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COLN,% mou-illya) clay. 0 w W' LL LL 0 C 0 low 4-0 C Qin ILI z ILI ILI _J _J w to LU 0 Vw A L L w a 4 F_ _- trf V C_A< 1-1 E /"-,-r 1,-1 11-4 /1 arm 0 0) 1 7;, I~ U F! 17, PW AN, L L - > UJI M Pm L 0 E f - _zz 0 U UJI, A-, P 0 Z CL Q L) F"t) 077 A 41 ("FILE No. ------ --71L I -A- I y , ';:NT FIRE STOPPING REQUIRETV; lis and floors shall be Penetrations ttvru rated wa preventing the sealed with, a material capable of hen subjected - �-7 pass,- :1, cf fiames and hot gasses w specific to the requirements of the Test Standard FT- L)— LAV �1'- I URE -E-81 4. for Fire Stops ASTM IV, 4- 15 ONO.TL-aE SIZE AND DEPTH "D ZX I T 'Y YOUR DRAWING MUST BE KEPT BEFOn5 I L ""K f,N .DNS IS REQUIRE 'e-' A-, I J Z'0.1 AT THE BUILDING DURING THE THE CONCRETE is POURED. II 1YV F :1-L PF,01391ESS OF THIS WORK L -PARWENT BUILDING DF BUILDING DEpAFITMENT Town of Dartmouth Town of Dartmouth t < FILE 6 LO. 0 a D fa To Is ZJM4t M:> a J NOTICE Sol An As Built Survey Must be s11113mitt"'ed to the Building -J C 01-4 < L 6 1 tf\ d\ Dept. prior to calling for V r= 1 $--1 r. W I'V"t- mr- A. I foundation inspection or -J to AL WALL'_� any further construction. E I L 010 wb"CE in e� installed SMOKE DETECTORS Will Mo-.603.16. HEAT OilV I I accordance with 780 Ce6 1P 001 C'J / 5. � � although stM kYecornmended DET—=ORS 30 <) Section 7 L r- r- L r�rrn, Will,�.fqairedN _17 3603. 1 U.4. x q poER -kiTMNT T1 T� -4 4 4-4-7 I E- 00 Z�L- 4' 1 4 5 z 0 TOVIT! OF DARTU!,'OUT11 RECORD PLAN A Copy Of Th!s Er1cx#2,d Plan fluent Best on Site . Burino Ccr.:tmct1 t 0 r" 0 6 C N. 0 0 W 0 am : LL W —LL LL, 0 IN In CO W -J W -J W. t- Ql e UJ 0, cc x Cn 0 L 0 W U1 Cl) few z 0 A 0. > W own W Ct 0 I owl 0 cc,;, z a., FILE NO, ' J4C17'1 , I QC 0 M M., N 0. � M-11 -----00 DRAWING NO. i - • i FIRE STOPPING REQUIREMENT r QRD PU1,13. Penetrations th'ru rated walls and floors shall be Of �, _ _ _-- _-_ sealed with a material capable of preventing the ::___-_-------i_ _----- a passage of flam�s and hot asses when sub',.ctedI"°� `` , `t Q Alt'' a ""ttst Cc K t+ p nJ 9 V1 I Coostm ton ) to the requirements of the Test Standard specific ' r -- ! or Fire Stops ASTM-E €314 te tea, _ - NALF 1tx I WIT L / __ -=-- f- • A /I Ii NOTICE $, 1 !, e.. ►/1K I i - _ Z j �� ! '� 5 An As i 4 -1 IVI . �� E tD P, N'1_ ! Built Survey must be � � el l �___.___. '___ _ submitted to the Building I Dept. prior to calling for a foundation inspection or y' S� L. �J • _� , r-.. z'- " K 6, any further construction. C j -�- ------ } u N r . -- — — — -- G " HN fi YOUR DRAWING MUST EE KE 'T AT THE BUILDING DURING TP+lzz PROGnESS OF THIS WORK, WILDING D"EPARTiAENT Town of Dartmouth Z-so r_ I 3 BULL. P.0 0 r `S' ►. .. , , G ((, I _ _ ii= I t __A . � 4 SONO-TI;�.c SIZE INSPECTION is RSQUI�FD EP, Iq "IE CONCRETE Is POUEF ,)RE RED'. RULING DEPA RTMENT Town of Oartmauth 0 r - —� r �r 0 1 N W 0 W 0 Q W G 0 CL l M l W W z Y. J ...I 0 W F- cn I 0 0 _W C� Mw _I CU a L, .> >ry W F- o W f i, ; cn' O N > Ie fin, W Ir V W � . cl _ . 0 O z x IL FILE N0'.,IS- ! 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Z--I� C2 C.0 (No CWC ta LOU LA. % 0 rM 'I v cr �5 z z 0 K__ at _t 0 b0 Z C.;I = 0 W w Z8= 0 CL I.- C-13 5 d.. C6 0 Of) z , M - L!j ui Lo 0- _j tL 44 L L O _j j/- :7 4 fL) j ej I rF J D f \j _j rj VA <f u L _j 4 _j _j ID T J T i. 6 a F I L UP P TOTAM OF DARTLMUTH RECORDE A COY Of Thl-2 Eltf t -MC as r!luct O rvt on Ci DGri. Ctfuc i .r SG,"'dCsJL4—'� SiZE AWD DEPTH INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE THE CONCRETE IS POURED. IOUILDING DEPARTMENT Town of Dartmouth p YOUR DRAWING MUST BE KEPT AT THE BUILDING DUr3NQ THE PROGRESS Of' VIS Y"D Ri Butuxm Town of . M'Zr"`" i FIRE STOPPING REQUIREMENT Ponetrations th-ru rated walls and floors shall be NOJ ICE scaled with a material capable of preventing 7ho passage of flames and hot gasses when subj !ed An As Built Survey must he to the requirements of the Test Standard apct::Tjc SlIbmitted to the Building for Fire Stops ASTM-F-Ri 4, Dept. prior to calling for a foundation inspection or any further construction. 1 f k lr 7— - �- I..tG„ III 1-4 Z, L C -7 I c,;w-►4r 15,� jai w z it i " I4 � c 't � 4 ' i 3 � i 1 Ll - --T r= 7 , 4A21 t - 1 I , J r- __ _----_ _ _ _ _----- --- - -- - _ _ - - ---- _--- -- -_jG. t-'_ir. e i 41 C l0 i� �11 *j a LU t�" 4 L W W v Q c U. 0 L 0 L 4W L V m W -j .. W -JI z W yd U W E- U) o U i 0L C U) ICU a � '> W H o � W q . fill el,' e;. , Coll, tot 0 , tit Cl) fowl > Uj U W C} . 0 0 X z a FILE. NV-H c.�-,-'A/D _ C Q_M M. -N O.97�7 r- CL Q U <� -3 1 . E - 1 11 1% 1 - 11 T -- - i.- N 11 IL I L E F E E DRAWING NO. 2(D ITEE 1-7FE n- -r - - -�,- --i- COMM. nos 7 I'vi ICT A A'. -A --OUT ;:--2 1 /11 r- r-) r�-- K A V E. V4 Zj. t e7c. z —Ai 1—JI 17=, A. r- F%tvl. 4-A 4 io Q1ZJ r10 ....... .. .. L 101--� F-'-. It L l f , 4 1 YI uj+ AA C. 0 ILI too 4a LL 'IUL , c 0 0 (D C) LU Ul Ne -i C) ui z 0 w W P, Olt > ui FIN rp w 0 0 m z M (FILE NO-1-115,/q/ raT. r 2 rrt �S. ,fro Fa b � '194- 0c) —"j- ,?0, R5 r GENERAL PROPERTY LINE INFORMA TION 05TAINED FROM.- 5 U35 URFA CE SEWA GE DISPOSAL SYS TEM PLAN ORAWN BY.• WESTFORT ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN INC. OA TED. JUNE 6, 1999 NOTE THIS PLAN CER TIFIES THE FOUNDATION L OCA TION ONLY FOR DETAILED PROPER TYLINE INFORMA TION A N INS TRUMENT SURVEY MUS T BE PERFORMED B Y A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR. TGAVO OF Cx&6 A ft�i Of This' Er,Gro Plan must no Kept on Shoo D ato Of 60at � COIL CONCRETE MARKER FOUND S1 Kira„ 071 SiLonact1cl ME3vwl 1VOINHO3.I. .1 v H3Sv4nN E)NIMVUC3 ]� �Vqdvcl G3N01330 Ir i \//� J ION V431SAS-SIKI. a3SIA3?d lQt :3-1vos -Z P, AS NMVEI(3 :AS a3AOHddV (-IC) U clH(;iilr 'rJ low u "A 0. 19 (,4 9 ll� 13-3:01 Gall, U",�- V.L .A f " R �.l z T:� 4f ISO�jrn 15 jy C) WaU0d lie 3m 17 133 (1,- v 66611 W Mm dz) ll-ei 0 4-j too (,,rT J 5, 0 jo S.11W rl cot 0 r 0 1.) -A - H11V3H 10 WIN HinOviluva 31VO N01WIVISM kNV 10 SSMA1133313 14 00 3HI 33INV8vng ioN S300 < Qc 0-3Aob 331330 SIHI A IVA08ddV 3HI H 5, ki I ®r?z 0) 'lVA08ddV'H11V3H JO I -A A GMS MUM 03DNVHDti" , IVA08ddV JO 31VO 3HI JO SWA U 338HI HIIM 0313ldWOO 38 isui -,,k CN, bra 17- k 38 ION lSnW SNOIIVA313 NOD L131SAS DUB SIHI JO NOMMIS lcv z Zol si i -un H I.Zv -) —1 MOM IM31VIS G-3-8inbN T NVld t hV61 I :n LAG Q31VhYJX3 143" lllnS-SV S833NION3 *SBOIAGaesn isleM 461ILI0H J9410 J0 uljE) 96eqjeE) i loodljiq/\A "iep 0:1 Lt LLL w:�v3� pq-a sectTON s I WGISAS S1.41 ---- - - - . - - — - - - --- -1 Ys 771 ?b a 10 -41 G I ir -n L Hs 2, A. n J 7 a rl 031VAV3X3 N3HM G3Ulnb3 7- r -1 u -n r,--A -7 — -J 1�1 !�CN/ 0 1 17 1 ;10 ?1 N01133dSNI HllV3H 10 0008 /\73 -u Pq kl J, T C-O(L-73S • -n 3 1A ("h -4 73 �n 9 q-, t Qj J5. n }-A CC SO TZ r4 -4 MQ NQ0,L C? 4 sys) nqt�rjoloblj 7� 3 w I J-1 < � (j , /1, � ? __% _I STIZ7, -JCN, Iry I —IS 0 C, QR) 1 Cl o 9 CIO Il zz Yc T) v z 13' >1 1-1, 7. V 73 -- L 4w 51\0A)ON h I 77L ,�-L le 1A, 31- -nlLv a 3 1) 1 1 4�- .az It L H)Ni( 71 C L L4 1,1 ACA Q �t, )N K. - 14 t ck, -T 7-;5 � V-) 71 (77 Cl -L Ics -L vulzis cl\ 1S Zo" DiA, Ca�Ca2E't II ' \ 3 S" s'' K�Ot:kovTs � � LC • \ pp (� y W n I I,�"f �\ � 1 vC (1APE GO Y , y 3 r � � I,_ ' �� t.f8rJ4- ice_ -_._..J.% ---__ ._. '• _� -_� i} -6 s, bRjI1) (-VVF-L- GAS L i�OTt2�r, t�� -T+�►� �. 3" 1c� At.li s_— �-• P� � L E V Z.21. �5 ,� —�---.-�--_-7-- f-- - 1. --�- _---i � (2"S � SEC-i) o VIGO 3ii F-I(ti Ki C.L.L 0 , > TSt PIT CATCH Q)A514 }5` ZZ—?-- } S-rk 1 PE/?, CL�5 TECHNICAL IMAGE PROOLJCTS s t -1-r-ry • t ' 't u El 2-25, 2 tits �ls IAC.�r.�..At11. LI1o.gZ Or- Z�ze.so 0 ` r- _to IS _ i lJslt�� !-• ��7'Z5 liU,l 5Away t U; A el .rr r r),jf< ` 1Ati: �`� SFt rViY UTJ LE.S Cl l 1 ?� � �_._..______.____1.21 b •92 I's'!�� � 4 i 5 i � —__ _-- -- . 1" uLf ✓✓-V rX1��Ti I-iC� ? 1 ,NIS1-i -- r -- -r— -- z ltJL)F— F-LEV 22500 '''` r •� n j' t:.t -Z-' j���T�,� yr ��i U RSA. co STbv4 F'"t-IYi 511 e.;�Ar y 1i\ A��� TA2+LE , v r't C;= t xCAv r�,TlorJ uEv' L1Y, 00 HSI LE�c� 1"�C-F„��' GZOSsSEC.'F7yrJ THIS SYSTEM NOT DESIGNED FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL. TIT 1oi r T� ,S6 TTP.ID�:4. 121 P, vZ"L i `A X t,' X 1 t X -7. yFT L� r'h,�e U 1f2',; (-) _ UiCw{ )( 'Fi�Ot', � KI�Tr►'�i, �,c�Et,C� tLrvpLeiL-JEt_t.,S 1,11 1-n4 I 1!50' O� 'T�1r✓ ('t r'a . rJ �F G i �E.: Ex.cEP� A,�> mi0 on c . vox 1-tu sl Vol-,), ,uo 1 n-i p r ac fr:. (�Jrr LE - ll Q),r L r, `l U S TV, aiLor_a 'Elli raw. Sorg Vof HetJL7}t STA ti p5 52 I i i i i TOWN OF DA � RTMOUTH Z034ING REVIEWED - AnY Changes f just r* Resubmittod SEE REPORT ate of Review JUX 2 L ' By ; P.E. ST1AF1P S�iV�yIJ:` FA C 3EWhr- Dll"-)PbSnL SYSTEn f p` t' �f k4j, � l i:� (�� (�` J t�� �I ►-1 it A 1 �i t,.. LSONARD F. v No.10Q LDc s P 0 w s V d w z w � �� tW(j � C o W f - vLU wi Co L0 '_W C ~ U N H O�+S m •� W > WOE cO� _ WL/I O ~m U z O®®®®®®O w W z r E U m cc C Q w= m� --j � .J. w o o � l- ce L La J 2 J J F- Z F- m a n®OOoaoo J o .., Q o x� w� o � J �. � cc a Jd Nw ►•o o w w v �-� zw O C�/<�( �c ° aOO�OO � � L` o = N i VO .Z, � J m W > z ¢ O . " F- Q .° c c W cz d F- z N J U rY w S m L L. n F- ¢ V f c d a000aao0 _ _ s o w r > v � - W. m N i W CD cx � _ . W T m w WO U . J F- z CO Li ¢ 3 G S w z. 7 u x N O O> U- h- J F- N O L.tZ: ui_ O V i Ci 0®000®®® � N V � o co � � >- w z -' r CY J w w � � �t �, 'sg w ° a®®®®®®O a o �� Q ¢ ��za r J¢ �� ¢ �wc C �o�w q ®00®®0 p �►- •�o�� ¢� �,.. NN W wNw Li Z: �; O N � Ij z W C:) 0 N W 1- > W z m N C7 N O¢ A. U Q J¢o ciz ww �, F-� w0 = mwz� c W O w - 0 O w J Cc Z J G..-. Z W 11 J/- F- . 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Q N L7 _..J N O i- N CY W 1- CY d ►r tti;: C J _ ¢ J O J N J Z f m Z Z Zmd O OW ►-HJH NF- mCYQF-P-s mCr CL ON W -- -- - O O ZQ .-.0E-pC dQ EU•-•= p O p O W 2 t1 1- Z S CY �"r U La. ct' ¢ W to . �~„• C� O (..) ` JC1 vF -CYNu C►' F- O►-N OF-F-SUUS Zp ~'I 7------+-- _ Jf Nd U W JW F- dN O. r O W O C) W Z Z NZOCY ZZNOW F-J X GOOD 0 � I iu=ov_,r�vi� �i¢ozw.. o aoc .J J O%I.DW O 2 Z W W mt U- CD Q Q OOOO O � CL ¢ t- � W Z OF-'"JNO�Nr•OC�J-JF..-� OCYN t OOOO r. z Y W CS Jw<m-j V 7[ y W ¢ Z SF--•-•w>- CY •=<uj -+_JCY ZOm V1¢ i-d>t)w. •[YQ W Q tu O CY d O W >- CL S F-- O J O d W¢ n W _1 _J t, q N Z •-•U> OL1tn0 F- C)=mCLUTF xCD CL ¢`"Z=Dt Lj >- W 1- W W o (- .-.. ¢ W- w ..� m 2 ►- N O U.J W W >- w_ w O Ln W N U U J Z • U F- F- 2 4 d f- F- N . O N Z - _ U" JQ W `-rOF- UNN> Z CIC C]Q NU N CL �F-1-lLT SwQJdS NNJd F-[ro= d¢¢Ot J Of' wJ C1 U CL'F--i ULLJ W ZJ2 S S Z C J W LL LL O.• W 2 Z d¢ p N O [Y J U W U m O �►+3¢2OO Z 7ttOO•.d ¢C.DNd0 WU¢mQO F-F- �, , � m o rn O tU q MOM O O 00 b .. . ' 0 •• Q) 400) -H .w � ;, . •� p. •► •• w a 4 to.r{ . `. � i1 of o C� .N .% � N Q Q a si O 0 1 4" CL LL LO to Q Q x CL LL. w ►11 OOOOa00a !� C�.s aaoaaaaa I C p r C�®® Op®® Of Lot Cove - �� ® , G _ rage .. , r- 1 cc - I; C� b m rh : 1 � l A E I ► +i 1 END SECTION 75 VA Residential 1999 2.2 Authorized Agent: 1 Contac ddress Name ) � / Telephone) � :(print :.»:. CO�-:'*.::::::::> �...... .. : . 3.1LicensedConstr Construction Spervisor: r✓ Alf 0J ' � Not Applicable Licensed Construction Su ervis ®� ff F' License Number O9 J Address / Expiration Date /0/ - z1199 Signature ' Telephone / ., 3.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor: ' Not Applicable ❑ Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to (780 CMR-6)? ❑ yes ❑ no If no, go to the next section! Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? ❑ yes ❑ no If yes, submit the required affidavit! Company Name Registration Number (if none, state "none") Address Signature Telephone Expiration Date 3.3 For Residential Remodel Work Only PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH C UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND: QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: Home Improvement Contractors Registration, One Ashburton Place - Room 1301, Boston, MA 02108, (617) 727-8598 Owners Name (print) Signature by signing the above, the home owner acknowledges that there will be no eligibilty to the Guaranty Fund Date 4 3 ,' Homeowner Exemption - One & Two Family Only FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT 109.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those structures governed by Construction Control in Section 116.0, effectivc, July 1, 1982, no individual shall be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings or structures, unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entitled Rules and Regulations for Licensing Construction Supervisors. Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this sect;on; provides that if a Homeowner engages a person(s) for hire to do such work, that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only, a "Homeowner" is defined as follows: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or'two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. If you are applying underthissection sign below: r Signature: V Your signature carries certain responsibilities, including but not necessarily limited to, general liability Residential 1999 NOTICE TO LICENSED CONTRACTORS: The Building Code provides in the Rules and Regulations section that any, licensed Construction Supervisor, whether or not they have taken the permit are responsible for code compliance. (see Apypendix of 780 CMR R5.2.15) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted edwiapplication.with this Failure to prcVide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached: ❑ yes ❑ nio Z new ❑ addition ❑ alteration ❑ repairs ❑ chimney/fireplace 10 woodstove struction* ❑ deck ❑ pool ❑ acces ldg. ❑ replacement window/door ❑ other ❑ demolition t she ra of windows doors ( g) _ _ (specify below): (specify below): * If new construction, please complete the following: I Single Family:v� no. of bedrooms no. of baths 3(/ Two Family: no. of bedrooms unit 1-no. of baths unit 1 no. of bedrooms unit 2 no. of baths unit 2 Brief Description of Proposed Work: CesA,4 .J ::>:::>:>::»:::>::>:::>:;::>::::>::::::>::<.>::::>:::>::»::::>:::.» wEIIMzSTEi�.#JIYTRUIf�N.C(OS.TS....; ......::::::>::::::>:::>::::>:::::>:::>:«c <` Item I Estimated Cost ($) to be completed by permit applicamt 3f�A=W. * Estimated Tota l;�o, a--Vos (please print) —r / 1 as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize to Et on my behalf, in all matter eI t, to work Auth�ized by this building permit application. Sig ture of Owner Date as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements rand information on the foregoing application are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. S'g erf d under he pains and penalties perjury. Print Name r Sig ature of Owner/Authorized Agent Date c:\wpwin\forms\bldgapp.res Page 2 January 20, 1999 c:\wpwin\forms\bldgapp.res Page 3 January 20, 1999 Residential 1999 Residential A ❑ FOUNDATION 0, , Y 1999 1. Date plan reviewed:—_- 2. 30 days to review period expires: 3. OK to issue date: 4. OK to issue subject to requested submittals(see project review worksheet): Date: 5. DENIED (see project review worksheet): Date: 6. HOLD reason: Date' 7. HOLD subject to Zoning Board of Appeals action: 8. Comments: 9. Inspector's Si Applicant informed of above Date* Time: Clerk* I Comments: Total Permit Fee: $, sy,F, 00 I Less Application Fee: $ 25.00 ( Remaining Balance: $ TOTAL FEE: �!"��� �� Gross Area - New Construction total sq. ft. -r(9-7,e�- Gross Area - Alteration total sq. ft. I Permit Issued To. � ���'� � '�; +�.,�•�' `S 7 1v r � V fig. 00 30. 0a g0 0 c:\wpwin\forms\bldgapp.res Page 4 January 20, 1999 res Page 1 10-,��3 � January 20, 1999