BP-11299iy14T Plan) Be 11 LOT 31 85,851 s.f. 0 LOT 32 CR .a� K 24.25 moo' LOT 30 v^s r'n a FRRRA e No. 28716 Wa0�A'AL 68.98' Ltd z N at -- i 66/S 6/U 03SI/VH IN8V:J S213llI1N 6£#101 unsW t ,9£ JtdllN N ,£6 92,L Sz V w D4 ,£ = , A 9 w o---------- ) - -1 1 - -1 D s T a3Ao=i do £z N N_ 'IMIJ JNINIfl d O '� -V4N 1H3NO fall r7nrjf q rn HIM8 "• Z4 w cn OI,Lt RICO" ILI, OD �oi m A Copy 0f This Endorse `° W Doix Plan Must Be yept On Cite pst 0 Dufin "rot, OCT .,�cen Date 'N3HOlN TM AINVA ^' t4 'o w 4,41 w °D NOON w /VQIEI o v tr do A bz_ 9z t --=� 9,z ti16 0 0 4,ZL -- LOCUS MAP - NOT TO SCALE PARCEL A "OPEN SPACE" \g6 • LOT 32 F/F/F= i n /,pi• 7 - FINISHED GRAD = 178.0 T.O.F.= afl= ✓,' 176.45 12" - �, 176. :y•: f;,►: �c�:� r .i "i'�' •`,..: ,. '•r 175.80 175 r i 3' J. t-0 = 8' S= 0 1 = 20 s= 0.02 G- L)QUD L VEL �i"K r > 10- 1.. ! 1A1rL 14" MIK F/B/F.= ' 4 5' 1500 GAL. SEPTIC TANK ' 4.25' PVC i72•7S� 10' GAS BAFFLE OR EQUIVALENT �= 10.5' 158 LOT 31 \ 8 5,8 51 S.F. \ INISHED G rrc�rr�- I' V I► SYSTEM PROFILE NOT TO SCALE s-?' CLEAN COARSE PEA SCONE '6.76t FIN GRAD - L.176_76 12" MIN. 12" ---2"MIN. - -----MIT, I75.76_ 4" PERF. 07 --END CAP PIPE 3 l" EL. 175.26 i-I� CLEAN COARSE WASHED STONE 6" L,174.7E 175.261­4- 1 AND OVERDIG 5' 1 135" EL.169.76 (INTERPOLATED) EL. 163.5 ' 1 i i 40' I� 30' ri 28' 1 4 ROWS LENGTHS) 4" SDR-35 PERFORATED PIPE THS) OR EQUAL 2.5' , i 5 II 30' 20' 5' FROM TANK-,- 5' ND CAP (tyP'1 4" -11" CLEAN WASHED STONE 2ff W/PEA STONE COVER 5' SAND OVERDIG LEACHING AREA DETAIL NOT TO SCALE E1 EV,.176.39 -' ' ' " PROP. SCALE: I" = 30' WELL BASIS OF SANITARY DESIGN BUILDING USAGE: 3 Bedroom Ca I IOGTD/bedroom TITLE 5 SEWAGE FLOW: 330 GPD SEPTIC TANK SIZE: 1 500 Gallons GARBAGE GRINDER: None WASHING MACHINE: Yes PERCOLATION RATE: TP 179:6 MIN/INCH, TP 180:: <2 MIN/INC DESIGN RATE: 10 MIN/INCH, CLASS II LEACHING FIELD: BOTTOM AREA: 20 ft. (width) x 30 ft,. (length) = 600 sq.ft SYSTEM CAPACITY: 600 sq.ft x 0.60 gpd/s;q.ft. = 360 9N DEEP TEST PIT INFORMATION PERFORMED BY: KEN FORTIER / CHRIS HENRY WITNESSED BY:, SUE GRIFFIN DATE: 12-19-89 TP 179 EL. 170.5 TP 1180 IEL. 172 0 - 8" TOPSOIL 0 - 6" TOiPS01L 8" - 24" SUBSOIL 6" - 24" SUBSOIL 24" - 60" VERY FINE SAND, SILT 24" - 54" `VERY FINE SAND, SILT MOTTLING EVIDENCE 54" - 124" MED. SAND, STONES 60" - 168" MED. COARSE SAND, STONES NO GROUNIDWATER OBSERVED NO GROUNDWATER OBSERVED@ 168" EL. 156.5 ADD I' HANDICAP @ 124" EL. 161.67 ADD 1' HANDICAP PERC DEPTH 102" EL. 163.5 PERC DEPTH 124" EL. 160.17 SOIL EVALUATIONS: D,aTE(S): 1/27,199 - 1/28/99 PERFORMED BY: Kenneth E. Fortier WITNESSED BY: Susan Grim DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG TP # 431A (Elevation = 173,41 ) Depth from Soil Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Other: Structure, Stones, Surface Horizon (USDA) (Munselq Mottling Bouilders, Consistency, % Gravel (Inches) 0-5" O 5 - 11" A Sandy 1OYR314 Friable Loam 11 - 24" B Sandy 1OYR5/6 Firm Loam 24 - 66" C, Silt 2.5Y5/6 @ 33" lFirm, Sandy Loam Loam 7.5YR518 deposits & 2.5Y7/2 66 - 120" CZ Sandy IOYR5/4 Firm, Sand deposits, Loam Crobbles, Stones, and Rocks BEDROCK DEPTH = > 120" ELEVATION = 163.41 SEEPAGE DEPTH = None ELEVATION = 163.41 ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER DEPTH = 33" ELEVATION = 170.66 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOB TP # 431B (Elevation = 172.51 ) Depth from Soil Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Other. Structure, Stones, Surface Horizon (USDA) (Munselo Mottling Boultders, Consistency, % Gravel (inches) 0-3„ O 3 - 10" A Sandy IOYR3/4 Friable Loam Firm 10 - 28" B Sandy IOYR5/6 Loam 28 - 60" C, Silt 1 OYR6/4 @ 46" r7irm, Sandy Loam Loam 10YR5/8& deposits 2.5Y7/2 60 - 92" CZ Sandy 1 OYR5/4 Firm, Loamy Sand Loam deprasits, Cobbles and Few Stones BEDROCK DEPTH = > 120" ELEVATION = 162.51 SEEPAGE DEPTH = None ELEVATION = 162.51 ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER DEPTH = 46" `ELEVATION = 168.68 EXISTING L-1-GEND PROPOSED 100---- CCONTOURS 1r0 91 x 9 SPOT ELEVATION - PROPERTY LINE E.P --EDGE (OF PAVEMENT E.P. STtONE WALL _ tom' WELL 0 ❑ DEEFP TEST HOLE - �___ LEACHING TRENCH PLUMBING PIPE GENERAL NOTES: new construction: 1. The sanitary sewage disposal system shcwn hereon steal' l` e C'� SST` LICTED I10 A.CCORDSNGE wit'I the requirements of 1995 310 CMR 15 (TITLE V) of the State Environmental Code and local Beard of Health regulations. Any MODIFICATION TO THIS DESIGN must be approved in writing by the engineer and the local Board of Health prior to implementa'.i�n 2. Contractor shall verify and check the BENCHMARKS) s s;-:twn or, this plan prior to construction of the proposed system. 3. Notify the local Board of Health when the system is ready for INSPECTION, prior to any backf lling. If CONFIRMATION OF CONSTRUCTION (as -built) is required by an engineer, 3 day ad'ranced notification is required for the survey. 4. DEEP TEST HOLE INFORMATION indicates soil condition, p:ercoiation rate, and water table elevation at the time and location of actual testing and should be v rified at the time of construction. The contractor shall notify the local Board of Health if GRO,,JNDWATER or PERCHED WATER is encountered at a higher elevation than indicated on this des'gn plan. 5. TOP OF FOUNDATION, BASEMENT and FIRST FLOG P, elevations may be raised but NOT LOWERED without the consent of the engineer. 6. Unless specified in the Basis of Sanitary Design, this system its NOT designed for the use of a c' arbage grinder or other high water usage devices. 1, 7. Where the building sewer pipe exits the foundation ABOVE ,the basement floor, an effluent a'grinder pump conforming to 310 CMR 15.229 may be used to discharge A VOLUME OF LESS THAN e' 5% OF THE DESIGN FLOW from any future basement bathroom / =ink facilities. 8. If any components of the proposed system are specified as HEAVY DUTY, those components shall conform to all state and local requirements for ASSHTO H-2) loading. 9. The SEPTIC TANK shall be 1500 gallons minimum, unless ot''erwise specified on this design plan, and fitted with PVC schedule 40 INLET TEE and OUTLET TEE WITH GAS BAFFLE of proper, Septic tank construction shall conform to 310 CMR 15.226. The SEPTIC TANK OUTLET COVER is to built up to within 6" of the finished grade unless otherwise specified on this design plan. 10. SEPTIC TANK, DISTRIBUTION BOX, and PUMP CHAMBEF (if any) shall be placed on a 6" rr,;inimum compacted GRAVEL BASE to prevent heaving or settling. ALL SEAMS ARE TO BE WATERTIGHT, sealed with asphalt cement or other cement suitable for that specific component.! 11. EXCAVATE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL within five feet f,,orizontally of the leaching area f#rom the pea stone cover down to elev=163.5 002 inches below the original existing grade.) Excavation may be required to extend deeper if uniform suitable material is R.ot encountered. See notes 11a & 11b. 11 a. SOIL PREPARATION PROCEDURE FOR THE LEACHING FACILITY AREA shall . conform to 310 CMR 15.246 & 15.247. 11 b. Any EXCAVATION OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL designatec'on the plan shall conform to Construction in Fill requirements as outlined in 310 CMR 15.255 (1-6). u 12. No HEAVY EQUIPMENT shall be run over the componentS or the prepared leaching area during installation. RUBBER TIRE MACHINERY are not to be driven over the prepared natural soil 'base or sand/stone bed during system installation. 13. TANK SEAMS, riser connections (if any), and all plumting joints are to be installec 100% WATERPROOF. ALL JOINTS MUST BE WATERTIGHT, sealed with rubber joints, cement or other suitable sealer for that specific component. Any groundwateror surface water entering the system will severely limit the life span of the leaching area. 14. ANY LEACHING AREA (OR PUMP CHAMBER) VENTS sh211 be constructed of 4" solvent weld SCH 40 PVC, The twin 90 degree elbows comprising the "U" shal' not be glued. Any D-box vent pipe shall utilize an inlet knockout. Vent to extend 24" min. above pro csed grade. 15. RESERVE AREAS that are shown within 25' of property lines may require impervious barrie ,s to be installed (to conform to side slope requirements) during the'nstallation of the future reserve.! 16. For RESERVE AREAS that may be required to be installed aY a higher elevation than the prim��ry area (due to any naturally occurring slopes in the topography), either a pump system or elevating the building sewer & tank may be necessary. i 17. ANY CLEAN -OUTS shown shall extend to within 3 inches cl finished grade and capped with; a SCH 40 threaded clean out fitting. (' 18. ANY VENTS shown shall be constructed of 4" Sch. 40 PVC. The twin 90 degree elbows on to'D of the vent shall NOT be glued, allowing future inspection access. sheet metal screws are recomme`ided to prevent unauthorized entry. Horizontal lengths of vent piping shall be sloped up toward the ve"it. Any vents shown connected to the Distribution Box are to utilize an unused D-BOX INLET opening. BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS r E BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS �I OWN OF DA f 4UTH g I. REVIEWED - And Changes Must ; I Be Resubmitted SEE REPORT of Review p 011999 Bar Dds P.E. STAMP SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN PLAN E cwtf OWNER: ROBERT KFOURY '� E u• ASSESSORS MAP & LOT: MAP 70, LOT 13-31WICIERS CIVILFARM) 9Fcr� • STREET LOCATION: MILLERS DRIVE °`L= GINEERING FIRM: enneth R. Ferreira Engiheering, Inc. ' P.L.S. STAMP 46 Foster Street„ New Bedford, MA. 02740 'IH OF Tel. (508) 992-0020 rax: (508) 992-33i74 Mqs� KENRNETH DATE: 3-3-99 Scale:130 FERREIRA No.287le CONTACT PERSON: KFVIN SILVA ADDRESS: Same as above TEL: SE 6514.31 d / /d ]LOCUS & JIM V, , LOCUS MAP - NOT TO SCALE \g6 LOT 32 PARCEL A "OPEN SPACE" t�/.7-�7 FINISHED GRAD T.O.F.= !@9.9 176.45 12" 176. :>�: r, �: i �:t f. •t ' � •, .,�,,.. ,• ,:.'.:; ;0 175.80 175.62 x 3- - j: 20' S= 0.02 6- LK"D LEVEL r-o N' = 18' S= 0.01 s > 10' y ► LIIN 14" i MIN. F/B/F.= ' 4 5' 1500 GAL. SEPTIC TANK 4: 4.25' PVC lip 7s 10' GAS BAFFLE OR EQUIVALENT 10.5' l � - � 136.p0, I � � l 158 1 160 LOT 31 \ / 85,851 S.F. \ • i � e �rO LOT 32 PROP. wEu 30' 2 17 5.4 6 -. I _ �. •.. • . D-BOX 175.40 SYSTEM PROFILE r NOT TO SCALE ' 40' INIaHED GRA s-?' CLEAN COARSE PEA SCONE '6.7�_ L. 176-76 12" MN. 12" ! 4" PERF. - -ENn CAP PIPE I" --li EL. 17 5.2 6 i CLEAN COARSE WASHED STONE 6" L,174.7E 175.26 I I 5' _^ AND OVERDIG 5' � 135" I I EL.169.76 (INTERPOLATED) =----------t- ------=----------------- EL. 163_5_2 BASIS OF SANITARY DESIGN BUILDING USAGE: 3 Bedroom �^a I I(OGPD%bedroom TITLE 5 SEWAGE FLOW: 330 GPD SEPTIC TANK SIZE: 1 500 Gallons GARBAGE GRINDER: None 4 R5 OF 4" SDR-35 PERFORAT PERFORATED PIPE WASHING MACHINE: Yes (28' .ENGTHS) OR EQUAL PERCOLATION RATE: TP 179:G MIN/INCH, TP IISO: <2 MIN/INC DESIGN RATE: 10 MIN/INCH, CLASS II LEACHING FIELD: FROM ANKH BOTTOM AREA: 20 ft. (width) x 30 ft. (length) = sq.ft 7 600 4'"•12" CLEAN WASHED STONE W/PEA STONE COVER SYSTEM CAPACITY: 600 sq.ft x 0.60 gP�d/sq.ft. = 360 SPd GENERAL NOTES : new construction: 1 The sanitary sewage disposal sys,, .,-. �no.tin he•eon s a:' C��'S' ='_'C`F Ili AGCO .D�;,NCE wi the requirements of 1995 310 CMR 15 (TITLE V) of the S=',e-"''"rcnmental Code and loo it Board c Health regulations. Any MODIFICATION TO THIS D !CN must be approved in w7it'ng by th engineer and the local Board of Health prior to implemer t'o 2. Contractor shall verify and check the BENCHMARKS) as s',ONn on tt 's plan prior to construction c the proposed system. 3 Notify the local Board of Health when the system !s ready nor INS,FEC T ION, prior to any backfilling. CONFIRMATION OF CONSTRUCTION (as -bunt) is re ,-ired by an engineer, 3 day advance notification is required for the survey. 4. DEEP TEST HOLE INFORMATION indicates soil condition percciation rate, and water table elevatio at the time and location of actual testing and should be verified at the time of construction. Th, contractor shall notify the local Board of Health if GROUNDWATER or PERCHED VrIATER i encountered at a higher elevation than indicated on this c-sign plan i 5. TOP OF FOUNDATION, BASEMENT and FIRST FLCOR elevations may be raised but NO' LOWERED without the consent of the engineer. i 6. Unless specified in the Basis of Sanitary Design, this syste� is NOT designed for the use of �a garbag grinder or other high water usage devices. 7. Where the building sewer pipe exits the foundation ABOVS the basement floor, an effluent a grinde pump conforming to 310 CMR 15.229 may be used to discharge A VOLUME OF LESS THAN 25% Of THE DESIGN FLOW from any future basement bathroom / sink facilities. !' 8. If any components of the proposed system are specified -s HEAVY DUTY, those compon"ants steal conform to all state and local requirements for ASSHTO P,-20 loading. I 9. The SEPTIC TANK shall be 1500 gallons minimum, unless ztherwise specified on this design plan, an( fiL,ed with PVC schedule 40 INLET TEE and OUTLET TCE WITH GAS BAFFLE of proper length Septic tank construction shall conform to 310 CMR 15.22E• The SEPTIC TANK OUTLET COVER i; to built up to within 6" of the finished grade unless otherwise specified on this design plan.! j 10. SEPTIC TANK, DISTRIBUTION BOX, and PUMP CHAMBER (if any) shall be placed on a 6"'minimurr compacted GRAVEL BASE to prevent heaving or settling. ALL SEAMS ARE TO BE WATERTIGHT sealed with asphalt cement or other cement suitable for th It specific component. 11. EXCAVATE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL within five feet horizontally of the leaching area from the pea stone cover down to elev_I63.5 002 inches below th= original existing grade.) Excav ltion may be required to extend deeper if uniform suitable material is not encountered. See notes 11 �i & 11 b. l I 1 DEEP TEST PIT INFORMATItON 1 �a CSOILMR REPARATION FOR THE LEACHINJ FACILITY AREA shall .conform to 310 5.246 &5 PERFORMED BY: KEN FORTIER / CHRIS HENRY 11 b. Any EXCAVATION OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL designated on the plan shall conform to Cor!'struction WITNESSED BY: SUE GRIFFIN in Fill requirements as outlined in 310 CMR 15.255 (1-6). LEACHING AREA DETAIL f' DATE: 12-19-89 12. No HEAVY EQUIPMENT shall be run over the components or the prepared leaching area during TP 179 EL. 170.5 TF� installation. RUBBER TIRE MACHINERY are not to be driven over the prepared natural soi' base or NOT TO SCALE 180 �L. 172 P P 0 - 8" TOPSOIL sand/stone bed during system installation. 0 - 6" TOPSOIL 8" - 24" SUBSOIL 6" - 24 SUBSOIL 13. TANK SEAMS, riser connections if an bin joints are to be installed 100% (' y}, and all plug 9 24" - 60" VERY FINE SAND SILT 24" - 54'" VERY FINE SAND, SILT WATERPROOF. ALL JOINTS MUST BE WATERTIGHT, sealed with rubber joints, cement or other MOTTLING EVIDENCE 54" - 12 suitable sealer for that specific component. An roundwaW or surface water entering the system will MED. SAND STONES P P y g Y /HEADWALL 60" - 168" MED. COARSE SAND STONES severely limit the life span of the leaching area. 4 INV. OUT= 166.50 NO GROUDWATER OBSERVED NO GROUNDWATER OBSERVED@ 168" EL. 156.5 ADD I' H LOT 30 PERC DEPTH 124" EL. 160.17 ANDICAP @ 124" EL. 161.67 14. ANY LEACHING AREA (OR PUMP CHAMBER) VENTS shall be constructed of 4" solvent wield SCH ADD I' HANDICAP PERC DF PTH 102' EL. 163.5 40 PVC, The twin 90 degree elbows comprising the "U" shE'l not be glued. Any D-box vent pipe shall utilize an inlet knockout. Vent to extend 24" min. above pr�Posed grade. SOIL EVALUATIONS: - 15. --RESERVE - ' - AREAS that are shown within _s may r , �. v._•-.--:--..:--------•'� a ,�---_ 25 of grope IiM y equine impervious barnt'.rs to be rnsta-fled (to conform to ,rde lope requirements) during the installation of the future reserve, �g6 PERFOR"►1EDfrBY99Kenneth E. Fortier / IWITNESSED BY: Susan Griffin 16. For RESERVE AREAS that may be required to be installed of a higher elevation than the prirrary area n 10 LOT 30 PROP 40;, S.4.S T 30 ,SITE PLAN SCALE- I" = 30' 6 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LCiG TP # 431A (Elevation = 173.41 ) Depth from Soil Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Other: Structure, Stones, Surface Horizon (USDA) (Munselo Mottling Boulders, Consistency, . Gravel (Inches) 0-5" O 5 - 11" A Sandy 1OYR3/4 Friable Loam 11 - 24" B Sandy IOYR5/6 Firm Loam 24 - 66" C, Silt 2.5Y5/6 @ 33" Firm, Sandy Loam Loam 7.5YR518 deposits & 2.5Y7/2 66 - 120" C2 Sandy 10YR5/4 F--irm, Sand deposits, Loam gobbles, Stones, and Rocks BEDROCK DEPTH = > 120" ELEVATION = 163.41 SEEPAGE DEPTH = None ELEVATION = 163.41 ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER DEPTH = 33" ELEVATION = 170.66 Lj DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LO - TP # 431E (Elevation = 172.51 ) Depth from Soil Soil Texture Soil Color Soil iOther. Structure, Stones, Surface Horizon (USDA) (Munselq Mottling Boulders, Consistency, % Gravel (Inches) 0-3" O Friable 3 - 10" A Sandy 1OYR3/4 Loam Firm 10 - 28" B Sandy 1OYR5/6 Loam 28- 60" C, Silt 1 OYR6/4 @ 46" ;Firm, Sandy Loam Loam IOYR5/8& deposits 2.5Y7/2 60 - 92" C2 Sandy 1 OYR5/4 Firm, Loamy Sand Loam deptosits, Cobbles and Few Stones BEDROCK DEPTH = > 120" ELEVATION = 162.51 SEEPAGE DEPTH = None ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER DEPTH = 46" ELEVATION = 162.51 ELEVATION = 168.68 EXISTING LEGEND PROPOSED 100---- CQNTOURS I003 91" 9 �- SPOT ELEVATION 9- PROF ERTY LINE EP --EDGE (OF PAVEMENT E.=. lam' STONE WALL WELL DEEFP TEST HOLE - �_____� LEACHING TRENCH PLUNBiNG PIPE (due to any naturally occurring slopes in the topography)., either a pump system or elevating the building sewer & tank may be necessary. 17. ANY CLEAN -OUTS shown shall extend to within 3 inches Zf finished grade and capped with a SCH 40 threaded clean out fitting. t 18. ANY VENTS shown shall be constructed of 4" Sch. 40 PVC. The twin 90 degree elbows on tc3p of the vent shall NOT be glued, allowing future inspection access. Sheet metal screws are recommerided to prevent unauthorized entry. Horizontal lengths of vent pipin shall be sloped up toward the vent. Any vents shown connected to the Distribution Box are to utilizE an unused D-BOX INLET opening. BOARD OF HEALT SS AMPS 5 'CTI N OF THIS SEPTIC 7Pvrf BUST E COMPLETED WITH THR � T �ti� YEA OF THE DATE OF AFPn his System Is Not Designed � Fo r Gc;p grind r, Whin NOT ALE TIaNS UST �T RE r to h,&A iliioh /ater Use Dev000 . CHANGED WITHOUT BOARD OF HEALTH APPROVAL I' BOARD OF HEALTH 13MPM OF HEALTH INSPECTION ® D 0 - EQUI.tvD � . ,.� ._ .:AV�,TED � �_ THE APPROVAL BY THIS OFFICEp , DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE APR 28 I999 It"IG!N ERS AS -BUILT EFFECTIVENESS OF ANY ` I -''A . CERTIFICATIOM' � INSTALLATION n I 1 r VARTMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH r3Y TOW ! Si. +TEMENT REQUIRED N 0 D SOUTH BQAki`) OF HEALTH P.E. STAMP SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN PLAN r taWwa OWNER: ROBERT KFOURY rK ASSESSORS MAP CMILLERS u rC Vlt. &LOT. M A1� 70, LOT 13 31 No.3' �a STREET LOCATION: MILLERS D t:E E I ' GINEERING FIRM: f enneth R. FerreirQ Engireering In . 181�`t' P.L.S. STAMP 46 Foster Street, New Bedford, MI. ..r. Tel. (508) 992-0020 rox' (5 ° ' � 4 fCENRETH m DATE: 3-3-99 Scale: 1" 30' 8 FERREIRA ; No. 2876 CONTACT PERSON: KEVIN SILVA FGiSTER�ADDRESS: Same Qs above TEL: SE 65I4.31 Residential 1999 Residential 1999 2.2 Authorized Agent: - Contact Address 2,✓� �--' Name (..'nt), Telephone ..:.::::.:....... ::::.::::::::::::.....................:..................................::::::::::a?iGxC±OS:,::::Ql�aRt�C'Ci(7i.�i:.::+i.:::............................:............:.::::.::::.::::::::.:::.::::::::::::.::.:::. ..::.... ..... ..:.. 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor; Not Applicable ❑ Licensed Construction Supervisor/ License Number Address 7�-�) �i� F Expiration Date ��—�� Signature �f— TelephoneAI 3.2 R ,,istered H We Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable ❑ Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to (780 CMR-6)? ❑ yes ❑ no If no, go to the next section! Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? ❑ yes ❑ no If yes, submit the required affidavit! Company Name Registration Number (if none, state "none') Address Signature Telephone Expiration Date 3.3 For Residential Remodel Work Only >. PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND: QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: ' 1 1'Iome Improvement Contractors Registration, One Ashburton Place - Room 1301, Boston, MA 02108, (617) 727-8598 i Owner's Name (print) Signature by signing the above, the home owner acknowledges that there will be no eligibilty to the Guaranty Fund Date 13.4 Homeowner Exemption - One & Two Family Only ,i FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT 109.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those structures governed by Construction Control in Section 116.0, effective July 1,1982, no individual shall be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings or structures, unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entitled Rules and Regulations for Licensing Construction Supervisors. Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section-, provides that if a Homeowner engages a person(s) for hire to do such work, that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only, a "Homeowner" is defined as follows: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two familydwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. If you are applying under this section sign below: Signatuxe: Your signature carries certain responsibilities, including but not necessarily limited to, general liability c:\wpwin\fforms\bldgapp.res Page 2 January 20, 1999 Residential 1999 Residential ❑ FOUNDATION ONLY 1999 1. Date plan reviewed: �"" of - .'" , 2. - 30 days to review period expires: 3. OK to issue date: 4. OK to issue subject to requested submittals(see project review worksheet): Date: 5. DENIED (see project review worksheet): Date: 6. HOLD reason: Date' 7. HOLD subject to Zoning Board of Appeals action: 8. Comments: 9. Inspector's Signature: Date: Applicant informed of above Date- Time: Clerk - Comments: Total Permit Fee: $ 37Q - ,aI Less Application Fee: $ 25.00 I Remaining Balance: $ TOTAL FEE: Gross Area - New Construction total sq. ft. Gross Area -Alteration total sq. ft. ``� Permit Issued To_ c:\wpwm\forms\bldgapp.res Page 4 January 20, 1999 c:\wpwin\forms\bldgapp.res Page`I January 20, 1999