BP-74424VIT 7,75� - ------- ---- • L Where Talent, Technology s Experience Create Unique Cus tom Homes TM' 4 b 1 • z Twl")"n MIN Ir".1) d7 RAIN 14'-55�8- SECOND FLOOR PLAN 2 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" r f� 'C F `0 f- 4'-0" 22'-105/4' 14'-105/4' E- LL n d z < tY 0 r i b'-0' V b'-23/4' 02�301 •r�_r'c�E F'—MCE 5'�._L. BEAM _ ------------------------- FAMILY ROOM 14'-55/8" 3� f r5Eb 1 a_ LVL BEAM ® COSD COTCa � BEI.� F..US}+ YY!"'rl TOP ® 5 OFF R. JO'S-"5 1A R _ II II r d 11 Al < ii OPEN TO KITCHEN It ABOVE VE516N BY I 1 OTHERS I I b 3'��8 3 •� �o ® 8 m --------------®---------- REF MA1L TAB - Of 11'-T BEDROOM COVERED Wo � ® PORCH s4D FLOCQ AT 12' O.G. S^. < K I T C H E N ® Q DE.S46N BY oTH=¢s T1 I n i 10'-i" uuu=777 i- O cOSD IL x In n 3► O 2ND FLOOR f 2x10 JOST j A:'R BARRIER 'd f AT 12- O.G. SE^! *iD SHOf^IER X O o n in in U/D LOAD BEARING =ry YNALL v 1 LIVING ROOM EXIST. DOOR EXIST. STOO? '7'--IY2 " U. 14'-43/4" 22'-11��4" Ii • o .0 ;D 10'-qY8" FIRST FLOOR PLAN 2 50ALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" GARY D. BRA(-, KINS g QSSOCIQT.'ES HOMES BY DE -SIG N Professional Building Dossigners & Residential Design Speodalists 313 Main Stre4et Falrhaven,Massachussetts02719 Ofiee: 508.758.67M 3 Emall: GBracidns@GDBAssoociates.com Webshe: GDBAssociatee_seom AF BD' Professional Memhber American Institute of Suildiltng Design Creating where pec'Pie` Live Sheet Description i FLOOR) PLANS.; Cb cltlsl O CIO ON Q CO a U, ui N N N m 0 9 C W 111 z z o w O Z o Z IL < O z z u� OC Oo V Lo co ti • L: C H o, E LL 0' W 2 La 0 o 0 ° CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS THESE DRAWINGS ARE HF.FREBY RELEASED BY GARY D BRAACKINS 6 ASSOCIATES FOR PERMIT APPPLICATION AND BUILDING CONSTRUCCTIOM Where Talent, Technology s Experience Create Unique Custom Ntrmac Ti' Where Talent. Technology s Experience Create Uriiquie Custom Homes TM a r 8 t It E m 0 g s� a �S mG 08 �5 cc �a Ts a is if � o We N do o� 0 o� 8m ; dg m� �8 t-6 o� co bo a= r s8 �3 go E r s -01 mg G� Z n _5 8 I s2 s15 JR � a q 4 2e �W a m n N O N L INSTALL ON EXTERIOR SIDE OF WALL Simpson Strong -Tie H2.5 `iurricane Tie at each after/truss to wall connection. )rovides 365 lbs. uplift esistance. 3-8d common toe -nails to attach rafter/truss to top plate. Provides 225 lbs lateral & shear resistance. INSTALL ON EXTERIOR SIDE OF WALL. IF INSTALLED ON INTERIOR SiDE, USE SSP SINGLE STUD PLATE CONNECTOR (SSP) IN ADDITION TO HURRICANE TIE ON INTERIOR SIDE OF WALL TO CONNECT TOP PLATES TO STUD. q TYPICAL H2.5 HURRICANE TIE 4 5GALE: N.T.5. (3)16d Common nails per foot to attach sole plate to floor first three joist bays at each gable end. Blocking at 48" D.C. Imo! SECTION A -A Figure 2.3 Endwall Blocking Detail 4 JOIST BLOCKING 4 SHEATHING ATTACHMENT 4 SCALE: N.T.S. FASTENERS FASTENERS Joists on top of beam Joists flush with beam 10d threaded nall or #10x3 Y" through bolt with washer wood screw & nut wlth a minimum of 2" clearance between bolt & edge of beam POST SPAN Simpson Strong -Tie H1 Hurricane Tie at each rafter/truss to wall connection. Provides 400 lbs. uplift / resistance. 0 0 INSTALL ON EXTERIOR SIDE OF WALL. ` IF INSTALLED ON INTERIOR SIDE, USE SSP SINGLE STUD PLATE CONNECTOR (SSP) IN ADDITION TO HURRICANE TIE ON INTERIOR SIDE OF WALL TO CONNECT TOP PLATES TO STUD. INSTALL ON EXTERIOR SIDE OF WALL 3-8d common toe -nails to attach rafter/truss to top plate. Provides 225 lbs lateral & shear resistance. 8 TYPICAL 141 HURRICANE TIE SCALE: N.T.S. Gable Endwall Full height blocking _Tl ■ ■Fa 1p c Floor sheathing to be APA Rated Sturd-I-Floor, tongue & grouve, Span rating 16". Attach with 8d common nails at 6' o.c. along panel edge and 12" o.c. In field of panel. WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION MANUAL - Figure 2.3 Ends of all members (plies) must end over a post/colurnn or beam pocket. Members may extend over two or more spans If member Is continuous, and ends over post/column. . . Use plywood filer stops as required or specified for proper beam width POST for attachment to post/column. Beams exposed to the weather or beams made from preservative treated wood shall use hot dipped galvanized or stainless sbeel fasteners. Builder to apply construction adhesives to member surfaces to laminate plies together with the use orapproprtate fasteners s TYPICAL. LAMINATED BEAM 4 5GALE: N.T.S. Prescriptive Residential Wood Deck Construction Guide - Figure 4 24' Roof Span at 16" o.c. members reaulrements Basic Wind Speed =110 mph Wind Exposure Category = B See Table 12 Guide to Wood Frame Construction in High Wind Areas UPIM = 269 lbs Lateral =176 lbs Shear = 77 lbs Hurricane Ties for Uplift Loads H1 hurricane connector provides 400 lbs uplift resistance. H2.5 hurricane connectors provides 365 lbs uplift resistance. H2A hurricane connector provides 495 lbs; uplii`t resistance. Use 3-Ed common toe -nails to attach rafter to top plate. P,-a-4des 225 lbs lateral & shear resistance. 13,_,Ple- may use any other Simpson Strong -Tie Hurricane Tie that p-".ides a minimum of 269 lbs of uplift resistance. l?,_-'!e• may use Timberlok Structural Wood Screws, see Detail 2/4 to prc Ade 420 lbs uplift resistance & 320 lbs lateral and shear resistance. A FFZCWED HURRICANE TiES N.T.5. d t s± HOLE EDGE DISTANCE > 07" •iOF 58' MOLE p1AVETER 'c 25C SP+".,LE STUD STUD loe HOLE oV2iETE.R � 35d DOUB_E PLATE STUD HOt.E EDGE DtSTA .%CE > st<• STUD NOTCHING & BORING LIMITS YIOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR ONE - AND TWO-FAMILY DWELLINGS FIGURE 3.3b 5 SiUD NOTCHING 4 BORING LIMITS SC.A_E: N.T.S. Fresh gade si of slope a minimum of 6-inches within the first 10-feet 10x20 Continuously I #4 dowels at 32' o.c. Keyed Concrete 24' I into footing Footing (4,000 psi I concrete) with 244 - - horizontal bars 9" 1 TYPICAL FOUNDATION WALL 4 5-SALE: N.T.S. 1/4 JOIST DEPTH MAXIMUM AT ENDS OF JOIST OUTER THIRD OF SPAN ONLY / —2" MIN. 113 JOIST - DEPTH, MAX. 1/6 JOIST DEPTH, MAX NONE ALLOWED I IN CENER 113 SOLID SAWN JOISTS & RAFTER NOTCHING & BORING LIMITS WFCM - Figure 3.3a b J015T/RAFTER NOTCHING LIMITS 5GALE: N.T.S. SIMPSON STRONG-TiE STAND OFF P05T BASE L_J WITH Y2" A.B. I I Z Ll I 10"4 GONG. FILLED 0 i 50NOTUBE FND. O PITH 2-#5 VMT. I I I FOOTI*IG 5A = 15"0 / \ 55 = 14"k9 / 2-#5 BARS E.W.B. EXCAVATION DEPTH UNDI5TUR5ED VIRGIN SOIL HAVING A SOIL BEARING NOT TO BE INSTALLED RBI CAPACITY OF 2.000 PSF. 1, GOH-PP 15-E 5OL5 IF SOIL WAS DISTURBED 2. 5HIFTiN6 SOILS FOR FOUNDATION 5. EXPANSIVE SOIL5 EXCAVATION THEN TO 4. TOP 50!L SAME DEPTH AS S. SUBS0!L FOOTiN65. 2 TYPICAL 50NOTUBE FWD. 5A/5B FOOTING 4 5GALE: N.T.5. (2) 2x6 P.T. Sill Plate with Sill Sealer. 5/8' a Anchor Bolts at 24' o.c. with 8" minimum embed. A.B. to extend through upper sill plate. Use Simpson Strong -Tie BSP5/8-3 HDG bearing plate with washer and nut to attach sill plates to foundation 8' thick 4.000 psi concrete foundation waft Approximate waft height 7'-10' (7'-6" from top of slab to top of wan) 144 horizontal reinforcing bar within 12" of the top of the wan and near mid -height of the waft 144 vertical reinforcing bar at 32' o.c. Waterproofing membrane shall be applied to the exterior side of the foundation waft from top of footing to the finish grade 4" thick 4,000 psi concrete slab with welded wire fabric. See Concrete Slab notes for additional Information 6 Mil Poly Vapor Barrier 4' thick minimum compacted crushed stone base (Y" to 1-Ys' stone size) 2' thick R-10 Rigid Insulation Board (OPTIONAL) 4" perforated perlmeter drain connected Into sump Install with pipe holes turned down 1 Virgin Ground having a soil bearing capacity of 2,000 psf NARY D. BRAC!KINS & ASSOCIAT M HOMES BY DE�SIG N Professional Building Doss/gners & Residential Design Speodalists 313 Main Streset FaIrhavan,Maa9achvIsat1802719 Of e:508.758.67009 Emall: GBmcktns@GDBAssoc�dates.com Websita: GDBAssodatea.s.com e BAD Professional Memhber American Institute of Buildding Design Creating where peropte live Sheet Descriptionn CONSTRUCTi ION W Z z Q i CON', DETAILS; v 0 LL 0 O i tX Lin 'tt u i L. r LL to3 z k in D .0 B o t iTRUCTION DR2AWING THESE DRAWINGS ARE VIIEREBY RELEASED BY GARY D BRAAMNS R ASSOCIATES FOR PERMIT AFPPLICATION AND BUILDING CONSTRIluCTiON. 5 H E E T 4� ' VER510N 1 Where Talent. Technology s Experience Create Unique Custom Wornes TO IA k ti I EXTERIOR FINISH NOTES 01. Exterior wall sheathing shall be APA Rated wood structural panels, minimum 112-Inch In thickness, span rated for 16-Inches, exposure 1. Attach WSP in accordance with the Braced Wall Requirements as shown in these drawing. 02. All peel and stick flashing tapes and membranes shall be butyl rubber and not bituminous. 03. Install Ice and water shield over sheathing at comers and before house wrap. 04. Install Ice and water shield over door & window flanges prior to installing trim. Flash following the recommendation of the manufacturer. 05. DO NOT USE OR ALLOW aluminum flashing to come Into direct contact or Indirect contact due to rain run-off with preservative treated wood unless the aluminum flashing has a protective coating or Ice and water shield type material covering it due to the corrosive nature of preservative treated wood. 05. House wrap shall be Typar ® Brand. It shall be Installed from the bottom of the wall upwards, extending 1 to 24nches below the bottom of the sheathing. Joints shall be lapped a minimum of 6-inches for horizontal Joints and 124nches on vertical Joints. For natural wood siding use Benjamin Obdyke Home Slicker 10 Plus Typar 0 as the house wrap. This product combines Typar house wrap with a rain slicker to allow for proper migration of moisture trapped behind the wood siding. 06. Sill pan flashing shall be Installed for all windows and doors and the bottom flap shall lap the house wrap below the opening. On the Interior side of the threshold fold and tape the exposed portion of the sill pan against the Interior edge of the threshold to create a dam to prevent outside moisture from working under the sill and into the house. After siding is Installed apply a 1-1/2 Inch strip of membrane material to the underside of the sill and the face of the siding to prevent wind driven moisture from entering under the slil. 07. Install lead flashing pan under doors & door skirt boards. 08. Seal the Interior side of windows and exterior doors with Great Stuff 0 (Dow Chemical Company) or equal low expansionfoam to prevent air and mo isture Infiltration, Do not apply horizontal beads of caulking to the exterior side of the window and door openings as it will may prevent any trapped moisture from draining outside as It follows properly lapped membranes. 09. All exterior wood trim shall be sealed or primed on all six skies before Installation. 10. Exterior roof sheathing shall be a minimum of 5/8-inch thick APA Rated wood structural panels, span rated for the roof frame members, exposure 1. Attach the WSP In accordance with the nail size and on center spacing as shown in these drawing. Use H-clips for any roof where roof framing members are on 244nch centers. 11. Install 8-Inch aluminum drip edge on roof sheathing at eave facia and rakes. 12. Roof sheathing shall be covered with 154b roofing felt underlayment as follows: -Roof slopes from 2:12 up to 4:12 shall require two layers of underlayment -Roof slopes from 4:12 and up shall require one layer of underlayment 13. Install Ice and water shield membrane underiayment over roof sheathing and drip edge at eaves In lieu of the normal underiayment. Extend the eave's edge to a point at least 244nches Inside the exterior wall line of the dwelling. 14. For open valleys lined with metal, the valley lining shall be at least 244nches wide and of any corrosive -resistant metals found In 780 CMR Table R905.2.8.2. 15.Open valleys lined with two plies of mineral surface roll roofing complying with ASTM D 249 shall be permitted. The bottom of layer shall be a minimum of 184nches In width and the top layer shall be a minimum of 364nches in width. 16. For closed valley, valley lining shall be one ply of smooth roll roofing complying with ASTM D 224 Type II or Type III and at least 364nches wide. Specialty underlayment complying with ASTM D 1970 may be used in lieu of lining material. 17. Roofing shall be 30-year architectural asphalt shingles unless otherwise specified. In some cases where an addition Is tying into an existing dwelling It may be required to match the existing roof covering. Builder shall verify with the Owner the type of roof covering to be selected. 18. Install flashing around any roof skylights in strict accordance with the manufacturers requirements. Unless otherwise shown it is the intent of the drawings to install a raised curb box with a saddle around any skylight in accordance with the manufacturers requirements. 19. Where a roof Intersects a wall extending above the roof Install Ice and water shield membrane a minimum of 12-Inches up the wall and 124nches onto the roof sheathing. If lap Is required lap upper membrane over lower a minimum of 64nches for horizontal Joints and 12-Inches for vertical Joints. 20. Where a sloped roof runs along a sidewall of the dwelling install ice and water shield membrane a minimum of 124nches up the sidewall over the wall sheathing and 124nches onto the roof sheathing. Install 5"x7" minimum aluminum step flashing with roof shingles at intersection of sidewall and roof. 21. Install 10-Inch aluminum flashing onto roof sheathing at chimney penetration. Run 5-inches up chimney and 5-inches onto roof with a minimum of 124nch Ice and water shield membrane as underlayment. Then install 5"x7" minimum aluminum step flashing with roof shingles. Cover with 8-inch lead cap flashing set into brick and folded down over step flashing. Wood chimneys will require Ice and water shield membrane extending 12-Inches up chimney wall sheathing prior to Installation of 10-inch aluminum flashing. 22. Enclosed attic and enclosed rafter spaces formed where calling are applied directly to the underside of roof rafters shall have cross ventilation or each separate space by ventilation openings protected against the entrance of rain or snow. Ventilating openings shall be provided with corrosion -resistant wire mesh with a minimum 1/8" to a maximum 1/4" opening size. Exceptions: 1. Roof assemblies where an expanding spray foam Insulation material, providing at least 40% of the total R-value of the required insulation is in direct contact with the underside of the roof deck and adjacent framing members. If the permeability of the foam material is less than two-permAnch, no vapor barrier is required. 2. Roof assemblies where a board of foam plastic Insulation material, providing at least 40% of the total R-value of the required Insulation is placed on top of the roof deck. If the permeability of the foam material is less than two permAnch, no vapor barrier Is required. Where either of the above exceptions Is taken, the following conditions must also be satisfied: 1. The roof assembly, Including the wall-to-eave4o-roof-deck connection must be made air tight as possible. 2. Thermal barrier requirements, if any shall be per 780 CMR R603.4 as applicable. 3. The roof assembly must meet the fire -resistance rating requirement of 780 CMR, when and as applicable. 4. Roofing material must be listed/warranted by its manufacturer for use in an u ivented roof system. Minimum ventilation area shall provide not less than one to 150 of the area of the space ventilated. It may be reduced to one of 300 When a vapor barrier having a perm rating not to exceed 1 perm Is installed on the warm -In -winter side of the calling. 23. This dwelling is designed for Installation of a Cor-A-Vent soffit vent and Cor-A-Vent ridge venting system, or equal. 24. All exterior wall siding shall be installed in strict compliance with the manufacturers requirements. 25. For construction of exterior decks, porches and balconies please refer to the "Deck Construction Notes" contained In these drawings. 26. Should these drawings not contain specifications for exterior trim and finishes, including deck boards and railings, the Builder shall consult with the owner to determine these materials. WOOD CONSTRUCTION NOTES 01. Dimensional lumber shall be kiln dried 19% maximum moisture content. Lumber shall meet as a minimum the following design values for Spruce -Pine -Fir (KD SPF) having a specific gravity of 0.42, unless otherwise specified: A. 2x Studs - Stud grade - Fb=675, Fv=135 Fc=725, Fcp=425 B. 2x Joists/Rafters - No. 2 Grade - Fb=875, Fv=135, Fc=1150 C. Posts - No. 1 & No. 2 Grade - Fb=875, Fv=135, Fc=1150 Fcp=425 02. FRAMING DESIGN LOADS: A. Floor Dead Load -15 PSF B. Roof Dead Load = 10 PSF C. Floor Live Load = 40 PSF D. Roof Live Load = 30 PSF E. Decks, Balconies, Porches Live Load = 60 PSF F. Attic Live Load (No Storage) = 10 PSF G. Attic Live Load (Storage) = 30 PSF h. Stairs Live Load = 60 PSF 03. Dimensional lumber shall be straight and free of defects. 04. All fastening of framing plates, sills, sheathing and other wood members shall be in accordance with the details shown and minimum requirements of 780 CMR Table R602.3(1) Massachusetts State Building Code, Table 2 of the Guide for Wood Construction In High Wind Areas for One- and Two -Family Dwellings or Table 3.1 of the Wood Frame Construction Manual. 05. All connectors shall be hot dipped galvanized meeting the requirements of ASTM A653 Class G185, as manufactured by Simpson Strong -Tie. Installation of all connectors shall be in strict compliance with the manufacturers Instructions and must employ all required fasteners. 06. Install all connector fasteners before loading the joint. 07. Split wood is not acceptable for any connections. 08. Joist shall only be notched, cut or drilled as follows: notches In the top or bottom of joists shall not exceed one -sixth of the depth of the joist, shall not be longer than one-third the depth of the member and shall not be located in the middle third of the span. Notch depth at the ends of the member shall not exceed one-fourth the jolst depth. The tension side of members four4nches or greater In nominal thickness shall not be notched except at the ends of the member. Holes drilled, bored or cut Into Joists shall not be closer than 24nches to the top or bottom of the member, or to any other hole located In the member. Where the joist is notched, the hole shall not be closer than 24nches to the notch. The diameter of the hole shall not exceed one-third the depth of the member. Cuts, notches and holes in trusses, laminated veneer lumber (LVL) Glue4aminated members or i joists are not permitted unless the effects of such penetrations are specially considered In the design of the member. 09. All exposed framing members shall be treated per AWPA C21C9/C15 0.25 and members in contact with soil shall be treated per AWPA C231C24 0.60. Job site fabrication out and bores shall be treated In accordance with AWPA STD M4. 10. All wood used for decks, balconies porches and steps exposed to the elements shall be treated or naturally weather resistant. All fasteners shall be hot dipped galvanized, stainless steel or non-ferous metal. 11. Ledger boards thru bolts (with washers) shall be a minimum of Y2" diameter, hot dipped galvanized ASTM A653 with washers, staggered every 164nches o.c. minimum, or one per joist bay, which ever Is more restrictive. Simpson Strong -Tie SDS screws may be substituted for thru bolts when used as shown In ledger details. 12. All manufactured LVL (laminated veneer lumber) wood framing components shall have the following physical properties as a minimum: A. E=1.9x10"6 PSI B.Fb=2600 C. Fv=285 13. Ail manufactured LVL wood components shall be Installed in strict compliance with the manufacturers specifications. This shall include fastening and minimum bearing surface. 14. LVL wood components shall not be notched or drilled for penetrations, other than for fasteners, unless allowed by the manufacturer. 15. Double up wood floor Joists around floor openings. 16. Joists under parallel bearing wens shall be doubled at a minimum. 17. Joists shall be supported laterally by solid blocking and/or diagonal bridging (either wood or metal) at Intervals not exceeding 8-feet o.c. 18. All wood structural panel sheathing shall be APA Performance Rated panels conforming to the following minimum requirements: A. Floor %4 Studd-I-Floor, T&G, Exposure 1, Span rating 16" B. Wall -Y" Exposure 1, Span rating 16" C. Roof -5/" Exposure 1, Span rating 16" for rafter/truss members at 16" o.c.; %" Exposure 1, Span rating 24 with H-clips for rafter/truss members at 24" o.c. 19. Provide solid blocking under all columns and at points of concentrated load transfer to foundation. 20. Provide solid blocking between Joists over beams or walls. 21. Retighten sill anchor bolts after rough framing Is completed. Check for crowning at all exterior door opening. ENGINEERED WOOD PRODUCTS 1. Engineered wood products such as laminated veneer lumber (LVL) beams and I joist framing are based upon the standards of the Engineered Wood Association (APA.ORG) or equal product, and not to a specific manufacturer, unless shown otherwise in these construction drawings. 2. Should a building official require a professional engineer's certification for any engineered wood product the builder shall have his vendor provide said certification based upon their proprietary product and its location and use. 3. The builder shall provide said certification to both the building official and the designer. 4. Substitution of any engineered wood product that varies in dimensional size or physical properties as to those specified in these drawings requires a review and approval by the designer before their use. CONCRETE 4 STEEL CONSTRUCTION See Foundation Plan and Foundation Detail Sheets for concrete and steel construction specifications and requirement. FIRE BLOCKING Firebk>cking shall be provided in wood -frame construction in the following locations: 1. In concealed spaces of stud walls and partitions, Including furred spaces and parallel roves of studs or staggered studs as follows: 1.1 Vertically at the ceiling and floor level. 1.2 Horizonatally at intervals not exceeding 10-feet. 2. Al as Inte=nnections between concealed vertical and horizontal spaces such as Occur at so'ti's, drop ceilings and cove callings. 3. Ir concealed spaces between stair stringers at the top and bottom of the run. Erd:;sed accessible space under stairs shall have walls, under stair surface and any so'"� protected on the enclosed side with 112" gypsum board. 4. At openl-Ss around vents, pipes and ducts at ceiling and floor level, with an aged mate-tal to resist the free passage of flame and products of combustion. S. For the fi-eblocking of chimneys and fireplaces. C. FireNoddng of cornices of a two-family dwelling is required at the line of dwelling uri; sepa2S0n. Fire4tbddr+g shall consist of two-inch nominal lumber, or two thicknesses of one -inch r"-inal A:rr>i~er with broken lap joints, or one thickness of 23/324nch wood structural panels wf h joins back by 23/324nch. Batts or blankets of mineral wool or glass fiber o- o'_` app-oved materials installed in such a manner as to be securely retained In ptaoe seal be permitted as an acceptable fireblock. Sa:lts or Markets of mineral wool or glass fiber or other approved non -rigid materials s'a` be pe^ri"..ed for compliance with the ten foot horizontal fireblocking in walls coast-ruCed Y&-h parallel rows of studs or staggered studs. Unfaced fiber glass batt Insuta'kn used as a fireblock shall fill the entire cross section of the wall cavity to a rri-i-�ur•t height of 16-inches measured vertically. When piping, conduit, or similar obs-ucfons a^e encountered, the insulation shall be packed tightly around the obs" jcKon. DRAFTSTOPPING In co^bus lble construction where there is usable space both above and below the corcealed space of a floor/ceiling assembly, draftstops shall be installed so that the a^ea o' Ire concealed space does not exceed 1,000 s.f. Draftstopping shall be provided in 11oo•lceiling assemblies under the following circumstances: 1. ceTing Is suspended under the floor framing 2. floo, framing is constructed of truss -type open -web or perforated members. D-a"s'opping shall not be less than Y" gypsum board, %" wood structural panels or of e- approved material. Drafting stopping shall be installed parallel to the floor fra-ning rre-rbers unless otherwise approved by the building official. DRYWALL BOARD 01. An Interior wall surfaces are to be covered in a minimum of 1/2" drywall board wft metal comer reinforcing. Tape, float and sand (3 coats). Drywall board work a-d materials shall comply with 'ANSI No A 97 I, for the Application and Finishing of Yuan Board." Joint compound system mixed, applied and finish it in compliance with rnar urfacturees printed directions. To be invisible after finished, Including all metal comet beads and trim. 02. An materials, Installation and workmanship for Tile shall comply with "ANSI Specifications Al08.4 and A108.5" and the "Handbook for Tile Installation published by e-e Tile Council of America" are hereby made part of this specification. 03. Drywall board ceilings with supports spaced more than 164nches on centers require installation of 5/8" thick drywall board. KITCHEN REQUIREMENTS 01. Exhaust hood Shan be vented to the exterior of the dwelling per the manufacturers requirements. 02. Provide plywood and blocking on walls to receive wan mounted cabinets, or o"ier items requiring additional weight support 03. All walls to receive drywall board shall be water resistant dry wall board such as Georgia -Pacifies DensArmorO board, or equal. 04. For the floors use a second layer of subflooring rotated 90° from the base subfloor. Install Schluter-DitraO uncoupling and drainage membrane. See the manufacturers website www.schluter.com/6 1 ditra.aspx for additional information, installation requirements, and availability. DO NOT USE cement backer board without the written authorization of the designer. 05. Builder shall field verify all cabinet dimensions with built conditions prior to fabrication. Countertops to be field verified with installed cabinets prior to fabrication. 06. All major kitchen appliances, including microwave oven shall be provided with a sole source circuit (electrical) with the proper amperage for that appliance. IBATP 4 CLOSET REQUIREMENTS 01. Builder shall coordinate all closet and shelving requirements with owner. 02. Provide plywood & blocking on walls for bath fixtures and all wall mounted cabinets. 03. All bathrooms are to be equipped with mechanical exhaust fans. Exhaust fans shall be a minimum of 80 cubic feet per minute discharge and vented directly to the exterior of the dwelling (not in an enclosed space such as the attic). Exhaust ventilation shall be according to the manufacturers specifications. 04. Exhaust fans shall be equipped with a delay device so that when the fan is turned -off it will continue to operate for a minimum of 10-minutes afterwards. 05. All bathroom walls and ceilings shall receive water resistant drywall board such as Georgia -Pacifies DensArmorO board, or equal. 06. All bathroom floors shall receive water resistant subflooring for resilient floors. 07. For tile floors use a second layer of subflooring rotated 90' from the base subfloor. Install Schluter-DitraS uncoupling and drainage membrane. See the manufacturers website www.schluter.com/6_1 ditra.aspx for additional information, Installation requirements, and availability. DO NOT USE cement backer board without the written authorization of the designer. WINDOWS 4 GLAZING 01. At least one window in every sleeping area shall serve as an 'Emergency Escape and Rescue Opening." All Emergency Escape and Rescue Openings shall have a minimum net clear opening of 5.7 square feet with the following exceptions: 1. Grade floor openings shall have a net clear opening of 5 square feet. 2. Double hung windows used for emergency escape shall be permitted to have a net dear opening of 3.3 square feet provided that at least one operable sash meets the minimum net clear opening of 244nches by 204nches In either direction. 02. Emergency Escape and Rescue Openings shall be operational from Inside the room without the use of keys or tools. 03. The minimum horizontal area of a window well shall be 9 s.f., with a minimum horizontal projection of 364nches. The area of the window wen shall allow the Emergency Escape and Rescue opening to be fully opened. 04. Emergency Escape and Rescue Openings shall have a maximum Of height of 444nches above the finished floor. 05. All windows located in Hazardous Locations as defined In Section R308.4 shall have safety glazing Installed Hazardous Locations are% 1. Glazing where the bottom exposed edge is less than 604nches above the floor of any bathroom. 2. Glazing In swinging doors. 3. Glazing In fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies. 4. Glazing In storm doors. 5. Glazing within a 24-inches arc of a door in a dosed position and whose bottom edge is less than 604nches above the floor. 6. Any glazing meeting all of the following: a. exposed area of an individual panel greater than 9 s.f. b. bottom edge less than 184nches above the floor. c. top edge greater than 36-Inches above the floor. d, one or more walking surfaces within 364nches horizontally of the glazing. 7. All glazing In railings regardless of area or height above walking surface. 8. Glazing in walls and fences enclosing Indoor or outdoor swimming pools, hot tubs or spas where the bottom edge Is less than 60-Inches above the walking surface and within 60-inches horizontally of the waters edge. 9. Glazing adjacent to stairways, landings and ramps within 36-Inches horizontally of a walking surface when the exposed surface of the glass is less than 604nches above the plane of the adjacent walking surface, within 604nches horizontally of the bottom tread of a stairway In any direction when the exposed surface of the glass is less than 604nches above the nose of the thread. 06. In dwelling units, where the opening of an operable window Is located more than 72 Inches above the finished grade or surface below, the lowest part of the dear opening of the window shall be a minimum of 24 Inches above the finished floor of the room In which the window is located. Operable sections of windows shall not permit openings that allow passage of a 4 Inch diameter sphere where such openings are located within 24 Inches of the finished floor. Exceptions: 1. Windows whose openings will not allow a 44nch diameter (102 mm) sphere to pass through the opening when the opening Is in its largest opened position. 2. Openings that are provided with window fall prevention devices that comply with Section R612.3. 3. Openings that are provided with fall prevention devices that comply with ASTM F 2090. 4. Windows that are provided with opening limiting devices that comply with Section R612.4. 07. All windows shall be Installed In strict compliance with the manufacturers recommendations & requirements. WINDBORNE DEBRIS ZONE This dwelling site Is located within a WindBome Debris Zone as defined in 780 CMR "Massachusetts State Building Code for One- and Two -Family Dwellings. This is identlfled as any area within hurricane -prone regions within one -mile of the coastal mean high water line where the basic wind speed Is 110 miles per hour or greater. Windows In dwellings located In Windbome Debris Zones shall have glazed openings protected from wndbome debris shall meet the requirements of Large Missile Test of ASTM E 1996 and of ASTM E 1886. This may be accomplished through the use of Impact resistant windows or 7/16-Inch thick wood structural panels with a maximum span of 8-feet. They shall be labeled for each window location and pre -drilled for mounting hardware and/or fasteners. Fasteners shall be at a minimum 2-1/24nch long #6 wood screws (DO NOT USE DRYWALL SCREWS) at every 94nches on centers along the panel edge. Builder shall provide labeled panels and fasteners to the client. Even though It is not a requirement of the State Building Code, the Designer recommends construction of the wood structural panels to meet the requirements of the APA's (Engineered Wood Association) Hurricane Shutters. This Information may be found on their website www.APAWOOD.ORG. The third option is the use of a State approved shuttering system. As selected for this project: [ ] Impact resistant windows [ ] Labeled plywood panels & fasteners [ ] Approved shuttering system [ ] Combination (mark all that apply) FIRE DETECTION EQUIPMENT Detection equipment shall be of a type, and installed as required by the Town of X Fire Department. GARY Qj. BRACKINS g A`'''OCIATM HOMES' BY DESIGN Protessionnnl Building Designers d Residentitia/ Design Specialists 3133"Main Street Fairhaven,{Massachusetts02719 Offv.1-m 508.758.6708 Email: GBra6*ins@GDBAssociates.com Websi;e: f GDBAssociates.com A I D Professional Member American Instititute of Building Design I Creating iwhere p oe plc live I Sheeet Description GEINERA L N'(OTES W Z Z d 2.2 L' Z wK n a N rn 0 W a M CONSTRU=TION DRAWINGS THESE DRAWANGS ARE HEREBY RELEASEDr9Y GARY D BRACKINS & ASSOCIATES IFFOR PERMIT APPLICATION AND BUILLOING CONSTRUCTION. 5 FH E E T 5 C--\/ {ON 1.3 Where Talent. Technology s Experience Create Unique-fCustom Homes Tm N Al SIDE VIEW 0 6" TIMBERLOK O FASTENER 420 Ibs uplift resistance 320 Ibs lateral & shear resistance ` Use a 6" FastenMaster Timberl-OK Fastener • Where the truss Is aligned directly over the wall stud, insert fastener point where the bottom of the top plate and the top of the stud meet (Side View A) ' Where the truss is located between two studs, insert fastener point on bottom surface of the top plate no greater than 1/2" from Inside edge of the plate (Side View B) ` Drive fastener through underside of the top plate at 22-1/2' angle (+/-59) and Into the center of the truss. Fastener must be driven Into the center of the 1-1/2" truss chord edge (+/1/4") with the threads fully engaged In the truss chords (bottom chord, top chord or both are TimberLOK fastener (see Side View B) TlmberLOK fastener) (see Slde Mew A) Note: altemate Installations are available see TER 1105-02 acceptable) NO T E: Bring the fastener head flush with the wood surface. FOR COMPLETE DESIGN VALUES AND ENGINEERING DATA, AVAILABLE THROUGH TECHNICAL EVALUATION REPORT 1105-02, AND ESR#1078, AVAILABLE@ WWW.FASTENMASTER.COM �1 TYPICAL RAFTER/TRUSS-TO-WALL CONNECTION WITH TIMSERLOK ® FASTENER 6J SCALE: N.T,8, 4 TYPICAL ROOF -TO -WALL 0ONNEC-o0N SEE TABLE 12 OF GUIDE TO WOOD C01,45TRUC, IN HIGH WIND AREAS BY AF4PA/AriC SPAN = 24' SPACING = 16" O.G. UPLIFT = 26q LBS PER RAA T LATERAL = 176 LBS PER RA'="=R SHEAR = "n L55 PER RA= 'Z BUILDER TO USE (3)8d COMMON TOE -NAILS oER RAFTER TO PROVIDE 225 LB5 LATERAL d SHEAR RESISTANCE H1 OR H2.5 HURRICANE TIE PER RAFTER TO PROViD= A MINIMUM OF 565 LB5 OF UPLIFT RESISTA..4CE TYPICAL FLOOR A55E-BLY FINISH FLOORING SELECTED BY 5/4" T46 APA PERFORMANCE RATED SHEA 7 -l'NG SPAN 16", EXPOS1,2 I TOP OF SUBFLR LEVEL WITH EXITING 2X12 JOISTS AT 16" O.G. OR q-Y.2 PRI-40 I -JOISTS AT 16' O.G. 1x3 STRAPPING TO BOTTOM OF JOISTS AT 16' O.G. Y2" G.W.B. CELNG R-30 UNFAGED BATT INSULATION FOR 50JND TYPICAL STAIRS MINIMUM CLEAR HEADROOM TO BE 6-5" (5) 2x12 STRINGERS NV2x4 ATTACHED TO SIDE OF STRINGER ALONG BOTTOM EDGE # RISERS d RISER HEIGHT TO BE FIELD DETERMfNED MAX. RISER HEIGHT 5-1/4" MINIMUM TREAD DEPTH cr 1" NOSING (1-1/2" MAX.) MAX. OPENING BETWEEN RAILS t BALLUSTERS SHALL NOT EXCEED 4-NCHES (CLEAR OPENIN(S) TOP OF HANDRAIL SHALL BE 56-INCHES ABOVE THE FLOOR HANDRAILS ADJACENT TO WALLS SHALL BE NOT LE55 THAN 1-1/2" FROM r0LL HANDRAILS SHALL BE BETWEEN 1-1/4" TO 2" zz� 12 I- / TYPICAL RIDGE RIDGE VENT 2x10 RIDGE BRD. 2x6 COLLAR TIES AT 16" O.G. TYPICAL GEILNG ASSEMBLY 2x8 CEILING JOISTS AT 16" O.G. 1x3 STRAPPING AT 16" O.G. Y2" G.Y'I.B. CEILING R-4q INSULATION 3-16d COMMON PER FOOT TYPICAL FLUSH BEAM — — — _ (2)2x8 PT 5P FLUSH BEAM LUS210 irl SET INTO NOTCHED 6x6 LUS28Z LUS28Z Y2"0 THROUGH BOLT •' ABU66Z • (2)1-9/4xq-Y2 1.115 LVL FLUSH BEAM Q a a � TYPICAL BASEMENT SLAB UNDISTURBED VIRGIN 501E 4" THICK 4,000 P51 CONCRETE SLAB HAVING A 501L BEARING WITH WELDED WIRE MESH FABRIC CAPACITY OF 2,000 P5F 6 MIL POLY VAPOR BARRIER ' MINIMUM 4" COMPACTED CRUSHED STONE BASE UNDISTURBED VIRGIN 501L � UNDISTURBED VIRGIN SOIL HAVING A 501L BEARING HAVING A SOIL BEARING CAPACITY OF 2,000 P5F CAPACITY OF 2,000 PSF TYPICAL ROOF d CEILING ASSEMBLY SHINGLES WITH 110 MPH BASIC, WIND SPEED ATTACHMENT PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATION ROOFING PAPER 5/a" APA PERFORMANCE RATED SHEATHING, SPAN 16", EXP05UR== I 2x8 RAFTERS AT 16" O.G. 2x8 CEILING JOISTS AT 16" O.G. 2x6 COLLAR TIES AT 16" O.G. 1x3 STRAPPING AT 16" O.G. Y," G.W.B. CEILING R-4q CEILING INSULATION INSULATION BAFFLES AT EAVES TYPICAL FACIA a SOFFIT 1x8 FACIA BRD, 2x6 SUBFACIA 2x6 SOFFIT RETURN BLOCKING 2 ROWS 1x3 STRAPPING A" VENTED SOFFIT TYPICAL EXTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLY WALL HEIGHT FIELD DETERMIND SIDING TO MATCH EXISTING BUILDING WRAP (TYPAR OR EG.) Ys" APA PERFORMANCE RATED 5HEATHIN6 SPAN 16", EXPOSURE I 2x6 WOOD STUDS AT 16" O.G. CONTINUOUS FROM SILL PLATE TO TOP PLATES AT STAIRWELL Y2" G.W.B. INTERIOR R-21 BATT INSULATION TYPICAL EXTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLY 51DING TO MATCH EXISTING BUILDING WRAP M(PAR OR EG.) Y2" APA PERFORMANCE RATED SHEATHING SPAN 16", EXPOSURE I 2xb WOOD STUDS AT 16" O.G. CONTINUOUS FROM SILL PLATE TO TOP PLATES Y2" G.W.B. INTERIOR R-21 BATT INSULATION 3-16d COMMON TYPICAL SILL PLATES PER FOOT DBL. 2x6 SILL PLATE W/51LL SEALER BOTTOM PLATE PT 5P %" (P A.B. AT 52" O.G. W/T EMBEDMENT SIMP50N 51"55/8-3 BEARING PLATE WITH WASHER d NUT TYPICAL FOUNDATION WALL 8" WIDE 4,000 P51 CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL TOP OF FOUNDATION 13" LOWER THAN TOP OF SUBFLR #4 HORIZONTAL BARS AT MID -HEIGHT AND WITHIN 12" OF TOP OF FOUNDATION #4 VERTICAL BAR AT 52" O.G. DAMP -PROOFING FROM TOP OF FOOTING TO FINISH GRADE FOOTING 10"x20" 4,000 PSI CONCRETE FOOTING WITH (2)#5 HORIZONTAL BARS FOOTING A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 48" BELOW FINISH GRADE, AND TO AN UNDISTURBED VIRGIN SOIL HAVING A BEARING CAPACITY OF 2,000 P5F 1 TYPICAL SECTION 6 SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" GARYf D. BRACKINS ASSOCIATES NOME-'S BY DESIGN P ofessxkmal Building Designers & Residrinntial Design Specialists 3, 0 Matn Street FalrhevjFen,Msesaehusetts02719 EOM 508.758.8708 Emafl: G�ttrackinsOGDBAssodates.com Webbette: GDBAssoclates.com Q BD PrImfessional Member American I Institute of Building Design Creatimolinhere pe p ee live SSheet Description T"yPICAL SCECTION U et 0 N z ti Q 0 a) Q o J M Qz rn w z V C w U N o� � � W .8 z LLL o� a u�i0 $ o CONSTR-,=TION DRAwim3s THESE DRAWINGS ARE HEREBY ` RELEA:CFD BY GARY D BRACKINS d ASSOCIA3YcS FOR PERMIT APPLICATION AND E :UILDING coNSTRucTION. H E F T 1 R C�/ER510N�15 Where Talent, Technology s Experienee Create Unigtue Custom 14omes TMt �y A at og 99 �v SIMPSON STRONG-TiE Wood Construction Connectors IMPORTANT INFORMATION & GENERAL NOTES GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE INSTALLER These general Instructions for the Installer are provided to ensure proper selection and installation of Simpson Strong -Tie Company Inc. products and must be followed carefully. These general instructlons are In addition to the specific Installation Instructions and notes provided for each particular product, all of which should be consulted prior to and during Installation of Simpson Strong -Tie Company Inc. products. a. All specified fasteners must be Installed according to the Instructions in this catalog. Incorrect fastener quantity, size, placement, type, material, or finish may cause the connection to fail. Prior to using a particular fastener, please consult the Fastener Guide in this catalog. 16d fasteners are common naffs (0.162" dia. x 3 1 /2' long) and cannot be replaced with 16d sinkers (0.148" dia. x 31/4" long) for full load value unless otherwise specified. Unless otherwise noted screws may not be used to replace Halls In connectors unless approved and recommended by the DeslgnerlEngineer of Record. Unless stated otherwise, Simpson Strong -Tie cannot and does not make any representations regarding the suitability of use or load -carrying capacities of connectors with screws replacing nails. When using stainless -steel connectors, use stalniess-steel fasteners. When using ZMAX®/HDG galvanized connectors, use fasteners that meet the zinc coating specifications of ASTM Al53 or other fasteners allowed In this catalog. b. Fill all fastener holes as specified In the Installation Instructions for that product. Refer to page 17 for the requirements of the various shapes of fastener hole. c. Do not overdrive nails. Overdriven naps reduce shear capacity. d. Use the materials specified In the Installation instructions. Substitution of or failure to use specified materials may cause the connection to fall. e. Do not add fastener holes or otherwise modify Simpson Strong-Tte Company Inc. products. The performance of modified products may be substantially weakened. Simpson Strong -Tie will not warrant or guarantee the performance of such modified products. f. Install products in the position specified In the catalog. g. Do not after installation procedures from those set forth in this catalog. h. The proper use of certain products requires that the product be bent. For those products, Installers must not bend the product more than one time (one full cycle). L Bolt holes shall beat least a minimum of 1132" and no more than a maximum of 1/16" larger than the bolt diameter (per the 2005 NOS, section 11.1.2. and AISI NASPEC, section E3a if applicable) . J. Install all specified fasteners before loading the connection. k. Some hardened fasteners may have premature failure If exposed to moisture. These fasteners are recommended to be used In dry Interior applications. I. Use proper safety equipment. m. Welding galvanized steel may produce harmful fumes; follow proper welding procedures and safety precautions. Welding should be in accordance with A.W.S. (American Welding Society) standards. lkisss othervse nC.ed Simpson Sxong-TIMD connectors cannot be welded. n. Pneumatic or powder -actuated fasteners may deflect and Injure the operator or others. Pneumatic nap tools may be used to install connectors, provided the correct quantity and type of nails (length a,%d d-a" Ier) are property Installed In the nail holes. Tools with nail hole -locating mechanisms should be used. Follow the manufacturer's Instructions and use the appropriate safety equipment. Overdriving nails may reduce allowable loads. Contact Simpson Strong -Tie. Powder -actuated fasteners should not be used to install connectors. o. Joist shall bear completely on the connector seat, and the gap between the joist end and the header shop not exceed 1/8" per ICC-ES AC261 and ASTM D7147 test standards (unless specifically noted cM+e`Wfse). p. For holdowns, anchor bolt nuts should be finger -tight plus 113 to 112 turn with a hand wrench, with consideration given to possible future wood shrinkage. Care should be taken to not over -torque the nL:O t-+oact wrenches should not be used as they may preload the holdown. q. Holdowns and Tension Ties may be raised off the sill as dictated by fleld conditions to accommodate an anchor mislocated no more than 1 1/2". The holdown shall be raised off the sill at least 3" for every 114' Chat the anchor is o*`set from the model's centerline (as defined on pages 37 to 41 to maximum of 1". Anchor bolt slope shag be no greater than 1:12 (or 5 degrees). Contact the Designer If the holdown anchor Is offset more then 11/2" or raised more than 6". Raised holdown height Is measured from the top of concrete to the top of the holdown bearing plate. r. Fasteners are permitted to be Installed through metal truss plates when approved by the Truss Designer In accordance with ANSIITPI 1-2007, Section 8.9.2. Installation of Simpson Strong -Tie® Strong T screws (SOS) ew-jugh mewl connector plates requires the plates to be pre -drilled using a maximum of a 5132" bit. Do not drive nails through the truss plate on the opposite side of single -ply trusses which could force the plate off the truss. s. For cold -formed steel applications, an screws shall be installed in accordance with the screw manufacturer's recommendations. All screws shall penetrate and protrude through the joined materials a rrir+ of 3 full exposed t"ueads per AISI Standard for Cold Formed Steel Framing - General Provisions, section D1.3, If applicable. t. Nuts shall be installed such that the end of the threaded rod or bolt Is at least flush with the top of the nut. u. When Installing hurricane ties on the inside of the wall special considerations must be taken to prevent condensation on the inside of the completed structure In cold climates. WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION MANUAL 139 Table 3.1 Nailing Schedule 3 Number of Number of Nap Joint Description Common Nails Box Nails Sparing ROOF FRAMING Rafter to Top Plate (Toe -nailed) 3-8d common 3-10d box per rafter Gelling Joist to Top Plate (Toe -Walled) 3-8d common 3-10d box per joist WALL SHEATHING Structural Panels 8d 10d (see Table 3.11) Fiberboard Panels 3* / 6" field 7116" 6d3 edge 25/32" 8d3 - 3" edge 16"field Gypsum Wallboard 5d coolers 5d coolers 7" edge / 10" field Hardboard Sd 8d (see Table 3.11) Particleboard Panels 8d 8d (see manufacturer) Diagonal Board Sheathing 1"x6"or1"x8" 2-8d 2-10d per suppo AWC Guide to Wood Construction in High Wind Area -110 MPH Wind Zone Exposure B Massachusetts Checklist for Compliance (780 CMR R3201.2.1.1) 0 Check 1.1 SCOPE Compliance Double Top Plate Wrid Speed (3-second gust) 110 MPH ✓ Splice length figure 13 & Table 6 8' Wind Exo sure Category B ✓ Splice connection (#16d a nays) Table 6 8-16d P 1.2 APPLICABILITY Number of Stories (a roof which exceeds 8 in 12 slope shall be considered a story) 2 Stories < 2 Stories ✓ Roof Pitch figure 2 8112 < 12 / 12 ✓ Mean Roof Height figure 2 22' < TY ✓ Building Width W figure 3 14' 780' ✓ Building Length L figure 3 14.9 < 80' Building Aspect Ratio figure 4 1.0 -11 Nominal Height of Tallest Opening figure 4 6'-8' ✓ 1.3 FRAMING CONNECTIONS General compliance with framing connections (Table 2) ✓ 2.1 FOUNDATION Foundation walls meeting requirements of 780 CMR R404.1 ✓ Concrete Concrete Masonry NIA 22 ANCHORAGE TO FOUNDATION Anchor bolt Imbedded or Proprietary mechanical anchors as an alternative In concrete only ✓ Bolt Sparing - General Table 4 32" O.C. Bolt Spacing from end/joint of plate figure 5 6"-12" < 6' -12" ✓ Bolt Embedment - concrete figure 5 7" < 7" ✓ Bolt Embedment - masonry figure 5 > 15" ✓ Plate Washer figure 5 SPS5/8-3 > 3'x3'xY.' 3.1 FLOORS Floor framing member spans checked ✓ Maximum floor opening dimension figure 6 11' < 12' ✓ Fun height wall studs at floor opening less ✓ than 2' from exterior wall figure 6 YES Maximum floor joist setback supporting load bearing wall or shear wan figure 7 a ✓ Maximum cantnevered floor joists supporting ✓ load beaming wall or shear wall figure 8 0' ✓ Floor bracing at endways flgure 9 YES ✓ Floor sheathing type T&G ✓ Floor sheathing thickness %" ✓ Floor sheathing fastening 8d nails at 6" o.c. In edge, 12" in field 4.1 WALLS Wall Height Load bearing walls figure 10 & Table 5 8'1 < 10' ✓ Non -load bearing ways figure 10 & Table 5 8't < 21Y ✓ Way stud sparing figure 10 & Table 5 16' D.C. ✓ Way story offset figures 7 & 8 0' 4.2 EXTERIOR WALLS Wood Studs Load bearing walls Table 5 2x6 8'-0"t ✓ Non -load bearing ways Table 5 2x4 8'-0"t ✓ Gable end wall bracing: Full height endwall studs figure 10 ✓ WSP attic floor length figure 11 > W/3 Gypsum ceiling length (if WSP not used) flgure 11 > 0.9W and 2x4 continuous lateral brace at 6' o.c. ✓ or 1 x3 ceiling furring strips at 16' o.c. spacing minimum with 2x4 blocking at 4' spacing in end joist or truss bays Load bearing wall connection Table 7 3-16d commom per ft.Non bad -bearing wan connection Table 8 3-16d common per ft. Load bearing wall opening Header Span Table 9 Ti < 11' Sill Plate Span Table 9 T. < 11' Full Height Studs (no. of studs) Table 9 2 Kings + 1 Jack Non -bad bearing wan opening Header Span Table 9 31 < 12' Sill Plate Span Table 9 Ti < 12' Full Height Studs (no. of studs) Table 9 2 Kings + 1 Jack Exterior wall sheathing to resist shear and uplift simultaneously Minimum Building Width W 14' Nominal height of tallest opening 6'-8" Sheathing Type y2" Edge Nall Spacing 4' o.c. Field Nail Spacing 12' o.c. Shear Connection (no. 16d naps) 3-16d per foot Percent full height sheathing 6' 5% additional for waft with opening > -8" Minimum Building Length L 14.5' Nominal height of tallest opening 6'-8" Sheathing Type Yz" Edge Nall Sparing 4' o.c. Field Nail Spacing 12" o.c. Shear Connection (no. 16d naps) 3-16d per foot Percent full height sheathing 5% additional for wan 6' with opening > -8" Wall cladding rated for wind speed 5.1 ROOFS Roof framing member spans checks? Roof overhang 1' < Z or L/3 Truss or rafter connection at load bearing wall Proprietary connectors Uplift 269 lbs. 365 Ibs provided Lateral 177 Ibs 225 Ibs provided Shear 77 Ibs 225 Ibs provided Ridge strap connection Instead of collar tle Table 13 Gable rake outlooker 0' < Tor L/3 FLUSH RAKE Truss or rafter connection at non -load bearing wall Proprietary connectors Uplift Lateral (no. 16d common nails) 3-16d common per foot Roof sheathing type APA Rated Roof sheathing thickness' Roof sheathing fastening 8d commons at 6" o.c. along edgte, 12" o.c. in field Q Check Compliance Notes: 1. This checklist shall be met In Its entirety, excluding the specific exception noted In 2, to comply with the requirements of 780 CMR R301.2.1.1 Item 1. If the checklist is met In its entirety then the following metal straps and holdowns or not required per the WFCM 110 mph Guide. a. Steel straps per Figure 5 b. 20 Gage straps per Figure 11 c. Uplift straps per Figure 14 d. All Straps per Figure 17 e. Comer stud holdowns per Figure 18a and 18b 2. Exception: Opening heights of up to 8' shall be permitted when 5 % is added to the percent of full height sheathing requirements shown In Tables 10 & 11 3. The bottom sill plate shall be a minimum 2' nominal thickness pressure treated #2 grade 4. From Tables 10 & 11 and location of wall sheathing and Building Aspect Ratio, determine percent of full height sheathing and nap sparing requirements ✓ This design has demonstrated compliance with the requirements of the Massachusetts State Building Code for One- and Two -Family Dwelling by meeting the requirements of the Massachusetts Check List for Compliance shown above. GARY'iD. BRACKINS & A.E�SOCiATES HOME IS BY DESIGN Professional Building Designers & Residential Design Specialists 31*'3 Main Street FaIrhavern.Ma9sochusett 902719ce O.'f.1: 508.758.6708 Emall: G8reca6dns0GDBAssodates.com WebeiWe: GDBAssodates.com AI BD Prohfessional Member American linstitute of Building Design Creatinw were people ee live Srneet Description COW PLIANCE CHEECKLIST 8 N'/AILING SC;IHEDULE z 0 0 Q to L' 7— o c� a a < rn c Ein E M Z I r CONSTUCTION DRAWINGS THEfr:= DRAWINGS ARE HEREBY RELEA-4SED BY GARY D SRACKINS & ASSOCIAITES FOR PERMIT APPLICATION AND V5UILDING CONSTRUCTION. H E F T 1 7 C` VERSION 1.8 Where Talent, Technology s Experlenee Create Unitrjue Custom Homes Load bearing wall connection Table 7 3-16d commom per ft.Non bad -bearing wan connection Table 8 3-16d common per ft. Load bearing wall opening Header Span Table 9 Ti < 11' Sill Plate Span Table 9 T. < 11' Full Height Studs (no. of studs) Table 9 2 Kings + 1 Jack Non -bad bearing wan opening Header Span Table 9 31 < 12' Sill Plate Span Table 9 Ti < 12' Full Height Studs (no. of studs) Table 9 2 Kings + 1 Jack Exterior wall sheathing to resist shear and uplift simultaneously Minimum Building Width W 14' Nominal height of tallest opening 6'-8" Sheathing Type y2" Edge Nall Spacing 4' o.c. Field Nail Spacing 12' o.c. Shear Connection (no. 16d naps) 3-16d per foot Percent full height sheathing 6' 5% additional for waft with opening > -8" Minimum Building Length L 14.5' Nominal height of tallest opening 6'-8" Sheathing Type Yz" Edge Nall Sparing 4' o.c. Field Nail Spacing 12" o.c. Shear Connection (no. 16d naps) 3-16d per foot Percent full height sheathing 5% additional for wan 6' with opening > -8" Wall cladding rated for wind speed 5.1 ROOFS Roof framing member spans checks? Roof overhang 1' < Z or L/3 Truss or rafter connection at load bearing wall Proprietary connectors Uplift 269 lbs. 365 Ibs provided Lateral 177 Ibs 225 Ibs provided Shear 77 Ibs 225 Ibs provided Ridge strap connection Instead of collar tle Table 13 Gable rake outlooker 0' < Tor L/3 FLUSH RAKE Truss or rafter connection at non -load bearing wall Proprietary connectors Uplift Lateral (no. 16d common nails) 3-16d common per foot Roof sheathing type APA Rated Roof sheathing thickness' Roof sheathing fastening 8d commons at 6" o.c. along edgte, 12" o.c. in field Q Check Compliance Notes: 1. This checklist shall be met In Its entirety, excluding the specific exception noted In 2, to comply with the requirements of 780 CMR R301.2.1.1 Item 1. If the checklist is met In its entirety then the following metal straps and holdowns or not required per the WFCM 110 mph Guide. a. Steel straps per Figure 5 b. 20 Gage straps per Figure 11 c. Uplift straps per Figure 14 d. All Straps per Figure 17 e. Comer stud holdowns per Figure 18a and 18b 2. Exception: Opening heights of up to 8' shall be permitted when 5 % is added to the percent of full height sheathing requirements shown In Tables 10 & 11 3. The bottom sill plate shall be a minimum 2' nominal thickness pressure treated #2 grade 4. From Tables 10 & 11 and location of wall sheathing and Building Aspect Ratio, determine percent of full height sheathing and nap sparing requirements ✓ This design has demonstrated compliance with the requirements of the Massachusetts State Building Code for One- and Two -Family Dwelling by meeting the requirements of the Massachusetts Check List for Compliance shown above. GARY'iD. BRACKINS & A.E�SOCiATES HOME IS BY DESIGN Professional Building Designers & Residential Design Specialists 31*'3 Main Street FaIrhavern.Ma9sochusett 902719ce O.'f.1: 508.758.6708 Emall: G8reca6dns0GDBAssodates.com WebeiWe: GDBAssodates.com AI BD Prohfessional Member American linstitute of Building Design Creatinw were people ee live Srneet Description COW PLIANCE CHEECKLIST 8 N'/AILING SC;IHEDULE z 0 0 Q to L' 7— o c� a a < rn c Ein E M Z I r CONSTUCTION DRAWINGS THEfr:= DRAWINGS ARE HEREBY RELEA-4SED BY GARY D SRACKINS & ASSOCIAITES FOR PERMIT APPLICATION AND V5UILDING CONSTRUCTION. H E F T 1 7 C` VERSION 1.8 Where Talent, Technology s Experlenee Create Unitrjue Custom Homes Q Check Compliance Notes: 1. This checklist shall be met In Its entirety, excluding the specific exception noted In 2, to comply with the requirements of 780 CMR R301.2.1.1 Item 1. If the checklist is met In its entirety then the following metal straps and holdowns or not required per the WFCM 110 mph Guide. a. Steel straps per Figure 5 b. 20 Gage straps per Figure 11 c. Uplift straps per Figure 14 d. All Straps per Figure 17 e. Comer stud holdowns per Figure 18a and 18b 2. Exception: Opening heights of up to 8' shall be permitted when 5 % is added to the percent of full height sheathing requirements shown In Tables 10 & 11 3. The bottom sill plate shall be a minimum 2' nominal thickness pressure treated #2 grade 4. From Tables 10 & 11 and location of wall sheathing and Building Aspect Ratio, determine percent of full height sheathing and nap sparing requirements ✓ This design has demonstrated compliance with the requirements of the Massachusetts State Building Code for One- and Two -Family Dwelling by meeting the requirements of the Massachusetts Check List for Compliance shown above. GARY'iD. BRACKINS & A.E�SOCiATES HOME IS BY DESIGN Professional Building Designers & Residential Design Specialists 31*'3 Main Street FaIrhavern.Ma9sochusett 902719ce O.'f.1: 508.758.6708 Emall: G8reca6dns0GDBAssodates.com WebeiWe: GDBAssodates.com AI BD Prohfessional Member American linstitute of Building Design Creatinw were people ee live Srneet Description COW PLIANCE CHEECKLIST 8 N'/AILING SC;IHEDULE z 0 0 Q to L' 7— o c� a a < rn c Ein E M Z I r CONSTUCTION DRAWINGS THEfr:= DRAWINGS ARE HEREBY RELEA-4SED BY GARY D SRACKINS & ASSOCIAITES FOR PERMIT APPLICATION AND V5UILDING CONSTRUCTION. H E F T 1 7 C` VERSION 1.8 Where Talent, Technology s Experlenee Create Unitrjue Custom Homes E�2SHIP/AUTHORIZED AGENT . SECTION 2. PROPERTY �Wt1! x 2 Owner Record:. OPI! 0.-1 903 0*-2 Name (print) Contact Address Phone Number 2.2 Authorized Agent: Name (print) Contact Address Phone Number IC�N SER�ICESSECTION3 : :CONSTRUCT - 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor/Specialty License: License Number: Company Name/Contractor Name: Address: Expiration Date: Signature: Telephone: 3.2 Homeowner Exemption - One & Two Family Only Section 110.R5.1.3.1 Exception: FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section; provides that if a Homeowner engages a persor(s) for hire to do such work, that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only, a "Homeowner" is defined as follows: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures: A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. 1 1f you are applying under this sectio sign b ow: Signature: SECTION 4-'V�CRKERS C�?MPENSAI`ION4INSURANCE.AFI=IAV1T 11�iGL,c:'i52: Z5 .., Worker's Compensation Insurance Affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached: ❑ Yes ❑ No u e SECTIONS-DESCRLPTION Q�::PRGPCySEallC}RK Check ail a / ,cab e r:: _ r _ i I p ❑ Deck ❑ Pool ❑ Repairs ❑ Alteration ❑ Chimney/Fireplace ❑ Woodstove/Pellet Stove ❑ New Construction* ❑ Accessory Bldg. ❑ Addition ❑ Roofing/Siding ❑ Replacement window/door (Energy report required) (Shed/Garage) (Energy report required) No. of windows Doors DEMOLITION (specify): Location of debris remover MGL C.40 Sec 54): YDumpster on site ❑ Dumpster On Street �CT�l Facility Name: � Location: *If new construction, please complete the following: Single Family-, No. of Bedrooms No. of Baths Two Family: No of Bedrooms Unit 1 No. of Baths Unit 1 No of Bedrooms Unit 2 No. of Baths Unit 2 ❑ Furnace (ho L air) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ Boiler (heating) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ HVAC (combined unit) - primary fuel, natural gas, propane, electricity, other (specify): ❑ Air condition=ng - (separate unit) ❑ None of the above to be provided 0 Hot Water: Gas Electric Fuel Oil Other RESIDENTIAL al _ • ,,{ .l~ 0 APPLICATION FEE NON RE-VVINDAMLE • _'j _ H A .p B'. B _ is t LJ CONSTRUCTION SITE PLAN