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BUILDING PERMIT 82 MILLERS DRIVE • Dartmouth Building Department Plat: 70 400 Slocum Road-P.O. Box 79399 Lot (s) : 13-38 Dartmouth, MA 02747 Lot Size:42,734 Telephone 508-999-0720 Zoning Dist. :SRB April 21, 1999 /(t ed) Permit No. : f ��t�� Issued Date: ( iqrt7 Clerk: BAS Project Location: 82 Millers Drive Number Street Subdivision Name: Millers Farm -- Lot 38 Nearest Cross Street: Person Permit Issued To: Kristine Sousa Address: 117 Gagnon Street, Fall River, MA 02721 _ Applicant/Agent: Same Contact Person Phone #: (508) 672-6053 Type of License: Owner: (x) Const. Superv. License #: ( Architect: ( ) Engineer: ( ) Other: ( Proposed Use: Residential Residential,Commercial,Industrial,etc. — Permit Issued To: New Construction Type of Improvement,Add,Alter,New Coast.,Demo,Land/Move,etc. New single family dwelling with three bedrooms, two full and one 1/2 baths, 26 ' x 24 ' garage, rear deck, front covered porch, fire- place with flue, two additional flues, well water, septic system, oil heat indicate no.of bedrooms and bathrooms and other rooms Gross Area of Const. : 5,315 sq. ft. Cost of Const. $123, 000 . 00 Cost-Other Const. : TOTAL FEE: $ 622 . 00 Owner(s) of Record: Manuel & Kristine Sousa Address: 117 Gagnon Street, Fall River, MA 02721 All work shall comply with 780 CMR 6th Ed. (MGL Chap. 143) and any other applicable Mass. Laws or codes and plans on file. I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his agent and to receive this permit, I further understand other agencies may have reason to STOP WORK if items under their jurisdic ion re not met; not withstanding the issuance of this Building\Zoning Permit. � , � , (�t Signature of Owner/Agent: 11X11/Kl Address: ********************** * ***- **** *************************** Signature: I .) Approved/Issued By: R 1ph ouza, Tit Local Building Inspector COMMENTS: PLEASE POST PERMIT CARD SO THAT IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET. SCHEDULE APPROPRIATE INSPECTIONS AS REQUIRED. UPON COMPLETION OF WORK, FINAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED. c") D 0 ORIGINAL 0 APPLICANT 0 ASSESSORS 0 CLERK 0 COP Illiir 7O. Lot /3— 3 y Address 1? %azo of Required approval Approvals received i please (X) approvals Please (X) approvals ii required for this project Initial as received DATE.A INITIALS PLC Zoning f)x q"/ c� ��LE' Building Comm. �/� OL Board of Appeals Water Card Sewer .Card '/ Board of Health Bond Selectmen I/ / (� _ ci Conservation o LP -) t-9 C/ Fire Chief 3 OK 9- 7-9 - /- 77 Cross Connections Licensed Contractor Controlled Const. AMA;_ff r Other information required ( tj Prfr Dl 1/6.-99 /r'c , TOWN OF DARTMOUTH 11281 BUILDING RECEIPTS COLLECTOR'S OFFICE - - Name: ✓ ,. - a Property �_. Date: /_ // < - t_ Owner: -3i ii.:.. -{�. - /� Job Location: _ - CC,' i ! , i 4' Tit: DARTMOUTH Wh O1 COLLECTOR'S OFFICE Wtute Copy-Collectors Office of Lot j Yellow Copy Customer's Receipt PlPink Copy-File Copy JUN N 8 1999 .Green Copy-Building Department Phone: q C �+ pp'qq y /2-'47 Description General Ledger#'s e> F"f Amount License&Permits-Building - 01000-44105 i i T c c-+, License&Permits-Building Misc. 01000-44105 t' License&Permits-Electrical 01000-44106 License&Permits-Plumbing&Gas 01000-44107 Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 This is not a Permit or License for Building.Plumbing or Gas Received By: i TOWN OF DARtMOUTH 1038t3 BUILDING RECEIPTS COLLECTOR'S OFFICE Name I%& I . r ro erty ,/f - Date - .. 77,,..., er: • Job Location: j ) `T (�_/(( , ' t / �C -L /1� -t i----4-.-' ,1 OF DARTMOUTH / —\ COtb 10K S OFFICE White Copy-Collectors Office Plot: 7-} /J Lot: J Yellow Copy Customer's Receipt LPink Copy/File Copy APR - 2 1999 Green Copy-BuildingDepartment Phone: - ( 'Description General Ledger#'s C'l�e" " 0 - Amount License&Permits-Building 01000-44105 License&Permits-Building Misc. 01000-44105 i /(r1-9 p f�,.C_,_. i e G `<J License&Permits-Electrical 01000-44106 / / License&Permits-Plumbing&Gas 01000-44107 — --_--- — Other Department Revenue 01000-42420 f 1, / 1 This is not a Permit or License for Building,Plumbing or Gas Received By: ,C X t `t--" t; C / ( 7- a TOWN OF DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE 508-999-0720 FAX 508-999-0738 APPLICATION FOR ZONING AND BUILDING PERMIT Instructions The applicant shall complete this application to the best of their ability prior to submission,leaving no item unanswered.The Department staff will be available during regular business hours to assist as necessary.N/A should be inserted for those sections which do not apply.A properly completed application will help avoid unnecessary delays. Nate FYe6 feel not aeiniaiie. (for office me ody) S47ONLY TotallCost $ Received ByDate Reed Less Application Fee $ //__ Total Permit Fee S (/l Permit# Pe) E/ Issued Date W 7' 100 LOCATION OF PROJECT TOTAL LAND AREA SQUARE FEET I innk 734 5 CURRENT ACCESSORS' PLAT 7D LOT 38 ZONING DISTRICT 5 UG — o✓ _ OTHER ZONING OVERLAY f DISTRICTS , if applicable _ r-NUMBER & STREETh /l l� I/u / s !� ,6/. _ ' EAREST CROSS STREET ()I ck 1\\\ 61\Ie( yg0 0.� _ c§UBDIVISIONNAME & LOT# l� ( lkkerR 4 NVC', ,l� �l ��t(5 "Of ICI 1UbJNISWOf Let ( 3g dr BUSINESS NAME - _ PREVIOUS TENANT / OWNER h 1\Tt'-i URI 20071ESIVENTIAL- PROPOSED PROJECT - one & two family residence only = THIS SECTION NOT APPLICABLE K Single family - number bedrooms number baths I a' _ Two family - number bedrooms unit 1 number baths unit 1 number bedrooms unit 2 number baths unit 2 _T Accessory apartment Total gross sq. ft. Accessory structure: Garage - detached - attached to dwelling, dimensions L o L W E. Carport - detached - attached to dwelling, dimensions L W Shed - dimensions L W �� Deck - dimensions L W - Gazebo - dimensions L W Swimming pool above ground in-ground Size Chimney - number of flues (;)-, ,- - ....r.....,... insult ur msuwanon), new (provide manufacturers • instructions). Location(s) (list) s Fire lacen P ( ) - (includes flue) List location(s) C KErfiT C Game Court-describe (include overall dimensions) C Tent, Trailer(Mobile Home) or Other-describe 300 COMMERCIAL-PROPOSED PROJECT/USE-INCLUDING THREE FAMILY OR MORE AND EXEMPT USES Z THIS SECTION NOT APPLICABLE (The following descriptions arebased on the Massachusetts State Building Code Article 3,AS NOTED) (See the Code) Assembly - restaurant, lounge, theater, school, etc. (see Code Section 302.0) Describe C Business • office, assembly with less than 50 occupants - indicate Medical or other professional(see Code Section 303.0) C Educational-structure for training including child day care for those over 2 years 9 months(see Code Section 304.0) C. Factory/Industrial - (see Code Section 305.0) C High Hazard • (see Code Section 306.0) Institutional • hospital, nursing home, infant day care (see Code Section 307.0) C Mercantile - retail stores (see Code 308.0) C Residential - three or more family, hotel (see Code Section 309.0) C Storage- includes garages (see Code Section 309.0) C Utility & Miscellaneous Structures - includes tents and .agricultural structures (see Code Section 311.0) C New tenant for any of the above, indicate above(see Code Section 119.0 and Zoning By-law section 35) Tent or Trailer- temporary purpose? C Other Describe the proposal briefly,INCLUDE number of dwelling nails and bedrooms or also existing condition occupant load as applicable, 400 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK TO BE PERFORMED New Construction and/or Addition - total gross square feet (For commercial only total gross cubic feet) -indicate ppyt It wall be considered new construction if there an increase in square footage in addition to any alteration(s). If project is an addition to existing structure- Total gross square feet of existing C FOR COMMERCIAL ONLY Will this project be subject to CONSTRUCTION CONTROL(over 35,000 cult.) Yes No. (If yes see Code section 127.0). Designer to submit Code Synopsis. Will this project require Peer review(over 400,000 cu.ft. APPLICANT TO PROVIDE ) Yes—_ No (see Code Appendix I) • • • _ Attention of existing, no increase in gross square feet. A separate Refuse Disposal Declaration required. Demolition -describe structure Number of dwelling units Number of bedrooms A separate Refuse Disposal Declaration required. = Moving - (Provide copy of D.P.W. moving license) Typeof structure _ from where (plat/lot or address) to where (plat/lot or address) Number of dwelling units Number of bedrooms per dwelling unit = Re-roofing - (for existing only, is included in new construction) Number of square feet Number of layers already existing Number of layers when complete A separate disposal declaration REQUIRED = Replacement doors and windows - (for existing only) (only where doors and windows exist and will not be enlarged)EGRESS dimensions must be maintained. Enlarged or new windows in an existing dwelling will be considered as an Alteration, otherwise will be included in new construction. (see Code section 3401.10 for residential and Articl 8 ft.:commercial) Temporary structure-includes when allowed, trailers,tents and the like and only for limited periods of time. Describe 500 CONSTRUCTION PLANS _ None submitted. Why? Submitted, usually three sets required. Four sets for food service uses. Number of sets submitted 2 600 SITE PLAN ❑ Not required, why? Submitted When? = Previously, date With this application 700 UTILITIES Water supply- required_yes_ no, public ? _yes _ no, on site well? yes_ no, existing? _yes ✓no If required and not existing have necessary permits been issued? ✓ no_yes, date (M.G.L. Chapter 40, section 54 provides that no building permit may be issued unless a water supply, when required, is available. See Code 780 CMR section 114.1.2) Sewage disposal - required_yes_ no, public sewer_yes_ no private septic - on-site yes _ no. Submit copy of permit as soon as available. • • OM) MICA-Auuraa.. ILA ac rxtMARY FUEL - Furnace (hot air) - Fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify) Boiler (heating)- ��( tuig)- Fuel gas (natural or propane , fuel oil electricity, other (specify) HVAC (combined unit) - Primary fuel, natural gas, propane, electricity, other (specify) _. Air conditioning - (separate unit) None of the above to be provided Hot Water Gas Electric Fuel Oil _ Other 900 SPRINKLERS - FOR STRUCTURES OVER 7500 SQUARE FEET and certain multifamily residential L. Required, plans provided, -.plans not provided, why? Not required, not to be installed, Why? 1000 REQUIRED OFF-STREET PARKING- for ZONING &Architectural Access X,NOT APPLICABLE L Parking Plan submitted To L Building Department Planning Board Date submitted Number of spaces - indoors outside total provided HQndicap spaces - required_ yes_no. If yes, how many as a pin of the total required number. Is Route 6 (State Road) Entrance permit required? yes L no L. If yes has it been issued yes no .. Submit copy of application and/or permit as soon as available. 1100 IDENTIFICATION (print or type except as noted)�., Current owner-name r 1,1u. e V.{{{.Ashnf✓ ,�1 Ousf-� address I l i l�f�f lrv,V). l t• 1-H't 1 6 R P I M A O{91)j phone# 660 1o7 A— t h? If corporation, officer in charge Architect/Engineer- for overall design Company name Address Phone number Certified by State of Massachusetts as Certification number NOTE Signatures and seals on all plans, affidavits and other documents SHALL BE originals and not reproductions. Architect/Engineer- project supervision and reports • Company name Address Phone number _ Certified by State of Massachusetts as Certification number . NOTE Signatures and seals on all plans, affidavits and other documents SHALL BE originals and not reproductions. General Contractor(if Homeowner, state homeowner here then complete section 1300) Company name Address Phone number Construction Supervisors license number NOTE Signatures and seals on all plans, affidavits and other documents SHALL BE originals and not reproductions. YYRSiRRRiit RRR i tttRR YRRRi i ti RRiRRt tttR i RR i iR R t tYRRRRttt Ri 1200 FOR RESIDENTIAL REMODEL WORK ONLY Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to(780CMR-6) ? Yes_No_If no go to next section! Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? Yes_No If yes, submit the required affidavit! Reavdel contractor name(please print) Address Registration number(if none state^none^) Phone number PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTEE FUND! QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: Home Improvement Contractors Registration One Ashburton Place - Room 1301 Boston, MA 02108 (617) 727-8598 Owners name (print) Signature Date r . 1300 OWNER SIGN-OFF - _ _. I, the undersigned,am the owner of record or authorized lessee(provide documentation) and I have reviewed the application herein submitted. I state that to the best of my knowledge and belief that the information provided in this application is true and correct and that the permit requested be issued. Further I understand that the permit will expire in six months, from the date of issue, if no work is begun or six months after the last inspection if work has begun and that the permit may be extended for six months if no work is anticipated if I request such an extension in writing. I understand that the permit may be extended only three times by written request.I understand that once the permit expires a new application may be required,including fees and current other requirement (including Zoning) Name 'U� �bl 5( vpSi1Y• .( SUVS� Signatur .�L(, G2(v The above signature is my voluntary act and is signed under the ;ins and penalties of perjury.Dace Who is authorized to pickup the permit at the Buildin I) o Address Ni G A/�non r•e $-De lease anan MAlvt,�.( O.nd KR Phone IcJDBIio"7 �.loCX'3 S''��C�1�r� 1400 HOMEOWNER EXEMPTION - ONE &TWO FAMILY ONLY FOR HOME OWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT' 109.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors:Except for those structures governed by Construction Control in Section 127.0, effective July 1, 1982, no individual shall be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings or structures, unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entit'ed Rides and Regulations for Licensing Constriction Supervisors. E y Home wner the provisionsns of this secti o provides that performing Homework Owner engages adperson(s)ding )ffor hire to do such workit is required shall be exempt from uch Home Owner shall act as supervisor. that such For the purposes of this section only,a"Home Owner" is defined as follows: Persons)who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside,on which there is, or is intended to be,a one or two family dwellin , attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who construct more than one home in two-year period shall not be considered a Home Owner. If you are a lying under this section sign below: / "1Signature aist ce. � 4, ' ! . Your signature carries certain responsibilities, including but ~— ♦****siit*****S an*****************ss ss sssss s s sssssssssssss ss ss sea s ss ss necessarily limited lmti=6tlitysssss:s NOTICE TO LICENSED CONTRACTORS: The Building Code provides in the Rules and Regulations section that any licensed Construction Supervisor. whether or not they have taken the permit are responsible for code compliance. (see 2.15.2 of section 5) **St********sx sssss*Zs********* ******s*****ti»t**s5*5*4************t*2sssss*ss sssssrsssrss*ss*5*5*5Z* 1500 COST Cost of Improvement $ Items to be installed but not included in the above cost: Electrical 5 , Plumbing i HVAC k rl k Other TOTAL $ 3 Pelt) 4 me .ouowmg section for official use only. • INSPECTORS' REVIEW Date plan reviewed 30 days to review period expires =2 OK to issue date OK to issue subject to requested submittals (see project review worksheet) date -- DENIED see project review worksheet date 21 HOLD reason date 2 HOLD Subject to Zoning Board of Appeals action Comments Inspectors signature Date ` o-2 7� Applicant informed of above- Date tim staff (fax, phone, in person) 2.7 Over six months since approved for issue- DEEMED abandoned! Advise applicant. Hold 90 days for return then dispose if not picked up. Inspector Date22 Advised applicant Date Time staff (by phone, fax or in person) OFFICEUNSPECTORS NOTES :.::::::: TOTAL FEE 6;70 , v ) Gross area - new construction ,7 - �, Total Sq. Ft. alteration ,ff Total Sq. Ft. Permit is issued to �:{' �' 2 / � ate,� / if � + llrt�� Comments/notes on permit 53/3" 5 33.00 adeinkffi " 60.DO �>a 2 1 H 1600 TO THE APPLICANT/REFERRAL AND APPROV/AL�. Date of Applicationn submission / /" / 5 Plat e7({ Lott > //l.,f'2i !�//e / //, ) * //�� _ LLL n/,' �t�c%! �'�LAquifer Zone Owner /,V/L el iC mot" Y'- /�/k Owner mail address //7 ,L,,,� \/\/ ' / .0 �r �' �"""� 1 " //�L Owner phone# U/I OTHER INVOLVED AGENCIES-The following agencies require separate jurisdictional proposed project. CONTACT THEM FOR permits or approval for your REQUIRED SUBMISSIONS. ® TAX COLLECTOR C Approved C HOLD By Date ❑ Board of Appeals C Approved By Date enservation Commission C Approved By Date ❑ D.P.W. Water C Approved By 0 D.P.W. Sewer C Approved By Date C D.P.W. Cross Connection C Approved By Date ❑ Treasurer(Bond) ❑Approved By Date ❑ D.P.W. Engineering ❑ Approved By Date 11110Roard o. Health (well) C Approved By Date a Board of Health (septic) C Approved By Date ❑ Board of Health (food service) C Approved By Date C Planning Board (parking) C Approved By Date is::u RE DISTRICT (I - II - III) C Approved By Date BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL: ❑ ZONING ❑ BUILDING INSPECTORBUILDING COMMISSIONER ❑ CONTROL CONSTRUCTION AFFIDAVIT **um***•i i i iR ♦ i i i it i i ** i ii iiiii it******** i i i t ttitiiiti PROJECT SUMMARY: new construction/alteration/demo sewage disposal - public/private [Alter/add interior walls] [add rooms] [add footprint]tP ] water supply - public/private well [pool] [garage/shed/deck] [game court] [food service] Describe To the various departments: f (7 This notice has been forwarded to you for your information and any appropriate action. Should you have any questions please advise. If any reason to withhold the requested pe it is ound, please advise. Your assistance and cooperation is appreciated. /` � The Building Department- Date sent for review (/T/• By, c 9 3e April 14, 1999 Mr. Joel Reed Town Office Bldg. Building Department P.O. Box 79399 N. Dartmouth, MA 02747-0985 RE: 82 MILLERS DRIVE (LOT 38 MILLERS FARM) Dear Joel, This is to inform you of a change to the house plan being built on the above lot. Currently the house is designed to have eight foot foundation walls on all sides of the house- The change involves the east side of the house (fireplace wall). This will now be a knee wall instead of an eight foot wall. Also, the plan shows four basement windows two on the west wall and two on the east wall. We will now be placing two on the west wall and one window and one door on the east wall. Along with this change we will also be eliminating the bulk head on the west wall of the house. Please advise if there are any problems with these changes. I can be contacted during the daytime at 508-828-4432. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, S � T/�FILE Copy 6i66g',c �r ,7 ,�rEg"„ q Kris Sousa ;iri _ , T 4 i,c. Copy C This errdorspd ,faafl Must Be KeptOn Si10 g Fffllg. InAtIl 'or BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE DATE: 7 ^-2a ADDRESS: fa M // S 617 v-e, After review of your application, the following items are needed before your application is approved: l�J l. • O. ��• �c_����t�-ems, � /�" 2. 3. 4. 5. Balance Due: $ 5 9 / Left message with: Time: S62-3— COMMENTS: �:�:�. ;.7 7LL /c rt �•�2 ••RYsaapaipasitutlitatat•Rtaiati•aaga•t•Risas•ata•a••• 1600 TO THE APPLICANp RAL AND APPROVAL Date of Application submission C Plat 70 Lot i±gee Owner Aquifer Zone__ Owner mail address .4%..—' Owner phone# tYiSiY•i••iR•*lilt****•a•Yit********.***ttii••tai*t•i•i•******Rstti•******YgitilliR•••Y•R•R••tYYiiYti t Rt OTHER INVOLVED AGENCIES-The following agencies require separate jurisdictional proposed project. .CONTACT THEM FOR permits or approval for your El TAX COLLECTOR " �BDHSS70NS' Approved 7. HOLD By ❑ Board of Appeals Z. Date Approved By •oaservation Commission Date T. Approved By ❑ D.P.W. Water Date C Approved By ❑ D.P.W. Sewer — Approved By Date❑ D.P.W. Cross Connection - — — Approved By �� ❑ Treasurer(Bond) ❑ Date Approved By ❑ D.P.W. Engineerin Date g 7 Approved By __________ d:oard o, Health (well) = Approved By Date ❑ Board of Health (septic) Appro Date ved By ❑ Board of Health (food service) _ Date — Approval By ❑ Planning Board (parking) _ Date = Approved B �-- Y RE DISTRICT Date CT (I - II - _ �— asii - i•Yatappsiaisiaaaat•R•aan aissa:Psro*s�sB sassa:Rss•asasatsai•atasas•Riaasss•assatssisatsa BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL: Date ❑ ZONING ❑ BUILDING INSPECTORBUILDING COM1bIISSIONER ❑ CONTROL CONSTRUCTION AFFIDAVIT sti•Yitsxs••YaitYi•i•Yi•Ra•YYIIYt••RY•Rat•******ii•R••as••************************************•Y PROJECT SUMMARY: s isiatsa: new construction/ alteration/demo sewage disposal - public/private [Alter/add interior walls] [add rooms] [add footprint] water supply - Public/private well [pool] [garage/shed/deck] [game court [food service] Describe ////// n at••a••tti*Yaiit at•siisasiis******i•si• // ** To the various ••Y•tas•rrsii•i•Yt s:•Ytoa• •Ytssit•sat wy/X"'Zs rl nS departments: Yaai:i•YYSYtatsaaasii•a �� This notice has been forwarded to you for your information and anya di questions please advise. If any reason to withhold the requested pe it is appropriate action. Should cooperation is appreciated, a � ,found, please adyou have any n/ fie' Your assistance and The Building Department- Date sent for review 9/ /� O � By j/,C,`� 1 ' KAScheck COMPLIANCE REPORT i• Kassachusetts Energy Code Permit # L: • KAScheck Software Version 2 .0 ' �2: 39 �I, Checked by/Date CITY - New,;Bedford STATE: Massachusetts HDD: 5311 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: 1 or 2 family, detached r V HEATING SYSTEM TYPE: Other (Non-Electric Resistance) m 3Lgm iso U5tJd j DATE: 3-30-1999 DATE OF PLANS : TITLE: Manuel & Kris Sousa PROJECT INFORMATION: � Lot #38 Millers Farm f/ ///`7///-6'/'- �i North Dartmouth, Ma. ' , ,, 1 bpp£s 8 t s#6��r2i+ 3 � ryr i i3§tw COMPANY INFORMATION: LIMO), C d 3ei'i h'� l Manuel & Kris Sousa Da; E� 5/— G — 49 4s 117 Gagnon St . Fall River, Ma. 508-672-6053 NOTES : Windows- Andersen Mfg. Note: as per owner' s specification Doors- Landmark Mfg. Note: as per owner' s specification Prepared by: Dartmouth Building Supply Co. , Inc. 958 Reed Road North Dartmouth, Ma. 02747 Paul Martins COMPLIANCE: PASSES Required UA = 461 Your Home = 384 Area or Insul Sheath Glazing/Door Perimeter R-Value R-Value U-Value UA CEILINGS 1166 30 .0 0 . 0 41 WALLS : Wood Frame, 16" O.C. 2352 11. 0 0 .0 210 GLAZING: Windows or Doors 7 0 . 330 2 GLAZING: Windows or Doors 111 0 .310 34 GLAZING: Windows or Doors 56 0 .300 17 GLAZING: Windows or Doors 26 0 .450 12 DOORS 40 0 .400 16 FLOORS : Over Unconditioned Space 1101 19 . 0 52 HVAC EFFICIENCY: Furnace, 81 .0 AFUE COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: The proposed building design represented in these;. documents is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with the permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the requirements of the Massachusetts Energy Code. BUILDING PERMIT 82 MILLERS DRIVE FIELD INSPECTION Dartmouth Building Department Plat:70 �,,�400 Slocum Road P.O. Box 7939 fl © Lot (s) : 13-38 Dartmouth, MA 02747 �' iULf Lot Size:42, 734 Telephone (508) 999-0720 Zone Dist. :SRB Issued Date: (e / 7 ICj Permit No: //� / Project Location: 82 Millers Drive Number Street Subdivision Name: Millers Farm -- Lot 38 Nearest Cross Street: Applicant/Agent: Kristine Sousa Contact Person Phone #: (508) .6-q-4=-1-3 3rFJ .4)(24) (&*' ) Key- 4t 3-2- Proposed Use: Residential Residential,Commercial,Industrial,etc. Permit Issued To: New Construction Type of Improvement,Add,Alter,New Const.,Demo,Land/Move,etc. New single family dwelling with three bedrooms, two full and one 1/2 baths, 26 ' x 24 ' garage, rear deck, front covered porch, fire- place with flue, two additional flues, well water, septic system, oil beat -- 3,_- 13 sa. ft. Indicate no.of bedrooms and bathrooms and other rooms Owner (s) of Record: Manuel & Kristine Sousa Address : 117 Gagnon Street, Fall River, MA 02721 DATE TIME TYPE OF INSPECTION REMARKS INITIAL BLD. CODE 6TH ED./ENERGY CODE (yes no) O fig,49 g /r•'. 5' 9G,s-0- /.fit 7ue-v /PLO 9- �U -2Q /).•.�k l sn it �' ri 24; d.„ • i/ cw�—.mac vie ce.o En,/ X , — , (the /O�� /99 IS CJ&I/Ui ' COB -ec� 0 CAAldo r rod 1;�. Low 4t. c to-a 99 /0/ 7/9 9 /7,, IS /7- 3 - 99 //,' , aittadAde4,__ 01 fit,v,e4 Au), ( -E,-e-7 72-yactH &tin v )) e&a44,„..ce„ b/94, et* b-<3 4 of-oz-4, let /a05-479 // 30 ,-,,,,, , 7,4 A 4 7 c_poina:41;,74 / :77 A-- -Lti 70# 3/00 /0 . Vo A\-"D cn, -e -47--'1' Ali-e-37 A 4:4-)/-_ 6r *..5 1 o(2,4x-yyLenAl 57400 //JO Our fr,;_al 1711 P/ ' ,?. S ©Pim'tli_,ET, ED BUILDING PERMIT' 82 MILLERS DRIVE Dartmouth Building Department Plat: 70 400 Slocum Road-P.O. Box 79399 Lot (s) : 13-38 Dartmouth, MA 02747 Lot Size:42, 734 Telephone 508-999-0720 Zoning Dist. :SRB April 21, 1999 //(t ed) Permit No. : //c'6- 1 Issued Date: IQ/ Clerk: BAS Project Location: 82 Millers Drive Number Street Subdivision Name: Millers Farm -- Lot 38 _ Nearest Cross Street: Person Permit Issued To: Kristine Sousa _ Address: 117 Gagnon Street, Fall River, MA 02721 _ Applicant/Agent: Same _ Contact Person Phone #: (508) 672-6053 Type of License: Owner: (x) Const. Superv. License #: ( Architect: ( ) Engineer: ( ) Other: ( Proposed Use: Residential Residential,Commercial,Industrial,etc. Permit Issued To: New Construction _ Type of Improvement,Add,Alter,New Coast.,Demo,Land/Move,etc. New single family dwelling with three bedrooms, two full and one _ 1/2 baths, 26 ' x 24 ' garage, rear deck, front covered porch, fire- place with flue, two additional flues, well water, septic system,_ oil heat indicate no.of bedrooms and bathrooms and other rooms Gross Area of Const. : 5, 315 sq. ft. Cost of Const. $123, 000 . 00 _ Cost-Other Const. : TOTAL FEE: $ 622 . 00 Owner (s) of Record: Manuel & Kristine Sousa _ Address : 117 Gagnon Street, Fall River, MA 02721 All work shall comply with 780 CMR 6th Ed. (MGL Chap. 143) and any other applicable Mass . Laws or codes and plans on file. I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his agent and to receive this permit, I further understand other agencies may have reason to STOP WORK if items under their jurisdic ion re not met; not withstanding the issuance of thisBuilding\Zoning Permit. fl Signature of Owner/Agent: Address: - ********************** Signature: Approved/Issued By: R 1ph ouza, Tit Local Building Inspector COMMENTS: PLEASE POST PERMIT CARD SO THAT IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET. SCHEDULE APPROPRIATE INSPECTIONS AS REQUIRED. UPON COMPLETION OF WORK, FINAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED. 0 ORIGINAL 0 APPLICANT 0 ASSESSORS 0 CLERK LI COPY OCCUPANCY PERMIT MANUEL & KRISTINE SOUSA NEW DWELLING Occupancy is hereby granted for the premises located at 82 MILLERS DRIVE Assessors Plat 70 Lot 13-38. The premise has been found to meet the requirements of the Massachusetts State Building Code in effect as of the date of permit issue and other applicable Massachusetts Codes and regulations as evidenced by approvals affixed to the reverse of this permit. The use is further found to be in compliance with the Local Zoning By-Laws for use as indicated, as of this date of issue. This permit is further conditioned on the continued maintenance of permitted conditions as provided by law. ZONING DISTRICT - SINGLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT APPROVED USE - RESIDENTIAL-ONE FAMILY DWELLING SPECIAL PERMIT/BOARD OF APPEALS - N/A A roved Local Building Inspe r DATE OF ISSUE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY -DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL To be signed by each division indicating compliance on al:i finnspection. BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS PER 780CMR 119.5: USE GROUP CLASSIFICATION TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION MAXIMUM LIVE LOAD FLOORS SPECIAL CONDITIONS — BUILDING etafrel PERMIT NO.11281 Approved by Date ,j- /(o -no Comment PLUMBING PERMIT NO. /2 8 a %' Approved by �„� � Date 7< Comment GAS PERMIT NO. 457,7 Approved by Date ,0�d Comment c ELECTRICAL j2 (� �,, ./�( PERMIT NO. Approved by 6//��/j.�fiyyt �Cl�,z, Zvi Date , 5= Comment FIRE D/f7 3 PERMIT NO. Approved by Cy/4 f /'1C 4.49- Date St. 7V R &cc Comment BOARD OF HEALTH) , PERMIT NO. Approved by a— ; Date Comment /, DPW-WATER PERMIT NO. Approved by Date Comment N/A DPW-SEWER PERMIT NO. Approved by Date Comment N/A WATER DIVISION-CROSS CONNECTION JOB NO. Approved by Date Comment N/A E - 911 COORDINAe i 41.4/ ADDRESS NO. gay�,4 Approved by � Date 5— 4 Comment PLANNING DIRECTOR (Off-sneer Parking Plan) Approved by Date Comment N/A V FILE COPY July 15, 1999 Mr. Joel Reed Town Office Bldg. Building Department P.O. Box 79399 N. Dartmouth, MA 02747-0985 RE: 82 MILLERS DRIVE(LOT 38 MILLERS FARM) Dear Joel, This is to inform you of a change to the house being built on the above lot. Currently the house is designed to have a nook section on the first floor on north side of the house. We will be extending the nook to the second floor. We will be moving the whirlpool from master bathroom into the nook area. Along with the nook area we will also use 4' of the north section of the master bedroom as the master bathroom. What was the master bathroom will be divided amongst the master bedroom, the 2"d bathroom and the 2"d bedroom I have enclosed a diagram of the above changes. Please advise if there are any problems with these changes. I can be contacted during the daytime at 508-828-4432. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Kris Sousa d c0 ' WO -31 ( WH 1Ktiodt. C. 6 _ , m a. WA 00 i 1 C, LoSC" I ;\ J R i 1 L\Ilsap 'N I\WE.L 4- Kt- NE sou v. . 8a MLLL cs i e,1/2/G 6-01 , i°1(3 3s :-- t ' t ' OP it Woo D lEAm rlrl ef(,o5t(; l . \Al ` i I I1fln►u£L 4- K-s +N C Sou : a MtL.Lt✓t.?S U' e.rvt-. oT 38f 1Dnc-rw,o;f2.-r 0 • 25Q3C i Lot 38 42,734 S.F.± TOP OF FOUNDATION high= 216.7 low: 210.7 i— r- cG (12 b • Ci C_ 63.Ip Ii I N 92 p p. 1- M/W in �£ o cc RS Dp Q O U < 0 STOCKORAFTING FORM NO.101.81 PMPT Tan OSSITIDUTH - F:1 13: 54 „0711 6 L Lcric,,A1 A COPzi rilkiagE3 piza-- 73 Fim fle0 Dain fACEtti2g2,5rJsi Date — fe 3 I13— 38 (0_ (c), 341 Lot 37 CP 1.+1 O. 0,014 Of 414$04 KENNc to ; g abliiya 45) fr Vi is T_E7c1,74/1 FOUNDATION AS- BUILT PLAN SCALE I" 30. APPROVED BY DRAWN BY DATE 5-26-99' REVISED MANUEL 8 KRISTINE SOUS_A LOT 38, MILLERS FARM, DARTMOUTH. MA. KENNETH R. FERREIRA ENGINEERING, INC. DRAWING NUMBER 46 FOSTER STREET, NEW BEDFORD, MA. 02740 SE 65I4.38A LI TOWN'OF DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE 508-999-0720 FAX 508-999-0738 • ZONING REVIEW received date TO: XENGINEER BOARD OF HEALTH XFILE & LOG NOTEBOOK PLANNING DEPARTMENT CONSERVATION COMMISSION OTHER PLAT 70 LOT 13- 3<z STREET Millers Drive SUBDIVISION NAME Millers Farm LOT # 3? OWNER'S NAME Robert Kfoury DESIGNER Kenneth R. Ferreira Engineering, Inc. CONTACT PERSON Kevin Silva DESIGNER'S SPECIALTY: X PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER X SURVEYOR - SANITARIAN OTHER 1. ZONING DISTRICT SRB Proposed Use/Project Single family dwelling _ • 2. VACANT LOT ® (No) Use complies 412, (No) :: 3. The site is found on a subdivision Plan (ANR) (Cluster LL Subdivi11722r1A ) . Form "A" Date Plan approved Plan endorsed date 1111//LL `S Lot is protected by M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6 : n (n..) (n/a) ('y,andfathered"). 4. BOARD OF APPEALS action ® (P-q"4"ed) (0.. Fa.. Case p ision) • Comment :. LOT FRONTAGE current required 200 ft Provided C71 6. CYO Complieserapter 40A, Section 6) 6. LOT AREA current required 80,000 sf Provided yob, -73,1 Ccuplies tne?— (M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6 applies). 7. SETBACKS (Building setbacks are measured to the footprint of alL habitable/occupiable space, including porches, decks, stairs, full bay windows and all fireplace/chimney projections and the like). Current Required Front 60 ft (any street side), 20 ft any other sides. Provided Front )C6 0' Other `1\s/O ( 1 Complies (yes) (no). "Grandfathered" (M.G.L. Chapter LOA, Section 6) minimum allowed front 30 , sides, 10 rear 30 . The least setback may be used. Other setbacks allowed(10 ei.e9 Exempt setbacks existing (yea-}.yr Exempt setbacks will exist 4278', if yes where Exempt setback(s) occur when legally pre-existing structures are closer to lot lines than is currently allowed. A "grandfathered" setback may become an exempt setback. 8. ACCESSORY STRUC7uRE(S) indicated (yes) no . Setbacks comply (yes) (no) 9. Oft-Street Parting (two spaces minimum for residential per unit) complies rs DRIVEWAY SETBACK (except common drive) minimum required 3 . Coop its cs (tel. 10. ELEVATIONS _aa�. 15.Top of foundation elevation Cellar slab elevation c913. 5 Water table elevation aU G. O Per Test Pit a L13 C)H cellar drain provided (yes) no , complies ® (no). Generally a 2' separation is required between cellar stab and high water to or a cellar •rain must be provided per subdivision regulations. 11. PERCENT OF LOT o a• E AQUIFER ZONE 2 3410 Zones 2 and 3 allow maximum lot everage of 10X of jot: Lot coverage maximum allowed per Zoning e strict i or other . Percent Di coverage proposed is g. 4 X. Coverage complies y 12. FLOOD ZONE - F.I.R.M. Zone C elev. Panel t 250051 00 15B dated J 1 / 83 Flood zone building requirements applicable (yes) Q. A determination of substantial construction may be required. Comment — 13. A CERTIFIED 'AS-BUILT" is required for all new construction and additions where no other "As-Built" exists and also where additions are placed at the minimum applicable setback. The "As Built" shall also include top of foundation elevation in ACTUAL, not assumed, numbers. The "As-Built" shall be submitted before backfill or any other construction. The "As-Built" shalt state conformance with applicable zoning is to placement of the structure. 14. SJBNIT further `.nfermttion (3a) If yes, zee item(s) t 15. This project will require further review when new, revised or requested information is submitted to any agency. 16. This Zoning review does not indicate compliance with any other Agency, including, but not limited to the Massachusetts State Building Code. 17. 0;)ILDING DEPARTMENT PERMIT(S) required itP1 (not • 18. Home Occupations have additional requirements and will require separate review. 19. t4/ N/A = not applicable OFFICIAL USE ONLY TO APPLICANT/ENGINEER Zoning APPROVED to proceed. _2onreg•APPROVED to proceed subject to submissions noted above. -Be-109i PROCEED, submit information requested above! DO-teT PROCEED, insufficient information provided, REST IIT! • Submitted by, • /i J. St m a Building Comm -inner 0 1 1999 Zoning Enforcement Officer • APR Date APPLICANTS RESPONSE TO t14: • CORRECTIONS APPROVED eY DATE __ i a / 1 /of - - /�a'" LOCUS e RP �, LOCUS MAP - NOT TO SCALE G LEND E EXISTING PROPOSED 100---- CONTOURS IO0 91 x 9 SPOT ELEVATION .-v91•1 PROPERTY LINE E.P -EDGE OF PAVEMENT E.P. ID, STONE WALL ^� WELL O t •� ❑ DEEP TEST HOLE LEACHING TRENCH ----- -- - -- PLUMOING PIPE - - LOT 3 9 N F/F/F= 222.6 FINISHED GRADE= 218.6 T.O.F.=221.5 216.98 12" min. 216.33 21658 :•: r,'►:� �'r`-�..� ,� ;.�. �0 2i .12 r 3' fs 6' agog t�v>=L r� '� Lz ITS' 0.012 -....'.. •' 215.95 ' S- a > 10- �.. yf D-BOX LAIN.14' 11111 • . 4 •' t f p- caw F/B/F.=213.5 4 5' 1500 GALSEPTIC TANK 4. 4.25' 215.89 PVC 10' .' SAS BAFFLE OR EQUIVALENT • -- 10.5' -SYSTEM PROFILE F 4" -I1" CLEAN COARSE STONE W/l," - 2" CLEAN PEA STONE COVER 4 ROWS OF 4" SDR-35 (28' LENGTHS) PERFORATED PIPE OR EQUAL BENCHMARK: NAIL SET iN 16" OAK ELEV.= 215.35 QO�u �• 17.2 TP V 2112- r 23 R S tFVF I 0 �217.5 9A • 5' SAND OVERDIG EE P SEE NOTE #II ETAIL / / I � 17 � I '2`90 0,012 . Sc" 40 411 PVC PROPOSED ILLING 22.5' J / 1500 GAL. ^r DwL - 11920 S.F.!) / SEPTIC TA T.O.F = 221.5 6' L=20. S 0.012 1 17 2 I 4" SCH 0 PVC F w 0? _ PORCH 1y9 0 •Dwv_ T 38 `�°°• f w '34 S.f. z , / PROPOSED / DR�vEwAY I58' 11500 S ! I LOT 37 ti 1 1 ( / PR P W • LL tD N MILLERS DRIVE SITE PLAN SCALE: I" = 30' 2' ' g6� \ N N N co O J N NOT TO SCALE PROP. 10WELL 20a J CLEAN COARSE PEA SCONE FIN GRAD= 217 2 > ED GRA = 217.2 '-'-'"- 12" MIN. . �., `2" MIN. ----- , 4" PERF. --- ---- -� -EL. 216.2 ND CAP � PIPE 4-IZY CLEAN COARSE WASHED STONE 6 EL. 215.7 , -EL. 215.2 215.7 .- 5' V_4 SAND OVERDIG 1 1 (150") EL. 211.2 1 EL. 202_8_ i(INTERPOLATED - - - - - - - - - - - - _ -PER DESIGN) 5' SAND OVERDIG SEE NOTE #II 2.5' 5' END CAP ------ 5, 20, 30 (TYP.) i 5 i 2.5' 28' 30' 40' LEACHING AREA DETAIL NOT TO SCALE \915 ALL WELLS FOUND (existing or proposed) WITHIN 200' OF THE PROPOSED S.A.S. ARE SHOWN ON PLAN. BASIS OF SANITARY DESIGN BUILDING USAGE: 3 Bedroom u 11 OGI'D ?,edmonr, TITLE 5 SEWAGE FLOWN': 3 30 G P D SEPTIC TANK SIZE: 1 �04 Gallons GARBAGE GRINDER: 'gone WASHING ?MACHINE: Yes PERCOLATION RATE: 5 MIN/INCH, 4 MIN/INCH DESIGN RATE: 10 MIN/INCH, CLASS II SOIL LEACHING FIELD: BOTTOi I AREA: 20 ft. (width) X 30 . (]end^,h) _ C100 sq. t SYSTEM CAPACITY: 600 sq.fi X 0.60 cpd sq.ft. = 3�0 d SOIL EVALUATIONS: DATE(S): 1/27/99 - 1/28/99 PERFORIMED BY: Kenneth E. Fortier WITNESSED BY: Susan Gri En DEEP TEST PIT INFORMATION PERFORMED BY: KEN FORTIER NITNESSED BY: SUE GRIFFIN DATE: 3-14-89 TP 217 EL. 212.5 TP 223 EL. 213.8 0" - 30" LOAM SSUBSOIL 0" - 40" LOAM 8 SUBSOIL 30" - 70" TIGHT SILTY SAND 40"- 132" LOOSE SILTY SAND, STONES 70" - 152" LOOSE VERY SILTY SAND 132"- 215" CLEAN WELL GRAIDED SAND 8 8 STONES STONES 152" - 220" SILTY COARSE SAND, STONES NO GROUNDWATER OBSIERVED AT 215" (EL. 199.47) GROUNDWATER OBSERVED AT 205"1 195.42 ADD 3' HANDICAP (EL. ,'202.47) ADD 3' HANDICAP (EL.198.42) PERC @ 166" EL. 199.97 PERC @ 170" (EL. 198.33) 4 min/inch 5 min/inch SOIL EVALUATIONS: D.ATE(S): 1/27/99 - 1/28/99 PER.FORNIED BY: Kenneth E. Fortier WITNESSED BY: Susan Griffin DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG TP # 438A (Elevation = 212.0 ) Depth from Soil Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Other., Structure, Stones, Surface Horizon (USDA) (Munselo Mottling Boulders, Consistency, V. Gravel (Inches) 0 - 3" O 3 - 18" A Sandy 1OYR3/4 Fine, Friable Loam 15 - 31 B Sandy 1OYR5/6 Finre, Friable Loam 31 - 62" C, Loam 2.5Y5/6 Mottles Fine, Firrr,1, Silt deposits @ 36" 2.5Y6/2& 7.5YR5/8 62 , 90" C2 Sandy 2.5Y6/4 Firm, Cobbles and Loam stones BEDROCK DEPTH None ELEVATION = 204.5 SEEPAGE DEPTH gone ELEVATION = 204.5 ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER DEPTH = 36" ELEVATION = 209.0 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG TP # 438E (Elevation = 213.8 ) Depth from Soil Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Other. Structure, Stones, Surface Horizon (USDA) (Munselo Mottling Boulders, Cornsistency, % Gravel (Inches) 0-4" O 4 - 12" A Sandy Loam IOYR3/4 Fin(i Friable 12 - 32" B Sandy Loam I OYR5/6 Fine:, Friable 32 - 54" C, Loam 2.5Y5/6 36- Fine, Firrm, Silt deposits 2.5Y612 & 7.5YR518 54 - 108" C2 Sandy Loam 2.5Y6/4 Firm, Cobb)les and Stones 108 -142" C, Loamy Sand 10YR7/3 Very Firm, Cobbles and Stones BEDROCK DEPTH None ELEVA7 ION=201.97 SEEPAGE DEPTH None ELEVA4; ION = 201.97 ESTIMATED SEASONAL HiGH GROUNDWATER DEPTH = 36" ELEVAT-inu = `,fill A GENERAL NOTES: new construction: !. 1 . The sanitary sewage disposal system shown hereon sl all be CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE with the requirements of 1995 310 CMR 15 (TITLE V) of th'i State Environmental Code and Ic cal Board of Health regulations. Any MODIFICATION TO THIS DESIGN mLst he approved in w`iting by the engineer and the local Board of Health prior to imple?entation. 2. Contractor shall verify and check the BENCHMARKO as shown on this plan prior to coPstruction of the proposed system. 3. Notify the local Board of Health when the system is re,dy for INSPECTION, prior to any backfilling. If CONFIRMATION OF CONSTRUCTION (as -built) ij required by an engineer, 3 day advanced notification is required for the survey. 4. DEEP TEST HOLE INFORMATION indicates soil cond'iion, percolation rate, and water tatlIle elevation at the time and location of actual testing and shoule be verified at the time of constri'iction. The contractor shall notify the local Board of Health if GROUNDWATER or PERCHED' WATER is encountered at a higher elevation than indicated on this design plan. 5. TOP OF FOUNDATION, BASEMENT and FIRST . LOOR elevations may be ii but NOT LOWERED without the consent of the engineer. 6. Unless specified in the Basis of Sanitary Design, this system is NOT designed for the use of a garbage grinder or other high water usage devices. 7. Where the building sewer pipe exits the foundation AoOVE the basement floor, an effluent a grinder pump conforming to 310 CMR 15.229 may be used to eischarge A VOLUME OF LESS TH,aN 25% OF THE DESIGN FLOW from any future basement bathroom / sink facilities. 8. If any components of the proposed system are specie=d as HEAVY DUTY, those components shall conform to all state and local requirements for ASSHTO H-20 loading. 9. The SEPTIC TANK shall be 1500 gallons minimum, unless otherwise specified on this design plan, and fitted with PVC schedule 40 INLET TEE and OUTLE- TEE WITH GAS BAFFLE of proper length. Septic tank construction shall conform to 310 CMR 1.226. The SEPTIC TANK OUTLETCOVER is to built up to within 6" of the finished grade unless otherwise specified on this design pla'l. 10. SEPTIC TANK, DISTRIBUTION BOX, and PUMP CHAtIi (if any) shall be placed on a 15" minimum compacted GRAVEL BASE to prevent heaving or settling- ALL SEAMS ARE TO BE WA'-ERTIGHT, sealed with asphalt cement or other cement suitable fcr that specific component. 11. EXCAVATE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL within five fleet horizontally of the leaching ar:a from the pea stone cover down to elev_202,8 (132inches belo\v the original existing grade.) Excavation may be required to extend deeper if uniform suitable material is not encountered. See notes 1l1a & 11b. a. SOIL PREPARATION PROCEDURE FOR THE LEACHING FACILITY AREA shall. con 'orm to 310 CMR 15.246 & 15.247.''' b. Any EXCAVATION OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL desinnated on the plan shall conform to C onstruction in Fill requirements as outlined in 310 CMR 15.255 (1-6)• 12. No HEAVY EQUIPMENT shall be run over the components or the prepared leaching ;area during installation. RUBBER TIRE MACHINERY are not to bE driven over the prepared natural !roil base or sand/stone bed during system installation. 13. TANK SEAMS, riser connections (if any), and all Plumbing joints are to be insta�'lled 100% WATERPROOF. ALL JOINTS MUST BE WATERTIG lT, sealed with rubber joints, cem(`€nt or other suitable sealer for that specific component. Any grounci or surface water entering the system will severely limit the life span of the leaching area. I 14. ANY LEACHING AREA (OR PUMP CHAMBER) VENTa shall be constructed of 4" solvent weld SCH 40 PVC, The twin 90 degree elbows comprising the "U" shall not be glued. Any D-box vert pipe shall utilize an inlet knockout. Vent to extend 24" min. above proposed grade. 15. RESERVE AREAS that are shown within 25' of proper+Y lines may require impervious barriers to be installed (to conform to side slope requirements) durin7 the installation of the future reseve. 16. For RESERVE AREAS that may be required to be insta`led at a higher elevation than the p •imary area (due to any naturally occurring slopes in the topography), either a pump system or eleevating the building sewer & tank may be necessary. 17. ANY CLEAN -OUTS shown shall extend to within 3 inc*ies of finished grade and capped tivith a SCH 40 threaded clean out fitting. i 8. ANY VENTS shown shall be constructed of 4" Sch. 40 l"VC. The twin 90 degree elbows o i top of the vent shall NOT be glued, allowing future inspection ace-ss. Sheet metal screws are recorrmended to prevent unauthorized entry. Horizontal lengths of vent piping shall be sloped up toward the`, vent. Any vents shown connected to the Distribution Box are to ut'lize an unused D-BOX INLET op6ning. REV. 3-18-99 BY K.J.S. RELOCATED HOUSE 8 ASSOC. GRADING BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS BOARD OF HEALTH 'STAMPSTOW84 OF NIG UTM t.a .- 0N PI E 9 Arty hare,nMu®m# c' SEE REPORT of :. * - B� I i P.E. STAMP SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN PLAIIq f 'A OF OWNER: �I5�►�•� CT�-JGJIt��1 SaUSC, �o FERRET KENN4� ASSESSORS 70 - ca 0 S MAP & LOT. MAP , LOT 13 38,%�I�Rs No. 3 9F ° STREET LOCATION:MILLERS DRIVE 11 ENGINEERING FIRM: Kenneth R. Ferreira Engifjeering, Inc. ,,P.-L.S. STAMP 46 Foster Street, New Bedford, MA, 02740 i w P�,ZNDF Tel. (508) 992-0020 Fax: (508) 992-3374 -. 0o KENRN14 FERRERA DATE: 3-9-99 Scale:1 , 30 No. 2874f6 CONTACT PERSON. KEVIN SiLVA oNAL ADDRESS: SAME A ABOVE TEL: l SE 65P.38 F/F/F= 222.6 FINISHED GRADE= 218.6 T.O.F.=221.5 � `' - �. 216.98 12" min. 216,33 LOCUS 216 58 12 FI Is E ' Lt ' S_ r-o r: 6" Lt. ►7' S_ 0.012 .- ........• 215.95 I �`cas rn� > L)WD LEVEL D-BOX 10- , MIN 4 MIN. F/B/F.=213.5 '•°. •''`�'''�� - 4 5' 1500 GALSEPTIC TANK 4.25' y` ,3.. .:.`' ; : w PVC 215.89 h SAS BAFFLE OR EOUIVALENT 77 1 10.5' SYSTEM PROFILE NOT TO SCALE LOCUS MAP - NOT TO SCALE LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED 100- - - - CONTOURS 100 91 x 9 SPOT ELEVATION 91.1 PROPERTY LINE E.P ---EDGE OF PAVEMENT E.P. STONE WALL WELL 0 ❑ DEEP TEST HOLE LEACHING TRENCH ---- PLUMBING PIPE -- --- --- LOT 39 15' SAND OVERDIG SEE NOTE =II - ti / i 38 I 34 s.f. 1 W N -17' 0.012 6CH 40 VC i150,0GAL. ISEPTICZTA IL=20' 5014" SCH VC 1 L I I 0 MILLERS 4" -I'" CLEAN COARSE STONE W/,I" - 2" CLEAN PEA STONE COVER 4 ROWS OF 4" SDR-35 (28' LENGTHS) PERFORATED PIPE OR EQUAL BENCHMARK: NAIL SET IN 18' OAK ELEV.= 215.35 0 ti 1 4r PROPOSED 225' / 23. DwEu-tNG A 11920 SF •) 1 T.O.F.= 221.5 6' 5.5' _ 12' 23' PROP. nRCll 121e° 6' G ARAG ' '1219 5 220.2 i w I 220 PROPOSED / l DRIVEWAY 58• 11500 S I N N DRIVE SITE PLAN SCALE: I" = 30' 0.1, ' `_ \40 g61 at O N tD O � N s-Z " CLEAN COARSE PEA SfiONE FIN GRAD 217.2 GRA_ 217.2 12" MIN. r.. •'-2" MIN. �------- i PERF. ---- -EL.216.2 ---- - ; i ND CAP 14" PIPE s I - � 4-IP CLEAN COARSE WASHED STONE 6" -EL, 215.7 ✓ i 5' -EL 215•2 215.7 L2 4 SAND OVERDIG I (150") i EL. 211.2 li ..• EL. 202.8 i(INTERPOLATED ---------------------------------------PER DESIGN) 5' SAND OVERDIG SEE NOTE #I1 2,5' 5' -� END CAP 5, 20' 30' (TYP.) 1 ------------- 5' 2.5' 28' 30' 40' LEACHING AREA DETAIL LOT 37 o� ti PROP. WELL \I NOT TO SCALE ALL WELLS FOUND (existing or proposed) WITHIN 200' OF THE PROPOSED S.A.S. ARE SHOWN ON PLAN. BASIS OF SANITARY DESIGN BUILDING USAGE: 3 Bedroom u I IOGPD bedroom; TITLE S SENVAGE FLOW: 3 ;0 G P D SEPTIC TANK SIZE: 1 �00 Gallons GARBAGE GRINDER: '.\,one WASHING INIACHINE: Yes PERCOLATION RATE: 5 MIN/INCH, 4 MIN/INCH DESIGN RATE: 10 MIN/INCH, CLASS II SOIL LEACHING FIELD: BOTTOM AREA: 20 ft. (width) x 30 ft. (length) = E;00 sq.n SYSTENI CAPACITY: 600 sq.ft x 0.60 gpd sq.ft. = 36'0 gpi SOIL EVALUATIONS: DATE(S): 1/27/99 - 1/28/99 PER.FORIMED BY: Kenneth E. Fonier WITNESSED BY: Susm Griffn DEEP TEST PIT INFORMATION PERFORMED BY: KEN FORTIER WITNESSED BY: SUE GRIFFIN DATE: 3-14-89 TP 217 EL. 212.5 TP 223 EL. 213 8 0" - 30" LOAM SSUBSOIL 0" - 40" LOAM 6 SUBSOIL 30" - 70" TIGHT SILTY SAND 40% 132" LOOSE SILTY SAND), STONES 70" - 152" LOOSE VERY SILTY SAND 132% 215" CLEAN WELL GRADED SAND 8 & STONES STONES 152" - 220" SILTY COARSE SAND, STONES NO GROUNDWATER OBSERVED AT 215" (EL. 199.41 GROUNDWATER OBSERVED AT 205"1 195.42 ADD 3' HANDICAP (EL- 202.47) ADD 3' HANDICAP (EL.198.42) PERC @ 170" (EL. 198.33) PERC @ 166" EIL. 19 9.9 7 4 min/inch 5 min/inch SOIL EVALUATIONS: DATE(S): 1/27/99 - 1/28199 PERFORATED BY: Kenneth E. Fortier WITNESSED BY: S;isan Griffin DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG TP # 438A (Elevation = 212.0 ) Depth from Soil Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Other: $iructure, Stones, Surface Horizon (USDA) (Munselo Mottling Boulders, Cwnsistency, % Gravel (Inches) 0 -3" O 3 - 15" A Sandy 10YR3/4 Fime, Friable Loam 15 - 3111 B Sandy 1OYR5/6 Firie, Friable Loam 31 - 62" C, Loam 2.5Y5/6 Mottles Fine, Fircn, Silt deposits @ 36" 2.5Y6/2& 7.5YR5/8 62 ; 90" 9-0 - C2 Sandy 2.1Y6/4 Firm, (Cobbles and Loam Stones 1 EEDROCK DEPTH = None ELEVATION = 204.5 SEEPAGE DEPTH = Kone ELEVATION = 204.5 ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER DEPTH = 36" ELEVATION = 209.0 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG TP # 438B (Elevation = 213.8 ) Depth from Soil Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Other. Structure, Stones, Surface Horizon (USDA) (Munselo Mottling Boulders, Coonsistency, % Gravel (Inches) 0-4" O 4 - 12" A Sandy Loam 1 OYR3/4 Fine, Friable 12 - 32" B Sandy Loam 10YR5/6 Firle, Friable 32 - 54" C, Loam 2.5Y5/6 36- Fine, Firm, Silt deposits 2.SY6l2 & 7.SYR5/8 54 -108" C2 Sandy Loam 2.5Y6/4 Firm, Coblgles and Stones Very Firm, Cobbles and Stones 108 -142" C, Loamy Sand I 10YR7/3 BEDROCK DEPTH = None ELEVATION=201.97 SEEPAGE DEPTH = None ELEVATION = 201.97 ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER DEPTH = 36" ELEVA-TION = 200.8 GENERAL NOTES: new construction: 1 . The sanitary sewage disposal system shown hereon shall be CONSTRUCTED IN ACCOR DANCE with the requirements of 1995 310 CMR 15 TITLE V) of th= State EEnvironmental Code and Iccal Board of Health regulations Any MODIFICATION TO THIS DESIGN must `r�e approved in witing by the engineer and the local Board of Heat,", prior to imple:�?entation. 2. Contractor shall verify and check the BENCHMARK(S) as shown on this plan prior to construction of the proposed system. 3. Notify the local Board of Health when the system is reedy for INSPECTION, prior to any backfilling. If CONFIRMATION OF CONSTRUCTION (as -built) ii. required by an engineer, 3 dad advanced notification is required for the survey. 4. DEEP TEST HOLE INFORMATION indicates soil condition, percolation rate, and water table elevation at the time and location of actual testing and shoull�' be verified at the time of constniction. The contractor shall notify the local Board of Health if GROUNDWATER or PERCHED WATER is encountered at a higher elevation than indicated on tF's design plan. 5. TOP OF FOUNDATION, BASEMENT and FIRST ;FLOOR elevations may be raised but NOT LOWERED without the consent of the engineer. 6. Unless specified in the Basis of Sanitary Design, this sjstem is NOT designed for the use of a garbage grinder or other high water usage devices. 7. Where the building sewer pipe exits the foundation AEOVE the basement floor, an effluent a grinder pump conforming to 310 CMR 15.229 may be used to r`scharoe A VOLUME OF LESS THAN 25% OF THE DESIGN FLOW from any future basement bathrcom / sink facilities. j 8. If any components of the proposed system are specified as HEAVY DUTY, those components shall conform to all state and local requirements for ASSHTO H-20 loading.I 9. The SEPTIC TANK shall be 1500 gallons minimum, unless otherwise specified on this desielln plan, and fitted with PVC schedule 40 INLET TEE and OUTLEt' TEE WITH GAS BAFFLE of proper length. Septic tank construction shall conform to 310 CMR 15.226. The SEPTIC TANK OUTLEI' COVER is to built up to within 6" of the finished grade unless otherwise specified on this design pla i. 10. SEPTIC TANK, DISTRIBUTION BOX, and PUMP CHA)ABER (if any) shall be placed on a T' minimum compacted GRAVEL BASE to prevent heaving or settling' ALL SEAMS ARE TO BE WA''ERTIGHT, sealed with asphalt cement or other cement suitable fur that specific component. 11. EXCAVATE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL within five feet horizontally of the leaching aria from the pea stone cover down to elev=202,8 (132inches beloev the original existing grade.) Excavation may be required to extend deeper if uniform suitable material is not encountered. See notes 11a 8 11b. FACILITY AREA to 310 ".a. ..SOIL PREPARATION PROCEDURE FOR THE LEACHING shall . conform CMR 15.246 8 15.247. 1 ' b. Any EXCAVATION OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL designated on the plan shall conferm to Construction in Fill requirements as outlined in 310 CMR 15.255 (1:6). '.2. No HEAVY EQUIPMENT shall be run over the components or the prepared leaching ,II area during installation. RUBBER TIRE MACHINERY are not to b� driven over the prepared natural ))oil base or sand/stone bed during system installation. 13. TANK SEAMS, riser connections (if any), and all Flumbing joints are to be inst�3lled 100% WATERPROOF. ALL JOINTS MUST BE WATERTIGifT, sealed with rubber joints, cemrhnt or other suitable sealer for that specific component. Any groun8water or surface water entering theli system will severely limit the life span of the leaching area. 14. ANY LEACHING AREA (OR PUMP CHAMBER) VENTS shall be constructed of 4" solvert weld SCH 40 PVC, The twin 90 degree elbows comprising the "U" shall not be glued. Any D-box vent pipe shall utilize an inlet knockout. Vent to extend 24" min. above proposed grade. F 15. RESERVE AREAS that are shown within 25' of proper' lines may require impervious barriers to be installed (to conform to side slope requirements) during the installation of the future rese ve. 16. For RESERVE AREAS that may be required to be insta�'led at a higher elevation than the primary area - (due to any naturally occurring slopes in the topogr;ohy), either a pump system or elevating the building sewer & tank may be necessary. 17. ANY CLEAN -OUTS shown shall extend to within 3 inc ies of finished grade and capped With a SCH 40 threaded clean out fitting. j 18. ANY VENTS shown shall be constructed of 4" Sch. 40 "VC. The twin 90 degree elbows on top of the -, vent shall NOT be glued, allowing future inspection access. Sheet metal screws are reconimended to prevent unauthorized entry. Horizontal lengths of vent piping shall be sloped up toward th1: vent. Any Z `, : vents shown connected to the Distribution Box are to utilize an unused D-BOX INLET opening. c c ` REV. 3-18-99 BY K.J.S. RELOCATED HOUSE 8 ASSOC. GRADING BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS CONSTRUCTION OF THIS SEPTIC SYSTE This stem Is Not Designed 1�PI Y 9 UST RE COMPLETED WIT14 THREE FEARS OF THE DATE OF APPROVAL AN.. For Garbage Grinder, Whirlpool Or Other High Water Use Devices. ENGINEERS AS -BUILT BOARD OF HEALTH INSPECTION PLAN & CERTIFICATION REQUfRED WHEN EXCAVATED STATE�,�F(�T REQUIRED BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS ELEVATIONS MUST NOT 8E VD noCHANGED WITH � D np.OUT BOARD OF HEALTH APPROVAL THE APPROVAL BY THIS OFFICE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE y = APR is 1999 EFFECTIVENESS OF AnY ,. INSTALLATION •/ T0�"�N OOTH OF �, T B DARTMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH BOAk OF HEALTH P.E. STAMP SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN PLAN SH OF'�+s OWNER: 1 " fir, shn� M-kini �) Sc,u s'- KENNETH R I FERRET ASSESSORS MAP & LOT: MAP 70, LOT 13-38, FAIL RS a9 E No. 3 M 9 ° STREET LOCATIONAILLERS DRIVE A� ENGINEERING FIRM: I' Kenneth R. Ferreira Engineering, Inc. E C E P.L.S. STAMP 46 Foster Street, New Eedford, MA. Nri 0 Tel. (508) 992-0020 Fax: (508) 9 2- 371�I 1999 ,TH OF tijq SS 9 i T of KENNETH �yN DATE: 3-9-99 ca�e_��'I`�3 FERREIRA R. "g.28716 CONTACT PERSON: KEVIN SILVA 9FGrSTEp� ADDRESS:'' OryALL SAME AS ABOVE TEL: r SE 6 5141.3 8 a ,i — :. ..:.1 a .! JK`. r, +► e C surpass assDFLE 1 7000 000 psi. Lumber shall conform t i ai . . _ . _ ► ..� ., � �, � . u �y p� to span tables of the National Forest Products Association.. All E _ . !. ire .. � i lumber to have grade market�n . f , 2 ! Torni of r a , i a . � I � �°'�. -»»M .,�,,. '' . "+�` � > > .. r n in eyed b the _ .: C3; , Structural floor trusses shall be e manuf ..' actur. er. All plywood to conform to latest Commercial Product , r. Standards and hall bear h de marking of the American K Stand s e the grade g Plywood Association. r, t �v th standard trade radices ..: Install materials to accordance � and manufactures, &Trade Associations" specifications t , , , � � � recommendations: e ..1 yT : . ! t , N O �n __.. r.._. 4-� L\i / W O Fie t `I s j... CO z .. ;£ 0 Co Er rY• s W .k, b� LU }j W FILE ®. W5 �—o9il _ I , , • F , , , , e COMMI. NO _. " !sJ _ , eeFir 3 F I f :> Nei w llmr - 1 n ,. .. ® f� , .�.� r , , 4 , rzjct Ct ct8 i ., (t V