BP-2005-41832 '-'r .xvPermit No. BP-2005-41832 " `"' • ' a-tar_ !PSI Pre a. . an_ ih TO; > d ; I J_~ RTC- H • 400ssrocum,,Road,Dartmouth. A Aa0 47 t 8 Kti oyne 0$"91 -1820 Fax 508 910 $J8. y .. 1:01 7: PERMISSION HL. B • t () ea ' ` ,•�'`.�, Contractor tcense Shure#: vtAf,lay C 1 4 nm Engineer: 1 � Icei+ ia Mkt P.lrb a#: ,m ° n 1 ffi .w^,2' ya cy k �j., AIt Cogst 'j Applicant: N _ " Phone#: D 1 i 1 1 BRUCE DEJESUS a� 50�8�995-4704 OWNER: g �, DEJESUS KIMBERL �&BRUCE�EJESUS s sr s 'a„vs a44 vm ' a DATE ISSUED: // 1/5 nu TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: Install wood pellet stove; NEEDS FINAL INSPECTION BUILDING PERMIT Project Location: 25 GOLDFINCH DR Approved/Issued By: LYNWOOD R.COMSTOCK,LOCAL BUILDING INSPECTOR All work shall comply with 780 CMR 6111 Ed. (MGL Chap. 143) and any other applicable Mass.Laws or Codes and plans on file. POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET SCHEDULE APPROPRIATE INSPECTIONS AS REQUIRED. UPON COMPLETION OF WORK, FINAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE PER 780 CMR 111.7(NOT MORE THAN 3 EXTENSIONS WILL BE GRANTED)OR ON ISSUANCE OF A REGULAR OCCUPANCY PERMIT. I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his agent and to receive this permit, I further understand other agencies may have reason to STOP WORK if items under their jurisdiction are not met; not withstanding the issuance of this Buildin Zoning Permit. Signature of Owner/Agent: Comments: pERl1IIT 1YU1� B Elt la Critih l 'l ®tIES- S RE-INSPECTIOr( EE .t/. :'.. _ E` 1/4:7 1e: ® ° I" C kAl tI, CAP.I - I,11 • 18,6,a "Persons contracting with unregistered contractors do not have access to the guaranty fund(as set forth in MGL c.142A)" REPLACEMENT FEE WILL BE REQUIRED FOR LOST SIGNATURE CARD TOWN OF DARTMOUTH418 32 4-- -. BUILDING RECEIPTS COLLECTORS OFFICE �^ � � ' P Y 7141 ( '�1 �'� '� Date: I Irl // Name j g� +/ . - P o eit I , ! '� B c)-e�. wtietr: //� "!!�� t (i / 1. Job Location: f C i f �a ' i U� ". F TOO J""_"_' Sotia �N l { r Whi Copy-Collector's Office Plot: -Lot: ello Copy-Customers Receipt If f�` '� L' eirA 2070 k oPy-Pile Copy reen opy-Building Department Phone: 7-Cr: 4,a gaits Description General Ledger#'s Refi# Amount License&Permits-Building 01000-44105 .I ` J ( ;' License&Permits-Building Misc. 01000-44105 License&Permits-Electrical 01000-44106 License&Permits-Plumbing&Gas 01000-44107 Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 'r This is not a Permit or License for Building,Plumbing or Gas Received By: J ` ` RESIDENTIAL 2005 ❑ FOUNDATION ONLY ?- $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON-RI FSJNDA.LIE&NON-TRANSFERABLE DATE RECEIVED DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT .. - =1 400 Slocum Road,P.O. Box 79399 Dartmouth,MA 02747 ., .; "°' 508-910-1820 FAX 508-910-1838 APPLICATION TO CO SiCT,REPAIR,RENOV• f OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING THIS SE O o r OFFICIAL.USE ONLY JJJ �� RECEIVED BY:. 1 • .B[III.DING PERMIT N(Jr!ffiEB 1 �, DATE SENT FOR REVIEW. /- 'ilk/ ddd,���,�l ', l t "DATE ISSUED "''l ` q "� � �, -} YYY OKTO ISSUE-SIGNATURE ,' "'e; .c> ;i ATE'' '' + Sr! 1 ' r'i�` �;, ' Bun ding Commissioner/Inspector of Buildings �T i. Zoning Distrie;:l c,T3 Proposed Use: s_Zone ❑.B CA D Y Outside Flood-Zone f Aquifer ZonesE-Lt "- THE FOLLOWING AGENCIES SHOULD BE NOTIFIED v ,+ 3, ,• i a i z �'4„ -a< 4" ' �' `'L`« ``< ' ` • D Board of 0 Boardof OCon.Coin r 0 Demo a,5 -O DPW ❑Eiee D EnergyReport „c Appeals Health Affidavits Card Sent' t Cut Off, Follow up`' d, - i i w= - x k $`g Y �! b +.*„ 1 i '" �: a 14. liVrf' r s;„ r D Fire =O Gas ❑Planning Board* D Sewer Card D Wati r'.Card,� cp ❑Zoning Otheir t� Chief Cut Off- I Cut Off /Cut Off Review* 9c' i c P.. k .: �, � 41 4� EEC I f A 'r v. • '� ". F '4: - E' .1-itJr' ;,.< 1 `� T- nr f 'F4 w'f�"' to Y.- t *REQUIRES INSPECTOR'S REVIEW BEFORE THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT f r f_ri _ r ram; n .�....; �;»,'. u :74:y.ahs.� 1*.'.; ',;: ,' ., ...>; " i-DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL.".' s Zoning Review: Signature: Date: Energy Report: Signature: Date: Fire Chief: Signature: Date: Board of Health: Signature: jr, \ l/l c97 7"? Date: Conservation Commission: Signature: Date: Other: Signature: Date: '- Description of work being performed: I - . SECTI N1-SITE INFORMATION .;r, ..., yN 2rope ER OF PLANS SUBMITTED: SITE PLAN SUBMITTED: ❑yes 0 no 1.2 Assessors Pl t Lot Number: rty AddressrP5 0 _i'l�Ci �Jc tf ,6•I tVe— - 7 / Plate Lot Nearest Cross Street: SDIJe 81\%.15S T CVC_ Subdivision Name: .,a7L1 ES - 1.3 Historical District 0 yes 0 no Total Land Area Sq.Ft.: Has application been submitted to the Historic Commission? ❑ yes 0 no Date: 4 Water Supply(MGL c 40 § 54): 1.5 ewage Disposal System: 0 Municipal®Private Well 0 Municipal 'On Site DisposalSystem — C:\bldgiorms\Bldgapp.res.wpd Page 1 Rev.June 26 RESIDENTIAL 2005 Y '`a -** e _ A. . :: --SECTION'2z=<PRC"FRTTO*Nji SHE/AUTMoRIZED OGEPIT 2. Owner of Record: . 1/4J c_e_ �� ;� S as var6FrkJ<tE 1Jt ✓c y Name(print) Contact Address Phone Number 2.2 Authorized Agent: Name(print) Contact Address Phone Number SECTION 3-CONSTRUCTION SERV7C JS 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable 0 Licensed Construction Supervisor License Number Address Expiration Date Signature Telephone 3.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable❑ Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to(780 CMR-6)? 0 yes 0 no If no,go to the next section! Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? 0 yes 0 no If yes, submit the required affidavit! Company Name Registration Number(if none,state"none") Address Signature Telephone Expiration Date 3.3 For Residential Remodel Work Only PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND: QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: Home Improvement Contractors Registration, One Ashburton Place-Room 1?0!,Boston.MA 07108,(61-i 7-8598 Owners Name(print) Signature - by signing the above,the home owner acknowledges that there will be no eligibilty to use G-.«Foci Date 3.4 Homeowner Exemption-One&Two Family Only FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TifE•R O.\?3C=y- 109.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those structures govered byConstruction Control c.�--rr a_i^ —Me July I, 1982,no individual shall be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction,reconstruction,alteration,iLp.ur.removal or d=. ±i a,.=,:r•t±. .tonal elements of buildings or structures,unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS ens ed R-'s s R-a—ors for Licensing Construction Supervisors. - Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from de_:avers c c---.-r :nt if a Homeowner engages a person(s)for hire to do such work,that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only,a"Homeowner"is defined as follows: Person(s)who owns a parcel of land on w�,it r,c is a-was to reside,on which there is,or is intended to be,a one or two family dwelling,attached or detached structures accessory to such use andbr far..s-'--= who constructs more than one home in a two-year period hall not be considered a Homeowner. If you are appl {m{_under Ili seed° sign below: Signature: til-a.�-�'� Your si ature carries certain responsibilities.including but not necessarily limited to.gerx�aJ>-v Id .forn's\Bidgapp.res.wpd Page 2 Rev.June 26,2003 C:\bldg.fornsl: 'gap.. >•. RESIDENTIAL 2005 NOTICE TO LICENSED CONTRACTORS: The Building Code provides in the Rules and Regulations section that any licensed Construction Supervisor,whether or not they have taken the permit are responsible for code compliance. (see Appendix of 780 CMR R5.2.15) : SECTION 4-WORKER'S COMPENSi1TIONIINSIIRANCE.AFE77,IAVI' '(MGIrc ..§'s25 "" +:" a4 'It' Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached:❑yes 0 no SECTiONS-DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK(check allapplicable) ❑ new construction* 0 addition ❑alteration 0 repairs 0 chimney/ Etv odstove (energy report required) (energy report required) fireplace ❑deck 0 pool 0 accessory bldg. 0 replacement window/door 0 other 0 demolition (shed/garage) no. of windows doors (specify below): (specify below): * If new construction,please complete the following: Single Family: no. of bedrooms no. of baths Two Family: no. of bedrooms unit 1 no. of baths unit 1 no. of bedrooms unit 2 no.of baths unit 2 Furnace(hot air)-fuel gas(natural or propane),fuel oil,electricity,other(specify): Boiler(heating)-fuel gas(natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other(specify): o HVAC(combined unit)-primary fuel,natural gas,propane, electricity,other(specify): Air conditioning-(separate unit) None of the above to be provided Cs El Hot Water: Gas Electric Fuel Oil Other Brie Description of Proposed Work: ..4, K".51 4L( i/�.I J n OliC - : i F - SECTION-6 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS 2'; , ,; Item Estimated Cost($)to be completed by permit applicant 1. 13uildine - 2. ElectMc4,___ rical 3. Plumumbine 4. Mechanical(HVAC) 5.Total 1 +2 +3 +4 ( ) *Estimated Total Ci- SECTIONTA-OWNER AUTHORIZATION' , (to be completed when owner's agent or contractor applies for building permit) (please print) I, .as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize to act on my behalf, in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Signature of Owner Date _ 4FCrION7R-QWNFRIAIITHORi7.FD AGENT DF.CI- - _1-. ,, [gRATIQN' AI' ` c—e �C,c -s ,as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information the foregoing application are true and accurate,to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sign under the ins and penalties of perjury. Signature of Owner/ thorized Agent Date C:\bldg.forms\Bldgapp.res. d � Page 3 Rev.June 26,2003 RESIDENTIAL 2005 .r.SECTION:8-INSPECTOR'SREWEW/COM}1ENTS 1. Date plan reviewed: 6 i� G 2.'30 days to review period expires: 3. OK to issue date: 4. OK to issue subject to requested submittals(see project review worksheet): Date: 5. DENIED(see project review worksheet): Date: 6. HOLD reason: Date: 7. HOLD subject to Zoning Board of Appeals action: Date: 8. Comments: 9. Inspector's Signature: Date:/ % IC OTIFICATION _ Applicant informed of bove (J Q Time: Clerk: . Comments: SECTION 10-OFFICE\INSPECTOR'S NOTES - - Total Permit Fee: $ acfr) Less Application Fee: $.9.5700 an-00 Remaining Balance: $ TOTAL FEE: ' 00 Gross Area-New Construction total sq. ft. Gross Area-Alteration total sq. ft. Permit Issued To• /12- // --)l 0(11/7?/% T , I ve - r'l°./ r2,S /9167) vi I> ,SECTION 11 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS/SKETCHES - E cs) Q C 4C S� S�J VC • ,-��� :{ � a-tU C:\bldg.forms\Bldgapp.res.wpd Page 4 Rev.June 26,2003 permit No. BP-2005-41832 Project Location: 25 GOLDFINCH DR Commonwealth of�Kassacliusetts TOWN OFuDART !IOUTH a. 400 Slocum Road,Dartmouth,MA v02147 �, x 7�� Phoney(508)9L0 1820* Fax. (508)910"I83 ' ' � 1'3 , BUILDING P�' I:T °' � ` °° � m FIELD INSPECTION , r Contractor Lrc¢xse phone#: n y Engcneer License Phone#: YY .l' 3 nail'Pr' onst, Applicant: Phone#: BRUCE DEJESUS "_ (508) 995-4704 " OWNER: . ' ,: ,a us t zi DEJESUS KIMBEIiL1 Si'''''',BRUCE-DEJESUS '' rr DATE ISSUED: I. TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: Install wood pellet stove; S NEEDS FINAL INSPECTION DATE TIME TYPE OF INSPECTION&REMARK I INITIAL 1-3117G 3,' 5 f u�n'c — Pilier 1 ,;A. v iL � p,C� RESIDENTIAL 2005 FOUNDATION ONLY $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE&NON-TRANSFERABLE a ,, *: DATE RECEIVED � DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT k _. 400 Slocum Road,P.O.Box 79399 '.<3,,,e4 C.T. Dartmouth,MA 02747 = 508-910-1820 FAX 508-910-1838 APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING , THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY " „' . In . " "BU/LDING_I'ERMIT IyUt1iBBR DATE SENT FOR REVIEW: DATEISSUED: N, _> a.;;ex4�`t4.p,"',>�?,.�;' OK TO ISSUE—SIGNATURE: ' ... ,_r, _< q s r y�r �, ... ,. DATE i a Knre sa"�s^� _: Building Commissioner/Inspector of Buildings „ 'x;s'M":7; ?'`: Zoning District: Proposed Use: - Zone: ❑C: O B O A CV '-"Outside.Ftood Zone 'Oc?"AquiferZbne ' THE FOLLOWING AGENCIES SHOULD BE NOTIFIED: _ ix t 't r E s,.xyf- ❑Board of O Board of OCon.Com ❑Demo. ❑DPW QErec z }�Euergy Report Appeals Health u ,� � �Aflidawf ms Card Sent: i � Cut Off" '' .Follow ap* �,-' l— :4 14 4 R sir,� J� .i P 'u k: 3 F k 'Y It �t S 'e i 2 3 tl � � d -,"-i �,y A ' ❑Fire O Gas O Planning Board" ❑Sewer Card O Water Card `�`+` n `�.',£Q.Zonrng�".:�'T.0 Other- "ps Chief Cut Off t I Cut Off ' ' ;•• I'Cut Off i Reviews"' six, " t ; { t Nye k -, •'REQUIRES-INSPECTOR'S REVIEW BEFORE THE ISSUANCE OF-A PERMIT:. .h :DEPARTMENTALAPPROVAL "`' ` - ' ' Zoning Review: Signature: Date: Energy Report: Signature: Date: Fire Chief: Signature: \ Date: Board of Health: Signature: Date: /o/n-46" Conservation Commission: Signature: Date: Other: Signature: _ Date: Description of work being performed: b x` l 1 7, SECTI N I SITE INFORMATION .>i 4 ";'1" ; NUMBER OF PLANS SUBMITTED: SITE PLAN SUBMITTED: ❑yes 0 no // _/ � � 1.2 Assessors PI t Lot Number: /� / I.1 Property Address>�5 l.�L�'Y—I�sJr�� ..)'L1ti� �4 ol� (f C Platt 7 Lot - Nearest Cross Street: c�tJe Si'L%S 2-W— Subdivision Name:au LO) A:iQ$E=S - 1.3 Historical District ❑yes ❑no Total Land Area Sq. Ft.: Has application been submitted to the Historic Commission? ❑yes ❑no Date: 4 Water Supply(MGL c 40 § 54): 1.5 ewage Disposal System: ❑Municipal{?Private Well ❑Municipal l On Site Disposal System C:\bldg.forms\Bldgapp.res.wpd Page I Rev.June 26,2003 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts ter= Department of Industrial Accidents ' _ql Office of Investigations _ 600 Washington Street .` _y._ Boston, MA 02111 1/4_, www.mass.gov/dia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers Applicant Information Please Print Legibly Name (Business/Organization/Individual): C ,...)«' e-..- "S Address: 2S (c ctc -6� ear City/State/Zip: it, 4vu ° ' ) '`/A • Phone #: 3DY -.99s '70 Are you an employer? Check the appropriate box: Type of project(required): 1.❑ I am a employer with 4. ❑ I am a general contractor and I 6. ❑ New construction employees (full and/or part-time).* have hired the sub-contractors 2.❑ I am a sole proprietor or partner- listed on the attached sheet. `t ❑ Remodeling ship and have no employees These sub-contractors have 8. ❑ Demolition working for me in any capacity. workers' comp. insurance. 9. ❑ Building addition [No workers' comp. insurance 5. ❑ We are a corporation and its required] officers have exercised their 10.❑ Electrical repairs or additions 3.41 I am a homeowner doing all work right of exemption per MGL 11.0 Plumbing repairs or additions myself. [No workers' comp. c. 152, §1(4),and we have no 12.❑ Roof repairs insurance required.] t employees. [No workers' 13.❑ Other comp. insurance required.] *Any applicant that checks box 141 must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such tContractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and their workers'comp.policy information. I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and job site information. Insurance Company Name: Policy#or Self-ins. Lic. #: Expiration Date: Job Site Address: City/State/Zip: Attach a copy of the workers' compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MGL c. 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to$1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment, as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator. Be advised that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby cert' under t ai and penalties of perjury that the information provided above is true and correct: Si auue: /(�y lt/� ` - e 5/ Date: /0 o�-(2 �` Phone#: ' !JJ �o 5" / '� c Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town official. City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of Health 2.Building Department 3.City/Town Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector 5.Plumbing Inspector 6.Other Contact Person: Phone#: Information and Instructions Massachusetts General Laws chapter 152 requires all employers to provide workers' compensation for their employees. Pursuant to this statute, an employee is defined as "...every person in the service of another under any contract of hire, express or implied,oral or written." An employer is defined as"an individual,partnership, association, corporation dr other legal entity,or any two or more of the foregoing engaged in a joint enterprise, and including the legal representatives of a deceased employer, or the receiver or trustee of an individual,partnership, association or other legal entity, employing employees. However the owner of a dwelling house having not more than three apartments and who resides therein, or the occupant of the dwelling house of another who employs persons to do maintenance, construction or repair work on such dwelling house or on the grounds or building appurtenant thereto shall not because of such employment be deemed to be an employer." MGL chapter 152, §25C(6)also states that"every state or local licensing agency shall withhold the issuance or renewal of a license or permit to operate a business or to construct buildings in the commonwealth for any applicant who has not produced acceptable evidence of compliance with the insurance coverage required." Additionally, MGL chapter 152, §25C(7)states "Neither the commonwealth nor any of its political subdivisions shall enter into any contract for the performance of public work until acceptable evidence of compliance with the insurance requirements of this chapter have been presented to the contracting authority." Applicants Please fill out the workers' compensation affidavit completely,by checking the boxes that apply to your situation and, if necessary, supply sub-contractor(s)name(s), address(es) and phone number(s)along with their certificate(s) of insurance. Limited Liability Companies (LLC)or Limited Liability Partnerships(LLP)with no employees other than the members or partners, are not required to carry workers' compensation insurance. If an LLC or LLP does have employees, a policy is required. Be advised that this affidavit may be submitted to the Department of Industrial Accidents for confirmation of insurance coverage. Also be sure to sign and date the affidavit. The affidavit should be returned to the city or town that the application for the permit or license is being requested, not the Department of Industrial Accidents. Should you have any questions regarding the law or if you are required to obtain a workers' compensation policy,please call the Department at the number listed below. Self-insured companies should enter their self-insurance license number on the appropriate line. City or Town Officials Please be sure that the affidavit is complete and printed legibly. The Department has provided a space at the bottom of the affidavit for you to fill out in the event the Office of Investigations has to contact you regarding the applicant. Please be sure to fill in the permit/license number which will be used as a reference number. In addition, an applicant that must submit multiple permitllicense applications in any given year,need only submit one affidavit indicating current policy information(if necessary)and under"Job Site Address"the applicant should write"all locations in (city or town)."A copy of the affidavit that has been officially stamped or marked by the city or town may be provided to the applicant as proof that a valid affidavit is on file for future permits or licenses. A new affidavit must be filled out each year. Where a home owner or citizen is obtaining a license or permit not related to any business or commercial venture (i.e. a dog license or permit to burn leaves etc.)said person is NOT required to complete this affidavit. The Office of Investigations would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation and should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call. The Department's address,telephone and fax number: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents Office of Investigations 600 Washington Street Boston, MA 02111 Tel. # 617-727-4900 ext 406 or 1-877-MASSAFE Fax # 617-727-7749 Revised 5-26-05 www.mass.gov/dia A a t MtAld1/4i. ... 1/45, P.: tt; _ (fl , . :4 Ct 91 ',- o ,"? -3 tii ro -: -,',- i a,-.4(4 ,, = 0 >li, . --. 0 Lc ,,, -n oo b XI ti--. a k. ::. :(1:nC''.$. oi ' tt =C MI t — : ;g<cil=mi:04, 46.17 1• • ' .,- 8-cb - a --• ...i `-' - a, "11 v , ,a 0 o• 'F, .:„;:ti'• q i a"- •E3- .47r1 H hr pc21 n 1,1, .-.---in h = a R -' ,,,-:, o..--- •- --_-_, ;:,` •-r-1" -6"""-- IS 45" ,:e2 : , P = tS 4 Ce o -:- ,. co c+co 71/4 1/4. o m e *-4 0 .3. laCitkaCCI;A., 4* 0 C:) A li ' .4). k, 2 8.e,c..3-.,, • 2,6.,..alct,... a. nc: tl. k It, lt 0 AS LC] ti) Z Q"k a A kiy C), Lip- i-Lea.i=p-kin, 'iv n mi x- a tn ii.. iib,u tti , -. ic,0 0 ce b,'hi Pi., et .01 tti t•il ii, ..., c, iii..--)-0-iast, c•, in b ca )•-• 2 ,tr.t1/45- ,1/40.-,--1/41,--,c1/4--i-v:1/4.-,--ck'Th k , c.,..„vp . -, t.„, 0 4 th n • rg-.c) 4.:c c ::: z y z - = b.) _ . ci 00;a' c t•;4- tzl a - ...„. oz ... t. 4.. .,, c'il 1.2 a 6.,!..,...: i3 . : r.A A W.:. t"4. +a III Ch h p rze, q -c0 F, 2 z n. 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We wish you many years of safe heating pleasure with your new heating appliance. Save These Instructions. • NOTE: IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THIS UNIT DO NOT RETURN IT TO THE DEALER. CONTACT CUSTOMER SERVICE @ 1-800-245-6489. Mobile Home Use: These freestanding pellet units are approved for mobile home or doublewide installation with outside combustion air hook-up. See "Flue System" section of manual. Mobile home installation should be in accordance with the Manufactured Home and Safety Standard (HUD), CFR 3280, Part 24. WARNING: Do Not Install in Sleeping Room CAUTION: The structural integrity of the mobile home floor, wall and ceiling/roof must be maintained. Please Note the Following Precautionary Statements: NOTE: WE DO NOT RECOMMEND PELLET STOVES AS YOUR ONLY SOURCE OF HEAT. England's Stove Works highly recommends the use of smoke detectors and Carbon Monoxide detectors with any hearth product, including this unit. Follow all manufacturer's instructions when using smoke or Carbon Monoxide detectors. CAUTION: Please read this entire manual before installation and use of this pellet fuel burning room heater. Keep children,furniture, fixtures and all combustibles away from any heating appliance. WARNING: USE OF OUTSIDE AIR IS MANDATORY WITH THIS UNIT. DO NOT OPERATE UNIT WITH HOPPER OPEN. LID MUST BE SHUT AND TIGHTLY SECURED. DO NOT OPERATE WITH DOOR OPEN, OPEN DOOR ONLY WHEN LIGHTING. SAFETY NOTICE FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS COULD RESULT IN PROPERTY DAMAGE, BODILY INJURY OR EVEN DEATH. FOR YOUR SAFETY AND PROTECTION, FOLLOW ALL THE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL BUILDING OR FIRE OFFICIALS FOR RESTRICTIONS AND INSTALLATION INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS (INCLUDING PERMITS) IN YOUR AREA. Do not allow paint,chemicals or construction dust on or near your unit. Do not allow liquid or ANY foreign materials on or inside your unit. Shut your unit down and cover it when painting,construction or similar activity is taking place. Wipe and clean your unit after any construction is done in your home,or if any foreign material gets on or inside your unit. You may also need to remove the rear and side cover plates to your unit(unplug unit first) and vacuum and clean the motors and inside of your unit. Questions? Need Parts or Options? www.englandsstoveworks.com Warnock Hersey 4' Rev.4/03 'f CI+ US IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1. Check local installation codes for your area. Call your Homeowner's Insurance representative for inspection of your stove's installation. 2. Read and comply with the instructions in this manual. 3. This unit should be tested (dry run) before loading pellets for 30 minutes. The stove should automatically shut itself off after the 30-minute dry run. 4. Your stove is designed to burn Premium Hardwood Pellets. Pellets with high ash content will burn dirty and require the unit to be cleaned more often. 5. Be sure your pellets are not damp or wet. Keep sawdust out of the unit. 6. Use three-inch (3") U.L.-approved PELLET VENT TWIST-LOCK PIPE when installing this stove and follow the manufacturer's specifications for installation and clearances (we highly recommend Simpson Dura-Vent pellet twist-lock pipe). Even though this pipe interlocks, it is a good idea to seal all connections with high temperature silicone. Use at least three screws to secure the pipe to this unit's exhaust blower. Also, if you do not use U.L.-approved twist-lock pellet pipe, be sure to use U.L.-approved Pellet Vent pipe, and fasten each joint of the pipe with at least three screws. 7. Outside combustion air is mandatory for these units to work properly. Make this connection using a 1 7/8' I.D. metal pipe (steel, aluminum or copper; commonly found at muffler or auto shops) and coupler. Be sure to secure the pipe to the unit with a clamp or aluminum tape. The outside end should be covered (screened)to prevent any foreign matter from entering the system. Try to keep the number of bends in this pipe to a minimum. NOTE: If an older unit measure the opening to determine what size pipe to use. NOTE: If the total run of the connection exceeds 6', use 3" metal pipe and coupler instead. 8. Regularly inspect the burn pot area and, if any crust forms, remove it with a poker. 9. The ash in the burn pot should be removed regularly, depending on your burn rate. The area to the right and left of the burn pot is for ash storage; keep the air holes in the burn pot clean for a more efficient burn. Check your exhaust system frequently. 10. Keep pellets and all other combustible materials a safe distance from the unit. 11. This unit will require floor protection if installed on a combustible surface. The minimum floor protector for this unit is 36" x 36"which should give you at least six inches (6")of protection at the rear and each side, and six inches (6") minimum in the front of the unit. 12. Horizontal runs should not exceed four feet(4')with a maximum vertical flue height of thirty five feet(35'). At fifteen feet (15'), the pipe should be increased to four inch (4") pellet vent pipe. 13.This unit should be turned off and allowed to cool prior to cleaning. Any ashes should be kept in an airtight metal container and not disposed of until they are completely cooled. 14. Read the instructions thoroughly, including instructions concerning the digital control board, and save them for future reference. Visit our web site at www.englandsstoveworks.com for helpful information, frequently asked questions, parts/accessory orders and more. UNIT PREPARATION Some dealers will prepare your unit for operation and even "dry run" it before delivery. If this has not been done, you can follow the steps as listed below. 1. Attach the spring handle to the door by turning it counterclockwise. Important: Hopper latches must be tight so that the top is sealed to prevent back-burn. 2. Test your 110-volt outlet for current and then plug in the unit. (We highly recommend a surge protector for our pellet unit, as the control panel is electronic). 3. It is important to note that this stove is equipped with a dual auger system. The top auger runs intermittently and drops pellets to the bottom auger; the bottom auger runs constantly and simply pushes the pellets forward to the bum pot. The control board ("Heat Range")setting determines the top auger feed rate. 4. The stove has a digital read-out control board and is started by pressing the "ON" touch pad. This will start the upper auger, bottom auger and exhaust blower. The room air blower will start later as the stove reaches the pre-set blower temperature (see "Control Board" section for further explanation). 5. Check to be sure both augers and the exhaust blower are operating before connecting the unit to the flue system. FLUE SYSTEM Caution: Follow the pipe manufacturer's installation instructions and directions for passing through combustible walls and ceilings. Check local codes in your area. NOTE: See the installation drawing later in this manual (Illustration 1). This unit is equipped with a negative draft system that pulls combustion air through the burn pot and pushes the exhaust air out of the dwelling. If this unit is connected to the flue system other than the way explained in this manual, it will not function properly. Pellet Vent Pipe The UL approved pellet vent pipe that we recommend is a twist lock system; however, it is still recommended that high temperature silicone be used at each joint. England's Stove Works recommends the use of Simpson Cure-Vent®twist-lock pipe (if you use other pipe, consult your local building codes and/or building inspectors,and secure each joint with at least three screws—see Important Information, above). Do not use "B"vent gas pipe or galvanized pipe with this unit. The pellet pipe is designed to disassemble for cleaning and should be checked several times during the burning season—pellet vent pipe is not furnished with the unit and must be purchased separately. Do not install a flue damper of any kind in this system, and do not connect this unit to a flue system serving another heating appliance. Through the Wall To vent the unit through the wall, connect the pipe adapter to the exhaust motor adapter. If the exhaust adapter is at least eighteen inches (18") above ground level, a straight section of pellet pipe can be used through the wall. Your dealer or our factory should be able to provide you with a kit that will handle most of this installation, which will include a wall thimble that will allow the proper clearances through a combustible wall. Once outside the structure, a three-inch (3") clearance should be maintained to the outside wall and a clean out tee should be placed on the pipe that extends through the wall. We recommend a minimum of three feet (3')of vertical pipe with a 90-degree turn away from the house. At this point, a one-foot (1')section and horizontal cap will complete the installation (see Illustration 1). A wall strap should be placed just below the last 90-degree section to make the system more stable. If you live in an area that has heavy snowfall, it is recommended the installation be taller than three feet (3')to get above the snowdrift line. This installation is only recommended for outside walls made of noncombustible materials such as brick or stone. The same installation can be used if your stove is below ground level by simply adding the clean-out section and vertical pipe inside until ground level is reached. In this installation you should be careful of the snowdrift line, as well as dead grass and leaves. We recommend a three foot (3') minimum vertical rise on the inside or the outside of the dwelling. The through-the-wall installation is the least expensive and simplest installation. Never terminate the end vent under a deck, in an alcove, under a window or between two windows. Through the Ceiling When venting the stove through the ceiling, the pipe is connected the same as through the wall, except the clean out tee is always on the inside of the house, and a 3" adapter is added before the clean-out tee. You must use the proper ceiling support flanges and roof flashing supplied by the pipe manufacturer--follow the pine manufacturer's directions and Illustration tin this manual. It is important to note that if your vertical runs of pipe are more than fifteen feet (15')at this point, the pellet vent pipe should be increased to four inches (4") in diameter. Do not exceed four feet(4')of pipe on a horizontal run, and do attempt to use the least number of elbows in the flue system. If an offset is used it is better to install a 45-degree elbow whenever possible. NOTE: Installing elbows may inhibit your draft by up to 15%per elbow. Existing Flue System If you are replacing a wood stove with a pellet unit the chimney or pipe should be thoroughly cleaned before proceeding with the installation. The flue system should be either masonry or a UL approved pre-manufactured Class A flue system. The flue thimble should be either six inches (6")or eight inches (8")and the proper reducer(6"to 3" or 8"to 3")can be purchased at your local dealer. Connect a three inch (3")tee with clean-out to the pipe adapter--seal this with high temperature stove cement, then extend your pipe to the installed reducer at the thimble. If the thimble is in the ceiling, the pipe will go straight up, but if the thimble is in the wall another 90-degree elbow will be required to make the connection. Outside Combustion Air Outside air is mandatory for this unit to operate properly. This unit has been designed and tested with this connection, because so many homes are airtight and there is not adequate combustion air available inside the dwelling. The air intake pipe is located on the bottom side of the burn pot(from the rear) and measures 1 %' in diameter. The connection can be made with a metal 1 7/8 "coupler and pipe (see "Important Information" section of manual), and should exit through the wall or floor. Be sure to secure the pipe to the unit with a clamp or aluminum tape. The outside end of the pipe should be covered (screened)to prevent foreign matter from entering the system. If the unit is located below ground level, you will need to run the pipe up and then outside the dwelling. NOTE: If the total run of the connection exceeds 6', or if more than 2 elbows are used, use 3" metal pipe (and coupler) instead. Note: If an older unit, measure the opening to determine what size pipe to use or couple to. Mobile Home Installation Secure the heater to the floor using the two holes in the pedestal. If the unit is on a combustible surface, you will need to drill matching holes in the floor protection that you choose (see Floor Protection section). Do not disturb the structural integrity of the home, and be sure the unit is permanently electrically grounded to the chassis of your home. Remember that outside combustion air is mandatory, and not to install the unit in a sleeping room of the home. *IMPROPER INSTALLATION: The manufacturer will not be held responsible for damage caused by the malfunction of a stove due to improper venting or installation. Call (800-245-6489) and/or consult a professional installer if you have any questions. • Freestanding Pellet Installation Caution: Follow the pipe manufacturer's installation instructions and directions for passing through combustible walls and ceilings. Check local codes in your area. Illustration 1 Must have minimum 3"adapter before tee j Our Part AC-3000 is for longer run. • I r l acceptable for For shorter run(such 4 through-the-wall as Masonry tltl � . installation. Connection b ow), k"'c �! ? pJ't tee alone is acceptable. _ —r - —t-- 41 ['Si}, I, �zsttt , trts_atuntFF1/ ra f- Masonry Connection \ I / I - • 1. If 3"flue pipe exceeds 15'in length,increase to 4"flue pipe for remaining flue connections. 2. Total flue length should not exceed 35'. 3. Horizontal run not to exceed 4'. 4. Floor protector required: Min.size 36"x 36". 5. If the total run of outside air connection exceeds 6',or if more than 2 elbows are used,use 3" metal pipe(and coupler)instead. 6. Outside Air is mandatory for proper safe operation. FLOOR AND WALL PROTECTION Floor Protection If your floor is constructed of a non-combustible material such as brick or concrete, there is no need for floor protection. If the floor is constructed of a combustible material such as hardwood, linoleum, or carpet, then you will be required to use floor protection between the unit and the combustible. The protection should be U.L. approved or equal, and should be large enough to provide a minimum of six inches (6") behind and on both sides of the stove. The clearance in front of the stove should be at least six inches (6"). This freestanding pellet unit will need a minimum 36" x 36"floor protector. Wall Protection From the rear and the sides of this stove only six inches (6") of clearance is required to paneling, wallpaper or drywall. The pellet vent pipe would require the standard three inches (3") clearance, or as recommended by the manufacturer. Normally additional wall protection is not required with this type unit. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS CAUTION: DO NOT OPERATE WITH THE DOOR OPEN; OPEN DOOR ONLY WHEN LIGHTING. Do not burn trash(paper bags, etc.) in this unit. This stove has an induced draft system and is designed to operate continuously, as frequent shutdown is not required. The digital control board operates the unit with a time delay-relay system; this system controls the top auger feed rate by operating for a predetermined number of seconds while the bottom auger runs constantly. The setting of the "Heat Range" touch pad will control the heat output and the amount of pellets the unit will burn (see "Control Board" section and III. 2). Note: This stove is using solid fuel and will not restart automatically. NOTE: Blower Speed will automatically be adjusted to the desired Heat Range that you select. Horizontal Feed System This unit has a top and a bottom auger that are separated by four inches (4"); a 1-RPM motor drives each auger. The top auger drops pellets to the bottom auger tube, and the bottom auger pushes the pellets forward to the burn pot. This ensures there is no build-up of fuel in the bottom auger tube. As pellets enter the burn pot the combustion air is drawn across the fuel. START- UP PROCEDURE Note: The operation of this unit should be checked (dry run) prior to this procedure. 1. Be sure the hopper is clean and free of foreign materials, and that there is current at your outlet. (We do recommend a surge protector be used with our unit). 2. Fill the hopper with wood pellets; do not allow any part of the bag or any foreign material in the hopper, as this may jam the augers. Close the hopper lid and secure the latches. 3. Place a handful of pellets in the burn pot, then spread a small amount of fire starter over the handful of pellets in the burn pot and ignite them. Wait a few minutes prior to closing the door on the unit and pressing the "ON"touch pad on the control board --if the door is closed before the pellets are burning thoroughly, the exhaust blower could put out the fire. 4. If for some reason the unit does not come on after pressing the "ON"touch pad, the cord should be disconnected for two to three minutes. After this, the control board should reset and can be started again. If you have any further problem call your dealer or our factory. Recommended fire starter materials: Wax-impregnated wood chips, cardboard cubes or liquid fire starter designed for pellet stoves. Never use gasoline, lantern fuel, kerosene, charcoal lighter fluid, diesel fuel or any other flammable liquid to start the fire. 5. Check to be sure the flame is sustaining itself and continues to increase. If the flame goes out, the procedure should be repeated. First Fire: Adjust the "Heat Range"to a "5" setting and allow the stove to burn in this manner for at least three (3) hours. This will allow the unit to "cure out" as the paint and the oils from the manufacturing process burn off. We recommend you open doors and windows in your dwelling during this process. Subsequent Cold Starts: In a cold start situation, the unit should be operated at a "5" setting until the room air blower begins to operate. SHUT DOWN PROCEDURE WARNING: NEVER SHUT DOWN THIS UNIT BY UNPLUGGING IT FROM THE POWER SOURCE. Refer to the following instructions: Press the "OFF" touch pad to put the stove in the shut down mode. At this time the red light above the pad will illuminate. When this pad is touched the top auger will instantly stop feeding pellets to the bottom auger tube, but the room air blower, exhaust blower and bottom auger will continue to operate. When the internal temperature drops to 95 degrees the room air blower will cease to operate, and when the internal temperature drops to 90 degrees the bottom auger and exhaust blower will stop. The red light will then shut off and the entire stove will be shut down. The hotter the unit is operating, the longer it will take for the stove to complete the shut down cycle. Note: If the room temperature stays above 70 degrees the stove will remain in the shut down mode for 54 minutes, regardless of the temperature reading at the#seat sensor. If the stove stays on this long and you are sure the fire is completely out, the unit can be unplugged from the outlet. After approximately ten (10)seconds, the unit can be connected to the power source and the control board will be reset. DAILY OPERATION Refueling the Unit Always press the "OFF"touch pad before refueling. This stove has a 70 pound hopper and should be filled when the hopper level drops to three or four inches (3" or 4"). Note: The hopper lid will be warm: therefore, you should always use some type of hand protection. Never place your hand near the auger while the stove is operating. Note: Be sure to close hopper securely before re-firing. Power Outage Important: This stove is equipped with a vacuum safety switch. If the power to your stove is interrupted for more than three minutes,but less than 18 minutes,the unit will shut down and an error code will show in the"Heat Range"window of the Control Board. At this point, you may press the"On" button and the unit will automatically resume operation; however, if the power is off for more than 18 minutes,the unit will have to be re-started completely(see"Start-Up Procedure"). NOTE: The unit will also shut down in the event of Combustion Blower failure; if this is the case, the unit will not re-start and you must contact Customer Service at(800)245-6489. It is very important for the unit to be vented properly(outside air),as the natural draft is needed to clear the smoke from the stove. Also,do not open the hopper lid. This may cause fire to burn in the hopper. If the power is off for more than 18 minutes, use a poker or a scooper to place burning pellets in the sides of the firebox and remove them from the burn pot. When power is restored, press the "ON" button and let the unit run for approximately 5 minutes,then press the"OFF"button—this will remove any pellets from the upper and lower auger systems. After the unit has cooled, remove all remaining pellets from the firebox and burn pot area; you may then restart your unit. Fire Outage If the fire in the burn pot goes out the unit will automatically enter the shut down mode. Fuel Outage If the unit should run out of pellets, or the pellets happen to bridge in the hopper, the temperature of the heat chamber will fall below 90 degrees and the stove will go into the shut down mode. Combustion Blower Failure If the combustion (exhaust) blower should fail on this unit the Vacuum Shut Down Switch will automatically stop the stove. This will shut your unit completely off, and there will be an "E"code in the"Heat Range"window on the control board. At this point you will need to contact Customer Service at (800) 245-6489. NOTE: It is very important for the unit to be vented properly(outside air hook-up), as the natural draft is needed to clear the smoke from the stove. ASH REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL Daily Ash Maintenance Press the"OFF'touch pad and allow the stove to burn for five(5)minutes prior to opening the door.A long-handled screwdriver or long-handled putty knife can be used to scrape off any build-up or crust in the burn pot area. This can then be pushed to the left or tight into the ash storage area. Weekly Ash Removal Shut the stove down by pressing the"OFF"touch pad and allowing the unit to go through the complete shut down cycle. Allow the unit to completely cool down and then remove the ashes with a scoop. The ashes should be placed in a non-combustible container with an airtight lid and should always be placed on a non-combustible surface or on the ground until completely cooled and free of hot cinders. Once the ashes are removed,the bum pot should be given a complete inspection. Remove the burn pot wear plate(refer to the exploded diagram in the rear of this manual—Illustration 4)and check for any build-up in the front of the bum area. Clean out all air holes—if necessary, a 1/8"drill bit can be used to perform this task.These air holes should be kept clean, as they supply combustion air under and around the pellet fuel. Monthly Ash Removal The large baffle plate (12-5/8"x 9-3/8")that rests above and behind the bum pot(refer to the exploded diagram in the rear of this manual—Illustration 4)should be removed monthly. This can be done by lifting up the plate and pulling it out.The area behind the plate should then be cleaned thoroughly, and the plate placed back in the original position. The burn pot assembly should also be thoroughly cleaned, and the wear plate should be removed and cleaned. Before replacing the wear plate,clean the burn box thoroughly. Annual Cleaning The stove and the flue system should be given a complete cleaning at the end of the heating season. Remove the burn pot assembly, clean it thoroughly,and re-install it(refer to Illustration 4); this will require new gasket for the burn pot. Be sure to tighten the set screws when you replace them, but do not over-tighten. In addition to the cleaning mentioned earlier, the exhaust blower should be removed annually and the blower tube vacuumed of any ash build up. When cleaning or replacing the blower a new gasket(Part#PU-CBG)should be added between the blower flange and the steel exhaust tube. Soot and Fly ash: Formation and Need for Removal—The products of combustion will contain small particles of fly ash. The fly ash will collect in the exhaust venting system and restrict the flow of flue gases. Incomplete combustion, such as occurs during startup, shutdown, or incorrect operation of the room heater will lead to some soot formation which will collect in the exhaust venting system. The exhaust venting system should be inspected at least once every year to determine if cleaning is necessary. MAINTENANCE CAUTION: UNPLUG THE UNIT PRIOR TO ANY SERVICE WORK. SEE EXPLODED DIAGRAM (ILLUSTRATION 4) FOR PARTS REFERENCE Note: To do any service on this unit the rear access sheet metal panel must be removed. Eight (8) screws hold this panel to the rear of the stove. Parts Orders: (800)516-3636 www.enqlandsstoveworks.com Questions: (800)245-6489 Auger Motors The auger motor and gearbox are one complete assembly(Part#PU-047040)and can be removed by disconnecting the power leads and loosening the (5/1 fi"head)set bolt in front of the assembly. This bolt tightens down on the flat side of the gear shaft and locks the gear shaft and auger shaft together—once the bolt is loosened, the entire assembly will slide from the locking collar. There are two motor assemblies on the unit and both rest on a shelf when not in operation. When replacing a motor,the assembly should always be placed on this shelf prior to starting the unit. Auger Bearings and Auger Shafts The auger bearings (Part#PU-UCF204-12)are a sealed unit and do not require lubrication. To replace the top auger all the fuel must be removed from the hopper as well as the top auger assembly. Once this is done,the four bolts that hold in the bearing can be removed,followed by the complete auger assembly. Loosen the two(2)set screws with a 1/8"alien wrench, which will disconnect the bearing from the shaft(the bearing assembly and auger assembly can be replaced by reversing this procedure). When placing the auger assemblies in the unit, always tighten the four bolts in a diagonal pattern to ensure the bearings and shafts are aligned properly. Follow the same procedure to work on the bottom auger,with the exception that the pellets do not have to be removed from the hopper. Convection Blower The convection (or room air) blower(Part#PU-4C447)is located on the left side of the unit and can be removed by disconnecting the power leads and removing the four mounting screws. Once this is done,the blower will slide out of the stove. This procedure can be reversed to install a new blower. Combustion Blower To clean or replace the combustion (exhaust)blower(Part#PU-076002B)the power leads and the pellet vent pipe must be disconnected. Next, remove the screws that hold the blower to the steel exhaust tube and slide the blower from the stove.The blower impeller, blower tube and steel blower exhaust tube on the unit should be brushed and vacuumed. When cleaning or replacing the blower a new gasket(Part#PU-CBG)should be added between the blower flange and the steel exhaust tube. Vacuum Switch This unit is equipped with a Vacuum Shut Down Switch (Part#PU-VS),which helps control various functions of the unit. If an operational error occurs in the unit, the switch will shut the unit off, and an"E"(denoting"Error")will appear in the"Heat Range"window of the Control Board. Situations which could cause this include power failure, combustion blower failure, improper flue installation, a blocked flue(from rodents, nests, etc.), or"dirty burning"from burning improper fuel (see"Important Information"at the beginning of the manual). Gaskets This unit comes with a 3/4"rope gasket around the door that should be replaced every two years. To replace the door gasket(Part#AC-DGKC), the old gasket must first be removed entirely—prior to adding the new adhesive, you may have to scrape theold cement from the door channel. Once the cement and gasket have been added the door should be closed and latched for twenty-four hours to allow the cement to harden. If you are replacing the window gasket(Part#AC-GGK), the new gasket will already have adhesive on one side. Remove the paper on the adhesive side and place the gasket around the outside edge of the glass by forming a"U"with your fingers and placing the gasket around the glass.You should also replace the combustion blower gasket (Part#PU-CBG)whenever you remove or clean the combustion blower. Finish This new unit has been painted with 1200 degree Metallic Paint(Part#AC-MCSP)that should retain its original look for years. If the unit should get wet and rust spots appear, the spots can be sanded with plain steel wool and repainted. We recommend this paint,as others may not adhere to the surface or withstand the high temperatures. Glass This unit has a 9"x 9"ceramic glass(Part#AC-G9, comes with gasket)in the viewing door. If this glass becomes cracked in any area,the unit should be shut down and the window replaced with this high-temperature glass. You may order parts and options on our web site: www.encilandsstoveworks.com , or by calling (800)516-3636. Our web site also offers service instructions that can be printed or viewed as video. Recommended Heat Ranges: Low Bum: Heat Range setting: 1 Room Air Blower setting: 1 Medium Low: Heat Range setting: 2—3 Room Air Blower setting: * Medium High: Heat Range setting: 5—8 Room Air Blower setting: High Bum: Heat Range setting: 9 Room Air Blower setting: 9 NOTE: Blower Speed will automatically be adjusted to the desired Heat Range that you select. HEAT BLOWER LED READ OUT RANGE SPEED LED READ OUT Room Air!low er CRI r Fuel Food Displayis L0W 5 �J to •f \f y unn Adjustment for © O Increas o Fuel Feed Adjustment for Decrom o Fuel Feed . CAUTION: PELLET UNIT NOTE: The bottom 3 buttons are OFF ON CONTROL BOARD pre-set at the factory and do not need adjustment. Call Service at • • (800)245-6489 if you have mw WO " Mi n ruEL euwt Co questions or problems. rcm AR TEMP NICK t - -7 Lower Auger 6 5 t 2 — 6 B 'i l I I fombusfiunNlossmr 1c c _ ' II 1 �1 1 2131 15 66 I 716f r Vacuum Switch _ -- 1 cc This Vacuum Switch t ! lAmpize seta • IETTE9E0102 only for use on 25- c PDV,25-PI,55- --t_J j c Jab SHP22,55-SHP20, ' ,Inla®sit and 5-TRP20 Upper Auger 2 I I 74" r 1TaNIMSWIfth o11 I I1 _ h� C-B1teEklfie � loom/Hower I t� 1 J l�21{1tTpryra{l�C�&Daflrfm(rBCmi Conked y=r' ,° VILLNYLLII�t/VIIW IVSIveI.! -;,1 O)O 61agnoiPA466UYCAQ!EmpJ11 waiihermomefergy ' `` ova — CDBOrOPER,ttmwmlPA"a11�gVm — Back of Fire Box Illustration 2 CONTROL BOARD The control board (Part#PU-CB98) is a digital read-out board. This board offers a wide variety of settings to operate the unit. The bottom three control buttons are preset at the factory and should not require any changes on start-up of the unit. This part can be removed from the unit by loosening the two outside screws and pulling the board back to the inside of the stove. The rear access panel should be removed prior to removing the control board. A 4-amp fuse is used on this control board. THERMOSTATS REMOTE: There is now a Remote Thermostat (Part#AC-3001) available for your pellet stove. It comes with everything necessary for quick installation, and has many features to allow remote control of your unit. WALL: Also, an external wall thermostat (such as our Part# GU-1 E30-914) can be used on our pellet units as long as it is eight volts or less. After unplugging the unit, locate the jumper wire (J-3)on the bottom of the control panel. The two screws should then be loosened and the jumper wire removed from the board. Next, the two thermostat lead wires should be slipped into these openings and the screws tightened; the jumper wire should be saved for future operation without a thermostat. The unit will operate differently once the wall thermostat is connected --we recommend the stove control board be set at a minimum of"5" on the Heat Range while using the thermostat. This will allow the stove to run around a medium setting and drop back to a lower setting when the thermostat is not calling for heat. Refer to the section on "Start-up Procedure"for information on cold starts. Call (800) 516-3636 or log onto www.englandsstoveworks.com to inquire or order these. ACCESSORY ITEMS There are accessory items available for your stove, besides the wall thermostat (see "External Thermostat" section). These accessories can be added to your unit at anytime; however, let the stove cool down before adding the items. AC-103 Brass Lip Trim There is one piece of J-Channel trim in this kit that snaps onto the ash apron lip of the stove. Match the channel with the correct edge, then remove the protective covering from the trim and force the piece onto the edge. Although it should stay in place, stove cement can be used to secure it if necessary. (NOTE: For stoves manufactured prior to 2001, the part number for this kit is AC-101-PU.) AC-106-P (SH-106-P) Brass Window Trim This trim can be attached by using the spring clip and some high temperature silicone. Insert the tee end of the spring clip into the opening on the edge of the trim —this will allow the clip to fall into the groove. The spring clip will hold well if it is placed on the bottom edge of the trim. We suggest that high temperature silicone be used on the corners to ensure the trim will stay in place. Accessories can be ordered from the factory at: (Parts orders ONLY)-- (800) 516-3636, or on our web site:www.enqlandsstoveworks.com Questions/Problems: Please call Customer Service at (800)245-6489. REPLACEMENT PARTS, ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS AC-GGK Glass Gasket Kit (gasket only, no glass) AC-DGKC Door Gasket Kit (#2 on diagram) AC-114 Brass Louvers (#26 on diagram) (2001 and later Models; for earlier models call 800-245-6489 for AC-112 louvers) AC-G9 9"x 9" Glass with Gasket (#3 on diagram) AC-SH Door Spring Handle AC-MCSP Hi-Temperature Charcoal Paint PU-AMS Auger Motor Support Gasket PU-047040 1 RPM Auger Motor Assembly (#18 on diagram) PU-BP98 Burn Pot Assembly (#'s 5 and 11 on diagram, call if you need only one part of this 2-piece assembly) PU-076002B Combustion (Exhaust) Blower(includes 3"adapter) (#'s 8 and 9 on diagram) PU-4C447 Convection (Room Air) Blower(#13 on diagram) (2002 and later Models; for earlier models order PU-4C442) PU-AF6T Top Auger Shaft(#14 on diagram) PU-AF11 B Bottom Auger Shaft(#14 on diagram) (2001 and later Models; for earlier models call for assistance) PU-62-40-151-2 Hopper Lid Latch (2002 and later Models; for earlier models order PU-103-50) (#25 on diagram) PU-UCF204-12 Auger Bearing (#16 on diagram) PU-2X570 V' Locking Collar(#17 on diagram) PU-CB98 Digital Control Board (#12 on diagram) PU-VS Vacuum Shut-Down Switch (#24 on diagram) PU-CBG Combustion Blower Gasket (#10 on diagram) OPTIONS: AC-3000 3" Pellet Vent Kit (Through-the-Wall) AC-3001 Remote Thermostat GU-1E30-914 Wall Thermostat AC-103 Brass Lip Trim for Ash Apron (2001 and later Models; for earlier models, order part#AC-101-PU.) AC-106-P/SH-106-P Brass Window Trim (comes standard) If you have any questions or problems contact the Customer Service Department: Customer Service Department serviceenglanderstoves.com P.O. Box 206 Parts Orders ONLY: 800-516-3636 Monroe, VA 24574 Questions: 800-245-6489 (Fax: 434-929-4810) You may also order parts and options, view frequently asked questions and more, on our web site: www.englandsstoveworks.com HOPPER LID LATCHES Illustration 3- Important: Hopper Lid Latches must be checked periodically Hopper Lid Latches and kept fight so the top is sealed to prevent back-burn. — {f,—GRIP RANGE MAX OUTER PANEL THICKNESS=6(.25)—► Is- I PAWL FORWARD PAWL REVERSED LEVER 60(2.4) ezi{ yv., x'C I I \ �I 1 I II I I i HOUSING fr` ;; I I I s* a1 ��-- i 34 r ie o J_i (1.34) . s am,h �° JAM NUT ` _ _ - + ` '( ' SHAFT 1' -"-a* ,t r'_ tic_. __=., k; `� • • I' 'a M8 Thread ) x� ,+props ,. �t I , ,�( . `" . . PULL-UP '.j eg# 1 LiC t rig,w'a . PAWL q �tail!:1riiI uW W.? ,� , r Fi ` g^;,y RETAINING CLIP "Ei n 1 et unite ` I k VIPWA 0 LOCKWASHER �'' 0�ft'�(1bi benl r1Y 1 ° �'I"t ' DO NOT ALTER THIS r�r t irltr It 1 N .;i�tr , r i 11+1-< yd',Q+t� FACTORY PRE-SET NUT. iy. z 85 \ ' SCREW/LOCKWASHER ASS'Y z Lam.. , ` . (3.35) t M5 Thread-Panels thicker than -“ 3x " r 6(.25) require a longer screw/ t '7 ;I I III lockwasher combination rr1 x ,41�, l i (not supplied). + /1 : { a I �+.1:: ` ' yk✓4 ' FLARED MOUNTING 4(.16) It BRACKET 40(1.58) - 56(2.20) - Dimensions of your pellet unit: 28 'h"W x 30"H x 28 'h"D 345 lbs. (Approx. 13 'IA" height from floor to center of exhaust) NOTES: - Pellet Stove Exploded View NUMBER PART DESCRIPTION NOTE ON PART NUMBERS: 1 Door(Part#CA-19A) This diagram is a basic 2 Door Gasket(Part#AC-DGKC) England's Stove Works 3 Glass with Gasket(Part#AC-G9) pellet unit diagram.Your model 4 Impingement Plate may vary somewhat. See our 5 Burn Pot and online store at Wear Plate www.englandsstoveworks.com 6 Burn Pot Gasket or the parts list in your manual 7 Side Access Panel for specific part numbers for 8 Combustion Blower your model stove. 9 3"Blower Adapter If a part is not listed in manual 10 Gasket for Combustion Blower or on website,or if you have Part#PU-CBG questions,call(800)245-6489. 11 Pellet Feeder Pot 12 Digital Control Board 13 Convection Blower 14 Top Auger Bottom Auger 25 15 Block Bearing Gaskets 18 Block Bearings Part#PU-UCF204-12 23 -® 17 3/4"I.D.Shaft Collars Part#PU-2X570 0 18 Auger Motors ° 19 Rear Access Panel 22 . pop 20 Hopper Flange Gasket / / tth 0°°°0000°00 Part#PU-HFG Z1 — 0 °°o°°°801 /` °°°°p0 21 Hopper m 00o 22 Hopper Lid Gasket ° Part#PU-HLG , P� 23 Hopper Lid 24 Vacuum Shut Down Switch \— G Part#PU-VS gp�, s 25 Hopper Lid Latches 20 ' `t) 26 Brass Louvers — _�\- \ �— 18 (Certain Models only) I ti w 17 7 N. I l �` . - 15 2C ' 15 Note: Impingement f� 1 � �_ Plate hangs flush �irv' �`9 p^y 14 4 �/ t on back wall of \ ,i \� <;•• firebox,and is 1 �f' " t, 13 centered over 3 I:. . the bum pot. \ ! ''+� t - 2\-1 -\I �� � /ill I 12 `\, is % 111 Note: 2001 and later models have � fir/ a 2-piece bum pot/pellet feeder pot assembly: 0 �I ` so 26 earlier models have a 1-piece assembly. I 5 Wear plate rests inside burn pot,and is contoured to shape of the burn pot. Illustration 4 TROUBLE-SHOOTING GUIDE WARNING: TO AVOID ELECTRICAL SHOCK ALWAYS DISCONNECT THE UNIT FROM THE POWER SOURCE BEFORE ATTEMPTING ANY REPAIR.IF THIS GUIDE DOES NOT CORRECT THE PROBLEM CALL YOUR LOCAL DEALER,OR OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE AT 1-800-245-6489. Problem Cause Solution 1.Auger not turning 1.Loose set screw 1.Tighten setscrew on collar 2. Bad gear motor 2.Replace auger motor 3.Foreign matter in auger 3.Remove pellets and object 4.Vacuum sensor(Top Auger) 4.Check exhaust blower 2.Smoke smell or dust in house 1.Improper exhaust connection 1.Check all connections for leaks especially the exhaust blower connection;Seal with silicone, hose clamp or aluminum tape 3. Room air blower not operating 1. Loose sensor 1.Tighten connection on sensor 2. High "ON"temperature 2.Adjust temperature lower 4.Exhaust blower not operating 1.Loose connection 1.Check connection at c/board 2.Bad blower 2.Replace blower 3.Bad vacuum sensor 3.Replace vacuum sensor 5.Lazy fire 1.Control board settings 1.Review board settings 2.Bad exhaust blower 2.Replace blower 3.Excessive pellet moisture 3.Keep pellets inside 4.Excessive ash 4. Remove baffles; Clean unit 5. Low quality pellets 5.Use premium hardwood pellets 6.Blown fuse(4 AMP) 1.Power surge 1.Replace fuse;use surge protector 2. Exposed wire 2.Check for exposed or frayed wire and loose connections 3.Electric motor shorting or 3.Check motors and blowers bound up for obstructions or lock-up 7. High pellet consumption 1.Low quality pellets 1.Use premium hardwood fuel 2.Board out of adjustment 2.Check c/board settings 8.Squeaking noise 1.Build up in tube 1. Remove auger and clean 2.Improper auger alignment 2.Re-align auger 3.Blower noise 3.Remove and oil blower 9. Pinging or rattling noise 1.Foreign material 1.Check blower for material 2.Loose set screw 2.Check impeller blower screw 10.Unit shuts down in 1. Loose heat sensor 1.Check stove connection 30 to 40 minutes 2.Control board settings 2.Check settings;always start unit on"5"to"9"setting 11.Unit keeps shutting down 1.Blocked flue 1.Check for flue blockage(nests, ("E"code on control board) rodents,excess soot,etc.) 2. Blower failure 2.Check combustion blower wires,call Gust.Svc. 3.Improper installation 3.Check for loose flue/pipe connections Improper installation may cause a back draft. 'NOTE: Also check for loose or cracked vacuum hose on PU-VS switch(see#24 in Illustration 4). Have this information on hand if you phone the factory oryour dealer regarding this product. Retain for your files: Model Number Date of Purchase Date of Manufacture Serial# LIMITED 5 YEAR WARRANTY FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE TO THE ORIGINAL OWNER The manufacturer extends the following warranties: Five Year Period: 1. Carbon steel and welded seams in the firebox are covered for 5 years against splitting. 2. The cast iron door and hinges are covered for 5 years against cracking. Three Year Period: 3. Component parts such as the hopper, auger bum pot, baffle plate, auger shafts, auger bearings, and fasteners are covered for 3 years against cracking, breakage and welded seams from separating. One Year Period: 4. Electrical components, accessory items, glass and the painted surface are covered for 1 year from the date of purchase. Conditions and Exclusions: Damage from over-firing will void your warranty. This warranty does not apply if damage occurs because of an accident, improper handling, improper operation, abuse, or unauthorized repair made or attempted to be made. The manufacturer is not liable for indirect, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with the product including any cost or expense providing substitute equipment or service during periods of malfunction or nonuse. All liability for any consequential damage for breach of any written or implied warranty is disclaimed and excluded. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitations of incidental or consequential damages, so the above may not apply to you. Procedure: Purchaser must give notice of claim of defect within the warranty period and pay transportation to and from a service center designated by the factory. The dealer from which the unit was purchased or the factory, at our option, will perform the warranty service. Other Rights: This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which may vary from state to state. NOTE:THIS WARRANTY IS NULL AND VOID IF YOU DO NOT RETURN THE ATTACHED WARRANTY REGISTRATION WITH A COPY OF THE SALES RECEIPT WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE. WARRANTY IS NOT TRANSFERABLE WARRANTY REGISTRATION Purchased by(Name) Address City State Zip Telephone Email (Optional) DEALER INFORMATION Purchased From (Dealer) Address City State Zip UNIT INFORMATION Model Number Purchase Date* Serial Number Mfg. Date *A copy of your store receipt must accompany this registration form. IMPORTANT NOTICE THIS REGISTRATION INFORMATION MUST BE ON FILE FOR THIS WARRANTY TO BE VALID. PLEASE MAIL THIS INFORMATION WITHIN THIRTY(30)DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE. Mail To: England's Stove Works, Inc. Customer Service Department P.O. Box 206 Monroe,VA 24574 Or. Fax To: (434)929-4810—24 hours a day