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Permit No BP.�5a2Eo BUILDING sPEtMIT -. ��� G101-ave,°�� 334400 ` tate `Commenwe lth ofMa sachusetts Map:3ln- era' '0066+:� ,xs � .-r's� �a� t � g- ar� i t �` � TO�' O,T;;,.IARTM¢i7TH w�, A .� ��-. ,Lot tele T0002" c „` �' _ -'P g00Stocu�'m Road,=Dartmouth,.MAd02747 ;�� - ,Subl:iit �toIaoI '�. el:_-. Phone (508 f01820 • Faz (508)910-IS38 Categoiy .r. - z EW3DWEMANG .r : jr K - -.- ` 1` i.:, �a s} .- Project# `-t b J&12010-1101110 t PERMISSION ISNERER •GR9NTEDTO• = '4`'" �` ._ `Est.�Cost - ��" S26500011 = r �� - ,��i >s -a i �� Fee mw :�ts1298'00,'.'+ u�r 5t Contractor t t j` wens¢ Ph1"` #' 5 1Const Class .; '` g .�� ._c$ ) �, 4 (x �7 7,08: ' CARL J RE sip 3 CS-084358'f ' 08 B28-4Z 3 F :r: aae,Oftiip �W23 't3ws tea Engineer. r tiS 4 - , nsi," t P fdne# z,5 "` .LLotlSite'tsq *.ten pll`0 � ' q "xra e ,. `a ci �.Z'o$mg: `'s+ ' SRB . IJIJilcant - ;phone#"� , ,A"gmfe[.`ZonePAt'LIA`I'LONE' t w-" ▪s - d �y -. ,,, ,� REBELLO CO STRIICTION INt -- •. 58}328-4723 � '100�00-S Zr— - OWNER: ( t'�\ - ---- _ st� Newr-,Cons • BETTEIYCOURTOBa� €�yA��mCronf� DATE ISSUED � a ��� ft i ' --' -0, .r - ;, , a , ,, ,a'�"` ..:'S,' ":4-citt:'[..fP'Ygkcit. TO PERFORMTHE FOLLOWING WORK: . , New single fa family dwelling witfithree bedroom, i-lys, fam roomffi, Office two full and one half baths,two car ' garage,two decks,well water,:•septie system,•gas heat/RECHARGE SYS IEM a i' £ ' Project 'cation:^ 7 WREN IN 3, r n A +ts tr Approvefid/Issued Byji - %- .` < a- t ,y DAVID BRUNET7AL BUILDING INSPECrOR - x t - .i All work shall com : with780"CMR Tsi Ed. .- .---- -p y (MGL Chap:AO)and any other applicable Mass.Laws or Codes and plans on file - _= y SCHEDULE APPROPRIATE INSPECTIONS AS REQUIRED UPON COMPLETION OF WORK,FINAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED`THIS PERMIT y i • WILL EXPIRE PER 780 CMR 5110.9.(NOTMORE THAN 3 EXTENSIONS WILL BE GRANTED)OR ON ISSUANCE OF A REGULAR OCCUPANCY -," .- PERMIT .f .< - - :' ' = ..I hereby certify that the proposed work is niiilibitiod by the owner of recordandI have been authorized by the owner to make this application as , t ifit'e the n e his aLgent �andto receiv this permitIfurtherunderstand other agenciesmay: ereasontoOP ORK . m uderir1 riditio arnm nor withstandin theissaneofthisBmdmZnmgPermi � 1 Signature ofOwnr/Agent: (e -- : Comments PERMIT NUMBER ISREQUIREbWAENREQUESTINGINSPEGTIONS/RE-'INSPECTION' EESTTVIUSTBearti - • - • BEFORE RECEIyING�4(\'OTIIER IN$PECTION/REPLACEMENT.FEE}VILL`BE REQUIImED OF LOST CARD - "Persons contracting with unregistered contractors do not have access to the guaranty fund(as set forth m MGL c.142A)" Inspector of Inspector of D.P.W.inspector ,- Building Inspector Inspector of Gas F rtmen ire Depat Mz u;'s .`Plumbing : Wiring ' e a..-- i. _ - Water Service# Footings Underground Oil i ``�„ " Underground Service: - x R ` _ 'Rough. - Raugh: - :' Sewer Service# Rough Frame - • pF- - _ Insulation. - Final• '`y -` a "_Cross Connection Final Final -, �'+3 .Board of Health_ •;E-911 - �' . Additional Comments z , xi x • Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy/Completion,this card mustbe returned to the Building Departmentwith all necessary ' inspections signed aff Department phone number's are listed on the white'"Required Inspections' document provided with ttie issuance of • F ' Hite'building permit POST CARDSO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET `;- • £-1 - - - - - - stefgITH-M , , , a. TOWN OF DARTMOUTH 11 „ a d .A sk.g�lp RECEIPTS i d� (' NE 5 9n0 21 Sep 508-910.1838 58818 Name: 1 } ; ; , /7' {( ( Property — Date: J /// !LeLie'(.( i } . teic , II ii /1 ;.V Owner: 15g _,.,60 f s - //.�/ (j i Job Location: //� j,/ White Copy-Collector's Office WP DA_ i: Yellow Copy-Customer's Receipt !.�-' Pink Copy-Pile Copy Map: Lot: Green Copy-Building Department u71C Phone: NCOL E� l r 1 J 1014 Description 0JGenf lialger #'s Ref. # Amount License &Permits - Building 01000-44105 2 / License & Permits -Building Misc. 0 105 } i . License &Permits -Electrical 01000-44106 License &Permits - Plumbing& Gas 01000-44107 JJ f License & Permits - Trench Safety 01000-44129 C/ �( i Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 `. �-) 1 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT OR LICENSE FOR BUILDING, PL M ING OR GAS Received By: ,4. ✓0/3 4-6,f�-.-- 1 � • TOWN DARTMOUTH (a * BUILDING-RECEIPTS t� on \' - - o &AA , y,), » ` HQI E: 508-910-1820 FAX: 508-910-1838 5 2 8 0 11 Name: ,r / 3 . Property Dater J' y y i Owner. E -tf . .. Job Location: White Copy-Collector's Office /I ifif r Yellow Copy-Customer's Receipt Pink Copy-File Copy Map: Lot: • Green Copy-Building Department I 1 / ,V Phone: Description General Ledger#'s Ref. # Amount License & Permits - Building 01000-44105 / S r License &Permits - Building Misc. 01000-44105 License& Permits - Electrical 01000-44106 License & Permits - Plumbing & Gas 01000-44107 License &Permits - Trench Safety 01000-44129 Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 - THIS IS NOT A PERMIT OR LICENSE FOR BUILDING, PLUMBING OR GAS Received By: !(L '7-c%i (212.-- RESIDENTIALApproval in Part Per 780 CMR.5111.13) 0 Pp � „ $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON 14E=FIINIOAOLELE �q@N- ANDATE RECEIVED ° "' DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMth+R i '`°r' I`'' �'+ ' - i_DATE If r 400 Slocum Road, P.O. Box 79399 Zug OC 2 d PPi 4 03 'O �' Dartmouth, MA 02747 z \0 %'' Phone: 508-910-1820 Fax: 508-910-1838 • T; www.town.dartmouth.ma.us APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR, RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING T IS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - ' RECEIVED BY BUILDING PERMIT NUMB R { DATE SENT:FOR REVIEW /6 r ��/ DATE ISSUED t /7 t� ,f -DEC.. 1l O TO ISSUE SIGNATURE L�`�� t�-� �Ndk DATE IJC a 2009 Zoning District 5ej3-1-,--::- Pr ose a.`�� . • Zone IO B ❑A ❑V Aquifer Zon THE FOLLOWING AGE IE outzp,,IIOTIF P ' Demo PW •{ ❑Elec ❑Energy Report ❑Board off Bo of p Appeal Health • in Affidavit:. Card Sent:i� -Cut Off Follow up ire ❑Gas Planning rO Sewer Card ❑Water Card °rang O Other Chief Cut Off Board Cut Oft ; Cut Off --?. _:- ` h*REQUIRES•INSPECTOR'S REVIEW BEFORE THE`ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT c _ ERART ENTAL APPROVAL Zoning Review: fLY Signature: Energy Report: Signatur Date: DEC 0 8 Z009 ife Chief: Signature: r.I2 '3 Date: DEC 0 C a99 Board of Health: Signature: Date: Conservation Commission: Signature: 4�T/���d C� Date: 7/>/ /V,3 Other: Signature: Date: Brief description of work being orm d. . 5�v)(e. 1.-un-.1 (y, N'/ +r.(I`,1) / 'c"cw' C vt 5 A SECTION 1 =SITE INFORMATION ' 1.1 Property Address: L le, 1.2 Assessors Map&Lot Number: Lot Area(sf.) `/gr.7 S.C Frontage /.7:-,0 F. Map (0(0 Lot o2 - i 30 Required Provided Front Yard (oS 1.3 Historical District 0 Yes . u-No Side Yard '-/7 ' Has application been submitted to the Historic Commission? Rear Yard / O C/ ❑Yes ❑ No Date: JA Water Supply(MGL c40 s54): 1.5 wage Disposal System: I/ ❑ Municipal ®LPrivate Well 0 Municipal p-On Site Disposal System J ii e. J. i/ vl "-i .fl CONSTRUCTION PLANS ® SITE PLAN ENERGY REPORT RESIDENTIAL • c5bY-9'5 k-5-3 97 SECTION:2-PROPERTY'OWNERSHIP/AUTHORIZED'AGENT 2 Owner Record: � �j ��1 ?e � , ti.� �/`7 l Illy-%Ann,1/I trq—mye Name (print) Contact Address / Phone Number 2.2 Authorized Agent: c. I KP b&IO Name(print) ( r Contact Address Phone Number SECTIONS"-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES ,ls a 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: rod d Pt .(I C) Not Applicable 0 Licensed Construction Supervisor: License Number: CS- aGJ35- rees- Address: /0(9 Jc vtnFS (r_� ic Expiration Date: / 1... ,����J_Signature: C Telephone:SOS. 3, 75g7 3' 9-a®- apt i VVV V 3.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable 0 Lk VO Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to(780 CMR.110.R6)? 0 Yes 0 No ar. If No,go to the next section! o Are you darning exemption from the requirements? 0 Yes ❑ No If Yes,submit the required affidavit! • it Company Name: Qe he.. I la 10 s-4r ._4;on Registration Number(if none,state"none"): Address: /O4, 57,,,,,, c, c. "K;rl Vk I yY , Signature: (zX. . 0: -- Telephone: _..s- { 3r-1 ?a3 Expiration Date: 3.3 For Residential Remodel Work Only PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND: QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: - Home Improvement Contractors Registration, One Ashburton Place-Room 1301, Boston, MA 02108, 617-727-8598 ,rJ I am a Homeowner performing all the work myself. Owners Name(print): Signature: By signing the above,the homeowner acknowledges that there will be no eligibility to the Guaranty Fund Date: 3.4 Homeowner Exemption-One&Two Family Only FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT 5108.3.5 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those structures governed by Construction Control in Section 116.0,effective July 1,1982,no individual shall be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction,reconstruction,alteration,repair,removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings or structures,unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entitled Rules and Regulations for Licensing Construction Supervisors. Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section;provides that if a Homeowner engages a person(s)for hire to do such work,that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only,a"Homeowner is defined as follows: Person(s)who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside,on which there is,or is intended to be,a one or two family dwelling,attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. If you are applying under this section sign below: Signature: Your signature carries certain responsibilities, including but not necessarily limited to,general liability SECTION 4'-WORKERS,COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(MGL c 152§25) Worker's Compensation Insurance Affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached: 0 Yes 0 No SECTION 5. DESCRIPTION OF.PROPOSED WORK(Check all applicable) ' p Deck ❑Pool 0 Repairs ❑Alteration 0 Chimney/Fireplace 0 WoodstovelPellet Stove //PkNew Construction* 0 Accessory Bldg. 0 Roofing/Siding 0 Other (Energy report required) (Shed/Garage) (Specify below) ❑Addition 0 Replacement window/door 0 Demolition / (Energy report required) No.of windows Doors_ (Specify below) *If new construction, please complete the following: Single Family: No.of Bedrooms ,3 No. of Baths o2 Yi Two Fami . No of Bedrooms Unit 1 No.of Baths Unit 1 No of Bedrooms Unit 2 No.of Baths Unit 2 ❑ mace(hot air)-fuel gas(natural or propane),fuel oil,electricity,other(specify): 4 Boiler(heating)-fuel gas(natural or propane),fuel oil,electricity,other(specify): $,HVAC(combined unit)-primary fuel,natural gas,propane,electricity,other ❑Air conditioning-(separate unit) ❑None of the above to be provided M Hot Water. Gas (Sr, Electric Fuel Oil Other Description of proposed work: ZSECTION 6-ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST _ -` . Item � Estimated Cost($)to be completed by permit applicant 1. Building Pa cc/X(0 2. Electrical N. Nca(3 3. Plumbing /4/1 t('t' 4. Mechanical(HVAC) %c;t 00 5. Total=(1 +2+3+4) a( r e) r�tn-�fr'�� SECTION 7A-OWNER AUTHORIZATION (to be completed when owner's agent or contractor applies for building permit) �l�t) 4^/ l ase - rawvC22z r/'.k as the subject property hereby authorize to on my If, in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Sc' ,/ ✓O - w - n9 at of Ccy4r Da j. SECTION-78-OWNER/AUTHORIZED AGENT DECLARATION . ] I ,!—ap l I G , as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information oyrthe foregoing application are true and accurate,to the best of my knowledge and belief. (/ /Signed undue the J/pains `and penalties of perjury. tf De /O 0, Signa re o Owner/Authorized Agent at SECTION 8-INSPECTOR'S.REVIEW/COMMENTS NOV 17 Z009 NOV 1 7 2009 DEC 0 8 2009 1. Date plan reviewed: 2. DENIED (see project review worksheet): Date: 3. HOLD Reason: /fin.L.-4---, Date: 4. HOLD subject to Zoning Board of Appeals action: Date: Comments: Inspector's Signature: caG./ Date: DEC CI 8 2009 SECTION -APPLICANTNOTIFICATION': ' 607 Applicant informed of above: Datef 7 0 Time: / /J-3 7 " / CIe Comments:__��/ /A_ _ SEilinj ION100-OFFICE/INSPECTOR'S NOTES Less.Application Fee:$25.00 Remaining Balance: $ A2.7.3 Total Permit Fee:$ /:2' .I.— Other$Amount$ )'') /2 ' = /G� TOTAL FEE: / �S� Gross Area-New Construction total sq.ft._3 77 3 ' - a YL.-Ics St XYD �237 Gross Area-Alteration total sq.ft. Permit Issued to: 2riez-+� car ` 2 c 4S -L s yya r\, SECTION 11-ADDITIONAL COMMENTS/SKETCHES . , a7157 Gtn�n e o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V o 0 0 -- 0 �.. o o f 0 0 - v o 0 C v v v Q n n n % t;, n ^. ]Win W y n n C ntrt n .no no 01 ri c a �S. 411, 0- t' Tv en km 7 Ili ei 0. 'moo °U C' aj,; c c. o r'11i tt h `.t m °nc V N . m oq 'o 0 tr .. 3 e o y y ti' `m W � 'o ee 5 'nnFi p y v v a 0 w � 5:. ❑ a m ` .o z E �o Can ov 7 j » tO _3 m y : E- -, h 0. �Uw i epE � 'o `> 'o -4 O. > N d" o -o co v Uoo hve � 'yo tn b � .a a oo E `° `� C U f-.•. O.: a _ " y "m .'n m ce .A 6 .� o Om a n n•.. E. E. Q a m 7 7 .H( v I'ta zz o Q E E ti E c< oz is ` 'U Z C Q .U S `c Z c q „, ik a .I [� U ;d _ V y en .O� .� C a. N qx N C Q ::U VU1\ o � OoQd it".0 4 �. o e 0 r\ V o000 1,4 U Q.Uy r V -0 Q qv u o ca ii �. . \ 9 A.' N z q C q .. .._ c 07 N a 0 < o � h °° c .M.. a.»» .;\ N. E. ? a ta �d q CW.ON In c 44 4 ( Ta tS Uhoaaa o q q p 4.4 a e ° C <.ao 0 oa F Oa 0 co Aoe�eo I. -._ T. tu q —p g F i 1/2 . G V C .W fl' gz4. o v' G v 0 etaMn yz o' aQ 2'N e nO 00a WN V q yCI POOO ct a � V .. Q 9 c1 = o ". - o IICI -E. a En. W g tiha s IIIIIu Ia O q `1�.,` c m LiiS Z `�.J ,. a N `n a z o ai F cza W a ' py O-�3 ® N om o q�C wNv bin 0 q � q a vg � a m, a : z ,„ a� kg - , v . _ row . it a 1' o 1'. gI 0 00 0 O M N f 01 Y •01 II i a I L L 0 O N 1/4 Ce C o 0 0 t a U I 'j z 0 tt b4 ii my ;{ a aovo y g rn E••• i^ 0 p 4 H Z ci 0, 6. 44 j 6 e Q C .4Z. W. No o �.A U C FI y 0: �: _=_e_e .—o 0 c c I e q0 W c U j c:L �y� v o 0 ; U oQ o m, p u 5 > ti"oI y Ltl E v W U C U< o °o O P .o :'V m 000 o O q ,. p 07:0rn a aca 0cao " " h o b. e' q ' 5 \. c� v A y c C CY E< DU 7ho o 9. o 1. M O W- 4• d F.. J.- . :, ,� 0: h o q qv . V I o o •h a U •� IThe Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents vOffice of Investigationsif io_ 600 Washington Street1,,:______.aIiPa�Z+' Boston, MA 02111 www.mass.gov/dia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers Applicant Information ] � / Please Print Legibly Name (Business/Organization/Individual): Rebel(o (0%A.... rcrC-A-,on Address: /0(c2 ,, )o,.,,v,e A, I�;rc\ \ctin c City/State/Zip:SwcwCec^- /Ac,. C97, 7 Phone #: SO? 3.22.q 2 .V Are you an employer? Check the appropriate box: Type of project(required): 1.❑ I am a employer with 4. IKLI am a general contractor and I employees(full and/or part-time).* have hired the sub-contractors 6. ❑ New construction listed on the attached sheet. 7. ❑ Remodeling 2.❑ I am a sole proprietor or partner- ship and have no employees These sub-contractors have 8. ❑ Demolition working for me in any capacity. employees and have workers' 9. ❑ Building addition [No workers' comp. insurance comp. insurance.: required.] 5. ❑ We are a corporation and its 10.0 Electrical repairs or additions 3.n I am a homeowner doing all work officers have exercised their 11.0 Plumbing repairs or additions myself. [No workers' comp, right of exemption per MGL 12.❑ Roof repairs insurance required.] t c. 152, §1(4), and we have no employees. [No workers' 13.0 Other comp. insurance required.] *Any applicant that checks box 41 must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information. t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. :Contractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and state whether or not those entities have employees. If the sub-contractors have employees,they must provide their workers'comp.policy number. I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and job site information. Insurance Company Name: iG ( c(Tr'Z �t_44:�. Policy# or Self-ins. Lic.#: Expiration Date: it / ' Job Site Address: (n4 74 Wre v1 I c„✓1 e City/State/Zip:4 l-Mt !'r+.vt� 4L t^v(b. Attach a copy of the workers' compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MGL c. 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to $1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment, as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to $250.00 a day against the violator. Be advised that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby certif under the pains and penalties ofperjury that the information provided above is true and correct. Signature: a Dater /0 I rJ Ocj Phone#: '5c 7,,- g 1-17a3 Official use only. Do not write in this area, to be completed by city or town official City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1. Board of Health 2.Building Department 3. City/Town Clerk 4. Electrical Inspector 5. Plumbing Inspector 6. Other Contact Person: Phone#: Information and Instructions Massachusetts General Laws chapter 152 requires all employers to provide workers' compensation for their employees. Pursuant to this statute, an employee is defined as "...every person in the service of another under any contract of hire, express or implied,oral or written." An employer is defined as"an individual,partnership, association, corporation or other legal entity, or any two or more of the foregoing engaged in a joint enterprise, and including the legal representatives of a deceased employer, or the receiver or trustee of an individual,partnership, association or other legal entity,employing employees. However the owner of a dwelling house having not more than three apartments and who resides therein, or the occupant of the dwelling house of another who employs persons to do maintenance, construction or repair work on such dwelling house or on the grounds or building appurtenant thereto shall not because of such employment be deemed to be an employer." MGL chapter 152, §25C(6)also states that"every state or local licensing agency shall withhold the issuance or renewal of a license or permit to operate a business or to construct buildings in the commonwealth for any applicant who has not produced acceptable evidence of compliance with the insurance coverage required." Additionally,MGL chapter 152, §25C(7)states"Neither the commonwealth nor any of its political subdivisions shall enter into any contract for the performance of public work until acceptable evidence of compliance with the insurance requirements of this chapter have been presented to the contracting authority." Applicants Please fill out the workers' compensation affidavit completely,by checking the boxes that apply to your situation and, if necessary, supply sub-contractor(s)name(s), address(es)and phone number(s)along with their certificate(s)of insurance. Limited Liability Companies (LLC)or Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP)with no employees other than the members or partners, are not required to carry workers' compensation insurance. If an LLC or LLP does have employees, a policy is required. Be advised that this affidavit may be submitted to the Department of Industrial Accidents for confirmation of insurance coverage. Also be sure to sign and date the affidavit. The affidavit should be returned to the city or town that the application for the permit or license is being requested, not the Department of Industrial Accidents. Should you have any questions regarding the law or if you are required to obtain a workers' compensation policy, please call the Department at the number listed below. Self-insured companies should enter their self-insurance license number on the appropriate line. City or Town Officials Please be sure that the affidavit is complete and printed legibly. The Department has provided a space at the bottom of the affidavit for you to fill out in the event the Office of Investigations has to contact you regarding the applicant. Please be sure to fill in the permit/license number which will be used as a reference number. In addition, an applicant that must submit multiple permit/license applications in any given year,need only submit one affidavit indicating current policy information(if necessary)and under"Job Site Address"the applicant should write"all locations in (city or town)."A copy of the affidavit that has been officially stamped or marked by the city or town may be provided to the applicant as proof that a valid affidavit is on file for future permits or licenses. A new affidavit must be filled out each year. Where a home owner or citizen is obtaining a license or permit not related to any business or commercial venture (i.e. a dog license or permit to burn leaves etc.) said person is NOT required to complete this affidavit. The Office of Investigations would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation and should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call. The Department's address,telephone and fax number: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents Office of Investigations 600 Washington Street Boston, MA 02111 Tel. # 617-727-4900 ext 406 or 1-877-MASSAFE Revised 4-24-07 Fax # 617-727-7749 www.mass.gov/dia • • .-.. ti_, Rom`_tbs, Dartmouth Building Department o�pQ • ri=g "x: 400 Slocum Rd, P.O. Box 79399. Dartmouth Mass.02747 to �➢ a"' TeI:508-910-1820. Fax: 508-910-1838 `‘\.(66{'5 . Joel S.Reed— - PL,is ig x, Director of Inspectional Seivices COPY • Construction Checklist Single- & Two-Family Dwellings If required by the building official,this form shall be submitted at the completion of the work,prior to the issuance of a certificate of I occupancy or completion,by the licensed construction supervisor,registered professional or homeowner(responsible party),as applicable, the municipal and/or state building official in verification that,to the best of his/her knowledge,the work has been executed in accordance • with the provisions of the applicable state building code(code)and reference standards.The date shall indicate the date on which the responsible party viewed the building activity to ensure compliance with the code and/or reference standards. This date may or may not correspond to the date on which the activity was inspected for compliance by the municipal and/or state'building official. Note any deficiencies that were discovered(If any)and corrective action taken to ensure • Activity Date • (compliance with the code and/or reference standards. Foundation • a. Location/excavation 1 /2-(6 i7 • b. Preparation of bearing soil ge- Placethent of C. forms/reinforcing it-20." d. Placement of concrete . -2g-@ • Setting weather protection e. methods 'et'D f Installation of �y • water/dampproofng 2 j t.i g. Placement of backfill (. 3 •%O -1 . Structural Frame 3 • a. floor 1 •/0, /O b. Walls /, `4,it j.M ca&eitOaalPT° . c. Rooflceilings 2.(g ./• I Masonry or other 3.d. ` _ structural system 7 / _ • Ene Conservation a. Insulation/vaporandair 2 infiltration barriers 'q•ZU,l . b. NFRCratedwindows /J(t-/0 • • c HVAC equipment with 2 ,+ proper efficiencies Fire Protection a. Smoke 9, 1 , 10 , 10 �l2.040zN Z g17'it i j IP b. Heat '• '(O • 07.Cd-2-0(/.(0 c. Carbon Monoxide _L .r . l0 d. Other Special Construction • a. I Chimneys b. Retaining Walls —r----- c. Other 3 ) I. If encountered in excavatingforfounda ion placement,the responsible party shall report the presence of groundwater to the building official and shall submit a i report detailing methods of remediadon, 12. Frame shall include theinstallation of all joists,trusses and other structural members and sheathing materials to verify size,species and grad,spacing and attach- !. mentmethods.The reseonsEtilepsrt3'shallerisure thatany dating oraotelvngefstracturalmembers isperfonndinaccordancewi requirements-of the-code. . 3. T'hebuildingoffcial may requirethe responsible party to be present on site atotherpoints during the construction,reconstruction,alteration,removal ordemoli- t:_• • ti • NOTES • • • • • • • • • In signing this form,the licensed construction supervisor,registered professional or homeowner(responsible party),as applicable attests to the fact that,to the best of his/her knowledge,the work as described on the referenced permit number and associated'pl'ans and specifications has been executed in accordance with the provisions of the applicable state building code(code)and reference standards.• Name of Responsible Party gnat o Party • Construction Home Improvement Register-• Registered Supervisor License Contractor Registration Professional ngineer Architect Number Expiration Date Expiration Date NumberD Expiration Date Number . . ..Expiration ate PV35 I Number 1. .. . . .. This form is submitted for the following project. Permit Number Property Address / !s?d u, • ..�.•r„„„•r••.r., ..AC.*A nur.rce-rrc ornr ntwr_rnnr=Nrutt nNF.tNn TCNO-FAMILY DWELLINGS(78ff CMR) ACORDT. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 'RODUCER DATE(MNIOWYy�-p 1UB International New England02109l08 ONLY ANCERD C ERTIFICATE E S NO ISSUEDRiG S UPON THE F INFORCAT .22 Milliken Bled HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND,EXTEND OR all River,MA 02722 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. ti08 23549OQ• ' .• ,seRED - INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE • NAIL II Rtchie's Insulation,Inc. INSURER A: Peerless Insurance Co 111 Old Bedford Road RuuREx a Westport,MA 02790 INSURER 0: INSURER D :OVERAGES '"AR E THE LICIES OF INSURANCE TED BELOW HAVE ELEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDmON OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMEN NAMED RESPECT TO WHICH ABOVE FOR THE POLICY CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR DING MAY PERTAIN.THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.AG3REGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. Sk Man FR INSRE TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY womanCnYE 4 GENERALunBllm CBP8235988T "w^/0pA'^ Lan X COMMERCIAL GENERALUABIUTY 01/31/09 01/23/10 FACHpCCURRENOE t1,040,000 CLAIMS MADE 0 OCCURD PAEMLS'( ox lFaoceNTED 5300,000 I MEO EXp(Any on:A) ,S15,000 PERSONAL AADVWyURY 11.000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE s2.00e,000 GENL AGGREGATE LIMIT AP^PLIES PER: 7 POLICY Bit I ILOC PRooucrs-cDArvyDPnGc s2,000,000 { AUTOMOBILE LIAB L TY BA8231299 01/23/09 ANY AUTO D1/2311D fEaCDMNNmlED SINGLE LIMIT amld ! t1,000,000 _ 1 X' SOHEDUIED AUTOS SWLY INJURY S X HIRED AUTOS (Per mew) • X NON-OWNED AUTOS MIOBODILY IN.WRY . (Par Eerra S ' PROPERTY?MACE a GARAGE Hamm _ (P raaddw") ANY AUTO AUTO ONLY-EA ACCIDENT s If OTHER THAN EAACC s ( EXCEd8tt1MaRELLq UA&UTr AUTO ONLY: AGO b CU8230871 01/31/09 �01/23/10 EACHOCCSRENCE IMS MADE $l,000,000 1 OCCUR 0 CLA AGGREGATE 51,000,000 OEOUCHSIE $ X- RETENTION sl00D0' a I woRKERs Co1PENSAAGN AND WC839S489 ' 02N 0/09 r10/10 I X 1 + s £'PLOVERS LIAMNDY WC STATU. 0T14" ANY PROP TORYIIMTB FR OFFICERMEA REp YRTNEREXECDTNE EL EACH ACCOENr S500,000 ANY, CINER/E sP CNLLLPRa EL DISEASE.EA EMPLOYEE $500,000 ii GYtaIon s bet. OTHER E.LroSFASE-POUCYLIMTr 5E00,000 1 ZSCRIPTION OF OPEF/AntNs/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES/EXCLUSIONS ADDED SY ENDORSEMENT J SPECIAL PROVISIONS 0 day cancellation notice applies to non-payment of premium. r;1/4. ;%,r ERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION ROtNrIIC ConstructionSROULD ANY OP THE ABOVE DESCNBEO POLICIES BE CANCELLED ED BEFORETHE ESPIRATJON DATE THJ3.Eor.TRe Wn'tug i UREn WILL ENDEAVOR To NAIL _ 31 DAYS WierrEN 634 State Road,Unit A Dartmouth,MA 02747 NOTICE TO THE CERTBICATEMppEq NAMED To THE LEST.aUTFAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO UBUOATION OR mourn,Of ANY gm uPDN THE INSURER,ITS AGENTS OR R♦,.,...W ITA1WEq. tzo ^' CORD 25(2001l08)1 of 2 #M220331 SV001 0 ACORD CORPORATION 1988 PAOct. 15. 2009 2: 14PM Jose S. Castelo Insurance Agency No. 0471 P. 2 L:J4 4u u w V l�h�iv l 1. VmYAN Y OF CO taTIONs el? GLASTONBURY, CONNECTICUT CONNECTICUT ICUT °ti ARTISAN CONTRACTORS pOLICY DE _. CLARATIONS W Polk Number: CTR0008200 �� NAB INSLTStEI RENEWAL Effective date: 06/02/09 ;; AGENT8354 REBELLO CONSTRUCTION INC. '' 986 PLYMOUTH AVE DOSE S. CASTELO INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. FALL RIVER, MA 02724 701 DARTMOUTH STREET SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA 02748 (508)997-3399 Policy Period: front 06/02/09 to 06/02/10 12:01 am. Standard Time at your mailing address shown above. Insured is: INDIVIDUAL Business Classification: CARPENTRY- RESIDENTIAL Code 10030 T TAR "Y COVERAGE . COVERAGES LIMITS OF INSURANCE L. Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability $1,000,000 Per Occurrence $2,000,000 M. Medical Payments. Aggregate $5,000 Per Person N::Products/Completed Work ... . Fire Legal Liability - . $1.,000,000 Per Occurrence $2,000,000 Aggregate 0 $50;000'' Per Occurrence P. Personal and Advertise' Injury C? ] ry Liability $1,000,000 Per Occurrence . DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF PROPERTY ,.. . .... Loc. 1: 986 PLYMOUTH AVE FALL RIVER, MA 02724 COVERAGES. ' LIMITS OF INSURANCE A. Built` : Built' : # Limit ACV Ma B. Business Personal P .1 1 1 $2,500 C. Loss of Income ACTUAL LOSS SUSTAINED, NOT TO EXCEED 12 MONTHS. WAITING PERIOD: 72 HOURS ' Increased Property Off Premises: Automatic Increase—Coverages 0% Property Deductible: $500 erages A&B: ANNUALLY EC"1'TQ E "OI:h1/WINc ICE' ' ... ..AP-100 Ed.2,0 AP 05i"1 01 99- ��S ANI71���� .: AP 100o 04 2, AP 0643 12 99 AP 043212 03. AP-222 Ed.2.0 PG 5659 06 01 PG 5661 06 01 CP-132 Ed.2.0 GL-841 Ed.2.0 GL-895 Ed. 2.0 PG 5521 06 05 AP 0700 01 08 AP 0688 06 02 AP 0690 06 02 AP 0692 06 02 AP 0365 10 06 AP 0233 01 08 PT�EIVIBLM AND:: ,.. BII.LIN(ir.INIYIi RNA ANNUAL POLICY PREMIUM .. $2,536TION= ... ENDOklEMENT PREMIUM, $650 Minimum Earned Premium Regardless of Term e MIUM BILL TO: Direct Bill To The Insured ., :$56 ::Mok A+ EE$.. ..... PRINTED: 04/19/09 AGENT COPY IBIS IS NOT A BILL 1 03/13/2009 12:43 PAX 2080787144 PACHECO INSURANCF 121001 A. ORO„ CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE""MANYY1 03/13/2009 , PRODUCER (508) 675-2361 THIS OERTIF)CATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER Of INFORMATION EAf:l4EC:0 INSURANCE Raw/ INC ONLY AND CONFERS NO WGHTS UPON THE CERTIRCATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMD ;WEND OR TI ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY E POLICIES EN S9-CAM 411 COLUNMA STRUT WALT, RIVER MA 02721- INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAN O ~do VRONSRCRANTS MUTUAL INS CO _,IN W G. 3AAGCH INC Munn AINIAM ., 62 SING RP Of msdRER m RE BOTH MA 02769- wRIPIER S• COVERAGES THE POUCIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE SEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED.NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,7E.ROI OR CONDITION Of AMI CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT VIM RESPECT TO W INCH This CERTIFICATE MAY SE ISSUED OR WY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE PouciES OESCRIEED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHONN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED HY PAID CLA$AS. /pay LIRR TYFRDEWRUpANCE POLICY NOaNeR dA )NRYrR DAIS pp1YT)etRISETmei 'a A AMWIALWNIILTY CIE19142020 01/21/2009 01/21/2010 warps. s 1,000,000 R COAMACw.GENERAL LPPARY last) -s 100,000 GLN:PRAM T CIBOUR / / / / NED CoE(NP/sPamissS I 5,000 fAX213/A AEI MART 4 1,000,000 / / / / -OERBW.ACf1FSEMT2 s 2,000,IWO OPHLAGIGY4;4AT2pLRRA{]�FAPPLEb PER: PAgnIK,TB•OOIpIDR ADE s �` 000,000 1 PdUcr- .RL�T n LOC - / / I / wIDNODRE WHILED / / / / GOWNED SINGLE LAIr Am-AUTO Opaenaenl s R'YrFama) WEB AUTOS / / / / SDONY WRY MoNOVasa0an03 MR*WAN — / / / / �P a GARAGE LW2SJ11' AUTO ONLY.E ns:MINT $ R ANT AU0 / / / / OTHERTNNI uAa R AUTOONLY ASC 2 OXIMNI MSSELAUASWTY / / / / EACH 0000)1p�E_ s D OCaR 0 CLANS MA02 AGGREGATE_ N M °EDIC`RLE / / / / N WORKets�RemNrloN s _ µµ�����{�yy� �( _ �LOYBM'1 'MEP / / / / �ttw1'1.Mlm1 TSB pFROANY MjMNENW BURNER rvA GLOM.ccw M' s EXCLUDEOP Nra,Marko wig / / / / Rs ogpASE•EA Gssisn1£s artCW.gABO'JmNS INba i E.L.0$EAE-IbUV LESt $,OMR - / / / / / / / / / / / / DIESCRMIPON OF OPARATIONBOCCAT101WSIKa yESCLOSIIX$AMMO NY ENDORsENENTKf(vsi PROVISIONS Y7CRvatt CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCINAATTOX ( ) - ( ) - INOOLO AN P WC 02 ARORE INSCRIBED MUMS IN Ca41110•. NR+'OR>: THE FDRIAIlON DATE nieRMI , THE 55Wt PROPER NMI. WeIPAYDR 70 smi, RRmEr r.n 010 DAYS MITTEN NOTICE TOME L Rasta • .ATE N CAM TO'no Le r,Ea CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FNWAE To NO SO SNAIL UNWIE NO CALLCATIDN OR LAST'CS ANYNINE UPON THE 106 .TAMES BIRCH RA NsiM .DN ACEKTS RI SWANSEA ARRIORim ,e., ACORD 25(2001108) 02T7�- It.. • 1X6028 foam 6ANRD CORPORAT70N TSBS Pile Id2 1. ACUKUT 2009 4:cr<TIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE° 'ju Fr. `/200 10/19/2009 PRODUCER (508)997-6061 FAX (508)990-2731 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Southeastern Insurance Agency, Inc. ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND,EXTEND OR 439 State Rd. ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. P.O. Box 79398 N. Dartmouth, MA 02747 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAICN INSURED Viei ra and Sons Inc. INSURER A. Merchants Insurance Group 1145 Bark Street INSURER B'. Swansea, MA 02777 INSURERc INSURER D: INSURER E: COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED.NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR ,N RC TIDE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LIMITS DATE(M Y11 DATE(MMDDIVY GENERAL LIABILITY CMP9142902 07/11/2009 07/11/2010 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PRR ES(Ea occurrence) $ 100,000 CLAIMS MADE X OCCUR MED EXP(Any one person) $ 5,000 A PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 X XCU included GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 GENL AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 RPOLICY ,IECT LOC AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY 7AM0277013955 12/21/2008 12/21/2009 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT ANY AUTO (Ea accident) ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY X SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) $ 100,000 A FIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) $ 300,000 PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accldent) 100,000 GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY-EA ACCIDENT $ ANY AUTO OTHER THAN EA ACC I$ AUTO ONLY. AGG $ EXCESS!UMBRELLA LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ OCCUR I CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE $ DEDUCTIBLE $ RETENTION $ S WORKERS COMPENSATION WC STATU- OTTH- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY Y/N TORY LIMITS ER ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE E L.EACH ACCIDENT $ OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory In NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEfj$ II yes,describe under SPECIAL PROVISIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES!EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT)SPECIAL PROVISIONS CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 10 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT,BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER,ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. Rebel to Construction AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Karen Bernier ACORD 25(2009101) FAX: 508.567.5347 OO 1988-2009 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD .._r ..., ..., LIL : oop p. 2 AORE? CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE g/30/20091 PRODUCER ('NO 699-7511 PAX: (509)695-3957 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Galin>re ]:asaranee Agency, Inc. ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE R.Z.R. Elm St. HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. P. O. Sox 126 N. Attlet)ro E41 02761 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC 0 Ammo INsunekkTravelers C 6 $ of 17, 19046 ALPINE PIIlisnrG 6 BEATING, IN INSURERS; I 200 ANCEC R DR:NE IN6URtiR C; _ $02R$ET IwBUAER 0: I . MA 02726 INSURER E: —COVERAGEF - THE POUCIE:OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED.NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIF EMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAI I,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,EXCLUSIONS NW CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.AI GREGA.TE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. (RSA ::It .... ... R ..-• .-neAOEltItht urF I POLICY MMmER I',Trill .. .. i YN EXPRaD ,n l' UNITS ' •.. •. ..... , tVMaMu�OO GEM iAf.LGENRY I - EACH OCCURRENCE ..I A 500,000 I) X AMMERI:IAL GENERAL Mature I DRMALE TORENTEO PREMW TO RENeallAn•,e).. S. 300,000 A I I I CL USMADE IS I occur 6BOB471HT46 19/4/2009 9/4/2010 MEDEXP EMyonlw_r1,Pn) , $ 5,000 - I PERSONM.4 ACVWJURY $ 5D0,ODD •GENERAL AGGREGATE S 1,000,000 GEN AGGREIGATELMITAPPLES PER:( PRODUCTS-COMPIOP AGG •S 1,coo,.000 X •otC L JF�I PRO- I rT 1• t LOc i ANT MOBILE.IABIurr I COMBINED SINOLE WIT .I NY AUTO TER axldan0 S ILL OWNED AUTOS GODLY INJURY • iCHEDUlfiO AUTOS I i I(pp Pe,Npl) I$ HRED AMOS DOOILY INJURY ION-0PANED AUTOS Wet6°NOHaI I S .. . . I I I(IPROPERTY;e�xij DAMAGE E D!1F TOEWBIUTY I I I Ault ONLY•EA ACCIDENT S. _. . NNYAUTD I .... OTHER THAN MALL S. -_ , • AUTO ONLY: AGG S EEC SE,uM W1 IRLE UASILITY 1 ..J OCCUR n CLAIMS MAD! I I I AOGREGn?E R EACH OCOVIt� . F I .. . . OEOUCT'RLE Ijl S S RETENTION S I i S • WORKER(COMPENSATION YA STATTUU Ng- ANOEMPI)YERalIAEIUTY I ITORY LMRS i I ER ANY PRO'IIETORIPARTNERTJIGUtIYE^ E.L.EACH ACCIDENT S . .. • OFFICER4 EMBER EXCLUDED, L,I Miatta to NMI uA6m I.E.L.DISEASE•EA EMPLOYE S 6E W3pi51gviS •peps I ,E.L.DISEASE-POL'CYLIMIT F IOTTER I DESCRIPTION C'OPERA'TONE/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES'EXCLUSIONS AOOED BY ENDORSEMENT I SPECIAL PROVISIONS CERTIFICA-E HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF TMEABCVEDESCRIBED POLICIES BECANCELLED OEFORR THE EXPIRATION Rot silo Construction Inc. DATE THEREOF,THE ISSUING INSURER VAII ENDEAVOR TO MAIL IO DAYS WRITTEN SOF James Birch Lane NOTICE TO THE CENTa9CATR HOLDER MANED TO THE LEFT,BUT FALURE TO DO 00 SMALL SHP naea. MA 02777 IMPOSE NO OSUOATON OR LABILITY OF ANY POND UPON TIE INSURER,ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATYES. AUTMOREED REPRESENTATIVE _. a Tim Gilmore/STOCKS . •ro- -�:, - D-..._ ACORO 25 2009R11) 01995.2009 ACORD CORPORATION. All tights reserved. IN5026 Moos 1) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Front'Louise Cabral To:Fades(508)587.5347 Date:1/27/1009 Time:9:23:32 AM Page 1 of 1 ACDR4 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE OATS p OOmYG PROpucln (508)878-%11 FAX (508)677-4842 02/27/2004 Paul B. Su,8)678n Insurance THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION I Agency Inc. ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE 1467 South Main Street HOLDER.TRIG CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND,EXTEND OR P. 0. Box 309 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW, Fall River, MA 02724 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE MAC *ammo Harrington, lames E RAAERA Commerce Insurance Company 34754 -......__ 61 Moss Street A ER ET Fall River, MA 02720 y6 Ra C. Nape:0 imiT R E. _... .... COVERAGE THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POUCY PERIOD INDICATED.NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHIOI THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN.THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,EXCLUSIONS MD CONDRIONS OF SUCM POLLIICIIES,AGGREGATE LIMITS MOAN MAY NAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. ne4 al GYPS OF NSURANCE PCRICY NURSER BT 'E AKIN : ::iav� was GENERAL`MaY TOD 02/23/2009 02/23/2010TEroloca.TCEscc s 300,000 comeeGAL GENERAL LLABAiry DAMM = 55WAnA II[lW6M € n OCCw ) 4 ;MCA PS:sYNAADVMARY s 300,000^ GONEUN.AGGREGATE s 600,00r, BE INI AGGRETGA"'T�E LIMIT APPLES PER: �- '"I n LCC MECUM•OCIAREP AGO i SOO 00r AUTOMOii I LIOBLBY _ • AN:taro ccsmE0 SINGLE LMn s (EP xc0.q AL OWNED uTOS FiMly Nlros WW1 MART $ IPer men) - EDAUTOS __HR NONOMNED AUTOS EMORY MART ..._ (Per/Wail) I i (PePPOt £ i Uww:E"•®Py AUIOgiY-EA ACCIDENT If T ANY AUTO . 1 OTHER ER Tww ACO i /WOOKV: AGG i EICESSAMIN LLA MAUD' EACP OCOMENCE i OCCIO ❑CLAW MODE � AGCAIE i ROM i RE EN i s s MDRN@RECDMPPAAATIONAND f LMBnn Y f l l ANY PROPROTCRIPPRTKR.¢XECLfiYE OFFS EXCLUDED'? Es CI5EAC ACCIDENT SI i If yya� fltc L['EVT EL pumtF-EA EPLOYEEs SFECIPLFROYISIOT$boW OTHER t DISFsc.POLICY LTAT i OESCRPRON OFOPHUTpXS/LOCATIONS IV6mtm1 Q¢tanN$COED BYE3Cm n',spECU4 PRpyq{NRs CERTIFICATE HOLDER CAP1Q IjATION $HOIRD ANY DE PM ABOVE DIDIMORD P W,n.f SE CMIdamn BEFORE Mr aPRATION DATE TH ERZOF,mS ISMw4GMUM MIL ETRJBWDR TO Ma 10 DAYA MARTni win Tp NE oARTCICATE HORLE,LNNED TO 111E LEI, Carl Rebello Construction BUT FAA11RE math SUOI/urcEsi LL.PONE N00p1WTId,OR U'$tfn• 106 James Birch Lane OF Rem WON THE POURER,rrs ARMS OR REPRISEAnAYNEB, Swansea, MA 02777 AUNIOmSaI INTATNB �r ACORb 25(MOMS) FAX: (508)567-5347 Louise Cabral/LOUISE �Louzai. Q` 43ACORO CORPORATION 19138 RESIDENTIAL 0 Approval in Part(Per 780 CMR.5111.13) $25.00 APPLICATION FILE IS NON RE-EUND ELL�Q MANDATE EL RECEIVED r�-�`"°"��pi.; DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMIEt �T• I'' ;�. I s L^t1^ lD'EP i' Io i le r, 400 Slocum Road, P.O. Box 79399 ZQh OC` 20 PM 14 03 > i .i Dartmouth, MA 02747 � Syy Phone: 508-910-1820 Fax: 508-910-1838 www.town.dartmouth.ma.us APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING -'-T IS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY \3 5 aE v RECEIVER BY �� afjP BUILDING P RMIT NUMBER DATE SENT"'FOR REVIEW - �� {( DATEISSUED - C- I {\. r4,'W n' \ F a r a n' { atn'3 lS \ r a r- " e n , , i , s DATEe r 'i'� -< O K TO ISSUE SIGM1IATURE < _ ¢-Z e v ai _ .Ck Et a I1r � ::. +.YY.2Y i .te ' .`J 4 , J sI Y ". w v _ t �. y .. St � ZOning DIrIC a Y � 'Pro ; Zone ❑ C ❑ B ❑A ❑V AqurferZone� a � TS 1 _ -. ,c s ,r-ye a - THE FOLLOWING AGE IE QUpkit OTIF c 3 r i 2 v 1ti3Dk k: v {- s s .. s R' $ -N s 1 ❑Board of rk D Bo of �;: c o , ® Demo ` ` PW `' ' 'i O Elec ' w a -` Cbergy Report Appeal Health' - m Affidavit Card Sent I_ Cut Off s' Follow up* ,. e Phnom ❑Sewer Card ❑Water Card t 'onmg ❑Other , .t [Cfi f t i e i r ❑ Cut Off Board i �. Cut Off < < Cut Of( #e�'+ " , is A& `� {" ,1 4:. 5 ".:ka ""i n/j s� axe ! 5 �} ., t 3kN� ' '� t - \ �yIv ( t Ir a'I S 4ir o T G. / ni 1 . ;.. *REQUIRES INSPECTOR'S REVIEW;B'EFORE_THE ISSUANCE OFA PERMIT t-y'` ,O DEPARTMENTAL'APPROVAL ., _ „ -' "Y Zoning Review: Signature: SS11 e P\icy n Date: Energy Report: Signature: p°r ''� 1 Date: e Chief: Signature: Date: .lif Board of Health: Signature: Date: Conservation Commission: Signature: Date: W ' !V 'OF Other: Signature: Date: Brief description of work being orm di 3, t o C..4.C: (1(' eh 4- -(CI.�_c2/ �Lr rJ t-c,✓'-C 4- r SECTION 7 -SITE INFORMATION ' 1.1 Property Address: L tJ _ I a e. 1.2 Assessors(Map&Lot Number: Lot Area (sf.) c/,3.'7 Sec Frontage /,0 F-1- Map lo(¢ Lot o2 - 130 Required Provided Front Yard (rib i 1.3 Historical District D Yes p-No Side Yard W 7 ' Has application been submitted to the Historic Commission? Rear Yard / 0 9/ ❑Yes ❑ No Date: - '1,4 Water Supply(MGL c40 s54): 1.5 wage Disposal System: t// ❑ Municipal •i Private Well ❑ Municipal p-On Site Disposal System CONSTRUCTION PLANS 0 SITE PLAN ENERGY REPORT REScheck Software Version 4.3.0 Compliance Certificate Project Title: NEW HOME Energy Code: 2007 IECC Location: North Dartmouth,Massachusetts Construction Type: Single Family Building Orientation: Bldg.faces 0 deg.from North Conditioned Floor Area: 788 ft2 Glazing Area Percentage: 6% Heating Degree Days: 5426 Climate Zone: 5 Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: LOT#74 WREN AVENUE CARL REBELLO NORTH DARTMOUTH,MA 02747 508-328-4723 compliance'Passes°;on.equipirient performance z, ' ._ .. . _ Compliance:3.4%Better Than Code Gross Cavity , Cont. Glazing UA Assembly Area or :R-Value R-Value or Door Perimeter U-Factor Ceiling 1:Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 1140 30.0 0.0 40 Ceiling 2:Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 660 19.0 0.0 34 Wall 1:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 320 19.0 0.0 17 Orientation:Back Window 1:Metal Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 32 0.300 10 SHGC: 1.00 Orientation:Back Wall 2:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 240 19.0 0.0 14 Orientation:Left Side Wall 3:Wood Frame,16"o.c. 240 19.0 0.0 14 Orientation:Right Side Wall 4:Wood Frame, 16"o.c, 320 19.0 0.0 17 Orientation:Front Window 2:Metal Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 40 0.300 12 SHGC: 1.00 • Orientation:Front Wall 5:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 448 19.0 0.0 26 Orientation:Back Window 3:Metal Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 16 0.300 5 SHGC: 1.00 Orientation:Back Wall 6:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 240 19.0 0.0 12 Orientation:Left Side Window 4:Metal Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 32 0.300 10 SHGC: 1.00 Orientation:Left Side Wail 7:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 240 19.0 0.0 14 Orientation:Right Side Window 5:Metal Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 8 0.300 2 SHGC: 1.00 Orientation:Right Side Wall 8:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 448 19.0 0.0 22 Orientation:Front Window 6:Metal Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 32 0.300 10 SHGC:1.00 Orientation:Front Project Title: NEW HOME Report date: 09/22/09 Data filename: Untitled.rck Page 1 of 5 RECEIVED : n» 27Je t11 nEf FT. ^ « c « « 209OCT19 PM > e , o 0 E / / / 200 — ; ! ` \ui - k � ; J \ ƒ ) »± \ y ® { \ \ \ 7 / / / ; / /' 0 0- CD ƒ a - z z r 0 7 ' ' ` / } / § o 0 ` \ p ® \ ' ƒ # o a Cli / \ z .' ® h.CD \ / ( \ z 2 ? © • t § \ " ® � / 9,1* ( � / L 7 \ � i \ \ / ~ . \ \ — 1 \ . \ • , \ 4 ; _ \ ¢ . / © � / / / \ c e' N _ . / \ / oll \ g i . . cA.® t , L ' - , `\ 70 / ( Hk { \ _ _ £} ! ? § \ \ \ } \ § 4 I5 § © \\\ \ a . \ \ � U El � �7 S REScheck Software Version 4i.3.0 Compliance Certificate Project Title: NEW HOME Energy Code: 2007 IECC Location: North Dartmouth, Massachusetts Construction Type: Single Family Building Orientation: Bldg.faces 0 deg.from North Conditioned Floor Area: 788 ft2 Glazing Area Percentage: 6% Heating Degree Days: 5426 Climate Zone: 5 Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: LOT#74 WREN AVENUE CARL REBELLO NORTH DARTMOUTH,MA 02747 508-328-4723 Criti7pllal ce:Passes on equipment •ertormance', : '„ ,, .r.� „w , .,`,` :' r' " ' " Compliance:3.4%Better Than Code Gross Cavity Cont. Glazing UA Assembly - Area or R-Value R-Value or Door Perimeter U-Factor Ceiling 1: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss / 1140 30.0 0.0 40 Ceiling 2: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 660 19.0 0.0 34 Wall 1:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 320 19.0 0.0 17 Orientation:Back Window 1:Metal Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 32 0.300 10 SHGC: 1.00 Orientation:Back Wall 2:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 240 19.0 0.0 14 Orientation:Left Side Wall 3:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 240 19.0 0.0 14 Orientation:Right Side Wall 4:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 320 19.0 0.0 17 ' Orientation:Front Window 2:Metal Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 40 0.300 12 ' SHGC: 1.00 Orientation:Front _ Wall 5:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 448 19.0 0.0 26 Orientation:Back Window 3:Metal Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 16 0.300 5_ SHGC: 1.00 Orientation:Back - Wall 6:Wood Frame,16"o.c. 240 19.0 0.0 12 Orientation:Left Side Window 4:Metal Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 32 0.300 10 SHGC: 1.00 Orientation:Left Side Wall 7:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 240 19.0 0.0 14 Orientation:Right Side Window 5:Metal Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 8 0.300 2 SHGC: 1.00 Orientation:Right Side Wall 8:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 448 19.0 0.0 22 Orientation:Front Window 6:Metal Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 32 0.300 10 SHGC:1.00 Orientation:Front Project Title: NEW HOME Report date: 09/22/09 Data filename: Untitled rck Page 1 of 5 • Door 1:Solid 42 0.300 13 Orientation:Front Floor 1:All-Wood Joist/Truss:Over Unconditioned Space 788 19.0 0.0 37 Boiler 1:Gas-Fired Steam 87 AFUE Compliance Statement The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans,specifications,and other calculation ubmitted 'th the permit application.The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2007 IECC requirements in RESch e i .3 nd to comply with the mandatory requirements lis in h S ck Inspection Checklist. Name-Tide Si ature Date (1 / R,eltet a/liter Project Title: NEW HOME Report date: 09/22/09 Data filename: Untitled.rck Page 2 of 5 REScheck SoftwareInspectionChecklist Version 4.3.0 Ceilings: ❑ Ceiling 1:Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss,R-30.0 cavity insulation Comments:MAIN CEILING ❑ Ceiling 2:Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss,R-19.0 cavity insulation Comments:GARAGE CEILING Above-Grade Walls: ❑ Wall 1:Wood Frame, 16"o.c.,R-19.0 cavity insulation Comments:2ND FLOOR BACK WALL ❑ Wall 2:Wood Frame, 16"o.c.,R-19.0 cavity insulation Comments:2ND FLOOR LEFT GABLE wall ❑ Wall 3:Wood Frame, 16"o.c.,R-19.0 cavity insulation Comments:2ND FLOOR RIGHT GABLE WALL ❑ Wall 4:Wood Frame, 16"o.c.,R-19.0 cavity insulation Comments:2ND FLOOR FRONT WALL ❑ Wall 5:Wood Frame, 16"o.c.,R-19.0 cavity insulation Comments: 1ST FLOOR BACK WALL ❑ Wall 6:Wood Frame, 16"o.c.,R-19.0 cavity insulation Comments: 1ST FLOOR LEFT WALL ❑ Wall 7:Wood Frame, 16"o.c.,R-19.0 cavity insulation Comments: 1ST FLOOR RIGHT WALL ❑ Wall 8:Wood Frame, 16"o.c.,R-19.0 cavity insulation Comments: 1ST FLOOR FRONT WALL Windows: ❑ Window 1:Metal Frame:Double Pane with Low-E,U-factor:0.300 For windows without labeled U-factors,describe features: #Panes Frame Type Thermal Break? Yes No Comments:2ND FLOOR BACK WINDOW ❑ Window 2:Metal Frame:Double Pane with Low-E,U-factor:0.300 For windows without labeled U-factors,describe features: Wanes—Frame Type Thermal Break?—Yes No Comments:2ND FLOOR FRONT WINDOW ❑ Window 3:Metal Frame:Double Pane with Low-E,U-factor:0.300 For windows without labeled U-factors,describe features: #Panes Frame Type Thermal Break? Yes No Comments: 1ST FLOOR BACK WINDOW ❑ Window 4:Metal Frame:Double Pane with Low-E,U-factor:0.300 For windows without labeled U-factors,describe features: Wanes Frame Type Thermal Break?_Yes No Comments: 1ST FLOOR LEFT WINDOW ❑ Window 5: Metal Frame:Double Pane with Low-E, U-factor:0.300 For windows without labeled U-factors,describe features: Project Title: NEW HOME Report date: 09/22/09 Data filename: Untitled.rck Page 3 of 5 • • #Panes—Frame Type Thermal Break? Yes No Comments: 1ST FLOOR RIGHT WINDOW ❑ Window 6:Metal Frame:Double Pane with Low-E,U-factor:0.300 For windows without labeled U-factors,describe features: #Panes Frame Type Thermal Break? Yes No Comments:1ST FLOOR FRONT WINDOW Note:Up to 15 sq.ft.of glazed fenestration per dwelling is exempt from U-factor and SHGC requirements. Doors: ❑ Door 1:Solid,U-factor:0.300 Comments:FRONT DOOR Floors: ❑ Floor 1:All-Wood Joist/Truss:Over Unconditioned Space,R-19.0 cavity insulation Comments:BASEMENT CEILING Floor insulation is installed in permanent contact with the underside of the subfloor decking. Heating and Cooling Equipment: ❑ Boiler 1:Gas-Fired Steam:87 AFUE or higher Make and Model Number: Air Leakage: ❑ Joints,attic access openings,and all other such openings in the building envelope that are sources of air leakage are sealed. ❑ Recessed lights in the building thermal envelope are 1)type IC rated and ASTM E283 labeled and 2)sealed with a gasket or caulk between the housing and the interior wall or ceiling covering. ❑ Access doors separating conditioned from unconditioned space are weather-stripped and insulated(without insulation compression or damage)to at least the level of insulation on the surrounding surfaces.Where loose fill insulation exists,a baffle or retainer is installed to maintain insulation application. ❑ Wood-burning fireplaces have gasketed doors and outdoor combustion air. Sunrooms: ❑ Sunrooms that are thermally isolated from the building envelope have a maximum fenestration U-factor of 0.50 and the maximum skylight U-factor of 0.75.New windows and doors separating the sunroom from conditioned space meet the building thermal envelope requirements. Vapor Retarder: ❑ A minimum of Class 11(1.0 perm)vapor retarder is installed on the interior side of above-grade framed walls or it has been determined that moisture or its freezing will not damage the materials. Exceptions: Class III(10 perm or less)vapor retarder is permitted for vented cladding over OSB,plywood,fiberboard,gypsum,or for sheathing over 2x4 framing having insulation of R-5 or better,or for sheathing over 2x6 framing having insulation of R-7.5 or better. Materials Identification and Installation: ❑ Materials and equipment are installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. ❑ Insulation is installed in substantial contact with the surface being insulated and in a manner that achieves the rated R-value. ❑ Materials and equipment are identified so that compliance can be determined. ❑ Manufacturer manuals for all installed heating and cooling equipment and service water heating equipment have been provided. ❑ Insulation R-values,glazing U-factors,and heating equipment efficiency are clearly marked on the building plans or specifications. Duct Insulation: ❑ Supply ducts in attics are insulated to a minimum of R-8.All other ducts in unconditioned spaces or outside the building envelope are insulated to at least R-6. Duct Construction: ❑ Air handlers,filter boxes,and duct connections to flanges of air distribution system equipment or sheet metal fittings are sealed and mechanically fastened. ❑ All joints,seams,and connections are made substantially airtight with tapes,gasketing,mastics(adhesives)or other approved closure systems.Tapes and mastics are rated UL 181A or UL 181 B. ❑ Building framing cavities are not used as supply ducts. ❑ Automatic or gravity dampers are installed on all outdoor air intakes and exhausts. Project Title: NEW HOME Report date: 09/22/09 Data filename: Untitled.rck Page 4 of 5 ❑ w Additional requirements for tape sealing and metal duct crimping are included by an inspection for compliance with the International Mechanical Code. Temperature Controls: • Thermostats exist for each separate HVAC system.A manual or automatic means to partially restrict or shut off the heating and/or cooling input to each zone or floor is provided. Heating and Cooling Equipment Sizing: ❑ Additional requirements for equipment sizing are included by an inspection for compliance with the International Residential Code. O For systems serving multiple dwelling units documentation has been submitted demonstrating compliance with 2006 IECC Commercial Building Mechanical and/or Service Water Heating(Sections 503 and 504). Circulating Service Hot Water Systems: • Circulating service hot water pipes are insulated to R-2. • Circulating service hot water systems include an automatic or accessible manual switch to turn off the circulating pump when the system is not in use. Heating and Cooling Piping Insulation: • HVAC piping conveying fluids above 105 degrees For chilled fluids below 55 degrees F are insulated to R-2. Certificate: • A permanent certificate is provided on or in the electrical distribution panel listing the predominant insulation R-values;window U-factors;type and efficiency of space-conditioning and water heating equipment.The certificate does not cover or obstruct the visibility of the circuit directory label,service disconnect label or other required labels. NOTES TO FIELD:(Building Department Use Only) Project Title: NEW HOME Report date: 09/22/09 Data filename: Untitled.rck Page 5 of 5 Eli2007 IECC Energy Efficiency Certificate Insulation Rating n' R-Value' Ceiling/Roof 30.00 Wall 19.00 Floor(Foundation 19.00 Ductwork(unconditioned spaces): Glass Door Rating • €£°^ U-Factor SHGC Window 0.30 1.00 Door 0.30 NA Heating&Cooling Equipment Efficiency Gas-Fired Steam Boiler 87 AFUE Water Heater: Name: Date: Comments: 'ermit No. BP-58280 Project Location: 7 WREN LN Commonwealth of Massachusetts TOWN OF DARTMOUTH GIST: 3344.00 400 Slocum Road,Dartmouth,MA 02747 Map: 0066 Phone: (508)910-1820• Fax: (508)910-1838_, Lot: 0002 , - Sublot: 0130' or Y BUTT NE NV 'W ,DING PERMIT Cate DW ELLING FIELD INSPECTION Esrjco t: $265o�n001110 Fee:l $1298.00 Contractor: License: Phone#. Const.Class: CARL J REBELLO CS-084358 (508)328-4723 Use Group: R3 Engineer License: Phone#.• Lot Size(sq.ft.) 1.0A Zoning: SRB Applicant• Phone#: New Const.: 3,993 sq.ft. REBELLO CONSTRUCTION INC (508)328-4723 400 sell-L.(decks) OWNER: Alt.Const.: N/A BETTENCOURT ROBERT MANDY C BETTENCOURT Aquifer Zone: Partial 3 Flood Zone: ZONE C DATE ISSUED: l) i Ceiling: Walls: Floor: RECHARGE SYSTEM Glazing: TO PERFORM TIIE FOLLOWING WORK: New single family dwelling with three bedrooms, family room, office two full and one half baths, two car garage, two decks,well water, septic system, gas heat/RECHARGE SYSTEM DATE TIME TYPE OF INSPECTION&REMARKS INITIAL ✓�—/�7-1 Sys' •�s 2-- ` � pt 1 n �e�a, is. ✓3-a5-10 ass Pi r. -- tilted/liryt, loAt— Aba.ce p>e-i'i,t4ta•-2_ 19-emxz f �I) ( ca s M2 /c Oh / 1 ot 26/a 3$o OwiU t �� 172,-F�2e � An-zc 77f frCt2 Nor- . Qci era l7;es Sk.4,z. <-r cf-. /n emu 'neoeai� ��11a nLe.t dL r o/�- - 71fet l4 - Y DATE TIME TYPE OF pISPEQTION& REMARKS INITIAL ) P:-.3e2-/b I i' ei `.)77;1-4. 6‘,1,2) g •• lecezz-/77,-, ge-11-7,1,,f,e , or fit-f Srfr Ye,p .= TOWN,OF DDARTMOUTH a BUILDING RECEIPTS g �;, 7 I. % tL , 'A °>" PHONE: 508-910-1820 FAX: 508.910i@e �)1 I hp t -4,'LA Ti) Thrt S� `, rvame I{ �� mil. 4 { /'-_J/� l :Ow�ne ^ .(/ "` - .Date: f/ -.). / _.. Job Location: I ] \ i. .White Copy-Collector's Office ��� ,v t fir/ X- Yellow Copy-Customer's Receipt l Pink Copy-File Copy Map: / f Lot: Green Copy-Building Department Phone: Description • General Ledger#'s Ref. # Amount License & Permits -Building 01000-44105 / 7 _/J r;7 7 ~G'r.% IL , _ License &Permits - Building Misc. 01000-44105 License & Permits - Electrical 01000-44106 License &Permits -Plumbing & GasL 01000-44107i License &Permits - Trench Safety 01000-44129 Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 :)., THIS IS NOT A PERMIT OR LICENSE FOR BUILDING, PLUMBING OR GAS MAP V LOT 49/ ,3 c� L �SMOU"fly;�?N TOWN OF DARTMOUTH \__n. INSPECTION CHECKLIST • Date: , — /c7 Chew Home 0 Addition ❑ Alteration 0 Deck or Shed Permit # SS-zit Address:: . '7 LJa7ca /* • Inspector: 1.7.23 FOUNDATION/FO OTING/S ONO-TUBES Pass Fail Description Code Section As-built& approved 110.10 Frost Depth 3604.3.1A#1 • Foundation walls braced 3604. /, Footings on undisturbed soil 3604.3.1A#4 - Spread footings 3604.3.1A#3 Foundation wall grade clearance 3604.4.1.3 Pad location size and size per plan . 3605.2.3.3B (table) Damp proofing/water proofing 3604.6 / Anchor bolts/ties & straps 3604.3.1A#5 Thermal break/insulation in place 3604.3.1 All footings &pads free of foreign material • 3604.9.3 • Columns rust-inhibitive paint& structure 3604.8 • . Crawl space ventilation/ 1 sq. ft. = 150 sq. ft. 3604.9 Sono-tubes 3504.3.1 Comments: - 4 a- .. . e tw s MAP l LOT /S�/,oV Th- TOWN OF DARTMOUTH ,. INSPECTION CHECKLIST Date: Z-g 7,,E 6/New Home ❑ Addition ❑ Alteration ❑ Deck or Shed Permit # c-- 1 f ' - Address: , _ d • Inspector: , ' INSULATION Pass Fail Description Code Section Residential MASSCHECK/Energy Report on site J5.2.1B 7 - "R" Values J1.1 2.3 f No crushed insulation J6.22B #A / Insulation properly stapled& fastened J1.5.1.3 j Insulation curling J4.2.1 No gaps at bottom&top of wall bays - J4.3.3 1// Vapor bather in place except basement/attic J4.2.1 / All tears and cuts taped • .- . J4.2.1 \-7 • All exterior wall penetrations foamed J4.33 ✓ ; U-value rating on windows J1.5.3 Comments: A MAP (Jt LOT / i " 1) _ .moo '�. TOWN OF DARTMOUTH INSPECTION CHECKLIST 3� .t..) Date: 21-20 i5'New Home ❑ Addition ❑ Alt ation 0 Deck or Shed Permit # IP 4,B240 Address: '7 (- .. v Inspector: y, FINAL. Pass Fail Description Code Section V Permit& approved plans on site 111.11 & 111.14 /' Final plumbing, electrical,fire and gas inspections completed 115.9 / House number posted 115.0 V Chimney height 3610.2.5 General site grading away from foundation. for 1st 10' 3310.0 Stair/deck rails 3603.13 V Proper garage/house fire protection(walls, doors&beam) 3603.5 Proper floor berm in garage 3603.5.3 / All ceiling&wall penetrations in garage sealed 3603.5.1 V Interior stair rails/protection in place 3603.14 L Proper clearances for attic access (22"x 30") 3603.9.2 •//LY Safety glazing protection where required 3603.20.4 Interior doors where required 3603.11 Cellar/basement insulation if not previously inspected—check ER J5.21 B v Insulation at attic, eves access&pull down stairway J4.3.1 q p. Bathroom/toilet rooms fans working 3603.6 V House conforms to approved construction documents 113.3 All exterior work is done 3607.3 / Means of egress 3603.10 t Photo electric smoke detectors 3603.16.11 Smoke detectors in working order 3603.16.3 V/ Doorway landings 3603.12 / Service water heating system(pipe insulation) J4.4.9 4 MAP ( ‘ LOT /346' °°" ` TOWN OF DARTMOUTH INSPECTION CHECKLIST 3°�fi�Yf ' Date: 3 l7 2 ew Home ❑ Addition ❑ Alteration ❑ Deck or Shed Permit # Sccrno Address: .7 t',a Inspector: Pg ROUGH FRAMING Pass Fail Description Code Section Building permit& approved plans on.site 111.11 & 111.14 Building tight to weather, or protected(including 3607.3 chimney) Rough electrical,plumbing and gas inspections 115.0 1 Girt proper bearing depth in foundation pockets 3605.2.4 -- Girt air space at foundation pocket 3603.22.4.4 Girt proper clearances and protection at pockets 3603,22.4.1 ✓ Girt proper size and span 3605.2.3.3B Girt beam air space at beam pocket 3603.22.4.4 Girt splices over columns &columns fastened to girt 3605.2.4.1 Girt members properly nailed 3605.2 Joists sized to plan 3605.2 Hangers properly nailed 3606.2.63 Stair stringers rough cut to code- 3603.13.2 Stairwell/stairway to correct width 3603.13.1 Rough clearance for hallways 3603.11 Plumbing/elect ical penetrations not exceeding 3605.2 acceptable limits in joist and studs All thru-shoe and thru-plate penetrations protected by 3606.2.7.1 wood or metal All sidewall sheathing continuous from shoe to plate 3607.3.1 All headers,joists and rafters with proper bearing 3606.2.6 All plumbing, electrical, telephone/cable and chimney 3606.2.7 penetrations fire-stopped SEE BACK PAGE Pass Fail Description Code Section Bath fans vented to exterior 3603.6.2 All fire-blocking in place(fire stopping) 3606.2.7 All joists, studs, rafters properly nailed 2305.2 ✓/ Residential emergency egress window(sleeping rooms) 3603.10.4 maximum sill height 44" / Residential emergency egress window(sleeping rooms) 3603.10.4.1 NRT clear opening of 3.3 sq. ft. -minimum 20"x 24" either direction Roof/attic venting, including sky-light headers in place 3606.2.6 Collar ties in place 3608.2.3.2 Sidewall/roof sheathing properly nailed in high wind 3607.2.3.4 area-inspect prior to weatherproofing / Attic access: garage and house 3608.7.1 Roof ventilations 3608.6 Roof framing details 3608.2.3 Top plates 3606.2.3.3 Holes in joists 3605.2.7 Drilling¬ches 3605.2.6.1 ✓� Safety glazing over 9 sq. ft. &less that 18"to floor 3603.20.4 Safety glazing fixed or operable panel=meet all of the following: 1.) 9sq. ft. 2.) bottom edge less than 18"above floor 3.) top edge greater than 36"above floor 3603. 4.) walking surface's within 36". Roof coverings (asphalt) 3609.3.1 Ccrknents: • CD 0 `'ii 1 � _ - - jNan ! Jab • • .( FY/ E i 1111.1111.111 •• 1 '1, let,4 \ A, 2 o ~3 rn vD .1 rot7NNrCnC C G� r , 0 '-• 0 c rp 56 G� at Z ; z .f' 2n '. Yv S cp O 2 cD 2 y, M A N .� v,' t C g n ti p p) py � Zm � 7y 000w `c • O u1 O n w N E. O W W O 8 A c dQ E�! a+ ;rail p 0 t' 8 A O N fT A c. G (D N c M )+ C 0 o ee R ° p a p .. . a v 92- 5 ft C 0 ''� O pood a p. 0 o � I I 'o � � " pn ° n fD OC, . pi Gi • 0 oo r• r n ° A r7 0 H Cyr � n ,t tt r (D ro w ss an w 0 C O . m r � CD o N n FC�I '� y CD CeDw )- 1 S° ro h. U] z o Ca d Ca i-a CD Ufa n Ca p R u ,. Z O tt o 0 e o y R. w ¢ A n ADC) m S. o' m OctR. °5, f -• 0 i-e CD AD 0 C �Ci� Jc -- N723 r�� NN 06 II y'St, J`• Q IV Ti 16Oh 5 1,-rn I n O. sm • LOT AREA w '• 43,585 SQ.FT. "' a (1.00 ACRES±) cp.--"'',. c N TOP OF FOUNDATION y ELEVATION=106.0 '8' 0 ' 0� A� O ry �\ le) 261 T y0•f •.TB. DRAINA ��÷EASEM0' 80' NOTES: 1. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS SHOWN AS LOT 2-130 ON THE TOWN OF DARTMOUTH ASSESSORS' MAP 66. 2. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS SHOWN AS LOT 74 ON THE FOLLOWING PLANS ON RECORD AT THE ��� BRISTOL COUNTY REGISTRY OF DEEDS (S.D.): PLAN BOOK 133, PAGE 28 PLAN BOOK 138, PAGE 76 3. VERTICAL DATUM SHOWN IS ASSUMED. 4. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN ZONE X AS SHOWN ON THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (F.I.R.M.)OF BRISTOL COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS, MAP NUMBER 25005C03366F, EFFECTIVE DATE JULY 7, 2009. 47 ry ^C4 tr i' iiic AC. Si 2/7 i Lair- or DATE JAMES R. LARSON, P.L.S. (D� ' CATCH BASIN RIM .r 1 i\ -": --_ _ ELEVATION 100.00 J V TOMOF DIRT I7O T H I _ r'ECr 3 PLAN A Copy Cl This Endorsed Plan Must De Kept On &to Auring Canstructi : rp. Date —__J __P._ DRAWING TITLE FOUNDATION LOCATION SCALE: AS-BUILT PLAN 1 -40 DATE: PROJECT ASSESSORS' MAP 66, LOT 2-130, WREN LANE DEC.31,2009 DARTMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS DRAWN BY: CLIENT JRL REBELLO CONSTRUCTION CORP. DESIGNED BY: 120' •CIVIL ENGINEERING P.O.BOX 1088 CHECKED BY: SHEET NO. •LAND SURVEYING LAKEVILLE,MA 02347 1 OF 1 • O. ASSESSMENT PRIMEENGINEERING .5894;20� APPROJERDLBY: PROJECT 1335-10-01 0:\Survey\PROJECTS\DARTMOUTH\WREN LANE\13351001\DWG\133510-SURVEY-BASE-recover.dwg I 11f ,n / 1111111 1111 ., l Gn % 1I1111I Z X:> •'- - j O C' + y� V / ' — TC �s / _.i/J i 1111111 y L� f ) - i J 1 1 1 1 1 A 1 1 11I: 1 11'1'1' r III, 1\,1,,�1111111' 1-111 .� e 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 /l /i 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 <' V ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .— <� ' .� g, 1 1 i 1 I I. 1 /` L. Ai jrC J j/- p r` X! � _� �� — le .:r-- _ �/`�7 [I. [11 = de ° •da ° •da ° •dn °dc I rrMrrrEIra 1 .rr..rrrW MIrrrrr�- i rrrrmillir, ilirrrir rrINIII C j L i 0 Ls Ii - .n -.arr..r_ Iiiimili 11 IIII ■■■, rj ■■■'. II■■ 11 ' 1 'I' 1 11'I 7�rrrr r��r��niorim illlllil I1 11 III it I. I I li I I I!. sur�rrrrrr rarrrrrrr�_��. =Rd a Nail a m..--- a Iildam• ••,1, .. ...1". ."..111 II, 111 il= I I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 RIGI-IT ELEVATION r L 1 1 1 1 1 1 I l 1 1 1 I l 1•1 1 1 ! , RECEIVED L I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 t l l l l fl —p I ' ll 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I t i l l I I I I — LII II II IIf a III11 ,,i , ,,, ,I111 i 11,,,,1 II11111 DEC Q� Hi, ' 11141 I 11 1 i t I I —1 I I 2039 —2 P 3: 50 1 1 1 1 1 IIIII III11111II I JJ I 1 1 I 1 l 1 L 11 1 1 1 r l I. I 1 I 1 1111 1 1 1 1 T 1 1 L 1 I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 � 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 J l I I I I 1J 11I1 II 1II11I I1 1I 1 1 I 1 I L I L L IIII 11 II111 III 11111111 -1 11-L L mo_ 1 1 1 _J' h11f 1 1. 1 . 111 1]I' ---yam '� f. , = a 1yyi1 ti Off C ..E. ;_i uis; i3 r-r`o DCC 0 8 2009 I I I I I I I I I :ss,"a 1 ,_r�w:; a, r k.;'„P;Kt^ar..;:ssar! sr:s.l+.,n:. I I I I I I �_ I I i I- t ��.0` L l 1 FRONT ELEVATION , ` FILE Cpy ELEVATION .., ROBERT 4 MANDY BETTONCOURT LOT 14 WREN LANE _-_ NORTH DATRMOUTI4, MA 02141 =_=___ -=_=-=�___`` DATE CATE 09/O0/2009 _- -- RCONSTRUCTION INC. SWANSEA, MA O2111 I • • rrrrrrrrrr• rrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrr r rrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrr 11111111111111111 Ell 1 '.. 11111I tll ' ill 'I'1 1 tip 1 IIII 1111111 III I I (_ I I I L I i l l l l 1 L 1111 1111 III1111 111II III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111111 11 I11 1111I1-1 J11 111 ill. 'I II 1,1 � 1111111 . I II IF I.!It I0 O'' BOOR llg '. •°a° •°ee •°ae °n. °n° °e,. °D° e° 4 a. e T ii11 I I REAR ELEVATION • 1 1111111 i I I Y V 111111� 1 1I11 1ill111111 1 1 I 1 I iI. I 1 , ,,,,,!,,„ , , I,,, III I :!'I_!run ll�� 1 °. I`.� 1 ,_____ , .,,, , , i ,,,.,, ..4„ .i„,„ , , , , ,_I i_IJ, i , , , I , , r 1 LEFT ELEVATION ROBERT 4 MANDY SETTONCOURT LOT 14 WREN LANE i. NORTH DATRMOUTH, MA 02141 =_--_= silts '-=__EIN -=-_=`=`= SCALE 1/S11 /i"' �\ =___-____ DATE DATE 09/08/2009 LL � ,��_ , —ESELLO CSWOANSRAUCMTIONO2IN11C7 EiginOva• _, . r . - I I ' ,__ [4vel : <0 - - c • s s ''.. ..... •• , ..... .—..LL, 4 . ..., ........., • v-cr - \ 9 >. . 1) 200 AMP BASEMENT GARAGE FLOOR 4" .LCILUER ELECTRICAL PANEL THAN BASEMENT FLOOR FIRE 4 CO e e . . . .• 9 °Ro GARAGE ••. . 2a-4°OIL, e . . . 1 'It •. . ^. 41\21 ),.: . , ... 1 . (kg .1 7 .--) LK-1 i '1 ED 1 I) i -cs ' '- ' L . . -.k - 3 ‘.,. ." BASEMENT 4 GARAGE 1:1> 40 ,5._0. :,....1,...,......•:,;•.°•;....°•... 6, . 4.t. . 4.6 . .. 4. . 4, . 4•6 .42. 4i. 41.:, ..,..°::;,•.°::,..° ;,.. ::,°'''..,,..°•.:,.. CO .6 .44, .44, .44.s .44, .°4, .44, 4, .44, .4 ow .44, .4.6, .44.6 , . , . . • ,. :,...'•';....°::....°. ...°::..,°::,...°•‘:: °'. .. .°.t.,•.°•:;,...° ..°• ....° ,,'• . .°''•;.t Z. , :24, .44, .4 6.6 .4.5; .46. .16.e .4 4.: . It .44, .44, .4o, .4a, .44, .44.6 .44, • 1 -..-4A.,-°AP -....:-,A.' As'•s nl,:. : ,:t°!;:•.°:;:t A___,M-0" ,A .44, . 4, : .6 :•ei FRONT ELEVATION 1 43U11" hr-4" - Au 1 1 ... ..,..44,,.411::..421 r:..444':..4fre:44';;;,..°•::..°.:,:t°-; •., , .44, .44, .°4, . .. .-. -7:•,...°•';,•:'It./-;,•.°•;,-.°-%•.°•.;,•.°A-is"";,-.°-;...°.;:•. a, .14, .44, .4a, .44, .48, .44, .44, .14.. .40% .44, .4e, -.A b ni : , ' 41:' 41. ' 44• ' ; • ;:i• A. ; A. • A'" A', /..' ---..-- ' :".A" ''•!‘" /2' :!'" '4-•-.A•- °A•• ° ••4° •'.°••.^••d'A••;,,,:•4°••.-••.'••.°,,,•• °• 4. REAR ELEVATION I I �__ i- 0 .°d.. .°dm .°O.o .°4z . ? oe .°de.4a, .°d.e . ° . o -N--_ • • • • o 0 .4a; °O., .44.n,°4.>°4a.. - m _°4_e ,°4a ,°de ,e :°Q.°•QOaaaa•u -11 -,__ O y44, ? __.._ la a __yr_ O 0 LEFT ELEVATION _ I8" 4 - - 1 0 Y %Cr —_4 °'e . 9 m (t °4: —1 _ .40.'.14.°.°de'.°0.'.°de b b — -- RICE—IT ELEVATION Ido S 4. t._ FOUNDATION FLAN ROBERT 4 MANDY SETTONCOURT y LOT "i4 WREN LANE =:___ ___-_--- -_______--: 4 NORTH DATRMOUTW, MA 02741 __ __=______= SCALE 1/8" •: 4 DATE eDATE O9/OS/2009 �,�a - p All!Mg =niti I Ii�- � ` L (ESELLO CSWON4SSTERAUCMTIONO2IN 1C I I IMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMI_ i z 23'-8%" II'-116" !Sale" -0l'-0b" -H6" , 4-0° 2-4., 0 0 1 .k LI °. '. 1 i r a, • .' } : � )'- LAUNDRY dc, j KITCHEN *. F DINETTE -._ 4 H m 4 O FAMILY ROOM �s 11"� , 3'-3" w ' 3'9" 31-6" 4'-2W _ ... — ..e, 1 BATH . . i '.,1� 1 1( 1 1 9 llll m m 2.,I 16'-0" Q 1 I5'-lOW" i - OFFIcE DINING ROOM s'-Ioa' n 1 N 11 I ®\ 0 46° 5'-l' 4'-l" 5'-0" , 5'-0" , 4'-8" , 5-II" 4'S" y T S" 1.-4" 10'-0" 1'-4° a 3" 3' 15b" 10'-0" IS'O" FIRST FLOOR DECK 4 PORC1—I 415 SF LIVING 1430 SF 1 1 \C\ cAL \i YPICAL 2X6 SIDING EXTERIOR WALL: " SIDING BASEBOARD ..42" SHEATHING -AIR BARRIER TYPICAL 2x1O FLOOR SYSTEM: 2 6 STUDS s lb" o.c. 3/4" T4G PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR \ RI6 BAIT INSULATION 2x10 FLOOR JOISTS 6 ICo.c. all MIL P 'LY VAPOR BARRIER I=='I 1 " SUM BOARD 1 2X6 BOTTOM PLATE IIi ii�I�l�l�l�l'I!I T �IIIIIIII���� lPii\A 2XIO HEADER CONTINUOUS JOIST 1 r WRAP AIR BARRIER '� FILL VOID WITH BATT INSULATION 9 9 REINFORCING BARS 2X6 SILL PLATE ON GASKET m m FASTENED TO FOUNDATION WALL WITH EXTENT OF 5/8" DIAMETER ANCHOR BOLTS AT 4'O.C. EXCAVATION lam% TYPICAL 8" CONCRETE WALL: 0 • BACKFILL 4 COMPACT EVERY 10" BOTTOM PLATE • 5" GRANULAR FILL CONCRETE I — ` ` FOOTING REINFORGINGROLY VAPOR BARRIER 6 GRAVEL (MINIMUM) ON m 4" DIA. WEEPING TILE 4" POURED CONCRETE SLAB a • CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL 4"STUD FINISHED FIRST LEVEL ROBERT 4 MANDY BETTONCOURT =_==_==__ =__________-__: LOT 14 WREN LANE NORTH DATRMOUTH, MA 02141 SCALE 1/8" !,L� DATE 'DATE 09/08/2009 "' IRE8ELLO CONSTRUCTION INC. SWANSEA, MA 0217 IIMMW ■ PRODUCT CODE SIZE HINGE DIRECTION COUNT R.O. WIDTH R.O. 4 CN23-MODIFIED 31-4" x 3'-4" NN I 3'-4f2" 3'-6" FWG6068L-MODIFIED 5'-114" NN 1 61-0" 6'-91*z" - TW2642 2'-1ab" x 4'-418" N 2 2'-818" 4'-TYC" TW2836-MODIFIED 2'-5%" x 3'-816" N 1 2'-1013" 3'-IO78" TW2842-MODIFIED 2'-93b" x 4'-47C" N 4 2'-1013" 4'-116" TW2846-2-MODIFIED 5'-1 5/16" x 4'-818" NH I 5'-1 15/16" 4'-1116" TW2846-MODIFIED 2'-9%" x 4'-81b" N 5 2'-IO16" 4'-1018" TW2846 2'-936" x 4'-818" N 3 2'-1016" 4'-101%" 60XSO COLONIAL A 2-MODIFIED 5'-0" LR I 5'-3" 6'-II" 60X8O RH ENTRY - 2 SL 5'-0" NA I 5'-0" 6'-II" IO8X84 - I PANEL 9'-0" U 2 9' 3" 76" 24X80 BIFOLD COLONIAL I 2'-0" R 1 2'-0" 6'-1l" 36X8O BIFOLD COLONIAL 2-MODIFIED 3'-0" LR 1 3'-0" 6'-II" 28X80 COLONIAL A I 2'-4" L I 21-6" 6'-11" 30X80 COLONIAL A I-MODIFIED 21-6" L 2 21-8" 6'-II" 30X80 COLONIAL A 1-MODIFIED 2'-6" L 1 21-8" 6'-11" 30X80 COLONIAL A I-MODIFIED 2'-6" R 2 2'-8" 6'-11" 32X8O COLONIAL A 1-MODIFIED 2'-6" R I 21-8" 6'-11" 32X8O COLONIAL A I-MODIFIED 2'-8" L I 2'-10" 6'-11" 32X80 COLONIAL A I 21-8" L 2 2'-10" 6'-11" 32X80 COLONIAL A I 2'-8" R 3 2'-10" 6'-II" 48X80 COLONIAL A 2 4'-0" LR I 4'-2" 6'-11" 56X8O COLONIAL A 2 4'-B" LR 2 4'-10" 6'-11" 18X54 CASEMENT I-MODIFIED 1'-0" x 3'-10" N 2 1'-0" 4'-I" IO2X54 PICTURE 3 8'-6" x 41-6" NA 1 B'-6" 4'-8" 36X60 ROUND TOP-MODIFIED 2'-3" x 5'-0" N 1 2'-3" 5'-3" I EIGHT ' 2''-0` / t2'-0" / / ' I / \ Z-A1'" 'KM' r.la'xYg3' .l fib , 9i" A BATH m CLOSET I ' 15'-0>f" BATH - 7 0 C J BEDROOM *2 ..b a re. "CORRIDOR r P m = `-a o _in il -0 6' " —c, o r BEDROOM *I -0 $ m Is'-lo.^ , BEDROOM *3 e 1 15-IOa OPEN m TO a a a �. ....� ,,= , o 2 -ea•. .-4v 2 '.:a•"4 .4%' BELOW »sa•,a'<a" rA„:.'.,.• a a In _e. / • 10'-0" / 15'-0" • LIVING SPACE 1151 SF SECOND LEVEL JENN'S WAY PROJECT SOMERSET MA, 02126 TI-IOMAS A. MELLO CAROL ANN CONROY >_ ___=- _ __=_ SCALE i/S' /�-:i;\ _ DATE 6DATE 09/08/2009 ! ' 1li CONSTRUCTION INC. I- Isum n_I _I_. Iul I, SWANSEA, MA 02111 1 ■ H2, HURICANE UPLIFT TIE DOWN STRAPS e EVERY TRUSS 2' OC TYPICAL 2x6 SIDING EXTERIOR WALL: VINYL SIDING I 1/16" PLYWOOD SHEATHING s j 2x6 STUDS 9 16" o.c, /`� 2TRIPLE 2X10 HEADERS e �i�� 83" OFF THE FLOOR I I ! I -R16 BATT INSULATION le IN . n''`; --- ��-,r,-�i,a/1�}Ri\. 6 mil POLY V,B. kE _ i I/2" DRYWALL ®V g® iC:!: '� 1 TAPED 4 SANDED BO II JInt TYPICAL SECOND FLOOR : On NI Illl '1� m, FINISH FLOOR ON �J iI!!! Iri 3/4" T4G PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR T 1 i J Il 1 1 B 1 111 11 1 i 1 I 11 11 1 1 1 11 11 1 NAILED 4 GLUED - _ 2xIO FLOOR JOISTS e 16" o,c, w/ I 1 �® 1 ® ' ®� ri 2x2 CROSS BRIDGING D 1 Eli 1M In . 1/2 CEILING BOARD 1_ ! I gill BLUE BOARD PLASTER � I DE TYPICAL FIRST FLOOR ;n,„ FINISH FLOOR ON I" 3/4 X 16" - 4 • I' 3/4 X 12' 3/4" T4G PLYWOOD SUSFLOOR NAILED 4 GLUED 2x1O FLOOR JOISTS e - ' 4000 PSI GARAGE FLOOR- 16" o,c, w/ ti 1 • I I 2x2 CROSS BRIDGING I I 1 i R 20 INSULATION GARAGE TO BE FIRE "L':*I CROSS SECTION PROTECTED WITH 5/8 BLUE BOARD, PLASTERD ON ALL WALLS 4 CELLING d 20 MIN RATED FIRE DOOR 1/2" SHE FRENCH DOOR UNIT 2x6 STU'. RI9 BA" TYPICAL 2x1O FLOOR SYSTEM: 6 MIL P 3/4 OAK FLOORING I/2 BLU: 3/4" T4G PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR II II PLATTE 2xIO FLOOR JOISTS 9 16" o,c. w/ 2x2 CROSS BRIDGING I 0111 WEATHER TIGHT CAULKII iYl/Ilplllllllr Ilillllll'j� ' DECKING �!!�,ii liclllll .._.... BATT INSULATION �k�11i uuduiii�i_.iyl;1 2X6 SILL PLATE ON GASKET it FASTENED TO FOUNDATION WALL WITH 2X10 DECK JOISTS 5/8" DIAMETER ANCHOR BOLTS 28"O,C, 1" DEEP LEDGER BOLTED TO 3"x3"xl/4 STEEL PLATES ANCHORD DOWN eta PARGING METAL FLASHING 8" CONCRETE WALL WITH DAMPROOFING DECK AT EXTERIOR WALL I ill 30 YR ASPHALT SHINGLES I CONTINUOUS AIR VENT BAFFLES e 24" O.C. ENDS AT RIDGE - TO SE INSTALLED SO THAT AIR FLOW IS NOT RESTRICTED 'Ttlum _I PRE-ENGINEERED ROOF TRUSSES CONTINUOUS EAVES PROTECTION 1 i(2 COURSES) 5/S" PLYWOOD SHEATHING C/W iH CLIPS ssigi a al till MENEM ill i 11 / 1;. _ 1 4. PRE-FINISHED ALUMINUM GUTTER 4 I' EAVE FLASHING EAVE i■ s N 2X6 SUS FASCIA 2X4 SOFFIT BLOCKING RE 3/4 PRIME PINE A 1/4 AC PLY AT SOFFIT W/ 2" VENT THING S e 16" o.c, INSULATION LY VAPOR BARRIER BOARD CROSS SECTION JENNS WAY PROJECT EEEEZEERiEEEEERE SOMERSET MA, 02126 ===_=_=-Er -- T+-IOMAS A. MELLO CAROL ANN CONROY ALL SCALE 1/8" --=-= �L _ DATE eDATE 09/OS/2009 Iifiliwis._-I I ''• l 9.l j l ESELLO CONSTRUCTION O2 INC.1'I SWAN , � I I EXTERIOR STRUCTUAL WALL ASSEMBLY FOR 110 MPH EXPOSURE-5 r ..W.RP:\ r H-1 CLIPS FROM TRUSS TO TOP PLATE I II 11 ' I VERTICAL 0SB PLYWOOD FROM TOP PLATE TO CENTER OF I ENGINEERED RIM BOARD WITH TYPICAL SECOND FLOOR IBLOCKING 4' FROM CORNERS FINISH FLOOR ON I 3/4" T4G PLYWOOD SUBFLO r ENGINEERED RIM BOARD NAILED 4 GLUED I r 2xIO FLOOR JOISTS e 16" o.. I 1/2" CEILING BLUE BOARD VERTICAL 055 PLYWOOD PLASTERD FROM CENTER OF ENGINEERED r I RIM BOARD TO BOTTOM OF r PT PLATE, TOP OF FOUNDATION WALL TYPICAL FIRST FLOOR :� r FINISH FLOOR ON 3/4" T4G PLYWOOD SUBFLOC i NAILED 4 GLUED 2x10 FLOOR JOISTS e 16" c c 2x2 CROSS BRIDGING I ,/ TYPICAL 2x6 SIDING EXTERIOR WALL: N.., VINYL SIDING VIC PLYWOOD SHEATHING 2x6 STUDS m 16" c.c. N. TRIPLE 2XIO HEADERS e 4W lite 1 A u• S3" OFF THE FLOOR 6 m l F'O INSULATION I\` 6 mil POLY V.B. 1/2" BLUE BOARD �/� �,\ PLASTERD TYPICAL BONUS ROOM : ��: BONUS ROOM FLOOR ON 3/4" T4G PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR MI (71111NAILED 4 GLUED , __ ___ WJL9• II���II2x10 FLOOR JOISTS ® 12" o,c, w/ " ' , go ���2x2 CROSS BRIDGING li_I_I_�_ TYPICAL BASEMENT FLOOR: `,: " _--_-- 'L • 4n CONCRETE SLAB chi I FIBRE MESH REINFORCEMENT rri COMPACTED GRANULAR FILL I TYPICAL S" BASEMENT WALL: 1/2" BLUE BOARD `-= al PLASTERD M;= 6 mil POLY VAPOR BARRIER 2x6 STUDS ® 16" o.c. ME S" CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL CROSS SECTI ION - C ASPHALT DAMPPROOFING ■ 1z 8 TYPICAL TRUSS ROOF: 40 YR ASPHALT SHINGLES 518" ROOFING PLYWOOD c/w /Ns. PRE-ENGINEERED TRUSSES 0 24" o.c. /�` 2x4 TRUSS BRACING R30 BATT INSULATION -\ 1/ m11 POLY V.B. 1/2" 'BLUE BOARD PLASTER ✓: r�� Tt:::::::::.::: :���r����r�,.Lr��ILL::°LL��ILLr�ILL���g��TRIM COIL FASCIA R — ®® -•--FULL VENTED SOFFIT , DBL 4 VINYL SIDING w/ I 0 0 ' Ili< DECK:BERON HAND RAILS PORTACO DECKING PT 2XIO 16" OC + d PT 3-2XIO BUILD UP BEAM I g® PT 6X6 POST IIi/I2"X12"X 4' CONCRETE TUBE Uil _ _ ... ,;::;...ivru a •rruu•ry ;u-ix„--x. .i, �' ,. -- ; Li 14 NI 01 �� y _-__ J CROSS SECTION 5 JENN'S WAY PROJECT SOMERSET MA, 07126 == -==_ -_===_____ - -------- --------- -------- -- - - T1-IOMAS A. MELLO -- CAROL ANN CONROY _ "',"',ia,\\iii -. SCALE 1/8" DATE DATE 09/O8,/2009 I all:IIL4 -L , .1, L RIESELLO CONSTRUCTION INC. SWANSEA, MA 02111 I MAP/LOT 66/2/135 MAP/LOT f#89 SONGBIRD DRIVE O 66/2/131 249 03' WREN LANE S 78O LOT #74 =53,. E CONC I AREA = 43,585 SO, FT, 93 BOUND 1.00 ACRES 4 I , 53.5' o o 95 0 'o �6 ` �ROP' ED v , \ 109.7' WE / 92.3' � o PROPOSED DRY PROPOSED DRY 3 WELL TOP ELEV WELL T01- ELEV 1 08.5' C 96.5 � 9 , i \ 95.0 � A94 S C Z Z�7 0 O- y RgrNs / 1I < io O y(0 FPI0j 3.0, P�OppSEp SANG 30 C3 I� G )"AplLy NONSELE PRppOSEp o� f 98 7 3 �_pROONI F Gq p c0. �5 lj 4 106. C\ LOOR ELEV 0' / z fi6/2% 31 Ti G o 0 T CO 401.g6• o / �� MAP/LOT #3 WREN LANE S o ^ / 66/2/147 9: F OM / �j`Vo Q! DRAINAGE LOT S 0RD1G OP EL / NON -BUILDABLE D.B = . - 8.7'� 32.8' -11 100� 0Ir 5 �� 79.7 R3• �� o� ' 10.2 TP # 56 3 5. 5' 26-07' 12.6' _ p \ 100.0' O � O o 1 DO. 4' O DRAINAGE EASEMENT ` , 0� PROPOSED 50' STONE 101-- CONC �, ��� WALL ELEV AT CORNER OF GARAGE BOUND i U1 Q \ ya =100.0 ELEV AT END =98.0 BENCH MARK EXISTING CONIC CATCH BASIN BOUND RIM ELEVATION Q HOR. SCALE IN FEET 100.00 ` 0 10 20 30 40 50 TOTAL ROOF SURFACE AREA = 32' X 70' = 2,240 SQ. FT. = DRY WELLS TOTAL RAINFALL = 2,240 SQ. FT. X 1 "/12 = 186.7 C.F. (REQUIRED STORAGE) FOR R00F DRAINS CALCULATION USE 2 @ 4'X4'X4' GALLEYS WiTH 2' @3/4"-1 1/2" CRUSHED STONE AROUND & 1' BELOW - EACH VOLUME OF STONE FOR EACH = (8'X8'X5') - (4'X4'X4') = 256 CF VOLUME OF GALLEY = 4'X4'X4'=64 CF VOLUME OF VOID IN STONE = 256 X 0.4=102.4 CF TOTAL STORAGE FOR .EACH STRUCTURE = 102.4+64=166.4 CF TOTAL STORAGE FOR TWO STRUCTURES = 166.4 CF X 2 = 332.8 CF > 186.7 CF ---OK CALCULATION FOR TOTAL LOT AREA = 43,585 SQ. FT. AQUIFER HOUSE & GARAGE FOUNDATION FLOOR AREA = 70' _ X 30' = 2,100 SQ. FT. PROTECTION MIX DRIVEWAY AREA = 2,252 SQ. FT. DISTRICT AREA OF HOUSE AND DRIVEWAY = 2,100 + 2,252 = '4,352 SQ. FT. I REQUIREMrNTS PERCENT OF LOT DISTURBED =-4,352/43,585 = 9.98% < 10% OK FORM 11-SOIL EVALUATOR FORM TEST PIT #256 - LOT 74 PHASE 5 SONGBIRD ACRES PAGE 2 OF 6 Location Address or Lot No. NORTH DARTMOUTH _-_------ On-site Review 450 F Deep Hole Number. 256 Date: 11/18/96 Time: 10 _3 PM µtether. CLOUDY SEE ATTACHED SKETCH Location (identify on site plan} ___________________ Land Use: __ FOREST - Slope (�: ��� _ Surface Stones: G_10% Vegetation: _ BLUEBERRY BUSHES, OAK TREES - Londform: __-___-_-- - Position on landscape (sketch on the back): __ IN FLAT AREA Distancem from Open Water Body _ >200 feet Drainage Way. _>100 feet Possible Wet Area >1DO feet Property Liner _ >10 _ feet Prinking Water Well: >100 feet Other. __________ DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG ' �romh coil Soil Texture Soli Color Soil Other (Structure, Stones, Boulders, Surface (Inches) Ho,-izon (USDA) (Munsell) Mottling Consistency, % Gravel) 0'-2- 2'-6- 2'-6" LOAM 10YR5/3 N/A FRIABLE, ROOTS SANDY 1OYR6/6 FRIABLE, ROOTS LOAM 31"-110" c MY LOAMY 10YR7/4 37* COMMONSILT LOAM, FIRM, 10YR7/e BOULDERS FORM 11-SOIL EVALUATOR FORM TEST PIT 1257 - LOT 74 PHASE 5 SONGBIRD ACRES PAGE 2 OF 6 Location Address or Lot No. NORTH-DARTMOUTH -_____---- On-site Review 450 F Deep Hole Number. T_P 257 Date:11/18/96 Time: 1C _3= ►,>! Weather CLOUDY Location (identify on site plan): -_ SEE ATTACHED SKETCH ----------------------- Land Use: -_ _FOREST__ _ Slope (� 10y, - Sur`oce Stones: CIO76 Vegetation: _ BLUEBERRY BUSHES, OAK TREES Landform: _ _ Position on landscape (sketch on the beck): _- IN FLAT AR_.A _____-_- Distances from: Open Water Body. _ >200 feet Drainage W_y. _>100 feet Possible Wet Area: _>100 feet Property Uo--e: _ >10__ feet Drinking Water Well: >100 feet Othe----------------- DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth Other from Soil Soit Texture Sol] Color Soit Surface Horizon USDA (Munse") Mottling (Struct re, Stones; Boulders, (inches) (USDA) Corvistency, R Gravel) 0"-3" 0 SANDY 3"-6" E LOAM 10YR5/3 N/A FRIABLE, ROOTS 6"_28" g SANDY 1OYR5/4 FRIABLE, ROOTS LOAM LOAMY 3r COMM SiLT LOAM, 10YR6/3 28"-121" C SAND 1OYR7/4 10rx5/9 F;RM, BOULDERS MINIMUM OF 2 HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED C SPOSAL AREA Parent Material (geologic):__ GLACIAL TILL_-- Depth to Bedrock: >10_____ Depth to Groundwater: StandingWater in the Hole 9U Weeping from Pit Face: __-_--_ NONE Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water: -___-_ z-____--_-_ MAP/LOT 66/2/146 LOCUS FORM 12-PERCOLATION TEST TEST PIT ,257 - LOT 74 PHASE 5 PAGE 4 OF 6 SONGBIRD ACRES Location Address or Lot No. NORTH DARTMOUTH COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS NORTH DARTMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS *Minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed In both the primary area AND reserve area Site Passed ® Site FoPed ❑ Performed By. PETER_J_ HAWE_S,-C_ERTIFI_ED _SOIL EVALUATOR Witnessed Witnessed By. _CHRIS MiCHAUD_ INSPECTOR BOARDOFHEALTH -- Comments: REMOVE AND REPLACE TO 58- AT #256 REMOVE AND REPLACE TO 66" AT #257 Percolation Test* MINIMUM OF 2 HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED C SPOSAL AREA Parent Material (geologic):__ GLACIAL TILL_-- Depth to Bedrock: >10_____ Depth to Groundwater: StandingWater in the Hole 9U Weeping from Pit Face: __-_--_ NONE Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water: -___-_ z-____--_-_ MAP/LOT 66/2/146 LOCUS FORM 12-PERCOLATION TEST TEST PIT ,257 - LOT 74 PHASE 5 PAGE 4 OF 6 SONGBIRD ACRES Location Address or Lot No. NORTH DARTMOUTH COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS NORTH DARTMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS *Minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed In both the primary area AND reserve area Site Passed ® Site FoPed ❑ Performed By. PETER_J_ HAWE_S,-C_ERTIFI_ED _SOIL EVALUATOR Witnessed Witnessed By. _CHRIS MiCHAUD_ INSPECTOR BOARDOFHEALTH -- Comments: REMOVE AND REPLACE TO 58- AT #256 REMOVE AND REPLACE TO 66" AT #257 Percolation Test* NOV. 18, 1996 8-3 PM Date:. -Nov. Time: ---------- Observation : Hole � #256 257 Depth of Perc 58" 66" Start Pre-soak 12:48 PM 12:50 PM End Pre-soak 1:03 PM 1:06 Pad Time at 12" 1:03 PM 1:6 PM Time at 9" 1:24 PM 1:17 PM Time of 6" 1:49 PM 1:49 PM Time (9"-6") 25 MINUTES 32 MINUTES Rate Min./Inch 9 MIN/INCH 11 MIN/INCH 4" SCH 40 PERFORATED PVC INSPECTION I PORT WITH A SCREW CAP I (0-1" BELOW .FINISH GRADE TO 1" BELOW 3/4"-1 1/2" STONE) TOP OF FOUNDATION j 33.5 varies 2.5'-�---14.4'---1 10.5' 10.8'-- 106.0 2" @1/8" to 1/2" PEASTONE 4" SCH 40 PVC PERFORATED PIPE SLOPE = 0.005 ADJUST TO GRADE ELEV 103.0 CONNECT PROPOSED GRADE \ PIPE ENDS 2" @ /8" to 1 /2" PEASTONE, 2 % MIN. SLOPE �- PROPOSED GRADE 1 4" SCH. 40 PVC WATERTIGHT IPE PROP.40 PVC PIPE 7 12" MIN. a 4" PVC WATERTIGHT SCH 40 PVC --- --- 9 9 . 7 54„ I ,O O , o _ o . O •�__._--_ Q _ O , o , , ,p '0 : T O -, .�- r� { T� v - 1 ��` 100. 39 � 14 100.E 4 6 3/4„ TO 1 1/2 DOUBLE W „ �100.02 o d �a WASHED STONE r o 8 99 or, GAS BAFFLE 100.86 .92 o, �o, 98.0 99.25 0 99.25 DISTRIBUTION BOX 100.19 4'-0" LIQUID LEACHING FIELD 6 OF 3/4 „ TO 1 1 /2„ LEVEL TOP of CELLAR 4.05' 33.51 X 18'W PRn CRUSHED STONE SLAB ELEVATION ADD 5' OVERDIG ALL AROUND SEE DETAILS v �P /v r v r v i o r o r o• v ry r 1 ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH GROUND WATER ELEVATION NOT TO SCALE 1,500 GALLON REINFORCED CONCF-TE 95.20 SEPTIC TANK GENERAL NOTES PERCOLATibN TEST RESULTS 1. THE SANITARY SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE COMMONWEALTH OF MA.SSACHUSE';S LOCATION: WREN LANE 50' WIDE - Public N TITLE V, AND THE REQUIREMENTS OF DARTMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH. ( ), NORTH DARTMOUTH, MA 0274 ` MAP 66 LOT 2-130 TEST HOLES TAKEN ON NOVEMBER 18, 1996 BY: PETER J. HAWES, WITNESSED BY: CH3IS MICHAUD 2• USE A NEW 1500 GALLON CAPACITY PRECAST CONCRETE WITH SCH. 40 PVC INLET AND OUTLET TEES. PERCLOATION RATE AT TP #256 = 9 MPI & AT TP #257 = 11 MPI CLASS 1 SOILS (LOAMY SANDS). f 3. NO GARBAGE GRINDER SHALL BE ALLOWED WITH THIS SYSTEM. 1 TOP OF GROUND ELEVATION AT TP ;256 = 99.0 & TP 257 = 98. 4. PERFORATED & ALL SOLID PIPING OUTSIDE OF THE DISPOSAL AREA SHALL BE 4" SCH 40 PVC PiPES. I 5. THE INSTALLED SYSTEM MUST BE LEFT EXPOSED UNTIL INSPECTED BY THE ENGINEER & DARTMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH. ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH GROUND WATER IS 37" BELOW EXISTING GROUND SI)RFACE 6. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE ASSUMED. BENCHMARK ELEVATION = 100.00 DESIGN DATA IS TOPOF CATCH BASIN FRAME/GRATE AT THE EDGE OF PAVEMENT. f 7. THE LEACHING AREA INCLUDING OVERDIG AREA MUST BE STRIPPED OF TOPSOIL, SUBSOIL, AND UNDESIRABLE THE PROPOSED SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING CONSISTS OF THREE (3) BEDROOMS MATERIAL TO ELEVATION 91.5 AND BACKFILLED WITH CLEAN COARSE SAND & GRAVEL WITH A. PERCOLATION RATE- 3 BEDROOM X 110 GAL/DAY = 330 G.P.D. OF 2 MINUTES PER INCH OR LESS. SEPTIC TANK VOLUME = 2 X 330 = 660 GALLON 8. THE FINISHED SLOPE SHALL NOT BE STEEPER THAN 3H:1V• A MINIMUM 15' HORIZONTAL USE A NEW 1,500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK, SEPARATION DISTANCE SHALL BE PROVIDED BETWEEN THE SOIL ABSORPTION AREA AND THE ADJACENT SIDE SLOPE AS MEASURED FROM THE EDGE OF THE TOP OF THE 1/8"-1/2" STONE. BOTTOM FACTOR : 0.56 GAL./SO. FT. AREA REQUIRED = 600 SQ. FT. 9• IN THE DISTRIBUTION BOX, THE OUTLET DISTRIBUTION LINES SHALL BE LEVEL FOR A MINIMUM OF USE A 18'W X 33.5'L LEACHING FIELD A,R THE FIRST TWO FEET OF THEIR LENGTHS. �A = 603 SO. FT. > 600 SO. FT. (REQUIRED) I 10. GROUT IS TO BE USED AT ALL POINTS WHERE PIPES ENTER OR LEAVE ALL CONCRETE STRUCTURES 0.56 X18' X33.5' = 337 G.P.D. IN ORDER TO PROVIDE A WATERTIGHT SEAL 1 I certify that'on May 7, 1996, 1 have passed the examination approved by 11. NO WELLS OR WETLANDS EXIST WITHIN 100' OF PROPOSED LEACHING FIELD, the Department of Environmenta' Protection and that the above analysis 12. ALL SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE MARKED WITH MAGNETIC MARKING TAPE. y 13. SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 10' FROM PROPERTY LINE, WATER LINE &CELLAR WALL has been perf� rmed by me consistent With the required training, expertise THE EDGE OF LEACHING FIELD SHALL BE A. MINIMUM OF 10' FROM PROPERTY LINE & WATER LINE, and experience described in 31G CMR 15.018(2). 20' r!'vaM CELLAR WALL. SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE A MiNiMUM OF 50' FROM ALL WELLS. - 14 ALL PROPERTY LINES AND ELEVATIONS WERE OBTAINED BY FIELD SURVEY AND FROM AVAILABLE DEEDS AND RECORDS. Signature: 7 SEPTEMBER 21, 2009 REVISED -------- --------- Date: ------------------------ LEGEND: + I - 98 - -EXISTING CONTOUR s8 PROPOSED CONTOUR ca. TEST PIT L4Ji N r SEPTIC TANK LEACHING FIELD DETAIL .o- uDISTRIBUTION BOX (NOT TO SCALE) �,„�,., BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS j y C.w 1, 4 CflNSTiUCTION OF THIS THIS SYSTEM iS i'(JT P�¢ l't10, t k. 4" SCH 40 PERFORATED PVC INSPECTION �` '� ' "` PORT EPTIC SYSTEM MUST RE DESIGNED FOR GARBAC. t���,� � ��� 0-1" BELOW F WITH A SCREW CAP 2" OF 1 /8" TO 1 /2" 1 C o q piAT!��t a t F� A COMPLETED WITH THREE GRINDER WHIRLPOOL NIO I RE 'SuCt a� e GI D T ti � ( FINISH GRADE TO 1 BELOW 3/4 -1 1 /2 STONE) CLEAN WASHED PEASTONE ' r �� " (3) YEARS OF THE DATE OR OTHER HIGH WATEP,� 11 SEF IC S �{ OF APPROVAL USE DEVICES. CTA 15,00 Cz¢ 18 ENGINEERS j`Q�I�.T BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS �` ULAN CERTIFICATION 0 a 12" IN. G 1 MIN. STATEMENT REQUIRED I-. - 5' --I THE APPRO-VAL BY THIS OFRCE I DOES t4OT OUARMINTEE T CIE �P TE �` I v " � I, BOARD F EF ECTIVENESS OF AN � I . 2'> C7 0 N£ALTH INSPECTION .�� -+ � 4 a 6Y f f 0 40 f I I o o f f o! I REQUIRED WHEN EXCAVATED �9Tp P�1NSTALLAT10f'q 0 '/ V I / / I I DAREIk 0UTH b»1i��SRD OF HE.ALEII �• � 2.25' �I o a I f a i -•�a-- 4. 2.25' 5 --i -f-o 4.5 -� 4.5 GARS OVERDIG e l v l vv o �7 I ID P ! 4/ o OVERDIG -� 99.25 i SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ' ' I OWNER: ROBERT & MANDY BETTENCOURT i i i i i i i 7.75' ASSESSORS MAP & LOT: MAP 66 LOT 2-130 1 i > STREET LOCATION: LOT 74 - WREN LANE f 91.5 �al�/�� �� NORTH [ ARTMOUTH, MA V/-/ 4" PERFORATED PVC PIPE I - ENGINEERING FIRM: GTA ENGINEERING TOTAL = 4 @ 33.5' EACH I 818 MONTGOMER` ST. 3/"" TO 1 1/2" DOUBLE WASHED STONE CONNECT PIPE ENDS FALL RIVER, MA2720 -i ii P; R' ITS F"ae L✓�I.�_. r .a T, tw R OVI DATE: AUGUST 31, 2009 SCALE: AS NOTED 3 CLEAN CC.ARSE SAND OR GRAVEL REVISED: SEPTEMBER 21, 2009 - SECOND REVISION OCTOBER 4, 2009 ��ACT PERSON: GEORGE T. AYOUB, PE, LSIT � ESS: 818 MONTGOMwRY ST. FALL RIVER, M� 02720 �______ TEL: (774) 644-9623 (CELL),_ FAX (508) 819-4949 E (< - MAP/LOT 66/2/135 `�j #89 SONGBIRD DRIVE MAP/LOT O _ J 66/2/131 24 03 , ' WREN LANE S 78p9 53,. LOT #74 E CONIC I ARVA = 43,585 SO. FT. 93 BOUND , 1.00 ACRES 4 ! 53.5' o MAP/LOT i , 0 95 I % 66/2/146 ( C gO \p \ �ROPQ ED 1 WE 92.3' PROPOSED DRY m / 93 o PROPOSED DRY' WELL TOp ELEV WELL T00�- ELEV 108.5 / 9/ 1 y p 4� AOVFO omoo ,� . � oo� oRQ F 1p o o� o CA e i '30, P OPOSED 30' / o 0 SINGE =\ G FA'M/L Y E p % Pp � 3 HORSE SED 'I 98 k-DROO GAPA's y r 0. F. _ 106. =9 FLOOR ELEV p' 15 4p�. MAP/LOT 6.0 / M.AP/LOT 000 ° ° 0 66/2/131 \ ^ ^ry 66/2/14 7 #3 WREN LANE O S DRAINAGE LOT 5 0�ERD1 oP M EL 7� NON -soil DIBLE D.B 33.5'G -- 8.7'� I / 32.8' � 1.1 0.0 A 0 /u5p 1-gp 7 9.7' / p P J#,, 35.5' \ \ --96� Q 12,6' p \ 1 oo.O JP c v o Al o , i 100.4' \ O 0 DRAINAGE EASEMENT , PROPOSED 50' STONE COt1C /�Oe , �G' WALL TOP ELEV AT CORNER OF GARAGE BOUND 1 �/ �a =100.0 r ELEV AT ENID =98.0 BENCH MARK EXISTING CONIC i CATCH BASIN BOUND RIM ELEVATION /\�,"� HOR. SCALE IN FEET - 100.00 V� 0 10 20 30 40 50 TOTAL ROOF SURFACE AREA = 32' X 70' = 2,240 SO. FT. DRY WELLS TOTAL RAINFALL = 2,240 SO. FT. X 1 "/12 = 186.7 C.F. (REQUIRED STORAGE) FOR ROOF USE 2 ® 4'X4'X4' GALLEYS WITH 2' ®3/4"-1 1/2" CRUSHED STONE AROUND & 1' B7LO`%% - EACH VOLUME OF STONE FOR EACH = (8'X8'X5') - (4'X4'X4') = 256 CF DRAINS VOLUME OF GALLEY = 4'X4'X4'=64 CF VOLUME OF VOID IN STONE = 256 X 0.4=102.4 CF CALCULATION TOTAL STORAGE FOR EACH STRUCTURE = 102.4+64=166.4 OF TOTAL STORAGE FOR TWO STRUCTURES = 166.4 CF X 2 = 332.8 CF > 186.7 CF ---OK CALCULATION FOR TOTAL LOT AREA = 43,585 SO. FT. AQUIFER HOUSE & GARAGE FOUNDATION FLOOR AREA = 70' X 30' = 2,100 SQ. FT. PROTECTION MIX DRIVEWAY AREA = 2,252 SQ. FT. DISTRICT AREA OF HOUSE AND DRIVEWAY = 2,100 + 2,252 = 4,352 SQ. FT. REQUIREMENTS PERCENT OF LOT DISTURBED = 4,352/43,585 = 9.98% < 10% OK FORM 11-SOIL EVALUATOR FORM TEST PIT I/256 - LOT 74 PHASE 5 SONGBIRD ACRES PAGE 2 OF 6 Location Address or Lot No. NORTH DARTMCUTN On -site Review 450 F Deep Hole Number TP r_56 Date: 11 /18/96 Tme: 10 _3 PM Weather. CLOUDY Location (identify on sit= plan): __ SEE ATTACHED SKETCH ------------- Land Use: FOREST _ Slope (%): _1 %_ Surface Stones: <10% Vegetation: _ BLUEBFRr.Y-BUSHES, OAK TREES- Landform: Position on landscape (watch on the back): IN FLAT AREA Distances from: Open Water ecdy _ >200 feet Drainage Way. _>100 feet Possible Wet Area: _>_100 feet Property Liner -_>10 _ feet Drinking Water Well; >100 feet Other. -____ DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG` from Soil Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Other Surface Munsell Mottling (Structure, Stones, Boulders, Horizon ( ) g Consistency, (inches) (USDA) R Gravel) 0"-2" 0 2"-6" E SANDY LOAN 10YR5/3 N/A FRIABLE, ROOTS 6'-31" g SANDY LOAM 1OYR6/6 FRIABLE, ROOTS 31"-110" C LOAh• Y 10YR7/ 4 37' COMMON SILT LOAM, FIRM, SANG 1CYR7/e BOULDERS * MINIMUM OF 2 HOI ES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Parent Material (geologic): __ GLACIAL TILL _-- Depth to Bedrock: >10 Depth to Groundwater. St ,riding Water in the Hole: 26" W.aping from Pit Face: NONE Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water: _______37' FORM 11-SOIL EVALUATOR FORM TEST PIT f257.- LOT 74 P-4ASE 5 SONGBIRD ACRES PAGE 2 OF 6 Location Address or Lot No. NOPTH DARTMOUTH On -site Review 450 F Deep Hole Nurnbe TP 257Da'.s-11/18/96 Time. 10-3 PM Weather CLOUDY Location (identify on site pion): __ SEE ATTACHED SKETCH -___---'-- Land Use: -- FOREST _ Slope (y). 10% _ Surface Stones <10% Vegetation: - BLUEBERRY BUSHES, OAK TREES - Landform: ---------- Position on landscape (sketch m the back): IN FLAT AREA -------------------- Distances from: Open. Water Body. _ >200 feet D•cinoge Way. >100 teat Possible Wet Area: >100 feet Property Line: _ >10 _ feet Drinking Water Well: >100 feet Cther. DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG De th from Surface Soi' Horizon I Sail Texture Soil Color So' Other (Structure, Stones, Boulders, (inches) (USDA) � (Munsell) Mottling Consistency, x G oval) 0"-3" 0 E I SANDY 10YR5/3 LOAM I I N/A F a FRIAR' DCTS 6"-28" g SANDY 1OYR5/4 LOAM FRiAe-E. Rc^ _S 28'-t2t" C LOAMY 10YR7/4 3r COWYON SILT LCAk' 1 -R6/3 SAND rotes/s FIRM, i M!N'MjV OF 2 HOLES P_0UiRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPCS:_ sq=a Parent Vateriat (geologic): __ GLACIAL TILL __ Depth to Bedroc. >' ------ ------ Depth to Groundwater: Standirg Water in the Ho!e: ____ 90__ Weepirq from Pit Face: _NONE Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water: _______37- _--__ --_ I ti~ rd r„ri" cl -.' C-49 f*o ', f" ,LOCUS FORM 12-PERCOLATION TEST TEST PIT #257 - LOT 74 PHASE 5 PAGE 4 OF 6 SONGBIRD ACRES Location Address or Lot No. NORTH DARTMOUTH --------------------- COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS NORTH DARTMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS I i I i * Minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. i Site Passed 171 Site Failed ❑ Performed By PETER_J__HAWE_S,__C_E_RTIFiE_D SOIL EVALUATOR Witnessed By. CHRIS MICHAUD..................................... INSPECTOR BOARDOFHEALTH Comments: REMOVE AND REPLACE TO 58" AT #256 REMOVE AND REPLACE TO 66" AT #257 Percolation Test* NOV. 18 1996 - Time: ___ Date: -Nov. 8-3 PM Observation Hole � j/256 fF257 Depth of Perc 58 66` Start Pre-soak 12:48 PM 12:50 PM End Pre-soak 1:03 PM 1:06 PM Time at 12" 1: C3 PM 1: 6 PM I I Time at 9" 1:24 FM 1:17 PM I { Time at 6" 1: 49 PM I 1: a9 Pti Time (9"-6") 25 MINUTES 32 MINUTES Rate Min,Jlnch 9 MIN/INCH 11 MIN/INCH i in cr: I \r ED v 0EPT. .¢n, ?. E , a• 1+ 3un 4u I-LNrUtKAItU HVC INSHECIIQN PORT WITH A SCREW CAP (0 1" BELOW FINISH GRADE TO 1" BELOW 3/4"-1 1/2" STONE) TOP OF f33.5' vc-'Ps .iFOUNDATION 2 I 2.5 ---~�- --14.4 -� 0. 5' --10.8' 106.0 " 1/8 to 1/2" PEASTONE 4" SCH 40 PVC PERFORATED PIPE— SLOPE = 0.005 CONNECT PROPOSED GRADE PIPE ENDS 2" ©1/8" to ?' a` ADJUST TO GRADE E+EV 103.0 f 2 % MIN. SLOPE /2"-AsTONE !- PROPOSED GRADE 1 �f 4" SCH. 40 PVC WATERTIGHT IPE PR)P• 4" SCH. 12" MIN. a 4" PVC WATERTIGHT SCH 40 PVC 4.' PVC PIPE 2',�- --- --- 9 9.7 5 4 T o 0 0 0 o �•--•- Q o: ; o, , ,0 o , =.02 -.�-- n s" v 3/4 TO 1 1/2 a DOUBLE WASHED STONE 1�=J'02 ` 100•39oo.s4 v 8 .7 'v v v / i a / v 9a c�2 v/ / /v / �\ GAS BAFFLE 100.86 99.25 I i v / 1� / \ 98.0 99. 25 D'S T RIBUTION BOX 1 00.1 9 4'- 0" LEACHING FIELD UQ11D �\6" 0" 3/4" TO 1 112" LEVEL TOP C CELLAR 4.Q5' 33.5'L X 18'W CF S,---D STONE + SLAB ELEVATION ADD 5' OVERDIG ALL AROUND B ?� - �L SEE DETAILSF ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH GROUND WATER ELEVATION NOT SCAL` 95.20 �J 1,500 GALLON REINFORCED CONCRETE ! SEPTIC TANK AL NOTES GENERAL � 1• T:= S'\ `=P" SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS T-E -"D THE REQUIREMENTS OF DARTMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH. 2• us;7 A ",E1, 1500 GALLON CAPACITY PRECAST CONCRETE WITH SCH. 40 PVC INLET AND OUTLET TEES. 3. NO GAGS-CE GRINDER SHALL BE ALLOV,'_"D WITH THIS SYSTEM. 4. c zr0° T J & ALL SOLID PIPING OUTS!DE OF THE DISPOSAL AREA SHALL BE 4" SCH 40 PVC PIPES. 5- = INS -'QED SYSTEM MUST BE LEFT EXPOSED UNTIL INSPECTED BY THE ENGINEER & DARTMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH 6• AT C'.S SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE ASSUMED. BENCHMARK ELEVATION = 100.00 %P C= CATCH BAS`N FRAME/GRATE AT THE EDGE OF PAVEMENT. NIG AREA INCLUDING OVERD'G AREA MUST BE STRIPPED OF TOPSOIL, SUBSOIL, AND UNDESIRABLE -0 ELEVATION 91.5 AND BACKFiLLED WITH CLEAN COARSE SAND & GRAVEL WITH A PERCOLATION RATE OF 2M'N 7S PER INCH OR LESS. 8. HE IINiSHED SLOPE SHALL NOT BE STEEPER THAN 3H:1V. A MINIMUM 15' HORIZONTAL " -PA CV DISTANCE SHALL BE PROVDED BETWEEN THE SOIL ABSORPTION AREA AND THE f Eh S!D S 0n_ AS MEASURED FRO.' THE EDGE OF THE TOP OF THE 1/8"-1/2" STONE. IE C - EOX, THE OUTLET DiS IRIBUTION LINES SHALL BE LEVEL FOR A MINIMUM OF =7IRS 'A ��' OF THEIR LENGTHS. vS-D AT ALL POINTS 'WHERE PIPES ENTER OR LEAVE ALL CONCRETE STRUCTURES QDE' r-'%OV'DE A WATERTIGHT SEAL. ELLS OR WETLANDS EXIST WITHIN 100' OF PROPOSED LEACHING FiELD. .2, �IsYS` +,� COMPONENTS SHALL BE MARKED WITH MAGNETIC MARKING TAPE. 13. c_''iC T-".v c. µ ti+,`,t,v � CF 10' FROM PROPERTY LINE, WATER LINE & CELLAR WALL. IHE_DGE C A '~ , , 2, cF L BE A i,, N!MUM OF 10' FROM PROPERTY LINE & WATER LINE, 20`j RO�1 CELLAR WALL. SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE A. MINIMUM OF 50' FROM ALL WELLS. 14 nRf1PC_ v + te,ec Akln r- -- ! E A"' HiI�. EE-L D rtKCOLATION TEST RESULTS LOC T'ON: 4"»REti LANE (50' WIDE - Public), NORTH DARTI"OvT.H, TEST y;_ 02747 MAP ``6 LOT 2-13 0 HOLES TAKEN ON NOVEMBER 18, 1996 BY: PETER J. HAWES, - I �-� cl~R S MICHALD I ��, B'r_ i PERCLCATIC`� RATE AT TP #256 = 9 MPi & AT TP #257 = TOP SOi S (L'AMY SANDS). CF GROUND ELEVATION AT TP #256 = 99.0 & TP #257 I ESTi'.'ATED SEASONAL HIGH GROUND WATER 1S 37" BELOW EXISTING I �,IRF,ACE DESIGN DATA i THE ---+� ?ROPOSEQ CONTOUR' BEST PIT o SEPTIC TANK I DISTRIBUTION BOX FIL E, Cupy AP DEC 0 0 2009 BOARD, STAMPS _ I I TOWN OF DARTMOUTH ZONING REVIEWED ' - any Changes Must Be Resubmitted I i SEE REPORT Date of I v'ew .aEL-4-11-2-0ftl By t 1 ; II OF�sQ, SUBSURFA CE SEWAGE DISPOcAL SYSTIM OWNER: ROBERT & MANDY BETTEVCOURT Na :=4 ASSESSORS MAP ! } & LOT:: MAP 66> LOT 2-130 STREET LOCATION: LOT 74 - WHEN LANE NORTH DARTMOUTH, MA 02747, ENGINEERING FIRM: GTA ENGINEERING i I 818 MONTGOMERY ST, I FALL RIVER, MA 02720 j DATE: AUGUST 31, 2009 SCA:_E: AS NOTED II REVISED: SEPTEMBER 21, 2009 -SECOND REVISION OCTOBER 4, 2009 CONTACT PERSON: GEORGE T. AYOUB, PE, LSIT ADDRESS: 818 MONTGOMERY ST. FALL RIVER, MA 02720 ' TEL: (774) 644-9623 (CELL) -FAX (5L8) 819-4949 �