BP-469 FIELD COPY Dartmouth Building Department 400 Slocum Road BUILDING i�n/�o11 reT32D P.O. Box 9399 PERMIT [ILA IT L LC North Dartmouth, MA 02747 Telephone 508-999-0720 DATE February 5, 1991 iB PER IT NQ. 469 APPLICANT Daniel Faria ADDRESS 345 Highland Ave. No. Dartmouth (NO.) (STREET) (CONTR'S LICENSE) PERMIT TO land (_) STORY temporary trailer dueDWELLING UNITS (TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT) NO. (PROPOSED USE) fiue,a. AT (LOCATION) Albro Ave. No. Dartmouth,_MA 02747 ZONING DISTRICT (NO.) (STREET) a BETWEEN AND ,1 1:5m (CROSS STREET) (CROSS STREET) m SUBDIVISION LOT A 13 BLOCK 70 _ _ SIRE I V O BUILDING IS TO BE FT. WIDE BY FT. LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION m O l Z TO TYPE USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION 3 F p PE) 04 REMARKS: Trailer permit expires one year from date of issue. AREA OR ERMIT QQ.� VOLUME ESTIMATED COST 50•00 P FEE .p 50.00 (CUBIC/SQUARE FEET) OWNER Daniel Faria { ADDRESS345 Richland Ave. No. Dartmouth, MA 02747 ByILDWG_DToJ. Silveira smp INSPECTION RECORD DATE NOTE PROGRESS - CRITICISMS AND REMARKS INSPECTOR DEPT. FILE COPY Dartmouth Building; Department zo 400 Slocum Road - sBUILUING 04 P.O. Box 9399 North Dartmouth, MA 02747 PERMIT VALIDATION Telephone 508-999-0720 DATE February 5, 1991 ( 469 APPLICANT Daniel Faria. ADDRESS 34b Highland Ave.PER I NoT.N Nuartlouth - (NO.) (STREET) (CONTAIN LICENSE) PERMIT TO land (_) STORY temporary trailer due to DWEBLIE.RNG UNITS (TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT) NO. (PROPOSED USE) tire _. - AT (LOCATION) Albro Ave. No. Dartmouth, MA 02747 ZO IN CT (NO.) - (STREET) a. BETWEEN AND m _ __ (CROSS STREET) (CROSS. STREET)LOT .. m SUBDIVISION LOT 13 BLOCK 70 SIZE a O 0 BUILDING IS TO BE FT. WIDE BY FT. LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION m 0 Z TO TYPE USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION f m (TYPE) LL REMARKS: Trailer permit expires one year from date of issue. AREA OR - 50.00 PERMIT $ 50.00 VOLUME ESTIMATED COST if, FEE (CUBIC/SQUARE FEET) OWNER Daniel Faria AODRESB345 Highland Ave. No. Dartmouth, MA 02747 ByILDt `d o J. Silveira smp. . (Affidavit on reverse side of application to be completed by authorized agent of owner) .a I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his authorized agent. SIGNATURE OF A ADDRESS (NUMB R) - (STREET) - (CITY) APPROVED BY TITLE DATE 19_. ULI l( t� PERMIT NO. / . °�C�` ` ° is . TOWN OF DARTMOUTH DATE ISSUED a/s/v ' . � 7 6w 114)1� "�` S I TOTAL COST �`->U H"�1 � ���� "� APPLICATION FOR �, rcC: 'S� '� DING PERMIT LESS APPLICATION FEE lee4 FINAL PERMIT FEE 50. 61) /1\ . WM-REFUNDABLE )_. LOCATION OF BUILDING �J J 01 Number & Street 9.�t— ��� � 01.1 Zoning District 02 Cross Streets(between) �yhh and 03 Lot � Plat / 04 Subdivision Lot OWNERSHIP COST , 05 ❑ Private (individual, corporation, 36 Cost of Improvement non-profit institution, etc.) 36.1 To be installed but not 06 ❑ Public (Federal, State, or local government) included in the above cost TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 36.2 Electrical 07 ❑ New Construction 36.3 Plumbing 08 ❑ Addition -Type of Room(s) 36.4 HVAC 09 ❑ Alteration 36.5 Other - Specify 10 ❑ Foundation Only 37 TOTAL example: elevator M2 11 ❑ Demolition (#of units if residential) 12 ❑ Moving (relocation) STRUCTURE STATISTICS 38 ❑ Wood Frame 13 Number of Bedrooms 39 ❑ Masonry (wall bearing) 14 Number of Bathrooms (Total) 40 ❑ Structural Steel Full-Tub 41 ❑ Reinforced concrete 3/4 - Shower 42 ❑ Other- Specify 1/2 - Toilet Only RESIDENTIAL-PROPOSED USE DIMENSIONS 15 ❑ One-Family 43 Number of stories 16 ❑ Two or more families 44 Total square feet of floor area, all floors, Number of units based on exterior dimensions 18 ❑ Shedge 45 Total land area, square feet 19 ❑ Carport 20 10 Swimming Pool SEWAGE DISPOSAL In-Ground Above-Ground 21 ❑ Woodstove 46 ❑ Public or private company 22 ❑ Fireplace —y 47 ❑ Private (septic tank, etc.) 23 CI Other - Specify Z-4) N WATER SUPPLY 48 ❑ Public or private company NON-RESIDENTIAL - PROPOSED USE 49 ❑ Private, (Well, cistern) 4 ❑ Amusement, recreational 25 ❑ Church, other religious PRINCIPAL TYPE OF HEATING FUEL 26 ❑ Industrial 50 ❑ Gas 27.. ❑ Parking Garage 51 ❑ Oil 28 ❑ Service station, Repair garage 52 ❑ Electricity 29 ❑ Hospital, institutional 53 ❑ Coal 30 ❑ Office, bank, professional 54 ❑ Other - Specify 31 ❑ Public utility 32 ❑ School, library, other educational TYPE OF MECHANICAL 33 ❑ Stores, mercantile 55 Will there be central air conditioning? ❑Yes ❑ No 34 ❑ Tanks, towers 56 Will there be an elevator? ❑Yes ❑ No 35 ❑ Other - Specify PARKING PER ZONING BY-LAWS 57 0 Enclosed 58 ❑ Outside 59 Does this building contain asbestos? ❑ YES ❑ NO If yes complete the following: Name & Address of Asbestos Removal Firm: • IDENTIFICATION - To be completed by all applicants PLEASE/ 4PRINT �/ 60 Owner (print ,A/d//� 7 , //f/ 'A3 n :5 ,'y9 ,0/ AIL-- �— v + ��11 AME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. 61 Signature DATE d-2.—lJS Builder's 62 Contractor (print) License No. NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. 63 Signature DATE 64 Architect or Engineer (print) NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. 65 Signature DATE CERTIFICATION TO PERFORM WORK 66 I/We hereby appoint NAME ADDRESS as my/our agent for the purpose of applying for and obtaining a building permit for the work to be done described in this application. Signature DATE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 67 Has A-1 or Determination been issued by Conservation Commission? ❑ YES ❑ NO Submit copy of notification sent to DEQE and the State Dept. of Labor Industries and result of air sample analysis after asbestos removal is complete. 68 Owner or Agent - I certify under peril of the penalties of perjury that the information herein is accurate to the best of my knowledge. Signature DATE Owner or Agent 69 BOARD OF HEALTH REVIEW DATE Inspector or Authorized Person COMMENTS: 70 DPW- WATER Service No. SEWER Service No. To be completed upon issuance of permit- (if applicable) 71 I will post permit and address so as to be visible from street. Signature DATE Owner or Agent 72 I have received list of required inspections Signature DATE Owner or Agent 4'3 TOWN OF DARTMOUTH f4 BUILDINGtDEPARTMENTc s / � '' Date �� `�i / ! % / Name In Payment of Amount p d J atuf id tf/l V V'GV'/ cN V .9 SAL% n ?0 400 Slocum Road • P.O. Box 9399 so-: North Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02747 RECEIVED OFFICE OF THE 91 FEB 19. PR 3,9 508-999-0704 BOARD OF HEALTH :. FAX 508-999-0738 DARTMOUTH BUILDING Din February 19 , 1991 - Mr. David J. Silveira Commissioner r R Dartmouth Building Department d' ^ ' 400 Slocum Road ''' „�'� North Dartmouth, MA 02747 Dear David: Resk While investigating the violations at the trailer located Itrit43/4 at Plat 70 , Lot 13 Albro Avenue, it was noted that perhaps similar cases could be avoided in the future. Accordingly, we respectfully request that you notify the Board of Health whenever a trailer permit is issued, in order to allow the Inspectors the opportunity to verify whether a "septic system" exists on the property. Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated. Very truly yo rs , 44492446x4earril DARTMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH DBH:psd cc: file • Dartmouth Building Department 400 Slocum Road P. O. Box 9399 Dartmouth, MA 02747 508 999-0720 February 4, 1991 Mr. Daniel Faria 345 Highland Avenue North Dartmouth, MA 02747 Re: Plat 70 Lot 13 (Albro Avenue) Dear Mr. Faris : Be advised that after inspection of your property located at Plat 70 Lot 13 I found that the drainage is not connected to the septic tank. This is a violation of the Massachusetts State Plumbing Code CMR 248 Principles #7 and 16, Section 2. 03 Definitions of Terms-Plumbing Systems (see copy enclosed) . This system must be made to comply to the Massachusetts State Plumbing Code FORTHWITH. Failure to vacate the premises or correct the situation will result in the necessity of legal action. This order may be appealed per 248 CMR Section 2. 04 sub-section 20 to the Board of State Examiners of Plumbers & Gas Fitters. Your prompt cooperation will preclude any unnecessary inconvenience. Sincerely, ,j"{ stc1 Roger Olivier Plumbing & Gas Inspector RO:lls CC: Board of Health Enclosure Certified Mail # P 898 499 092 . .. . I .-- • ... . . . . . . , . . . 1 r . . ' . • • • n . . . • • .. . . . . , . • • 1 . 2.027 7:.f1 ....c.yrincip;sar: • . . i . 1 w dioundins of Prinrrioltr... This Cede is rhundect unarm certz.in ortriCiPk,'S of c fatt, thrbt p ry ancetritabiy • enviroomehrol. rearAtrint, ash sarannropel dositmen, InSt&ilea alO; acid- ater maaratertatitri plumbing :tryst Errk.::i. .34' ca:lil3i.17 tfOr!R',r,P.Cti0O. rriay vary l-dut. the hosts SaftataRY arsrl Sn'int . Onnolitliin llerlodelo art.:1 necadasturts toar' hsroresecir, situations arise which are rot spestriiirally CO,,itttiftf.n"f trl tt11..0 C.Od::t, thy fittell triterpretsrinfi :shall he rirrattrie by the rasard,or:State. latharanusts crl rtharttlartira ears! Cas Bit tam. The ollow:mit uhrociplas shisil chrinply with Rh Arh.eeS Of Llif.: St,... l'3:72.F.lititti Code and Titr.es of the Efwiropmental diode. (I) Princintlit No. -1 -- All Occupied Premises Must Have Potable Water. ./:: premises tate-tidal:7J for IO-IT:lan hablratiorri, radcohancy, or use must 'a,..1 proviesnri with a starpply of cubicle rdhster. Such a water cnt:',2itj sisal] or!: ha t2ZIMSE.O1COOR. Ottth unsafe or Cluestior3a,.)1cn water SOUr. ".q±Z., ROT Oh.;tt.t.it tc.:.'t; _,,t),ICOff:t to ..'ilf..,.; :Itt,:2Rnitr.tr,. .t.r.' backflovr, hackpressure nr backerittliananaa. (2) ltlypncir.lcilo. 2 -- Ailirrouete Water Inctquiria4. Plumbing fixtures. devices, . , and astattassitaricas, must :ars stir:drilled nritit -.riot ,r.r; sufficient :trm-rte. .::-"i C.. :.'.“.. • r.V....n&stir e•ri sciebruste to enable (boor: ran function tat-pertly ape ,apt?)(y.y.,. -...tocor c:nation-in at use. . .. ,3) Pranctiolu No. rs -- Hat:a:later Ruperred. Hot water must be surarrld,r,r) o all ... ,.. unotf I fi 1.2.Xt.WV.,S VI h.1 Ch 1 i 0 r'.1 1 all Incz.[:.!: or ::irtquire hot Wate,r for their taro:ass ORE .•.- .3.21ci function. .. , • (4) Priohntite No. 4 -- Wa!,:er Conservation. Plumbians must be designed and .. •adjustad ri.) asit ...Se throarnstra urtaitttty of water consistent with pm.per OCO'faitYlliallOr3 and c:mining. (5) Pri-ndirair:No,2, 7- 0).--arders of Etmlosion or Overheatipr. Dewnas and : . . appUancus TOf YiPaintn' .3..1C, stertilR wirier ITIU-St. 'tf,t on hasp:toed arid tru:thlrad as nn-.., guara. agninsr d a.n2 a..,:; Incas, earplesion or Oven-healiniyn,. . • tfi) Flinsinhle J)-ltd. qsts- ? rdul.reclydurcrblar,LB............ Each family dwelling must. ,....ave at least ortit water closet, cite. laVtOtOR2t, RO:tt kitehtfil-Wrte. Sit);t, one Bathtub - Or shower sag. '...trundr,st troy or norms-sr:trams far a wash tug naadatua, tr, rsrptt.. lnosite require MI.r.ItS Of' SZJIi t 8 t t Ott Tn"..'. Pn:titan:al in/Odeon_ flin. !Yr...lin:O.:, tWOf.fttlitO, .... . raransin:,? lair:allies, one taunt:By ta), Cr tcritr.thic!:? 11CtErl,,,.. part-her:id ...tr rent:lion morzol, stand be cOCer,i1C!,,r, on ,tenetilino ii7ninehry FaCilitCs f; this PrUncipr rade laurd.d.ry troy tit: Wenei.!.-:.;:.,:- road:it:sr: for. rahrtry twenty aparrmants or fr.scrion theta-of, rthaLl be arceptiihre irk Hn. intt for 'Jai 'al:tartly. . Aar other .rtror.tures f,. habitation must be equipped with sufficisnt sal-lilac.' far es. Piturdrizint: fixtures M.I.:St. f,:trt, made of sharable- smooth, .noandettrartorrt and corobston rtestinliis.r. no and in Inc free iirern honor;wart frtr ling rat-faces. (7) pinerictiti4f..._No„7 7- pri..page System:if Adequate Size. The drairvt.se, system 4/7 must ft- artratrittal, cat-runs:tati ttitt: h - -•• iftsa. tit quard agaths_St favi.bg, .cteposit •-.:, :•.--;.,:,,.•.s. -6OtICL rldst,)-rtisa, ranj. tirtt...O. nO. ..• ...,.:. t.n.nRn...1Utti SO arrf,Iger; t.tOtIt the pipes may dr.:, rnsi..,y ciarosbd, , i1 fit) P-Rt'nicle No (l - r':'''''‘'I'' Vifttr'-''';'' and rood Workratrinshin The •"'oofir, o .... :„the pitorthino rnostem rrozi. be cal .Hisilnii, ..iti,trienot, iron from ttetst:”Ve .1(vOinCrit inn:hilt itnil SC) dre.sirtasti 3.O.e. CO,tO.,.,...n.tOlf t'LE. tO gide satisfactory sernri. fon reissoica'rare einitrinted. Ll.i. (9) ,PritaraniaLe No. b -7 Tristitin ..e.alert_Tran...s_.?..yro.taittecl. Bach fix bra- directly (dolman rsif ro tRT cl--.---,..7-ag•• zny. tEsil !r•nr-:-.: ...,n., 10.20.:n;.,:.)0.nn with a litruid-S,7li tren. NO) PrirataiteNot0 -- Trap Seals Shall Be Protected. The drained? systom most be n:,:ncy15t.t2; to pmore al') raddnuede. nhaerion of L.!' in ait innnalts v.aa•b. n,3 •...)... ••• eat/frII'- ft, 240 Clutt, _ 6 .,• OP! ctia(-nue(' tlecaacr of siond -a. 2-s3721.10, fanatuot of tau seaLs UridCt oncnitions of .. (liar ry use. 11) Princjp[e Nt 31, T.-../JttaliSt CitLi Airstfy!.$)de. Each vent terminal must ext to tne coo- air a( the se, inst.aii,,,d pc cm ,n;sdfni•ze 11';OStc.lb als ;Oka rad tha are ef e(2 (n ice tecHine. (12) (3ncip1tle: 1225_Tiait (hypo:rime Ertnerr.. The plumbing system most be satocime(1 ict . ria teena asv .. ffective-9.y Otselose all leaks Ann oefacls to Jot( atk or (he a. .erials. 112) Prlincillie fla 13 -- Exclud. e Substances from the No suns:once k och will ,,, or accenteate clitt,.(jing of pions, nirotiliace explosive tift11'fil-118, 4CtStrtnt the f ttt or ;hair -pints, or piste:fere crit.loly with The 114) firinpiple .14 Prevere Contamination_ Proper protection shall be provided le pre.::: auntewitrainsa of rood, water, sterile goods, and cc-filler , tials ay laeOW of Sity - : •. When necessate the are, elegy ice. or i,;(tance shall tar . oranecled mai:only with the- 201±0 nreina„ts aystein. t18) t' c &eNc cnJyLof Ventilation. No water closet or similar hat ure Ecale be imaiteri in re"). :Jr flti;iMp:.ttiment which is not rapopealy ho-atect v11ntate.C1. Principle 161:-..-Jpdiyirina. Sewafite pi..s.posa! Systems,. if water closets oiher plureboi: fixtures are ia,tartect in buildings where there is no sewer witein a temp:nap!: distance, so Lie provision 5.1.-7.4.(l be made ter Et:SOOSiyitt t.st Poe sewage :317 .. - accepted me,. de ot sow.--.2k, pima(rat eh, arid d -,: Prevent; ewer Flopti:o.E. Mere a plumbing draninree stir:en; bona ihon-, the public (-war : die to i'30€VC,1 Is OVern.OW in the builkoot?„ i18) Principle. bie 18 -- Proper Lintenance. 1,31Almbing systems shall be mayntraciari In a 7 re woo sero tin lii conch lion from the in rocleoinit rol both [ 9) Prins-idel : t3 Fin-ore- :hail Pio Accessible. All plumbing fit:tut:84 4-3811 be se .i1),1)Cirty aV'i at tat 11:17.CeSr:ible thteti intended .atte Utr 12C) fitilliaiplyNa 10 -- Sc - -- LSafety. Plumbine shall_ he installed with fee reriars to 7 -ota-ye:ion • narci- or rnr:n?h1,:i «ref tiateietration of Sot( walls;at: tttc.rtr sot(aces feetooe ticatEitri. 121! Princnale N7 21 -- Protec- , round and Sparracri Water. SegaST.7.12 or other 4.-estst triesi act a- cliar-lier?ried 22t in:Placa .ottyaitfaurt water risatiar ahato itest heap tt'7,21'2 (t: SO some acc. rodoi !ft(2 att.. Prier:-a , : Treatment of Special. Wastes. All ma a 7 : beCi.ircht 6,771!s•srtts.- ((ie. anal welfare of -aa'- of any euildinta, steal eat cr.-Pref. wition saincetu p.i.- Ey:dents tip,- either ttotiracted roc tlispot-m0 of or -tetra,' ritiOr •!tnt thtt. senita7, drainage syeten is accordance Ain itte et( authorities 92: 1-2,!. tattoos tieperal. 12. he purpose 0, his Code, the following terms shall, have the telercaritt pai'C 1 sc1inr. No az temen 5t-naravcdrfine CrOartat7 s•••07,stS whie't are usira ,rcernanee their establishati dictionary mea-Oils cote pi t; it is net. • :y te tHiThs heir meanly-hit as used in this Code to tooari nnirporlerstarouria 248 CMR - 7 •. . . . . •.. . . . . . . . .t . . . . . • .. . ... • .• . :.--::-/E77:.: :.i.n:•,,.: • •:::.•-: -.-i.::-..-c,::. c•-•,....x..-... laVE:Enf.; . . ,.....),„ •._ • . .iiyabilain. I...• :...,t fr.-4:,.-'i Ch.liY ,• :i7ril'el"-iC Crf the Fnuard of Stet.", E.:pin:liners of :.....„...,...,;....„:: -,,,.: .. ......,&pi.f.:.:.:. ,.rj;j:Z,..-: .r 1321_ PiUlr..b.3r, a:•:. 27:::::..li CU.'. by ti..tat.,. pt. IS 9 .11b..]:•*•,".:.b. ;.: ",:•:.,,i0S'. i•.•--;•.turS1.. nib iyiaani., zanalier practice, rgaimri17:k .n."1.1 ib X•.1.1b0..3 cuis-i.s...•..bb 10 ...,11‘y L.:::.:1::, 0: jr.S.T.'.0 nliapi•asai et" iatiagn rbr•.:;.•,.0 Lb.,••• ;H. liSbt-. PS.1.1.rd Liam. that nattier, nib to plE.IPIT",:f , rirUrr. Cbtl,••.-• ‘,,/, of .n. laplia... i yin...inv. laiiigirinun- f Mfr. a .bC,,.!1t. -b-bN i"..:•:. OY:t.")0..:;"; P.i.".;: ii.„ a t:••.;... cif' ',IL. OU• r..1±0“0 '..rb.ii :nit.:t riwintript iren the tntiti.trittoti• ' tniruipPportit spent Sr itutti... ttin .y 4.. "iiiinagaid rUum.L.2.r erny. On agamatic, binning ••• .r...fU'ih,:, L".":">..• :"..S".-:i or pipet tiepin:. init.. ie. the tion......ti;, tippipl ci• t.tlt. itptett.pript .. dev2. ice rt. t Ati vino. .. t.it,ntiipt "(puce:, etc."! pr.-IP:Pr lirteci atiicictin in. filo direction of nit* it.rrei, f .::•, •:.. "!)," n'.tr.,..fl.,.:-..S ... rur iS.S.r.0.b.bi.! flIf %. li.,-,1•11ad 2).U.t"bb•SI.'". onolr 1"..b....-.:,:j.0."::.1...f;•.".., c.p!. lrasiablleni zy. ninteclagy, devinaa. or appii.ance.rt eitile.•0 SUbpli0d • ?:•:0,":"",-, ..:.IS: ::.. •:.b.Oul.r. Cl.S.S". 0•,, . 1-0 is0 iha an alma...L.1,n, ayanyinn viiiya anhich tivty H-r.:....•• rer,......t. inn. ::•.ititt.,,ntip. .iiiii.,...i.......;tio,ti. 1,:i.....i. retin. iitt'itrative Aririt:y.) ,. ... . . .., #4.7"7 Nunitinni• " .....uni Ei•pia iiii •• 3irin,7 "LysZoism ircludes the venter ittippiy 'end ... inettittintipt. , ...Pei; pit:tinning Lit:tures anct trilpitt.i. snit, 'it•it.stei 3t:1"..i V,,'•nt. ....2,..;d.:•4" ..,..,..',., -..-•,, :.e....,." ....r..,A -,. liSairLri Silebr..i.ibi" ... :Th.-•••,3.-:ti."‘ria ce nnec 1 ionti, -...2,r,b..."'......, :-..,..,..:-.. ..:0; bt: E.•• /o2r.i., 0 tbbi" CMI:."-•'.11.. E,b '•`1)J1 :S.:::3; "..".itli. b!". pill.lbr.", 0.: ..:::.i.dr.(.0.00p.abb.. ..;...•,15..bli.0 .•5•:.:.'1::••• tyta Iiimparty ling. • - iiiipifultuliit lini•-• 2.. . Wii.ta"." •ruu . Lai; i.rupupitie5 ntaaniii. irl Zs.MOUllt°• sficiant 'Hi, ,..-1-LS".;:k-.. •.S.r.".,..:....,., .0,7' h-",Yr-rr.:".....:. i..-0i-;;.y.... . .....,..c.t.I. J.;..":".0,•;!:,.. ;.;:i. 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"taii_iiiiiiin la ii •.. blitiyaificatien el plumbing natures, public skisil -imi"..ila pi :b. • -lax niiiii ....;" dig a pai and:tn.- Priamiva en Private liyin. cornia.,,, pii.... • dir.••;,‘,.?" cczArr..ited by pi.iblic authckrity. ',"',-.y"."."•,.. '...'. .... i.i.:.. rL., ir.A..t.,.. s",.r.ppiy ti!..):1 lot i")abiic USE cordial:len li•nupylifigyibil....... .-• ..."ii......., in. by-w••• act of via..V.e ma•eirigl generated by 0: Erom the ••• "iinum; .... _meads .....• pfL"...•. .0 a p`.irf. SebStatICR. .::::.:,:sb."•0:q:....:. . .•X tUC,-.." ..r d•avi. ... which ref:fgt.:PC (fie discharge f rcen inai4uct vw.s2e .:•L:".".Az.. .‘. ..-..',..jc.•.. .. Viabic o 7,',•iiru.,;115 00,',:a in,nc rnel.c.c.tthls rr.acia .-i.."..:;.••cif." .,••• •• ...H..•":. ,"A.' 1,1.1H ., ..?, •A•tUri;•. !.32." Synt),, ,Lic DNA segnaialbs iia DNA Yiniaifil 24f. .C.....a - 14 SENDER:Complete items 1 and 2 when additional services are desired,andcomplete items 3 and 4. Put your address in the"RETURN TO"space on the reverse side.Failure to do this will prevent this. card from being returned to you.The return receipt lee will provide you the name of the person - delivered to and the-date.of delivery".For additional fees the following services are available.Consult postmaster for fees and check boxfes)for additional service(s) requested. ` 1. EI¢how tq wjigm galivered,.date,and addressee's address. 2. 0 Restricted Delivery. 3.Article.Addressed to: - 4.Article Number P 898 499 092 Mr. Daniel Facia Type of Service: 345 Highland Ave. Registered Insured North Dartmouth, MA 02747 C7 certiflad ® coo GGGG7777 Express Mail Always obtain signature of addressee or agent and DATE DELIVERED. '5.dim-Mare—Addressee S.Addressee's Address(ONLY if requested and fee paid) S.Signature—Agent X 7.Dale of Delivery PS Form S i l;Feb.1986 - DOMESTIC R,JTURN RECEIPT Y I UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE ; y r t OFFICIAL BUSINESS. repg U.,d `s SENDER INSTRUCTIONS 1 xs Print your name,address,and ZIP Code } in the space below. 11P 1 , •Complete items 1,2,3,and 4 on 1 ! the reverse. U 1 + •Attach to front of article if space 5L permits,otherwise affix to:back of 1'*w i article. •Endorse article Return Receipt. PENALTY FOR PRIVATE I I, Requested"adjacent to number. USE.$300 I it i .RETURN Print Sender's name,address,and ZIP Code in the space below. 1 -' TO TOWN of DARTMOUTH I i <UILDING DEPARTMENT 1I� - I .•4'3y_', Slocum Rd. / P. O, Box9v99 :. ; ,, North Dartmouth, MA 02747 {[ 1 '( I o . 3 . • - ! __ 2 9 0 . t c , 0 0 prN 3- `82_) r: > 2- o N-1 `..1 A Z V - -'1CDi ft i ' - -4 frit H- - 1, :it.- OP to: M" 0 •sa) a ,•• 0 cu '-- m' ' g aTil -17,•a; :`,et JJ Zn i CI' -5 tilt: . CD CU riinZ - - — . ..4..- __ ..,.._. . . . - , .,, . _ ., 1 - .,\b<4-1/4,4‘it.--, car;it Nim lig „. - 1.7. igg,fC1?...-- 'i ILt / m - • • '/ Miff 'At• . en, -. ' "c4' icSr.'• ' Urc> (0 ar.':' k (VI s „;':.:-- n) '-. ..-. r--'7"--. 3 3--(- VI ---// gi ; ',it N 1'44 N . . .., ... ,.„. . (,h,„),9„,.:,... (() -,41T„,.. k (10 '1.; :3 -f,-.--;4+, -3 ,rt. ...*: 2 N Ir. 0 i 1 NI i .3.4 ... . :e.-.. . 1 , 6ur t•-)5,:— c-151r- (0 u-r,-..: L cm:.:.• k. kV s,k.. .,..- — LE COP NEIL LEAHEYA CLAIMS SERVICEy 9nvesliyalions — ..4dpasintcnfs — Appraisals RECEIVED 125 WILBUR AVENUE SWANSEA, MA 02777 'Si MR 26 Pp) j az TEL.508-675-1533 • FAX 508-677-9889 DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPT. FORM Off? NOTICE OF CASUALTY LOSS TO BUILDING UNDER MASS. GEN. LAWS, CH.139, SEC. 3B To: Building Commissioner Board of Health or Fire Department or Building Inspector Board of Selectman 400 Slocum Road 400 Slocum Road 140 Cross Roads Dartmoutn Mass . 02747 Dartmouth, Mass . 02747 Dartmouth, Mass . 02714 Reference: Daniel J. and Susan C. Faria 345 Highland Avenue No . Dartmouth, Mass . 02747 Faria Family Trust Daniel J. & Susan C. Feria, Trustees 1213 Old Fall River Road (Albro Ave. ) North Dartmouth, Massachusetts Fire: 12/14/90 Worcester Insurance Company Policy #DW 05 73 02 Co. Claim #F60-12 31 03 U N. L. File #8564 Policy #DW 20 93 44 Co. Claim #F60-12 58 14U N. L. File #8583 Claim has been made involving loss , damage or destruction of the above captioned property, which may either exceed $1, 000. 00 or cause Mass . Gen. Laws, Chapter 143 , Section 6 , to be applicable. If any notice under Mass. Gen. Laws, Chapter 139, Section 3B is appropriate, please direct it to the attention of the writer and include a reference to the cap- tioned insured, location, policy number, type and date of loss and the claim or file number. NEIL aLEAHEY CLAIMS SERVICE -et oeil-ccie Neil Leahey, Managing a�eljuster On this date, I caused copies of this notice to be sent to the persons named above at the addresses indicated above by first class mail. March 25, 1991 � alp/ t Neil Leahey, Managing uste ' y/� CC: Worcester Insurance Company /®/f �f