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C TO FIELD VERIFY EXISTING BEFORE WORK BEGINS BEFORE WORK BEGINS ' BEFORE WORK BEGINS � zro a o m j N Z pp � v -{I' �ic a�hzo�5o a �ram���• ' z�R�,o t': ap Qom s P1Jga�a tioA r2DNo {{- It , \\\` rnoo 2 rp dmO Pr, 0 �O I I Z� cZ�,c ti� o BOO � � - -_- - �p � _ 'to �On _a c � = d � 11 III E I o �, o C p ►�, p L" - y rr- =11 III- �\ - \ [Tt I I �`\` I 1=1 I I111111\ 2 -0 6 --- r,, p a ®! j I yf - o � � � � - - ® �\ a Al z I EI - - — o , =111 mo � % _ pIIEI ii= it zcan c a , — •;, c� �n o u _m _ 4 4� co N, Zo - c o m az m -gam c� az `om 9 III . y o s {teaa-o n o o� a -- 9 5 r? , 1,-0" ' On fA mmmu O � o,,r� C, bra 2 S, m 1 ty } k O i C) O �7 CA)po Z k�ak� c, cad ^ice c � h p ZS a �� � ..] _ ►'t �� O p r� � ��p�ta^ib `l � o ' 4 II o zap�oo fhi �] IESIE \` „\ I \* s' \ O i \. 2' Oo^' oobw ti o°a oa hb►v W� a WWb ��0 - zh �� Zen ��ce, o°i = �+� ��� p oOa �� ha pyh ril h h� N �� a:. . in ZOO. �w``'� Cpps • � n h ��. +*� h� hip Zr'a Z _Z2� zt�^,,i �� �`. yam, o a h o 0o na^ 20 rrr(�i 2 0 h� to 4'-0' MIN. -c VARIES - TO HATCH DOS77NG hEIGHT (G. C. TO f7a D VERIFY) RNISH WADE TO BOTTOM OF F0077NG RNI-W GRADE TO EAVE _ p a � • ] y Z ,p I. D 4�1Z%h ��� b ��' \X' �� ant~Osa�_ g p c7 "ZZZ a ter= fci O `� Ln� R' \I`. 2 h II z �h o a I o c'po���-b�,,,;� c�o,� 1a �mtort I �� a c c oo� b a��o� R' a� ae �` O r a �a r� it C �: X:. ni a p `1 c�j ��� z c I z zAA I V . i r , t : r _ r \ 1va .........2, j �^: � o� ti �� hao c�bro w •a a -cm _ pcn�3� �w� +. -�h' c� OZc� C ppy anaZ cn bra 2 aa0 r,,o�,no, h�;{�� i Z� �cn Zr p c p�a0 Zr.�hip- 6��� _ ah•'�r]t �Cpan s ��rn Z ,k°C a8_ c� a a Z cz a ��l +atrb ap Nd r� vOh t p Z �� Z �crt� Oo OyrO O�h �r ��y `� o Ni o AU)^ n �� g,o f' O 4'--O' MIN. 16-0'1 70 MA7i;H LXlS77NG HE7GHT (G.C. 70 RaD `VERIFY) RN1, 7•l GRADE TO BOTTOM OF FOO77NG ; RNISH GRADE TO EAVE (I. LID CA) Lno Z o ova z'� " z� "ohU ao aooZ Z rna obr*, �n o� O r n�� as n©ate pOv�^� II a`<C��b c,a coca 'e t r v ® n CD zKr7 rn O F10 oao 0 6 �c h O y ZOO C h ;i%© ZD n i i i �ti ow N wZ ti wr,,o �pi� wow h� W Zo oap'� pZ Zia C aCC = aO C o0y aQZ _ =Z� N Zp Cps r ��`� -_• h CO ca __ cn zit b Z C ^i h Z a a o h oo - cN ` _\� 2 p yC pa con Lo � C �, Z2 %Ul rrri _ n r Zaa ZZ� n O O pIZ- Lo C h^ 12'-0' NEW OVFRHEAD DOOR 4'-0' MIN. 1s'-0'f - TO MATCH EXlSANG hE16HT (G.C. TO RELD VERIFY) FINISH GRADE TO BOTTOM OF F0077NG RNISH GRADE TO EAVE I i caWb ph j, �r'O t*i0 �O c Z�� �a �� �h hh Zoe + o00 �. oho o p �e ( 2C is to I� CA) Ii o 0 o o �.J 1 7a MAX Jir1i j hnOGi \ �p�� Q� rn Rt �p O oco J O y �t 60 cn i a a2 Z zZ n� ��1� hh �� ��yh I a -`Capp ZZra �� co zoa� � `a''o to Co 7-0 1 i �cn``�� O h� yZO a �6r2 r*,c� O� 0 a �h to � DOOR r . 4 �� o , o a co ` �c�`''� c) C =Tzi ozj Al pSao OZt� hm �D o v � m o z � O z z� PROPOSED ADDITION FOR THE NORTH DARTMOUTH AMBULANCE FACIL'PY NORTH DARTMOUTH, MASL�'JACHUSETTS WiLLiAM STARCK ARCHITECTS, INC. 114 DURFEE STREET FALL RIVER, MASSACHUSETTS 02720 Tel: 508.679.5733 Fax: 508.6728556 e-mail: starck0starckarchitects.com 16' 0' f TO MATCH EXISTING 16' 0' f TO WATCH EX/STING-� HEIGHT G. C. TO FEILD VERIFY ' ' 3 " a 16 -0 f TO MATCH EXISTING r n j ri 16'--O' i TO MATCH EXISTING ( ) 2 - l / HEIGHT (G. C. TO FEILD VERIFY) ,7'_ "1 3j • HEIGHT (G C TO FEILD VERIFY) 2.11 s II + HEIGHT (G.C. TO FFILD VERIFY) aj� FT r I p rn 41 Q) CA) a W m c) ! II I Ell o El O 0 O r 2 a n� 2 cn 2 p 0 0 r` z c� I Pit g I 2 cnC a Ora 2'D2 offzt_.. �y ucr>� opr �c.,Qi b c � 2 I c� a o C �� � p I � � .yo �ao rcrri I _ Grp any j I ' I Ln ZIE to rn c� o C : 0o i if Iit e - pac fir,, rn 16 -0' f TO MATCH EXISTING HDGHT (G.C. TO fEILD VERIFY) 2' '1 O -a ;o adv�i � n k=� z' �zo C. ^O a 02 L p � o� Z c o� aC 2 0 Z 16'-0f TO MATCH EXISTING TZJ HEIGHT (CC. TO I-EILD VERIFY) 2 - -1it -j A N ' I If } e j ' o � z i m �J I ; �"Zz 000 it a I o0 L=L z o _ r a r Z o � cc ym�"ao ! `� �c �crk, p�nA I I Z�a I o0 nrmr-'l -10� Z�ZO R, IR, -c I , I I o I I i u -- 1 zZ "�� �2 y�c �� a I O� >c {,t2nOj a�� Op� ��0 z o 2rn � ^ o azz���rrl 2 o a�w�aJE 2� a`r�� I z P" z.- �OCr o � p O , NOTE. _-M TAL SEWER CLEAN -OUT FR AME COVER OBTAINED Gen OteS F FEE M U I � FOR A E FROM THE DARTMO TN D.P W Ma 63 x N c I. Locusts shown as Lot 1 on Assessor.: P WOODEN EROSION CH ECKS CK5 iF £ PL�ST ROS 0 A H AY E � E LED 10 L _ :-- - REMAIN i N PLACE UNTIL i �M- ° MUST E FINISH GRADE I -_ GRADE) A DA AR- AS 0R S L 0P ES _. -.. Refer t :.PlatBook 12_ Pa gee 91also DeecBo k 2303 Page e .48 RAX -SILT STOP ARCPRMAN hTLY STABILIZED. LANDSCAPING SCHEDULE GRAVEL CL U15EN0te. sED NT CONTROL R PLA.E AS MINIMUM 120r Q proved equal) S TREES TO BEMIN. OF 10 Fa R�c OR Eou�t3. Locus s Lmted Industrial 1n from 11 Property t _ W 5 fee om a P o es om a ROW and _ t _ P PLANTING ] 0 feet of frontage, _ 0 feet fr IN HEI GHT ATPLA s> �y E ,: SPRUCE I SP R �. ,� lTE > sT Ess RELrf R .. WH T .. o c �., �, --- ...... HEIGHT E E r ,.... 5 IN H ... F .... MIN. 0 , E AUC SPRUCE TO ,. I _ EA GL sPRu .'�, &� ND 7 P i Y IC<L � , : It , ?. r Y . I Parkin spaces: 4. p CANTING i -- CEMENT P NIPER AT P - _ � . > . EN CONCRETE (ALL AROUND) SARGENTJUNIPER , > t' t A Required spaces, + US CHINESIS ... a d ...JUNIPER 21 ... l o » l r e for CLEAN -OUT _ - .• 1 space per _00 s . ft. of 'Toss floor area plus space per _ employees es o EAN ouT ... ,. , ; ,. Office.litie Space, P P 9 S P P P . � WlTHREAD - __--- , X _ � ED MALE PLUG , MINIMUM G GRAVEL - � -� EL l3/1SE Off1Ce space RHODODENDRON „'�,,. r ]d JM RHO .. „ _ �._ {� P h � F JM T o P � o , N ,_ � z _ R O R M � E ---- - +; DEND Y !� E .. + � ulr e . RHODO '`� , L.- ., � � _ spaces 14 employees/2 to ees _ 13 spaces re ed 21 _ G SDR-35 l _$0 S fL / (I(1 6 P P Y - .- MAi tn�.-� ,.S rrtCESS G t¢ ,s- O - ,` ... a I SHORT ELDOW _ , FOR STA.,I_,TY. . , : .. _-.. ./ N A ... GREE N ASH VA YL - _ �i NNS wY » » B Spaces Pro ded. , +AXINUS PE .. ., E � G 6 p ..........FR - s DR 5 3 a Accessible t h .. em Handicap t b H d - - s' G _ 1 spaces provided _ P , 4 hI s o ed , r t , E M , .-•4Cr.Fl_L TR_irCN .. -� F LIND EN _ _ TILE LEA : R a LI _ � + D .. to C 0 .. TL 5_ F - t Coverage �(Approximate): 6. Lo Co e a_e C -- GRAVITY IT EXIST. 6 xl b _ SDR 5 3 G v P t� A. Lot Coverage (Proposed): FLOW _ SE WER 7 _ ER S U _ _ F3 SDR 5 r , 3 . so i � Q L Building .area _ _ q Q � Area 1---0 s .ft. Asphalt Pavement a. d Sidewalk ea a TO CONFIRMED P R N UCTI p e ELEVATIONBE RIO TO CO STR ON i 2 TA L. T E I o LE C_ YB HA A _ tit Percent of Lot Cov erase 3G io s .ft. with a Pe I Total Area 16 000 _ _ _ FLOW 9 /'► ETAIL c C E _�• ELEVATION N VARIES FROM PLAN �,�L INVERT 'SILT `` FENCE D OF SEWER. IF ELE A 0 A 0 I UST MAINTAIN � T E ADJU STED TO � m ELEVATIONS S SHOWN ARE B r _ _ T T SCALE LE A ION 0 NO 0 CA , SANITARY S _ EWER r , - EE r h 997 l 99Sedition of the , ew THE DESIGNS P GRATER. -ainin endant�red s ecies as delineated on the 1 ._ _ 124.48 _ _ _ E SLOPE OR 7 Locus is not located >>,�thm an area Cor. b _ P IS 33 _E N 82. T .. - t � 'x a Estimated Habitats f state -listed ted rare e Massachusetts husetts Natural Heritaee Atlas of Esttma e ab s o s e s ar -�- � the .sac CLEAN -OUT U II DETAIL Bedford North quadrangle contained t�h _ °- - 8 E o , E AIL q � N t 57 3 ----- 8 • AM KD , TRUCTE 2 wlo E ST ONE E HEC t t ONS wetlands wildlife. TO BE REC t _ WALL c� _ P WA RIP -RAP _ 4 t _ _ R _ 6.5 13 , v SHOW TOPE o T 0 S WA L E SH 0 , NOT t M 70 S SALE , 5 In nit, no. 00_ ] stye! n . in on ma f community o , al flood hazard zone as delineated o e o 0 , 8 Locus is located �>,ithtn a Zone C s ect. P _ , P r� lab M P 3 7 , , :insurance rate maps. ; 001 B n 198 P a36 ,. _ ,dated June 1, � of the flood q 13 5 _ 1 1 tried on -the -ground n e evidence obtained b o d n from r drawings and from surface de '- 9. Existing utilities shown have been take om record d �s y gr'survey. _ : R 135 R 4995 R 499b T e M Trench Frame with. .�. 3a � _. com leteness of the utilities shown is made b the surveyor/engineer.senficatton of 13 S �-•-� 137 � a „ . ho re resentatton as to the accuracy or P Y 39 � Series Solld or Grated Cover _ <.�� , ., ,,. P � utility companies _ f her respective a utt an es. r with h ai f dt safe and of es ,. _ilm of the contractor t the d o ..,: .,. tY P _ Luhnes and locations are the res ons- � P I 1 �• .. • P h _ ;.w e Cast Iron Trench Assemblies Medium or Heavy ri r _ v w Garages, tSidewalks,Dn e a s Ga s e n tl tte I ! t or usl] f m compiling an as -built i s an. 1 Du Fn for rider round utilities installed or use to co as I \ YY e e ,. , I0. Contractor shall keep records of locatl� s u � P S P 6P p ., .>C _ Loading Docks- etc. M 7 l0 9 t w specifications ns VARYING ., Dartmouth `de artment of public works s ca o n methods t meet the Town of Da t I _ 11 ' .•\ll construction material and installs >:o o s o p p p • � M o s `t OVERFLOW TO ALL DO _ Read Carefully Before .. _ .; , as most recently amended _ n _ _ (] t - Orden ., �.. ITS OF H2 s TED TO 7 UN - EC � * E CONNECTED r I N _ 1 �" R EP L ICAT 0 r, OF I � Specify: AREA OT I W/2 OF STON._ . �, L UNITS, CO NTACTOR CT OR 12H ` 8 \ AMEDn LO Complete . ,.: l nu..52r. :. � 1 /_ binder course and a 1 1 /_ wear course of bituminous concrete pavement. FOR i _ co a e e � a o, ��• 1 _. Parking lots are to be suridticd with a 1 : b b P Y PLAN � � NE UTILITY - sTo .. � �� , <.� s PER U FL OF m h S P IDES. a Medium or heavy v ,u. A I L s A, M frame „ f . AROUND AL S. 4 RO 2 Y _ .. ._. Ill uslrct, rig tree - 5OI 12 A SEEDED 4 4 _ _consistingn 10 1 er of com acted rocessed grave Both the subbase and • t Overall length o{ corer -, . - c._-,_.. Of a a� "VENTURA_ DATED re s with Pavement will be placed on a subgrad� P P � PARK DA A MINI -PARK UNIT. ? •+.- grpted Lover. _... BENEATH reau�re_ ,. �. �_ o� BE - _ _ .., n n:n e..s._e c__ , ... 9_ ,o maximum d density nor topaving. • •. . � _ t_, processed rage] shall be compacted to 11' P LOANED 8 SEE[ED , .. Lid sole, fact grc.e.., or r :• et Cc- ce ec: epee +c, �•+. P 4'• P .. r• _ 87 x �o ono! Darred co a , - diagonally s _e cc.,r. 2 WIDE SIDEWALLS l 3 .1 SLOPE from the h _..ocm�an of outlet, .sae irate. The shall be arranged and shielded so as to prevent direct !arelight / STONE CHECKD M 13. Proposed lights to be Installed where adequate. 5 � P Sg n m end ive m- J _ fl 1 i lit evenly and,fully i shall e 1 as a an i r to night b P EL. 138.5 O � .,r roe All parking facilities which are used a . - T� mer.s�oncl locc.�on „rid SOUrCe OnIO all public w'a Or an Oth property. ttY P � �' Y Y =... Y P Y, Y , I' es.e i _P I Bit to ode. �e irnt established the State u d C , � is estab ed b r n e v a. a rid possible within x lA. _ �n la as oss b e th n the maximum wattage _ b v - K n r t r u 9 Whether r n both : .. r used over areas G g g p _ ... e e one end o .. T. each s cve s a e J i - sizes and lengths i ., variety of s = 9 t n r n are be open o be Y ends o .Can b . ssembl es PP I c W , I r c .+ irre gular r' tren ches P I s. For 9 E l ' fo neet 's special ne eds, Y B A L z H A , , r,. ITI N and all D 7 _ cover a R F N-D O S 3 ae r E O CO SE � h r ILI'I•Y ecu e a co of the RECORDED ORDER - PROPOSE' ,. Permo ...i SJr�..CE �. rE PR Q _ P ": ancnoemenls ccn be mode to furnish 1 d 1t is the CONTRACTORS RESPOi\S� to s copy e RECO O N C E E , F / .ed. See page �_.. T r 1 L r7 � S P l , _ � ARYING --_ - < necessary rml r r i \ e is io to an site acts n E � '� D P P Y N m i , T 8 STO NE L N 1 F U WConservation .A nt p 0 M - _ _ •_ _ z , , � l , I I �.CE, tf re cared is to be between the Contractor and the e TO _ - :t_-�, i � I A PRECO?�STRLCTIO;� CO?�"FERE.. _ q� rn - GRADE W / : ELOW B - U. j _ 18 0 ,. _ S CT N S E I t on t R S ial. size out e s _ vmI � �. - l 1 1 �0 _ rid of dro�n.5 Special r e _ for o construction. - - O `E C � Standard 4 ,rich outlet at P .. ,.: - , P wA _I 47.7 � v' ( c CO _ ;..', obi• dri s enal order. Side and bottom owlets optional and Wrnishee i : only when s _ _ NOT TO SCALE _Y 7 5 "r 4 3 0 r n site plan,prior an tvl andaeto i BALES re to be Installed as shown o theseto act • o / 16 ANY Sl[ (ATiON FENCING OR HA • a P , Y activity L_ ^ n ] iv completed an vegetation established. -_ all activities are co ed d e eta remain -lace and be maintained untt P � v P - F r 0 _ 1 l 6 L 3 AM -�- O CKD ., _ , L N C E 2 WIDE STONE H '� en removed b hand labor- A- ;�1AT10. against the silt fence is to be remo sDR 35 WALE _ _. :•.�- ; , 1 ; ANY SLBST.A'�Tt�L SILT ACCL-M� _ Y igEGINNiNG OF S W/TOP SET AT ELEV. OF _.• .•. �r- I 3 8 .,EC .. oa _ 2 _ 0.0 T INV. P 1N E E L SL 0 .. E_ 3 0. _ I c _ •, u �� 0 lie re u ce area. � _ I1 0 feet oft so '� E I o ed •ithin 1 0 1 b FL"ELL G OF HICLES s a, _. a 0 RE FL ___-- SWALE 290 SLOPE - _ - --__. _- - .. ... � lies Medium �c' 14 n _T _� Y i . r In -._ -_. :_ - -_ _.. .. _._ - 2 'WIDE __-- T _ _ r ha bale line daily. r DEBRIS is be removed from the ti Icinl of the Fence o 1413 ----. h over _ . E 19 CONSTRUCTION TI01 LITTER A!sD . n Y STONE CHECKD A►A ._, �-------- a-a99s-A2 ,,:, �_rcc _ _ _..AIICO, STRLC P EL. 13 0 .. - 1P RAP T R _-- . < , \ h nation A ens and the I •. , , .. �. ,.., .i .,t ti,c ���m lulu ,T .. Inc . ro,c.t o,it the C c nSt. -- �( 11C �f<.C)1 CU.:1l:IP - - 1.0 �, :..crc ocord Sires Heavy Duly _ I. }2 .11 >' �' 1 `� OU U S .-. , .,. •- .. -, T 4 � n or ..� hunt -�..�.., ,h_t may be rc Lire N _ 0 :. _ _ a -:� _.E, - . . i o - - _ -- .: r..,•� ,nT �ar,� t.v �;t� :�....,c�. • r 9 `� � - __. .. r.... � _E R.c,Sa-A1 ��.n ,.. _te_c 1 .tnCC -.�1. r , t t -. • OVERFL v .., .. , W 0 U T _9.a s 3 sP I _. .. 1 Ili 49a 3 3 W l NE 0 5 t0 WIDE E � _., F P and Oil MD Trap). R P 0. 2 I ., i ll t be connected to the Gas a 0 Separator C ). WlOVE L.�, Y � ,.> R � _ ,;._rsr 6i _ n s, a r_•. ,. _1 . Floor Drains and Parts wash sinks insta ed o P � P. p VEHIC DR1vEwa W SE / T _ 30- . ------ T-.- P PROPOSED N 4j�CKDAM TOP E _ gas and of C n v ._ .l does not ,� PARKING � � � .� � . P , / - a ._ _ -_._ _ _ ,_ - __ -� - - - '2. '`1D r e ins ected annualh � the O erator to ensure the sediment... and floatini products (t.e c . ) . w Y CROSS-SECTION, . - • olf i.•'1.� .: _ - i I - 1 a. � Q - __.,:.__ __ ---- -;---- - - ,. C t ap to b p _ b- P 1 FORE - r�.. r N I r, S F _�� _.__.. _ I ..' :csCi � ,. 11„� ,. � tn.c�L_h ..,., od...: _.iris. Remora, ..... d,s O_ _...iCh T^..b...._: t0 CO:. „ ,. �_.,3} L,r? i _ each de*t,.h.,here _. iscn_rg _ P N _ / - '„ / � NOT TO SCALE ... . : m - F nr_ s- s cE,. <�_ a-. c� s, ,, s a l n �tr nmenta, m G ek;� / �_.E < E _Ec _ a a State en o reLulations III ifrs _ 50 T N C O 4 l d - F C / 0 K R OP, 3 5 P W A L ., _ PE . H _G r 1 � � prior and after cleaning ; • =• VY DUTY C.L. PI • � %� � EA � ., _ � Components of the tiiD(' trap shall be rated and filled w clean ester pro to use a �, O N . TRAPISEE TA1L1 PROP. FOREBAY I , ROP.MDC t z ._1 � � SEE DETAIL) 5 0 _ 41 1 s ' ... R 6 SD , L- 12. 5 OF M J J - 2 ,. E _ 0 S WAL 3 o. Av o s P E » ROVED MATERIAL. : - 4 CAST IRON OR EQUIV. APPROVED -,RAIN . �r r s RAME 8 COVER W/CENTER HOLE , L-. �. 12 x 24 � , „A�T IRON F d TRENCh / O f- PROP ENT51L 4 EXTEND UNDERGROUND TO BUILDING 8 RUN TO ROOF. M In IU � LINE 4 LOAM P FINISH GRADE E DE OOF L sE . R .... I BIILT U TO l Aeov LY Y POINT INTO ONE VENT. , � I EOUA� E COMBINED AT AN - 50 - .-�. � f I VENTS NOT TO B N lass I SEED ONG(Ei',E CURD � P.tNv. 10 SPACEDI N w a PRO g 6 e9 TE SRRUCE �n _tie. - .. � WHI i oor- ' .v i � 9' .VENT TO R a OSED WIN,1- �ROP i � i ,t _ w _ _ } - /.. / - - N ?� 5 .. \ �• RADE SEE PLA ) s required Z - SPACE 2 .. , 5 9 ', ` EXISTING .,._ _ flNISN G � � � 9 EStA _ 1 \. , o� Flc _ _l m F j .- G ,. EXIST, GRD. T _ ._1 FILLING O_ S.r � _ ., APPLIED • d 50 - t aT 70 eE _ _ _ . 6 STATION .� _ 1 - e R.,E min. , m ab / RWG COU ( ) to , • - COURSE ( v .. :': - ( - -( - - - - - _ B DER CO EXTRA HEAVY • DOWNSPOUT 77 - rvltfV (•1/L C,1, INLET FROM v I \ FLOW 5 : -'-. -.. O'1 � e G [ND C 1. WlOVER :. , : ' • FLOOR DRAINS .. E ` -gLON t3 C.1. o ,..•_; ;;e..-- to I F Mirk • s O ; � p - - To- 6R.oVEL B:,SE hl o • _ .- •:.-::..... - -- j'''7 _ - , SL= 0.01 ____ WATER LINT-_ -�• O SEWER ,r r✓i MIN. (COMPACTED) -+FROM FLOOR DRAIN .T� O 'll4\ 24' I9' EXISTING BUILDING --"� ' ' �' .---•- N N ( i =1�- - i FROM BLDG. - - - t - EL = 139.1 FINISH SLAB EL.-147.19 I I t �-- 19 10 1N I _ _ RIP -RAP � _ _ �_ I "'+- � _ mina EXISTING R (�- g y � � z „ + 3 i EXTRA HEAVYC.1: PIPE ING WALL to RETAIN � o , t': � o to „ • - i AM O CKD TE CHE Ni TONE 'b h PROP. N � T L _ CURB C)E AI � R��E PAVEMENT ENT 8r C,ONCRETE TOP EL. _ 139.0 SP r, � w P A Ir' w w, T IN LACE CONCRETE: 1 N � �WROUGH B POURED P 12 U. ,t OREBAY 14 (.: PROP. F _ u. L i : ,, . � ... � � � LN�,JOT TO SCA E>.. �: PROPOSED PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE STRUCTURE � ' _. E PS EE DET AIL) 24 M _ r . t S m , / . - �.,::.:, ., PLACE. TO BE WATER- , E/SILT FENCE _ to HAYS � a ' .W OR 8 SOLID MANHOLE POURED IN ,: �.,;• SURE NO GROUNDWATER INFILTRATION OR i o to z 10 MIN. �, . � TIGHT TO IN DUCT RELEASE. ALL JOINTS TO BE GASKET SEALED , .� v'• r r. , „,. , PRO .; , . .. .. , •••,. - OR APPROVED EQUAL. c. e., CO��R�TE pquR�D . y D 5 O LOT 11 3 ELr lagsit HEADWALL O � l a J � 4 5 W - t2 MI N. 9 _ 8 f rc l 0 CH c AT c - SE REINFORCED NEW RUBBER HOSE S SEPARATOR ; Str,, R Tf F 0�L 81 GA / V VI �•, / 1 N q 6 BASIN •r R. f� P W Tf exlST \ 1/2 50 qC _ p cp LL FRO4 C A� RELOCATE �tCA 00 ExtsT. ESe � 1 - O ` RVE E __ O HER e N .- bouB� A NOT TO SCALE • DRIVEWAY TO STu F wAL E STR ND 12 GAUGE GALVANIZE` • / 136.5 C ANNEALED TWISTED WIRE DM ,be / 9 � � � EXIST PROP. Y 4. MR w ,� o• .STO W LL � BUILDING PERMIT 8 PARKING -LOT PLAN Ap p c. !q t REE WRAP (APPROVED) LAP END DOwr>I, B I kis , DO NOT STAPLE, . T,.6,. f- C.S. , _. Y/ J A Z k, LUI \ sT ., �E _ � 3 TIMBER STAKES 2 I /2 x 2 I /2 x6 v O .8 s � R l_8 EWE 0.84' STAINED GREEN. LOW - R _ _ - - HYD. --"� � 0 .. SHREDDED BARK MULCH ER 4 TREATED � / W !PRESERVATIVE STAKES EQUALLY P 63 2 S:. y LOT 115, MA a \ O-u3! / SPACED AROUND ROOT BALL e I 7 8 J 12" FROM T MIN. p'1° , TRUNK. STAKES DRIVEN AT �N A'S AN ANGLE a PULLED VERTICAL WITH D A RT M O U T H MA. 'URA \ `��. W %% WIRE. ( MIN. 40" BURIED.) / 2-O ENc N MIN. 3 SHREDDED BARK MULCH ti c- Ke e h R. Fe r r e I r a E n g I n e e rl n g Inc. Iv/d w.c�/ BENCHMARK: `%' "'� �` FINISH GRADE o y� n n t D s / ,.E,. IN OPEN l / l 0 46 Foster Street, New Bedford, a R/ O _ �---REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP �5 EL,- 147.51 1.0 �� HALF OF ROOT BALL '� • REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP HALF HOLE \a Leo.• ro OF ROOT BALL. �,?' Tel. 508 992-0020 Fax: 508 992-3374 SEWER MAN i min. }},, = 140.71 min o c SOIL MIX. - SEE SPECS.' > In I .. f.•'im \ �\�oFAggS ,'�11nSM00 RIM EL. 0 - ® - INV. EL.= 128.06 SOILM - E DMH _" � , � ,, I ��1 I �i it IX SE SPECS.�°� KENNETH �''' I / _�-. 1 FtFR I A CONT CT PERSON: KEVIN SILVA - O t" IV W T EE TING DETAIL SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL R _PLAN ° �" �a Q �aT` SEWER MANHOLE NOT TO SCALE - �F �ls NQ, ,' 2-I I-00 2 REVISED LANDSCAPING XRF -17-00 r �S;Cf�A', E� RiM EL: 145.1 - NQT TO SCALE Lt: NEW OIL >3 GAS SEPARATOR NOTE KJS 3-t0-00 M. EL: 137.73 I" = 20No.� �i�VtStONS 8v Dale ---- - -- - SE 18007 , LANDSCAPING SCHEDULE or approved equal) . •.JUNIPERUS CHINESIS ................. SARGENT JUNIPER O 25± .........RHODODENDRON PJM hybrid. ........PJM RHODODENDRON . 3± ,, , .......FRAXINUS PENNSYLVANIA .. • • ......GREEN ASH 5± ...........TIL1A CORDATA ....................LITTLE LEAF LINDEN I, - It 1.8 4' CLEAN -OUT DA TFRAME TH D. WR OBTAINED General Notes NOTE: FOR A FEE IFROMTHE itYX• WOODEN PCIST ► ! I BALED HAY EROSION CHECKS 1. Locus is shown as Lot 11, on Assessors Map 63. IO { o I MUST REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL FINISH GRACE .F I GRADED AREAS OR SLOPES _ 2. Refer to: Plan Book 122, Page 91, also Deed Book 2303, Page 248 - { PRAEX 'SILT STOP" ARE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. .' S£DIVENT CONTROL IIP 1 IFLQW REPLACE AS NEEDED. MINIMUM 12-IGRAVEL WE FABRIC OR EOUA L J 3. Locus is Limited Industrial z•! - 150 feet of frontage, 50 feet from a ROW and 25 feet from all Prcperty lines S7RESS REWFORCEMENT BIND ( T YP1CAL) ° �. CEMENT CONCRETE (ALL AROUND) 4. Parking Spaces: �_ _ A. Required spaces; 16 CLEAN -OUT .. ,;j Office!Livery Space; I space per 200 sq. ft. of gro=s floor area plus 1 space per 2 employees for Z 2"-� ' r '. W /THREADED MALE PLU -- MINIMUM G` (GRAVEL BASE �i' office space PLAN R MOVE 2" TO 4" OF G" SDR-35 1250 sq. ft. /200 = 6 spaces + 14 employees/2 = 13 soa<; reouired MATERIAL AS NECESSARY c" 0 4n' FOR STABILITY. SHORT ELDow WYE 6"6"6; B. Spaces Provided; soR-35 p p ng Handicap Accessible IIG 17 spaces provided with 2 bei - EMBANKMENT a4CKFIL L TRENCHv- �� 4- _ 6- 6.. Lot Coverage (Approximate): G G„ SDR q35GRAVITY EXIST. 6- 16 SDR-35 A. Lot Coverage (Proposed), h'i 1VE SOIL SDR-35 FLOW SEWER STUB Building Area 3750 sq.ft. LOT 12 SILT FENCE DETAIL HAYBALE DETAIL ELEVATION TO BE CONFIRMED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AsohaltPavement and Sidewalk Area= 12250sa.ft. FLOW OF 5EWER.,'tF ELEVATION VARIES FROM PLAM ALL INVERT Total Area =16,000 sq. ft. with a Percent of Lot Coverage = 36% _ NOT TO SCALE SANITARY SEWER ELEVATIONr� SHOWN ARE TO BE ADJUSTED TO MAINTAIN 124.48' n r`, -' - THE DESICIN SLOPE OR GREATER. 7. Locus is not located within an area containing endangered species as dell ted on the 1997 - 1998 edition of the New 2' o CLEAN -OUT DETAIL Bedford North quadrangle contained in the Massachusetts Natural Heritagy Atlas of Estimated Habitats of state -listed rare WIDE STONE �HECKDAM � wetlands wildlife. TOP EL= t36.5 pI NOT TO SCALE 8. Locus is located within a Zone C special flood hazard zone as delineated eo the map of community no. 250051, panel no. 13T 138 0015B, dated June 1, 1983 of the flood insurance rate maps. R-4995 - R-4996 T e M Trench Frame with 9. Existing utilities shown have been taken from record drawings and from s�Tace evidence obtained by on -the -ground survey. yP No representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the utilities show~ is made by the surveyor/engineer. Verification of 137 138 ' Series Solid or Grated Cover f_ utilities and locations are the responsibility of the contractor with the aid d dig safe and other respective utility companies. Cast Iron Trench Assemblies - Medium or Heavy 1 _ 1 \ Duty For Use in Sidewalks, Driveways, Garages, 10. Contractor shall keep records of locations for all underground utilities ins -gilled for use in compiling an as -built site plan, I y gr I7" 10 Loading Docks, etc. VARYING �« t 11. All construction materials and installation methods to meet the Town of I rtmouth department of public works specifications TO SEWER MANHOLE RIM EL.=145.1 MV. ELI, 137.73 ON LOAMED 8 ONE \ SEEDED 1.OAMED 8 SEEDED 2' WIDE \ 3 .1 SLOPE SID=WALLS STONE CHECKD M TOP EL: 138.5 o I o) M VARYING .� as most recently amended. 12. Parking lots are to be surd :red with a 1112 binder course and a 11/2 weFtng course of bituminous concrete pavement. A. Illustratin T e M frame - - i " +• �.: with gra,ea �o er. S,andcrd Pavement will be placed on a subgrade consisting of an 10" layer of compacted processed gravel. Both the subbase and with 4-inch outs de caulk out- proceswd gravel shall be compacted to 95% maximum dry density prior t, paving. let. Can be equipped for m• - s�de caulk if spkified. 13. Proposed lights to be installed where adequate. They shall be arranged and shielded so as to prevent direct glare from the light source onto any public way, or any other property. All parking facilities %shich are used at night shall be lit as evenly and fully Trench covers are used rover areas requiring long drainage as possible within the maximum wattage limits established by the State B<'lding Code. - assemblies. Can be suppilied in a variety of sizes and lengths to meet special needs.. for trenches of irregular pattern, arrangements can be mode to furnish cover to fit. 14. It is the CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY to secure a copy of the REeORDED ORDER OF COI�TDMONS and all - A - - necessary permits prior to any site activity. '� / o CI �Tr �_T - ITT 15 A PRECONSTRUCT'ION CONFERENCE, if required, is to be held bet>>~i;<�n the Contractor and the Conservation Agent SWALE CROSS-SECTION -It C_ ' / Standard 4-inch outlet at end of drain. Special size outlets are avoil `` - _ prior t0 construction. able on special order. Side and bottom outlets optional and furnished ���' NOT TO SCALE only when specified. ICJ 16. ANY STI-TATION FENCING OR HtANBALES are to be installed, as shoe on the site plan, prior to any activity and are to rr--- - SOLID GRATED remain in place and be maintained until all'activities are completed and etation established. SEE eec-10«. 2' WIDE STONE CHECKDAM 17. ANY SUBSTANTIAL SILT ACCUMULATION against the silt fence is to be removed by hand labor. BEGINNING OF SWALE WtTOP SET AT ELEV. OF g \� SLOPE= 0.02 SNLET INV. SECTIONS THRU DRAINS Catalog No. l Descnncio-r, I A i E 1 C (^ I ie^.c- SWALE 2% SLOPE m Du 18. 'PTO REFUELING OF VEHICLES is allowed titi�sthin 100 feet of the resou ce area '�• Src izes tMediuty - S Sections: Thru Drains, Type M �_ p-.� / R-499s-A1 wIt _ ove• 10 e'E= 19. All CONSTRUCTION LITTE 'STD DE i m S en _ _ _ _ c _ s: R-4995•A2' with grated cover 5 a O OE eO UC ON LITTERAN DEBRIS s to be removed from the vicinity of the Silt Fence or haybale line daily. ------ - -- ' r , R-4995-El with it1•e r i" -• l �. acE.E_ T RIP -RAP _ R-49 wrh solid cower i I 5 A 20 A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE is required at the completion of tb- project. Notify the Conservation Agent and the Standard Sizes Heavy Duly / -p ,o,,,- \ o_ ET p.cE� R.4496-AI witwen Oro Ed COcver 71 ry• - 10 6 i O oErE Engineering Company for any required inspections, reports, or as -built pleas that may be required. vM a _ 5 e o cE•e�� �; N PROP/2' WIDE STONE 10 scc,a« RacSCx..'-0 a GC C--' R-4996-A3 with 2L \ 4over -.. 10 12 , OrCEEC •• `"- R-4996.61 with solid cower : - 10 6 o E•ec - N CKDAM TOP EL: 139.0 I ----- s A o _E,ec Floor ins an sinks to connected to - -- -------- vaue_E --l_ o D-/ R-4496-62 with solid crnver oar Drains d Parts wash installed to be the Gas and Oil Separator (MD Trap). - � } ? < --� E; R-4?96.83 with solid cmver 11 �, n o'S ----- Frc E se^ :_.e : - E _ : 22. Mi',C #ra to be ins eared u«i.i all by the O eratoi to eiisijre the sedimel:•s and floating products (i.e. gas and oil) does not FOREBAY CROSS-SECTION E - _ -:.-� � �;j OAT: ET oipE 3 J - i� Y } P NOT TO SCALE LAP JO;NT e h T e a, +e y )ee Ocae a _ ;. reach a depth where it could discharge through the outlet pipe. Removal'�nd disposal of such materials to conform to Local / ek1S - ALTERWE SECTIONS - SIDE AND BOTTOM OUTLETS and State environmental regulations.- .. . 1 T• CONC. B ! L CK WALE 23. Components of the MDC trap shall be H-20 rated and filled w/ clean vratcr prior to use and after cle Wing PROP. FOREBAY I SEE DETAIL) is 1 PAVED SWALE' - 12' x 24" 24" CAST IRON FRAME a COVER W/CENTER HOLE 4" CAST IRON OR ECUIV. APPROVED MATERIAL. I4" LOAM BUILT UP TO FINISH GRADE EXTEND UNDERGR01'ND TO BUILDING a RUN! TO ROOF. IO• t41.51 0 SEED ONC(ETIE CUR© VENTS NOT TO BE COMBINED AT ANY POINT INTO ONE VENT. 00 6"� •' 1 i ,. s, I10+r i 4" VET:T To ROOF EXISTING - - +� FINISH GRADE(SEE PLAIN) as required 0 FILLING -- -"_!� m 'a•r :.y q W ` STATION 1 t '' 6"° TACK COAT TO BE AIPPLIED EXIST. GRD_ .Tl�- -191-� a"�; in \ 1 '' -- r 1 1 /zW WEARING CO URs E (min.1 4" 0 x�x ir; ` �"j� t . - - -� - - - - - - - _ Bff�OEft COURSE - e� 1 lI2" V. EXTRA HEAVY 1 O O \ r - _� • C.I. INLET FROM o ` FLOOR DRAINS y Min gLONG t3EN C I• C.I. 0 - 10" GRAVEL BASE I` \ M►N, (COMPACTED) , 5L= 0.01 tv -� 0 SEWER 19' • •" - -t-� FROM FLOOR DRAIN WATER U EXISTING BUILDING � •" `' ,5_ �-------- _ N \ , I - ' ti:,t` f -1rI�- - �1 - FROM BLDG. FINISH SLAB EL.=147.19 •• -- ��-1 EL =139.1 i� 3'-G" min. / O EXTRA HEAVYC.I. PIPE �Q3 PAVEMENT 8 CONCRETE CURB DETAIL O / NOT TO SCALE WROUGHT B" POURER IN PLACE CONCRETE- 10 / E IRON PROPOS3D MANHOLE POURED IN PLACE. TO BE WATER - Of 10 OR 8" SO'- q TIGHT TC INSURE NO GROUNDWATER INFILTRATION OR PRODUCT, RELEASE. ALL JOINTS TO BE GASKET SEALED T -3•i'quRn s"CbN6cc E OR APPROVED EQUAL. LO a� 0 ✓ o �`a5 REINFORCIED NEW RUBBER HOSE OIL QI GAS S E PA R ATO R \A6 1I2" � � � e T co c e I l • DOUBLE STRAND • 12 GAUGE GALVANIZED NOT TO SCALE - ANNEALEIJ TWISTED WIRE L�� � BUILDING PERMIT PARKING LOT PLAN EXIST. STp yy L -'1•REE WRAP (APPROVED) LAP END DOWN. ` T C`�• DO NOT ZTAPLE. �•0O'E_ 3 TIMBER, STAKES 2 1/2"x.2 1/2-;,G*- C'•I JO LUIZ 8O.84. STAINED 'GREEN. LOWER 4' TREATED • 3 r LOT 11-5, MAP 6 HYD. a 3" SHREDDED BARK MULCH W /PRESE:RVATIVE, STAKES EQUALLY SPACED (AROUND ROOT BALL a MIN. 12•' FROM TRUNK. STAKES DRIVEN AT AN ANGLE a PULLED VERTICAL WITH I I , ta DART 2,-0- WIRE. MIN, 40" BURIED.) "$ -FINISH GRADE MIN. Ews HF�� 3" SHREDDED BARK MULCH,., tic s er c�ra Engineering,Inc. r 4 � F � e FINISH « -,Kenneth W. BENCHMARK: � � 4 N BADE s xsEs IN OPEN � e v� � y< c [' } l 0 \ %/� �---REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP :'., _: �� / CC Z 4 v[ o s t e S l r e e�� N e B e� �U ��) M �. ELI, 147.51 �� HALF OF ROOT BALL :�.' '� '•'. REh�IOVE BURLAP FROM TOP HALF � r �j%� rO - OF [ROOT BALL. 4 ��' Tel. 508 9 2-0020 Fax: 508 992-3374 min. �\ SEE SPECS.. > b � In. ,'.•, , b� sti Ob _r- �� SOIL MIX. - , , : it •.. ; t, r� , ZH OF S' , �rht, �nS*oo DMH � , / " ri, . ,t ',�I fit" SClIL MIX - SEE SPECS. �1a4A� s�o 1 ° 1 �° KENNET CONTACT PERSON: FERREIRA KEVIN SILVP co G DETAIL TREE PLANTING DETAIL �.58 SHRUB Pi,...Ai�TIN � DATE.: NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE 2-t1-00 ALt: k NEW OIL B GAS SEPARATOR NOTE KJS 3-10-00 I., ` 20' No., IREViS1ONS 8v:: � Date --- -- SE 18007 LANDSCAPIN G SCHEDULE or a roved equal) PP 8 GLAU CA . ......... WHITE SPRUCE ............ 21 _ .. UNIPERUS CHINESIS ............ . - • • • SARGENT JUNIPER 21 ± .........RHODODENDRON PJMh brid......... PJM RHODODENDRON E ND RO N + 3_ ... .•,...FRAXINUS PENNSYL vA r GREEN ASH _ 5± ..... N 8l '_57'-38" �'----- lt1.84' r, AREA OF REPLICATION AS PER UTILITY PLAN "VENTURA MINI -PARK BATED I2-29-87 LOl 1 -6 2' WIDE STONE CHECKDAIA ;.T1L1A CORDATA .................... E RIP -RAP _ P � TO SWALE 134 • 134 O SMH :: . FOR �, — .-ice \ n ry "' 10. T TL ELEAF LINDEN LITTLE W-18'-33" E --- - - - WALL TO BE RECONSTRUCT SHOWN 135 135 136 �. LOT 11-5 44,501 S.f. PROPOSED HAYBALE/ PROP SILT FENCE TOP OF UN1TS i STONE, tg" BELOW GRADE 47.7 5-t - 138 139 TOP EL..= 138.5 3 cV N icy cD of co N o EXISTING RETAINING PROP. STONE TOP EL.= 139.0 PROP. FOREBAY (SEE DETAIL) 4-iAYBALE/SILT HEADWALL w CATCH BASIN SMH DM to C 3 � Z • W co M_ W Ln Q do L LJ I- J I ". � 3 too, N N � I W C a ?� W r • / RIP -RAP WALL CHECKDAM ' FENCE t t / c , �. „� ,,� / y \ QO \ate SEWER MANHOLE RIM EL.= 140.71 INV. EL.= 128.06 _-.;_ • . i : �-• 50•.. DOWNSPOUT *10VERFLOW .PROP OSED VI PARKING B (2500 S F �1slc I PROP.TRENC I ISEE D ETAILi 50• < - PROI OFF1C' d 5' (I25 J slab DOWNSPOUT wj0VERFLOW t9 to' MIiE SPRUCE �Iat:2 24' talz I 5c O o li'MIN. �tVVTE: RELOCATE WALL DRIVEWAY TO HEF O Ekrsr ' 8 Sew fR Y N 'URA III I` Er Notes - SEWR CLEAN -OUT FRAME COVER OBTAINED General 1 O NOTE. FOR A FEE FfgoM THE DARTMOUTH D.P.W. Locus is shown as Lot 11, On Assessors Map 63. i NO 1. Lo : N I' I D HAY EROSION CHECKS 0 1•iFX WOODEN f'CL57 I, BALED - . o I MUST REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL - - FINISH i:RAos 1 AREA, OR SLOPES 2. Refer to: Plan Book 122, Page 91, also Deed Book 2303, Pale 248 GRADED/ / - PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. ,. - � ARc PE--- o - '� PRQ EX .SILT STOP { _MINIMUM i? CiT12AVCL BASE h .�. P r EPLACE AS NEEDED. _ ';. Locus is Limited Industrial I S£D ENT CONTROL ;rty lines We*. / -�? --- _ s 50 feet from a ROW and _5 feet from all Prop_ � 1 � 0 feet of frontage, - TO BE MIN. OF 10 rA©RJc_QR_EoutL 0_CID000S TREES a _ i HEIGHT AT PLANTING y , HEI _ __ spaces: � it _ Park STRESS rE rORC J.f �, 4. g E E 7 _ � I _T - GH NT C IN o CEMENT CON A AROUND) H E E TE l 0 F 5 � CRE (ALL E 1�91N. � ti _ B 7 YPJ TO � c� � c� R UCE L 1 faces Swired s ; Re quired , �" P zr�"` _ _ r per - employees ees for r plus 1 sp ace ; r floor area P _ — P P G f os At PLANTING y , . I - r _ .._ ,• ., + ., . ' � Office�Lnet} Space, 1 space per _00 sq. ft. o gr 7 s 16 CLEAN -OUT .. ,., .. rY • I offices ace - .MINIMUM G �R E P W/THREADED MALE PLUG AVEL BASE 1 „--. _ � - required t• i 2 _ + to ees/- 13 soac - • � x �, ,: _ _ 1250 sq. ft_ /_00 6 spaces 14 emP y J� _ .. „ : c G Rl 4 0 >D 5 ' • -.•r , . 'ram � � , t I R E M,, � ,. 2 T O _: � r L.:� _E Any G" 0 45' Mal cr•,�-,. ..5 t,cC.ESS ---..- ---, � , SfIORT ELnOW j 1 :TY � r sided. -,_ cgs P o .A.. _ B. Spaces FOR 5 v WYE G.G.6 h 2 Handicap Accessible .. ... i soR-JS 17 spaces provided with... being H p 4 M .. U tiI r. C 1 1. _ ..e ximate �f 6 Lot Coverage (Appro ) 4 6 F - - - --- " A. Lot Coverage (Proposed), GRAVITY. EXIST. 6 6 SDR-35 G G >d _ _ F W` SEWER STUB = 5 w © Building Area ,7_0 s .ft. SDR- 5 3 __.. -2250 _ r Area l s .ft. Sidewalk Asphalt Pavement and S idewal . 50l , _ o• UCT O N _3 NSTR r 6 0 I PRIOR R TO CO _ 1 CONFIRMED ELEVATION fi0 BE _ � rage E e EL _ f i.ot Co ` Tot al A yea 16 000 s q .ft. v.7thaP erce nt o N AL INVERT F M PLA N L L S FROM DETAIL VARIES E I i ELEVATION N A D W E A 0 E SEWER. F� EL W F L o B FLO W Y A ;H A LO T T I2 , IN INT A Ne w w A e M the L T TO ft ADJUSTED edition o T U d do EA ADJ h 1 99 7 199g 8e E ('� on to C V E ted _ T E V ON W AR E •� N TI N 1 A 0 nt:� C E S li L r L de S l es as I _ Spec �>,ithin an area containen endangered sp . SEWER Locus is not located g TA RY S E E 1� TER.. state - listed A N � fiHE DESIG , S OPE OR GR�A i ted rare _ _ _ NOT .TO SCALE t atlas of Estimated Habitats of state 1 s CLEAN -OUT DETAIL - Bedford North quadrangle contained in the Massachusetts Heritage , wetlands wildlife map of community no. 250051, panel no. j NOT TO SCALE' > 8 Locus is located within a Zone C special flood hazard zone as delineated of p 0015B, dated June 1. 1983 of the flood insurance rate maps.' obtained b on -the -ground survey. i shown have been taken from record drawings and from surface evidence obtai y gr ey { ---- 9 Existing utilities s.<• - completeness of the utilities shown is made by the surveyor/engineer.. Verification of 4995 - R-4996 , Type M Trench Frame with } ->•w, No representation as to the accuracy or compl with the aid oTdig safe and other respective utility companies- ' Solid or Grated Cover rigs _ -�� utilities and locations are the responsibility of the contractor f m ilin an as - built si te plan. Iron Trench Assemblies — Medium or Heavy —., lied for to CO p — For Use in Sidewalks, Driveways, Garages, - <= 10 Contractor shall keep records of locations for all underground uttlrties instc P g Docks etc. L� ln9 - - methods to meet the Town of D'rtmouth department of public works specifications .all construction materials and installation ./` as most recently amended Read Carefully Before - •" s ' : :. i Ordering ' o be surfaced with a 11/2" binder course and a 11/2" were course of bituminous concrete pavement. eclfy: - :. `. 1 _. Parking lots are t I g number. :: " ver.of cam acted processed gravel. Both the subbase and Comple.e coa o� I .. P Medium or heavy do �. = °S"°+ ^g Type M }rpTe Pavement will be placed on a subgrade consisting of an 10 la, overall length of cover •' with mated cover, c.endo•d - " ith ^E a •ts ce c_ I. processed gravel shall be compacted to 95° o maximum dry density' prior to paving. Lid solid flat roted. or I . : e.:..0 2e ec� .,ed 'c•:,- { u- - I? red convex s ce cc; L if sce- red ,o,�n, y by � d shielded so as to prevent direct glare from the light _, . 13 Proposed lights to be installed where adequate. They shall be arranged an f' tl , s,de 'zich are at night shall be lit as evenly and fully ,o<e:�cn o ou e . m , end (give source onto any public way, or any other property. All parking facilities w g mersioncl locc!lon and - i le within the maximum. Wattage limits established by the State B.`ilding Code. I ,t uirin long drainage as possible pipe s,_el over areas eq 9 _ 4 whether one end or both _ O,,e- covers are used c assemblies. Can be suppiliedin o variety. of sizes and le.gths n or _ F tyre uiat Pa n �. - ORDED ORDER OF CONDITIONS and all i ends cre a,, be epe. • to meet special needs;..: For Menthes a g [ 4. It is the CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY to secure a copy of the RED .Icsed. •" rf if re - necessary can be modde to furnish cover to fit Pemo G•ip su ace necessary"permits prior to any site active . it d. See cce 229 t ty. ..0 e p _ ) - -_._ t -._�_ _ I TON CONFERENCE, if required, is to be held betyv?en the Contractor and the Conservation .Agent A PRECO'�STRUC I q Prior to construction. in. S p ecial sire outlets a•e oval'- t ndard 4-inch outlet of end of dro P ,. I,• o •.•, '-' S° outlets optional and furnished f I - ' and bottom ou le P ! % � ' ;�! i ,) - able. on en spe- order. Side J�1. t---, �. - - — [L iATION FENCING OR HAYBALES are to be installed, as shoe on the site plan, prior to any activity and are to - only when sPeafied. - 16. ANY S OStTEp. - remain in place and be maintained until all activities are completed and vegetation established. . I -SE[ [ - f ,E =' AT10N against the silt fence i'sto be removed by hand labor. , I 17 ANY SLBSTANTIAL SILT ACCL?vlU1_ 7HPU Oc tINS ccrcicc nn rce area. SEC710N5 e'C' ,;,. �e - �•.�• � r I s � c ! 1 g '�O REFI-ELhG OF «HICLES is allowed ��Tthin 1 feet of the resou. '�?Ztry aes Medium line da11V:. e vicinity of the Silt Fence or hay bale , ihru Drains. Type M t P.-Sg95-A1 w^ c m+► :r"ever • , 10 _ \ ER .�,D DEBRIS l5 t0 be removed from L11. Sec -ions: yP 1 All CONSTRUCTION L1TT - `_—-----^ p agg5.A2' wrh c... ec,ccover - a c ce•eo --T - e roiect. '�otifi the Conservation ,agent and the R a9° h solid c er s - F C0ti1PLl,�'�CE is required at the completion of tit P _ - , , + CERTIFICATE 0 __--------''--- ---- Stc card sizes sec y �� x _ r its or as -built fans that may be required. -'-- �- E- cneineenng Company for am required inspections- reports. p .. Trap). ., , .. -old Oil Se orator MDC p) , _ �"'®F _�:.a3 ' _ _; <, e e connected to the Gras a, P _- .,.:.. .. 21 .Floor Drams and Parts wash sinks installed to b l does not trig products [i e, cas and oil) 'Its and floating p _ ---- titDC trap to he inspected annually by the Operator to ensure the sedrme - -- ' -- -- -- .• e t he outlet I e. Remo a! and disposal of such materials to conform to Local L �. :.--E- each a depth .here it could discharge t p T` t� ` and St.ite environmental rcculations I t,-EFat-E SECTIC,.S — SICE tN:) EC--Cu nts of the NIDC trap shall be H-20 rated and filled �s/ clean wa':er prior to use and after cleaning _- Components F ROVED MATERIAL. CENTER HOLE 4" CAST IRON OR 1=0UIV. O B F. 24 CAST IRON FRAME 8 COVER W/ EXTEND UNDERGRCUND TO BUILDING 8 RUN TO R00 I+' UP TO FINISH GRADE COMBINED AT ANY POINT INTO ONE VENT. 4" LOAM Bl.t_T VENTS NOT TO BE ONGfLTE CURD ED' " I SE 6 " T TO ROOF • a v CM V i ' - as required )_ y H GRADE(SEE PL/ANJ q FINIS 0 141.9 —�� Tn • �.r ,•� .- - EXIST GRD T 1 f"+ T4C1C COAT TO BE 4APPLIED % RING COURSE (Min.) DER COURSE ( EXTRA HEAVY 7•1/2" 99. C.I. INLET FROM E LONG DEAD C.I. C.L FLOOR DRAINSMln SEWER • p _ 10GRAVEL SE " BAN SL 0.01 _._ ^" WATER LINE. —� MTN. (COMPACTED) -+---�­ FROM FLOOR DRAIN ---- �,� FROM BLDG. L.= 13B.1 INV = 138.64 rr min. - . ► .. _ — _ xs i -►— T EXRA HEAVYC.1. PIPE M — CONCRETE CURB DETAIL CD IN PLACE CONCRETE: PAVEMENT Q U! Ty WROUGHT 9" POUF `' ~t E STRUCTURE E STEPS NOT TO SCALE PROPO OR 8" fOLID MANHOLE POURED IN PLACE. TO BE WATER TIGHT - • S -� iD SURE NO GROUNDWATER INFILTRATION OR .. F, ... TO �. � . IN r - ASE. ALL JOINTS TO 8E GASKET SEALED N PRODLCT RELE r„+ OR AP'PROVED EQUAL. OIL L A A S A(W i W PFINFOR�t;FP NFW R11fiEFR HOSE. _._._ NOT TO SCALD DOUBLE_<STRAND . "12 GAUGE GALVANIZED r �r -s. ..•• ANNEALL::D 1 WIS-I LD WIVE KING LOTy PLAN BUILDING P�.RMIT PA,... ,,-----TREE WRAP (APPROVED) LAP END.DOWN. ---" DO NOT- `STAPLE. Z E 3 TIM9E�; STAKES 2 (12" ,< 2 1/2" x6 J0 LUi `- STAINED) ,GREEN, LOWER 4' TREATED BARK MULCH W IPRESfF — MAP CQTI SPACEDI AROUND ROOT BALL 8 MIN. ANGLESOUTH 12" FROM TRUNK.. STAKES DRIVEN AT DART — WIRE. AN ANGLE 8 PULLED VERTICAL WITH (MIN. 40" BURIED.) E H C , ADE MIN. 3" SHREDDED BARK MULCH c`' `\ f �s� Q e j 1 t I• e,r r C 1 r Q L I� g n a P+ r i n g Inc. FINISH; (GRADE c yam' ` n n } New Bedford Me. IRLAP FROM TOP A Foster ; . � ' : •.�.; Z � 6 O S (j E�r Street, >I DOT BALL + RE1rMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP HALF o , - Fax: 508 9 9 2- 3 374 rya OF ROOT BALL. b� �,i Tel. 50 8, 0 9 2 0 0 2 0 F X In SEE SPECS. > OF �A �i i ' t tN SS9C,�. &ti>•tlnsNc� / it S;C1IL MIX - SEE SPECS. NNETH y�cr''` n oz , I ll I uI ,, KEN .. "' CONTe•,CT PERSON: FFnnFI A KEVIN 51LVII ('I'+/l . ., l ,JI• f 1 i TI L A , rJ (� J I l� o , DATE: Tf A L n t T R �� FLAN Q E TA � _ D -_ sLANDSCAPING7 00 GI N . , o0 KRF L 11 A 2 P � UB _E S HR D R Vh L E �s 2 E S CA � T TO- 0 s N E _ r 0 E or a 0 L a 0 R I WE MANHOLE SE WER (MAN 3 �_ KJS , TOR NOT E '. .� GAS SEP ARATOR RA : OIL a T SCALE v! TAt N E N 0L e 0 _ 4 5. M EL• 1 RI M le a 8 D , _. REVISIONS Y _ 20 - l No f _ 7 73 • L 3 . I NV. E I - 7 - ---- l 8 0 0 -S E M 11 NOTE: 10" I{Ax" WOODEN PAST l ') I ---.-- ---- METAL SEW[ R CLEAN -OUT FRAME COVER OBTAINFD General Notes BALED HAY EROSION CHECKS FOR A FEE rFROM THE DARTMOUTH D,P.W, I I MUST REMAIN 1N PLACE UNTIL I . Locus is shown as Lot 11, on Assessors Map 63. 1 GRADED AREAS OR SLOPES - FINISH GRAQ- Note: />/� . PRA"£X -SILT STOP- P� ( ARE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. — -- / ---- DEC�DUOUS TREES TO BE MIN. OF 10 �r, • SEDIMENT CON7ROL I 1 REPLACE AS NEEDED. — — �� _- 2. Refer to: Plan Book 122, Page 91, also Deed Book 2303, Page 248 IN HEIGHT AT PLANTING r /�! " FAc�,c OR Fovcc — - 1FLo�ti _, --- MINIMUM I?_"'cGRAVEL [SASE SPRUCE TO BE MIN. OF 5' IN HEIGHT > ;� S7R£f£ SS R£NdfORCf>NL___� 7 I'I � z 3. Locus is Limited Industrial AT PLANTING >" *'� '� fsGND (T YP,C<L ) o + _ - — 150 feet of frontage, 50 feet from a ROW and 25 feet from all Proaerty lines LOT 12 - - n CONCRETE CEMENT JCRETE (ALL AROUND) 4 Parking spaces: �x • • %� Required spaces X r 12%4.. e'u' r G• 16 CLEAN -OUT .� �\ 7 I •� W /THREADED MALE PLUG ;RAVEL E14SE r _ ---- MINIMUM G" C e s OfficefLivery Space; I space per 200 sq. ft. of gross floor area plus I space per 2 employees for PLAN REMOVE 2- TO 4- OF MATERIAL AS NECESSARY G.. 0 45' --- office space of FOR STASILITY. SHORT ELnow - 1250 sq. ft /200 = 6 spaces + 14 employees/2 = 13 syac-s repaired --- WYE 6.6.6 4 'I� r M1 s0R-3a B. Spaces Provided; 5Ch:FtLl TRENCH i�' ���-v EM.3aNK4FN7 17 spaces provided with 2 being Handicap Accessible �.• F GRAVITYT. 6. Lot Coverage (Approximate): £sat sD►-3a F1OW — SEWER sTU13 DR-35 A. Lot Coverage (Proposed); HAYBALE DETAIL Building Area=3750sq.ft. SILT FENCE DETAIL ELEVATION T 0 BE CONFIRMED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION Asphalt Pavement and Sidewalk Area = 12250 sq.ft. FLOW OF SEWER. IF ELEVATION VARIES FROM PLAN ALL INVERT Total Area=16,000 sq.ft. with a Percent ofLotCoverage= 360/b SANITARY SEWER ELEVATIONS 'SHOWN ARE TO BE ADJUSTED TOMAINTAIN THE DESIGN 'SLOPE OR GREATER. 7. Locus is not located within an area containim, endangered species as delineated on the 1997 - 1998 edition of the New CLEAN -OUT DETAIL Bedford North quadrangle contained in the Massachusetts Natural Heritage,Atlas of Estimated Habitats of state -listed rare wetlands wildlife. v NOT TO SCALE Locus is located within a Zone C special flood hazard zone as delineated on the map of community no. 250051, panel no. - 0015B, dated June 1, 1983 of the flood insurance rate maps. R-4995 — R-4996 Type M Trench Frame with Series Solid Grated 9. Existing utilities shown have been taken from record drawings and from surace evidence obtained by on -the ground survey. or Cover _ F -E No representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the utilities shown {s made by the sun'eyorlengineer. Verification of Cost Iron Trench Assemblies — Medium or Heavy utilities and locations are the responsibility of the contractor with the aid of0ig safe and other respective utility companies. Duty —For Use in Sidewalks, Driveways, Garages, :ooding Docks, etc. �j• ,, 10. Contractor shall keep records of locations for all underground utilities instal` for use in compiling an as -built site plan. Read Carefully Before �� �" '".� 1 l . All construction materials and installation methods to meet the Town of Dar'.Tnouth department of public works specifications Ordering F �' as most recently amended. Specify: :. Complete catalog number. Medium or heavy du y. • Overall length Illostro,in Type M frame 9 12. n Parking lots are to be surfaced withal 1/2 binder course and a 11/2'r wean-1g course of bituminous concrete pavement. of cover reo�ired. °Ici :� __ YP with grc,ed cover. �.a,�a.d Pavement will be placed car , -a subgrade consisting of an 10" layer of compaeed processed gravel. Both the subbase and 4. Lid sr. id, gyrated, or di000nolly barred convex c.rh ch cuts' e c v!k out iet. Cc, be eau ped for processed gravel shall be compacted to 95% maximum dry density to cte. s-.::e c_ul f spe,ried. prior paving. - --.'.oceticn of outlet, side bceIc onor o ( of e dry, 13. Proposed lights to be installed where adequate. They shall be arranged and shiielded so as to prevent direct glare from the light '. brae s._eL j Whether source onto any public way, or any other property. All parking facilities whifh are used at night shall be lit as evenly and fully one end or bosh i enCs ore to be open or french covers are used over areas requiring long drainage lied+-' as possible within the maximum wattage limits established by the State Barbing Code. lased ' assemblies. Can be su PP -In o variety of sixes and lengths i Permo G-ip sur'cce I? re- to meet spec'. I needs. Farr trenches of irregular pattern, arrangements can be made-ato furnish cover fo d. 14. i wed. ,See pone 229.1 I It is the CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY to secure a copy of the RECCRDED ORDER OF CONDITIONS and all necessary permits prior to any site activity. --_�� r t Standard 4-inch drain. Special 15 A PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE, if re aired, is to beheld behveei,the Contractor and the Conservation Agent q outlet at end of size outlets are evcil- I _ {; ( (�!— ��, able on special order. Side and bottom outlets optional and furnished _ I� �� a j prior to construction. - only when specified. 16. ANY SILT"ATION FENCING OR HAYBALES are to be installed, as shown on the site plan, prior to any activity and are to remain in place and be maintained until all activities are completed and vege',3tion established. M 17. ANY SUBSTANTIAL SILT ACCUMULATION against the silt fence is to'?e removed by hand labor. . SECTIONS TF•RU 'RAINS Cc•a or. o' e vc ^_ ,..; ^= De,: pan - c l �;e Sea .es Meg rn D-w 18 NO REFL'ELLNG OF VEHICLES is allowed within ] 00 feet of resource area. Sections: Thru D,cins, Type M - -' 1 R-4995-A1 wl:n cver-il - ; 10 ,. _c R 4995-A2 a•e covet I r-R-<99se119. �C,�c All CONST CTI LITTER AtvB RIS is to be remov fro RU ON DEBs-490 the viinity of the Silt Fence or haybale line daily. (- "� so'o ccver - S•c ncord S; es Hecrvy D y � 20 A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE is required at the compl ion f the project. Notify the Conservation Agent and the R-4996 A l Iw h ,.roe r ve : 4o96-A2 i.n ed co ves;l� : j 10 I 5 _ _ = .e'E- s c� o_ Engineering Company for any required inspections, reports, or as bu It plans that may be required. grc - - c" L-C < -- - R-4996-A3 i - 10 _.. -- , .n crated cover. �.i-_ R-4oc6 E 1 h o''d :over 10 R 4996-E2 t- 5 ,..e ; .' s .. �t C,CE,ec: ._• clz< eF 4 , r - _ 7 - - Floor Drains and Parts wash sinks installed to be connected to the Gas arhd Gil Separator (MDC Trap). . -.. '_ --'- c �. R.4ec6 E3 I e• - 10.'_ - - ., -_ �,_E---E„� _ __E •__ _ e = -- --- - _ MDC trap to be inspected annually by the Operator to ensure the sediments a' products (i.e. gas and oil) does not P P - - and floating r V � aL7ERn47E SECtICr:S — SiDE AND ECT70M OUTLETS reach a depth where it could discharge through the outlet pipe- Removal and disposal of such materials to conform to Local P and State environmental regulations. 23. Components of the MDC trap shall be H-20 rated and filled w/ clean water pYpor to use and after cleaning 4- LOAM 24" CAST IRON FRAME a COVER W/CENTER HOLE 4" CAST IRON OR EOUIV•. APPROVED MATERIAL. BUILT UP TO FINISH GRADE EXTEND UNDERGROUND TO BUILDING 8 RUN TO ROOF, SEED vrX tt 1p- CURD vt FINISH GRADE(SEE PLAN) I G"t �TACIC COAT TO BE APPLIIED WEARING COURSE (min.) DER. COURSE � ' � o I o� 1•i/'1• A'YN, 0 — 10" GRAVEL BASE =� MIN. (COMPACTED) E. M,_ PAVEMENT 8 CONCRETE CURB DETAIL NOT TO SCALE REINFORCED NIEW RUBBER HOSE DOUBLE STRAND • 12 GAUGE GALVANIZED ANNEALED TWISTED WIRE REE WRAP (A,PPROVED) LAP END DOWN. DO NOT STAPLE. 3 TIMBER STAIKES 2 1/2"- 2 1/2",,G' BARK MULCH STAINED GREEiN, LOWER 4' TREATED W /PRESERVATIIVE, STAKES EQUALLY SPACED AROUND ROOT BALL a MIN, 12" FROM TRUNK. STAKES DRIVEN AT AN ANGLE a ,PULLED VERTICAL WITH WIRE. ( MIN., 40" BURIED.) ;ADE MIN. 3" SHREDDED, BARK MULCH. 1 FINISH GRADE_ IRLAP FROM TOP \� OOT BALL REMOVE [BURLAP FROM TOP HALF a 17-0 - i OF ROOT (BALL. SEE SPECS. > In. ' \ I HI 1 SOIL MIX _ SEE SPECS. TREE PLANTING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE VENTS NOT TO BE COpl3INED AT ANY POINT INTO ONE VENT. 1�1-4" VENT Ta ROOF EXIST. GRD, Tti _ 14L9 as required EXTRA HEAVY — C.I. INLET FROM FLOOR DRAINS Min E •gLONG DENO C.1 C I SL= 0.01 F, FLOOR DRAIN WATER LINT-� 0 SEWER EL 138.1 / FROM BLDG, 3'-G" min. INV._ 138.64 O EXTRA HEAVYC.I. PIPE ih WROUGHT 8" POURED IN ,?LACE CONCRETE E IRON PROPOSED PF°CAST CONCRETE MANHOLE STRUCTURE STEPS. .'"� OR 8" SOLID JI,ANHOLE POURED IN PLACE. TO BE WATER- TIGHT TO INSORE NO GROUNDWATER INFILTRATION OR PRODUCT REI-EASE. ALL JOINTS TO BE GASKET SEALED gtiFi e. coN�ttTi~.'.; OR APPROVEDP EQUAL. EL. 132,5 OIL R GAS SEPARATOR NOT TO SCALE 16,1 I Doie CG- 1 0nn-7 %a— 1lJVV I N AREA OF REPLICATION AS PER UTILITY PLAN FOR "VENTURA MINI -PARK DATED I2-29-87 i LOT 11-6 2' WIDF STONE CHECKDAM TOP E.: 138.5 4 fit! Li Ld Q LiJ J HEADWALL? W -- w CATCH BASIN AlL V (XtSTING RIP -RAP RETAINING WALL CROP. STONE CHECKDAM . TOP EL.= 139.0 ('ROP. FOREBAY ..:--- --It 1 fl- -18'-33" E 2 124.48' LOT 12 co p4F 10 x- µ`QODEN POST 1 i l 1 NOTE.: - —_.--- ME-ITAL SEWER CLEAN -OUT FRAME COVER OBTAINED FOR General Notes 1, H.+ HAY EROSION CHECKS A FEE FROM THE DARTMOUTH D.P,W. • ° I MUST REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL' GRt:DED AREAS OR SLOPES -FIN►;sH GRADE 1. Locus is shown as Lot 11, on Assessors Map 63, i i �• : PRADEX -SILT STOP- S£DAt , EKT CONTROL II P ARE. PERMANENTLY STABILIZED, _ Q REFLACE AS NEEDED. J — -- �� - = 2. Refer to: Plan Book 122, Page 91 also Deed Book 230 � 3, Page .,4E �� MINIIMUM 12" GRAVEL BASE 1,--L--1'A 3. Locus is ti� 7 t£NT STRESS R BAND C£A T I t :I I 2'z Limited industrial YECrfOR PfC,c L J otI I = — 150 feet of frontage, 50 feet from a ROW and 25 feet from all Property lines I —__ CEMfENT CONCRETE (ALL AROUND) 4 Parking spaces: 2..-� CLEAN -OUT W /THREADED MALE PLUG s � A. Required Spaces; PLAN! REMOVE 2" TO a" OFi�',--- - — MINIMIUM G" GRAVEL BASE Office.!Livery Space; 1 space per 200 sq. ft. of gross floor area plus 1 space per 2 emplovees for MATERIAL AS NECESSARY FOR STABILITY, f- 0 45, SHORT -- office space ELBOW - _ 1250 sq. f - /200 = 6 spaces + 14 employees/2 =13 spaces required 5�4CKFILL TREt,,CN 1`' IIG 4 u�ir EM.�ANKMENT - WYE s"s"s SDR-�5 B. Spaces Provided- 17 spaces provided writh 2 being Handicap Accessible F r 1�.'T1 .1'F SOIL G•• 0 GRAVITY ---------- EXIST. 6" Id SDR-35 SDR-35 FLOW ' — - SEWER STUB 6. Lot Coverage (Approximate): (Pr0 osed ; A. Lot Coverage (Proposed); Cif T r*rlkl ►t— mr IrA 11 --- v �1 1 T WIDE STONE CHECKD,M TOP EL: 138.5 I / HAYBALE DETAIL I Building Area = 3750 sq.ft. FLOW ELEVATION TO BE CONFIRMED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION Asphalt Pavement and Sidewalk Area =12250 sq 2 NOT TO SCALE '' OF SEWER. IF ELEVATION VARIES FROM PLAN ALL INVERT Total Area=16,000 sq.ft. with a Percent of Lot uverage = 36%D SANITARY SEWER ELEVIXTIONS SHOWN ARE TO BE ADJUSTED TO MAINTAIN THE DESIGN SLOPE OR GREATER. 7. Locus is not located within an area containing endangered species e delineated on the 1997 - 1998 edition of the New CLEAN —OUT DETAIL Bedford North quadrangle contained in the Massachusetts Natural Heritage Atlas of Estimated Habitats of state -listed rare wetlands wildlife. NOT TO SCALEIs . . " 8. Locus is located within a Zone C special flood hazard zone as delineated on the map of community no, 1-50051, panel no. 0015B, dated June 1, 1983 of the flood insurance rate maps. R-4995 — R-4996 Type M Trench Frame with 9. Existing utilities shown have been taken from record drawings and fom surface evidence obtained by on -the -ground survey. Series Solid or Grated Cover i - - No representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the utilities ihown is made by the surveyor./engineer. Verification of %r Cast Iron Trench Assemblies - Medium or Heavy - , utilities and locations are the responsibility of the contractor with the aid of dig safe and other respective utility companies. Duty- For Use in Sidewalks, Driveways, Garages, ' Loading Docks, etc. j IQ Contractor shall keep records of locations for all underground utilitic installed for use in compiling an as -built site plan. VARYING " ]I. All construction materials and installation methods to meet the Town of Dartmouth department of public works specifications ' as most recently amended. Illustrating T 12. Parking lots are to be surfaced with a 11/2" binder course and a 11/2" wearing course of bituminous concrete pavement. g Type M frome with grated cover. Stcndord Pavement will be placed or, a subgrade consisting of an 10" layer oft-ompacK.ed processed'gravel.. Both the subbase and C - w th 4-inch outside couik ovi- let. Con be equipped for in. processed gravel shall be compacted to 95%omaximum dry density por to paving. side ceolk if. spevfed . . 13. P.fop ied lights to be installed where adequate. They shall be arrangird and shielded so as to prevent direct glare from the light sour onto any public way, or any other property. All parking facilites which are used at night shall be lit as evenly and fully Trench covers ore cased over areas requiring long drainage as possible within the maximum wattage limits established by the State Building Code. assemblies. Con bey supplied in a variety of sizes and lengths " to meet special needs. For trenches of irregular pattern, arrangements con the mode to furnish cover to fit. 14. It is the CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY to secure a copy of the RECORDED ORDER OF CONDITIONS and all ` i necessary permits prior to any site activity. d f A PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE, irequire, into be held l e ' Standard 4-inch outlet of end of drain. Special size outlets are avcil. �—� � {-- - t<veen the Contractor and the Conservation Agent able on special order. Side and bottom outlets optionol end fumished e (' ii`�; i 7 0 �? �:-�� I prior t0 construction. - - - only when specified. c �_ —� 16. ANY SILTATION FENCING OR HAYBALES are to be installed, as shown on the site plan, prior to any activity and are 'to SEE o` SCL,D, ��ATED remain in place and be maintained until all activities are completed and vegetation established. 2' WIDE STONE CHECKDAM 5C�1NE_"R"'M rL �` SLOPE= 0.02 W/TOP SET AT ELEV. OF INLET INV. 17. ANY SUBSTANTIAL SILT ACCUMULATION against the silt fence is to be removed by hand labor. / SECTIONS THRU GRAINS Cctcloe 1 Dir-.e^.ye^ i^ -+:'e� SWALE 2% SLOPE Nc. � Desc icflcn A 1 a I c I D i :e / 18. NO REFUELING OF VEHICLES is allowed within 100 feet of the resource area, S•:. rigs Medium Duty - Sections: Thru Drains, Type M ° R-4995-A1 with r ever I 10 c e e: IMP -RAP --- �-� = R-a995-A2 with c-cited cover R is c e ed 19. 1 CONSTRUCTION AND DEB t _______ v«<e�E T c ___-!; R -'995-91 with s r 1 �. c „e. _c S is o be removed frog- the vicinity of the Silt Fence or ha bale line daily. R-49 with sck- cover 7 5 ., c hay ON LITTER RI - - - - - - -r Stcndord Sizes Heavy Duty 20 A CERTIFICATE OF CON4T)T TANCE PRW 2' WIDE STONE 10' �- c oE i �1jtCKDAM TOP EL.= 139.0 �,� t FOREBAY CROSS-SECTION LOAMED 8 SEE[!ED 3 . t SLOPE SIDEWALLS v -s VARYING SWALE CROSS-SECTION NOT TO SCALE 9EGINNING OF SWALE is required at the completion o the project. Notify the Conservation Agent and the Engineering Company for any required inspections, reports, or as-bul" plans that may be required. 21. Floor Drains and Parts wash sinks installed to be connected to the Ga:, and Oil Separator (MDC Trap). / NOT TO SCALE _:, _'�—DOTLET o;FE -- a e ,e E 22. MDC trap to be inspected annually by the Operator to ensure the sedir?tints and floating products (i.e. gas and oil) does not / FksT CON reach a C. BL ALTERtaTE SECTIONS — SIDE AND BOTTOM OUTLETS depth where it could discharge through the outlet pipe. Rem&al and disposal of such materials to conform to Local cK WALL and State environmental regulations. PROP. FOREBM I 23. Components of the MDC trap shall be H-20 rated and filled w/ clean t,'ater prior to use and after cleaning SEE DETAIL) l \PAVED SWALE\ ' 12' x 24" I 4 - LOAM 24" CAST IRON FRAME 8 COVER W/CENTER HOLE 4" CAST IRON OR EQUIV. APPROVED MATERIAL. 10 1 EXISTING \ FILLING 1 STATION i 1 f I \ t �s i \q3 R-4996-A 1 �j?-4996-A2' with :rcitee cover 1 'c 10 ., i c e-ed with creited cover 7 5 R-4996.A3 with :rotted cover 10 _ rs e•^_e•e� R-4996-B 1 w:th solitL,+ cover 10 I o i ed R-4996-62 with s:ii;d cover 7 S I L, r c- .. R-4996-133 with soli;:+ over I < 110 I - 2 c _ - SEED ONGff E CURB BUILT UP TO FINISH GRADE EXTEND UNDERGROUND TO BUILDING 8 RUN TO ROOF. 6«� ' VENTS NOT TO Be- COMBINED AT ANY POINT INTO ONE VENT. FIN/S1-1 GRADE(SEE PLiAN) 4' VENT TO ROOF 1 '' G"4 TLICIC COAT TO BE !APPLIED as required • � � EXIST. GftD._ Ttl 14L9 1 ',.too�� Q- .� _ _ _ _ _ _ �1•1I2WEARING COURSE(min.) 1 4" _ 8 DER COURSt ( EXTRA HEAVY • °a I �l /1., / CA. INLET FROMVto � r 0 — 70" GRAVEL BASE FLOOR DRAINS Min E igLONG DEND C.I. C.1. EXISTING BUILDING =, ' MIN. (COMPACTED) 01 ittl uNeTER 0 SEWER -+'- FROM FLOOR DRAIN WA : FINISH SLAB EL.=147.19 EL.= 139.1 / FROM BLDG. —Y=�t INV = 138.64 T-G" min. O / EXTRA HEAVYC,1. PIPE lo PAVEMENT B CONCRETE CURE; DETAIL ' M 10 NOT TO SCALE WROUGHT 8" POURED IN PLACE CONCRETE; 0" SOLID 10 T IRON CONCREkE BLOCKS WITH FULL MORTARED STEPS JOINTS, OORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL, PLASTERED INSIDE AND OUTSIDE, OR RED w BRICK k)ASONRY PLASTERED ON INSIDE, PORTLAND CEMENT MORTAR USED SHALL PQl1RE'0 8" C6146CTE 4., 71 CONSIST OF I PART CEMENT, 2 PARTS SAND. ELx t3Z5 CEMENT ©RICK, HOLLOW CONCRETE, OR CINDER CLOCK 'MA50NRY MUST NOT BE USED. I R 2 ORC,ED NEW RUBBER HOSE OIL p VI GAS S SEPARATOR � I L7 H DOUBLE %TRAND 12 GAUGE GALVANIZED I NOT TO SCALE ANNEALETD TWISTED WIRE --FREE WRAP(APPROVED) LAP END DOWN. BUILDING PERMIT B PARKING LOT PLAN DO NOT STAPLE. 3 TIMBER; STAKES 2 1/2"-.2 1/2",EG' tHOF sc_ 3" SHREDDED 13ARK MULCH STAINED (GREEN. LOWER 4' TREATED "'c' _ J 0 E L U I Z W /PRESERVATIVE, STAKES EQUALLY � KER v� R. � LOT I I `�' �, MAP 6 3 SPACED iAROUND ROOT 13ALL a MIN F 12" FROMI TRUNK. STAKES DRIVEN AT AN ANGLE 8 PULLED VERTICAL WITH . N . —FINISH GRADE NUN. ' " WIRE. (( MIN, 40" BURIED.) �6� /STEpDA RT I OU T H M A . 3" SHREI-DDED BARK MULC ��� EHs �f /\ FINISH GRADE � REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP l/ s �K n n e t h R. Ferreira Engineering, Inc. -p" �i` HALF OF ROOT BALL REMiOVE BURLAP FROM TOP HALF = 46 Foster Street, New Bedford, M o . nln. % Ix r.0 �, SOIL MIX. - SEE SPECS. ;,��' In. OF FOOT BALL. Tel. 508 92-0020 Fax: 508 992-3374 -t pz 1 �'1 1 tiI Ii SOOL MIX - SEE SPECS. ---y-- U, 1 CONTACT PERSON: SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL TREE PLANTING DETAIL K£V1N 51LVQ NOT 70 SCALE NOT TO SCALE DATE: 2-11-00 ALE: SE 18007 WALL s ROM PULM TO ..�....� CM Z =7106 AT 11PE MTL bYYDfr MST! Oi�TION —CML 2x4 TOP PLAIN E V 6 - AC=1104� C63" v M6;AL 26 8'-r X!lp. N v j N IR T `` •• N®LILATIl�y ® E. �✓ o i TOP 01� 26 �- DATIdJ W411 MbTAL 6'`- . C W/ am �✓ �' t j �AVbL. Mil 2 c vrmwpoAm x4 WOOL v �5/80 y ',C�'m IW FIOLLOW '- .. dRA�H o ��YP DOT}d 8rD88 �..' L.• W Q N M81AL as• /��//��//�i raoLLTe. a• oc. (n U 3 3 ODL 2" 6" RATE rp La. T Ate,. - 2' R.� TION �� �/ � �-se�ae rca�Tl � � COa�_ i wuj v T I b TO ltOOT1Jb _ �wi. W N4.1,0}�lJ� ®1' 8' CONCH il9ri�ID14T10N WALL E e' CONC Wv WLM MrAL I417r J U Q ¢ a) 3 A 8' OMPACiilCl V� M81 --1 (3) WNTHDA 06 RXhDAIl6 �� Q M to 4) MPAAZI UM YV R. M r LL t[ 40 — �aAN. i4w Mk dV/10Rcq 74• to co. C) � 4< V I I V I V aEXTERIOR (��� to to 2 �L (7) 4 M (C") b 'i1'��C►4L �N��R�OR W � �n � a ALL fS�Ctf ON Tlat, � 3J8 d'-m 2 II ' bcALR 3r4'd'-m• T 16 TO ROOTNG 2 8' CONC. lMC ?" l3l CONTI 2b'-+9' OAJOIJ9 �$ �-lfARb 26'-m• F-i--I air.. I 4b• M81 • WlmO{{L a F•—i �'SQ4 a®LOW 4RADt I 24' ' "D dtJC 04�ICE �I 1 rr WATT WATiR ON bHMP a'-m' ARr. I 2 � 3 CTION DOOR or*ICE 02 2 �m4 blZ Rr. 3 \ / I o ',M WAeNWAM I � q WANDM BEAM ISM t'�I'� I � � l �I C 4 e I 4• Kj=R DRA N (I YP roR 4l Mr~ 6 am WALL MUM On Pft- --- --- --- - - -- i-- --+-- MT& aJ&DraMMPMaZ:AKMANC+ORb1GLT8 04 bcL IR. 4' TFIICiC VA+141 _ I I � Roop AT to+sWt ° 1 o � WALL 4 ROM PLIQLM To ag Co \ i i q i 111 I OR Z escriaAAT Td# MTL a= ?" R OPTION I _ � E raesw I `?H= YINK , WHICL@ BAY , I�IL4TiON Z Dl' Mn aim& MPiR DISPATCH I I RI 6Q Rt. K bGL PT. I --- -. 2 - - - -- — T\ SHEET CONTENTS FLOOR PLAN! k WALL TIONS SCALE AS NOTED DATE MAMCH 2 ® REvISION - l3) COdJtBtlJ0iJ6 w6 Ib8-aAl@6 — I - I ---� J. n , • aor. s 4�• M9AL era oil I (4) W-f%U x a'-dN T®p ,� R DRAWINCZ NUMBER w,ti 3 2 EXTERIOR L ALL SECTION 2 via 2 FLOOR P OPOS D 2 3 I V �L� 3 Z bcau.r� s�•.r-m� C l Y 2 u V+ F 2 W C J pU a O C 6 C C tt h _Z Z s t 0 R-4996-Al with grated cmver 11 tt: 10 6 {c! c ce•Ed .4996-A2• with grated cover 7 lj, 5 <", �< o ..ered R-4996-A3 with grated cower I 1 10 12 fpps o.ce•eo R-4996-B 1 with solid covotr 11 t 10 c k!s or a ed R4996-132 with solid coverr 7 ' S < a IC! C E•Ea R-4996-B3 with sol,d cover, 1 t 10 7 r-! c -e•ec LANDSCAPING SCHEDULE +ax ►+'OODEN t ;► 1 NOTE: D LE I � POST • . METAL_ SEWER CLEAN -OUT j • BALED HAY ERASION CHECKS FRAME COVER OBTAINED T FOR ArFEE FROM B IPtEO r ww ` o O THE OARTMOUTH DP SrCI1CPaI t�OtCS Ora roved equal) 1 MUST REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL PP q P I GRADED AREAS OR SLOPES � 1 • Locus is sh own as Lot 11 on •' ro xEX -SILT STOP FINISHI `GRADE Assessors Map 63. 5£OtrtfNT CONTROL iI P I ARE PERMANENTLY 57A81LlZE0r fa©RrC Gut 1 F QW REPLACE AS NEEDED. / £our L 1 — = 2, Refer to: Plan Book 122, Page 91, also Deed Book 2303 Page 248 -+ I - I 25t ..., ....,JUNIPERUS CHINESIS ................. SARGENT JUNIPER .. � S7RCSS RCi'�fORCCtitCNT 1I z'� MINIMUMi 12" GRAVEL OASE 1 3. Locus is Limited Industrial .. ��. � f • ' � � ____ - 150 feet of fronts 25+_ .........RHODODENDRON PJM hybrid .........PJM RHODODENDRON ge, 50 feet from a ROW and 25 fret from all Property lines ��c-_- 1 1« ` CEMENir CONCRETE (ALL AROUND) 4. Parking spaces: G 0 CLEAN -OUT .. • .: •• r; ' w A. Required spaces; 3+ .......... FRAXINUS PENNSYLVANIA .......... GREEN ASH PLAN /THREADED MALE Plucr-� - :., �—,• REMOVE Z- TO A- OF _-----MINIMUtfit 6" GRAVEL BASE Office/Livery S • MAT R1AL AS NECESSARY - « ry pace, i space per 2 c 0 4E• P P _00 sq. ft. o gross floor area plus 1 space per 2 employees for [: j FOR STABILITY. s►ioRT -- �� G" SOR-235 o y a r ELDOw office space 5_ .......... LITTL , e - i _ TlL1A CORDA A .. ......... E LEAF LINDEN 5-4 c 1250 sq. ft. 7200 = 6 spaces + 14 � _ ChF P employees/2 ees/_ 13 �,caces required IC L 'TRF1rCH i.'i , , r n y 4 - _ 'C. - WYE 6"a'S.6 9DR-35 B. Spaces p es Provided � h'tT11•E-S 17 s provided P P o lded µith 2 being Handicap Accesslblp aC aces .. GRAVITY . `� G fd « 6. Lot Coverage (Approximate): LOT 12 S FLAW EXIST. 6 0 SDR 3 �' ( PP o�mate). SILT FENCE DETAIL H AY B A L E E TA I R-35 -�--- SEWER Slue - y A. Lot Coverage (Proposed); ELEVATION TO BE CONFIRMED PRIOR TO CON;; Building Area = 3750 sq.ft. FLOW TRUCTION Asphalt Pavement and Sidewalk Area = 12250 sa ft OF SEWER. IF ELEVATION VARIES FROM PLAN ALL INVERT S A N I Tip RY SEWER �L�VATICINS SHOWN ARE To gE ADJUSTED TG MAINTAIN Total ��=16,000 sq.ft with a Percent of Lot Covet�ge = 36% CLEAN -OUT DE TAIL H DES IGN SLOPE OR GREATER. 7. Locus is not located within an area containing endangered species as delineated on the 1997 - 1998 edition of the New Bedford North quadrangle contained in the Massachusetts Natural Heriiige Atlas of Estimated Habitats of state -listed rare NOT TO SCALE wetlands wildlife. _- - - _. 8. Locus is located within a Zone C special flood hazard Zone as delineates on the map of community no. 250051, panel no. I 0015B, dated June 1, 1983 of the flood insurance rate maps. R-4995 - R-4996 Type M Trench Frame with Series Solid or Grated Cover 9• Existing utilities shown have been taken from record drawings and from surface evidence obtained by on -the -ground survey. No representation as to the accuracy or Completeness ofthe utilities sho�m is made by the surveyor/engineer. Verification of Cast Iron Trench Assemblies - Medium or Heavy s „,,r►i3 utiies and locations are the responsibility of the contractor with the aid' of dig safe and other respective utility Duty —For Use in Sidewalks, Driveways, Garages, -- a �, � companies. Loading Docks, etc. ..t 10. Contractor shall keep records of locations for all underground utilities in-Aalled for use in compiling an as -built site plan. ' All construction materials and installation methods to meet the Town ofpartrnouth department of public works specifications as most recently amended. 12. kin Illustrating Type M from. Parking lots are to be surfaced with a 1-1/2" binder course and a i t/2 w'-ring course of bituminous concrete pavement. with grated [aver. S,andor . Pavement will be placed on a subgrade consisting of an 10" layer of corn?antedProcessed wdh <•;nch outsie;e Caulk ou,• y gravel..Both the subbase and sidlete can k o equipped far i^• processed gravel shall be compacted to 95%maximum dry density priorlO paving. - .side caulk rf quipped. P 13. Proposed lights to be installed where adequate. They shall be arranged aid shielded so as to prevent direct glare from the light Trench covers .ore used", rover areas ssource onto any public way, or any other quiring long drainage property. All parking faeilities'Vh.ich are used at night shall be lit as evenly and fully assemblies. Con be supr;;lied in a variety of sizes and lengths as possible within the maxi to meet special neemum wattage limits established by the State Ei4'.)ding Code. ds,• For trenches of irregular pattern. - - - arrangements con be mMde to furnish cover to fit. - 14. It is the CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY to secure a copy of the RECORDED ORDER OF` CONDITIONS and all m necessary permits prior to any site activity. Standard 4-inch outlet of end of drain. Special size a i----� _ 15, A PRECONSTRUCTION u outlets ore °,.ail- f CONFERENCE, if required, is to be held betwzen the Contractor and the Conservation able on special order. Side and bottom outlets optional and fumnhed o f � ,' —\1� c ,����. prior t en only when specified. to P o construction. t ,;it1 I\` tl soL,o c.ATEa 16. ANY SILTATION FENCING OR HAYBALES are to be installed, as sho+�n on the site 1 p QM an, prior to any activity and are to "` ""' `"'° remain in and be maintained until all activities are completed and vegetation established. F `~ ^w SECTIONS THRU DRAINS Cctolo to be removed b 17- ANY SUBSTANTIAL SILT ACCUTv1ULATION against the silt fence is y hand labor. g T � D�r+evs,o^! ^ inane. � _ No. I Descricno•ti, A � B (C D � .e .cr^. _. Sections: Thru Drains, Type nt c ixes NSledium Dury 18, NO REFUELING OF VEHICLES is.allowed within I00 feet of the resodire a'ea- r �— R-4995-A1 wit rover 1 1 _:.crce•ec ---------- �r R 4996-A2• with grated c4sve s < . �! a ae•E 19. All CONSTRUCTION LITTER AND DEBRIS is to be removed from the vicinityof the it ra.usu--., C R-4995.81 with ._r 1 ic! c•ccee 4 R-<9 !dud [ovEsr s-, Silt Fends or haybale line daily. LAF JC:N` � D.;TLET wc[ 20 sunays ..e.ca...•-o• 0.41 �_ ASIMON t ---- ^ '•- A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE is required at the completion of the?roject. Notify the Conservation Agent and the ®..■ Engineering Company for any required inspections, reports, or as -built pla 3 that may be required. 21. Floor Drains and Parts Hash sinks installed to be connected to the Gas ane, Oil Separator,(MDC Trap). ^.- -t. •^c a >e _ --. - .AP jOiNT '}' MDC trap to be inspected annually by the Operator to ensure the sediment; and floating r . _ C ,t a �,. ` ,,. ALTERNATE SECTIONS — SiDE ANC. EDTTCM °, TLE-s ° " " `�'`� `'_"' g products (i.e. !,as, and oil) does not reach a depth where it could discharge through the outlet pipe. Removal and disposal of such materials to conform to Local and State environmental regulations. 23• Components of the MDC trap shall be H-20 rated and filled w/ clean water prior to use and after cleaning 4" LOAM 21"" CAST IRON FRAME 8 COVER W/CENTER HOLE - SEED CAST IRON OR EQhtV. APPROVED MATERIAL. SEED 0KJfTE CURD Bt ILT UP TO FINISH GRADE 6" EXTEND UNDERGROUP TO BUILDING 8 RUN TO ROOF, 1 a ► VENTS NOT TO BE COMBINED AT ANY POINT INTO ONE VENT. FINISH GRADE(SEE PLANf? 4.. VENT TO ROOF I •, „'.�'' 6"- �`-T4C/C COAT TO BE APP''L/E0 as required (- • :.• ,.� / EXIST. GRD. TL 141,9 _1.1/ZWEARING COURSE (min.) r SlNo fl COuRsf: • • • ° oa 1e1/2" 0N. EXTRA HEAVY •: L ,. C.I. INLET FROM y 0 _. 70" GRAVEL BASE FLOOR DRAINS Min E -WLONG ©END Z'.l. ''lii •'� ,' MIN. (COMPACTED) ,SLR O.Ot � N C.I. I -^ .' �'•�t 'r�i�_ -' i �- •FROM FLOOR DRAIN LINE • , _ I �{ �._I _ _ WATER -->• SEWER FROM BLDG. / G" min. WV.= 138.64 3'- PAVEMENT CONCRETE CURB DETAIL EXTRA HEAVYC.1. PIPE NOT TO SCALE C WROUGHT 8" POURED i� PLACE CONCRETE: . .E IRON STEPS PROPOSED P'ECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE STRUCTURE iD OR 8" SOLID MANHOLE POURED IN PLACE. TO BE WATER - iv TIGHT TO 10URE NO GROUNDWATER WFILTRATION OR PRODUCT RCLEASE. ALL JOINTS TO BE GASKET SEALED 4 D EQUAL. i'gURE'D '8" COI.I�R�TE' �•; OR APPROV�� ELF 132Z REINFORCED NEW RUBBER HOSE -OIL Q GAS c SEPARATOR 1121 L_ UI AS DOUBLE STRAND . 12 GAUGE GALVANIZED ANNEALED TV61STED WIRE NOT TO SCALE —'TREE WRAP (lAPPROVEO) LAP END DOWN. BUILDING PERMIT PA R K I l �I G LOT PLAN DO NOT STAPfLE. 3 TIMBER STAKES 2 1/2".2 LARK MULCH STAINED GREE- N. LOWER 4' TREATED J O E . U W /PRESERVAT;IVE, STAKES EOUALLY IZ SPACED AROQND ROOT BALL a MIN. LOT I I"�i MAP 63 12" FROM TR!jNK. STAKES DRIVEN AT AN ANGLE a [PULLED VERTICAL WITH 0E-0" WIRE. MIN.,. 40" BURIED.) i DARTMOUTH MA. 3" SHREDDED `4%%- EHc �FfA BARK MULCH, (� } {,, p 1 \ FINISH GRADiE ��"=(�hC�el11 R. r e e LAP FROM TOP ` Ferreira Engineering, Inc. DT BALL ; a e Street, - • REMOVE [S46 Foster URLAP FROM TOP HALF � r New Bedford � M (� e ` - x Q � ♦ r-0 \ OF ROOT' BALL. „ r 3EE SPECS. > n f / FAtNOF ss' °b'�l ,�'~Tel. 508 992-0020 Fax: 508 992-3374 pi -Ii�1 (E1 SOIL MI21C - SEE SPECS. �a� 90 �til�nsw° -c KENNETH R. N FERREIRA CONTACT PERSON: TREE PLANTING DETAIL 0.358 KEVIN SILVA NOT TO SCALE �° ., DATE: 2-11-00 SCALE: ---I NEW OIL 8 GAS SEPARATOR NOTE Ylis 3-10-00 r= 20 No.f REVISIONS 6v Date SE 18007 1O. i,1AX• _ wOODEN POST r-�iill'l NOTE: BALED HAY EROSION CHECKS -?METAL SEWER CLEAN -OUT FRAME COVEMUST REMAIN IN PLACE UNTILFOR A FEE FROM THE DARTMOUTH DP,W. OBTAINEDgeneral Notes PRG1'£X -SILT S7 P' GRADED AREAS OR SLOPES Locus 1s shown as Lot 11, on Assessors Ma 63. S£DlMfNT CONTROL ARE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED, rFINISH GRADE pFl OW REPLACE AS NEEDED.efer to: Plan Book 122, Page 91, also Deed Book 2303 P e �'18 MMf6NIMUM 12" GRAVEL BASE •uREt'rFORCEAf('JrTTYPIC, L - 3. Locus is Limited Industrial (2 25_ RHODODENDRON PJM hybrid ......... PJM RHODODENDRON �� ,, j = • 150 feet of frontage, 50 feet from a ROW and 25 feet fr?m all Property lines QEMENT CONCRETE (ALL AROUND) 4. 0 CLEAN -OUT �• [ _ Parking spaces: 3± .......... FRAXINUS PENNSYLVANIA .......... GREEN ASH �t WJ THREADED M A Required spaces; PLAN REMOVE 2" TO Q" OF ALE PLUCr MIINIMUM 6•• GRAVEL BASE MAT RIAL AS NECESSARY " "---- Office/Livery Space; 1 space per 2 ft. ;: i:� FOR STABILITY. c- qs• --- G... P P 00 sq. of gross floor plus 1 space per 2 employ 5_ ...........TILIA CORDATA ................... LITTLE LEAF LINDEN �, SHORT ELDOw SDR-35 P P r offices ace plovees fo �CxFJL L TR£JrCN i 1250 sq. fL /200 = 6 spaces + 14 employees/2 = 13 spaces required MBANKMENT WY;rE 6.6.6 C , SDIR-35 B. Spaces Provided; 17 spaces provided with 2 being Handicap Acessible LOT 12 G.. 0 GRAVITY Lot Cove FLOW EXIST. 6- IA SDR-35 6- rage (Approximate). SILT FENCE DETAIL HAYBALE DETAIL sDR_35 SEWER STUB a Lot Coverage (Proposed); NOT ELE`?!AT Building Area = 3750 s .fr N 81°-57'-38" E .--•N 82°-18'-33" E =' 124.4�' M M - - TO SCALE FLOW ---E ION TO BE CONFIRMED PRIG q • --- 111.84' ------ R TO CONSTRUCTION RIP -RAP WALL -TO BE RECONSTRUCTE _1 0 `�' OF a;EWER. IF ELEVATION VARIES FROM PLAN ALL INVERT Asohalt Pavement and Sidewalk Area 12250 �• .ft. M TO SWALE SHOWN WIDE STONE HECKDAM -' L VATIONS SHOWN ARE q-f}. with a Percent S A N I TA Ri� SEWER HE' E Tp gE ADJUSTED T 3 MAINTAIN Total Area =16,000 s nt of Lot f overage = 36% I TOP EL: 136.5 � c+a ', E, DESIGN SLOPE 0'R GREATER. , M r�o CLEAN --OUT DETAIL - 7. Locus is not located within an area contain ing endangered speciesas delineated on the 1997 - 1998 edition of the New Bedford North quadrangle contained in the Massachusetts N Heritage 136 13T 138 Natural . ge Atlas of Estimated Habitats of state -listed rare 135 wetlands wildlife. 134 NOT TO SCALE 134 135 r I v 111 .i. - � 8. Locus is located within a Zone special . - _. C pecial flood hazard zone as delineated on the I36 � 13T ►38 , � � . 0015B dated J map. of community no. 250051 panel no. • , June l , 1983 of the flood insurance rate maps. ' R-4995 �- R-4996 Type M Trench Frame with 0 Series Solid or Grated Cover 9 Existingutilities es shown have been taken from record drawings and xTom surface evidence •, -- � '�< No representation obtained by on -the -ground _ y _ , P tation as to the accuracy or completeness of ' ' gr d survey. e I Cast )Pon Trench Assemblies - Medium or Heav _: ��,.r;. �-" P .the uhllherShown is made b the - y utilities and locations are the y surveyor/engineer. Verification of 7rr-10 Duty For Use in Sidewalks, Driveways, e responsibility of the ?•� ys, Garages, tY contractor with t..- aid of di safe and other respective utility AREA OF REPLICATION ALL DOWNSPOUTS W/OVERFLOW TO ' VARYINGloading Docks, etc. g P ty companies. AS PER UTILITY PLAN FOR LOT 11-5 I E CONNECTED TO 7 UNITS OF H2O "`��'`` 10. Contractor shall keep r [. MSTONE p records of locations for all d VENTURA MINI -PARK DATED S f CONTACTOR 128 UNITS W/2' OF STON • - - 44,501 .. � ..,. . 12-29-87 I24' AROUND ALL SIDES a i FT, OF STONE LOAMED 8 ' BENEATH UNIT. SEEDED If l • 2' WIDE ` LOOMED 13 SEEDED - S 3 : I SLOPE SI TONE CHECKD�iM •• .:- DEWALLS TOP EL._ 138.5 0 \ PROPOSED HAYBALE/ w SILT FENCE z o / M • N M M TOP OF UNITS a STONE - 3••_7" GRADE W a, / 18' BELOW Lt. co„ VARYING M 47.7 U.- LANDSCAPING SCHEDULE or approved equal) 25± .........JUNIPERUS CHINESIS ................. SARGENT JUNIPER 20 A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE is required at the completion cf the project. Notify the Conservation- .Ie�e. Engineering Company for any required inspections, reports, Agent and the P > p rts, or as-buih plans that may be required. 21. Floor Drains and Pairs wash sink r O � � 5' OF 4' kts . _r• ... irLS t0 connected to e 1 P C T p) _ tailed be co the G�< and •Di Separator ra -� PROP. CONC. BL Jo: T -�I"'D vET.e,aE:~�-y? •. VY DUTY C.I. PIPE _ - -... . T R •_._ � .. •. e � _.: • _ ',z.DC trap to be inspected _ . P annu4.:;y by the Operator to ensure the sedin7ents and floating r ,.I A CK WgLL � E s.c7E SECTIONS - SiDE an0 ECTTOs[ OJTlE TS _ >'�' ` reach a depth where it could discharge through the outlet i �, 1 g products (r.e, gas and oil) does not / \ and pipe. Remo.a and disposal of such materials State environmental regulations. to conform to Local ' o � ROP. MDC TRAPISEE TAIL+ � � PROP. FOREBAY 3 i ' VSEE DETAIL) L= 12.5' OF 6" SDR-�'S 141� ! ' S= 0.02 / \ 23. Components of the MDC trapshall -? � ~ PROP. TRENCH DRAINPAVED SWALE be H _0 rated and filled w/clean ��ter Pnor to use and after cleanin �L -r (SEE DETAIU VENTS IB" 4 / . ' N � o g0 A60VE R!)OF LINE 12" X 24" g N W d PROP. INV. 141.5 f ' _ Q t38.89 9' 10' z W PROPOSED cvitNa � I I q" LOAM r _ OFFICE SPACE 25 1 SEED 2 �" CAST IRON FRAME t3 COVER W/CENTER HOLE 4" CAST IRON OR �,OUIt/, APPROVED MATERIAL. 6- ONC.FL'TE CURD BIrILT UP TO FINISH GRADE EXTEND UNDERGROUND TO BUILDING 8 RUN TO ROOF. d 5' (1250 S.F-+) 5' / 9' EXISTING ) t _ I VENTS NOT TO BE COMBINED AT ANY POINT INTO ONE VENT. J °� slab el = 142.6 w FILLING - - �•;� '. = r - STATION FINISH GRADE(SEE PL/gN) DOWNSPOUT / \ •• � :NT TO ROOF , p WlOVERFLOW / g r I71 1 1'. •' 6~+_ 77 I , 0 BE APPLIED as required ,.� T EXIST. GRD /•-TlJCIC COAT' 9 � 141 O8 O 1L'i ' •,• r \ ZWEARING COUR:> � r �•al� I ., -( - - - - - - _ 1 !/ E (min.) - 6 DER COURSE: l 4" 0 / o -- (°(/'� fi N. EXTRA HEAVY EXISTING RIP -RAP 7 24' Is' t od -- C.I. INLET FROM .t 19' O N : , 0 ._. 10- GRAVEL BASE FLOOR DRAINS o RETAINING WALL 9' 10 EXISTING BUILDING ...- � , 'Min a -gLONG DCVO C.I. PROP. STONE CHECKDAM t� �' � MIN, (COMPACTED) , SL= O.Ot -""' � Iv C.I. % 7r'l�- - • FROM FLOOR DRAIN WATER � 0 4? FINISH SLAB EL.= 147.19 - TdP EL = 139.0 \ h � rri z •' - i `I �=1 uNF: I - / --� SEWER M' ���- - PROP. FOREBAY N ,4 / ' EL.= 139.1 _ ISII - SEE DETAIL) ►a►z / °C W �A3 . FROM BLDG. ( N / 3'-G" min. / INV.= 138.64 HAYBALE/SILT FENCE " 24 t m / O / / PAVEMENT 1 VI CONCRETE O EXTRA HEAVYC.1. PIPE • r 1412 M CURB DETAIL, > j g / la .2 to, NOT TO SCALE WROUGHT 8" POURCa IN PLACC CONCRETE: . y� �e�, \QQ `- IRON HEADWALL �e.s� �47 � st / � °i � E i 4, �1 5 iyfs O � / / / STEPS PROPOSL'� PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE STRUCTURE Y w I41 LOT I I-3 OR B~ scl.. ID MANHOLE POURED IN PLACE. TO BE WATER - CATCH _ � � � CATCH %rt / �a"' (V TIGHT TC INSURE NO GROUNDWATER INFILTRATION OR BASIN /8� 9•sB' O o PRODUCT RELEASE. ALL JOINTS TO BE GASKET SEALED so i / ` 1' ` 4e ELF 1325 _ _ uREb . OR APPROVED EQUAL. ® EXIST. _ / E T C , \A6 D11 ��� \S9 / ` %� . 136 5•� TU REINFORCEtD NEW RUBBER HOSE FAO O MH �- PROP. I l2 OIL R GAS SEPARATOR Ek/s C.O. Jq 64 EXIST. STO LL DOUBLE STl`RAND . 12 GAUGE GALVANIZED j 3 - i � ANNEALED `TWISTED. WIRE NOT TO SCALE ER C.S. O 0 / fR OIL- 80. REE WRAF? q ( PPROVED) LAP END DOWN. BUILDING PERMIT PARKING � DO NOT STAPLE. 6�.®T PLAN i �tiv 8HYD. /a � 3 TIMBER STAKES 2 Il2",z.2 Ill"x6' 3" SHREDDED BARK MULCH STAINED GREEN. LOWER 4' TREATED U JOE LUIZ ,% � W/PRESER`VATIVE, STAKES EQUALLY I� �� � W 2 SPACED +TRUNK. STAKES BALL 8 MIN. /� p G I DRIVEN AT LOT 11--5 Mf1f V3 r-o" AN ANGLE; 8 PULLED VERTICAL WITH _ f WIRE. r/ FINISH GRADE l t~t11N. 40" pT DRIV \°i s W•Y BENCHMARK: �% �� /� MIN. BURIED,)DAR ! ®UT H 1IAe "E"IN OPEN 3' sHREDt il_p � BARK MULCH. ENc y SEWER MANHOLE � O EL.= 147.51 /_ FINISH GRADE EPOS RIM EL.= 140.71 \� REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP ; . :.;.: / / / Q5 s Kenneth R. Ferreira Engineering, INV. EL.= 128.06 I•_Or. L-0.. �i\ `HALF OF ROOT BALL ,.� , .l � : \ ems` � r I nInc.9 9,, ® rriln o min. i r-o REMOWE BURLAP FROM TOP HALF O d.� , OF RO 46 Foster Street, New Bedford DMH s �� SOIL MIX. - SEE SPECS. > n In 1.,,.!: fOT BALL. f U e -- Tel. 508 99R 0020 e '�i_ � �� i� • . � - ��+DF,�S a, .�� Fax. 508 992 3374 • '� 1 W 1 SOIL, Wix - SEE SPECS. �� s9�y. ; �Ftinswoo KENNETH R. N\ SEWER MANHOLE o FERREIRA �'' CONTACT P SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL TREE PLANTING DET -� PERSON: RIM EL.=145.1 , ETA I L o.35s � KEVIN SILVA INV. EL.=137.73 NOT TO SCALE o .�' NOT TO SCALE DATE: 2 I l 00 • AL j, • I NEW OIL-& GAS SEPARATOR NOTE KJS 3-10-00 1„ = 20, - - - No.1 REVISIONS 6Y I Da'1e - �� SE 18007 a,lll�-c-ems'.oi tin erground unat ,installed for use in compiling an as -built site plan. All construction materials and installation methods to meet the -,knt of To Dartmouth department of public works specifications as most recently amended. ' r Illustrotin T 12• Parkin lots are to be SU a,a "`' "` ° Type M fram. g with a 11/2 binder course and a 11/1 wearing course of bituminous concrete pavement T with grated rover. S,andord _ Pavement will be rr -ith 4-mch outride caulk out. Placed on a sub -grade consisting of an 10 layer oPcompacted processed gravel. Both the sub let. can k equipped f°' i Processed gravel shall be compacted to 95% maximum dry density prior to paving, base and let. Cculk if specified. 13. Proposed lights to be installed where adequate. They shall be arrang ed and shielded so as to prevent direct glare from the light source onto any public way, or any other roe' T.°nch covers ore3 used over areas requiring long drainage property. rhr- All parking facih�ies which are used at night shall be lit as evenly and fully - assemblies. Con bye supplied in o variety of sizes end lengths as possible within the maximum wattage limits established by the St''-te Building Code. to meet special: rneeds, For trenches of irregular pattern, arrongements c0rilbe made to furnish cover to fit. - 3.75 S YYA L E C R 0 S S ^SECT 10 N 14. It is the CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY to secure l0 mo - � "s - necessary u a cePY of the RECORDED ORDER OF CONDITIONS an , 0/ A'/�- m ry Permits pnor to any site activity d all • )TIDY TO SCALE Lr Standard 4-inch outlet at end of drain. Special size outlets ore ovml• }----C- ., ] j• 7 - JCA C. A PRECOI`STRUCTION C • LO � I-� able on special order. Side and bottom outlets optional and furnished , '"•� CONFERENC E, if required, is to be held between the Contractor an �� � ° " prior to Construct' d the Conservation Agent ' a17 OF only when specified. ,. �1 i i , � 1 , t , Ci10n. "5 • 138 4- SDR-35 r[[ r[:• o. SOL Ec GRATE 16• ANY SILTATION FENCING 139 'BEGINNING OF SWALE 2' WIDE S OR IIAYBALES are to be installed, ad shown on the site plan, prior to an activity TONE CHECKDAM """"' "°`°' °•° remain in place and be maintain Y ty and are to i4o W/TOP SET AT ELEV. F maintained until all activrt' 0 ti les are completed d vegetation 2 WISE opt, \\ SLOPE= 0.02 eted ar. elation established, STONE CHECKDAM � ✓ _ Ial _ - � �.[ rr---= °�-a• ..[-� P ., shed. - , , ... . _ ... _ __ ,:. � ;. INLET INV. L=138.5 % SECTIONS TOP E /� I / EC IONS THRU, DRAINS ccrolo 17, ANY SUBS . SWALE 2% SLOPE 9 . _ D---Trio i ANTIAL SILT ACCUMULATION U►vItTLATION a ainst th is to be _ ►a13 /� - Na. Der[I, F J _ S e silt fenf removed b h , .. ., . .. .. ,� ,c„D" A , . c I ._. _ _ ..... _ :...,.__, ._.._ ...__...__ _.. Y and labor. to _..__ �`' .• 7 ._ ., .. .- � Secrions: Thru Drains, Type M is izes �-- N , .:•�:�,. } '_ ,.:.. .:. t n / YP Medium Duty l 8. NO REFUELING OF VEHICLES is allowed within I00 feet of the rEe- ource area. / 4995•A1 wit over l 10 _s c•ce•ed Z 3 0. OU RIP -RAP DO N., __ _____ ___________- c ."-- - =-�R-d 995•A2` with _ - • DOWNSPOUT WlOVCRFLOW / i f_ R-4 s <:. k: crce•ec .<,�s.[-.. ' '+s -"_--- g*o'ted cove , -: C-+-. 995•B1 with ... ,. ., L1� W l OVERFLOW c' h k: o•dEred 19. All CONSTRUCTION L1TTE �� � RAND DEBvicinity . �= M ----- - I R-49 rt soldid cover ; =. s <_, DEBRIS u t0 be rem oved fron_ theliiof the Silt Fence or ha ybale line daily. PROPOSED VEHICLE / RIVEWAY °' ti Srendard Sizes Neovy Duty N LiJ m BAYS PROPOSED ASPHALT D M PR02' WIDE STONE B O - t cP �..:rT '\ • 0_.:ET c,cE j Y N _ to "-' PARKING CV to, - CKDAM TOP = EL. 139.0 -' aD S.F �) lab fsL� 141.�! � � (2500 , w- / a� _ -- ------ ------ - - -- r - _ FOREBAY CROSS-SECTION e fit' � `50 _ _.. __ �r = .. _ .=v:.____ _� _... _ - a �( o. e F NOT 'TO'SCALE R•4996•A1 -4996-A2• R•4996-A3 P-4996•61 R-4996-82 R•4996.63 with grmred cover with grotted [over with grotted cover with sold^i? cover with solid cover wrch sal,;,, cover 11'; 7 1 1 ". 1 i' • 7 I ,it ''; 1. 1 • ,:, i �- 10 S 10 10 5 10 6 Ls CTE•EC 4 . As 0,dered t r_s or Ered < , �s c._e.ed ' fcs C ce-ec LOT 12 II R-4996-AI with grcited;ccover 11 i4 . , I 1 10 6 IDS Crcc,ed -4996-A2* with croted1ccover 7 1 5 ordered R-4996-A3 with crcted .(cover I I I e-: 10 12 �s ordered R-4996•15 1 with solid ever I • I il: 10 6 6S ordered R-4996-82 with solid carver 7 1 5 4,� I C5 orcerec R-4996-E3 with solid ccover I 10 ' .2 , c,ce�cc r-: cued Notes WOODEH PaS T NOTE: METAL :SEWER CLEAN -OUT FRAME COVER OBTAINED FOR A flTFE General BALED HAY EROSION CHECKS FROM THE DARTMOUTH D.P.W. MUST REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL I . Locus is shown as Lot 11, on Assessors Map 6-3. PRaoEX -SILT S70P- Ill, GRADED AREAS OR SLOPES ARE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. FINISH (GRADE SEDIMENT CONTROL FABRIC REPLACE AS NEEDED. 2. Refer to: Plan Book 122, Page 91, also Deed Book 2303, Page 248 MINIMUM, 12" GRAVEL BASE 37RE.53 2�1 3. Locus is Limited Industrial T rPiCz L 150 feet of frontage, 50 feet from a ROW and 25 feet from all Property lines is CEMENT -IT CONCRETE (ALL AROUND) 4. Parkin g spaces: 2--4 G 0 CLEAN -OUT A. Required spaces; PLAN REMOVE 2- TO 4­ OF W/THREADED MALE PLUG—/, MINIMUM- G­ GRAVEL BASE Office/Livery Space; I space per 200 sq. ft. ci�grogs floor area plus I space per 2 employees for MATERIAL AS NECESSARY G" 0 45- SDR-Z5 office space FOR STABILITY. SHORT ELBOW 1250 sq. E /200 6 spaces + 14 employees,12 13 :IpAmLequired J a4CYFILL TRENCH EMBANKMENT WYE 6.43;.r. SDR-35 B. Spaces Provided; 17 spaces providediivith 2 being Handicap Accessible h'-'TIVE soiL G- 0 GRAVITY FLOW EXIST. G­ 0 SDR-35 6, Lot Coverage (Approximate): SDR-35 SEWER STUB A- Lot Coverage (Proposed); SILT FENCE DETAIL HAYBALE DETAIL Building Area= 3 750 sq,ft. M FLOW ELEVATION TO BE CONFIRMED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION Asphalt Pavement and Sidewalk Area 12250 sq.ft. NOT TO SCALE SANITARY SEWER OF SEWER. IF ELEVATION VARIES FROM PLAN ALL INVERT ELEVATIONS SHOWN Total Area =1 6,000 sq.fL With a Percent of Lot Cove -age = 36% �HECKDAM ARE TP BE ADJUSTED TO MAINTAIN THE DES'AGN SLOPE ORGR GRATER. CLEAN -OUT DETAIL 7, Locus is not located within an area containing endangered species as dAmeated on the 1997 - 1998 edition of the New C Bedford North quadrangle contained in the Massachusetts Natural Her�age Atlas of Estimated Habitats of state -listed fare 0 138 wetlands wildlife. NOT To SCALE • 8. Locus is located within a Zone C special flood hazard zone as delineated on the map ofcommunity no. 250051, panel no, 001 5B, dated June 1 1983 of the flood insurance rate maps, R-4995 — R-4996 Type M Trench Frame with 9. Existing utilities shown have been taken from record drawings and fron-, surface evidence obtained by on-the-grourld Series survey. Solid or Grated Cover No representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the utilities sh,,wm is made by the surveyor/engineer. Verification of Cost Iron Trench Assemblies — Medium or Heavy utilities and locations are the responsibility of the contractor with the alJ of dig safe and other respective utility companies. Duty — For Use in Sidewalks, Driveways, Garages, Loading Docks, etc. 10. Contractor shall keep records of locations for all underground utilities installed for use in compiling an as -built site plan. Read Carefully Before 11. All construction materials and installation methods to meet the Town WDartmouth department of public works specifications Ordering as most recently amended. Specify. 1. Complete catalog number. 2. Medium or heavy duty. 12, Parking lots are to be surfkvd With it Illustrating Typo M frame binder course and a 11/2 weanng course of bituminous concrete pavement. 3. Overall iength,of cover required. with grated cover. Standard Pavement will be placed on a subgrade consisting of an 10" 1 apacted processed gravel. Both the subbase and A. Lid solid, flat grated, or• with 4-inch outside caulk out- ayer of cof diagonally barred convex let. Con be equipped for in. processed gravel shall be compacted to 951/0 maximum dry density prior to paving. grate side caulk if specified. 1 5. Loco;icn of outlet, side, bottom or end (give di- 13. Proposed lights to be install mensioncil location and ed where adequate. They shall be arranged end shielded so as to prevent direct glare from the light 6. pipe size). Source onto any public Amy, or other property. All parking facilities which are used At night shall I be lit as even] d fully Whether one end or both Trench covers ore userii over areas requiring long drainage i,%krithiti the maximum wattage I limits established by the State Puilding Code- y an ends are to be open or as possible closed assemblies. Con be surnplied in a variety of sizes and lengths 7. PeIo-Grip surface if re- to meet special neecks. for trenches of irregular pattern, quired- (See page 229.) arrangements can be —ode to furnish cover to fit. 14. It is the CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY to secure a copy of the RECORDED ORDER OF CONDITIONS and all A A - necessary permits prior to any site activity. 15, A PRiCONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE, if re4quired, is to be held between the Contractor and the Conservation Agent Standard 4-inch outlet of end of drain. Special sire outlets ore oviail. able on special order. Side end bottom outlets optional and furnished 0 prior to construction. only when specified. I" 16. ANY SILTATION FENCING OR HAYBALES are to be instalW, as shmkin on the site plan, prior t SOLID GR AT E D o any activity and are to remain in place and be maintained until all activities are sCCT.­s completed and �egetation established. km 17. ANY SUBSTANTIAL SILT ACCUTIM-ULATION against the silt fence �s to be removed by hand labor. SECTIONS THRU GRAINS Catalog Dimeris;o-s ;r ;rches No. n A A I C I D I en.v�, _ I I Sections: Thru Drains, Type M A Medium Duty NO REFUELING OF VEHICLES is allowed within 100 feet of the res6ilrce are I P,-4995-Al -it over 1 '1 ordered (<Over 10 -1" R-4995-A2- with or 19. All CONSTRUCTION LITTER AND DEBRIS is to be removed from the R-4 995-B I with vicinity of the Silt Fence or haybale line daily. a 93R-.Jii? 5.6-2-- 4 _3 -it solid ccwer 7 standard Sizes Heavy Duty 20 A CERTIFICATE OF CONAPT T A -PTrr � LAP JOIN7 'C�TLET I PE,-� SECTIONS A --- - - - - - - - C a is required at the completion Of t,,e project. 1NOti1y the Conservation Agent and the Engineering Company for any required inspections, reports, or as -built 17-i'lans that may be required. 21. Floor Drains and Parts wash sinks installed to be connected to the Gas and Oil Separator (MDC Trap), F F mcit, It A se7 L-!, c _22. NMC trap to be inspected annually by the Operator to ensure the sedime:�ts and -'LAP Joip-, Oij7LET P:: floating products (i.e. gas and oil) does not ALTERNATE SECTIONS SICE AND EOTTOM OJTLETS reach a depth where it could discharge through the outlet pipe. Removal and disposal of such materials to conform to Local and State environmental regulations. 23. Components of the MDC trap shall be H-20 rated and filled w/ clean wal.-r prior to use and after cleaning L FE 4- LOAM 24" CAST IRON FRAME a COVER W/CENTER HOLE 4- CAST IRON OR EOVIV. APPROVED MATERIAL. SEED OW,.WTJE Cam© BUILT UP TO FINISH GRADE EXTEND UNDERGROOND TO BUILDING 8 RUN TO ROOF. 157 VENTS NOT TO BE COMBINED AT ANY POINT INTO ONE VENT. 4" FINISH GRADE(SEE PLAP4) VE�j TO ROOF as required _T4CI< COAT TO BE Ar"PLIE0 EXIST, GRDTO_ '141.9 WEARING couTsE(min.) I. I/Z 4" 0 all'i COUR.SE If EXTRA HEAVY a C.I. INLET, r ROM 0 10"GRAVEL BASE FLOOR DRAINS Min _�LONG acm,, C.I. C.I. a•is MIN. (COMPACTED) 5L= 0.01 -f­�FROM FLOOR -DRAIN WATER LINF 0 SEWER ELA 139.1 FROM BLDG. _�`�=I INV.t 138.64 3*-G" min. if F):TRA HEAVYC.I. PIPE' 0 PAVEMENT 8 CONCRETE CURB DETAIL. NOT TO SCALE wRouGHT IRON . a-- FIOUREC IN PLACE CONCRETE; ETEPs PROPOSEO PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE STRUCTURE OR 8" Sot ID MANHOLE POURED IN PLACE. TO BE WATER- TIGHT TO INSURE NO GROUNDWATER INFILTRATION OR PRODUCT RELEASE. ALL JOINTS TO BE GASKET SEALED OR APPROVED EQUAL. ELA 132-5 t REINFORCED NEW RUBBER HOSE OIL R GAS SEPARATOR - DOUBLE STRAND , 12 GAUGE GALVANIZED NOT TO SCALE ANNEALED -TWISTED WIRE _,--------7REE WRAF, (APPROVED) LAP END DOWN. BUILDING PERMIT B, PARKING LOT PLAN", DO NOT STAPLE. 3 TIMBER -"'-,TAKES 2 1/2"x 2 BARK MULCH STAINED GREEN. LOWER 4* TREATED JOE LUIZ WIPRESEW'qATIVE'STAKES EQUALLY SPACED A�'ROUNDRoar BALL 8 MIN. LOT 11-5, MAP 63 12" FROM -TRUNK• STAKES DRIVEN AT AN ANGLE-, a PULLED VERTICAL WITH WIRE. ARE NAIN. 40" BURIED.) DARTM OUTH, MA. MIN.EN; 3" SHREDDED BARK MULCH FINISH GRADE ",-Kenneth R. Ferreira Engineering, nc. RLAP FROM TOP )OTBALL -0 EMO`;!E BURLAP FROM TOP HALF 46 Foster Street, New, Bedford, ' at OF RCtOT BALL. SEE SPECS. 11�Y Tel. 508 992-0020 Fax: 508,992-3374 I�A OF pz 411 I Ell SOIL, .MIX - SEE SPECS. KENNET o F ;74 CONTACT PERSON: CIVIL KEVIN SILVX -TREE PLANTING D E -rlrl\% I L No. 358 DATE: NOT TO SCALE �ssial "L 2-11-00 5CALE: k NEW OIL, 8 GAS SEPARATOR NOTE US 340-00 ill = 20' IN 0 'REVISIONS 11 ,By `Daie , SE 18007 COl!'_MERCIAL 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: 111) i Name of Construction Supe iswl Address r c� Signature r" A Telephone 9r�' 3� Not Applicable ❑ License Number Expiration Date 4? -0. 5 2000 ;mpensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit Worke4C will resulf in the denial of the issuance of the building permit (MGL 152 Section 25A) Signed Affidavit Attached: ❑ yes ❑ no M-"n'ew construction ❑ addition ❑ alteration ❑ repairs ❑ accessory bldg. (shed/garage) ❑ other (specify Sec. 6): ❑ demolition ❑ sign ❑ replacement window/door no. of windows Idoors The following descriptions are based on the Massachusetts State Building 6th Edition, Code Article 3, as noted. See the Code ❑ Assembly- restaurant, lounge, theater, school, etc. (see Code Section 302.0) Describe: 11 Btrsiness.7 office, assembly with less than 50 occupants -indicate Medical or other professional (see Code Section 303.00) ❑ Education'- structure for training including child day care for those over 2 years 9 months (see Code Section 304.0) ❑ Factory % Industrial (see Code Section 305.0) ❑ Hiah Hazard - (see Code Section 306.0) ❑ Institutional - hospital, nursing home, infant day care (see Code Section 307.0) ❑ Mercantile - retail stores (see Code Section308.0) I Residential - three or more family, hotel (see Code Section 309.0) rvStrn age - includes garage (see Code Section 309.0) 0 Utility & Miscellaneous Structures —includes tents and agricultural structures (see Code Section 311.0) u New Tenant - for any of the above, please indicate (see Code Section H 9.0 and Zoning By -Law Section 35) ❑ Tent or Trailer - temporary purpose? ❑ Other: Describe the proposal briefly, INCLUDE number of dwelling units and bedrooms or occupant load as applicable, also existing I ondition (if extra space is needed, attach an additional sheet): y lrNew Construction and/or Addition (total gross cubic feet proposed) - indicate If the project is an addition to existing structure -,total gross square feet of existing: ❑ Al'eration of existing, no increase in gross square feet. A separate Refuse Disposal _Declaration is required. Will this project be subject to CONSTRUCTION CONTROL (over 35,000 cu. ft.) -'yes If yes;, see Code Section 116.0. Designer to submit Code Synopsis i:no dditi n to original plans. Will this project require Peer Review (over 400,000 cu. ft.) ❑ yes (see 110.1 Code & Appendix I) APPLICANT TO PROVIDE PEER REVIEW AT THEIR EXPENSE. SEE 780 CMR. ❑ Demolition* - describe structure: ❑ Moving* - (provide copy of DPW moving license) * Type of structure: from where (plat/lot or address): to Where (plat/lot or address): number of dwelling units: number of bedrooms per dwelling unit: c:\blda. forms\bldgapp.com Page 2 rev. January 20, 2000 c:\bldg. forms\bldgapp.com Page 3 rfl�v Ian„ary ?n ?nnn COMMERCIAL 2000 $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE do NON-TItANSI= ERA33LE OUT". - DATA -RECEIVED ,r DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT 400 Slocum Road, P.O. Box 79399 Dartmouth, MA 02747 508-999-0720 FAX 508-999-0738 [ .• n i % d ' ,a i I APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR, RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A COMMERCIAL ;BUILDING (includes 3 or more family dwellings)