EP-TRANS.745312ROONSTRULTION —-. QL1k,� Notes: " . "°Oa A 1. All debtor to use water tight expansi0nHome. RGS 2. All peace conduit to be a minimum out above the root surface - 3. PV Connection into Load Center shall be positioned at the opposite end from the Utility Input Rader location(Wnere applicable) ,! 4. All aquipmentW be rated NEMA 3R unless oNelwis,noted. WIRE SCHEDULE _ .. 5. Lowest expened ambient temperature based on ASHRAE min mean severe dry bulb temperature for ASHRAE Ircatlon mom Tag Car Communist Bise B Type Grountl Size &Type Contluif 1engfM132 T,uarwnk spurt As 8. Highestt to rinti Hgheat continuousambient temperature based on ASHRAE highest month 24b dry bulb temperature of ASHRAE location most A 3 912 AWG ENGAGE CABLE 1W AWG BARE Cu PREENS WA yt0na N]e phaxl slliornoon;lW B 3 AWG THWN2 THM2 1EMT 05 Ft Ila32APS GRID -TEA be 9410 ]. All contluctors to he copper unless noted olhervise. C 3 #9 qWG THNM2 RB AWG THM 1 EMT, 15 Ft bi B. ConduMrszng shall her Voltage drop to 2%DC&15%AD (2% Er Ensured Systems). p 3 WAWG THNM2 N/A VENT 10 Ft PHOTOVOLTAIC 76 Sold horrid Plus SW 2T5 mono black Mod ulas win 70 Burmese Energy M250 60-2LL-S22 Mlkond wer IN) PV AC Combiner 12 Space 125A Rating 240VAC (N) J-Box 4x4x4 _... :...... SYSTEM 19.28M OC $TC VOLTAGE 00.0P WIRE SIZING PACHECO, AN KONIO Tag Amps Voltage LengtM1 V.Dmp 90°C Dmetal Artp5°C 6BOFVuGGO)ILN 1 Tag _ Sle ( Allocable Amps x Temp Derete x Fill Forks Ampaciry, NORTH DARTM0UTH, MA A MIA 2400V NIA 046% '12260A 02]4] B 100A ', 2400V 95 Ft 106% A__.412 % 0.7 Pmiact6IDureole C ]DOA :2400V 15 F1 1, 02]% S N10 0,7 qOA X o]6 X 0] . 2120A 3500A 36o0A osti.w, EtluaNO aureole A 700A 10Ft ,014% C : getMIA X 096 X 1 = 9120A SI 1,,.,r1 Colin Preppie _2400V D '., Y3 115A R o96 X 1 =., 11040A 10000A r--a 2014071% TOTAL VOLTAGE DROP AC ='- REV19ION& SYSTEM LABELING SPECIFICATIONS Max DC Voltage(-1]'C): gp,4V DC Mv. Current 1180A --- DC Operat ng Vogage: 31 o V DC Ogre ng Current 094A AC NOm nal Voltage 240V Max ACCurrenr --- ]DOA 15A IEXTERIOR (N)ENeasse Survey t-Phase mn 1ZIL240V ENV 120.01 B AD oo ur (N) Fusetl ` s AC Disconnect M ay cm nd Cutlet -Ham ( Flop M1ass(O MrGE) 0GIB230ANRS (N) RG24 VAC„'.o1 240VgC J-Pax 41 V--p—��, Of 10 .I 1 1 1 1 1 ar::. Ground IEL 1 NI havuslMe crimp — iaxm,e.eo=eunp PV-E01