PP-54034 � � � , tea _z - TOWN OPDARTMpUTH 803 4 BUILDING RECEIPTS COLLECTOR'S OFFICE Name: r � •� - /�j. ,' �f �" Prb er /! ��,�. Dater .,,�i �. - Owner:.. > ,!-E � ,._�`- - > Job Location: /., ` /v/ i j i / �,%! White Copy-Collector's Office Plot / / '� Lot: I j r TOWN OF DARTMOUTH yellow Copy-Customer's Receipt �' 4 COLLECTORS OFFICE, Pink Copy-File Copy Green Copy-.Building Department Phone: „ %:a AUG 1.1 2008 I� Description General Ledger#'s MA-lif. / Amount License&Permits-Building 01000-44105 License&Permits-Building Misc. 01000-44105 -License&Permits-Electrical 01000-44106 License&Permits-Plumbing&Gas 01000-44107 /' �!/ s �; Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 This is not a Permit or License for Building,Plumbing or Gas Received By: ✓f �11, MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DO PLUMBING Fall River, Mass. Type of Occupancy-COMMERCIAL ❑ RESIDENTIAL E Owners Name,,; //;q//co Owners Address //6s teeeD yea, Building Location V irg ;y Date -- //_t 8 New. Er Renovation ❑ Replacement ❑ Plans Submitted n 111 bdhHh : IhhidI BASEMENT P / 1st mat2na g / th 1 1( 4th FLOOR FLCOR . 9), 5th Heat Li6th ELME 7th MOM 8th MOOR Installing Company Name E'ER " eta x Item% Check One: Certificate Address Rt/ (,tPT't h) Circle ❑ Corp. City _y-1 / State _ Zip Code 62&7k ❑ Partner Business Telephone: /-y/_ 429- 7 /42 0 Firm/Co. ( Name of Licensed Plumber or GasfitterINAltect : Cheek One: .t .I have a current liability insurance policy or its vdastantia1 equivalent. Yes coot If you have checked yes, please indicate the type coverage by checking the apprcpriate bloc. A liability insurance polity Er Other type of indemnity 0 Bond ❑ OM R'S INSURANCZ WAIVER: I as aware that the licensee does lot have the insurance coverage cognized by chaprer 142 of the Mass. General laws, and that ray rig nitare en this p Trait application waives this requiraent. Check One: Signature of O er•s ?gent 0 Aiu,t .d Q , I hereby certify that all of the details aid information I have=twitted (cc entered) in above application are tore aid accurate to the best of my lbevladge and that all pl,aming work aid installations perfo cad under the retlait issued for this application will be in amp/lance with all pertinent pawistais of the Massachusetts State cgs aid thapter 142 of the General laws_ oY Title Type of License: `i�� irt }Q' . Il posrfR Signature f Licensed Plumber City/1Uat .luaulemm License Herber 3 V` ca 7 IS-CODE-012 1 .. , •. 67417-\ . . , x (N \ Adce--c, l . • \ Ii 16(i` E: -1 V C.) a z F z F � R a 01 H a (_�W( 1GM • . . E . m , � H w F c z . o t to ra a 0 HH a0a id: ¢`� z a c� � .c o z 3 a 1-1 a __ H a Q z H Li. ,I