Misc. Docs i i Pc G L 77 i a"' DARTMOUTH SOIL CONSERVATION BOARDFILE yip oI r. 4" P. O. SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MASS. 02748 �Q� 11i� OCTOBER 7 , 198e I • Alberto Paiva. 1157 Reed Road No . Dartmouth , Ma 0 747 Dear Mr . r'•'aiva : 1 At the Dartmouth Soil Conservation Board meeting; of • ' .her- ...tri , i reported that you have e not completed the ioamincj and seeding of your property . Inasmuch as the fall is an excellent time to do this type of wort the 8aarcd • sects this_. Nc'rk will be completed by mid November . The t ard voted to inform you that any further permits I . _u may need from the Town may be denied until this project - _ completed . If you u nave any problems ,11� t i: the Board ector , wi I l be ayailable __ discuss and a.. :sae on the matter . When work:. is Completed , please call the office at. R-B9-0718 and then I wil 1 inspect the project for the board . Very truly Yo r_. /c - 7 - ; 9 Pip(0 X_ 7 (p 4 tot,'UT /4,7"Th 124,(90*-1- DARTMOUTH SOIL CONSERVATION BOARD FILE MY • I P. O. SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MASS. 02748 \1-0 tfril • r - OCTOrkER 7 , irfeB Jose N . DeCosta : 1 =5 Reed Road No . Dartmouth . Ma (J2747 hear Mr . DaCosta : pt the Dartmouth Soil Conservation Board meeting of uczober 5tn I reported that you have nct completed the Darning and seeding of your property . Inasmuch as the fall is an excellent time to do this type cf work the Board expects this work will he comnieted by mid November . The Board voted to infore vou that any further permits you may need from the Town may be denied until th3s project E.2, completed . If jou have any problems with this . 3 . tne Soil Doarc inspector , will be available to discuss and advise on the matter . When work is completed . pleepe pall the office at. —7.9-0718 and then I w311 inspect the project for the Board . Very truly yours , -416„w00;‘,