EP-89585 ,to TOWN OF DARTMOUTH - BUILDING DEPARTMENT RECEIPT a 958 , NE 508 910,1820 FAX• 508 610.1838 ,.r; s . .{ II; 3jr rCneDat4R//Name: LU (� Qd xeHe3Owner. tir Job Location: 93 ,/ iL c te--) Map: t) Lot: 1 3— j�, Description eneral Ledger#'s Ref. # Amount 4t\OF DARB/O _ Building& Buildi 4 isc. jp G,t 000-44105 Electrically 01 00-44106 ® /:— }( —7-5- Nun-thin 01 00-44.107' p' ,Trench Safety TOki/ 6 EC�pQ` 000-44129 N® Other Department Revenue 01900-42420 BETTERM r' TS /1 White-CollectorsOfice Yellow Copy-Customer's Receipt Pink Copy-Building Department Received By � U.oCL ,j$ THIS IS NOT A PERMITILICENSE FOR BUILDING, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING OR GAS emunonwealth o`Illassaclucuetto Offici Ouly V t)' _ 'lccyy, cc77 Pemut No. '•' ! :!�' dJepartment o�.}ire Serviced �j a,' `I j =' Occupancy and Fee Checked is �" BOARD OF FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS ev. 1/07] leave blank 7 j APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK All work to be performed in accordance with the Massachusetts Electrical Code ) 527 CMR 12.00 (PLEASE PR!NT1N INK OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION Date: 2 26/t City or Town of: h1)R7-Mou rii To the Inspector of Wires: By this application the undersigned gives notice of his or her intention to perform the electrical work described below. Location(Street&Number) TO NI I j p ff cj it A y Owner or Tenant 9%e k an t ttlP/2-- Telephone No. Owner's Address 5CIe Is this permit in conjunction with a building permit? Yes 0 Nod (Check Appropriate Box) Purpose of Building U ' ' uthorization No. Existing Service 7.00) Amps 120/ .,NO Volts Overhead Undgrd Er No.of Meters j New Service Amps / Volts Overhead❑ Undgrd❑ No.of Meters Number of Feeders and Ampacity Location and Nature of Proposed Electrical Work: 2Tp ,jeetc,ic..aiLinv '� Completion of the following table may be waived by the Inspector of Wires. No.oTotal No.of Recessed Luminaires No.of CeiL-Susp.(Paddle)Fans Transformers KVA No.of Luminaire Outlets No.of Hot Tubs Generators KVA No.of Luminaires swimmingPool Above ❑ In- 0 No.of Emergency Lighting grnd grnd. Battery Units No.of Receptacle Outlets No.of Oil Burners FIRE ALARMS No.of Zones No.of Detection and No.of Switches No.of Gas Burners Initiating Devices No.of Ranges No.of Air Cond. Total Tons No.of Alerting Devices No.of Waste Disposers Beat Pump Number_Tons__KW_ _ No.ofSelf-Contained Totals: — Defection/Alerting Devices No.of Dishwashers Space/Area Heating KW i,el❑ Municipal ❑ Other Connection No.of Dryers Heating Appliances KW Security Systems:* No.of Devices or Equivalent No.of Water IC�V No.of No.of Data Wiring. Heaters Signs Ballasts No.of Devices or Equivalent No.Hydromassage Bathtubs No.of Motors Total HP Telecommunications Wiring No.of Devices or Equivalent OTHER: IP Attach additional detail if desired or as required by the Inspector of Wires. Estimated Value Qo�f,Electrical Work: �tje7.00 (When required by municipal policy.) Work to Start: 'I�r_ ' . Inspections to be requested in accordance with MEC Rule 10,and upon completion. INSURANCE COVERAGE: Unless waived by the owner,no permit for the performance of electrical work may issue unless the licensee provides proof of liability insurance including"completed operation"coverage or its substantial equivalent. The undersigned certifies that such coverage is in force,and has exhibited proof of same to the permit issuing office. CHECK ONE: INSURANCE BOND ❑ OTHER ❑ (Specify:) I certify,under the pains and penalties ofperjury,that the information on this application is true and complete. FIRM NAME: WALTER PACHECO ELECTRICIAN y // {CCF LIC.NO.:35882E Licensee: WALTER PACHECO Signature r 'AD 4'I-P eD LIC.NO.:35882E (If applicable,enter "exempt"in the license number line) Bus.Tel.No:774-263-4034 Address: 1130 OLD FALL RIVER RD DARTMOUTH MA 02747 Mt TeL No.:_ *Per M.G.L.c. 147,s.57-61,security work requires Department of Public Safety"S"License: Lic.No. _ OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER: I am aware that the Licensee does not have the liability insurance coverage normally required by law. By my signature below,I hereby waive this requirement. I am the(check one)0 owner ❑owner's ent. Si gent ( PERMIT FEE:$ J5d2 Signature Telephone No. , 1 x \ : I e e 31 . ► ; ` • Optional Calculation SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING OR GENERATOR- !.General Lighting Loads 30 Length 40 lAfidth X 3 VA X# UVING SPACE 1 3,600.00 VA Length Width X VA X# LMNG SPACE 2 VA Length Width X VA X# LIVING SPACE 3 VA Length Width X VA X# LMNG SPACE 4 VA Small appliance and Laundery Loads-22032(B)(1) 1,500 VA x#of small appliance circuits x 3 4,500.00 VA Special Loads Dishwasher 1= 800 VA BATH EXHAUST FAN 2 VA Central vac VA pick Appkmce VA Dryer Electric1= 5,500 VA PickAppeance VA Fridge= 1,800 VA PckAppliance VA Gar.Door-1I3 HP= VA Pick Appliance VA Microwave 1= VA Pick Appliance VA Hood Exhaust l= VA Pia Applance VA Range 1= VA Pick Appliance VA Water Heater 1= VA Pick Appliance VA Well Pump-12 HP= VA Pia Appliance VA Gar.Door-1/3 HP= VA Pia Appliance VA Television 1= VA Pick Appliance VA Television 2= VA Pia Appliance VA i Television 3= VA Pick Appliance VA BATH EXHAUST FAN I VA Fick Appliance VA 8,100 VA ITOTAL VA 16,200 I Applying Demand factors FIRST 10,000 VA AT 100%= t0,OW VA PHASES REMAINING VA 6,200 AT40%= 2,480 VA TOTAL DEMAND VA I 12,480 VA I 12,480 Heating or afc Loads-220-82(0) No.of Heating units Pick Heat WATTS Pick Heat WATTS Pick Heat WATTS Pick Heat WATTS Pick Heat WATTS Pick Heat WATTS Pick Heat WATTS Pick Heat WATTS Pick Heat WATTS Rio Heat WATTS Pick Heat WATTS Pick Heat WATTS Pick Heat WATTS Pick Heat WATTS Pick Heat WATTS Pick Heat WATTS Pick Heat WATTS Pick Heat WATTS TOTAL BASEBOARD WATTS ONE UNIT ONLY ELECTRIC HEAT UNIT WATTS Heating unit= VA TOTAL x65%less than 3 units,40%more than 3 units. HEAT VA NC VA A/C unit = VA X 100% HEAT PUMP VA Con clensor Unit 1 WATTS Pick NC Unit WATTS Condensor Unit 2 WATTS Pick NC Unit WATTS AIR HANDLER 01 WATTS Pick NC Unit WATTS AIR HANDLER 02 WATTS Pick NC Unit WATTS TOTAL Alt LOAD WATTS SUPPLEMENTARY HEAT I NO Heat noire= VA X 100% Largest Load = VA _ VA Phase VA = 12,480.00 Largest Voltage = 240 Total Phases = 12,480 VA I PHASE I=VAN AMPS= 52 ACTUAL MEASURED AMPS AT PEAK USAGE 33.25AMPS SERVICE TOTAL AMPS 52.00 SERVICE SIZE 100.00