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64' 8" GLASS al_CCK W 1 • M. BATH 161-SH X II 0p� Lq PATIO MASTER I COVERED PORCH il•_,._ BEDRC)M 31'-6' X 9'-0" X L BED RM. 4 \ � y� e'� BOX eoxe0 u1 ING W-4. X II'_0" LOI1NOTiL,fTTOOfrri BRKFST I / . 12'-6- X 8 6" Nj JIB ; KITCHEN 12 • X I6 0 LAUNDRY 1 GA16AT'RM " Prr PSN ® x6'-0 -.J BATH I6 6 X IIY' 0 10 UJUNG 1/2 �- B. — CT o - LT oGUJ Bull -Ns ',Hw - 1 [OPT 10 STUDn.I ,� —' L BED RM 3 10'-6" X @ 0 .,FOYER OPT.. 10 CI 11 ING 1 I100P ` _- Fill COPY I INING RM. GARAGE w 0 X P 0"1 BOX[ 20'-d" X 22 10 - a „... I BED RM. 2 / 1 r[IUN �< STUDY soNo- II'-0" X 12-0 '',.PORCH ',. B SELLING III wsTHE GOING THE CGx R EIS INS IRE) RMUMEDOE RUE IS vaono3. L. FIRE STQPPING.REQUIREMENT Penetrations thru Rated ON& and IIpots Shall be SHII Woth a nannal capabie of pmeventing the passage Of f arms and hot gassae Wtnen subjected to the requireinents of the Test SoMsEeNd speeiLc for Fire Stops ASTM-E-811- pe Plan Source... roux' Hc, -dos � `� F, I ��i. � Ni 1 s BLUtL OEPMTPh� •• SAwi oeieaaum I, IT, 11 INTER YOUR DR VVNG SSE T'^e*Tr GO THE 9 ENDS DURING THE W (ty'`1998 NELSON DESIGN GROUP LLC. GROGRESS THIS ORM. py�me'Sh. IF URS S79HE1P US Hal S Sb T 14' M3 It4EGA6 C6E 6W P J6rs3 F U FM RUMH -ALECORD "' r F. ®1 � � � e'fl*aa M IWI Ends" :AoMSE-a%'° --- pin mum Be Kept On III --` An As Built Survey NF= be submitted to the Building - e l c o m e to our Neighborhood...myfurtier to rstt4nc fof W a foundation LnaPection or any further cotssttvetion. RESIDENTIAL PLANNER�PLJJNNEBS• DESIGNERS Member D e2EUITEE ox AIBD . CPDD NATIONALLY jGFGjU SUITE DOM WDG190-1 OF u•.w oal:omasiing,000 Qom PUDL[SH GD a 32'-4" 17'-4" 5'-11" 3'-2" 5'-II" 19'-10" 12'-6° 6' 2" .>6 4° .J, '-I/2" 3'-2" 2'-I/2" 5'-6" 3'-4' 3'-9' I'-2° T-4" F-6" 2'-4" T-2 GORE H B 42" X 60° . WHP. TUB° - _ - II m 12" STEP , -_ 2468 I11 I 2468 m 2'-6" � 2'-6" 3'-8° PATIO M. BATHS POCKET m ''. _ BY BUIL ER � `E43m - 2� _ ______ ________ 2060 2860 2860 12' BRICK 2-2X1 's W/ ED. P Or 1T-8" 3'-8° COL. W/ BEDROOM 4 POSTP.T CO ERE PORCH n#Roi MASTER SUITE 4 9' PAN CEILINGCn — n „ v T-4" BLO' m, 366E o_2. 8._2-0" _., n 0 _ 60 `881--110, §- �--------- '- --- -� 206E 286E 286E ' 5468 _ ATRIUM BRKFST. RM. 1 2668 _ 2668 68 n LIN. -6" 1668 3 3 0 3 -- 2868 i1.81 K •t H.B. WALL OPT 5'_6. A `� c C.O. n 204E - M NSTALCTORMANRFCE '�SPECS. 3'-I" 2 4° 2 2468 LAU. 31/8' X 13 1/2° LAM BM ABOVE TOP PL P \ 6" WALLW. GREAT RM. PAN. D. BATH -2XSTUDS REP BATH u za 6 MIN. EA. ND 10' CEILING LINEN H B 0° - - G KI HEN 28 2-2068 - O DO 1 2668 U -- 0 EN CT. 2 v 3'-4" 2 ® 1 10 9 t 7 6 5 3 ro BUILT-INS ^' OPT OPT. TO STUDY 5' C.O. - CO. 14-10" STRINGER CUTS 3068 -_ W/ II-I/2" TREADS III" MINI - 2668a I6 e 3' 4" 3'-®• 2'- --"-- " 2'-7" 3'-0° 3'9" 3'-8° 4'-2° W/ 15, 7 5/8" 13'-2' RISERS BEDROOM 2 m _ - - FOYER 1'IM 2 3'-10" 5'-2" 2'-4" 10' CEILING o Oo BEDROOM 2 i� xa m a 2468 / STUDY 3068W [DINING RMp ,_ G RAGE �� I7U 2860 286E 4" S L �' 9' BOX CEILING I P -+^'a 1/2 EDa ry O RC H 2 0 1 3 1/8' X 1 112' LAM. BEAM - N ABO E TOP PL m o ---8' CEIL ? 3-2X4 STUDS MIN. �2-2X12's - 2860 286E U: 22 112 PC UNDER _ BEAM EA. END ^' @ 286E 286E W/ I/2" PAT 12°BRICN if PP 112 ER COL. W/ r - - - - - - - - - 4%4 PT POST PLANI ER Nr M= — 0'-5' 16, % T Il ODOR 13 112' ItRUSS BEAM 6 91 3 2 2 h Niy II'-0" 3'-8" 4'-3" 3'-2" 1 4'-3- C-1" T-2" 3'-I° 2'-6° 16'-0" T-6" /6 X J I' 14'-8° II'-8" 6'-0'.. IIT-4- Or-O• `5a, 3�X NOTICE DUTY OF COOPERATION AOILGoNo( ESTO'PoGl So Up' `EC 0r M'Pherelwo Nelson as an one no ilabllity for eny HOME aonsimnted from this plan. Ilan ar amPlecp Allhoo n IM1pa deli ne' and M1fsecoo'Or it n" ` I('ormeit Her norvic slox'Jh duehe araslanE r� Design pod conslruc- 9 9 per g [hey opnnol gupreniee cpsr(ad' C I'on Mp ! pod very cool ngency ca i b onl< paled Any b g Ty d acrepancy "an d d by Ih f Ih pl hgll b p led Fred0 co to 16 e g _ Fou re i not ry m d golly rel eDe °ine in d d' g d B ton to A! 'lure to aoopsrale by d 'g f p b'I'iyy ( II o 4 Cbo g m d from Ih pl Th 1 Ih enl (IM1 tl 'g a ou I h tl tl b l l i h O g f b l i y f q g t! h M1 g 0 ly q T d Des'g A M1 I I C I i Sirply I g' e M1 Id II pt 1 tl (y y p ( !IM1 d g W L d- - Ih e I g hall h p de d d'm I t r M1 II iy tl b p 'ble ( II dm s d dl III DOE Th (('c mu b R d 0 f shown by I hecendraw'ngs_ Shop data is MUEI be spbinlled to Ih-e off ce for approval belorp proceed no wlh fpbr'colon- FLOOR PLAN NOTES: ALL STRUCTURAL INFORMATION SHOWN FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY. CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE LICENSED STRUCTURAL ENGINEER REVIEW AND DESIGN ALL STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SUCH AS ALL FRAMING WALLS, BEAMS, CONNECTIONS, HEADERS, JOISTS AND RAFTERS. 2. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM FACE OF STUD TO FACE OF STUD UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 3 WINDOW SIZES INDICATED ON PLANS ARE NOTED BY APPROXIMATE ROUGH OPENING SIZE REFER TO PLANS AND EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS FOR WINDOW TYPES. 4. COORDINATE LOCATION OF UTILITY METERS WITH SITE PLAN AND LOCATE AWAY FORM PUBLIC VIEW. VISUAL IMMPACT SHALL BE MINIMIZED, I . MOUNT AS LOW AS POSSIBLE. 5. PREFABRICATED FIREPLACE CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET OR EXCEED ALL APPLICABLE CODES REGARDING USE OF FIRE SEPARATIONS CLEARANCES, ETC IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT ALL ITEMS AND CONSTRUCTION MEET OR EXCEED CODE. OVERALL FLUE HEIGHT SHALL BE COORDINATED TO MATCH HEIGHT SHOWN ON PLANS AND SHALL NOT EXCEED THE TOP OF CHIMNEY CHASE AS CONSTRUCTED. 6 CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL CLOSET SHELVING REQUIREMENTS. T DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS, FOLLOW DIMENSIONS ONLY 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL CABINET DIMENSIONS DECOR FABRICATION. 9. BEDROOM WINDOWS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM NET CLEAR OPENING OF 5.7 SO. FT, A MINIMUM NET CLEAR OPERABLE WIDTH OF 20", A MINIMUM NET CLEAR OPERABLE HEIGHT OF 24" AND HAVE A MAXIMUM FINISH SILL HEIGHT OF 43' FORM FINISH FLOOR. 10 ALL GLASS LOCATED WITHIN 18. OF FLOOR, 12' OF A [DOOR OR LOCATED WITHIN 60' OF FLOOR AT [BATHTUBS, WHIRLPOOLS, SHOWERS, SAUNAS, STEAM ROOMS OR HOT TUBS SHALL BE TEMPERED. III ALL EXPOSED INSULATION SHALL HAVE A FLAME SPREAD RATING OF LESS THAN 25 AND A SMOKE [DENSITY RATING OF LESS THAN 450. 112. PROVIDE COMBUSTION AIR VENTS, WITH SCREEN AND [BACK DAMPER, FOR FIREPLACES WOOD STOVES AND ANY APPLIANCE WITH AN OPEN FLAME,. 13. BATHROOMS AND UTILITY ROOMS SHALL BE VENTED TO THE OUTSIDE WITH A MINIMUM OF A 90 CFM FAN. [RANGE. HOODS SHALL ALSO BE VENTED TO OUTSIDE. 114 ATTIC HVAC UNITS SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN 20' OF TS SERVICE OPENING. RETURN AIR GRILLES SHALL [NOT BE LOCATED WITHIN 10 FEET OF A GAS FIRED /APPLIANCE. 115. WALLS COMMON TO GARAGE AND HOUSE SHALL FILE COPY TICE, urvey MUST be the Brakingo Calling for T inspection orconstruction. Penenatlons III rated Walls and floors hall be Sealed III a materiai capR4l6 of preve ing the passage of flamas and [rot gasses when s jetted to the requirements of the Test StarMard ific for Flee Stops ASTM-E43T4. [HAVE A LAYER OF TYPE "X' GYPSUM BOARD AT TOWN OF DK6TddliDTti (GARAGE SIDE RECORD PLAN YOUR LVARONG 116 ALL FIREPLACE CHASE WALLS SHALL BE INSULATED ACO:Udy IK TWs EDdamd AT THE BU¢DING PROGRESS UP THIS INSIDE RTOPS' AND OUTSIDE PROVIDE HORIZONTAL "DRAFT AT EACH FLOOR LEVEL BY PACKING 6" IR-191 PIED nyl all Kept I Site INSULATION BETWEEN 2%4 JOISTS. BUIL Call 9m4dINc DEi TOOK of m� tfUtd 117 ALL INTERIOR WALLS SHALL BE COVERED WITH 1/2° SYPSOM BOARD WITH METAL CORNER REINFORCING, RAPE FLOAT AND SAND (3 COATS[ USE 5/8" GYPSUM [[BOARD ON CEILINGS WHEN SUPPORTING MEMBERS ARE eoxotuessuEAxs Dprry� 24' GO OR GREATER USE 112' GYPSUM BOARD ON CCEILING 1 BOPEDnaNlsaeoumEa9BPeag THEOONOeETe6Pouesa MEMBERS LESS THAN 24° O.C. (8 ALL BATH AND TOILET AREA WALLS AND CEILINGS BUUDINn DEPAaTMEtr 11amofrsrs^olnb SHALL HAVE WATER RESISTANT GYPSUM BOARD. ALL h[MENORnOSSRE11l V )TUDIT P NtO,i IOL"', CL3NL' \ \ \ITYPI RAFTER DETAIL 1/2" GYP BRD ITYPI \ \ 2x6 CEILING JOIST a 24° \ I (TYP) WALL DETAIL n PAN CEILING DETAIL \ \ITYPI RAFTER DETAIL 1/2' GYP BRD ITYPI \ \ 2116 CEILING JOIST o 24" o_c OPT 2X4 BLOCKING TO MAINTAIN �\ 12' RISE IN BOXED TO PAN CONVERSION ////// YLX 12 W/1/2'JOID, W_BEAM _ \ JOIST HANGERS 2x6 CEILING JOIST m 24 TYPO WALL DETAIL n 2X12 BOXED / PAN CEILING DETAIL I. = I'-0° \ /ITYPd1 RAFTER DETAIL 1/2' GYP BRD ITYPI A —`\ 2x6 CEILING JOIST e 24" o.c ((- 1 \� 3 V81XI3 112' LAM. BEAM JOIST HANGERS \ 2x6 CEILING In 0 24° o.c. ITYPI WALL DETAIL - 2 LAM. BEAM BOXED CEILING DETAIL SDY�Sj a3� 9G F"C' SApYWN' IS id04 WIfD . i4 94 $gf RSp,fiMdL Sff8 OP' 6'6APH$ c, mmv �c t�JE6lzPx I GwjlfOtG�4 •o FLOOR PLAN SPECIFICATIONS HEAT/COOLED. 2107 SO. FT. GARAGE. STORAGE: 526 SO, FT. PORCHES. 309 SO FT TOTAL 2942 SD FT. NOTE ALL CEILINGS TO BE 8' UNLESS NOTED. 2.- BUILDER TO APPROVE B VERIFY ALL PLANS BEFORE CONSTRUCTION 3.- VERIFY ALL PLANS W/ LOCAL BUILDING CODES 4.- 111 8 W.H. TO BE IN ATTIC UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. (0 1998 NELSON DESIGN GROUP, LLC. Reproduction Of these plans, in any form. without the written consent of the Designer, is prohibited. FLOOR PLAN / NOTES NDG190s1 Where Traditional Values and Famt*ly Come Together,i" 9AD LJ �a ❑ DE.S,IGNED eE I,, No THE �o NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM EXTERIOR STUD WALL WHEN LAYING 8°XI2°XI6° COURSES, ALLOW 4- TO ALL II EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS FOR OPTIONAL BRICK LEDGE. II NOTE: PATIO By BUILDER 4° CONCRETE SLAB W/ 6"X6°.110/110 AWN ON - MIN. 4° COMPACTED FILL. II 4 � II 1 II 1 II III " OPEN WEB FLOOR TRUSSES 0 16" 0 C. n FROM tAI THlorc OA 0 ewJP LHIL M ' _ - _ - - - -. _ F -- __ ' X r6' CONE FOOTING W/ 4° CONCRETE SLAB W/ COST P4 REBARS AND I 6"X6"p0/RI0 W.W M. ON - ERTICAL Y4 REBARS I MIN. 4" COMPACTED FILL 2'0" o c. 3'0" ABOVE FTG I" °' T 3 VAL�LOW ___I 5, I -r_ I - - - - J3" METAL POST Y` _ _� 'ENOTCH 4" DEEP TOBEAM (VERIFY SIZE3 2 12 TONG. FOOTING W/ LL II 3'0° X I'6° E ONC. FOOTING W/ - P4 REBARS EACH WAY m„ 6 COST 14 REBARS AND o 4' CONC. SLAB 3 W/ 6"X6', 110/p10 VERTICAL p4 REBARS W AD M. ON .006 MIL VISOUEEN ON a 2'0' o.c. DOW ABOVE IFTS z® MINIMUM 4" COMPACTED FILL. I 2X4 OR 2X6 STUD WALL 5 'L 11 0 C MAX 2 CID0 H (LOAD BEARING) 14'-10" 14'-4" 1W-10" 7'-2° 2815 I UP m I� 16-1/20 OPEN WEB FLOOR 24" X 24" % 12° CONC _ TRUSGBS 0 16' 0 C. - FOOTING W/ 4 - 94 REBARS - I'- _> USE T TYPE LAM BEAM HANGER WAY 5 I/8'Xlfi I/2" LAM/BEAM OR _ _ _ _ _ _ -i I I r T FEA W8X24 METAL BEAM - - -- _F - I I I I 1 1 I' 3" ME AL POST II LL 3'0" X. 1'6- COLD FOOTING W/ I 1 6 COUP 14 REBARS AN0 II VERTpCAL p4 REBARS 4' CONCRETE SLAB W/ 36 a STY oc: 3'0° ABOVE FTG. I 6°X6°,PIO/CIO W.W.M. ON NOTCH 4' DEEP TO ALLOW MIN. 4" COMPACTED FILL BEAM IVERIFV SIZE) - - - _ _ _ SLOPE GARAGE SLAB _ _ _ 1/2- j0'-0- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 -I-N T - II I I Ills::. Ili, I 8"XI6" CONCRETE L-BLOCK I Id8'X16" CONCRETE BLOCK - II a24"XD- CONCRETE FOOTING - - - - - - - W/ 2 - /4 BEGAN II l - I 4 2 2 4" X Z' WIDE BRICK PLANTER FOOTING I i t 11 ---------------- aixaas- �93 /�k`fl� �9 FOUNDATION NOTES: I. ALL FOOTINGS STALL REST ON VIRGIN, UNDISTURBED SOIL 2. ASSUMED SOIL SHALL BE SAND OR GRAVEL WITH MINIMUM TRACES OF DRY CLAY WITH A MINIMUM BEARING CAPACITY OF 2000 LBS/SO FT. 3. UNLESS OTHERWWISE NOTED, ALL SLABS ON GRADE SHALL BE 3000 P SI.(28 DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH) CONCRETE ON 4- SAND OR GRAVEL FILL MINIMUM WITH 6%6 - WI 4XWI 4WWM REINFORCING. INTERIOR SLABS SHALL BE PLACED DN 6 MIL STABILIZED POLYETHYLENE VAPOR BARRIER. 4 PROVIDE I/2' EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL BETWEEN ALL CONCRETE SLABS ON ABUTTING CONCRETE OF MASONRY WALLS OCCURRING IN EXTERIOR OR UNHEATED INTERIOR AREAS. 5 PLACE 1/2' DIAMETER X 18' OR 12"I SILL PLATE ANCHOR BOLTS AT EACH VERTICAL REPAIR )WHERE OCCURRING) OR AT 4'0' 0 O. AND AT EACH CORNER AND BOTH SIDES OF OPENINGS. 6 FOOTING SIZES SHOWN ARE ONLY TYPICAL FOR STATED SOIL PRESSURES AND CONTINENT COMPACTION: WHICHEVER 5 MORE RESTRICTIVE. T. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY FOOTINGS DEPTHS WITH LOCAL FROST REQUIREMENTS OR EXISTING SOIL CONDITIONS" WHICHEVER IS MORE RESTRICTIVE. 8 PROVIDE TERMITE PROTECTION AS REQUIRED BY LOCAL CODES 9 PROVIDE DEEP SCORE CONTROL JOINTS AT MID POINTS OF ALL GARAGES BOTH DIRECTIONS. 0 MASONRY VENEER MUST BE ANCHORED TO BACK-UP CONSTRUCTION WITH GALVANIZED CORRUGATED METAL TIES SPACED 16' O.C. HORIZONTALLY AND 24' OC VERTICALLY. IT INSTALL CONTINUOUS APPROVED FLASHINGS AND COTTON CORD WEEPS At 46' AS WITHIN FIRST EXPOSED COURSE ABOVE GRADE. V CRAWL SPACE FOCAL CODE PROVIDE TRAWL SPACE VENTILATION PER LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS. 3/4' X 8" ANCHOR BOLTS 0 4'0" oc. W JOINTS WHEN USING 4X8XI6 P.T. 2X8" SILL W/ 12' GALV. TERMITE SHIELD COOT_ 8X8X16 TOPIC. BLOCKS 8'-0' BXI6 CONCRETE BLOCK WALL W/ GONG. FILL. OPTIONAL BXI2XI6 CONC. BLOCK BRICK LEDGE HEIGHT LOCATION VARIES WITH GRADE 4° CONCRETE SLAB W//\ ON O 110IS ON 006 MIL VISDUEEN 3'0 X II CORN FOOTING W/ 6 CONT P4 REBARS AND VERTICAL 14 REBARS a 20° oc. 301 ABOVE FTG. DETAIL FOR FLOOR l I I /// - 4^ CONC. STAR W/6°X6% 10/10 WOOL 16 112' FLOOR TRUSSES 0 16' O.C. zxa PT. slut — — /2" X 8° ANCHOR SOFT 0 4M' O.O. II P.T. SOL' BILL W/ BRICK 12" GALV. TERMITE SHIELD CONT. 2-PLY WATERPROOFING BXI6 CONC. BLOCKS COMPACTED FILL MEMBRANE BY BUILDER S 8'-W CONCRETE BLOCK WALL W/ 4NINC FILL 6° MIN_ 4" CONCRETIIE SLAB W/ 24" X IF CONC. FOOTING 6"X6', #10/410 W-N M Wl P4 REBAR ON 006 SURE VISDUEEN\ '' itFF P' DRAIN CONT spa e OF THIS STAMP IS NOT REDl KEY IT IS AN P 1FIGAL SET OF S^AAPFb_' ROF X P6° Q/ONC_ FOOT IN6 / III, b COLT 14 !REBARS AND a. VERTICAL PAT REBARS ` • °'T+ m lot ® 2OL o.o. �'0° ABOVE FTG- P� O a, _ __ 'ROOFING .---.- BUILDER n STEP DOWN BASEMENT DETAIL `i 3/4' = I'-0' FILL DIRr A46DIML'wSIONSARETO 3/4' ROCK !BASE STI NO THRICK!ANF 4" HERE, DFU AIN COAL KEY CONCRETE BLOCK WALL DETAIL 314' = I'-®' V24, Xo 8° ANCHOR BOLTS 4° COLD _ SLAB W/6°X6" 10/10 W W M. 8'XI6° CORP L FEE 006 MILL VISDUEEN FINISH NOTE: I- BUILDER TO VERIFY ALL SELL CONDITIONS BEFORE CONSTRUCTING FOUNDATION. IF POOR CONDITIONS EXIST CONSULT A STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. 2.- BUILDER TO VERIFY FOUNDATION DETAILS W/ LOCAL BUILDING CODES. BRAIN LOCATIONS IF NEED VERIFY WR SITE LAYOUT W/ OWNER. VERIFY W/ SITE AYOUTS OR HELP MAY BE OBTAINED BY 0 800-590-2423 OF ALL BASEMENT DETAILS BEFORE 3E USED IN LIEU OF BLOCK WALLS. ) BE 6'-O' UNLESS NOTED. MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF FROM FOOTINGS TO ALLOW FOR (S TO BE ALIGNED. 12X8X16 BLOCK BE ELEVATIONS. Y 2X X16 GUNS. BLOCK TO LBEEON OUTSIDE FILE COPY IYOUR DRAWING MUar UL ra AT THE BUILDING DURING LOU PROGRESS OF THIS WORK BNtD= DUARTMUT Tawu a bmt, o AL, 0� +�P ry�4 GRACE PametraBpns BOTH rated. wells and floors shall be '�' ED I COMPACTED FILL — — 1 sealed with a materlai capable of preventing TH, a EF OPTIONAL passage of fame and hDt gieses when SubjeCteC AG 22 8" x 8°XI2"XI6' CONC BLOCK 16" CONC. BLK. to the requinereent6 Of the T051 Standard Natillio O -A FOR BRICK LEDGE IBV BLDRI WELDED JOINT JOE FINSStep4 ASTM-E-814. 6a Z 2 e+�-4 24° H 12" CONC. F001'ING 4' X 12" X 3>p8" METAL PLT. 3/8° BOLT HOLES STAGGERED X 12 X 3/8" METAL PLT. 3/8' X 3° LAG BOLTS - W/ 2-A4 REBAR /'+}JX3 TO BOLT TO LAM. BM. METAL POST v GARAGE FOUNDATION DETAIL a 3/8F BOLT HOLES STiAGGEREO q� m 3/4' = I1 I 3/8' X 3" LAG BOLiNi F 4° CORE, SL 5 BEARING FTG DETAIL AF�314" = P-0" TO BOLT TO LAM. EM .(D `tea TOP VIEW e as im=3 SCALE 1 1121-P-O' a S. 3°X3"x3/16° (METAL POST _ I° _ 112 HOLES (41 /2' BOLT HOLES STAGGERED B" X 8" X 3/8' METAL PLT. w 8° X 80 X 3/Ag' METAL PLT 1/2' X 3' ANCHOR BOLTS 3X3 METAL POSIT LOCATION WELDED JOINT 04. B D �9x3 METAL POST DETAIL BASE VIEW J SCALE 11/2"=r-0" SIDE VIEW SCALE 1 I1 MICHAEL E. NELSON Utz 1998 NELSON DESIGN GROUP, LLC Pe.D.Can Na AR -lea Reproduction of these plans, in any form, withoulthe wrilteN consent of the Designer, is prohibited. BASEMENT FOUNDATION PLAN / NOTES NDG190-1 " Where Traditional Values and Family Come Together " @A 11 DE'1111l e2 1' J • ' a■6 �■ 1■■ � tl■II it■ ■ ::: NMI °L'ssia �°K SEAi FOA, TROPE 9M War —FLAGS BUCK CLAGG CLOCK 0.ASS S K SPLINT Apra nwE.m� EMa PLOCK „ wE m WP Ljo KRCY, mC C itAAEMAT K IJII /WJulm GILL 1/o GYP OD / 1/7 EFECA111i CE MrK WINDOW SILL - WOOD STUD/BRICK VENEER rnxo o 9" �, C_6• ROUGH GRO XIF wxWwAROUND a7 GLOVE i cuff Gli TRICc T-HAR GRID SYSTEM - 01,459 u / LOCK PoiTa Russ i wx"v" A.S CRoLAGY zvsx � ao BRICK THROVAL GGRID ann E n 2 WINDOW JAMB - WOOD STUD/BRICK VENEER SOLDIER BRICK - )WLOCK r PROJ_ EACH DIN G 'r ARCH. ROOFING 3-2X RAFTERS Is WALL W/ 3 1/7X3 1/2" METAL LINTEL BOLTED TO RAFTERS o WALL TO SUPPORT BRICK. ORDER STEP FLASHING IRS 3 112 METAL LINTEL BOLTED TO HEADER TO SUPPORT BRICK.//� SOLDIER BRICK /E44 NOTE: I.- LOWER HEADER HEIGHT ON FRONT WINDOWS TO ALLOW TO ALLOW FOR ROWLOCK. BRICK = Ix6 FASCIA Ixz TRIMl xz TRIM IRS FRIEZE ARCH. ROOFING -- REAR ELEVATION QUOIN CORNER 1-2 13/16' G-T 5/8" PROJECT T ITYPY t M r 13/16" I'-2 13/16" DETAIL I DETAIL 2 DETAIL 3 .3 TYP. (KING SIZE BRIO IK QUOIN DETAIL .. ., .. DETAIL 3 v ¢ x A. LIPTO MP U MCI RED z y 2 An AS Built Survey Il':ust� a ITANfiai 3E5 49E PLANS FILE COpa' p submitted to the I,, tin �OF fY1�� H 8. Lo �t. prior to Calk f " 6 for z IF p foundation Inspection or eaccrw J%rata F' any frYlYjrCtepn6tr"iK.'CIOn. —'"" YOUa OflAVIINQ MUST NE KE'' czJ AT THE BUILDING DURING T PROGRESS OF THIS WO?K' BUILDING nica"TT'�N9 p o Tw'c 0. P ^ _ NOTICE E T RECORD or44 111 An As Built Survey or i be ' submitted the Building - A Copy Of This Enderaed Plan Mann Be Kept On Site Dept. prior FFo calling (or e a foundation bupectinin or ftb any further consit'aetion-: FIRE STOPPING REQUIREMENT B D Penetrations thru rated ways and floors shall be sealed with a materiel capable of preventing the Passega of flames andhot gasses when subjected to the requirements of the Test Standard spleclfic jot Flre Stage ASTM-E-B14. MICHAEL E. NELSON © 1998 NELSON DESIGN GROUP, LLC. PBo Cert. No AR-104 Reproduction of these plans, In any form, without thle written consent of the Designer, is prohibited. IE1; AILS (0_1 �AD FamilyTogether"❑ Emil Come ESIGNIEd DATE CLYDE; SCALE 1/4' = P-0" BUILDER JOB NDG190-I DRAWN BY 3 OF 7 L wtivolims 0trlaNl RIGHT ELEVATION L :1" I C L". E V A I 1 U N wiaowLOCK CAP HEIGHT TO BE B0.SE OF WINDOWS. NOTICE DUTY OF COOPERATION NELSON DESIGN GROUP, LLC. r Michael E. Nelson am seuea no liability for AnyHOME constructed from this plan. ese Release of IhPlans contemplates further CCOperii among the owner, his contractor a nd the designer gner. Design and construe - bad are co. Although the Saingl ®r and his consultants performed their services with due and nd diligence, they cannot guarnnlea perfection. Communication Is {mperFaff and every conlingency cannot be anticipated Any mbiguity or discrepancy discovered by the use Of Nose Rare Hall be repOded Immed101@ly to the daughter FmIure to nollfy the deslgnor compounds misunderstanding and increases c nslmOtfen Costs. A failure to cooperate by a simple notice to the deli er shall relieve the doospi Turned ands hallp anlievleiItheadesigner OaAT robagrmancose. dify$ofChan as made fromnseq the pians rrvingwithout HI@ consent Oft B designer are ed undo - Turned OF Slru AT sEngineiery far II aonseghences arriving out of such changeddesign. Only qualified g Engineer should over to modify ens any portion or this design. Written dimensions an these drawings a job have precedence over scaled d dimensions; cations from asap verify and be responsible for all As d and conditions an the job- e s aRloe must is notified for variations from the d with and fabrication shown Dv Ihese drawlnas- Shop details N�1 be submitted to this office (or aooroval before oroeeedina with fabriaolian. CONCRETE FILL 8"XI6" COLD BLK MN FILL (TYPICAL) 13"X13" CLAY FLUE TILE PATT INSULATION 3 V2" X 3 I/2' ANGLE LINTEL CIRCULATING FIREPLACE OR METAL LINER -- FIRE BRICK BRICK HEARTH COOK FILL (TYP.1 „ '- " "�" OPEN WEB FLOOR IFII,—�ITIIF— SEES m 16" O.C. MAX.1111 IIL III IA :FOR BOLTS m Ale oc. IBI .1� IIILII� 2X8' ALL W/ GAL V. TERMITE SHIELD CONT. -._. 12' CONCRETE FOOTING W/ 4 MIN 14 REBARS EACH WAY r,--,,—TYP. FIREPLACE SECTIONAL `% 3/4" m V-0' ELEVATION NOTES I GUTTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS ARE NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY DOWNSPOUTS SHALL BE LOCATED TOWARDS BRICK THE FRONT AND REAR OF THE HOUSE LOCATE DOWNSPOUTS IN NON -VISUALLY OFFENSIVE LOCATIONS, FOR EXAMPLE. FRONT WALL OF HOUSE, BESIDE PORCH) COLUMNS. ETC. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY JER EXISTING GRADES AND COORDINATE ANY NECESSARY ADJUSTMENTS TO HOUSE WITH OWNER. 2 PLUMBING AND HVAC VENTS SHALL BE GROUPED IN ATTIC TO LIMIT ROOF PENETRATIONS AND TO BE LOCATFED AWAY FROM PUBLIC VIEW, LE AT THE REAR OF THE HOUSE AND SHALL BE PRIMED AND PAINTED TO MATCH ROOF COLOR. 3 PROVIDE ATTIC VENTILATION PER LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS. 4 EXTERIOR FLASHING SHALL BE CORRECTLY INSTALLED AT ALL CONNECTIONS BETWEEN ROOFS, WALLS, CHIMNEYS, PROJECTIONS AND PENETRATIONS AS REQUIRED BY APPROVED CONTRACTION PRACTICES. 5 CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ADEQUATE ATTIC VENTILATIONS / ROOF VENTS PER LOCAL GOVERNING CODE INSTALL CONTINUOUS RIDGE VENTILATION AND PAINT TO MATCH ROOF PROVIDE APPROPRIATE SOFFIT VENTILATION AT OVERHANGS. Penetmtbns thru rated ways and POOR Aiall be seated wafts a material capable of presi^Rng the passage of (lames and hot gasses when subjected to the requirements of the Test Standw"d trpWAO for FNe Stops ASTIVNE-814. FILE COPY awi BATT INSULATION IF 1 ig95 A'UNHAP 63 ptnT BED IT i5 A&tl 3l£§g&&. SST QS P6AA"5 I u UW �j io Z%Arfrlwd FRAMING NOTES: I. DESIGN LOADS ARE AS FOLLOWS PER SO FT, LOCATION LIVE DEAD DEFLECT LIMIT IST FLOOR. 40 LB 10 LB. '.L1360 2ND FLOOR )SLEEPING AREASI 30 LB 10 LBL1360 ATTIC (NON STORAGE) 10 LB 5 LB L1240 ATTIC (STORAGE) 20 LO 10 LB L/240 ROOF (WITH FINISHED CEILING) 30 LB SNOW 15 LB L/240 ROOF (NO FINISHED CEILING) 30 LB 7 LB L/180 DECKS 60 LB 10 LB L/360 SNOW LOADS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED TO REFLECT THE SLIDEOFF FACTOR, AS A FUNCTION OF ROOF PITCH RAFTER SIZES MAY HAVE TO BE INCREASED TO ACCOMADATE HIGHER SNOW LOADS. VERIFY WITH LOCAL CODES 2 LUMBER SHALL BE DOUGLAS-FIR-LARCH, HEM -FIR OR SOUTHERN -YELLOW -PINE WITH FB-1450 AND E=1.6 MINIMUM. 3. ALL HEADERS SHALL BE FREE FROM ALL SPLITS, CHECKS OR SHAKES. 4. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, PROVIDE DOUBLE HEADER JOISTS AND TRIMMERS AT ALL FLOOR OPENINGS, DOUBLE JOISTS UNDER ALL PARALLEL PARTITIONS, DOUBLE 2X12 HEADERS WITH 112' PLYWOODSOLUED BETWEEN AND NAILED, FOR ALL OPENINGS IN 2X6 WALLS, DOUBLE 2XI2 HEADERS NAILED TOGETHER FOR ALL OPENINGS IN 2X4 WALLS. 5. FLOOR CONSTRUCTION: 3/4' TONGUE AND GROOVE SUBFIOOR WITH FINISH MATERIAL OVER. 6 STAIR CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONSIST OF 13)2XI2 STRINGERS,5/4" OR 2X THICK TREADS AND 3/4" THICK RISERS OR MATERIALS FABRICATED BY A COMPONENT MANUFACTURER. 7 ALL WOOD PLATES IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE SHALL BE "PRESSURE TREATED' 8 SILICONE SEALED. 8 'MICRO -LAM' BEAMS SHALL HAVE BENDING STRESS. FB=2800 PSI. VERIFY WITH LOCAL CODES. 9. SPECIAL UPLIFT CONNECTORS AS INDICATED AT CANTILEVERED JOISTS SHALL BE 'SIMPSSON STRONG TIE" ANCHORS OR EQUAL. 10. MINIMUM HEADER SIZE. SHALL BE 12)2'X6' UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE EXTERIOR WALLS SHALL BE 12) 2XI2 WITH 1/2' PLYWOOD. 11. ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL CONFORM WITH ASTM SPECIFICATION A-36. 2. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, PROVIDE A 2X PLATE BOLTED TOTHETOP FLANGE OF ALL STEEL BEAMS WITH 3/8' DIAMETER BOLTS STAGGERED AT 24- ON CENTER RIGIDLY FASTEN ALL CONNECTING RAFTERS AND JOISTS AS APPROVED BY GOVERNING CODES, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 13 FLOOR FRAMING LAYOUT SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE GENERAL AND HVAC CONTRACTORS TO PROVIDE ACCESS CHASES AND UNOBSTRUCTED RUNS FOR FIVE DUCT WORK. FLOOR TRUSS LAYOUT TO BE ENGINEERED BY TRUSS MANUFACTURE. 14. PROVIDE BRIDGING OR BLOCKING AT M RORAN OF JOISTS/RAFTERS/TRUSSES, MAXIMUM SPACING BETWEEN BEARING WALL AND BLOCKING IS © 1998 NELSON DESIGN GROUP, L-LC. Reproduction of these plans, in any form, without the written consent of the Designer. Is problblted. ELEVATIONS / DETAILS NDG190-1 Where Traditional Values and Family Come Together n An As Built Survey must be submitted to the Building Dept. prior to calling for a foundation inspection or any further construction. eaorvsselzEnrro H M1PEIfill M HaG.mRdX we E BUILDING pEPARrygEM Tpm gpgrhnOW, YSUR DRAWING MUSI C- FI AT THE BUILDING .DURING lMk PROGRESS Of THIS WORK. 11 mG DEPARSb:E:A' Town of nssummin mWINCEIRMV�ti7 RECORD P{,AR fled PfanBPY Of Mast Be Kept an site Der' of ?Ifpfe 11,19 6 9" 10'-0" T KITCHEN n LAUNDRY MIRROR A df.1 i �� U KITCHEN 6 C� n LINEN IV NOTICE DUTY OF COOPERATION KITCHEN U 6 9" 10'-0" T KITCHEN n LAUNDRY MIRROR A df.1 i �� U KITCHEN 6 C� n LINEN IV NOTICE DUTY OF COOPERATION KITCHEN U MIRROR I 0 El El m 7,-0. n MASTER BATH U ve precedence over scaled dime This office must be notified of be eubmefed to this office for , OME constructed from this plan. ue the desidgner Design and construe- Anynence, diligthey cannot ambiguity or discrepancy to noflfy the designer compounds fo the designer shall relieve the ;oi of Inch than eshOnly e yigneunau- f this design. y ellsiified to shop verity and be responsible rpm the dimensions and co Onions OPT. R-19 BATT 3/4' PIV TBG S' FLOOR GLUED t 16 1/2' FLOOR TRUSSES a 16' O.C. P.T. 2Xer SILL W/ 12' GALV. TERMITE SHIELD CONE. 8X8X16 COME BLOCKS 8'-0' CONCRETE BLOCK WALL W/ CONC FILL. BX12X16 CONE. BLOCK BRICK LEDGE 4" CONCRETE SLAB W/ 6"X6', /10/110 W W M ON 006 MIL VISOIL 3'0' X I'1 CONC FOOTING W/I 6 RTIC /4 RE EBA AND yl IS ONT VERTICAL 14 ' ABO MIN�0" o.c. 3'0" ABOVE FTG n KITCHEN n KITCHEN ROOFING - SEE ELEVATIONS 151 ROOFING FELT 112' CDC PLYWOOD W/ CLIRtS MIN. dX6 OR Bob RAFTERS Is lyd^o c. MIN. R-30 BLOWN INSULATION 2X6 OR 2X8 CEILING JOISTS; ri c. _ 2 - 2X4 TOP PL. A 2X4 CONTINUO US NAILER �2X4 LOOKOJA)T ® 24'oc. 2X6 SUB FACIA NOTCH 1/4'' fDEEP FOR 3/e" SOFFIT 318" EST PLYWOOD SOFFIT W/ 8'X 16' VENTS a 5D'o c OR 2' CON$ IX2 TRIM OR 3 I/4' CROWN IX6 FRIEZE- 2X4 BLOCKING 0 24'o,c 1I OR 2X4 (CONTINUOUS NAILER 2X4 STUDS. No 16'oac 1/2' FOIL BACK SHEATHING OR OSB BOARD TYVEK Wli BRICK W/ TIES MIN. R-13 BATT INSULAPION SILL COAT. BAND. X 8' ANCHOR BOILTS a 4'0" O.o. ,,, "I-T�FORMED KEY CONCRETE BLOCK WALL DETAIL 3/4' = V-0- NOTICE" An As Built Survey must De submired to the8uilding Dept. prior to calling for afa datlon lnspection W atty further cottstt9¢tiom ATy THE OUR DBUILDINGMUST DURING THE G 1 ILE COPY PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. aUILDIttG D£PA£Tb'= Town of Doxfwom5 9 �P If"R N/{�(ItF`DABTg$1rBf aN'll LEt AEV(uinrLAx soxD-NaE sl3fi u+DDE?rH I(i�EDnp1118 �0 V IRED BTP p Copy 09 Tals @nddtaad LI¢coxcRar£.w roDrt.D Plan What BI Kept On Sale ` BUIMMOEP ENT DWI. a 'oq w,w,a o.mmaxh FIRE STOPPING. REQUIREMENT Penesndons thru rated wept and floors shall be sealed with a materiel capable of preventing USE passage of flames and hot gasses when sublectec to the requirements of the Test Sb Mard spre tc for Fire Stops ASTM-E-814. �IF THIS %dpul Is NOT RED if IS An 164@PaAL SET OF PL AWs BD I9ceM16 MICHAEL E. NELSON Pd.O. Cerl. Na. AR-104 © IVVO NELSON DESIGN GROUP, LLC, Reproduction of these plans, in any form, without the written consent of the Designer, is prohibited. CABINET ELEVATIONS 6 DETAILS NDG190-1 Where Traditional Values and Family Come Together wP WP( IIIII NEI �\ ki IL qP -- 71 It GFI IIto It � I '$$W I 31 --ISO I I III— EFII I 1 $ db ,=r �vit EttlFv Loa. of //Y lu;; Ilk . [�� ` FLOOR OUTLET / GFi so \ 4r� �L 31 qp GFI ^ y pp AA pp - e �I � ill - I To I \i �� I WP i 11 li it tt- I �--_ 1 :.1 r ZI I I PIF � r � II e''lli,1�JII[Jl l'I IIJI`I 1.1 1 NOTE: I.- OWNER TO VERIFY 8 APPROVE ALL ELECTRICAL 8 POSSIBLE FLOOR OUTLET LOCATIONS NOT NOTED. ME STOPPING REQUIREA9ENT Penetraucens tfw retell ways arM flwro shall be sealed wIN a aiaterlai capable of pr®vdntin9 t}I( passage of dames and Iwt gasses whsR sublepreo to raqup0 pgTa Of ins Test Standard aptaltic t ELECTRICAL LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION O EXHAUST FAN CEILING FAN CEILING FAN W/ LIGHT © EXHAUST FAN W/ LIGHT HLV HEAT, LIGHT AND VENT LIGHT IIr�yIIIII 4 FLORESCENT LIGHT 2 X 4' FLORESCENT LIGHT M, 6- RECESSED CAN LIGHT v$' 3' RECESSED CAN LIGHT t✓�Y-r FLOOD LIGHT rya WALL MOUNTED LIGHT qP ELECTRICAL OUTLET 220V ELECTRICAL OUTLET L CEILING MOUNTED OUTLET [[a FLOOR MOUNTED OUTLET HIDDEN OUTLET SWITCHED OUTLET o BREAKER BOX Z PHONE EO SMOKE DETECTOR SWITCH 0 STACKED SWITCHES 3 THREE WAY 4 FOUR WAY GFI GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER W.P. WATERPROOF \ ELECTRICAL WIRE © CABLE TV r. TRACK LIGHTING NOTICE An As Built Survey must be Submitted m the Building Dept. prior to Cat for a foundation impeation or P'T f*tbrr cloustruction. aeNOruae.9li: Nq gFJrtx IXBPEarION MBEaulRseasPpRe THECIX1aaEfEla Po11flE0. aplinatd OEfARrMEM s naoerenan .TOM OF BANT1lBBTH RECORD PLAN A copy Of This Wenzel Plan Mina eK pt Be BHe Burr ,C ruct' Rate d� YOUR DRAWING MUST BE T, AT THE BUILDING DURINGTHc PROGRESS OF THIS WORK S96D ^nA vErma Tmul FILE COPY k+ TCMS Y GRSP 4S A°OE ltffO 9tl N3 rM lACEGJIt in�itiy NIt % P@.pyt I a2A[eJKii "P d V E �m qW MICHAEL E. NELSON P BD. Cert. No. AR-104 © 1998 NELSON DESIGN GROUP, LLC.�- Reproduction of these plans, in any form, without the written consent of ilhe Designer, is prohibited. ELECTRICAL PLAN / NOTES NDG190s1 " Where Traditional Values and Family Come Together IMr® ROOF PLAN 1/4' = I'-0" NOTE: I- MAIN ROOF PITCH TO BE 8.12 UNLESS NOTED. 2.- MAIN PLATE LINE TO BE SOL' UNLESS NOTED. GABLE FRAMING NOTES: I. DESIGN LOADS ARE AS FOLLOWS PER SO FT LOCATION LIVE DEAD DEFLECT LIMIT ISi FLOOR 40 LB 10 LB L/rS60 2ND FLOOR SLEEPING; )AREAS) 30 LB 10 LB L/360 ATTIC )NON STORAGEI 10 LB 5 LB L/240 ATTIC (STORAGE) 20 LB 10 TO L/240 ROOF (WITH FINISHED Q)EILING) 30 LB SNOW 15 LB L/240 ROOF (NO FINISHED CEALING) 30 LB 7 LB L/180 DECKS 60 LB 10 LB L/360 SNOW LOADS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED TO REFLECT THE SLIDEOFF FACTOR, AS A FUNCTION OF ROOF' PITCH. RAFTER SIZES MAY HAVE TO BE INCREASED TO ACCOMAD@TE HIGHER SNOW LOADS. VERIFY WITH LOCAL COIWES. 2. LUMBER SHALL BE DDUGLAS-FIR-LARCH, HEM -FIR OR SOUTHERN -YELLOW -PINS WITH FB=N50 AND E=16 MINIMUM. 3. ALL HEADERS SHALL BE FREE FROM ALL. SPLITS, CHECKS OR SHAKES. 4. UNLESS NOTED OTHESV ISE PROVIDE DOUBLE HEADER JOISTS AND TRIMMERS AT ALL FLO(NE OPENINGS. DOUBLE JOISTS UNDER ALL PARALLEL PARTITIONS, ®OUBLE 2X12 HEADERS WITH 112" PLYWOOPOLUED BETWEEN AND NAILED, PPUR ALL OPENINGS IN COG WALLS, DOUBLE 2XI2 HEADERS NAILED TOGETINER FOR ALL OPENINGS IN 2X4 WALLS. 5. FLOOR CONSTRUCTION.:.3/4' TONGUE AND GROOVE SUBFLOOR WITH FINISH MATERIAL OVER. 6 STAIR CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONSIST OF 1312XI2 STRINGER45/4" OR 2X THICK TREADS AND GV14" THICK RISERS OR MATERIALS FABRICATED BY A COMPONENT MANUE/ACTURER. T ALL WOOD PLATES INI CONTACT WITH CONCRETE SHALL BE "PRESSURE TREATED' 8 SILICONE SEALED. 8 °MICRO -LAM" BEAMS Sjl HAVE BENDING STRESS- FB=2,800 PSI. VERIFY WITH LOCAL CODES. 9. SPECIAL UPLIFT CONNECTORS AS INDICATED AT CANTILEVERED JOISTS SHALL BE "SIMPSSON STIBONG TIE" ANCHORS OR EQUAL 10. MINIMUM HEADER SIZE SHALL BE (212"X6" UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE EXTERIOR WALLS SHALL BE 12) 2XI2 WITH 1/2' PLYWOOD- - IL ALL STRUCTURAL STEEEEL SHALL CONFORM WITH ASTM SPECIFICATION A-36. 12 UNLESS OTHERWISE WOTED. PROVIDE A 2X PLATE BOLTED TO THE TOP FLANGE OF ALL STEEL [REAMS WITH 3/8' DIAMETER BOLTS STAGGERED AT 24' ON CENTER. RIGIDLY FASTEN ALL CONNECTING RAFTERS AND ` JOISTS AS APPROVED BY/ GOVERNING CODES, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3 FLOOR FRAMING LAYOUT SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE GENERAL AND HVAC CONTRACTORS) TO PROVIDE ACCESS CHASES AND UNOBSTRUCTED RUNS FOR? HVAC DUCT WORK. FLOOR TRUSS LAYOUT TO BE ENGINEERED BY TRUSS MYANUFACTURE. 14. PROVIDE BRIDGING OR; BLOCKING AT MIDSPAN OF JOISTS/RAFTERS/TRUSSES, MAXIMUM SPACING BETWEEN BEARING WALL AND BLOCKING IS 8'-0'. 2X4 SORT 2X4 VERT. BRACING a 4'-0' o,C. LOCATE VERT BRACING UNDER EVERY OTHER RAFTER 2X6 CONT 2X4 CONT. I CEILING JOIST n RAFTER BRACING DETAIL_ FIRE STOPPING REQUIREIA1? Penetrations tri rated wals and flood shall be sealed with a material capable of praG3ntin9 the passage of flames and hot gasses when subjected ro the requirements of the Teat SlandalsepeGflic V Fee S" ASTM-E-1114. 60NPTUGF BIIi Nla 0.FPTa IR W EG}IGN IR RC-0NREe 66giE THE CONGflEIE SPDURE0. BDILOINO pEPArTMEttf wwral>wmaum TOWN RECORD PLAN TOWN A Copy Of:Thta Endorsed Plan must a Ae On site UaPt': hate NOTICE An As guilt sorvtry DanRl be subrairted ED the Budding Dept. prior to calling for a foundatlon Inspection or 9M furiba conalmocdon. YOUR DAMMING MUST SE KEM AT THE BUILDING DURING GTE PRUGRESS OF THIS WORK BU IDMO AEPAHTMErt x..,,, of FILE COPY 1 li TiIF TA§ IP IS PPGP RE0 IT IS AN IRAGAI. SET OF PLANS ,7Zeeacw "�"0%oi e�q FRAMING NOTES: ¢_ L- RAFTERS TO BE SUPPORTED BY COOT. BRACING FOR HORIZONTAL SPANS OF to -Or OR GREATER. 2.- SUPPORT ALL HIP, VALLEY, AND RIDGES a 8'-0" O.C. MAX. 3.- ALL RAFTERS TO BEAR ON SECOND FLOOR WALLS WHERE APPLICABLE. T- RAFTERS MAY BE SPLICED ONLY A CONT. BRACING OR SECOND FLOOR WALLS 5.- RAFTERS TO BE PLACED IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LOCAL CODES. F O -FXAMPI A 2X6F A.- 2X6 RAFTERS a 16- OC. MAX. WITH I/2" P.W. DECKING B.- 2X6 RAFTERS a 24"O.C. MAX. WITH 5/8P.W. DECKING. 24. D C.- 2X8 RAFTERS C. MAX WITH 5/8"' DECKING 6.- FASCIA OVERHANGG TO TO B BE 12" ITVP NO UNLESS NOTED ON ELEVATIONS. Z- ALL HIP /VALLEY RAFTERS TO BE 2X10 UNLESS NOTED. MICHAEL E. NELSON © 1998 NELSON DESIGN GROUP, LLC. P I D Cori N0 AR-104 Reproduction of these plans, in any form, without the written DATE consent of the Designer, is prohibited. ROOF PLAN / NOTES NDG190-1 Where Traditional Values and Family Come Together " I/I/98 SCALE BUILDER JOB NDG190-1 DRAWN BY 7OF7 'call Severe where not clearing, ex`ovallon, necessary to complete at , der sad so Spaconommu or thin work have bee and n eloninsaoati contract afardocuexcept as Rpe, n cal y no:,area isimotion load, mall not overload structure nor sholl they IIIs of design loadings Indlcaloa on drawings. man Verify all mi dimensions and condumm on Structural or noted in Structural Specifications. within Structural Drawings and Specification, or mdtions encountered of In, job site shall be reported to in wuling before commencement of any work affected by seen ilder shall rigidly adhere to all lows, Coeeg, and ordinances apply to this k. We shall notiyfy and receve :clean from owner in writinof documents tl governing r guldions of one between manufactured materials, components, fasteners, assemblies, are 1e. No warfare, by a Building Official than be binding on IL eZ%8r Snell investigate site during olden: and earthwork oeeralions for fling Svc Pons or buried structures such as Iss pools cisterns, Hondurans, ell. If any such Items are Ro d, owner shall be noinfied immediately- 2. Backflll shall nor be placed commit basement relotning walls urn Concrete or masonry grout has reached [is scroll 28 day E,ng1h B- And, alatfural floor fral [SEARS plywood sublimer] squired to stabilize w ea is complete and fully nailed and 13. anchoredr ndi wons of habitable rooms-1 d below grade shall be waterIM1e fnisheddg dM1 me line embranes extending 9 fron shall theedge RI 2 ply M1II o pad fall: 6-al p lychloride55 pound roll rearm q o I nl fool . The laps in the Nolerpr f bran mull be sealed nE 4'undly affixed to Ih wag. FOeUNDATIONS A Fooling thicknesses shown of Drawings ore minimum. B Foolinal may be poured meet against sides of travelions only T approvedby owner Budshall hall be ropong,blo for support of all temporary mbanembi and excovalions. 2. Bockfill A. Backng Ann be placed iin 6 inch maximum lifts and 0 pered to minimum denslly of ABC Burger slabs on gravel and We Belsewberel of maximum de l of optimum moisture content as delerm ned by AANTo Standard gP 9. B. BackTll ,ball cannot of non expos ve, free tlmining. prenom pally granular material free of debts and organic Gee Sol uPooe of feelings man not xtape more than 1.0 Sarizanlal, except as shown on 1' M1 II he maded closer to any vertical to 3 h II P n t over such f fp a slob q e to be Fee of n e` Compensate add and d slob on grnde concrete nu noth placed on ground Sub grade 1 slob M1 p barrier s I be damp at if,, ( concrete plow 1. apoculud. STM C 494. Type A F. Membrane :Forming Curing compounds: ASTM C 309Form. II Exposed concrou, Surfaces Panel type to provide m continuous ze farm jo straight nla. maolb finish Use largest Coe l sizes to n m21 Unexposed Concrete Surfaces Suitable mmerdir dressed n of FARES 2 edges Odd one side for IiAM flu. 2. Concrete shall be of 'Randy Mixed Concrete' and Chair confirm to ASTM C 94. Mix albrwle No. 2, A. At hung of placement, concrete shall have o slump of 4' science (per ^ STM CLUB, B. III Concrete shall on thoroughly oroughly concokofeed during alator Concrete wM1en placed shall have a temperature between 50 degrees and TO degrees F Temperature of concrete during mixing( hareporlol M1 II by ng Iowa, than 40 areeu E r higher than 90 degrees F. A. During cold weather Eml lemperoluas below 40 degrees F.1 Builder snob m lmlan Ad crate of a m temperature of 50 degrees F. for 3 days andabove 32 degrees F. for 14 days following its placement. Follow AM 306R recommendations for cold weather coneryellnq. FI Builders aM1lll follow^m [ambientdollo s for hot weather CarO tlegreu temperature and nd describedin cracking or concrete 305 R as required to mfnimlze NOTICE DUTY OF COOPERATION NELSON Nof these plansico'ntem Top are complex, Although f a Concrete shall be conveyed and deported 'n accordance with recommendations of ACI 403. 5Membranes curing compound shall he provided on all horizontal Ion era faces. Curing compound ran conform to ASTM C309 , and Shull be applied In accordance with mandadurer's printed nstrucHons 6- Exceptwhere detailed on Structural Drawings , reinforcement shall nor be displaced or cut to provide for tor Amendment faBasic fabrication, 'Installation. r e 1 f concrete ( favors IS PARIS the p b'Ity of Binder. 0. Anchor bells st 'n concrete ncr to sboll conform to A6rM A307. 9 Concelo Placemonb comply with ACI 304, PlI Concrete, and ACI 304 2R Placing Comerele by Pumping Method MASONRY - Masonry Units A. All hollow concrete units shall be at least T 5/B'S T 5/8' B. Moisture co5fed of hollow c r le Its per ASTM C90 of Brae OF laying shall not exceed 30Y or dotal almormind 2. Motor A. Mortar shall conform to DEC Type '5- ASTM C476 8 ASTM C91. B. Marlar hall be relearned required keep it plastic, shall be used within I hour or mindmixingaddu o d n t be hawed to lane for longer than 112 hour without remixing Minimum 1000 psi. 3 6rom= A- Grant shall be propalluded in conformance with Ab TMCCODA, 8Scepl an otherwise specif aggregate shall 318- B. Grout shall have an overage 28 day intimate compressive strength of 3000 For C Grout ghoul be mixed with sufficient wafer to be properly placed incells without segregation. D. Marlar shall not be used for of in, The Proud. E No line shall be allowed In grout. F. Gaul shall be mixed In o mechanical mixer for of lewd 5 mules offer all wafer to be used has been added Road Y mixed Gaul shall conform to all applicable Specifications OF AS C 94. No water shag be added to ready mix grout offer Its discharge from mixer 4- Sp cif led 20 day compress ve strength as determined by origin 1 he be 1350 psi ff m 1358 psiI. 5 Proper nlprovide s HOT b0 used la ov de for all sustain doorsbond beams, Islets. pilasters, ad With a mimmum of thing. 6. All masonry Amid shall be lean and sound when myea up. Hallow rate units Shall be dry when final p. Stone End brick nits shal`be saturated surface dry when toyetl up Y, lay masonry if omen band except as tles gned otherwise on Drawings. Provide masonry bonds of all corners and Iflube fics. O. Grout all. calls conform Weagg infomemenl bogs o indicated as granted Drawings d. paper, or cardboard shall not be below. 0. All beams and lintels Shall be grouted such that horizontal Saul travel is limited to two feel. II. All g 1 hall be thoroughly consolidated and agrees III using A acnadcal m dory w arrier,. 12.m Masonry 's^all below lbe III 40 degrrees Fsrgranted of above 90edegrees degreesnt F Masonry shall ni protected from Intense temperatures for at least 14 days offer loynq. When ambient lemgrgn peralures exceed 90 aeF idim that M1ave previously been lays up sh ll be give, n very me, fight foe spray of water every four hours arrl 4e hour, have elapsed since loved n. MILD STEEL REINFORCEMENT one OR CONCRETEmasonryggAND MASONRY shall be manufactured. detailed, al ictod, and placed In accordance with. •B and ranee of °Standard sPracnoa Reinforced poostiing <nncrele"IACI ll6fll and IA nual Reinforced Concrete Structures' IACI RISE AM 6P 66) and mall be deformed steel bars conforming to ASTM A615 Grade PC. A. Tam slumps and hoops h u conform to AsrM A615, Grade PC B. Reinforcement ng norb bentin the Fla unless all of the following fI n orevisions are f size 06 and smaller 21 ASTM A615 Grade 40 bal ore provided. 2. Welded fabric M1 II conform to ASTM A 195, in as long Angfh as 3, Splices A, predicable Reinforcement in concrete and masonry moll have A Rnnuo cement in concrete and masonry shall have lap leni as follows less otherwise denuded on Drawings Bar Sze Length in Concrete Length in Masonry /3 V 0 0- 14 c 0' 6' 15 A 31 3- Y6 3 4' 309' 11 Welded wire fabrics shall be lopped one grid width plus 2" 2f Reinforcement shall be bend cola. 31 Reinforcement shall not be welded. 4. foxing: A. Reinrordbmenl small be accurately placed and adequately supported by concrete metal, or other approved Short spacers, ar s fos, and secured amendisplacement during concrete or grout placement Tack welding not allowed. 9, Except. where shown otherwise on Structural Drawings, WOOD Deferols. A. Sawn lumber II Sawn lumber calculations are based an Douglas Fr Loch, except as shown otherwise on Dm"IsSr graded In Accordance with Sanal Grading Rules of WWPA or Rule No. 16 of WCLB, as follows'. A Light Frominq No 2 and Cellar B. Slutlg No. 0 and better (Light Forming) C. Joists and Plonks No I and better D- Beams and Stringers Dense No I and Caner E. Posts and Timbers Dense No. I and better 21 All 2' lumber shall be seasoned l0 19Z maxmum maklure Ancient. 31 All wood contact Im M1 ran rate monry, or Sol Abdul be pressure treated per UES Standard 25 Iz. B. Glued warned members ELSE be Dauglor Fr Larch or equal, confirming with the AIDE nT 82 end PS 56 73 mbncmmd wan war use adhesive 2' No. or Size of c of Nail Nails Box or Common Toe nail to Isla, sill or girder 3 8d To pomllal allernala loisla- 3 Rod At laps overbearing. face Roil 3 Ad Studs End net to plates 2 too Or me nail 2 ad. side 4 Ba Top Plates Spike together 16' a/c I66 Laps 8 Idenoteflanni face nail 2 Ad Blocking To plate 2 too or toot nil 4 Ba To List h side 2 Ad r toe nail 4 Oa Bridging f T to joists, M1 end 2 86 Slues CornerpI II'ply 24-o/c had lam 1 e beams or Iele le Spike together dwo/c led B joists or headers Spike Ingather along ad edge Ii I66 Plywood sheathing antl sub floor nailing At edges of earn sheet 3/8- Ink. ad 6'0/, max 1/2- 8 Our Ink 10tl 6'o/c max At Inferior of each sheaf space mans Iconic:Iconic:for 3/8' antl I/T thick plywooa610'0'0' B. Sheathing shall be noted as follows. except M1 e Shawn otherwise 11 Roof plywood Ed common of 6' o/c at all supported edges no zi 1Floo! plywood, 8a cams n at 6' o/c at og supported eases and at 10, o/c pl Alen or Supports s- 31 Wall plywood sheathing ai reel to frothing. 1I common of 6' o/c all panel Oages and of 10'a/c al all Interior studs. C Anchor all studs of door openings ends. and corners of walls which are smoothed x,in plywood d lot gypsum board to bottom alafe wnh z Simpson a 35 framing anchors. A mnufacwred coni hardware mull he as ant gntea or holWsswith a diameter equal shell not b b let. i der heads bearing on atl. ;gED than bolt diameter od nuts bearing on wood. A. All Rind walls shown on Mructurol Drag shag have 2 x4 studs placed at froi except where shownotherwise B. Tap planes shollb doubled on all sued walls. c. Cripples d headers M1 II be radical to sole plate B. Black all stud Rolls as required for sheathing E Blacking 2 de of equal depth of the members shall be provided b n all joists and racers of Ihar supports, unless may half of e utlu • w -- IM1e span. All holds shall be centered within a 3f Exterior faces of walls 2' ABLE or 41 Inleror faces of walls 3/4' ember Holes and notches 'n studs shall not exceed P in 5) To lop of stabs on grade ---3/4' diameter or depth. kind: exterior walls snmnor be nmcned. G. Joists, matters, and decking SHOT net be cut and headed or Vtaced to provide for openings In roots or floors. except as led on Drawings. H. Install all horizontal members with Crown up. All members in bearing shall be accurately of and aligned sal that full hearing is provided without The use of Shims. Bearing parrs Small have full Rankin r support near, R All racers shall be col coed for Full bearing or all supports. E. separation among the ownerbhrisf confrrGoor andD]h4e designer. Design and thin orstrrur his consultants performed their Services with due care and digaence, they cannot RI consequences. Chun 99l!as made from IM1e plans without the consent of the designer ore DEAL at- 8lrgruaffAraesponsibielrysbouldatt empt Co nsequences ces air!ving out of Such changes. Only qu ified EEngine p! y any portion of this design. ings Shall hove precedence over scaled dimensions i co trectors shell Verify And be responsible orfew job This office must be merged of Any variations from the dimensions and candtims details must be submitted to this office for aoorove before oroscomm with fobscelion. be Aa ads eon Joinrs at aomcenr courses do for occur over ,ncr an, too Plywood sub floor am roof sheathing = msl,n with face gram at right angles to suppporls, conllnuous aver two 121 or more ans. Allow immune space 1/16 inch Fall end joists add 1/8 inch of edge joists for expnntmn and contraction of panels. N UnderILYCESI11 : somd,N l n 6ma holding paper. zl Py (tear tle to moral rban ooma m to TypoI m I:ar demand type 2Ya-, or SRC mall rd to ll d y nl lame I^ao 1/4 Inch 1n Toughness and shall be Idrnfifiea by grade mark of an oppaved Tngpgdlon agency Underharmshall be Installed In monl records nee wild sae and am red me sea by anuamre,. 1/4" 10 1/2- rid common p 1 1/2' ring ORDER nails 6' : a a' When way Iram name Fa/cDA 5/8' to 3/4'e co as gasman or rng rnack calls 8 i / agar 0 a' Jc Inch by -in field o. Belong Each Cover su 5aoces behind sE cgs, shingles d where nd[aed on Drawingsold asphalt satLosrated non perforated, rell without ar method horizontal at round Some, OnoCavitydown sides If m m. die end laps ave l least 18illsrlo legal and external corners THERMAL ANDS MOISTURE PROTECTION 1. APPLY Standard Dry Wall Products, Inc. -Thar are al Founaotion Coaling', found fiinn walerpraoring, on all bnckf,ll faces of walks Spew. Pmecdk -Thi 1,,e' wropmo Rng coa tiny an all exposed Raman or cq^orele walls above war Prude and flclwork man covered by fA1I,h HE... i OIL"in trial f a win ! 1 printedinstruction, concrete slab a fel p by I'l 6salkrerL Alllsla s 12 riches Ndm umn d lapetl TgM. urn nl wrlkol "'A ... 1 3 inch m Patch all damaged vapor Anne,mumen oe beforecoveringm All concrete slang antl warksghol. ovminimum grove pod unless otherwise Stated on INSULATION I. Minimum..lDiiallon to by as follows.. Bear and arguing R 30 Exterior .mllg_ _ R II - Floors larger.. R 19 Floors Icogcreje -.R 6 Exterior fwtundolion walls IbosemenD......R 11 2. Cole Wait$r Portions off building between living space and unhealed garage, storage r OR. and portion of wall Davie feeling of an odacent seaman ai a Ahmed level dwelling to be insulated some as roof walls,or flood rof dwelling. 3 Vapor B nor :Ether 'A" 'B' r 'C°. 'D' is ndolory. A. All walls and ceilings to be Fail hocked one side mrsul B.1 Foil hooked Opmen board on IM1s inside Surface of exterior Able without Fuel backed noll. ' k ak nsygene appl a fl s the Ee or studs w T^aul fogCoac D. In crowd spaces prov de 6 m1 back polyethylene meets of Mu Ite' Owesm ne g ound Area I fr chow CWdsi11 Wall osulat on SaudiI bit a ma vapor barrier- Provide 12m m revenue polyethylene Ia Pp1 Ecuad®r into serious of vapor Former, antl lope fight. 1 456 (tppI l M1 _ 4. Blown-sAJotTon= flockflockmessa may wary with manufacturer. Fiberglass reockwooa Cellulose R 38 IT 5' 1275" 95- H30 13 75- 11 To R24 11 son 825' 6Or R 19 875' 650' 48' bl 5 Bell lati Fb gl m,kwooa ban, troy be used In comenalcons IS boo hgh R raises. Theknag000 been are For wit atl R 22 _.b I/2Thick 19 A R 11 _ 3 IM1lck R II - 3 I/IM1lck -- R T d' z a4w thick R 5 thick _ I/2' thick 6- Insulation migie type Slyafooal Ur,fh,ne IPolR 1' thick 8 3l R 5 R If I/2' n, R 1R 2' thick, RI6A R10 9A ik 51 YOUR DRANNNG MUST BE KEe 8. Fire Hazards: - AT THE BUILDING OBRING TH Whenclause; ! d y -.I - pA 1' a r b low lb ra munprotectedr ro pp FILE COPY pROGRE55 OF THIS WGR . C r 1 1- Should n f 1 ^ T gf � --_--�� protection facingP 116d. 9YP DiPx BS MEM BSTTown T F q M@ b rawu m A.[6x^'rN O 1 y h rg to sown commodale IMoke - insulate" materials than on Drawings �'+ GYPSOeS DRYWALL Provide gip nn wallboard or type and thickness l Drawings board k e materials "all 1 II NOTICE I� TOWN OF O'kWfkkr s and requirements Prf ANSI A 9T t f In App1 T F e^ n ryTpryvrvgNm N f W 111 d. compound system a n a Demand As built Swvef most be RECORD PL Id h bif l Wl lh ! ct a directions. li A Copy In Tells eeliafm d OfferInitiated,rum including 1 1 ha a submitted to the Building OR Site plan ARasl Ot Kept Gyp lb ar d a T a g Carter 11 t T r 11 easy, Dept. prior to calling for Dud' yli/�''F p 1 d block g 5a T IM1 I/2 wallboard and 6d a foundation ins ecdon or 'IF 5/8 A pY-r le otherwiseh n Drawings. p eNa r��n/%✓i"', CERAMIC TILE 8ny fllitllM C0119trnedan All materials In 1 II 1 a workmanship for ceramic He Shall 5 Pln army I^ Ary811nstallancr Allished f or PublGpecU by i t t of Amencak and are here bd de pan of trig speciocmioR. All rile shall FIRE STOPPING. REQUIREMENT comply In AM51 Specifications ! Ceram T Is A I]T.I d lionhi@'"-befween dissimilar Surfaces to be game: wun G EiSl PenetMOt thing rated weed and Boors shall be ' n reor OP Samnl r pmrowea :gamsealed with a rrRterlei capable of prfgvenang the GLAZING of demos and hot Reagan when s c Tampered Ala;,g moll comply wIM1 Federal Standards 16 CFR 120111 A9 gblanie to the of the to the rodups Test StandaM :pecUic for Fire Stops -E-at4. ASTIE ASTM M a cal ¢x z: O Am Fp 6.7 As R AD ro Yoanu As Acta E •Is :cia: BON¢-N SIM AHO 99P THE WNRNFE MPO E, PONE -, If THIS $P1AAgY t$ N®$ A[M TIECONCBEiER Poai!�n IT l$ AN ILLEGAL SET OF' PLABB$ &NLOING DEPARYMEM Dee g aA 4,LA Ml 'pro B D 1�ys5ns MICHAEL E NELSON © 1998 NELSON DESIGN GROUP, LLC. FAR Gaff. No. AR-104 Reproduction of these plans, in any form. without the written DATE I/I/98 consent of the Designer, is prohibited. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD BUILDING CODE Southern Building Code Congress Internatioinal, INC. ISBCCII 11 d SPECS OF CEILING JOIST SPAN DATA go XTR MORESS N READING Eb N_P0UNWN' WOULDS OF ELASTICITYRE A IS EQUAL To IUOOOO,Pll - LIMITED Iiik STORAGE WHERE OEVELGPMENT OF FUTURE ROWS 19 NOT POSSIBLE uLord F _ I,,, _-uglm2xd hB 2xm 'F E 12' IB' 24' 12' IB' 34' 12't19 12' 36'b SiflUCTU.-d /I 2 q 2050 2050 T00 450 B50 18 19 R LT S 10-3 10-5 10-0 9 II i B 9 4 9 6 9 B B 6 T B B 3 / i T 0 5 5 Ifi-I IfiDENSE 15-9 15-T II II 14 i Id II 14 4 13 6 IB i 12SELECT 9 13-0 II II II 0 6 5 ZI-2 21-02i-6 20-12fi-fi 20-T2fi-3 IS-620-2 E16 2T-I 24-T 25 020DENSE 24 22 8 17 5 2RAL 19-1/2 18-6 14-2 - LIMITED ATTIC STORAGE WHERE DEVELOPMENT OF FUTURE ROOMS IG NOT POSSIBLE South... Yen.. pine - r/Fir - re Loou -�T - 2xd Ddi zz6 2x10 ' 12' IB• 24' 12' IB' 3d' 12' I6' 26' II' BY ---- L STRDCTU.- DENSE DENSE MAXIUM DEFLECTION Is 210-3 210-5 19I- B12 1240 OF SPAN 10-0 -0 T-9 9 4 9 6 B B-9 6 B e-I I 8-3 16 4 T-9 S9 --3 T-Y 15 6 - 12-0 5 6 14 iSELECT 14 4 4/I 13-9 IB-B 12 9 13-0 12-I 8-fi 21-2 21-T 20-10 20-5 15-9 19 3 19 T I6 11 IB-2 13-9 I6-10 li-2 Ifi 4 14-9 11-5 _ 2i-I 2T-6 2fi-6 26-0 20-3 24-i 25-0 24-1 23-2 IT-6 2RA 21-IB/I 20-4 IB-IB Ira/3 _I _ _ ALLOWABLE RAFTER SPANS SLOPED RAFTERS FLAT ROOF OR CATHEDRAL CE WTH NO TTC SP4[EI SUPPORTING DRYWALL CELNG Drebee Fr NG HGa/Fir2x8 2EB ZERO 2z12 '• 2' IB' 36' IP I6' rSjELLECTSTRUCTTUON PAL 2050 850 a 19 LT V L5 16-I 16-5 IS-8 14-5 II -I 14 fi 14 10 13 T 12-6 9-T 12-2 12-0 II -I 10-2 T-10 21-2 21-i 20-8 19-I 14-i 19 19 T I14-T I13-5 12-) 16 0 Ib-0 10-3 2i-0 2T-6 2fi-4 24-4 I8-T 24 i 25 0 22 10 21-0 16-2 20-6 20-6 18-T IT-2 1]-I 32-10 33-d 32-e 29-T 22b 29-926-102050 30524IB❑00 2T-9 25-) 19-) 22-81450 20-10 I6-0 FLAT PH SLOPED RAFTERS IFLAT ROOF OR CATHEDRAL CEILING WITH NO AIIR SPACEI SUPPORTING DRYWALL CEILM Southern Yellow Fee-2e18r/FTr - tx6 Z11 _ 2xI0 ha T'Fb'' 12' IB' 2d' 13' 11 21 IPf245 4• I2' IB' 24'SELE[i STRUCKRAL DENSEIfi-4 DENSER00 5 IT Ifi 15 16-I IS-10 14-8 II-3 14-6 14-10 13-9 12-9 9-8 12-5 Ib5 II-3 7 i-II 21-3 21-fi 20-II 19-5 14-9 19-2 19-T I81-8 Ifi-9 I2-10 I6-5 IB-5 4-9 3 10-5 2T-00-II GLE A0-II33-4 26-8-IB30 410-6 IB-10-3 2/3eT 32-10 L-1 1 23-0 29-9 30-5 28-I 2611 19-II 25-511 25-5- 21 1n 21-3/200 I6-3 FLAT OR LOW SLOPED RAFTERS HER ATTIC SPACE]SLOPE 3 IN R OR LESS a m Fx L ze 6 8F1 2x Eno 2z12 12' IB' 2d' 12' I6' Zd' 12' I6'r2o IZ' IB' 26' 'Fb' 'E'• OENSETIST PUCTUPAL DENSE /2 13 2050 1T00 650 19 ❑ 15 I6i 15 10 11 11 14 10 14-6 1B-4 13 10W319 II-II9 11-0 6T 3 2i i 26-T 20-1 24 1033-6 24 232-5 IT-52415 30-4 29-6 2 18 26-110 24-5 1i2-3 FLATOR LOW SLOPED RAFTERS NO AIIR SPACE] SLOPE 3 W 12 OR LESS Reid ter. vellox pine - el e/FT -�' - DOG 2E10 h12 •Fti 'E'•26' 12• IB' 2d' 12' IB' 24' IT ISP 24• SELECT ENSE TRULTUPAL BENSE 2150 1600 Bi5 19 16 LS r1166 13-10 11-3 8-7 211-T 20 9 IS-10 10-T 1B 1 13-T R 3 II4-10 II-3 2T T 26-6 20-2 2C-10 2J-2IBIt3�5202 IT-6 22-61 14-3 33-6630-4 24-6 21-2 26-1011 23-013 IT -4 MEDIUM OR HIGH SLOPED RAFTERS IND ATTIC SPAM SLOPE 3 IN 12 OR LESS IFur neiFI-Lerch-an Down,2N _ A 2x8 2x10 'Fb. 'E'• Iz' IS- 24' UP or 1 24' GO He Raw 12' N? 24' SELECT STRUCTURAL DENSE ll DENSE 12 14 /3 2050 2050 Ii00 450 B50 Le 1.9 Li I] 1.5 II-2 II-6 II-2 10-5 B A 10-3 10 T 9 10 9 T 0 8-10 - 8 10 8-0 7-4 5-8 R-9 - IB 0 I)-4 I6-5 12-7 16-0 I6 6 IS 5 14-3 10-11 13-IB 13-10 12-i II-i 8-11 23-5 23-10 22-10 21-8 16-9 21-2 21 9 20-4 IB 9 14 4 IB-2 IB-2 164 15-4 II-9 29-11 30-5 29-2 Zl-8 21-2 ZT-0 29-9 S-J 24-0 IB-4 23-4 23-d 21-2 19-7 15-0 MEDIUM OR HIGH SLOPED RAFTERS M ATTIC SPACE] SLOPE 3 IN 12 OR LEGS Southern Yalra rims 20HELTE 3E6 zxe axe lz1O 'F ' b 'E'• I2' OR -- 24' - Iz' IB' 24' IQ' In' 24' Or IS 24' SELECT STRUCTURAL /I DENSE ll DENSE /2 Ili 2150 2150 T50 500 Bi5 IB 19 li I6 L5 II-2 11 II-2 10-8 8-I 10 3 10 10-i 9-II 9-3 T-I 9-0 9-0 8-I i-6 5-9 li-9 IB-0 IT-4 I6-B 12-8 16-0 16-fi 15-8 14-6 II 0 14-2 14-2 12-9 II-10 9-0 23-5 23-10 22-10 22-I I6-8 9-2 21-9 20-T 19-I 14-5 IB-6 IB-B I6-10 IS-T II-IB 29-II 30-5 29-2 28-2 Zld 2T-0 29-9 25-3 24-5 IB-5 23-8 2310 21-6 19-II 15-I NOTICE DUTY OF COOPERATION Release of these planSON DESIGN elconfem HAD are Complex. ANhough I FLOOR JOIST SPAN DATA Fir - Larch - 301bs./Fta - Live Load zxe 2:9 2.10 2xlz rSDEMDouglas b •E•• 12' IB'- 26' --12' I6' 24• 12'_ I6' 26' 12' 16' 24' _ CTURAL S 2050 2050 17 0 0 850 _ L8 I) I] LS 12 3 2 -0 12-0 10-4 II 2 - 10 II 10-II 9-0 9-9 9 -i 9-T R2 16-2 - IS 10 ISiO 13-8 14-8 145 4-5 II-10 12-10 13-I 12-T 12-) 9-B 20 8 9-0 20-3 20-3 IT- 5 IB-9 19-I IB-5 IBi - 5 I 16-5 I6-25-i 16-1 16-I 12J 25-I 24-8 24-8 21-3 22-IB 23-3 22-5 22-5 IB-3 19-II 20-3 19-i1450 19-T 15-0 Douglas Fir - Larch - 4016s./Ft' - Live Load_ 2 e 2xe 2x10 2x12 Fb 'E^ 12 IB' 24'_ 12 Is- end' I2' IB' 2d' @' ISP 24' SELECT STflUCTUflAL DENSE ❑ DENSE /2 l2 /3 2050 2050 I700 1459 850 IB 19 LT LT 15 _ II-2. 11-4 10 11 10 11 �2 IB 2 10-4 9 11 9 11 T 11 8 tar 9 0 B-B 8-6 6-7 14 B 15 0 Id 5 14 5 a 3 13 4 13 T 13 13-1 10-) II-8 II -II II-5 II-4 8 9 18 9 19 IB 5 IB 5 _5 T R 0 Ii 4 I6 9 I6 9 13 6 14-II 15-2 144 14-5 11 0 22 10 23 3 22 5 22 5 18 11 20 9 21 20 6 20 4 I6 4 IB IB-5 I)-9 IT-6 13 5 _ Southern Yellow Pine - 30lbs./Ft2 - Live Load --- _ - -- - 2xe ZAGS 2z10 21 'Fb' 'E"@' I6' 24' 12' I6' N' 12' 19 24' on I6_ 24' SELECT STRUCTURAL /I DENSE 12 DENSE /2 /3 2150 2150 R50 1500 875 LB 19 LT Lfi L5 12-3 12-6 12-0 II-10 IB 6 11-2 II-4 IB-II 10-9 9-0 9-9 9-II 9-T 9-4 T-4 I6-2 I6-6 IS-10 IS T 14-0 14-0 15-0 Id-5 14-2 IFII 12-10 13-I 12-7 12-4 9-9 20-R 21-0 20-3 19-10 I)-i IB-9 19-I IB-5 IB-0 15 _3 I6-5 16-8 Ifi-1 IS-9 12-5 25-1 25-T 24-8 24-2 21-9 22-10 23-3 22-5 21-11 IB4 19-II 20-3 19-7 19-2 15-I Southern Yellow Pine - 401bs./Fe - Live Load 2x8TBOB O 2x10 2xIZ 'Fb' •E" 12' 24' 12' IB' 26'122%2!%SELECT STRUCTURAL 2150 IB II-2 _IB' 10-2 813-4 II-B IB-9 IT-0 14-II 11 DENSE 12 OFENSE 2150 IT50 B LP 11-4 10 11 10-4 9 II 913-T 813-1 11-11 11-5 19-1 18 5 IT-4 16-9 15-2 14-i 12 1500 L6 10 9 9 9 81210 11-3 IB 0 16-5 14-4 13 Bi5 L5 9-4 T II 610-10 8-9 IS 9 13 9 11-0 California Redwood - 3011ys./Ft1 - Live Load axe 2xe CHGO mail 'Fy' 'E'• 12' IB' ld' Q' 18' 24• at' all IS Raw SA' CL HEART STRUCi SELECT ST ULTURAL R /I 2650 2000 Ii00 1400 14 14 1.4 125 II-3 11-3 II-3 10 IB 10-3 10 3 0 -3 9 10 B-II 8-II B-II B-0 14-II 4 II 14 II 14 4 13-6 13 6 13-6-10 13-0 II-10 - II 10 I 11-4 19-0 19 B 19 0 IB 3 IT-3 R 3 li 3 - 6 T 15-1 IS - - IS I 14-6 23-1 23 1 23 I 22 2 21-0 21 21-0 19-2 0 IB-4 18-4 I8-4 - 2 B l3 B00 II IB 0 B 0 T-I 13 3 II 6 9-4 I6 II 14-9 II -II 20 T li-B 14-7 _ California Redwood - 40161 - Live Load 2x8 2xe ZERO 2x12 'Fti 'E'• 12' I6- 24' 12' IB• 34' 12' IB' 24' 12• IB' 24' CLHEART STRUCT 2650 14 GI 9-4 8-2 13-6 12-3 IB-9 IT-3 15-8 13-0 _ 21-0 19-I 16-8 SELECT STRUCTURAL 2000 1.4 10-3 9-4 B-2 13-fi 12-3 IB-9 7-3 15-8 13-8 21-0 lid I6-e 11 1700 14 10-3 9-4 8-2 13-fi 12-3 10-9 li3 15-8 13-8 21-0 19-1 I6-8 /2 1400 1.25 9-10 B-II )-10 13-0 II-10 IB-4 16-) 15-1 13-2 20-2 I8-4 I6-6 13 800 LI 9-0 7-10 6-5 II-9 10-3 8-5 IS-0 13-1 10-8 18-2 15-10 11 GLUED LAMINATED FLOOR AND ROOF BEAMS SPAN [DATA Amex DATA FOR 8LUm LAMNAW AGE Sual NAMES DEFLECTION 1124TH OF THE SPAN BEAM SIZE 1 ACTUAL) WGT. OF BEAM PER LIN. FT, IN POUNDS SPAN IN FEET 10 12 1 14 1 I6 I IS I3If 22 20 26 SO 82 _ POUNDS PER LIN. FT. LOAD BEARING CAPACITY _ 3 X5 V6 37 BE 1 85_ 3 x i a4_ "A � 5 RO— 4 T _. n X 1Me -000 i6i l _ SaTO e2 4 W 54 31/4 %I]I/2 104 1we 91 PB4 685 479 347 25e 197 152 1120 / I266 lT1 6 - we"i A_ IAA 5 I/4 x 13 I86 19ib 1A}I 14A6_ IR9 0 4 J.b iia ST4 436 ] 09 Is — 9 x 6 j xa6 - 509 3. �x, fi B ass e 9T0 '11 117 8 766 5 EXAMPLE: CLEAR SPAN - 20-0' BEAM SPACING = 10 0' DEAD LOAD B CBS./SOFT.] ROOFING AND DECKING I LIVE LOAD 20 LEDISO/FT I SNOW I TOTAL LOAD LIVE LOAD , DEAD LOAD x BEAM SPACING - 120 81 X 10 T 280 LBS/LIN FT. THE BEAM SIZE REQUIRED IS 3 1/4 X 13 112 WHICH SUPPORT 347 LBS/LIN/ FT. OVER A SPAN OF 201. • BEAMS MAY BE DOUGLAS FIR. LARCH OR SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE. I GLUED LAMINATED FLOOR AND ROOF WON Gore FOR OLUEO LAMINATED FLOOR MANOR MASH DEFLECTDEFLECTION/30THOF THE SPIN BEAMS - SPAN DATA —� BEAT SIZE I ACTUAL I WOT. OF BEAM PER LIN. FT. IN POUNDS SPAN IN FEET 10 12 14 IB Is 20 22 24 20 28 $0 32 POUNDS PER LIN. FT. LOAD BEARING CAPACITY 3%514 9_- x_L 4..2__._ Lx 5_.. AiJ4— T 492 3 an M IS 36 5 9 4 I12 x 9114 98 738 4 SAM I 96 4 112 %III/4 114 - jQ IT0 ... 956 36A- Slb M 3 /1 6) AI 12283 1095 i31 509 367 1] W297 51/4 IS I96 $B- 31d, 5 8 T6 09560 6 8 505 51 nm 00_ EXAMPLE CLEAR SPAN -20 0 BEAM SPACING M'-0' - DEAD LOAD T LBS /SO.FT DECKING AND CARPET I LIVE LOAD 40 LBS/SO/FT FURNITURE AND OCCUPANTS I TOTAL LOAD LIVE LOAD , DEAD LOAD % BEAM SPACING • (40 1 TI X IB • 470 LBS./LINfT. THE BEAM SIZE REQUIRED IS 5 114 X 15 WHICH SUPPORT 508 LBS/LIN/ FT. • BEAMS MAY BE DOUGLAS FIB, LARCH OR SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE. ------- —_-_— OVER A SPAN OF 21j GENERAL NOTES: Inofthe ao Ificaflons nm fconnDit betwee]hhall animal Nosbelow and me rigidrequirementgovern unlessn wr2re by the Engineer. DE810N DATA CARTINrPLACE CONCRETE 1. Deeign Lodes - IAII label editions unless noletll I. Arranggement and bending of reinforcing steel shall be in accordance with ACI delading -Amancan Concrete Instil ule Best nual, latest edition. Am I dbb of Steel Construction lAlsa 2. Reinforcing f shall b w d all b 12 shall b deformed, -American Welding Society IAWd 3 Where r f b hcontinuous,b 36 b tl' f 2I b diameters SO Ih Standard og Cade ISSBCI at tons n p aril respectively limp - m ml. eta Am N Inafbfe Inc then A581 19821 4. Provide suitable p M1 1' etc for supporting reinforcing steel In IM1e Design gn Loads for and Other Structures Minimum" ads for proper po '1 EI pl g concrete 2. Design a i tl Oes An Stresses Specifications pe 5 Concrete probative covering r reinforcement al surfaces not exposed d'recfly to the Anchor) oils -Anchor BDIb and Embedded SI al.. _Fy = 36.000 psi IASTM A361 Around shall be 3/4' for slabs joists and walls one HOT for beam stirrups and column -Structural Steel ONO .... ...Fy = 36,000 psi IASTM A361 PDo or P C 1 pl Concrete F = 1 28 days. fi Coverel Tot F 99 for reinforcement of surfaces which all be exposed to the IM1 I g ... _ ..... __F 3.900 psi IM1e h contact the ground shall be 2' for bars larger than If and la for MI shims- g d .. ..J 3,000 psiat 28 days 15 bars II Provide 3' Driver below and At ends of racing bars. E t 0x osed concrete B ankr nedl F C- 4 000 s of 28 da a p RA Localson ems Of endsleeve etc. required for other ImdOa must be verified by Re nforc ng Sf lappanage con These trades before plat nil concrete. bor3 Cry _- Fy = psiIASTM A61B Grade 401 ,,am, 60,000 -04 d fd b .... _Fy = 60,000 pe IASTM A615 Grade 601 CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS 3 oil El Be g Pressures I. Place n99 bra of corers lambs of openings,below beam bearing. and ReDesign-Soil -Reference Soil antl Foundation Investigation by Grubbs, Garner, B Hoskyn, Inc. sam Ind indicated on the walls o Canifingsg Engineers. Lisle Rock, ical red vertical are pus. 2.Dowellspacing vertical reinforcing hart out of IM1e structure below with bars of the some sire and _ -froatF on natural sails are des nod for al b pressure ure of 2000 poL IN spacing above. designed -umos T g on compacted - eretl FII m of 2,000 psf 9ring 3 Lop aril by b a' I If thel of f6 ! f gg ll A elevations h I developable 'bearing value, IM1e votes the de of all. 4. Place horizontal b ' R deep hand b 'Is of Eft or Architect f b II tl' IY a 5. Continue bond beam units and reinforcing uninterrupted round corners and across wall aratified -After feeling a ore thed and before placing lN,tM1e excavated area intersections aba119e inspected antl appmveD by the Owner selected intlepantlenf bating laboratory as ted and d by independent unproved at ASTM A82, not leas Than 9 fi. M01e1 masonry -course reinforcing shall be truss typeth specified. prefabricated gg use, galvanized walls. Furnish malarial with pral[bricabd corners and lees. GENERA] INFORMATION be used 11r Rai forcingg shall be used In all potlUltlns. spaced Ifi' O.c., vertically, joints la iced 6'. Place rainfarctngo in first bed joint above and below all le slabs and w II Openinlgs. I. All s Shelf be cantered on grid Ines unless noted otherwise T. Load b 9 1 a y units Shift mnrorm to ASTM Col Gentle N, Type wlh minimum 2. All roofingsshall b centered on columns unlessnoted otherwise o e 99 p strength on net area of 1100 p d - - net area campresa ve II footings (II beCashieredrn solsee unitsOECD 1500 sNonn�'M1 Individualconcrete 4. FI gg of typicalscor er baredebel 8 b ry units Shelf f f ASTM C129 TY e 1 5 F b -A d , l joint detail. 'typical slab on groee def 'I. 9 Mortar shall b TypeN conforming f property p t F eqo rem m e or ASTM C476. 6.l All (ill under structureibe or exhibiting Send liquid not 10,All masonry fHE concrete shall lb 1 Fs hshall Than 35. II ll placedy loose se IT(se to exceed and maximum 99 g f shall b 3/8a d hall be placeddin maximum ITts or 4 -1 9mpocfed to o density of not less than 95Z or Modified Proffer Maximum Dry Density (ASTM II. All arc 1 shall conform to ASTM C476. Fine Grout. E. five precedence a Thin office mush be be submitted to this : placed below oil interior pal belre all or grave compace ge lill b ELECTRICAL LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION I(� EXHAUST FAN C� C� CEILING FAN ���IIIIIIJJJ+ CEILING FAN W/ LIGHT EXHAUST FAN W/ LIGHT HE V HEAT, LIGHT AND VENT LGHi 4' FLORESCENT LIGHT —J 2 IT 4' FLORESCENT LIGHT RECESSED CAN LIGHT FLOOD LIGHT WALL MOUNTED LIGHT QP ELECTRICAL OUTLET 220V ELECTRICAL OUTLET a CEILING MOUNTED OUTLET FLOOR MOUNTED OUTLET HIDDEN. OUTLET SWITCHED OUTLET o BREAKER BOX Z PHONE EO SMOKE DETECTOR SWITCH 1 STACKED SWITCHES 3 THREE WAY 4 FOUR WAY GET GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER WP. WATERPROOF i _ 1 ELECTRICAL WIRE ICI CABLE TV ® TRACK LIGHTING Pmletmbb thru rated sealed with a material passage Of ilame0 and I to the mquimments of for FIRST Stops AETJMrE4 and noors shall ban e of preventing the sea When Sub!WC 3t SWKWd Weak FILE COPY NOTICE REVISIONS BY An As 13ulit Survey must be submitted to the B GICI g Dept prior to calling € ice afo datim iaspectiori or any further mD uctloA- TOIWN OF DANTMOOTH RECORD PLAN A COPY Of This Endorsed Plan MaRsl Kept On $its UBrf 90NO T /i UBE 612FMM -_- RFFT - M6PECTwKRFmnpE08[fhi€ 24x36 TXE aONCREFE iOPWFEO• nbttOWa DEPARTMENT00 11�iIlY.,aw.w ARCHITECTURAL ABBREVIATIONS LEGEND ABBREV. (DESCRIPTION ABBREV. DESCRIPTION YUUR DWAWING MUST NA AT THE BUILDING DURING PROGRESS OF THIS WCHAN. eawwwwwwwwwwaiwai BarWD D£PAa'tyENS Taws of ovLmanW • ARCH.- mrcSneduml PAN. - pantry • B IF bir-'fOld doors 0 P D. - pocket doer BRID - keyboard PIT - pair c D.X. - C B D grade GOI plywood PiT. - pressure treated COL. - c lump FEW - plywood CEO. or dLG$. closet R6 CLASS. me Ra rod of rand CO. PAo coined opening REF. L M U. - p:oncrefe masonry unit I<Oncrete block) RED. e'9otar fog COMP.- ¢omposl an RHO C.T. - SH. - elf B. ywok-tap drygr - & SHTv - DID dhil 5Hi, sheaf quare DWG. - 7ymwing Sa. square • OW_ -chain Sher SF, toted lours Les Irecbngular wood from) • ON - tloren SF, or SOFT. - square lODI • ENT. - SEC. Or SECT. - aedlcn • FTG. ftoflnor - (gating. SHWR. - lower • FT. - Fault -skylight AT, GALE. - galv0nized A TC. - bosh compactor GYP II -- gypsum wallboard a TRM. - Iron LOSE - offissall vomfHal and air conditioning HE DRIFT - treated NB. - house Bibb 0 TALK - thick ITD - hgavy Duty INS based and groove GO ITW. - hpy wafer washer G. - IroOing board O wafer heater M - Iparnakl r WHIP . - hirlpool a • INSUL. -- a Ofion a WP. - waterproof • Mt. - mend cure cabinet • W/ - with • M U - mWke-up Kan wa P 8 1 y J mNwm wo_E G1 w a x Z oa f— pas Fur 6 za BREW an no ann o a a ow an Eldup up MW - mj¢rowave N.IC - -in prel contract N.TS. - Mot to scale oe ON mentor O -- B D IF THIS TITA181P IS NOT WED IT 15 ON RHEIGAL SET OF PLAINS RLPRO)i LIPNsm nuYMI af)eicgw ✓d NkawA`wreo HI %`: MICHAEL E. NELSON ------..«...�.. P.B D. Cart. No. AR-104 C 1998 NELSON DESIGN GROUP, LL-C. Reproduction o/ these plans, in any form, without the written DATE consent of {hfi Designer, is prohibited. 1/I198 no liability hiscontractorand an designer. peat o and corchQc- gndr g mad their services with de care and Diligence, they cannot Toy cannot be anl'Ic'ipme All ambiguity or T discrepancy LEGENDS / GENERAL NOTES 10 the designer. Colima to lily the dealppn pounds erafe by o Simple notice to no designer 8hallr relieve the ,in the plans without the consent a1 IM1e Designer are DEAD- -nuances ornvmn and of such Thomas. Only nunlirind TO