BP-8898SONO-TUBE SIZE AND DEPTH YOUR DRAWING MUST DE KEPI ���R� ' INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE A. T�� Bt�iLD9NG..DURINt3 THE � THE CONCRETE IS POURED. 1E55 d 5 YVOt�K. RECORD 11 Of This En-ders-e-d ¢UILDING DEPARTMENT SUILDiNG DEPARTMENT i313 y To vn of Dartmouth Trnvn of Dartmou""z Pia n rV1rS1,!ae rspt an Site I FIRE SWOPPING REQUIREMENTNOTICE Penetrations thru rated walks and floors 1ha11 be Nl�l 0, seruled with a ratan } capable of preventing the .�� ��, _ SMOKE DETECTORS shall be installed in pa asa e of Harries and hot gasses when subjected An A Built ,��t&�-goy must be accordance with 780 CMR, Section 3603.16. HEAT to the requirements of the Teat Standard specific. DETECTORS -- although strongly recommended P sr��xtt ��1 to tiny i;a><idin� for Fire Stops ASTM-E-814. OOt t • prior to C ii� for are not currently required per 780 CMR, Section ng 3603.16.4. a foundation ino3pection or - PER THE BUILDING DErAP TOWN OF DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT W further construction, � This plan has been reviewed and accepted as a record copy of work proposed - to be performed in compliance with 780 CMR 6TH Edition. The owner, applicant/agent and/or architect/engineer is responsible for insuring final compliance with the above -mentioned code notwithstanding any errors or omissions in the record plan. Any change in owner, license contractor or engineer must be reported to this office immediately. Any change in plan must be submi o this office ' a timely nner. Signature ature \ - I Date F -- - --2(Y 5'6 — UP— �g k— 3' r rn 17 BEDROOM I� M � jD f14 MP 13'4 .fir qc ao uvmv rtvvm m � � - i� GARAGE CLOSET TH m o MASTER BDRM O 74 r b C� mer m 14'11 co j MASTERtiMTH o j LIVING AREA I 1 IS — 81 `k 4-2 — 2-6 4174-1,— 6'1'4 T3 6'11 174 k-- 4'2 —F 311 + 8'8 14'11 T11—74 72 276 252 75 LOT#45 MILLERS FARM N. DARTMOUTH b'qA FIRST FLOOR SCALE: N/A DATE:SEP 181998 LOT#45 MILLERS FARM N. DARTMOUTH MA O F=- U W to O � Q z w Q Y m f U J co rn U a E U ( � u E u.i j o z 7 co W 2 a _ O u o o u � Q Q U) 0 r W W J � co F- 0 �- 0 Q k� Z � ^ Vj LL ` WI'.. TECHNICAL IMAGE PRODUCTS i -ry r VV I��• �.r I IV$-V Ir IVL Tr ut.L/I VI\Vr IVIM. VLIZV4 L VV►-T.-T r7 L \2� GRANITE POST LANE GENERAL NOTES 1. The sanitary sewage disposal system shown hereon shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements` of. TITLE V of the State Environmental Code and ,;'local ` Board of Health regulaticns- :SS 2. Any modification to this design must be approved in ' writing by the engineer and the local Board of Health prior to implementation. 3. Contractor shall verify and check the BENCHMARK as shown S on this plan prior to construction of the prcposed =LE . system. /TALENT 4 Deep Test Hole Information indicates., soil condition - percolation rate, and water table elevation at the time and•'1ocation of actual tasting'arid, should be verified at the time of construction, 5, The contractor shall notify the local Board of'Health if GROUNDWATER or PERCHEt WATER 'is 'encountered at A' higher elevation than in«icated on this design 6, Notify the local Board of Health when the system is ' ready for INSPECTION, prior to any backfilling, 7, If CONFIRMATION OF CONSTRUCTION is required 35y an.:' engineer, notify this office prior to -any backfilling. B. The pipe between: -the house and the septic 'tank 'shi'tI-, be 4" extra heavy duty cast iron, Schedule 40 PVC,:, or other''') suitabl-e material acceptable to the approving.authoraty.. The slope of this pipe alust be a minimum:of,0.01 inches per foot). A slope of 1\4" per foot recommended, r.s 9. The septic tank shall 1-e 1500 gallons minimum, ,unless otherwise• specified on this design plan, and equipped with.' INLET AND OUTLET TEES o£ proper length constructed of concretes PVC, or cast iron. Septic.tank.: concrete strength is to be 5000 psi at 28 days x conforming to all a,,-Plicable ASSHTO', H-10 loading requirements, unless otherwise specified.. I 10. If any ,components of the proposed system are specified, as HEAVY DUTY, those ;,omponents shall conform i.o .111 state and local requireeents for ASSHTO`H-20 loa&9ng 11. Septic tank, distributian box, and leaching pit (Lit any) ACCESS MANHOLE COVERS are to be built up to within 12" ` of the finished grade unless otherwise specified Dn,this design plan. 12. Septic tank and distrilution•box shall be placed on:a 6" minimum compacted GRAVEL BASE to prevent heavingor settling. 13. All joints must be v tdrtighty sealed a'vii i ' asphalt t fi Q� DEEP TEST PIT INF cement or other cement' sui able.i'for .-that.:;spe'f�c „ 0R AT�O component. i . 9150010 1 ] LOT 46 1 PERFORMED BY: KEN FORTIf'R 14. If septic tank and leaching facility are located 25 1 (minimum) from the building foundation, a foundation'', •� \ t WITNESSED BY: SUE GRIFFINdrain may be installed at the owners discretion. ' 'ABLE MATERIAL in thu, area J N DATE: 3-7-89 15. Excavate all UNSUI': l \ ��? surrounding the washeA stone leaching facility to the �p limits specified in redulation 15,255 of Title' V and LOT g 5 I N TP 205 (EL. z2�.�) TP 206 (EL. 220.8) replace with clean curse sand and gravel, fri�e from fines, clay, organics stumps, .and waste c•onsi,ruction g9,370 S.F. 0 - 38" LOAM $ SUBSOIL 0 - 26" LOAM $ SUBSOIL materials I 38" 102" TIGHT SILTY SAND $ 26" - 56" SANDY S)LT $CLAY 16. If any leaching area EROSION CONTROL BARRIER,WA1.Ls are / shown on this design plan, they shall be constructed STONES 102" - 155" SILTY COARSE SAND, 56" - 72" SLIGHTLY SILTY WELL GRADED watertight, without weepholes or other :4 local / SAND. construction, in accordance with all applicabl t local { GRAVEL STONE �, .• building department regulations. Future Teaching' th` to i n of Lthese 72 - 151 SLIGHTLY SILTY COARSE SAND, facility enlargement ray require a ex ns o / \ STONES $GRAVEL barrier walls. i ' GROUNDWATER FOUND AT 138" . ' 17. Top of foundaftion, bgsement and first floor elevations GROUNDWATER FOUND AT 130„ \ ADD 3' HANDICAP may be raised but NOT LOWERED. without the consent of the ADp 3' HANDICAP i engineer. / GRD EL = 220.0 I GRD EL = 220.8 18. Unless specified in the Basis of Sanitary Desicn, . this / PERC EL,-_ 210.3 (DEPTH = 116) PERC EL = 212.8 (DEPTH = 96") system is . NOT des+fined for the use of a garbage WATER EL=.208.5 WATER EL = 210.0 grinder, clothes waehing machine, hot tub, i,r other • / / .�.� high water usage deviees. ! 19. To 8" of fill is to 2.e topsoil. o e, F / f s INC; �o m� ' 20. No HEAVY EQUIPMENT s'+all be run over the compo�`sents or %per �/� �_'° the leaching area unless those items are spec:fied as,, 0 226 101110 HEAVY DUTY. Q 9y may` r'r I tt �'�..�,.�' ' _ _ 21. RUBBER TIRE MACHINERY are not to be driven ever the coo 0 s✓ ,_ _ prepared natural soil base or sand/stone bei during - 65 1 ? LOCUS - system installation 224 J�LLEFog PAW the tic tank should `be ,L• 1� - 22. For proper performsnce r septic INSPECTED annually and when the solids and scum depth exceeds 1\3 of the liquid depth, or three years has co elapsed since the last pumping, the tank and °=the ' v a leaching pit (if.any) should be pumped. * y 23. Plumbing in the baser.4ent should be limited to a washing BENCHMARK:" TOP OF IRON ROD SET ON PROPERTY LINE machine (if the design allows ,.for the increased water finished basement, floor' pipe is AT EL.223.97 flow)��„� 3• hi her than the n the in f' _' unless; otherwise@specified vcrt of the bgilpin sewer 22 { . g n this desi n lan. LOT 4 4.. SEE NOTE 16 _ LOCUS A►:P - NO Ta SCALE r EXCAVATE`ALL UNStlITABLE MATERIAL a� � � � � WITHIN 5' HORIZONTALLY OF THE TR£NCH ��' FROM THE PEASTONE COVER DOWN TO ELEV. PII,4 (104": EELOW EXISTING GRADE) EXCAVATION MAY RE REQUIRED TO EXTEND` L EG E N Q H ��,� Iz S TIC SYSTEM 220 DEEPER IF UNIFORM SUITABLE MATERIAL IS p N NOT ENCOUNTERED AT EL. 211.4 IK �C' EXISTING PROPOSED R® ERT I00--- CC)NTOURS l00 Y 91 X 9 SPOT ELEVATION .-v91.1 MA"P' 70 13-44 0 PR01'PERTY LINE ' T. E.P --EDGE OF PAVEMENT E.P. ST-ONE WALL' MILLERS FOR TOWN USE ONLY ��' WELL Q ❑ DEEP TEST HOLE 0e D T T' MM. 3, SITE a GRADING PLAINI 4• LEASHING TRENCH PLUMBING PIPE ks� ALL RE'iASIONS DONE AFTER JUNE 30, 1995 WERE R'ERFOR.MED BY:f �, -.� Z KEN � 1NETN m FERREIRA ENGINEERING, INC. TOWN OF DAFT®U.T � 46 rosTER ST, NEW BEDFORD, MA. 02740 S1N.,S a'� 508 992-0020 FAZ 992-3374 N Any Changes Must Be Re.-subm.1tted .SEE REPORT By le of Review OCT 15 1 1998 3 1 ADD H-20 UNITS 2 ADD BENCHMARK 1 SAS. REVISIONS No. Description Revisions Land Survey Co., Inc. / Engineerir, 9 Co., Inc. / Environmental Assoc., Inc. 172 William Street New Bedforcy Mass. 02740 CE.F. 10-13-98 Tel. ##(508) 997-6494 FAX #(508) 997-9656 1, CE.F. 1/20/97 K.R.F. 8/19/9 Job Number: SE 6514.45 Drlwn By: S.M.B. Orawin'g No, By Date Scale: 1" ; 40' Chacked B ..R.F. 65'14.45 Date: 8-11-97 Deigned By: K.E.F. 800 MECHANICALS & PRIMARY FUEL Architect/Engineer - project supervision and reports LZ'Furnace of air Fuel gas natural or propane) electricity, others Company name Boiler (heating)- Fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify) Address 1 HVAC (combined unit) - Primary fuel, natural gas, propane, electricity, other (specify) Phone number Air conditioning - (separate unit) Certified by State of Massachusetts as 77 None of the above to be provided ,? Hot Water Gas Electric Fuel Oil Other goo SPRINKLERS - FOR STRUCTURES OVER 7500 SQUARE FEET and certain multifamily residential Required, —plans provided, plans not provided, why? Not required, not to be installed, Why? 1000 z2EQUIRED OFF-STREET PARTING - for ZONING & Architectural Access NOT APPLICABLE = Parking Plan submitted To = Building Department Planning Board Date submitted Number of spaces - indoors outside total provided Handicap spaces - required _ yes _no. If yes, how many as a pirt of the total required number. Is Route 6 (State Road) Entrance permit required? yes := no If yes has it been issued yes = no �. Submit copy of application and/or permit as soon as available. 1100 11DEN1IF'ICATION (print or type except as noted) Current owner - name Vf f address phone # If corporation, officer in charge Archite cVEngineer - for overall design Company name Address Phone number Certified by State of Massachusetts as Certification number NOTE Signatures and seals on all plans, affidavits and other documents SHALL BE originals and not reproductions. Certification number NOTE Signatures and seals on all plans, affidavits and other documents SHALL BE originals and not reproductions. General Contractor (if Homeowner, state homeowner here then complete section 1300) Company name Address! Phone number _S Construction Supervisors license number 62 c Z 4 NOTE Signatures and seals on all plans, affidavits and other documents SHALL BE originals rand not reproductions. ssssssssxxs#xssxsxxxsxxxxxxsxxxxxsxxxxxxxxxsxsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxsxxxxxxxxxxxsxxssxxssxsxxxxxxrsxxxxxxx:::x:: 1200 FOR RESIDENTIAL REMODEL WORK ONLY Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to (780CMR - 6) ? Yes _ No _ If no go 'to next section! Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? Yes ,_No _If yes, submit the requir-ed affidavit: Ren_odel contractor name (please print) Address Registration number (if none state "none") Phone number PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTEE FUND'. QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: Home Improvement Contractors Registration One Ashburton Place - Room 1301 Boston, MA 02108 (617) 727-8598 Owners name (print) Signature Date 1300 OWNER SIGN - OFF I. the undersigned, am the owner of record or authorized lessee (provide documentation) and I have reviewed the application herein submitted. I state that to the best of my knowledge and belief that the information provided in this application is true and correct and that the permit requested be issued. Further I understand that the permit will expire in six months, from the date of issue, if no work is begun or six months after the last inspection if work has begun and* that the permit may be extended for six months if no work is anticipated if I request such an extension in writing. I understand that the permit may be extended only three times by written request. I understand that once the permit expires a new application may be required, including fees and current other requirements (including ii Zon�ng). ^ Name /i;S/r f (Ol Signature e above sig"rels my voluntary act and is signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. Date Tf�i Who is authorized to pickup the permit at the Building Department? (please print) Address Phone 1400 HOMEOWNER F.IsEMPTION - ONE & TWO FAMILY ONLY FOR HOME OWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT 109.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those structures governed by Construction Control in Section 127.0, effective July 1, 1982, no individual shall be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction, reconstruction. alteration, repair, removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings or structures, unless he or she is licensed in accords-.ce with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entitled Rules and Regulations for Licensing Constmction Supervisors. Exception: Any Home Owner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section; provides that if a Home Owner engages a person(s) for hire to do such work ,that such Home Owner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this sectioc only, a "Home Owner" is defined as follows: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which he; she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in two-year period shall not be considered a Home Owner.` If you .are applying under this section sign below: Signature Your signature carries certain responsibilities, including but not necessarily limited to, general liability sszszzssssssssssssssssssssssszssssssssssszssszszzssszssssssssszszzsssssssssssssssssssssssssszssssssszzzs NOTICE TO LICENSED CONTRACTORS: The Building Code provides in the Rules and Regulations section that any licensed Construction Supervisor, whether or not they have taken the permit are responsible for code compliance. (see 2.15.2 of section 5) ss:ss:::::sssss:zz:sssss:sssss::ssssz:sssss:szs:sass:::sssss::sssssszzsssss::ssssszsssszssssss:sssssszss 1500 COST Cost of Improvement g tg 0 Items to he installed but not included in the above cost: Electrical 5 ,Q eg- (� Plumbing HVAC Q G l Other TOTAL S = Alteration of existing, no increase in gross square feet. A separate Refuse Disposal Declaration required. = Demolition - describe structure Number of dwelling units Number of bedrooms A separate Refuse TDjg)osai Declaration required. Moving - (Provide copy of D.P.W. moving license) Type of structure from where (plat/lot or address) to where (plat/lot or address) Number of dwelling units Number of bedrooms per dwelling unit — Re -roofing - (for existing only, is included in new construction) Number of square feet Number of layers already existing Number of layers when complete A separate disposal declaration REQUIRED = Replacement doors and windows - (for existing only) (only where doors and windows exist and will not be enlarged) EGRESS dimensions must be maintained. Enlarged or new windows in an existing dwielling will be considered as an Alteration, otherwise will be included in new construction. (see Code section Z401.10 for residential and Articl- 8 ft.: commercial) - Temporary st<uctum - includes when allowed, trailers, tents and the like and only for limited periods of time. Describe 500 CONSTRUCTION PLANS ❑ None(submitted) Why? i usually three sets required. Four sets for food serviceluses. Number of sets submitted 600 SITE PLAN ❑ Not required, why? L/S"ubmitted When? = Previously, date With this application 700 UIIIXIIES Water supply - required _ yes_ no, public ? _ yes _ no, on site well? ( yes ^- no, existing? _ yes _ no If required and not existing have necessary permits been issued? _ no _ yes, date (M.G.L. Chapter 40, section 54 provides that no building permit may be issued unless a water -,;apply, when required, is available. See Code 780 CMR section 114.1.2) Sewage disposal - required _ yes _ no, public sewer _ yes _ no private septic - on -site _ yes no. Submit copy of permit as soon as available. FINISHED GARAGE` FLOOR 224.5 FINISHED FIRST FLOOR TOP OF FOUNDATION' FINISHED BASEMENT FLOOR INVERT AT FOUNDATION 226.2 225.0 217.25 221.97 INVERT INTO SEPTIC TANK 221.75 INVERT CUT OF SEPTIC TANK 221.50 INVERT INTO D-BOX 218.80 OUT OF D-BOX . 218.63 -INVERT INVERT AT INLET OF 218.58 INVERT AT END OF 218.58 ELEVATION OF BOT. OF SYSTEP 218.0 ELEVATION OF G.W.T.. A 210.0 EXISTINGTOPOGRAPHY, aerialYsurveyuandggeneral topograroadway>n contours, obtained from Millers Farm Subdivision plans dated 11/16/92 . T.O.F. = 225.0 FINISHED GRADE - 224 i I 4" SOLID PVC 221.97 218.G3 INV. .218.58 L=11' S=.02 L=135's=.02 -BO ' 22t75 1'L50 I SEPTIC 21s F.6.F. = 217.25 c TANK a. t '+`• , ` 4" SOLID SOR-35 ' OR EQUIVALENT �i 4" SCH 40 PVC SOLID PIPE OR APPROVED EQUAL SYSTEM PI OFILE !FROM SEPTIC TANK ` NOT TO SCALE I5 !.- 25' ! 6.5' 2.5' I 5' O� �20 272.2T .. m TP �o - 39.27' 25,00" \L� 10,47' POST LANE 5 FINISHED GRADE= 220.0 MINIMUM FINISHED GRADE 77 x, D 7 EL. • 220.0 - 20' h-2o �-20' E,S GENERAL NOTES NE - 2` COVER LA ER OF ,. ' -'a" -- WASHED (PEA) STONE `I' SCHEDULE 20 `'� •..•'�-%' •'� �+• ".`. �' 12" COVER - 3" 3" MIN. a 1. news a disposal system shown hereon shall The sanitary g P Y - 11- WASHED STONE _ I'_0" be constructee in accordance with the zequirements' of EL 2190 6' LIQUID LEVEL 6" ``. TITLE V of the State Environmental Cade and . local ' ---- - ^:'; .•:... -- ---, Q 101, DOUSE£ a ulations Board of Heald^ r g 1 - Y ' � EL,;: 218.58 ' MIN. !: sTaNL£ss 2. Any modification to this design must 1,e approved in = . 1 I V TEE, 14" CLAMPS 5. 3' writing by the engineer and the local Bdiard of Health I, o d , 5' -•! 4. 0' : ? °. prior to imple*ientation. rt �� 3 4. 5' _ �4 Q^�1 '" 10.0' • 3. Contractor shall verify and check the BEIICHMARK as shown ar EL.i= •` STAINLESS on this plan Prior to construction of the proposed I i SEE DETAIL 34' _ SEE 218.0 i -' ;? '-.: ► �.:: •- �.. . e .o; ., ••, GAS BAFFLE OR EQU IV'ALENT system. DOWNSTREAM 1 34" I OETAL .-6: .r ;P, �•:-.►'.:a :e: �•.;+: ,'+: 4. �e Information indicates toil condition Deep Test Ho. •• ENDCAP- 6.6' i percolation ra;e, and water table elevation at the time., - --- ------------------- SAND OVERDIG �___________ 0.5' and.' location o? actual testing >and should be verified at' MAXIMUM GROUNDWATER TABLE E(, : 210.0 the time of construction. S. The contractor shall notify the local Board of 'Health if REC T500 GAL • SE�TICj T GROUNDWATER ar PERCHED WATER is encountered at a higher elevation than indicated on this 4esign plan., - 3 SETS OF 3 H2O R/,TED "INFILTRATOR" STANDARD UNITS 4"S0LID PVC TERM!NATING AT "START" PLATE Vt'!TH SPLASH SHIELD. 3/4"-lilt" WASHED STONE W/PEA STONE COVER �Z 4' 2' 3 SETS OF 3 i' 45,5' "INFILTRATOR" STANDARD UNITS 4-SOLID PVC TERMINATING AT "START" PLATE WITH SPLASH SHIELD. LEACHING AREA D E TA I L LOT 4 6 r1l -CA ) TP G y 220 0 40 " 0 0 222 / .0 M r1 ---'222 w r'• LOT 99 LOT 4 4 SEE NOTE 15 EXCAVATE`ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL WITHIN 5' HORIZONTALLY OF THE TRENCH FROM THE PEASTONE COVER DOWN TO ELEV, 211,4 (104"t 13ELOW EASTTNG GRADE) EXCAVATION MAY RE REQUIRED TO EXTEND DEEPER IF UNIFORM SUITABLE MATERIAL IS NOTfNCOUNTERED AT EL. 211.4 0e 'LG`t BENCHMARK: TOP OF IRON ROD SET ON PROPERTY LINE AT EL. 223.97 6. Notify the focal Board of Health when the system is F" ready for INSPECTION, prior to any backfLlling. 7. If CONFIRMATION OF CONSTRUCTION is required by 'an engineer, notify this office prior to any backfilling, IS ®� 5, T DESIGN 8. The pipe betwe'-xt, the house and the septic: tank shalt` be 4' extra heavy duty cast. iron, Schedule '40 PVC oe other suitable material acceptable to the'approvinq authority.' The slope of this pipe must be a minimum of•0.01 (D,12 ' BUILDING USAGE: 4 BDRM. RESIDENCE inches ,per f,ot) , A slope of 1`4 per foot is SIZE OF TANK: 1500 GAL, recommended. GARBAGE GRINDER: r�jo 9. The septic tank shall be 1500 gallons minimum, unless ' CLOTHES WASHER: `�'ES otherwise specified on this design plan, and equipped with INLET AND OUTLET . TEES of proper' I n'th ESTIMATED SEWAGE FLOW: 440 GAL/DAY constructed of concrete, PVC, or cast iron. Septic :tank concrete strfngth is to be 5000 psi at 28 days PERCOLATION RATE: TP 206 8 MIN /INCH TP 205 2 MIN /INCH conforming to all applicable ASSHTC; H-10 loading requirements, unless otherwise specified, DESIGN PERC. RATE: 110 MIN /INCH LEACHING AREA: 1 16.5' X 45.5' = 750.75 SF 10. If any components of the propose sys em are sped e as HEAVY DUTY, those components shall!c'onform to all state and locitl requirements for ).�SSHTO H-20 loading. 11. Septic tank, t+istribution bon., and leaching pit (if any). ACCESS MANHOIE COVERS are to be built up to within 1121, - of the finished grade unless otherwise specified on this SYSTEM CAPACITY: design plan. (7 0.75 SF ( 12. Septic tank aed distribution- box shall be placed on'a 6' 0.6 GPD /SF) - 450.45 GPD minimum compacted GRAVEL BASE to pre,rent heaving or DEEP TEST PIT I FOR ATI® PERFORMED BY: KEN FORTIER WITNESSED BY: SUS GRIFFIN U; DATE: 3-7-89 �O N TP 205 (EL.22(r;.0) TP 0 - 38" LOAM a SUBSOIL 0 - 26" LOAM 38" - 102" TIGHT SILTY SAND 8 26" - 56" SAND STONES 56" - 72" SLIGH 102" - 155" SILTY COARSE SAND, SAND GRAVEL 8 STONE 72" - 151" SLIGH GROUNDWATER FOUND [AT 138" STON GROUNDWATER r ADD 3' HANDICAP ADD 3' HANDIC GIRD EL = 220.0 GIRD E WATER EL PERC EL = 210.3 (DEP 208.5 �i H = 116") PERC = CONSTRUCTION OF THIS SEPTIC SYSTEM .11, WATE MUST BE COMPLETED WITH THREE (3) YEARS OF THE DATE OF APPROVAL This System IS Not Designed For Garbage Grinder, Whirlpool ° 0' LOCUS i Or Other High Water Use Devices, 1: t 4 ELEVATIONS MUST NOT BE r= g CHANGED WITHOUT BOARD 0 H EALTH APPROVAL �}b ENGINEERS AS BUILT E �l PLAN & CERTIFICATION I r STATEMENT REQUIRED settling. 13. All joint's tust be watertight, sealgd...'with asphalt cement or other dement suitable fog that component. 14. If septic t}nk and leaching facility 4.re located 25' ` (minimum) fr?m the building foundation, a foundation drain may be-nstalled at the owners didicretion. 15. Excavate all UNSUITABLE MATERIAL in the area surrounding the washed stone leaching $!;acility to the limits specified in regulation 15.255 of Title V and replace with clean coarse sand and gravel, free -.from - 206 (EL.220,8) fines, clay, organics, stumps, and wajtte construction 8 SUBSOIL materials. Y SILT $ CLAY 16. If any leaching area EROSION CONTROL BARRIER WALLS are shown on this design plan, they shallI be constructed TLY SILTY WELL GRADED watertight, without weepholes or other pervious construction, in accordance with all applicable local building department regulations. 'Future leaching TLY SILTY COARSE SAND, facility enlargement may require the extension of these ES 8( GRAVEL barrier walls „ 17. Top of foun�31tion, basement -and first !floor elevations "OUND AT 130 may be raised, but NOT LOWERED without the consent of the AP engineer. L = 220.8 18. Unless specified in the Basis of Sanitary Design, this EL = 212.8 (DEPTH = 96") system is NOT designed for the use of a garbage, R EL = 210.0 grinder, cicthes washing machine, hot tub, or other " € high water usage devices. § 19. Top 8" of fill is to be topsoil. IPMENT shall be run over the components .or r 20. No HEAVY EQE' P ' the leaching area unless those items are specified .as,,: HEAVY DUTY. 21. RUBBER TIRE MACHINERY are not to be driven over the prepared natural soil base or sand/stole bed during system installation. 22. For proper performance, the septic, tank should .,he INSPECTED annually and when the solids and scum depth exceeds 1\3 of the liquid depth, os three years has elapsed since the last pumping, tVe tank and 4the-- leaching pit (if, any) should be pumped;' 23. Plumbing in the basement should be limited to a washing' machine (if the design allows _:for the increased water Z flow) when the invert of the buiidin9r sewer pipe is higher than the finished basement floor, unless otherwise specified on this design plan. IEEIVE NGV 2 11007 LOCUS - !®T TQ SCALE DA€R0UTII 1 RBArD GF EA:?TI BOARD OF HEALTH INSPECTION REQUIRED WHEN EXCAVATED �EN E D TIC Y TE I I L L 1 GRANITE• � � o 3 3 y 0 BENCHMARK: o�v TOP OF REBAR AT LOT CORNER EL.- 215,8E uu r� SITE 8% GRAO' ff DANG PLANN a _ nlr�v 2 61997 SCALE: 1" = 40' _ 8Y: r TOWN OF DAR a 10UTHH ,� BOARD OF HEAL _- THE APPROVAL BY THIS OF; ICE DOES NOT GUARANTEE Thi EFFECTIVENESS OF ANY INSTALLATIO14 D0TMOUTH BOARD OF I;EriLTH EXISTING PRDI'OSLU 100---- CONTOURS l00 91 x 9 SPOT ELEVATION 1-1191.1 " PROPERTY LINE E.P -EDGE OF PAVEMENT E.P STONE WALL WELL O DEEP TEST HOLE LEACHING TRENCH PLUMBING PIPE ` s ALL REVISIONS DONE AFTER JUNE 30, 195 'WERE PERFORMED BY; KENNETH R. FERREIRA ENGINEERING, M 46 FOSTER ST. NEW BEDFORD, MA. 02 508 992-0020 FAX: 992-3374 _ Woodstove - used (will require inspection* prior to installation), new (provide manufacturers ��insst�tructions). Location(s) (list) tl F epiace(s) - (includes flue) List location(s) 4t (/1 /V4 42L2 ,41 _ Game Court - describe (include overall dimensions) = Tent, Trailer (Mobile Home) or Other - describe 300 COM EERCIAL - PROPOSED PROJELTIUSE - INCLUDING THREE FAMILY OR MORE AND EXEMPT USES _ 'THIS SECTION NOT APPLICABLE (The following descriptions are based on the Massachusetts State Building Code Article 3, AS NOTED) (See the Code) = Assembly - restaurant, lounge, theater, school, etc. (see Code Section 302.0) Describe = Business - office, assembly with less than 50 occupants -indicate Medical or other professional (see Code Section 303.0) - Educational - structure for training including child day care for those over 2 years 9 months (see Code Section 304.0) = Factory / Industrial - (see Code Section 305.0) = Hizh Hazard, (see Code Section 306.0) = Institutional - hospital, nursing home. infant day care (see Code Section 307.0) y Mercantile - retail stores (see Code 308.0) = Residential - three or more family, hotel (see Code Section 309.0) = Storage - includes garages (see Code Section 309.0) = t;tiEty & Miscellaneous Structures - includes tents and agricultural structures (see Code Section 311.0) = New tenant for any of the above. indicate above (see Code Section 119.0 and Zoning By-law section 35) x = Tent or Trailer - temporary purpose? ` = Other Describe the proposal briefly, INCLUDE - amber of dwelling units and bedrooms or occupant load as applicable, also ezistiag condition 400 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK TO BE PERFORMED 1,4ew Constriction and/or Addition -total gross square fees i (For commercial only total gross cubic feet) -indicate It will he considered new construction if there an increase in square footage in addition to any alterationts). If project is an addition to existing structure - Total gross square feet of existing = FOR COM IERCIAL ONLY Will this project be subject to CONSTRUCTION CONTROL (over 35.000 cu.ft.) Yes No. (If yes see Code section 127.0). Designer to submit Code Synopsis. Will this project require Peer review lover 400.000 cu.ft.l Yes No isee Code appendix Il -lPPP..?('AVrTn PvnLrmv The following section for official use only. INSPECTORS' REVIEW Date plan reviewed 30 days to review period expires OK to issue date OK to issue subject to requested submittals (see project review worksheet) date DENIED see project review worksheet date . HOLD reason date HOLD Subject to Zoning Board of Appeals action Comments Inspectors signature Date — < 4 .1 WA� - Applicant informed of above - Date ttide staff (fax, phone, im person) sssssssssssssss:ssssssssssss:sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss:sssss:::ssssssssss:s::::::sssss::::$:sssss:s Over six months since approved for issue - DEEMED abandoned! Advise applicant. Hold 90 days for return then dispose if not picked up. Inspector Date Advised applicant Date Time staff (by phone, fax or in person) ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss:sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss:sssss:ssssssssssssss:sssssssss OFFICEUNSPECTORS OTES .n � *+ cif 30(E TOTAL FEE. �LAI �i [ `Z-� Gross area - new construction �" 'P Total Sq. Ft. g>N k alteration Total Sq. Ft. .. Permit is issued to Comments/notes on permit P O_A,4 0_ I(D'K JQ' ill 41. ��'' Zxfisiisis#i#!f##fa!#!#ff#ff;#fii#;#yts!!!lfifif##ilsill!!fflifii!!f#!!f##fff;if#;#;;fi!#i;t;#!fill!!!!;# 1600 TO THE APPLICANTIREFERRAL AND APPROVAL Date of Plat � Owner UL[ VI. - Owner mail address Owner phone # sxx:x::x:xx*#s#s*ssssssssssassss**;#sss*sssls#ssl;:#ssiss#i#i#sss!lsss;#;lfs:ssss!lfs::ssssssssslsliissis OTHER INVOLVED AGENCIES - The following agencies require separate jurisdictional permits or approval for your proposed project. CONTACT THEM FOR RF.OiIBtM S-MMIMONS. 0 TAX COLLECTOR _ Approved _ HOLD By Date ❑ Board of Appeals _ Approved By Date Conservation Commission = Approved By Date a D.P.W. Water _ Approved By - o D.P.W. Sewer _ Approved By Date Q D.P.W. Cross Connection _ Approved By Date 13 Treasurer (Bond) ❑ Approved By Date D.P.W. Engineering _ Approved By Date "o rd of Health (well)_Approved By .Date t o oard of Health (septic) _ Approved By Date 3 Board of Health (food service) _ Approved By Date ❑ Planning Board (parking) _ Approved By Date DISTRICT (I - II III) Approved By O.M. Date #f;ls!!##;iffi#;;##!f BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL: D ZONING • BUILDING INSPECTOR/BUILDING COMMISSIONER a CONTROL CONSTRUCTION AFFIDAVIT s#szzzzsz:iz#s:sss:#sfss#is##fs#ffli#sfsf#f##iss#is##ff#f###sfi##sssxxsszss###i##;;fssfi###f##xxixx###ss PROJECT SUMMARY: stew canstruc ' nv alterationidemo sewage disposal - public private [A.Iter,,add interior walls] [add rooms) [add footprint] water supply - publiciprivate well [pool] ara e;shed/ eck [game court]/ [food service] Describe 3 r}- h/50 4714 :isx#zissisis:::Sxsf#:i!lsf:#:#s####ss#xisix::::sissxisfssisssxss#ss#xs##ixi:::ixz###is###s#!##xfslx#xxx#sf To the various departments: This notice has been forwarded to you for your information and any appropriate action. Should you have anv questions please advise. If any reason to withhold the requested permif is found. please advise. Your assistance and cooperation is ,appreciated. The Bui din: Department - Date sent for review `' By TOWN OF DARTNIOU'1 BUILDING I P�ARTIh; NT TELEPHONE 508-999-0720 FAX 5�8-9��9.0738 APPLICATION FOR ZONING AND BUILDING PERMIT Instrnctiom The applicant shall complete this application to the best of their ability prior to submission, leaving no item unanswered. The Department staff will be available during regular business homy to assist as necessary. NIA should be inserted for t1hose sections which do not apply. A properly completed application will help avoid unnecessary delays. N I FlEng %e is tat telff-uh"r- (for oi3im use a*) 0 FOIIPIDu4,; N ONLY Total Cost $ Received By i Date Redd /0— Less Application Fee $ ` Total Permit Fee $ Permit # Lssaed Date 100 LOCATION OF PROJECT TOTAL LAND AREA SQUARE FEET / CURRENT ACCESSORS' PLAT LOT N ONING DISTRICT OTHER ZONING OVERLAY DISTRICTS , if applicable NUMBER & STREET NEAREST CROSS STREET SUBDIVISION NAME & LOT # /% / PIl���i���' or BUSINESS NAME - PREVIOUS TENANT / OWNER 200 RESIDENTIAL - PROPOSED PROJECT - one & two family residence only _ THIS SECTION NOT :APPLICABLE Single family - number bedrooms 17 number baths _04i le-Z Two family - number bedrooms unit 1 number baths unit 1 number bedrooms unit 2 number baths unit 2 _ Accessory apartment Total gross sq. ft. _ Accessory structure: j;e/Garage - detached - attache to dwelling, dimensions .L � - W 2' 2 _ Carport - detached - attached to dwelling, dimensions L W _ Shed - dimensions L W C"beck - dimensions L 10 W _ Gazebo - dimensions L W _ Swimming pool above ground in -ground Size _ Chimney - number of flues MW