SCN RMUS NOTE: Detctis on this shoot am also in section 5W of the 'All —View Rooms Engineering ldm ucF Hcww Assembly /r Seaiant ( #a x me T 3arstivs on On Each Garner At Top 720 EAST HIGHL+ND ROAD � Dow 796 r ms �w.r 3/8' Dia. Booker Rod tiyur.u.7unW JnC. P48 -4 18l3e UiCID FAX 15) 487— ® (219) 488-07C0 F,U( (218) 4g7-4M7 Ssfftng Biook 5edarti NOS SCAtF: NONE DRAWN: J.A.R. DATE: C8/18/91i The plans, elevations, sections and details contained herein are �CF ITMONS •room P1e� in accordance with information contained in Product Engineering Manual on 'All —View' Three Season Rccms7 as published by Patio A?Aii('VED �Y: Enclosures, inc., Macedonia, Ohio. Limitations for roduct usage KAMA. a are contained in said "Product Engineering Manua. Se! individual FUNns -DD (a)- Ja x 1/:' TEic same job submittal for specific projections, unit widths and wall heights, DNA RE PE. REG. No. DATE Glass Roof Panel Cross —Section AL:.—Ve:v Rcoµs @ Hanger /�'"� — DO pI LyG;N>✓ ING — SECTION 17 SHEET. t3