VOIDED RESIDENTIAL FLOOR PLAN"I bes evo ne If EH �1 ronL r,lse vent \� 6 glumnum eoRk k a Slant Cases\ / , ee arc byrelay —....� Note 4/ TTI u I� PP.T etais to be oat byyrfinsh an ymae e ✓ati0r1 Alumrim mints H m kos — Asphalt Roof Shrl- sp r Sa wl One wh to k wl r pose —I. ' ewyl partner III color me<dot Asper Roof Shl A 6 Strace Fascea to eny! tlt A far vim orald fordo parallel Aral great 1 vcopy,ly lJbeee� "- by Nits APPLICANTS' COPY t t 1 n Au 6 isiNey must be d e ^e Dandiding plot p for to calling for foundation inspection or y further construetiona FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NAME: Proposed New Residence for. pLr9Lr # 6o 46T'd/ — Y/ S48 DrU/ Scaly AoT *i'12 Z MR'LISS4 L,vu fie. 'DeReFiEat,) r-cam it Dartmouth, MA. Viand Homes Construction Inc. t Assonek MA. 02/C2 Tel. (508)644-5381 8090 TORE REQ 9ND) SEFM v Fox. (508) 644-20E7 AryM3t Roof Fn91e µ$pEC'IGN IS 9@UI� RED. I T _ LNG wTE IS POURED. �� to bI det Cobr— 6 to be aetby BIYLDING GE(iinlMFiCr PI —ownw Town or oanmame Drawing T tle APPLICANTS' Top Plat, COPY Y _ FrGr az cir r ee rs j Drawing Approved —By: if Ua DRAW. RIG MUST KEPT � �@@E Lt _ AT HEB BUILDING DURINd THE TOWN Q1• DARTMOUTH eR R 65 0' THIS WORK p � rx, rt pl ew oma pePARa6YGNa A Copy Of This Endorsed IJ Jews ob wmoa,.m l Plan Must Be Kept On Site �. armn. 4F real pira lnhn probe yt L c ca 1; —� , nv .U,._ rav UVrc814. fat rase nppmc , .. - �Pt[tob ,-ta'n to no d,L Iw Recta or OARRMIIRH ny frvyn are am n b - w f okpnRovA to to .. ,1111 W' pl IM1 C bl FS RM I e+ a =ns rop4x' n0 as... deep any coors or �1V semuhes. �. On, .tl pV nyn sou eO Otero At Nertent mati&OL ME48'bellw iOWNOPOARI'MDIRYi BUIED➢JOOhPARIAl i PI mu.Ihe fin )m n fii669mae sitimem r _ _T _ __ _ __ ________ _ ____ _ ____ ____ n.wS11lgLp IPns>auuu n �EP2 __._...._ u rr ____ ____ _____ CONnRR[CfI fM) $ llL Vl2 YP D 1 Nr q CE'10 D(OW IOg NO eIJ �J�=0n @� t16 s — Scale:1/4 —'I-0' �� A S � �m General Notes: FOR CONSTRUCT ION All concrete used shall develop a min compressive strength in 28 days as follows PROJECT. NAME. .,.m....�... Footing & Wofli 3A00 psi Prepared New Residence for Slabs and Foams 2500 psi Y{ _ 44' 8'__--- _ TICE a. 1 An Pon D'a xacv roust Inc eico'C tno of Pr. took a 1 Gu ''':a G�iudinR. nR Dartmouth MA. `Dept _.nor to Call for > a faun lion inspaetiou or S•_i a o' tee' I l any fu of construction, I it I I I l 1 I L J J ,' a ' _ -- A - C Micro_QMHead' _ FIRE576PPEN R 1 ab' 316 .�e ________ _ G till Pi Penetratlo -- thru rated t als�dlt III b'�I g with a mated 1 caDabl of prev r it g t °+ass a offla;lss and hot gussas m,l r '�In �jectGd ^ sthe requvemanisofthe TesgStantl Viand Homes >h •ec F'ae 543 ASTM E-814 Construction Inc. I I I I 1 1 } 1 I vvmmwmm-mmwN�.�wc fi I I +A"; r_ Rona Ass ornt flA.02702 r i r Tel (508) 644 5381 2 m Fax. (508)644-206, 1 1 l g q o Basement Slob ' �' III � 3'conveleSide WrmlVoaka. grade 1 ; C I ' araW ing Title: i Basement Slab 15. Cu. Yds. I ' Footing=10 Cu. Yds �Fou datloa Pan ry 4 1 Drawing Appro vtd�LARTMOUTH4' FORD LAN tl a —A.Es 4tlisC-rMDrsed- 1 l _ _ _ ___ Plan Must Be Kept On Site ' Duripg ganc+.rltD['on d Bpi ___ ___ _ _ ____________ _ __ IIr '� Date SEP#97998 _ uk BUILDING MOST NGof, ItL 1 AT THE eO LTHIS OORING E NlAnn 1{Oft125 Cons tmeG Iart na 1�o vkOGRRSS CF THIS WORK. Gal a«--•�•---••m Drown By: Virgil Faefteco cracked By ✓ VP IPToDBIG DEPARTRIEM Z p _a L . Tovm ztm of Dooutb — _.— .- -- -- -0ate: Noy 30,1497 LPL P SMaXE eo-rueaslzEruaDDevitt scale: F'ea4o eD t I, sz-o _pETECT&1RS-PGI, qe,�r�__._._ '^�P,�cTlovls RNG)WRED BEroae ° 1- _-_- __ ___._ .— _.__ P1 0 �a-r- _ all p MUN -y madly - Is SOLOED Comm. No. � / A4 BUdLEANG DEPARTMENT fie No. His 2:,7 COP Sk l y /0-a.5d- Town of penmomnD,.„a,,,„„„,.,. U 3 - poT�a ��®(/Po✓ 7 /� .� ( �'S""CL /Hat Drawing No t p 1 , �.� �� \.� �� � � / � 4 Scale: l�4"=1-0� � x - _ _ A a dal. / a.me — — 2' PT Deck . Joist 16 a/c q' Pi Decking Pt. Post w/ 12' cone X] Pt. Stars to be det. by I /Fivsh Grade. -cobmet/ where � il`cation I e Double Hs'-d,s e'smr tCk1PrI ahF o m"-go21a"x4B Iir.6 'Cx6111' J R0.63'7BE 4Bed Roorn 2so Go e; Mcster Bed Rm. , q Suite —i Dining Rm. - �q IT U A ��r �� 5 Roof 7roo 25_.'.._ YT to ! y ^ :N roof vOI o z ah" r eaz"/ Both move ems` l7 r Living Rm. - _ c. ! N 8 Triple Mallon I'I - a c' ICI oomw Fig a mace —� ��.^ k ^"� a e CE KEPT TV Bed ROOt'fl jt J s ,0t Fa s' —.. _— /� o ml a arc Ess OF ix c-Vx4' m H t/ Im HIIIIA3NG HISm ARC .snynmi a NGu URING THE ! Doui 2 m'.a a' t o z� n DEPMTMEN4 I S reap a'.. ME -�-- 4 x 18 Pt Oeck -{T '1r 5 4xd Pt Decking &ON4TUBE 612EAND pEpTy g INSPECT IF Ft. mis OP.lS REQUIRED pEFORE iPt stairs to be der H cax P"TE SFOURED u b g finish fade BUI09PARTRt@r(r >-P L 6'-0" is -IT 10 ,a" a ," 5'-5 Taws Tun of pertnWtM1 ' 12-0 --41 TG(.1a Lmmq Space 1376 sq Ft� , �- _ r Scalacl�4 i 0 6Dole /mone FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NAME' Proposed New ReaHcK:e for. Dartmouth, M.A. - Viona Homes Construction Inc. 2 Mabore Road Astral MA. 02702 Tel. CM) 644 5381 Far. (508) 64:-2081 Drawing Title:��� FRST LOOr PLAN .. Drawing Approved By: OF DARTMOUTH Rs DRD PLAN A Copy Of This Endorsed Plan 41ust Be Kept On Site Curing Construction Dz,e �EP8279R8 -_ Vlore Homes Constrcation Inc Dra cBy:Virgl7 Pacheco Checked By: VAR Date May 2 1997 ale Gted Comm. mm. No. T. 97v1s Fie No, r_-'] Drawing Na APPLICANTS' _--- r�oPr 6 I I C �T C]P JiG n SONG-nHESIZEANDDE iH INSPECTION IS REQUIRED OEPOGE T�i`_C O.LT,_ IS PDUAEO. BUILDING DEPABIMEMT i dDMWOVN FOR CONS TROC' ON PROJFCT NAME: ProOcwed New Residsla far. Dartmouth, MA. _ I Viona HorneS� Constructiorl In>r. 2 Nb'L' .021 as=a�wt, WA. az�oi TA. ISM) 644-._12135 Fox (50P-) 041-208! i Drawing TiUc : I d �4 � Rigntd f Lr:atLn Draw ng Approv d Bp TOWTOF 6FRTMOUTH RECORD PLAN - A Copy Of This Endorsed .9 Plan Must Be Kept On Site During Construction Iona lorneOetp, ; I r kt cD Date: af a.. Sc APPLICANTSP HU, Na. COPY r45PH stir 2004e Sl inyr S�P v P�tv 6067b p J, �TQu5��5 2X 17�P PLATe J7caA« N4uc:- Iu,u0 I b/ o2X°((lGoc!n�rk-tee Paar VyjVAL. sa - 3/ o goN /a" acuE Se,eil JUl' loop wr7H SKlm (TDAT �/NAB StDro_ y f � 31y" r<y P�yw�n -tyveK PRPe,p �� ��uE� � NArc�o cMo lfea ie R frRsr fiLq,z ^T� _fa YY4Yio N .. r ,0 ENer+v"02> ZFor+r af' D9,*IPPaeofrr,� � 1��'�E3cNR-D r:<e�� �%¢yssrs � __ -__--_ �_ �ppax KinrIsFlen Gaaoe fix_ FIntS_.H. FP CRAB._ S''✓ f `-X-e %g �°a�e�ete u�ne L._-, r (CX%C FooTrn f � __- \ y �tln G04QE iJ ^Oti^BETE' 5"P, APPLICANTS' COPY__ TRIM Or DARTMOL[TH . RE0r1D PLAN A Copy Of This Endorsed - Plan Must Be Kept On Si*e During Construction Dzte 9FP 99199P