BP-3437 k BUILDING PERMIT ❑ Fifth Edition ❑ Sixth Edition Dartmouth Building Department Plat: 66 400 Slocum Road-P.O. Box 9399 Lot(s) : 2-122 Dartmouth, MA 02747 'Lot Size: 40, 175 Telephone 508-999-0720- Zoning]DDiss/t. :SRB August 8, 1997 ty ed�j Permit No. : qy�✓ / Issued Date: Qi ///i `7 / Clerk: - BAS Project Location: 3 Wabler Way Number Street Subdivision Name: _ Nearest Cross Street: Applicant/Agent: Bob Mullens of Cherryfield Development _ . Address: 8 Wareham Street, Middleboro , MA Contact Person Phone #: (508) 946-9118 Type of License: Owner: ( ) Const. Superv. License #: (057185 ) Architect: ( ) Engineer: ( ) Other: ( Proposed Use: Residential Residential. Commercial, Industrial.etc. Permit Issued To: New Construction Type of Improvement,Add,Alter. New Const.,Demo,Land/Move,etc. New single family dwelling with three bedrooms, two full and one 1/2 baths, 16 ' x 14 , deck, well water, septic system, fireplace, ,_ oil heat indicate no.of bedrooms and bathrooms and other rooms Gross Area of Const. : 3 ,507 sa.ft. Cost of Const. $105, 500 . 00 Cost-Other Const. : TOTAL FEE: $ 381. 00 __ Owner(s) of Record: Cherryfield Development _ Address: 8 Wareham Street, Middleboro, MA All work shall comply with 780 CMR 5th Ed. (MGL Chap. 142 ) and any other applicable Mass. Laws or codes and plans on file. I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and I have been authorized by the own ke this application as his agent and to receive this permit, I further nderstand the ies may have reason to STOP WORK if items under their jur' diction ar met; of withstanding the issuance of this Building\Zoning Permi T Signature of Owner/A nt: 4= /�G(%_lam/ Address: ******************** *** *** ** **** . ***** ********************** Signature: Approved/Issued By oel S. Ree , Ti le: Local Building Inspector COMMENTS : PLEASE ST PERMIT CARD SO THAT IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET. SCHEDULE APPROPRIATE INSPECTIONS AS REQUIRED. UPON COMPLETION OF WORK, FINAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED. 0 ORIGINAL 0 APPLICANT 0 ASSESSORS 5 CLERK 0 COS' '" ,1, �\AA r Plat (,•: Lot -f9 - Address 3 tave�L^-&. �.t✓�� Or- Required approval Approvals received please (X) approvals Please (X) approvals an required for this project Initial as received DATE INITIAL r !� Zoning AUG 0 5 1997 S�hA.Ml Building Comm. AUG 0 5 n� Board of Appeals Water Card Sewer Card 1"/- Board of Health Bond Selectmen47- Conservation 1� O Fire Chief 3 �/� I, I-1 00? Cross Connections Licensed Contractor Controlled Const. Affid. d Other information required .6u» • Z336 — — he. &Xw TOWN OF DARTMOUTH 03437 NO TAX ISSUES CUILDING RECEIPTS OLLECTOR'S OFFICE f -, Name: 1 /' t_ 6' :t rt.- a Property/: } ,f % /'-< Date: �� r/ 7 <�Jt),',: Owner: ---- f L-.L1..U.�7 tr. �/'� `/ Job Location: 1 f r, 'i . it White Copy-Collectoi s Office / i 4 /% :"5 TOWN OFOARTMOUINow Copy-Customer's Receipt Plot: j . 0 Lots C File Copy f C01 lCFr.TnR'.S�OF[fF7i e`n Copy-Building Department Phone: - - SEP 1 1 199 Description General Ledger#'s ca.a 07 Amount License&Permits-Building 01000-44105 > j IL)—OP, 617.) License&Permits-Building Misc. 01000-44105 / License&Permits-Electrical 01000-44106 License&Permits-Plumbing&Gas 01000-44107 Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 71 This is not a Permit or License for Building Plumbing or Gas Received By;/`..L "6 // . /C'=- - __ 1 TOWN OF DARTMOUTH NtTAxILDING RECEIPTS ISSUES COLLECTOR'S OFFICE Name ; Property , r / Date: —7 f� ; i l7 1:` !.i //• !' ''�.. Owner: ' - F r t s j Job Location: Ls ' • / White Copy-Collector's Office Plot:. - - Lot: .� ,� Yellow Copy-Customers Receipt /, Pink Copy-File Copy - .. - Green Copy-Building Department Phone: ti , Description General Ledger,#'s Ref.# Amount License&Permits-Building ` 01000-44105 TOWN OF DARTMOUTH License Sr Permits-Building Misc. 01000-44105 COLLECTOR'S OFFICE S :i License&Permits-Eletirical 01000-44106 JUL 3 1 1997 License&Permits-Plumbing&Gas 01000-44107 Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 `"' S G 07 This is n t a Permit or License for Building,Plumbing or Gas . Receivgd By: w 4 r , •A •4.• 1 .4 _� :'çt , • • j Of It c •r ��-�'� ,ram%'•` - .., • ,:.- . . . : • , .,.. . ( ....„....,. . ‘... • ir . ...it 4-.. ._ ..,,/ . ;.. • . . ,. 4.'!'r•: *. , y�/L _Ii2" //3G(iCrb/C.Y t // f�.// �O l-/� �i iTQ/ r• ��/ TOWN OF DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE 508-999-0720 • FAX 508-999-0738'> APPLICATION FOR ZONING AND BUILDING PERMIT Instructions The applicant shall complete this application to the best of their ability prior to submission,leaving no item unanswered.The Department staff will be available during regular business horns to assist as necessary.WA should be inserted for those sections which do not apply.A properly completed application wall help avoid unnecessary delays. Nays Piss foci not aafmidtlr (for office me only) 0 DNUA'TION ONLY Total Cost $ / Received By .��r Date Reed -7 36 7 I. Less Application Fee$ 2- Total Permit Fee $ Permit# Tamed Date 100 LOCATION OF PROJECT TOTAL LAND AREA SQUARE FEET CURRENT ACCESSORS' PLAT /o//;". LOT ,.l.4702 ZONING DISTRICT S0-6 OTHER ZONING OVERLAY DISTRICTS , if applicable //- NUMBER & STREET '3 NEAREST CROSS STREET /.o o / c✓ 04/2-e SUBDIVISION NAME & LOT ft , �i!s-tv / ./L1/ / or BUSINESS NAME PREVIOUS TENANT I OWNER — 200 RESIDENTIAL- PROPOSED PROJECT' - one & two family residence only THIS SECTION NOT APPLICABLE Single family - number bedrooms S number baths o2 Two family - number bedrooms unit 1 number baths unit 1 number bedrooms unit 2 number baths unit 2 Accessory apartment Total gross sq. ft. " Accessory structure: // Garage- detached - attached to dwelling, dimensions L c.7o2 w .2a2. E Carport- detached - attached to dwelling, dimensions L W _ • Shed-- dimensions L W `� Clfeck- dimensions L //m W A7 L. Gazebo - dimensions L W = Swimming pool above ground in-ground Size 72 Chimney - number of flues l _ Woodstove - used (will require inspection prior to installation), new (provide manufacturers instructions). Location(s) (lilt) • _ C Fireplace(s) - (includes flue) List location(s) Game Court-describe(include overall dimensions) C Tent, Trailer(Mobile Home) or Other- describe 300�COOMMERCIAL-PROPOSED PROJECT/USE-INCLUDING THREE FAMILY OR MORE AND EXEMPT USES E THIS SECTION NOT APPLICABLE (The following descriptions arebased on the Massachusetts State Building Code Article 3,AS NOTED) (See the Code) Assembly - restaurant, lounge, theater, school, etc. (see Code Section 302.0) Describe = Business - office, assembly with less than 50 occupants - indicate Medical or other professional(see Code Section 303.0) Educational-structure for training including child day care for those over 2 years 9 months(see Code Section 304.0) Factory/Industrial - (see Code Section 305.0) C High Hazard - (see Code Section 306.0) C Institutional - hospital, nursing home, infant day care (see Code Section 307.0) Mercantile - retail stores (see Code 308.0) Residential - three or more family, hotel (see Code Section 309.0) C Storage- includes garages(see Code Section 309.0) Utility & Miscellaneous Structures - includes tents and ±gricnitural structures (see Code Section 311.0) New tenant for any of the above, indicate above(see Code Section 119.0 and Zoning By-law section 35) L Tent or Trailer- temporary purpose? Other Describe the proposal briefly,INCLUDE"umber of dwelling units and bedrooms or occupant load as applicable, also existing condition 400 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK TO BE PERFORMED .24ew Construction and/or Addition - total gross square feet (For commercial only total gross cubic feet) -indicate It will be considered new construction if there an increase in square footage in addition to any alteration(s). If project is an addition to existing structure- Total gross square feet of existing E FOR COMMERCIAL ONLY Will this project be subject to CONSTRUCTION CONTROL(over 35,000 cu.ft.) _Yes_ No. (If yes see Code section 127.0). Designer to submit Code Synopsis. ... ldi Will this project require Peer review(over 400,000 cu.ft.) Yes No (see Code Appendix I) APPLICANT TO PROVIDE 8 - Alteration of existing, no increase in gross square feet.A separate Refuse Disposal Declaration required. , - Demolition -describe structure Number of dwelling units Number of bedrooms A separate Refuse Disposal Declaration required. 1 Moving - (Provide copy of D.P.W. moving license) Type of structure from where(plat/lot or address) to where (plat/lot or address) • Number of dwelling units Number of bedrooms per dwelling unit . - Re-roofing - (for existing only, is included in new construction) Number of square feet - Number of layers already existing Number of layers when complete A separate disposal declaration REQUIRED = Replacement doors and windows - (for existing only) (only where doors and windows exist and will not be enlarged)EGRESS dimensions must be maintained. Enlarged or new windows in an existing dwelling will be considered as an Alteration, otherwise will be included in new construction. (see Code section 3401.10 for residential and Article 8 fc_ commercial) Temporary structure-includes when allowed, trailers,tents and the like and only for limited periods of time. Describe I will be using the 500 CONSTRUCTION PLANS _t h Edition 06th Edition _ None submitted. Why? _ Pi the State luildinn Cnan -a—Submitted, usually three sets required. Four sets for food service\uses. Number of sets submitted 3 600 SITE PLAN ❑ Not required, why? .—Submitted When?.ePreviously, date ❑ With this application 700 UTILITIES Water supply - required 4 yes_ no, public ? _yes_no, on site well? yes_ no, existing? _yes _no If required and not existing have necessary permits been issued? _no_yes, date (M.G.L. Chapter 40, section 54 provides that no building permit may be issued unless a water supply, when required, is available. See Code 780 CMR section 114.1.2) Sewage disposal- required=es_ no, public sewer_yes_no private septic - on-site—s—no. Submit copy of permit as soon as available. 800 MECHANICAIS & PRIMARY FUEL = Furnace(hot air) - Fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify) . Boiler(heating)- Fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other(specify) HVAC (combined unit) - Primary fuel, natural gas, propane, electricity, other (specify) Air conditioning - (separate unit) None of the above to be provided plot Water Gas Electric Fuel Oil r Other 900 SPRINKLERS - FOR STRUCTURES OVER 7500 SQUARE FEET and certain multifamily residential Required, =plans provided, :plans not provided, why? LT Not required, not to be installed, Why? 1000 REQUIRED OFF-STREET PARKING- for ZONING &Architectural Access - NOT APPLICABLE - Parking Plan submitted To _ Building Department Planning Board Date submitted Number of spaces - indoors 02 outside of total provided Hhndicap spaces - requ^ed_yes no. If yes, how many as a part of the total requii id number. Is Route 6 (State Road) Entrance permit required? yes n no17.. If yes has it been issued yes no �. Submit copy of application and/or permit as soon as available. 1100 IDENTIFICATION(print or typepe except7 as noted) Current owner- name (7L-iy �X address/ ` // Gaa/ �fr��_ 1 / / phone# � ' fT 7( If corporation, officer in charge 4�r/ -Z /J47 Architect/Engineer- for overall design Company name Address Phone number Certified by State of Massachusetts as Certification number NOTE Signatures and seals on gilt, affidavits and other documents SHALL BE originals and not reproductions. 4 A^bithct Weer-project supervision and reports Company name Address Phone number Certified by State of Massachusetts as Certification number NOTE Signatures and seals on all plans, affidavits and other documents SHALL, BE originals and not reproductions. General Contractor(if Homeowner, state homeowner here then complete section 1300) Company name r��'t //' O 6� / / Address (J 42,7 /✓1 .� ///�s-Aaj ei0 Qom, i y Phone number %1� gz/�®f Construction Supervisors license number �JC7/ocC NOTE Signatures and seals on all plans, affidavits and other documents SHALL BE originals and not reproductions. i YY3YYYYfYYiifYY YY i Y YYiYYYYYiarnsYYYY iYYiiiYYtiiY iYY Yiif YYY*eeenseseeveeeees 1200 FOR RESIDENTIAL REMODEL WORK ONLY Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to(780CMR-6)?Yes_No If no go to next section! Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? Yes_No If yes, submit the required affidavit! Ren.odel contractor name (please print) Address Registration number Or none state^none") Phone number PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTEE FUND! QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: Home Improvement Contractors Registration One Ashburton Place - Room 1301 Boston, MA 02108 (617) 727-8598 Owners name (print) Signature Date 1300 OWNER SIGN-OFF I, the undersigned,am the owner of record or authorized lessee(provide documentation)and I have reviewed- the application herein submitted. I state that to the best of my knowledge and belief that the information provided in this application is true and correct and that the permit requested be issued. Further I understand that the permit will expire in six months, from the date of issue, if no work is begun or six months after the last inspection if work has begun and that the permit may be extended for six months if no work is anticipated if I request such an extension in writing. I understand that the permit may be extended only three times by written request.I understand that once the permit expires a new application may be required,including fees and current other requirements (including Zoning). cci Name 'L�tr�/JP3c` �, Signature /�% /� The above signature is my volunta t and is signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. Date 2 C Who is authorized to pickup the permit at the Building Deyartnyent? {a1¢as o - n �p f Address GJl/ Phone 6 1400 HOMEOWNER EXEMPTION - ONE &TWO FAMILY ONLY FOR HOME OWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT 109.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors:Except for those structures governed by Construction Control in Section 127.0, effective July 1, 1982, no individual shall be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings or structures, unless he or she is licensed in accc?-dance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entitled Rues and Regulations for Licensing Construction Supervisors. Exception:Any Home Owner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section; provides that if a Home Owner engages a person(s) for hire to do such work ,that such Home Owner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only,a "Home Owner"is defined as follows:Person(s)who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside,on which there is, or is intended to be,a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in two-year period shall not be considered a Home Owner. If you are applying under this section sign below: Signature Your signature carries certain responsibilities, including but not necessarily limited to, general liability ;;;i;; ; ; ff ; f ti f ;i ii***miens:3mm fi iffi;f ; ;i i ;i i i ;i;i;i* NOTICE TO LICENSED CONTRACTORS: The Building Code provides in the Rules and Regulations section that any licensed Construction Supervisor, whether or not they have taken the permit are responsible for code compliance. (see 2.15.2 of section 5) ;;ii ; i fiii;;i;if;; ****vyiii;iY ; i if f ;iii;; i ; ; ; ;;i;i;i;i;;;f;ti; 1500 COST Cost of Improvement S —Items to be installed but not included in the above cost Electrical S p?/712J, — Plumbing 3dGG -- HVAC S9):5,, Other TOTAL 4 The following section for official use only. INSPECTORS' REVIEW Date plan reviewed / 30 days to review period expires J OK to issue date J OK to issue subject to requested submittals (see project review worksheet) date DENIED see project review worksheet date J HOLD reason date J HOLD Subject to Zoning Board of Appeals action Comments ?d.2I( f'Inspectors signature Dat S 0 Applicant informed of above - Date time_staff (fax, phone, in person) i;;;YY;YY;Yi Y Y ; ;Yi;YYYYYYi Y ;YYiY; ; YY YY Y Y Y Yti;YY;Y; Y YY;YYYY Y Over six months since approved for issue- DEEMED abandoned! Advise applicant. Hold 90 days for return then dispose if not picked up. Inspector Date Advised applicant Date Time staff_(by phone, fax or in person) Y;;;YY;YY;SY iYY;YS ; YY YY;; Y;;;;Y;YY;;;YY; i;;Y;Y ;YY;YYYY;Y;YY;;;YY Y u;Y;YY OFFICEWHSPECTORS NOTES C TOTAL FEE - g/j Gross area - new construction_ _ _ Total Sq. Ft. zsr.z. -4.i.o' alteration _ Total Sq. Ft. Permit is issued to Comments/notes on permit R�` 7"� �-tit � r `Nv--C2z_ >a 4 1600 TO THE APPLICANEREFERRAL AND APPROVAL Date of Application submission Plat _Lot_ Street Aquifer Zone• Owner Owner mail address Owner phone t Y;;kYY Y;;ikkk ;; Y; ******kk Y; i i ; k ; k ; kY;ik;i;i;;i i i; ; ifi****** OTHER INVOLVED AGENCIES-The following agencies require separate jurisdictional permits or approval for your proposed project. CONTACT THEM FOR REQUIRED SUBMISSIONS. ® TAX COLLECTOR ❑-Approved LT, HOLD By Date ❑ Board of Appeals C Approved By Date ❑ Conservation Commission C Approved By Date ❑ D.P.W. Water C. Approved By ❑ D.P.W. Sewer C Approved By Date ❑ D.P.W. Cross Connection a Approved By Date ❑ Treasurer(Bond) ❑Approved By Date ❑ D.P.W. Engineering ❑ Approved By Date Board of Health (c,ill) .' Approved By Jate ❑ Board of Health (septic) Approved By Date ❑ Board of Health (food service) C Approved By Date O Planning Board (parking) C. Approved By Date ® FIRE DISTRICT (I - II - III) _, Approved By Date BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL: ❑ ZONING ❑ BUILDING INSPECTORBUILDING COMMISSIONER ❑ CONTROL CONSTRUCTION AFFIDAVIT kYY*********** **** ; ;; Y ; ; ************* Y *e ** k ; Y ; ********* PROJECT SUMMARY: new construction/ alteration/demo sewage.disposal - public/private [Alter/add interior walls] [add rooms] [add footprint] water supply - public/private well [pool] [garage/shed/deck] [game court] [food service] Describe *******************ifi*fit*****ifi******i#;kY*****************************************;******************* To the various departments: This notice has been forwarded to you for your information and any appropriate action. Should you have any questions please advise. If any reason to withhold the requested permit is found, please advise. Your assistance and cooperation is appreciated. The Building Department - Date sent for review By ‘. 8 6 ;.,,,;: � �y� 400 Slocum Road • P.O. Box 9399 .'a _,. North Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02747 CONSERVATION COMMISSION A-1 SITE INSPECTION FORM j, ',' ( , r';(s481tn one .flieri 5. tamots )419194 Name of Person Making Request Date 124 tika►ti rn fir'• SD 3► 1v4 ;: Address of Applicant ` ' PP Stree Location of 1 b&4 , We 0zf4e -34So Property ot G(I City\Town, State, Zip Plat and Lot Number 1i4-0151 914 . 31064 12asit\en'4ca1 dwelt'/to` Telephone (Day & Evening) Proposed Use of Land CJ ( Dwelling, A ition etc . ) r< gicilia( Gt \lan Eax tkTrush glei2 Owner Name Si u of wner or Owners Repr sentative l24 16.444108N. am 'n &e * /' / Addres^ Signat re of Applicant NHS tre ' i PM 42146 .345o LOCATION OF PROPERTY : Please attach a site plan. If a site plan. is not available, a hand drawn map showing the exact location and size of property to be inspected is acceptable . The map shall include the following information: street name, house number on abutting lots, property bound locations, and any natural or man-made features which will allow the inspector to find the site . Use the space provided below to draw a map or attach an extra sheet . Property boundaries should be clearly marked in the field prior to requesting site }nspection . _ Wetlands exist on (North, South, East, West) of site. _ Edge of wetland has been marked on site by Inspector. Flag numbers - Any activity (clearing, digging, removal of vegetation, etc. ) in a wetland or within 100 feet of a wetland requires a permit from the Conservation Commission. , No work shall begin until permit is received. _ A Notice of Intent should be filed with the Conservation Commission before any work begins on site. _,A.Request Determination shou ld Detinatihld be filed with the.Gonservption Comt$rsioi b any ny work begins on site. . *`' " J No wetlands or other areas subject to the jurisdiction of the Conservation . Commission exist on•site or within 100 feet of site. No forms need to be , v . -filed with the' Conservation Commission. , ' ' . - .. . _ A survey plan of the wetland delineation should be submitted to the Conservation Commission office. . .' Other Comments: _�` j . . •.. , • , . < • • . .-4,` . 4. . • , - • • • s . .t o • , , • • Note: The A-1 Site Inspection is a procedure outlined in the Dartmouth Wetlands Protection Bylaw. It is a service available for the purpose of identifying , wetland areas on a site. The issuance of this completed sitq 'InsPedtioa istneg.;.. a final determination of wetland boundaries or their jurisdictional status under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (MGL; ch.s131 .4404 or the Dartmouth wetlands Protection Bylaw. only the issuance of .a Determination of Applicabi!itjr or order of Conditions by the Conservation Commission finalizes the determination of wetland boundaries and\or their jurisdictional status under these Laws. Tit!, completion of this site Inspection is not an authorization to proceed with work. This site inspection expires three (3) years from the date of issuance (shown below) . All filing forms are available in the Conservation Commission office, room 107 at the Dartmouth Town Hall, 400 Slocum Rd. from 9AM - 4PM Mondays and 8:45AM - 4:30PM Tuesday through Friday. Site Inspection Fees: 1-5 Acres $50.00; 5-10 Acres $75.00; 10-100 Acres $200.00; Above 100 acres $400.00 The Conservation Inspector will flag the wetland edge for sites from 1-5 acres only. The Conservation Commission reserves the right to refuse to perform a site inspection on areas less than 5 acres where abnormal site conditions would require an excessive amount of time be spent by the Conservation Inspector in making a determination of the wetland areas present. Sites over 5 acres must be flagged by a wetland scientist, botanist or other qualified person prior to submitting of site inspection. The Conservation Inspector will then review the flagging in the field and make adjustments where necessary. The conservation commission may require proof of the qualifications of the person performing the delineation on sites larger than 5 acres. / -D - 27 5 yA Pc fi&- Date of Issuance onservation ce- (Rev. 9-1-94 MJO) ♦ BUILDING PERMIT FIELD INSPECTION Dartmouth Building Department Plat: 66 400 Slocum Road P.O. Box 9399 ©QUIETER p p Lot(s) :2-122 Dartmouth, MA 02747 g_Q fir. IETER Lot Size: 40, 175 Telephone (508 ) 999-0720 E"S JUI1 ISOOOC 111 Zone Dist. :SRB I I Issued Date:/7 / /✓ f Permit No: /1 42 7 Project Location: 3 Wabler Way Number Street Subdivision Name: Nearest Cross Street: Applicant/Agent: Bob Mullens of Cherryfield Development Contact Person Phone #: (508 ) 946-9918 Proposed Use: Residential Residential, Commercial. Industrial-e:c. Permit Issued To: New Construction Type of Improvement,Add,Alter, New C nst.,Demo. Land/Move,etc. New single family dwelling with three bedrooms, two full and one 1/2 baths, 16 ' x 14 ' deck, well water, septic system, fireplace, oil heat -- 3 ,507 sa.ft. -- - Owner(s) of Record: Cherryfield Development Address: 8 Wareham Street, Middleboro , MA I DATE ! TIME TYPE OF INSPECTION REMARKS INITIAL 6 C / A lsn _ Ex .d„t ,cam/. 7g t I !I "..9 is'-g7 I r�� . ///vl ie;r t9a3"' li 1 - j-gam P ��� t /_� �A �% �, 7.49, E 9//- o/C• • !i u nn Lein/ p �� I � BUILDING P ��: j !i1 . 1 . IT ❑ Fifth Edition ❑ Sixth Edition Dartmouth Building Department Plat: 66 400 Slocum Road-P.O. Box 9399 Lot(s) : 2-122 Dartmouth, MA 02747 Lot Size: 40, 175 Telephone 508-999-0720 Zoning Dist. : SRB August 8, mf �j Permit Issued Date99a% /y/1/d` / Clerk: No. : ` Project Location: 3 Wabler Way Number Street Subdivision Name: Nearest Cross Street: Applicant/Agent: Bob Mullens of Cherryfield Development Address: 8 Wareham Street, Middleboro , MA Contact Person Phone #: (508 ) 946-9118 Type of License: Owner: ( ) Const . Superv. License #: ( 057185 ) Architect: ( ) Engineer: ( ) other: ( Proposed Use: Residential Residential, Commercial. Industrial,etc. Per-mit—Issued To:-- -Neva--Co-nsLruLLiOir- ----- _ ..._ Type of Improvement,Add,Alter, New Const.,Demo,Land/lblove,etc. New single family dwelling with three bedrooms, two full and one _ 1/2 baths, 16 ' x 14 ' deck, well water, septic system, fireplace, oil heat indicate no. of bedrooms and bathrooms and other rooms -- Gross Area of Const. : 3 , 507 sa. ft . Cost of Const. $105 ,500 . 00 _ Cost-Other Const. : TOTAL FEE: $ 381 .00 _ Owner(s) of Record: Cherryfield Development Address: 8 Wareham Street, Middleboro, MA All work shall comply with 780 CMR 5th Ed. (MGL Chap. 142 ) and any other applicable Mass. Laws or codes and plans on file. I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and I have been authorized by the own r ke this application as his agent and to receive this permit, I further nderstand the ies may have reason to STOP WORK if items under their juri diction ar y of withstanding the issuance of this Building\Zoning Permit. Signature of Owner/A• -nt: � Address: r Signature: Approved/Issued Byjoel S . Ree , Ti le: Local Building Inspector COMMENTS: PLEASE I ST PERMIT CARD SO THAT IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET. SCHEDULE APPROPRIATE INSPECTIONS AS REQUIRED. UPON COMPLETION OF WORK, FINAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED. - ORIGINAL 0 APPLICANT — ASSESSORS 5 CLERK r COPY OCCUPANCY PERMIT CHERRYFIELD DEVELOPMENT NEW DWELLING Occupancy is hereby granted for the premises located at 3 WARBLER WAY Assessors Plat 066 Lot 2-122. The premise has been found to meet the requirements of the Massachusetts State Building Code in effect as of the date of permit issue and other applicable Massachusetts Codes and regulations as evidenced by approvals affixed to the reverse of this permit. The use is further found to be in compliance with the Local Zoning By-Laws for use as indicated, as of this date of issue. This permit is further conditioned on the continued maintenance of permitted conditions as provided by law. ZONING DISTRICT - SINGLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT APPROVED USE - RESIDENTIAL - ONE FAMILY DWELLING SPECIAL PERMIT/VARIANCE N/A Approved by Joel S. Reed FEB 121998 cal Building Inspector DATE OF ISSUE a- CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY - DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL To be signed by each division indicating compliance on final inspection. BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS PER 780CMR 119.5 USE GROUP CLASSIFICATION TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION MAXIMUM LIVE LOAD FLOORS SPECIAL CONDITIONS BUILDING n PERMIT NO. 3437 Approved by Date FEB 12 1998 Comment PLUMBIN PERMIT NO. 3 tog" Approved by Date /a./''/47-7 Comment GAS PERMIT NO. . L Approved by /F Date zi� Comment ELECTRICAL `lip PERMIT NO. 3 k Approved by �i Date a -q g Comment FIRE 0/ PERMIT NO. Approved by (M'n� 4JCn./P 4- Date 7•// 9t Comment / CJ BOARD OF HFALT , PERMIT NO. l 7- 7/1- Approved by 1 ( Date ^ a Comment DPW-WATER PERMIT' NO. Approved by Date Comment N/A DPW-SEWER PERMIT NO. Approved by Date Comment N/A WATER DIVISION-CROSS CONNECTION JOB NO. Approved by Date Comment N/A • E - 911 COO ' e NA'OR ADDRESS, 1/621�'..S2-Gwa-2 Approved by!/� Date ca/// �' Comment // PLANNING DIRECTOR (Off-Street Parking Plan) Approved by Date Comment N/A 44t4* %A. enam i ageuthitoad i. 6 r s; 400 Slocum Road • P.O. Box 9399 a North Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02747 • bC/Z_—/ 2 Z. CONSERVATION COMMISSION af-1'i P NS 327 PECTION FORM (508)999-0722 l�r 1l ,, ibil9194* G " �• MAV�GS G p Name of Person Making Request �c T. Date l24 Vau4utrin S. Ln `rt A 2aA Va Address of Applicant Street)Location of Property 1wW C eel4frik , Mk n14o -34 o 1.44 14. City\Town, State, Zip Plat and Lot Number ii4-0151 114 re 3664 Isltkent4;at dwell;46\ Telephone ( Day & Evening )g Proposed Use of Land ( Dwelling, A ition etc . ) t gair4 G \LEO'S Q atA61Trines A/) ,(/ ,,2. Owner Name Sign tur Jof wner or Owners Repr=sentative 124 WeAokkeen Sir. aim Addresa j(1 _t ' M& bt,� . � LOCATION54 Signat re of Applicant N � ION'aOF PROPERTY : Please attach a site plan . If a site plan is not available, a hand drawn map showing the exact location and size of property to be inspected is acceptable . The map shall include the following information: street name, house number on abutting lots , property bound locations, and any natural or man-made features which will allow the inspector to find the site . U;:e the space provided below to draw a map or attach an extra sheet . Property boundaries should be clearly marked in the field prior to requesting site inspection . CONSERVATION COMMISSION INSPECTOR COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS _ Wetlands exist on (North, South, East, West) of site. Edge of wetland has been marked on site by Inspector. Flag numbers - — Any activity (clearing, digging, removal of vegetation, etc. ) in a wetland or within 100 feet of a wetland requires a permit from the conservation Commission. No work shall begin until permit is received. _ A Notice of Intent should be filed with the ConservationCommission before any work begins on site. • , A•Reguest for Determination should be filed with the.ponservation Conti/spicy. 'before any work begins on site. //No wetlands or other areas subject to the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission exist on-site or within 100 feet of site. No forms need to be . -filed with the- Conservation Commission. ' _ A survey plan of the wetland delineation should be submitted to the Conservation Commission office. , other Comments: • • , • � . Note: The A-1 Site Inspection is a procedure outlined in the Dartmouth Wetlands Protection Bylaw. It is a service available for the purpose of identifying , wetland areas on a site. The issuance of this completed Site 'Inspection a final determination of wetland boundaries or their jurisdictional status under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (MGL; Ch.• 131 .540) . or the Dartmouth Wetlands Protection Bylaw. only the issuance of :a Determination of Applirabititp or order of conditions by the Conservation Commission finalizes the determination of wetland boundaries and\or their jurisdictional status under these Laws. The completion of this site Inspection is not an authorization to proceed with work. This site inspection expires three (3) years from the date of issuance (shown below) . All filing forms are available in the Conservation Commission office, room 107 at the Dartmouth Town Hall, 400 Slocum Rd. from 9AM - 4PM Mondays and 8:45AM - 4:30PM Tuesday through Friday. Site Inspection Fees: 1-5 Acres $50.00; 5-10 Acres $75.00; 10-100 Acres $200.00; Above 100 acres $400.00 The Conservation Inspector will flag the wetland edge for sites from 1-5 acres only. The Conservation Commission reserves the right to refuse to perform a site inspection on areas less than 5 acres where abnormal site conditions would require an excessive amount of time be spent by the Conservation Inspector in making a determination of the wetland areas present. Sites over 5 acres must be flagged by a wetland scientist, botanist or other qualified person prior to submitting of site inspection. The conservation Inspector will then review the flagging in the field and make adjustments where necessary. The Conservation commission may require proof of the qualifications of the person performing the delineation on sites larger than 5 acres. Date of Issuance con ervation officer ( Rev. ?-:-94 MJO) L., /_ - /,9 9 � _ � � � EILEcopy �i�� _ .. ILI 2511IN ,..... ,.. ., 1,. DAinpoum BOARD OF HEALBF➢ 10 '43' 41ge a ....),(e... Y, 3�3`T�Ps+v ,x T L:TN ��ua� a R RECORD PLP < • A Copy Of This End 4fs �d Han Must Be Kent nr co AUG 2 5 1997 0 LOT GG Li , �.E. co 40.175 SQ. FT. cam" 0.12 AGRESto I I )---/ �"� se: ( 3 '7 LOT 65 N. 56' - F ccn �oa�� tit% Z • im Z NO nael.ta o� STEV ESA \'jYp'° st M CHIC; I i {` NIL �_ i; 'Aq lV.o 32165 `.� i EXISTING WELL cP '� (�'"!, ois co ccs r ayD 'i,� r ' 1 A=65.15' R=225.00' 40.93' -= illA=43,45' /V R=25.00' , �3 0>a la SITEC V Road E N.Redford,•n wis al a*re ayO aw zre-ein rtaan. in ON and Ert aanMol Ember*. nx,ewr 958-7554 Gw'ka> QL I HEREBY CERTIFY TO THE COMMUNITY BANK AND THEIR W'Up Ramiro approved !0G ATTORNEYS. TRIFFLETTI AND COSTA. P.G. THAT THE FOUNDATION AS SHOWN IS THE TRUE FIELD LOCATION LOT 66 AND MEETS THE HORIZONTAL DIMENSIONAL SETBACK SONGBIRD ACRES REQUIREMENTS OF THE TOWN OF DARTMOUTH ZONING ctt.,e BYLAWS. GFIERRYFIELD DEVELOPMENT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOUNDATION AS SHOWN 15 envying title. sheet 1 of 1 NOT LOCATED IN A SPECIAL FLOOD ZONE AS SHOWN ON — — F.E.M-A. FIRM COMMUNITY PANEL NO. 250051 0015 B FOUNDATION AS—BUILT '"''"'"n r DATED JUNE 1. 1983 FAB-1 lO4,43' : INVERT SCHEDULE ., LOCATION DESIGN AS-BUILT \ AT HOUSE 121.40 121.65 — INTO TANK 121.20 121.4E OUT TANK 120.95 '121.10 w INTO D-BOX 120.17 120.21 J g. OUT D-BOX 120.00 120.00 LOT GG 5,..� v�! NI END of MELD 119.70r_ 119.75 40.175 SQ. FT. c , o 1, ( r t - x - t 0.92 ACRES % a 1' .___ t i a •" , 58r I 4 1 A� r� 1 : - L [( p ( ' , ,AtS _ 2- 56' �i ,-...� n C\Zc� D •\\ v'Z x '� Noy LOT 65 Ora 01,0 EXISTING WELL 0-1- �✓ A=65.15' 40,g31 113 A=43.45' R=225.00' R=25,00' PII .v£ 1h13 W J 1't ?'. ! SI TEC scan 't ° 13VO''Real dater 09-2 2-97 °e a re�as ma ssaas en- ..,„ and uwsennerr al Schwerin. rAx mm v:e-raaCltud DPL Cc.,\ 'Jr Land Us*nervy Wraved SDG .f ` Pro cbR ' '` LOT GG I CERTIFY THAT THIS SYSTEM HAS BEEN SONGBIRD ACRES BUILT IN SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH `went, THE DESIGN PLAN AND MEETS ALL CHERRYFIELD DEVELOPMENT APPLICABLE LOCAL AND/OR STATE �te, REGULATIONS. Meet e ee. t SEPTIC SYSTEM AS-BUILT 5548-1 FILE COPY \, ,,G - 21 ,, T_ 1� � 4 4 T 19m (PI 'JI 03 1 A t r 1-7) U cl, 73 nv M Ileclork or Cz I � pht T_ Basement 4002 s MEN 000111m ao 4, L7 (DRE Uf�EL IT.r � �,,�' 4&r I . 0 r G ID BLI T OF QH i" WORK. j 0 GIR E 'S 13 11 D Ton j TOWN OF DARTMOUTH J�AIG 0 5 1997UILDING DEPARTMENT This plan has been reviewed and accepted as a record copy of work proposed to be performed in compLiance with 780 CMR 5th Edition. The owner cant/agent and/or architect/engineer is responsible for insuring final conpLiance with the above -mentioned code notwithstanding any errors or omissions in the record pLan. Any change in owner, License contractor or engineer must be reported to this office immediately. Any change in pla n must be submittedAo thmoffiAe in timeLyAManner. Chary fic Id Dcv. CCT... 8 Wareham Strut Ifiddleboro, MA 0214.E tow r rat a ;S FE Im m I' 14 It 107L, T v x R1, EV Ge.; 0 Et�a"Pj)Y !1 :. Y Ce q4e I!7 r-a� Ii' Copy Of This Endorsed Plan ItAusl Be Kept On Site During Construction L t Signature 1 I 26'ro'I 11 21' (o I' 1 _ O L---------- —t- cv _ Aft _ _ •► - _` p - p p p p - p p 1 am Ma GARAGE FINIS.Oli-� • - _ - - 1 ' FOUND4TION ' your 411 WocG construc;.ed Walls and CefllnG Sor to C) , > " ' CcncMe�.e Wall I S'O ° {V-) F i t to have tune X -.re mated, loll deep x Zo" Wide contTnuous f cotind UJallbca-rd am 1 'M 1 installed i ' , Dam erocs ex,,erior sur, ac.. 1 { � I 1 1 1 II .. 1 ii �..�� it •+idl1 i12111�iiLI , Q� 1 11 �o ro2 6 1 Rl� t �7 r—_ r_ r_— w_ w_ r—__ w♦ J A 12 o f �I /1I1 � �6 G---------- 1 - w w — w _ _ r _ — r _ r r r w _ r r _ w w _ — w r w •• — _ w w _ r w _ r w r — — w _ r w w — _ w _ — — w w — w w r — w r _ r w _ w —�— r r — r w w w — r w w w w w w w w w _ — r — w w w _ r _ w _ It 1 '' ► �-` — — — S - 3 1/2" D fa,1_al lu Co lu,n ns SEAM 10GK a 11 ,q11 �_---� WithZb W.xio Dp. � W x � Dp x _ _ Sdtrt, Foctino s� Ahlm beam with steel Shims or hard brick - - - - - .., 1 .� d"(min) IB-ten down into Garage 20 'n inu t.e f'►ree door (min.") t , 1LiJ 4 x 12 Center 5sam (tup.) o f m o 4' Concrete Slab ; I � � �. 1 51cpe 1/ per f cetLil X I Q1I 14 Aft , � 1 p � 0 p p � p • 1 ,--------------------------------------..1 Z , - w----------------' t 1. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 t ' ' 1 — - • - - - • •• - — _ • • • • • t L-----------'-------------------+-------------------------------------------00 me------�—t dft { ' _ • ♦ t, w w _— w -- a* lowJ 1 CP C-7 `r O 13 ----- - --- - - - -- 1'O" D la. Concret ' (3 Rea'd) 11,8�12131t I_ fl I i Q� N 1/4" 2110 is Ail /I#? -; 0 _O Ln I'm 31011 O N N 21 (o11 4810" 1 it 1 III O , 4 10 22 O�/ L214 11 21�11 il�l/�ll 1012,�411 �113/dif _1_ �_ 0 C%l cv � 4KITC;PEN 0 OI F �4NiR"i Z'411 T 3f�11 3'131Ait L IV ING ro , In DINING DOOM TO 11 13'611 12'311 1,4113/4 11 f l `'/ .I �fO it d1(0 cd� 1' O rr to 11 3„ 14' Oil Q 0 . 11411 = 11O 11 I/8" 2 11 1 U81 2 VON 1/8' = II 0 a 4002 - 2 I ■ 1 Ira 1 4110'/4 WALK -N Coo- Lc)tt � mw- 0 341011 �1113/4 tt 4 3,0„ 31V11 I 11-3/4 5A,,TH Sl�t!1 QiLti I BED OOM 4r3 (0I3II 101�3/� roIro I � 131611 31 d�/4 i1 1 1 13/4 II 1/411 = 1'01 0 A-Z I .�` ! r Y.vp'' rim S =a- _ r- Attic 7 s C `1 CV Cz _ 1 r 0 Lei CP w MS-4 m Cz L t— _ � f...i I �13 Y l•.4 Second Fht _ �38sement Continuous Barrled Pidge Vent V4. 1`O" ',OONNG omposite Roorilica wilding Iraper heathing x a e 1(0 O.C. ascia Board iof nt with venting :'7 id ing, Air Barrier, 5heath ink N4 Q 16" O.C. or 2xb 1@ 1 � O.C. Insulation, Vapor Barrier V2" Wallboard «L 1-2xbP.T.,1-ZX6K.D. Continuous 501 Gasket V2" D ta, x 12" Lg. anchor Bo Its Q (0' 0" 0 L' (max) FOUNDATION a" or 10" Concrete Mall / 8'0" Four 10' deep x 20" wide cantinuous Footing DampprooF exterior surface STRAIGPT STAB PfRAMI-NG SECTION DETAIL �ud5 (b euo �G; r� fader 44 W2211B c cz 1-- F rst a nt_ - V4° = VC, Gcn inucus R idae vent v 1 .. to � . t � _ - - -1 :CCFING ;omt:;osite Rcc; ino ;uild(rtc� �a�er ;heathina 11 x 'G � ib 0 C.10 InSulaticn �asc � � oard 1-00 it with ventinc IJ�LI 1ldina, fir Rarri,er, %5-heathina ?xd 0@ lro" OL. or 2x(o nsulation, vapor carrier /2" Wallbcara v! 1-ZX%~.T-2X6fG.iJ. Continucu5 5111 Garkat ,,nchor molts or approved eaulvalent 7OU 4if0N 8" or 10" Concrete Wall l 8`0' Feur (A.l-) 10' deep x 20" wide contlnuous 1.0ctinc ramccroof exterior gurtace u f .. •. ' x; _ tee,. ��, . , r 1 t i <n : t a i' - }} 4 lV ,, .. t - •♦•,w�wrv',p.�. Mwo Vw��R� 'lt,rwY '.. .. ,��Is.W .YM • - �.w.........�•�... r�r,�Mr����Y _ —__-_ _ 11a[•InlrrK•�♦W.�M�M/W\��Me iy�� . i t i F , i r R s C s 7 l 1 I R ! 4 , t ' I i r t E - t 0 1 Y� �i• w- TOWN OF DARTMOUTH DART, ...__ _F ;� 3 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1> 7 F,. -E' p I: 58 TELEPHONE 508-999-0720 FAX 508-999-0738 • ZONING REVIEW received date TO: X ENGINEER PLANNING DEPARTMENT X FILE/NOTEBOOK BOARD OF HEALTH CONSERVATION COMMISSION OTHER PLAT 6. LOT 02-/D2a STREET NAME 7iizrE---1 4-1zy .i/y / / OWNER'S NAME SUBDIVISION & LOT #, ,r../iCd - �� / /16r�r CONTACT PERSON ,(�ri�v� �P���� iui�Jz TELEPHONE # 99g'o?/a'�5� DESIGN PROFESSIONAL AGENCY �/�`,s�� THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY A_SANITARIAN _LAND SURVEYOR _PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER (INDICATE CIVIL, STRUCTURAL, ARCHITECTURAL or OTHER � //G/ ) After review of the above noted site plan I find the following: 1. Zoning District r liee ,Vacant L.4 • . Zoning District appropria: 1(Net. Date of original submission 6-6• ubdivisior)( EAdiR) a #frY Date plan approved (a- t it 9.q Date plan endorsed 3-z7- 9$ If subdivision, date plan expires, if Zoning changes 3 • 27'.imS' (frontage or area). 2. Nm Street (Existing) (Bultilie) r( ) (A—_:,,..t W..jp(under construction) Street complies (Yes) (No) 3. ..NdA Frontage ISO ', complies ( e® (na) {net-sbewn- provide} Nt2t Lot Area 4/0i7S complies es (aa) {twit-h'wn—praxide} #lA Percentage of Lot Coverage ...St:. % maximum allowed.{Mists}. 3'% Complies 0 (no) Percent of coverage may be additionally restricted by item number 8. 4. *Mt Setbacks current for this site are toe Front(any street side), 20 any other sides. "Grandfathered" setbacks a (ascoot) allowed and are applicable to vacant lots only. "Grandfathered" setbacks for this lot may be, per Plan Date(,'Co'Qq, at front SD sides 20 and rear 20 , and Zoning for that date for the Main Use, if otherwise allowed. Exempt setbacks existing (ryas)(10 Exempt setbacks will exist due to "Grandfather" rights1(get). Exempt setback(s) occur when legally pre-existing structures are closer to lot lines than is currently allowed. A"grandfathered"setback may become an exempt setback. Building setbacks are measured to the footprint of all habitable\occupiable space,including porches,decks,stairs,full baywindows and all fireplace\chimney projections and the like. 5. Accessory Structure(s) indicated efts)cp Setbacks comply (moo) 411, (over) 6. Off-Street Parking (Residential-2 space minimum per dwelling unit) complies G)tim) . 177t Driveway (10' minimum setback required except common drive at property line crossing only Other setback may apply). Complies (as). 7. AM. Top of foundation elevation /2S,2 ➢, t Cellar Slab elevation - required(!e (no). Elev. //?-Z ' Complies fno) Nier Water tabtle elevation //S Z ' 8. Aquifer Zone .r=�as /A Maximum impervious cover is 10% of lot area, (Yes) (�o INDICATE percentage of lot coverage(Yes) (Not.A!//A 9. F.I.R.M. Zone C. elev — Panel#250051 00/SS date S / / /g� Flood Zone construction requirements apply, (4ee9)9 Comment _ 10. Ot Overlay District N/A Inla Wetlands (section 17) - Requires further action, (yes) (no). C ent N/A C tal Wetlands (section 18) - Requires further action, (yes) (no). Co ent 11. Zg Board of Appeals action is required. C eat Wa granted - Case# See decision. 12. 1a Certified "As Built" REQUIRED, including top of foundation elevation in actual elevation numbers, not assumed, prior to backfill or any other construction. 13. Submit further information 09(.Yes). If yes, refer to item(s) # 14. Project will require further review when new, revised or requested information is submitted to any agency. 15. This Zoning review does not indicate compliance with any other Agency, including, but not limited to the Massachusetts State Building Code. 16. Building Department Permit(s) required("9(no). 17. N/A= not applicable To applicant/engineer: X Zoning APPROVED to proceed. =--Zoning APPROVED to proceed subject to submissions noted above. --DfYNOT PROCEED, submit information requested above! ---D@NOT PROCEED, Insufficient information provided, RESUBMIT! Submitted David J.Silveira Building Commissioner & Zoning Enforcement Officer Date G -(z 9 7 TAM REV.597 I SOIL DATA DATE: II-S-q(c PERFORMED BY: WITNESSED BY: Cd191S M1,:1,0AL)r,-2 � TP-- Uo ���.s� „^ TP— V-1 i��.� TP— TP— Ll0 0 Ill. C7 LOAD 6.l,oA M LOAMLOAM LOAM N� i oi�eC2S''pc-lzc eq�12Aj-�:1 "i►-j qAA,,i. vAr�: 1''►tj a AA, r4. WAT6 (o G 104-''WAI-eve log " w��q( �LAe q4 l�0Tr �5@ 3 iiL l�AAorTI.�S @ n" GA1/��X i �X6AVAT5- -rD �8 111.0 111.11 5� Subdivision Name: Songbird Acres Date: 12-19-94 Lot: 66 Owner: Petcr Hai;yes Assessors .Msip 66 -Lot 2.122 Zoning DistatP,qui�er Dist rict: NA FIRM Zone:C % Lot Cove►'age: 3% 30.518.57.5TO� vlEW3, 5" DIA. INLETS 3.5ofdia. knockouts inlet END -VIEW 5, 5" DIA. OUTLETS CROSS SECTION VIEW BOX NOT TO SCALE 10'-6" PLAN VIEW 4"ZT 31, CfOSS SECTION VIEW S1=PTIC TANK NOT TO SCALE 1"taper 5'-4" 5 dia. outlet TOP OF FOUNDAT ELEV. _ i EARTH0ep o e 4 p0e0 0O po e O o. 4 o e p oOpO O O 4 o O O 4 o O O p 4 o O v°vv v v v v v v � v v 41 TYPICAL OF ALL TYPICAL FIELD CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE 2"IN. EARTH BACKFILL 2" DEPTH OF 1/81/2"WASHED PEASTONE 10"DEPTH OF 3/4" TO 1-1/2"WASHED CRUSHED STONE SYSTEM PROFILE LEGEND ioo EXISTING CONTOURPROPOSED CON-iOUf�PPIPE INVERT ELEVATION TEST PIT SEPTIC TANK DISTRIBUTION B�JX "' PROPOSED WATER SERVICE LINE OBSERVED GROl.1NDWATER TABLE ELEVATION RESERVE AREA I Locums MaP DESIGN DATA DESIGN PERC RATE: 1" IN ID/1�i►luTEsDESIGN FLOW: 3 BEDROOMS X 110 GPD/BDM = 330 GPD REQUIRED SYSTEM DESIGN: USE 20X �jpLEACHING BEDBOTTOM: �0 LONG X �1,0 WIDE X 0.l�O G/SF 3�D GPD PROVIDED ZONING REQUIREMENTS (MiNINUM) AREAFRONT YARD SETBACK 5D SIDE .YARD SETBACKREAR YARD SETBACK'LD GENERAL NOTES 1) THIS SYSTEM SHALL_BE INSPECTED WHEN LEACHING AREA IS FULLY EXCI•VATEDAND WHEN ALL COMPONENTS ARE IN PLACE. WHEN -THE SYSTEM IS REACY FOR .INSPECTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. 2) WASHED CRUSHED STONE SHALL BE FREE OF ALL DIRT,. DUST AND FINES3) ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASEDON �Gl� ELEVATION DATUM. 4) HEAVY EQUIPMENT SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO OPERATE OVER THE LIMI iS OF THE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION• 5) NO FIELD MODIFICATIONS TO THE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM SHALL BE NQDE WITHOUTPRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF. THE ENGINEER AND THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. 6) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE V OF THE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL CODE AND A�'Y APPLICABLE LOCAL REGULATIONS. 7) SEPTIC TANK, DISTRIBUTION BOX, ETC. SHALL BE MANUFACTURED BY A. OTONDO &SONS OR APPROVED EQUAL8) GROUT TO BE USED AT ALL POINTS WHERE PIPES ENTER OR LEAVE ALL CONCRETE STRUCTURES IN ORDER,TO PROVIDE A WATERTIGHT SEAL. 9) ALL SHIPLAP JOINTS IN THE SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE SEALED WITH NEOPF.=NE GASKETSOR AS�'HALT�CEMENT. 10) EXCAVATE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL IN LEACHING AREA AND BACKFILL 1'�ITH -CLEAN GRAVEL AND COARSE SAND. 11) THIS SYSTEM IS NOT DESIGNED FOR AGARBAGE DISPOSAL UNIT. BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS "T" 0 D A F,"'1"[1!i0UTjj 2 fIEVVED 8` rrURT OF ? sTEveNo. `sue OWNER: St%ar GIOi05ACVIL m c� No.'32165 v �Oi41A519a Ae, t�G7j VAVrMOL,�rg, AAA A9o�F��s-rEP�G STREET LOCATION LOT ko WAIZ61.f� WAYO" SS/ONAI. EN ENGINEERING, FIRM: P.L.S. STAMP SI�`EC, Inc. p!by Rood New Bedford, MA 02745 (50E� 998-2125 Civil and Environmental Engineering FqX (508) 998-7554 Land Use Planning DATE: �-�o-q� CONTACT PERSON.- 7 A►-j ��v�e7Q�,c ACAD N0. FILE NO. a ' v oaa E o a) 0 0) To I com O O o E Ein m m .0 L .0o 0 m 4m ta- r Li. m E • • m m .t C .. Li) 0 t.m c— LE) c Cl) 2 > a o z 1— W ccC m O W - (A a co < w m ¢ Z _ Z0 c E •+ U 'H v m Co co f 'a = g a▪ Cl) `m o x a r ^ m `o a 22 0 m 'm -o Z • x 0 0 LL 0) .0 m z Q o (~A d r E z W ¢ m a � _ m •c o 00m -i a 3 c 2 etoo 7 ¢ 2 0 c� 1- m I' 0 a O ti E In U CO o V- o ¢ G a 6 a 0 CDk. . Z _ a G m E H > e. rn m` c 0 >. a 0 CC. m oU a 0 a CO m U Q L J 9 a f' !D N O 11 c o U O o E aIlua� • z a us a`