BP-29554V GENERAL NOTES 1. All work, as defined or implied within these Construction Drawings and Specifications to be performed in accordance with all applicable State & Local Building Codes. 2. Contractor shall examine the "entire Site, and will take into account all conditions thereon as may affect the performance of the work under Contract. 3. The Contractor shall verify all lines, levels & dimensions shown on the drawings before starting work, and shall report any discrepancies in the plan to the Owner before commencing work. 4. The Contractor shall pay for all lighting, phone, and electrical power used during the course of the construction. 5. The Contractor shall -pay for all permits required. 6. The A.I.A. Form A105/A205 Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Contractor, and General Conditions for Construction — 1993 Small Projects Edition are hereby applicable to the construction contract. GENERAL PROJECT NOTES 1. The scope of improvements to the existing house include: A. Renovation to existing Lower Level Deck. b. Upper Level Deck Addition at Master Bedroom. C. Upper Level Observation Deck Addition at Attic Level. 2. All fasteners exposed to the exterior to be SS, or approved by Architect. 3. All framing lumber to be Pressure Treated. All finish wood trim at Rails and Facia are to be approved by Owner and Archiiect. All Decking wood material to be approved by Owner and Archtiect. 4. The Contractor is to notify the Architect if any existing condtitions appear to be contrary to the assumptions indicated within these Drawings. DRAWING SCHEDULE A-0 COVER SHEET A-1 PLAN & FRAMING PLAN - EXISTING & PROPOSED - LOWER LEVEL DECK A-2 PLANS & FRAMING PLANS - PROPOSED UPPER LEVEL DECKS A-3 ELEVATION A-4 DETAILS R s A Cagy Oil This Endorsed Plan Must Be Kept $O�n Site O riV 0 3r GENERAL ABBREVIATIONS AFF Above Finish Floor HF Hem -Fir ALUM Aluminum INSUL Insulation BM Beam MTL Metal CL Centerline NTS . Not To Scale COL Column PT Pressure Treated CONC Concrete PTD Painted CONT Continuous SCWV Solid Core Wood Veneer DBL Double SPF Spruce Pine Fir EL Elevation SS Stainless Steel EQ Equal SS"A iid Surfacing EXISTG x Existing Material FF Finish Floor STL Steel FNDN Foundation SYP Southern Yellow Pine FOF Face of Foundation TYP Typical FOS Face of Stud U.N.O. Unless Noted Otherwise GALV Galvanized VIF Verify In Field GL Glass WD Wood GYP Gypsum Board WWF Welded Wire Fabric CONSTRUCTION No.7778 Nc,4,J BEDFORD MASS. 30' MAY 200 YOUR DRAbVING I'VIOST BE r\F'"f A ► THE BUILDING DURING THi PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. �aLsLs'?I2�G ,��gA�T:�?�YST PROJECT Ain °" Dartmouth 1. Project: Renovation of Existing Deck and Addition of Upper Level Decks to the existing Home of John and Laurie Kinney. 2. Location: 80 Star of the Sea Drive, South Dartmouth, MA, 02748 3. Use" Group Classification: R-3 Residential 4. Construction Classification: Type 5-B 5. Additional Information: All of the proposed work is limited to the exterior of the House. No interior work is being proposed. 6. Architect: Kathryn Duff, STUDIO of Architecture and Art 412 County Street, New Bedford, MA 02740 508.999.5145. Ma. License — 7778 THE CONCRETEIS POUR SWLDING DEPARTMENT DATE-, 05-30�2003 i IKINNEY DECKS S� T U D I 0 ❑F AFRCHITECTURE P? R T EXISTING CONC. PIER TO BE REMOVED old V—O" CONC. GRADE BEAM TO SUPPORT "SEAT" AROUND DECK, F17 NEW 5X RE CED?R POST - ON NEW 1 - DIAM_ CONC. PIER — JO SPPOCT CORNEROF DECABIVE. MODIFY EXISTING PLATFORM DATE - TO MATCH WIDTH OF NEW 05-30-2foO3 STAIRS AS REQUIRED NEW MAHOGANY RAIL & 6'-0" BALUSTERS SYSTEM ATTACHED TO 4X4 RED CEDAR POSTS NOTE ALL EXISTING RAILS, BALUSTERS & POSTS TO BE REMOVED. NEW 5X5 RED CEDAR POST- �J IL J m ON NEW V-O" DIAM. CONC. — EXISTING PLATFORM &STAIRS PIER - W/SS COLUMN BASE X%�` F TO REMAIN m \ \' X W M .L 3 f V EXISTING 1'=0" DIAM. CONC. a I J GENERAL NOTES - NEW MAHOGANY RAIL & ! PIER TO REMAIN BALUSTERS X — J 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE 10 w OF STUD AND/OR FRAMING - zxa LEDGER-P.T. CONTINUE� UNLESS OTHERWISED NOTED. cn V 2. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE EXISTING 1'-O" DIAM. CONC. �� _ o LOCATION OF THE UPPER LEVEL NEW SXS RED CEDAR PIER TO REMAIN POST- ON NEW 1'-0" DECKS PRIOR TO VERIFYING THE DIAM. CONC. PIER _ J co LOCATION OF CONCRETE PIERS SUPPORTING UPPER LEVEL DECKS. a _ J w 3. ALL MATERIALS ARE TO BE EDGE of EXISTING DECK ® } APPROVED BY OWNER. Q 4. ALL NEW ACCESS DOORS FRO,vI m THE EXISTING HOUSE ARE TO BE N INSULATING GLASS ATRIUM DOORS 10 N W WITH WOOD SCREEN DOORS - — — — — — — _ — PAINTED - COLOR APPROVED BY 0WNF13. REMOVE EXISTING DECKING AND REPLACE z w L � _ W/ NEW 5/4X4 FIR — - 5. ALL CONCRETE TO HAVE DECKING — CLEAR — I STRENGTH OF 3000 PSI. APPROVED BY OWNER I a a AND ARCHITECT. 6. ALL FASTENERS TO BE J N STAINLESS STEEL (SS). _J a 10 L m J co L _ J LINE OF PROPOSED O rn MASTER BEDROOM DECIK o ABOVE 00 L J Y H U 0 r L J — 0 ca - L r N d 3 0 z NEW 2X8 P.T. JOISTS FLUSH WITH EXISTING BEAM EXISTING HOUSE 1'-0" EXTENSION OF NEW �® REMAIN NEW 5X5 RED CEDAR DECK JOISTS OVER NEW POST ON NEW V-0" - BEAM DIAM. CONC. PIER 6'-0" CLEAR PLAN -FRAMING LOWER DECK 2 PLAN -EXISTING & PROPOSED LOWER DECK SCALE: 1 /4" = 1'-0" Al SCALE: 1 /4" _ 1 ,_0„ Y U w c� z r w Y U w O 0 z W W 0 w N 0 0 a NEW 5X5 RED CEDAR POSTS -OVER 1'-0" DIAM CONC. PIER NEW GRANITE CURB, AS REQUIRED R� KINNEY Q)ECKS LOWER LEVEL (CLAN S T" U D I 0 OF ARCHfITECTURE I c� A R T GENERAL NOTES- CONSTRUCTION: 1. REFER TO A 1 FOR ADDITIONAL NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS. 2. ALL NEW DECK FRAMING TO BE P.T. SYP - #2 OR BETTER 3. COLUMNS, STUDS OR POSTS THAT SUPPORT BEAMS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS TO FOUNDATION OR SUPPORTED BY EITHER BEAMS, IF WOOD POSTS OR STUDS SUPPORTING BEAMS ARE INTERRUPTED BY A FLUOR SYSTEM, BEARING OF STUDS OR POSTS ON EITHER THAN SOLID BEAMS MUST BE PRE -APPROVED BY THE ARCHITECT. 4. ALL CONCRETE TO HAVE A STRENGTH OF 3,000 PSI. S. ALL WOOD IN CONTACT WITH CONRETE SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED. 6. ALL EXPOSED FASTENERS TO BE STAINNLESS STEEL. 7.'ALL INTERIOR WOOD TRIM - AS NEEDED TO TRIM NEW DOORS - TO MATCH EXISTING - PAINTED. 8. ALL EXTERIOR WOOD TRIM TO BE CLEAR RED CEDAR - BACK PRIMED - AND TO MATCH EXISTING IN STYLE AND SIZE. 9. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE "ICE & WATER" SPLINES AT ALL CORNER TRIM LOCATIONS. 10 ALL, WOOD TRIM AT DECKS TO BE RED CEDAR -CLEAR SEAL - PENOFIN OR EQUAL. EDGE OF ROOF - BELOW PROPOSED 2X4 WOOD STUD EXTERIOR WALL -BUILT ON TOP PROPOSED 2X4 WOOD STUD OF ROOF W/MAHOGANY "CAP" EXTERIOR WALL -BUILT ON TOP OVER MTL. FLASHING & WHITE OF ROOF W/MAHOGANY "CAP" CEDAR SHINGLES -MATCH ROOFLINE BELOW OVER MTL FLASHING & WHITE EXISTING. CEDAR SHINGLES -MATCH - - EXISTING. MAHOGANY RAIL & BALLUSTER 4X4 RED CEDAR STRUT SYSTEM CLEAR SEAL (1) 2X8 P.T. LVL EACH SIDE OF 4X4 TYP. POST-THRU BOLTED W/ (2) 3/4" DIA. BOLTS 5/4 X 4" DE ING L J DBL. 2X8 P.T. LVLS-HUNG FROM LVL L J r , ON EACH SIDE OF STRUT WITH SIMPSON HG - HANGER - INVERT AT J CANTILEVER w m L J X r :N I LZ v NOTE: STRUT LOCATION J u L J Y DETERMINED BY r WINDOW LOCATION 3'-0" o BELOW- STRUT TO BE PLACED NEXT TO r WD. TRIM © WD - +I > a WINDOWS-TYP. -SEE SCREEN DOOR ro A-3 PTD - COLOR .I c\f APPROVED _ r a o BY OWNER m 5" HIGH SILL r J X N L HANG NEW BEAM FROM EXTERIOR FACE OF EXISTING HOUSE AND TOP LOAD ON NEW 5X5 POST PROPOSED 2X4 WOOD STUD EXTERIOR WALL -BUILT ON TOP OF ROOF W/MAHOGANY "CAP" OVER MTL. FLASHING & WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES -MATCH EXISTING. NEW MAHOGANY RAIL AND BALUSTERS PROFILE OF DECK BELOW 00 N J (3) - 2X8 LVL I - P.T. BEAM I71 I L JI� � I L J I F_ NEW MAHOGANY RAIL AND BALUSTERS - SEE L J W ELEVATIONS - TYP. I— m L J >, L Do L J N F- L J � JI L J . ci I F_ I L J ® I F L J o F- L J I r_ X I L �) N F_ NEW 5/4 X 4 D CKING L I' - MATERIAL APP OVED F_ J BY OWNER & AR HITECT (CLEAR FIR) JI rL W m L J WD SCREEN DO I F- �� PTD - COLOR )PPROVED m BY OWNER L J X cV � II �I a266821668 ` , L J. Hill . r 2450 2450 IJ 4X4 RED CEDAR STRUT CLEAR 2X8 P.T. LVL EACH SIDE OF STRUT NEW 2X8 P.T. LEDGER NEW 5'-0" HIGH EXTERIOR ATRIUM NEW (2)-2X6 HEADER 'HATCH DOOR' ON 5" SILL FRAMING PLAN PLAN ATTIC DECK -FRAMING & PLAN 1 SCALE: 1 /4" = 1,_099 2 NEW 2'-6" X 6'-8" INSULATING GLASS ATRIUM DOOR TO NEW zz DECK - PATCH & REPAIR INTERIOR AS REQUIRED 6X6 RED POST CONTINUED TO S.S. POST BASE ON CONCRETE PIER LINE OF ATTIC DECK ABQ� 6'-4 1/2"CLR. ( ? 4.!` lr ' FRAMING PLAN PLAN MASTER BEDROOM DECK- PLAN & FRAMING SCALE: 1 /4" = V-0" DAT4.-. 05=30-2003 KINNEY DECKS PLANS FRAMING PLANS 'S T U D I 0 OF (ARCHITECTURE (A R T c ': GENERAL NOTES - CONSTRUCTION: DATE• 05-30-r2003 NEW CUSTOM ATRIUM 'HATCH' DOOR ( 5'-0" X 2'-4") NEW DECK OFF ATTIC LEVEL NEW ATRIUM DOOR (2'-6" X 6'-8") TO NEW DECK OFF OF MASTER BEDROOM F.FLR. ATTIC LEVEL 0 COPPER CAPPED WALL 1. REFER TO A -I FOR ADDITIONAL NOTES AND SPECIFICATIDNS. -BEYOND- FINISH W/WHITE 2. ALL NEW DECK FRAMING TO BE P.T. - SYP - 42 OR BETTER CEDAR SHINGLES & TRIM 3. COLUMNS, STUDS OR POSTS THAT SUPPORT BEAMS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS TO FOUNDATION OR SUPPORTED BY OTHER BEAMS. IF WOOD POSTS OR STUDS NEW MAHOGANY RAIL & SUPPORTING BEAMS ARE INTERRUPTED BY A FLOOR SYSTEM, BEARING OF STUDS OR ALUSTERS SYSTEM ATTACHED POSTS ON OTHER THAN SOLID BEAMS MUST BE PRE -APPROVED BY THE ARCHITECT. TO 4X4 RED CEDAR POSTS 4. ALL CONCRETE TO HAVE A STRENGTH OF 3,000 PSI. WRAP RAIL & BALUSTERS INTO 5. ALL WOOD IN CONTACT WITH CONRETE'SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED. EXISTING ROOF 6. ALL EXPOSED FASTENERS TO BE STAINNLESS STEEL, NEW 4X4 RED CEDAR POSTS 7. ALL INTERIOR WOOD TRIM - AS NEEDED TO TRIM NEW DOORS - TO MATCH MOUNTED TO FACE OF FRAME EXISTING - PAINTED. [&B THRU BOLTED TO BEAM 8. ALL EXTERIOR WOOD TRIM TO BE CLEAR RED CEDAR BACK PRIMED - AND TO MATCH EXISTING IN STYLE AND SIZE. 9. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE 'ICE & WATER" SPLINES AT ALL CORNER TRIM LOCATIONS. 10 ALL WOOD TRIM AT DECKS TO BE RED CEDAR - CLEAR SEAL - PENOFIN OR EQUAL. 11. ALL INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR FLOORS, WALLS AND ROOFS DISTURBED BY RM CONSTRUCTION TO BE PATCHED AND REPAIRED, AS REQUIRED.- MATCH EXISTING. i� PROPOSED 2 X 4 WOOD STUD EXTERIOR WALL - BUILT ON TOP OF ROOF W/MAHOGANY WOOD TRIM AT WALL "CAP" OVER MTL. FLASHING & OVER ROOF - WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES - BEYOND - MATCH MATCH EXISTING EXISTING - PTD NEW MAHOGANY RAIL & BALUSTERS SYSTEM ATTACHED TO 4X4 RED CEDAR POSTS -WRAP RAIL & BALUSTERS INTO PROPOSED NEW 4X4 RED CEDAR WALL - BEYOND STRUTS F.FLR. UPPER LEVEL DECK = LEVEL 0 EXISTING WINDOWS -TYP. REPLACE EXISTING DECKING W/ NEW 5/4 X 4 CLEAR FIR i F.FLR. NEW 1X12 RED CEDAR TRIM LOWER LEVEL BOARD NEW BENCH SEAT SEE A-4 I I NEW GRANITE 'CURB, AS REQUIRED I 4 L I NEW PROPOSED DECK ELEVATION SCALE: 1 /4" 11-019 � o M NEW 4X4 RED CEDAR POSTS MOUNTED TO FACE OF FRAME & THRU BOLTED TO BEAM NEW 1X RED CEDAR TRIM BOARD - TYP AT FACIA NEW 5X5 RED CEDAR POSTS NEW MAHOGANY RAIL & BALUSTERS SYSTEM ATTACHED TO RED CEDAR POSTS LASREQUIRED ATFORM FOR NEW AIL SYSTEM EXISTING DECK 'INNEY DECKS ELEVATION S Tf U D I OF ARZHITECTURE A R T PARTIAL SIDE ELEVATION GENERAL NOTES - CONSTRUCTION: DATE- 1. REFER TO A-1 FOR ADDITIONAL NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS. 05-30-003 NEW SCREEN DOOR NEW MAHOGANY RAIL & (OPTIONAL) BALUSTERS SYSTEM ATTACHED TO 4X4 RED CEDAR POSTS NEW MAHOGANY RAIL CAP NEW ATRIUM DOOR NEW MAHOGANY 5/4" X 5/4" BALUSTERS z 0 NEW 4X4 RED CEDAR POSTS-4'-0"± O.C. MOUNTED TO FACE OF FRAME & THRU BOLTED TO LVL BEAM. 0 NEW 5/4 X 4 FIR DECKING-CLR. 2. ALL NEW DECK FRAMING TO BE P.T. - SYR - 42 OR BETTER 3. COLUMNS, STUDS OR POSTS THAT SUPPORT BEAMS SHALL , BE CONTINUOUS TO FOUNDATION OR SUPPORTED BY OTHER BEAMS. IF WOOD POSTS OR STUDS SUPPORTING BEAMS ARE INTERRUPTED BY A FLOUR SYSTEM, BEARING OF STUDS OR POSTS ON OTHER THAN SOLID BEAMS MUST BE PRE -APPROVED K�I N N EY BY THE ARCHITECT. C�'/c DECKS 4. ALL CONCRETE TO HAVE A STRENGTH OF 3,000 PSI. 5. ALL WOOD IN CONTACT WITH CONRETE SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED. 6. ALL EXPOSED FASTENERS TO BE STAINNLESS STEEL. 7, ALL INTERIOR WOOD TRIM - AS NEEDED TO TRIM NEW DOORS - TO MATCH EXISTING - PAINTED. B. ALL EXTERIOR WOOD TRIM TO BE CLEAR RED CEDAR - BACK PRIMED - AND TO MATCH EXISTING IN STYLE AND SIZE. 9. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE "ICE &WATER" SPLINES AT ALL CORNER TRIM LOCATIONS. 10 ALL WOOD TRIM AT DECKS TO BE RED CEDAR - CLEAR SEAL - PENOFIN OR EQUAL NEW MAHOGANY RAIL & BALUSTERS SYSTEM ATTACHED TO 4X4 RED CEDAR POSTS NEW 5/4 X 4 FIR DECKING-CLR. NEW RED CEDAR TRIM TRIPLE 2X8 LVL P.T. BEAM - OVER 5X5 RED CEDAR POST 2X8 P.T. DECK JOIST @ 16" O.C. FLUSH W/ BEAM 1 X_ FIR SLATS @ +/- 4" O.C. WOOD TRIM-PTD. NEW RED CEDAR TRIM DETAIL —DECK @ MASTER BEDRM. 3 DBL 2X8 P.T. LVL BEAM - HUNG FROM SCALE: 1 1 ! _ O !f 4 NEW MTL. FLASHINGDBL. LVL'S-BOLTED TOGETHER SIMPSON GALVANIZED TOP FLANGE HANGER DBL. 2X8 P.T. RIM JOIST NEW 2X8 P.T. LEDGER AS REQUIRED REMOVE EXISTING DECKING r AND REPLACE W/ NEW IX4 2X8 P.T. LVL EACH SIDE \ FIR CLEAR DECKING NEW RED CEDAR TRIM EXISTING DECK JOISTS I (2) 3/4„ D1AM. THRU BOLTS 1'-6" DETAILS 1 X FIR SLATS @ 4" O.C. - NEW IX4 .FIR DECKING EXISTING DECK BEAM 4X4 P.T. RED CEDAR STRUT NEW DBL 2X12 P.T. RIM BEAM W/ RED,CEDAR TRIM S TC U D I ❑ OF NEW 2X8 P.T. DECK JOISTS EXISTING 1'-0" DIAM. CONC, EXTENSIONS HUNBG FLUSH AR PIER TO REMAIN EX EXISTING BEAM �HITECTURE FLASHING SET INTO STRUT GRADE & NEW DBL 2X6 P.T. FLASHING LET IN BEHIND PLATE -BOLT TO CONC. GRADE A R T SHINGLES - UP WALL MIN. OF BEAM 8„ a 1/2" DEEP NOTCH TO d a RAISE GRADE AS REQUIRED ACCOMODATE STRUT_ DO NOT OVERCUT NOTCH. 16 GA. GALVINIZED CLIP a NEW CONC. REINFORCED v GALVANIZED SCREWS EA LEG 4 GRADE BEAM -OVER 4X4 POST IN WALL -POST COMPACTED GRAVEL FASTENED TO EXISTING TOP & O 0 BOTTOM PLATES DETAIL -DECK @ ATTIC LEVEL % nFTAll-RFNC`N �FeT /1 SCALE: 1 " _ _1,_0„ RESIDENTIAL 2003 RESIDENTIAL Z P 1 t ALTHt3 AGEi+w Eg 2.1 Owner of Record: f� (^ 1W Name (print) Contact Address J Phone Number 2.2 Authorized Agent: 6d S Name (print) Contact Address Phone Number ; g v 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable ❑ - Licensed Construction Supervisor License Number 6 GCSE Address Expiration Date i Signature Telephone rlrF y6e Y 3.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable ❑ Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to (780 CMR-6)? ❑ yes ❑ no If no, go to the next section! Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? ❑ yes ❑ no If yes, submit the required affidavit! Company Name S/I -74 c_, Registration Number (if none, state ❑ none❑) Address Signature Telephone Expiration Date 3.3 For Residential Remodel Work Only PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND: QZUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: Rome Improvement Contractors Registration, One Ashburton Place - Room 1301, Boston, MA 02108, (617) 727-8598 Owners Name (print) Signature by signing the above, the home owner acknowledges that there will be no eligibilty to the Guaranty Fund Date 3.4 Homeowner Exemption - One & Two Family Only FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT 109.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those structures governed by Construction Control in Section 116.0, effective July 1,1982, no individual �, tall be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings or structures, unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the rules and regulations by the BBRS entitled Rules promulgated and Regulations for Licensing Construction Supervisors. Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section Provides that if a Homeowner engages a person(s) for hire to do such work, that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only, a "Homeowner" is defined as follows: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on v,,hich there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or faun structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. if you are applying under this section sign below: Signature: Your signature carries certain responsibilities, including but not necessarily limited to, general liability NOTICE TO LICENSED CONTRACTORS: The Building Code provides in the Rules and Regulations section that any licensed Qonstruction Supervisor, whether or not they have taken the permit are responsible for code compliance. (see Appendix of 780 CMR R53;2.15) , Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to pirovide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached: ❑ yes ❑trno ❑ new construction* ❑ addition ❑ alteration ❑ repairs ❑ chimney/ ❑ woodstove gy report required) (energy report required) fireplace Z ❑ ❑ k pool accessory Bldg. ❑replacement window/door El other ❑ demolition (shed/garage) no. of windows_ doors_ (specify below): (specify below): * If new construction, please complete the following: Single Family: no. of bedrooms no. of baths Two Family: no. of bedrooms unit 1 no. of baths unit 1 no. of bedrooms unit 2 no. of baths unit 2 ❑ Furnace (hot air) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ Boiler (heating) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ HVAC (combined unit) - primary fuel, natural gas, propane, electricity, other (specify): ❑ Air conditioning - (separate unit) ❑ None of the above to be provided ❑ Hot Water: Gas Electric Fuel Oil Other Brief Description of Proposed .-Work: NW a a, .WE Item Estimated Cost ($) to be completed by permit appr5cant 1 Rnilrlinu � F.1Prtriral 'I Phimhinu 4 Mechnnirnl (AVAC') 5. Total = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) Estimated Total $Q G gym. - 6 r =2 g p _�E�� Ql G r. o i (please print) !} 1, , as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize to act on my behalf, in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Signature of Owner Date 0 �,�r� `,!( 7'r " °`�ni as Owner/Authorized Agent ent hereby declare that the statement g Y � and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. Signature of Owner/Authorized Agent ate C:\bldg.forms\Bldgapp.res.wpd Page 2 Rev. January 1, 2003 C:\bldg.fonns\Bldgapp.res.wpd Page 3 Rev. January 1, 2003 i i RESIDENTIAL 2002 RESIDENTIAL 2003 ❑ FOUNDATION ONLY - El FOUNDATION ONLY , $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE NON-TRANSFERA13LE $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE ac NON-TRANSFE AFI�;LE _� e „ ° 1. Date plan reviewed 2. 30 days to review period expires: 3. OK to issue date: 4. OK to issue subject to requested submittals (see project review worksheet): Date: 5. DENIED (see project review worksheet): Date: 6. HOLD reason. Date: HOLD 7. TTO subject to Zoning Pp Board of Appeals action: ' Date: 8. Comments: - g JII . 9. Inspector's St nature. a�• e.® 3 2003 r E . a _ n­z. . m.. _ ;.... _. Ulu IN i C /' Ap plicant informed of b Date. 1` V pp Time. � ,m . Clerk.v�C,`f Comments: A � 14 log S a y 0 a fi9C .. - e S , Total Permit Fee: $ Less Application Fee: $25.00 Re $ainin Balance: TOTAL FEE. Gross Area New Construction �.-✓ C struct on totals . ft. q 1 Gross Area _ . Alteration total sq. ft.'al, Pemu. t Issued To: 5' �-''s' .✓�t� a- - '-t . 1�� u`t� m _ = ®m ae 9 _ - �� „09. w ,.. .: °s s DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT cl 400 Slocum Road, P.O. Box 79399 a : 4 z:7 DATE RECEIVE, mj LWHIJ 7 A. r.. Dartmouth, MA 02747 508-910-1820 FAX 508-910-1838 APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR, RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING �� a.mE ° a e E :�. m.'areaflv" ' _ 1'a, :;a gym.. n e, F��i i 24 ''a.�.,�P a..fl ' "_ .,•,�,: "..a, �. a:3......al".�'":,aa a:'m,,.�.�..=a� �,-. E . °__:. as r- - � � ° .m. s m OWN MISM - ...;� '--- _3- -- '. smr� f z :° �;,: 9.a°,: ,a,ry-a , r'm °ate.` _ _ - "_ 'emu'_ s �m m mff - e a i s . r ; _ d r a P �u _ , a. FT 3 92e I. Zoning Review: Signature: �`� Date: JUL 0 3 2003 Energy Report: Signature: --~ Date: Fire Chief: Signature: A Date: Board Health: Signature: Date: --� of Conservation Commission: Signature: Date: Other: Signature: t Date: Description of work being performed: , 0 -e___ _ �m_: ,. " NUMBER OF PLANS SUBMITTED: ITE PLAN SUBMITTED: ❑ yes o no, 1.1 Property Address: � ;5-��' ��'t ,1 ��, 1.2 Assessors Plat & Lot Number- . Lo- Nearest Cross Street: Subdivision Naine: 1.3 Historical District ❑ yes ❑ no Has application been submitted to the Historicc Commission? Total Land Area Sq. Ft.: El yes o no Date: 1.4 Water Supply (MGL c 40 § 54): 1.5 Sewage Disposal System: El Municipal Private Well ❑ Municipal XOn Site DiNposal System - or en Rev. January 1, 2003 C:\b1dg.fonns\B1dgapp.res.wpd Page 1 Rev. Ja f 1,2003 C:\b1dg,_forms\B1dgapp.res.wpd Page 4