BP-717- _ Play Mustnoorsea- �C Kepi Q�1 S!� , During C® ruCfion BAR 2 1 97 Date � G sue. , , — -:s• ' F'R®�' SS OF TI{ES l�Jt�KiS ' } ,�3@.JILDIA'�hia tl�crogNa�-' Pk'y�,„R 3RA 5g_-a iT �'m of .9„+fie. ensouaC.$ Weal/, 3/ 9 2/ s _ -- _ MA 7 1997 , auims DEPART6ERT !+ � �: r r � � � ��I T '� — C� x Tan OF DART� date copy of cork and accepted as a record This plan, has been revieved to be pe rforoed in coopliance Pith 7M CIR 5tb Edition blQ is reap SCALE- �y ^ _ t i APPROVED BY t DRAWN$r— =ate PT The orner, app licaat/agent and/or architect/engineer with the above -r�nti� code DATE.-. REv+seD for insuring final coopliance any errors or ooissions in the record plan. Any oast be reported to t �4 notrithstanding _ m orner► license contractor or engineer change lan rnjst be sub fitted to L %J /-" „' s - � =% ! T I� l \ o .. �t �r 1 't ` f ` this office ir-ediate Any Chang a in this office in a ti y as 1 Cignatue - r _ _,.� _ _ .. . . ,. r , ;.. .: ,- �. i .: .; ,. c _. , ', >:. z . ., :; _, _ .. .:: ..,. . , ,. :. _ .. ..� . ; .., _ .. x -, •' _ _ ._ _ -_ r. _.... ,.- .. : - ..._ Correlate Scope of Work: b Genera( Notes: The work covered includes the furnishings _:. y this section t 1 ` of all labor• equipment. materials, and. incidentals necessary to complete all concrete work including forms. reinforcing steel, imbedded materials and accessories as CODES: :All. State and Local Codes, Ordinances, Regulations, etc., shall be considered as indicated on the Drawings, .herein pacified or both. I Concrete frcuts far excess s under foundations and Part of the specifications for this building andshall I take Preference over anything shown � footings are a:part of this work. described, or implied where same are at variance. Class of Concrete: All cast -in place concrete shall be air -entrained and shall develop a minimum compressive strength of 3.000 p-s.r. Each contractor shall visit the job -site, base estimate on present conditions. and shall be at 28 days. required to complete all work shown, implied, or required to complete theReinforcing Steel: ' work. �-.. i All detailing, fabrication, and erection, unless otherwise - shown, shall follow the ACt "Manual of Standard Practice . = � _ � :� dimensions nconditionsr inin t their for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures.` ACf 315. IAA fY i.JG rF; - / ; �_,��_ 1_�:,, ; _p Each contractor shall verify all required d+mens o s and pertaining g o Reinforcement shall not be straightened or rebent in a T T ( �_ g . F , <__. — =a respective work at the site prior to, and during construction, and be responsible for the manner that will injure the materials. - - Reinforcement shall be accurately placed as shown on same. g the Drawings and shall be maintained and secured against displacement during pouring operations. Continuous bars are to be lapped a minimum of 24 bar Elevations of garages, porches, terraces, stoops, grade Imshown,on shownon plans etc., are inches. diameters,. but never less than 12 is subject to change to meet topographical conditions. (See Engineering Drawings) B. Monolithic Finish: Ix ���! S�z� i Floor slabs shall be wood floated to a true, even I plane with no coarse aggregate visible. Sufficient �D 1 } Carry all footings to firm, undisturbed soil bearing a minimum of a 4'-0 below finish pressure shall be used on the wood float to bring t moisture to the surface. After surface 'moisture grade. Remove all organic and other unsuitable materials from the area of the building. Fyp has disappeared. surface shall be steel troweled to T 1;,•;pzr„v�} 1 _.. Fill shall be approved material, placed in 12" maximum layers, each layer thoroughly a smooth, even, impervious finish free from trowel Yt T �o 'T - G?'3a; o✓Ez 11ed with h`mec mechanical I _e qui ment to Produce an app roved roved sub- marks.stamPed• packed. and r Gara gee Floor steel.Mesh for- concrete floors and pads d. Reinforcement: Slab reinforcement with 8` x 8` # 10. Set 1 112` above bottom of slab C Apron All concrete shall develop a minimum compressive strength of 3.000 psi withing 28 days. Set on 6" rnrrT+mum Compacted bank, run giave1. Mix h i r 1-2-4 peastone aggregate -wood float finish Slab reinforcement with #4 rods 6` o.c. both ways - Concrete materials, formwork, reinforcing steel, mix, placing. curing, testing, and all Platforms and Step _ �2 'f SjUa Wr?,_-_ - ti �vz� e,„` 1 Foundations doweled with reinforcing rods -to main -- -- ( r r j worE pertaining to c.,ncre e shall conform to �pecrficahi�I�s standards- and ) foundations. T 1 x 10 a recon::�:endat+ons of the American Concrete institute latest edition 2 Concrete'mrxed 1-2-4 reinforced with 8 x 8 g ) f mesh or '1/4- rods 12` o.c. both ways. 3) Exposed faces finished with carbarundum stone and t=1H!5 V5 ( 200 ►o FIR. .:5T. grout or 1/4` mortar coat, wood float finished. 0 C. } T L- 2Ild 05^0r a - GY�s4�NS DD -;I-` • Ii F_1 F OFL r_=��� tsr� � ' - ` � �!.{. Coeur/•.. � .�. i t '+ •' FitSE�!.gLfiSS VASE - � ! i I • F.' i I I FLY, . E : O.C. �. y^ 4�>' < r J t. F` Z•G 51Lt +'l \. _•, t j ASE2Al I Of Fcu r - Gx G" -IDS Yy. tir •'f G'�. C GALE APPROVED BY DRAWN BY �--r-- + ;� r ,��-- "�—. :DATE. REVISED _ ' Y v 20 DRAWING NUMBER I .. r v rxxirxx .r bo t x : i xxirxx/YxX/YXXWf 4 [Y`�./JIJ � � _ ',t W) UPI t _ ... R.M.; R�`t�tC:W �lAt2!('_,. >, - V��3 r _ -PT, {rU7 €- - - ``- - 2D N oCN N O W J `o _ l flp ���b• o 7 �6Z 96L �Q'Q err �� •4 6 T Cl tO� rb z >$ _r-O U cc a . � a o n T> P,CO w 99 96 oe N o � ►. Y;C.Z a \ �o� qo I _ -7r7 800 MECHANICALS & PRIMARY FUEL Architect/Engmeer - project supervision and reports - Furnace (hot air) - Fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify) Company name - Boiler (heating)- Fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify) Address -- - HVAC (combined unit) - Primary fuel, natural gas, propane, electricity, other (specify) - Phone number - .Air conditioning - (separate unit) Certified by State of Massachusetts as None of the above to be provided Certification number �.. {�T Hot Water Gas Electric -OZFuel Oil`. Other NOTE Signatures and seals on all plans, affidavits and other documents SHALL BE originals and not 900 SPRINKLERS - FOR STRUCTURES OVER 7500 SQUARE Q ARE FEET and certain multifamily residential reproductions. Required, plans provided, --plans not provided, why? General Contractor (if Homeowner, state homeowner here then complete section 1300) Not required, not to be installed, Why? Company name C:-Cttc)�ic Address 1000 REQUIRED OFF-STREET P T PARKING -for ZONING & Architectural Access _ Phone �[ p { (� � � •„ Pol-NOT .APPLICABLE number Construction Supervisors license number CS Q4,75E3 - Parking Plan submitted To = Building Department - Planning Board Date submitted ---- NOTE Signatures and seals on all plans, affidavits and other documents SHALL BE originals and not I � Number of spaces - indoors outside total provided reproductions. _ Handicap spaces- requiredes I Y _no.f yes, how many as a part of the total required number. *s:::ssss#:s:sssssssssssss:sss:sssxassssssxsxsssssssstssss:*ssss,ess*ssssssssssssssssss#sssssssss::::sss Is Route 6 (State Road) Entrance permit required? Yes _ no _ =. If yes has it been issued yes ,_ no 1200 FOR RESIDENTIAL REMODEL WORK ONLY , Submit copy of application and/or permit as soon as available. Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to (780CMR - 6) ? Yes No If no go to next sectiom! I 1100 IDENTIFICATION (print or type except as noted) Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? Yes No _If yes, submit the required affidavit! Current owner - name ai �.c Remodel contractor name please print) address Address phone {1r ? �i� Registration number (if none state "none") If corporation, officer in charge Phone number Architect/Enzineer - for overall design PERSONS CONTRACTING «VITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THL GUARANTEE FUND! QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: Company name Home Improvement Contractors Registration One .Ashburton Place - Room 1301 Address Boston. AMA 02I08 (617) 727-8598 Phone number Owners name (print) - Certified by State of Massachusetts as Signature Certification number Date NOTE Signatures and seals on all plans, affidavits and other documents SHALL BE originals and not reproductions. 1300 OWNER SIGN - OFF I, the undersigned, am the owner of record or authorized lessee (provide documentation) and I have reviewe�a the application herein submitted. I state that to the best of my knowledge and belief that the information provided in thhts application is true and correct and that the permit requested be issued. , Further I understand that the permit will expire in six months, from the date of issue, if no work is begun ttfr six months after the last inspection if work has begun and that the permit may be extended for six months if no work its anticipated if I request such an extension in writing. I understand that the permit may be extended only three times bV J-- r­..,,,L exprres anew application may be required, including fees and current other requirements (including Zoning), -- Alteration of existing; no increase in gross square feet. A separate Refuse Disposal Declaratimi requii-e-d, - Name - = Demolition - describe structure ' Signature { The above signature is my voluntary act and is signed under the pains p and Number of dwelling units Number of bed r°°� ® A separate Refuse D al Declaration rertuiied. P� penalties of _ Perjury. Date Moving - (Provide copy of D.P.W. moving license Type of structure i IVho is authorized to pickup the permit at the Building Department? lease rind C zr( iy � Address E� �d .� Phone from where (plat lot or address) j 6 _71T7 p to where (plat/lot or address) 1400 HOMEOWNER EXEMMON - ONE & TWO FAMILY ONLY Number of dwelling units Number of bedrooms per dwelling unit FOR H01iE OWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFOR1%1 AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT — Re -roofing - {for existing only, is included in new construction) I09.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those structures governed b Control in Section 127.0. effective July 1, 1992, no individual shall be engaged in directivolving Number of square feet 1 Number of layers already existing construction, reconstruction, alteration, re air, re Persons engaged in the y supervisingpersons ments structures. unless he or she is licensed in accordance nregulations Number of layers when complete with the rules and Promulgatestructural d by the BB Songs or Rules and Regulations for Licensing Construction Supervisors. RS entitled A separate disposal declaration REQUIRED Exception: Any Home Owner performing work for which a Building Permit 'required_ the provisions g is ns o this section, provides that if a Home Owner engages a pdo shall be exempt from for Re lacement P doors and windows - (for existing only) (only where doors and windows exist person(s) Home Owner shall act as supervisor. hire to do such work ,that such and wyilt not be For the purposes of this section "come enlarged) EGRESS dimensions must he maintained. Enlarged or new windows in an existing dwelling will be onh, a �Jwner" is der as follows: Person(s) who owns a parcel of to ' on .chick he; she resides or intends to reside, (n which n _. is h there is, or is intended to be, a one detached considered as as Alteration, otherwise will he included in new construction. n. (see Code section 3401:..10 or or two family dwelIin ,attached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constru two -rear period shall not be cons' cts more P considered a Home than one home in for residential and A tide 8 for co commercial) Owner. me - If you are appIving under this. section sign below: _ Temporary structure - includes when allowed, trailers, tents and the like and only for limited period_�s'of time. Signature Describe Your signature carries certain responsibilities, including but not necessarily limited to :ss::s:ss:::sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssrssss:ss:ssssss::ssssss:::::ssssss:sssssssssgss:ssssssa#*ty 500 CONSTRUCTION PAS ssssss NOTICE TO LICENSED CONTRACTORS: The Building Code in provides the Rules and Regulations section that any licensed Construction Supervisor. whether or not they have taken —None submitted. Why" 2.1:.2 of section 51the permit are responsible for code compliance. see ssss::ssssss::ssssssssssss:*s:ssssssssssasssssss***sss***g*ssss*xssss:sssssssss=ssss:ssssssssassssssssss Uhmitted, usually three sets required. Four sets for food service uses. Number of sets submitted 150i1 COST 600 SITE PLAN Cost of Improvement ❑Not G required, why. Items to he installed but not included in the shove cost: Electrical 5 Submitted When? =Previously, date�_With this application Plumbing ��. E3oc . 700 UTILITIES HVAC Other Water supply - required yes _ no, public ? e yes no, on site well? yes no, TOTAL J DGX' existing? _ yes .� no �7 i The following If required and not existinghave necessary permits been issued? r} P ® no yes,; date section for official use only. % . INSPECTORS' REVIEW (M.G.L. Chapter 40, section 54 provides that no building permit may be issued unless a water supply, 'When required, is available. See Code 790 CMR section 114.1.2) Date plan reviewed Sewage disposal - required yes _ no, public sewer ®Yes no 30 days to review period ex P Ps — private septic - on -site yes no. Submit copy of permit as soon as available. — OK to issue date I - —• �..w-require nspection prior to installation), new (provide manufacturers t instructions). Location(s) (list) "tTireplace(s) - (includes flue) List location(s) V 6L'� Game Court - describe (include overall dimensions) Tent, Trailer (Mobile Home) or Other - describe 300 COMMERCIAL - PROPOSED PROJECTIUSE - INCLUDING THREE FAMILY OR MORE AND EXEMPT USES = THIS .SECTION NOT APPLICABLE (Tine following descriptions are based on the Massachusetts State Building Code Article 3, AS NOTED) (See the Code) - Assembly - restaurant, lounge, theater, school, etc. (see Code Section 302.0) Describe Business - office, assembly with less than 50 occupants - indicate Medical or other professional (see Code Section 303.0) - Educational - structure for training including child day care for those over 2 years 9 months see Code Section 3'04.0) ( n Factory / Industrial - (see Code Section 305.0) = High Hazard (see Code Section 306.0) Institutional - hospital; nursing home, infant day care (see Code Section 307.0) :Mercantile - retail stores (see Code 308.0) _ Residential - three or more family, hotel (see Code Section 309.0) Storage - includes garages (see Code Section 309.0) _ Utility & .Miscellaneous Struct ures - includes tents and agricultural struct ures s (see Code Section 311.0) New tenant for any of the above, indicate above (see Code Section 119.0 and Zoning By-law section 35) = Tent or Trailer temporary purpose? _ Other Describe the proposal briefly, INCLUDE number of dwelling units and bedrooms or occupant bad as applicable, also existing condition 400 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK TO BE PERFORMED �lew Construction and/or Addition - total gross square feet Lv is (For commercial only total gross cubic feet) - indicate It will be considered new construction if there an increase in square footage in addition to any alteration(s). If project is an addition to existing structure - Total gross square feet of existing FOR COMMERCIAL ONLY Will this project be subject to CONSTRUCTION CONTROL (over 35,000 cu.ft.) Yes No. (If yes see Code section 127.0). Designer to submit Code Synopsis. Will this project require Peer review (over 400,000 cu.ft.) Yes No (see Code A endix APPT ICANTTO PROVIDE PP 1) OK to issue subject to requested submittals (see project review worksheet) date DENIED see project review worksheet date HOLD reason date HOLD Subject to Zoning Board of Appeals action Comments Inspectors signature DatMAR Z 7 1997 Applicant informed of above - Date time staff (fax, phone, in prarson) Over six months since approved for issue - DEEMED abandoned! Advise applicant. Hold 90 days for return then dispose if not picked up. Inspector Date Advised applicant Date Time staff (by phone, fax or in person) OFFICEUNSPECTORS NOTES 7� TOTAL FEE 33 Gross area new ^onstruction Total Sq. Ft. alteration Total Sq. Ft. Permit is issued to Comments/notes on permit s/Y�� AND A!<TROVAL Date of Applicaton sub znlsstoa :. Plat Lot Street w Owner. Aquifer Zone. TELEPHONETOWN OF DARTMOLqH BUILD11% RTMENT is ,,, ,tt -0738 Owner mail address Owner phone # APPLICATION FOR ZONING AND BUILDING PERMIT ' OTHER INVOLZ'ED .-AGENCIES The following agencies requite separate jurisdictional a Proposed project, CoN'I'AGT • FOR p rmits or approval for your The applicant shall cumplete this application to the best of their ability prior to sabmima*ni.•Ienvmg no itetm veered. •Ibe S�MIS.SIONS. Department staff will he available during regular business hours to assist as necessary: N/A should be insc rted for those secdoat ® TAX COLLECTOR = w.� which do not appiv.properly completed application will help avoid unnecessary devys. ifeeiiisatru aide. { Approved =HOLD By Date Conservation Comm Approved By e Dale (for office use o017) '7 , D.P. LV. water = Approved By ` Application fee: $ Q ceetived b7j1� Date Date sewer — Approved By Total Permit Fee f Permit # Date D.P.IV. cross connection _ Approved, Date —_ 100 LOCATION OF PROJECT D.P.LV. engineering — Approved Date —_ CURRENT �CCESSORS' PLAT LOT ZONING DISTRICT Board of Health well Z Approved 12 Board 4 Health septic - AFFroYed Date OTHER ZONING OVERLAY DISTRICT'S , if applicable • 1 Date NUMBER STR.EET -�-koyl�e � Board of Health food service — Approves ('� Date NE -.REST CROSS STREET $ F7RE DISTRICI''tI - II - IIII = A , pproved Date SUBDI�1SION NAME & LOT# [,° C� `� Planning Dept — Approved Date or BUSINESS NAb1E S)thcr — -—-- — Approved Date PREN-IOUS TENANT , OWNER Approved Date RESIDENTIAL t""mments _'00 RPROPOSED PROJECT - one & two family residence only THIS SECI-ION NOT APPLICABLE e:::z:::zz:z::sz::szza:zsags#azzaeaa::azaseazzzzssszazs:#:zzzzz:z:zz:izi::zzsz::zz 1,[ Single family - dumber hedrooms number maths I'rnleCt SttTtTmarS II@V1' co ass#e#sans#ass##:zlz: nstructioni alteration/demo sewage disposal puhlicrprh•ate = Two famih• - number bedrooms unit i number baths unit I (Alter. -add interior waiisj (add rooms - [add footprind w number bedrooms unit 2 number baths unit 2 water supply - publiclprivate well [pool] [garsge.,shedj [game court] _ [food service[ _ .-accessory apartment Total gross sq. ft: Describe _Accessory structure Garage - detached - attached to dwelling, dimensions L W ■.�i.iiilz======i==#l:l:::l==l=:z::z:z:sass=#::#:##z:::::l:: the ti arioT.ts departments: _ _ Carport - detached - attached to dwelling, dimensions L W _ Shed - dimensions L W Thi:� .notice has been forwarded to �•ou for your information and any appropriate action. Should you have v snons please advise. If anv reason to withhold the requested permit is found, please advise. Your assistance. a — perition is appreciated. ce and Gazebo - dimensions L W Building .Department Swimming pool above ground in -ground Size ® toW c-,4uare feet Datesent for review IL. Chimney - # of flues _-1) By - -7 —7