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BU I LDI NG PERM IT FIELD INSPECTION Dartmouth Building Department Plat: 066 400 Slocum Road-P.O. Box 9399 Lot(s) : 02-71 North Dartmouth, MA 02747 Lot Size: 41. 15A Telephone 508-999-0720 Zone Dist. : SRB Issued Date: 10/18/95 Permit No. : 295 Project Location: 4 Goldfinch-Jaffe Number Street Subdivision Name: Songbird Acres Nearest Cross Street: Applicant/Agent: Jose A. Roderiques Contact Person Phone #: (508 ) 998-1412 or 759-5020 (work) Proposed Use: Residential Residential,Commercial, Industrial,etc. Permit Issued To: New Construction Type of Improvement,Add,Alter,New Consi.,Demo,Land/Move,etc. New One-Family Dwelling/ 3 bedrooms/ 21 baths/ garage/ fireplace/ septic system/ well/ oil heat/ (4338 sq. ft. ) indicate no. of bedrooms and bathrooms and other rooms Owner(s) of Record: Jose A. Roderiques Address: P.O. Box 5125 , New Bedford, MA 02745 DATE TIME TYPE OF INSPECTION [ REMARKS INITIAL ' //n2-+S c/A2_ //-Q)--9 s ID Aw.- O K 64614 d -/SAC it frm a/44 C — ems FEB 2 3 1996 //v/.5 4m /l/.-G.-y , 0L �. .� � arc- "4"_ ��'�"�`�. V . MAR 1 $ 1996 W 4R 2 5 1996 nt.'s-as., .0 air N 4Y 0 91996 'i , ,-,, % -j �-J '.it-''N4^�.._,.� -ems:'"��l__ /,-r'P r�6 _ .L�t.'4; fezeL�n—..t L-k.........a.-J _ /Ft>//n_ �it/-e m t, MAY 16 1996 /4.3vrfrn 0 /( rem-c,.tjt • f, Y Y BUILDING PERMIT Dartmouth Building Department Plat : 66 400 Slocum Road-P. O. Box 9399 Lot (s) : 2-71 North Dartmouth, MA 02747 Lot Size: 1. 5 A Telephone 508-999-0720 Zoning Dist. : SRB September 28, 1995 (typed) Permit No. : o2r/3- Issued Date: /0 //r/ 9.5 Clerk: JMH Project Location: 4 Goldfinch Lane Nueber Subdivision Name: Songbird Acres Nearest Cross Street : Applicant/Agent : Jose A. Roderiques Address: P. O. Box 5125, New Bedford, MA 02745 Contact Person Phone #: (508)-998-1412 or 759-5020 (work) Type of License: Owner: (x) Const. Superv. License #: ( Architect : ( ) Engineer: ( ) Other: ( Proposed Use : Residential Reeldenti al. Ceeeerols]. Induetrlei. etc. Permit Issued To: New Construction Type of laprevewnt. Add. Pater. New Coast.. Dew. Land/Move. etc. New One-Family Dwelling/3 bedrooms/2 1/2 baths/garage/fireplace/septic system/well/oil heat Indicate no. of bedrooms end bathrooee and other roves Gross Area of Const. : 4. 338 sq. ft. Cost of Const. $100, 000. 00 CU °0-3 Cost-Other Const. : TOTAL FEE: $ 494. 00 tQ,,u, Owner(s) of Record: Jose A. Roderiques 9' Address : P. O. Box 5125, New Bedford, MA 02745 All work shall comply with 780 CMR 5th Ed. (MGL Chap. 142) and any other applicable Mass. Laws or codes and plans on file. I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his authorized agent.Signature of Owner/Agent : dp.a.0 1,1 . gl..0*. Address: PO Qo)r 57Z 5- glok,.- Av d MR- 02 7'9S *************************/*J************* ************************** Signature: `,-c,..rx / ,f-2-e rQ Approved/Issued Bye Soel S. Reed, local Building Inspector COMMENTS: L ORIGINAL 0 APPLICANT 0 ASSESSORS 0 CLERK 0 COPY i OCCUPANCY PERMIT JOSE A. RODERIQUES UES Q NEW DWELLING Occupancy is hereby granted for the premises located at 4 GOLDFINCH DRIVE Assessors Plat 066 Lot 2-71. The premise has been found to meet the requirements of the Massachusetts State Building Code in effect as of the date of permit issue and other applicable Massachusetts Codes and regulations as evidenced by approvals affixed to the reverse of this permit. The use is further found to be in compliance with the Local Zoning By-Laws for use as indicated, as of this date of issue. This permit is further conditioned on the continued maintenance of permitted conditions as provided by law. ZONING DISTRICT - SINGLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT APPROVED USE - RESIDENTIAL SPECIAL PERMIT/VARIANCE N/A Approved by avid Silveira Building Commissioner MAY 16 1996 & Zoning Enforcement Officer DATE OF ISSUE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY - DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL To be signed by each division indicating compliance on final inspection. BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS PER 780CMR 119.5: USE GROUP CLASSIFICATION TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION MAXIMUM LIVE LOAD FLOORS SPECIAL CONDITIONS BUILDING / PERMIT NO. 295 Approved by /.,,_ v ),,Y 4- �o Date MAY 16 1996 Comment PLUMBING PERMIT NO. d 3 6 Approved by J k2 >,, o u,c Date '`f Z 2 96 Comment 7/ , GAS Approved b CJ,� ,�j. i PERMIT NO. 6St' n Date _ S 7 96 Comment , T ELECTRICAIh(\ t PERMIT NO. kR°l k to '-t3 L. °y Co Approved by \y4 a ..,, Lk, . Date iN4�.\, l , \°iTh (� Comment FIRE (a/571-3 PERMIT NO. Approved byO .57 1"lfiv'r3"jgrra Date 5S P-Sd Comment BOARD OF HEALTH g� PERMIT NO. Approved by J c,, e5/� ,' Date _3-`• 96 Comment DPW-WATER / PERMIT NO. Approved by // (- Date Comment DPW-SEWER PERMIT NO. Approved by /Y// Date Comment WATER DIVISION- ROSS CONNECTION JOB NO. Approved by /�/ i) Date Comment E - 911 COORDINATOR / ADDRESS NO. 4/ Approved by P�d— �, VLP Zit /Jc/in Date 1/45- 7- ?j Comment ( C PLANNING DIRECTOR (Off-Street Parking Plan) Approved by Date Comment N/A 1.3 tl I L.DING PERM IT rm)uth t)., • I ' ntt Dente-33 Bent t1.-'1.3.413 7, 3; . c,i5t4gn 0., Bo 9 3.3 L.1. T. '.0 • 4r,:r h Da; t*Vist 0;27,;(7 = t , T. 1 ph ft e 503.3- c) lontnq lift Se.yet ember 333 it We, t. 22/73 33, e 10/, 1,21 5:;;•k ; jiltH Pro jeet %kJ': i on : (3t..3,_ttt f rich c_arot3 Bti;:id 1 t` n f3.133;:R) 7.0 zirib tvt 3.3, . r 4%)i?t bppi tt:::.-)nt.i(ayent cyt 1-3,3,9431e,r i.at‘t? e 5 5 Vtg 5r'ke Be3;1T ttrgl oi,333,-;435 t,c3 3-) act. 1-3 e - e; Phore t't `,51,2iS) ik 2 of %CVO Type oF LtbetBeat 05,:4):F•ri (1';) Chh5t ., SOper'i- Licent:e 4! 3 31r-3:33-31 t bc t En 3i eebt ni-13;t3t. tbanpe33. b 03tet Wes.: dent i -33.4 Athentita, krtrtktitt,5nOtg. Pr:4 r t S Te New 3.1a>nr„truct 1),p, a 1.niea,•24“kt, t-4*.e t,-)a}t. Not:3 eel Le3333) L ±m 1i b 333 31 1c:niLL5t. 1;h I' I:tt 1' E' ii4cnc.ak-0 Ise, esi' eni tattyr-,nii. and itree ot Cut. t 43s ir ft. Cet 33 3- Coo t .3_33)t,t. -Ott; C h t IC tnt t Dtviv3-- te) at: heberOt je.;3,;33 Ftbdertque5 e 33.11 e35., tiv'it Be d 3:0 r-4.2 Pin weir shil I 1 373,3o)p y with 2ftP C.1R F.t.3-, Ed. 3.Wit Ch V. ,411. svd arty other iippiiv2ob1 Lavvvi ur cedev. 6nd pins en fi33 . htbeby certtfy thb4 the pbeput)ed work i5 .:B.0.;nobtzed by the ,,Bat;ele of reberd and I have been antbeSt2ed by the oNBer to it;.),ne th33.s appitbatxen as btt. Butbortied agent. gby.p.-.3..133)33.3 et Owner 33 Pne ; rtddre 3.3 : IC ***4 **4,4**4****4 * **,:-.* *****--4 -14=',".*-*****- ****4M-NI,S4* *44-14*4i-** *4** goat-3.3re flpprovv0: 1 ;.t.Bbo i-y Jbei Pebd, tobal 3)3t3313ildtog Int.pabtor UnMMENT;333. 1-14 NI3_,334, ;Hi I pm 31,, ii 3;13.3;PL1 CI1N I 4 f-14;;;.;ftt-tE-3;33!.73-3 ct.,333 tiK Plat l s6 Lot 2/ Address t (R y atA:v1 , Required approval Approvals received please (X) approvals Please (X) approvals and required for this project Initial as received DATE INITIALS Zoning SEP 14 1995 . sa,. Building Comm. AUG 2 4 1995 tdAk' Board of Appeals Water Card Sewer Card W aid af;,:Ba Bond Selectmen t� Fire Chief --s Oh- 748/lam do Cross Connections Licensed Contractor / Controlled Conet. Affid. /� k Other information required c�( (22 �J 00 o�TH ,y APT � � PERMIT NO.O7 /9 4 4 - , TOWN OF DARTMOUTH DATE ISSUED (0 It 5 q, _ .___ ;)I TOTAL COST �'Qtf 00 : Y�% APPLICATION FOR LESS APPLICATION FEE --22- ,? 166 BUILDING PERMIT FINAL PERMIT FEE -/C O Etifi .� /�1 NON cl .,,, : :r LOCATION OF BUILDING 01 Number & Street L( 42-4nJ hi--ide 01.1 Zoning District Sty B 02 Cross Streets(between) and ' 03 Lot .2 -7/ Plat o/p 04 Subdivision Jam dit t /kt t a Lot U OWNERSHIP COST 05 'Private (individual, corporation, 36 Cost of Improvement non-profit institution, etc.) 36.1 To be installed but not 06 ❑ Public (Federal, State, or local government) included in the above cost TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 36.2 Electrical 07 'New Construction 36.3 Plumbing Q 08 ❑ Addition -Type of Room(s) 36.4 HVAC 09 ❑ Alteration 36.5 Other - Specify 10 ❑ Foundation Only example: elevator p4 0 00 11 ❑ Demolition (# of units if residential) 37 TOTAL i 12 ❑ Moving (relocation) STRUCTURE STATISTICS 38 lood Frame 13 Number of Bedrooms \-3 39 ❑ Masonry (wall bearing) 14 Number of Bathrooms (Total) ,,L,3` 40 ❑ Structural Steel Full-Tub 41 ❑ Reinforced concrete 3/4 - Shower 42 ❑ Other- Specify 1/2 - Toilet Only RESIDENTIAL-PROPOSEDSI USE DIMENSIONS 15 L✓One-Family 43 Number of stories a 16 ❑ Two or more families 44 Total square feet of floor area, all floors, <� !. '�`? 1" Number of units based on exterior dimensionsT t 17 MI.-Garage 18 *Plied 45 Total land area, square feet / -5- ec,c-,-, 19 ElCarport ± 20 ❑ Swimming Pool SEWAGE DISPOSAL In-Ground Above-Ground 21 ❑ Woodstove 46 ublic or private company 22 E�'replace 47 I�Private (septic tank, etc.) 23 'Other - Specify WATER SUPPLY 48 ❑�public or private company NON-RESIDENTIAL - PROPOSED USE 49 10 Private, (well, cistern) 24 ❑ Amusement, recreational 25 ❑ Church, other religious PRINCIPAL TYPE OF HEATING FUEL 26 ❑ Industrial 50 ❑❑ cas • 27 ❑ Parking Garage 51 R'Oil 28 ❑ Service station, Repair garage 52 ❑ Electricity E 29 ❑ Hospital, institutional 53 ❑ Coal 30 ❑ Office, bank, professional 54 ❑ Other - Specify 31 ❑ Public utility 32 ❑ School, library, other educational TYPE OF MECHANICAL / 33 ❑ Stores, mercantile 55 Will there be central air conditioning? ❑Yes Q�4o 34 ❑ Tanks, towers 56 Will there be an elevator? ❑Yes ffNo 35 ❑ Other- Specify PARKING PER ZONING BY-LAWS 57 ❑ Enclosed 58 ❑ Outside TOWN OF DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE 508-999-0720 FAX 508-999-0738 • TO: X Fire Chief Dist. 1, 2,s ❑ Board of Appeals Tax Collector _ D.P.W. Engineering Board of Health ❑ D.P.W. Water/Sewer Conservation Comm. ❑ Cross Conn./Water Div. Selectmen-Licensing Planning Board Town Clerk ❑ 9-1-1 Police Department The following is forwarded to your office for your information only - no response is required. PLEASE PRINT The Building Department is in receipt of an application for A Plat Lot 7 /, Address ' ,�c�ci by a E_ Cit. _ to C_ CO\T PERSON&TELEPHONE 4 demo.construct,alter. occupy, etc. a(n) • The plan was received by this office on ! — C date This office will review said plans and subject to availability of potable water, where required, the provisions of Zoning By-law per MGL Chapter 40A and MSBC 780 CMR 5th Edition will have available to issue or will deny a permit for the above-mentioned work within 30 days of date of receipt. The applicant has been advised that your office as indicated above may require them to apply for licenses or permits subject to your jurisdiction and that they should contact your office, as indicated, for specific information. It is not necessary to respond to this notice unless there is a specific issue at hand or you wish to forward material or information required for permitting. When required, an Occupancy. Permit will not be issued until all Town Agencies have had the opportunity to "sign off" that the work under their jurisdiction is complete to their satisfaction. To The Applicant: Be advised that this notice will be sent to the Agencies checked above as they may have separate jurisdiction for your project. Any questions about the Agencies Regulations & Policy should be addressed to the individual Agency. Your signature acknowledges your receipt of a copy of this notice. 1/4 Q- ,E RI er LIC.\\T."fELEPHO\"E(PLEASEPR3 SIGNATURE DATE LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S NAS/ETELEPHONE(PLEASE PRINT DATE DEP,:Rrd.NOT_...S. ' + Y /+{fi/m } 4 f 4 t.. . TOWN OF DARTMOUTH REQUEST FOR ASSIGNMENT OF HOUSE NUMBER Owners) of Property (\ose 4 d- r- rvr\ -\Va �k,c,r; C ;ies Present Address . 0 . �@� s/a s/ /1/411.0`" Telephone Number /57)9) 9yK/V/o7 G'v (54 2 s a i'2kar House Location: Plat 1- 7/ Lot / Subdivision ;Swic, b,'rDC Actg. Lot Corner Lot ? "Yes 1/ No Street CC,lcl-irck �r\Jc Sinsle Family V Multi Family Condominium # of Units Site Pl;n Submitted ? Yes ,,- No Date Submitted 6P-02,,2-93 froiSi gnature,Owner House Number Assigned 4 GOLDFINCH DRIVE Date Assigned 8-25-95 Date Assessors Notified 8-25-95 Date Building Dept. Notified 8-25-95 Date Owner Notified c‘77-0 ,�- c..0 nt, Department. of Public Works • • • The Commonwealth of Massachusetts r ! 6 Department of Industrial Accidents a — Office of lorestIgatlaos =4 600 Washington Street Boston,Mass. 02111 ` 3s- • Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit :AppLeantiirformaftan-'-= -h,: m...aw,x 'lease= : al :Inr_l .xf Ye name: Jocation: city phone# [am a homeowner performing all work myself. ci I am a sole proprietor and have no one working in any capacity I am an employer providing workers' compensation for my employees working on this job. comnanv name: - - -- : - address: - _ .. . . rite: phone#: insurance co. oohey# I am a sole proprietor, general contractor, or homeowner(circle one)and have hired the contractors listed below wha have the following workers' compensation polices: company name: - -. - - - address: city: insurance co. ^noiicv# comnanv name: -: - address: - - - city: phone#r insurance co. poitev# Attach iciditfo licireetithe e a •- __.-:� :v�-h.-..,a, -F=::. . ,:- •v - ::. - Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MGL 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to 51.500.00 and/or one years'imprisonment as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine ofS100.00 a day against me. I understand that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for coverage verification. I do hereby cenffy under the pains and penalties ofperjury that the information provided above a trot and correct Signaturebe aajA",..„2 . Date Print name- Phone# �. .. official use only do not write in this area to be completed by city or town official - city or town: permit/Beense# ❑Building Department b °Licensing Board ❑ check if immediate response is required °Selectmen's Office contact person: phone#; °O herb Department Information and .Instructions Massachusetts General Laws chapter 152 section 25 requires all employers to provide workers' COtnpensatio employees. As quoted from the "law", an employee is defined as even'person in the service of another urider contract of hire, express or implied, oral or written. An employer is defined as an individual, partnership, association. corporation or other legal entity, or any two the foregoing engaged in a joint enterprise,and including the legal representatives of a deceased employer. or receiver or trustee of an individual , partnership. association or other legal entity, employing employees. How owner of a dwelling house having not more than three apartments and who resides therein, or the occupant of t dwelling house of another who employs persons to do maintenance, con a I':on or repair work on such dwell or on the grounds or building appurtenant thereto shall not because of such a. oyment be deemed to be an ern; MGL chapter 152 section 25 also states that every state or local licensing a__ %shall*Meld the issaare i renewal of a license or permit to operate a business or to construct build' , the commonwealth start applicant who has not produced acceptable evidence ofcompliancewith . _ surance ay/Fern Additionally, neither the commonwealth nor any of its political subdi%isions ' rater-nz,any comma performance of public work until acceptable evidence of ink been presented to the contractingce with the- ce authority. 'dents c=. �failin — 1ppucants : ..r _ Please fill in the workers' compensation affidavit completely, by - "king*.,r supplying company names.address and phone numbers as all . i... 5ts maser thata4your Industrial Accidents for confirmation of insurancethailiRan' affidavit should be returned to the city or toga that l sorb . na w pz �e not the Departmentapplic-:. ;-1r th -». :in; The of Industrial Accidents. Should you have ,,_ ; evils _ `�a a workers' ;.ompensation policy,ply call the Dep. . ;t ate lister' liimatir fyre' u; dat I / r/f 1 iq „w ' I I a� I i 17 fv ( 1 / i ' I I e j W . I; t Y II { II I;, F lil I i • • Information and .Instructions Massachusetts General Laws chapter 152 section 25 requires all employers to provide workers' compensation for their employees. As quoted from the "law",an employee is defined as every person in the service of another under any contract of hire, express or implied, oral or written. An employer is defined as an individual, partnership, association, corporation or other legal entity, or any two or more of the foregoing engaged in a joint enterprise, and including the legal representatives of a deceased employer, or the receiver or trustee of an individual , partnership, association or other legal entity, employing employees. However the owner of a dwelling house having not more than three apartments and who resides therein, or the occupant of the dwelling house of another who employs persons to do maintenance, construction or repair work on such dwelling house or on the grounds or building appurtenant thereto shall not because of such employment be deemed to be an employer. MGL chapter 152 section 25 also states that every state or local licensing agency shall withhold the issuance or renewal of a license or permit to operate a business or to construct buildings in the commonwealth for any applicant who has not produced acceptable evidence of compliance with the insurance coverage required. Additionally, neither the commonwealth nor any of its political subdivisions shall enter into any contract for the performance of public work until acceptable evidence of compliance with the insurance requirements of this chapter have been presented to the contracting authority. 1ppucantsV' Please fill in the workers' compensation affidavit completely, by checking the box that applies to your situation and supplying company names, address and phone numbers as all affidavits may be submitted to the Department of Industrial Accidents for confirmation of insurance coverage. Also be sure to sign and date the affidavit. The affidavit should be returned to the city or town that the application for the permit or license is being requested. not the Department of Industrial Accidents. Should you have any questions regarding the "law" or if you are required to obtain a workers' compensation policy, please call the Department at the number listed below. City or Towns Please be sure that the affidavit is complete and printed legibly. The Department has provideda-space at the bottom of the affidavit for you to fill out in the event the Office of Investigations has to contact you regarding the applicant. Please be sure to fill in the permit/license number which will be used as a reference number. The affidavits may be returned to the Department by mail or FAX unless other arrangements have been made. The Offk of Investigations would like to thank you in advance for you cooperation and should you have any questions. please 3o not hesitate to give us a call. its .. 1r4ir _ Tie Department's address, telephone and fax number: The Commonwealth Of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents Office of Investigations 600 Washington Street Boston, Ma. 02111 fax#: (617) 727-7749 phone#: (617) 727-4900 ext. 406, 409 or 375 d. • 7 y . THE COLLECTOR 'S OFFICE • DATE: i ./S' TO: BUILD I G DEPARTMENT FROM: COr.T.rCTOR'S OFFICE RE: PAYMENT OF PAST DUE TAXES PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT ON THIS D - /S i � THE TAXES FOR PROPERTY LOCATED O 4 /a� a,,, , _ PARCEL # 6C - - -// HAVE BEEN PAID. THE P. IT WHICH HAS BEEN REQUESTED MAY BE ISSUED. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS PLEASE CALL. cc:DEBORAH L. PIVA TCWN COT,TPCTOR UwN OF DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT i TELEPHONE 50B-999-0720 _ FAX 508-999-0738 TO: Fire Chief Dist- 1, 2, 3) ❑4 Board X of Appeals Tax Collector ❑ D.P.W. Engineering al Board of Health El D.P.W. Water/Sewer Conservation Comm. ❑ Cross Conn./Water Div. 1100 Selectmen-Licensing Planning Board ❑ Town Clerk ❑ 9-1-1 Police Department The following is forwarded to your office for your information only - no response is required. PLEASE PRINT The Building Department is in receipt of an application for Plat l Lot - 7 4 Address -�-��• �_r�� to by 1 �,���t�<< 4 CONT PERSON la TELEPHONE# G /� demo.construes alter, occupy, ate. a(n) The plan was received by this office on 0 G rC date This office will review said plans and subject to availability of potable water, where required, the provisions of Zoning By-law per MGL Chapter 40A and MSBC 780 CMR 5th Edition will have available to issue or will deny a permit for the above-mentioned work within 30 days of date of receipt. The applicant has been advised that your office as indicated above may require them to apply for licenses or permits subject to your jurisdiction and that they should contact your office, as indicated, for specific information. It is not necessary to respond to this notice unless there 'is a specific issue at hand or you wish to forward material or information required for permitting. When required, an Occupancy Permit will not be issued until all Town Agencies have had the opportunity to "sign off" that the work under their jurisdiction is complete to their satisfaction. To The Applicant: Be advised that this notice will be sent to the Agencies checked above as they may have separate jurisdiction for your project. Any questions about the Agencies Regulations & Policy should be addressed to the individual Agency. Your signature acknowledges your receipt of a copy of this notice. / a_ �l t3C.l\T.TELEPNO\'E fprsass rw SIGNATURE DATE LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S NA.NETELEPHONE(PLEASE PRINT DATE i::ti J roam .,L &�i721� r T 400 Slocum Road • P.O. Box 9399 "ib ^7 North Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02747 CONSERVATION COMMISSION A-1 SITE INSPECTION FORM (5081 999-0722 •ilier• 5. Lawcs )o)19 j94. Name of Person Making Request Date 124 kkim kor,n a• Sc �,;nA Dr we gel v Address of Applicant Stree Location of _ 1 Property 1414 Zett4rri i We 01140 -34So Lo+ M- Cit1\Town, State , Zip Plat and Lot Number 994-015l 1194 re 3664 ges►aen4ca1 ckweik;iNck Telephone ( Day & Evening ) Proposed Use of Land ( Dwelling, Addition etc . ) t - L ?iGherd G% gate's Ve4ccttoktrves / � Owner Name Signature ,f 0�wfer or Owners Representative 124 Ka.JA Cr G'• ALA '9 A rfrv' Addres Signature o App scant 14et43 aR'4 , µ11• e2.146 11160 LOCATION OF PROPERTY : Please attach a site plan . If a site plan is not available, a hand drawn map showing the exact location and size of property to be inspected is acceptable . The map shall include the following information: street name, house number on abutting lots , property bound locations, and any natural or man-made features which will allow the inspector to find the site . Use the space provided below to draw a a map or attach an extra sheet . Property boundaries should be clearly marked in the field prior to requesting site ,inspection . Cj dr* West) of site- Wetlands exist on (North, South, Flag. removal of vegetation, etc.) in a wetland or activity 10 (clearing,of wetland requires a permit from the Conservation or within 100 feet of a wetland work shall be is until ermit is received. Commission. . NO ssion before any A Ntice o of Intent should be filed with the Conservation comma work begins on site. ation Coasaio¢. A.ge est for Determ ns on si should be filed with the.Gonserv, , .•& %. bg gre •any work beg' e. No wetlands or other areas subject to the jurisdiction of the conservation Commission exist on-site or within 100 feet of site. No forms need to be • or • -filed with the- Conservation Commission. A survey plan of the wetland delineation should be submitted to the j conservation Commission office. ,,� t :�� (m ' ;.tc � rvet . . ... . • /Other Comments: — a1 e he.E4. t .e th Inspection is a procedure outlined in the oD a of uWens identifying . Prot: Thedo B Site Itsp service available for the p rp cation ising•:_• . Pettacion Bylaw- si is a this completed SitQ Insp wetlandin areas on a site. The issuance of 40 or thq rtmndeh MGL' ch.' 131 S ) . liaatiouth a final determination of wetland boundaries or their jurisdictional status under the issuance of :a Determination of App the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act Wetlands Protection Bylaw. only ion or order ofd Conditions byan the Conservation heiisdictnional statuslizes underthe thesetL=amws. The of wetland boundaries and\or their j ears from the date of issuance (shown corn letion of this site Incth=eel (3)not an authorization to roceed with work. This site inspection expires below) • office, room 107 All filing forms are availab400inithe Conocum . from 9AMin commission 8:45AM - at the Dartmouth Town Hall, 4:30PM Tuesday through Friday. Site Inspection Fees: 1-5 Acres $50.00; 5-10 Acres $75.00; 10-100 Acres $200.00; Above 100 acres $400.00 Inspector will flag the wetland edge for sites from 1-5 acres Commission reserves the right to refuse to perform a site The Conservation only. The conservation somma the conservation Inspector in inspection on areas less than 5 acres where ebybROrmal site conditions would requiremaking resent. Sites over 5 acrs must an excessive amount of time be spentperson prior bek flq a determination wetlan of then ist,wetland a ist p be fitting by site wetlandnspectiontist, botanist or other qualified of inspection. The Conservation Inspector willcessary. Theen review the conservation submitting performingConsery ion flagging in the field and make adjustments the person commission may require proof of the 4u delineation on sites larger than 5 acres. -J�r1� ( (� (y s i conservation Of i pate of Issuance (Rev. 9-1-94 MJO) I l 2 m . v - � ;1 lok Z men C1. 1 _Am � a rn`®• -.Io g� . y 'di,' fligebI. � 4 N Z cn _ k f, , ..... .., 04,..4 ...,,F:*_.;;;A: , ...i v „_.;,_ _, ...... ;_____„:_i_. • (Ai p Q I O o , �� s �'o (; cp11 M a c kW za ' , .\ (t1 Z od N O C _ /5-;A/c%/ ZAA/L k7"= zoo, oo , L : /SO. 00 ' ,�?' ,ob1 4 r' 4G l�� ,y ,A‘ ' _, 0 I, Co I:;- �. V' r a o-<%. 4 a�0 r� ......QQQQQQ A -7/ , 444444 ere Dartmouth Building Department eE � 400 Slocum Road P.O. Box 79399 508-999-0720 Dartmouth, MA 02747 FAX 508-999-0785 August 30, 1995 Re: Plat 66 Lot 2-71 To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised that lot 14 Songbird Acres as shown on the subdivision plan endorsed by the Dartmouth Planning Board dated 3-27-95 is buildable and in compliance with Local Zoning By-Law applicable to said lot. Should this office be of any further assistance please advise. Sincerely, DavidJ.Silveira Building Commissioner & Zoning Enforcement Officer DJS: sgh FROM c PETER J. HAWES REALTORS/LAND PHONE NO. : 508 994 0757 P01 �.ino.v.w..wnn..o...A.wn..w.onn,..nu.......wn++..nn..n..--...,... ....., .......... _ ..„,....,. ....,_...,,-,,....,»v..._..a......-..P.,..�.....,.,,,... .......m.,�� Peter J. Hawes Realtor/Developer 124 Hawthorn Street New Bedford, MA 02740 3450 Phone & Fax (508) 994-0757 FACSIMILE COVER SHEF:1' Date: 6P-- 30 , 1995 Sheets including cover: `j, jUetvN o__2o__2 Fax #: From REGARDING: L A 09 A ciitez ' �y G(,/U✓) at y kJnc�LZy W>•a`4Q Ov /4 M s- l r � rt ee ;± � c,lase: G J a) w, frk, YS y plc �l k5 J /te,4,e .d‘e-dee r eta, Ze dad, 0-4- aptCadisinol 3- 2 7- 15 �"°''"'� G **************************************************************************************************** P. 01 TRANSACTION REPORT x AUG-31-95 THU 8: 54 AM x * FOR: * DATE START RECEIVER TX TIME PAGES TYPE NOTE * AUG-31 8: 54 AM 99940757 43° 1 SEND OK TOWN OF DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE 508-999-0720 FAX 508-999-0738 '95 SE? 7 PPS 3 El ZONING REVIEW TO: X ENGINEER PLANNING DEPARTMENT X FILE/NOTEBOOK DCBOARD OF HEALTH CONSERVATION COMMISSION OTHER ****************************************************************************** (TO BE FILLED OLT BY APPLICA.%"I) PLAT 66 LOT — / STREET NAME OWNER'S NAMEjs- o-y Per-d-A " SUBDIVISION & LOT.# / CONTACT PERSON'$eln atcke( TELEPHONE # -75T-S Z3 DESIGN PROFESSIONAL AGENCY THIS PLAN W• ' PREPARED BY A_SANITARIAN _LAND SURVEYOR X PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER (INDICATE. STRUCTURAL, ARCHITECTURAL or OTHER CHECK ?APPROPRIATE ANSWER WHERE PROVIDED, CROSS OUT INAPPROPRIATE ANSWER After review of the above noted site plan I find the following: 1. Zoning District c Vacant Lot Yes_No. rift Date plan approved 1a f i t't 4' Zoning District appropriate N7A Date plan endorsed_ ISZ'7 S] Yes _No. 2. IgIA Street )(Existing, _Public, _ Private, _Ancient Way, under construction Yes No. Street complies _Yes _ No. 3. ?ft Frontage I 'Who' complies yes Ye no_, not-shown - provide Not Lot Area fezC-Lef complies� yes j no_ aL, nshewn - provide 'Aim /- Percentage of Lot Coverage ` o % maximum allowed, emote_Yes ZNe• Complies yes L.,,no _ May be additionally restricted by item number 8. 4. frit— Setbacks current for this site are& Front (any street side), gaDany other sides. "Grandfathered" setbacks (are) (=pt) allowed and are applicable to vacant lots only. "Grandfathered" setbacks for this lot may be, per Plan Date e—cv, at front y�, sides 2b and rear Z,a and 19 'Zoning for the Main Use, if otherwise allowed. Exempt setbacks existing yes _, no X. Exempt setbacks will exist due to "Grandfather" rights _yes _X no. Exempt setback(s) occur when legally pre-existing structures are closer to lot lines than is currently allowed. A "grandfathered" setback may become an exempt setback. • (over) 5. Accessory Structure(s) indicated_yes>no. -Setbacks comply -yes-- Ater l0 o '4 6. NIX Off-Street Parking (Residential-2 space minimum per dwelling unit) complies yes K no y '- .NMsetback Driveway (3'minimum required except common drive at property line4 crossing only) complies yes no-_ 7. NM Top of foundation elevation (( L a #fA Cellar Slab elevation - required yes&no_. complies yes.no _ N/A_ /0 7.0 Bottom ..E-feeting elevation 8. a Aquifer-gone 1 2 3. Maximum impervious cover is 10% of lot area,_Yes_ No. II'tsn_.a s r'percentage of lot coverage_Yes XNo. 9. F.I.R.M: Zone C. elev — Panel#250051 00 ✓ date 6 / i / r.,3 Flood Zone construction requirements apply, yes_no A_. Qinmataibb 10. Ot erP verlay District eInl rid Vetlands (section 17) - Requires further action, yes_ no_ — — Co me t Co I etlands (section 18) N/A_Requires further action, yes _no Comment 11. 462 Z ; Board of Appeals action is required_Yes_No. C ent Was nted - Case# See decision. 12. .3hSC Certified "As Built" REQUIRED, including top of foundation elevation in actual elevation numbers, not assume, pt.4r to backfill or any other construction. 13. Submit further information No_Yes. If yes, refer to item(s) k 14. Project will require further review when new, revised or requested information is submitted to any - agency. 15. This Zoning review does not indicate compliance with any other Agency, including, but not limited to the Massachusetts State Building Code. 16. Building Department Permit(s) required Kyes _no 17. 1] I A- V I N/A = not applicable To applicant/engineer: Zoning APPROVED to proceed. _ DO NOT PROCEED, submit information requested above! _DO NOT PROCEED, Insufficient information provided, RESUBMIT! ubmitted by, 0_ David J.Silveit • Building Commissioner& C Zoning Enforcement Officer Date -si 7 ZOM'[REtt 3 r1 t O 7d �G IL vep �epuzqc/ , SoNGB�R� 0 LANC: , /y 6 i-vJ ► N o A K URA V Fe-COUMT Q oe ,o F'RopoSED , DA�'"OUTO �NCt! OGt Law cc-L_A N D N Cl �/� I b i 10(p SC U t � `/9 ; ` goy I I LJi ;9. �0_0 lily, I t4k t 11 o '7"b S o10 )011 Ile IT .I" qz we_ldcd s}eel wire TYPICAL SEPTIC TANK DETAIL Not to Scale � soo or. approved equal :k: VA G7 MIE I L•7 �-8 <Z> A i= �ACTo o - /02. TEST TAK' E N 2 - 2- 9 " INSPECTOf?- SvE &ierFInl flERCOLAT-;ION RATE-_ 11'112- MIA/. SEEPAGE- /vonic= LEDGE- A/oIvc GROUND 1tlAiER- (:5�) �8" TP 13y DESIGN DATA 0 . , . .•........•....� DESIGN FOR St4 CL A s S T� Z ZoESTIMATED FLOW CALCULATIONS - 3 �PQ 2 c�'`' LTYPICAL DISTRIBUTION BOX DETAIL Not to Scale LEACH AREA — /o _� L = — S , Z -.?A L . AMERICAN PRECAST or approved equal GENERAL NOTE. ' • y I.) This syste ► is de ,i ned in accord �f t, Cod 9 ante with the Sf o►c Sc BBC K i-I L L 2' e (Title 5) c -id any city or town sewage modifications 2.) Engineer and B0C• rd of Health to inspect • P ge disposal system before bcLokfilling. WASH ED CRU SHED STONC I / 8" - I/ 2���; Z'' 3.) Elevations based <an S�•g�,�r Sion.! datum plane. e 4) Distribution pipes t (10 o P P o be capped at outlet. 0 5.) Locus being�A-r - , (o'' 6.) This system �- 5�8. �v. LuT �� Sn"rb rb IIZ AC_1z =- y ( is r -,ot) designed for a garbage des e 12� 7.) Leach area to be (� g posal . ,,xcovated to elevation ���•� r-!and e backfilled with c1lean clay -free WASHES CRUSHED S T oNE a o �� a - �0 - � °° ° free (o y gravel to bottom of fed . o06 it3/4 112 � � PLAN LEGEND t, a 4 PLASTIC PIPE (Tit_ ht joints)o 0��� -_ 9 �� SEPTIC SANK ICAL LEACHING RED CROSS - SEC I .ION 4" C .1, PIPE (Tight joints) EJ DINot to Scale1STRIBUTI&N' BOX _ - - - - - 4'PERFORATED PLASTIC PIPE TEST PIT EXISTING CONTOUI` RS BENCH MARK 5� PROPOSE - D CONTG.IURS —w — WATER LINE � � RESERVE LEACH /A EA D DRAIN LINE y 2 © WELL 1 % S�' i `t� ►"' I F� C)d Two t A ALL AN� ___4 C A L 'A L..- P\-�- (c) �0 — .. ---"% _rl I N' TOP OF FOUNDATION ";:• 2•!ST ELE V. = 11Y. S FINISH GRADE ��/�� ins i ♦ i ♦� . ♦� BQCKFILL tX = /off �� D. d / .$� �, ope ,/N %I ...% 1500 cn ' • Note: 1/4 per foot :. GALL O N CONCRETE. N slope min. SEPTIC TANK LEVEL STABLE •�4p�� L/ o- ft� N �. �Q r Z . LEVEL STABLE // l N BASE - CLE/AN CLAY FREE GRAVEL DISTRIBUTION BOX ,J'i � � �- � ( �- � � � � ) / TYPICAL PROFILE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL Not to stole Note: Discrepancies of soils or water table during construction must. be reported to the engineer for inspection. Noie: Any changes to this plan must be approved by the Board of Health and the Engineer. qo_ LEACHING BED SYSTEM TOWN OF DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE 508-999-0720 FAX 508-999-0738 ZONING REVIEW TO: X ENGINEER PLANNING DEPARTMENT X FILE/NOTEBOOK X BOARD OF HEALTH CONSERVATION COMMISSION OTHER ****************************************************************************** (TO BE FILLED OUT BY APPLICANT) PLAT { ' LOT 2 -71 STREET NAME Cz' a I4 CI4.5 C. L n OWNER'S NAMETo.sy Redri?n,es. SUBDIVISION & LOT # Soihtrl 4/Y CONTACT PERSON3eLet,Jae_ . TELEPHONE # 751-- 3823 DESIGN PROFESSIONAL AGENCY --rttt c.ca,ocp E14E TH"S PLAN Ws PREPARED BY A_SANITARIAN _ LAND SUKVEYOR APROFESSIONAL ENGINEER (INDICAT r STRUCTURAL, ARCHITECTURAL or OTHER CHECK APPROPRIATE ANSWER WHERE PROVIDED, CROSS OUT INAPPROPRIATE ANSWER After review of the above noted site plan I find the following:1. Zoning DistrictSRB Vacant Lot h Yes_No. *A Date plan approved I. .-t 9^ r7'y Zoning District appropriate A Yes _No. NM. Date plan endorsed S- 27 ^ 2. #NA Street _ Existing, _Public, _ Private, — Ancient Way, under construction / Yes __No. Street complies g tan _No. �yo►a 3. #!A Frontage 1 St ' complies yes ,.no not - provide__ IVfrt Lot Area e 7 St8 complies yes no_, not drawn provide, -NfA Percentage of Lot Coverage Sr0 % maximum allowed, scat_Yes ZC No. Complies yesk no_. May be additionally restricted by item number S. 4. J447i' Setbacks current for this site are 15 Front (any street side),2b any other sides. "Grandfathered" setbacks (are) (ere- alt) allowed and are applicable to vacant lots only. "Grandfathered" setbacks for this lot may be, per Plan Date d.94, at front .5b, sides 2D and rear 7Q, and 195,±1 Zoning for the Main Use, if otherwise allowed. Exempt setbacks existing yes_, no X. Exempt setbacks will exist due to "Grandfather" rights _yes L no. Exempt setback(s) occur when legally pre-existing structures are closer to lot lines than is currently allowed. A "grandfathered" setback may become an exempt setback. . _ (over) :m . 5. Accessory Structure(s) indicated _yes L no. 'Setbacks comply ..yes---no, et. 6. -WA Off-Street Parking (Residential-2 space minimum per dwelling unit) complies yes=?Sim_. ..Nt(A Driveway (3'minimum setback required except common drive at property line crossing only) complies yes. no_ 7. 1-N/at Top of foundation elevation (��.� s •NM- Cellar Slab elevation - required yes ZC no— complies yes Y.no _ N/A_ /O Z .0 Bottom of footing elevation 8. 411010 Aqu er Zone 1 2 3. Maximum impervious cover is 10% of lot area,_Yes_ No. INDI TE percentage of lot coverage_Yes&No. 9. F.I.R.M' Zone C elev -. Panel if 250051 00 :see date 6 / 1 /$3 Flood Zone construction requirements apply, yes no X . Comment 10. Other Overlay District N/. 1n(and Wetlands (section 17) - Requires further action, yes_no_ Ca mment Co�tal Wetlands (section 18) N/A Requires further action, yes_no_ . Co `meat - - 11. tip Zon g Board of Appeals action is required_Yes No. Com ent Was rated - Case!/ See decision. 12. -N14- Certified "As Built" REQUIRED, including top of foundation elevation in actual elevation numbers, not assumed, prior to backfill or any other construction. 13. Submit further information 4No_ Yes. If yes, refer to item(s) i' . 14. Project will require further review when new, revised or requestedlinformation is submitted to any agency. 15. This Zoning review does not indicate compliance with any other Ageincy, including, but not limited to the Massachusetts State Building Code. 16. Building Department Permits) required X yes _ no 17. 1/3\41t 1 e . N/A =not applicable To applicant/engineer: 4 Zoning APPROVED to proceed. _ DO NOT PROCEED, submit information requested above! _ DO NOT PROCEED, Insufficient information provided, RESUBMIT! Submitted by, `1`�t tavid Jsil I Building Commissioner-& / Zoning Enforcement Officer Date 7'/ ((�- J ZOMMRE%1.003 CIF TRA � "• �'� F`� � � $vT'�2 Gay v�\j � OM Ut2 E �ov2T Q . ty°I a � ,Q �OPOSED v C� Lo��S c� 4 Dgi�TMovT� �f� , � [/ Try(_ Ut i ►� C tl LAN N C1 o A/R-1 /L �Q- • �1 2) 1 N a A 0 . J \ a v i L 4.00 J�.• c� 0" • � � o� 1 oQ •�-S� 00, � A i ��� tom• ~1 1 C_ rjc> ,705� LAK .00=— S CA L k= 'A 0 \tJ TOP OF P;: /2 • S S 8 FOUNDATION , FINISH GRADE E L E V . = //I/. : a. ice..... .. �.,, ... ....... �� ... ��.� .�. �. ...• n • ...y . . ..t st 0 i to o Y• •J • ••� , • �:',• 1500 •� Note: 1/4 per foot CONCRETE" � :GALLON N slope min. � . SEPTIC TAN � f I _ t-t v t_- L- Nay �S a 1. n--_ LEVEL STABLE BRCKF I L L Z LEVEL STABLE BASE DISTRIBUTION BOX r 1 L � Loy So rG 3t /3 -Tb . S o L Qvf S OJ."N � . . i0.� moo PYc • 41QUIr� f VA �� T"E E L EVE P• � a � • � 5 4/ - , • J 77 10V, &5 170- WeIAcd skeel Wire lQl (pl, (A 1 I TYPICAL SEPTIC TANK DETAIL FAC� Not to Scale /03. &-5 Fu I— D or approved equal /.02. FL A7_O TEST I/AKEN� I IVSPECT'O RlA/ �PE RC OL /AT I ON RATE /"112- M��• *. y••..:a SEEPAGE:- NnN� ;t LEDGE GROUNC WMTERa- t.'f 10 j, • 0 8 'r • DATA— CL_ASS � DESIGN OR � ��� ESTIMATED F7'LOW — - D o s C7 P _ _ 2 Z Zo Z CALCULATIOWS � �� — �, -7,A L TYPICAL DISTRIBUTION BOX DETAIL _ _ • �A LEACH AREA,— 7 0 7�L � Not to Scale AMERICAN PRECAST or approved equal NOTES GENERAL r. i �� �� �� his system is, designed in accordance Frith the State Sonitary , I.) T y 9 Code (f itle )-- and any city or town modi{icc is - BAG K FI L L 2.) Engineer and Board of Health to inspect sewage disposal system befog(:: backfilling. 3.) Elevations based on a,,jp \Jdatum plane. WASHED CRUSHED STONE I/ 8 r I/ 2 `s 2 4.) Distribution p* nes to be capped at outlet. '• o Rn o 5.) Locus being �-� (s �p L..0 - -Z- rl i ID+v. L-0 r• \y S0NC_)_r_5IRD Acat� ° a �6.) This system (( is not) designed for a garbage disposal. , c7 7.) Leach area tc) be excavated to elevation !o�B. t�o 5 and 3ob IZ b backfilled with clean clay -free gravel fd bottom of bed. on°° WASHED CRUSHED STONE o o (o'' o D �� c� ° ° j 3 /4 — , 1iz PLAN LEGENJo, , 2y' 4., PLASTIC P IR)E joints) (Ti ht SEPTIC TANK 9 TYPICAL LEACHING N G BEO CROSS - SECTION 4" C . I PIPE ((Tight joints) EJ DISTRIBUTION BOX LE jo ints) Not to Scale ------- 4" PERFORATED PLASTIC PIPE TEST PIT EXISTING COrNTOURS g.M.y, - BENCH MARK 5� PROPOSED C:+ONTOURS —w WATER LINE rZZOZ�'_ RESERVE LEACH AREA D DRAIN LINE - Co I Ov Sl o f►�' �7 o N O\J lam. 0e, A 10RI CLEAN CLAY FREE GRAVEL�%•I / �S.- f � � � 5 555? / e-c:loy& k TYPICAL PROFILE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEW Not to Scole Note: Discrepancies of soils or water table during construction must be reported to the engineer for inspection. Note: Any changes to this plan must be approved by the Board of Health and the Engineer. Q WELL h THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 4 ' J�—! �,� yeah , MASSACHUSETTS FEE No. '— !ispusal.System Qlunstructiun Permit Permission iwhereby granted to I construct ( or repair )an On-s. e sewage?;--jrSyste Q/yste and as described in the above Application for Disposal System Constructio Permit. The applicant recognizes his/her duty to comply with Title 5 and the following local provisions or special co iti Dns. All construction must be� ocompleted within two years of the date below. n DATE 7 -1 1-� Approved y cAC��f FORM 1255 Rev.3/95 A .SULKIN CO.-BOSTON.MA L • • • SoNGBIR0 Vlz V 1E t .r. i L� t Gon/R a 0 ,d Tom`►L l,vERRy J �ovfLT � Q �ZopoSED �Q � DAiZTMo�Tt� LANDNC� Qk� l CP �a This S�fstczzrn Is Not Dr---k-S! 0 "hir1D001 Fm,or Garbage Grbinderr W-: s WG,-*,ter Use Devices. 3 per � ��11 QVI io$ 1 ,o(p 10q i �o+3ErZ � f2o�A � 9 �l o p c ���-Mi�t ►oo' �Ro�n v.►tLL ENGINEERS AS -BUILT PLAN & CERTIFICATION o i STATEMENT REQUIRED � .us�� 112 4 loll14 . PVC . rE E QU» -f `1. LEVtrk •I, J� 7, 1 )V-' weldcd steel Wire TYPICAL SEPTIC TANK DETAIL Not to Scale •Rc�-'r�uDo s-r Soo or approved equal LOG 1'�NC K _ =:AL/ > /- L -z>O r FACTO iZ Mr S I L_'7 �A /02.82 R TEST TAKEN— 2-Z-95 INSPEC70R— SUE l�RiFF�iJ AERCOL.ATION RATE— SEEPAGE- AID n/c LEDGE- A/oNC GROUND V?ATER4w ��" 3 DESIGN DATA; . •...4::. �,,;:.-::,••.�•.:o: .- :f . •a• DESIGN FOR t4,,1v- M „ M ESTIMATED f'� LOW X 110 ` 28E:0 - 530 � L Z Zo Z CALCULATION'S - ? spa = TYPICAL DISTRIBUTION BOX DETAIL ° LEACH AREA— ; -7�L = _! .2. CAL Not to Scale p AMERICAN PRECAST or approved equal � GENERAL NCTES o� 7 � I. This system if State Sanitary s designed in accordance with the S ry Code (Title 5) and any city or town modifications. BAC K FI L L 2.) Engineer and Board of Health to inspect sewage disposal system before backfilling. 3.) Elevations based on ,�� n1 datumplane. " 2Sv'�3D Sto WA SH ED CRU SHED STONE 1 / 8" _ )12l 4.) Distribution Fiipes to be capped at outlet. I� a � 5.) Locus bein � -r 0 0 9 �A Co 1p LuT 'Z rl t Sum, D+ V• 1. 0_r 1�1 SaNC-.)i5 I1z C> AcRL :- ��6.) This system r( is not) designed for a garbC) t,• -«" ;� � 7.) Leach area to) be excavated to elevation 1 -'• •� �` + b 3 e o12 � �O �D �O °b acew'th clean clay -free gravel to bot om of be 000 WASHED CRUSHED STONE oo �� bkfilld crd. CQ 3/4 1/2 PLAN LEGEN. SEP - -I 199� DARiN4UTH 4 PLASTIC IC P IF-:>E (Tightjoints)SEP TIC HEALTH i TYP C I ED CROSS - SEC I ION�� LEAC-LING B 4 C, 1, PIPE ((Tight joints) ❑ DISTRIBUTION BOX ELE ATIONS MUS"I" B s CHANGED _ Not to Scale ------- 4PERFORATED PLASTIC PIPE TEST PI T WITHOUT S _ IAO �� -- 5� - EXISTING CO(� BENCH MARK OF HEALTH APPROVAL - -Q- E .+!TOURS g.Nl. 7� 5�' V- �� �, 5� PROPOSED C:'ONTOURS —w WATER L IN E 8 , 0�' HEALTH INSPECTION T P OF - 'lam' REQUIRED WHEN RESERVE LEACH AREA DRAIN LINE o , . 2 , , Q EN EXCAVATED jz%_ � o � FOUNDATION : WELL E L E V . - // y. S ; a �� FINISH GRADE �. �. .,. ram..... .. .,, z ' 19 4 B. 0. H. STAMP P STA _ E3RCKFILL .E. Z09t2 Q •: / O.3 / v .. ... •° :° o - Do,� 09. 2 t' rti� 0 }D�J� t3� �.'off: GERAL`D /O? D.D .,. �•..n. , S� o �.�� 'R`G � Q MICFiAEL �. a , ; . - �'. �' G / 08 . '% jV A 0 FITZGERALD —` - 1500 LEVEL STABLE ,- ` �'�' �- No.19309 O _16m Note. 1/4 per foot , BASE : GALLON CONCRETE.. CLEAN N slope min• CLAY FREE GRAVE / SEPTIC TAN ° • DISTRIBUTION BOX Sd2_0- - � � " � oy • � � � - - � e C to 0 ' L LEVEL STABLE + LEACHING BED B.. 0. H . NOTES P. L. S. S TA TYPICAL PROFILE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM THE APPROVAL BY THIS OFFIC' 3 i Not to Scale DOES NQT GUARANTEE THE NDiscrepancies of soils or water table during construction EF1=ETIENESSOEANY Note: e ,9 INTSVI' LATION must be reported to the engineer for inspection. - DARTMOUTH BOAR [ t � �t hEAi.T(-�H Noce: Any changes to this plan must be approved. by the 1 Board of Health and the Engineer. F 8 ,, � ` J 10 8 o. .•v FIRIM TITLE.8- q- 9.5 3 I ZGERAft LD E f�] G I N E E 1'"? 1 lr'\;' G SPEC"'IFICATIOk' S. AIEKI -_--" --." ---- ..�: r� C 0 hl 0"'"A C GE FtX.. Fhef D i i 1. • t ,., t F -^9 .. �, A D ""ft! E zo %c., 0"; 0* .gym FIRIM TITLE.8- q- 9.5 3 I ZGERAft LD E f�] G I N E E 1'"? 1 lr'\;' G SPEC"'IFICATIOk' S. AIEKI -_--" --." ---- ..�: r� C 0 hl 0"'"A C GE FtX.. Fhef D i i 1. • t ,., t F -^9 .. �, A D ""ft! E zo %c., 0"; 0* .gym r F O Z a rtG � � � L . (ZAIt l.vE�RR`I So r1G8 � R � L A►.tC; i — NA►� � "DfZVE 1 cov2T 6 a PROPOSED ��WCti Loy 93 A MovT►•! L�vs t 0 t_A OD i N Cl Co A/ -1 / L 4- 0o ioS 1119 joY � �9.96.,`E�pl - SOIL. 11P.. 10 .t � - 3,, NIL- - �� /3 -Tb S o L 6.0 qz , G o l-•,r- S All 1.11 rt, Pyr- • re E ��Qvlb f M � 1, ' K Joy1 105 we-I&A 51cel wire TYPICAL SEPTIC TANK DETAIL FAC-t'o 5;Z1 Not to Scale /03. <v.S Eu� L p Rc>-r-om Do s,-v lsoo or approved equal : Q... ,a....:a ♦Q ~ � 10 G r Z Zo'' 2 TYPICAL DISTRIBUTION BOX DETAIL AMERICAN PRECAST or approved equal O / L ME S i L_77 > .9 A 1020 TEST TAKEN- 2- 2- 95 INSPECTOR- SvE I Al PERCG"! ATION RATE- /"/�2 M,d. SEEPA(3E- NnN�= LEDGE:- AIoNC GROUND WATER� (5) DESIGN DAI�A . DESIGR! FOB. t4i cLA55 711 ESTIMATED FLOW - 38�D x ito �^` g�� _ ��o �,z�tL CALCULATIOrYS - 2 V') u o.3?`'s� = ���_2 v� LEACH AREA GENERAL ����TES �<,. - ) y is designed in occordance with the ou I. This system Sias • Code (Title 5) and any city or town modifications. [3AC K FI 2.) Engineer anc' Board of Health to inspect sewage disposal system befc1re backfilling. 3.) Elevations based on datum plane. WASHEp CRUS► CED STONE 1/ 8"- 1/ 21'' 2SvF3D S o p ' 4.) Distribution ;pipes to be capped at `• - outlet. o" 0 5.) Locus being �A.7 (o�p Lam'- -Z- rJ I Su$/ -C>+v/ LuT \ Lk ,,11 b° �6.) This system ( is not) designed for a garbage disposal. I' 7.) Leach area Ito be excavated to elevation /og. (P5 and ° b backfilled vo,ith clean clay -free gravel to bottom of bed. coo WASHED CRUSHED S TONE o o PLAN LEGEND-."' 2y' L 4 PLASTIC PIIPE joints) (Ti ht SEPTIC TANK 9 PI CAL LEACHING BED CROSS - SECTION -�-;-� 4" C I PIPE joints) DISTRIBUTION X . (Tight �o� s) ❑ ON BO Not to Scale - - - - - - - 4'PERFORATED PLASTIC PIPE TEST PIT --- 5� - EXISTING CC')NTOURS B.M. BENCH MARK • . � 5 5� PROPOSED CONTOURS w WATER LINE TOP 0 P,. �2 , f , , ���� RESERVE LE-ACH AREA C) DRA1N LINE FOUNDATION ELE V. _ //y. S ;a: •• rD FINISH GRADE © WELL . \ 2 ... BACKFILL B.O.H. STAMP P.E. STAMP SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL DID 9z 109. ale /0/0 ; t . , i V - � 1CL1'cNT . o0 51 ope -� _- o , � / O.3 09.2�' N �� i 3 1 Zv�K Dqt� a 1500 LEVEL STABLE lid •,, ' �°' .` }� 4,7 �� 6 L d -i Z -'7 1 S O ti'�., i. J • L� '1 S NCT5"�f l • ,� Note. 1/4 per foot BASE5 - . GALLON CONCRETE. . . � . N slope min. CLEAN CLAY FREE GRAVEL q-1.:.�,,�y_. �`�.a. _�� FII'q- 9 �P� M TITLE: 8- •. SEPTIC TANS DISTRIBUTION BOX too l05 1 o C=77 r i I • - • q o ire,::.LEVEL STABLE • ,- E�JGINEERING LEACHING BED B.. 0. HNOTES P. L.S STAMP i TYPICAL 1 PROFILE' OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM SPE':C I F I CA T 10 N S AIE hi A — % I Te : UI5Crepancle5- oT 5oii5 or WaTer TaDle auring conSTruciiun must be reported to the engineer for inspection. )1e: Any changes to this plan must be approved by the Board of Health and the Engineer, 116A I I AfaU15t I I , 1 A. ot739 TELEPHONE: 758 - 3823 _. �X V7 1 - F i LL t ;t { r -7 ♦---_._ w. ..�..._.,.r _S ..... .. .,. -_ ._.,_.._ ..-�.A .._ _• _-. _ • _ _ _ � - -«T•-�T^�-C--`E3.f�1+_f_Lr-,+--�.:+•r++•.-�-'v f-ws�awaw•v-,_. _ . �.�.�-w�r_ . _. .. -_ __ - � is — • . 1 + I _ i f� i { ; , i *.. - j :1.-- • - ---f I t i i 1 __ D1 1 } - t 1 111 ♦ 1 `t 77 L_17=7, — _ _ �^_sT- .� _"r -x�-. _s'^_K.•• -s__., _.-:r:-,:-?'-..-a."tf.:"t-si. i.a.w.:rJ'!:'_':.::.:�5...^...A�.._:.:;:�_...-_.«.—r =ter: -':_..:.;a-..�'='"_....'�._.__-�-_ _.-._--,.- ,_--.. ...+._.._...• _ ING MUST BE KEPI i/ 3 ; l .• YOUR DRAW DURING THE AT THE BUILDING PROGRESS of THIS WORK. _J BUIY,DIlZ Town of Dct rtmouth i kIk s i r • 3 F L E r I 1 141 i- / �--- -- ' � -� , i �—� �� - -- \\\ . _ f f. �' i ; '— � �_� it ( � � 1• ' i + { 1 y� - -- --i � : ' - .i 1 - � �. _.-__. _. 1 �•: _ _ _ —_— - — - � , :-T.---•-- _- _ � ' --- - --•— �'. �\ i � _. � �� `- � I- - - i � +; i i i� q 1 1 �t � l I� � ' _- r f� � �••-- f j __ : _ + L _.- --. -._ _.. - - - _-- , � ' r::a-h ...�I•_�� - --� _ - - - - - -- \ �.�� � +' � 1i � ��_._ ! 1 i � + !+ �{ f ( 4, � 1 � � I . �_ { i � �-- � ��F.—._{�-� � �.— I 'y _.. --— --� �i \ 1 t ( ii M I►-- ' ± i i !. i !:_—� _�� - ---� ;� -- ! � �;\ �—.. _ ice, � I----•-••__�Y......_ __ . _. --- --- _. ____ -. � i ! � -•i" -=-1 - i ._ T j '� 1' .r-: ~� r��j 1-- - - -.•—i . _.. _ � � - ., t ' � , . � —..-� -. t j-.-, - -- ' - 1 �--+r-- mot•-�---+ --•� � i _ -_..._ r L7-- ' , 1 - - - _ -' - _ - t- 1� i r -_ ; i 1 t {t _.—_ ( H---•-._-"„ F - _ _ _ . _. 1 / _4 •-- -' — i —' i I 1 t 1 l— 1 --�—.� } __ -1 -- 1 A_ _� 1. 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Ord hot asses when sub�ecte 1 �.,..- :...� -__ DurinConstruo ion � ._.-.__-____.�._.____�__-_-----_-_________RG 2 9 rE� n t 1 ;e i est standard vecific DateV'*'� .-n 6,� Lon I 0.0 4 DIETZGEN NO. 198—MF AGEPROOF MASTER FORM r A i I i �ti{3 O I � i 60 i - , — -, ` s /•, '� ! f I ; '� ! V.i� O - t,.J r •"� t f ! i _ iI Ell Lil k LT I � ►-- + --' � Y r" � ter' i �� � � ` nn 1L tit I AL ' L --- VA ` s \ ��--"`aaaJJJJ _' ` ! r I - -• ~ � 't'1 -"- ---- _.__�_�� G..�r' o. '=��_=�--�-----_._. T_._____y_ _' �, �" J i _ -' ,.�` �> \�_-- �- 1� ' `� ol j I i 1 {--X/ i ' ► q ; _ ; , i v 401 Ir I YOUR DRAW NG MUST BE KEF !i '•� . `>.:�_ �� �- r-; Al, THE BUILDING DURING THE - - - - - - -- -- PRIOGRESS OF THIS WORK. �"^ � r1 � � -- - --------------- - - - - - -- Torn of Dartmoi�tb t ►-0-,1 1 thrU rated walls and floors shell A led vo,ith a matercal capable of preventi a Sra , a A of flames and hot gasses ��.rhen subje %e Pass g e uirements of the Test Standard -speoi fi�-� to the r g �� L�. for Fire Stops ASTM-E-814a T'I 0 r A Copy Of This Endorsed Plan Gust Be Kept 01.1 Site During Construction Date AUG-2J-19S5 DIETZGEN NO. 198-MF AGEPROOF MASTER FORM 0 i r 1 r t 1! 00 I .G s^ f f — -� .---� �------.- --------`.__-------------------•----------; ----� t-------_ �__--_--------- - �-,� ---,�� - w- �' ��_ _ram- —� �_. y _4 /`/1., --� � d-,0 r jjj uJ ' LT ---- - I t_-_ ' C1• t co 1 • i j `/ ...r.t ...-"'J r'+'' 1 � .1J arr �./T r � � ' �' 1 � �,� , \� —_ _—_ _ ___ _ __ � • L.. t . L l � ". l..` , u r � � y ' LJ F_ ol . i 4— "o \ t �, / 1 -� - ► 4. (I / I = r 3 2 • - ,..._ `= ,r -- I� .J � / ; —------- -- --� , .� - _ — , 1—, Vim' � ��.rr+.. ti.,' V.. --,t `\ 1 t � • 1 YOUIR DRAWING MUST -BE. KERi - AT TI-•IE BUILDING DURING THV .1c PR0GRi:.SS OF THIS WORK. tUJ Li _ i3T.TILDING DEPARTY + - Torn of Dartmouth - - - - - -�- r ell I I F r, TOVINofDfArvut o --(.,.�---� �..� %..�. ,►-- ..�. �---.� A Copy Of This Endorsed - ----- --- - - --- - --- ----- - - - - _. �� o S'+ "'M UIREM R IR S • rated mails and floors s��:.,• ' Penetrations thru . •Ica able of prevent,����� led with a material P Sea of gasses when sub,ee�l e of flames and h • • passage Test standard ��eo�ftc requirements -of the to the requ � Stops ASTM-E-81 .. ¢or Fire Plan IvinSt i %, t;pt n e During- Construction D' L -,i AUG 2 9 1995 At I LULN NU. 198-MF AGEPROUF MASTER FORM 9 r- i / N �� n / <- ,:' � �`' �L �C ICJ '' 1;► i CO ``� '' f `/ ' � \ \ \ `� J►- 1 .,.ram r' 1 I r, rJ, `T' - - —O -_ _ _ _ _ - — --"-- - - - -- - - - - ----�- �• .,.•�''—_ tom". G-r''.•r �.. � i t�>�- � . 4 , u Vol �•" ' � ►-�� �J � / ' � � t •.�.�..� ' /•i i i \ z ' r , GvI-O� 1 �t 1 r rn r, r roP7, 57- IL r �- �, %, , �...� �� z..1. � . � •! � � I R �',,►�-- � �-�., � ,, --�' �r big... r 1 / ;Prr i ' _ ' � I ` I J�. �-• • .f�,:.! 1 �-"� �..� �•�� � � l.. -_.. �. ' { � 4 I ' \.lay F"` ' ' � � ` l 0j _•,, IF .. `) j t it ' 1� � L —. __ __ ..� ,� � �� i i —''"� � �,..�,.�" �,� +• ! .a.�. i \ -.y I L V111 2 �i _ r 1 ♦ I 1' S ` 1 (•� V 1 r : YOU _0RAV�.ING MUST BE �ElI AT TH��'BUlLDING DURING i THE --- > '--- ---- -- - - -- - - - -- - - - - --- - - PROGRESS' OFF• T-HIS _fWOR - -� BUILDING' DEPARTME - DA Or-�jm El 11^ Town _)f DartmoU4 T U^ V"!cl V, Z-'�r r I orlI �'' ' LAB COPY Of This Endorsed Plan Must Be Kept On Site During Construction* 1� ;, _ , , �, D ate A U GI9.9_5. I a i R E S T 1 NIXI G - R F= 0. U I R E R11 i E 1WRI T � i- r-P-mre ations thru rated walls and floors V sealed With a material capable of preventl: , passage of flames and hot gasses When subjecto=_. to the requirements of the Test Standard i3pecific for Fire Stops ASTM-E-814. DIETZGEN NO. 198-MF AGEPROOF MASTER FORM v �1 74. D I% .10 t 1� i I � • � i �}- + LD - I , t r -�- i � 1 - --- � � ! i � I � �"! ►, ram.,. , -1- � + t ! } ►� i ; !UL ly l 1 ♦ I ! i 1 I LIB �.✓ j I i � f } ! f i I l = ++.._ �_ __ =-.-' - � _ 1 � _ _-_- _ _ � _.- .-•-----------__r .....� �I _ _ _ __ ` __ _---ram �f+----�--i-�—_ 1� y%`� � 1•"r I'"^. ,.i ;r � _ �` , 1 � j 2. 1 � i � ' r i �-„� C� •`--i +-� • ►-- / w ice,,. _..- � � ti` 1 ' I `. it Z 40._ 1 ` 4 Lo Z. ANI 1 - — - ---- - -- - - -- - _ ._ . - - -- - - - - - --------------- '� - - - - - — - - ` -- _ n t r YVi:Jr< Ur�AvvIIVU IViUJ i uL t AT TF.-IE BUILDING DURING THE I -- - - - - - - - -- ---- -- - ----PROGF�ESS_ OF THIS WORK...-- ... __ BI-M DING DEPAETVAE- 7 Town of Dartmouth . � � � � Iffil J F; 17 ET0Rit,v 5E I L I f % 11 [IV' E D (07 �• � ` t , X::v ULii ' OF D A R T IVI 0 U i ro ECrt r1% r% r"L Cope of This Endorsed, 1' T 0 P94 I W G R_ U iR E f,r . -� 'Plan Must Be Kept an Site Durin Construction Penetrations thru rued walls and floors { e:- Date A6_ G 2 9_.1995 sealed vv►Ith a material capable of peeve e of f lames and hot gasses when pass ago, to th© specific requirements of the Test Standard s eoitl�� ., rec�ul or �Stopsire AST-E-814c , DIETZGEN NO. 198-MF AGEPROOF MASTER FORM I