BP-77336 Permit No. BP-77336 • • BUILDING PER it;, GIS#: 3652.00- CommonWeaIh of fillaspaoht.setts Map: 0070 7,1 ToneUARTM.OUTH Lot: - 0013 -. 400 Slocdm Foad;.ilertmouth,MA A2747 Sub-Lot: 0038 7bo a (508)9'r0-1$20, . Faz (5Q8)910 11538'>, Category: SOLAR PANELS - .. ^. Project# JS-2015-002834 PERMISSIONISiIFSEBYGRANTED TO: Est.Cost - : -$47611.00- - - - Contractor. _ I'cans¢ Phone#• < 4 61 500-7019 Fee: - $75.00 - CHENEY C BRAND C&4990 ( e Const.Class:. - z ' Engineer � Phone# Use Group:. R3 Lot Size(sq.ft.) 42734 Applicant: �" t,l$-toy ` +_� Phone# Zoning: SRB - -' SUN BUG SOLAR LLC; (617)51)0-7019 Aquifer Zone: - N/A - OWNER: _ - - Flood Zone: ZONE X - POTTER GREGORY W - _ New Const.: NIA. s - .— - r t f Alt.Const: N/A DATE ISSUED: . v � ) ; Date Typed: 05-27-2015 - - _ TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: Install a 32 panel photovoltaic array on existing rooftop - 12.75 V --Project Location: 82 MILLERS DR Approved/Issued By: . > (!„_..- Lf :11:6 .</ " - DAVID I RUNETTE,LOCAL BUILDING INSPECTOR All work shall comply with 780 CMR Sr"Ed.(MGL Chap.143)and any other applicable Mass.Laws or Codes and plans on file. Schedule appropriate inspections as required. Upon completion,final inspection is required. I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and I have been authorized by.the owner to make this application as his agent and to receive this permit, I further understand other agencies may have reason to STOP WORK if items under their jurisdiction are not met; not withstanding the issuance of this Building/ nfn Permit. Signature of Owner/Agent: "Persons contracting with unregistered contractors do not have access to the guaranty fund(as set forth in MGL c.142A)" Inspector of Inspector of D.P.W.Inspector Building Inspector Inspector of Gas Fire Department Plumbing Wiring Water Service#: Footings: Underground: Oil: Underground: Service: Foundation: Rough: Smoke: Rough: Rough: Sewer Service#: Rough Frame: • Insulation: Final: Final: Final: Cross Connection Final: Final: Board of Health E-911 Additional Comments: Planning Board Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy/Completion,this card must be returned to the Building Department with all necessary inspections signed off. Department phone numbers are listed on the white"Required Inspections"document provided with the issuance of the building permit. POST CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET N r -`'..\ c. Ilia 1 t : ' OUTH - pUILMIG DEPARTMENT RECEIPT 77336 ' 508-910.1820 FAX 5 -910.1838 Name: f fi S/iUp rty Owner: Y JJJIi /�l Da t e{'�i Job Location: � J r— a,Map: 3-3 Lot./ Description General Ledger#'s Ref. # Amount t Gp,3I ��G, Building & Buildii g.TAsc. OT 1000-44105 ,3044'T /3: G2) �• P4C'•R Electrical 0 000-44106 ,;,: Plumbing & Gas y )000-44107 Trench Safety e to 5 000-44129 Other Department Reven✓ 01000-42420 White-Collector's Office Yellow Copy-Customer's Receipt Pink Copy-Building Department Received By/ (_,. THIS IS NOT A PERMITILICENSE FOR BUILDING, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING OR GAS` \M 11115111BITIM - O Phased Approval(R10ta3) $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON RE-FtONDASLE A NON-TRANSFERABLE DATE RECEIVED a s DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT f� T 400 Swam Road,P.O.Box 79399 _ • ll\\ Dartmouth,MA 02747 . Phone: 50B-910-1820 Fax: 50B-910-1835 www.town.dartrnouth.ma.us ^,p}C fs,v L s71�f I^• Irt APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT.REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO PAMILY DWdLLAM I G THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY RECEIVED BY: BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER: • (//� DATE ISSUED: SIGNATURE: 0L2..x y 4a,frit. ,/ DATE: 5 -`—I Z'-1 S'' �?//��''yy Building CommIssii000r/Mepector of Buildings Zoning District: S RE Proposed Use: R Zone: DKrO B 0 A O V Aquifer Zone: ....----- THE FOLLOWING AGENCIES SHOULD BE NOTIFIED: 0 Board of D Board of D Cons. D Demo D DPW 0 Ebe. 0 Energy Report Appeals Heath Commission Affidavit Card Sent: Cut of Follow-up' D Fire 0 Gas D Planning 0 seer Card 0 Water Card 0 Zoning 0 Other Cabe Cut ow Board Cut Oft Cut of 'REQUIRES INSPECTORS REVIEW BEFORE THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT. DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL Board of Health: Signature: Date: Conservation Commission: Signature: Date: 1 Other Signature: Date: Signature: ' Date: Signature: Date: BM/desczipdon of work being performed: WC f'e ear pan.vu is ho inJfalte et CV? rbeF SECTION 1-SITE INFORMATION 1.1 Properly Athlone: A Nill err Pli,s palTmC,r-M,NB 1.2 Assessors Map of Numbs: i i C • ' Lot Area(at) Frontage Map o Lot - Reouire4 Provided From Yard 1.3 Historical District Dyes ONo Side Yard Rear Yard Year BUM D Altering more than 25%per aide of balding i 1.4 Water Supply(MGL c40 s54): 1.6 Sewage Disposal System: Has application been submitted to the Historic Commission? D Municipal 0 Private Well D Municipal 0 On Site Disposal System 0 Yes 0 No Date: Revised 10H 1 ❑CONSTRUCTION PLANS 0 SITE PLAN ❑ ENERGY REPORT e RESINS MAL SECTION 2-PROPERTY OWNERSWP/AU HORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner Record: (IrEq Petry 82 hums Draw Oanrnntfl fnl37-41-c4gn NameXPriM) Contact Address Phone Number 2.2 Authorized Agent: (honey •yUrnnd HIIAlit 4h)Cretc0 r rtae,vrlLe 144 1013-TD0.3014 Name(Pod) Contac*ddrreeaas Phone Number • • SECTION 3-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor/Specially License: License Number: C1-0 910 SI' Company Name/Contractor Name: ('no nn Mona ((Luxe t) fetter _ Address:411fl eft Oh I ant Ate rt. rrr 317 So.w.vrlL. Ho Olt-Of Expiration Dale: 2I12110 Signature: Telephone:Le I'i•rno.7 DAA _ 3.2 Home anon-One B Two Family Only Section 110.R5.1.3.1 Exception: FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT Efsp4orc Any Hwmpnar pedomine wok botch a Sullen Panne b reeked We BF acne tore Ma provisions of the t on;provides that if a lbnwowter oars aperwiR)tor tee to Oa antra Re such Hmwnwersiva acsaigmv. For as purpose.to Ilia boron woes'Homeowner-bdeFN as follows:Peewee eta ono a paid of 4M on veldt hale made' a bends p stet omelet, nee it,or is Nees to M.a ow orate way wgRa.Latheap a*Ochs bkyb gxseoyto sod,use a4M awn alnrdnt A moon woo convince more than one mina in e Meyear period this Mee opt W arse a W sbwaa. • If you are applying under this section sign below: Signature: SECTION 4-WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(MGL c 152 Nj 25) Worker%Compensation Insurance Affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide Ihis affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached: 1QYea ❑No SECTION 6-DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK(Check all appliCable) 0 Deck 0 Pool 0 Repairs 0 Alteration ' ❑Chimney/Fireplace ❑Woodstove)Pellet Stove D New Construction* 0 Accessory Bldg. 0 Roofing/Sidi Other (Energy report required) (Shed/Garage) (SPOON below) foiar nnsTall ❑Addition 0 Replacement window/door ❑Demolition (Energy report required) No.of windows Doors (Specify below) *If newconsinrdfon,please complete the following: Single Family: No.of Bedrooms No.of Baths Two Family: No of Bedrooms Unit 1 No.of Baths Unit 1 No of Bedrooms Unit 2 No.of Baths Unit 2 D Furnace(hot air).fuel gas(natural or propane).aid oN,aMgriety,Reef(apeclty): D Baeer(heating)-fuel gas(natural or propane).fuel oA elcdkay.Other(Specify): O IWAC(combined m l)-enemy fuel,natural gas,propane.electricity.other(spedy): O Air conttoning-(separate unit) ❑Nona Ofthe above to be provided D Not Water Gas Electric Fuel ON Other V. SECTION 6-ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST Item Estimated Cost($)to be completed by permit applicant 1. Building 2. Electrical 1.0 ,2'-10 3. Plumbing 4. Mechanical(HVAC) 5. Total=(1 +2+3+4) WeAtills544 SECTION 7A-OWNER AUTHORIZATION (to be completed when owner's agent or contractor applies for building permit) (Please Print) I, (^)re< Qnri-Qr as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize Chan ai grnnd to act ony behalf.in all matters to work authorized by this building permit application. Signature of / Date A 7/ SECTION 7B-OWNER/AUTHORIZED AGENT DECLARATION I, (.VI o ns.t land ,as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and informationon the forego'hlg application are true and accurate,to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. �-_ s t t 1 r re owner/Authorized Agent Date SECTION 8-OFFICE/INSPECTOR'S NOTES CTotal Permit Fee:8 / Less Application Fee:$25.00 Remaining Balance: $ ... Other$Amount s Gross Area-New Construction total sq.fl. Gross Area-Alteration t SQ.ft. Permit Issued lo: ij TFi Y�t'�? :z J/��l�p-�-,n, 0�j.����,j� Gtr2�y eit " Lair., /at/ _ 12,95 hia.. ) SECTION 6-ADDITIONAL COMMENTS/SKETCHES or,fr cld CAM ) Permit No. BP-77336 Project Location: 82 MILLERS DR Commonwealthof Massachusetts TOE' ' ORF� DARTMOUTH # `365200 Maw ' 0070 400 S1��natRo d.Dartmouth.MA 037 ) L,ot ;' „ i,0013, 4.' P6$neS $)910;1820 �' Fax �508)910k3 z Q ,- %1+ I�038 BUILDING PE sovAR FIELDNSP CT O T tit'f . : -.i ftUZ834 Fat.Cosh ;Ft,. Fee: $75 00 License phone#: -voarit Class Contractor II n�F'.- - - s} CHENEY C BRAND ,CS-099037 (6j7)500-7019 xB) 42734` ' Engineers License phone#. j I Applicant � Phone #: `� 'o�� I ��` - SUN BUG SOLAR tic C 500-7019 01d,M* 4 i x ZONE X � . 1 `8usk # NIA l , OWNER: - 7',1:"r_� ,. POTTER GREGORY R Alt cons : i s,. „ .NIA %,' DATE ISSUED: I TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WO ���n '? (�r'Ir` Install a 32 panel photovoltaic array on exi g o'bftop - 12.75 KW DATE TIME I TYPE OF INSPECTION&REMARKS INITIAL is-8-i, 2 3O r �k Board dt Building egd a_ r s ariL s d1.0 Cnnstrnc thin Super'.isor - 7 Tense CS-099037 4 f CHENEY C BRAND - I1 MORRISON PLAC*N04? Somerville MA 02144 02/12f2018 C-7/e iLrjirJ..rrJr tetra/J/ r/ llrr.i;frr 11..(1/5 Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation 10 Park Plaza - Suite 5170 Boston, Massachusetts 02116 Home Improvement Contractor Registration Registration_ 163091 Type: LLC Expiration: 501/2017 Tr# 164932 SUN BUG SOLAR LLC. CHENEY BRAND 411A HIGHLAND AVE. ST 312 SOMERVILLE, MA 02144 t pdate Address and return card.Mark reason for change. Address Renewal Employment Lost Card Miler or(trimmer(fairs& Business Ovgulntiun License or registration valid for individul use only --"7.1711.4..HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR before the expiration date. If found return to: t'"'."Registration: 163091 Type: Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation ,��Y'eL. - Expiration: 6/11l207i LLC 10 Park Plaza-Suite S170 . Boston.MA O?Illy SUN BUG SOLAR LLC. CHENEY BRAND 411A HIGHLAND AVE.ST 312 SOMERVILLE,MA 02144 1ndersrcretary f/ t d ithout signature TE ACORD® CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DAT/6/2011 5Y) THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT NAME: T. Edmund Garrity 6 Co. , Inc. PHONE (617)354-4640 FAX (6vJ354-saze .�A/C Nn FXU. (NC,No): _ 545 Concord Ave. ADDRESS:annie@garrity-insurance.com INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# Cambridge MA 02138 INSURER A:Sentinel Ins Co. 11000 INSURED INSURERS Commerce Ins. Co. 34754 SUN BUG SOLAR LLC INSURER C:Liberty Mutual Ins. 411A HIGHLAND AVE INSURERD: INSURER E: SOMERVILLE MA 02144 INSURERF: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBERMASTER COI 2015 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR ADDL SUER POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE INSD WVD POLICY NUMBER IMM(DDNYYYI IMMIDD/YYYY) LIMITS X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 A I CLAIMS-MADE X OCCUR PR MI ET ES(ERa occurrence)cTED EA $ 1,000,000 DA G 085BANN6974 4/30/2015 9/30/2016 MED EXP(Any one person) $ 10,000 PERSONAL 8,ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 POLICY JET LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 OTHER: $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ 1,000,000 (Ea accident) B ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ OWNEDALL X AUTOSULED AUTOS BGGVYR 4/30/2015 4/30/2016 BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ X HIRED AUTOS X NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE $ AUTO$ (Per accident) $ X UMBRELLALIAB X OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 A EXCESS LIAR CLAIMS-MADE 085BANN6974 4/30/2015 4/30/2016 AGGREGATE $ 1,000,000 DED RETENTIONS $ WORKERS COMPENSATION X MUTE Y/N STATUTE ER ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,000 OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? Y N/A C (Mandatory in NH) WC231S381595015 4/30/2015 9/30/2016 E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000 If yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached If mere space is required) The Workers Compensation policy does not include coverage for Cheney Brand, Benjamin Mayer and Lisa Raffin. 0 CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE William Garrity/ANNIE G'f'4f s.z-- a— ©1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2014/01) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD INS025/zn14nt1 * (:LJvf.v Z.N.N� Z J Z -0 CO �gvsm^.5 o D O Om 0 cr mm O CD 0 0 c�'m= v m an N op0c` 'pO nCC N O O �'O rn O C J N y ? N µ= -«�3 -- 0 '008SQ0 cm 0 o.J.0 3 in N N.> > a a . � 003 � mory9.O jnnN n u CD p G m m 3 to 0 N o_o y Q Q Q Q CD SO O ..:0 N <p c0 00-3p jy O ' o co 3 N a J o ? a a N O 8 o S F 0 x Q� T -- 0 0 0 m + Q coEli al X o' COm o 41 J r-C O r r 0 C)m m m. =m ® N 1 O O O E.) co N>v ®J = O 3 6 N 0 0Xoc oaac 3 aco 3 �® N N O L (O 0'O N n CDQ O < < N Q 0 0 J m m0IV 0,7 D aET00• 0 (D 3 co O ) Ot. mON L� Z J O J \ pG a A 0 -0 3 Z 0) O N F N C 7 U A CO,0 w rrl � vD D J N WJ . O N D n m T� oyco O N) C p? aW j `G T 0) 3 m N 0_ x 0 w o P- o N N co ivF.) O 0 O Cl.. 0 = 0: c ,CD �c c 10 comZ l'` � co Dm -I 0 m w J co Z y # Date Revision t', m oo. R1 A_Simm s 4/8/15 Greg Potter r y ' m I Electrical Drawing 82 Millers Drive iv1 411A Highland Ave,Suite#312 @ 0 Dartmouth,MA 02747 -- I Somerville,MA 02144 V m Nt m e- `ram M m a /ULIEL u I The Commonwealth of Massachusetts —*'_ Department ofIndustrial Accidents Ir= ) I]=(l Office ofInvestigations c ='a t 1 600 Washington Street ° Boston, MA 02111 ,. www.mass.gov/dia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers Applicant Information Please Print Legibly Name(Business/Organization/Individual):Sun Bug Solar Address: 411A Highland Avenue, Suite 312 City/State/Zip: Somerville, MA Phone#: 617-500-3936 Are you an employer? Check the appropri to x: Type of project(required): 1 ✓ I am a employer with 10 4. jI am a general contractor and I 6 ■i ew construction employees(full and/or part-time).* have hired the sub-contractors 2 1 am a sole proprietor or partner- listed on the attached sheet. $ 7. ■'emodeling ship and have no employees These sub-contractors have 8. ■D emolition working for me in any capacity. workers' comp.insurance. 9. ■tuilding addition [No workers' comp.insurance 5.nWe are a corporation and its required.] officers have exercised their 10■ lectrical repairs or additions 3 I am a homeowner doing all work right of exemption per MGL II.'lumbing repairs or additions myself. [No workers' comp. c. 152, §1(4),and we have no 12■i'oof repairs insurance required.]t employees. [No workers' 13151sther Solar Installation comp.insurance required.] *Any applicant that checks box#1 must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information. t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. tContractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and their workers'comp.policy information. I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and job site information. Insurance Company Name: Liberty Mutual Insurance Group Policy#or Self ins.Lic.#: WC31 S381595-014 Expiration Date: 4.30.16 Job Site Address: 82 Millers Driver, City/State/Zip: Dartmouth, MA, MA Attach a copy of the workers' compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MGL c. 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to$1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a dayagnst the violator. Be advised that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of InvestigationS1 e r{j or insurance coverage verification. 'itdo�hw f r'eby cae{ttkWyt under the pains and penalties ofperjury that the information provided above is true and correct. Signature: c Date: f• 1 Z . IC Phone#: 617-5D0-3936 Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town official City or Town: Permit/License# _ Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of Health 2.Building Department 3.City/Town Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector 5.Plumbing Inspector 6.Other Contact Person: Phone#: ooe a o e o 0 0 0 (J o o O e ^ OOe O O O O O O O h y0 O e. e. Vair Q' y o .N W 0 V) O ,p N l r y N N ctN O ti O ;N.Ni y y N N ti y , N ti .. a V =m Q C 9 y y N ^ G y ~ n17>.... uq .. Cu, a Ta N > il O Q' •. y 0 0 0 O a ��y !��lc�W A W N O 0000 Ov Q ~ GGi R 13 o o o O .� Lto tec en men o ,�" 5tio.... a Y 410 eo tit hc F ' CI rNN NF OOO O rtc L � N^ a S� aaa maw' CW9 �C7 C.7 Ct nm.i y �-'"V N N e co re rn W•h N Pa Fe-as te y 5 O on on t0 U a Ww t W b .o a: 0 > 'y a ry v � C b � Nv CO y m u hut o v] CC ^ W, I NN N y O v cu'J 2 > W 4. y V. Zt N.. d o i• 0. o :a e o o a 4 o v S .B eee 2 0. 3 > > eJ 9 [� ...2a, Q 0000 O C Q > > 3 G -p y tl Q.>.NNN d W X O .a ea on b [td. G •• Q �y000O0 R z� 000 E. W 000 d o ttn ro �-I o O O y QRto AIQetroet � Q'l oos a y E C. W O t'KliM O. y aC A t3 id Q O NNN�^ teL C I-NN roc V o WSW Wr w ^ Qa •.,ti j N.. o f P. P. P. C. y 3 e /t U „..,v �` QQaaCn E-.' > a'44 z U DE v ` Z c Q E v Zyo FzF :.a coo $ r.:,,U 5.N.10 'am nD .4 Zp;ZZ Voee Fp U .c.7 o• ,� a y I. u y7z7) WWN F zac7 O W � vWWW >:eoo a a &ya hF, vt U C• C N N N :. 0 U H N �Le" O U ... crao:h7 };:cc vj O o e0000 " o0O ZUoe ^ ee o as.�N. FOi. ° y 0 .. Q 4cyi,,. y < zo o D 0 4 aoe ii s C ez a , Qo 0 00 a en a. C7 o e O C W u en U C oo a y ^o te o F et o c h Q 4 enaat�M mi at a u0oaa'° o q 4ain 3 O TE a IN ti ge�aa�= e °v z n a ya z coeecc v w rcyye 4 O 4 ee L or U % OO LT. Qt W ',.,U ti Ll1 W O N N a a Lic 1 QO^NNNO Z4 Z � Q' co ce i"` l� O V V y-. ^0000 y a N V 6 coc OO I-O Q �::tJJJJJ.3 h re a..o,e'^O O000 o CI z q en c 'tn v re act ^ o000 C W N a o CO a = 0 Q rti a a UO co,co Q °p o o K m .0 m vV� U 4' ya x ,,`,o e o I z Qaa o n F Ex Q. N a cO .).] k. z asw wwh Oo et el 00 a, ;a La: o a vorie 0 co o y.c;036i� � � CFC t ;QN a5w Q wO 1/400 OOZw. CF m y0o a' rn Wc,-C ` Qu.,wwzz U� < aa�c F ' c2 q cal enYy 3 aZCo -Eel "v 0��t. 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U w .l` O O O W W Ni D N N W CD a co ... 0 Q W Ni T N O. Ni O x W _ - n Ot o o 5 R N co r td O 77. o N 0 VI N solar - • • SolarEdge Single Phase Inverters For North America SE3000A-US/ SE3800A-US/ SE5000A-US/ SE6000A-US/ SE7600A-US/ SE10000A-US/SE11400A-US I verter f' n Yew '6�p8tta 1� { d EI 4 4 The best choice for SolarEdge enabled systems Integrated arc fault protection(Type 1)for NEC 2011 690.11 compliance ▪ Superior efficiency(98%) Small,lightweight and easy to install on provided bracket • Built-in module-level monitoring — Internet connection through Ethernet or Wireless a. Outdoor and indoor installation — Fixed voltage inverter,DC/AC conversion only — Pre-assembled AC/DC Safety Switch for faster installation Optional built-in revenue grade meter USA-GERMANY-ITALY-FRANCE-JAPAN-CHINA-AUSTRALIA-THENETHERLANDS-ISRAEL www.solaredge.us ...--- solar - • • --- Single Phase Inverters for North America SE3000A-US/SE3800A-USISE5000A-USISE6000A-USI SE7600A-US/SE10000A-US/SE11400A-US __. ESE3000A-US I SE3800A-US1 SE5000A-US I SE6000A-US I SE7600A-USi SE10000A-US I SE11400A-USt II - - OUTPUT I i 9980 @ 208V 1 Nominal AC Power Output 3300 . 3840 51000 1 6000T 7680 1 520 VA 1 ! 10000 @240V 5400 @ 208V I 6000 ! 8350 10800 @ 208V ! Max.AC Power Output 3650 4150 12000 VA 5450 @240V I 10950 @240V I AC Output Voltage Min.-Nom.-Max.* I I I - 1 - / - - - 183-208-229 Vac ! 1 AC Output Voltage Min.-Nom.-Max.* 1 I 1 i V 1 / / / / '211-240-264 Vac I AC Frequency Min.-Nom.-Max.* 59.3-60-60.5(with HI country setting 57-60-60.5) Hz 1 14 1 16 24 @ 208V I 25 1 32 1 48 @ 208V I A Max.Continuous Output Current 48 I 21 @ 240V ! 42 @ 240V I GFDI 1 A Utility Monitoring,Islanding Protection,Country Configurable Yes Thresholds -- INPUT Recommended Max.DC Power" 4100 4800 I 6250 7500 I 9600 i 12400 14400 1 W (SIC) i Transformer-less,Ungrounded Yes Max.Input Voltage 500 Vdc Nom.DC Input Voltage 325 @ 208V/350 @ 240V F Vdc 16.5 @ 208V 33 @ 208V I Max.Input Current*** 11 13 18 I 23.5 35 Adc 15.5 @ 240V 30.5 @ 240V Max.Input Short Circuit Current 30 45 Adc Reverse-Polarity Protection Yes Ground-Fault Isolation Detection 6001co Sensitivity Maximum Inverter Efficiency 97.7 1 98.2 98.3 I 98.3 1 98 98 I 98 % 97.5 @ 208V 1 97 @ 208V CEC Weighted Efficiency 97.5 98 97.5 I 98 @ 240V I 97.5 97.5 @ 240V Nighttime Power Consumpdon I_ <2.5 <4 W ADDITIONAL FEATURES Supported Communication Interfaces R5485,RS232,Ethernet ZigBee(optional) Built-in Revenue Grade Meter Optional STANDARD COMPLIANCE Safety UL1741,UL1699B,UL1998,CSA 22.2 Grid Connection Standards 1EEE1547 Emissions FCC part15 class B INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS AC output conduit size/AWG range 3/4"minimum/24-6 AWG 3/4"minimum/8-3 AWG -1- DC input conduit size/#of strings/ 3/4"minimum/1-2 strings!24-6 AWG F 3/4"minimum/1-2 strings/14-6 AWG AWG range Dimensions with AC/DC Safety 30.5 x 12.5 x 7/ I 30.5 x 12.5 x 7.5/ in/ Switch(HxWxD) 775 x 315 x 172 1 775 x 315 x 191 30.5 x 12.5 x 10.5/775 x 315 x 260 mm Weight with AC/DC Safety Switch 51.2/23.2 54.7/24.7 88.4/40.1 lb/kg Cooling Natural Convection F Fans(user replaceable) Noise <25 <50 c/BA Min.-Max.Operating Temperature -13 to+140/-25 to+60(CAN version****-40 to+60) 'F/'C Range Protection Rating NEMA 3R F • -For other reglonal settings please contact SolarEdge support. a Limited to 125%for locations where the yearly average high temperature is above 77,/15t and to 135%for locations where it is below 77,/15t. For detailed information,refer to http://www,solaredge.usEfilesiodttfinverter de oversizine guider:if ***A higher current source may be used;the inverter will limit its input current to the values stated. an CAN P/Ns are eligible for the Ontario FIT and mieroFIT(mloroFIT exc.SE11400A-USCAN). 0 (R.)7';'27P7ll RoHS CS Solargdge Technologies,Inc.AP rights reserved.SOLAREDGE.the SolarEdge logo.OPTIMIZED BY SOLAREDGE are trademarks or registered trademarks ol Solartdge Technologies.Inc.All other trademarks mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective owners.Date:03/2014.VOL Subject to change without notice, Drill pilot holes ', \..../ '-i 5,16 SS LAG SCREW WIN 5316 S.S..SPT11 r EMBEDMENT INTO RAFTEPI STEP 3:SECUREL-4'00T TO STANOCAT LOCK WASHER (LASE TO SECURE FLASHING ANO FLAT WASHER MOIATTINGRAXLS COMPOSITION L-FOOT CHANNEL NUT . _ ROLE STEP 2:SUP FLASHING OPER ' FLANGE HUT L-TOOT EASE STANDARD RAIL , TE GALVATFILTO STEEL ROOF TO ROOF WaTIL-F ITLAIDIGT6S 8C1.4TE ,......,._..::::„, .... - FLASHING FOR STANDOFF isa, _ , 1 ...,...N... .----- ....., OR SIMILAR SEALANT ..------ -.,_1 'L.S,;!-..:> ---- - - - ...._ _.... liOOF DECKING rye L-TOOT RASE _.- - 7, , .... .. RAT-1011PP. > . 5.--;;; 0 051 t‘W.-1-----;7>:- ...110oF- 13e0C. ING TYP. CO 32Rttit DIAGRAM 4:L-foot mount assembly ... ,-- A ' t ., i,,.., . . : - , .. - --.-.7-zt:c; ' •• '. t. - . - • , ,. :.-44 . --. .,i. . . .... . .s. . .., Flashed L-foot section view 2t1RaI Ro// Module neckno53 Rafters Rail Span Br = I dS r �T t • ' .... Install flashing L foot base ., ^-3y 4 Secure Lfoot to base �ts Apply sealant and seeure base to rafter Installed 1.--foot assembly AEE SOLAR SnapNrack" 4OO1 MOUNT INSTALLATION MANUAL 9t+ Standoff assembly—base and standoffshaft(various lengths) L- ••t assembly—base,L-foot, steel flashing 411.41"114 Or. 'at) l Leveling spacer—i inch Universal end damp(UEC) a Module mid clamp assembly Standard module end clamp assembly SUN POWER E-SERIES SOLAR PANELS � ? • HIGH PERFORMANCE & EXCELLENT DURABILITY +Y� vy' ^ - „ Q.bi x :1 SELIES r • 20.4%efficiency Ideal for roofs where space is at a premium;or' where future expansion might be needed. E20-327 PANEL • High performance Delivers excellent performance in real world HIGH EFFICIENCY° conditions, such as high temperatures, clouds and low light.' 2.3 Generate more energy per square foot • Proven value E-Series residential panels convert more sunlight to electricity producing 36% Designed for residential rooftops, E-Series more power per panel,'and 60% more energy per square foot over 25 panels deliver the features, value and years." performance for any home. HIGH ENERGY PRODUCTION' Produce more energy per rated watt High year one performance delivers 7-9% more energy per rated watt.3This advantage increases over time, producing 20% more energy over the first 25 years to meet your needs.4 1120% More Energy 110% - - -- - - Per Rated Wan Maxeon®Solar Cells:Fundamentally better. g 700% 8%more,year 1 Engineered for performance,designed for durability. 0 90% 35%more, year 25 Engineered for peace of mind Designed to deliver consistent, trouble-free w 70% onv, ntional energy over a very long lifetime.°5 r 50% 0 5 10 15 20 25 Designed for durability Years o�Ea n>yc The SunPower®MaxeonSolar Cell is the only ysa cell built on a solid copper foundation. Virtually - - - pp 3 to% Maintains High impervious to the corrosion and cracking that m 8% Power at High Temps PHuron . degrade Conventional Panels.45 o No ught-Induced yaMgeneia`ES #1 Ranked in Fraunhofer durability test.10 as 6% s # - Degradation ax %3x High Average Watts 100%power maintained in Atlas 25* a% se er Law-u hrand comprehensive PVDI Durability test.'I m Spectral Response w` 2% High-Performance o Anti-Reflective Glass > a% sunpowercorp.com S U N POW E R E-SERIES SOLAR PANELS I L SUNPOWER OFFERS THE BEST COMBINED POWER AND PRODUCT WARRANTY POWER WARRANTY PRODUCT WARRANTY 100% 95% 903' 85% Tradih0 a Traditional ao% Warranty- . Warranty 75% 0 5 10 IS 20 25 Years 0 5 10 15 20 25 Years More guaranteed power:95%for first 5 years,-0.4%/yr.to year 25,8 Combined Power and Product Defect 25 year coverage that includes panel replacement costs° ELECTRICAL DATA OPERATING CONDITION AND MECHANICAL DATA E20-327 E19-320 Temperature -40°F to+185°F(-40°C to+85°C) Nominal Power12(Pnom) 327 W 320 W Max load Wind:50 psf,2400 Pa,245 kg/m2 front&back Power Tolerance +5/-0% +5/-0% Snow: 112 psf,5400 Pa,550kg/m2 front Avg. Panel Efficiency's 20.4% 19.9% Impact 1 inch (25 mm)diameter hail at 52 mph(23 m/s) Rated Voltage(Vmpp) 54.7 V 54.7 V resistance Appearance Class A Rated Current(Impp) 5.98 A 5.86 A Solar Cells 96 Monocrystalline Maxeon Gen II Cells Open-Circuit Voltage(Vac) 64.9 V 64.8 V Tempered Glass High Transmission Tempered Anti-Reflective Short-Circuit Current(Isc) 6.46 A 6.24 A -- - Maximum System Voltage 600 V UL& 1000 V IEC Junction Box IP-65 Rated Connectors MC4 Compatible Maximum Series Fuse 20 A Frame Class 1 black anodized,highest AAMA Rating Power Temp Coef. (Pmpp) -0.38%/°C Weight 41 lbs(18.6 kg) Voltage Temp Coef. (Voc) -176.6 mV/°C Current Temp Coef. (Isc) 3.5 mA/°C TESTS AND CERTIFICATIONS REFERENCES: Standard tests UL 1703,IEC 61215, IEC 61730 1 All comparisons are SPR-E20-327 vs.a representative conventional panel:240W, Quality tests ISO 9001:2008,ISO 14001:2004 approx.1.6 m2,15%effidency. EHS Compliance RoHS,OHSAS 18001:2007,lead-free, PV Cycle 2 PVEvolution Lobs"SunPower Shading Study,"Feb 2013. 3 Typically 7-9%more energy per watt,BEW/DNV Engineering"SunPower Yield Report," Ammonia test IEC 62716 Jan 2013. Salt Spray test IEC 61701 (passed maximum severity) 4 SunPower 0.25%/yr degradation vs.1.0%/yr cony.panel.Campeau,Z.et al.'SunPower PID test Potential-Induced Degradation free: 1000V 10 Module Degradation Rate,"SunPower white paper,Feb 2013;Jordan,Dirk"SunPower Test Report'NREL,Oct 2012. Available listings CEC,JET,KEMCO,MCS, FSEC,CSA, UL,TUV 5"SunPower Module 40-Year Useful Life"SunPower while paper,Feb 2013.Useful life is 99 out of 100 panels operating at mom than 70%of rated power. 6 Out of oll 2600 panels listed in Photon International,Feb 2012. 7 8%more energy than the average of the top 10 panel companies tested in 2012(151 ,. ... --- panels,102 companies),Photon International,March 2013. 8 Compared with the top 15 manufacturers,SunPower Warranty Review,Feb 2013. 9 Some exclusions apply.See warranty for details. 105of top 8 panel manufacturers were tested by Fraunhofer ISE,"PV Module Durability 1046mm Initiative Public Report,"Feb 2013. y R 1 -] (41.2in) 11 Compared with the non-stress-tested control panel.Atlas 25+Durability test report,Feb 2013. 12 Standard Test Conditions(1000 W/m2 irradiance,AM 1.5,25'C). ` 13 Based on overage of measured power values during production. 46mm ' r " ' (1.81in]_. ~ , 1559mm j [61.4in] See htto://www.sunpowercorp.com/facts for more reference information. For further details,see supplementary specs:www.sunoowercoro.com/dotasheets.Read safety and installation instructions before using this product. ®April 2013 SunPower Corporation.Al rights reserved.SUNFOWER,the SUNPOWER loge,MP%EON,MORE ENERGY.FOR LIFE.,end SIGNATURE are trademarks or reoistered trademarks of SunPower Corporation.spe ii1r,ti°ns included in this doodles ere ssbiea to mange withal,etke. sunpowercorp.com Doormen'r 504860 Re.a/aR_EN February 24,2015 Greg and Kris Potter .- 82 Millers Drive �" a Dartmouth, MA 02747 Greg, It was a pleasure meeting with you to discuss your solar potential. I admire your commitment to having a more energy efficient home. Here is the formal proposal for your new solar PV system. Notes: • Based on the utility bills you supplied, in the last 12 months you consumed 23,424 kWh and currently pay$0.227 per kWh.Your utility provider is NSTAR. •The solar modules utilized in your PV system are black-framed SunPower High- Efficiency panels,the highest quality, highest-efficiency, best warrantied solar modules in the world. • Due to the current condition of your site(snow coverage), I have based the system design on the measurements that I was able to obtain thus far.Although I am confident that this system will fit and perform as described in this proposal, the roof dimensions will need to be verified once the roof area is more accessible. SunBug Solar will verify the site measurements as soon as possible and will not move forward with materials order and associated invoice until the system design has been finalized. •Your Solar Edge inverter system has a 25 year warranty: in addition to the 25 year Power Optimizer warranty, included in this price SunBug is extending the inverter warranty to a full 25 years for your system. 12.75kW Photovoltaic sysstem: 39:SunPower 327 watt 11ig E 1 envy modules 2 Solar o(se7604 and se 5000) inverters&op miter sys e ,and III neces ary balance system rrrate s(racking wiring disconnects,etc)'is price is for complete turnkey service.inciu�ding all;permits and rebatepaper ork. The gross pries of this m installed rs • $58664 1 ess Comr onwealth Sb rebate ` r $0 Less 3d�Ja f feral tax ice. • 6 i Less 15% • state tax cre l rapped at$1,000) $1,001), Total anticipated cost after incentivesw $ 0,065 4 hY e !ir rProjected 'year elec`tri ` ngs x A �` *l Projected it'0=year SREC revenue(D©ER. M; Projected-1 ayback 4 5 Years 411A Highland Avenue Suite 3121 Somerville; MA 02144. P:617 500 3938 j F:617 412 3062 www.sunbugsolor.com Solar Savings &Your Electric Bill Current power profile Power profile with solar 3% 3% 14% a Coal&Oil a Solar ■Natural Gas sCoal&Oil e Nuclear 5 't ■Natural Gas s Renewable m Nuclear Hydro&Other ;$ •Renewable Hydro&Other The 12.75kW system will produce on average approximately 15,400 kWh/year. Based on your consumption,this system will allow you to produce approximately 66%of your electricity yourself. Additionally, after factoring in SREC revenue (see SREC description in this proposal), your new PV system could eliminate your home's entire electricity cost. In fact, in its first year, solar savings plus SREC revenue at the minimum level of$285/SREC will cover an anticipated 143%. Environmental Savings Over its 30 year anticipated life-cycle, it will generate more than 447,000 kWh of energy from the sun. In that time it will save 308 metric tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere, equivalent to: •the greenhouse gas emissions from taking 65 cars off the road for 1 year, •or the carbon sequestered annually by 253 acres of pine or fir forests. Inverter System and Monitoring Your Solar Edge inverter system includes individual Power Optimizers,allowing for both panel- level and array-wide monitoring. Performance of each module is measured and communicated in order to maximize solar power harvesting at all times. Your Solar Edge Power Optimizers have a 25 year warranty.Additionally, included in this price SunBug is extending your Solar Edge inverter warranty to 25 years. Note that to take advantage of this monitoring system you must have internet service and a router at your home. O A solar N ry 25-year extended by SunBug 22222222228 411 A Highlond Avenue Suite 312 j Somerville,MA 02144 P,617 500 3938 F.617 412 3062 w,w.sunbugsolar.com amc Photovoltaic Incentives and Return on Investment: On-going Revenue: Solar Renewable Energy Credits Massachusetts is one of a handful of states that runs a Solar Renewable Energy Credit (SREC)market for solar system owners.This program offers a ten year production incentive for making solar energy,above and beyond electricity savings. SRECs are purchased by the investor-owned utilities,such as National Grid and NSTAR. In Massachusetts, electric utilities need SRECs to meet solar production mandates established by the state's Solar Carve-Out program within the Renewable Portfolio Standards.The overall goal of the state is to reach 1600 megawatts of installed Photovoltaics by 2020. As of 2014, Massachusetts has approximately 400 megawatts. SRECs behave like stock certificates. They are bought and sold on a market administered by the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources.An SREC does not represent electricity itself-solar system owners make their own electricity and experience the associated utility savings independent of the SREC program. SRECs are an additional financial incentive for Photovoltaic electricity producers. An SREC is worth whatever a utility will pay for it:SRECs are bought and sold in a market. However, there are price support mechanisms put in place by the DOER in an effort to create"ceiling"and "floor'values for SRECs. The ceiling is determined by the fine levied on utilities for not meeting the solar standard. This is called the Alternative Compliance Payment(ACP)and is published by the DOER as$375 in per SREC for 2015, declining annually for the next 10 years to$257 in 2024. The floor is established by the DOER's Solar Credit Clearinghouse,an auction of last resort should an SREC not sell. This Solar Credit Clearinghouse values SRECs at$285 each in 2015 declining annually to$189 in 2024. Your system's SREC performance: #SREC's* Min,SREC II Rate** Max SREC II Rate** 1st Year 15 $3,976 $5,200 10 Year Total 152 $34,042 $45,330 **Rates are based DOER's 10 year SREC pricing guidelines,all less trading fees 411 A Highland Avenue Suife 312 Somerville,MA 02144. P.617 500 3938 F.617 412 3062 www.sunhugsolar.cum Photovoltaic Direct Return on Investment SunBug's return on investment calculations are generally conservative compared to industry standard. We are happy to walk you through our assumptions and show you our complete calculations in detail.'— Annual Savings Before&After Payback 1/21 assuming projected minimum SREC II value $to,000 1 $8,000 - i i i i i i i •Inverter Replace $6,000 -flhllllllliiiiiiiiifluiill ■Before Payback II $0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 Assuming minimum SREC value, payback occurs in 5 with an anticipated: •24 years of free electricity, is •lifecycle savings of over$154,000, " •and Internal Rate of Return of over 22.1%. I Annual Savings Before&After Payback ' assuming projected maximum SREC II value t- Sic 000 $s,0oo - •Inverter $6,000 Replace ▪After1 $$42,000000 - iiiiiiiiiilllllllll Pay■Before $0 , : , „ , , 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 Assuming maximum SREC value, payback occurs in 4 with an anticipated: ii •25 years of free electricity, ;1 , •lifecycle savings of over$165,000, ti •and Internal Rate of Return of over 24.8%. il f.- Indirect Return on Investment: Home Value These direct ROI models do not incorporate the increased home value associated with solar, because New England-specific data is not yet at a statistically relevant size. But an Appraisal Institute study estimates that property value increases by$20 for every utility-bill dollar saved due to energy improvements. Also,the U.S. Department of Energy found that even in soft markets, a home with solar will sell in half the time as one without. 41IA Highland Avenue Sulle 312 Somerville, MA 02144 P.617 500 3938 F.617 412 3062 wwwsunbugsolar.coin Return on Investment Detail p�'�g+n,c.•,�r`rg���ti-r f `�'a'1-"'.'. s��" .a"'vY ',`v `i"e v jy' ;if* (-t/' f.3 '.°J5uvc`3 d v: GNd uK'4lar ySolar? SREC3ieumeiatfl'e SREC./ Cumulative: Year eleotrieltY; pradectto¢ ducktr, r oeneii>,:/ sh frdyar revr�itf(s .ca yv- 0 $0.00 $0 $o (540,o6s) $0 ($40,065)1 $0.23 15,454. $3,508 $4,096 ($32,460) $5,390 ($31,167) 2 $0.23 15,415 $3,604 $4,086 ($24,770) $5,018 ($22,545) 3 - $0.24 15,377 $3,703 - $3,875 ($17,192) $5,005. ($13,837) 4 $0.25 15,338 $3,805.. $3,666 (59,721). $4,993 ($5,039). 5 $0.26 15,300 $3,909 $3,472 ($2,340) $4,738 $3,608. 6 $0.26 15,262 ;$4,016 $3,293 $4,969 $4,485 $12,109 7 $0.27. 15,224 $4,126 $3,129 $12,224 $4,247 $20,483 8 $0.28 15,186 $4,240 $2,966 $19,430 $4,025 $28,748 9 $0.29 15,148 $4,356 $2,803 $26,589 $3,818 $36,921 10 $0.30 15,110 $4,475 $2,656 $33,720 $3,611 $45,008 11 $0.31 15,072 $4,598. $0 $38,318. $0 $49,606 12 r $0.31 15,034 $4,724 $0 $43,042 $0 $54,330 13 $0.32 14,997 $4,854 $0 $47,896 $0 $59,184 14 $0.33 14,959 $4,987 $0 $52,883 $0 $64,171 * 15. $0.34 14,922 $5,124 $0 $58,006 $0 $69,294 16 $0.35 14,885 55,264' $0 $63,270I $0 $74,558 17) $0.36 14,847 $5,408 $0 $68,679. $0 $79,967 18 $0.38 14,810 $5,557 $0 $74,235 50' : $85,523 19 $0.39 14,773 $5,709 $0 S. $79,945. $0 $91,232.<. 20 $0.40 14,736 $5,866 $0 $85,810 $0 $97,098 21 $0.41 14,699 $6,027 $0 $91,837. $0 $103,125 22 $0.42 14,663. $6,192 $0 $98,029: $0 rr $109,317 23 . $0.43 14,626 $6,362 $0 $104,390 $0 $115,678 24 $0.45 14,589 $6,536 $0 $110,927 $0 $122,215 25 - $0.46.. 14,553 $6,715. $0.. $117,642 $0 $128,930 26 $0.48 14,517 $6,900 $0 $124,542 $0 r: $135,829 27 $0.49 14,480 $7,089 $0 $131,630 $0 ` $142,918 28 $0.50 14,444 $7,283 $0 $138,914 $0 ?. $150,202. 29 $0.52 14,408 $7,483. $0 $146,397 $0 $157,684.. 30 $0.53 14,372' $7,688 $0 $154,085 $0 <: $165,373 Lifecycle Savings 154,085. 165,;373,: Lifecycle Internal Rate of Return (IRR) -22.10L05�= 44864: Payback in Year 5, ;-,; 4 -i. Assumptions:post incentive install cost$40,065,inverter replacement in year 15, current price of electricity $0.23/kwh, annual electricity increase 3%, customer tax rate 30%, SREC revenue projections per DOER published rate schedule over 40 quarters(10 years), here:http://www.mass.gov/eea/energy-utilities-clean- tech/renewable-enerq y/solar/rps-solar-carve-out-2/current-statis-solar-carve-out-ii.html. 41 iA Highland Avenue Suite 312 Somerville,MA 02144- P:617 500 3938 F:617 412 3062 wiv:..sunbugsolcr.com : t o • Installation 39 panels will be installed on the roof, as approximately indicated below: spa Your system uses SunPower 327 watt High Efficiency panels, similar to the panels seen in this SunBug installation: . 7 1 a ' , k �, u NNE I . aI Lgal _ 1 Your SunPower panels are backed by the industry's leading 25 year"bumper-to-bumper" panel warranty. SunPower goes beyond any other manufacturer to cover the diagnostic and labor costs associated with replacing any panel for 25 years. In addition, higher year one performance plus a n industry leading degradation warranty means that compared to standard efficiency panels, SunPower panels produce 21%more energy over 25 years. POWER WARRANTY PRODUCT WARRANTY 100% __ ., ,__._ •• ..� ..,_a cot t.«x 85% Toditionol: ' ----C Traditional so% Worrany - .%"'` ''^'.;.r .+ Walton 75% 0 5 ,0 15 TO 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 Yeo Taors More guaranteed power:95%for firsts years,-0A%(yr.to year 25.° Combined Power and Product Defect 25 year coverage that includes panel replacement costs.' 411 A Richland Avenue Suite 312 Somerville,MA 02144 P.617 500 3938 F:617 412 3062 www.sunbugsolor.com r TURNKEY INSTALLATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between Kris Potter Estimate(hereinafter referred to as"Owner(s)")and SunBug Solar,LLC (hereinafter referred to as"Installer'). 1. THE WORK The Installer has previously submitted and the Owner(s) have approved a Proposal for installing or improving a solar system on the Owner(s)' property located at S C,S,Z(the"Project").Installer's Scope of Work includes the following elements as indicated: X Materials Procurement X Maintenance as per Installer's Warranty X Permitting(Local) X Site Preparation X Turn—key Installation X Electrical Interconnection Support X Completion of Rebate Paperwork X Owner Operation&Maintenance Training 2. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The following Contract Documents are included herein by reference as indicated: X Proposal/Bid dated March 17,2015("Proposal")(Includes Budget,Timeline,Materials List 6'Payment Seheduk) X Plans/sketches/drawings(the"Plan")(Nay be finalized and amended after execution here :) X Proof of Insurance Coverage as per Clean Energy Center(hereinafter referred to as"CEC")Minimum Insurance Requirements X CEC Minimum Technical Requirements&Solar Rebate Application (to be completed by the parties after execution hereof) Terms&Conditions&Change Order Form(attached) It is the customers responsibility to provide an intemet connection for the monitor to plug into.Please see"SunBug Solar Monitoring Requirements"for details 3. CONTRACT SUM,PAYMENTS,REBATES 3.1. The cost of the Project payable to Installer,including all materials,labor and Installer's fees(described as the gross price in the Proposal) is $66,632 dollars ("Guaranteed Maximum Price"), subject to additions or deductions by Change Order. Certain additional third-party and regulatory charges (including,but not limited to,engineering costs,architectural studies, roofing reinforcement,filing fees,etc.)may be payable directly by Owner as set forth herein. 3.2. Unless otherwise set forth in the Proposal,Owner(s)will make payments according to the following schedule of values: Payment Terms Breakdown Amounts Down payment $1,000 $1,000.00 50%due on rebate approval or materials order 50% $33,315.75 40%due on construction completion 40% $26,652.60 Balance due on Utility Intereonnnection Balance 55,663.15 Total 366,63150 3.3. Solar Renewable Energy Credits for the Project("SRECs")shall he: X Retained by Owner in their entirety. o Assigned to Installer in their entirety. ❑Other: 3.4. Installer shall apply,on behalf of Owner,for all applicable rebates including such rebates as offered by the Owner's utility service and/or CEC.Unless otherwise noted below,any utility service rebates and CEC rebates and other available rebates shall be payable directly to Owner subject to CEC,utility,or other third-party approval.Owner(s)acknowledge that rebates payable to Installer have reduced the contract sum payable to Installer by Owner. o The following rebates will be paid directly to Installer,subject to applicable approvals:o CEC a Other: 3.5. Installer shall secure all necessary building permits,state rebate applications (including attachments) other permits and/or governmental licenses and inspections necessary for the completion of the Project. Unless otherwise noted,fees associated with acquiring such permits,liens and inspections will be borne by Installer: Li Owner(Check fees to be paid by Onnerdr'reetty). This Agreement is subject in its entirety to the attached Terms and Conditions which are included herein by reference and the Contract Documents.In the event of conflict between the Contract Documents and this Agreement,the terms of this Agreement(including the Terms and Conditions)shall govern.Entered into as of the day and year first written above by: OWNER(S) 7' SUNBUG SOLAR,LLC [signature] [signature] By: -'r•e>c: ,y I2iel-i-er Date 47' /V/j By: Date Page 1 of 8— SUNBUG SOLAR,LLC©2013 INSTALLATION AGREEMENT RILEY P . ENG . SERVICES STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANT 785 TUCKER ROAD SUITE "G" PMB 552 TEHACHAPI CA 93561 #204 279 MIDPARK WAY SE CALGARY ALBERTA CANADA T2X1 M2 TELE: 805.630.6619 E-MAIL:grilev0eno,aol.Com W W W.STRUCTURALCONSULTING.COM April 29, 2015 Job No.: 15-168.Potter Sun Bug Solar U `� 411A Highland Avenue Suite 312 Somerville, Massachusetts 02144 Attention: Ms. Andrea Mitter-Burke Director of Operations Re: Existing Residential Building Roof Structural Certification New Roof Mounted Solar Panels 82 Millers Dr Datmouth, Massachusetts 02747 At your request, the below-signed licensed professional engineer performed a structural engineering analysis of the existing roof structure at the referenced address. The purpose of this analysis was to determine if the existing roof structure is adequate to support the proposed roof mounted solar panels. This analysis is attached to this letter and it includes the roof and solar panel dead loads and the code prescribed live, snow, and wind loads. Per this analysis, it is the professional opinion of the below-signed that the existing roof structure is adequate to support the new solar panels. Sincerely, ! ' ctH OF 4/gs 4�P 41,0 Greg Riley, MCE, S.E., P.Eng. c) STRUCTURAL ti y Massachusetts S.E. 45072 a 45072 0�� o,rnISTOS Expires 06.30.16 c9S/ONALEH�' Verification of Existing Roof Rafters for New Solar Panels Code: Massachusetts State Building Code 8th Edition with CMR 780 ASCE 7-10 Project Address: 82 Millers Drive, Dartmouth, MA 02747 Existing Condition (see attached from Sun Bug Solar): Rafters: 2x10 milled wood roof rafters at 16" o.c. (verify) Effective rafter horizontal span: 17'-8" Ignore contribution from collar ties and knee walls Roofpitch = 35 degrees ("8:12"Pitch) (Sunbug and town building inspector to verify prior to construction) Roof Dead Load Roofing Framing and Materials 12 psf SunPower Solar Panels 3 psf Total Roof Dead Load: 15 psf Roof live load "8:12"pitch (ASCE 7-10 section 4.9.1) 16psf Roof live load, Lr = (Lo)(Rt)(R2) Ri = 1 R2 = 1.2 — 0.05(F) where F = 8 (8:12 pitch) R2 = 0.8 < 1 (code maximum) Roof live load, Lr = (20 psf)(1.0)(0.8) = 16 psf Roof Snow Loads per ASCE 7-10 section 7.4 Ground Snow Load = 30 psf Dartmouth, MA per MA State Building Code Ps = (Cs)(Pf) where Pf= (0.7)(Cc)(C)(I)(Pg) = (0.7)(1.0)(1.0)(1.0)(30psf) Pf= 21 psf > (20)(1.0) = 20 psf(code minimum) Ps 8:12 pitch = (CS)(Pf) = (0.88)(21 psi) = 18.5 psf Per ASCE 7-10 Section 7.6.1, unbalanced snow loads need not be considered for roofpitch greater than 30 degrees (7:12 pitch). Check balanced snow load only 2 Verification of Existing Roof Rafters for New Solar Panels (Continued) Project Address: 82 Millers Drive, Dartmouth, MA Wind Loads per ASCE 7-10 Chapter 26 and MA State Code 780 CMR 8th Edition Components and Cladding Basic Wind Speed at 3 second gust = 140 mph Exposure "C" at 25 foot mean roof height Per attached Enercalc 2012 Alternative All Heights Method Pwind uplift = -44.76 psf Components and cladding Use wind pressure = 50 psf(all directions) ASCE 7-10 Load Combinations per section 2.4.1 (Allowable Stress Design) I. D 2. D +L 3. D + (Lk orS) 4. D + 0.75L + 0.75(LRorS) S. D + 0.6W 6a. D + 0.75(0.6W) + 0.75L + 0.75(LR or S) 7. 0.6D + 0.6W Deflection per 2012 I.B.C. Table 1604.3 Live and snow =L/360 D + L = L/240 Note: Per CMR 780 section 303.3, "Existing structural elements carrying gravity loads", structural members are considered to be "ok" if increase does not exceed 5% of total load onto member. Governing load case: ASCE 7-10 #6a. D + 0.75(0.6)W+ 0.75S Existing: 12 psf+ (0.75)(0.6 x 50 psf + (0.75)(18.5 psf = 49 psf Increase: (52 psf/(49 psf = 1.06 > 1.05 (5%) Per code, members must be checked. 3 Verification of Existing Roof Rafters for New Solar Panels (Continued) Project Address: 82 Millers Drive, Dartmouth, MA Per attached Enercalc analysis existing 2x10 roof rafter system ok. Check Wind Uplift on Solar Panel Area of Panel: 6 ft x 3 ft = 18 sq.ft. (Use 20 sq ft) Uplift = (20 sq ft)(50 psf = 1,000# Uplift per anchor = 1,000#/4 anchors = 250 #/anchor Per 2005 NDS specification Table 11.2A, %"diameter lag screw with 1.5" thread penetration in withdrawl = (225#/inch)(2') = 450# > 250#ok. Use '/"diameter (or equal per solar panel manufacturer) lag screw with a minimum 2" embed into existing 2x10 roof rafters or "Snap-N-Rack"system. Sunbug and town building inspector to verify extent, span, and condition of 2x10 roof rafters @ 16" o.c. • Title Block Line 1 Project Title: You can change this area Engineer: Project ID: using the"Settings"menu item Project Descr. and then using the"Printing& Title Block"selection. Title Block Line 6 ASCE Show Loads e=CADOCUME-11ADMINI-IW1YD000-lulobs12015115-168-11CALCUL-11a429-1.151Enercalc115-168-1.EC6 ENERCPLC,INC.1983-2014,Buiid:,Ver.6.14 9.30 ' Description: GR Job 15-168 Sunbug Potter,82 Millers Dr,Dartmouth,MA Flat Roof Snow Loads Description: 8:12 Roof Pitch per ASCE 7-10 Ground Snow Load, per Fig 7-1 30.00 psf Roof Slope,Sec.7.3.4 35.00 Terrain Category C(see ASCE 7-10 Section 26.7) W:Hartz.Distance from eave to ridge 17.67 ft Exposure of Roof Partially Exposed Roof Configuration Hip and gable Ce:Exposure Factor, Table 7-2 1.00 Ct:Thermal Factor 1.0:All not otherwise defined pm,Minimum required 0.00 psf Risk Category,per Table 1.5-1 II pf,Calculated Snow Load per Equation 7-1 21.00 psf Importance Factor,Is,Table 1.5-2 1.00 pf,Design Snow Load Max(pm min, pf talc) 21.00 psf Sloped Roof Snow Loads Description: 8:12 Pitched Roof per ASCE 7-10 pf:Snow Load 21.00 psf Unobstructed&Slippery? No Thermal Factor 1.00 Cs 0.88 Slope 35.00 ps,Calculated Sloped Roof Snow Load 18.38 psf • Title Block Line 1 Project Title: You can change this area Engineer: Project ID: using the"Settings"menu item Project Descr. and then using the"Printing 8 Title Block"selection. Title Block Line 6 ASCE Live and Roof Live Load Reductiodr-C:,DocumE-lwonnNI-lunroocu-1uotst2o1s1s16s-ncucuL-1w42s-1:151Eeerram1ls-168-1.EC6 ENERCALC,INC.1983-2014,Build:,Ver6.14.9.30 Live Load Reduction Per ASCE 7-10, Section 4.7&4.8 Reduced Description Load Type Lo AT:Trib Area K LL Roof Pitch R1 R2 L -or-Lr 8:12 Roof Pitch Roof Live 20.0 psf 25.0 sq ft 8:12 1.0 0.80 16.0 psf Title Block Line 1 Project Title: You can change this area Engineer: Project ID: using the"Settings"menu item Project Descr: and then using the"Printing& Title Block"selection. Title Block Line 6 .E�,C IBC 2012 1609.6 Alternate All-Heights Wfr1U ADOCUME-11ADMINI-1w1YDOCU-1Uobs1201ENERCALC,NC11-110429-1.1 1883-20 Bu51Enercalc11Ver6.74.9.30 Description: 15-168 Sunbug Potter,82 Millers Dr,Dartmouth,MA Analytical Values - Calculations per IBC 2012 1609.6 User verified these BC 2012 All-Heights Wind Method Limitations: Analytical Values... 1609.6.1(1): Total Height<=75 ft with(Height)Least width)<=4 Exposure Category,ASCE 7-10 Sect 26.7.3 Exposure C -or- Fundamental frequency>= 1 hertz Mean Roof Height 25.0 ft 1609.6.1 (2): Not sensitive to dynamic effects Topographic Factor per ASCE 7-10 Sec 26.8.2 1609.6.1 (3): Site not affected by channeling/buffeting from upwind items K1 = 1.0 K2 = 1.0 K3 = 1.0 1609.6.1 (4): Simple diaphragm building per ASCE 7-05 Sec 26.2 Force Kzt to 1.0 per ASCE 7-10 26.8.2 Yes 1609.6.1 (5): Aware of ASCE 7 provisions for open buildings,multispan gable Topographic Factor Kzt = (1+K1*K2*K3)A2 = 1.000 roofs,stepped root,sawlooth roofs,domed roofs,roofs with V:Basic Wind Speed 140.0 mph slopes>45 deg,solid free standing walls&signs. per ASCE 7-10 26.5.1 1609.6.4.1 : Aware of need to check torsion per ASCE 7 Fig.27.4-8 MWFRS Table per IBC 2012 1609.6.2, Section 1 Design Pressure P = 0.00256 VA2 K CK netz zt WINDWARD WALLS&PARAPETS ----------------WALLS - --PARAPETSP6f------- Kz based on ibc 2012 1609.6.4.2 Item 1 Enclosed Partially Enclosed Height Kz +Internal -Internal +Internal -Internal Enclosed Partially Enclosed 0-15' 0.850 18.35 31.15 4.69 44.80 54.62 54.62 20' 0.900 19.43 32.98 4.97 47.44 57.83 57.83 25' 0.940 20.29 34.45 5.19 49.55 60.40 60.40 30' 0.980 21.15 35.91 5.41 51.66 62.97 62.97 40' 1.040 22.45 38.11 5.74 54.82 66.83 66.83 50' 1.090 23.53 39.94 6.02 57.45 70.04 70.04 60' 1.130 24.39 41.41 6.24 59.56 72.61 72.61 70' 1.170 25.26 42.88 6.46 61.67 75.18 75.18 80' 1.210 26.12 44.34 6.68 63.78 77.75 77.75 90' 1.240 26.77 45.44 6.85 65.36 79.68 79.68 100' 1.260 27.20 46.17 6.96 66.41 80.96 80.96 Enclosed Partially Enclosed LEEWARD&SIDEWALLS +Internal -Internal +Internal -Internal Kz based on IBC 2012 1609.6.4.2 Item 2 0.940 Leeward Wall -24.07 -9.91 -39.17 5.19 Side Wall -31.14 -16.52 -45.77 1.89 Parapet Wall:Leeward Both Directions -40.11 Both Directions -40.11 Tide Block Line 1 Project Title: You can change this area Engineer: Project ID: using the"Settings"menu item Project Descr: and then using the"Printing& Title Block"selection. Title Block Line 6 IBC 20121609.6 Alternate All-Heights Mid ��UME^7WOMINI^i1MYD000^1Wobs201 ENERCAIC,INC. 9^83 0 4 Bu e6i 9A'Ver614.9.30 l Description: 15-168 Sunbug Potter,82 Millers Dr,Dartmouth,MA MWFRS per IBC 2012 Table 1609.6.2 Section 1 Kz per IBC 2012 1609.6.4.2 Item 2 = 0.940 Design Pressure P = 0.00256 V"2 K C K et zt WIND PERPENDICULAR TO RIDGE psf Enclosed Partially Enclosed +Internal -Internal +Internal -Internal Leeward Roof or Flat Roof -31.14 -16.52 -17.46 -1.89 Windward Roof Slopes Slope<2:12 (10 deg) Condition 1 -51.43 -37.28 -66.54 -22.18 Condition 2 -13.21 0.94 -28.31 16.04 Slope<4:12 (18 deg) Condition 1 -34.45 -19.82 -49.08 -5.19 Condition 2 -2.36 11.80 -17.46 26.90 Slope<5:12 (23 deg) Condition 1 -27.37 -13.21 -42.47 1.89 Condition 2 1.42 16.04 -13.68 30.67 Slope<6:12 (27 deg) Condition 1 -22.18 -7.55 -36.81 7.08 Condition 2 2.83 17.46 -11.80 32.09 Slope<7:12 (30 deg) Condition 1 -17.46 -2.83 -32.09 -12.27 Condition 2 3.30 17.46 -11.80 32.56 Slope<9:12 (37 deg) Condition 1 -12.74 1.89 -27.37 16.52 Condition 2 6.61 20.76 -8.49 35.86 Slope<12:12 (45 deg) 6.61 20.76 -8.49 35.86 WIND PARALLEL TO RIDGE All slopes including Flat Roofs -51.43 -37.28 -66.54 -22.18 Roof& Overhang Components&Cladding per IBC 2012 Table 1609.6.2, Section 2&3 Design Pressure P = 0.00256 V"2 K K netz zt Description Continuity Item Type Eff.Area 2 Kz Enclosed Enclosled Roof Mount Solar Panels No Discontinuity Gable or hipped, Slope<6:12 20.00 0.940 +: 26.48 41.11 -: -46.77 -61.82 Wall&Parapet Components&Cladding per IBC 2012 Table 1609.6.2, Section 4&5 Design Pressure P = 0.00256 V^2 K C K z net zt KZ Description Continuity Item Type Z,Ht.Above Ground Eff.Area Enclosed Parlially Level,ft ft 2 Enclosed No Discontinuity Wall Elements,h<=60 ft 25 10.00 0.94 +: 47.19 62.29 -: -51.43 -66.06 Title Block Line 1 Project Title: You can change this area Engineer: Project ID: using The"Settings"menu item Project Descr. and then using the"Printing& Title Block"selection. rTitle Block Line 6 �WOOfI Beam ' e C:IDOCUME-1WDMINI-11MYDOCU-1Uobs@015\15168-1\CALCUL-110429-1.151Enemalc115-168-1.EC6 i ENERCALC INC.1983.2014,Build:8.14.94 Ver6.14.9.30 Description: OR Job 15-168 Potter,82 Millers Dr,Dartmouth,MA.Existing 2x10 Rafters CODE REFERENCES Calculations per NDS 2012, IBC 2012, CBC 2013,ASCE 7-10 Load Combination Set: IBC 2012 Material Properties Analysis Method: Allowable Stress Design Fb-Tension 875.0 psi E:Modulus of Elasticity Load Combination IBC 2012 Fb-Compr 875.0 psi Ebend-xx 1,400.0ksi Fc-Prll 1,150.0 psi Eminbend-xx 510.0ksi Wood Species :Spruce-Pine-Fir Fc-Perp 425.0 psi Wood Grade :No. 1/No.2 Fv 135.0 psi Ft 450.0 psi Density 27.060pcf Beam Bracing : Beam is Fully Braced against lateral-torsion buckling Repetitive Member Stress Increase D(0.01995)Ld0.02128)S(0.024605)W(0.06783) ir L ! Span=17.670 ft Applied Loads Service loads entered.Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Uniform Load: D=0.0150, Lr=0.0160, S=0.01850, W=0.0510 ksf, Tributary Width=1.330 ft,(Roof Loads; DESIGN SUMMARY __- Design OK Maximum Bending Stress Ratio = 0.884 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio = 0.291 : 1 Section used for this span 2x10 Section used for this span 2x10 fb:Actual = 1,566.24psi fv:Actual = 62.84 psi I FB:Allowable = 1,771.00 psi Fv:Allowable = 216.00 psi Load Combination +D+0.750L+0.7505+0.450W+H Load Combination +D+0.750L+0.7505+0.450W+H Location of maximum on span = 8.835ft Location of maximum on span = 16.961 ft Span#where maximum occurs = Span#1 Span#where maximum occurs = Span#1 Maximum Deflection Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.392 in Ratio= 541 Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.000 in Ratio= 0 <360 Max Downward Total Deflection 1.139 in Ratio= 186 Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 in Ratio= 0 <180 Maximum Forces&Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Moment Values Shear Values Segment Length Span# M V Cd C FN C i Cr Cm C t CL M @ Fb V fv Fv +D+H 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length=17.670 ft 1 0.496 0.163 0.90 1.100 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.88 493.89 996.19 0.18 19.82 121.50 +D+L+H 1.100 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length=17.670 ft 1 0.446 0.147 1.00 1.100 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.88 493.89 1106.88 0.18 19.82 135.00 +D+Lr+H 1.100 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length=17.670 ft 1 0.694 0.228 1.25 1.100 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.71 959.81 1383.59 0.36 38.51 168.75 +0+5+H 1.100 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length=17.670 ft 1 0.811 0.267 1.15 1.100 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.84 1,032.61 1272.91 0.38 41.43 155.25 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+H 1.100 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length=17.670 ft 1 0.610 0.201 1.25 1.100 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 843.33 1383.59 0.31 33.84 168.75 +D+0.750L+0.7505+H 1.100 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Title Block Line 1 Project Title: You can change this area Engineer: Project ID: using the"Settings"menu item Project Descr: and then using the"Printing& Title Block"selection. Title Block Line 6 LWOOCI Beam e=C]DOCUME-MDMINI-11MYDOCU-1uobs12015115-166-11CALCUL-110429-1.151Enercalc115.168-1.Ec6 ENERCALC,NC.1963-2014,Build:,Vec6.14.9.30 ANTS Description: GR Job 15-168 Potter,82 Millers Dr,Dartmouth,MA.Existing 2x10 Rafters Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Moment Values Shear Values Segment Length Span# M V Cd CFN Ci Cr Cm Ct CL M Po F'b V fv F'v Length=17.670 ft 1 0.705 0.232 1.15 1.100 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.60 897.93 1272.91 0.33 36.03 155.25 +D+0.60W+H 1.100 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length=17.670 ft 1 0.782 0.257 1.60 1.100 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.47 1,384.96 1771.00 0.51 55.57 216.00 +1.049D+0.910E+H 1.100 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length=17.670 ft 1 0.293 0.096 1.60 1.100 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.92 518.09 1771.00 0.19 20.79 216.00 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.450W+H 1.100 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length=17.670 ft 1 0.854 0.281 1.60 1.100 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.69 1,511.64 1771.00 0.56 60.65 216.00 +D+0.750L+0.7505+0.450W+H 1.100 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length=17.670 ft 1 0.884 0.291 1.60 1.100 1.00 1.15 1.00 -1.00 1.00 2.79 1,566.24 1771.00 0.58 62.84 216.00 +1.0370+0.750L+0.7505+0.6825E+ 1.100 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length=17.670 ft 1 0.517 0.170 1.60 1.100 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.63 916.08 1771.00 0.34 36.75 216.00 +0.60D+0.60W+0.60H 1.100 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length=17.670 ft 1 0.670 0.221 1.60 1.100 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.12 1,187.41 1771.00 0.44 47.64 216.00 +0.56100+0.910E+0.60H 1.100 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length=17.670 ft 1 0.154 0.051 1.60 1.100 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.49 272.13 1771.00 0.10 10.92 216.00 Overall Maximum Deflections Load Combination Span Max.-"De6 Location in Span Load Combination Max."+"Dell Location in Span +D+0.750L+0.7505+0.450W+H 1 1.1395 8.899 0.0000 0.000 Vertical Reactions Support notation:Far left is#1 Values in KIPS Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Overall MAximum 0.632 0.632 Overall MINimum 0.120 0.120 +D+H 0.199 0.199 +D+L+H 0.199 0.199 +D+Lr+H 0.387 0.387 +D+S+H 0.417 0.417 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+H 0.340 0.340 +D+0.750L+0.7505+H 0.362 0.362 +D+0.60W+H 0.559 0.559 +D+0.70E+H 0.199 0.199 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.450W+H 0.610 0.610 +D+0.750L+0:7505+0.450W+H 0.632 0.632 +D+0.750L+0.7505+0.525E+H 0.362 0.362 +0.60D+0.60W+0.60H 0.479 0.479 +0.60D+0.70E+0.60H 0.120 0.120 D Only 0.199 0.199 Lr Only 0.188 0.188 L Only S Only 0.217 0.217 W Only 0.599 0.599 E Only H Only • 780 CMR: STATE BOARD OF BUILDING REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS • 51.00: continued TABLE R301.2(4)MASSACHUSETTS BASIC WIND SPEEDS <90 MPH 90 MPH 100 MPH 110 MPH Adams Acton New Braintree Abington Middleton Acushnet Alford Agawam New Marlborough Amesbury Milford Aquinnah Ashfield Amherst New Salem Andover Millis Barnstable Becket Ashburnham North Brookfield Arlington Millville Bourne Bemardston Ashby Northampton Ashland Milton Brewster Buckland Athol Northborough Attleboro Nahant Carver Cheshire Auburn Northfield Avon Natick Chatham Clarksburg Ayer Oakham Bedford Needham Chillmark Colrain Barre Orange Bellingham Newbury Dartmouth Cummington Belchertown Otis Belmont Newburyport Dennis Dalton Berlin Palmer Berkley Newton Duxhury Egremont Blandford Paxton Beverly Norfolk Eastham Florida Bolton Pelham Billerica North Andover Edgartown Great Barrington Boxborough Pepperell Blackstone North Attleborough Fairhaven Greenfield Boylston Petersham Boston North Reading Fall River Hancock Brimfield Phillipston Boxford Northbridge Falmouth Hawley Brookfield Princeton Braintree Norton Freetown Heath Carlisle Rolyalston Bridgewater Norwell Gay Head Hinsdale Charlton Russell Brockton Norwood Gosnold Lanesborough Chelmsford Rutland Brookline Oxford Halifax Lee Chester Sandisfield Burlington Peabody Harwich Lenox Chesterfield Shirley Cambridge Plainville Kingston Leyden Chicopee Shrewsbury Canton Quincy Lakeville Middlefield Clinton Shueesbury Chelsea Randolph Marion Monroe Conway South Hadley Cohasset Raynham Marshfield Monterey Deerfield Southampton Concord Reading Mashpee Mount Washington Dracut Southbridge Danvers Rehoboth Mattapoisett New Ashford Dunstable Southwick Dedham Revere Middleborough North Adams East Brookfield Spencer Dighton Rockland Nantucket Peru East Longmeadow Springfield Douglas Rockport New Bedford Pittsfield Easthampton Sterling Dover Rowley Oak Bluffs Plainfield Erving Stow Dudley Salem Orleans Richmond Fitchburg Sturbridge East Bridgewater Salisbury Pembroke Rowe Gardner Sunderland Easton Saugus Plymouth Savoy Gill Templeton Essex Seekonk Plympton Sheffield Goshen Tolland Everett Sharon Provincetown Shelburne Granby Townsend Foxborough Sherborn Rochester Stockbridge Granville Tyngsborough Framingham Somerville Sandwich Tyringham Groton Wales Franklin Southborough Scituate Washington Hadley Ware Georgetown Stoneham Somerset West Stockbridge Hampden Warren Gloucester Stoughton Swansea Williamstown Hardwick Warwick Grafton Sudbury Tisbury Windsor Barfield Wendell Groveland Sutton Truro Worthington Harvard West Boylston Hamilton Swampscott Wareham Holden West Brookfield Hanover Taunton Welfleet Holland West Springfield Hanson Tewksbury West Tilbury Holyoke Westfield Haverhill Topsfield Westport Hubbardston Westford Hingham Upton Yarmouth Hudson Westhampton Holbrook Uxbridge Huntington Westminster Holliston Wakefield Lancaster Whately min Walpole Lawrence Wilbraham H opkington Waltham Leicester Williamsburg Hull Watertown Leominster W inchendon Ipswich Wayland Leveret( Worcester Lexington Webster Littleton Lincoln Wellesley Longmeadow Lynn Wenham Lowell Lynnfield West Bridgewater Ludlow Malden West Newbury Lunenburg Manchester Westborough Maynard Mansfield Weston Methuen Marblehead Westwood Millbury Marlborough Weymouth Monson Medfield Whitman Montague Medford Willmington Montgomery Medway Winchester Melrose Winthrop Mendon Woburn Merrimac Wrentham 2/4/11 780 CMR-Eighth Edition-212 780 CMR: STATE BOARD OF BUILDING REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS 51.00: continued FIGURE R301.2(5)Delete this Figure and replace with Table R30 L2(5)for ground snow loads,Pg. TABLE R301.2(5)MASSACHUSETTS GROUND SNOW LOADS,P, 25 PSF 35 PSF 40 PSF 40 PSF 50 PSF Brewster Abington Alford Nahant Acton Goshen Paxton Carver Agawam Arlington Natick Adams Greenfield Pepperell Chatham Amherst Ashland Needham Amesbury Groton Peru Eastham Avon Belmont New Braintree Andover Groveland Petersham Harwich Belchertown Bellingham New Marlborough Ashbumham Hamilton Phillipston Martha's Vineyard Braintree Beverly New Salem Ashby Hancock Pittsfield Nantucket Brockton Blackstone Newton Ashfield Harvard Plainfield Orleans Chicopee Blandford Norfolk Athol Haverhill Princeton Plymouth Cohasset Boston North Brookfield Auburn Hawley Reading Provincetown East Longmeadow Brimfield Northampton Ayer Heath Richmond Truro Easton Brookfield Northbridge Barre Hinsdale Rockport Wareham Foxborough Brookline Not-wood Becket Holden Rolyalston Wellfleet Granby Cambridge Peabody Bedford Hubbardston Rowe Hadley Canton Pelham Berlin Hudson Rowley Hampden Charlton Quincy Bernardston Huntington Rutland Hingham Chelsea Revere Billerica Ipswich Salisbury Holbrook Dedham Russell Bolton Lancaster Sandisfield 30 PSF Holyoke Douglas Salem Boxborough Lanesborough Savoy Acushnet Hull Dover Saugus Boxford Lawrence Shelburne Attleboro Longmeadow Dudley Sheffield Boylston Lee Shirley Barnstable Ludlow East Brookfield Sherborn Rockland Leicester Shrewsbury Berkley Mansfield Easthampton Shutesbury Burlington Lenox Spencer Bourne Monson Egremont Somerville Carlisle Leominster Sterling Bridgewater North Aetleborough Everett Southampton Charlemont Leyden Stockbridge Dartmouth Norwell Framingham Southborough Chelmsford Littleton Stow Dennis Palmer Franklin Southbridge Cheshire Lowell Templeton Dighton Plainville Grafton Stoneham Chester Lunenburg Tewksbury Duxbury Randolph Granville Sturbridge Chesterfield Maynard Topsfield East Bridgewater Rockland Great Barrington Sudbury Clarksburg Merrimac Townsend Fairhaven Scituate Hardwick Sunderland Clinton Methuen Tyngsborough Fall River Sharon Hatfield Sutton Colrain Middlefield Tyringham Falmouth South Hadley Holland Swampscott Concord Millbury Warwick Freetown Southwick Holliston Tolland Conway Monroe Washington Gosnold Springfield Hopedale Upton Cummington Montague Wendell Halifax Stoughton Hopkington Uxbridge Dalton Monterey Wenham Hanover West Springfield Leveren Wakefield Danvers New Ashford West Boylston Hanson Westfield Lexington Wales Deerfield Newbury West Newbury Kingston Weymouth Lincoln Walpole Dracut Newburyport West Stockbridge Lakeville Wilbraham Lynn Waltham Dunstable North Adams Westford Marion Lynnfield Ware Erving North Andover Westminster Marshfield Malden Warren Essex North Reading Williamsburg Mashpee Manchester Washington Fitchburg Northborough Williamstown Mattapoisett Marblehead Watertown Florida Northfield Willmington Middleborough Marlborough Wayland Gardner Oakham Winchendon New Bedford Medfield Webster Georgetown Orange Windsor Norton Medford Wellesley Gill Otis Worcester Pembroke Medway West Brookfield Gloucester Oxford Worthington Plympton Melrose Westborough Raynham Mendon Westhampton Rehoboth Middleton Weston Rochester Milford Westwood Sandwich Millis Whately Seekonk Millville Winchester Somerset Milton Winthrop Swansea Montgomery Woburn Taunton Mount Washington Worcester West Bridgewater Wrentham I Westport Whitman 2/4/11 780 CMR-Eighth Edition-213 • Structural information for: Potter, Greg , MA 82 Millers Drive, Dartmouth, MA 02747 Roof Information Eauiement Roof Pitch: 35 degrees 32 SunPower 327W Panels Roof Type: Asphalt shingle Roof Height: 2 story 32 SolarEdge Optimizer P400 Dimensions of supporting members 1 SnapNRack Series 100 Racking Individual Rafters: 2x10 Span of Rafters: 272" Spacing of Rafters: 16" OC Timber: Milled Timber Additional structural information Additional Support: collar ties, and knee wall Decking: plywood Access to attic: pull down Overhangs: Dimensions of ridge board: 2x10 Dimensions of collar ties: 2x8 Dimensions of ceiling rafters: 2x10 Engineering Note: Decking attachments are the preferred method of attachment if possible Other structural considerations 2x4 knee wall every rafter 2x8 collar ties every rafter 2 roofs being used SunBug Solar P:617 500 3938 F:6174123062 info@sunbugsolar.com 411A Highland Ave,Suite 312 Somerville MA 02144 • Residence from south a"2 r Sk N j 1 Sz Attic Wide Angle q^s }r j . w I ' SunBug Solar P 617 500 3938 F.6174123062 info@sunbugsolar.com 411A Highland Ave,Suite 312 Somerville MA 02144 22rfrs 2 < y rf . . . . :.. . � '4;r21:1-;.4,\ \� Ridge Be_ . . ,. <«�. . \ v « � . . � °°-"." «< . - \ < \ \_m Solar em»_ s«mz ____ar.c_ wa Highland Ave,Suite 312 Somerville MA 02144 Sketch o Garage Stuct re I iv .r_,s . y m &:Via» : « Se 4 . . V , ®fix •..'. L., :% ° ^ d2 ®x ®» \\ ; -. \\< > r.y . . \ . . ©+r . 2 ° 2 \ t y . d < »y 1 c ^ es„ wd c . : : �d5 ? y : * � � �� ©« 2 .- Rafter s span • > < \ . _, % K: , ~ » m 2 . . L � » \ f __Solar em«_ F:6174123062 _@su__ar.c_ «mHighland Ave, 312 Somerville MA 02144 knee wall in main roof attic - ' £3 a 1 SunBug Solar P:617 500 3938 F:6174123062 info@sunbugsolar.com 411A Highland Ave,Suite 312 Somerville MA 02144