FIRE SUPPRESSION RACK PLANvl.worc —�t�ry Sr67EY NO,�a escK sle DE6!GN. vx Ise -i5nfe FLOW: o4r PRESSURE:x M E ECT!YD PT: E x O HOST: AT: 4DDITIONAL PLOD: DIlb . X T CO SERIES T ,B 5e K-FASTOR JP [I NTE DDIaM LEVEL 6PR FRS STANDA�RESPOISE,155F fY3153 Fire Protection' Services REVISIONS: NO DATE: DE5CRIPiI7: LEGEND —� P dvh Sprinkler Peri 5prmkler-P Drop —o— JprlgM Sprin o, Jprlei t 5prlrkler-I° 5pivg Sidewali 5pr Klsr Plpe Riae —<— Pipe Drop Pips Centerline Abv. FR �} pipe, Ce wllne Below TAa — Proposed Pipe Eximine Foe r`` W aev 1� Oad°�s 0 SCALE: A5 NOTED DAr: DPCEMBER 30, 2JlO CAD Joa NO.: 117%Da5DLL DROWN BY: DPJDPE rDARTMOUTH SUPPLY SUPPLY �ED ROAD 7/17 DR NG TITLE: PROPOSED LUMBER 5TOR4GE. ENCLOSURE FIRE 5UPPRE6SION RACK PLAN DRM M No FP901 (EI__ sMCIECATI DN6 SOME: a) 4 Ids ell matdr al, labor Instanaticn equlpn v permitting and final t u. g t netAll a Nlly actable dry tops sprlrk.er system eetirg 'I repwmare"i of NFPA 13, .013 edtion Je, Ma ackwe is Building end Rire Codas, toe rs:{ulrema-:te of tte pa15mouth Belli IdIM and d fl DEpA L E L (2) Wlland F ll ": i t am a DI fi p l Outel pp at y Mere shown, the d g . - - - (3) se "ae, h III ! sp t r lea d y pip es a d y pp 1 ck (4) PFe 8 D CL d f unst In tall f b be comp, press and t tdd by them It h 11 be ton Eprtnkler Contrecmr o respomib Ilty t Imer ultness or Nllj mrdwt be fl::ering of he w:dergrotmdeervlce at a minimum rate or l660 GFM until clean. The ap^uklar system shall not be connected to tin floor range until tMs work Has been rF;nplated. bet Ali alarm devices connected directly to s Sprinkler system to be provided, frvstalled, pdjweted and tested as part of trio conlraat. bluing or these devices to be by nth e. D $GN: (I) As listed on sheet FP100, IGN W`OS&T€SL (1) As noted be skeet Full P VALS (1) Ntt'4 IS, 203 bell hata4satuost, B' yding Code, Sm, dltlon, D I! T Massachusetts Fire Code, Town of Dartuth, one D@p tmwt. (2)Bacbl Assemblywah Jb��ongD rt. (3) All algal d permlHed me tornof Dartmouth Watereprvice qu peen. ¢hall be LIL Listed for commsc.al fire sprinkler service MAiENIA�B: ga All pipe, mormi coding,' pipe ; nchlwe hangers galvanized,, mar corad rod and supplemental hanging equipmenthre nrdwastall be (2) Allmaterial-TIb Tensityrated or tl5 psi. (3)Plpe weweldinggIal. t'ealfowed_ SEE— (1) RooF system plping 2" and larger for Zone W, Zene 0. Q and the Im-Ndck Zo:v to be Internally/e.Eamally galvanized steel - achedule ties (2) In -Bark plpng In oil roots and the drape into the masks shall be Internally/eMernally galvanized steel - schedule q0. (3) All drain piping aHll be galvanzed steel schedule 40, P.IISLNI lU Behed:e 10 Priceto use nsede groove ewplinge groove style Ott NOT BE ALLCWED lOga and drill-U mechModeleutleLs. BELOWBELOWWTLET6 WILL (2) 6rFFI 40 pip_ to use roved or cut groove comings groove style fittings, and drI11-Im medarncal outlets. WELDED OUiLET6 WILL NOT BE ALLOWED 8doodule 4m pipe may also use standard threaded fittings. INOLA LATION: (U Blow f5calilattrashall Allow the requirements of NFPA 13, 2m13 edition (3) UlanPI g "i b o e teed le 40justi band type With maximum spaorg of Id 0 For to Ilry pipe and S 0' or all larger pipe p t peze elan be used Of all Maine when hanging from root muffins. f1limmum arms trapeze shall be tar ededule 40- PI E DRAINAGE (U All pipe shall be Installed to pitch to drain a minimum of 4 per 1ma-0 1, fr's arall Include Table branch Imes drains and all i 1111"T temaruss the baritone took tdy m:e na down away Rosprinkler feed room additional low news drains fitted with or= drip aenbl es deal be In sled where noted and as detaLed w if zones. These auxlPary chins shell be protected from damage and Doll be clearly marked S) All dry plping shay be capable of CCITFLITE PEIINACF, All plPing shall be caram lly strapped for any areas that mould p 4,1y trap water. (d) TFz prinkler Contractor shall note flat the building roof stores For drainage from the seat aide (MEN? to the east aide (lowj ction, The Floor (low). ).. The rack systems will slopr Is level In the north to e with ttheouth efloor The nurack plping however, sdleopges For ned to allow or this eased with ra From thi north the plachementuch of drains. It b Possible that all In -rack piping will efrectill drain as required withcuF additlwal pipe elope. The °prPklm Contractor 1a recall to ssi lly evaluate this snuaticm In tie field. e Note that the plans are delayed with dlmelsiIXs to earn centerlmee as measured From the top of prlmary Ste irocttom of roof purllne. Mass are also detailed with proposed dlrectien of plum pitch. The Sprlyder Confadof must field check these dimensions d drainage direction assumptions aealrot structural mold condruona. Note that primary Field steel aiding is based on prellmmary structural drawings. B AO—ESTIWi/ CI OSEO4i EEOII15aFMENT_: m The Sprinkler Contractor Ta required to rot or parrom ties ilusmng or the m . mlEg a" ore eervlce at a minimum rate of II Spell Doumsntatl Is required on the Contractors Mabodl and Tees Certificates. (2) the Sprinkls- Contractor moat verry that ALL pipe la Installed to prison properly to drain. (3) All dry system Piping must be pneumatically lereeswe teased (and pass) 45 required by NFPA 13 2013 edition. (4) All plPing must be rydro5takcallic pressure tested at 200 par fo- a minimum darrod of 2 hours de required by NFPA-13, 2019 edition S) permanent Metal Iskentlicatkar Ogre shall ter providad on all valves ,af,5 and low point drole. (6) ns Bp'rkie Comoressor Must perform a complete trip Feet of each dry pipe ayatem, n) ha .prrl'der Contractor shey Provide a completed Contractors Material end Test Certificate for each dry pipe ayetem (3), (e) CompieEon or Wo as built shop parsing sets. This can conelat design drawing sets marked up with danger In red. lS FrOvl5loo of spare epnmtlera bloats wrenches and Printed documents noting original conowase of the cabineNeA ow Proveron of permanent design pbcards On the main daere (IU Testing and adjustment of all slam devices attached to sprinkler systems. (12)offer 2 dralntests. fmm FA;trel •sa.vayso N. I'affe I doulLiss Worse —aatE taw aanteRmaa<vE,�; tCmF FAntaersesarOwn r o rere, ea.w =N�awasi of f �In•HwdewmheCaoc4p rv-a i n•,wrte � ' �� I• wdos •.xrE —i„roar states _. [NOTE: ALL PIPE, FITTINGS 1 HANC£R CfPCNENiS TO BE GALVANIZED AUXILIARY DRAIN DETAIL IN LUMB AGK. eta Tote x'K-9 near—ne r [MAXIMUM BRANC ULINE PIpE SPACING BELC.0 BOTYIN•I OF ROOF PJRLMS - »"6 �. NOTE INB.ALLATION &GALL BE BASED &�' C FINMEA..dIRED BYRJCTURA. IN6TA.LAtION SECTION COLUi1N LINE6 2 d 3 41 LN some Mnm-2-,.. aa�eM.m 4—u<� svmaM,l.n«. a a¢,aMe II I ', MAXIMUM HRANCHLNE IPE SPACylG EELOW '. BOTTOM Of � FURL N6 - 8"6 - I v NOtE: INSTALLATION SHALL BE BASED ON FIELD MEASURED SiRIlC1➢RAL INBTALLATION SECTION - COLUMN LINE 4 torsi rc ♦ s»m"All FMIN`BRANCHLMExMFIFE Ekwr HELOW BOTTOM d- ROOF FL'RLINS - V t rrcwvltM1etti-®Aw T �¢srmEnnnnm 1- oa OE®r FIELD MEASJNEDSRICillRA_INBI ALLA1i�Y _-_x.a•_—__-—_ __- � _-_ SECTION - COLUMN LINES l d 8 tK;t1s b a.a _N Ira arse a Mass �street erwllr { MAXIMIL`i BRANCULINE FIFE SFACMG BELOW EOTTp1 OF ROOF PURLING - a"4 I I _ �E)NPTE: LWTALLATICN SHALL HE BASED ON FIELD MEAB LOOP 6TRUCTJRAL MSILALLATION SECTION - COLUMN LINES 5 4 e's J rf dt Fire Protection Services REVISIONS NO DAYS. D'SCRIPfiC4J: LEGEND --8- 'usamdem,Sprinter A nY Em r!d plop up Ighn fideirker l Up Igh! 6p rd sprig �- farewell Schrader Re Ppe Drop e Pipe Ceno Ilne Abv FF. pipe Cam lion Hadal TOS — Ropoaed pipe -- Ewstmg Aipa a ,�m IkMd row @D\ry r)b SCALE AS NOTED DATE: DECEMBER30, 2020 CAD JOB NO: 2126DE3D11G DRAWN BY: DEWOOD, FE : B-»DyG TEMPLATE LOCATION: DARTMOUTH BUILDING SUPPLY 958 REED ROAD DARTMOUTN MA 02147 DRAII IM1K-. TITLE: PROPOSED LUMBER STORAGE ENCLOSURE FIRESUPPRESSION BUILDING SECTIONS, DR4WW4 N c FP102 V � �N - wwra a�m ,,.m Rtvxev=E R14 On ORR INOI TE: ALL PIPE. P41KG5 4 HANEERI L OOMPONENTE TO BE GALVANIZED DIETAIL SECTION 'D _ D DOUBLE ROW LUMBER RACK /evs �� �waa �a�irm xNORROR o� ""wuww"`om"` E1EE nrur,En� �. roe rwmmr�ca��nrvru P h IN -RACK PIPE NANCsING DETAIL EX �bw°ruimlw. boa TOP�N t >I imTO VIIIII E IN N as I� m am r ' 1 rN 5 aN h 414' ' t— '.uA Rmc mE AU I'IM COTMPIXNENTS tOPBE G LVA .EDP LO(YIPONEN S O BE GALVANIZED R CGMPMINTS O BE GALVANIZED] DETAIL ELEVATION -C - C' DOUBLE ROW LUMEER RACK DETAL ELEVATION 'A A' SINGLE ROW LUMBER RACK DETAIL SECTION 'E - E ? 51NGLE ROW LUMBER RAGK ffid&YS'=imp r e a �.v-vw-x rtr[^wmaEx I� rry� `rYFe wv�R /me rote cvww � � e I /are R.xccolwx n• Lvnv etuxr nm1 Rurc wr�oarrauia � l:J � '�"N6F2reao'. asaar c12d1wi«s ��a Rrce netl wauR. r� ,4 "exe a�°`xxwwwamimE _ NOTE ALL PIPc Pli INEI f BAI _ ovtRaxN ww.m ttE cer>tvws�nmc CO`IPONEN5TO6 GALVANIZE NOTE: ALL PIFE. P"I ING5.4 NANGER cx11Pa.ENT5TC BE GALVMDED CETAIL PLAN SINGLE ROW LUMBER RACK, DETAIL PLAN 61NGI_E ROW LUMBER RACK r I I. ¢To rya as 5 VDNA IN'eo4yulEbm9X+wYiDRY r��rctau'umwnr va�rm r rq wv�oq�,as loR frw EdE4)vmmv4rE bAXEtJ.vEa ro sE EagEvaru RumE va'lh nRrRox rE Re i'=. JJf(WROw1 BYOTIVIRS t rtE2 rvm ¢urtwEs ro e:wlEo 1. y y uarri/a4v. tro'r✓ A ¢QW�w c�x'sE ioeE wcanrexa FRIENRI MINOR N JJhrTeI °LffORAo II mu mxawnut_aa 9�rvaveMRip1Otx" mom' --- -- t P -- -vecK oca:Rx aWtl. oL ,gym �a„ e,� _ rto m FRI o__ rRI rdN rn:..mauwx nnaawrwauEre "° R' `-" OM RAT roR'M OAN ME A`O2cLreD N G zmq (C R�3�M¢iO.R) hwdW1 IN -RACK DROP IN5TALLATION D ETAIL 1 °""" `�M�F -- 1 Ll 0 0 m � reak,��TMl Fa •vla Rui�uartre naw _..__-____ _--__.___/_ PARTIAL SITE PLAN DETAiL SECTION FIRE 5ERVICE ENCLOSURE Yam' L$ DETAIL PLAN RRE 5ERVICE FNCL.OSJRE �,E:—$ �t Fire Protection Services mxlxhm�- ONO INVL III T V151ON5: NO, I DAIS: I PGEGRIP IM: LEGEND �Foreort5pikl. PoRrent Ep k. P Drop urrr g&t 5p Ira1a Up Igm SprlikleI Eprlg a 61depall Sry iNd Plpe IIIIIIS Pipe Drop + Flpe Certorlifle Abe PE, FIP8 Gerear4re, Eeiow WE proposed Pipe EXTAlme FPO DD RRI orl IhWOOD OQ 0 KALE: ASNOiED. DATE- DEGE18ER 30, 2020 OAP JOE No, PII6U65DW DRA BY, OF, DOI PE EI-6DEG TE'IfM1.ATF Ocanau: DARTMOUTH BUILDING SUPPLY 958 REED ROAD DARTMOUT4, MA 02141 DRAWING TITLE, PROPOSED LUMBER STORAGE ENCLOSURE FIRE SUPPRESSION PLAN5, SECTIONS, ELEVATION 8 DETAIL5 DRAWING NO, FP103 Al TO acall e�nwet //rmz�t�.w Art awl TVa1waY 2'3nrc roe¢ "Fai1 ;�aumate eamIT CANALA �h µmCsrom.,,,°PAtAAar"aewre sins me.ersleeuwx nwet Y+ �..••�•• I /�c'.RKOR KMKA6NSR�sRIAtE _A �a>�sL4mv.race arrootorwren j I emu a-eret-wmcar`e-D.. Tauten II. '..�vcwcwwwraamarrwcvwA fr /wwsaz NK ER I r. sre%fro othmal anoxz I T Tvrt-u-Irrinrteetaal.cw Aevretr I � sv;. ®,4-Tanam� �r ®TAD a, ItThlert PI ONE, awas. TO ❑T +ui ce. humor Fuss / w:OFo anal Fr w. vn Afr -_. rcvwc�rce�'re«r aTTOIOLwre m`a,.-+wm»A'rsatb1Dr-wtua� j. �' /Fina«oe m,tewee frol Antsmormisas ❑ uwwrcx „ - Oftw saw cer tures IV nimrs TVwai [] aoawrm DI wwa:xv'. Swltrasereefrn I, ounce to 1 sacni -wrDw.rswrn .- DPLa atnwlff was oer ¢ae, }-- a ® tew�eDRs wrta orerzenErz 10taa ® tonwssu,ff sairo Drzr x-wrx can !.T AWFTD+arFlaaea re, me aVmmcwma Taet I. aow.FeNwa� ERMAI F17 o-rrmw.a tern vcum errtr risw�n erTaaa m�paa r ww �.ACI w<rmr wwaaele I''. % ' �'are�rnnTw., ar„Ano naauu wu STATION f l FIRE ALARM PLAN aceifuJI "Cori, I" OR trNe. At Ammustrou area. ..Are I FN A.A@151�EM G)=N}=R4L SpECIFICATION3: Jul WilleC9 SCO E ° !I)The ponteedi Mi statemto meet e or t o co- t N �. s "an c v- h ea bx or the MA gCnd andtherequirements OF the uaex e�a+s trip creDepartment, pe t t l2)'h. (2) e to e e3 proposed ed ! equal t i F re ContOt An conventional Fire Alarm Co vat Pan10UDC Panel An t t Model milli actualIcalicn Unit to b tual d etrequirementscoofin tYv ep tn Ol 3. Dartmouth Fire Penetrant, aAla and Ice a to be installed this tan, this plan whereOV - AF'PRoquirc (u All eg t 4 b UL LI ted f (al fire alarm e ot. REVISAINE g b t One q ! t d I II tlOn ryG DA1& DESCRIPTION: uir requirements F NR'A dand the `e aadYueEI al o t rode, All eel d wiring to me listed redd d Firee a p ly sited t F the t ae p All ed abl to de 4 )Tiled approved m! III conduit Thelaneu tell qiaor thas t Dartmouth tmavlN Bulldwg and Flre Departmwts. DESIGN: LEGEND re rare notification device design to 5! Publrocce ModerequVr u hPPA-T2, 2le Edition. Strobes n. �_ Pendent 5 ringer output output s41311 be Individually Flald set as non Jon tFese e mane Fardent SprlM:.ar-I"Dro ll ht So- Fiber p I plans, eat)amoke delectmn devices its not reeved. A 6 ilpr gh! 5rlrfsr-I" Sprig make detector Is required above Me FRCP ae efnun. 5ldewell Srrid;IHr —atPipe (3) ia�alsn wirmg Is to conform to Class FF wirwg Rase practices Vista Otherwise noted Five Drop FINAL APPROVAL AND Af OVFANCE- + Pipe Centerline Ann, FF. (P Polt pre -test of all devlces Plpe Cenlsyine Below T,05, P2 Completion of NFPA-12 fewerd OF Completlem Form — Proposed Pipe 0) An auner'e manual and manufacturer'a publle!ed —Existing Pipe instructions covering anayetem equipment iw) Record Drawings (5) Record copy of Lc i lte apedflc eortuere lit aptcopril (6) A written sentence of operation (1) Final suatem Net OF all devices Imludng all active 'ones of line radio comma sa ioro unit back to the town communications center All final testing to be completed with appropriate Dartmouth FD Dil 3 peraopnel on (5) Dartmouth town officials shall provide Final signi An are completed system. dt pz PI AS NOTED DATE OPEDIE R307=0 CAD JOB NO: 2126DBSDUG DRAWN BY: OF, WDOD, PE El-ai TEMPLATE LOCATION: DAaRTMOUTH BUILDING SUPPLY n5� War) ROAD DARfMOUTN MA 02141 Passi TITLE PROPOSED LUMBER 5TORAG-E ENCL05URE FIRE ALARM PLAN DRAWING NO: FP104