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TOP OF FOUNDATION ELEV.=113-5 3" low 19" • 3'vdpz tgCp �*H ----C 1 5AN. TEES 5«; r-E.14Cc ,9 1' �? }3 f �ot=cuv—i1 �` I /Zonle + _\ '`.....,`_ �. `..� L V�/ We ldcd sleet Wire TYPICAL- SEPTIC TANK DETAIL ��5 51L 1 ru��U Not to Scale Q.T.S. AMERICAN PRECAST or approved equal tloiCS 1N5T L- �1A cS zS'1-� F AG G O��GCc ��CG�S SeS��—`2rat) Pa4O EA s tto Io' 1 OqL �.,,.�k—� •tom, I " TYPICAL DISTRIBUTION BOX DETAIL III Not to Scale 7 4 AMERICAN PRECAST or approved equal I nin I 1 1P3t�{ 1P1z4 T 1 1 111 9.e5 II�F cr 4.75" DIA. _ _ u \ ari'R jSPIKE f� 3.75" 1z fly„ 1 1Nf_ aAmus Et = 111.35 26.5'. JIupc 111111. 11 SEPTIC TANK--DISTRFBUT-IflN--BGX— LEVEL STABLE S L: n - TYPICAL PROFILE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM Not to Scole Note: Discrepancies of soils or water table during construction Note. Overdig limit (Shall *0 extendlo feet must be reported to the engineer for inspection. outside leach area and, excavated to 0evatlonlCt5}6nd backfilled wilh coarse Note: Any changes to this plan must be approved by the washed sand to elevation Board of Health and the Engineer. 'TOFF , Z¢ b .Z �r � ►�► 5 A►Jp -T-TLL„ 78� 4) 4-1 LIP" 51l. TY e- I,.m6c, SI T�I t�w1p 4 - � •►�. �5 lotil� GL :111. I "4 �" C -c>• ° ► TEST TA K E IqY - �1l 301 g 31 INSPECTOR-' s )G ezI2'%rr)tJ PERCOLATION RATE- L/R- itJ SEEPAGE- AJOPJ - LEDGE- n-10KIG. 11Z�1�3 GROUND WATER — DESIGN too'' DESIGN DATA DESIGN FOR - ESTIMATED FLOW'- 3rLe-d to Qr*,l rs,P- 6= 3 CALCULATIONS - ��e.',�� .25x �>xZ"c,Sx ►'Z,5�5;. = y������ a LEACH AREA - GENERAL NOTES I.) This system is desiigned in accordance with the State Sanitary 56-3/4 Code (Title 5) and any city or town modifications. __NOLESTYP. 2.) Engineer and Boar-d of Health to inspect sewage disposal system before bac,kfilling. 3.) Elevations based datum plane. 4.) Distribution pipes t(o be capped at outlet. 5.) Locus being 6.) This system (is nqt) designed for a garbage disposal. 7.) Leach area to be excavated to elevation �pz5-o-r and backfilled withclrean clay -free gravel to bottom of bed. PLAN LEGEND: 4., PLASTIC PIPE (Tight joints) SEPTIC TANK 4" CA, PIPE ( Tight joints) ❑ DISTRIBUTION BOX ------- 4" PERFORATED PLASTIC PIPE - TEST PIT EXISTING CONTOURS am.vw0 BENCH MARK PROPOSED CONTOURS w WATER LINE �1L f J RESERVE LEACH AREA D DRAIN LINE © WELL STAMP �C.l.lo5t i B.O.H. NOTES SOIL LOG SOS Off% 4 1 P.E. STAMP SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL y�DF hf4ss�i> CLIENT GERALD g MICHAEL o FITZGERALD �, `,•�'2 �� �/I Q� No. 19309 O Aop STEP���� — n FFr_0NM-FIRM TITLE: Il)5 aq 3 FITZGERALD EN,GINEERING .P. L.S. STAMP C_1� SPECIFICATIONS: CONTACT': GERALD M. FITZGERALD ADDRESS: 13 CHURCH STREET MATTAPOISETT , MA. oL739 TELEPHONE: 758- 3823 SOIL LOG: '� �� >��1�.�/ -- • ,tom _ '7f '� 1 X 4 -fir' a 1 z5 14 f—'' - — — '-f`., _-----C I SAN. TEES .,1 S«-T ,=rr►cE p 4 z"uAl. �''k,"pevc_ SSG b 5 '4p Z �► M 5A�1p TINS ® Sy Stem IS Not Design r00, J. ..` `ate index, rj 01 `� dor-c„v,y - � l: • �LVC 1 -r T.s >' F' �e 1`1R p 0 .-c _ zoNZ �6(TC`�GO 1 � 78' e 8 ,�., , t �6 1 `C 6 v ; �p'..aygp,, (S ®. t ` C�ae3 S V,/�1-t vt7 '� - - - - - - _ + _ T .' c.ti € .✓ 1�b' b' t C V w!� Y ` \ .. ! V �� — P - '--vi' i.... ;--�f7 4 !j 11 Y �. Ii�,� L... �1 1 l Wriacd sleel vnre 0 1 = s=" /jp , TYPICAL SEPTIC TANK DETAIL -rl`a314 o" C_t..=111. I "! STo GS Not to Scale„ ioo.. � N,TS, AMERICAN PRECAST or approved equal - ,—� �g,,, ,— ivl•Z - �o�Cs ��.1E 1" 2.M►.1. Sf, - oEk6,—t3S,C\ FcucG TEST TA E •- N 3o 113 ;n - �% INSPECTOR,- , N '- a� �L �Icc-,t�c�c.wio bNy S��C. �,r�►iG'�'1�1 ¢>, etL �Tc,SS •�� ago 'PERCOLATI'ON RATE- I /Rtg „ o,J SEEPAGE - No �J L1C, 3 GROUND b�fATER-� too" F-L= 166. l � 31y "°t5 1O" G Fay a DESIGN DATA N O� u_ ti, ::o : a' DESIGN FOR - I �� ►� 3�•zCl�,, - - _� - I ESTIMATED FLOW - 3�� -- g,� ► �10. �► 20`'- /G CALCULATIONS de. ,(� . 5X �>xz�c 5x ► -z.��s-_ y�.��1 c4rcxz Wc-tD ATYPICAL DISTRIBUTION BOX DETAIL a� lo.� 1 x �c� S >c o.�3 ��1 fS r �7.-►r .10 �G LEACH AREA - -'_C.'2; u- �0 �r-- 3p v / -f-� Not to Scale _ �c vac 2N1ooc I_ `7�� y wtoo�� 150 �� AMERICAN PRECAST or approved equal r^ z��A�` GENERAL NOTES o n,CL • z' i / o3.5 01A. 1 10 +3- 11�; 83 '`ys'- -� > 4.75 I.) This system is designed in accordance with the State Sanitary 56-3/4 Code (Title 5) arnd any city or town modifications. HOLES TYR 2) Engineer and Board of Health to inspect sewage disposal oc _ - system before beickfillin . FT.3.) Elevations based • �� ����� datum plane. ' / I `�'-- r�n����� 4.) Distribution pipes ito be capped at outlet. 5.) Locus being �5k t yf�PIwn.75" y6.) This s stem (is rtiot) designed for a garbage disposal;0(..- - �`� 7.) Leach area to be excavated to elevation o-� BOARD OF HEALTH INSPECTION L 1 - `. 115 .?sue 10 5 � a n d �� // Ip,zy ` ?6.5 backfilled with cllean clay -free free REQUIRED WHEN EXCAVATED a y- gravel to bottom of bed. PLAN LE Q� -' hf1�-�-- t 4 PLASTIC PIPE (Tiight joints) o SEPTIC TANK ��-�ZG ENGINEERS A-S-E � ZOO 4"C.I, PIPE (Tigh't joints) ❑ DISTRIBUTION BOX ('LAItI CEI 111 ; ;------` 4" PERFORATED PLASTIC PIPE - TEST PIT ELEVATIONS MUST .11 F� � : � ��_. STATEi�EI~� y IV, . ,_ ; -- s� - EXISTING CONTOUIRS g.M.�� BENCH MARK OIm7I��x III Fls. y ��I ,QED ITNOUT O p., .: — 5&PROPOSED CONTOURS w WATER LINE TOP OF IIz,S � �_�Tr �-� � FOUNDATION b OE HEf LTHr 3 1 ' �f�€I 11L/1� RESERVE LEACH .AREA p RA.IN._� LINE _ ELEV.=113.5 ;,: i.,. FINISH GRADE 112.E © WELL 10 v Pc2Fo2ATE V -F\/(— , ,�3 B.O.H. STAMP P.E. STAMP SUBSURFACE SEWAGt' 0 POSAL 109.5— �H o> M -- n 1.35 3iy,s Ty.�•t��p �ss9 CLIENT 10 . •.. e u o - • • - • _ • _ — • — ` "1.11..8 I I rs . �' t 3 T , �'J A MICHA cyG, �M wA5NE0 r. , oFITZGERALDIHAE���A.�ZG 4-i , J- ,,.1LTfi -° 1000 LEVEL STABLE s,oNE �No, 19309 -O Note: I/4 per foot slope :GALLON CONCRETE. BASE , tZEtio� ¢. '4 A�o�FSGISTEa��� p S1014M-FIRM TITLE. Il 5 loe.1 SEPTIC TANK N, L-,A RI'IIOUT,- 3 ,.••o-a'. - .. •o - oo•-`,to } iiEt� SLt 0 L. pb•I � ter,-,.-:....-...•-_.....,,,.,........� ����'�� . :....:, LEVEL STABLE -� -- = G1'►J�- FITZGERALD ENGINEERING -.., •,_► B. 0. H. NOTES P. L.S. STAMP TYPICAL PROFILE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM SPECIFI CATIONS: L Not to S c o l e THE APPROVAL BY TINS OFFICE Note: Discrepancies of soils or water table during construction Note: Overdig Ilmlt (Shall Wit) extendlo feet DOES NOT GIL!ARAP.TEETHE VA must be reported to the engineer for inspection. outside leach area and. excavated to EFFECTIVENESS OF ANY CONTACii GERALD M. FITZGERALD elevationla�}and backfilled with coarse IItiSTALLATION Note: Any changes to this plan must be approved by the washed sand to elevation 1\\.\3 I�ARPOOUT!-I BOARD fl9E HEALT;' ADDRESS: 13 CHURCH STREETMATTAPOISETT MA. oL739 Board of Health and the Engineer. TE• LEPHONE: 758- 3823 5-0 t 3 (o O„ t OVER#9 L L A:) IM. I 3bx3t. CaARDENw,Naow I Ell kiT,c,oly / doss,�cE 4 Ssts? vD ---� w CLOSET O 2-8 3=� =o �. o h � up r 3 24x24 24x24 I � I Are As must be subr;ialitca to th, a;nafng Dept- prior to ccLy�-,- a foundation inspection or any further c©-Mtrnction - TOWN OF DRTFMM PtCOIPD FLAB A CZ~ Dj"Th y Ft"".& ise plan Mast C'� Q s, n nstruet Date ����- y� P/N/Nq N /4 + o++ /O� O � CASEMENT' 4aN+Cv �o LJ✓!No 3 I 4'- 3' 4'-ate g�Lc~ C)�'..� StAOSC9 DETECTORS - COUNG MOUt!TED Q`I"LLY. UZ- TONN OF DARTIMM date 4L L.l BUILDING DEPARTMENT This plan, has been revieved and accepted as a record copy of Tort proposed to be performed in compliance vith 780 CNR 5th Edition, The Omer, applicant/agent and/or arcbitect/engineer is responsible for insuring final compliance vith the above -mentioned code notvitbstanding any errors or omissions in the record plan. Any change in Omer, license contractor or engineer must be reported to this office immediately. Any change in plan must be submitted to this office in a timely manner Signature _ 1 3 (AO C0 LL DoER I � � 24x24 24x24 24x11y 24x24 24x24 �I J IT DN ��� f - - - - -� Y• e' I j 11 o+' #0431L — loos ..,�✓ s A6Z&E.,96 icy �oT , �o�'7- ZZ _V,�i701V %4,, R 2N°FLoOR /�FLoae i z i ,BfIS�M�'NT �oo�' i { 1 /�Ftoe,p ZLEVA T16A.1 6177 BGuEDER2y •�ca�-��t 2 F� p 3 I 1 I I I I I , ;0 N 1 i I I i T I UP �! { �0 )< 57 I'tl% I I I I L_�_j i CC�6uMN ON Z-(o"X Q-�(o x J2„ i i I kn I _ Cf) I i 0 of { Z x 1 D � L / Cc''o. G• /10"o. c . r; Zx4 <2/(o o.G. -- ---- — ---- ZXA Ja+ST a /!o"o c. f + P ,, y, s 9"� 3roro4'/a fig► i, ! � !J„I s Ers I j ZXS JOI ,.- ��. S?� /CO :7. G. ��) ..f �� ti3 4`•.(JJ., ��1 -2•Zxlp fLt S- Q 3-ZX10 CoNp BEf7M t + -- r w/ Jolz.� y.9A/oE/15 F/N/sN 6R%9DE ----; WOOD Uut - 1--ZSMOKE �. DETECTORS - CEIURG i r .3 2 X/O S77PiN�E7P5 I I CO(:-tiMN (J 2 LZM ` 2— 3,ovo Psi 1g� GOAC. WALL + i r Foo771y� 24-c� C�,�oSs �c:�rat1 RZ4 36 — Dds ay7`c�5 3 oF3 MAC-