BP-55740Sign Type 1 - Monument Cover (4 Sided) with New Header (All one piece.) i t 13" L 10'-4" (124") VIF VIF 14" 10' 020") ki1F VIF 11 I/2" 9'-91/2" (1171/2") Existing Existing Base VIF Base VIF 5„ ;; VIF �° r r t 39 3/4" RI A r r 0 Elm+ T Dashed line denotes existing monument VIF cabinet. M E D I C A L Existing 40 ;. Base = VIF; I .: { t {rtra �7 t't'Il r1! }�r�rl.rfl. �; a } i i1 3l ( t,} t�,d (sf pi-�D I"9a;IPr r;k1 P,;t j.r�i,i'k l.kr;nt t ir•liillYl i1G _9t..ri .Aria ,k�1p lid _ Elevation:' Qty l -' Side View: Scale: 1 /2" =1' Scale: l /2" =1' Monument Cover with New Header (all one piece) Inner frame is 1"x 1"aluminum tube. To go over existing monument cabinet. Existing Monument Cabinet * Note: Existing monument header removed. 1/4" PVC Bottom stripe with 3/4" PVC Logo Graphics Top View: address knocked -out. Scale: 1 /2" =1' Description: (Qty 1) Monument cover (4-sided) with new header (all one piece) to go over existing monument cabinet, Monumentcover is 1 " x 1 " aluminum tube frame skinned with 3mm DiBond. Logo graphics are 3/4" PVC mounted flush to monument cover. (I-side) Bottom stripe is 1 /4" PVC with address knocked -out mounted flush to monument cover. (1-side) New fabricated aluminum header attached to top of monument cover. Existing monument header is to be removed. Monument cover with new header to go over existing monument cabinet and attached with required hardware. Typeface / Logo: Logo: - Supplied by customer. Copy: - Universe Extended PS Bold Colors: Faces: White - painted White DiBond with shamrock fine sand textured finish Logo Graphics: Logo Squares: Light Grey - pointed to match PMS Cool Gray 3c (close match to supplied 15% Black) Medium Grey - painted to match PMS Cool Gray 1c (close match to supplied 30% Black) Dark Grey - painted to match PMS fool Gray 10c (close match to supplied 50% Black) "Tegra" - painted to match PMS 199c (red) "Medical"- painted Black Bottom Stripe - Dark Grey- painted to match PMS Cool Gray 1 Oc (close match to supplied 50% Black) Address - White- 1 /4" bottom stripe knocked -out to monument cover Header- point Black Installation: By Viewpoint, Remove existing monument header. Monument cover with new header to go over existing monument cabinet and attached with required hardware. Existing: Not To Scale Job: Account Mana Manager: Date: - 9 Revisions: Revisions: Revisions: THIS PROPOSAL DRAWING CONTAINS ORIGINAL ELEMENTS ® (uslonner Approval Acd. Manager Approval Production Approwal VIF Tegra Medical - GT( Scott Spaulding 12.30.08 R1.5 D1.75 01.09.09 R.5 D1.5 0_/� °' A 1.508.303.8400 Location: File: Designer: CREATED BY VIEWPOINT SIGN AND AWNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.I lu North Dartmouth, ;NA TegraMed GT(_DadMA_Signl_MonuSign_lb.ai Mathew Hoard I I I UNAUTHORIZED DUPLICATION OR REPRODUCTION n PROHIBITED.SIGN AN o AWNING FAX 1.5 0 8.3 0 3.84 8 0 Sign Type 2 - Directional Signs Description: (Qry 2) Aluminum directional signs, single faced, nonilluminated. 2" x 1 " aluminum tube frame construction with .080 aluminum faces Graphics are applied vinyl. (Tegra header is a digitally printed vinyl decal.) 2" x 2" Aluminum post with welded construction Loco: Logo - Supplied by customer. z," TEGRA 3�4,; MEDICAL 1-7 Cap Height ;f Cap Height 14°x21" = 2 sq.f;. n!,ri,r vK ,ski 1,Rr Elevation: Ory 1 IU Scale: 1"-1' Typeface: Universe Extended PS Bold Colors: Sign Panel & Poles - paint Black Tegra Header: digitally printed on Avery MPI 1005 EZ Print Media at 720 dpi, laminated with Avery DOL 1000 gloss over -laminate (Red -PMS 1990 Letters/Arrows - 3M 220-10 White vinyl Installation: By Viewpoint, Direct Burial. Hardware as required. Side Yew:(For both directional signs) Scale: 1" =1'. FEB Proposed: Not To Scale Proposed: Not To Scale Job: Account Manager: Scotl S Date: Revisions: Revisions: Revisions: 12.30.08 R1.0 D1.5 R.25D1.25 THIS PROPOSAL DRAWING EOHLAINS ORIGINAL ELEMENTS ® • Customer Approval Acct. Manager Approval Production Approval nt 1.508.303.8400 Te ro Medical - GT( 9 uldin Pa gcREATEDBYVIEWPOINTSIGNANDAWNING.Al1RIGHTSRESER►TD. Location: File: Designer. 101.29.09 01.30.09 R.0 D.75 I UNAUTHORIZED DUPLICATION OR REPRODUCTION IS PROHIBIT!➢.North � SIGN AN o AWN 1 N G FAX . 5 8.3 3.84 8 DartmouthMA. Te raMed GT(DatMA_Sign2DirSigns_lc.ai 9 Mathew Hoard