BP-37131N 83-05'-48" E N 81'-05'J 3� 290.79' WILCOX FPNM ASEMENS N 08'-54'-30" W PEDESIF"' 51.00' 218.17' 4156. �`36• : r This Plan [fie c'e �� ., Site MP7 consti mc;Jo11 D to _ OCT 3 i 2nnn FOUNDATION AS -BUILT PLAN PLAT 43, LOT 3-6 WINSTON LANE DARTMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS SCALE: 1 "=50' DATE. OCTOBER 21, 2000 PREPARED FOR MICHAEL & SUSA1014 GADOURY PREPARED BY Boucher & .Heureux Inc. -CIVIL ENGINEERS T LAND SURVEYORS 67.18' DRAINAGE EASEMENT o 1.14 t CrIP1VTPJsEn Lion [::rust 8e Kept Gai Site 677 643 AMERICAN LEGION HIGHWAY, SUITE ONE WESTPORT, MASSACHUSETTS 02790 tel. (508) 636-5905 - fox. (508) 636-2477 FILE: 1180-02 N 86'-01'-48" E 293.10' TOP OF FOUNDATION = 52 (PROPOSED T.O.F. = 53.0) LIMIT OF FOOTING 233.98' S 8T-39'-17" W LOT 5 NOTE: PROPERTY LINE INFORMATION WAS TAKEN FROM A PLAN ENTITLED "DEFINITIVE PLAN OF LAND IN DARTMOUTH, MA OF WILCOX FARM DRAWN FOR GEORGE COLLIAS "SHEET 2 OF 2, SCALE: 1 "=40' REVISED DEC. 2, 1997. PREPARED BY, MAUK BOUCHER & HEUREUX, INC. MARK A. BOUCHER, P.L.S. MA. REG. NO. 41246 MARKA 41246 37.65' N 81'-36'-26" E N N N C o I' o No V I ' �U.UJ=, N s 8T-39'-18" W 2 (N � � N O N r*m --1 O Z 30.00' N 43'-03'-06" W SITE BENCHMARK: TOPSPINDLE OF FIRE HYDRANT ELEV. = 51.14 (NGVD) LOT 7 L= 18.43' LANE DA = 42' -14' -18" R= 25.00' SCALE: 1 = 50' 50 0 25 50 1:00 o p . DATE 36' 0" Project: Gadoury Residence Addition Site Address: 25 Winston Lane Dartmouth, MA 02747 Scale: Date: 5/16" = 1'-0" 7/12/04 Drawn by: Mike Gadoury Page: 1 of 9 O) N Milign with existing -------------------------------------------------- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — foundation Window I— ------------- -------------------- -------- 6"x7" beam ---------------------------------- 1 " " pocket set into 9 - ou 8 -.12"'trebor CJl 16wide x 10 foundation wall p ns;ilnto ' O 3000 psi) footingfo (n nd etio I = typical YOUR DOMVING K1ET WEE KaMT A7 THE PUt1,DING DURING THE I l =RS8S OF THIS WORK I f"-Y - MG DEPAMWEYi TO"'ir.�.I°y OF ,' OTTR� 1 �.TH r $� i 0 1 / \ `F"--t c'! Dvrtl�l �€ri'RECORDPLAN Existing I \ / � � ' a Footprint A Cepy 0# TNs Endo' ( '--�/ 'y" $0NO-TU€ S SIZE AND DEPTH V EMONISREQUIRED8EMRr= Flan U stDa krep", 01 GIgO 1 1 3 coot. Filed lolly column on 30" diameter x 10" thick concrete (3000 psi) footing THE CONCRETE IS POURED. D'! xp typical o r-VILDING DEPARTMENT 1 8" Concrete wall (3000 psi) _ mrl of DVfM1 QU 1 C 7'-10" high w/ damp proofing to grade on keyed 1 16" x 10"concrete footing _ typical. 1 / I 15' 0" , 7' 0" \ , 7' 0" 7' 0„ \` v 3 1 � `'I`—_-/ 6"x7"beam pocket set into foundaton wall. \ 4" concrete slab (2500 psi) on 10" thick bed of z" stone with 6" dio. Perf. Drain tube around full inside perimeter. Drains connected back to existing sump pump. FIRE STOPPING F 1 QLlL EfYz :jT Pamtrations thru rated wa.I,'s and floc sl- ll ram:: sealed with a materia: ca Ala of preventing tE;: passegs of flunes and hat gass s When subjected to tho regWrements of the Tess Siandvcrd r2nQUjc On -- ----o--- ---------------------- Window I — S 12" diameter concrete (3000 psi) filled Sonotube with "Bigfoot" base, set""�N 4'-0" min. below grade on 't " undisturbed soil typical .25" "I- 6' 2.25" "I, 6' 2.25" "I, 6' 2.25" 40' 8.5" DARTMOUTH FIRE DISTRI 10 BRIDGE ST. DARTMOUTH, MA 027 5oa - 996-1596 7' 1" A�X3� -:�- yl� 11 n� V 8 - 12" `rrebor pins itnto exist ing {ounddation f 2" x 8" PT Joists - 16" O.C. - Project: Gadoury Residence Addition Site Address: 25 Winston Lane Dartmouth, MA 02747 Scale: Date: 5/16" = 1'-0" 1 7/12/04 Drawn by: Mike Gadoury Page: 2 of 9 2" x 6" PT Sill Typical q 2" x 6" PT Ledger anchored to foundation. Typical - 3 - 2" x 12" Built up Wood Girder 2" x 10" PT Joists - 12" O.C. F 1E X Q A? Ti!! I XD1f-3 DU ING -Nj: Pr" 3R35 OF 71 's wa -,t =;7 7R Na C TAM TUTt -I e I tnit CL UlAm Gr. 1 -!,.1 �Cu ii CL I'Afto Cq v C11; ', 'A s E P! r in r. int E 3 f. lit ------- -V, - — - 1 -I Ir 111E IM - ZOUN 10N*�Z aRE 2" x 8" PT Joists - 16" O.C. k4 sp—lei! tiv- )r F11 k=d Ejpj ator vkM ]e reqL 3 Stc k4 STOPPI thr a materi: it m ,em r, ASTMI-1 kd A ma. ans nts(- k4 ',G F d vv a I ca 110t d' the k=� EQL !Is a . c i bL3 ]In -SS Test k4 REIAU �-d fi of paveqi S Vill' SW k=d rs do , 3n 41 krC W all ng Tec 1 E4 IT-- =777i i, X 02 C-4 2. V1 rn O First Floor beck Plan 1�4 � 61X 36 -- x 64- 6- 7 Existing Footprint 4 F—� 7' 8.375" Supported by partitions to basement floor 3' 4.5 Project: Gadoury Residence Addition Site Address: 25 Winston Lane Dartmouth, MA 02747 Scale: Date: L5/16" 1'-0. 7/12/04 Drawn by: Mike Gadoury Page: 3 of 9 fl-116E Copy Penetmtlons thru reted via-% and floors shalt be seat^d wn, a materiall capab!o of preventing the payscV.o of flames and hat gasses when, subjected to t45 requirements of th9 'rest Stcnd-nrd �4c tat Elm Stop`' AMI-E-614. cond Floor Deck P,,,Icn,:� OF N I TEI-IOUT 1 YOUR SING KXT R- C"Ipr FU 4 ,AT THE BU!ZD1NG DURIM THE � � 1� D"'7H PRooR�s OF: THUS MO TH RK CP-Y C44 DIS En C j.M ..,. 3 s RFou{r ors Pt Ust �� t Qn site TM coa�c rE is poUpc-a 04 �� t r y " � smart aS Dertnlouih Project: Gadoury Residence Addition Site Address: 25 Winston Lane Dartmouth, MA 02747 Scale: Date: 5/16" = 1'-0" 7/12/04 Drawn by: Mike Gadoury Page: 4 of 9 1 z(a (,Aq �•�'. I b v) Xj& 4f--k- FILE COPY Media Room Bathroom Shelving Closet Shelving Side Entrance Hall Up To Existing House 9RE STo°Fl C ULFL=k 7-:;Nr PenCt bons thru ratLd v�aRs and floes €tMU tx sealed with a material capable of Prevc*ting the Pa-�e of flames and hot gasses when subjcc to M- roquirements of the Vest St--7nd^rd rho for Fro Sa ASPA-E-Cf4. First Floor Plan aeOF W EONO-TUCE SIU AW DrTN'P 1°� :"OVtS REQU'Ef'�FETtm '",'•` t<" �'' �'i 'A 1 Th?eCONCRETE tSPOU1D. "._,,SOFTHz$WORK ACcr 7 C7 ZISEC- f 1 piKF• ri ml- ��/•� �, v R0 CITLOiN3 DEPAR T I�AENT tRUILDtNfl DEPARTWf4r ITT t CO DO-7�04 L'wn c^r Project: Gaidoury Residence Addition Site Address: 25 Winston Lane Dartmouth, MA 02747 Scale: Date: 5/16" = 1'-0" 7/12/04 Drawn by: Mike Gadoury Page: 5 of 9 Shelving I I Shelving Office/Guest Room Hall Bathroom 0CQ Pcnt't jjOns thru rated v �'sna f1O z seated w► h a maters€1 C� s when s:. paw o1- fl a;�es and hOt ga..use to the, reaUI;e;nsnts of t?,la Test St for Fire StOPO ASTM-S-314. Future Bath I Down Railings and Newel Posts to match existing 0 Loft t s I €0NO-TU1M SaE AND Dr TH lt.'S�ECTVN IS REQUIRED VEFCOI THE COGETE IS POUKED. ILDN'G DEPARW ENT T_� . t of Da"t"mob FUECV,10 MIS,! -.n east Be Kept On Site Q"*I _vr'"fl FILSE Ae7 Tk': ru i.olm DUFl1t* THE OF THIS WORK. D:1.;CD1t`?3 DEPARTMENT To Existing House 3 FIRE STOPPING FEE L -t;aT Penetrations thru rated wails and floors shall to seated with a material Capable of preverAing thL pale of flames and hot gasses when subjedc- d to the requirements of the "best S cit rp^ !c for Fire &opo AS-MO-E-014. P-j— bod.-y Resider« Addition 5- Address: 25 Wvfon L. Dorm h, MA 02747 Scale: Dafe'. Dr"w" bv: Mike badaury 6of9 rchitectural Asphalt Shingles to latch Existing (Harvard Slate) 04,104jolki i# Felt Paper over I" DX Plywood ? p e^ i �#S L (.re in cepy oil Th"s 1ta,dt 60 ,f# 40ra a EONO-TUM': SIZE AM 014"""ECTION IS REQUIRED Etc:F � Drip Edge 71 :: CONCRETE IS POUFZIED. �. ontinuous tUILDING oEPaRTM,E-111T " x 8" Pine Facia and Aluminum utter (Not Shown) ne Soffit w/ Continuous luminum Vent. V.�VY-M PAT rT. K""a7' A7 THE CU.! DING DURIW TH," M-OGR O-s OF THIS VVQFV, " x 10" Rim Joist, Typical M� .Mf rouble 2" x 6" Continuous 'op Plate, Typical " x 6" Studs w/R-19 Fiberglass Batt. nsulation Typical at all Exterior Walls. Tyvek Building Wrap Over 1' CDX Plywood Sheathing. 2" x 6" Bottom Plate 2" x 6" PT Sill Anchor Bolts 8" Thick Concrete Foundation Wall (3000 psi) Foundation Damp Proofing to Grade Continuous Tapered Keyway Poured Concrete Footing (3000 psi) 6" Perforated. Flexible Drain Pipe Continuous Around Perimeter. 10" Bed of }" Stone Under Slab Section Details Pr.j— Cadoury R—id.— Addison Sits Addrezz: 25 Wi— Lm Ow+.,MAW747 Scale: DTe: Drove by: Mike Mik� Ckd..ry I STOPPING FIRE RENC F ' ILREME thru , T PenctnWns N ILE COPY "czealed retp-d YIMTS and floom'.hj, Ix WIth a Material caPable Of Pr%VrAjng th,� zpa*O'S�e Of ffalmes and ho-I mosses when subjetteG 40 the requiremc,ts 0' ths Test suiid, erd ,zc Fire STOP3, I Toil!"" OF V!ATf,?.IiITJTi ric-ce-rio FL�irwf A C C r- V C I T N' s E r. p2- rirm vrimst en 7 f"PI C4" Site ------ j r.--- YOUR OPAW944 WST PEE KM Front Elevation -(South) V*$ SONO-TUB SLZE AnD DEPTH IS ICRET - LREFORrz -= 'S POURED. qrx De.,z)AFiTmENT C# cm, 1-j.,: Cadou,y Residence Addition Site Add,—: 25 W,— L.. Oartmanh,MA Scale:--T--. Mike badoury Existing Structure Existing Structure Proposed Addition Proposed Addition Rear Elevation -(North) Umm-y'vENT PlcnetmVons tru ratod VvOs and floor, rthtff bc. waled wfth a materj�j c.rc��� Pass%-ge of flamcm, aM ble of Preventing thc Jusses when subjcCtP_d to the requiemtz of thee Tbst Skalndnrd epcor,,C for FkO S*,OM A6M.f,-C--G14. RECORID KAM 1:; men vxmt n Kept an sne '4 vaqv �3 'I DrAft,10 VUST Vf-l- Kls-T A7 TW! MOLDING DUR11"O THE OP THIS 171TI-D-011n ClMn'.. "I SONO-TWE S2Z AND DEPTH ECTION IS REOUI M.6 rm roAr- THE CONCRETE IS POLARED, -'C�ILMIG DEPARTMIrCT' Pro C,dau,yP. ids a Addition 5ix Add—, 25 hIn -L.. DarYmwih, MA 0214] Semr.: Date: Drown by: Mil. 6adou, Pogo 9of9 Side Elevation Wes A— e£`9' REC010 PIAE A Ccpy 01 TIL's Endc-irtm plan F"Imst 62 rc t U site d� Yom wW3 VUST E115 lc- r A7 THE EUILDING DURING THE Prwt ss OF TW.S WORK. —PLM.'4G DE'Pb0.l�'t��''714r'r TM-1 & DI-r"^,1 60NO-Tid SIU MAD DEPTH !t `m"ECTlCk+! IS REQUIRED BEFORE- AlE "' 0 THE CONCRETE IS POURED. 1`7 t)!t G DEPARTMENT of w4.., oteft FRE Mppwr, IlLn-, �� -r Pene'.mations thru raged w :Rv and floors stall be Sealed vM a material ca,► &b! Of Preventing t1h,. Page me Pge Of fumes and hot gasses when subjec tec.: to the requirements of the Test Sty rd ey _m fOr Stopm- AM-E-614. ACE" -ARM !:' Rn A i2 it )IVISION 0RED 2� RS33,8' 233.98' S87'39' 17"W 42.08' �, 151.59' Parcel B - 63,63s Y 644 sf 32 0�,, W Drainage Easement 42 \82.� w \ ��-_ 61_92' _ co M N AP 43 Lot 3-5 Robert C. & Julia Nye ��- Deed Book 5647, p. 76 Record Lot 5 Plan Book 141, d — S82'06'34"W U N 3: 00 N O t \ i N82'06'34" E 139.28' I certify that this Plan conforms with the rules an egu ations of the Registers of Deeds. Carl H. Bevilacqua, PLS SR 0 11 ,�� o � � t1� Of �rt Z f \ VL RL CAH. o�° CAAL `yam SEvu cpUA H. MIL BEVILACQUA No. 33621 No.33317 E� � ! A�FESSIONP SURVO 9 SCALE: 1" = 40' v- N i� � (V O 50.00' Z N87'39' 18"E 01. rn. L rM pop U r' N r N � ►•O O 'q- O �-- N OO N N Z U ti L=18.42' 70 `�0 �u'' R=25.00' 00• D=42' 12'58 00�L 68.05' 131.58 Wo 0 � ^0 it L=41.69' R=25.00' =95'32'44" S82' 06' 34"W 84.99 Found d.h• in c.b.7 inston Lang 31704' S 82 06 34 IN. A VT ASSOCIA TES Civil Engineering and Surveying 18 Algonquin Drive Dartmouth, MA 02748-1203 APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED PLAN drawn for: Michael & Susan Gadoury Robert C. & Julia H. Nye AP 43, Lot 3-5 and AP *43, Lot 3-6 Winston Lane Dartmouth, MA Scale: l " = 40' Date: September 27, 20Q.( RESIDENTIAL 2004 RESIDENTIAL 2004 A. 1RDPER l CYw1VE1t.HI1�J111T1tTi€iixIZRI] iGENT .: 2.1 of Record: rO�wner Y✓ii OAF-6 AND SCAT) rnjq-DoUZ�y dS GV,A)SToA-) GFhvr__ Sdf3.'7gq, �1 Name (print) Contact Address Phone Number 2.2 Authorized Agent: Contact Address Phone Number Name (print) �� s va ® ��� NuR > cl�lrl s22vC8 MINI s®k 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not ApplicabIbEq Licensed Construction Supervisor License Number Address Expiration Date Signature Telephone 3.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to (780 CMR-6)? ❑ yes ❑ no If no, go to the next section! Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? IQyes ❑ no If yes, submit the required affidavit! Company Name Registration Number (if none, state ❑ none❑) Address Signature Telephone Expiration Date 3.3 For Residential Remodel Work Only PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND: QTJESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: mprovement Contractors Registration, One Ashburton Place - Room 1301, Boston, MA 02108, (617) 727-8598 Zer s Name rint f tore 7bigningthe abo thehom owner ackn ges that there will be no eligibilty to the Guaranty Fund /1 3.4 Homeowner Exemption - One & Two Family Only FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT 109.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those structures governed by Construction Control in Section 116.0, effective July 1,1982, no individual shall be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings or structures, unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entitled Rules and Regulations for Licensing Construction Supervisors. Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section; provides that if a Homeowner engages a person(s) for hire to do such work, that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only, a "Homeowner" is defined as follows: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. If you are applying under this section sign belo Signature: Your signature carrie certain respon ibilities, ' c u mg but not necessarily limited to, general liability NOTICE To LICENSED CONTRACTORS: The Building Code provides in the Rules and Regulations section that any licensed Construction Supervisor, whether or not they have taken the permit are responsible for code compliance. (see Appendix of 780 CMR R5.2.15) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide;'this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached: �4 yes ❑ no ❑ new construction* )< addition ❑ alteration ❑ repairs ❑ chimney/ ❑ Voodstove (energy report required) (energy report required) fireplace ❑ deck ❑ pool ❑ accessory bldg. ❑ replacement window/door ❑ other ❑ cdemolition (shed/garage) no. of windows_ doors_ (specify below): (spzecify below): * If new construction, please complete the following: Single Family: no. of bedrooms no. of baths Two Family: no. of bedrooms unit 1 no. of baths unit 1 no. of bedrooms unit 2 no. of baths unit 2 ❑ Furnace (hot air) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ Boiler (heating) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ HVAC (combined unit) - primary fuel, natural gas, propane, electricity, other (specify): ❑ Air conditioning - (separate unit) ❑ None of the above to be provided ❑ Hot Water: Gas Electric Fuel Oil Other Brief Desert tion of roposed Work: Item I., Estimated Cost ($) to be completed by permit applicant I ? F1Prtriral 5. Total = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) I *Estimated Total $ cl �3 DDD (please print) I, , as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize to act on my behalf, in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Signature of Owner Date I, /l/GlmiasCw Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and iinformation on the foregoing application are true and accurate, tost of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of per) v, 11111A.- Signature of Owner/Authorized Agent Date C:\bldg.forms\Bldgapp.res.wpd Page 2 Rev. January 1, 2003 C:\bldg.forms\Bldgapp.res.wpd Page 3 Rev. January 1, 2003 RESIDENTIAL ❑ FOUNDATION ONLY $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE & NON -TRANSFERABLE 2004 2004 1. Date plan reviewed: 2. 30 days to review period expires: 3. OK to issue date: 4. OK to issue subject to requested submittals (see project review worksheet): Date: 5. DENIED (see project review worksheet): Date: 6. HOLD reason: Date: 7. HOLD subject to Zoning Board of Appeals action: Date: 8. Comments: 9. Inspector's Applicant ii Comments: Total Permit Fee: $ (0 ' Less Application Fee: $ 25.00 Remaining Balance: $ 0(3 TOTAL FEE: ('� Gross Area New Construction total sq. ft. Gross Area - Alteration to q. ft. __ Perrnit,4ssued To: 4�4.f,GlJ '1 'ors � �.Ofi/rL! �',�� :� � � F„� a��a RJ CAb1dg?f6rms\B1dgapp.res.wpd Page 4 Rev. January 1, 2003 RESIDENTIAL ❑ FOUNDATION fULY: $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE do NON -TRANSFERABLE