BP-75134:� CENSUS TRACT # 6532 FILE # MIP 23368 CLIENT.''SULLIVAN, WILLIAMS & QUINTIN DEED BOOK 4389 PAGE 20 WNF� : J SEP P. & J NNE M. MELLO PL BOOK APPLICANT: ASSESSORS PLAN 44 PLOT 2 MORTGAGE INSPECTION PLAN OF LAN LOCATED AT 366 LUCY LITTLE ROAD DARTMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS November 1, 2001 SCALE: V=50' Ioo LOT 38 or- 1�N ,. PARCEL 8 - •r Dwva I �50,7 t r I I I . # 31o1a � � U'z STY. 4 I I s 1 K I 1 GAR. V � . 1 � 1 � . ! � I O0.ODt LU CY LITTLE ROAD ANE I CERTIFY TO SULLIVAN, WILLIAMS & QUINTIN, ST. ANNE'S CREDIT UNION OF FALL RIVER, MA. ITS TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, THAT THERE ARE NO VISIBLE ENCROACHMENTS OR EASEMENT EXCEPT AS SHOWN AND THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED UNDER MY IMMEDIATE SUPERVISION. THE LOCATION OF THE DWELLING AS SHOWN HEREON IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE LOCAL APPLICABLE TO HORIZONTAL BY-LAWS WITH RESPECT �' c� G ZONING K - TH N DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS. FEtatiEfFaw ran M 28716 THE DWELLING SHOWN HERE DOES NOT FALL WITHIN 4 A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD ZONE AS DELINEATED ON A MAP OF COMMUNITY 9250051-0020C DATED BY THE F.I.A. � ^ NOTE: LOT CONFIGURATION TAKEN FROM ASSESSORS MAPS OF RECORD AND IS NOT NECESSARILY ACCURATE. 19f�o Kenneth R. Ferreira I Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 1903 New Bedford, MA 02741- 1903 99 - - 20 F • 992-3374 z.. 00 50 8 2 tgage Plot GENERAL NOTES: (1) The declarations made Above are s O� the basispracticinginMassachusetts y knowledge, information, Daeclaza and are made to the above named cas the result or a rlieentt only as of�this tape inspection made to the normal standard of care of registered land y p g 3 This purr was notde for recording purposes, for use in preparing deed descriptions or for constructions. (4) Verifications of property line dimensions, building offsets, fences, or lot,.ontigumkion may be accomplished only by an accurate instrument survey. tm R9ll t �m N �;- a C- C:) f u u 1i i :1 NOTE5 ls� t TN15 PARCA�l 1515HOW015 LOT rr-A5L7-,ifjU AAAF \. 2� -r�PAP' FL HrREC)k }'of!. P . -. LffW77jfN.A.cPfCfAt FLOOD PD ZONE` Af5 DE 145ATItr ON Ff. M,A COa LINITY F NE U.< 8 Na 25005 r nn24 G RATES ltrlr 3 r 965 37ORA9kIA7ER n ®4" PVC FROM KIM SPO(�3) ZONING -f D - ill`€= 4)4�' Cam¢` 5 e �'_ 000 -� PROP05EO24'x23'FAMILYROOM ADDITION� �tl7 r - I;2F t f EXt5 N —RAGE = 37 ✓`"-F. ` `cP� PP" - 4 � IO' x 24' F.ARMER5 POPGN o fi3 _ ✓ a5KaTB4LL Ci�Liani � t.0w .� F. l OCU5 PLAN EXI5T/N6 POOL - 415 S F !ON 30N0 JUBE FOUNDATION LE: i" - 2GGTM k P�I'3T CONa 5LAE3 - G95 a.r , cs \\ s EXIST BRICK PAVERS = 150 5.F % ? , x E F 5., ORUCK WALK = 143 5,F G 15T. DR; v51:4Y = 4,950 e.F. 3tpticTara FylST. STONE WALL = 164 LDCISrING LOT COVERAGE- i0,793 S..F. = 16.6% • PRO 7ADDv, _ • FPOPD PATIO - 26 gat PR R0-'TD LOT COVERAO'E = 12,1485.F. = 1 P, 7 Wa!k Pain j Al Qp pV ash` 5v �a � e�44 6016 fF° sal Q L11 SIT J 5:ALE- to=30 FT. LOT 2 65,070 S.F.* a fia �� GEAPiUC SCAB ff pi DOWN SPOUT Or FOR 2) o F MIN: 1 AIK &V 15 AREA DKAM STRAINER AT INLET 410. P.V.C. BIPI= FKW DOWN 5PGVT3 Tom; LEGEND EDGE OFW€ NW5. ..� �. d� TEST PITL4GATiOR: Ltrv7lF[',F1 "r�t ZGIJ'. e.s�.aap®�sa��.arse APT -TAN lUR2LSf?FPF,M.A ZQA1F4 DEUNESTkC�AFLAC: #G MUM 101 TO CELLAR WALL L5TOMFORFILTFRCLOTH@lNtFT UN-0I3RIR _DSOLL p5 C.'."�^:".�B..rFvp�f85.5' = 39.-,` N.T.5. e C11A C- f cS- ':I CXCI ATr!If ADDITION ROOFAIifA = 33'x 24' =792 3,E „��i „ -r;1 l•17d fE = 73Z 5.F. x I/ 2 = o6.nu.ii . NO. OPOIiA.MBEIz.S REav- = 66 CU,FK / 14.7 = 5 CHAM5ER5 CI;V. S—MtLDLZ-ACFj STRAINER SCREEN 3hA.I1_ BE CLEANED ON A MOAMILYB450 TO REMOVE dfAVf5 AND DEUy5TNATMAYClos g- . r C. . APPLit,,,., M aj I F f ORS RO�� OLD NOTES: �I i !I THIS PARCEL.5 5 1 HOWN A5 LOT 2 OF ASSESSORS MAP 44. 2) THE PARCEL SHOWN HEREON DOES NOT LIE WITHIN A 5PECIAL FLOOD .Pipe HAZARD ZONE A5 DELINEATED ON F.E.M.A. COMMUNITY PANEL U. le No. 250051-0020 C DATED JULY 3, 1955. w 3) ZONING: 51NGLE_RE5IDENCE 8" PROPOSED 24'x 23' FAMILY ROOM ADDITION 4) LOT COVERAGE: EXI5TI NG HOU5E = 1,020 5. F. Jc' I TE EXI5TI NG GARAGE = 372 5.17. , -o , EXISTING DECKS -- 8605 !k0 0 �� Co) BASKETBALL COURT = 2, 000 5. F. EXISTING POOL = 415 5. F. o Q LOCUS PLAN _ S F PROPOSED IO' x 24' FARMER'S PORCH o D4 69 5 EXIST. CONC. 51A8 — cp 2 D2 ON SOND TUBE FDUI�DATION) g _ ( t , I! SCALE: 1 = 2000 + EXIST. BRICK PAVERS - 180 5. F. EX15T. BRICK WALK = 143 5. F. GE PgP adel o� �, O EX15T. DRIVEWAY = 4, 950 5. F. Septic Tank 2° D3 3,,✓ WALL = 164 5. F. 2 i D4 1ST. STONE o EX " Leaching � geld � / / EXISTING LOT COVERAGE = 10,799 5.F. -o + PROPD. ADDITION = " 792 5. F. k r 285 5 F. . - i � + PROP D. PATIO — PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE = 12, 145 5. F. = 15. 7% ' y �� eok (DG rick Walk 'Brick 2 � „S1 v Pavers I�650 • ° " °0 �3, k � Stab r N Goo. of g0 Qo PROVIDE STONE -FILLED DEPRESSION AT EACH'LDOWNSPOUT SEE 0 RE -CHARGE DEPRESSION SCHEDUILE - AL o a c nee iI Go Qo � 31TE PLAN SCALE: 1 " = 30 FT MAP 44� LOT 2 00 ° 659070 S.F.f GRAPHIC SCALE 30' 0' 15' 30' 60' ,I E a E '"i i, n1 FEET 1 inch = 30 ft. DOWN SPOUT (TYP. FOR 5) STONE -FILLED DEPRE55ION \ - SEE SCHEDULE - 00 J %A r-F 1 c�' 2MIN. L c� PLAN OF SITE AND , 2 � a: � ���„ v 1.5 WASiLJ STONE z$1�� PROPOSED ADDI TION PREPARED FOR RE- CIIARGE SYSTEM XSEPH & JOANNE MELLO N.T.S. f ,%,66 LUCY LITTLE ROAD LEGEND: T PIT LOCATION • -{ , } DARTMOUTH, S. T Charon Associates, Inc. l�1`i Consulting Engineers 323 Neck Road - Rochester, MA 02770 Tel. 508-763-8362 Fax: 508-763-9582 EDGE OF WETLANDS: --�'"" "d— --�._ ..�-- --•d-- TE5 I EDGE WIT OF BUFFER ZONE: ..... • • • .. • • • ' • • • • • SEPTIC TANK: c c NOTE: SOILS MERRIMACA550CIATION - HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP A LIMITS OF P.E.M.A. ZONE: — DELINEATION FLAG: D#6 AS DETERMINED BY501L CONSERVATION SERVICE SCALE: A NOTED DATE: APFRIL G, 2009 DWG. NO. REV. 1:: MAY 6, 2009 (Re -charge System) L-- REV.2:: JULY 2, 2009 (Re -charge System) RE -CHARGE DEPRESSION SCHEDULE AREA DESCRIPTION DEPRESSION NO DEPTH WIDTH LENGTH QUANTITY 15 EXIST. HOUSE - 25% D 1 1.25' 2.00' 5.00' 4 25 NEW ADD'N. - FROIUT D2 1.25' 2.00' 3.00' I 35 NEW ADD'N. - REAR D3 1.25' 2.00' 5.00' 1 45 IX15T. GARAGE - 50% D4 1.25' 2.09 3.00' 2 j � OF1QUO �`-'' i NOTES 1) t r7r,9 P a 15 Srtuw N 2 OF N.,5.5f55C 5 AMP 4-4 lG \i ) Tiff FA i c ,tom llElRf0JlJ PCf5 NOT I -If IAKTHIN A apcCtA a�rl � LL a . �. �... _: 4 ., 'iU tj.P 7Ff7 r e �n F fr r) Y 4 4a T Tr-R.«-G, .ARGE 5 57-E �V ( R1 �500� I n0 C DATED I ��5. S O,enRuvd eF rt � FSvaTF h Q 4' PVC FR DOM SPOUTS - k� °\ .,1 Z01V'NG SINGLE RE 1, PROPOSED 24'x 23'FAMILY ROOM ADDITION — r+1 I F 4, LOT CC ✓ERA•a S lfJ6 HOUSE = 1, C�v :. \ i* L Ekr4T G AFAGE 3 E-VOTING VECK8 F o D ,5K TBALL CO — A PROPc D 10' x 24' FA?UFRS P0K0l 6 3 �LJCU5 FLAM F-Y13TING POOL = 415 S.F. (OV SONO-TUBE FOUNDATION) \F Q y CONC _5LAD 69 . 5,F a f 5CALE: 1' = 20U � EXI5T BRICK PAVcYS = -1505,E 5 D :;: f '`t V✓A.te - 143 5 F �� s EXl r. t s�Y Sz rcTark z �� o .. g.� EXIST. 5TOEF WALL - I ca S- pt EXOTING LCT COVCRA E = I0,7.95 F _ !6.6 �� J 1 jFROPP, PATIO PROPS Er LOT C tt;'EPAGE= 12.14c 5.F = i?.?T, 0 G o Back Walk z \` �i rCk \ s- - e hNa`♦ • ��at-2� GT6- iii � SITE F VIAP .:rCtii4: i ° = .30 FT. � LOT 2 ,0 S.F.* Vt 1 S IE r g a �Eds t s i 0000, �s• :. ON DOWN SPOUT (7YP FOR 2) o �� 87$9 AREA DRAIN 5TRAINER AT INLET "D P V.0 PIPE FROM DOWNSPOUTS e a 6 ' L; _o \ MI.N. IO' TO CfUAR WALL r eC57�`;"O�?FILTERCtTOiF1� 1�,`7'traa_r1:'SnTRBECrIL 5�. rP P fs-._ l fC: Cis..... RE -CHARGE _9Y5Tf'V, GEN D: AtCUW ADDITION R00FAI EA 24'1= 792 S.F. !`-MAPYT, iW VOLU✓fE = 792 J x r f 2= Ca L J ,. EDGE Of U'M A;ND5: ..A� "�. �a ' - -4— TE5T PIT LGCz MON: {{?- NO OF CPA AM;57 RfGIV C6 C11 Fr f 14 7 S CHAfl .-, PR3 „MITOFB_�ZONE- !�!!s�!!!!$$`�$�!!! -'Fmc-mkK l CIVIR SB ' .1 -ice tl GL �— x,! �v ,VLL, J+.+'J l u. 0WT5 aF F E M.A: ZnlWS, DE iNEAnON f Z 1 57'MNFR--'RFEN SHALL BECLEA.'+r4D ON A MOr;77i<! Y EK56 TO REMOVE LEAVFS AN7 THAT ha^MOG ME LEACHING SURFACE) OFTHFCHA;o-FR5. RESIDENTIAL .1 Owner Record: Name (print Co a des 2.2 Authorized Agent: Narrre (print) Contact Address Phone Number 17 Phone Number Y4 ..mxCT1013�{fSIRUGIf}t51`BfiViES 3,1 Licensed Construction Supervisor/Specialty License: License Number. Com an N m ntr for Name: Add ss: Expiration Date: Si a re: Telephone: .2 Homeowner Exemption - One & Two Family Only Section 110.R5.1.3.1 Exception: FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT Excep+ on: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section; provides that if a Homeowner engages a person(s) for hire to do such work, that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only, a "Homeowner" is defined as follows: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures A person who constructs more than one horn in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. If ° ou are applying under this section sig below: Signature: p Worke °s Compensation Insurance Affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Decks ❑ Pool ❑ Repairs ❑ Alteration ❑ Chimney/Fireplace ❑ Woodstove/Pellet Stove ❑ New Construction* ❑Accessory Bldg. I-] Addition (Energy report required) ❑Roofing/Siding ❑Replacement window/door ( gY P q ) (Shed/Garage} (Energy report required) ° No. of windows Doors ❑ DEMOLITION (specify): Location of debris removal (per MGL C.40 Sec 54): ❑ Dumpster on site ❑ Dumpster On Street Facility Name: Location: *If new clonstruction, please complete the following: Single Family: No. of Bedrooms No, of Baths Two Farrily: No of Bedrooms Unit 1 No. of Baths Unit 1 No of Bedrooms Unit 2 No. of Baths Unit 2 ❑ Furnace (hot air) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ Boiler (heating) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ HVAC (combined unit) - primary fuel, natural gas, propane, electricity, other (specify): ❑ Air conditioning - (separate unit) ❑ None of the above to be provided ❑ Hot Water. Gas Electric Fuel Oil Other Item I. Building 2. Electrical 3. Plumbing 4. Mechanical (HVAC) 5 Total 0 +2+3+4) Estimated Cost ($) to be c( led by permit applicant I { }e[v4E (Please Print) - 1, as Owner of the subject pro ert hereb authorize P Y. Y e to act on my behalf, in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Signature of Owner Date I, as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and iinformation o the foregoing application are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed r the pains and penalties of perjury. Sig ature o Owner Authorized Agent Date ;. Total Permit Fee: $ Gross Area - New Construction total sq. ft. Gross Area - Alteration total sq. ft. Permit Issued to: �tZ)-tl Less Application Fee: $25.00 Other $ Amount $ Remaining Balance: $ " a RESIDENTRESIDENTIA1 ® Phased Approval (R1D6.3.3) 3UT� :,yam DATE RECEIVED DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT 400 Slocum Road #N Dartmouth, MA 02747jR<g! Phone: 508-910-1820 Fax: 508-910-1838 !664 . www.town.dartmouth.ma.us APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR, RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING Board of Health: Signature' LLJ4_-- 0k" /c�19 ���`� Date: ��._ Conservation Commission: Signature: Dater l D.P.W.: Signature: Date: Fire Chief: Signature: Date: Other: Signature: Date: 4 e t e Brief description of work being performed: 1.1 Property Address: n ry—V �J1 Ul- i 1.2 Assessors Lot Nu ber: Contact Person: Map t - Phone Number: 1.3 Historical District ❑ Yes ❑ No 1.4 Water Supply (MGl- c40 s54): 1.5 70un e Disposal System: , Year Built ❑ M icipal icipal ❑ Altering more than 25% per side of building Wrivate'Well Site Disposal System Has application been submitted to the Historic Comfmission? ❑ Yes ❑ No Date: Rev1sed 5 /13 ®:CONSTRUCTION PLANS El SITE PLAN1:1 ENERGY REPORT