AS-BUILT FOUNDATION PLANMAP 60 LOT 1-42 67.847 S.F. EMSTNG WELL ® \ /4/// 70P OF EOUNOATIO gp= EIEV 120.62 BENCHMARK ® OMH ELEV 12450 2 �}W0l µAO a� ROBEPT OUT ra2487 • a..fsSECI AFL o'ilgT I certify that the foundation shown on this plan is in compliances with the applicable Zoning BY —Laws in the Town of DARTMOUTH Correia's Engineering Inc. B ( n el Street LAND SURPROURF South Darbuouth. MA. an BNWIMSENNG OE7IB-231I SUBDIVISIONS T.{£ox DM,, (506Be053oz on SLAMS 4 (508) _ R AS -BUILT PLANS Joseph F. Correia Ill Pre&. R Josoph E. Correia n, Wr FILE COPY T slffl OF DARTPOUTFI RECORD PLAN A Copy Of This Endorsed Plan !dust Be Kept On Site During Construction fine OGT 141�7 AS -BUILT FOUNDATION PLAN in DARTMOUTH, MA. prepared for BRISTOL PACIFIC HOMES Scale 1"= 60' OCT. 3, 1997