BP-379r 4. OOP lv r S 1 +.m o .j sr S m bhBXIo 6/6 %01or �..YL!G4 ` C isetion or iniorl s..:...,r.t.dBATH BEDF 0011� ,• struction ll ff �I ff L _J I o . (7, F T,-�: rj ..,� n f f f _ MYR OF DARMM I BUILDIRG DEPART This plan, has been revieved and accepted as a record copy of York f proposed to be perforred in corpliv::e vith 78@ CBR 5th Edition. 4rpS �' •� t[t■1, r •. _ - The omer, applicant/agent and/or architect/engineer is responsible 0 �` � N for insuring final corpliance vith the above-rentioned code not x T Withstanding any errors or omissions in the record plan. AnyOf � •�, z change in ogner, license contractor ur engineer rust be reported to Py ;-� ! x aIA-0100-0 this office imcediately. An change in plan rust be `+ ! . Y g p submitted to � • this office in a tirely manner. Signatur date 1►'���� f f l -fFL001*--� t-0 it Int not 8XII 616 6x8 8; cam% BP-,,,F-AKF 5T. I KITCHEN O�D X4 DF /4 10 '--1 1/2 �'2-5 1 /4 BAT m Y i BEDi :OON LIMING DOOM ' 2'-5 11411 _ F�'.ONT ELE\/ATI ON This System Is Not Designed For Garbage Grinder, Whirlpool Or Other high Water Use Devices. __4 �Q to �o ono U11- �. L a+J E �p�o� D a� i L r Nil 12.3 8' j l 43� � t O z. A)+ �g 1-iOU1BOARD F H TOP OF P;. r I � FOUNDATION L �., ELE V. 7.Z3I Its,\„ FINISH GRADE • +' / D 1 /D G 3co o r . Q • z, • D'1000 ISQ LEVEL STABLE • 'p'= • Note: 1/4 per foot :- GALLON CONCRETE. BASE slope min. j •. SEPTIC TANS: C DISTRIBUTION BOX =ii77 LEVEL STABLE •�01 •• l TYPICAL PROFILE'AOF SEWAGE Not to Scalc Note: Discrepancies of soils or water table durin construction 9 must be reported to the engineer for inspection. N oie: Any changes to this Ian must be approved b - ; P pp y the Board of Health and the Engineer. DISPOSAL SOIL LOG-r-P pe Ja . -1 rC==0.._: PIP I! •• 1 Is � 0op10 C.I. SAtiI. TEES �r,x 3i 5 - 4" d I 3� •I 6LAel 14 L.. 3)0 !t 11 Weldca skeel wore o -v� a7.5o 5 L Y (• G TYPICAL SEPTIC TANK DETAIL Not to Scale „ SQL y � a MERICAN PRECAST or approved equal 1 a Ar 'III 5 01 ., . 10 • .. R N N 2 Zo 11 2 TYPICAL DISTRIBUTION BOX DETAIL Not to Scale AMERICAN PRECAST or approved equal •U{tti. I� FLN� 8: CERTIFICATIOf� STATEMENT REQUIRED 016 '. 4 SOH 7� �•=2�oRcS`c� �1r.1lT -1ru 1L 1JGN(n'C1a 114- TEST TAKEN ` N S P E i C T 0 R s• Gt E I -Fr to fl; PERC(DLATION RATE-- 1'' s ",%_J SEEPAGEs •�,, L ED G GROUND VATERdw Q!2" FL, 1v7.� %ice PCs DESIGN DA7iA • DESIGN FOt ESTIA?,ATED FLOW P4/a!Ea CALCULATION - -- = �"7.5.r = NS -i� S.Z.L 4Co• S �. �1 2•711r�5'ae.. c.-�. ellt1 S. 75 9 �,FI � C� <,.. �S�• LEACH A R 7 A l GENERAL N OTES I.) This system is designed in accordance with the State Sanitary Code (Title 5 ) -and any city or town modifications. P. 2.) Engineer arl Board of Health to inspect sewage disposal system befoire backfi11; yo 3.) Elevations b-ased on datum plane. 4.) Distribution to be capped pipes Aped of outlet. 5.) Locus being 6.) This system t e m y is not) designed fora dis disposal. garbage p I. a 7.) Leach area Ito be excavated to elevation I0&1lt.0*- and backfilled ith clean clay -free gravel to bottom of bed. a PL A tV LEGEINID � 4 PLASTIC P IIPE (Tight joints) o 9 j �� SEPTIC TANK 4" C . I, PIPE (Ti Join htts I ) C7 DISTRIBUTION BOX � - - - - - 4 PERFORATEIJ PLASTIC PIPE TEST PIT - -_5� - -- EXISTING CC)NTOURS gM _I: BENCH MARK 5� PROPOSED CONTOURS w W { R VE LEACH AREA D D RESE AIN INE I WELL 31993 4._._..__.___ „ , B. 0. H. STAMP P . E. STAMP 0. J/ -{1 4 1 ° - -- t e • . 1 r - i j GERALD �G F•_ - E __i_ �•v - MICHAEL. t;r0*�' j /? v FITZ(?ERALD GIST 4- OTJ ..-.- 'mil. ''^K►( B.O.H. NOTES P.L.S. STAMP SYS TE - . iHE AI'PRO'VAL BY THIS OFFICE • . , � It NUI GUARANTEE THE Note'. CJverdig. limit (311all �,}:� -extend �� fe�f ' EFFECTIVE,sEss o1= ANY outside teach area, and excavated to INSTALLATION ATION elevatl on iz./i and backf illed will] course DARTMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH i SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DfS--P G L V�~ IN T ' 0 5 w • 9 FIR M TITLE: FITZGERALD EA]GINEER-ING SPECIFICATIONS CON'TgCT : GERALD M. F ITZGERALD ADDT RESS ' fox•_.Aw t%nA n 07vw%A 1 A A� A11ri to K 1 , ^ i^i _., • C HURCH S THE E T MATTAPOISETT , MA. 09739 ' TEL PHONE 758-3823