BP-00935it 13 -4 I PROVIDE CONCRETE PAD TO RECEIVE P.T. WOOD STAIRS u " 1 I- -1 u 9/" d it d 4'- II a _0s j — IT rr (1-'� — Il- IT" IT- IT- Il- I 4 X 4 PT, WOOD -fie,_ , .: , ge I,... ,�. c: =.f M Y'°� II II -/^� 11 II .' II II II CD II II II I SUPPORT POST II II III II II II II II 11 II II II II II II II 12 DIA. X 48 CONCRETE II II II IIY 11 II II II1 11 II II II 11I POST FOOTING t thTe.t �� a �� �II a� -��1 � II II Iluil II II 1 II DII 11 11 11 11 1111 II IIc) II 11 II II IIIi s ot II II0II . II it II OI II II ` II II 11D III 11 II II 11 111, 1► II IIII ,II II II IIW �II f1 II ` II II II II II II II�I011 II II IIQ�II 11 II II II II II II II II�-1= II II II 115,4211 11 II II 11 1FLASHING II II Ii01A II II III OII fl II II II II II RIDGE VENT 11 II IINI�II II II II(L call 11 II II II 11 II ---------------- II II II I1 II II I 1I II -71- 71 71-II'--2-------------1-II--1- I "1 � I- I ENGINEERED ROOF ATTIC ?BUSSES a� 24" O.C. I ,,., .� _-, .,�. ,_ � .:._. .<..�. .., �. ;.,• � � �._.... ,.,• ;-, , , : , u :, OPENING SIZED FOR 5/8 PLYWOOD SHEATHING (W/ H-CLIPS 1-- — — ——�S�It�7 — — — ----- -------- ----- I ABILCOSIzE"C11WITH I AN EXTENSION 150BUILDING PAPER r: I WINDOW ? ° O I = i (TOP OF WALL EL = Q ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES ARCHITECTURAL GRADE 12 12 - 0- > I ttl I I 8" ABOVE GRADE I MINIMUM) (OWENS CORNING) g iu g ( I Z- N O� I- ---- -- - -- 1 �U z ( I LL ON en Hi O � °MONO -TUBE SIZE AND DEPTH ``*,'NSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE THE CONCRETE IS POURED. BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town 0; Dpmrtm uth „°,_ Y 3 ry �... KEPT 3'T YULFI: DRAWING 14!L�t BE �:�" e THE BUILDING DURING THE PROGRESS OF THIS WORK- . .. �e�c�ac�0¢�e�ss�ae t I ob _U. m v I- t SEAMLESS GUTTERS zq BUILDING DEPA-F�t ` z 0 -j Lu P I AND DOWNSPOUT } Fps r< +� Dcirtmouth ul u, nil N ,. **�� Q N O — I w� PROVIDE INaJLATIONBAFFLES �� �� 13,45 ME1� 1 O = T � — C '' I i O O A" CONGRI=TE FLOOR RIANv_ 00 =r IIII N I L' u U W/ 6ML POLY VAPOR BARRIER m _IIII z LL O U OVER 3/4 STONE BASE " I III y u u IXS FASCIA BOARD `.. k K. 1/2" IMPERIAL BOARD 1 I V O x O TOP OF SLAB EL = 92'-6" O I i ( tL = fZ I ON 3/4" FURRING STRIPS BEASHELF - - - - - - - + a� C3 POGKE I ,. r - - - 1/2° MOO PLYWOOD SOFFIT = W/ PLASTER FINISH ROD t - - I I U R-30 INSULATION Q 2 CONTINUOUS SOFFIT VENT w 10" OVERHANG = o w :. i/2 IMPERIAL BOARD t; 5 STEEL SUPPORT BEAM I I I I TEEL SUPPORT BEAM 1 " i -`� - O '� W/ PLASTER FIINISH BEAM 11 11 n I" I POCKET �o 15"D x 3=TE COLUMN FOOTIN r.• s I � I tU I n i 'O ,- I i 1� Mtn j - I R-19IN5ULATIOJN ' a, m nz ( F� 3/4" T8G SUBFLOOR STEEL SUPPORT w OI COLUMN w 01 Lx 9-I/4 WI33 WOOD -I -BEAM JOISTS a� 16 O-C, BLOCKING n s Britt LS';U�y must c submitted�Ml ' m l01 - - _`F 2X6 WOOD STUDS aQ 16" D-G- m � I/2" EXTERIOR SHEATHING Dept- Prior t Calling for J TYVEK BUILDING'WRAP t a foundation i 3pection or OUCH WOOD FIREPLACE FOOTING — — RED CEDAR CLAPBOARD z ©© ❑ R AI S N W/ CONCRETE CAP I I I 41i EXPOSURE any further cons'- mac- cn. z 0 ST R I I I Q (FRONT ONLY) z O °q PROVIDE CLEAN OUT 1 ,,; t .�, � U= FOR FUTURE I — _I L IV E I� FAMILY �O . i � O . Iw 81" CONCRETE BLOCK IL1 E OPEN WOOD RAILING cA 14 3 m @ OPEN I ao PROY �'E JOISTS HANG1= NI Im RAIL I (- — - ND LAS BOLTS AT DECK 3/4" T8 SUBFLO R RIM JOISTS p !� I o-" P T WOOD DECKING t c - I v, 1 �, -� Ln 9-1/4 WI33 WOOD -I -BEAM JOISTS 1 16 O OCK NG IU --—————————————————————-—————— — — — — —— -- - ———————— — — - — —— _ t GRADE o: (2}-2X 6P,T,SILLPLATE - L R 19 INSULATION - FLASHING •. s ;. ,_, :•. `- ,-, => ;, -• . � -- ::' ;•,, ., — ,.__, ... ,. I RIFT VERIFY 9. STEEL SUPPORT BEAM B C LO K<ING - _ —� Tt-7 —Tp———————————————- — — — — —- 11 II IIII d.' To RECEIVE DECK II 11 0-11 11' 11 1111 II II 4 X � P.T. WOOD f0" CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL 0. P STEEL SUPPORT COLUMN BASEMENT p • A t SUPPORT POST a ° m `Cn II 11 11 141 II II mD11 11 11 11 12°DI,� X 48" CONCRETE e a o : II 4 CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB a o i i 1 _ 1 POS,. FOOTING WATERPROOF FOUNDATION 0 . W/ 6ML POLY VAPOR BARRIER i 11 15 -94 II 6 -5�i 1�,71 15 4" PVC PERFORATED PIPE e: P OVER 3/4 STONE BASE . 4 1 — — — — — — — —�_I PROVIDE CONCRETE PAD AROUND PERIMETER e , a 4 ^ - ^, ^ ^; ^;� a ^ . �, ^� ^ TO RECEIVE P-T. WOOD STAIRS 12 D X 30 X 30 CONCRETE I" 38 -0 "I 2 6 1011 X 20" CONCRETE FOOTING (KEYED) COLUMN FOOTING 40'-6° �11 ��1�1�h>��'101� fi-���1� - i1�0 SQ.��'. II _ I_ ,I 5c>4L� v� � o II 11 U I I N G 5 C T I O N DETAIL A BUILDING � �� � 5c� = 114" : V-011 >,� -_ �n -TCEILING 7ILDINO FOUNDATION NOTES DEPARTMENT RTMOUTH dat�_o�- TOWN OF DAand a ° This plan has been reviewepe iPntcomplianeeewith ALL ELEVATIONS ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY, ACTUAL ELEVATIONS TO BE DETERMINED IN FIELD BY ENGINEER- ) C. ( � formed copy of work proposed to be performed and/or, , ..� ® ' 780 CMR ?ten dinee n is The i insuring final / g thstanding . m-- 2X10 P.T, WOOD DECK JOISTS ate? 16" D.C- (W/ JOISTS HANGERS) 4" X 4" P.T. WOOD SUPPORT POST i I HOLD DOWN CLIPS 1 41-- 12" DIA, X 48" CONCRETE I POST FOOTING Ell P F i L OF se+Rfi 'Ruro k EC A Y Of This Endorsed Cap Plan Must Be Kept OIL Site During Construction ACCESS HOLES FOR WATER, SEWER AND OTHER UTILITIES TO BE COORDINATED. �%�!� arch e �" „ �( compliance with the above -mentioned code notw an. PROVIDE ANCHOR BOLTS 12 FROM EACH END AND 6 -O O,C, BASEMENT LIGHT d VENTILATION REQUIREMENTS an errors or omissions in the reor ennlinneeAny must be NOTE: ACTUAL FINISH GRADE TO BE DETERMINED ON SITE, 1140 SQ.FT, X I% *- IIAO SOFT. (REQUIRED) (d r�� � in owner, license contractor or y cha �n plan ALL WI WOOD -I -SEAM JOISTS REQUIRED SIZES TO BE VERIFIED GT L [� E INSTALL BASEMENT DRAINAGE IN ACCORDANCE W/ ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. BASEMENT WINDOWS = 4 SOFT, X 3 12 SOPT, (ACTUAL) reported o this e o e immedi ^ ce i a imel m nner- BY MANUFACTURIER. tl n, j must be s _ 1 signature NOTE: ALL NECESSARY ENGINEERING DATA TO BE SUPPLIED BY MANUFACTURER _ j�f V THESE PLANS ARE F.IR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ONE BUILDING ONLY AND ARE NOT TO BE COPIED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT THE EXPRE6$ WRITTEN 1'oRM10ION OF CORNERSTONE ARCHITECTURAL SE�YICES, INC. ALTHOUGH A LOT A CARE HAS GONE INTO THE PRffARATION OF THE DRAWINGS TO ENSURE THAT THEY ARE ERrOR FREE, IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO C? 7::CK THE DRAWINGS FOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS AND TO ADAPT THEM TO ANY SITE CONDITIONS, WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ALWAYS HAVE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENVONI THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT SCALE DRAWINGS FOR MEASUREMENTS, BUT$HALL VERIFY AT THE SITE ALL LEVELS AND MEASUREMENTe NECESSARY FOR COMPLETE FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY AND INS a ALLATION OF HIS OR HER WORK, MINOR DETAILS OF THE WOF< SPECIFICALLY SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS $HALL BF ASCERTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT THE BITE OF THE WOF'c• AND $HALL BE ACCOMPLI6HED BY HIM WITH THE INTENT OF TaI$ PROJECT. REVISIONS NO. DATE BY CHANGE v J Q rWn o /�\J 0Lf / o rr-Q z G� (� W Q o- z CMSCD -� a Q 0 U w -D O a _d 163 GRAND AF4 fY H I GHWAY t SWANSEA, MASSACHUSETTS OM was TEL - (508i-619-2500 FAX - (500419-2600 CORNERSTONE DIESIGN/RUIILD SERVICIESy INC. SHEET TITLE - FLOOR PLANS DRAWN BY: M.POTOGKI CHECKED BY'.: R, SANFORD' CSTONE PRPJECT ##: g15o4 DATE: 21 MAY 1991 SCALE: 1/4" -1'-0" DRAWING NO SHEET I OF 3 ...._........... ........... _....... .. . ...... ..._....-P.T.WOOD DECKING ........._ 1 u 1 " Ii _ I� 2 -6 a d 5 a 2 -IOI�4 3 -5�8 CR235 ................ . ......... _. .I ................ ... 3„ FRENCH PATIO DOORS 5 -04a ..... I" 4 -9/4 . 2 - 31-0" 2447 c a3o Soso FWH 6068 6- 0 L636 I o 0 1 524 ea B36 T DW — _I w I 4 - f'--�s 1'"f TILE m a Q 1 SUPPORT (2�2X 2 OR cA � .4 O o HEADER ABOVE _ w X > o i E o _ N 0 a I ,n FAMILY i�00M �aNr O KITCHEN - — 1 HARDWOOD = 4 m-- P•T, WOOD PLATFORM 5 ,6�sLL m TILE 12 -11 "'OW - 111 -� 4 STAIR -� } 21411 _ — �z M �O `F LU =d@ ( MIO SUPPORT _ Lim _j HEADER ABOVE 1 QII 15$ II 2-2-0 REF 1-8..1 12'-8" iv N FANTI B24 1'_6�� = W/ SHELVING W3616 W2430 1 11 .Or " --- _ FRENCH POCKET DOORS O O PROVIDE I W/ LVL SUPPORT HEADER ABOVE - PROVIDE RAILING 5'-6" 9'-2" LIL=HT +- I O SUPPORT POST �. - �; AT PLATFORM N � I � 1 M F PLATFORM STAI S I L R 1 PP T Z SUPPORT (2)- X 0 _ — N O i LL 4 v ELEVATION EXCEEDS HEADER ABOVE o d � N� I Ul t = 30" ABOVE GRADE OC Q _ � LU \N X Z I __ Du O U i 4 _ 0 LU �. I 4- a> D11�I�1C®OI 1.,�t 3-6 1 114WARDWOO RAIL BAIL 1 J/ 11 1 11 44s 2-6 1 11 13-2 - 4 �'' an v M 14 HARDWOOD — � O -14T I it Qa ' FOYERLIVING r ROOM a _ 15R a� l-l/8" D HARDWOOD m CIS 4 1d'-811 41/ 111 0- .11$11 411z'Lil O 4 U1 I 1 I - -Q^ L111 i I vVl _ cn 2446 2446 `� N SL SL 2446 2446 -. 31 All .(� -2'-6%" 4 -9�4" 2'-6% 4 -9/4" Z'-6 8' X 4 -9/4" PRECAST RE _ 4 CONCRETE �* - STAIR PROVIDE RAILING AT PLATFORM STAIRS IF PLATFORM ELEVATION EXCEEDS 30" ABOVE GRADE °. 11 41-06 -6 4 1-0 11 38 -0" II - FIRST FLOOR PLAN - 1140 SQ,F, SCALE; 114" : ji_01I 1 DOUBLE JOI t S 5 DOUR � L ..JOIStS AT TUB AREA E AT TUB A U Rea 1�1- 2 -6V8 3 It _54 Z I� ' I/a " E2-68 4 9 2432 2432 I 0 n, 0 _ - I L 'c' 9 BA'�'j�j _ 1 -O 0 CARPET I - I 2X6 WALL PBrA o o �m TI xb A v_O_ 4 ,a. � O M 31u, ► I o SHELVINGARPET X LINEN CLOSE ', 11 1 11 °o w 1--10 1 11 W/ SHELVING 1 II 2 -b IIv 2 -6 I II 2- 2 -0 1 11 2 -6 — O 1-1011 6'-10" 5'-2" 6'-211 V ' VERIFY SIZE OF �►/.` SHOWER UNIT Ll 13'-2" PRIOR TO FRAMING _ 21 I - 2 - 2'-0" SHELF 4 ROD C% S ET a� — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - CLOSET SHELF 4 ROD i 2 - 2'-0° 18'4 I 5'-8" 6-011 cA LU LLI I OOI 1 _ — A1"71C ACCESS PULL -DOWN STAID? — W_I (VE:RIFY LOCATION OF STAIR 4 EEDROOM O w WI = DO)OR IN ACCORDACE WITH TRUSS LAYOUT} M- M,BEDRO Ul zI0 _ N IN z N }�bOOM #2 E ✓ I` wlCa iARPET 2446 44 2 6 2446 2446 2446 2, Oka," x 4'-9/4" 2'-6',8' x 4'-9/4" 2'-10/8 4 -9 21_r?",�a' 41-9/41� 21-61/8u 7--9T/41 41-0II BPI"61�11 61.611 8'-�'I 6' ! II 41-011 38'-0°01 4 m N O M Q N -ILE COPY'l � - DAB-7M a RD PLAN � Copy Of This Endorsed r. Pion Must Be Kept 0n Site 6 6ECOND FLOOR FLAN 1021 5Q,FT, SCALE; 1/4 Durin . C r , 4997 NOTE: ALL WI WOOD-1-BEAM BY MANUFACTURER NOTE ALL NECESSARY E J015T5 REQUIRED SIZES TO BE VERIFIED G'INEERING DATA TO BE SUPPLIED BY MANUFACTURER. THESE PLANS ARE FOR T14CONSTRUCTION OF ONE BUILDING ONLY AND ARE NOT To BEgQPIED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMIS2ION OF CORNERSTONE ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES,INC, ALTHOUGH A LOT A CARE HAS GONE INTO THE PREPARATON OF THE DRAWINGS TO ENSURE THAT THEY ARE ERROR FREE, IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO CHECK Ti:E DRAWINGS FOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS AND TO ADAPTTHEM TO ANY SITE CONDITIONS, WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ALW9' $ HAVE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOiZ SHALL NOT SCALE DRAWINGS FOR MEASUREMENTS, BUT SHALL VERIFY AT THE SITE ALL LEVELS AND MEASUREMENTS NECEe$ARY FOR COMPLETE FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATIIN OF HIS OR HER WORK, MINOR DETAILS OF THE WORK NOT SPECIFICALLY SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS SHALL BE A6CE%-TAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT THE SITE OF THE WORK, AND SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY HIM WITH THE INTENT OF THIS PROJECT. REVISIONS NO. DATE BY CHANGE U J W o C.� o (n C) V I L.i U LS U W C-) Z CC4 W Q W Q n y J W o 0 N Q I— U W a_ I6 GRAND ARMY HIGHWAY SWAT SEA, MASSACHUSETTS 02-nl TEL - 008)•679-2500 FAX - 608�619-2600 CORNERS TONE D ESIGNY BUIt D S1L R V I0....1 39 INC. SHEET TITLE: FLOOR PLANS DRAWN BY: MPOTOCKI CHECKED BY: R. SANFORD CSTONE PROJECT #: 9t5od DATE: r( MAY 1991 SCALE: I/411 , 11-011 DRAWING NO. SHEET 2 OF 3 d) W z i ztLL LmLw�-ONo��zi� cDw�} �zWmau�ac �om siiHsnHHVSSVWHinoHiNva Wm1 ]L?U 4 O0aW Q z. QOZ.�WWW. 0 4=1 zo&xOQsn�vj�HidHZ�LL r LLII.0 d) 0. 6}7 _O LL 43Qz0OLU �zQ82 ZQlt U Ip- �QW > ww QLLcnar- WUwo zt- �ZQa�t Scfiw�O H , _ 1UOZQwWSN NW a O cn ►- m � d EU� Y.QJ QU.�tOUa� W d1 Z - U U=wJZm XN O�w>.dOWOd d�zd�Ld�L- � Q � ~ Q �Lll�SdcnN �Fm�arW - C� Q W U Z Z i-- � t- N m cn � w M w zmFLr� O Z O OLL F-OQ ZZ fl--D Z w - - - 0 sue, H OL WJ� O �� O ,W �J3p W Qw 4ww aZz U;O:Eng:.4w p ����7��ZWiu JZwz=zSz Q 0 tw- ;>- m zd-%}--WKp �W.---�,i-x C, H a Im"Im. o � - G� Q a af.r� m p w 1 w' JZcn U�WUzaa.:ww`n�0`nOz wws� Z �aas�z=aQza W�JzQxia3zo=zQ-E�adc��z-wwzw�a;d��?lL - d w~ �=z Q�.pz ¢ cw� LU dO�H��aIH� M�� -o,u-a0�UoaN — F— c3 o cn o a Z' NZ 0-�C Q i �E d �� Ncl Ja Cal i J, 2 cn Oz € O ® I id to Z f- J OL : •k 4 Q _ EL Ll! to W -- Q Z Q rxa .• Qv �p CD } p� vw �o p L- O ��n �� Lll_ O� �Od ew; ca` w� ao = .Sl� LuQ �Ocn ?Xa �� OO XO� - w� � pr �`� GRAPHIC SCALE 4 _ 30 0 15 _.�__. 30 60 (DZFEE:) I inch = 30 ft_ NOTES: LOT LINE INFORMATION TAKEN FROM PLAN `ENTTTLID "DAISY I=ARN" PREPARED FOR FLEI✓ N G EN GINIERIN G AND BUiLDNG BY B.R. McGIE & ASSOCIATE'S AI�b RECORDED IN PLAN BOOK 11-!q PAGF-_ - t NEV/ I3ED=OR0 REGISTRY OF DIMS. -- — PARCEL SHO" IS LOCATED IN ZONING DISTRICT "SINGLE RE5M CE A" CERTIFY 111AT TI-tS LOCUS DOES NOT LIE \v411tN" -TM,.fLWD HAZARD ZONE AS DELNEATM ON COf1WilITY MAP —FILE bor — PANEL # oo VO TOWN OF DARTMOUTH RECORD' U1 A Copy Of This Endorsed Plan Dust Be Kept On Site During Censtrutti®n Date _—�JIM A 1 of Flo STEPHE. J o T. " ROY y #36866 FESS1��'�� lgNO SURVE`±®Q f' i l FROPOSE­D FOUNDATION PLAN N Record Lot,lq 'Daisy Farm Subdivision" E,iZA LANE DARTMOU T H, BRISTOL COUNTY MASSACIIUSETTS Prepared For EIsr COA5T �x-/Es fAZI— R/I R, NA ENGINURS & SURVEYORS, N.A. S.R. Land Surve yo rs 18 Quarry Street Fall River f1a3sachusetts 02T23 508-679-6684 DAB: igg7 SCALE::„ S, r� : a 3'S e E C y '..r v w .a r t � i � a r , ,.... ... fix i .♦ . �" r 7' ,. ., G at ( ♦ >f fit :. , 7 >L Cam` . n. z r r- i . a- 0 e 0 ,1 e - o' Il >0 0 N 0 8 1 O• i l - , p 0 .. D tv F �x • , G pei i Pr PI r 4� t- 0 � 5 c s• - , i, 0 ° o ..: .-ru...• r Q. y Grav�t t J_Pit— - t - x< a Q n' o .. 1 k 0 _s 8 � r 0 V a f - e lr c� x � e f - �t , o e _ FINISH R V R S GADEOE TANK _ `t . TSTPITL E 0 '' THREE < Q-INCH H MANHOLES WITH. R :,. 3 2 C OLES REMOVA BLE : FINISH DE RA AT G CAST IRON R CONCRETE V F D 0 CO CRE E COVERS 0 DURABLE MATERIAL �A ATl N. � DATEF TEST ~� LU 0 0 ES , 2 `1 - S DATE F 1 0 SO L E' H DWELLING OUSE : ._ 1'�j,.�. � 'BUILT UP WITH CONCRETE RISERS - , C E E SE S FINISH S GF +?ADE L VATlO ; EE ` IN P TOR C.hl l C _ S CE TO WITHIN :6 OF GRAD 4 SOLID WA � E LL .lam 10 CUR 15 PVC PIP 3 .228 2 E i i» FIRST FEETA S TWO FEE TO,BE PR F RM E0 cJ EDBY.A t. `S H VtdE X 1p .E. - FINISH S GRADE DEt, O OF`FOUNDATION ` , LAID LEVEL .. ELEVATION o ON . y 1y s T `P/T 1 ,..` cr ESl 2Z _ _ 0 . r a • - T P T / 1 3 T S 2 t 0 -. �i ,> A bUY'V i TI�T�f f I�TI�TI=TI�TI®ITI��I�T(�TI�TI�TQ11�i� — — _ MINIM M U P - _ SLOPE 9' E 20 _ d _ TOPSOIL ( AN 0 SO L D SUBS01l A KF! _ L B C Lam"'"- P , ,S 0 1% SLOPE s> Ifl CRv 2 � t't I i Z 10 R. CC+; t�ta _ $ 1 1 S1 , o MIN 0 O _ WASH EATONE . , . a .- �{ 0 ,3 y PA N 1 CA LLED 5 S rs G} GAL 4 1 OF PERF. PIP wA H ES S E D y 3 k F A L 7 _ R. A F _ . , ; + Q 1� ,' REINFORCED R E 0 CED . _ TT eo o� M F O BED SEPTIC TANK S C i b 12 Y 7 _ S.. Y C � 5 fit_ C R 2 _ , , SET ON V LE EL s, BOTTOM OF LEACHING FACILITY -7 EAC I � 1 • Y (G _ `:.1 J C t.. S `t STABLE BASE 6 2 COMPA T RAV C ED G EL - - LENGTH OF BED) F T EE CLEAN CLE N L t _ 7J : _ - 0RCOMPARABLE) LEVEL STABLE. COARSE COARSE , v BASE SAND . V ' ` - ; AN ' SAND F EXCAVATION -. _ BOTTOM0 EXC O E t ..._LEVATION � 1 v� �u PROFILE VIEW LEVEL STABLE BASE THAT :HAS BEEN MECHANICAL Y _ j�,p� � t , WATER TA ELEVATION - TABLE ELE O `C - � ri . i�ilca _ t `� M, A T ANONTOW MP C EDWHICH !X 6 INCHES F CO DC S CESO 'PLACED s 3 DISTRIBUTION 8 BOX, R TN T MINIMIZE, CRUSHED D STONE HAS BEEN U E E S BEE .LACED 0 ZE _UNEVEN' S TT SETTLING 10 MR 1 E L 3 C 5 228 1 _ _. /� sa c� NOT TO A SC LE SEPTIC SYSTEM PROFILE , 37. � c_cs 94 a t etc bs. s .,. .. r - �* ;• x. � � • : "� � :fie '� -r.: �� .. lT � L EG ENT � YE, o o SEPT/ C TANK FINISH GRADE n e_ .: ...• .`a .,• --�.- --_ .� U ,:, ;O© p o°' -.' ", ;.. _ 1�11—ill—III�TI�TI�1Tl�Tl—ITI-fTI�'Aa1l�n�i1 i o DISTRIBUTION s ,ii� BOX �tIII�Ihii- ii-,i-�i��rr-In-yn--nrlI1-1II�I1-iII� 1 O ..--. �� .•yam' 3...a � ,*i .- . ,. .. :•, 0 � 0 ,.. `„�11 vel Pit < - 4" INLET - - 1 oo— - EXISTING CONTOUR O, PROPOSED CONTOUR SET ON LEVEL - 00 w� Y STABLE BASE (g' g 2 ' o Gra�r COMPACTED GRAVEL i a "'x,� _Pit TEST PlT — �. �. . (_��!, ., _. • _ -I� - o - - - OR COMPARABLE � u _ 'S tJ o .L. a vA >• it,µ RESERVE AREA PROFILE VIEW F , •its a 0^ o I.. i� {) • `� :� L DISTRIBUTION BOX �. ` �/— WATER LINE .. 0 NOT TO SCALE s' < `' vet i( r X ti ogee - , LIMIT OF EXCAVATION =� ITE LOCUS SCALE. I " 2, 000' t , F VARIES BACKFILL VARIES 12" MIN. BACKFILL t2" MIN. 1/8"-1/2" WASHED PEASTONE TOP OF PEASTONE= I L 3.401/8r —1/2r' WASHED PEASTONE 3/4"-1 t 2 - 3 4'r 1 } 2.. ?/4"_ 1/2" WASHED STONEWASHED STONE WASHED STONE Ir ,_ 5 N------------ s DN SIDE 6 � IN BETWEEN DISTRIBUTION LINES y=p"Oti SIDE ) SECTION A —A THROUGH LEACHING BED x. I LEACHING BED NOT TO SCALE e 3 €'k� - -Jz,,Hll— i ail a i t � 1 � � NOTES: LOT LINE INFORf1ATI0N TAK?N FROM PLANTIIITLED �. "DAISY FARM" PREPARED FOR FLE111MG ENGJNITRING', AND I BUILDING BY B.R. McGEE & ASSOCIATES -AND FTC0FM IN PLAN BOOK1 3! _ PAGE- �' �0 -- NEV '8IFC,RU REGISTRY OF D�D5. f r PARCEL ,3110\04 15 LOCATED IN ZONING DISTRICT ":�ANGI.F RESM CE A" i TI CDRY Ttt.4T TttIS LOCUS DOES NOT LIE MTtfINI 7i tf= I10OD HAZARDZONE AS DELINEATED ON C{)M 1UMITY MAP #_ 2 Y9 a —(� _ _ 7 T FDA UT INNI\ZONING -Any Changeff 11n.. a} BeRsub0ilted SEE REPORT Cute of-Reviet ;- r�-S7 By r3 GRAPHIC SCALE �-1 30 0 15 BQ ,zo PROPOSED FOUND �. LN ff - Record Lo ,11 Dais Farm Subdavlsion y l { IN FM EUZA LTRAT5 1 inch 30 ft Prepared For E45T COAST /7f_S ENGINEMS & SURVEYORS N. A. 3. R. Lcnd Surveyors 18 Quarry Street Fall River Massachusetts 02723 508- 679- 6684 w. DAB: � ' 1:` a7 SCAT E: 1 — 30' i '800 MECHANICALS & PRIMARY FUEL Furnace (hot air) - Fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify) oiler (hea ' )=Ful atural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify) I HVAC (combined unit) Primary fuel, natural gas, propane, electricity, other (specify) Air conditioning - (separate unit) ❑ None of the above to be provided J K/Hot Water Gas L Electric Fuel Oil Other I I 900 SPRB41CLERS - FOR STRUCTURES OVER 7500 SQUARE FEET and certain multifamily residential I ERequired, plans provided, ::]plans not provided, why? 1 -#ot required, not to be installed, Why? XIC) O V le 1— s 1000 REQUIRED OFF-STREET PARIONG - for ZONING & Architectural Access E. NOT APPLICABLE ParkingPlan submitted To i= Building Department ❑ Planning Board Date submitted Number of spaces -`indoors outside Z total provided 2— Handicap spaces - required _ yes P!�no. If yes, how many as a part of the total required number. Is Route 6 (State Road) Entrance permit required? yes ❑ no X'If yes has it been issued yes C no ❑. Submit copy of application and/or permit as soon as available. 1100 IDENTIFICATION (print or type except as noted) ; `L rrent owner - name i1 i address 5l he 0hone # If corporation, officer in charge Architect/Engineer - for overall design [ �^ Company name ,( t 1,9r S ` rig"w Address %(,'3 6 r /ht r ? to P l - ev5t" I'n s e A 07"" ,II Phone number Certified by State of Massachusetts as Certification number NOTE Signatures and seals on all plans, affidavits and other documents SHALL BE originals and not reproductions. i III Arc i eer project supervision and reports Company name / l/ ZA Address Phone number Certified by State of Massachusetts as Certification number NOTE Signatures and seals on all plans, affidavits and other documents SHALL BE originals amd not reproductions. General Contractor (if Homeowner, state homeowner here then complete section 1300) �ompany name �/df l CO AS � '/ fCttwd� � �/�r.✓ ��f ! �t C( e4:6dress T f �0- x/y I`-i 9(, f l / leey>J � �. one number 4� nstruction Supervisors license number t4,4.- /d. /�� /� s `--S ® NOTE Signatures and seals on all plans, affidavits and other documents SHALL BE originals arnd not reproductions. 1200 FOR RESIDENTIAL REMODEL WORK ONLY Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to (780CMR - 6) ? Yes No - If no go te)-next section! Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? Yes No _If yes, submit the requiredl'affidavit! Ren_,)del contractor name (please print) Address Registration number (if none state "none") Phone number PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTEE FUND! QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: Home Improvement Contractors Registration One Ashburton Place Room 1301 Boston, MA 02108 (617) 727-8598 Owners name (print) lt4 O J n4 ,0 % A- S Signature Date`- 3 ^ 4 5 2300 OWNER SIGN -OFF Alteration of existing, no increase in gross square feet. A separate Refuse Disposal Declaration,rrequired. I, the undersigned, am the ownerof record or authorized lessee (provide documentation) and I have reviewed the application herein submitted. I state that to the best of my knowledge and belief that the information Demolition - describe structure provided in this application is true and correct and that the permit requested be issued. - Further I understand that the will expire in months, Number of dwelling units Number of bedrooms A separate Refuse Disg-osal permit six from the date of issue, if no work is begun or sic months after the last inspection if work has begun and that the permit may be extended for Declaration required- _ six months if no work is anticipated if I request such an extension in writing. I understand that the permit may be extended only three times by written request. I understand that once the permit expires a new application be required, Moving - (Provide copy of D.P.W. moving license) Type of structure may including fees and current other requirements (including Zoning). from where lat of or address n (P ) Name dwt t+ 4 1-/ o f ,m Ct A 4 Y t /14,0 r S `Signature to where (plat/lot or address) The a ve signature is my voluntary act and is sighed under the pains and penalties of perjury. Number of dwelling units Number of bedrooms per dwelling unit Date - 30 . 9 rl ❑ Re -roofing - (for existing only, is included in new construction) _ .. � ��t . % � f/�,S . Who is authorizedyA0a the permit at the Building De artm nt? ►ease Tint / 5 Addressle. Number of square feet Number of layers already existing q Y Y g Phone �d�' ICJ [/ Number of layers when complete i i 1400 HOMEOWNER EXEMPTION ONE &TWO FAMILY ONLY _ A separate disposal declaration REQUIRED FOR HOME OWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT Replacement doors and windows - (for existing only) (only where doors and windows exist and Fwill not be 109.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for: those structures governed by Construction Control enlarged) EGRESS dimensions must be maintained. Enlarged or new windows in an existing dwelliing will be in ,Section 127.0, effective July 1, 1982, no individual shall he engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings considered as an Alteration, otherwise will be included in new construction. (see Code section 3407)1.10 for or structures, unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entitled RiAes and Regulatiors for Licensing_ Construction Supervisors. residential and Article 8 for commercial) Exception: Any Home Owner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from Temporary structure - includes when allowed, trailers, tents and the like and only for limited periods of time. the provisions of this section; provides that if a Home Owner engages a person(s) for hire to do such work such Describe ,that Hoare Owner shall act as supervisor. For, the purposes of this section only, a "Home Owner" is defined as follows: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land 500 CONSTRUCTION PLANS on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwellin , attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm ❑ None submitted. Why? structures. A person who constructs more than one home in two-year period shall not be considered a Home Owner. Submitted, usually three sets required. Four sets for food service uses. Number of sets submimid 3 If you are applying under this section sign below: 600 SITE PLAN Signature Your signature carries certain responsibilities, including but not necessarily limited to, general liability :::�*xx:msmsmss*mssm*�m:msxa:mmmss*m::mxsss:**s:ssssssassa#ammmssssmsm*min#*:*sssmmxmms�ssssrm:::sin:::*** ❑ Not required, why? NOTICE TO LICENSED CONTRACTORS: The Building Code provides in the Rules Regulations � � / VSubmitted When. =' Previously, date With this application and section that any licear.sed Construction Supervisor, whether or not they have taken the permit are responsible for code compliance. 2.15,.2 of section 5) (see 700 UTILITIES Water supply -required %yes ®no, public ? yes ® no, on site well? -- yes noa, 1500 COST Cost of Improvement $ S, O O U existing? yes ® no ; Items to be installed but not included in the above cost: Electrical $ 3, SOU . If required and not existing have necessary permits been issued? _ no � yes, date Plumbing d, Ova, (M.G.L. Chapter 40, section 54 provides that no building permit may be issued unless a water suppl , when Y HVAC /V //a- required, is available. See Code 780 CMR section 114.1.2) Other ' Sewage disposal -required i` yes_ no, public sewer_ yes_ no o TOTAL private septic- on -site yes no. Submit copy of permit as soon as available. 6 z Woodstove - used [wil' re uir • ti ll q e mspec on pnor to costa ahon), new (provide manufacturers instructions). Location(s) (list) ❑ Fireplace(s) - (includes flue) List location(s) Game Court - describe (include overall dimensions) Tent, Trailer (Mobile Home) or Other - describe {. C4 S 9" � v'rn � / 300 CO CTAL - PROPOSED PROJECT/USE - INCLUDING THREE FAMILY OR MORE AND EXEMPT USES THIS SECTION NOT APPLICABLE (The following descriptions are based on the Massachusetts State Building Code Article 3, AS NOTED) (See the Code) Assembly - restaurant, lounge, theater, school, etc. (see Code Section 302.0) Describe Business office, assembly with less than 50 occupants - indicate Medical or other professional (see Code Section 303.0) Educational - structure for training including child day care for those over 2 years 9 months (see Code Section 304.0) Factory / Industrial - (see Code Section 305.0) High Hazard - (see Code Section 306.0) Institutional - hospital, nursing home, infant day care (see Code Section 307.0) Mercantile - retail stores (see Code 308.0) LE Residential - three or more family, hotel (see Code Section 309.0) Storage - includes garages (see Code Section 309.0) Utility & Miscellaneous Structures - includes tents and agricultural structures (see Code Section 311.0) New tenant for any of the above, indicate above (see Code Section 119.0 and Zoning By-law section 35) LE Tent or Trailer - temporary purpose? Other Describe the proposal briefly, INCLUDE -amber of dwelling units and bedrooms or occupant load as applicable, also existing condition 400 TYPE OF CONSTRUCT ION OR WORK TO BE PERFORMED VNew Construction and/or Addition total gross square feet / (For commercial only total gross cubic feet) - indicate It will be considered new construction if there an increase in square footage in addition to any alteration(s). If project is an addition to existing structure - Total gross square feet of existing FOR COMMERCIAL ONLY Will this project be subject to CONSTRUCTION CONTROL (over 35,000 cu.ft.) Yes No. (If yes see Code section 127.0). Designer to submit Code Synopsis. Will this project require Peer review (over 400,000 cu.ft.) Yes No (see Code Appendix I) APPLICANT TO PROVIDE The following section for official use only INSPECTORS' REVIEW Date plan reviewed 30 days to review period expires OK to issue date OK to issue subject to requested submittals (see project review worksheet) date DENIM see project review worksbeet date HOLD reason HOLD Subject to Zoning Board of Appeals action Comments date Inspectors signature ]DateJUN 0 4, 1997 Applicant informed of above - Date time staff (fax, Phone, in person) Over six months since approved for issue - DEEMED abandoned! Advise applicant. Hold 90 days for return then dispose if not picked up. Inspector '.:Date Advised applicant Date Time staff (by phone, fax or in pe.,-son) OFFICEVNSPECTORS NOTES TOTAL FEE /( 3 t 1 / Gross area - new construction yJ Total Sq. Ft. alteration Total Sq. Ft. Permit is issued to Comments/notes on permit _ _ I *�'+####x#**##x#*##Yxx#####xxax#x#Y##Y#*##*Y##Y*xxY#Y#**x#x##xxx**#x####ssYxxYx*#�sxYxYxa#x#xx*xYx#a##x##a ' •. . .. 1600 TO THE APPLICANTIREFERRAL AND APPROVAL Date of Application submission TOWN OF O ,B. UILDIN DES K TELEPHONE 5Q8-999-0724 FAQ 508-9g9c�738 Plat Lot Street 2 Aquifer Zone Owner T Al -K4 d•t1 T APPLICATION Owner mail address S ��C K ,t--P'u'S-� �V /�/Q.c�J �j .i2 • FOR ZONING till L BUILDING JtLD11V G PERMIT Owner phone # 9 17 0 f7 l Z Instructions **s##x#x#***x*##*****###zz*Y###m*##*#*mY*###t#**#####*tY#zzxs##zx#zz###Yx#z*xz#zz#xz#zYxYx#z#*x*x*##zx#*# The applicant shall complete this application to the best of their ability prior to submission lea no item unanswered.,`.The OTHER INVOLVED AGENCIES - The following agencies require separate jurisdictional permits or approval for our Department staff will be available during regular business hours to assist as necessary. N/A should he inserted for those %ections - I Y P � � Y proposed project. CONTACT THEIlI FOR REOUIR® UBNaMONS. whieh�do not apply. A properly completed application will help avoid unnecessary delays. Noft FiZag fees it I, ® TAX COLLECTOR FE Approved C HOLD By Date ( �{ 6P5ce are only) Dil ONLY ❑ Board of Appeals 7 Approved By Date bZ!Cost $ 0 Received By Date Rec'd ❑ Conservation Commission C1 Approved By 6 'I Application Fee -If e Date Total Permit Fee4 &:: L-, �/- 7 Permit # issued Date , ❑ D.P.W. Water El Approved By ❑ D.P.W.Sewer Approved By Date ❑ D.P.W. Cross Connection a Approved By Date LO 100 CATION OF PROJECT TOTAL LAND AREA SQUARE FEET ❑ Treasurer (Bond)'❑ Approved By Date CURRENT ACCESSORS' PLAT y7 LOT ZONING DISTRICT T� ❑ D.P.W. Engineering ❑Approved By Date O HER ZONING OVERLAY DISTRICTS, if applicable 73 "oard of Health (well) El Approved By Date NUMBER & STREET ❑ Board of Health (septic) l Approved By Date ® %d �it% cs OY �C� rr¢� d NEAREST CROSS STREET / / ❑ Board of Health (food service) Approved By Date ! �/� /^ 1t? S f dd Sn C SUBDIVISION NAME & LOT # �A s H ❑ Planning Board (parking) Approved By Date or BUSINESS NAME ® FIRE DISTRICT (I - II - III) " Approved By Date 2M s::.rsassssassssssasssassssasaaszssssssss:assssazsssssaasssasssassasssasssasssssszsaasas:azss PREVIOUS TENANT / OWNER G% BUILDING DEPARTMENT' APPROVAL: 200 RESIDENTIAL - PROPOSED PROJECT - one & two family residence only ❑ ZONING THIS SECTION NOT APPLICABLE ❑ BUILDING INSPECTORBUILDING COMMISSIONER 1 ' Single family number bedrooms 3 number baths Z Iz ❑ CONTROL CONSTRUCTION AFFIDAVIT Two family - number bedrooms unit l number baths unit 1 PROJECT SUNEMIARYc number bedrooms unit 2 number baths unit 2 new construction/ alteration/demo k Accessory apartment Total gross sq. ft. sewage disposal -public/private Accessory structure: [Alter/add interior walls] [add rooms] [add footprint] water supply - public/private well Garage -detached -attached to dwelling, dimensions L W x [pool] [garage/shed/deck] [game ourt] [f service] I Carport - detached -attached to dwelling, dimensions L W Describe ##z*s###YY*##*######**x*YY#Yz##s#x#*#*#*#*k##*#Y##Y**##Y*xx#Y7x#Y*##****##*#x#*#Yxzx#S#*x**#zY#*##*#*x*zx#* Shed - dimensions L W To the various departments: ' Deck - dimensions L W /0 y This notice has been forwarded to you for your informati n an any appropriate action. Should you have any I= Gazebo - dimensions L W questions please advise.. If any reason to withhold the re a is found, please advise. Your assistance a cooperation is appreciated. Swimming pool above ground in -ground Size The Building Department - Date sent for review By G Chimney - number of flues Q , 1