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Required approval Approvals received please lA) approvals Please IHI approvals and required for thin project Initial as received DATE INITIALS Board of Appeals _ Water Card Sever Card �(011.1 v/Board of Health Bond Selectmen Conservation far N .D is-r 3 Are Chief OK J2_a z7 j jyc_ Cross Connections Licensed Contractor Controlled Cond. Affid. Other information required / 2 (rp lc RECEIPT FOR PERMIT o T .,y TOWN OF DARTMOUTH I/(42 a��'�m PERMIT NO. �.* �_ 30 �/ Date " ! _ _ /y� Received From 1/12)77;?ZJ.rtie t/-/L2& Owner -,,=.O �eriV - f � 7 r Location ` ,` ��?J1.(i``C^ ,fI �t ;t' k Type �r4 ' e �f7� ram' 1 ,,, [ t7 Amount Paid _ - j7 4� Received By �,_r.' ,riry//3` ... 1 .... RECEIPT FOR PERMIT e ' 2 - • TOWN OF DARTMOUTH ouy .,,, PERMIT NO. ‘a %ity=rilk 9' , \I• --7Z,i,":i.' . No 71 jr,i, „......, Date /(>271,-;?(,1 y_•.;`,5 "' tiff Received From /I t. r ,,....- Owner _7 4 4 4 , ,, t r Location it-1 -.1-71 (CC' ''-'A —:=7 2 ,iet (2,--/••---L'iHrJ-.--,(A.--..b....,/e /. ,-- / / A .64/1,-,11 '16/ Type ,/,,er-- • (--_--- „„, _0 _0 _ Amount Paid 4,7 , Received By ,,--C_,,,,,, ..e.,...ct 7` N. a. �''H:''1 / v PERMIT NO. 9 �1 TOWN OF DARTMOUTH DATE ISSUED zl �`� �i�o ���� J I TOTAL COST 7 " c ,�. APPLICATION FOR R? `'� LESS APPLICATION FEE °cs?y BUILDING PERMIT' FINAL PERMIT FEE,., , '7T`f LOCATION OF BUILDING �nt 01 Number & Street / / P/u.,PGinR, Z/v/✓E 01.1 Zoning District) i�/T 02 Cross Streets(between) and 0��3jfLot -f*' Plat A .4 04 Subdivision Lot OWNERSHIP COST 05 ® Private (individual, corporation, 36 Cost of Improvement non-profit institution, etc.) 36.1 To be installed but not 06 ❑ Public (Federal, State, or local government) included in the above cost TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 36.2 Electrical 07 S New Construction 36.3 Plumbing 08 ❑ Addition -Type of Room(s) 36.4 HVAC 09 ❑ Alteration 36.5 Other - Specify 10 ❑ Foundation Only example: elevator eta 11 ❑ Demolition (#of units if residential) 37 TOTAL 7.0) g00 12 ❑ Moving (relocation) STRUCTURE STATISTICS 38 R Wood Frame 13 Number of Bedrooms 3 39 ❑ Masonry (wall bearing) 14 Number of Bathrooms (Total) az 40 ❑ Structural Steel N. Full-Tub a 41 ❑ Reinforced concrete 3/4 - Shower 42 ❑ Other - Specify 1/2 - Toilet Only RESIDENTIAL-PROPOSED USE DIMENSIONS 15 ® One-Family 43 Number of stories / 16 ❑ Two or more families 44 Total square feet of floor area, all floors, Number of units based on exterior dimensions ( /5' 18 ❑ hedge 45 Total land area, square feet /� 9 , 19 ❑ Carport 20 10 Swimming Pool SEWAGE DISPOSAL r In-Ground Above-Ground 21 ❑ Woodstove 46 ❑ Public or private company 22 0 Fireplace 47 Itg Private (septic tank, etc.) 23 ❑ Other - Specify WATER SUPPLY 48 ❑ Public or private company NON-RESIDENTIAL - PROPOSED USE 49 Xt Private, (well, cistern) 24 ❑ Amusement, recreational 25 ❑ Church, other religious PRINCIPAL TYPE OF HEATING FUEL 26 ❑ Industrial 50 ❑ Gas 27 ❑ Parking Garage 51 INI.Oil 28 ❑ Service station, Repair garage 52 ❑ Electricity 29 ❑ Hospital, institutional 53 ❑ Coal 30 ❑ Office, bank, professional 54 ❑ Other - Specify 31 ❑ Public utility 32 ❑ School, library, other educational TYPE OF MECHANICAL 33 ❑ Stores, mercantile 55 Will there be central air conditioning Yes ❑ No 34 ❑ Tanks, towers 56 Will there be elevator? ❑Yes St No 35 ❑ Other- Specify PARKING PER ZONING BY-LAWS 57 ❑ Enclosed 58 ❑ Outside \A ;re COMMONWEALTH OF MASSAQ3USETTS c DEmain NT OF INDUSIRIALAC®E'�TIS ". 600 WASHINGTON SI'BEET Barnes ;ar..00e�, BOSTON, MASSACHUSti ib OZIII zzr m,sstone? WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT I, (itcensmipermitreei with a principal place of business/residence an • (Cry/Statutial do herby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that ( ] I am an employer providing the following workers' compensation coverage for my employe= working on job. insurance Company Policy Number ( ), I am a sole proprietor and have no one working for me. ( J I am a sole proprietor, general contractor or homeowner(circle one) and have hired the xnt;a=rs listed who have the following workers' comnenn rion insunn=poliden Name of Corium r Insurance CompanvfPoiicy Number Name of Contractor Insurance Company/Policy Number Name of Contractor Insurance Company/Policy Number VI arr. a homeowner pe.:or..ting all the work myself. NOTt please be aware that while hotneovneen who emsdovpersotss to do ram;...,,.,trx.mnstnaction or repair work c dwelling of not more than three unit' in whim the homeowner also rends or on the grounds appurtenant thereto are tor gmer considereri to be empiaven under the Worker' Compensation Act(GI. C 152,sea. 1(5)),application by a homeaweer for a or perrnit may evidace the legal sums of an emaiayes under the Worin ri Coattaetarstioa Act, I understand that a copy of this statement will be forwarded to the Dement of IadustrialAedcitaa' Ofh¢of Insurance for cove verincation and that failure to tin os erage y required under Seaion 25A ofMC,i.152 an lead to the impadcnn of miminzi pc consisting of a nne of up to 51500.00 andlor imprisoammt of tta to one ytsr and tiymi Pt:a lies is the fora of a St?? Woric Ord= fine of 210040 a clay a¢aisut tttL lggned'this tc f//e& /4P day of 19 TOWN OF DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT tTO: 4 Board of Health Fire Chief Dist. 1, 2, Conservation Comm. 0 DPW Engineering 0 Selectmen-Licensing ❑ DPW Water/Sewer 0 Selectmen-Special Permit 0 Planning Board DC Town Clerk X Tax Collector Police Department 9// 0 Other The following is forwarded to your office for your information only. - no response is required. The Building Department is in receipt of an application for r Plat �/ Lot ,2-S7 , Address " ,C�L �/� _ XL- by ( d�1 cL to �/ / , ".n"ri"Hasa". ".".. ew.aruea. ut"r. ann. "s". a(n) The plan was received by this office on 4 /6 j4- 3 DS This office will review said plans and subject to availability of potable water, where required, the provisions of Zoning By-law per MGL Chapter 40A and MSBC 780 CMR 5th Edition will have available to issue or rill deny a permit for the above-mentioned work within 30 days of date of receipt. The applicant has been advised that your office as indicated above may require them to apply for licenses or permits subject to your jurisdiction and that they should contact your office, as indicated, for specific information. It is not necessary to respond to this notice unless the e is a specific issue at hand or you wish to forward material or information required for permitting. When required, an Occupancy Permit will not be issued until all Town Agencies have had the opportunity to "sign off" that the work under their jurisdiction is -complete to their satisfaction. To The Applicant: Be advised that this notice will be sent to the Agencies checked above as they may have separate jurisdiction for your project. Any questions about the Agencies Regulations & Policy should be addressed to the individual Agency. Your signature only acknowledges your receipt of a copy of this notice /aand provides a contact phone number. ///frame/ j (Cz « /�/O4 ��I l ,1 •lKICAIR t"1""t"t"r") PROM • G THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD Or HEALTH / ` No _....... FEE fG L flinpnuat rrnrkz Qtnnwtrnr#inn ljrrmit Permission is hereby granted 0J222 Corte 1 to Construct '-1 or Repair ( ) an Individual Sp wage Disposal Systemy- at No P��----ti-t...-/ K�rc t� L72rr� �rt� -- Stree as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction rmit No. —6 ated 2 ft, DATE �� — Board of Health C t is REQUEST FOR ASSIGNMENT OF HOUSE NUMBER Owners) of Property Sian SroRRF1A 9innme eORR Present Address /o c Fo err sr F,?tz f'?/ /fa o 2 7.Z y Telephone NumberCr-os' ) 677 - 3993 House Location: Plat a/ Lot -p '7 Subdivision Lot /c9--- Corner Lot ? Yes No V/ Street /3 4 ue 6,®R2y . L y/ti Single Family j/ Multi Family Condominium # of Units Site P1dn Submitted ? Yes iv* No Date Submitted //- a - 93 .,y Signature/ - of Owner House Number Assigned // �c L�y vv Date Assigned /2 -2/- 95 Date Assessors Notified j2. Z/• 95 Date Building Dept. Notified /2- 2/- 95 Date Owner Notified Sdocrinrnnde" 'nt, Depar ment of Public Works BUILD I NG PERM IT FIELD INSPECTION COMPLETED Dartmouth Building Department Plat: 66 400 Slocum Road-P.O. Box 9399 Lot(s) : 2-27 North Dartmouth, MA 02747 Lot Size: 48, 927 Telephone 508-999-0720 Zone Dist. : SRA Issued Date: 02/10/94 Permit No. : 492 Project Location: 11 Blueberry Lane Number Street Subdivision Name: Nearest Cross Street: off Reed Road between Rt. 195 & Hixville Applicant/Agent: Manuel I . Correia Contact Person Phone #: ( ) 508-677-3943 Proposed Use: Residential Residential, Commercial, Industrial,etc. Permit Issued To: New Construction Type of Improvement,Add,Alter,New Coast.,Demo,Land/Move,etc. New One-Family Dwelling/3 bedrooms/2 baths/septic system/well/oil heat/3992 sq. ft. indicate no of bedrooms and bathrooms and other rooms Owner(s) of Record: Manuel I . Correia Address: P.O. Box 852 , Fall River, MA 02722 I DATE TIME TYPE OF INSPECTION REMARKS INITIAL //4eS' /s- c k� "81f- 9Y ✓� o + CMWAC — Aar-2 9 719 95' 9 e ATa. m� o-e 9or�-9>' Alm esQ /114 zz N edern.e. Care • OCCUPANCY PERMIT MANUEL I. CORREIA NEW DWELLING Occupancy is hereby granted for the premises located at 11 Blueberry Lane Assessors Plat 066 Lot 2-27. The premise has been found to meet the requirements of the Massachusetts State Building Code in effect as of the date of permit issue and other applicable Massachusetts Codes and regulations as evidenced by approvals affixed to the reverse of this permit. The use is further found to be-in-compliance with the Local Zoning By-Laws for-use-as indicated, as of this date of issue. This permit is further conditioned on the,continued maintenance of permitted conditions as provided by law. ZONING DISTRICT - Single Residence District APPROVED USE - RESIDENTIAL BOARD OF APPEALS/SPECIAL PERMIT N/A Approved by Dafri J. Silveira / Build' Commissioner & Zoning Enforcement Officer-: DATE OF ISSUE s > CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY - ;)EPAitTMENTAL APPROVAL To be signed by each division indicating .:asnpliance on final inspection. BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS PER 7SOCMR 119.5: USE GROUP CLASSIFICATION TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I_MAXIMUM LIVE LOAD FLOORS SPECIAL CONDITIONS BUILDING PERMIT NO. 492 Approved by ( 0 Date -' (ni �t Y Comment • tali( Ja-c cfr PLUMBING // : PERMIT NO: i Approved by/4/ ein,-e-' _ Date 1/i-V J ;— Comment (% GAS PERMIT NO. Approved by Date Comment 40 C an ep p\ S a S o-r- C— ELECTRICAL N F PERMIT NO. 34 Approved by ELECTRICAL. Date .. eN - .94 S Comment FIRE Disr, PERMIT NO. Approved by C/7/".c a'7 yKoi?airs Date //9 91— Comment BOARD OF HEALTH PERMIT NO. L - Approved by Date Comment DPW-WATER Approved b Date Comment DPW-SEWER PERMIT NO. Approved b Date Comment WATER DIVISION-CROSS CONNECTS e : • e . Approved by Date Con E - 911 COORDINATOR { ADDRESS NO. // Approved by 4. c-vv L4_ 2-<-cZ— Date - Comment -L ,n PLANNING DIRECTOR (Off-Street Parking Plan) Approved by Date Com�tt end BUILDING PERM I T Dartmouth Building Department Plat : 66 400 Slocum Road-P. O. Box 9399 Lot (s) : 2-27 North Dartmouth, MR 02747 Lot Size: 48, 927 Telephone 508-999-0720 Zoning Dist. : SRA January 5, 1994 (typed) Permit No. : Issued Date: JL //Q/ 9/ Clerk: lls Project Location: 11 Blueberry Lane Number Subdivision Name: Nearest Cross Street : off Reed Road between Rt. 195 8 Hixville Applicant/Agent : Manuel I. Correia Address : P. O. Box 852. Fall River, MA 02722 Contact Person Phone #: ( ) 508-677-3943 Type of License: Owner: (x) Const. Superv. License #: ( ) Architect : ( ) Engineer: ( ) Other: ( ) Proposed Use: Residential Resldentle). Csem etel. Industrie]. ste. Permit Issued To: New Construction II Type of lep voaent. Add. Alter. New Cense.. Deco. Lend/Move. ete. New One-Family Dwelling/3 bedrooms/2 baths/septic system/well/oil heat Softest* no. of bedrooms end t.throoes end .the. eeoc. Gross--Area of-Const. -3992-sarf-t.- Cost _of_Con4t __tie. 000-ea_ Cost-Other Const. : TOTAL FEE: $ 399. 00 Owner (s) of Record: Manuel I. Correia Address: P.O. Box 852. Fall River, MA 02722 All work shall comply with 780 CMR 5th Ed. (MGL Chap. 142) and any other applicable Mass. Laws or codes and plans on file. I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his authorized agent. Signature of Owner/Agent : -( Address: ***************************************************a*******a*******a Signature: /...!„.La.4„,- aZ aa_ _ Approved/Issued By: William A. Braga, cal Building Inspector COMMENTS: ORIBINAL 0 APPLICANT 0 ASSESSORS 0 CLERK 0 COPY PLAT 4,6 LOT a`21 TIME STAMP v SUBDIVISION NAME 41/I131u'e bent Y RECEIVED OWNER: 11. CORRcJA '°3 eI 3 J C KAN D TO: CONSERVATION COMMISSION :i;i;WbUTH UiLDING DEPT. BOARD OF HEALTH I have reviewed the proposed plan prepared by Btdtef "FIT-2 ers,eAtb ems dated, AP/if/13 for Ouded(iel TYPE OF PROJECT I find the following: 1. Zoning District 5,24 2 . Aquifer Zone A/n . uc ✓setrp t /440-0"a 3 3 . F. I.R.M. Zone C. 250051 00 MB dated 6- t83 . 4 . Other Overlay District 0l01- 0111, 5. Building Department Permits 0e required' arc not required. 6. ❑ variance is- eeitireti. ZBA ❑Special pefmi, (is not require 7 . \\\\ SUBM ITTED BY, DAVID J. SILVEIRA • BUILDING COMMISSIONER & / Q ZONING ENFORCEMENT OFFICER DATE: /7: S-/ 314 :_ _F Co (� rP , S L) £ Sv ia> �Ol)L�EiZs-i3puLAEi2.S t 4 -1 5-I LZ- 111.Z _ 5. SIX GC-W. 5 Le CL_ 5 !� � _ .f 5ApJ1D l'7-1 G L ` .I' 1 tt I' t We,ol 51ee1 Wire a ` — 1 . ` _ t • V Sao � % ,,—'���i� ; 'Q)o L } _ 1 �o .z TYPICAL SEPTIC TANK DETAILK= s Not to Scale IZot' A M E R I C A N PRE CAST or approved equ o •y Cs1L7 �zot o� O r1f �r �. 7 y3 TEST'TAKEN 3 f I J _ INSPECTOR- y �tv , 1\3 0 PE RC OL AT I OPT RATE 114.o u a... - �o,� - S o SEEPAGE �- }E N ;.1 LEDGE- I�b>�c 'ru'A T E R --Io -J:'1 C.) GROUND ID I I %. .. l T 4 10 DESIGN DATA3 SIGN FOROil . ��R• tU 9 r��, 11� - --�,��L�t� o ESTIMATED FLC'%, _ r� a 1� ram:cL /OlZ 20 ''a ( 115. flCALCULATIONS- _ ant ' X .-Z = 21 g . �� h.1�.1_.�I • �--.� Z. 4 yDISTRIBUTION BOX DETAILx C�� ITYPICAL t LEACH AREA I a--�'".. �� ,, .. Not o Scale - -- 30 o AMERICAN PRECAST or approved equal • GENERAL -z • " ' '•' • I.) This system is dr--� �- i f -� _ - _ . • • y .signed in accordance with the State Sanitary Code (Title 5) c7nd an cit or town modiflcotions. y - Y-- - - . . 1 2.) Engineer and Board of Health to inspect sewage disposal system before br y ac�sfilling. w 3) Elevations . based on �•-- �,�.: /��...:.: datum plane. -- tt 5.) Locus being �. 1 P7". 3two ..Rl • �..1 � •• - This Y ' 6.) s system ( is 'not) desi ned for garbage IW, • : �`� ..� L g g ge disposal. .�- 7. N • 4•j r iZ-- iii��� . " •a_ IF &ed PLAN LEGEND l'RX ti It'll PLASTIC PIPE (Tight htjoints) SEPTIC TANK z �- 4 C.I, PIPE (Tigl,-)t joints) d DISTRIBUTION B X Y o j'' - :o °: d:.o.'A:: •� P 4" PERFORATED PLASTIC PIPE TEST PIT a,a. AQ•q: s� EXISTING CONTOURS g.M '�- BENCH MARK -, • � ^.ram � , • _ '"`', TOP OF 11y _ 5� PROPOSED CONTOURS —w --- I�IATERk` i ll9.n PRECAST LEACHING CHAMBER ' RESERVE LEACH AREA 1�1.�' } FOUNDATION ��:�, �. � o DRA1N ;:LINE } _ , ' _ - 31993 L V • - 1 I (�,O .a• �. �. ..• ,. �... . ..,, ,,. , . FINISH GRADE Not to Scale f. I 5�C) VC_�! Q WELL 1 Z ON•D0 or approved equal - '= ��, �� ' �t AR : • o• o _ -. .• .•••... •, .,. B • 0. H. STAMP P �^'xSTA PSUBSUP,4FACE DISPOSA4 _0 Ca • s CLIENT • 1 1 Z . , o� GERALD `� } MICHAEL * ; - All ` FITZGERALD -{ ; C...h 1�... ' •' LEVEL © Q Q Q I Z No. 19309 O b,,o. I'0 40 t1 -� E EL A s, • Note: 1/4 per foot _y� C�, -� �o �G/S-rs ' P GALL 0 N CONCRETE" BASE �Fs �� ,'�t._. �\ v 5 •� � S�oNA>. �� L sloe min. SEPTIC TANK CLEAN CLAY FREE - i TLE�0(z���-T DISTRIBUTION BOXZL GRAVEL 4,�� C . ? � GERALD.'L , LEVEL STABLE 05.FIT C. LEAGN ►NG•1 ENGINEERING amp B . 0. H . N 0 TES P. L . -S. S TA [ P &A�N%'o 4-o TYPICAL PROFILE OF ---SEWAGE � �►. - a4 DISPOSAL SYSTEM SPECIFf,'GATIONIS f�of to Scole • Note: Clverdi limit (311all not) extend feet !ate o0i`-1 c�� �z;z off' t�l�.ul" \ Note: Discrepancies of soils or water table during construction •.1 outside leach area and excavated to must be reported to the engineer for inspection. CO NTACT T . GERALD M. FITZGERALD elevation and backfilled with coarse' �^ - Note. Any changes to this plan must be approved by the washed sand to elevation ...,-`'�.- ADDRES'S: I3 CHURCH STREET A OISET Board of Health and the Engineer TELEPHONE 758-3823 I A T T P T i- A. 7 77 ,� O t 7 3 9 - .a_._.._: .._....-- ..-. _..--••- -`__.. •.-.,......_._._tea-•__•-_._.. ..._..:.—.- ...-.—.._._s_..-_.«..-.ate .-.... r.,.... . - -.. _. y - !... .__.._.._....<-a—+—_.c...+.i_w-.ri.—.'r...: ..w _..._..a........ a./a.........a ._._. .. ..»_ -. ._... _..-. ..-.__... __...... r... _.. __.•....la.... .. ..__ _.. ._. i... r... ..r. r,. _..._.. _... .._-.. _»r r.. .. . .. _._-. .... .-.. .... I Is", _ t to y • I 13 } BOARD OF HEALTH INSPECTION REQUIRED VAVHEI;,.1 EXCAVATff a 46 � 7 � 1 • I V I X IALSET I` U,p cT- DThISS S�.e �s o t _ � e U Y �� dr­�,`Gz- Or Hig %kfatpr Use Devic ��r.then h S OIL 'LOG 77c— _ • — - , .,.— �• 4 O C 1 •1 13 O '"C. = t;1 S- = , I4 � ••3• 3 - I� - L I l 3 � In f TQ ►d „ 30u1.0ECZS �i3o�L�Et2.S 3(o v� r I 5' G c LE l� Sit. G L P- t! we-I&A steel wine - S1`,C> rJ C O l:L=t062 E C�t��uC L TYPICAL SEPTIC TANK DETAIL ...,, Not to Scale l?A L _ • rl = t03.4 I'Lo AMERICAN PRECAST or approved equal 1 op o �- oS TEST TA I4' �, ql-17A3 .ENFroo,�t>>��ra CL5V = - lop OF I ;d Lt;Us- 1\3,0 114.0 0' e 112 1 N ' 10 r. 8 Z zo 2 PICAL DISTRIBUTION BOX DETAIL Not to Scale AMERICAN PRECAST or approved equal -0000 GQusuED ST*Nc 1/ 0 -.0000, 1 ".4. / / o ,3 Dc INrJPECTQ hJ PERGOLA i IOR R,4TE- SEEPAGE• 1--.10 r..JL LEDGEM- GROUNID. ru,A T E R em 14-22-L3 DESIGN DATA. DESIGN FOR ESTIA.4ATED FL(Wv, - r �i7% , x i s (-�, CALCULATIONS at 1. 1.37 PLx t Sz G Z =: LEACH AREA AA7 - Q ►r�'L.•R_..: - _ - GENERAL NOTES E,� � � , -Z, - ,% 1.) This system is resigned in accordance vlith the State Sanitary Code ( Title 5) and any city or town modifications. 2.) Engineer and Board of Health to inspect selvage disposal system before )aafilling. •� 3.) Elevations based' on /�.,-,.���•�i datum plane 1-C, ,� 4) _ . 5.) Locus being L. V' 71 '02, Lvc U�.�• -�ti + �. �.�� 6.) This system ( is not designed for garbage disposal. y � 9_ 9 9 P 7.) 4 PLAN LEGEND o� 4 PLASTIC PIPE ((Tight joints) ' 1 hl " p i'R E�f; 113 11Z 12- / � a ' t Iz • • • ' �' . • : =-�-+++— " ' % ni< •- �. .. � 4 C . I• PIPE (Ttcght joints) 4 PERFORATED F LASTIC PIPE amp- s - `�•,: a•, : ;.a.: q EXISTING C 0 N T (D UR S T NMI* BE '0 N S 4`4xi U f yN.. 5� PROPOSED COf�s'TOURS '.p >.' s: ED WITHIOU IBOARD I rl PLAN . �_ .kT PRECAST LEACHING CHAMBERRESERVE LEACH,ENGINEERS AS -BUILT AREA TOP OF P � ly ��atr� 1­1 � �' �. V�RT������I ���� 0 [.:AL H APPROVALFOUNDATION �:�TItt TIT RID I �.� Not to Scale Q WELL - � •�FIw IS,o VC.- ELE V. - i i (v,0 ,4/ � �� %. r,,A,,,��„N1SH GRADETONDO or approved equal • .:: • nins n i y �/�� n. . � PP SEPTIC TANK EJ DISTRIBUTION BOX TEST PIT BENCH MARK-,,,� w WA T E R` L I N p D'RAIN_� LINE �12 - �07 2.5 ' • ° �•� 1000 LEVEL STABLE ' • Noie: 1/4 per : foot BASE - GALLON CONCRETE. •� slope min. CLEAN CLAY FREE GRAVEL . SEPTIC TANK DISTRIBUTION BOX 7 f , - ` �.: LEVEL STABLE ' v L EAG N I MCI (3E D TYPICAL PROFILE OFSEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM Not to Scale Note. Overdig limit (Stull not) . extend , feet Note: Discrepancies of soils or water table during construction 1 are a d excavated to . oulstde teach a n must be reported to the engineer for inspection. elevation and backfilled withcoarse • this lan must be approved b the washed sand to elevation N ode. Any changes to p pp Y . Board of Health and the Engineer. ' ... ., -. —.- -'._ ._. _ ..__..:w-_..-..-.-...___.a._._..��_._�....�:.r�_. -' -'�...a -.-. _- �I..c...�r--.....�..i.._�:raa.•v.. �..✓.+rr_.._..a.c ...rr.r.u� _, -... .-.: .:. ... ..:w1ua.:ura�aa�. vrYr_.�rr.r w..a. ._ti..._.v. _.. __v._..a..u.r.+w.•..a_ra...�.._r..�..... w...Lw�..-.c.__�-..� B.O. H. - STAMP P & AI P I sU t$(,JRFACE SEWAGE VftrPOSAL o F �o GERALD c MICHAEL APPi'tJOVED v FITZGERALDC/) 17- _ No. 19309 Q ONAL GLIERT e" /\0 0 Y FIRM TITLE: 1 10(z9f93 4� ��GERALD E GINEERING �7 C- 7- 16 �5, 9 ITL - B6,00HO NOTES P. L . S. STAMP 7 SPEC['= I GATI ONS SE THE �A DOES lt,i''f� �� E . I� E r E C T I V "S or pi,:�� GERALD M. FITZGERALD '¢ TA, L L ` gip° _ ADDRr=SS : 13 CHURCH' STREET j DART MOUTH Jr, .r 0-,.. h `c� MATTAPOtSETT ViA. ot739 TELEPHONE.* 758 - 3823 ,. t' F. .a` .r -- __. ._- -- .r -- ------ - - --,. _ __..---- .------ - -• - - - -- -- -• - -- -- - •'- -.. - _- -- -- - - --- - •- -_- -, - --- _ . - - _ - _- - -- - - --• - - --- - -'_ -- - -- -- - - -, .._ _. --- - - -- - _------- ----- -- - - -. - _ - _ _ - _ ... - _-- _ .. _ __ . �« - - - . - .. - , - . . . . . - - - . - - r . . j -_ - , - - i �e • 1 - . t_ . - __ �---_ _`__ +_L____ _-:_�,-__r.------` : - -: • -. _ _-::_ --- _:''_' ....._•-_� - fi . - . I . 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