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OYes 6F If Yes, submit Us required afitlamt. `\\.4. vN'�as Or Reglsbetion Nu b (fnone,&Wfe'noney: Compan Name UO-CU Addreea: *gBO G gneNre: Telephone Expiration Date 3.3-For Resltlential Remotlel Work Only PERSONS CONTRACTING MATH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVEACOESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND: QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or while: - ffon, Ong Activated Feace-Room 1301. Boston, MA 0210, 517-727-6598. HonelmpmvemenfConhnc(arsRegi 0 Jam a H.meownerpel 'n9dithevmrkmyselC Owned Name harr Structure: Byst9ning ibe abo a ibe bomea BnowlaCgezibe.PerexAll be nc eltgDlllyto Ae Guaranty Fond - .. Date 34 tralwarromer Em pg n One & Test Family Oly FOR HOMEOWNERS WHOINTEND TO PERFORMAND ERESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT users meaning cmn AOBF RangeHorse, ores noBiad S cwswWe H IaeauW non by He eers orki RIIB aau aowaam br freeness ,.H p (1 or he B do she eark, lost Ars' ra"W"i ors" be as "Fabrown ry .mo () eeDoor as Idea en .,In nor, end ... r ound, he agurn 11 lardi e. 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WORKERS - anchare, asomponsation InsuranceAffidavit mustb plted and submitted wth this ppl ( Failure W pq tle the atldevt will result in the tlenal of the issuance of the building permit Signed Affidavit Attached 0Ye3 EdNo OESCRIPTIONAFPROPOSED WORKjOheON allapplcatiley_ ,[ a "+y BEC'(JOIlb O Best 0Awl 0Repairs 0nambern �O//hlmnay/Flreplaw 1 WbooderavellSlave 0 New CogranG.a` It Parreamy BlEg P1 RaOfinq/SCng 0Other (Bpaoty, below) (Energy m on own red) (Shed/Carags) MA tl:icn 0 Replacement lonedeventrem aconston - (3gacRybelow) (Energy repot repulmo Nod Indwrs_Om 'If newconstmction please complete the Sitewn9 Sngle Family: laborseadrearni No.pf Baffa Than, Family No of Fatleoms Unit No. of Baths Unit No M Bedrooms Unit No. of Baths Unit D France) (hot As heel gas(naWrel orproposed. ! il, destroy, other (Notatio) O Ban Sending)Bad Saw Ai or paper )iul obb eflenrcurs,b (pafy) O LOAD (Combined unb artery ba. ni re194 Progans Ile4ldly other( O Air wntltllonng (sensors unit) - lb None of the so... lobapronded eaHbotioNatem Gai EeWc FusONer Description of proposed work: aS F obvi..L SECTION 6;EBTIMATEEstimated c Ifem East Gp N he do pleted tyo t arifificant 1. 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Data all real f�—( 2'DENIED (see purred ramewworksheme a HOLD J Reason. /✓ 4L HOLD a led W Zoning Spent of Appeals smom Cam emar Dale: - Date Diane Inspectors Signal �a Data: 5'18 b�E CTIO 9.APPLIOANTNO N v. pt „tC((A➢ Applicant informed of aboveDto G Time JJ Commentia ones >r,ti ..>t. _ t5ECDON 107 CLECIVINSPEGTORS NOTES wH t[ 5 emiC Fee $ Total P� Less Application Fee $6P Over $ Amount $� Remaining Baltimore -_TDTAL FEE: Gross Area -New ConsWcbonIII sm ft. Gross Area - Alt`eart ontotal sq.ft - Pool Issued q Qyty, i,L's t,T z`SECTICN,11 ADDITIONAL COMMEKSSISKETCHES^ �12f�"n '.r ..m S?a: ^..ice RESIBENNAE ❑ Approval In Pan (Per 760 CMR511113) ECEIVED DATE RECEIVED - DARTMOUTIABUILDING DEPARTMEieTP�RTf RLC6 D'cPT. 400 Slocum RoEx]8999 IOIq� D 1, MAA 2m9 EP I S AM ID 55 Phone 508-g1010-1821820 Fax: 508-91a 1838 www rown aartmoum ma us ' APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,REPAIR, RENOVATE OR OEMOLI3HAONE ORTWO FAMILY DWE LING g 4, Y THIS SECTION FOR CFF1CIAL USE ONLY -' .P 2 ° d AIA F s" BTIIL�ING PERMI{ MBNR 1RAM[ifi t' x M '` DBY - E ,x ,. A i KA, tpAr bDq'IP 95UEP R 4 kp `rtILI pAT�3ENTFDftP.EVIEW ACM xG °d"''';°t'4• nDXiY_n bT¢sSIIE 51({iNAJ/EE W e {{., Fx z& x t i at Y P i m i P t arc>rl. n ,zy s 3 a k t k hx+..✓ F4 ?'iivc k >$ a{,.R �.+ Z.an g O tr i. DP P etl U 'It" ;7ID P@ `D A Q V R A]A�t SrY o, s tco- 5 BE �PNR 0� 3 S.?q 2' Sl 1 d +� Ws: �'zYt" 0. 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Fmntage Map I6Z Lai Reoured Provided Fruni 13 Hineural Dtot yes Side Yard Xasappl nteenjatni ed itX ,Qmn eon] R myonl > For 9Mo _ D to 14 Write Supply(MGL pi shn: 1.5 Sovarge Disposal System , MAurnicipal OPmars Well " (a'FAunit O On Site Dsposal System ® CONSTRUCTION PLANS SITE. PLAN ENERGY IREPo T 5� F5A