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- in,o-- - Lu� SCALE: 1 '. = 30' 30 0 15 30 60 FEET PARCEL "B" MARK A. BOUCHER 4124E3 MARK A. BOUCHER, P.L.S. DATE MA. REG. NO. 41246 IN MICHAEL SCALE: in U .AN VV[Lk. UA r/HI"CIVI DARTMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS PREPARED FOR & MICHELLE FERNANDES 1 "=30' DATE: JULY 21, 2000 PREPARED BY Boucher & Heureux, Inc, CIVIL ENGINEERS A LAND SURVEYOR'-S 648 AMERICAN LEGION HIGHWAY, SUITE ONE WESTPORT, MASSACHUSETTS 02790 tel. (508) 636-5905 — fax. (508) 636-2477 COPYRIGHT © 2000 BOUCHER (Sc HEUREUX, INC. FILE: 1 170-02 10, B C"0RD K11 Copy Of This Endc Plan must De Yem C During ConstruW HOME Ci MICHEL & MICHELE FERNANDES WINS7-: )N LANE, DARTMOUTH, MA j v' bu[i a imcLc ruxv� eimimm �r v Third Floor (Attic) I RiLE COPY 24 10'— 15' — 9' — 8'/ 15' — 4 „-- 4, , 5,_4//_ , - E (2)2xi2 --- ------ ------ � BASEMENT I I 3 1/2- CONC, SLAB ON 61 MIL MOISTURE: i BARRIER ON 4' GRANULAr FILLco ( �� -------------_. --- CO I I ( F-.-1 L----J L- _J (3) 2 X 12, 12' LONG (3) 2 X 12, 12' LONG .a► (--� f-1 -1 (3) 2 X 12, 14' LON I —(3) 2 X 12, 14' LON o� GARAGE I �o LJ 1' 4' CONC. SLAB V/ I -{- �— - —J � `.D 6 X 6 ]0RA N.V.M. ON I (3) 2 X 12, 12' LONG + - 4" MIN. GRANULAR FILL I I _ (3) 2 12, 12' L O N G (- I l r- i i 10 —1 (3) 2 X 12, 12 LONG I 10/-4,� I �� � � I, \ VIA 2 X 12 FLR, JSTS, L J �I I I � 2 ra '1�2r L R. J S TS- ---- I i i M M M r J `t FLOOR SYSTEM: 2 X 12 FLOOR JOISTS @ 16" O,C, ON (3) 2 X 12 GIRDERS ON 4'/ DIA STEEL POSTS nN 20" X 20" X 10" CONC, PAD CUN�ESS �11ED OTHERWISE) Ft a!! �� Penetratio : tl�REQUI 'rU rate! walls and floors sr sealed �� a rat capable of preventing ttie passage . Harnes and hot gasses when subjected io g ,,rements of the Test Standard specific t0 the re =°` for Fire S. : ps ASTM-E-814. SONO-TUBE SIZE AND DEPTH INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE THE CONCRETE IS POURED. BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town of Dartmouth �jrb x A I o x A2- d aa° - awk f"VAIN SIN%* K FcS-V Bud k a X g aW �ON WAL+ 0- CAWA a0 X HOME OF MI L 8c - 'H- ELE FEI ANDES 4D x 'J�z ( SCALE Wilcox Farm— Lot 2 � I/4� = I' MICFICLC FERNANI 1 DAt� 6/5/00 SHEU Iof 7 FOUNDATION TOWS OF D MOUTH RECORD PLAN 4 Copy Ot This Endorsed plan Must Be, Kept On site Duftg Construction Date� - a.► - O� �S= YOUR DRAWING. MUST BE KEPT AT THE BUILDING DURING WE PROGRESS OF THis WORK - BUILDING DEPARTMENT To., --. of Dartrr►oUth NOTICE An As Built Survge nest be ebmittet to the Building Dept. prior to calling for a foundation inspection or any further construction. I i kgAb - pIN ro � C-( ' CD I Ln (y) (y) Ln X 0 h'1 Ae N 171119 STOPPING REOUAIRE TENT Penetrati rs t1wu rated wails and floors shall be sealed to a material capable of preventing the passage of flames and hot gasses when subjected m to the rellLorements of the Test Standard specific for Fire Steps ASTM-E-814. SONO-TUSK SIZE AND DEPTH INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE: THE CONCRETE IS POURED. BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town of Dartmouth 24' 1015' 9/_8„ ,_15/-4// 20'- 7 —1 7 -11 4 5 10 _�� S -1 — 9- S w1 yOUR DRA'WtNG MUST BE KEPT AT OF THE BUILD'THIS WORK- NG BUILDING DEPARTMENT T W21056 Af F W600 ARCH Tcwr- of Dartmouth WINDOW ABOVE DOOR �Ip 6' X 6'8 SLIDER TW21 310 Q (2) 2 X 12 `s FWH 6068 TOWN OF D TUOUTH -niw L---L-- Nook RECORD PLAN A COPY Of This Endorsed d , (� Plan Must Be Kept On Site r 2 X 12 FLk. JSTS. �� 2 X 12 FLR. JSTS. 2 X 12 FLR. JSTS.— w fl1 I e 16• a,c. e 16• U.C. a 16 aC. Durina COnTtiU6tlQn AI Oats-00 �( �S TW210410 V�:I�W 210 410 I I 1?0 I IN _ I 'KITCHEN/�— v J ` CEILING �"� J 0 TW21056 TW21056 SINK I FIRST '"- '�FLOOR WI�//- �'/ / -s'zD — 2'-11' 1-lu' ``. FAMILY ROOM a ' ICE X 12 FLR. JSTS. a — — — 1, l lJ a I Q 16' 11,C.NOT, '[ ' 4 � PANTRY ' � � 2.6. �` � CDI An As wilt Survey must be i I , I ,� �--+ d2�m .omitted to the Building r I - 0-i GREAT (. L] aM 0ItSTEEL BEAM I �t CATHEDRAL CEILINGDept. prints cagiing for -- i- / tv WITH 9 "=3' WALLS a fcxindatian inspection car Vj1*Zx2*t wIVkz� 5any t�urthelr construction.00EILING �� Q i'I'u°DLO BATHRCj f WAY BREELE F — _ Od 12' SIDELIGHTES AFFW6016 ARCH WINDOW ABOVE Da R ,_11„ , /_1,/ 79 10'_10// 24' 10' 40' 9 /- v 201 �' - �j HOME OF MICHEL & MICHELE FERNANDES WINSTCIN LANE, DARTMDUTH, MA T1.7v SCALE DRAVA 1/4' - 1' MIC ELYMICHELE FEkNANDES DATE 6/5/2000 SHUT 2 of � FIRST FL_11nR Cq 24' 10' 40' ----5' - 9 3,-2• 8 „ S , _ 4 „ 4 , _ 6--- -6 _____ _ 1 _ 5 , _ 5 „ , _ - , _ 5 5 4 1 24' 10' 40, 9'-S" 00 W LU z tFE PPtNG REQUIREMENT Penetro rated walls and floors shall be sealedateriai capable of preventing the passas and hot gasses when subjected to thents of the Test Standard specific jQr FirSTiV1-E-814. W 64 "*Q CdL4mvJ Djoa%CJ ?)(o,K t4O 100 HOME OF MICHEL & MICHELE FERNANDES WINSTON LANE, DARTMOUTH, MA V4 BY CHEL & MICHELE fERNANI0 �---T DATE 0b/5/200 3 Of SECOND FLOOR 4 NOTICE, Ati 1 � Built Survey must be r ::oniitte� to the Building Dept. prior to calling for a foundation inspection or any further construction - TOWN of DARP� A� H RECORD A Capy Of This Endorsed Plan must Be Kept On Sit# During C850=110n /Z5. SONO-TUBE SIZE AND DEPTH INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE THE CONCRETE IS POURED. BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town of Dartmouth /OUR DMWING MUST BE KEPT AT THE BUILDING DURING THE pROGRESS OF THIS WORK. BUILDING DEPARTMENT Toy;.- of Dartmouth (D' 33' FIRE STOPPING REQUIREMENT Penetrations th-ru rated walls and floors shall be sealed with a material capable of preventing the, passage of flames and hot gasses when subjected to the requirements of the Test Standard specific for Fire Stops ASTM-E-814. TO,GG60 ZxG ►,J) fUV, �y7�bav S1�d s As M NOTICE u An it Survey must be s :hn.i0e � to the Building Dept. prior to calling for a foundation inspection or y f Ifther construction. TOWN Of DMTMOUTH RECORD PLAN A COPY at This Endorses plan Must P IstKepttctio09 n ite Duong Col Dote — ` a WNO-TUSW SIZE AND DEPTH INSPECTION I$ REQUIRED BEFORE TIIE CONCRETE IS POUREQ pUILDING DEPARTMENT Town of Dartmouth YOA DRAWING MUST BE KEPT AT THE BUILDING DURING THE PROGI:ESS OF THIS WORK. BMDING DEPARTMENT Tang-:= of Dartmouth HOME OF MICHEL & MICF--LE FERNANDES WINSTON LANE, DARTMO UTH, MA SCALE DRAWN 8Y 1/4• I. M[CHEL & MICHELE FERNANDE DATE 6/5/2000 SHEET 4 OF FI FyaTTf NS 24/ 10/ 40' 20' FIRE STOPPING REQUiRIE"AIENT Penetrations th-ru rated wails and floors shill be Sealed with a material capable of preventing the passage of flames and hot gasses when subj:cted to the requirements. of the Test Standard scecific for Fire Stops ASTRA-E-814. NOTICE Built Furvev A ai..4Ust be 5tiittea to the Bantling D"'-Pt' Prior to caning for a foundation inspection or any further construction. HOME OF MICHEL & MICHELE FERN ANDES WINSTON LANE, DARTMOUTH, Mi\ SCALE I DRAWN By HELE EERNANDES 1/4' - V MICHEL 6 _ _- DATE 6/5/2000 SHEET 5 OF EL_EVATI❑NS Ff 111t-w E C 0 P Y SONG -TUBE SIZE AND DEPTH iMPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE THE CONCRETE IS POURED. BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town of Dartmouth ,G4WK OF DAJiTMOUTH RECORD PLAN A C=3PY Of ThIS Endor Plan Must Sc KePt On Situ During Construction Date - a t o(� i� 5 YOUR DRAWING MUST BE KEPT .AT THE 1UILDING DURING THE F3F,@W OF THIS WORK. 'BUfi-DING DEPARTMENT T ,�. of Dartmouth 0' 40' 10' 241 FIRE sii-QPPII' G REQUIREMENT Penetrations thru rated walls and floors shall be sealed with a material capable of preventing thr passage of flames and hot gasses when subject&,i to the requirements of the Test Standard specifi.' for Fire Stops ASTM-E-814. TOWN OF DARTMOUTH RECORD PLAN A COPY Ot This Endorsed Plan must BP 1%(ngt inn site During Construction 25 SONG -TUBE SIZE AND DEPTH INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE THE CONCRETE IS POURED. BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town of Dartmouth YOUR DRAWING ►RUST BE KEPT AT THE BUILDING DURKNG THE PROGRESS TH S W BUILDING DEPARTMENT Tv+r.-: of Dartmouth N�OTICE, s n As Built survey must he �-;bmitted to the Building pt. prier to calling for' 1 foundation inspection or ,-,y farther construction. HOME OF MICHEL & MICHELE FER\ANDES WINSTON LANE, DARTMOUTH, M.,\ SCALE DRANK 8Y I/4' = i' MICHEL & 'y'CHELE FERNANDES DATE 6/5/2000 BEET 6 D 1 EL_EVATIFINS NOTICE Tor 2 X 4 F- W/ 'SIMPSON' H3 RAFTER CLIP 4 2 X 12 RIDGE_ BD, SECTION A 2 X 12 RIDGE BD. 14 � � C � I � [ � � � 1`�r 1 2 X 4 STUDS LR 16' O.C. U (R-11 BATT, INSUL.) Closet �o BATHROOM MASTER BEDROOM 2 X 12 SLR, JSTS. @16' G.C. 2 X 4 STUDS R 16' 0,C, (R-11 BATT, INSUL) FAMILY DEN T 2 X 12 F-LR, JSTS, RIO' O,C, SECTION C FLOOR Or CEILING FINISH CPilhg, R-19 BATT, INSULATION 3/4' TG FIR PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR 2 X12 FLOOR JOISTS or 2 X 10 CEILING JOISTS 1/2' SHEET ROCK CEILING 4' Smooth Exposed Clapboard T)VEK Type Barrier 5iW CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING P X 4 STUDS E 16' O.C. P i1 BATT, INSULATION 1,2' SHEET ROCK FLUOR FINISH 3i4' TG FIR PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR 2 X 12 FLOOR JOISTS './2' SHEET ROCK CEILING 2 X 12 RIM JOIST FLOOR FINISH ?,T TG FIR PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR 2 X 12 FLOOR JOISTS Floor, R-19 BATT, INSULATION - 2 X 6 P.T, MUDSILL WITH 1/2' o A,B. R 48' O,C.(MIN. OF' 2 PER P AND WITHIN 12' OF' ANY CORNER) SECTION D 2 X 12 RIDGE BD, SECTION B An As Built Survey must be ,� ibmitted to the Building Dept, prior to calling for a foundation inspection or any further construc_tinn A COPY €tt This Endomd Plan gust Bp, Sept On Site During Construction Data SONO-TUW SIZE AN DEPTH INSPECTION IS REOUIR D BEFORE THE CONCRETE IS F DUREM FIRE STOPPING REQUIREMENT BUILDING DEPA ENT Penetrations thru rated walls and floors shall be Town of Dartrnoith sealed with a material capable of preventing the passage of flames and hot gasses when subjected to the requirements of the Test Standard specific YOti8 DRAWING MU S BE KEPT pRO(WEBIJILDING SS OF THIS Wol DU KNG THE B1v}11.DING Df-PAWMENT TOV ; of oartmto HOME OF MICHEL & MICHELE FERNANDES WINSTON LANE,` DARTMO�TH, MA SCALE 114' = 1' MICHELy6 MICHELE FERNANDES onTE 6/3/2000 LM 7 0< 7 CROSS SECI[INS �l A DARTMoU TH FIRS DISTRICT No. 2 aa�e.t.w dl.el„' / c;2 vv� .... �^4aLliLjyAf ! <_ rn r— i 94' 9,-8„ FLOOR SYSTEM: 2 X 12 FLOOR J❑ISTS @ 16" ❑,C, ON STEEL WIDE FLANGE BEAMS 4" DIA STEEL. POSTS ON 30" X 30" X 12" CONIC. PAD F-TG, (UNLESS NOTED ❑THERWISE) 15'-4" FIRE STOPPING FE UIRPiMEN'T Penet ations tiwu rated walls and flours shall sealed with a material capable of preventing pass -ago of flames and hat gasses when subjec to the requirements of the Test Standard spec for Fire Stops ASTM-E-814. Ail As Built Sure i 1rjust be emitted to the Building Dept. prior to calling for a 'foundation inspection or any further con truction. TOWN OF � �iN P RECORD p Cepy Of This Er 1 d Ptah lest Be KeV 1 SHO pu Consul d /� s dote . YOUR DMAWING MUST E KEPT AT THE BUILDING DURING THE PAOGIRESS OF THIS WORK BMDING3 DEPARTM NT Town of Dartmou Px —SEE UPPER FRAMING, ENSURE ALL POSTS OCCUR ON F-❑UNDATI❑N WALL OR AT COLUMN HOME OF MICHEL & MICHELE FERNANDES Wilcox Farm— Lot .E ORAM BY 1/4' i i MIS E� E FERNANDESR e v EE ,orr� I F❑UNDATI❑N CD r==__i a zzz CD \ U Pw \I I Ln 0 24' 10' Co o o r, , cu TW210410 TW210410 d- 3. , R. 0. 3' 1/8' R.O. 3' 1/8" '- 0�', X 5' 1 1/4' X 5' 1 1/4" Vl �o I J \ u Ln x °AV 2 X 12 FLR. JSTS. ru I @ 16' O.C. \ PANTRY W12 X 22 STEEL P — — — I -BEAM - — — �' — 11 " 5' O 8'2" 0CEILING BREEZE BATHR WAY J V fu a Ln x (L W12 X 22 STEEL �,D LAUOY ROOM I T-BE;k f — �I I Q� AI TW21042 UTILITY a= R.D. 3' 1/8" X CLOSET 0 4' 5 1/4 0" J C (U TW210410 R. 0. 3' 1 / 8' X 5' 1 1/4' 7r-6rr 9' 24 10' 15' 16' 6" X 30' DECK 9r-grr 15'-4" 6'-10' _8r_2r� 4' 5r 10r�4,r TW21056 R.O. 3' 1/8' X 5' 9 1/4 +�pO ET6 ELLIPTICAL �, ,S ,� S� WIND❑W ABOVE TW210310 ��2 9 DOOR j6,. R. 0. 3' 1/8' 6' X 6'8 SLIDER 4' 1 1/4' (2) 2 X 12 �= FWH 60 8 036W3036 OC302490 Pi WALL NOOK OWF- D/W SB36 B36-2FWT OVENS 2 X 12 FLR, JSTS._2 @ 16' O.C. X 12 FLR. JSTS. 2 X 12 FLR. @ 16' O.C. @ 16' O.C. �o M Wo LJ O w LJ It—j N(y) M B21 B21 OOn ON > SB36 DRB48 J 9' 3' > '-' -.J 00 KITCHEN W �, CEILING '� o M Ix " o Li I FIRST (o Li ri 4 -,M r 1' 10' 2'-s' 3� FLOOR 2'-11" 1-10' 3�v FAMILY ROOM 4;_�_- cu BS ID cn a. s 0 0u ti ,D Dc , 2'6' M U r � I 0j DINING ROOM Ln TW21056 TW21056 R. 0. 3'1/8" R. 0. 3'1/8' X 5' 91 / 4' X 5' 91 / 4' F❑ti (2) 2 o: 2 X 12 FLF @ 16' ❑ EL IP 1❑ W A. 40' ME E rtras Q Lo FIRE STOPPING `�EQUIREMEN Penetrations thfu rated wills and floors shall be sealed with a material capable of preventin the - passage of flames and hot gasses when subj Rded to the requirements of the Test Standard srecific for lire Stops ASTM-E-814. r- Ly2-16" LVL \ CATHEDRAL CEILING U Li, T, WITH 9'3' WALLS In, 3 � cu ` SEE ELEVA I❑N) � v %? " WILLIAM�Q,7' 17 BISHOP NO. 29488 :x fsslONAI. NO ICE An As Built S v-ey must be � -, bmitted to'Ile B=gilding Dept. prior tc calling for a foundation nspection or gny �� OFfl; V �N MOUTH A Cnpy ®tEndOr"d plan bust ept & situ Dung truction �5 D901 iG MUST BE KEPT AT THE GUILDt 4G DURING THE ppoGRESS OF IS WORK. SWMING PARTMENT Town of Dartmouth 00 M TC F1 R LY Igo HOME OF MICHEL & MICHELE FE[ NANDES WINSTON LANE, DARTMOUTH, MA SCALE DRAWN 9' a M]CHELE FERNANDES DALE �5,00'' R e v i s i o n A SH E7E2 OP 7 FIRST F-LFIOR 2 4 / D4' 10/ vti a co o� � C 30_ 10/ 40' —8/-10// IU"—IU" 3111 9/-5// TW38310 R,0, 3' 10 1/8' X 4' 1 1/4" 14/-/// RRE STOPPING REQU1 EMENT Penetrations thfu rated walls and floors shall be seated w►(h a material capable ol preventing the passage of flames and hot gasses when subjected to the re0irements of the Test S dard specific for Fire Sups ASTM-E-814. co M NO'p'ICE An As Suitt S, irvey must be submitted to he Building Dept. prior t calling for a foundation nspection or any further c nstruction. TOWNF DART4tOUTH RECORD P1 AN A Copy Of Thls E Plan Must Be Kep Un Site During Constra tion Date YOUR DFt#MTDrtmouth UST BE KEPT AT THE BUILDURING THE PROGRESS OF TORK. BUILDINGRTMENT Town of Px- -VERIFY POSTS TO E❑UNDATI❑N WAL.L. OR TO COLUMN DIRECTLY 20' of N b HOME OF MICHEL & MICH FERNANDES o w��ua 1 ELE N `.529 as WINSTON LANE, DARTMOUTd, MA 1 J Q SCALE DRAWN BY 1/4' = 1' MICHEL & MICHELE fERNANDES �Of£SSIDNALF� DATE 7/5/00 Revision A SHEET 3 DP 7 SECOND EL_❑CAR w' M"® Ell MM® MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 1:1110MMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM rl®®11®®® MMMMMMM®MMMMMMM �®MMMMM® M®®®®®®®®®®®®®® I(1I 633' 2' 3' 25, '8 , ,c_� MAS �Fti � (�J� • �f � ,— a o No• 2 O � i v 4v _�t! ��fifSS10NPl�� FIRE STOPPING i;EQURE11AI NT Penetrations th-ru rated wads and floors shall sealed with a material caf able of preventing i passage of flames and hot gasses when subject( to the requirements of the Test Standard specil for Fire Stops ASTM-E-814. --. HOME OF MICHEL WINSTON LANE, TOWN OF IIART OU• CORD PLAN A Copy Of This EndoM Plan Must Be Kept Un S DudRg Construction Date ._2-1 —no NOTIC .kn,As Built Survey n-Jus' s tIbn1itted to the Buil�, Deft, prior to calling for a foltndation inspection 4 any {tie' construction YotA LVtAWING MUST 6E XePT AT THE BUILDING DURING rH1E �� OF THIS WORK. i WADM DEPAFrrm. Town of Nrtrnouth F I L E G� °Y & MICHELE FERNANDES DARTMOUIH, MA SCALE DRAWN " PATE 14 ` ' Revision � SMEETE� �oFM� NELE FERNANDES 7/5/00 ELEVATI❑N 24' NOTICE, An As Built Survey, must be �,�jbmitted to the Building 1)ept. prior to calling for a foundation inspcction or 20' FIRE STOPPING REQUIREMENT Penetrations thru rand walls and floors shall bi sealed with a materiel capable of preventing th+ passage of flames and hot gasses when subjects, to the requirements cf the Test Standard specify for Fire Stops ASTM-F-814. DIV01W MUOT BE ins, AT THE BUILDING DURING TMf PROQPM8 OF THIS WORK. MADWG DEPARTMENT TMn of Dartmouth 100 Of RECORD N A COPY Ot This Endorsed FUR Muss Be Kept � K9 tracft CLJ 00 m HOME OF MICHEL & MICHELE FERNANDES WINSTON LANE, DARTMC,JTH, MA SCALE DRAWN BY DATE i7/5/00 MICRevision A SH E�TE5 OF 7 HELE EERNANDES ELEVATI❑NS 20' IN 24' PRE STOPPING F Penetrations Vwu rated wplis and floors shall bt sealed with a material capable of preventing the passage of flarnes and hot gasses when subjected to the Mquirernents of the Test Standard specific for Fire Stops ASTM-E-81 RECORD PLAN A GDPY Ot This Endorsed pign Must Be Kept & Sr ' " HNa MUL T BE KEPT At f4p %UJUDING DURING THE INS K, *& it mAkKNENT i�T�711fC�Tl An .; milt Survey must be ,.tbwitted to the Building Dept. prior to calling for a gotgnciation inspection or any further construction. ::. HOME OF MICHEL & MICHE.-E FERNANDES WINSTON LANE, DARTMC,JTH, MA SCALE n DRAWN BY DATE 1/4' = 1' Revision f SHEET E6 &OFM� HELE FERNANDES 7/5/00 EL_EVATIMS X 4 fE W / ,SIMPSON' H3 pAFTER CLIP c C 2 X 12 RIDGE BD, SECTIL'N A 2 X 12 RIDGE BD. SECTION C FLOOR Or CEILING FINISH Ceiling; R-19 BATT. INSULATION 3/4' TG FIR PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR 2 X 12 r LOOR JOISTS or 2 X 10 CEILING JOISTS 1/2' SHEET ROCK CEILING 4' Smooth Exposed Clapboard TYVEK Type Barrier 5/8' CIIX PLYWOOD SHEATHING 2 X 4 STUDS @ 16' O.C. R-11 BATT. INSULATION 1/2" SHEET ROCK FLOOR FINISH 3/4' TG FIR PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR 2 X 12 FLOOR JOISTS 1/2' SHEET ROCK CEILING 2 X 12 RiM JOIST FLOOR FINISH 3/4' TG FIR PLYWOOD SUBFLO❑R 2 X 12 FLOOR JOISTS FLoor: R-19 BATT. INSULATION 2 X 6 P.I. MUDSILL WITH 1/2' o A.B. @ 48' O.C.(MIN. OF 2 PER P AND WITHIN 12' OF ANY CORNER) c C 3-16' LVL RIDGE BD, SECTIJN D 2 X 12 RIDGE BD. SECTION B 1, Of 1W wBISH P 2g488 N o. v �vq UffSSION�I�'� FIRE S'DOPPI " REQUII9 E. ,jE .j Penetrations thfa rated walls and floors shall be sealed with a material capable of preve Ling the "am-ps and not gasses when Ubjected 3n*lts of the Test Standar specific > AgTM-E-814. TOWN OF DART OUTH RECORD P N A C3py Of This E arsed Plan dust Be Kept n Site Durk Construction Doted:_ _ 0 - a rL-S YOUR DRAWNG MUST W KIT AT THE BUILDING DURING THi PROGRESS OF THS WORK BUILDING DEPARTM NZ` Town of Dartrnrn NOTIICE An A Built Sure, -T-�bniitted- to the Dept. prior to ca a foundation insl any further consl HOME OF MICHEL & MICHELE FERNANDES WINSTON LANE, DARTMEUJ H, MA SCALE IAym BY 1/4' = V IIEL & MICHELE FERNANDES DATE 7/5/00 Revision SHEET 7 OF 7 CROSS SECTIONS must be Eildang ig for *tion or ction. RESIDENTIAL 2000 Fol r Im RESIDENTIAL :2000 o FOUNnATlON ONLY $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE & NON -TRANSFERABLE C:\blde.forms\BIdsapp.res. N%pd Pate 4 Rev. January 13, 2000 C:\blde. forms\Bldeapp.res. wpd �63-3clo Rev. January 113. 2000 aKnnew construction* ❑ addition ❑ alteration ❑ repairs 2 c—himney/ (e�tergy report required) (energy report required) treplace 64F—k �� ❑ pool rn ❑ accessory bldg. ❑ replacement window/door ❑ other (shed/garage) tio. of windows doors_ (specify below) * If new construction, please complete the following: Single Family: no. of bedrooms no. of baths - Two Family: no. of bedrooms unit 1 no. of baths unit 1 no. of bedrooms unit 2 no. of baths unit 2 ❑ Furnace (hot air) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ Boiler (heating) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ HVAC (combined unit) - primary fuel, natural gas, propane, electricity, other (specify):_ QK Air conditioning - (separate unit) ❑ None of the above to be provided ❑ Hot Water: Gas L, " Electric Fuel Oil Other Brief Description of Proposed Work: Item ❑ woodstove ❑ demolition (specify below): Estimated Cost (S) to be completed by permit applicant 15. Total = (I + 2 + 3 + 4) I * Estimated Total S Q 4-7-) Coc-) IZ--i RESIDENTIAL Innn SECTi4NV PRUPEItTY f r1Y�Il lt3lE11�tYTHORiZ#AGEf7 2.1 Owner of Record: 76 § - a_ Name (print) Contact Address & , Fr-e rl Phone Number 2.2 Authorized Agent: Name (print) Contact Address Flhone Number sEccrc�� � » co�rs�LrcT��J� sE1r�t�eE� 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable ❑ Licensed Construction Supervisor License Number Address Expiration Date Signature Telephone 3.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable ❑ Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to (780 CMR-6)? ❑ yes ❑ no If no, go to the next section! Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? ❑ yes ❑ no If yes, submit the required affidavit! Company Name Registration Number (if none, staite "none") Address Signature Telephone Expiration Date 3.3 For Residential Remodel Work Only PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUNID: QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: Home Improvement Contractors Registration, One .4shburton Place - Room 1301, Boston, .11A 02108. (617) 727-85ft Owners Name (print) Signature by signing the above. the home owner acknowledges that there will be no eligibilty to the Guaranty Fund Date 3.4 Homeowner Exemption - One & Two Family Only FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT 109.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those structures governed by Construction Control in Section 116.0, effective July 1, 198Q, no individual shall be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction, reconstruction. alteration, repair, removal or demolition involving the structtural elements of buildings or structures, unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entitled Rules and Regulatioins for Licensing Construction Supervisors. ` Exception: Any Homeowner performing Work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section: provides that if a Homeowner gages a person(s) for hire to do such work, that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only, a "Homeonner" is defined as follows: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to Ireside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more han one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. If you are applying under this section sign below: Signature:—!:: � _A- YYtv1 Your signature carries certain responsibilities, including but not necessarily limited to, general liability C:'bldg.forms' 1cizapp.res.wpd Page 3 Rev. Januarn 13. 2000 C:\bld2.forms\Bldgapp.res.Nvpd Page 2 Rev January 13. 2000