BP-431 V 0 I BUILDING PERMIT 6- - %'Y FIELD INSPECTION, Dartmouth Building Department � (✓ Plat : 70 400 Slocum Road-P. O. Box 9399 $ Lots) 13-1 North Dartmouth, MA 02747 1 � J9 Lt Si •e: Telephone 508-999-0720 e(l �g Zone Dist. : SRA Issued Date: 02/24/92 Permit No. : 431 Project Location: 1213 Old Fall River Road Number Street Subdivision Name: Nearest Cross Street : Albro Avenue Applicant/Agent : Daniel Faria _ Contact Person Phone It: ( ) 508-672-5091 Proposed Use: Residential _ Aesidentlel. Cemmerolal. Industrial. etc. Permit Issued To: Alteration Type of Improvement. Add. Alter. New Comet.. Dmme. Land/Move, etc. Repair fire Damage Indicate no. of bedroemo and bathrooms and other room* Owner(s) of Record: Daniel J. & Susan C. Faria Address: 345 Highland Avenue. North -Dartmouth, MP wd147 . . . . .. �. , •.,. ,.•.FI M�..• • 3XAE•i3F,.3S4�F?���C3i... . .. t;EtviRR2Cb .. . .. . . I• IKITT IA......... 7 ?--?1 .v, �GAf A ram a 2-:5= 1,u:.ek- '� &_ « 6_8py VOID a BUILDING PERMIT Dartmouth Building Department Plat : 70 400 Slocum Road—P. O. Box 9399 Lot (s) : 13-1 North Dartmouth, MA 02747 Lot Size : Telephone 508-999-0720 Zoning Dist. :sra February 20, 1992 (typed) Permit No. : 431 Issued Date: 2 /24/ 1992 Clerk: lls Project Location: 1213 Old Fall River Road Noabor Subdivision Name: Nearest Cross Street : Albro Avenue Applicant/Agent : DanielJ. Faria Address: 345 Highland Avenue, North Dartmouth. MA 02747 Contact Person Phone #: ( ) 508-672-5091 Type of License: Owner: (x) Const. Superv. License #: ( Architect : ( ) Engineer: ( ) Other: ( ) Proposed Use: Residential O,N lal, Caaa.rotal. Otte. Permit Issued To: Alteration Type of :ep ev.e.nt. Add. Alter. Now tena.. Deese. Land/Moro. eta. Repair Fire Damage indicate no. and bath eoea and --Sr-ass- Rr--as-0f-_Const.: _-_950 a. Cott of-Con-st_.---.$a smarm—---- Cost-Other Const. : TOTAL FEE: $ 30. 00 Owner(s) of Record: Daniel J. & Susan C. Faria Address: 345 Highland Avenue, North Dartmouth. MA 02747 All work shall comply with 780 CMR 5th Ed. (MGL Chap. 142) and any other applicable Mass. Laws or codes and plans on file. I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and I have been authorized by the downer make this application as his author ' ent. Signature of Owner/Agent : <1•` Address: **********a*********s****a********* ***a*a****************:r****** Signature: Ice-it //_ -� Approved/Issued By: William A. rag LLdcal Building Inspector COMMENTS: ORIGINAL 0 APPLICANT 0 ASSESSORS ❑ CLERK 0 COPY \ BUILDINGPERM IT T eirt-1-1.It me !tl tittnl Ti r41 lies. .rtmetit P141 ,0 .44 0 'Slocum React- tt, r go.; 93 `:r . 1 L.tit + 5 T : i .a".1. wa J3 f ;r t h L}r;r cij e m t n, u n C i 7-'+-. Let Size Telephone 508 9'?'1 .tip? i Zoning Di s':. ; s; a Fob r I re: v,' 9 ?/. 'ivied: Porin3 t NO 431 J (// l5S 5't i n 2 / I.4P ,1192 eI-14 t j5 _. // �./ 'Pro1r: t 1 oc -.-_' e 011' 2J3 Old r ll RlieP Pt d to-uve. et.uzv _obd iv is Ron Name: SZ .,:;t—ma? Cross Street : ' _.___ flitn`o eya itw -,:...-r�-'__._..y..:ad_:�.>-.mod.:....,. tpnhic an iidgent{�; _ ? l 41 J.„F ,�a 4 c ,�.._ µ_.___ r. rdre.a t ; ,`4r .J.fI fib L1.414 1Si_E9 e;I14g;s._ No# h Dl t ?_iu# #z_ WI- 0 7 Contact Person t-Fhon'- P . 1 `40441--ft lg.:.t:2919 1 ' s.'t pie of License: Owner; [,t}Y'i' t 'Z=i2T"'J.. License $"u I. Arch it. `ct! t. +1Cj:ntr'nv's S, 1 O ;her t t Pr-t.l :.a vied Ms_i can _... HMb4MMYrk>d'x. i:.8ne'i..g,Ss2a YMelnCriS 1s 4HF Pez^Siit at 'twd Tog hit er as cOT. .__ a - 30m;-, a, .._ _ '�y1,a ri.._6 xb ro-w�ACe fkHNa R32e:=y'rzaw Lass„_- Swrw, Ln At.. Cr i?::s Or ea of i.omit 'r' ; 5,0 :�t" }.5: Cost of Con 4d_A $ Sa47414.E !i3 co iil.. -lit F1{:r Conti t. : Yf,..i4. Fri. # `d ilk: �,. .�__ -ram _ : ___ __ ..._ .-.. . .-... ' ,-- nk'i (Si of Rt&cnr"4_: Dan e 7 L & 9.1s ri Q Z'at' Ta _..- t e.ss __._., rt . f'1._ h *nt . er .. ehire... `Tier14€t._t3a} t egtlii 1f. _� '13 ' _- Add 11 work shall c-O9 iV with Th' [:MR ''`ith Ed. (NOt Chard. t42; And ,tn:l%~ ' other .' pp. i itat;1e hi' i . Laws or ratios tTetiii pintgs on ft Je., i !'1?r.e 4..,; c..ert 'i 1'ti` f.`i;w t, r. r.i._ -.-1e .-^--- - .-.c.._ 1 h pp -r :woe :.a act ionized by th _wn r� of record and I have teen a qtho; tz_d liv the „o' vner t,-7 make .:.. app_ tton as his T ttt or i .id :aidir-at. f - y r_____..__ .________ }.^ ,4.-iit* F***.4:Y1l cs * ****[ ,FTiik'T:i-s Yt'*.i# x :}'--41.**4;i+sa -**** ** .;+*aaar kpp e-ied. Ts-sued Ent . William A, Braga, i._a_al. nu; icJB.fin inspect or CONMENTSi .44 I ':i p is 4,: ie-'i,., i J t"iX °' r,Ei soL • ,1,, i 1)y,, ;2 ,;'i_-pK 5..� I:A:iP ' ',M�t'ri):1j.., PERMIT NO. 7 Q�i - °°`° ' \ TOWN OF DARTMOUTH DATE ISSUED --a`71—l(- o �s. TOTAL COST •v APPLICATION FOR O C; y,, LESS APPLICATION FEE . kJrsy BUILDING PERMIT FINAL PERMIT FEE LOCATION OF BUILDING/ �/ 01 Number & Street �� /� �A/� til x1 (� 01.1 Zoning District s /'T 02 Cross Streets(between) f and J92ti-- ite_,C 03 Lot -;18" / Plat 177U ubdivision Lot OWNERSHIP COST 05 private (individual, corporation, 36 Cost of Improvement 573, Oa.) non-profit institution, etc.) 36.1 To be installed but not 06 ❑ Public (Federal, State, or local government) included in the above cost TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 36.2 Electrical co 07 0 New Construction 36.3 Plumbing 0 08 p Addition -Ty e of Room(s) 36.4 HVAC O 09 ',Alteration jkoA�u. fj „rye 36.5 Other - Specify G 10 ❑ Foundation Only --�, example: elevator �� o-J 11 ❑ Demolition (#of units if residential) 37 TOTAL / 12 ❑ Moving (relocation) STRUCTURE STATISTICS 38 mod Frame 13 Number of Bedrooms A- 39 ❑ Masonry (wall bearing) • 14 Number of Bathrooms (Total) 40 ❑ Structural Steel Full-Tub 41 ❑ Reinforced concrete / 3/4 - Shower 42 ❑ Other - Specify • 1/2 - Toilet Only RESIDENTIAL-PROPOSED USE DIMENSIONS 15 ❑ One-Family 43 Number of stories .� 16 T'wo or more families 44 Total square feet of floor area, all floors, Number of units �— based on exterior dimensions %-`O 17 ❑ Garage 45 Total land area, square feet a, ?� AC 18 ❑ Shed q 19 ❑ Carport 20 ❑ Swimming Pool SEWAGE DISPOSAL In-Ground Above-Ground 21 Lk1 woodstove 46 ❑ Public or private company 22 ❑ Fireplace 47 si Private (septic tank, etc.) 23 ❑ Other - Specify WATER SUPPLY 48 ❑ Public or private company NON-RESIDENTIAL - PROPOSED USE 49 fi Private, (well, cistern) 24 ❑ Amusement, recreational 25 ❑ Church, other religious PRINCIPAL TYPE OF HEATING FUEL 26 ❑ Industrial 50 ❑ Gas ,y 27 ❑ Parking Garage 51 Prt511 28 ❑ Service station, Repair garage 52 ❑ Electricity 29 ❑ Hospital, institutional 53 ❑ Coal • r 30 ❑ Office, bank, professional 54 ❑ Other - Specify 31 ❑ Public utility 32 ❑ School, library, other educational TYPE OF MECHANICAL 33 ❑ Stores, mercantile 55 Will there be central air conditioning? ❑Yes No 34 ❑ Tanks, towers 56 Will there be an elevator? ❑Yes No 35 ❑ Other - Specify PARKING PER ZONING BY-LAWS 57 ❑ Enclosed 58 0 Outside 59 Does this building contain asbestos? ❑ YESJO If yes complete the following: Name & Address of Asbestos Removal Firm: IDENTIFICATION - To be completed by all applicants PLEASE PRINT 60 Owner (print) ::0-,i(Gfr'1e/ T 7 7477,e/% 6 7,2Sa 7 NAME MAILING ADDRESS 0.22p7 TELEPHONE NO. 61 Signature C-= 20 t.� — u c/ X/AA-a//LO(r C DATE G2-4-22 ✓✓✓✓ Builder's 62 Contractor (print) "C/ re 7/A License No. NAMEQ AILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. 63 Signature` s \ �� DATE 64 Architect or Engineer (print) NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. 65 Signature DATE CERTIFICATION TO PERFORM WORK 66 I/We hereby appoint NAME ADDRESS as my/our agent for the purpose of applying for and obtaining a building permit for the work to be done described in this application. Signature DATE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 67 Has A-1 or Determination been issued by Conservation Commission? ❑ YES ❑ NO Submit copy of notification sent to DEQE and the State Dept. of Labor Industries and result of air sample analysis after asbestos removal is complete. 68 Owner or Agent - I certi under pe ' of the penalties of perjury that the information herein is accurate to the best of my Signature DATE —5�; Owner or Agent • 69 BOARD OF HEALTH REVIEW _ L DATE a vP Y 2 ' Inspector or Authorized Person COMMENTS: 70 DPW - WATER Service No. • SEWER Service No. To be completed upon issuance of permit- (if applicable) 71 I will pond addr so as to b Isible from street. Signature /� ( > - DATE GZ-��'—y Owner or Agent 72 I have receiv require inspecti�n Signatur �G TGem DATED/ Owner or Agent • RECEIPT FOR PERMIT« _ ',o. TOWN OF DARTMOUTH -6 6 '0 it PERMIT NO. :. b < No �/ Date k Received From Owner Location i Type at -y''9 -2,R-J • Amount Paid 0 •� Received By ./F t 1 L �.k f/�' RECEIPT FOR PERMIT TOWN OF DARTMOUTH 7 �I r:Ni PERMIT NO. V No fC t- # _ — Date ^ G .1l � x � Received From f i ( 1 -t ( �� , :-or_," _e '.Owner _..r1...,.et-ervt_e t� i `JO/� -, Lgcation J / 3 OIL,/ 'Lez_F {, ,,e ts <..- (tee 1 Type -<.a e 2e_7./ . Amount Paid -17,,c -xL- i Received By /9__*r `._s-CA_:)i „Ltd,--e-sr".^--