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ASH INGTON GEN. NOTES 1. THIS PLAN 1S DESIGNED TO MEET OR EXCEED 1994 U.B.C. STANDARDS, AND MINIMUM PRESCRIPTIVE REQUIREMENTS OUTLINED IN TABLE 6-2, (OPTION 4) OF THE WA. STATE ENERGY CODE. (ADOPTED APRIL 1, 111 THE VALUES USED ARE FOR CLIMATE ZONE I. (WESTERN WASHINGTON) MINIMUM THERMAL PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CLIMATE ZONES 1 4 2 ARE LISTED IN ITEM 1* & BELOW. 2. COMPLIANCE WITH THE SEATTLE ENERGY CODE, OR OTHER GOVERNING STATE, COUNTY OR LOCAL CODES 15 NOT GUARANTEED BUT CAN BE MODIFIED FOR COMPLIANCE. VERIFY WITH ARCHITECT/DESIGNER. 3. THE CONTRACTOR 15 RESPONSIBLE TO CHECK THE PLANS AND 15 TO NOTIFY THE ARCH ITECT/DESIGNER OF ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. OWNER/CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY WITH LOCAL BLDG. DEPT. WHICH CLIMATE ZONE THE PROJECT WILL BE BUILT IN. 4. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS HAVE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS -DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWINGS. 5. DESIGN LOADS: ROOF: 25 PSF (LIVE LOAD) 42 PSF TL (SHAKE/COMP.) 50 PSF TL (CONC. TILE) FLOOR: 40 PSF (50 PSF TL) STAIRS: 100 PSF GARAGE FLOOR: 50 PSF (20000 FT. W1 UNIF. LOAD) DECKS: 60 PSF IF YOUR LOCAL AREA REQUIRES DIFFERENT DESIGN LOADS CONSULT WITH A LOCAL STRUCTURAL ENGINEER TO DETERMINE THE APPROPRIATE REVISIONS.) ro. INSULATION: ROOF: Os VAULTED SPACES) ROOF: (a FLAT CLGS.) WALLS: (EXT. ABOVE GRADE) FLOORS: (OVER UNHEATED SPACE) BELOW GRADE EXT. WALLS INSUL. 6 INT. SIDE: INSUL. 6 EXT. SIDE: SLAB ON GRADE FURNACE DUCTS (UNHEATED SPACE) ZONE I ZONE 2 R-30 R-30 IR-30 R-38 R_ICJ R-IS R-ig R-30 R-ICJ R_ ICJ R-10 R-12 R-10 R-10 R-5 R-8 -1. THERMAL PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS: (WINDOWS, DOORS, HVAC 4 ELECT EQUIP.) GLAZING MAXIMUM: ZONE 1: 21% OF HEATED FLOOR AREA ZONE 2: 11% OF HEATED FLOOR AREA GLAZING "UVALUE (MAX): .65 (ZONE 1), .60 (ZONE 2) DOOR V VALUE (MAX): .40 (ZONES 1 4 2) (DOORS W/ MORE THAN 50% GLAZING SHALL BE CONSIDERED A WINDOW) HVAC PERFORMANCE: 'i OR AFUE -TO RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURES: IC RATED (SEC. 502A.4 W.E.C.) 5. ALL EXPOSED INSULATION 18 TO HAVE A FLAME SPREAD RATING OF LESS THAN 25 AND A SMOKE DENSITY RATING OF LESS THAN 450. a PROVIDE INSULATION BAFFLES AT EAVE VENTS BETWEEN RAFTERS. 10. IF WATER HEATER HAS NON -RIGID WATER CONNECTION R1, AND 15 OVER 4' IN HEIGHT, ANCHOR AND/OR STRAP AS PER SEC. 504(d) U.M.C. fl. AIR DUCTS AND PLENUMS PASSING THROUGH THE GARAGE WALLS, FLOOR OR CEILING TO THE DWELLING SHALL BE OF -0113' (NO. 26) GALVANIZED SHEET STEEL AND THE DUCTS SHALL HAVE NO OPENINGS INTO THE GARAGE. 12. PIPE STOPS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO CUT OFF ALL CON- CEALED DRAFT OPENINGS FROM VERT. TO HORIZ. SPACES INCLUDING THE STAIRS, TUBS, SHOWERS FIREPLACES, ETC_ (SEEU.B.C. SEC. 251ro(F) 13.5MOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE PLACED IN ALL SLEEPING ROOMS AND ONE IN EA. EXIT CORRIDOR ACCESSING THE SLEEPING AREA. A MINIMUM OF ONE SMOKE DETECTOR SHALL BE PLACED ON EACH FLOOR. 14. ALL DOORS TO THE EXTERIOR SHALL HAVE MAX. 5' STEP TO A MIN. 36' DEEP LANDING. 15. SAFETY GLAZING 16 TO BE INSTALLED IN ALL HAZARDOUS 9. LOCATIONS AS DEFINED IN SEC. 5406(D). (I.E. ENTRY SIDELITES W/IN 12" OF DOOR, GLAZED EXTERIOR DOORS, GLAZING ADJACENT TO OR ENCLOSING TU55,5PA5, E SHOWERS AND THE LIKE. A ROOFING MATERIAL (BEE ROOF PLAN) G. I. GUTTER ON 2 X 5 FASCIA 5/4 X CEDAR CORNER 5DS. C/W DOWNSPOUTS (SEE ROOF PLAN) HORIZONTAL LAP SIDING (CAULK JOINTS 5TWN SIDING SYNTHETIC STUCCO FINISH 12 CORNER 5DS.) (INSTALL PER MFR SPECS.) FAMILY RM P_ HGT. DINING T.O.P. T.O.P. A r", LIPOWN W IMMI FAM. RM. FIN. FLR FINISHED FLOOR - — - - — - — - — - — - — - — - — ----------- 77 ---------- - — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — L — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — --- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — L— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — L — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — pr STOPPING FILEQUICEMENT Rpmetrafions, thru, rated walls and floors shall be f�IG1-ITSIDE ELEVATION f rn"aterila" r,t�-_flmd w!", SCALE :1/4 = V-0" Test 3i!:z;1d2'-vU vociukci -ants W. 11 Stop k, S -E-314- V al (503) 225-E1161 http://www. m a s c o r d. c 0 m NOTICE OF LICENSE, The" Plans have been licensed to the Customer fog'ui use in the constr of me building only and are subject to the conditions of license accepte( the Customer. Use of any part of the Plans by cry party cithe, than Customer, except on loan by the Customer to thi it parties neiessar assist the Customer in using the Plans, such as contrictore and subcortar is strictly prohibited, The Plan, may not be re-usi d or copied, in who' I art, without written permission from Alan fluscoro Design Associates, , 1, c C'Muscord"), which retains copyrights to and ownersh a of the Plans. DUTY OF CONTRACTOR; LIMITATIOP., OF LIABILIT' h. Mascord prepares its Plans carefully for use by i10s Customers. Hon adaptation of the Plains to meet specific state and local building code regulations, and specific site conditions, is the respor sibuity of the conk n addition, Muscord will not he responsible for any, damages relating a m uracy and overall integrtiy of the Plans in exceso of the license fe for n theuse. The contractor therefore must carefi lly inspect all dime and details , to its , thePlans for errors or ounissiuns. WARNING Unauthorized use or copying of these Plains, or the disign they depict, infr rights under the Copyright Act. Infringers face liabtifiu; that include penallie up to $20,000 per work infringed, and up to $100,000 pper work infringed wdtf If I NTOTI, ELL.J n ui It Survey must be As Bl nr io "112 Lzildinc, er;t - pl-for to calling for fown-dation impec, ct.* ny furtlh%ar corzztrul�,.tion. SONO-TLItE SIZE A ) DEPTH INSPECTION IS REOWRIII-M BEFORE THE: CONCRETE IS P P_ to IiNl C, DO Elf -,A1,r T IL rf of Dza.tnn�%P`. I YoUR MUST BE KEPI 6;J111'1-DING DivJNG THE 31C;RESS OF THIS WORI I t_ = BUILDING D]EPAMi ENT Town of Dartmou I th It -77 • . _ 80'-0" MISCELLANEOU5 NOTES � � 40'-0" 331_ID1, 1ID -0ir 8'-2n 13' 0 20'-0'41-011 3'-01, 1. A � EDROOM TO HAVE A MINIMUM WINDOW OPENING ' REGISTERED EACH � ,� n � n P - _ 8 -2 8 -4 10'-2 2 -10 g -8 - 2 0 6-0 2 0 IID 4 OF 5.�( �'Q- FT. WITH A MINIMUM WIDTH OF 20 IN. AND A !i ARCHITECT SILL LASS THAN 44 IN. ABOVE FIN. FLR Illill-2" 4'-,�o" 2. ALL WI14DOWS WITHIN 18 IN. OF THE FLOOR, AND/OR WITHIN ANY DOOR (REGARDLESS OF WALL PLANE, GREGG. N 24 1N. OFI I STATE OF WCREWSHINGTON A T HAVE TEMPERED GLAZING. RE o 3. SKYLITFS ARE TO BE GLAZED WITH TEMPERED GLASS ON AND LAMINATED GLASS ON INSIDE (UNLESS OUTSIo- � PLEXICaI-ASS). GLASS TO HAVE MAXIMUM CLEAR SPAN OF 25 111 AND FRAME IS TO BE ATTACHED TO A - I _ B WITH A MINIMUM OF 4 IN. ABOVE ROOF PLANE. I 12' X 12' 2X CUR_ BUILT UP �'}�. I : 4. ALL TUB AND SHOWER ENCLOSURES ARE TO BE GLAZED COLUMN 3 I 12' X 12 tY GLASS. I n E BUILT-UP WITH SATE Z I > I COLUMN 5- ALL EXTERIOR WINDOWS ARE TO BE DOUBLE GLAZED AND ALL EXTERIOR DOORS ARE TO BE SOLID GORE WITH L WEATHERSTRIPPING. PROVIDE lie IN. DEAD50LT LOCKS ON ALL EXTERIOR DOORS, AND LOCKING DEVICES ON ALL K Q _ AND WINDOWS WITHIN 10 FT. (VERTICAL) OF GRADE. I �' DOOR... L I - - 66 IN. A FIN. PROVIDE PEEP HOLE 54 ROVE FLOOR ON EXTERIOR ENTRY DOORS. F OL /. ---- ------ 6. SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN EACH - - - - - - - - - ro/0 X 3/0 - - -xx .SLEEPING ROOM, OUTSIDE THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF EACH; ------------ --- I- _ ASS 6xlra +MD.F.N EACH STORY OF THE N D TILED SLEEPING AREA AND E R E DWELLING. I I WA SPA 6 ALL DETECTORS SHALL BE INTERCONNECTED SUCH THAT PLATFORM I J. T ACTUATION OF ONE ALARM WILL ACTUATE ALL THE $/m 2 I , HE AC . 8 WD COL. W/ 0 I I I t - 3 AND WILL BE AUDIBLE IN ALL SLEEPING AREAS. I S 0 BUILT 12' X,UP ALARM `STEP 12 BASE E CAPITAL I 1--:_ i _ - -�I ............................... L...I d,t� : COLUMN 7, PROVIDE COMBUSTION AIR VENTS (W/ SCREEN AND CAMPER) FOR FIREPLACES, WOOD STOVES AND = U O „ ? {3 I L, BACK IfIT c0 3 -1® .2j -:/0 6- 8 12 i 2 6 ANY APPLIANCES WITH AN OPEN FLAME. 0 B. BATHR�oMS AND UTILITY ROOMS ARE TO BE VENTED � t I cv , r LL (� l ( !� L !Z - � � � D 6•D W a 0000 ( ..5 0 3) 2 2 5- mill I� http://www.mascord,conJ NOTICE OF LICENSE Al These Plans have been licensed to the Customer far use in the co structian of one building only and are subject to the conditions rf license accepted by the Customer. Use of any part of the Plans by any arty other tljan the Customer, Except on loan by the Customer. to third arties necessary to assist the Customer in using the Plans, such as cantraetrs and subcontractors, strictly prohibited, .The Plans may not be re -use """"""rrrrrr copied, in whole or lin part• without written permission from Alan Mascord Disign Associates, Inc. ("Mascord'), which retains copyrights to and ownership o! the Plans. li DUTY OF CONTRACTOR; LIMITATION IF LIABILITY Musmrd prepares its. Plans Carefully for use by its Justomers. However, adopt. 'Ian of the Plans to meet specific state and to I building codes and regulations, and specific site condYans, is the responsibi'ty of the Contractor. In addition, Mascord will not be responsible far any da ages relating It. the accuracy and overall Integrtiy of the Plans in excess a the license fee paid for their use. The contractor therefore must carefully aspect all dimensions and details in the Plaits for errors or omssions WARNING Unauthorized use or copying of these Plans, or the desigr,l they depict, Infringe, rights under the Copyright Act.. Infringers face liabilities tl at include person. of - up to $20,000 per work infringed, and up to $100,000 per ork .infringed willfully. I TO THE OUTSIDE WITH A FAN CAPABLE OF PRODUCING = '' @ I ;L/Li iN N �• , MINIMUM OF 5 AIR EXCHANGES PER HOUR DRYER E ; — U s IV-2" fiE HT. r� ,`{�' qq GO RANGE HOODS ARE ALSO TO BE VENTED TO EXTERIOR U I O _ VAULTED caw, fCAL RECEPTACLES IN BATHROOMS, KITCHENS S. ELECtP. _ �, @ 12' X 12' MASTER AND GARAGES SHALL BE GF.I. OR GF.LC. PER NATIONAL BUILT-UP KNEE ® EE �, I 14/0 X IS/10 O.✓ O ELEGTfifCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS. COLUMN ® SPACE �I — — = O EN U C10'-10" CLG.) U - - U �. �' I �I�"'� 10. INSULATE ALL ACCESS DOORS/HATCHES TO CRAWLSPACES S EL AND ATTICS TO THE EQUIVALENT RATING OF THE WALL, - ^ X FLOOR OR CEILING THROUGH WHICH THEY PENETRATE. N fSTUD-7- - `v U.L. LISTED DIRECT- 7 f 1 r ,, +� ® RECESSED EXHAUS`r FAN 11. INTERIOR STAIRS OF SIX C6) STEPS OR MORE SHALL HAVE I 1 fo X 10 BM. 1 N 51/8 X 12 24F G.L.B. VENT GAS FIREPLACE �° Z YZ VENTED TO THE EX" 10 - ------------------ --11/0 X 12/0 %,_, ER R THE REPUIRED LIGHTING IN THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF THE rt ct) N W/ COMB. AIR VENTE 20 ----------------- , TOP AMID BOTTOM OF THE STAIRS. LIGHTING SHALL 8E f I 1= I (FLUSH) t BOTTOM OF BEAM 10'-10'€ N cp FLUSH HEARTH INSTALLED I I LIED FROM TOP < BOTTOM OF EACH STAIR WITHOUT = 1 I -' _ I f,. I f .,r - 110 VOLT SMOKE DETECTOR CONTRA N I I cp 22 X 30 I PER MFR S SPECS/.,ODE 'SING ANY STEPS OF THE STAIRS. SEE CABO 303.4 « _ I -a ct7, I �,1�iU j O IEEE MISCELLANEG'US TRAVEfi= I IU- -q I ATTIC i cnr I N I v s NOTES" FOR OTHER SPECS) w, SL PE FLAT GLG 10'-10 AFF, SLOPE U U I N ACCESS �' Miami <. ....a -I„ Q7 Q _ AM I � Y �� 1. ,� L I4 I I X III 1 4 X 4 POST FROM I I I......................................................:................................... 20/2 X 14/0 =, I m ROOF HIP, VALLE't' OR I ! 1 I .d. I� \ � I `•; X — - - X I_ II _- I I' III �L ` N co I 1 X n I I N i N C13 1 CLG,,) I i �'° III RIDGE DOWN TO BEARING 2 14_ I '4'-2' 6 =ID 4.p� 4'-® POINT ON WALL BELOW N N I I_ I (MAX. 3 L 4RGER THAN OPFN IN�a _ _ :, j `` _ 6, F" I I I I I I I MAX OF 4 FROM Rt ) �l®® 2 1. 1X I ®X 10I. (FLUB - :; �.._. O i ......_._ i i X I I I I -.- G \ I POGLTS13/10 X 12/4 I I BEARING WALL SUPfi'ORTING, IN IC9 -1 1I . I ,-,.. $MI. I C14.STRUCTURE 4X DR HANGER 11 2X6 ABOVE2� CLG. JSTS. BOARD LINEN 2 6 2 6 LINEN I i €€" 1 I III 6 24 O.C. N 9 n I L 15 Z4F.GLU-LA1,M(FLUSH) .JLJL III 4 X 12 HDR DR.O=ENINGS -.._ _ ------------ ----LU - = -- ------ --- :., ------ -'=------ ___----�=_________ O FLUSH F 00 F''AMING R L R it I1-fin 2 4X12_HDR 4X12i3TM. #: -------------------------------- 11 MEMBERS W/ BUIL0-1�. P COL. I i 12/0 X 4/0 - y = \�- C9'-1' CLG.) I 1 " 22 1/2" X 3ID OFENINCz I N C9 -1 CLGJ 0 I i 0 I I ,� ` l2) 2 X 10 € � � �/ / I (FLUSH) � ;� \ � I 1 � 12 � WD COL. W/ _ i i OF 3"X BM. WIDTH END _ - j \\ /� SKYLIGHT n cfri to 12' BASE Id CAPITAL " 5'-IID" e'-2" I \/ I 6'-6" �ry// '-Gn ID I� n 3- \�ii 5 -8" I V I I� ' %9vr�1 I I 1®'_®" Y DROPPED STRUCT.11EMBER C PROVIDE COLUMNIEACH C9'-1' GIG.) `\ t N u"T N I I U 8'dWD+✓OL. W/ — 4 X 12 BM. f `� ,., I -� @ I I � END -MINIMUM. OF W`'DTH i 'C f •� ` I i e _ = p 12' BASE 8 CAPITA L SINK will, OF THE BEAM ) EATING BARIU I Nlrii� �� qi I �m ;i�WET R ------------ BA-n ct� I - 15/0 X 11/10 — I Y �-- 1 r(� - SHT. ROCK PANEL Q� f u 0 z u J C12'-0' GIG) X 20/0 X I�1/8� 1 1 v METAL CORNER BEAD.' i f X V Q p- I B f \ I I 2 X 10 INSULATION BAFFLE eJ t ! ri t `ice ` °; N �% I� 2 10 CLG. JSTS. 24 O.G. j fInk ,, 0 , D W. tK ATTIC ,ACCE Sr..�' - HATCH � �-�% � N ,` �, �, 3 // I �I � 1 000 I DOSE � Da. I SCALE 1 1/21I _ _ U.L_ LISED DIRECT i 1 I O BfBB 1 0 f VENT GAS FIREPLACE 1 1 I OO O I "s _ z - - r t - W/ COI" IB. AIR VENT 4 2d' <__ I j ! /0 X 8/6n y FLUSH HEARTH INSTAL LE I I ' Fill DR. C PER Mt Rs SPECS/CODE I I �\ I (TEMP' I nF - I- 7 I r WOOD 2 X 4 W/ 6/0 ��`� 2/0 VER 31�' X 12" 24F G B � IL0 III a GYPSUM WALLBOARD I �— ( I i I I I I ( _ _ (FLUSH) ,'-_- tt �� I.I I I 11 t cal I I 13 PIPE GUARD �`' 2 X 1. JST_ 24 O.C. ! IJL 0 CLG_ = L I I I U I I I I ?CI I �I/a'0 X 5" LAG SCREW -cl B ; 6y 4'-fin I I 2 272X10 t 4 X 8 BM. _------- --- -- -- ---- I t FLEXIBLE WATER CONN. I I ILL I I I O - - - --------_ --- -- -_ _--__ � I'i ,I I USE 5/e' TYPE 'X' G . BR � — ---- — r--------------------I>7--= - ' �--- LIVING � III ji PANTRY s I I .;^ 141 1 ON ALL CLGS., WA S, d /� �� LL � cn I EXPOSED STRUCt. BRS. _ .._.. : WATER HEATEf /a X 16 GAUGE PERF. I E tr I I I L -� I I I = I (12'-0' GLG/1HGT) X I �� / \ - HOLD TIGH`b STEEL PLUMBERS TAPE - N <<. 11 ......... 1.._. r ' �I ENCIRCLING TANK FROM 31/4 X 24/6 + I I I = I TO GYP. BD I �' , -nI I F�..,.,�el�l BOTH SIDES. � � O ,,, I I u I 16 TUSCAN COLUMN 9 -Nig 99 _ I� I ;'HANG (2) 2 X 10 FROM . — . — — — t LITE (STRUCTURAL) G OFFERED CLCs FROM ABOVE GYPSUM WALLBOARD I (TEMP) ?. SIMPSON 'LEGS' - I I l I `" X X I i I OR 16 SQ. [ "9- m FRAMED COL. 11 I I I 3% W/H=I'll HANGER i-`n I I X "' \wl I I 12 -0 PLATE HGt WOOD 2 X 4 LEDGER m ;• i y N I I �'-4' cal I 8'-8" I _{ 13/0 X 14/0 + 4-' 39 _ �o a I i:_ ♦ �TtiA o0o1( X 8 C CLG) 1/4'41 X 3" LAG SCREW 5X 18 24F GL.B. L•p�L „r'� �rJ/;�oL 4 REPR 4WITH WASHER GLG2XJ6STS. �A — — —--- -------- -- N 24 O FY ERAB (" 4-1� .................................... � PUN,c3/a X 16 GAUGE PERF. STEEL PLUMBERS TAPE ^ o o p AR c .................... lir1F t. L ft:f m I I �.. I toga '� 4r t yr f FLEXIBLE WATER CONN. ca WOOD 2 X 4 LEDGER %F, _ �j .........-------.... I I I I 4 CONC. SLAB W/ OPTIONAL 6 X 6_ • ' ` - 1I 1 I = 2 X 6 WALL /` (FRONT GARAGE 10/10 W.W.M. ON 4' GRANULAR FILL. - -_ — �t °--_-_-- _ ` " 01 s G_ WALL ONLY) I I 12" THICKEN SLAB W/ (2) *4 BARS U I J s HORIZ CONT. TIED TO FND WALLS 10'-3 PLATE i I /a X 16 GAUGE PERF. � I AT GARAGE DOOR OPENINGS. ` 8/0 X 6/0 O.H. DOOR i X`' 1 I I STEEL' PLUMBERS TAPE _I I = N I! II II ENCIRCLING TANK,FROM II t( 4XiiaHDR BOTH SIDES. 1 I ...... •' lro/0 X 5/0 O.H. DOOR rn II _ a i WOOD 2 X 4 LEDGER ------ ---- r RI=VISED 06/11/9� GBC ------ 1 Co X 12TDF "1 HDR I t� II ' iI t _ -'-+ FLEXIBLE GAS coNN. p � , _ D . n n T C I'I I� MAIN FLOOR 3062 6, FT. LI I I 6 -loll 2 8 4 -z ANCHOR WATER HEALER � ; TO BASE -BASE TO FLOOR I 1'- 1O'-ID' 8'-0" 1ID'-ID TOTAL 3011 SQ. FT. I I I I 30 - O' RAISE PILOT LIGHT 18° V 18'a®i; I i I I ABOVE FIN. FLR - -H--- I 8ID'-0 L VAT I ON z 12 g SUPPOQT MAIN FL00 PLAN Q II SCALE = 1/2" = 1'-call WHWALL SC,4L : 1/4' = 1'-0' w ` w COPYRIGHT © 1997 ALAN MASCORD , DESIGNER L ems REGISTERED ARCHITECT 24'X24"XI2' GREGG B. CREMON CONIC— FTG. — — I — STATE OF WASHINGTTON I----------- J L I I 24'X24"X12" 1 ( GONG. FTG. I I i I I I I I —.------------ \\ cv III _ i 24"X24"XI2" I I III CONC. FTG. I 011I I � I I —III 1 4" GONG. SLAB I X 111 ON GRADE I NIII 1 i= I NIII I I I � I lil N I III � I I III I i I 24'X24'X12' i I LONG. FTG. IIL-----— — — — — — — — — — — — --- - --- ------------- r — -1 — — — — —— — — — — — ---- --- 1 @ III I L+—+_J 4'-10" 3'-ro 3'-.43'-8" `t 4'-2" I I 5'_2n 5'-2" 4'-0" II -2" = - I III I I I j III I I FLOOR SYSTEM: — 2 X 10 FLR JSTS -8 16 O.C. ON 4 X 12 I III Ili WD GIRDERS ON 4 X 4 WD POSTS------- I III OIII (4 X 6 10 SPLICES) ON ASPHALT OPT COL (SEE PLAN) 1 I II 24'X44'XI2' 011I III SHINGLES ON 24' X 24" X 12" GONG. �\ I XI III I I GONG. FTG'S. XIII III PAD FTG (UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE) I �y i - I I fll -.III c`+III \ I m i ! III � NIII �IIi � y _ I r>,,2n 4`-10 1'-ro" 3'-2" 2'-2 II -2° 4 0 2 8n 1�11, �n 4'-0 4'-0" 4'-0 01"11 3'-2" 4'-0" 4'_0" 3'-8" 2'-4" r -0 6'-0" 2'-0" 4'-0" 6'-0" ------------------- SLOPE 1/4/FT N I 0 III III _ 1 I I co�c n �T�. 2m°x20'x1m" x i ( ( I I I I I I 1 _ 1 N 111 I I I i I I CONC. FTG. .........T. 1 III PARTIAL — III N III N i I # ° GONG. FTG. — �-rr— T7.1 — — I III I I 0111 I III- XIJI III N � 5 KK (2) 1*40 BARS — — — — i @ 24"X42'XI2' @ 28aX28"X1 ,20: . i 11 1 i 1 x20"x10 I ! 32" X32" X16 — — - = CONT. T s 15 III I I CONC. FTG. I I I I i I co III CONC. FTG. COJI I I _ ( - - NC. FTG. CONC. FTG. I I I 1 I 1 N II 2'-4" �<v. Ill'-10" rv-mmr r .:. I I ill ll III III `^"III — I If! I r III - 12 1 24'X48" III \ OPT 12 CONC. —III CO FTG. _S° OF ®PIER AT BEARING a POINT (SEE PLAN A JIX, ®A I Y ray FOR FTG SIZE) @ N 1 22" X 30' f—_\III III N N I . II1 N �° 4r�0�;ER4 VYJl1TC�'' - 1 III--- II ®III ` �Jtrn oft c1 — YRr _o �4 I III III Xlll 24 X36 XI2 = I III �, ®� GRAWLSPACE a I ACCESS III III i I I CONC. FTG. `4 VET//�� 1�-'e 01II �I11 NIII NIII cr �,,... ( _ I I i i 0 rC �ra�r k� 1 —III —III —11I III — N III X - CAtLir'i:�,r'°�ti,_. "P hF I P001 ISLE r I I i �3 C3La; T ,�, SALE 3/4" = 1'-0" I XIII X I l i = X 11( III = �, '� t� (Cn NIII NIII N I 20'l XI0° III N �� �+ `'t @ CONC. FTG.¢.dJ� I. — CONCRETE TILE ROOFING - w — 1 (INSTALL PER MFR'S SPECS.) I r------------------1 1------------------ --------------------� _r II — — — _ — — - I— —le-111 — — rl - ----1 30" FELT EA. COURSE I i n L — —I— _ J CUT OUT T I N — — — — — — — I12" RATED SHTH'G INDEX 32/16 1 32 x32 x12 FOR F.A.U. i 1 -1 —j — — J III I GONG. FTG. W/ I — I 2 X RAFTERS d CLG. JSTS. I I I 1 -8° I ----------- -- I (OR TRUSSES- SEE ROOF PLAN) 04 6 8' O.G. E.W. — — — — — n I I III I I 6 -0 � -0 8 -0 III 6 -0 R-30 BLOWN -IN INSULATION I I I j I @ I GYPSUM BD. CEILING I i 32'X32"XI2' - — — — — m I `� i { III 20'40'x10' \ I CONC. FTG. I III 1 I CONC. FTG. 1 INSUL. BAFFLE g EAVE VENTS @ = I I III III j N vv 'SIMPSON" H2B SEISMIC CLIPS OR (3)- 8d TOE NAILS I I I 1 i - iI III 1 � I 1 c0 I I III III II( — 2 X SOLID BLKG. W/ 2 X 12 I I SCREENED VENTS to 6'-0" O.C. 1 i I I III 011I 0111 j 1 I 2 -011 I ® 0111 —ill —III — XIII XIII XIII I G.I. GUTTER ON 2 X 8 FASCIA I I cut-ouT i I I 111 N 111 N 11 .—. I FOR 2/5 DR. 1 I '!� ^III N 111 n l l l SIDING (SEE ELEVATIONS) I 1 i I I NIII 1 I III III III _ I 15* BLDG. PAPER (OR TYVEK) I/2" RATED SHEATHING 1 4' GONG SLAB W/ OPTIONAL fo X 6 I ; — — _ _ — _ LL_ — JI 2 X rc STUDS 6 16" O.C. "' 10/10 W.WT1. ON 4' GRANULAR 1=1LL. 1 L L — — — — — — — — — — — R-19 BATT INSULATION i 12" THICKEN SLAB W/ (2) 4 BARS _ HORIZ CONT. TIED TO FND WALLS 1/2 " GYPSUM BD. I ' I i @ I L I ' '-8" = i AT GARAGE DOOR OPENINGS. EXPAND FTG m i -4 -22'-10' 22'-8' 1'-8� � @ 1 I TO25X28X1 L7 rj N 1 1 MIN.FLOOR FINISH ED Iiz " PART. BD. UNDERLAY EMS s/8" CDX PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR 0) I 1 1 2 X FLOOR JOISTS (SEE PLAN) I I I I iR-19 BATT INSULATION CRAWLSPACE I I \ 6 MIL BLACK 'VISQUEEN' 2 X fo P.T. MUDSILL WITH _ I / 1/2" 0 A.B. 6 48" O.C. (MIN. OF 2 PER fE AND WITHIN +"4rs VERT •II 12" OF ANY CORNER) I �__ r----� 32"x32'x12n 6 ' O.G. 11 SLOPE I Z-------------� W. GONC. FTG. W/ I I — — — — — — — — — — — li?a ) T! I I I #4 IN 8' O.G. E.1 - (TYP J--- i i 6" el -STORY) C 4' PERFORATED DRAIN L L------------ — — — I m 8" Ce-STORY) ---- _----- —-- TILE CTYP. WHERE REQ DJ 10' t'3-STORY) m m I — — — — — ---- u = (2) r.. bars uI 04 bars HORIZ. COW. 18' O.C. (TYP.) r- i'-10181_31, 102' 2'=41` kb 3" 2'=42 I1' 0" 21'-0" 10' 0" _8' 0n 10'-0° d,_n ,mm - 12' (1-STORY) - - - 1 2 S -8 4'-2 G -0 w. -. ..._:�.. 15' (2-STORY) IS' (3-STORY) , I TYP. VVALL SECTION- FOUNDATION PLAN SCALE : 3/4' REV. 6/97 1J6SWSW0 SCALE :114a COPYRIGHT © 1997 ALAN MASCORD , DESIGJ�E-R I d' rY (503) 225���9161 http://www.mascor d.com NOTICE OF LICENiE F. These Plans have been licensed to the Customer'. for use in the construction of one building only and ore subject to the con !bons of license accepted by the Customer. Use of any part of the Plans py any party other than the Customer, except on loan by the Customer to. third parties necessary to I a ist the Customer in using the Plans, such as ontractors and subcontracts", shictly prohibited. The Plans may not he r-used or copied, n whole or; Tin part, without written permission from Alan Ma cord Design Assoaates, Inc ' (Muscord'), which retains copyrights to and own�rship of the Plans DUTY OF CONTRACTOR; LIMITATION OF LIABILITY - Mao cord prepares its Plans carefully for use liy its Customers. However, '. adaptation of. the Plans to meet specific store land loml building codes and regulations, and specific site till ans, is the r•sponsibi@y of the contractor. - In addition, Mascord will not be responsible for any damages relating to the accuracy and overat! int,,rtiy of the Plans in a leasof the license fee pad for their use. The contrector therefore must chrefully inspect all dimensions sand details in the Plans for errors or onissions. WARNING e. Unauthorized use or copying of these Plans, or to design they depd mfring s 3 rights under the Copyright Act. Infringers face lolitities Yhut include penalties of 5 up to $20,000 per work Infringed, and up to $10 i00 per work infringed willfully. z �I i I ®N IN FOOTINGS TO BEAR ON �INDISTURBED EVEL SOIL DEVOID OF A 4Y ORGANIC ATERIAL AND STEPPED AS REQUIRED O MAINTAIN THE REQUIll DEPTH ELOW FINAL GRADE- l SOIL BEARING PRESSURE ASSUMED O BE 1500 PSF.I, ANY FILL UNDER GRADE( SUPPORTED LABS TO BE A MINIMUM CIF 4 INCHES RANULAR MATERIAL COl`'PACTED TO 5%. CONCRETE: ASEMENT WALLS a FOUND"ATION WALLS OT EXPOSED TO WEATHER: 2,500 PSI ASEMENT a INTERIOR SLo?kl ON RARE: I� 2,500 PSI ASEMENT WALLS a FOUNL'ATIONS XPOSED TO THE WEATHER: 3000 PSI -:10RCHIES, STEPS a CARPORT SLABS XPOSED TO THE WEATHER: 3,500 PSI , UBG APPENDIX CHAP 19 'kfABLE A-15-A) 5. CONCRETE SLABS TO HAVE CONTROL ,JOINTS AT 25 FT. (MAXIMUM) INTERVALS EACH WAY. r CONCRETE SIDEWALKS �ro HAVE 3/4' 4 0OLED JOINTS ° Ei (I' INIMUM) O.C. . REINFORCED STEEL TO SE A-615 BADE 60. OPTIONAL WELDED WIRE ESH TO BE A-185. EXCAVATE SITE TO PRC��IVIDE MINIMUM OF IS INCHES CLEARANCE UNDER ALL OOD GIRDERS AT FOUND'ATION.' B. COVER ENTIRE CRAWLS' ACE WITH 6 11- BLACK 'VISQUEEN' AN7 EXTEND UP OUNDATION WALLS TO P-I. MUDSILL. 0. PROVIDE A MINIMUM 01' 1 SQ. FT. OF I/ENTILATION AREA FOR E,4CH 150 SQ. FT. CRAWLSPACE AREA. 1"'ENTS TO BE LOSABLE WITH lib INCH CORROSION RESISTANT MESH SCREEN. POST NOTICE OPENING VENTS ® ELECTRIC PANEL. 1. ALL WOOD IN DIRECT 0)NTACT WITH ONCRETE OR GROUND TO BE P.T. PRESSURE TREATED) OR PROTECTED ITH 550 ROLLED ROOFINl MATERIAL. 2. BEAM POCKETS IN CONk-_RE:TE TO AVE 1/2' MINIMUM AIRSPAI AT SIDES ND ENDS WITH A MINIMUM BEARING OF INCHES. 3 WATERPROOF BASEMENT WALLS BEFORE BACKFILLING, PR1:)VIDE A 4 IN. IA. PERFORATED DRAIN !fiILE BELOW HE TOP OF THE FOOTING° AS REQ. c�nnodgq iii iiiiil ryi wy �'�.�ili; i(' a§ INDICATES BEARING WALLS ABOVE LATERAL NOTES 1. A WIND / SEISMIC ANALYSIS HAS BEEN PERFORMED ON TH S STRUCTURE FOR ZONE 3, EXPOSURE E'1, 80 MPH. I THIS LATERAL ANALYSIS, DETAILED ON SHEET 'L' OF THIS SET MAY BE INCOMPATIBLE AND/OR N¢DT REQUIRED IN YOUR JURISDICTION. VERIFY WITH YOUR LOCAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT. 2. THE LATERAL ANALYSI'r CONSISTS OF SHEET 'L' AND ITS APPROPRIATE LATERAL CALCULATIONS. °I IF THE CALCULATIONS ARE Ill BY YOUR BUILDING OFFICIAL, ADDItIONAL FEES MAY BE ASSESSED-1 3. THIS BUILDING ELEMENI IS ONLY REQ'D BY THE LATERAL JNALYSIS. 4. SEE SHEET 'L' FOR ALL(' REQ'D HOLDOWN SPECIFICATIONEb. INSTALL PER DETAIL AND/OR MFR S SPECS. F II (SEE Pl. SEE FDTN PLAN BUILDING SECTION EE SCALE: : 1/4" = 1'-0" FiRoW*I <NG NOTES 1. ALL EXTERIOR WALL OPENINGS 4 BEARING WALL OPGS. 8. NAILING SCHEDULE: TO HAVE 4 X 12 HEADERS UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED JOIST TO SILL OR GIRDER 3-Sd TOE NAIL IF BUILDING BUILT WITH 88 No' STUDS USE 4 X 8 BRIDGING TO JOIST 2-8d TOE NAIL HEADERS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLAN. 2' SLIBFLOOR 70 GIRDER 2-16d BLIND 4 FACE SOLE PL. TO JOIST 16d a I6'o.c. FACE NAIL 2. ALL METAL CONNECTORS TO BE 'SIMPSON' OR EQUIVALENT. TOP PL. TO STUDS 2-16d END NAIL _ U.N.O. JSTS HUNG ON FLUSH BEAMS TO BE ATTACHED W/ U210 STUD 70 SOLE P_. -Sd TOE NAIL OR OR EQUIV. MULTIPLE JOISTS USE U210-2/U210-3 AS REQUIRED. 2-16d 2 END NAIL 3. PROVIDE DOUBLE JSTS. UNDER ALL WALLS ABOVE RUNNING DOUBLE STUDS 16d g 16'o.c. FACE NAIL PARALLEL TO JOISTS. DOUBLE TOP PL. 16d tv I(o'O.G. FACE NAIL 4. PROVIDE POSITIVE VENTILATION AT EA. END OF EA. RAFTER CONTINU0J6 HEADER, (2 PC.) 16'o.c. EDGE NAIL SPACE AT VAULTED CEILING AREAS. CLG. JST_ TO PL. 3-Sd TOE NAIL r 5. PROVIDE FIREBLOCKING, DRAFTSTOPS 4 FIRESTOPS AS CLG. JST. LAP OVER PL. 3-16d FACE NAIL PER THE U.B.G. SECTION 708. CLG. JST. TO RA- R 3-Irod FACE NAIL 6. PROVIDE POSITIVE CONNECTIONS AT EACH END OF ALL RATER TO TOP PL. COLLAR S (EA END) 3-Sd TOE NAIL FACE NAIL POSTS AND COLUMNS TO RESIST LATERAL DISPLACEMENT. BUILT-U, CORNER STUDS C Irod 6 4'o.c. 16d g 24'o.c. FACE NAIL 1. LUMBER SPECIES: PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR ad tl 6" O.C. EDGE NAIL A. POSTS, BEAMS, HEADERS NO. 2 DOUGLAS FIR 8d a 10' o.c. FIELD NAIL JOISTS AND RAFTERS SOLID SLOGKIN : v BEARING 3-16d TOE NAIL B. SILLS, PLATES, BLOCKING NO. 3 DOUGLAS FIR PLY WALL 4 ROB SHEATHINGSHEATHIN ad tv 6" O.C. 8d im 12" o.c. EDGE NAIL FIELD NAIL <<, BRIDGING ETC. C. STUDS STUD GRADE D.F. STAPLED ROOF S-'=ATHING 6' O.C. EDGE NAIL D. STUDS OVER 10' HIGH NO. 2 OR BETTER D/F 13 ga. IIAV CR9JN IE%' MIN. 12' o.c. FIELD NAIL . E. POST 4 BEAM DECKING UTILITY GRADE D.F. 11/2' CDX PLY, 32/16 TOP PL. AT INTERSECTIONS MULTIPLE JOISTS (U= TO 3) 2-16d 16d 15" o.c. FACE NAIL STAGGERED F. PLYWOOD SHEATHING G. GLU-LAM BEAMS Fb-2400, DRY ADH. MULTIPLE JOISTS (OVER 3) I/2'41 BOLTS W/WASHERS STAGGERED 6 24' o.c. (EXT. ADH g EXT. CONDITIONS) 1 X 6 SPACED S=?EATHING 2-Sd FACE NAIL H. PSL MATERIALS • Fb = 2900 E _ 2.0 Fv = 29m RAFTERS 70 HIPS, VALLEY 4-16d TOE NAIL � :Q LVL MATERIALS �• Fb = 2600 E = 1.8 Fv = 285 OR RIDGES 3-16d FACE NAIL PSL INDICATES PARALLEL STRAND LUMBER •* LVL INDICATES LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER rr; -= ;k. y �s x'> F.B. 12 17 N cos REGISTERED ARCHITECT e CREIGHTONWASHINGTON 1 BUILDING SECTION RIDGE BOARD (SEE ROOF PLAN) 2 X 8 TIES 6 46" O.C. 12 BUILDING SECTION BUILDING S�E�C�TION % SCALIE : 1/4' = 1'-0" RIDGE BEAM (:`SEE ROOF PLAN) COPYRIGHT @C 1997 ALAN MASCORD , DESIGNER 11� { Y.'. A I I (503)225-9161 http://www.mascord come, NOTICE OF LICENSE These Plans have been licensed to the Customer for us il in the construction ` of ane building only and are subject to the conditions a license accepted. by the Customer. Use of any part of the Plans by any .arty other than the Customer, except on loan by the Customer to third p rties necessary to _ assist the Customer in using the Plans, such as contractor; and subcontractors, - Is strichly prohibited. The Plans may not be re -used ai copied, in whale or in part, without written permission from Alan Mascord De;igm Associates, Inc ;ati ("Mascord'), which retains copyrights to and ownership of '.. the Plans. DUTY OF CONTRACTOR; LIMITATION 01 LIABILITY Mascord prepares its Plans carefully for use. by .its C'stomers. However, ;. adaptation of the Plans to meet specific state and locc building codes and regulations, and specific site conditions, is the responsibili y of the contractor. In addition, Mascord will not be responsible for any dam Ices relating to the accuracy and overalt integrtiy of the Plans in excess of 'the license fee paid for their use. The Contractor Iherefore must carefully iispect all dimensions and details in the Plans for errors or omi Sion WARNING Unauthorized use or copying of these Plans, or the de ignihey depict, infringes ` rights under the Copyright Act. Infringers face liabilities Thrt include penalties of up to $20,000 per work infringed, and up to $100,000 per —sr], infringed wiltfully. 7 Y t/A CIf)/= 14'-m P;?OOF 1 IE SCALE : NONE= MAX. LOAD 'i (2) SIMPSON H10 ROOF FRAMING C6)-6d NAILS EA. SIDE (TYP. U.N.O. NN 4 X 4 POST ANGLE 'A' TO HIP E 22.5' MAX. RIDGE CONN. FROM VERT) rSIMPSON 'LS50' r ON (3) OUTSIDE GLG. FRAM'3. EDGES OF POST SOLID 5LOCK'G I 2 X 8 x 4' w/ (16) 16d NAILS - (4) s EA. 5LK'G. OR JST. FRAME SUPPORT FOR ROOF POST 11 II POST ANCZLE A " 1" /-A^1 IU" I LOAD P 22.5' 2810 Ibs. 20' 3200 15' 4345 10' (011 (3)-10d BOX TOENAILS RAFTER TO PURL IN. wa REGISTERED \ . / ARCHITECT 2 X CONTINUOUS PURLIN (EQUAL TO RAFTER DEPTH) W/ (4)(10d NAILS g EA. STRUT GREGG B. CREKa'FiTON STATE OF WASHINGTON 2 X 4 STRUTS 6 48 O.G. W/ CkI_,A" MAv I I nw v_t1 I HISUFFORT ��@ �rI_ROOF 00 9�� -1II1 1II ;.. I i 2 xS N Oi i III 1N1 I1I III � �O � -- ----------I i11 --� i------ i 2 X8SCALE: ------ • 1/2' 1'-0' HIPBRACE REV. 04-24-97 0 Lul 24°OG. _ 2X8 1� I+ i I I I 24° O.G. i� I I 2 X 8 all I 24' O.C. 19 O - --T� -� I I 11 I �- 1124" O.C. 4==J NOTE: I I 2 X 8 ` zl I I I I 1 I Z� I' 11 S I I ��1 I I i �\Q 9s I fi � r IF HIP OR RIDGE IS NOTED AS A SGL 1 I 24' O.C. �I Z_ i i I Q UJI 1 'I - Q LU F I ifa I I 1 r ^�\ \\ 2X12ORSGL13/4'Xil-/9" IDE � I ? I'(1�',111----------------_- -_---_--_ -=r'��, ---- -- --- `--I�� L�•" � U /3 I I-; I PRO � I 1 1Z3.I I I O ------------- 11T------ \ '�1 I ANG 3BLOCKIOTAL EAGR S DEVTO z' 1 I C i tit I I •+ 0 III rrr \ ''' `� \ .9i D5L. OR SGL HIP OR WIDTH) FOR A35 INSTALLATIONS I X I I I ` I I X `' OG. I I i I �h N iv III /i%/_ III `\ �j �� I RIDGE BOARD AS NOTED �, j j I 1 24" j N ri... III (� ON ROOF PLAN (4) 5IMP. A35 CLIPS AT �r POST/RIDGE CONN. 'I I, I I ll i l7 ! I I I I i III Qy i- I j r ROOF FRAMING i I i F -- - - - - - - - a -__ i T z -�LI 0 X 12'-1't fE HGT. f - 1 I I Ir--------1-E--------- � ------------------I' 4! I! xx L I 2X8 t I 24' O.C. X _ I-- �=I=IL---------1-1-------- I ( -- -- -----------------I I I I (r p i I__- ROOF DESIGN LOADINGit 4 X 4 POST ANGLE 'A' TO HIP 4 22.5' MAX. RIDGE CONN. li,FROM VERT.) �SIMPSON 'LS50' ON (3) OUTSIDE CLG. FRAM'Cz. EDGES OF POST SOLID BLOCK'G 2 X 8 x 4' w/ (16) 16d NAILS - (4) A EA. 5LK'G. OR JST. FRAME SUPPORT FOR ROOF POST ROOF HIP SUfi FORT 2 SCALE: 1/2' = 1'-0' HIPBRACE2 REV. 6-4-97 '`Iry I ; T1'P. 1 �+ X o I a i I I CIA n �r y� I I N I I I I 4 1I II --T-----------------r ---J----------------1 - I f l I----c--------------------------------------'I -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J--_.--- ' O yS (2)2X8RFTRW/ , 2 X 8 TIE EA. SIDE \ �. W/ (2) rig"hP M.B. \ U X X r yr EA. END OF TIE. r / (SEE DETAIL) C14 \ r r \ X / 10'-3't TE HGT. QOOF FQAMING PLAN B-30-95 S-LOADS SCALE 1/4' _ 1'-0' t^iiPVDi -.I4T n iom Al Aril nnncr`rinll I�ccl�nlr-n } Y s� (503) 225-9161 http //www.mascord coca NOTICE OF LICENSE ,These Plans havebeen licensed to the Customer for use in the construction of one building only and are subject to the conditions of license accepted by the Customer. Use of any part of the Plans by any p[�ty other than the Customer, except on loan by the Customer to third pep -ties necessary assist the Customer in using the Plans, such as contractor g and subcontractors, is strictly prohibited, The Plans may not he re -used or copied. in whole or - m part, without written permission from Alan Mascord Des n Associates, Inc. ("Mascord'), which retains copyrights to and ownership of he Plans. DUTY OF CONTRACTOR; LIMITATION 0 LIABILITY Mascord prepares its Plans carefully for use by its Cu .tomers. However, " adaptation of the Plans to meet specific state and locol11buitding codes and regulations, and specific site [°nditions, is the responsibilit„ of the contractor. In nedition, Mascord will net be responsible for any dame jes relating to the accuracy and overall integrtiy of the Plans in excess of to license fee paid for [heir use. The contractor therefore must carefully in:pact all dimensions and details in the Plans for errors ar omissions. WARNING ". Unauthorized use or copying of these Plans or the designney depict, infringes rights under the Copyright Act. Infringers face lahilities than include penalties of =, up to $20,000 per work infringed, and up to $100,000 per wi irk infringed willfully. LECxEN�I MAXIMUM bf'" *2 D.F. L/240 300 LL 4 100 DL SIZE SPACING SPAIp4 2X6 12" O.G. 13'-5 " 16" O.C. 11'-ill. 24' O.G. 9'-8" 2X8 12" O.C. I-I'-2, lro" O.G. 15'-e • ` 24' O.C. 12'-3K a 2X10 12" O.G. 21'-2 16" O.G. 18'-5' 24' O.C. 15'-2' M 2X12 12' O.G. 24'-"" 1611 O.C. 21'-4�' 24' O.G. 11'-5 I I I I I I ALL PANEL EDGES MUST SHEARWALL SCHEDULE 5E 5L C ED UN 55 HOLDOWN 5CHEDUL E '1 MARK WALL COVER FASTENERS e PANEL EDGES INTERN. STUDS REMARKS "FTA-1" (6) 7ia'-0 A30�1 BOLTS MARK HOLDOWN F,45TENER6 15/32' A.PA.- 16GA STAPLE , 3 O.G. • 6 O.G. Sd COMMONIp a / 11 O.C. NO SPECIALCONNECT BTM. i�'_ TO II ° 0.131 0 x 2 F. RH. P-NAIL " �' O_G_ 12 O.G. RATED SHT'G SUITABLE SUBST. FOR 0.131°� F. RH_ P-NAIL HOLDOWIN REQUIRED FLR JST/BM/BLK'G �/ 18d � 4" O.C. "STHDI4RJ" (38) I(od SINKERS 56 WALLBD. NAILING APPLIES TO EACH 1/2' G.W.B. EACH SIDE NAIL OR 11/41, 4' O.G. 4' O.G. SIDE OF WALL. (EDGE *"CM6T12"x (1) trod COMMON (32) lid SINKERS w" % SCREW 5LK'G NOT REQUIRED) 1 36" LONG NAILS AT EACH END 'w 13/4 STAGRD. � "HTT22" E SIMPSON 'ISST824" ANCHOR BOLTS 16GA STAPLE ro O.G. lie LONG x 1/16 WIDE B 15/32" A.P.A.- RATED SHTG 3 O.G. STAPLES W/ CROWNS PARALLEL W/ FRAM'G o.c. 0.14VO x 21/4" F. RH. P-NAIL 6C.C.oc 12 o.c. *"CMST12"x 48l' LONG 111) 16d COMMON NAILS AT EACH END W �k "HD(oX l n C2) is � A30� BOLTS 4 SIMPSON '1320" 15/32' A.P.A.- 0.148"4, x 21/411 10d COMMON NAIL OK 2 G RATED SHT G ULL ROUND- 4" O.G. 12"O.C. SUBSTITUTE m OR ANY 3 -a i /4 o.c. STAGRD. ANCHOR BOLTS HEAD P-NAIL0.148'O (9 GA.) P-NAIL *"CM6T12"x (15) 16d COMMON �K 11 (3) isn 0 A301 BOLTS 15/32° A.P.A.- RATED SHT'G 0.148"0 x 21/411 FULL ROUND- HEAD P-NAIL 2" O.G. STAGRD. 8' O.G. 4x REQUIRED a ALL PANEL JOINTS 3 " LONG (00 NAILS AT EACH END II 6 1 3 �4 o.c. STAGRD. 9 � "HID BA 4 SIMPSON "88T528" ANCHOR BOLTS *' (23) I�od COMMON * (4) 7i$ Ili, A301 BOLTS 0 ° 15/32 A.PA?K 0.148 0 x 2 /4 ' " 4x REQUIRED ALL RATED SHT G FULL ROUND- 4 O.G. STAGRD 8 O.G. PANEL JOINTS - OFFSET 4 II n MST-12 NAILS AT EACH END 10 Il n HD10A n ll 4 SIMPSON SST828 (MIN. IMBED EACH SIDE HEAL-.) P-NAIL JOINTS EA. SIDE OF WALL 6 13/411 o.c. 24") - SIMi=SON 'MSTI" OF EQUAL LENGTH MAY SUBSTITUTE FOR "CMST12" -INDICATES SPECIAL HOLDOWN CONDITION c-08-97 *-USE MIN. 4X STUD EA. END SHEAR PANEL FOR POLDOUN (SEE DETAIL OF CORRESPONDING NUMBER) Lfi,TSCHE V BUILDER TO VERIFY' ALL INSTALLATION fREaUIREt'"IENTS PEIR "5111f=50N" CATALOG F0fR ALL HOLDOWN CONNECTIONS ROOF SHEATHING (SEE TYP. WALL SEC.) IOd a 6" O.C. 'SIMPSON' L550 (SEE LAT NOTES i FOR SPACING) CLG. JST. `2 X' BLK'NG 2 X STUD WALL SHEATHING (SEE SCHEDULE) ROOF-1 SCALE: 3/4' = I'-0' � SHEARWALL DECK SHEATHING HEATHING (SEE FRAMING NOTES) (SEE SCHEDULE) 1601 6 81, O.C. �I 2 X JOIST EDGE 41 NAILING 11= 'SIMPSON' L650 (SEE NOTES) ANCHOR BOLTS 11 MIN. EMBED. (SEE 'NOTES' FOR SIZE 4 SPACING) CONC. STEM WALL FERN'. JOISTS SCALE: 3/4' = 1'-0' g SHEARWALL :-SHEATHING (SEE SCHEDULE) 166 NAILS w 4' Or_ EDGE NAILING 11 III IIII ANCHOR EMBED S MIN -III (SEE NOTEV FOR =illy SIZE 4 SPACING) CONC. STEM WALL 9 STEM UJAJ�� / S�rAB 1�IN. H/3.5 4'-011 SIMPSON 'MSTA30' EA; SIDE, (4)-TOTAL HEADER (CONTINUOUS) - ----- CONTINUE HEADER IV TO BLDG. CORNER 4 NAIL SHEATHING TO I' I HEADER W/ 0.145"0 X I 21i4' F. RH_ P-NAILS 6 ..I ,.I 3" O.G. 50TH WAYS 1 GARAGE (OR OTHER OPEN'G) + 15/32' APA-RATED SHTH'G I �- FROM SINGLE SHEET, FASTENED PER SHEAR I SCHEDULE SPECIFICATIONS W I AND NOTES --- BLOCK ALL PANEL EDGES PER SHEAR SCHEDULE 111 I I I.. I SPECIFICATIONS 4 NOTES II I, l.11 il.l SEE SHEAR SCHEDULE AND uu II I NOTES FOR HOLDDOWN SPECS IL I Il i I - - -- «4 REBAR W/ 24' HOOK TOP 4 BOTTOM 6 CORNERS II u �U II 12' TH< SLAB .6 DOOR 04 DOWELS EA. END UNDER SHEARWALL � NRW?A1,=_ 102 NO SCALE CR`DUCES PANEL HGT.J MAIN FLOOR PL SCALE: : Via" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I � I I I I I I I I I I I-----—�---- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 i L_ FOUNDATION PL SCALE: :1/0" = 1'-0' AN �El col I I I I I L------------------ L—J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I i ! 7 I 6 I I / / COPYRIGHT © 1997 ALAN MASCORD , DESIGNER r' t x 13 (503) 225-91E11 http //www,mascord com NOTICE OF LICENSE These Plans have been licensed to the Customer for so ithe anstrurtian of one building only and are subject to the conditions of li ense nccepted by the Customer. Use of any part of the Plans by any parly other than the , Customer, except on loan by the Customer to third part'es necessary to assist the Customer in using the Plans,. such as contractors and ubcontroctors, strictly prohibited. The Plans may not be re -used ar If P,, in whole or in part, without written permission from Alan Mascord DesigAssociates, Inc. - ( Mascord ), which returns copyrights to and ownership of t a Plans. DUTY OF CONTRACTOR; and OF IABILITY Masrord prepares its Plans carefully for use by its Cos mers.- However, - adaptation of the Plans to meet spent fic state and I cal Rating codes and <regulotions, and specific site conditions, is the responsibility f the contractor, `In addition, Mascard will not he responsible for any damage; retching to the accura y and overall integrtiy of the Plans in excess of In'' license fee paid for their use. The contractor therefore must carefully insp .cY aU dimensions and details in the Plans for errors or omission . WARNING Unauthorized use or copying of these Plans, or the design IN( depict, infringes rights under the Copyright Act. Infringers face liabilities that II�gdude penalties of ! r up to $20,000 per work infringed, and up to $100,000 per wo, infringed willfully. i i NMS I. 'F. RH. P-NAIL' - DESIGNATESIA FULL ROUND -HEAD POWER WOL. 2. ALL EXTERIOR WALLS MUST �AVE 15/32' APA-RATED SHEATHINC; AND 0.131'0 x 2' F. RH. POWER NAILI (OR EQUIV. FASTENER) AT MINIMUM 6' O.G. EDGE NAIL'G SET FLU®H W/ THE SURFACE OF THE SHEATHING. (TYPE 'S' WALL IS STANDARD ) 3. ANY FASTENER EXPOSED TOI WEATHER SHALL BE: GALVANIZED. 4. HOLDOWNS OCCUR a EA. END, OF EA. SH'WALL 4 FASTEN TO MIN14X STUDS. WALL SHT'G SHALL E E EDGE NAILED TO HOLD'N 5TU►DS. 5. EDGE NAIL ROOF AND FLOOF! SHT'G. TO RIM JOISTS/BLKG. 4 FASTE'V TO WALL IE' W/SIMP. 'A35F' OR 'LE,50' a 48' O.G. a '5' SHEARWALLS. REDUCE SPACING TO 32' FOR TYPE 'C" AND 12' FOR TYPE "0' 4 'E' SHEARhUALLS.- 6. LAP WALL PLATES MINIMUM 4�'-0' f BTWN. SPLICES WK8) 16d EA. ;TIDE CONNECT SHEARWALL BOT. e j TO FRAME BELOW W/ 16d iv 4' O.C'.. SHEARWALL SHT'G MUST EXTE VID FROM BOTTOM TO TOP PLATE'S. 1. FASTEN MUDSILL H25 W/518'0 X L.C. ABa W/ 2`0 WSHRS 6 MAX. 58' REDUCE SPACING TO 48' 9 'E ' ! SH'WALLS, 32' FOR TYPE 'C' AI D 16' O.C. A TYPE 'D' 4 'E' 5H'WLLS. 8. 'SIMPSON' PRODUCTS SHALL LE 1; INSTALLED AS PER MANUF. SF ECS. S. EQUIVALENT HOLDOWNS, STRAWS, BOLTS, NAILS, ETC. BY OTHERR.'S MAY BE 5U5STITUTED FOR THCISE SPECIFIED FROM 'SIMPSON'. . SHEATHING ON SHEARWALLS 54ALL NOT BE INTERUPTED BY ANY 6 JALL BUTTING INTO SHEARWALL LEC�ND 6 SHADED AREA, PROviE: 15/32 MIN. PLYWR FLOOR SHEA"H'G W/ 8d COMMONS ® 6' OC o ALL PANEL EDGES 4 PERIMETI`_R 12' OC IN FIELD. BLOCK J4LL PANEL EDGES W/ 2 X 4 K'AT IN CROSS -HATCHED AREAS, FASTEN CEILING W/ 5d COhLER NAIL A 4' OC EA. JOIST, 50 4 PERIMETER 2 X 6 BLOCKIIGS INSTALLED FLAT OVER TOE IE W/ 16d a 6' O.C. BLOCK LL PANEL EDGES W1 2 X 4 F T. DESIGNATES • 'CMST12' x 45' r LONG W/ 16d COMMON NAIIII.S A al 31i2' OC. PROVIDE 2 X 41-LAT BLKG. BETWEEN STUDS/JO15TS FOR STRAP NAILING. (TYFICAL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE) • APPROX. HOLDOWN LOCA IONS - SHEAR WALL LOCATIONS O3 DETAIL REFERENCE T,,4 G (51 DETAIL REFERENCE FCR OPTIONAL CONDITION j ENGINEERED LATERAL P. ROWELL M.P.H.: 90 EXP.: B ZONE: 3 REVISED 06/II/9Z GIG MAIN FLOOR 3062 SJ FT TOTAL 3062 Sid FT i z 1206B UJ 8 w _ 1 c� ririr= ZUb.b �i T.O.F. 205.5 FINISHED GRADE= I94.5 MAX.COVER PROPOSED f J-19 RISER �.4 2"min136' max. 0 F/B/F= i93.2 t89.95 0.2 s�::;�►:: �;'� r'•r•� 'i'."• ;:• ,• ;,::: .,•, FI fs E 18 •� ''� LOCUMS - S- 6- r-0 �^ ; L= 21T S= 0.033 182.64 LIQUID LEVEL t�i14 ,;.10"14- y 4" SCH 40 D,-BOX 4 MIN. L 4 5' 1500 GAL. SEPTIC TANK PVC j' 10' SAS BAFFLE OR EQUIVALENT SYSTEM. PROFILE t NOT TO SCALE /-i i c & I A 0 K I r1"i" 7t'N C r A I P 011) l E - 8Z •00, / \ \�� \go 5�' ( LOT 18 I I ` � 74 �e"5° P 6A Z P B 2 �0SS T 75 \ 00 \ / o`er 5' SAND OVER SEE NOTE #11 e �0 BENCHMARK: NAIL SET N 18" OAK ".S,9LEAN o ELEV.= 183.67 \02 \31 aR OUT LOT 27 ALL WELLS FOUND (existing or proposed) WITHIN 200' OF THE PROPOSED S.A.S. ARE SHOWN ON PLAN. PERCENTAGE OF I__OT COVERAGE= 8.7% LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED too--'-"- CONTOURS. ----{oo-- six ' SPOT ELEVATION •ti°u PROPERTY LINE -EDGE OF PAVEMENT Er. _ STOKE WALL :1 WELL d 0 DEEP TEST HOLE r_-LEACHING TRENCH n -- PLUMOING PIPE e0 �o ' 7ZCIEAN � OUT / h GENERAL NOTES: new construction: 1 e-� CLEAN COARSE 1. The sanitary sewage disposal system shown hereon, shall be CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE with PEA SCONE the requirements of 1995 310 CMR 15 (TITLE V) o° the State Environmental Code alid local Board of FIN 184.0 GRAD _ 184.0 Health regulations. Any MODIFICATION TO TH`S DESIGN must be approved in writing by the engineer and the local Board of Health prior to implementation. 1-- 2.5' S' 2.5' 12" min. -2" MIN. ------ -------1182.92 2. Contractor shall verify and check the BENCHMARr,(S) as shown on this plan prior io construction of 1 4" PERF. r the proposed system. ND CAP PIPE 3 -182.42 CLEAN COARSE WASHED STONE 6" -l81 92 3. Notify the local Board of Health when the system is ready for INSPECTION, prior to any backfilling. if `---182.42 I CONFIRMATION OF CONSTRUCTION (as-builb� is required by an engineer, ;3 day advanced I ; notification is required for the survey. 1 -SAND OVERDIG 136"' � I 5 1 4. DEEP TEST HOLE INFORMATION indicates soil condition, percolation rate, and watr:rtable elevation 176.92 at the time and location of actual testing and should be verified at the time of construction. The 170_G contractor shall notify the local Board of Health if GROUNDWATER or PERCH-IED WATER is ------------- encountered at a higher elevation than indicated of this design plan. 5. TOP OF FOUNDATION, BASEMENT and FIRST FLOOR elevations may be raised but NOT LOWERED without the consent of the engineer. BASIS OF SANITARY DESIGN 6. Unless specified in the Basis of Sanitary Design, thi? system is NOT designed for the use of a garbage BUILDING USAGE: 3 Bedroom @ 11 OGPD/bedroom grinder or other high water usage devices. TITLE o SEWAGE FLOW. 330 GPI 7. Where the building sewer pipe exits the foundation ABOVE the basement floor, an effluent a grinder -12" CLEAN WASHED STONE SEPTIC TANK SIZE: 1500 G 11ons pump conforming to 310 CMR 15.229 maybe used to discharge A VOLUME OF LES'3 THAN 25% OF THE DESIGN FLOW from any future basement bathroom /sink facilities. W/PEA STONE COVER GARBAGE GRINDER: None 1. 8 !f f ^ified as HEAVY DUTY those components shall any components o t e proposed system are spE� WASHING MACHINE: Yes conform to all state and local requirements for AS8HTO H-20 loading. T SAND OVERDiG SEE NOTE #►I PERCOLATION RATE: 2 MIN/INCH l 9. The SEPTIC TANK shall be 1500 gallons minimum,,tinless otherwise specified on this design plan, and 2 5' DESIGN RATE: 10 MIN/INCH, CLASS 11 `SOIL fitted with PVC schedule 40 INLET TEE and OUTLET TEE WITH GAS BAFFLE t)f proper length. Septic tank construction shall conform to 310 CMR 15.226. The SEPTIC TANK OUTLET COVER is END CAP to built up to within 6" of the finished grade unless ptherwise specified on this design plan. 5' (TYP.) I 25' 15' 3 ROWS (38' LENGTH) OF 4" SDR-35 5' PERFORATED PIPE OR EQUAL 25 -�•---- -- 38 40' 50' LEACHINGAREADETAIL e� LOT 19 NOT TO SCALE \166 lee g(9 / �g6 \2 gyp OT 26 ' � 65,968 s.f. / \9a '92 � � LOT 20 PA CO _� \gb QF��eoc'k 2� 2 (,o ) PROP. WELL 51 ro eAo \°�� \ • / / IN 0 t° OD BENCHMARK:/ BENCHMARK: FAIL SET IN 18" TREE \C 6 ►98 ELEV.= 195.36 LOT 25 oe tioo /s� Op, � Qo ITE 'PLAN!✓ �, SCALE: I" = 30' 1 LEACHING FIELD: 6" 10. SEPTIC TANK, DISTRIBUTION BOX, and PUMP CHAMBER (if any) shall be placed on a minimum BOTTOM AREA: 15 ft. (ti�dtt) x 40 ft. (length) = 360 s ft compacted GRAVEL BASE to prevent heaving or sattling. ALL SEAMS ARE TO BE WATERTIGHT, q sealed with asphalt cement or other cement suitab`a for that specific component.. 11. EXCAVATE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL within fve feet horizontally of the, leaching area from the SYSTEM CAPACITY: Goo sq.ft x (0.60 gpd/sq.ft. = 360 gpd pea stone cover down to elev=174.6 (116 inches blow the -original,existing `grade.)'' Excavation may be required to extend deeper if uniform suitable material is riot. encountered. See neites 1la 8 11b. 1la. SOiL PREPARATION PROCEDURE FOR THE LEACHING FACILITY AREA shah conform to 310 DEEP TEST PIT INFORM A ION CMR 15.246 & 15.247. 11 b. Any EXCAVATION OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL d?signated on the plan shall conform to Construction PERFORMED BY: KEN FORTIER / CHRIS HENRY- in Fill requirements as outlined in 310 CMR 15.25_� (1-6). WITNESSED BY: SUE GRIFFIN 12: m onents or the prepared ieacliin area during No HEAVY EQUIPMENT shall be run over the cc P P P 9 9 DATE: 12-I-88 � installation. RUBBER TIRE MACHINERY are not to be driven over the prepared natural soil base or TP 174 . ELEV. = 180.2 sand/stone bed during system installation. 0 - 45" ORGANIC DECAY 13. II plumbing joints are to bed installed 100% TANK SEAMS, riser connections (if any), and a P 9 45" - 110" MED. PACKED SLIGHTLY SILTY SAND, STONES y WATERPROOF. ALL JOINTS MUST BE WATERTIGHT, sealed with rubber joints, cement or other 110" - 170" COARSE SAND, GRAVEL suitable sealer for that specific component. Any groOndwater or surface water enteric g the system will PERC TAKEN 6 126" (ELEV. - 169.7) severely limit the life span of the leaching area. TP 175 ELEV. 14. ANY LEACHING AREA (OR PUMP CHAMBER) VENTS shall be constructed of 4" s )Ivent weld SCH = 180.3 40 PVC, The twin 90 degree elbows comprising the "U" shall not be glued. Any D-box vent pipe shall 0 - 10" TOPSOIL utilize an inlet knockout. Vent to extend 24" min. a'Oove proposed grade. 10" - 42" SILTY SUBSOIL 42" - 116" TIGHT SILTY SAND, CLAY DEPOSITS, 15, RESERVE AREAS that are shown within 25' of property lines may require impervious barriers to be IS" - 170" COARSE SAND, STONE, GRAVEL -_ installed (to conform to side slope requirements) &ring the installation of the futureireserve. PERC TAKEN ® 122- (ELEV,= 170.13) 16. For RESERVE AREAS that may be required to be installed at a higher elevation than the primary area (due to any naturally occurring slopes in the topegraphy), either a pump system `or elevating the IN -SEASON WATER TABLE TP 377 4-19-89 building sewer & tank may be necessary. GROUNDWATER FOUND AT 140" ADD I' HANDICAP I- 17. ANY CLEAN -OUTS shown shall extend to within 3 inches of finished grade and ca[d with a SCH 40 threaded clean out fitting. SOIL EVALUATIONS' 18. ANY VENTS shown shall be constructed of 4" Sch.40 PVC. The twin 90 degree elbows on top of the vent shall NOT be glued, allowing future inspection access. Sheet metal screws are recommended to ,, DATE(S): 1 /27/99 - 1 /28; 99 prevent unauthorized entry. Horizontal lengths of vi nt piping shall be sloped up toward the vent. Any" PERFORMED BY: Kenneth E. Fortier vents shown connected to the Distribution Box are to utilize an unused D-BOX INLET opening: WITNESSED BY: Susan Griffin . s t DEEP OBSERVATION MOLE LOG TP # 426A (Elevation = 1180.52 ) Depth from Soil Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Other: Structure, Stones, Surface Horizon (USDA) (Munsell) 06ttling Boulders, Consistency, % Gravel (Inches) 0-3" 0 3 -10" A Sandy 1OYR3/4 Friable Loam 10 - 20„ B Sandy IOYR5/8 Friable Loam 20 - 60" C, Sandy 2.5Y5/4 43" Firm, Fine, Silt deposits, Loam 7' YR518 & VOYR7/2 60 - 91„ C2 Sandy IOYR6/3 Firm Loam BEDROCK DEPTH = > 91" ELEVATION = 172.94 SEEPAGE DEPTH = None ELEVATION = 172.94 ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER DEPTH' = 43" ELEVATION = 176.94 DEEP OBSERVATION [MOLE LOG TP # 426B (Elevation = '180 21 ) Depth from Soil Soil Texture Soil Color :Soil Other: Structure, Stones, Surface Horizon (USDA) (Munselo Mottling Boulders, Consistency, % Gravel (Inches) 0-2" 0 2 -10" A Sandy IOYR3/4 friable Loam 10 - 20" B Sandy 1 OYR5/8 Friable Loam 20 - 60" C, Sandy 2.5Y5/4 CU 43" Firm, Fine, Silt deposits, Loam 7•= YR5I8 & 11OYR7l2 60 -120" C2 Sandy 1OYR6/3 Firm, Gravelly Loamy Loam Sand deposits, Cobbles, Stones 120 -135" C3 Loamy 10YR5/4 Friable, Gravelly, Coarse, Sand Cobbles & Stones BEDROCK DEPTH - > 135" ELEVATION = 168.96 SEEPAGE DEPTH = None ELEVATION = 168.96 ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER DEPTH` = 43" ELEVATION = 176.63 BOARD OF HEALTI1 STAMPS 0 BACKWASH OF WATER CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PURFICATION O STEM MUST BE THIS SYSTEN� IS NOT R SEPTIC SY� DEES �;NED FOR 3 BA( FILTRATION DEVICES MAY COMPLETED WITH THREE IIDER, WHIR OOI BE DISCHARGED TO (3) YEARS OF THE DATE pR O i•HER HIGH 3001 1 P SIS SEPTIC SYSTEM 310 OF APPROVAL USE DEVICE CMR 15.004 (9j - BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS ENGINEERS AS -GUILT BOARD OF HEALTH INSPECTION PLAN 8 CERTIFICATION (� O REQUIRED WHEN ENCAyATED STATEMENT LIi9� .TENT R EQUIRED MAY `L 4 2000 THE APPROVAL BY THIS DFACE Fes, DOES NOT GUARANTEL THE EEVATiOS UST NOT BE EFFECTIVENESS OF !,NY a <-'D WITHOUT BOARD INSTALLATION i0ANG 1!;1N1 OF SOUTH DARTMIOUTH �,,A &011r ENOr t3� iIEAiTH r�i ®FP':F.LF $ 4 :..-T �.��, IAL E. STAM P P. E SEPTIC SYSTEM PL. OWNER: DUARTE DaSILVA - KE11 q FE�vELRA ASSESSORS MAP & LOTMAP 70, LOT 13-26 (MILLERS FARM) F STREET LOCATION: DRiVE . ENGINEERING FIRK�: Kenneth R. Ferreira Engineering, Inc. P.L.S. STAMP 46 Foster Street, New Bedford, MA., 02�'.740 Tel. (508) 992-0020 Fax: (508) 99,'-3374 E DATE: 3-12-99 i CONTACT PERSON. KEVIN SILV MAof 15 1 ADDRESS: DARTMOUTH REV. 4-28-00 BY K.J.S. NEW DWELLING 8 GRADING Same as a b BO 4RD OF HEALTH LE NOUTS REVISED 6-22-99 BY KJ.S. ADDED N/® OF LOT COVERAGE TEL: SE 6514.26 1 . .. .e . _ .. ..♦. .. by .. .. ? _ y,.. r .. ». ..+(rc.. f ...Y. , _ ♦. ..e ...r a .» ...... ... r-. ... .,. .-.. ;}a ,. _- -.. .. ... rs�, a rkn .. '. .. e-mun, €a;� :k Cow "` Fl LOT 13-26 .65,968 s, f 3 WELL L.- /50. p p € MILLERS DRf VE - ` T .o- i- ,. .... F/F/F= 205. GENERAL NOTES: new construction: •l T- FINISHED GRADE= 191.5 .O.F: 205.5- r i-� CLEAS'�ONE RSE 1. The sanitary sewage disposal system shown hereon shall be CONSTRUCTED tN ACC ORDANCE with 189.96 PEA the requirements of 1995 310 CMR 15 (TITLE V) ofthe State Environmental Code and local Board`of e� �• 12 FIN GRAD = 184.0 S DESIGN riiust be a` roved i{1 writing b the id F/B/F=196.5 Ft IS ED GRA = 184.0 -. ��. f„►•, '•;:� r -�. ..•.•.., . ,, 188.91 health regulations. Any MODIFICATION TO THIS PP 9 Y - .••,. j [89.16 _ j • . •. ,.. .% l / / engineer and the local Board of Health prior to imp!amentation. a� 18 2.5 S' 2.5 12 mm. LOCUS 02 r-o L= 305' S- 0.02 , 182.64 12" ►SIN. _ :tea.;:•,.. . ` _ = ►'� �-2" MIN. ----- 2. Contractor shall verifyand check the .8ENCHMARK(S) as shown on this plan prior to construction of 1 2.92 1.-- -�"'" . ,:• > Io. y. , -------11 theproposed system. D-BflX 8 4" PERF ' ". �UfL ai ND CAP PiPE a _l82.42 ' ='j t 4 k > ti' r of Health when the system is ,ead for INSPECTION, prior to 4in backfiliin . if _ �g•,a i 4-t=Y CLEAN COARSE WASHED STONE 6"-18l.92 c�t� Y ,� 3. Notify the local Board y Y y g• • ,►�. -- 4 5' 1500 GAL. SEPTIC TANK +-- 5' --� CONFIRMATION OF CONSTRUCTION (as -built) is required by an engineer, day advanced "''i •' _ '' 4.25' 162.61 182.42 - •; PVC SAND OVERDID 5' <• i notification is required for the survey. t0' �, 15 BAFFLE 4. DEEP TEST HOLE INFORMATION indicates soil co?tdition, percolation rate, and water table elevation 4 r OR EOUIVALENT , 176.92 I �I at the time and location of actual testing and should be verified at the time of construction. The = 170.6 J contractor shall notify the iocal Board of Health if GROUNDWATER or PERCiiED WATER is 10.5' SYSTEM,PROFILE------------------------------------- - - - ` _ - encountered at a higher elevation than indicated c^ this design plan. NOT TO SCALE 5. TOP OF 'FOUNDATION, "BASEMENT and FIRST FLOOR elevations may be Iraised but NOT LOWERED without the consent of the engineer. BASIS OF SANITARY DESIGN LOCUS AP .. NOT TQ SCALE 6. Unless specified in the Basis of Sanitary Design, this system is NOT designed for the ',se of a garbage BUILDING USAGE: 3 Bedro(om @ 110GPD/bedroom grinder or other high water usage devices. t TITLE 5 SEWAGE FLOW: 330 GPD 7. Where the building sewer pipe exits the foundation ABOVE the basement floor, an a ffluent a grinder 4" -11" CLEAN WASHED STONE SEPTIC TANK SIZE: 1500 Gaillons pump conforming to 310 CMR 15.229 may be used tia discharge A VOLUME OF,LES!> THAN 25% OF THE DESIGN FLOW from any future basement ba.`)roorn / sink facilities. W/PEA STONE COVER GARBAGE GRINDER: None 00 8. If any components of the proposed system are spc-:.ified as HEAVY DUTY, those components shall WASHING MACHINE: Yes conform to all state and local requirements for ASS-HTO H-20 loading 5' SAND OVERDID PERCOLATION RATE: SEE NOTE *it 2 MIN/INCH nless otherwise specified 9. The SEPTIC TANK shall be 1500 gallons minimum, fied on this design plan, and = DESIGN RATE: 10 MIN/INCHS .. / 0 ' , CLASS 11 OIL fitted with PVC schedule 40 INLET TEE and OUi`� ET TEE WiTH GAS BAFFLE��f proper length. 25 Septic tank construction shall conform to 310 CMR 15.2.26. The SEPTIC TANK OU1•LET COVER is r_ to built up to within 6" of the finished grade unless ptherwise specified on this desig i plan: END CAP (TYP.) LEACHING FIELD: " 5' 10. SEPTIC TANK, DISTRIBUTION BOX, and PUMP CHAMBER (if any) shall be placed on a 6 minimum ego 25' 15` FROM BOTTOM AREA: 15 ft. v��dtl, x compacted GRAVEL BASE to prevent heaving or s,ttting. ALL SEAMS ARE TO BE WATERTIGHT, l ANK ) 40 ft. (lerigth) = 360 sq.ft sealed with asphalt cement or other cement suitab,- for that specific 'component. 3 ROWS (38' LENGTH) OF 4" SDR-35 54 a feet horizontal) of the leachl area from the LOT � 8 5' PERFORATED PIPE 0R EQUAL 11: EXCAVATE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL within f`v Y 9 SYSTEM CAPACITY: 600 sq.ft x (0.60 gpd/sq.ft. = 360 gpd pea stone cover down to elev=;70,6 ; 4116 inches balow, the original existing grade.) Excavation may \� 74 ° be required to extend deeper if uniform suitable mrterial is not encountered. See ncItes 11a & 11b. .�� 11 a. SOiL PREPARATION PROCEDURE FOR THE LEACHING FACILITY AREA shaft r, conform to 310 ti \ p 6A L o�h P e �� �_ 38' j CMR 15.246 & 15.247. ,a� 0ay T T5 DEEP TEST PIT INFOR A 4 ION 60 ► 40• 11b. Any EXCAVATION OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL designated on the plan shall conform to Construction PERFORMED BY: KEN FORTIER / CHRIS HENRY' in Fill requirements as outlined in 310 CMR 15.25; (1-6). %e° �`' \ WITNESSED BY: SUE GRIFFIN onents or the re ared leachin area durin � 50' 12. No HEAVY EQUIPMENT shall be run over the cmP prepared 9 9 ' SAND OVER DATE: 12-1-88 installation. RUBBER TIRE MACHINERY are not V, be driven over the prepared na' ural soil base or SEE NOTE 411 6`Z sand/stone bed during system installation. TP 174 . ELEV. = leo.2 9 y ; BENCHMARK: 0 - 45" ORGANIC DECAY " • 13. TANK SEAMS, riser connections (if any), and '.l1 plumbing joints are to be installed 100% NAIL SET N 18 OAK / LEACHING AREA DETAIL 45 - 110 MED. PACKED SLIGHTLY SILTY SANIO STONES iGHT sealed with rubber joints,' cement or other ELEV.=183.67 \�ti �0�1 � � WATERPROOF. ALL JOINTS MUST BE WATER i LET 19 110" - 170" COARSE SAND, GRAVEL suitable sealer for that specific component. Any grcijndwater orsurface water entering the systemwitt j 8 NOT TO SCALE PERC TAKEN i 126- (ELEV. = 169.7) severely limit the life span of the leaching area. TP 175 ELEV. _ 180.3 14. ANY LEACHING AREA (OR PUMP CHAMBER) VENTS shall be constructed of 4" solvent weld SCH / utilize an inlet knockout. Vent to extend 24" min. r'aove proposed grade. Y x vent pipe shall 0 - I O" TOPSOIL o 40 PVC, The twin 90 degree elbows comprising thr U shall not be lued: An D-bC 10" 42 SILTY SUBSOIL �a6 42" - 116" TIGHT SILTY SAND, CLAY DEPOSITS, 15. RESERVE AREAS that are shown within 25' of property lines may require impervious barriers to be ( P requirements) g- i reserve. I I6" - 170' COARSE SAND STONE, GRAVEL installed to conform to side slope u►rements rc�nn the installation of the future PERC TAKEN ! 122" (ELEV.= 170J3) sr, • D�, 16. For RESERVE AREAS that may be required to be i;istatled at a higher elevation than the primary area G�F4ti yes / (due to any naturally occurring slopes in the topography); either .a pump system or elevating the .` .es r �0/ IN -SEASON WATER TABLE TP 377 4-19-89 building sewer & tank may be necessary. c GROUNDWATER FOUND AT 140" ADD I' HANDICAP • _ 17. ANY CLEAN -OUTS shown shall extend to within'3 inches of finished grade and caj)ped with a SCH ` 40 threaded clean out lifting. S. 18. ANY VENTS shown shall be constructed of 4" Sch. 40 PVC. The twin 90 degree elbows on top of the os a SOIL EVALUATION access. Sheet metal screws are recommended to LOT 26 � �9 vent shall NOT be glued, allowing future inspection�n , piping hall b sloped u tow, the vent. An s'o yes DATE(S): 1 /27/99 1128,99 Prevent unauthorized entry. Horizontal lengths of ti• t P Pings e P P y �� 44,879 s.f. 9ti PERFORMED BY: Kenneth E. Fortier vents shown connected to the Distribution Box are to utilize an unused D-BOX [NLE:T opening. / \ LOT 20 WITNESSED BY: Susan Griffin ' \ \ CLEAN OUT / / ��• / mp.1500 9S Q � L 0 T 2 7 \0� 2SEPTIC TANK o / a / o SCH 40 PVC /^o / / / ALL WELLS FOUND (existing or proposed) WITHIN 200' 40''S"0.0? / OF THE PROPOSED S.A.S. ARE SHOWN ON PLAN. / 196 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG TP # 426A (Elevation = 180.52 ) Depth from Soil Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Other. Structure, Stones, Surface Horizon (USDA) (Munselo Mottling Boulders, Consistency, % Gravel (inches) 0 - 3" O 3 -10" A Sandy IOYR3/4 Friable Loam 10 - 20" B Sandy I OYR5/8 Friable Loam 20 - 60" C, Sandy 2.5Y5/4 43" Firm, Fine, Silt deposits, Loam 7.iSYR51a & 4I OYR712 60 - 91" Cz Sandy I OYR6/3 Firm Loam BEDROCK DEPTH = > 91" ELEVATION = 172.94 SEEPAGE DEPTH _ None ELEVATION = t72.94 ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER DEPTH = 43" ELEVATION = 176.94 p • PERCENTAGE OF LOT COVERAGE= 7.6% oWE0-1 Ropo PRo?osFDF, 205 GARAGED 0 / r2 Fi 9 T OF �Z1gT 0 G el /1 PROP. LJ WELL �� o � ARE PROP. / pR p PRO S. P� / WEL 100� TD R OSFD 2 202 / cli o / LEC�ENQ BENCHMARK: NAIL SET IN 18" TREE �. / f12Or EXISTING PROPOSED ELEV.- I95.36 / � � LOT 25 too CONTOURS ELEVATION ® /S 0O �® SPOT •-�-'u SITE 1 L PROPERTY LINE er. --EDGE OF PAVEMENT - _ E-P. STONE :WALL SCALE: 1" = 30' WELL p v 0 DEEP TEST HOLE LEACHING TRENCH IM BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS1, L E C Opp" Y FA , TOWN OF DARTIUV17ru REC D PLAN A Copy Of This Endorsed Plan bust Be Dept On Site Durin Co ' Date BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS P.E. STAMP AN SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN PI_ OWNER: ROBERT FOURY ASSESSORS MAP & LOTMAP 70, LOT 13-2G IMILLEPS 4MILLERS DRIVE,FAR STREET LOCATION ENGINEERING EIRNI: Kenneth R. Ferreira Engineering, Inc. P.L.S. STAMP 46 Foster Street, /New Bedford, MA. 02740 Tel. (508) 992-0020 Fax::(508),992-3374 DATE: 3-12-�99 Scale: 1. 30` CONTACT PERSON: KEVI-N SILVA PLU i E ADDRESS: Same'as above REVISED 6-22-99 BY KJ.S. ADDEC1 % OF LOT COVERAGE TEL: r SE 6514 26 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG ?P # 426B (Elevation= 180.21 ) Depth from Soil Soil Texture So# Color Soil Other. Structure, Stones, Surface Horizon (USDA) (Munselo ll'Rottling Boulders, Consistency, % Gravel (inches) 0-21' o 2 -10" A Sandy .1OYR314 Friable Loam 10 - 20' B Sandy 10YR5/8 Friable Loam 20 - 60"' C, Sandy 2.5Y5/4 43- firth, Fine, Silt deposits, Loam 7:,5YR5/E & AOYR712 60 -120" CZ Sandy 10YR613 Firm, Gravelly Loamy Loam Sand deposits, Cobbles, Stones 120 -135" C3 Loamy I OYR5/4 Friable, Gravelly, Coarse, Sand Cobbles & Stones BEDROCK DEPTH - > 135" ELEVATION = 168.96 SEEPAGE DEPTH = None ELEVATION = 168.96 ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER DEPTIM = 43" ELEVATION = 176.63 /,fir„�' �"•,,,,r.'•• LOCI ,SJ ,;.- ti r I LOCUS MAP - NOT TO SCALE \a� BENCHMARK: NAIL SET N 18" OAK ELEV.= 183.67 ALL WELLS FOUND (exi, OF THE PROPOSED S.A. L_ EXISTING 100---- CONTOI N X 9 SPOT ELE PROPERT' El -EDGE OF PA _ STONE V WELL O DEEP TES1 LEACHING PLUMBING F/F/F= 205. r.o.F.= 205.5- FINISHED GRADE= 191.5 189.96 12 F/B/F= 196.5 189.16 s �: r,'�►: , , f .. ,�. '•� .>..�.� :r :%•• ,r - '? 188.91 3" 182AL ' S= .02 61 LK"D LEVEL 10 1 i. > ►FAIN. 14" RAIN. 4 4 5' 1500 GAL. SEPTIC TANK 4.25' PVC SAS BAFFLE OR EQUIVALENT pit M- SYSTEM PROFILE NOT TO SCALE s-? CLEAN COARSE PEA SCONE GRADE= 184.0 - - FIN GRAD = 184.0 12" MIN. 2.5 5' 2.5' 12" min. ------- -------1182.92 4" PERF. i ND CAP i PIPE - 182.42 COARSE WASHED STONE 6. 1.92 ---I , 182.42 I 1 I 136"t SAND OVERDIG 5 � i 176.92 170_G .4" -12" CLEAN WASHED STONE W/PEA STONE COVER BASIS OF SANITARY DESIGN BUILDING USAGE: 3 Bedroom n l li3OGPD/bedroom TITLE 5 SEWAGE FLOW: 330 GPD SEPTIC TANK SIZE: 1500 Gallons GARBAGE GRINDER: 'None WASHING MACHINE: Yes PERCOLATION RATE: 2 MIN/INCH DESIGN RATE: 10 MIN/INCH, CLASS 11 SOIL LEACHING FIELD: BOTTOM AREA: SYSTEM CAPACITY: 15 ft. (-,,Nidth) x 40) ft. (length) = 360 sq.fi 600 sq.ft x 0.60 gDd/sq.ft. = 360 gpd DEEP TEST PIT INFORMATION' PERFORMED BY: KEN FORTIER / CHRIS HENRY WITNESSED BY: SUE GRIFFIN DATE: 12-1-88 TP 174 . ELEV. = 180.2 0 - 45" ORGANIC DECAY 45" - 110" MED, PACKED SLIGHTLY SILTY SAND, STONES 110" - 170" COARSE SAND, GRAVEL PERC TAKEN • 126- (ELEV. - 169.7) TP 175 ELEV. - 180.3 0 - 10" TOPSOIL 10" - 42" SILTY SUBSOIL 42" - 116" TIGHT SILTY SAND, CLAY DEPOSITS 116" - 170" COARSE SAND, STONE, GRAVEL PERC TAKEN f 122" (ELEV,. 170.13) IN -SEASON WATER TABLE TP 377 4-19-89 GROUNDWATER FOUND AT 140" ADD I' HANDJCAP SOIL EVALUATIONS: DATE(S): 1/27/99 - 1 /28'99 PERFORMED BY: Kenneth E. Fortier WITNESSED BY: Susan Griffin DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE ILOG TP # 426A (Elevation = 180.52 )1 Depth from Soil Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Other: Structure, Stones, Surface Horizon (USDA) (Munsell) Mottling Boulders, Consistency, % Gravel (Inches) 0-3" O 3 - 10" A Sandy 1OYR3/4 I Friable Loam 10 - 20" B Sandy 1OYR518 Friable Loam 20 - 60" C, Sandy 2.5Y5/4 @ 43" Firm, Fine, Silt deposits, Loam 7.5YR5/8 & 10YR712 60 - 91" C2 Sandy 1OYR6/3 Firm Loam BEDROCK DEPTH = > 91" ELEVATION = 172.94 SEEPAGE DEPTH = None ELEVATION = 172.94 ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER DEPTH = 43" ELEVATION = 1176.94 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE'LOG TP # 426E (Elevation = 180.21 )) Depth from Soil Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Other: Structure, Stones, Surface Horizon (USDA) (Munself) Mottling Boulders, Consistency, % Gravel (Inches) 0-2" O 2 - 10" A Sandy 1OYR3/4 Friable Loam 10 - 20" B Sandy 1 OYR5/8 Friable Loam 20 - 60" C, Sandy 2.5Y5/4 @ 43" Firm, Fine, Silt deposits, Loam 7.5YR5/8 & 10YR7/2 60 - 120" C2 Sandy IOYR6/3 { Firm, Gravelly Loamy Loam Sand deposits, Cobbles, Stones 120 - 135" C3 Loamy 1OYR5/4 Friable, Gravelly, Coarse, Sand Cobbles & Stones BEDROCK DEPTH = > 135" ELEVATION = 168.96 SEEPAGE DEPTH = None ELEVATION = 168.96 ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER DEPTH = 43" ELEVATION = 176.63 GENERAL NOTES: new construction: Tie sanitary sewage disposal system shown hereon shall be SONS T RUCTED IN ACCORDAN CE with the requirements of 1995 310 CMR 15 (TITLE V) of the Stzt- Ervironmental Code and local Board of Health regulations. Any MODIFICATION TO THIS DESK---N must be approved in writin(i by the engineer and the local Board of Health prior to implemental on 2. Contractor shall verify and check the BENCHMARK(S) as shown on this plan prior to construction of the proposed system. 3. Notify the local Board of Health when the system is ready forr INSPECTION, prior to any backfiliing. If CONFIRMATION OF CONSTRUCTION (as -built) is required by an engineer, 3 day 2dvanced notification is required for the survey. 4. DEEP TEST HOLE INFORMATION indicates soil condition, percolation rate, and water table elevation at the time and location of actual testing and should be veri`ed at the time of construction. The contractor shall notify the local Board of Health if GRC'JNDWATER or PERCHED W)JER is encountered at a higher elevation than indicated on this dezzign plan. I 5. TOP OF FOUNDATION, BASEMENT and FIRST FLOOR elevations may be raised L>ut NOT LOWERED without the consent of the engineer. I, I+ 6. Unless specified in the Basis of Sanitary Design, this system is NOT designed for the use of a garbage grinder or other high water usage devices. I . Where the building sewer pipe exits the foundation ABOVE the basement floor, an effluent a` grinder pump conforming to 310 CMR 15.229 may be used to discharge A VOLUME OF LESS THAN 25% OF THE DESIGN FLOW from any future basement bathroom / sink facilities. l 8. If any components of the proposed system are specified as HEAVY DUTY, those componei its shall conform to all state and local requirements for ASSHTO H t0 loading. I 9, The SEPTIC TANK shall be 1500 gallons minimum, unless o -)erwise specified on this design Flan, and fitted with PVC schedule 40 INLET TEE and OUTLET TEf WITH GAS BAFFLE of propel, length. Septic tank construction shall conform to 310 CMR 15.226. The SEPTIC TANK OUTLET COVER is to built up to within 6" of the finished grade unless ctherwis' specified on this design plan. t , 10. SEPTIC TANK, DISTRIBUTION BOX, and PUMP CHAMBEF' (if any) shall be placed on a 6" riinimum compacted GRAVEL BASE to prevent heaving or settling. �LL SEAMS ARE TO BE WATEFTIGHT, sealed with asphalt cement or other cement suitable for thai' specific component. I' 1 l'. 11. EXCAVATE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL within five feet'lorizontally of the leaching area `rom the pea stone cover down to elevr;; 0.6 (116 inches below the original existing grade.) Excaval;ion may be required to extend deeper if uniform suitable material is not encountered. See notes 11a`& 11b. 11 a. SOIL PREPARATION PROCEDURE FOR THE LEACHING FACILITY AREA shall . conforri-I to 310 CMR 15.246 & 15.247. I' 11 b. Any EXCAVATION OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL designate! on the plan shall conform to Co4truction in Fill requirements as outlined in 310 CMR 15,255 (1-6). ' I' 12. No HEAVY EQUIPMENT shall be run over the components or the prepared leaching area during installation. RUBBER TIRE MACHINERY are not to be driv'n over the prepared natural soil base or sand/stone bed during system installation. i 13. TANK SEAMS, riser connections (if any), and all pluming joints are to be installedj 100% WATERPROOF. ALL JOINTS MUST BE WATERTIGHT, sealed with rubber joints, cement'or other suitable sealer for that specific component. Any groundwater or surface water entering the sy?>tem will severely limit the life span of the leaching area. 14. ANY LEACHING AREA (OR PUMP CHAMBER) VENTS sh-11 be constructed of 4" solvent weld SCH 40 PVC, The twin 90 degree elbows comprising the "U" shad not be glued. Any D-box vent pipe shall utilize an inlet knockout. Vent to extend 24" min. above proposed grade. 15. RESERVE AREAS that are shown within 25' of property lir's may require impervious barriE rs to be installed (to conform to side slope requirements) during the installation of the future reserve', 16. For RESERVE AREAS that may be required to be installed rt a higher elevation than the primary area (due to any naturally occurring slopes in the topography),, either a pump system or elevating the building sewer & tank may be necessary. 17. ANY CLEAN -OUTS shown shall extend to within 3 inches'ef finished grade and capped witf E a SCH 40 threaded clean out fitting. i 18. ANY VENTS shown shall be constructed of 4" Sch. 40 PVC. The twin 90 degree elbows on tc`�p of the vent shall NOT be glued, allowing future inspection access. Sheet metal screws are recommE nded to prevent unauthorized entry. Horizontal lengths of vent pipin- shall be sloped up toward the w!nt. Any vents shown connected to the Distribution Box are to utilize an unused D-BOX INLET opening. E P. E. STAM P Q BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS BOARD OF HEALTH OF DARRIOUIN 11�,cz Mug 69 {. SEE flEPOW- - r- •99 i SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIC� PLAN, OWNER: ROBERT KFON'y F ASSESSORS MAP & LOTM AP - O, LOT 13-26 (MILLERS STREET LOCATION: ATI N: MILLERS DRIVE FARM) T 4�-*W NGINEERING FIRM: I Kenneth R. Ferreira Engineering, Inc. P.Li.S. STAMP 46 Foster Street, New Bedford, MA. 02740 iy<cPSNOFS.i Tel. (508) 992-0020 Fax: (508) 992-3374 g KENNETN ��''' , R. ` DATE: 3-12-99 Scale: 1 30 i FERREIRA ai No. 28716 � 9FlSTEp�� CONTACT PERSON: KEVIN SILVA SE 65''A.26 RESIDENTIAL 2000 — -- RESIDENTIAL 2000 _;, «. ..:. SITtON 2-R4i'ER 1 �' f>4YEttStT1P:AtJ tJ10RTP15: �T: ...... .. ;: . licensed Colnstruction NOTICE TO LICENSED CONTRACTORS• The Building Code provides in the Rules and Regulations ions section that any licens 2.1 Owner of Record: �! l CL �/� /��-- 3- Supervisor, whether or not the have taken the permit are responsible for code compliance. see Appendix of 780 CMR RS 2 1 15 _ -.:. ...............: ... ;- , - y .:::....: C::S. ....>::::;;:......::....::..;::......:;:::.: M: :. .: NSA'1" ON I3V i�i ANC :AIv CI IT.: h4 L::... 5:::.;:.::>:;.::> ::....:..:...........:.::;::: ::.:::::::.::::::.::::::::..::. C1EU� .:: WUICIaJt .S QIvP... Name (print) . Contact Address Phone Number Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Fa, ;lure to provide this affidavit 2.2 Authorized Agent: will result in the`denial of the issuance of the building permit Signed Affidavit Attached: es ❑ rto . '' Il _,: Iii. CilteckltL:.ac _ ..........:..:.....::.:::: ;;>;>:;>;:: SCTCt31S:5 ,bESCR.#.PTIf)1 £lF PR(3PD8t T_::: O. ,: ....::.;,:_::::;:.;: :::....: .. ew construction* ❑ addition ❑ alteration ❑ repairs ❑ chimney/ ❑ woodstove Name (print) Contact Address Phone Number nergy report required) (energy report required) fireplace I Y :: T RUUFIUN SERVICES SEA I �. CONS :> : :.::.:.:::.::::.: .::::.:.: .::::.::::::.. .::::: . .:.::.:;:> :>::.;::::::.;:.;:..:.::::>::.:...........; ::.;: . 11 deck ❑ pool ❑ accessory bldg. ❑ replacement window/door ❑ other ❑ demolition 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable ❑ (shed/garage) no. of windows ` doors (specify below): (specify below):` Licensed Construction Supervisor f c w dliw License Number �' 61g, Q * If new construction, please complete the following: Address Expiration Date Single Family: no. of bedrooms no. of baths- _ Signature Telephone � �e, 13 ! � r� Two Family:no. of bedrooms unit 1 no. of baths unit 1 3.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable ❑ no. of bedrooms unit 2 no. of baths unit 2 ❑ Furnace (hot air) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to (780 CMR-6)? -❑ yes ❑ no ❑ Boiler, (heating) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): If no, go to the next section! ❑ HVAC (combined unit) - primary fuel, natural gas, propane, electricity, other (specify): Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? ❑ yes ❑ no ❑ Air conditioning - (separate unit) - If yes, submit the ❑ None of the above to be provided required affidavit! ❑ Hot Water: Gas Electric Fuel Oil Other „ Work: Brief Description o Proposed W f P P m Company Name P Y o Re tstratton Number (if none state .none � ( ) .f y Address P Si —nature Telephone Expiration Date .CCiRTI;XCoST�SITED I 333 For Residential Remodel Work Only Item Estimated Cost ($) to be completed by permit applicaint PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND: 1. Building QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: 2. Electrical Honte Improvement Contractors Registration, One Ashburton Place - Room 1301, Boston, MA 02108, (617) 727-8598 3. Plumbing OWhers Name (print) 4. Mechanical HVAC Signatu r7e 5. Total = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) * Estimated Total $ Q eli ibil to the Guaranty Fund by signing the above, the home owner acknowledges that there will be no g t} G ty '' >.. ... T1EQ•T i........ `:><;: ER:AII:I'II(iRIZA`.:::.;::>:<::';;Yi;:><::;;:::::i>;:<:':>:>. <;:>:;':Date .�. ontrartor:a Ites:f.r ISutldln ermt i<:::.>:..:.>;::><::>::>::>::;:;<:,>::,:::::.::< t .15e: c.o.m 1eted.:whett:4wner.::a ent:...r..>.:....._......:...P.:..h..i?::.....:....::::::::::::._::::::...:,:::::.:..............:::.:::::::.:::. 3.4 Homeowner Exemption - One & Two Family Only FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT (please print) as Owner of the subject property hereby authorizes ��ftr9 109.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those structures governed by Construction Control in Section 116.0, effective July 1, 1982, no individual to act o my behalf, in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. '�—� shall be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings or structures, unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entitled Rules and Regulations for Licensing �� �, ✓ P �' Date Construction supervisors: Signature of Owner i w tmmQ rr rk which Building � ulred shall be exempt from the provisions of section provides that If a Homeowner Exception: An Homeowner performing o for c aPermit s required P P , P ... . _ .. ._ eng,�ges a person(s) for hi. , to do such work, that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. b For the purposes of this section only, a "Homeowner" is defined as follows: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, 0r is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more �^ Owner/Authorized Aaerit hereby declare that the Statements I, / �5 f. �r^ , as Owner/Au g y and information than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner y P on the fore oin application are true and accurate, to the best of m knowledge and belief. foregoing pp y g If you are applying under this section sign below: s Signed under the pains d penalties of perjury. �,) Signature:L4 ,. / ° %— Your signature carries certain res'ponsibiliti , incl cant+,- but not necessarily limited to, general liability Signature of Owner/Authorized Agent Date C:\blde.for-nis\Bldga res.w d Page 2 Rev. January 13. 2000 _ _ PP P _ g. Page 3 Rev. January 13, 2000 C:\bed forms\Bidgapp.res.wpd RESIDENTIAL 2000 RESIDENTIAL 2000 ❑ FQT'ND�I TION ONLY $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE & NON-TRA%TCVvRABLE 1. Date plan reviewed: .��TH- T)ATrr_ D VJ- 7T-,IQn 2. 30 days to review, period expires: 3. OK to issue date: 4. OK to issue subject to requested submittals(see project review worksheet): Date: 5. DENIED (see project review worksheet): Date: 6. HOLD reason: Date: 9-6,-V_ 7. HOLD subjec to Zoning Board of Appeals action: ! ate: ; 8. Comments: `" Aq Total Permit Fee: $ Less Application Fee: $ 25.00 Remaining Balan TOTAL FEE: Gross Area - New Construction total sq. ft. Gross Area - Alteration total sq. ,t. Permit Issued To ell F ( Page 1 Rev. January 13, 2000 +C:\bldg:forms\Bldeapp res.wpd Page Rev. Januan 13, 2000 C:\b1dg.forms\Bldgapp.res.wpd