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Permit No. BP-64404 BUILDING PERMIT • GIS#: 3498.00 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Map: 0066. - TOWN-OF DARTMOUTH Lot: 0077 400 Slocum Road;Dartmouth,MA 02747 Sub-Lot: 0000 Phone: (508)E910-18i6 a Fax:(503)910-1838 Category: ::GARAGE Project# - ,JS-2012-000722 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Est Cost $20000.00 Contractor License: . Phone#: Fee: $268.00 Const.Class:. Engineer: License: Phone#: Use Group: : U Lot Size(sq.ft) 99166 Applicant: Phone#: Zoning: - SRB ALBERTO PAIVA (774)526-0317 Aquifer Zone: ZONES - OWNER: Flood Zone: ZONEX PAIVA ALBERTOF& New Coast.::. 1344 sq.ft Alt.Coast: N/A DATE ISSUED:/1 1J IJII Date Typed:. 10-05-2011 - TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: Construct a 24'x 56' garage for residential use only; AS-BUILT REQUIRED ` Projecyt ®cation° 1157 REED RI) A , j Approved/Issued By: DAVID BRUNETTE,LOCAL BUILDING INSPECTOR All work shall comply with 780 CNIR S"'Ed.(MGL Chap.143)and any other applicable Mass.Laws or Codes and plans on file. SCHEDULE APPROPRIATE INSPECTIONS AS REQUIRED. UPON COMPLETION OF WORK,FINAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE PER 780 CNIR 5111.8(NOT MORE THAN 3 EXTENSIONS WILL BE GRANTED)OR ON ISSUANCE OF A REGULAR OCCUPANCY PERMIT. I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his agent and to receive this permit, I further understand other agencies may havereason to STOP WORK if items under their jurisdiction are not met; not withstanding the issuance of this Building/Zoning2rrmit. Signature of Owner/Agent: "Persons contracting with unregistered contractors do not have access to the guaranty fund (as set forth in MGL c.142A)" Inspector of Inspector of D.P.W.Inspector Building Inspector Inspector of Gas Fire Department Plumbing Wiring Water Service#: Footings: - Underground: Oil: Underground: Service: Foundation: Rough: Smoke: Rough: Rough: Sewer Service#: Rough Frame: Insulation: Final: Final: Final: Cross Connection Final: Final: Treasury: Board of Health E-911 - Additional Comments: Planning Board Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy/Completion,this card must be returned to the Building Department with all necessary inspections signed off. Department phone numbers are listed on the white"Required Inspections"document provided with the issuance of the building permit. POST CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET • OUTH -2BUILDINGDEPARTMENT RECEIPT J 4 x !sr 1 ISSMEM: 508.810.1820 FAX: 508.910.1838 Name: ( ( ) f 7? /,Lis e7- Owner•r Date? Z y ( N' / a ) Job Location: / J (�, t G 11 X. Map: ' �,i Lot j / - Description General Ledger#'s Ref #// Amount Building& Building Misc. 01000-44105 11 / "----' :1S of Electrical 01000-44106 Plumbing & Gas TOWN OF DARTMOUTH COLLECTOWetWititE Trench Safety 3EP 11 note 129 Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 . ,I/jJj�}�,'l' i1 White-Collector's Office Yellow Copy-Customer's Receipt. Pink Copy-Building Department Received By j/ f3.J THIS IS NOT A PERMITrICENSE FOR BUILDING, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING OR GAS, • A RTMOUTH - BUILDING DEPARTMENT RECEIPT 64 57 6 I1 1f(: 508-910-1820 FAX: 08.910.1838 Ids ..: / / // Name: r- i "d "-it— Owne[;'" t` — Date/ ��/J Job Location: {J 5 9 /1( _ /3/e-- Map: Ciffr Lot: / ? ' Description General Ledger#'s Ref. # Amount Building & Building Misc. 01000-44105i /g a Electrical 01000-44106 "7t Plumbing & Gas 01000-44107 Trench Safety 01000-44129r Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 q I . White-Collector's Office Yellow Copy-Customer's Receipt Pink Copy-Building Department Received By Ji THIS IS NOT A PERMITILICENSE FOR BUILDING, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING OR GAS 25 ! RESIDENTIAL 0 FOUNDATION ONLY - $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON.REPONDABLE &NON-TIRANSRMOSER • DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT 400 Slocum Road; P.O.-Box 79399 2011 SEP 22 AM. I0 ko Vit.,472'.7 Dartmouth, MA 02747 MIN W.E.tth‘;rab'. l'13*LIE F 1..., ' : • - • • 508-910-1820 FAX 508-910-1838 A APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SA-..i.4;.,:;!*.-IInifi-i;;III:4141.:AIAI*,tect,I; Njkli 0;c4-1f09fl0414*ffitit-',k,14, t'f•I'';''''''':''''''''''''''4''''"-fi `''''''''';:"1":`:;;;;;'14;t4;11*,„;<.!!,„.?;„re.-,.,„,z,,. TRECVIVIgnYifttnitrt'24 'if':,V4tC'45t ;e'PAtkiaq'S'ate.4SUiEMNG*EEttMtr L'r--:;:At'.; -',...:f.-f.- 412:4,:' ,,,t.-/.1:4'-':': *ny; y# ,z4V.q,? ,,.,,,.,_. ,,,. ,.igi; i.t.:-:,.t , ,,, iy::MpER.,.,.;,'e:,#.H::::ii7t.i!,]. .-tal44.079:03.7'i'424Th VATIiiirt.': :****Sataa..MAlia!:illiSitiyik:-L;; i;W -..L§t5MOP L'Ivtk*t :1..?;:W;g:":`?"':1-4t4:::E'''':7: 1':;i:1:: Ail,,AiVC:;].4-ki 4 .:,.::Ali.-.5k utc4WiNATUREV- 19't'Yi'i'Al4 .4i lit."4'4'ik:.'!-' ,--. Y)i. :',2,-.4kri.r #4,1":"41r,,r.ligtmc ;4h.itial5W0014.-*4-AMMiPWAiaZik.±ira;:alAre4a-AiliMk4 17:1111bitiitiPe;i11gicici ::„:ti . ,:?k :,.1., .:?14:i- : :- -•iL-Onigg:BrStrigtgitjt Proposed Use:-itittitit-itt-iiticr‘heriii.eitiOt,E113i-iaa..,P.V:::::,,,,F041,44, r, , 4f!;00;;;Impfetvii,..4,,,IRK,..,:.,t, nill,a0.tia , . ,:.A..:.4.404.144.l.;:',.?;:iill;';44.4ibl*ilitialt ?..1:3e,,,,,,,,,4ilaES ' iccit .,,L.-. .,a, Eir.At.*.!5.,,,,,:ormTrilcIricl,:t...#,...7-Ka.0,-,4 ...4.ULD SE NOTIFIED: Ng.4, ply,,, r: isoita:viadaj,:aiieiblt.,,l'oet*:;i44WITEMS:0,41.4tOliiii0i1.#4**-4,115.iii tgtjWope:tk fatiaaairli#;*SSMS,t*jES;:";?:;i::-!:?agtilbt'l-tttrlt, la.' VPIS-4:41Pittelt-S 0 Planning *M40 Sewer t:**AiNO EW4AS:00.V:*:?,10:grog Op Otheri:17:4,.,titE ti.oiowdki-A*Jticica.:eit*-,44•:.:-,Aafii(0-Ott;ii:::-;!E.::..iitc41001.22;;:,,.:ilz Z-":",,c1.19;,:&--H5C,:::t 5y,.5{5.-:,-,44:::ting:::N4:7.:,m;!:,-,,tit.im,fmw.11,1;44.41iiitimieti4**9firtiik ;Eirbi ;:.,.11; ..g.:Meiii:1314i,44N's.02:CteriSii.birtiiiiiiirtiii ihi ligiikteOtetriiiiiAiiMet;.....,..,„,.A.Vfratsft:',' 77.1,WW.1,7ma.%wlif.6-4-tiet.*0 iiiiiiUr."'',. 7.:1,4miRit4.0a-Appisierifit,W044,L4, Zoning Review: Signature- e ISEP a a Nit t Energy Report: Signature: Date: Fire Chief: Signature: ia." Date: ti Board of Health: Signature: Date: •Conservation Commission: Signature: / Date: c—f---C>0 7'-- Other: Signature: Date: r ,, „.-,,,, -6 yl/7 Description of work being perforined:_ oCVX co , 6.fri L) 4-6''.-"ni.1).A. 71 CVO di/9-e Kr- .a' difik4V3.3igliiigiik:z4144:i4§:fcp9t sp007901-4Tst,;.44;,::.s,4„-airg,,H,,,A,„s: ,..,iog. NUMBER.OF PLANS SUBMITTED: SITE PLAN SU TT BMIED: fie:vs r 0 no , --:- '----'---,----,•:r--- c- •:-:- - ---: -- l/S-7,-get-cc-6 -z on---b , - - - 1.2 Assessors Man&-Lot Number:- - - - • • •i ••• -, • • 1.1 Property Address: ,onric Teire-67Z-W??...9 C7TaTil MapioG _ Lot .. 7 -060G Nearest Cross Street: giv Lek'c Cr Subdivision Name: 1.3 Historical District 0 yes [filo Total Land Area Sq. Ft : 2n 9 1 3 i -3- Has application been submitted to the Historic Commission? a _1 ......._ I Dyes no Date:__ L 1.4 Water Supply(MOL c 40 § 54): inJ ELL- 1.5 Sewage Disposal System: Sel T r sp-mn-I C:likig..fomis'illdgapp.sessapd Pate I Rev.January 2005 ,.IDENTIAL r At r '; ! ` : ::-- SEerroN 2-,Pirt*Pit7'Y oWNFAS 11PI'ATJTRnRTZE.t)Af3ENT -- <rt ! =: r h°::: 2.1 Owner of Record: AC se-2 is 6910%� 11�� 2��0 �b 27 S� ��6 ci3/J� Phone Number Name(print) Contact Address 2.2 Authorized Agent: Name(print) Contact Address Phone Number ' r ,+. .s,.,,'r „ .._t ': i.1,. . :a :,INE.0 i6N3 tO'1S[RilitIONe:tk8teS .. . l: a._ h.=.r:,.,,., isa.,;''.. 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable❑ . Licensed Construction Supervisor License Number Address Expiration Date Signature Telephone 3.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable 0 Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to(780 CM.R-6)? 0 yes 0 no If no, go to the next section? Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? 0 yes 0 no If yes,submit the required allidavitl Company Name Registration N Number(if none, state"none") Address Signature Telephone Expiration Date • 3.3 For Residential Remodel Work Only PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND: QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: Home Improvement Contractors Registration, One Ashburton Place-Room 1301, Boston, MA 02108, (617) 727-8598 Owners Name(print) (4-c 6 6kt D 9(1.- 11/ - Signature. by signing the above,the home owner acknowledges that there will be no eligibilty to the Guaranty Fund Date 9—11s _ /1 3.4 Homeowner Exemption-One&Two Family Only FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FORT HEIR OWN PROTECT 109.1.I LiReitSing ofconstructhtn Supervisors: Except for those structures governed by Constructiottcontrml in Section t l6.0.effective July I,1982,no individual shall be engaged in directly supenisin.personsengnced in construction,reconstruction.alteration,repair,removal or demolition involving the structural elements ofbuildings or structures,unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the 138RS entitled Rules and Regulations for Licensing Construction Supervisors. j Exception: Any homeowner performing work for which a Building Pair is required shall he exempt from the provisions ofthissection;provides that ifs Homeowner engages a person(s)for hire to do such work,that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the puriwses of this section only,a-Homeowner"is defined as follows: Person(s)who owns a parcel of land on whichheishe resides or intends to reside,onwhich there is,or is intended to be,a one or two family dwell ine,attached or detached structures accessoryro such use and/or farm structures. Aperson who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. If you are applying under this section si below: 1 \ l Signature: 'tour signa -t ure carries certain resyonsubilitie.._ca;ling but_otn c ;s sariiy limited to,general liability 1 C:\bldgforrns`STldgapp.res.wpd Page 2 Rev.January 2005 SIDENTIAL iTtee TO LICENSED CONTRACTORS The Building Code provides in the Rules and Regulations section that any licensed Construction .upenlsor,whether or not they have taken the permit are responsible for code compliance. (see Appendix of 780 CMR R5.2.15) $EC•T;(flN d-WORKER'S COMPENSATION.1 NSURANC$-AFFIDAVTL MOtleas+§25),, } N zo* `'s F ,' ; Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached: ❑yes 0 n 0 u„ ' c"' €" Stev e N'�J-'DESCI�IPTION'(;lE�' o OStD WORK:(Check`al;R.IIpik` teNK) i ; 4 y 0 new construction* 0 addition 0 alteration ❑repairs 0 chimney! 0 woodstove (ener 'report required) - (energy report required) fireplace ❑deck 0 pool fl.Naccessory bldg. ❑ replacement window/door 0 other 0 demolition (shedigarage) no.of windows.___doors (specify below): (specify below): * If new construction;please complete the following: Single Family: no,of bedrooms no of baths Two Family: no. of bedrooms unit 1 no. of baths unit 1 no. of bedrooms Un it 2 no.of baths unit 2 Furnace(hot air)-fuel gas(natural or propane),fuel oil,electricity,other(specify): O Boiler(heating) fuel gas(natural or propane),fuel oil, electricity, other(specify): o FNAC(combined unit)-primary fuel,natural gas,propane,electricity,other(specify): 0 Air conditioning-(separate unit) O None of the above to be provided O Hot Water: Gas Electric Fuel Oil Other Brief Description //of Proposed Work: lAt i Lam;1 o/ q q a y ' X �"'G, t Item Estimated Cost(S) to be completed by permit applicant 1. Building 4 a. v t G a 6 2.Electrical 3. Plumbinn 4. Mechanical(I-1VACI 5. Total=(I +o +3 4) *I stinrated Total $ 3.0 rj 6 d o S.e d pit§ �+ re ! t n a O�o all I ffON b e t°� � t `fii•t � r r 3.�&` ' nrr t �° '� Its r ra h ° ,-„* le }P r ]klraett}k"a 1e1 far C11 W 4 3 t• �flf ,.,�... °3i'� .....,."�•��'L^ {'^s��k.�^ i � „Ate:e3 air ���`�°�+^r llr C� ,e*ilt`• i2P.t.3 Yg56 d'S ° i (please print) ,as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize to act on my behalf,in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Signature of Owner Date ' ti . . . '4 isktzi `Ria,- SECTION 712-OWNPR/A(4l1ORTT.?IX&GE.NT'bre!).ARA`[ION.= _,.•._ "` _ , as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate,to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. II Signature of Owner:Authorized Agent Date C:'bldg.formaildgapp.res_wpd Page 3 Rev.January 2005 RESIDENTIAL �t3a r sa3e s s an v >s s I. Date plan reviewed: SEP q 0 2011 -- 2. ➢ENIED(see project review worksheet): Date:_.___-_. 3. HOLD reason:j7e6/.4_, c ('t 1 cG w .4.14 2- pexpe __ DateSEP 3 0 2011 4. HOLD subject to Zoning Board of Appeals action: _ Date: Comments: Inspectors Stgnautre SER)10 2011 r>m:.. .5` '- `' .. w".4V...; ION Aki et Applicant informed of above Date:/'(2"7`/%f Time:1/fw/) Clerk: ComtuantsC '� /24' Total Permit Fee: $__ 2 6 Less Application Fee: S 25.00 I Remaining Balance: S � � �. TOTAL FED: p C Gross Area-New Construction total sq. ft. _ ,j V .-_ Gross Area-Alteration total sq, � � n Permit IssuedTrv�tS sXY r ?U i hZ� � C� ` a ti 3ee� CbG GG4ke_.- bs Rat .:.' '.'- k SECTION 11 ADDITION X .21a • a� t/S' io GL.formt$Idgapp.res.Npd Page 4 Rev.January 2005 'ermit No. BP-64404 Project Location: 1157 REED RD Commonwealth of Massachusetts TOWN OF DARTMOUTH M P#' 349800 0066 400 Slocum Road,Dartmouth,MA 02747 Lot: 0077 Phone: (508)910-1820 • Fax: (508)910-1838 Sublot: 0000 BUILDING PERMIT Project Category: GARAGE 0722 FIELD INSPECTION Est. $26800 0 Const.Class: Contractor: License: Phone#: Use Group: (J Lot Size(sq.ft.); 99166 Engineer License: Phone#: Zoning: SRB Aquifer Zone: ZONE 3 Applicant: Phone#: Flood Zone: ZONE X ALBERTO PAIVA (774) 526-0317 New Const: 1344 sq.ft. OWNER: Alt.Const.: N/A `, ' PAIVA ALBERTO F rF �t DATE ISSUED: tI P ` ' TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK Construct a 24'x 56' garage for residential use only; AS-BUILT REQUIRED DATE TIME TYPE OF INSPECTION&REMARKS [ INITIAL f7—/`L-- lece4e 1"-cd1 ) le. p A nc.2c vY�i 0ic /J3i coot' zfir! RECEIVED - D::4 r4A,.. fEPT. _ 1011 OCT -4 PM 2= 42 1: 1 i _ E 1 # t s F 1 WSFIER AIM - 99165 S.F. e E H • il ' -1 1 11 y BEM I 1 NNW I 0 4 ssyy qq 1 ; all I - EI i . I usr �nta ; ! {{ PLAN � YnT'! I1 r I PROPOSED UNATACHED CAR GARAGE ti For Mr and Mrs ALBERTO PAIVA j (AT nA REED sm.OARa101EOt ru HOER MR Goalie Pathan DSc i - sews ROT® SHEET,ff 9 - - 7- - ^^+� 6 '„n,,'''' -- •$ . 3�� � L 0 Approval in Part(Per 78 3) 525.00 APPLICATION lug �d®td n +``, s 3�d csr 3 DATE RECEIVED '" DARTMOUTH BUILDING DERA. �a4 ', 11 g'r�16 P 3: 18 i ra,,. 400 Slocum Road, P.O. Box 7938 z b� Dartmouth, MA 02747 Phone: 508-910-1820 Fax: 508-910-1838 -www.town:dartm outh.ma.us APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING {tn�S�..h girt-"; l0asg"�a'is *sal "�a:2THISsSECTION5PR-6FEICIAL�USE'ONLY..�'"e'"`.rir' ": tit ry^r "<. ,rww-�.., , s , ; = ems 3` ,aware v..fiy.G� ,p X' '=s y-4F-`.y�,+w-."sJ^.a 3' '5 c.,3er �.. x - � ' a^-'i. '.'PTAs"` . iL°r -S .z-e'^y c a. '��.r ";r "e u? 3 g Q0e 16e k '.a� "�W: -�...��i•c�'�a`=- tt ^-. � ,r kex $ a..c-. -fix �a. a "�" -a,vc ��., - 5 xa r e.",:�e s-"- �.: F xti's �.F`a"„ s`` Ott ':_ „ "[''. .3 {_.� .s, �i"+ sREC�£IVEf3 8 - 't `� a ,,,,� .,,� BU9L .CENG,PE'Rz t�NLIMBE`R '�.:5 �, s^�-'�S- "':Y'+a'F ,^;,max-�•'a ,-f-^c\"`-,u 3"-r" . *,-i4c z k-a a;:- . F 's.as..- �E"'�- z +,.a m'FTi.t F'a ''- r 1` -t 'a'i s-c_... t ,o *e "' t,..,.. .:z.n'{ �° r' �s-� �'=3 s��'}'�i"¢ r' �'�-yx��.,a g, y, '+ter �T-_.''"-'�k: '-a r... iDAT `' 1 4 K,�-_ °'x5 ,�.r'"Y+ ., i '*i X �°Cer € r54 i'^5. il `'�: e i orti.,C,FO. ,a 4/tlt xa;-t geri.t. ,.a a. ' ..-4. ..v��'4i ' '&E-ctgS(1 E[� -:: a�'tW '�`• rt'' '.aJ.` w i� d'.5 t_ t' tl et zsv' `y i,VCWIW'I'iT"i�'tttM3, "'S 'fix i'�4Z.' h�. ' .� v^rr w +i A}y ,m rvt-^ra�..oizat..- Ili rm irchs -r s '�„!rhk � 4 r �;` "' -. ~ sAt ri `za c €�snae aIfi c-Sa i, . - • "r, 1. am: . .s ao'ic,rTO SSUE 81AN4I}U � a''» -, S'ita-0� "-� 'A� ^a^ s > 1 '.`��LE-�- u sa s im. '..`s Y '.' K.> 4 ?.`S.+$'O c;1-. �; ,tt tom -- . i, t) iceO District .:4-aN�Use �x° r * new.❑ �6 t- f 9`- .Aq ier°= ne £ f �x���x.""' '��s.d 3Ts y 'i'�"�� a4 �� �x` ����"-4 -m � ref ' 144 , a- ' , " " S i.T-( R`LEOWNdr- GENG 7LD x ED * ,4tC*1t ' ®�emor41IØFI& ftiti,.. ergs. epmars � �4r avkqw i - iangt�1 C_I'ue� a t er�.� `ir aCr,6er uers,PKg'`k, Bear `' ',,stFi IT a ., H : '� 3t gry .te '' } , r�it d'i� _, are x. R aElf S S,PEGTOR`5 4!E�78F ORE4T`M SEMIOE 4 PERt?iFT x r W"ae •er:�‘ . ,v.'"r:97A-Wt'7-.'zigaTelbEPAOISPd(Ettti,Al aorli uNt` T. :.. ...���.,." ';.;_-.: r Zoning Review: Signature: • Dat . - Energy Report: Signature: Date: Fire Chief: Signature: / Date: `" d IC j//% Board of Health: Signature: Z Date: 1 G Conservation Commission: Signature: Date: Other: Signature: • Date: Brief description of work being performed: — e r)f-rm Hrtyn_e - e+me ,.. .�` C'ak.: 'ak ' .f k�•rita .."ivw r _,,.,.F g. c i 5 Sys , , r ' xz, ' nn` "S GeTEG :xS...rS TE;INFORf671._1T(O,N :... s ? a uk'i7. .J `" ry'" "y''°, � . ..' .°,,._: 1l1 Property Address: f/57 f i 1.2 Assessors Map&Lot Number: Lot Area(sf.) Frontage Map . 6-6 Lot 17 - -Required "Provided ' Front Yard I 1.3 Historical District ❑Yes 0 No Side Yard - Rear Yard Year Built • 0 Altering more than 25% per side of building 1.4 Water Supply (MGL c40 s54): 1.5 Sewage Disposal System: Has application been submitted to the Historic Commission? ❑ Municipal 0 Private Well 0 Municipal 0 On Site Disposal System ❑Yes 0 No Date: t. CONSTRUCTION RUCTION PLANS SITE E PLAN 0 ENERGY REPORT .928It R / Q / g/ / ) (:!q % ,1,,/ \ (NI aCIS * R R ` ' , ! / \ \ \ , \ 7 Q % W .! OV ( Ni ® q ® rn !! >. / i" & . m rs / : % ® m E z CO : % o CO \ - \ 4 a Q -/ k / \ a • \ ~ z < / - / cr ! � / �1 '% Nob 9 \ / . . % E) % , b- La § f \\ •%% ( 2 u = } % ° \ - . \ i < cv 7 � } i %6 / 3 \ / - ` (2 \ m / ( � � �/ � \ " < � . » k - , § & \ \ \ ��NT co \ SD ���p� \ \ \ . %t �%t9 rN The commonwealth of Massachusetts ==+ Department oflndustrialAccidents ''t 4 ,Y 1,1 Office of Investigations 1,1 600 Washington Street -+, Boston, MA 02111 '`. www.mass.gov/dia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers Alfplicant Information /� Please Print Legibly less: e (Business/Organization/Individual): / f L.46R- Z) �r'4l I /}71 7 C C-.0 (R0 . tir jState/Zip: ,j)P eLt to o`1 '(`4t1-M5°a7 ne #: 77 V6 4,0 21 7 Are you an employer? Check the appropriate box: Type of project(required): 1.El I am a employer with 4. �] I am a general contractor and I 6. n New construction employees (full and/or part-time).* have hired the sub-contractors listed on the attached sheet. 7. n Remodeling 2.[II I am a sole proprietor or partner- ship and have no employees These sub-contractors have g. ❑ Demolition working for me in any capacity. employees and have workers' 9. n Building addition [No workers' comp. insurance comp. insurance.] quired.] 5. fl We are a corporation and its 10.f l Electrical repairs or additions officers have exercised their 1 i. Plumbingrepairs or additions 3.FP/learn a homeowner doing all work P myself. [No workers' comp. right of exemption per MGL 12.❑ Roof repairs insurance required.] t c. 152, §1(4), and we have no employees. [No workers' 13.n Other i comp. insurance required.] *Any applicant that checks box#1 must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policyfomlation. A t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must s bruit a new affidavit indicattit :f%ich. Contractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and stat hether or not those entities Rye employees. If the sub-contractors have employees,they must provide their workers'comp.policy number. - I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and job site information. Insurance Company Name: Policy#or Self-ins. Lic.#: Expiration Date: ob Site Address: 1I.5-7 ri &-c90 rep pan*:ni City/State/Zip: f S cal 7 V 7 Attach a copy of the workers' compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MGL c. 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to $1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment, as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to $250.00 a day against the violator. Be advised that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby certify under the pains and penalties of perjury that the information provided above is true and correct. a 4a re: 6 � zl---' /J- /f P one#: 77q-5-016O2i7 Official use only. Do not write in this area, to be completed by city or town official City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1. Board of Health 2. Building Department 3. City/Town Clerk 4. Electrical Inspector 5. Plumbing Inspector 6. Other Contact Person: Phone#: Information and Instructions Massachusetts General Laws chapter 152 requires all employers to provide workers' compensation for their employees. Pursuant to this statute, an employee is defined as"...every person in the service of another under any contract of hire, express or implied, oral or written." An employer is defined as "an individual, partnership, association, corporation or other legal entity, or any two or more of the foregoing engaged in a joint enterprise, and including the legal representatives of a deceased employer, or the receiver or trustee of an individual, partnership, association or other legal entity, employing employees. However the owner of a dwelling house having not more than three apartments and who resides therein, or the occupant of the dwelling house of another who employs persons to do maintenance, construction or repair work on such dwelling house or on the grounds or building appurtenant thereto shall not because of such employment be deemed to be an employer." MGL chapter 152, §25C(6) also states that"every state or local licensing agency shall withhold the issuance or renewal of a license or permit to operate a business or to construct buildings in the commonwealth for any applicant who has not produced acceptable evidence of compliance with the insurance coverage required." Additionally,MGL chapter 152, §25C(7) states "Neither the commonwealth nor any of its political subdivisions shall enter into any contract for the performance of public work until acceptable evidence of compliance with the insurance requirements of this chapter have been presented to the contracting authority." Applicants Please fill out the workers' compensation affidavit completely, by checking the boxes that apply to your situation and, if necessary, supply sub-contractor(s)name(s), address(es)and phone number(s) along with their certificate(s)of insurance. Limited Liability Companies (LLC)or Limited Liability Partnerships(LLP)with no employees other than the members or partners, are not required to carry workers' compensation insurance. If an LLC or LLP does have employees, a policy is required. Be advised that this affidavit may be submitted to the Department of Industrial Accidents for confirmation of insurance coverage. Also be sure to sign and date the affidavit. The affidavit should be returned to the city or town that the application for the permit or license is being requested, not the Department of Industrial Accidents. Should you have any questions regarding the law or if you are required to obtain a workers' compensation policy, please call the Department at the number listed below. Self-insured companies should enter their self-insurance license number on the appropriate line. City or Town Officials Please be sure that the affidavit is complete and printed legibly. The Department has provided a space at the bottom of the affidavit for you to fill out in the event the Office of Investigations has to contact you regarding the applicant. Please be sure to fill in the permit/license number which will be used as a reference number. In addition,an applicant that must submit multiple permit/license applications in any given year, need only submit one affidavit indicating current policy information(if necessary) and under"Job Site Address"the applicant should write"all locations in (city or town)."A copy of the affidavit that has been officially stamped or marked by the city or town may be provided to the applicant as proof that a valid affidavit is on file for future permits or licenses. A new affidavit must be filled out each year. Where a home owner or citizen is obtaining a license or permit not related to any business or commercial venture (i.e. a dog license or permit to burn leaves etc.)said person is NOT required to complete this affidavit. The Office of Investigations would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation and should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call. The Department's address,telephone and fax number: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents • Office of Investigations 600 Washington Street Boston, MA 02111 Tel. # 617-727-4900 ext 406 or 1-877-MASSAFE Fax # 617-727-7749 Revised 4-24-07 www.mass.gov/dia ■ � � o -g B }' ^ � •o Y 3 ; � a kil rri U V / r- 17'- -g -caZi sc'ritn 1 "2- 1 'iC14) - t 0 rd o ZrTO' h� o 1 ) % �, _ \ \ \ �\ ri r s RI8rL16pa)s \ 8 ti • cs \ ......___ ..7.2 ,......- ....... .-- /;•., K"3/4-3 s \ r- -- ---- � \ / Q : \ \�-' i � t \\ . r I 1 i t �N\J —\ � \ \ 4; 1 ®I 1 \ ( N \ \ \ \ \ * \ � ; 1 i \ \ \ \ \ � 1i1 1 \ \ \\ i \ \11 \ \ 1 \ \ 1 \ oc, •1coca \ ` t ra LIB 1 � p tO o 0 o ,� • a i i o Jbt1 3H AO awes. 4in0N1'aVd Q 830 ill s 3 ' w lV3IVUC'" W3V 1f:�� '2s 11 `'n gi'$.M c'g en1ngn ns _0.. Ww>Q RU v co di O YJ CLL a I , c "4OO w CI wV `� 4- a. I,* 1"" 7 C1L' Ca p y OJ U z c, O _ co _ V6 2 LD. V � •--, -•i--„, 0 . ;r W o j U LW R 0 O _ n .veil rot li v 1 �(� 2t m fl \ W Q Q N O v+ 411 o z _i- ll_ F. < p n 65-,LI. 2�1 S -1- Q in al > o4 > > w a 2'cc2S C) W o� N 44 _ {} O Qo lh I U ^Ji: Q '6 ;ow 0 O O I �W 71PC Oto I z Q pp o rigiv PPP-. ..„, ----- . 116000113C.,g1-.)"- )i. ts\-4, to 01110 *-rs S�pps � , ,� r• a in w 5 O o Os x , y w � zz GO D 6 1 ^ ti — --!---A:107. sti 3091‘‘''' r p_ zlw cio , k i Ln .„, , _. . . , . Jj Z G O ov rC s Q t ir \N ' 'pOIL. TicriA \ S s J0Pe a o a to;� / £ r II r. oo I ! ! ii wt '� � id) D / j - Ou a 0' 0 10 0 d ILA V cc Pv'= IMPERVIOUS CALCULATIONS Owners Name,,,- Street address Plat: Lot: 9 9_ Ae cTO Ph r✓9 !US-7 i?e +r (13 6 LOT SIZE: c7C1 r (- sg ft Dimensions Area in sq. ft. EXISTING IMPERVIOUS Structure House (include all roofed areas) a b' X so - /-{0O if irregular shape detail on back Garage Barn Shed1 .O ' x f `) Shed 2 Pool with apron Kennel Patio / �. ' X `lkr Cement slabs Gazebo Greenhouse Genie court Other Other • Driveways: Paved/cement: 7 a tc7V ' /a, pit Gravel (considered 50% impervious) sq_ft.2 = sq. ft. • Walkways: - Gravel Paved/cement Dry laid brick/stone o� Total Existing Impervious 3`[C G square feet % PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS House addition Shed Barn Pool apron _ Other at42✓-}6) 2,`Er X c � ace9 Total Proposed Impervious {ate-[`i square feet % IMPERVIOUS REDUCTION PROPOSED if an J t j Removing _ T Removing 2 l l Total Removal Proposed square feet % Total Projected Impervious •171 �j CJ square feet i 6 — -trcentage is calculated by dividing structure sizes(impervious areas)by the lot area. .... to - a zro C ro 'b „� < as v�C m 7 co a0. oc a oa Zaa o 00 �Q 1p ^' a -H ��y � �' A M^ p r 3 rn z z y CAC ay m � 0� to o 00 ti CD et, H n m x y ^ hri b b O p - OZ a e aa � �Ro � a �y 3 3 e R b y $ p n p N Pis -a y r r 3 p PI [n �� y 3 d CA CA N o z y coto � o x n wwb o z - Clb r G o O IXf y b ' rt '"i a o C -p r op j ii o a e m a O o b e o b Caa CC .. 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S G h ry.DJ N c . tit h D0 Opn C Cr La AJ coo i0 Ark I e et O eoo y b L.A a ro In LID O eee -eOw 'c oe ins w a "� e2y -- - ._ ...-_ yC b 000� ;Tle eeo � m^ r 0. y ii O v e e .� 0l e o 0 d °' -O " 0 0000 c. a> a re 0 y "V 'x o N. 000te b o n v c e 'v+ uu a • v 0 e e c NH?, o 4 y 0 to y CA N A c "el uu O p A d ~ a C d h+ a `�+ "�'+ 4 O y M1 N N R w C iia L b tit/ ~ N W W b C 0 cc N :0ON� )- N O 00 � 0 0 0 0 0 Al ~ 0 000 "/-1• O _ 00 0 0 n O OO 0-0 O 0 000 en C. 4 ti m 0 O N O N • 0\ 0 D\ .- O in' Oi 12. N Q ei C y L Q. O N n T- CO V 0 U (P 0 CD ce N N N f.. o I O M 0 0_ e ym co <0 _. Z CO CO co N_ N N m Y (0 ,r m p CO O Q d N C .ti m r 00 ca q v OY La m N N h O V :N�N 0?N 41e N ^ . N Q oIA iAm n m MP 00 W ]y G0 d V [ \ h L ~ Q � 40e N- b z a ,V. L1 CSNM.-i [ e ` or. Cn p «0r0 0r0 en 0 .�' at mv°pi,erve0v y.0 W V rNO vmi'ma o F' \O0ioo om n°°voi::°° CI w aQ� ee aQ W Q � i U F 0 mn 00 aO NM bc o EWQOti—i U U o E U O 4a ` Z y.W a 0 ° m 0 00 ti moonn + O e0r1r00 U :a Sv � 5m c � iN=mpe t-Ju cZ UN o itl O vUm o00v r •arnaao O' �« nvn O ^� oo m 0a o 0x ' .. WoOm c -. lU r � UoG ° F r, EmEp va uuOc °auv � vo, vafi � vo. cGc °'k o ?U\ > ovao._ o0k 40ecc by(j Q IA L � U \ [ aorn N �•� ' . eeW00000 Wo 00 00ci N N R' WQ...1 .. wN N ti.. DZI .F. ti .d.]POPO y "� E . C ci v i,c r en ` u re .3 qqWoW scCDm a ` o e e v 4 i V vhP QE. t $ nbcc 4> C o E Ea •g ,r m w v > u) ti w C' . at0 . o alg a o ti vi Q .O. E.O X CN .-. `� PO O_GG > V O x Z n . r Q Q .Q e .E.o. y 141.1 ." y v O tt o 'E U-to q. ti'<i ti v]a oo ' o U 4 d. hUco en a commm EntiNm m NN caFUP. 2' e wo o6 o00 .. .. 000 0 0000N0 000 boaWUWQkdd, a'w EE'3 ' M`te on O � E _ E t" k q .4 Pf5,=F4 m '�' m » H N V v >, tO w o A A _ .N, 0 to 0.1 P. '—' p m [r]V G.F O,W U 0.C7 W P q E 332 > 33t u. vc € _ wo =' rn ocalL .. « o n r o v O [y ?� � � =' ow W `o o E. ofiF 4P7 N« SX Kti c a s N o o u ba3o c,,naopx —_ Q sto- n L14__IL r3��c c c .` 'xi_N Fo ho F°. r«o ho m V h y w PN1 i iP7'� Shearwall Calculations For Paiva Residence Garage 1155 Reed Road Dartmouth, MA 4 i 11, A -- ,,,,,,,,,, (... ,,,, -a , .1(rr' .m. 51 it ,43126 , I1 9 6�`�`fe`�'. \'e, GIST `;:„4° Prepared by Robert A. Guay, PE September 21, 2011 Client n 94-,.' er r%.J TA//' itc) „ Job No. Sheet of J -� a Subject ,,7 7 rZiZ' %O By . /Ica Date 2`El` l }, .4-�`9';,+'%=°14.-r'11 MA Ckd Rev —.r- _...._..._ �,.,..---1. .-.—__. _..____.— i U-- isiot-3 ' -P 1/4---,-P------ { :il<,,,, Y 'y` /-4 1 6 .c..�<f .:,- b emr ,-re g ' ire-- j j 1 ® fib j$ 7,� z I /yin d 'd�y t'2,- ct4 . „'," = ,,�'", e-"d tl C ? Kg -i- /77(7) .7,_5 Yfa 4 - 1 e i ; , � : E , A'lal6W I 3 1 i 1 r YYjj 76 p`,y : i I 7/._ .57,51 -- — i �� J _ __-___ a N. � Z/ . _ e E i ez L EA ,F 7��' &1 , 474 ' Qo... � 7;2 _. ; 1 • � . — i I I -- - 1 , 1 i . 1 i Client Job No. Sheet of Subject By Date Ckd Rev /f, } i t I , _..1 I 'S� t f I __ I - _. . 3 1 , .�� y (yam I j` 1 , }_ I i 1 1 I. I I t ' I i I I I ; j I 3 I , I 4 I , I — I I T - I . I I I ' -r • . : 780 CMR: STATE BOARD OF BUILUNG REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS THE MASSACFIIJSETTS STATEBUILDING CpDfl • . TABLE 5301.2(5)MASSACHUSETTS GROUND SNOW LOADS . •25 PSF 35 PSF 40 PSF 40 PSF SO PSF Brewster - Abington Alford: Nahant Acton Goshen - _ Paxton . Carver • Agawain • - . Arlington:- Natick• . Adana . Greenfield Pepperell . Chatham Amherst.._ . . Ashland• .-:. . ..Needham ' •Mbeabury . .Groton . Peru ' Bambara ' Avon --- ' • Belmont - New Braintree Andover Groyetand -Petersham Ha[wich - Belcheitowa Bellingham : • New Marlborough Ashbiwnham ,Hamilton Phlllipston Martha's Vineyard Braintree ' - Beverly New Salem • Ashby Hancock Pittsfield Nantucket Brockton - Blackstone Newton '"' Addield - Harvard • Plainfield • - ' Orleans ' Chicopee/ •. Blandiord - Norfolk - - Athol Haverhill- Princeton • . ' Plymouth: - Cohasset Boston North Brookfield• •Auburn . Hawley Reading • Provincetoim East Longmeadow Brimfield .' Northampton ' Ayer Heath , Richmond ' • • Truro Patton • Brookfield Northbridge Bane - Hinsdale Rockport . Wareham Poxhorough Brookline! Norwood ' ' Bakct - Holden - . Rolyalsroh. . . Warners Granby Cambridge Peaboty • Bedford •Hubbadston Rowe Hadley Canton - Pelham Berlin • Hudson ... Rowley • • • ' Hampden - ' Charlton . Quinsy - Bernadaton Huntington Rutland • . Hingham Chelsea - • - Revere . Billerica •Ipswich Salisbury - • ' Holbrook - Dedham' . Russell Bolton Lancaster Sandisfield . 30PSP Holyoke Douglas • . Salem • Boxhorough : Lanesborough Savoy . (minima ' . - Hull' • . Dover' . - Sabgos-. , - Boxfod Lawrence Shelburne Attleboro Longmeadow Dudley Sheffield - Boylston Lee ' Shiilay ' Barnstable Ludlow - . ' EastBrookfhetd ' Shabotn ' Buckland ' Leicester Shrewsbury . Berldey Mansfield' . Easthampton Shutcsbury Burlington- Lenox Spencer... . Bounce - - Monson • Egremoat • . SDmervife Carlisle Leominster Sterling • Bridgewater • North Attleboroogh Everett • Southampton ' Charlernont Leyden Stockbridge • Dartmouth 1 NorwellFramingham Southborough Chelmsfoid Littleton • .Stow Dennis Palmer .. Franklin. -Southbridge • Cheshire - • Lowell Templeton . Dighton Plainville -Grafton Stoneham Chester 'Lunenbnrg - Tewksbury • Duxbury ,. •Randolph • Granville Sturbridge - - ' Chesterfield Maynard ' Topsfeld - . East Bridgewater . Rockland • Great Barrington Sudbury Clarksburg ..Merrimac Townsend • • Fairhaven - Scituate Hardwick ' Sunderland' • Clinton Methuen Typgsborough Pali River , - Sharon Hatfield Sutton• ' Colrain Middlefield Tyringham • Pahaonth South Hadley Holland • Swampscott Concord Millbury Warwick Freetown Southwick Holliston ' Tolland - • ' Conway " Monroe - Washington ) Gosrold •• Springfield - Hopedale Upton' - Cumnington Montague Wendell \..-'. Halifax Stoughton Hopldngton • Uxbridge - Dalton Monterey Wonhan Hanover - :West Springfield Leveret Wakefield. Danvers - New Ashford -West Boylston • Hanson Westfield Lexington Wales• Deerfield • Newbury "West Newbury _ . • Kingston -• Weymouth • Lincoln Walpole- - Dracut Newbuxyport West Stockbridge • Seville Wilbraham •' "Lynn . Waltham '• Dimmable North Adams Westford • • Marion Lynnfield - .Ware Erving North Andover- Westminster • Marsh(redd Malden Warren . Essex- • North Reading Williamsburg . • Masbped - •Manchester ' ': Washington Fitchburg ' Nonhborough Williamstown •. ' Mattapoisett Marblehead . Watertown . Florida Northfield Willinington. . Middleborough Marlborough Wayland Gardner ; Pakham Macleod on • New Bedford • - • Medtield _Webster Georgetown Orange. • Windsor ' Norton Medford Wellesley Gm Otis Worcester • Pembrok� Medway 'West Brookfield Gloucester" Oxford . Worthington ... .— •— - Plympton - -Melrose Westborough -.Reptant . -Mandan Westhampton Rehoboth • Middleton Weston . . . Rochester Milford Westwood ,-: - . . - -Sandwich • Millis ' Whately • Seekonk Miliville Winchester . Somerset .Milton- Winthrop . Swansea• Montgomery Woburn - - - Teunton Mount Washington Worcester • WestBridgawater - Wrentham wcmport - Whitman 544 • 780 CMR-Seventh Edition 9/5/08 (Effective 8/8/08)-corrected • • 780 CMR: STATE BOARD OF BUILDING REGULATIONS AND.STANDARDS •. • • - BUIDINGPLANNINGFORSINGLE-ANDTWO-FAMILYDWSLLINGS' TABLE 53012(4)MASSACHIISETTS BASIC.WIND,SPEEDS. . • ' 490 MPH - -. PO IV1pR : . 100 MPH' .M 110PH - ' Adams - Acton - ' ' New Braintree, Abington '. Middleton . Acushnei- : . Alford : Agawam. ' • . . New Marlborough Amesbury . Milford. • Aquinnah ' Ashfieid 1 Amherst New Salem- . Andover. Millie Barnstable Becket Ashburnham North Brookfield Arlington •,' Millville .. Bourne', - . ' • Beraardston Ashby . • - •Naitharepton Ashland Milton - BrAAvster-. • Brvkland • Athol Nodhborough. • Attleboro ' . . Nehant - Carves . . Cheshire - Auburn .... Noclhfiold. . - Avon - •• - Natick c Tatham- - - - . • ' Cerkaburg -".. . Ayw" Oakham Bedford' Needham Qfllroak . - ' ' Colrain ' Barre . - : Orange ' • Bellingham. Newbury Dertthouth ' . 'Puramington Belchatovm Otis• - Belmont- . :. Newbutyport .' Dennis Dalton Berlin , Palmer . - Berkley - '. Newton . Daxbury • ' - . • Egremont Slandford ". - Paxton _ Beverly • •. Norfolk Easthem. • Florida • - Bolton - .- Pelham•. - Billerica '... • North Andover Bdg,rtown Great Barrington - Bbxborough '. Pepperell:- • Blackstone.. ' -, North Attloborough Pairhgven ,I •Greenfdd . . Boylston. •• •. PQ[cisham.`•. ' Boston North Reading ,... Fall River - Han ock •• Brimfield - Phillipston' . . Boxford . . . Northbridge Falmouth .Hawley Brookfield -Prinecton . •"_.Braintree Norton ; . . Pttetown - Heath : 'Carlisle Rolyalston .. .. .Bridgewater - Norwell . Gay Head - . Hrnsdale - :. Chsrltan RrwseB Brockmn Norwood flnamld • Lameaborougb Chelmsford. Rutland.-._'..1. . Brookline . : Oxford Halifax . • - Chester- Leo ester Sandia-field Burlington .. Peabody Auwich. Lenox . •Chesterfield - Shirley . . Cambridge... Plainville•-: Kingston - - Leyden - Chicopee - - . Shrewsbury .. Canon , :.. Quincy , Lakeville: • .. Middlefield • Clinton Shutesbury ' Chelsea Randolph . . •• Marion , ' Monroe Conway' South Hadley • Colima. Raynhant Marshfield Monterey Deerfield Southampton Cnndord * Reading Mashpee . Mount Washington: Dream - Socbridge .Danvers. - . Rehoboth . . New Ashford- .Dunstable. Southwick • Dedham <'- . Revere . -Middleborough:. . '- North Adams Bast Brookfield . Spencer : - -Dighton . . -. Rockland Nantucket past'' - East Longmeadow- Springfield ' Douglas. - Rockport . New Bedford . .Pittsfield - . Baahanpton ' . Sterling . ,Dover Rowley .• : Oak Bluffs - .. . _ • Plainfield Hiving Stow Dudley Salem • . . Orleans . Richmond . Fitchburg .: • Sturbridge . ,_ . Bast Bridgewater- Salisbury Pembroke. Rowe Gardner . S7mdetlaad- : .Beaton- . Saugus - . Plymouth- . -Savoy . Gill Templeton : - Essex Seekonk Piympton, • Sheffield Goshen Tolland Everett - Shaun .. Provinceow4 - Shelburne Granby . Townsend - Poxboiougk Shahan . Rochester • • Stockbridge Granville - . . Tyngaborough Framingham Somer lIle Sandwich ' . Tprtngbam .. Groton . Wales • - - Franklin Southborough Scituate . . . Washington Hadley. .Were Georgetown Stoneham • Somerset - West Stockbridge Hampden Warren _ Gloucester -Stough Swansea Williamstown r . Hardwick Warwick. : .. Grafton ' . Sudbury 'Hatay ' Windsor Hatfield - - Wendell Groveland _. Sutton - . TYuro •. - Worthington H rvad . ' Vest Boylston . Hamilton. Swampscott Wareham •• • - - Holden • WestBxookfiedd . Hanover " . Taunton - Welfleet - • • •. - Holland West Springfield.. Hanson . • Tewksbury West Tisbory _. .. Rolyoke Wuified . .. : Haverhill_ _.__....__._;... .. • Topafield Watlwa . __ .. . . Hubbardston Watford Hingham Upton Yarmouth. . .. Hodson - Westhampton Holbrook Uxbridge • •Midlagmn • Westndwer••... Holliston Wakefield • Lancaster • Whitely - tom - Walpole lawienw- - Wilbraham Hopkington - . Waltham - . - " : . . • Leicester . - Williamsburg_- - - Hull 'Watertown . Leominster . . Winebendon . . Ipswich. . ' :Wayland • - - Levactt Worcester • Lexington Webster - . Littleton Lincoln. "Wellesley . . • - Longmeadow Lynn -Wemham . . Lowell - Lynnfield . West Bridgewater • - Ludlow . Malden - West Newbury Lanepburg Ma Chester Westborough. . . • Maynard - Mansfield •Weston • Methuen • .Marblehead Westwood • _ Millbury Marlborough Weymouth . • • - . Monson Medfield .Whitman . . • - "- _ Montague- Medford •' . WElmington- - . • . Montgomery. Medway Winchester • •' Melrose .Winthrop .. . Mandan Woburn - • - - r Merrimac - Wrentham - 9/5/08 (Effective 8/8/08)-corrected 780 CMR-Seventh Edition 543 r £ A/ .F3C %u'ZZ 7 u reof Main Wind Force Resisting System—Method 1 h<_60 ft 4'4-� - Figure 6-2 I Design Wind Pressures Walls & Roofs • Enclosed Buildings ss'+ t1II.. -Wal 11S�co a ,.� ili te F0 �- ��4 It - x I- Transverse �O P 4C\ 2 _ / ��s . ... i_. j O Svt O ...r a Longitudinal a 0 I Notes: 1. Pressures shown are applied to the horizontal and vertical projections,for exposure B,at h=30 ft(9.1m),I=1.0,and Ka=1.0. Adjust to 11.1 W - other conditions using Equation 6-1. N2. The load patterns shown shall be applied to each corner of the building in turn as the reference corner.(See Figure 6-10) O 3. For the design of the longitudinal MWFRS use P=0°,and locate the zone E/F,G/1-I boundary at the mid-length of the building. —• - 4. Load cases 1 and 2 must be checked for 25°<0<—45°. Load case 2 at 25°is provided only for interpolation between 25°to 30°. ' U5. Plus and minus signs signify pressures acting toward and away from the projected surfaces,respectively. 65 1 6. For roof slopes other than those shown,linear interpolation is permitted. Q - 7. The total horizontal load shall not be less than that determined by assuming ps=0 in zones B&D. to U 8. The zone pressures represent the following: Horizontal pressure zones—Sum of the windward and leeward net(sum of internal and external)pressures on vertical projection of: fO A- End zone of wall C- Interior zone of wall m ui B- End zone of roof D- Interior zone of roof D Vertical pressure zones—Net(sum of internal and external)pressures on horizontal projection of: LL E- End zone of windward roof G- Interior zone of windward roof F- End zone of leeward roof H- Interior zone of leeward roof - 9. Where zone E or G falls on a roof overhang on the windward side of the building,use Eon and Gou for the pressure on the horizontal projection of the overhang. Overhangs on the leeward and side edges shall have the basic zone pressure applied. 10. Notation: a: 10 percent of least horizontal dimension or 0.4h,whichever is smaller,but not less than either 4%of least horizontal dimension or 3 ft(0.9 m). h: Mean roof height,in feet(meters),except that eave height shall be used for roof angles<10°. 0: Angle of plane of roof from horizontal,in degrees. R i is -: <Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 37 0n. Main Wind Force Resisting System Method 1 h<60i[. Figure 6-2(cont'd) Design.Wind Pressures Walls &Roofs Enclosed Buildings Sf (Exposure Bath.30 ft.,Kr,=1.0,with 1=1.0) Simplified Design Wi�d Press e,ps3o(P ) ( Po 1N1ParINIUN AI 1 � Overhangs Basic Wiry Root !- (mph) Angle fl� © Eat Ga4 C 1 © F ®®®® reel (mph) (degrees) d 010 5, a 11.5 ��®®® 111111 iv 11� -5.4 EMI -31 9.6 -2.7 -9.6 -9.6 1111111211111011 ®u®� 10.6 -2.3 -13.8 -9.6 -9-6 ®® -10.1 1107111 -4.6 -7.0 Sill • slum 2.3 10.4 2.4 ®® -4.9 ® ®® -5.2 0.3 30 to 45 ® 12.9 8.8 10.2 7.0 5.0 5.2 12.9 8.8 10.2 7.0 5.0 4.3 -21.6 Ell 0 to 5° NI 12.8 gm 8:5 -4.0 -15.4 -8.8 -10.7 f -9.4 -10.7 aggingiorsi ®0 16.1 fl 10.7 -3.0 -15.4 -10.1 -10.7 0° 0l -4.7 11.9 -2.6 Eli -10.7 -10.7 to -21.6 -16.9 90 2um 26 117 111 72 Ell Liii 30 to 45 ® 14.4 Ell 11.5 7.9 5.6 0 to 5° Q 15.9 -8.2 10.5 -4.9 -19.1 10.8 -13.3 �2n -0.9 .� 10° in 17.9 -7.4 � -4.3 -20.9 � �fl 19.9 -6.6 ® -3.8 -19.1 -12.4 -13.3 flf -20.9 -13.3 -10.1 Ina gm22.0 -5.8 14.6. -3.2 IEDWal- 120 -6.4 111 16.5 -14.0 100 slum 3.2 144 3-3 ® -6.6 -0.9 ®® 17.8 12.2 14.2 9.8 ® 180 59 ® -6.3 IS 17.8 12.2 14.2 9.8 0 to 5° fl 17.5 -9.0. 11.6 -5.4 -21.1 -11.9 -14.7 -9.3 --0.4 -23.0 10° 0 19.7 -82 13.1 -4.7 -21.1 -12.8 -14.7 -9.8 -0.4 -23.0 j °20° 0 2 $.4 ,6 3.5 21.9 211.9 -8.3 16.7 -02 -21.1 -14.7 147 -111 -294 -23.0 .9 .1 - 105 25° ® - 3.5 159 3S -9.7 -13.2 -7.1 10.7 18.2 15.4 -3.7 -7.3 -1.0 -4.6 3010 45 1 19.6 135 15.7 10.8 76 -5.8 65 -0 2 -0.9 -7.9 0 to 5° 0 19.2 -10.0 12.7 -5.9 -0.1 -13.1 -16.0 -10.1 ® -25.3 10° fl 21.6 -9.0 14.4 -5.2 -0.1 -14.1 -16.0 -10.8 ® -25.3 nos fl 24.1 -8.0 16.0 -4.6 -23.1 15., -16.0 ®® -25.3 110 20 26.6 -7.0 17.7 -3.9 -23.1 -16.0 -16.0 cm3 -117 -19.9 --32.3 - 3.9 17A 4.0 10.7 -14.6 ® -&1 11 3010 45 ® 21.6 14.8 17.2 11.8 ® -13.1 0.6 -11.3 -7.6 -8.7 21.6 /4.8 17.2 11.8 -6.5 7.2 3.6 -7.6 -8.7 0 to 5° 11111311101131 15.1 � -27 4 156 -19.1 o 3 7.1 84 -30.1 10° atm -10.7 1 -17.9 -,9.1 MO -38.4 -30.1 ��n -28.7 -9.5 19.1 -5.4 ass -38.4 -30.1 usgai 28 20° 6 2 -4.6 -19.1 -19.1 120 slu 28.6 4.6 20.7 4- d 7 -12.7 -17.3 -9.2 .13.9 -23.7 -20.2 .8 -9.4 -1.3 -6.0 30 to 45 II25.7 17.6 20.4 14.0 9.9 -7 7 8.6 -5.5 -9.0 -10.3 Unit Conversions-1.0 ft=0.3048 m; 1.0 psf =0.0479 kN/m2 ASCE 7-05 as _ x. Main Wind Force Resisting System-Method 1 h.__60 ft. Figure 6-2(cont'd) I Design Wind Pressures Walls & Roofs Enclosed Buildings • Simplified Design Wind Pressure, p (psf) (Exposure Bath=30 ft,Kx=1.0,with 1=1.0) m Zones m Basic Wind Roof cii 0 Horizontal Pressures Vertical Pressures Overhangs Speed Angle a (mph) (degrees) 3 A B C D E F G H EOH GOH 0 to 5° 1 24.7 -12.9 16.4 -7.6 -29.7 -16.9 -20.7 -13.1 -41.7 -32.7 10° 1 28.0 -11.6 18.6 -6.7 -29.7 -18.2 -20.7 -14.0 -41.7 -32.7 15° 1 31.1 -10.3 20,7 -5.9 -29.7 -19.4 -20.7 -14.9 -41.7 -32.7 125 20° 1 34.3 -9.0 22.9 -5.0 -29.7 -20.7 -20.7 -15.7 -41.7 -32.7 25° 1 31.0 5.0 22.5 5.1 _ -13.8 -18.8 -10.0 -15.1 -25.7 -21.9 2 -- -- - - -5.2 -10.2 -1.4 -6.5 -- - 30 to 45 1 27.9 19.1 22.1 15.2 2.2 -16.9 0.8 -14.5 -9.8 -11.2 2 27.9 19.1 22.1 15.2 10.7 -8.4 9.3 -6.0 -9.8 -11.2 0 to 5° 1 26.8 -13.9 17.8 -8.2 -32.2 -18.3 -22.4 -14.2 -45.1 -35.3 10° 1 30.2 -12.5 20.1 -7.3 -32.2 -19.7 -22.4 -15.1 -45.1 -35.3 15° 1 33.7 -11.2 22.4 -6.4 -32.2 -21.0 -22.4 -16.1 -45.1 -35.3 130 20° 1 37.1 -9.8 24.7 -5.4 -32.2 -22.4 -22.4 -17.0 -45.1 -35.3 25° 1 33.6 5.4 24.3 5.5 -14.9 -20.4 -10.8 -16.4 -27.8 -23.7 2 -- -- ---- ---- -5.7 -11.1 -1.5 -7.1 -- - 30to 45 1 30.1 20.6 24.0 16.5 2.3 -18.3 0.8 -15.7 -10.6 -12.1 2 30.1 20.6 24.0 16.5 11.6 -9.0 10.0 -6.4 -10.6 -121 0 to 5° 1 31.1 -16.1 20.6 -9.6 -37.3 -212 -26.0 -16.4 -52.3 -40.9 10° 1 35.1 -14.5 .23.3 -8.5 -37.3 -22.8 -26.0 -17.5 -52.3 40.9 15° 1 39.0 -12.9 26.0 -7.4 -37.3 -24.4 -26.0 -18.6 -52.3 -40.9 140 20° 1 43.0 -11.4 28.7 -6.3 -37.3 -26.0 -26.0 - -19.7 -52.3 -40.9 25° 1 39.0 6.3 26.2 6.4 -17.3 -23.6 -12.5 . -19.0 -32.3 -27.5 24 -- ----- _._ ----- -6.6 -12.8 -1.8 -8.2 -- - 30 to 45 1 35.0 23.9 27.8 19.1 2.7 -21.2 0.9 -18.2 -12.3 -14.0 24 35.0 23.9 27.8 19.1 13.4 -10.5 11.7 -7.5 -12.3 -14.0 0 to 5° 1 33.4 -17.3 22.1 -10.3 -40.0 -22.7 -27.9 -17.6 ' - -56.1 -43.9 10° 1 37.7 -15.6 25.0 -9.1 -40.0 -24.5 -27.9 -18.8 -56.1 -43.9 15° 1 41.8 -13.8. 27.9 -7.9 -40.0 -26.2 -27.9 -20.0 -56.1 -43.9 145 20° 1 46.1 -12.2 30.8 - -6.8 -40.0 -27.9 -27.9 -21.1 -56.1 -43.9 25° 1 41.8 6.8 30.3 6.9 -18.6 -25.3 -13.4 -20.4 -34.6 -29.5 -- 30 to 45 1 37.5 25.6 29.8 20.5 2.9 -22.7 1.0 -19.5 -13.2 -15.0 24 35.7 25.6 29.8 20.5 14.4 -11.3 12.6 -8.0 -13.2 -15.0 0 to 5° 1 35.7 -18.5 _ 23.7 -11.0 -42.9 -24.4 -29.8 -18.9 -60.0 -47.0 10° 1 40.2 -16.7 26.8 -9.7 -42.9 -26.2 -29.8 -20.1 -60.0 -47.0 15° 1 44.8 -14.9 29.8 -8.5 -42.9 -28.0 -29.8 -21.4 -60.0 -47.0 150 20° 1 49.4 -13.0 32.9 -7.2 -42.9 -29.8 -29.8 -22.6 -60.0 -47.0 25° 1 44.8 7.2 32.4 7.4 -19.9 -27.1 -14.4 -21.8 -37.0 -31.6 -7.5 -14.7 -2.1 30 to 45 1 40.1 27.4 31.9 22.0 3.1 -24.4 1.0 -20.9 -14.1 -16.1 24 4p.1 27.4 31.9 22.0 15.4 -12.0 13.4 -8.6 -14.1 -16.1 0 to 5° 1 45.8 -23.8 30.4 -14.1 -55.1 -31.3 -38.3 -242 -77.1 -60.4 10° 1 51.7 -21.4 34.4 -12.5 -55.1 -33.6 -38.3 -25.8 -77.1 -60.4 15° 1 57.6 -19.1 38.3 -10.9 -55.1 -36.0 -38.3 -27.5 -77.1 -60.4 170 20° 1 63.4 -16.7 42.3 -9.3 -55.1 -38.3 -38.3 -29.1 -77.1 -60.4 1 25° 1 57.5 9.3 41.6 9.5 -25.6 -34.8 -18.5 -28.0 -47.6 -40.5 24 ----- ---- 30 to 45 1 51.5 35.2 41.0 28.2 4.0 -31.3 1.3 -26.9 -18.1 -20.7 24 51.5 35.2 41.0 28.2 19.8 -15.4 17.2 -11.0 -18.1 -20.7 Unit Conversions-1.0 ft=0.3048 m; 1.0 psf =0.0479 kN/m 2 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 39 Main Wind Force Resisting System-Method 1 h<_60 ft. Figure 6-2(cont'd) ' Design Wind Pressures Enclosed Buildings Walls & Roofs Adjustment Factor for Building Height and Exposure, Mean roof Exposure height(ft) B C D 15 1.00. 1.21 1.47 20 1.00 1.29 1.55 25 1.00 1.35 1.61 30 1.00 1.40 1.66 35 1.05 1.45 1.70 40 1.09 1.49 1.74 45 1.12 1.53 1.78 50 1.16 1.56 1.81 55 1.19 1.59 1.84 60 1.22 1.62 1.87 nL: 1 I, y: 40 ASCE 7-05 NOIIVIOOSSV 213dVd'91S3210d NVOIU WV n P c w T T T y _ 2•xi w w w a m • m * M * m m ?gtOp 0 6t0 T •.� m 0 m 0 CO Q m Q Q+ vA+i N(� I11 y .Z Y O. I' n O 'J 6 O O o C N m m 0 6 y y y y_ m g 0 Yyn� a p 2.�y ' 3x o'er$ N m o t a A N N a) ' 7 _ ^ d 2 m �0 m = J C C C .m. �w g,a s S o� • n .a 5 m = = W � � m a $a��& Er �ton " Z 4 ° nt� O Cab O E 0 0 0 + N .a + W W W_N t0000 L' W_N 00O --. 0 S3j R.3 w b�it P �& �W R. N N W N N W m 0J O NNN cr O W NNO^m 0 P W O 5 = In o 0. 03 N ..a0. t? c•-- ' co ? co d s�w T d T= T- s ` C c'o.0b. E.o i> a a. w S S w a s3mm3 _ of g II h C P.0' N A N W P N 35 A v�0^ C It8-bml h a = 3 .t y4.n� = ma, ag 8g „ . yam' g. 0 _ _ m to :. to Qt _� = w �s s z 1 XI 3 6E0 Y"£ m : 12 0� <= m A,^. m m aoq No 6• x? :1130 aS o WmF�' m'a' = o W. 0 0 w o. ��,, m '� � E. �cRo o n a. a co3 nn n n' a s n n3 R. h f• so s£ w .m a.m m= m = - V N e '. ,o. ymr' yo a+m a• oo . o �' go Rg i'3 'w y„m n< m .' n tot ik va r�• � tl O•J� f� O C Nr. M A co N N N W N at OI N'A p A W 0 01 N A A 5.r y `t .S' Y O V co 0 A tow Of N N d A O T W W + E O q N cacao O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O m 110E . 55. d P0 to 3 w t;e. °' a O W .,'� � 'o y > ; +wm 1+n +m +w i0�'W m1 -l + W rN.2 +AM W W a 4� & a F y:E 6. w ao ob b bo bb boob b bbbbo 00 �Im N II Cf)'. ''.Eyb/ q si V) w vI • Hi P•�' A W 0 N 00 WN O N O N J J A O A cn O 00) t00 N O q I< O a aEs o 0 00000 00 m00'000000 ° 00 3m m t/f v. Am w mm dn0. ow A a cc + + NW NN N � N qo T DJ (n £ N Fan w W O O V ,0 co 0 O(O N VI o b tO ,N A o m`I m /4 0 n . g.A o b bbbo o 0o bobb b bb Ob b o b Vm y S m w W ix --0 co q �' og �2 a) CO = 19 . q ta W n a ' A V V A A mot 0 S 0 J J + 0 V < 0' ra �c W la& wM 0 0 00000 00 000000000000 31m vO, C O' IN CC V y 0. 3 w m -i i Wm. tn O 5 C' Ov O 0 0 N N N + N W W CO N GC N N W N N Co N �j = S A A N (6 O V W J 0 ,0 O A b A V O W' Y LL ..14. g y d O O b b O b b b O O b b O b •O b O b b b b S Im 0 0 N w et mag* m H.. s�^. 4i 0 t0 V 0 0 0 V VN O O 0 V A N O Or< H o.-3 mm tr• Ao 0 0000b oo 0000. 00� 00000 3�m a q , c W57g N �, (e- 0 0 N N N N N N t. A 0 W:A A 0 W N W A A W q G) ' Qp R o 0 0 A W N N O N(O'N tT N V O V O w tT col O ^ o toQ' 0 O 0 0 0 0 b o b O O coca O O O O 0 0 O b o to • CF, @. o 17 'S r ty-, 0 0 0 W W W A W 0 0 J 0 0 0 N 0 V -o 0 0 .�< T 04 0 0 N 0 0 W A O 0-V W�V 0 O W 0 am 0 m q p O O O 0 0 O N O O O O tT O 0 O 0 0 0 O J F N w Hg m o y m g 0 A Co V 0 0 0 0 0 +' 0 CoV + + w < m w toll 01 NOOON Nm r' O (fl00l 'A' 000OO j�£ Am if q tS OOp O0 cm O m" g o 0 A' m Z W E 3 y 0 V A — 0 N V A O V 0 0 W N + O w O A N O 'O 1< W m 6' o W 0 corn 00 00 V m oiwoo to o -J.< 6 b 0 0 0 0 o O� O O o O 0 O o a cc R 0 0 CO 0 O 0 0 Op F' 0. a p= o C1 § V' V V A N 0 0 0 + O A +V A A N A O 0 V A O< qS y y • 0 O N O O O O o w H o o O N O O f0Jl N Oi o o '�I£ N V 0. 0 LV OIWSI3S ONV ONIM 210d SNOISIA08d NOIS3O 1VI33dS-1N3IN31ddOS Od211/OSV .- ,•• r ROOF 0 h es SHEAR WALL CONSTRUCTION EXTERIOR• VS"STURCTU2AL 1 OSB SHEAR WALL HW0,SD525 I S-5D525 SHEATHINS(Ott Sipe) IST HOLD-DOAN D_DO *CO COMMON OR BOX NAILS EDGE NAIL AT 4'Ot AND FIELD NAILING AT 12.O.C. L L I I/2"ANCHOR BOLT NV NUT 1 SEE PLAN PLATE JAS+ER a 4'-0"O.C.1W 95c5W PLATE WASHER PROVIDE ANCHOR BOLT WITHIN 12.OF SILL PLATE ANCHOR SHEAR WALL TYPE I (I-STORY) BOLTS TO EXTEND MIN.T• INTO CONCRETE ONE SIDED PLYWOOD SHEARWALL SHEAR WALL NOTES, I. IF PLYWOOD PANEL ARE ORIENTED HORIZONTALLY THE EDGES OF ALL PANELS SHALL BE BLOCKED W/SOLID 2X.. NEVER PANEL EDGES. 2.VERTICALLY ORIENTED PANELS SHALL HAVE SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO SPAN FROM BOTTOM PLATE TO MID HEIGHT OF THE THE TOP PLATE. B.PROVIDE Yz'O%IO•LS ANCHOR BOLTS 1W 9"0"SF4 PLATE MASHERS•4'-0"OZ. i\/:‘c1,.8,8l,10.11A1L . A. yG.' Ik UAY 7 CTURALo.43126oC/STEF'� SCALE DATE s EFr PLAN NO. TYPICAL SHEARWALL CONSTRUCTION DETAIL SHEET NO. va •I- 1/21/11 I of I s rax PROPOSED RESIDENCE DRAW BY CHKD BY APPD BY DISK REF NO. I IDRTMOU r5r9AREED ROAD SKS- W W W ROOIDENCE ROOF(TO MTCH SHINGLES EXISTING RES OVERHANG TYP VINYL SIDING TO MATCH RESIDENCE EXISTING VYNIL (TYp) i 1'. OVERHANG TYP 7 f LEFT SIDE VIEW SCALE, 3/16'=1'-0' Klan I ')IvI_ V LL- Tv SCALE= 3/16'=1'-0' I t VENT UNIT = VINYL SIDING 10 MATCH RESIOENM EYSTING VYML (TYP) 16' X 14' GARAGE DOOR (WMAO.LDiNGS AROUND ALL DOORS AND v"eOvrS ATCH MOLDINGS ON pOSTIN _RESIDENCE. 1� OVERHANG TYP FRONT VIEW SCALE: BACK. `ILW SCALE: 35'=r-0' 2y��,bJ 00 • Yidn I f r: 'L i L{ ' , cj drse ilf CCpp I 3 � ' r S-f • T aA � ;TR ,GTllRf4L Nc). 43126, SRONA,$- �w , • • J PROPOSED UNATACHED CAR GARIAGE For Mr and Mrs ALBERTO PAIVA (AT 1157 REED RD. DARTMOUTH MA. Date: DR/-WN BY: George Pacheco Oai SHEET 1 OF 2 SCALE: NOTED - -- - --- - .;yid ----- i --• ...................... :.............. ii %� 'ii� --� :4145 -- tti• ti tii f4�•• ,f•. 4{`::•:•. 4i:•i:•. ROOF FRAMING LAYOUT SCALE: 1 /4=1'-0" I 56' A 1 32'-6' 3'-4' �1 4' CONCRETE SLAB ON 4' GRAVEL SLOPED 3/32' PER FOOT TO FACILITATE DRAINAGE TOVARDS THE MAIN VEHICLE ENTRY/EXIT DOORVAY 7 2' x 6' WALL STUDS 16' x 14' SECTIONAL ----- OVERHEAD GARAGE P010PL 36' GARAGE DOOR HEADERS LBE, 2000Fb LVL 3-1 3/4' x 11 7/8'. DROP CROSS EDGED AREA 24' FROM L TOP OF FOUNDATION WALL/ MIN'.] 1 24' 56' I� I x cu cu 30 N1 4'--2' t DETA HED GARAGE FOUNDATION PLAN j SCAIF 1/4'= 1'-V I i 1 ALUM. DRIP E (TY') ALUM. GUTIEI 5/8- PLYWOC EXT APA SOF SCREEN VEN1 VINYL SIDING RESIDENCE) I OR PLYSCORI 2'X6"STI 2-2'X6' 1/2' FIBER II 5/8- DIA. X ANCHOR BOL' GRADE LINE 2 COATS TAF FAv �3"�!' f�� },,�� 'i�• �+1r � �p des` � ��� u {Q ,.+' ��` *��+'�' � A7�'!` `..- R. /f �r ,�'- A TAMLYN HURRICANE TIES RT2A DOUBLE TOP PLATES TO VERT. IS. USE RT2LR FOR DOUBLE TOP ES TO RAFTERS/TRUSSES. USE UPLIFT METAL STRIPS ON ALL HEADERS AND TOP PLATES METAL STRAP STUDS AND BOTTOM PLATE TO FOUNDATION. METAL STRAP STUDS TO TOP ROUBLE PLATES AND DOUBLE HEADERS OF ALL OPENINGS TO STUDS. UKU55 5tU IIUN A —A SCAIf: 1/4'■ 1'-0' GRADE LINE 4' CONCRETE SLAB 4' GRAVEL 2' X 4' KEY i'--k 1'-6' CROSS SECTION B-B SCRE: 1/40= 1'-0' NOTES Ai 1. ALL VORX IS TO 0YPL r VITH Thr LATEST ADOPTED ` VERSION Or THE' UNIFORH BUILDING COPE AND ANr APPLICABLE STATE, COUNTY OR LOCAL R£GIKATIO1x 2 THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO CHECX THE PLANS U AND IS IO NSTIFr THE MICA& Or ANr ERRORS OR OHISSIONS MOP, TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION 3 DO NOT SCALE PRAVING, US£ ONL r P19 SAMY PLACE 2-2' x B' 1EAPERS ON ALL OPENINGS MR f DOORS A10 VINPOVS (EXCEPT 0TED1. V 5 PROPOSED P4' X 56' VETAChEB GARAGE CONSISTS Dr' 1344 SQUARE FEET. PROPOSED DETACHED CAR GARAGE For Mr and Mrs ALBERTO PAIVA (AT 1157 REED RD, DARTMOUTH MA. �- A. Tit,,.,, uRAL —� tic). .' 126 DRAWN BY. George Pacheco _Date: crei r• NnTcn