BP-74532Scope of Work: RGS Energy shall'mstall a 1925 Ma l tied Photovoltaic ("Pit))System tool(70) So18overltl Plus SW275 Mono Bid& Moduleswith(70) scandal Energy KDOCe 2LL-S22 Micm-Inverters). The Modules shall be flush punted on the asphalVwmpshingle rrof and lnterronnested via supply side tap Equipment Specifications: Module,(70) Salenvord Plus SW 275 Mono Black Inverter (70) Enphass Energy licel 2LL822 Froung'. hoped SolaiMount Attachment Flazhing: Eco-Fasen GreenProtonwith CP SQ,Slotted Racket and Aluminum Fleshing Roof Specifications Roof t: Roof 2: ASphalkhrum. Shingle ASrmanBComp. Shingle (Single Layer) (Single Layer) 2"x Of Ratters My 19 2"x3"Rafters O.C. 13"0.C. Pith: Off I AzimuN: BS" Pitch : 31 I Azimuth:175- Andy Size: 39 Motlules Andy Size: 31 Modules Occupancy. ll Design NMtl Speral 11O MPH Exposure Caterl B Mean Roof helHht'. 25it Ground Snow Lead'. 30 FOR (Non Redunble) Adj. Roof Snow Load: 300 PST All Work to be in Compliance with: 2014 Nagonal Electoral Code (NEC) 2009 International Occidental Code ORC) 20091ntamatlrnal Building Code OBC) 2012 International Flre Code(IFc) M12 Ullfbi Mechanical Code(UMC) 2012 Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) MA 7E0 Can Bth Enron JnMuding L4/1l revisions to Tables R301.2(4)&R3012(5) ASCE/ANSI 7 05 Minimum Design Luads for Engines and 016er Structures As amand ld and adopted by Torn of Dartmouth Grid -Tied Photovoltaic System DC Rating: 19.26 kW Pacheco, Antonio 6 DDxwood Ln North Dartmouth, VIA 02747 Jurisdiction: Town of Dartmouth General Notes: 1. System follows anytao Fire Code Setbacks per oNrsances of the Town Of Dartmouth. 2. All projects will cormly with the Ortlirences of the Town Of Damanoufh. 3, Construction Thera 9amdpm Monday-Ftltlay, sump Satudday. Me time on Sunday or legal Holidays, 4. Product Load Sheets shall e included. 5. Reofrop peneNatlons shall be completed and sealed Per tool by licensed contractor. 5. All Photovoltaic modules shall be tested and listed by a Recognized laboratory. 7. CeNlCebons shall include UL17W, 1E061646, 1ECVESO S. TV army unOmunoed per Article 39035. 9, LC Wring shall be run nmeta2cewa l conduit or ys wound enclosed access in a building 10, Conduit We systems and Rareways stall be located as close as possible to areas, hips, and outside walls. 11, Conduit barrel Sub Arrays and DC Cembinen/Oiicanc cts shall use guidelines tat minimize the And amount of mndut by taking me suede9 path. 12. Space Requirements Or beer cal equipment shall comply with NEC Article 110. 13. Equipment grounding shall be sized In accordance with Table 250122. 14. Connecticut that are not readily axessiae and tat are used in me rcuits operating st or over 30V AC ar DC shall require a tool Or Opening and are required to be marked'00 not tlisc00ned under load or 'Not for current lrrtermpfing", per 090 33(n)&(a). 15. All standee to be placed in ecwrtl3nce with race) building wtle. 13. Sans or Universe shall be attached to toe el6Nlrll equipment or located adjacent to the idenb0etl equipment n. Signs should be of snlnciemmiredwry to Withstand the mulmnmem. te. Any plaques shall lie metal or plastic Mteneraved or machine printed letters, or elector -place. in a red background with whin latca ng,a minimum of M- height and all capital letters. rL'LfJ Sheet List Sheet No. Sheet The Rai COVER PV-A01 SITE PLAN PV-A02 MODULE LAYOUT PV-A03 . DETAILS PV-A04 MATERIALS PV-E01 ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM PV-E02 SYSTEM CALCS PV-G01 SIGNAGE RGS a vno.a erie (860) wavem mg41C seaxruc GRID-TIEID PHOTOVOLTAICyrySTEM legalDCI STC PACHECA,gI ONIO 9 BO%VJOOLC LN NORTH DARTMOIUTH, MA 02747 Pry ect61013(5541 .. Edual Carl _. Colin RobeTns = 201 liD REV131ONal A BY Nines N/A COVER PV-O00 (E)Drrveway �ps (E) Single Femlly Dealing (E)PropeM Line " F CTTF PI AN - PARCEL VIEW Srnle:V = 100' (N)PVArray1 n scianvond Plus SW 275 Mono Bad; Modules 39 EnpM1ase Energy M2NIA( L-522 Mlrrolnveners lalucomp. shingle Root X 9Raters @ 16" 0 C. Pith 31 Ammuth 85 (E) Single Family Dwelling Exterior Equipment (M Hill Meter (N) Fused PV AC olsmnni Basement Equipment (E)Mein SeNlPa Panel (N) EnpM1ase RGM 8 Emoy (N)PVAO Combiner Penal ocad. III, RIGS 32 nPimni IF si CT � Pait dni 2a ro3 CRUSTED PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM 1925kW DO@h STC PACHECO, ANLONIO 6 BOXWOODDLN NORTH DARTMOVITH. MA 02947 Pf*d#1o13u511 .. Eduardo Ounmla ..= ColnRobers g re. 4( 2014W4 REVISON$ p 9y old Turned VARIE$ SITE PLAN PV-A101 MECHANICAL LOADS Mal Phi WcDead Lore: 3.33p9 _ 20,2 33, Y, Avg. Dead Load par. Anchor is.nbs .� 5'-ir' — 40. 4, -- Mar. i n lmic Rail Can Adjusted Anchor Dowmorce Po m Uplift Pon Minimum Ansur On 39 Salamorld Plus SW 275 Mono Clock Modules 39 Enclose Energy M250 60-21-S22 MaeInvaders P U1:35° A muN:85° :himney - MECHANICAL L mAll Array Amid 5]3fiX' Total Phoemoltaic Dead Told 322 pst Array WelOht 1849616s Avg. Dead Load per Anchor : 2101be Another Oly.'. be Design Values by Root Zone: Corner Egde Intenor MaxUn Red RlSpam 48n OC 43 in.0C 43n OC Max. Unit Rail Cntlever 16 in OC 16 in.00 16 In OC Adjusted Anchor Span. 32n OC 32o.0C 32n 0C Dmomome Point Load 2%21bs Art 216s 2962fors Uplift Point Load: -1506Im -1A)6 bss -123 51bs Minimum Anchor Strength: 707 by Average Safety Factm: 5 3n 3 1'• 6E Plus -6 275 Mono2---W2 Black Modules 315d, Energy 31 Enphase Energy M250�B0.2LL-522 Micm-Inverters 16'9• Pitch:35 AxlmWn:95' • Thal Qui ly MAtlacbme0ts -210 33-10" • Roof Zones are der red by dimension, a=301L Maximum Allowable Cantilever for Ull Rail is X He Maral Rail Span _ Radrlim and Maestri. Jh Ras Solarl with Ecenesten CreervFartm with CA SO Rail Precept and Aluminum Flashing attached with 5/16'x312'ta9 Bo14 Hex Head 16-1 All Dimensions Sharon are In metlule edges, inGudiing l tn. 3peong 1I,J„ between Modules heated when using the Top Clamp Michael The Rails Extend 3ln. Bill the module edge. UnNum Requires one thermal expansion gap for every inn 0f rail greater than sixArms L lrwtalletl according to therumple;e mple; SolarMounl CodsCampliant Inste llymon Manual ver 227 3, Pub 11 WiF¢ t, June 2011 AXamment Losimns, Ifshown, areapprvxlmate. Final adiostmentm attachment location maybe neemmary depending on field conditions. All attachments are staggered amongst the framing members. —12-T ii sky On43 I /f� J, 13 5ie " per 8 r— I 16.10" 746' .12' S-i t" an 2' 6• CK 3 RGS 3 U scope phase,ijef5353MO For(413) 6e3 22u5 GRID TIED PHOTOVOLTAIC SHSTEM 19.25NW DC@ 3TC PACHECO, ANT(CNIO 6 DOxAOOD LIN NORTH DARTMOUgH MA 02747 P 'e 1N 101311 oux.Poll Gutmlla x,iiuiR Colin Robetlg uv c 2014,1) 14 REVISIONS Bys rt MODULE LAYOUT F"g SW 2j6OnoaaM- p1 'Anse Stlsn91 %0Ra 1 Attachment Profile Sira1e:3/4•=Ib" Roof Found Root Armament AmcM1m natal on alternate nor framing members M acri � SoliuMount AN i� Staggered Attachment Detail (Typ.) M$ Module Fame SS e6lt Iwo Unins UGC-t ac Reu Grounding Clip &Module Scale: N.T,S. Module (I Roor 2 Attachment Detail Sound WEEB& Mo me Clamp United Solarmount Rail w/Ltoot Green Fasten Flashing'. ECO GF1 BLK 812 Win ECO CP SO Compression Bracket &16k35 S S Lag BOH w12.5' Mmimum Penetration Sealetl w/Approved Sealant 16 Max L Rail Splice Rail Overhaul I� Stagger spllre locations Min nt2auppons within the each mw of modules n either side of apace win a max spacing of 48" Rail Splice Detail NTS WEEBWg SSWafier GroundWrre ® &Not SS Bolt ® / Unirec Rail SS Flat SS Bolt Washer Grounding Lug &Rail Snake N.T.S GRID-FISD PHOTOVOLTAIGSYSRI 19.21 NO STC PACHECO, ANTONIO 6 BOXWOOD LN NORTH DARTMLCUTIF MA I.., CollunRoders; 2011 REVISIONS DETAILS PV-Ai03