Wetlands Extension Permit 310 CMR 10.99 Form 7 DEP File No. 15-820 • (To be provided by DEF') =nz• - Commonwealth cry Town Dartrnouth LMT of Massachusetts R EC E I'.'A'Qcam John Vlahos - ` '99 AUG 9 A(l 11 20 :ilium IuILDIING DEPT. Extension `�'erm)� � a ' Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act G.L. c. 131 , §40 and the Dartmouth Wetlands Bylaw From: the Dartmouth Conservation Commission Issuing Authority John Vlahos, c/o Kenneth A. Wainor 172 William St. To: Olde Boston Engineering Co, Inc. New Bedford, MA 02740 (Name) (Address) The Order of Conditions (or Extension Permit) issued on March 28, 1990 (date) to T.U. Realty Trust (name) for wor<at Plat 70, lots 13, 22r 23, Albro Avenue herebyyear(s)from the (address) is extended for a oeriop of (3)three ear date it exo:res. This Extension Permit wiil expire on March 28, 1997 (date) This coc:::-:en:snail be recorded in accorcance with General Condition 8 of the Order of Conditions. (Leave Space Banc 7-1 Ef`.e::::ve : 1, CiFc John Vlahos Extension Permit File No. 15-820 Issued by the Dartmouth Conservat�i(oonn Commission rx Signaturels) E ?` _%_""`r T X) Sii-e- - / 4 -C/drcr Ci)arlite "Va-S _Pa4.z__e-----/a_f_e_::e When issued by the Conservation Commission this Extension Permit must be signed by a majority of its memoers. On this 2nd day of August 1 g 94 . before me personally aooeared George A. Levesque . to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he/she executed the same as hisiher fre 6/28/96 act and deed. / „P(G J ita Costa Notary Public My commission expires Detach on coned line and sucmt to the Dartmouth Conservation Commission prior to commencement of work. To the Dartmouth Conservation Commission issuing Autnonry Please oe advise°:hat the Extension Permit to the Order of Conoitions for the project at File Numoer 15- 820 nas peen retorted at the Registry of .book .page ant nas teen nc:ec' !^e chain c:::Je or Inc atfectee property:n acccrcance wan General Cononlon S of the original order of conenions on 1 g if reccroec lane.hie instrument numoer wnicn iaennnes this transaction is it!ec sterec lam the document nu.^ter wnicn identities this transaction is Sidra:tue Acpiicam 7-2