BP-143 BUILDING oF, pm TT 1tinivth icfCfnat E; e ti„ kci-1.ks 9 39 9 I h ri.:c":747 1. t 40 '--91.4,; - ;.1.. o -1,17 Z:4(3 1.oningt 113, ped t ik-.;stied Oat t etik, Ur v tgi t en t-1, onqb.. f4c,:cy.2 s ( KJ:it % i',1;.!•at"e I; ' it 3EeEt-tt Opp W, Od e s, t3 t,lo,4--eh ea df: e r 110 :..!3/4--,34.E$5 - t r Pt?r ri n e ')=4.-6- ti LAC,erkSeZ U < .er Tco . t. Tiopc9r-Y. t Eamnerr: Otherz f Etssiacstl-t4, 4assat,=4‘. IttOsS.s..0t, st,. Pt'S'WIt ittSUnd Tol . Thc,j2writ,rticti2n ,C C9t,s C*Ca. P.!0Iq am y rh9c.% 3 b17,fir o 4; j.Xt t, ttia^ 4:“R S k.. 3 kfl -323i3.44ti; 31E, ,C 134,CS 'ccjar e Co;-4 t s k;',I;i1 jikkgiV, C.173 er lc: At_ EkE - . . of Pvc „ g pep -ittetett. Pdetre • . • t ?tit,kr, ft: atikt.tyt, t Fo _ _• nit i mp y th ?a" flci Ed_ UiCk. Ch=tp, kir E.:2rE:k- F nthtH- Lene .cod pions on fils,F.„ th6t the pr,Ipo:1,,ed o,.1.chor1. 7e0 Oy tfl,7 20s.',2r gr!C reec,rd Sil0 I h:',Ve 1e4n atIthhhi2e0 oahe 2:APP .1 kl,mkk h afi4;,1fl.k.,; kr1 t fcirjes‘t .jitici>;747 s '2, ‘Unal:W5@r, 6 3 A, Acif•12LAM F rts.-ysiy(1.50pf,,-..3 Ct.ERR re3P Plat (j L Lot ? -77 Address __ li._ a�_ics' s%__. Required approval Approvals received please (X) approvals Please (X) approvals and required for this project Initial as received DATE INITIALS Z.7 Zoning T- i7-9C Building Comm. 3-/7-is Board of Appeals Water Card Sewer Card ✓ Board of Health O'( A--a4_52 5 Bond Selectmen Conservation d Fire Chief - ,3 OK ?'- I?''S fldc Cross Connections Licensed Contractor Controlled Const. Affid. r/1 Other information required____ t___ t/ RECEIPT FOR PERMIT TOWN OF DARTMOUTH J OUTR. /e.�;II.. PERMIT O.fi a '1 No o -a= Date Received From ✓ �. -�-M , , � Owber /�' F- ( fi 4-4- cQ...i Location 42f i)ti,�-,}d--6--gs :4,�2�.c_�'� Type el Amount Paid C 26 Received By i1 _ 1 RECEIPT FOR PERMIT TOWN OF DARTMOUTH `fti PERMIT NO. t / No i-= r Date I - y , _/ :. P � /� Received From C, 4.4L ../ L.-<-4� C/ .e,-- . `-*�-'L- 4 Owner 44-A_..4�v//45...- Location Type i,,rX .t.c..o-4 vw`. j... (4__4- Amount Paid c:71"I (tIC c9-1'F Received By A,,. Y. > --5t-«e-a-, i Ldeti AL�i �y,,�yvvv w _r 6L"f'''':'f':, PERMIT NO. / / --) 67'' y �?`. ` °° „J; , TOWN OF DARTMOUTH DATE ISSUED /r- -9 h �`/ :� APPLICATION FOR TOTAL COST _5 r7-.), Z)� ���y j LESS APPLICATION FEE Its ea 5 BUILDING PERMIT FINAL PERMIT FE�a'�4'to 00 LOCATION OF BUILDING .. 01 Number & Street ca / - C ti/dam 01.1 Zoning District 54--I� 02 Cross Streets(between) /and lyp 03 Lota- 7g Plat 46 04 Subdivision . 9r/✓ii z Lot 0.202 6t4' OWNHIP COST O Private (individual, corporation, 36 Cost of Improvement a: y)G). -- non-profit institution, etc.) 36.1 To be installed but not 06 E Public (Federal, State, or local government) included in the above cost TYPE OA/F CONSTRUCTION 36.2 Electrical /OU 07 J'New Construction 36.3 Plumbing 5Ge ci 08 ❑ Addition -Type of Rooms) 36.4 HVAC */SGO 09 ❑ Alteration 36.5- Other - Specify 10 E. Foundation Only example: elevator 11 ❑ Demolition (#of units if residential) 37 TOTAL /G'G/, 006' 12 ❑ Moving (relocation) STRUCTURE STATISTICS 38 mod Frame 13 Number of Bedrooms 39 ❑ Masonry (wall bearing) 14 Number of Bathrooms (Total) �j 40 0 Structural Steel Full-Tub 20 41 ❑ Reinforced concrete 3/4 - Shower !G 42 0 Other- Specify 1/2 - Toilet Only / RESIDENTIAL-PROPOSED USE DIMENSIONS 15. e-Family 43 Number of stories es7 16 ❑ Two or more families 44 Total square feet of floor area, all floors, I _ r Number of units based on exterior dimensions ~ 17 aC;arage_N4c/P,- 18 ❑ Shed 45 Total land area, square feet 5'G / 19 0 Carport e. 20 ❑ Swimming Pool SEWAGE DISPOSAL In-Ground Above-Ground 21 odstove - Af""-- 46 ❑ Public or private company 22 ❑ Fireplace 47 ovate (septic tank, etc.) 23 ❑ Other - Specify WATER SUPPLY 48 0 Public or private company A NON-RESIDENTIAL - PROPOSED USE 49ivate, (well, cistern) • 24 0 Amusement, recreational PRINCIPAL TYPE OF HEATING FUEL 25 ❑ Church, other religious , 26 0 Industrial 50 0 Gas 27 0 Parking Garage 51 -. ®lt • 28 ❑ Service station, Repair garage 52 0 Electricity 29 ❑ Hospital, institutional 53 0 Coal 30 0 Office, bank, professional 54 0 Other - Specify 31 ❑ Public utility 32 ❑ School, library, other educational TYPE OF MECHANICAL 33 ❑ Stores, mercantile 55 Will there be central air conditioning? ❑Yes ---B-No 34 0 Tanks, towers 56 Will there be an elevator? ❑Yes €-No 35 0 Other- Specify PARKING PER ZONING BY-LAWS 57.-s-Enclosed __ 58 0 Outside 59 Does this building contain asbestos? E YES .VIVO If yes complete the following: Name & Address of Asbestos Removal Firm: IDENTIFICATION - To be completed by all applicants PLEASE PRINT `( 9. a z2>f.s/.irn'All 60 Owner (print) rDeb � e-- rno ^."-rniedA - 2-I dd,Y2/ yG/-G�3 -/9v�' E MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. 61 Signature I� DATE 7-1r Builder's 62 Contractor i nt �r^r -X/ /Alert/.29, <O//��.Q .?ra �e.97�b License Nor 7/Br LIl DDyy TELEPHONE NO. 63 ;Signature_ y / DATE rl")//75 64 Architect or Engineer (print) NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. 65 Signature DATE CERTIFICATION TO PERFORM WORK -47 / / �'/?/-vc/f.7rrn 66 l/We hereby appoint 2�-t �,v� i�:�/0rx l� ;7 /J2/.,/lo vi /,l// -- :7-1 NA E ADDRESS as my/our agent for the purpose of applying for and obtaining a building permit for the work to be done described in this application. Signature .�/icrs �ooa DATE U - �._ CJ--/"-- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 67 Has A-1 or Determination been issued by Conservation Commission? . 0 NO Submit copy of notification sent to DEQE and the State Dept. of Labor Industries and result of air sample analysis after asbestos removal is complete. 68 Owner or Agen ify under peril of the penalties of perjury that the information herein is accurate to the best of my know) • Signature d ✓ / /� -�= DATE /F-77/ 5 a ner or Agent 69 BOARD OF HEALTH REVIEW DATE Inspector or Autnorized Person COMMENTS: 70 DPW - WATER Service No. SEWER Service No. To be completed upon issuance of permit- (if applicable) 71 I will post p it and a` d ss oato be ble from tr et. Signature ei. ' — DATF5/��`� /per or Agent 72 I have receiv d list of requ.i sp ions 2 Signature " j(��" DATE���iCJ Own Agent ts 4 TOWN OF DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT •• TO: ///� (/ 1 _, f Board of Health ( Fire Chief Dist. 1, 2 e ICJ Conservation Comm. U DPW Engineering Selectmen-Licensing ❑ DPW Water/Sewer Board of Appeals Planning Board �j Collector ❑ Town Clerk Tax LJk-2-1-1 Police Department ❑ Cross Conn. /Water Div. The following is forwarded to your office for your information . only - no response is required. The Building Department is in receipt of an application for Plat // Lot o7- 79 , Address ,- f ire eA/s/vr' by / ��a-�/% n G����r � �j ‹.-9//G� CONTACT PERSON& HONE p to !/,tf49 , demo,..t. 4 aifer,occupy,d. a(n) ✓/iyie �.( z. j JThe plan was received by this office on 'I- 7 date This office will review said plans and subject to availability of potable water, where required, the provisions of Zoning By-law per MGL Chapter 40A and MSBC 780 CMR 5th Edition will have available to issue or will deny a permit for the above-mentioned work within 30 days of date of receipt. The applicant has been advised that your office as indicated above may require them to apply for licenses or permits subject to your jurisdiction and that they should contact your office, as indicated, for specific information. It is not necessary to respond to this notice unless there is a specific issue at hand or you wish to forward material or information required for permitting. When required, an Occupancy Permit will not be issued until all Town Agencies have had the opportunity to "sign off" that the work under their jurisdiction is, complete to their satisfaction. To The Applicant: Be advised that this notice will be sent to the Agencies checked above as they may have separate jurisdiction for your project. Any questions about the Agencies Regulations & Policy should be addressed to the individual Agency. Your signature only acknowledges your receipt of a copy of t notEic� gJAPPLICANT/TELEPHONE ��7 DATE '` `z COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DErmamarr OF INDUSIRIAi,ACCIDENTS 600 WASHINGTON STREET James :arnnnec BOSTON, MASsaUSti i5 02111 :Der sooner WORKERS' COMPS'ISATION INSUBAANCE AtfiLJAVIT (licenseeipermittee) with a principal place ofbusiness/resider¢ at: • • (Cry/Stre/Zip) do hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that am an employer providing the following workers' compensation coverage for my employees working on Job. d/-/Jfi9f 7`l/1-?/ k7L-`�, ?/c r- / 9 j Insurance Company Policy Number ( J I am a sole proprietor and have no one working for me_ J I am a sole proprietor, general contractor or homeowner(circle one) and have hired the cones=rs listed who have the following workers' compen Lion incnr_nQ Plitt Name of Cntraaor Insurance Company/Policy Number fie/-3/n7 -oJ,7 y/%CCI- ��� Name of Cont..—acor Insurance Company/Policy Number Name of Contncor Insurance Company/Polic: Number 0 I am a homeowner pe.:or.zing all the work myself. Nol tc Plesse be aware that while homeowner wino emSdoypersons to do tnw:......wet¢,eoastrwaion or repair work c dwelling of not more than three units in whim the homeowner also recede or on the grounds appnrteaaat thereto are pat goer.. considered to be employers wader the Workers' Compensation Act(Gt. C. 152.sea. 1(5)),appiiatioa by a homeowner fnr a lic or permit may evidence the legal rams of an esaplayer under the Warier/ Cozeopeusation Att. I understand that a copy of this satemeat will he forwarded to the t of Department IndamialAtsrirati Ofst¢pfIasursac for cove verification and that failure to sea re coverage as recuired under Sean 25A ofMC, .15Z as Ind to the imposition of co.^inai pc consisting of a fine of up to S1500.00 and/or imprisonment of up to are year and civil penaisirs in the form of:Stop Work Order fine of 5100.00 a day against me. > �//��ff`/ ��icneti:±it _ ��� day of ��`"Y.df� TOWN OF DARTMOUTH REQUEST FOR ASSIGNMENT OF HOUSE NUMBER Goner(s) of Property ✓r - ‘ Z e r Present Address /3,_ /.1477 /t• A,/j�,,a /0o4( GJ,d 3">J Telephone Number ,/-� _ /4 ff House Location: Plat 66 Lot c9 - 29 Subdivision f��i,A✓ ,„42- Lot , Corner Lot ? Yes No ><, Street / ‘31 Single Family_ Multi Family Condominium # of Units Site Plan Submitted ? Yes ix No Date Submitted S- ignat eGdf Owner House Number Assigned #Z J CyoL77F,n/cf� 222. Date Assigned a- 9 . 9S Date Assessors Notified 6- 9 ,Ss- Date Building Dept. Notified fl _9. gJ Date Owner Notified Sap, iNi:e.udant, Department Public Works THE COLLECWIrS OFFICE 11 3 `oil DATE: O /S TO: BUILDING DEPARTMENT FROM: COT.T.ECTOR'S OFFICE RE: PAYMENT OF PAST DUE TAXES PLEASE BE ADVISED HAT ON THIS 0/1/4-5- THE TAXES FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON PARCEL HAVE BEEN PAID. THE PE IT WHICH HAS BEEN REQUESTED MAY BE ISSUED. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS P u' CALL. cc:DEBORAH L. PIVA TOWN COLLECTOR . TOWN OF DARTMOUTH a-e7'AZL � � TOr Board of Health III ING DEPARTMENT (�� Fire Chief Dist. 1, 2� �I Conservation Comm. DPW Engineering . ❑ Selectmen-Licensing DPW Water/Sewer ❑ Board of AppealsPlanning Board ❑ Town Clerk Tax Collector C� --s-1-1 Police Department 0 Cross Conn./Water Div. The following is forwarded to your office for your information only - no response is required. The Building Department is in receipt_ of an application for Plat // Lot f�� �' 2� , Address by �� ���� L C ^P ON acTIIF3HONEY/ t0 / T --. ri IS . X4r / a4e,, °�' _ . ?her' P,,et The plan was received by this office on 2 of poThise office will where review required,plansand subject to availability per MGL Chapter 40A and MSBC - 780 R provisions Zoning By-law ve available to issue or will denya permit forth Editionebwill above-mentioned work within 30 days of date of ecit. the above-mentioned The applicant has been advised that your office as indicated above may require them to apply for licenses or permits subject to your jurisdiction and that they should contact your office, as indicated, for specific information. It is not necessary to respond to this notice unless there is a specific issue at hand or you wish to forward material or information required for permitting. When required, an Occupancy Permit will not be issued until all Town Agencies have had the opportunity to "sign off" that the work under complete to their satisfaction. their jurisdiction is To The Applicant: Be advised that this notice will be sent to the Agencies checked above as they may have separate jurisdiction for your project. Any questions about the Agencies Regulations & Policy should be addressed to the individual Agency. l�aYour signature only acknowledges your receipt of a copy of oticl��` , APPLIC a.\T TELEPHO\'E DATE b . „ .T PLA ,....,.._,. . . , •,.. .. , . _ A /d/ A ------------------ ilk. N. _s.a., iscrarC 40 -9 a S N ' : AO atCi% h.F4 . 4 LOT 13 � -. . ' •g4e.e. , � -.X."' ' ! , # J j i s , , ', . . 4 V P,Sp� t z E. ti D2ty� . �� . ' k 01 .51 U Q\ -1 A 01- Jt rz # f "s J71 _j (Y) 11 C4 7 CL. I? 3RIC14- H!5ARTH +� i t�- I?n- _,�_ __ U UP Y, A, ......................... 4 At 40 -7 L A rMt NJ la lvn lima R rzo, 01PP and floor shall be hru rated Walls a the .j.jons t :,ventin c 6 e ted F material OpaLble ot pre bl. PC gasses When- SU 3"-I'lamesand hot "I nts of the Test Stan equirenle vj 10,- r Stops AST 14.0 -;,,r f:ire - � �. ��11� 5u�e� to. thez "Subditted 6 to ca)yMC, or Dept 0 prior 0 ^ on Or 0 seti 8.�ei®� her COnstm any f 0 (Y I L L ICU UP! GIr D TE C I U"i I , LL z S-:evel i0t'Nt 0r QAt;iMQUeCm FP), k Copy Of This Endorsed Plan Must Be Kept On Site 11 During Construction Date ���%�`.+f 4-T 7� -=:- 617 A 7. 5 7 20W IT 8 1<7 71 7V _j ItiG *4, Ns OUR jj�ojtjG rn v 13UV THIS IN pROG WotiILK — 10 V C L e- C_ T Lj ­77 1 70 :> POILL newt, C`4 ZZ- o 7 AI. LD F-I M C H NOW 1� - 1O I - 0 F3 A ME i a to Copy Of This Endorsed A Prior to Cald:.T for Dept - Plan Must Be Kept On Site t-jon or a f During Construction oundat ny further constructi ----- -- -Date 0 T 0, P. P E H G F FG-13 /'f O j% _\\\ jz I s F 10� P 11 A "0741, A P, L 14 JL Z 13u*11t. Su"vey r An AS R DON CY r V, U llj� _ _ _ _--- _ --- _-- - � e � _ - - -. _-__------- -- --- � - - _ _ � ----_- ---- - �__ : _ . _ . _ - _ - - -- _ _-_- _- _ __ - o0 'v 0044 rate eale toy tie xequirernants-o the toW- A 1177 --fi�..�_.� St � � � � � � : ______�__-: _ =-_ _y -_ _ _ = _� :� _�:_� _ _ ���- _- __ � Te � 1 � �a--- _ ._ . __._. _ _ 61 7 __ -A • 1P 04 8 _W"q RG 11SIC DEPARTMW Tr - TOWIn gr� Rpx'sor,", Ivalp MR W prop _ I shnxlt Penetrations thru _ d and loom Co2ble-.of _pn: s d -with -a- -matwenthperta --cf- L Jjjo-T_ps�ses'_w1)on s., ubjagt-646 FALae-of flames -an( --- for Fire S 1 Mw jf yUuRUKAVVII-�G MU61 -.- THE BUILDING DURING F S WORK. THI gr� Rpx'sor,", Ivalp MR W prop _ I shnxlt Penetrations thru _ d and loom Co2ble-.of _pn: s d -with -a- -matwenthperta --cf- L Jjjo-T_ps�ses'_w1)on s., ubjagt-646 FALae-of flames -an( --- for Fire S 1 Mw jf yUuRUKAVVII-�G MU61 -.- THE BUILDING DURING F S WORK. THI A. .......... lLA 0 Q) o �y Y /21 KEY P1 7-C P R, L UP ------------------ "YUUR DRAWING MU61 LJL,r\tei AT THE BUILDING DURING THE P-- THIS =ua m - 77 D7;p Town o Dnytm=1k i �j�`��'tr�� n thru rated Walls and floo �hcIltbt-, c0dod w1th a material capable of prevent -In., the pcae,ontan of tic�r ond hot gasso-%n, whenrmb,�c,,�Z,,4,cl tc tho requiremonints;of the Test Standard t for Fire Stops STh4-Ec8j A,o �z F 2 Y 8 'RA FTFIZ6 94OV,; &Wl y, o f 2.7- G *-rri^vr, - -- --- T- lit 7Eco L.0 ry COPY Of This. ���IorSP-d re 4— � -' - �3 000 Be Kept On Stye I �z , Plan Mustor�;-L-- During Construdion 77/jq oft aloft Date ...... eor BUILDING PERMIT FILE COP FIELD INSPECTION Dartmouth Building Department Plat: 66 400 Slocum Road-P.O. Box 9399 Lot(s) : 2-79 North Dartmouth, MA 02747 Lot Size: 40, 951 Telephone 508-999-0720 Zone Dist. : SRB Issued Date: 08/22/95 Permit No. : 143 Project Location: 21 Goldfinch Drive Number Street Subdivision Name: Songbird Acres ( lot 22) rum 7 ? Nearest Cross Street: + L,JUL U Applicant/Agent: Robert W. Mullins Contact Person Phone #: (502) -946-9118 Proposed Use: Residential Residential, Commercial, Industrial,etc. Permit Issued To: New Construction Type of Improvement,Add,Alter,New Coast.,Demo,Land/Move,etc. One-Fami-ly Dwelli-nc _3-=bedrooms -2_-1-bat-ha/---garage-/--woedst-a-re%sepbi-c— system/ well/ oil heat/2912 sq. ft. indicate no. of bedrooms and bathrooms and other rooms Owner(s) of Record: Doug & Deb Jones Address: 2694B East Main Road, Portsmouth, RI 02871 DATE TIME TYPE/ OF INSPECTIONJ r REMARKS ! `INITIAL �/S-93- /04/6-v /sir ALP./ L -. 0'k Ate- 9- .5. /0 3D oft" 4a < 9- ICJ-9c .33a12 �� �L . , F�k 114 /47-,�- -TS //30 IArn /Le� �1 t.,. t 4r r. u• 0 At 114` /9-6-93 // ,gym a or e-...t.._ /d'A Q,— /0 ee r/ "`� f�' J . ec- '� /�9t 9SIM eOe,.M *W' 1 n. I�{'' rat BUILDING PERMIT Dartmouth Building Department Plat : 66 400 Slocum Road-P. O. Box 9399 Lot (s) : 2-79 North Dartmouth, MA 02747 Lot Size:40, 951 Telephone 508-999-0720 Zoning Dist. : SRB August 18, 1995 (typed) Permit No. : /474-3 Issued Date: S-- c�-/9,— Clerk: soh Project Location: 21 Goldfinch Drive Nmaber Subdivision Name: Songbird Acres (Lot 22) Nearest Cross Street : Applicant/Agent : Robert W. Mullins Address : 8 Wareham Street. Middleboro, MA 02346 Contact Person Phone #: (508) -946-9118 Type of License: Owner: ( ) Const. Superv. License #: (057185) Architect : ( ) Engineer: ( ) Other: ( Proposed Use: Residential Residential. Commercial. Industrial. etc. Permit Issued To: New Construction -. .-. .. - _ Type of laarevedent. Now—co it.."Dofa._LNMlwfv. etc:.. New One-Family Dwelling/ 3 bedrooms/ 21`2 bathrooms/ narage/ woodstove/ septic system/ well / oil heat indicate no. of bedrooms and bathrooms and ether rooms Gross Area of Const. : 2912 sq. ft. Cost of Const. $100,000. 00 Cost-Other Const. : TOTAL FEE: f 321. 00 Owner(s) of Record: Doug & Deb Jones Address : 2694B East Main Road. Portsmouth. RI 02871 All work shall comply with 780 CMR 5th Ed. (MGL Chap. 142) and any other applicable Mass. Laws or codes and plans p s on file. I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and I have been auk °� ize y>>th� er to make this application as his authorize a e / Signature of Owner/Agent : f� Address: *.9**et�t*�r�r........ . �r**ly***:rs**jib* � ..........................* Signature: Approved/Issued By7 oel S. Reed, Local uilding Inspector COMM NTS: QY ORIGINAL 0 APPLICANT 0 ASSESSORS 0 CLERK 0 COPY OCCUPANCY PERMIT DOUG & DEB JONES NEW DWELLING r , a,` .r' ,.' ": a^ a_...ems.; ._,` ; + y ..» �' �' ;O i ccupancy s hereby granted forthe premises 1 located at 21 GOLDFINCH DRIVE Assessors Plat 066 Lot 2-79. r . 4A f a , The premise:has been found to�meet the reguirennents�.of the Massachusetts State Building Code In effect as ul thy dat of"permirissue-and other applicable Massachusetts Codes and regulations as evidenced by approvals affixed'too the reverse of this permit. a The use is further found to be in complialiee i ill "the tocal.";,,Zoning By-Laws for use as indicated, as of this date of issue i This permit is further condition d o -copt�mu ed „am""intenance of permitted conditions as provided by law. , L 4— , • ZONING DISTRICT-SINGLE RESIDENCE-DISTRICT g ,, ,APPROVED USE itESIDE TT41 "SP,ECIAL``PERMiTIANCE VA � ):."s..3 art 3 Approved b David J. Silveira Building Commissioner c & Zoning Enforcement Officer DATE OF ISSUE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY - DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL To be signed by each division indicating compliance on final inspection. BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS PER 780CMR 119.5: USE GROUP CLASSIFICATION (R3) TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION (5B) MAXIMUM LIVE LOAD FLOORS 30# living space SPECIAL CONDITIONS -- (per sq. ft.) 401E bedrooms BUILDING PERM NO. 143 A roved b Date PP y = - - str- Comment PLUMBING // PERMIT NO. Sc!8 Approved by 1'F. Date /a-4i'9'r Comment GAS / C / PERMIT �v7 Approved e /by J� Date 5-�-57 Comment �Q ELECTRICAL ` C" ' " PERMIT NO. \Z34-`� Approved by pa.. Date *c- t 99 7- Comment FIRE O' 3 PERMIT NO. _ Approved by 074>c 4%C,Kg---70-eee Date is- /a - s- - Comment BOARD OF HEALTH n PERMIT NO. Approved by A Date /az c29 9 Comment DPW-WATER PERMIT NO. Approved by N/A Date Comment DPW-SEWER PERMIT NO. Approved by N/A Date Comment WATER DIVISION-CROSS CONNECTION JOB NO. Approved by N/A Date Comment E - 911 COO INATOR ADDRESS NO.021 Approved by�Zi 64-44o2n 44 Date // /S Comment PLANNING DIRECTOR (Offsneet Pas Plan) Approved by N/A Date Comment TO: /l( CURRENT MESSAGES IDATE r MESSAGE ern_ 71 _ f° _ Cep SEP 2 5 1995 FILE COPY Cherryfield Dev. Corp" 8 Wareham Street Middleboro, Ma. 02346 (508) 946-9118 Dartmouth Building Dept" 400 Slocum Road P. D. Box 9399 N. Dartmouth, Ma" 02747 Attn: Joel S. Reed Dec. 28, 1995 RE: #21 Goldfinch Drive Exterior Stair Footings Dear Mr. Reed, I do hereby acknowledge my awareness of the fact that only a temporary footing has been put in place at this time, due to the existing frost conditions" I assume responsibility for installation of the proper footings as soon as the weather permits, with an outside date of April 15, 1996" Thank you for your help in this matter Respectfully, TOWN OF�� DIA6 RWMOUUH Robert W. Mullins U���0�V��� ��� �N0 �������� ����� A COPY Of This Sibumned A b even i iga/wena 6V F / 9.) 400 Slocum Road • P.O. Box 9399 North Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02747 CONSERVATION COMMISSION A-1 SITE INSPECTION FORM (508)999.0722 .ale �. 14MAPS 10)19fro Name of Person Making Request Date 124 ‘444ItartA a. Ste na Deost I oc ?..A . Address of Applicant Stree Location of � - Q Property r 1 eyet4 I Me n140 -MSC Li 2,- City\Town, State , Zip Plat and Lot Number 9i4 'CIS 1 4114r366¢ ►ctn4cal dweltc4c ti Telephone ( Day „ Evening ) Proposed Use of Land ( Dwell in , Ad ition etc . ) e. �iclnar4 (A 'cLwc ake- 6leTru ' - I;. A r.�% Owner Name Signature/of brner or Owners resentative 124. KaAkierN Gs. ,d) 477 ..A/ Ada s- cc _ 1 i µik 0�146 'S� CA Signature of Applicant N LOCATLON PROPERTY : Please attach a site plan . If a site plan is not available, a hand drawn map showing the exact location and size of property to be inspected is acceptable . The map shall include the following information : street name , house number on abutting lots, property bound locations, and any natural or man-made features which will allow the inspector to find the site . Use the space provided below to draw a map or attach an extra sheet . Property boundaries should be clearly marked in the field prior to requesting site ,inspection . 1d3Q 9P1 umn }11flO 1 'U' 00 6 Ui OZ p i',, ilo . l.VpeZAVH11Vp I.VCAR1JA1vL. 1l. .. .... .....a.r.+ .-..... ....--.-.-..-._- Wetlands exist on (North, South, East, West) of site. Edge of wetland has been marked on site by Inspector. Flag numbers - Any activity (clearing, digging, removal of vegetation, etc. ) in a wetland - or within 100 feet of a wetland requires a permit from the conservation commission. No work shall begin until permit is received. _ A Notice of Intent should be filed with the Conservation Commission before any work begins on site. A.Reauest for Determination should be filed with the.GonservatioF Comd+i)ssiop. - before any work begins on site. ✓No wetlands or other areas subject to the jurisdiction of the Conservation - commission exist on•site or within 100 feet of site. No forms need to be -filed with the. conservation Commission. ' + . _ A survey plan of the wetland delineation should be submitted to the Conservation commission office. • other Comments: +_ - + - - " • • • . • . . Note: The A-1 Site Inspection is a procedure outlined in the Dartmouth Wetlands Protection Bylaw. It is a service available for the purpose of identifying , wetland areas on a site. The issuance of this completed Site •Insppc'tion a final determination of wetland boundaries or their jurisdictional status under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (MCL; Ch.• 131 1,40, . or the Dartmouth wetlands Protection Bylaw. only the issuance of a Determination of Applicability or order of conditions by. the conservation commission finalizes the determination of wetland boundaries and\or their jurisdictional status under these Laws. The completion of this Site Inspection is not an authorization to proceed with work. This site inspection expires three (3) years from the date of issuance (shown below) . All filing forms are available in the conservation Commission office, room 107 at the Dartmouth Town Hall, 400 Slocum Rd. from 9AM - 4PM Mondays and 8:45AM - 4:30PM Tuesday through Friday. Site Inspection Fees: 1-5 Acres $50.00; 5-10 Acres $75.00; 10-100 Acres $200.00; Above 100 acres $400.00 The conservation Inspector will flag the wetland edge for sites from 1-5 acres only. The Conservation commission reserves the right to refuse to perform a site inspection on areas less than 5 acres where abnormal site conditions would require an excessive amount of time be spent by the conservation Inspector in making a determination of the wetland areas present. Sites over 5 acres must be flagged by a wetland scientist, botanist or other qualified person prior to submitting of site inspection. The Conservation Inspector will then review the flagging in the field and make adjustments where necessary. The conservation commission may require proof of the qualifications of the person performing the delineation on sites larger than 5 acres. CC - lam(— °tY Date of Issuance Conservation fice ( Rev. 9-1-94 MJO) 0 i P. Ps Ts's?' r N ! ! flhth c t1 � Sc- d = n CNZ Oc4 s ' 4 -k ct,Y_ - ➢ D --k Q _r-z. v1 L O A is 6]' s � zRD121r � -� tf A • c•la• %_ t. m � �j Z4 p : O ° i22ay ps tr eft.: Z. 2 f 0 C m CC n 0- U �J ^ a N gym~ ,} A N ,a Sr, 3m z m z. o ' t (� I $ E .ten m m a n 'o .. o A i 2 1.& E m o n i m o - 1 a.:i�C ("la,h1i = : t7.) ° bd-Ao i U, �/ \ `,6v -S 7 Z Z6q.6, 18sa 6± Q O Q 3i3.0e• /U-4/3-II "e *1/4-N Q 0 I I .- .. � . _- . : , � � ,,­1I_-� 0- ,,. _ - ,-.": ,1 .�I', -.i ,Im. ,-, �_1, ,. .1 ,. ,, ,:'._, 1- �. ,'�. 1­ _"�,4 I,.�'.4-, .." "­..7'�,I ...:. ,.�. %.'.. �,.�-'�I ,, �-II . '� PticRe t t `a 't"o �oIL Q tl Q �: ,�:`�', . -.� `. , - , ,� �,-, ,, 3 I�,� w�. ­' ,�I *I.,,I I�­ ", :,.I 'I.- .,- ',1... '* I�..-.­,I- !,1_.,-.1 .,1!-_.,1 �__:. O :y t f� .. l to . t. Sc.� t t .. ]I , - i l 0 , I. .. .. , �,. ,. ­ �. 'I, 1,:. . ,I_ .'. , ., ,-1. . 11, � ',� ._1., _. ,, ,. ' ', .....%1:.._ �.�1, ,-�., .! ,� �. .� 1 ,..1- ..-.. I1, _1' ' 4.� G - G - O . 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Lp 0t . -1 2 `� TEST PIT - . _ . ;ZonIn . -Dist *4 ct : f _ •-= f 1 0 0 . 0 .. - . . - SEPTIC TANK � . . .. . I. . A uif c= .Dist . .� rict. ;t�.� /A . . .. q . - - - L2 t�, _ . (� L - . nISTR18UTION BOX � .. ... � � -- . r,LL _- e--1 --"V - --- . _ I . . . . . , .. - . -. ; . ; i . . 0 4' SCREENED 1fE COPTIONAL) ► 3' MINIMUM --J I r i � . w _,,, V . r . CULTEG CONTACTOP,.... CHAMBER SYSTEMS . MODEL: 75. R125 �180 I * 330 DIMENSIONS L 85" 85" 90" 90" W 27" 28" 36" 52" . H 12" .18" 20.5" 30.5" h 6" 11.5" 14" 24 . CAPACITY (gallons) 75 112 170 .400 *ALLOWANCE WITH 30. OF STONE COVER OVER CHAMBERS %., C- , C_; ..I . cr r-1 ..~Z7 7D C'.21 r..;_; iI . ," 7 ., -___ ,` . ,• ► =7 . r '`--j { c . (.*."`� . - . I r . r . . I .. I . ... . I . I . - . . r .1 . - . . : .. . . . . . I ­ I r , . . . - . I . I I I r .1 . . I . I . 11 .. r. . r. I , . . 7 . 1. 11 . . G f: N E'PN--..s A L * _N 0 T E, 5 . .. - - . . . . . I I . . - I . . I . . . I . . I I . I 1. . . . 1) . THI5 -SYSTEM SHALL BE INSPECTED WHEN LEACHING AREA 15 FULLN'" EXCAVATED .I . . I . . I . . I . I . AND WHEN ALL COMPONENTS ARE IN PLACE. WHEN THE SYSTEM I a READY FOR INSPECTION. . THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. . . - 2) WA SHED . GRU SHED ST ONE SMALL BE FREE OF ALL DIRT. DU ST ' ANi f FINES. . 3) ALL ELEVATIONS ARE I BA5ED . ON 'M.,IV.1, ELEVATION DATUM. _r ­._. ­.(r �­. , r.. . c_- >k: \ L-�. II -) .. -. r-- I II-, 1-. .. -..-..Ia-.:.. .: -'.--::-..I: I . .. _-I ..I--:-. *%._I :...:........... �., v- - - DE SIGN DATA L� Mus PLAN l 4� f-fiEAVY EQUIPMENT SHALL NOT- BE ALLOWED TO OPE AT O. F LIMITS OF THE -_-.. -:.1:......1.1... .II-. 1. .. --: :.:-:.:...e::..:(...* :.::.- :*::._-*:::.:-.:.1*::_::"*:::-....-'::..-.-..*-%, :::-r :.*...':I..:..I...:-,, ..._*..::_.Y:..:--_.:....O-.::.:.*.:-.:1--....**,..-::I..*..-*.::*.-...-*.-.:..*._-_".: .-.....*,.-::..*:-%-.. - ... _1 .%,,-1 -- - -I1%#.If01e_I c.1a0rr = x22.50 . I . .1I 1 D r eI I. , L11A V.. I ,-' . . '. . #11I 0 ... I It 7 . . . . .. I I . . .. . I . . . .r . .. I I . o _ t - d- l loty R E VER Trr OF THE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM DURING THE GOURE._ of Coi�STRUGTION OF THE '.• SYSTEMS. ::;:.::�: .:. r I. r I . .1, . . I r . ..• •.••:•:: •' • • :':': •: �a �21 DESIGN PERG RATE i• IN :: •'•. ' 5) NO FIELD MODIFIGATION5� � TO THE SEWAGE DISPOSA '._L BE M «* . .. L SYSTEM SHA ADE WITH OUT ••••••.••• • ' • •'• • • M•• •• , J� to'� �' �.•.. .� •. ►� I DESIGN FLOW= BEDROOMS x 110 GPD/BD = ��C� '1 fin. D. . I I. I . I . � �tkC0joll ; �00• M GPD REQUIRED C�&f2�PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER AND THE LOCAL BOA�•D OF HEALTH. •.•. ....•.•.. ...•....• .I I . . . . '. _ r• ..; ' :.:.•.•.. :�.; { •. •. 1 •• SYSTEM DESIGN= USE GULTEG GONTACTO . I. I I .. ...11 . I I I'7 . Ir . . . . ' . . . 0- .. -cP �.;M�To - R MODEL I� . 12P �X�.%jKV10 G) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL SYSTEM G OMP ONENT S SHALL : BE ",! STALLED IN . . le �� �``�� - I ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE V OF THE ST ND ANY . ALL UNITS WITH 4 OF GRU SHED STONE ATE ENVIRONMENTAL GODS ..• I APPLICABLE LOCAL REGULATIONS. ..• :•.•..• .. two . . ...•.•.•..,....• - . ,........:;, :.:.:::•. �� SIDEWALL= �j'�,. L ONG x O. �1 Io DEEP X 2 SIDE S X t • op G/ SF' - d'i • �GPD A. ROTONDO -�- •..-1 �.•:•:IV �_ _. �. , � 7) SEPTIG TANK. DISTRIBUTION BOX. ETC. SHA 501�5 LL BE MANUFACTURED 8 . . . -.1 1. .%/ I. ./.,, -.._..11 _. .0_._r -. I6 - _. _I. r. I . . r . . I ­ . - I . t�P-i G \\` -% BOTTOM: ,�j LONG . x to.", WIDE x o. �� G/SF - 4 GPD OR APPROVED EQ ' u<.1 , . �Z Z��• UAL.- 1-0, . I . % & I . I . I . . . ..I . r � I . m I - I - I . .1. ''.. . . - .1. 601 . -.,. urL J_KVVjL)r ' .11 1. 1. _�r.',__:., _. .., i�a � ,: Tel .s syst ....1.. 2s :dnJlgned s .ng ..ono s q� ALL SI�IPLAP JOINTS IN T�tB SEPTIC TANK SMALL BE SEALED WITH NZOPRENE GASKETS . Ica _o is ''detaiI 'd i.n -Sec : � 3 le its e V S at 7sr 0 G q MA&ZV... R A SPHAL T CEMENT . . Ga.-r�u g�.s�tJ STa,. }�Z q�V �Tiron p ta1 `Ood . .off ,1�77, ,n Si ing ,.$ . . .� . I I ­� . - � . . . II I �- . . . I I ..I. I . I ..� I I . .. . ,,. � 1,r � I. I� j- I . ,ttxw .. ��,. � a - sus te . _rye use r I the . , . . -- . 10� EXCAV �,¢ . . . . in co rison .:to - spcif ica� ores de ailed �n ATE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL IN LEACHING AREA AND BAGKF:LL WI T�t GLEAN FINISH GRADE Sit 1 2!� 2 Title t� S�-� �.e �� ' ?-o �:�:�ta1• Cedes � GRAVEL AND C OAR SE SAND. 15. l,G 1 l OVER TANK = 17.,0 rzn�ed a � s priv. ege I o � phis 10t is � � I . I � I • FINISH GRADE I - - . . r'! r1" _ , h = t' li~d _r a grandfathering clause . ,S d . i n �, : ARRnWS �ra�pFn nN „nt,Tc 11� THIS SYSTEM IS NOT DESIGNED FOR A GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNIT. i . .. , . � . I - . . . r I . .1 � r . . � I . r � . . i . .� . - . . . - . . I . I . r . - I . . . ).. . I . .I,,'. I . . I lsi t.0 ., ,P&1ZTm0L)wC 0 11 T'. 12 - 4-:210tacm e- 11;��o - , � % �. -..��, � . . . _,,.,� . .B. D. H. STAMP' '� � . • P. E. STAMP . ,� C*JENT: - r P �u�� �` ()F � � �� �l ... . . A "?�verLoFmerl - ' � f .! b . . 1. t \\% r . 0 �� � '4 . ,�'- I ,, 51/ 1 1 - I. I . � I. - e.�I. ..'°�•' �a---­, " I-. '­--,�:i1�­l.111.1- ..-'' 1I". I _,-' -A.-. 1�-��_,_-.,. I,_,-�,_ _,_. 'Z.o _ ,:­.­. s_,,, ,e- .-" 4.4.I I !. .,", .-, � SUBSUPNFAGE . I. SEWAGE. I . I. r _. _� _I I.. . _. I_ . .--7.� , .- ! y `a,.,� DISPOSAL 5YS I 1It,. �� r1 . , . . - �* I r 1. . �- I -I--`-� t -Iv-, . ..._­7,!I__­�",,.,14 . � I I� a w'� t- 4 -- - r d T M ♦t r I I . . ,'.�. .1. . . .I .�� �. . 11 .I .. �_ .. � . ti' I , . B. 0. H. NOTES `' _„ +N C . P L S SVAMP CE TA T• a.e .& i.eve,gc_ A"- -� :i �, 1Ker P.o�e 1 C50a) -M-2= V ,S. ;1 , v rAx =00 4"a-"54 I . � f � ( . - I I I Ctvr wd EnvIrom-nta3 Eng!nearMg . . .. Len-- Use f =hg .. . � ���Da-vi_4 lam . D�' ?'.�': • t 2• a DEG. 1\io. .I I . r I . - I . .. r..� . �� . � � r.. . . I c,�I . . � ; Io/ -.I, 26.o - _ _ _ - - ��. i i ice. .. _'a/'' yam,. - . .e - - - L1 . . , �; .?,�� . , ' .� ,, . .� �: f ._ � . ,I. -II . lz, I-.. . .. -'rr - .11I .I I -.� � I�. r ­.� I II I ._r . .. i.,. / • r .. -�- _,.e�, .� . . ..r DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPT b 97 31 ZONING REVIEW TO: ENGINEER PLANNING DEPARTMENT !15 LeF FILE/NOTEBOOK BOARD OF HEALTH o, CONSERVATION COMMISSION *********************************************************** **************"**** PLAT (o 6 LOT o2 - 79 STREET NAME.. �/J✓C, Rl/2.4 e_ OWNER'S NAME UBDIVISION & LOT v CONTACT PERSON R TELEPHONE # q'9 f a7/� DESIGN PROFESSIONAL AGENCY SAG T 1 ,57PPLAN WAS PREPARED BY A _ SANITARIAN _ LAND SURVEYOR ✓PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER (INDICATE CIVIL, STRUCTURAL OR ARCHITECTURAL _ OTHER CHECK APPROPRIATE ANSWER WHERE PROVIDED. CROSS OUT INAPPROPRIATE ANSWER After revi w of thite la or the abov�r calOn I f p j the fo wing: 1. Zoning DistrictseieVacant Lot yes _ no Date of Lot Creation (- Q9c/ Zoning District appropriate )C Yes _ No 2. Street _ Existing, _ Public, _ Private, _ Ancient Way "paper" has ihem Bonde yes _ no Street` / complies 7 Yes _ No 3. Frontage i 5O Lot Area YD 7I1 complies Ryes _ no ` complies (yes _ no Percentage of Lot Coverage tO % maximum allowed. See # S. 4. Current required setbacks for this site are 60 Front -26 other sides. "Grandfathered" setbacks (are) (artcnot) allowed, for vacant lot only, at . front, 2psides and 2-0 rear, per 199(Zoning for Main Use. Exempt setbacks existing _ yes ?Coo Exempt setbacks will exist due to "Grandfather" Rights _ yes no 5. Off-Street Parking Driveway complies _"-yes _ no complies yes _ no 6. Cellar Slab elevations _ N/Aquired complies \yes _ no Height of foundation from bottom of footing to top of wall or it Varies from to (over) 7. Accessory Structures) indicated 4 yes _ no. Setbacks comply _ yes _ no- ..... ii 8. Aquifer Zone 1\`/. _4__--2 3C'Maximum impervious cover ' ea. y 9. F.I.R.M. Zone CI elev - Panel # 250051 00 ( date t' 1' ? 3 Comment 10. Other Overlay District 1-1 f/ Comment ((( 11. Zoning Board of Appeals action of required — is required for the \Vas ,ranted - Case # for _ Variance _ Special Permit 12. Certified "As Built" REQUIRED including top of foundation elevation in actual elevation numbers, not assumed. 13. Submit further information / No _ Yes. If yes, refer to item(s) # . 14. Project will require further review when new, revised or requested information is submitted to any agency. 15. This Zoning review does not indicate compliance with any other Agency. including, but no: limited to the Massachusetts State Building Code. 16 Building D epartment Permit(s) required X yes _ no 17. 0 [7p / , Submitted by, David J.Silvktra Building Commissioner & tAAr i 2 a A995 Zoning Enforcement Officer Date e ZOMRENTTNN 0 •+•• ,__ THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH No 91560Z- X. (1 FEE 4' °O ntspoottkiiii unStirt rt tirrutit Permission is/hereby granted ,,.,..y.zie4i-teee.e. „ to Construct ( V) or Repair ( ) an Indiyid Sewage Disposal •yst at No P AC — fen-az-2- st as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction PerNo,2TH.ptted..7.2"it"95 DATE....‘"Lag,44.4e-1 02-2 flea...re"A---".• Board o Health • �.. ,r.. :.w.FeAearafa.rorx�n'Sl+rrb�c .:>•-sr�!o.-c—.-:: �•.••.�a.r..t� �v^..a+�.ar>�.vs.a.w.�..a►x+-� +.•sna.�rcu...t,. l" SOIL DATA LEGL-ND DATE: PERFORMED BY: WITNESSED BY: ., T P — �' to lta.o TP— 11.1 '• W T 0 ��g�otl. 21k L Fj4DV l.�i QLO to 5. 5' DIA. OUTLET 11Z.� 4.44� Qo SO V'r r ur 7 L"r TOP VIEW GROSS SECTION VIEW D15 I P­\IBUTION BOX NOT i0 SGelf 5'dla. � � L J outict 1' taller 5'_ 4• PLAN V'011 A. CR 0 5 5 5iCT ON Vie W E)EPTIC TANK NOT TO SCALE END VIEW 3.5'dla. knockouts inlet 10'x14' cover C4. r 4._G. —3' TOP OF FOUNDAT EL = ZZ EXISTING CONTOUR PROPOSED CONTOUR PIPE INVERT ELEVATION TEST PIT SEPTIC TANK DISTRIBUTION BOX PROPOSED WATER SERVICE LINE OBSERVED GROUNDWATER TABLE ELEVATION RESERVE AREA PLOT PLAN SCALES 1'= kp L o-r 2� I� .101 6rO Lp �1 C D z t ve r LOT INFORMATION Subdivision Name: Date: t Z - la - q4� Lot • ZZ Owner: G t��: Q•�`-i �� t� D fJ ��.� N1�t�1T Assessors Plat: L9C101 Lot f: 2 - •� Zoning District: Aquifer District: �A Other Overlay Districts: FIRM Zone: C Special Permits Or Variances: rJ /A $ Of Lot Coverage: C� C>/0 o o '7o � J rf� 1 E iJ T i E� F L'f i ir.L ' L. LCCUS C AF-OSED • �' ` 1 1 r�J — 1 DESIGN DATA LOCUS PLAN )) t = A. t to b DESIGN PERG RATE: 1' IN 10 DESIGN FLOW: �5 BEDROOMS x 110 GPD/BDM = �1 C0 GPD REQUIRED SYSTEM DESIGN= USE (o GULTEG CONTACTOR MODEL # l2� ALL UNITS WITH 4- OF CRUSHED STONE SIDEWALL= 4 v.� LONG x 0.410 DEEP X 251DES X 1.00 G/SF GPD BOTTOM: Alv.C-2 LONG x to.--;� WIDE x o. G�C2 G/SF GPD ENDS= lo. �WIDE x 01(� DEEP x 2 ENDS x t •o0 G/ SF . 7 GPD GPD PROVIDED .. .. .. - LL V CL � I ADLE DA �C. —' � Z.o SYSTEM P P--.,\ 0 F_ I L E NOT TO SCALE 'SELECT' BACKFILL. 1' BROKEN STONE OR SCREENED GRAVEL h d� 4' SCREENED `,'E;yT ----�- (OPTIONAL) 3' MINIMUM -� w GULTEG GONTAGTOP. OHAM15ER SYSTEMS MODEL: _ 75 '125 180 « 330 DNENSIONS L 85" 85" 90" 90" W 27" 28" 36" 52" H 12" 18" 2 0.5" 3 0.5" h 6" 11.5" 14" 2 4" CAPACITY (gallons) 1 75 112 170 400 ALLOWANCE WITH 3" OF STONE COVER OVER CHAMBERS GENEP\AL NOTES 1) THIS SYSTEM SMALL BE INSPECTED WHEN LEACHING AREA IS FULLY EXG=\VATED AND WHEN _ALL COMPONENTS ARE IN PLACE. WHEN THE SYSTEM IS P.EA'Y FOR INSPECTION, THE GONTRAGTOR SMALL NOTIFY THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. 2) WASHED CRUSHED STONE SHALL BE FREE OF ALL DIRT. DUST AND FINES. a 3) ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON Nt ,�, L' . ELEVATION DATUM. 4) HEAVY EQUIPMENT SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO OPERATE OVER THE LJPIT5 OF THE OF THE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM DURING THE GOUR5E OF GONSTRU,-TION OF THE SYSTEMS. 5) NO FIELD MODIFICATIONS TO THE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM SMALL BE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER AND THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. G) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE IN 5TA,_LED IN AGCORDANCE WITH TITLE V OF THE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL CODE AND 0Y APPLICABLE LOCAL REGULATIONS. 7) SEPTIC TANK. DISTRIBUTION BOX. ETC. SHALL BE MANUFACTURED BY A. FOTONDO + 5ONS OR APPROVED EQUAL. 8) GROUT TO BE USED AT ALL POINTS WHERE PIPES ENTER OR LEAVE ALL CONCRETE STRUCTURES IN ORDER TO PROVIDE A WATERTIGHT SEAL. 9) ALL 5HIPLAP JOINTS IN THE SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE SEALED WITH NEOPI�' NE GASKETS OR ASPHALT CEMENT. 10) EXCAVATE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL IN LEACHING AREA AND BAGKFILL WI' H GLEAN GRAVEL AND COARSE SAND. 11) THIS SYSTEM IS NOT DESIGNED FOR A GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNIT. 2' Of 3/8" PEASTONE 2' OF 3/4" - 1 1/2' CRUSHED WASHED a, -.TONE CSEE NOTE #2) ALL AROUND LOT - 2.2 hotaG-�S B. 0. H. STAMP B. 0. H. NOTES 7 ' i 1�• j 'r Kfy A?'9 1995 kg�R Aez'o -E. S TAMP ®F MA -� GIV I'L too• �r P. L. S. STAMP Do2Trtou-�ta, CLIENT: D�v�:Vopw4-t..1-T' SUBURFACE SEWAGE DISPDSAL SYSTEM CONTA C': �tzl,a..� l•w�sgVrc AT: 13 We,--, , . &md ': liar -ad'Ord MA 02745 ' Cam) leZ-2= FAX C508) —M-7_-,'�A CIA and Env! rmmarrta' Engh"rtng Lend Use Ptr^,,ng DA TE: 4 - (Z• q c-> D O'G. No. SOIL DATA DATE, 1 � 27 -� q PERFORMED BY: C% WITNESSED BY: 47. TP-- 12toTP— l1q n al.121 , 0. WT— '�oQtiotl. ..7aK1t� 4-$T (A c 5. 5- 0111. OUTLET Zak 'fopSotV SuP��OIL soVr t-L.C> ere 177 11Z•a .w TOP VIEW GR055 5EGTION VIEW DIST P--,.1BUTION BOX NOT TO SCALE 3 r C. !'I END VIEW I � I � r -I 4 -10 / 3.5' der. 5•d;�kn L- -� ockovts ,. I � .� � cutirt y ( tntct I I� PLAN WW 1 A'rilw nvwe- 10*xl4• t: 5'-4' CROSS 51-:GTION VEW E)EPTIO TANK NOT TO SCALE cover E4. r 4,_G. L 3' LEGEND 100 EXISTING CONTOUR 00 . PROPOSED CONTOUR PIPE INVERT ELEVATION TEST PIT SEPTIC TANK DISTRIBUTION BOX - W PROPOSED WATER SERVICE LINE F P OBSERVED GROUNDWATER TABLE ELEVATION RESERVE AREA Ll PLOT PLAN SCALE= 1 •= Q-O 0 5 L o-r Z� N A o, / \\0 i Ooo * / i110, P � `p O PQOQo� ! -r. a� � � 22•� o J o :•�. f .- I Iry ' <SrO L ��tl�1G Z'Dzive: i \ <11 1 G&-re,U gAIs 1 t A STe, . { $Z , °1 l- C-llxev : 1 1 Sb. 1 Q FINISH GRADE OVER TANK = I qeo.ir,7 FINISH GRADE ELE\/. I 1 ' l DWELLING TOP OF I�• FOUNDATION C' • EL i 04 1 1�700 GALLON REINFORCED CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK l lq 1 . �O DISTRIBUTION l� IZ BOX • •• :. • • LEVEL STABLE BASE (" LOT INFORMATION Subdivision Name: �ooJC.i�1�D Date: Lot: 2� Owner: Assessors Plat: (oCv Lot f: 2 •'lq Zoning District: _ �', - 7 Aquifer District: Other Overlay Dist.icts : FIRM Zone: C Special Permits Or Variances: t`1 & Of Lot Coverage: 0/0 g G r0 GUTTERFLY TRAIL 4, LICCUS ELUEHRRY COURT c /� /i. o rRCi�GEcJ ).�CU l.H L:-.`:CitiG L2 �?7�- log -�- L' - (o - 3 -_ -.-• d "SELECT" BAGKFILL. 1' BROKEN STONE OR SCREENED GRAVEL ENGINEE RS AS-BU Uf CLAN & CERTIFICA_yJ'0,' STATEMENT RE I •E.��. This SIs L Design ed -ge Grinclo-ar 0,11 --, . kh/hirlpool For G^rb, Or Othei-'Nh �hfat&" Use Devices, L EMTO Fill S Mi ST NO� T B C I A N G E D kAl I T H' U T B 0 A R D 0 F Hi`fil t H A F R OVA" BOARD Dr' HEALTH NSPECTI REQUIRED kMHE6\1 C.0-TAVATE Lie I - `0 75- r ESS OF ANY I'14 5IA LATI0fq 1 ART MOUTH BOARD OF HR' 1'_ DESIGN DATA LI�I,U� rLf,(t 1"=A-tb1,, DESIGN PERC RATE= 1' IN 10 r1��v•�' DESIGN PLOW= BEDROOMS x 110 GPD/BDM GPD REQUIRED SYSTEM DESIGN= USE GULTEG GONTAGTOR MODEL # MC7 ALL UNITS WITH 4- OP GRU SHED STONE SIDEWALL= 4 * LONG x .A(o DEEP X 251DES X t•Oo G/SF = �q.72 GPD Iv. v BOTTOM: 4lo•C-7 LONG x 10.E WIDE x o. ;,C2 Zlo�. GPD G/SF = ENDS= 10. "�7♦ WIDE x o.q (,*, DEEP x 2 ENDS x 1.00 G/ SF = 10 . `7 GPD A- GPD PROVIDED This stem is designed using the speci- NO= . T Y ' cat ions detailed in Sec . 3 . �4 e Tit le V State f l this Environment=al Code of 1977, in sizing system the use of these specs is advantageous p In comparison to specifications detailed in .242 Title V State Environmental Code Sic. 15 revile e of 1995. This lot is granted this p c g under a randf athering clause. Subdivision ARROWS STAMPED' ON UNITS Approval Dare: 12 ' kq' a � MUST POINT TOWARD D-BOX. r- FINISH GRADE tO� Lj . , v SEE NOTE #11 LIMIT OF EXCAVATION Gc W-c . rc VaV SYSTP\,., 0 FILE NOT TO SCALE 4" SGREENED `'ENT ----�- COPTIONAL) 3' MINIMUM --� ............. GULTEG CONTACTOR CHAMBER SYSTEMS MODEL: 75 '125 180 330 DIMENSIONS L 85" 85" g0" g0" W 27" 28" 36" 52" H 12 18" 20.5" 30.5" h 6 " 11.5" 14" 2 4" CAPACITY (gallons) 75 112 170 400 *ALLOWANCE WITH 3" OF STONE COVER OVER CHAMBERS G-,�NEI�AL NOTES 1) THIS SYSTEM SMALL BE INSPECTED WHEN LEACHING AREA IS FULLY EXCAVATED AND WHEN ALL COMPONENTS ARE IN PLACE. WHEN THE SYSTEM 15 RL ADY FOR INSPECTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. 2) WASHED CRUSHED STONE SMALL BE FREE OF ALL DIRT. DUST AND FNES• 3) ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON R •Iv, U , ELEVATION DATUM. 4) HEAVY EQUIPMENT SMALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO OPERATE OVER THE IMITS OF THE OF THE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM DURING THE GOUR!5E; OF GONST?UCTION OF THE SYSTEMS. 5) NO FIELD MODIFICATIONS TO THE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM SHALL 5E MADE WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER AND THE LOCAL BOARD 7F HEALTH. G) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE IN 5' ALLED IN AGCORDANGE WITH TITLE V OF THE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL CODE AND ANY APPLICABLE LOCAL REGULATIONS. 7) SEPTIC TANK. DISTRIBUTION BOX. ETG. SMALL BE MANUFACTURED BY Q• ROTONDO + SONS OR APPROVED EQUAL. 8) GROUT TO BE USED AT ALL POINTS WHERE PIPES ENTER OR LEAVE ,%LL CONCRETE STRUCTURES IN ORDER TO PROVIDE A WATERTIGHT SEAL. 9) ALL SHIPLAP JOINTS IN THE SEPTIG TANK SHALL BE SEALED WITH NEC PRENE GASKETS OR ASPHALT CEMENT. 10) EXCAVATE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL IN LEACHING AREA AND BACKF-ILL WITH GLEAN GRAVEL AND G OAR SE SAND. RE C L 11) THIS SYSTEM 15 NOT DESIGNED FOR A GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNIT. JUL — I� ' H IET► LOT M& STAMP CLI-NT: O • �D y`e I 2 OF 3/8 PEA STONE�<1 C S 7T['Ea D. ` G, G1010"A j CIVIL j A O v `�o. 3 1 �5 •• `jt ..� st-113SURTACE SEWAGE 2' OF 3/4 • - 1 1/2 t /a• p�'� -�,,. �� P05AL SYSTEMOF O T�CRUSHED �AShED STONF DI� (SEE NOTE #2)' ' ALL AROUND' ' B. O. H. NOTES P. L. S. STAMP Coj\TA CT: t.ev�sgv� AT: 13 Wetly Rood ' F Nerw Bedford HA 02745 I `I 14 COa44+S-2128 E `.•. llt. 3,..R rAx c505) �b-7V54 CIA >rnvk'omrantd Engirmortng Land Ui• rl=rhg DA1'.F : DWIC. No.