BP-180 • Stir LD INC; PERM I 'I Uartmeth -"ist.10 Igo -P. a. I : e• Norh OP 91.27 : Lb,t -fc..„ .4-.7phont, Y.onibq f!ist . t z . ..fb.nvt rrt No. sq171 J 44:CZ 13t.Ci -7 44 Z Bctj e , — EubdIvic, 'LYn. Namt.-2, 7 z---Icrb (Lot i:11 '? utL.pet , •o.ppi I "e Z: 4 I:14 ri .7. Z 4'30 .4 1:ti `;‘; NCI Lontbt Pimobe 503-9AU-9110 Type of t_ tc:enbe4 t Lon-it.. L'6cc,ntse Ot.)5'185; Orrbge.tc.ct7; Eni_ nfter,; Othorl. Pe : 4 1441-,:c: z Perrnit -i4J7 ;i,-, 4 ....1fr20,34TAR2F21.),AY PKISILAR"L..4......P.VPrIP°11t";/ LtLL C'S.Pt "; frl...t?.tern' Weli Uri!) -vtltid:!;,.144 g4taaniEt;“•.0:• af-V, 4rt1,-' flec-aef ftnt. Thst ii Cn<nt FEE : St rebord : P&-)t.serc, Oddrer.-. Nprbs1 .1. Ali worb b.-5.bvply with 7e0 CMP NFUE0. 4:MOL 4 RobJ on othcir or- c.ode,b p1,7!n^::. SF Is. hc2t-eb7 proptIsd It 4u;:hcNri2cd by thc •!.il,r,cr ,.: d 1 hZ:ZsiZz: autboritbi -by -it:ie.) Owner 4. 74. ',7441:t7e obp- bc.).tiori hib ci4ithbrizcd - , nrolvriOgent : , „ . 06dr,,9$ :42 -4i..44-44--*44***A14. 4, 54444-44 -44 *-X-44-44.4 -74-44- 4.*:“.Y-zzi.14.4.4-..14.74:*41,- .4. 44-* N-*:14-s4* 144.4-***44* 444W. *44 aturel: 'esz..14 .R.5ing LCMWENT-T.;; OP. UI.Z-ZZ4i i% -'3'4 C:§ bIit A = Plat G Lot a-! Sr Address 06 . U .n.h 0/1. Required approval Approvals received please (X) approvals Please (X) approvals and required for this project Initial as received DATE INNITIALS Zoning L -a?-9 are !/ Building Comm. .6 .-1C- 9s . L-K Board of Appeals Water Card Sewer Card / Board of Health �?�` "J - J` • Bond Selectmen conservation Fire Chief c k 6 - S "9 c_ Cross Connections Licensed Contractor Controlled Const. Affid. q� Other information required �j/� ccitt a -76 -1i r "/ 6 ,( S' - �`' S ��BUT--_ y PERMIT NO. ( .�C// 7 - '144, TOWN__ OF DARTMOUTH ^f 4) c y. DATE ISSUED h c - -1 TOTAL COST P y�I.00 J�i APPLI TION FOR toff_=5yy LESS APPLICATION FEE b. 18ea- BUILDING', PERMIT pp FINAL PERMIT FEE a .q. co ) -(6-6Lkcia Q'F L CATION OF BUILDING 01 Nu er & Street ' ec 0,«- 01.1 Zoning District 5R B 02 Cross Streets(between) and �� 03 Lot -77 Plat ‘ 04 Subdivision �;26//.r� O%iie01 Lot Q-2/ OWNERSHIP COST 05 rivate (individual, corporation, 36 Cost of Improvement 646er>, non-profit institution, etc.) 36.1 To be installed but not 06 ❑ Public (Federal, State, or local government) included in the above cost TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 36.2 Electrical c'`laGh, 07�w Construction 36.3 Plumbing 3�o6v. - 08 ❑ Addition -Type of Room(s) 36.4 HVAC yo76G , 09 ❑ Alteration 36.5 Other - Specify 10 ❑ Foundation Only 37 TOTAL example: elevator �� G ^ 11 ❑ Demolition (#of units if residential) 12 ❑ Moving (relocation) STRUCTURE STATISTICS 38�d Frame 13 Number of Bedrooms .� 39 ❑ Masonry (wall bearing) 14 Number of Bathrooms (Total) & 40 ❑ Structural Steel Full-Tub / 41 ❑ Reinforced concrete 3/4 - Shower / 42 ❑ Other- Specify 1/2 - Toilet Only /D RESIDENTIAL-PROPOSED USE DIMENSIONS 15-Cone-Family 43 Number of stories o) 16 ❑ Two or more families 44 Total square feet of floor area, all floors, aAig0 sP. Number of units based on exterior dimensions {3 17 ❑ Garage 18 El Shed 45 Total land area, square feet '700209' r 19 ElCarport 20 ❑ Swimming Pool SEWAGE DISPOSAL • In-Ground Above-Ground_ 21 ❑ Woodstove 46 ❑ Public or private company 22 ❑ Fireplace 47-1;1-PrfVate (septic tank, etc.) 23 ❑ Other- Specify WATER SUPPLY 48 ❑ Public or private company NON-RESIDENTIAL - PROPOSED USE 49 -Private, (well, cistern) 24 ❑ Amusement, recreational '.- 25 ❑ Church, other religious PRINCIPAL TYPE OF HEATING FUEL r 26 ❑ Industrial 50 ❑ Gas �• 27 ❑ Parking Garage 51I 28 ❑ Service station, Repair garage 52 ❑ Electricity 29 ❑ Hospital, institutional 53 ❑ Coal 30 ❑ Office, bank, professional 54 ❑ Other - Specify 31 ❑ Public utility 32 ❑ School, library, other educational TYPE OF MECHANICAL 33 ❑ Stores, mercantile 55 Will there be central air conditionin ? ❑Yes --dTo 34 ❑ Tanks, towers 56 Will there be an elevator? g 35 ❑ Other - Specify ❑Yes .lido PARKING PER ZONING BY-LAWS 57 0 Enclosed 58_-R-Outside_y p 59 Does this building contain asbestos? E YES ._.01� If yes complete the following: Name & Address of Asbestos Removal Firm: IDENTIFICATION - To be completed by all applicants PLEAS PRINT y e" r / / rA•e .,6760 Owner (print) rm / l/l �� �.4 J 92-L 2t (" ILIN ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. 61 Signature its•-a n r.� DATE lv � /k. �hi�i//i�u cs 6vzr.4,-, . -' c"$-yy6 Builder's �`.� Z/ ev• �� 44/X4e o Ed-- 2/tC 62 Contractor print) �i� �!' �/�� License No. P ME MAIL A DRESS TELEPHONE NO. 63 Signature ���/ DATE /// 64 Architect or E neer ( t) i` ecc/ ("4 .744;7--///ta AME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. 65 Signature DATE C'�3 CERTIFICATION TO PERFORM WORK /f > // �� l�� 66 I/We hereby appoint i /e NAME r7vj ii /9✓ l ren • ' �/�hf� o +��n ADDRESS as my/our agent for the purpose of app ying for and_ ng a building permit for the work to be done described in this application ç i Signature , .� ra-J i..� DATE G -/3jS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 67 Has A-1 or Determination been issued by Conservation Commission? ES ❑ NO Submit copy of notification sent to DEQE and the State Dept. of Labor Industries and result of air sample analysis after asbestos removal is complete. 68 Owner or Agent -Lcertify under peril of the penalties of perjury that the information herein is accurate to the best of Signature �� �/�JT9 i /. DATE �y�J Owner or Age 1 69 BOARD OF HEALTH REVIEW DATE Inspector or Authorized Person COMMENTS: 70 DPW - WATER Service No. SEWER Service No. To be completed upon issuance of permit- (if applicable) 71 I will post per res s�oo s to isible f m street. Signature Owner or Agent 72 I have rece • list •• mired i pest s Signatur %� DATE ner or Agent • 7* FOR RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS OTHER THAN NEW DWELLINGS: ,' `?e 'Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to the registration law(780 CMR-6)? YES NO_ Are you claiming an exemption from the law by homeowner sign-off? YES NO (if yes,submit required signed affidavit) Contractor's Signature: Date PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (780 CMR-6) QUESTIONS or COMPLAINTS? Call or write: Home Improvement Contractor Registration One Ashburton Place-Room 1301 Boston,MA 02108 617-727-8598 Owner's Signature: Date: I RECEIPT FOR PERMIT /ou'r TOWN OF DARTMOUTH /PO y,ilbnn PERMIT NO. No 1-J/ - F- e a• Date / -�~ 2 / 6.... �I ;/ 1 ceived From A J- t t +_ (2 . a �� .t.vt,�- Owner /\..-c�;L( fi GL; -e.c. i\ '7— D / / Location o"`..J i-1---o---C dL., �i)�c =G✓ ,, AC.`L Type ; -1 L,C.c-c�'_ C_.-t--,<_,c%{� Amount Paid S. --,• `/ Received By Pam_ , • RECEIPT FOR PERMIT ,® TOWN OF DARTMOUTH F7 o a' PERMIT NO alb t r='k ry, U j No / 4:4ei t !TICSNNTa Date 6 -,�; - y e; ,Received From rile 44 /-!/ Li elf .r.?L-�1.-r� , Owner ila4t�• tttAervt- t- /1, ,� L��J Location } ° -rti, / U• Type • _z/ > -*—vt._ rite-- 1 Amount Paid r_ ��if � �yyI Received By A-, ' )l R4--. S--e--ei".'L y "' "' d g 13 O H C1 9� Si, . N \ IL.I \ ..- N > j'a 1*A\ \ - ---. Wa Sy ` S• 1 --MK- in n �l �d�or \ N ,� of z Z A ` p p dG 4 00 % e % d O a c n�, d �I i 'Q r r .1 d a 2 v n 0 at ec _II; -0 N r in LsO r E. 3 / u F-1: a 34 • I \ • \1R -\\:\,.." S Iiii r- -' ka L_____ , a J ecN TS v . r, C 0 • I co 1'5' • r_ J . An ' cs a S i ::;iv::/; :;;: •: ;. �'S t5 u i.a roz �( to� 2 i f......' 3 �1 w— O YJ . �Y .. ac %. E \#.0 -,11-_-.? vb. \ ...ii. et v S �i ,--3x, `t1 )s \ \.,..... „.... oil‘, ..- - j • z _i _� o a w w`� y 0 Qi \ o _ '''"............... \\\ __. . . . N., Ca s ill ca F w . O ■ w O4 di F co 7113 ino0 +•-c ,{o. a\ C' .` 1+ !r•:%f4 'si•. t tta .J ♦ .t,14 q ••:i.: r r k 'r6 3'P,`2>i�" %. y+nr {^'y>> s1'. il... , • m m = N .N. 0 fD 7 IC N ey C e+ 7 C -e CD 7 • • CD CD A CD4J fD C CD A 1 T.) A 27 o > in 7 I,,Let C tt T 0 7 ~ .-. , UD Cr a a A a o N fD in et r n M o i ' c oC m LA a 7 N N fD v1 0 JZ et• 1 C O + fD CD J LC fD •Z n -t, fD f1 rob O C •-- K D f CD 3 n rt ` 0. N 3 r+ Z < .� Ln 1 • . " < I- N CI 0 e N CD -.. " O " 1 O ` 7 \ p N 1� •y ` a g N Q. 1 rh 3 1 -4 vo r• u .. II C O , N Nz. r z d e•••e0 • et Op ACC\. _ k\ \ 0 ` 1� c t n z 144 ?AV, a {1 C, \ 7 1 e0+ OH_ cD n o • a 3 `5 I \ c•„• m \ cm co \ rD `} aasa VI C m co J 7 e•r 0 fD FDt-sra n m \ V ', `-D a f o 1 C n I N 1 N N O I N N , THE COLLECTOR 'S OFFICE DATE: 9 J TO: BUILDING DEPARTMENT FROM: COLLECTOR'S OFFICE RE: PAYMENT OF PAST DUE TAXES PLEASE BE ADVISED TH N THIS DAY �/ "o) - /�,!5 THE TEES R PROPERTY LOCATED ONLY,)// PARCEL # -02_ 7 HAVE BEEN PAID. THE,PERMIT RICH HAS BEEN REQUESTED MAY BE ISSUED. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS PLEASE CALL. cc:DEBORAH L. PIVA TOWN COT,T.PCTOR - TELEPHONE 508-999-0720 ' FAX 508-999-0738 • • TO: • 6 � � - -2 • �ll (X)Fire Chief Dist. 1, 2 ,C- Board of Appeals (XcTaa Collector ❑ /�' ,P W: Eninnetring Board of Health ❑ D.P.W.V� "�-W er/SeSewer ❑ Conservation Comm. ❑ Cross Conn. /Water Div. ❑ Selectmen-Licensing ❑ Planning Board Town Clerk ) 9-1-1 Police Department The following is forwarded to your office for your information. only - no response is required. PLEASE PRINT The Building Department is in receipt of an application for Plat Q 6 Lot )--2Y , Address eiip ."412e-A by %Zo - l CO\T.aCT PERSON& O\'E a demo.common. r. oc alte ouoy, ele. • a(a) /?s,4sa/ eYw, r(9 �2-;ete Z . The plan was received by this office on 7 02 (p -q S , date This office will review said plans and subject to availability of potable water, where required, the provisions of Zoning By-law per MGL Chapter 40A and M53C 780 CuR 5th Edition will have available to issue or will deny a permit for the abcve-mentioned work within 30 days of date of receipt. The applicant has been advised that your office as indicated above may require them to apply for licenses or permits subject to your jurisdiction and that they should contact your office, as indicated, for specific information. It is not necessary to respond to this notice unless there is a specie_= issue at hand or you wish to forward material or information required for permitting. When required, an Occupancy Permit will not be issued until all Town Agencies have had the opportunity to "sign off" that the work under their jurisdiction is complete to their satisfaction. To The Applicant: Be advised that this notice will be sent to the Agencies checked above as they may have separate jurisdiction for your project. Any questions about the Agencies Regulations & Policy should be addressed to the individual Agency. Your signature acknowledges your receipt of a copy of this notice. % 91 9zd TPPIICA\T.TELEPHO. iPIF.LSE PRINT SIGNATURE DATE LICE"S ED CONTRACTOR'S NAMETELEPHONE TLEiSE PRINT, DATE TIDE COLL , MR 'S OFFICE '95 Jui2 16 Fri 9 LFG DATE: q/0-5 TO: BUILDING DEPARTMENT FROM: COT.T.7CTOR'S OFFICE RE: PAYMENT OF PAST DUE TAXES PLEASE BE ADVISE AT ON THIS DAY /6/4S THE TAXES FO: PROPERTY LOCATED O PARCEL # / L- 71: HAVE BEEN PAID. THE RMIT WHICH HAS BEEN REQUESTED MAY BE ISSUED_ IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS PLEASE CALL. cc:DEBORAH L. PIVA TCWN CO r T,PCTOR TOWN OF DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMEN TO: gg Board of Health (X)Fire ChiefDist. 2 0 Conservation Comm. ❑ DPW Engine ing ❑ Selectmen-Licensing ❑ DPW Water ❑ Board of Appeals 0 Planning Board ❑ Town Clerk Paz Collector a9-i-1 Police Department 0 Cross Conn. /Water Div. The following is forwarded to your office for your information only - no response is required. The Building Department is in receipt of an application for Plat 4 (c/ Lot v; -71! Address _ 2,�� .,-:".--- : by 1��,..f � y/�r.n c. To B-9yG-yrq CONTACT PERSON&. HONE itt0. �o%fO c //�� pay,-, ,a n demo.oomtrm,suer. occupy, et T%,6� Z/ J The plan was received by this office on I awe This office will review said plans and subject to availability of potable water, where required, the provisions of Zoning By-law per MGL Chapter 40A and MSBC 780 CMR 5th Edition will have available to issue or will deny a permit for the above-mentioned work within 30 days of date of receipt. The applicant has been advised that your office as indicated above may require them to apply for licenses or permits subject to your jurisdiction and that they should contact your office, as indicated, for specific information. It is not necessary to respond to this notice unless there is a specific issue at hand or you wish to forward material or information required for permitting. When re ired, an Occup Permit will not be issued until all Town Agencies have had the ancy opportunity to "sign off" that the work under their jurisdiction is complete to their satisfaction. To The Applicant: Be advised that this notice will be sent to the Agencies checked above as they may have separate jurisdiction for your project. Any questions about the Agencies Regulations & Policy should be addressed to the individual Agency. Your signature only acknowledges your receipt of a copy of this" notic 1:4 2PPLICA.\T�TELEPHO.` �... _ DATE • COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPA1'MENT OF INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS 600 WASHINGTON STREET James : Caneoeo BOSTON, MASSACHUS7;1 lb 02111 romnrssione' WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT &(7.2. (licensee/permirtee) ` with a principal place of busin ss/residdeennce at: (City/State/Zip) do hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that: am an employer providing the following workers' compensation coverage for my employees working on this job. vCil�P��I i Lt �a� k/L-'/' -)/7 Insurance Company Policy Number [ J 1 am a sole proprietor and have no one working for me. [ J I am a sole proprietor, general contractor or homeowner (circle one) and have hired the contractors listed below who have the following workers' compensation insurance policies: A.e/< >ii 7 —a// 69 Name of Contractor Insuranc�ee Coin any/Poll umb;r .C6�6 pen» srfd-'/ �« l�s�•P��,� ��r��rT /Z7 ',?a-/6-Y9 - Name of Contractor Insurance Company/Policy Number Name of Contractor Insurance Company/Policy Number Q I am a homeowner performing all the work myself. NOTE: Please be aware that while homeowners who employ persons to do maintenance, construction or repair work on a dwelling of not more than three units in which the homeowner also resides or on the grounds appurtenant thereto are not generally considered to be employers under the Workers'Compensation Act(GL. C. 152,sect. 1(5)), application by a homeowner for a license or permit may evidence the legal status of an employer under the Workers' Compensation Act. 1 understand that a copy of this statement will be forwarded to the Department of Industrial Accidents' Office of Insurance for coverage verification and that failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MGL 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties consisting of a fine of up to S1500.00 and/or imprisonment of up to one year and civil penalties in the form of a Stop Work Order and a fine of S100.00 a day against me. / S dthis /1>' ' _ day of i��' 19 Licensee/Permit-tee Licensor/Permittor TOWN OF DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT TO: K. Board of Health Fire Chief Dist. 1, 2, 61) 79 Conservation Comm. ❑ DPW Engineering 7 Selectmen-Licensing _ DPW Water/Sewer ❑ Board of Appeals ❑ Planning Board ❑ Town Clerk C Tax Collector a9-1-1 Police Department Cross Conn. /Water Div. The following is forwarded to your office for your information only - no response is required. The Building Department is in receipt of an application for Plat 6 / Lot o; -`pe , Address X /O." ��� /� `� by /�� �G%";,47v SOS-9SG- � to CO/lO�r CONTACT PERSON&. HONE pdemo ��� , •mmVad,ate.occupy,etc a(n) f/f/, cA4VAC3C ' , . - ./ The plan was received by this office on age This office will review said plans and subject to availability of potable water, where required, the provisions of Zoning By-law per MGL Chapter 40A and MSBC 780 CMR 5th Edition will have available to issue or will deny a permit for the above-mentioned work within 30 days of date of receipt. The applicant has been advised that your office as indicated ae may require them to apply for licenses or permits subject to yourjurisdiction and that they should contact your office, as indicated, for specific information. It is not necessary to respond to this notice unless there is a specific issue at hand or you wish to forward material or information required for permitting. When required, an Occupancy Permit will not be issued until all Town Agencies have had the opportunity to "sign off" that the work under their jurisdiction is complete to their satisfaction. To The Applicant: Be advised that this notice will be sent to the Agencies checked above as they may have separate jurisdiction for your project. Any questions about the Agencies Regulations & Policy should be addressed to the individual Agency. Your signature only acknowledges your receipt of a copy of .4PPLICA.NTJTELEPHO., `� .�/DATE ., BUILDING PERMIT FIELD INSPECTION Dartmouth Building Department f f��,� D ES gii Plat: 66 40C Slocum Road-P.O. Box 9399 r° V Lot(s) : 2-78 North i=artmeuth, MA 02747 Lot Size: 40,209 Telephone 508-999-0720 Zone Dist. : SRB Issued Da-.E: - 39/05/95 Permit No. : 180 Project: L --1. 25 Goldfinch Drive Number Street Subdivision Name: Songbird Acres (LOT 21) Neeresr. Cross Street: Applic ,nc/Aoent: Robert Mullins (Cherryfield Development Corp. ) Cortact Person Phone #: (508) -946-9118 Prcpossd se Residential Residential, Commercial, Industrial,etc. Pe:cm:.t I 3...._.e:d To: New Construction Type of Improvement,Add,Alter,New Coast.,Demo,Land/Move,etc. - _Vey Ort 7 r - welling/ 3 bedroom`s% 2 bathrooms/ septic system/ well/ oil hey ;39 ;,. ft. ) -..-...z._ of rce :ms and bathrooms and other rooms Owr. r :o:-d: Kim & Douglas Rogers AdCr:r. : __ orwell Street, South Dartmouth, MA 02748 1_r,4 ' i It✓_ ;`TYPE OF INSPECTION REMARKS INITIAL ic 2G�" E ! / 1 _ 5 r/_ i i ` " EP 14 1995 Cb , (�iT�/ u � � ., . Is "js l/3c ;ova -nz., ,,,_ C- Lzz-c n_,•r:r ifirc.p,( JR .5 1 i 7u_-`_mac A.c-- ,-ria3 . <rf /a �� > fl , , I. -95 �li'.� .�..�.,F ems' c�1f; la7.1 -R, _ ._i/ m & )E.LI o /Y dL 4 RECEIPT FOR PERMIT TOWN OF DARTMOUTH -3 O C ff o urn\ PERMIT NO. i No \O z U Date t Received From P / _A t...7l_..<',1,t_, Owner J�1A-C - / 1 Location --'�"? ' w' -�. ,41 T Type. i" _— �..^�,lt,!'T c_ - _ _-d^^n �'' . .�i C.-_., 1 _„ p r Amount Paid 1 6' _ -- 474 l)/ Received By BUILDING PERMIT Dartmouth Building Department Plat : 66 400 Slocum Road-P. O. Box 9399 Lot (s) : 2-78 North Dartmouth, MA 02747 Lot Size:4O,2O9 Telephone 508-999-0720 Zoning Dist. : SRB June 28, 1995 (typed) Permit No. : 180 Issued Date: 09 / 05/ 1995 Clerk: soh Project Location: 25 Goldfinch Drive Number Subdivision Name: Songbird Acres (Lot 21) Nearest Cross Street : Applicant/Agent : Robert W. Mullins Address : 8 Wareham Street. Middleboro, MA 02346 Contact Person Phone #: ( ) 508-946-9118 Type of License: Owner: ( ) Const. Superv. License #: (057185) Architect : ( ) Engineer: ( ) Other: ( ) Proposed Use: Residential Reel . Commercial. Industrial. etc. Permit Issued To: New Construction Tyct_of liwn*ent. Add. Alters beer Const,, Demo, tend/More. eto. New One-Family Dwelling/ 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms/ septic system/ well / oil heat indicate no. of bedrooms and Dethrone and other repo Gross Area of Const. : 2490 sa. ft. Cost of Const. $72, OOO. 00 Cost-Other Const. : TOTAL FEE: $ 249. 00 Owner(s) of Record: Kim & Dour' Ropers Address: 16 Norwell Street, South Dartmouth, MA 02748 All work shall comply with 780 CMR 5th Ed. (MGL Chap. 142) and any other applicable Mass. Laws or codes and plans on file. I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and I have been authoriz -by t e wner to make this application as his authorized age / `G'� 4 Signature of Owner/Agent : i/jl Address: Signature: -d KK Approved/Issued Bytt oel S. Reed, Loc 1 Building Inspector COMMENTS: ORIGINAL 0 APPLICANT 0 ASSESSORS 0 CLERK 0 COPY OCCUPANCY PERMIT KIM & DOUGLAS ROGERS NEW DWELLING Occupancy is hereby granted for the premises located at 25 GOLDFINCH DRIVE Assessors Plat 066 Lot 2-78. y k The premise has been found to meet the requirements of the Massachusetts State Building Code in effect as of the date of permit issue and other applicable Massachusetts Codes and regulations as evidenced by approvals affixed to the reverse of this permit. The use is further found to be in compliance with the Local Zoning By-Laws for use as indicated, as of this date of issue. This permit is further conditioned on:the continued maintenance of permitted conditions as provided by law. ZONING DISTRICT - SINGLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT APPROVED USE - RESIDENTIAL SPECIAL PERMIT/VARIANCE N/A Approved by • David J. Silveira DEC 13 1995 Building Commissioner ' & Zoning Enforcement Officer DATE OF ISSUE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY - DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL To be signed by each division indicating compliance on final inspection. BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS PER 780CMR 119.5: USE GROUP CLASSIFICATION (R3) TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION (SB) MAXIMUM LIVE LOAD FLOORS 30# living space ` SPECIAL CONDITIONS (per sq. ft.) 40# bedrooms BUILDING /J PERMIT NO. 180 Approved by I n Date DEC 13 1995 Comment , PLUMBING /� / PERMIT NO. Ste Approved by ,-��° Iy Date //-/S 9S Comment ' 1 GAS / PERMIT NO. / Approved by // Date Comment / i% Q� f // 9u- ELECTRICAL �,���>�i PERMIT NO. / Co 1 — 9 S Approved by e.-- /i z.Q&eN Date //-/ 5 - 2 I- Comment FIRE ©1r3 PERMIT NO. Approved byQ e/L—Acji4A, a. Date /./-/0 9 'es"— Comment BOARD OF HEATH PERMIT NO. Approved by &, - ,} Date is- %3- 9� Comment (/ DPW-WATER PERMIT NO. Approved by N/A Date Comment DPW-SEWER PERMIT NO. Approved by N/A Date Comment WATER DIVISION-CROSS CONNECTION JOB NO. Approved by N/A Date Comment E - 911 COORD�j ATOR ADDRESS NO. &..< Approved by 4h'a -# . Date //-/5-q5 Comment PLANNING DIRECTOR (Off-Street Parking Plan) Approved by N/A Date Comment JOB tt ^ .ciao .7ssociates, Inc. SHEET NO. ��/,//�/,��� OF + / Geotechnical, Structural CALCULATED BY /qa, \ L in7 DATE &//4/956 Civil & Environmental Engineers CHECKED BY DATE SCALE ASTM A 3(� 19/8 sY/JF_ f x 6 (ACTUAL siz'E� ._:...2)x.g_.(U5e �� if 745 i AcruriG S/ZE)1 ' ' 1 i 1 i ; 1 1 . / .PLIMDOD' i 1 , ii I 1 i i t WAaHEK@1 1 It, 2�g5` 1 AV i Join IJ ER — -- T _ .,SGctle_ f „ _ / r MxJCT:.,-„,.b .:., 4 av Veil 0.n:To a3nh4 Tou FREI l{SSX:iP Liao Associates, Inc. Geotechnical,Structural,Civil&Environmental Engineers 34 Bridle Road, Bridgewater, MA 02324 Tel(508)697-6985 Fax(508)697-1662 June 14, 1995 Project No. 9528 Mr. Bob Mullins Cherryfield Development Corp. 8 Wareham Street Middleboro, MA 02346 RE: Steel Beam Lot 21 Goldfinch Drive North Dartmouth, MA Dear Mr. Mullins: Per your request, design of steel beam and connection of the floor joists to the beam has been completed and is attached to this letter. Wood columns of 4x6s should be used to support this beam at the two ends. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please feel free to call Sincerely, LIAO ASSOCIATES, INC. At pyzN..oSs9c 4 MARK C. /f/ "" O STRUC il/RAL z. LIAO may'' A° No.35103 y Mark C. Liao, Ph.D., P.E. President a,"q taisr>:at°`��8 S8lONALsIcc :� j ,' �� .t n