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ABBREVIATIONS A AMPERE AC ALTERNATING CURRENT BLDG BUILDING CONC CONCRETE DC DIRECT CURRENT EGC EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR (E) EXISTING EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING FSB FIRE SET —BACK GALV GALVANIZED GEC GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR GND GROUND HDG HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED I CURRENT Imp CURRENT AT MAX POWER Isc SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT kVA KILOVOLT AMPERE kW KILOWATT LBW LOAD BEARING WALL MIN MINIMUM (N) NEW NEUT NEUTRAL NTS NOT TO SCALE OC ON CENTER PL PROPERTY LINE POI POINT OF INTERCONNECTION PV PHOTOVOLTAIC SCH SCHEDULE S STAINLESS STEEL STC STANDARD TESTING CONDITIONS TYP TYPICAL UPS UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY V VOLT Vmp VOLTAGE AT MAX POWER Voc VOLTAGE AT OPEN CIRCUIT W WATT 3R NEMA 3R, RAINTIGHT ELECTRICAL NOTES I JURISDICTION NOTES 1. THIS SYSTEM IS GRID—INTERTIED VIA A UL—LISTED POWER —CONDITIONING INVERTER. 2. THIS SYSTEM HAS NO BATTERIES, NO UPS. 3. A NATIONALLY —RECOGNIZED TESTING LABORATORY SHALL LIST ALL EQUIPMENT IN COMPLIANCE WITH ART. 110.3. 4. WHERE ALL TERMINALS OF THE DISCONNECTING MEANS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION, A SIGN WILL BE PROVIDED WARNING OF THE HAZARDS PER ART. 690.17. 5. EACH UNGROUNDED CONDUCTOR OF THE MULTIWIRE BRANCH CIRCUIT WILL BE IDENTIFIED BY PHASE AND SYSTEM PER ART. 210.5. 6. CIRCUITS OVER 250V TO GROUND SHALL COMPLY WITH ART. 250.97, 250.92(B). 7. DC CONDUCTORS EITHER DO NOT ENTER BUILDING OR ARE RUN IN METALLIC RACEWAYS OR ENCLOSURES TO THE FIRST ACCESSIBLE DC DISCONNECTING MEANS PER ART. 690.31(E). 8. ALL WIRES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH STRAIN RELIEF AT ALL ENTRY INTO BOXES AS REQUIRED BY UL LISTING. 9. MODULE FRAMES SHALL BE GROUNDED AT THE UL—LISTED LOCATION PROVIDED BY THE MANUFACTURER USING UL LISTED GROUNDING HARDWARE. 10. MODULE FRAMES, RAIL, AND POSTS SHALL BE BONDED WITH EQUIPMENT GROUND CONDUCTORS. LICENSE GENERAL NOTES GEN #168572 ELEC 1136 MR 1. ALL WORK TO BE DONE TO THE 8TH EDITION OF THE MA STATE BUILDING CODE. 2. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2014 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE INCLUDING MASSACHUSETTS AMENDMENTS. MODULE GROUNDING METHOD: ZEP SOLAR I AHJ: Dartmouth UTILITY: NSTAR Electric (Boston Edison) COMIgDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN JOB NUMBER J B-0271614 �� CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., MOUNTING SYSTEM: NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN Comp Mount Type C PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS OR^,ANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH MODULES THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (74) TRINA SOLAR # TSM-260PD05.18 SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN INVERTER: PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. Multiple Inverters TABICAS, JOESPH 26 STRIPER CIR N DARTMUTH, MA 02747 TMK: * APN: * (508) 679-2631 VICINITY MAP 1E DESCRIPTION: TABICAS RESIDENCE 19.24 KW PV ARRAY TMK OWNER: PACE NAME: COVER SHEET 0 INDEX PV1 COVER SHEET PV2 SITE PLAN PV3 STRUCTURAL VIEWS PV4 STRUCTURAL VIEWS PV5 THREE LINE DIAGRAM Cutsheets Attached REV BY DATE COMMENTS REV A NAME DATE COMMENTS Yonah Sorin 9,,SolarCit ®® 24 St. Martin Drive; Building 2, Unit 11 SHEET: REV: DATE: Marlborough;, MA 01752 T. (650) 638-1028 :F: (650) 636-1029 PV 1 4/24/2015 (888)—SOL-CITY (765—Z,489) www.solarcity.com Rr"'ocl q CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BER: �g-0271614 00 BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR INp G SYSTEM: k((74) PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS Mount Type C ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE TRINA SOLAR # TSM-260PD05.18 SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. INVERTER: Multiple Inverters Of House TABICAS, JOESPH 26 STRIPER CIR N DARTMUTH, MA 02747 (508) 679-2631 (E) DRIVEWAY Digitally signed by Nick Gordon Date: 2016.01.05 12:19:09-08'00' TABICAS RESIDENCE 19.24 KW PV ARRAY PAGE NAME: SITE PLAN PITCH: 25 ARRAY PITCH: 25 MP1 AZIMUTH: 103 ARRAY AZIMUTH: 103 MATERIAL: Comp Shingle STORY: 1 Story PITCH: 25 ARRAY PITCH: 25 MP2 AZIMUTH: 103 ARRAY AZIMUTH: 103 MATERIAL: Comp Shingle STORY: 2 Stories PITCH: 25 ARRAY PITCH: 25 MP3 AZIMUTH:193 ARRAY AZIMUTH: 193 MATERIAL: Comp Shingle STORY: 2 Stories PITCH: 25 ARRAY PITCH: 25 MP4 AZIMUTH: 283 ARRAY AZIMUTH: 283 MATERIAL: Comp Shingle STORY. 2 Stories PITCH: 25 ARRAY PITCH: 25 MP5 AZIMUTH: 283 ARRAY AZIMUTH: 283 MATERIAL: Comp Shingle STORY. 1 Story I FC=Frain 0 (E) UTILITY METER 4& WARNING LABEL mY INVERTER W/ INITEGRATED DC DISCO & WARNING LASIELS © DC DISCONNECT & WARNING LABELS AC DISCONNECT- & WARNING LABELS 016 OB DC JUNCTION/COMBINER BOX & LABELS 0° DISTRIBUTION PANEL & LABELS Lc LOAD CENTER &: WARNING LABELS ODEDICATED PV SYSTEM METER O STANDOFF LOCATRONS CONDUIT RUN ON EXTERIOR -- CONDUIT RUN ON INTERIOR GATE/FENCE O HEAT PRODUCING,' VENTS ARE RED r,_-I I_,J INTERIOR EQUIPMENT IS DASHED SITE PLAN N Scale: .. SHEET REV: DATE PV 2 4/24/2015 Ar 24,'St. Martin Drive, Building 2, Unit 11 Marlborough, MA 01752 L ((650) 638-1028 F: (650) 638-1029 (888)—$4_CITY (765-2489) www.solarcityaam CA SIDE VIEW OF MPI NTS (E) 2x4 MPI X-SPACING X-CANTILEVER Y-SPACING Y-CANTILEVER NOTES LANDSCAPE 72" 24" STAGGERED PORTRAIT 48" 20" TOP CHORD 2X4 @ 24" OC BOT CHORD 2X4 @24" OC ROOF AZI 103 PITCH 25 STORIES: 1 ARRAY AZI 103 PITCH 25 Comp Shingle SIDE VIEW OF MP3 NTS 1. MP3 X-SPACING X-CANTILEVER Y-SPACING Y-CANTILEVER NOTES LANDSCAPE 72" 24" STAGGERED PORTRAIT 48" 19" TOP CHORD 2X4 @ 24" OC BOT CHORD 2X4 @24" OC ROOF AZI 193 PITCH 25 ARRAY AZI 193 PITCH 25 STORIES: 2 Comp Shingle CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART 70 OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. JOB NUMBER: J B-0271614 00 MOUNTING SYSTEM: Comp Mount Tvpe C MODULES: (74) TRINA SOLAR # TSM-260PDO5.18 INVERTER: Multiple Inverters (E) 20 THIS STRUCTURE WILL RECEIVE A BLOCKING UPGRADE. TABICAS, JOESPH 26 STRIPER CIR N DARTMUTH, MA 02747 (508) 679-2631 (E) 2x4 CB� SIDE VIEW OF MP2 NTS MP2 X-SPACING X-CANTILEVER Y-SPACING Y-CANTILEVER NOTES LANDSCAPE 72" 24" STAGGERED PORTRAIT 48" 19" TOP CHORD 2X4 @ 24" OC ROOF AZI 103 PITCH 25 STORIES: 2 ARRAY AZI 103 PITCH 25 BOT CHORD 2X4 @24" OC Comp Shingle 016 (N) STANDOFF SHALL LAG DIRECTLY INTO (N) BLOCKING (N) 2x6 DF#2 OR SPF#2 BLOCKING. (E) JACK TRUSS OR RAFTER (BLOCKING NOT REQUIRED DOWN HERE) (N) SIMPSON A34 CLIPS (2 PER BLOCK) W/ (8) 8d (0.131") X 1-1/2" NAILS PER CLIP (E) SHORTEST BOX TRUSS (BLOCKING FROM HERE UP TO RIDGE AS NEEDED) INSTALLATION NOTES: 1. CUT (N) BLOCKING TO FIT TIGHT BETWEEN (E) TRUSSES AND KEEP (FLUSH TO ROOF SHEATHING. ENSURE THERE ARE NO GAPS BETWEEN MEMBERS. 2. INSTALL (N) BLOCKING WITH T(WO A34 CLIPS, ONE AT EACH END OF BLOCCKING. 3. NAIL A34 CLIPS TO EXISTING [RAFTERS WITH (8) 8D (0.131") X 1.5" NAILS;, FILLING ALL HOLES. ENSURE ALL NAILS ARIE LOCATED AWAY FROM EDGE OF MEMBERS TO AVOID SPLITTING WOOD. * INSTALL BLOCKING ONLY BELOW STANDOFF LOCATIONS. U3 NEW BLOCKING SIDE VIEW DESCRIP11ON: TABICAS RESIDENCE 19.24 KW PV ARRAY PAGE NAME -- STRUCTURAL VIEWS Yonah Sorin SHEET: REV: DATE PV 3 4/24/2015 -k�� ' ; SOlarCity 24 St Martin Drive, BWilding 2, Unit 11 Marlborough, MIA 01752 T: (650) 638-1028 F:: (650) 638-1029 (888)—SOL—CITY (765-24819) •ww.solarcity.corn CD) SIDE VIEW OF MP4 NTS MP4 X-SPACING X-CANTILEVER Y-SPACING Y-CANTILEVER NOTES LANDSCAPE 72" 24" STAGGERED PORTRAIT 48" 19" TOP CHORD 2X4 @ 24" OC ROOF AZI 283 PITCH 25 STORIES: 2 ARRAY AZI 283 PITCH 25 BOT CHORD 2X4 @24" OC Comp Shingle PV MODULE 5/16" BOLT WITH LOCK & FENDER WASHERS ZEP LEVELING FOOT ZEP ARRAY SKIRT ZEP COMP MOUNT C ZEP FLASHING C (E) COMP. SHINGLE (E) ROOF DECKING 5/16" DIA STAINLESS STEEL LAG BOLT W'TH SEALING WASHER (2-1/2" EMBED, MIN) (E) RAFTER .1UUJLVULN I MVUULL.: #-S7 ANDOFF CONRCFNTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTA.TNED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE JOB NUMBER: J g_02 71614 O O BENEF i OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SMALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN MOUNTING SYSTEM: PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS Comp Mount Type C ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH MODULES: THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (74) TRINA SOLAR # TSM-260PDO5.18 SOLAR,,^dTY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. INVERTER: Multiple Inverters (E) 2x4 INSTALLATION ORDER LOCATE RAFTER, MARK HOLE (1) LOCATION, AND DRILL PILOT HOLE. (2) SEAL PILOT HOLE WITH POLYURETHANE SEALANT. (3) INSERT FLASHING. (4) PLACE MOUNT. 'REMISE OWNER: TABICAS, JOESPH 26 STRIPER CIR N DARTMUTH, MA 02747 (508) 679-2631 CE) SIDE VIEW OF MP5 NTS MPS X-SPACING I X-CANTILEVER Y-SPACING Y-CANTILEVER NOTES LANDSCAPE 72" 4" f]2 STAGGERED PORTRAIT 48" 0° TOP CHORD 2X4 @ 24" OC ROOF AZI 283 PITCH 25 ARRAY AZI 283 PITCH 25 STORIES: 1 BOT CHORD 2X4 @24" OC Comp Shingle DESCRIPTION: TABICAS RESIDENCE 19.24 KW PV ARRAY PAGE NAME: STRUCTURAL VIEWS DESIGN: Yonah Sorin SHEET: REV: DATE: PV 4 4/24/2015 (E) 2x4 016 -"%'.'-So1arGty. t 24 St Martin Drive, BUW.ding 2, Unit 11 Marlborough, MA1 01752 T. (650) 638-1028 F: 050) 638-1029 (888)—SOL—CITY (765-2489)) www.solarcity.com BOND (N) #8 GEC TO TWO (N) GROUND Panel Number: HOMC40UC RODS AT PANEL WITH IRREVERSIBLE CRIMP Meter Number: 31 154 508 Overhead Service Entrance E 200A MAIN SERVICE PANEL E 20OA/2P MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER (E) WIRING CUTLER -HAMMER Disconnect F= I I 20OA/2P 13 T. B 1 1ODA Inv I; vu ungrounuea INV 1-(I)SOLAREDGE # SE1140OA-USOOOSNR Inv 2: DC Ungrounded Inverter, 1140OW, 240V, 97.5% w�lnifed Disco and ZB, ROM, AFCI Tie -In: Supply Side Connection HINV- (1)SOLAREDGE #pS�EE6000A-USOOOSNR Inverter, 6000W, 240V, 97.57.; w$nifed Disco and ZB,RGM,AFCI CUTLER -HAMMER BRYANT oad (N) 125A Load Center Disconnect 12 60A/2P A L1 B L2 N (E) LOADS GND _ _ _ _ _ GND _ _ , r r - - - - - - - - - GEC N EGC/GEC Z � - -3 I 1 I I I 1 1 i 35A/2P _ GEC_r_ 1 i L1 T L2 TO 120/240V i N SINGLE PHASE L MUTY SERVICE 1 I _ _--_-_________-- _EGG I I GEC I 1 I I I 1 1 1 I Voc* = MAX VOC AT MIN TEMP Inverter 1 SOLAREDGE SE1140OA-USOOOSNR2 240v GO ---lN Inverter 2 SOLAREDGE SE6000A-US000SNR2 III - (74) TRINA SOLAR TSM-260PDO5.18 GEN #16857j2 PV Module; OW, 236.9W PTC, 40MM, Black Frame, H4, ZEP, 1000V ELEC 1136 IMR Voc: 38.2 Vpmax: 30.6 Isc AND Imp ARE SHOWN IN THE DC STRINGS IDENTIFIER SolarCity 1 DC+ FPW MP 2&3: 1x12? - - DG MP2:6 Mp3:6; r--------- ------------ --♦----- EGC --3i-- 2 ---- - - - - -- --� )C+ I DC+ MP 1&5: 1x2C) I 6 DG MP 1.10 MP5:110 )G oc- MP 2: 1x17 GC--- --------- - - - - - - - - - - - - --♦ - - -- ---EGC -- ---- - ---- -� -- - 1 (1)Conduit Kit; 3/4° EMT SolarCity I I 9 � 7+DC+ I 4: 1x12 rlMP ---------- ------------------------------------� I )c+ I )G I B 5 I MP 4: 1x13 M,0_ xiC --------- --------------------G-----------� (1)Conduit Kit; 3/4° EMT PHOTO VOLTAIC SYSTEM EQUIPPED WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN POI (2)Ground Rod; 5/8' x 8', Copper B (1)CUTLER-HAMMER # DG223NR8 A (2)Sola�t 4 STRING JUNCTION BOX D� -(2)ILSCO IPC 4/0-2/0 Disconnect; 10OX 24OVac, Fusible, NEMA 3R AC 2x2 STR GS, UNFUSED, GROUNDED Insulation Piercing Connector; Main 4/0-2. Tap 2/0-6-(1)CUTLER-HAMMER_# DG100N6 (1)BRYANT BR46L725RP Ground/Neutral Kit; 60-100A, General Duty (DG) PV 04)SOLAREDGE #P3OO-2NA4AZS D # - (1)CUTLER-HAMMER # DS16FK PowerBox Optimizer, 30OW, H4, DC to DC, ZEP Load Center, 125A, 120/24OV, NEMA 3R Class R Fuse Kit - (1) CUTLER-HAMMEjt # BR260 - (2) FERRAZ SHAWMUT ! TR100R PV BACKFEED OCP n d (1) AWG #6, Solid Bare Copper Breaker, 60A 2P, 2 Spaces Fuse, 100A, 250Y,' Class IRKS- (1) CUTLER-HAMMQR # BR235 - ( 1) Ground Rod; 5/8' x 8'. Copper Breaker, 35A 2P, 2 Spaces (I)CUTLER-HAMMER # DG323URB Disconnect; 10OX 24OVac, Non -Fusible, NEMA 3R (N) ARRAY GROUND PER 690.47(D). NOTE: PER EXCEPTION NO. 2, ADDITIONALS SUPPLY SIDE CONNECTION. DISCONNECTING MEANS SHALL BE SUITABLE)CUTLER-HAMMER-(IDGIOONB ELECTRODE MAY NOT BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON LOCATION OF (E); `ELECTRODE AS SERVICE EQUIPMENT AND SHALL BE RATED PER NEC. GroundNeutral Kit; 60-100A, General Duty (DG) ©� 1 AWG #3, THWN-2, Black 1)AWG #6, THWN-2, Black 1 AWG #8, THWN-2, Black Voc* = 500 VDC Isc = 30 ADC 2 AWG 110, PV Wire, 60OV, Black Voc* = 500 VDC Isc --15 ADC Ise (1) AWG #3, THWN-2, Red ®L-L (1) AWG #6, THWN-2, Red © (1) AWG #8, THWN-2, Red Vmp = 350 VDC Imp= 27.12 ADC O �Q' (1) AWG #6, Solid Bare Copper EGC Vmp = 350 VDC Imp 8.8 ADC LL�=LL(1)AWG #3, THWN-2, White NEUTRAL Vmp =240 VAC Imp=72.5 AAC L-L(1)AWG #10, THWN-2, White NEUTRAL Vmp =240 VAC Imp=47.5 AAC (11£AWG #10 THNTI-2, Green EGC LJ (1) AWG #B,. IFIWN-2, Green .. EGC/GEC - (1) COJ4DUIT KIT . - (1 AWG 8, THWN-2, Green EGC GEC - 1 Conduit Kit; 3 4° EMT (1)AWG AWG 10, THWN-2, Black Voc* 500 VDC Isc =15 ADC * ... ......... ..... #,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/,,,, /.,.,,...,..... # (2 AWG#10,PVWire,600V,Black Voc =500 VDC Isc}15 ADC © �'(1) AWG #3, iHWN-2, Black 1 z 10 EMT Conduit (1) AWG #8, iHWN-2, Black O 1 AWG 10, THWN-2, Red Vm 350 VDC Im 8.8 ADC O (1)AWG c.n (I)AWG 3, THWN-2, Red o (1)AWG O # p - p IJ ( ) #6• Solid Bare Copper EGC Vmp = 350 VDC Imps-14.66 ADC ( ) # ©� ( ) #8, iHWN-2, Red , ...... (1) AWG #10, THWN-2, Green EGC 1 AWG 3, THWN-2, White NEUTRAL Vm =240 VAC Im =72.5 AAC III.���LLL ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' # P p- (1)AWG #10, THWN-2, White NEUTRAL Vmp =24p VAC Imp=25 AAC (1)AWG #10, THWN-2, Block Voc* 500 VDC Isc -15 ADC (2)AWG #10, PV Wire, 600V, Black Voc* =500 VDC Isc =�15� � � ADC - (1) AWG #6,, Solid Bare. Copper. GEC , , . , ; (1) C014DUIT KIT - (1) AN #8,, TH.WN-2,_ Green , , EGC/GEC , ; (1) Conduit. Kit;, 3/4' .EMT.. ® (1) AWG #10, THWN-2, Red Vmp = 350 VDC Imp= 9.53 ADC O (1) AWG #6, Solid Bare Copper EGC Vmp = 350 VDC Imp 12.46 ADC 1 ic'1O' EMT Corid'uft' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' (1 AWG #10, TI4WN-2Green. , EGC , , , , , , , , (1 AWG 110, THWN-2, Black Voc* = 500 VDC Isc = 15 ADC (2) AWG #10, PV Wire, 60OV, Block Voc* = 500 VDC Isc = 15 ADC O (1)AWG #10, THWN-2, Red Vmp = 350 VDC Imp= 8.8 ADC 1 ®� crr ( ) AWG #6, Solid Bare Copper EGC Vmp = 350 VDC Imp= 8.8 ADC (I)AM JIM T14W_') r,be CONFIDENTULL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE LL ANYONE EXCEPT IN WHOLE INC., NORBENEFITSHALL NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR INomp PART IZ TION, E OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC.(508) B NUMBER J B-0271614 00 PREMISE OWNER DESCRIPTION: TABICAS, JOESPH TABICAS RESIDENCE 26 STRIPER CIR 19.24 KW PV ARRAY N DARTMUTH MA 02747 ' PAGE NAME: 679-2631 THREE LINE DIAGRAM DESIGN: Yonah Sorin �\�l•. • -I,solarCity. UNTING SYSTEM: Mount Type C DULES 74) TRINA SOLAR # TSM-260PDO5.18 [INVERTER: 24 St. Martin Drive, Building f2, Unit 11 Marlborough, MA 017�32 (888)sa�clTY (765-2489)6�wwm.solorckycom SHEET: REV: DATE PV 5 4/24/2015 ulti le Inverters Label Location: (C)(CB) Per Code: NEC 690.31.G.3 Label Location: (DC) (INV) Per Code: NEC 690.14.C.2 Label Location: (DC) (INV) Per Code: NEC 690.53 Label Location: (DC) (INV) Per Code: NEC 690.5(C) Label Location: (DC) (CB) Per Code: NEC 690.17(4) Label Location: (AC) (POI) Per Code: NEC 690.14.C.2 Label Location: (AC) (POI) Per Code: NEC 690.54 Label Location: (AC)(POI) Per Code: NEC 690.17.E Label Location: (POI) Per Code: NEC 690.17.4; NEC 690.54 Label Location: (POI) Per Code: NEC 690.64.B.4 Label Location: (D) (POI) Per Code: NEC 690.64.B.4 Label Location: (POI) Per Code: NEC 690.64.B.7 Label Location: (DC) (INV) Per Code: NEC 690.35(F) TO BE USED WHEN INVERTER IS UNGROUNDED (AC): AC Disconnect (C): Conduit (CB): Combiner Box (D): Distribution Panel (DC): DC Disconnect (IC): Interior Run Conduit (INV): Inverter With Integrated DC Uisconnect (LC): Load Center (M): Utility Meter (POI): Point of Interconnection CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR lbb@# THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED r� �bp/ 3055,CCIearview Way IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, ■ San Mateo, CA 944oz 29 EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE Label Set �►► �o�� '�t / T:OL-C 638-1S0z8 89) w) .solar it /� *®. (888}SOL-CITY (7(65-z489) wwwsolarcdy.com SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. y I ®p Next -Level PV Mounting Technology ^SOIafCit I Z Solar Next -Level PV Mounting Technology '�rSOlafCit Ze Solar 9 9Y y p g Zep System for composition shingle roofs GOMPATi e�F Description .�? ZZIPV mounting solution for composition shingle roofs FA e� Works with all Zep Compatible Modules Auto bonding UL-listed hardware creates structural and electrical bond • Zep System has a UL 1703 Class "A" Fire Rating when installed using modules from UL LISTED any manufacturer certified as "Type 1" or "Type 2" Specifications • Designed for pitched roofs • Installs in portrait and landscape orientations • Zep System supports module wind uplift and snow load pressures to 50 psf per UL 1703 • Wind tunnel report to ASCE 7-05 and 7-10 standards • Zep System grounding products are UL listed to UL 2703 and UL 467 • Zep System bonding products are UL listed to UL 2703 • Engineered for spans up to 72" and cantilevers up to 24" • Zep wire management products listed to UL 1565 for wire positioning devices • Attachment method UL listed to UL 2582 for Wind Driven Rain zepsolar.com This document does not create any express warranty by Zap Solar or about its products or services. Zep Solar's sole warranty is contained in the written product warranty for each product. The end -user documentation shipped with Zep Solars products constitutes the sole specifications referred to in the product warranty. The customer is solely responsible for verifying the suitability of ZepSolar's products for each use. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Patents and Apps: zspats.com. Document # 800-1890-001 Rev A Date last exported: November 13, 2015 2:23 PM Components Leveling Foot Part No. 850-1172 ETL listed to UL 467 Comp Mount Part No. 850-1382 Listed to UL 2582 Mounting Block Listed to UL 2703 Interlock Part No. 850-1388 Listed to UL 2703 zepsolar.com Ground Zep V2 Part No. 850-1511 Listed to UL 467 and UL 2703 Array Skirt, Grip, End Caps Part Nos. 850-0113, 850-1421, 850-1460,850-1467 Listed to UL 1565 DC Wire Clip Part No. 850-1448 Listed to UL 1565 This document does not create any express warranty by Zep Solar or about its products or services. Zap Solar's sole warranty is contained in the written product warranty for each product. The end -user documentation shipped with Zep Solar's products constitutes the sole specifications referred to in the product warranty. The customer is solely responsible for verifying the suitability of ZepSolar's products for each use. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Patents and Apps: zspats.com. Document # 800-1890-001 Rev A Date last exported: November 13, 2015 2:23 PM solar. =@@ SolarEdge Power Optimizer Module Add -On For North America P300 / P350 / P400 PV power optimization at the module -level Up to 25%more energy tc. �Superior efficiency (99.5%) Mitigates all types of module mismatch losses, from manufacturing tolerance to partial shading Flexible system design for maximum space utilization Fast installation with a single bolt Next generation maintenance with module -level monitoring Module -level voltage shutdown for installer and firefighter safety - USA - GERMANY - ITALY - FRANCE - JAPAN - CHINA - ISRAEL - AUSTRALIA www.solaredge.us solar " SolarEdge Power Optimizer Module Add -On for North America P300 / P350 / P400 P300 P35p P400 J (for 60-cell PV (for 72-cell PV L(for 96ce11 PV 1I modules) modules) modules) ,:INPUT Rated Input DC Power' 300 350 400 W , .. ............ .. Absolute Maximum Input Voltage (Voc at lowest temperature) 48 ...... .. ....... . •...... 80 ........ Vdc MPPT Operating Ran e 8 - 48.....................8' 60 ........... . ........ $:. $�............ A. c..... c Maximum Short Circuit Current (Isc) 10............................... ...A Adc ......................................................................................................................... Maximum DC Input Current 12.5 Maximum Efficiency ...........................................................................................99:5 ...................................... . ............ Weighted Efficient ............. ffi. , ... Y.............................................................................................. 98.8 ..................................................... Maximum Output Current c ............. An ....................................... Vdc c�for., n ar t voltage Der Power Optimizer STANDARDCOMPLIANCE EMC FCC Part35 Class B,.IEC61000-6-2, IEC63000 6 3 ........................................................................................ IEC62109-1 (class II safety), UL3741................................ SafetY............................................................................................... I .....1.. ..... Yes RoHS `INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS - ' Maximum Allowed System Voltage 3000 143x212x40.5/5 SSx834x159 Vdc mm/in Dimenvons(W xLx H) ........................................................................................................................... ••�����••���•��"•" 950 / 2.1........... """' Br /fib.... Weight IincludinB.cables) ....... _......................... .............................................. .Input Connector ........................ Output Wire Ty a/Connector .............—..........MG4/Amphenol/,Tyco........................ Double lnsulated;Ampheno •• .....,,,., ... ........... ,•,,,,,,,,,,, Out ut Wire Length 0.95 / 3:........�..................... . 1:? 3 9 ......... ................ ....... �". / ft.... 'C/�F... .p................................................................... Operating_Temperature Range -00-+85/40-+185 .................................................................................................................................... Protection Rating IP6S / NEMA4 . ,,,,,....... ............................................................................................................0-100.................................... Relative Humidity ..................................................................................... �n xae�e src Dower or cm moeom. moeule orna co sx aoweraderance anowee. ""' ""'M"""' rPV SYSTEM DESIGN USING A SOLAREDGE - SINGLE PHASE 'INVERTER-:208V - 480V�- MmimumStnngLength(Powe8r Opnmizers) 8 10 1... ..••......•.• ..... .. .... . Maximum String Length (Power Optimizers) ...• 25 25 SO ................................... Maximum Power per String 5250 6000 12750 Parallel Strings of Different Lengths or Orientations .....................Yes ..... Mono Multi Solutions 0 THE irrr�mount 60 CELL MULTICRYSTALLINE MODULE WITH TRINAMOUNT FRAME 2 5 -26OW POWER OUTPUT RANGE 15.9� MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY 0pw+3% POWER OUTPUT GUARANTEE As a leading global manufacturer of next generation photovoltaic products, we believe close cooperation with our partners is critical to success. with local presence around the globe, Trina is able to provide exceptional service to each customer in each market and supplement our innovative, reliable products with the backing of Trina as a strong, bankable partner. We are committed to building strategic, mutually beneficial collaboration with installers, developers, distributors and other partners as the backbone of our shared success in driving Smart Energy Together. Trina Solar Limited www.trinasolar.com ivirmsolar Smart Energy Together MODULE PD05.18 (9 Fast and simple to install through drop in mounting solution Good aesthetics for residential applications Highly reliable due to stringent quality control • Over 30 in-house tests (UV, TIC, HE and many more) • In-house testing goes well beyond certification requirements Certified to withstand challenging environmental conditions • 2400 Pa wind load • 5400 Pa snow load LINEAR PERFORMANCE WARRANTY 10 Year Product Warranty • 25 Year Linear Power Warranty �100% Atld1}ioaol volve front Tiina c 90%S olarslineor o T� m 1 Worranty FN�.. + .. Years 5 10 15 20 25 rTrina standard l indu:-ry it anda d THE'illrin-amount MODULE TSM-PD05.18 0 b a' a`�� U DIMENSIONS OF PV MODULE unit:mm 941 Back View A -A 1-V CURVES OF PV MODULE (245W) ELECTRICAL DATA @ STC Peak Power Watts-P-Ax (Wp) 245 250 255 260 Power Output Tolerance-P-AX (%) 0-+3 Maximum Power Voltage-VM IV) m 29.9 30.3 30.5 30.6 o Maximum Power Current -I -PP (A) 8.20 8.27 8.37 8.50 0 Open Circuit Voltage-Voc IV) 37.8 - 38.0 38.1 38.2 Short Circuit Current-Isc(A) 8.75 8.79 8.88 9.00 Module Efficiency qm (%) 15.0 15.3 15.6 15.9 STC: Irradiance 1000 W/m-, Cell Temperature 25°C, Air Mass AMI.5 according to EN 60904-3. Typical efficiency reduction of 4.5%at 200 W/m2 according to EN 60904-1. 0 r� „ r.INS r� Volfage(V) ELECTRICAL DATA @ NOCT Maximum Power-PMAx(Wp) 182 186 190 193 Maximum Power Voltage-V-P IV) 27.6 28.0 28.1 28.3 Maximum Power Current-I-rP (A) 6.59 6.65 6.74 6.84 Open Circuit Voltage (V)-Voc (V) 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.4 - Short Circuit Current (A)-Isc (A) 7.07 7.10 7.17 7.27 NOCT: Irradiance at 800 W/m', Ambient Temperature 20°C, Wind Speed I m/s. MECHANICAL DATA Solar cells Multicrystalline 156 x 156 mm (6 inches) .Cell orientation 60 cells (6 x 10) Module dimensions 1650 x 992 x 40 mm (64.95 x 39.05 x 1.57 inches) Weight 21.3 kg (47.0 Ibs) _ Glass 3.2 mm (0.13 inches),High Transmission, AR Coated Tempered Glass-- Backsheet White Frame Black Anodized Aluminium Alloy with Trinamount Groove J-Box IP 65 or IP 67 rated Cables Photovoltaic Technology cable 4.0 mm' (0.006 inches'), - 1200 mm (47.2 inches) Fire Rating Type 2 TEMPERATURE RATINGS Nominal Operating Cell q4°C (±2°C) Temperature (NOCT) Temperature Coefficient of PMAz -0.41%/°C Temperature Coefficient of Voc -0.32%/°C Temperature Coefficient of lsc 0.05%/°C WARRANTY 10 year Product Workmanship Warranty 25 year Linear Power Warranty (Please refer to product warranty for details) CERTIFICATION cLISTED US capus PACKAGING CONFIGURATION Modules per box: 26 pieces �a r Modules per 40' container: 728 pieces MAXIMUM RATINGS Operational Temperature-40-+85•C Maximum System 1000V DC(IEC) Voltage I000V DC(UL) c Max Series Fuse Rating iSA.: a ai m z Ell-ZBWEEE -PLIANT CAUTION: READ SAFETY AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THE PRODUCT. paMPA Tj C 2014 Trina Solar Limited. All rights reserved. Specifications included in this datasheet are subject to Trr solar change without notice. Smart Energy Together eOMPPt� 4 # f _. Mono Multi Solutions r 3 a 1 Lmou THE 3 _5 ; 4'FY5 1' fya t 1- 1, R n t F -s_ 4 r` rt F r AA ® E 4# r T € F' 5NN d # rT a.. 'x. , 60 CELL I I $a TEpTdat MULTICRYSTALLINE MODULE WITH TRINAMOUNT FRAME 250-265 POWER OUTPUT RANGE 16.2% MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY Oft-+37 POSITIVE POWER TOLERANCE As a leading global manufacturer of next generation photovoltaic products, we believe close cooperation with our partners is critical to success. With local presence around the globe, Trina is able to provide exceptional service to each customer in each market and supplement our innovative, reliable products with the backing of Trina as a strong, bankable partner. We are committed to building strategic, mutually beneficial collaboration with installers, developers, distributors and other partners as the backbone of our shared success in driving Smart Energy Together. Trina Solar Limited www.trinasolar.com rt • hsolar Smart Energy Together PD05.18 Fast and simple to install through drop in mounting solution Good aesthetics for residential applications Highly reliable due to stringent quality control O • Over 30 in-house tests (UV, TC, HE and many more) • In-house testing goes well beyond certification requirements • PID resistant Certified to withstand challenging environmental conditions • 2400 Pa wind load • 5400 Pa snow load LINEAR PERFORMANCE WARRANTY 10 Year Product Warranty • 25 Year Linear Power Warranty �5100% Addltrongi vat m 90% L ve dam Trina Solgr's linegr Warranty o ty Years 5 10 15 20 25 ILa Trina standard 13 ysnnidard THE TrImmmount MODULE TSM-PD05.1`.1 DIMENSIONS OF PV MODULE ELECTRICAL DATA @ STC unit:mm Peak Power WattS-PMAx (WID) 250 - 255 260 265 941 1pN<IgN n�EPu 4e sx,z xG lulE 8 T- V.ONNpING 1101E :: j 812 180 Back View a A -A 1-V CURVES OF PV MODULE (260W) Woo a.. T.W g e.00 e s.W 3.W Power Output Tolerance-Pu.Ax (%) ,. 0-+3 Maximum Power Voltage-V- (V) 30.3 30.5 30,6 30.8 O Maximum Power Current Ir4PP (A) 8.27 8.37 8.50 8.61 0 Open Circuit Voltage-Voc IV) 38.0 38.1 38.2 38.3 Short Circuit Current -Ise (A) 8.79 8.88 9.00 `9.10 , Module Efficiency rlm 1%) 15.3 15.6 15.9 16.2 STC: Irradiance 1000 W/m2, Cell Temperature 25°C, Air Mass AM7.5 according to EN 60904-3. Typical efficiency reduction of 4.5%at 200 W/m° according to EN 60904-1. O 0 10 211 SD 40 5p V.N ,,. V) ELECTRICAL DATA @ NOCT Maximum Power-P-(Wp) 186 190 193 197 Maximum Power Voltage Vn,r(V) 280 28.1 28.3 284 Maximum Power Current-l- (A) 6.65 6.74 6.84 6.93 ..Open Circuit Voltage (V)-Voc (V) 35.2 35.3 35.4 35.5 " Short Circuit Current (A)-Isc (A) 7.10 7.17 - 7.27 7.35 NOCT: Irradiance at 800 W/m2, Ambient Temperature 20-C, Wind Speed 1 m/s. MECHANICAL DATA Solar cells Multicrystalline 156 x 156 mm (6 inches) Cell orientation 60 cells (6x 10) Module dimensions 1650 x 992 x 40 mm (64.95 x 39.05 x 1.57 inches) Weight. 19.6 kg (43.12 lbs) Glass 3.2 mm (0.13 inches),High Transmission, AR Coated Tempered Glass; Backsheet White Frame '- Black Anodized Aluminium Alloy J Box IP65 or IP67 rated Cables Photovoltaic Technology cable 4.0 mm' (0.006 inches'), • 1200 mm (472 inches) Connector H4 Amphenol Fire Type ' UL 1703 Type 2 for Solar City TEMPERATURE RATINGS Nominal Operating Cell 44°C (+2-C) Temperature (NOCT) Temperature Coefficient of Pve - 0.41%/°C Temperature Coefficient of Voc - 0.32%/°C Temperature Coefficient of Isc 0.05%/°C WARRANTY CERTIFICATION l0yearProductWorkmanship Warranty 25 year Linear Power Warranty etl3 SP- c usus (Please refer to product warranty for details) Of lI31FD 11Yf L PACKAGING CONFIGURATION Y 2-HE ComPnANT Modules per box: 26 pieces Modules per 40' container: 728 pieces MAXIMUM RATINGS Operational Temperature -40- 85°C Maximum5ystem 1000VDC(IEC)) Voltage - 1000V DC(UL)) Max Series Fuse Rating 15A 0 NI �zl CAUTION: READ SAFETY AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THE PRODUCT. GDMV4T� ' ri solar ©20151inna Solar Limited. All rights reserved. Specifications included in this datasheet are subject to _ change without notice. Smart Energy Together eDMPPS�.b solar, p Zo-w - SolarEdge Single Phase Inverters For North America SE3000A-US / SE380OA-US / SE5000A-US / SE6000A-US / SE760OA-US / SE1000OA US / SE1140OA-US � I � et .�.r. 2.5 n years � t � J USA - GERMANY- ITALY-FRANCE -JAPAN - CHINA - AUSTRALIA-THE NETHERLANDS - ISRAEL www.solaredge.us Solar, ® single Phase Inverters for North America SE3000A-US / SE380OA-US / SE5000A-US / SE6000A-US / SE760OA-US / SE1000OA-US / SE1140OA-US OUTPUT Nominal AC Power OutputT3000 AC Power Output output Voltage Min.-Nom: AC Output Voltage Min: Nom: Max! 211 - 240 - 264 Vac .................................................... AC Frequency Min. Nom:Max!z� Max. Continuous Output Current GFDI Threshold ....... Utility Monitoring, Islanding Protection, 9980 @ 208V 11400 3800 5000 6000 7600 240V, ,,,,,,.....................................5...208V...............10600 @ 2DBVsaoo @ 2osv3300 4150 6000 835012000Max. .••,..•,•..,,,,,10..,........................... 51'. e.240V,,,,,,,,,,, .-�................................ ✓AC _ _ - -............................................ . .............................................................................. ✓ ✓ ,/ ✓ ✓ ✓ V ................. ..................... ......... ....................................................... .. 59.3;60-60:5(j__.country ..... ting57:60:60:5),•„.......................Z..... 12 5 I 16 .... I „21 @ 240V I.... ,25,,,,...I. . 3?..... I.. 42 @. 240V „.I,,,. 47.5 ..... ....... 1 ........ ...................... ....... Yes...... """ ""' Country Configurable Thresholds - ... VA' .... • A .......... .... ' Yes INPUT Maximum DC Power(STC) ." a050 5100 6750 8100 10250 13500 ... . 15350 , W.., , ...... .................... .... Transformer-Iess,Ungrounded Yes .. ••...•• •• ••...••• "'•" "" ...."".• ........ • .............................................................................. Max.lnput Volta e ................... g................................................................... 500 . ..........................................................................Vdc.... 325 @ 208V /.350 @ 240V......... ,,,..,,,..,,,,,,,. ,,............ Nom: DC Input Voltage ................. . """ "" 33 @ 208V ............... 16.5 @ 208V I Max. Input Current(7) 5.......I......13 ......1..15.5 �a 240V..I.... 18...... .. 23.......I..30,5,Ca@.240V..I...... 34.5..........Adc.... Adc ............................................ Max. Input Short Circuit Current .....9. 45 """"'•••••••••• ..Reverse -Polarity Protection.......... .............. .. ................. .... ............................................... ....... Yes...... .................. ........................... 600ka Sensitivity................................ ......... Ground -Fault Isolation Detection ................... ...................... I 98.3 98.3...••I...... 98........ 98 0 ..% Maximum Inverter Efficiency ....................................... 97.7 98.2 ._... _„. .. .............. ........ ...... ........ 97.5 @ 208V I 97 @ 208V 97 5 CEC Weighted Efficiency 97.5 98 97 5 97 5 97.5 @ 240V.. 98 @,24ov 1........:....... .........:............°...... ....................... <4 W ' Nighttime PowerConsumption ADDITIONAL FEATURES ' RS485 RS232 Ethernet ZigBee (optional) ,,,, ,,,.,,, „ „ ......... Supported Communication Interfaces .............I.................. ..................... •.. ••• Revenue Grade Data, ANSIC121 ....... ..Y .... ........ •.••••• •..••'•" d" enabled when SolarEdge rapid shutdown kit is installed ° Rapid Shutdown —NEC 2014 690.12 Functionalit STANDARD COMPLIANCE UL1741,UL1699B,UL1998 CSA22,2_..•,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, fety .......................................... ............................... I..EE15a7 ......... �Gr'dConnection Standards ......................................... .. ................. ......FCC Part15 class B missions INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS "AC 3/4 mimmum / 8 3 AWG 3/4"minimum/16-6AWG ... . .... ••• •�• out utcondurtsize/AWG ran a ........................g.... ...... 3/4" minimum / 1-2 strings �... . .............................. ............................... 2stri. .........?... DC input conduit size / # of strings / 3/4" minimum / 1-2 strings / 16 6 AWG 14 6 AWG .................in..... AWG range .............. 30.5 x 12.5 x 10.5 / Dimensions with Safety Switch 30.5 x 12.5 x 7.2 / 775 x 315 x 184 775 x 315 x 260 ..(FIXVJXD).............................................. ...................................................... .............88 .4 / 40.1 .............:lb 51.2 / 23 2 54...... ................... ................ . / kg... " "' Weight with Safety Switch ....................................... .................................... ..................... .. � Natural convection Natural Convection and internal Fans (user replaceable) Cooling fan (user replaceable)................................................. .............................................................................I. < 50 ........................ ....................I..... dBA ......... Noise............................ Min. -Max. Operating Temperature -13to+140/ 25to+60(40to+60version availabW") F `C Ran e ......g............................... .............................................................NEMA .................................................................. 3R